The Bugle Limousin - July 2020

Page 1

More than one year wait for eye tests A survey has revealed the growing problem of eye test delays, with zero practices in the Creuse taking on new patients. >> Page 3

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July 2020 - Issue 129 - FREE!

Residency permit website delayed

>> continued on page 9

Rural communes to get 4G signal boost - pg 7

Anger as Pyrenees bear is illegally shot - pg 8

The Bugle Business Directory - pg 14-20 @beyondmeat (Facebook)


before Britain officially leaves the EU at the end of the transition period on 31st December. Although Britons will no longer be EU citizens from January next year, the government has previously confirmed that a grace period will be introduced and it will not be compulsory to have a titre de sĂŠjour until 1st July 2021, by which time you will need to be either carrying a valid residency permit, or have proof of an ongoing application. From next year, anyone arriving in the country on a British passport will have to do so on a tourist visa that will allow you to stay 90 days in every 180. If you are planning to travel

Maurice the noisy cockerel dies - pg 6

French ban on veggie burgers and vegan sausages - pg 5

The site allowing British expats to apply for post-Brexit residency permits had been due to go live in July, but the launch has now been delayed until October.

he government has announced that the launch of a muchanticipated website allowing British residents in France to apply for residency permits has been delayed by 3 months. Originally due to go live on 1st July, the Ministry of the Interior has now postponed the re-launching of their residency permit portal to 1st October, citing the impact of Covid-19. The decision came as a surprise, with statements from the British Embassy in Paris as recently as lateJune confirming that the launch was expected to go ahead as planned. The new date will leave expats with just three months to apply for their residency permits

INSIDE > > >


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ummer is here!! But whether or not it is also the holiday season depends on who you ask. As we go to print, the EU has been busy opening up its borders and has produced a list of 15 countries outside of the bloc to and from which it is now safe to travel - a huge relief to many who rely on the tourist industry. The UK, however, has further delayed its decision as to when and if the quarantine rules will be lifted, which obviously has a big impact on the summer plans of many British expats in France. Personally, I have no plans to travel to the UK in the coming months, but I know plenty of people who are desperate to visit family or have friends they would love to see over the summer. Two weeks of quarantine on either end makes this virtually impossible for most and the lack of clarity from north of the Channel has unfortunately put paid to many people's summer plans. More should hopefully become clear in the coming days, providing the crisis does not get worse in the UK - which at the moment is admittedly a worryingly big IF. What can probably be said for certain, however, is that if Brits are

told that they can indeed holiday in France without travel restrictions or quarantine, then it won't be long until UK number plates are once again a common sight in the region's supermarket car parks. And let's face it; you are far safer on a French beach at the moment than a British one! As a country, France relies so heavily on tourism that opening up the borders for the summer season would relieve massive amounts of financial pressure on thousands of small businesses across the country... but a second spike and lockdown would cost so much more. I do not envy those in charge who have to make these decisions. We have spent a lot of time over the years planning family holidays. In my perfect world, holidays involve exposing the kids to new experiences, food and culture... wandering around museums, monuments and ancient ruins while my children eagerly ask questions and hoover up my seemingly limitless knowledge. In reality, I'm from the “when you've seen one cathedral, you've seen them all” school of thought and my kids are never happier than when you stuff an ice cream in their faces and tell them to get lost... but not get lost. And queue the bad parent alarm,

37 years in the Trade in France and England

in that situation I'm never happier either. Printing a monthly newspaper, holidays are few and far between and rarely longer than a week. When I do get away, all I want is a book, a chair and a large helping of peace and quiet. OK, maybe you can chuck in the occasional cold beer! I make myself feel better about this by arguing that, as I work from home, I spend an inordinate amount of time with my kids during the year, so it's OK to ignore them on holiday. I love the idea of wandering around somewhere like the Colosseum, teaching them all about the Romans, but the reality is usually somewhat different. The military packing mission, ten hours of “are we nearly there yet?”, herding three excitable kids through busy streets, deciphering foreign menus and dealing with the inevitable meltdowns. Yes, the Colosseum is an impressive place and the pizzas would no doubt be amazing, but you end up staggering

back through your front door one week later more tired than when you left! It was not always this way. In my younger years I travelled a lot and always loved discovering new places. If I ever looked to holiday at a hotel, resort or campsite, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd uncheck the “family-friendly” option in search criteria. But that was before I had my own family and fully understood the subtle nuance of summer holiday terminology. I'll let you into a secret: “familyfriendly” actually means “they'll make new friends and leave you alone”; “all-inclusive” translates as “you won't have to say 'no, you can't have another ice cream' every 5 minutes”; and “kids club” is shorthand for “two hours to yourself every morning”. Nowadays, when I book a holiday, it is all about the kids... but in the most selfish way imaginable! I'm not a bad Dad really, I promise... In the end, it looks like we will be

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INSIDE this edition

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taking a short break this summer. For the first time in many, many years, we didn't wait until the last minute and were organised enough to book it in January, but at the start of lockdown getting away seemed like a distant dream. As it happens, the campsite has already fully opened up and, touch wood, we will be getting our summer holiday after all. It is just a few hours down the road (check) at a family-friendly campsite (check) with a kids club (check)... as my Nan would have said, “I'm not as green as I am cabbage looking!” Until next month! Steve Martindale, Editor BugleFrance

12 French Life 13 Practical 14-20 Directory 21-22 Community 23-24 What's On

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siret: 832 486 948 R.C.S. Limoges ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 2020

Copy deadline

15th July for August's edition



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Huge delays for local eye tests Lyon-Bordeaux train line to reopen

etting an appointment to see an ophthalmologist has long been a problem in France, particularly outside of the big towns and cities, and the situation has become increasingly worrying in the Limousin. A recent study has revealed that the average wait to see an eye specialist across the country is 63 days, although this rises to 300 days in the Corrèze and in many cases well over a year in the Haute-Vienne! Whilst long waits to see a specialist are a huge concern for local health authorities, another consideration is the number of ophthalmologists taking on new patients, something that affects anyone arriving in the region from the UK

or elsewhere. The study revealed that three out of 28 practices in Corrèze are accepting new patients, just one specialist out of 43 in the Haute-Vienne and none in the Creuse: if you are new to the area, it is impossible to make an appointment to see an ophthalmologist in the Creuse. “It is a real medical wilderness,” explained Jean-Pascal Del Bano, a doctor and co-founder of Guide Santé, the group behind the study. “Some patients have to make 200-kilometre round trips to have adequate access to healthcare because specialists are not taking on new patients. Ophthalmology rarely carries life-threatening risks, but there are certain conditions such as glaucoma that can cause severe

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complications if left untreated. There are serious geographical disparities, which you could almost describe as inequalities. There is a real need for these services, and it is time to act.” There have been moves in recent years to give extra training to the country's opticians - of whom there are plenty across the country - to allow them to perform some of the more routine tasks currently undertaken by the more highly trained ophthalmologists, such as simple eye tests. With an ageing population and fewer people training as specialist eye doctors - and those that do preferring to work in the cities - it is a problem that will only get worse until significant changes are made. ■


ropped in 2014, the regional transport authority has recently confirmed plans to reopen the train line linking Lyon to Bordeaux via Guéret, St-Sulpice-Laurière and Limoges. Since the line was cancelled, there has been no direct link between Lyon, the second biggest city in France and the fifth largest, Bordeaux. More importantly for the Creuse and Haute-Vienne, it adds another public transport option for travel between Limoges and Guéret as well as on to the region's capital Bordeaux. A new law due to come into effect will see domestic flights banned on routes where an equivalent rail journey of less than two and a half hours exists (see page 10), although the reintroduction of the Lyon-Bordeaux route is unlikely to threaten any existing flight options; the journey time between the two cities will be a little under seven hours. The meandering nature of the journey means that it is in fact quicker - although much more expensive - to go via Paris, but the line's operator Railcoop does not see journey times as the only factor for passengers. “There is a real demand for direct, comfortable and reliable train journeys at a reasonable price,” explained Quentin Neurohr, a manager at the rail company. “For these travellers, speed is a secondary concern.” Whilst the project looks set to be given the go-ahead, passengers will have to wait until the summer of 2022 for the first trains to start crossing the Limousin on this route. The full list of stops is: Bordeaux, Libourne, Périgueux, Limoges, St-Sulpice-Laurière, Guéret, Montluçon, Gannat, St-Germain-des-Fossés, Roanne and Lyon. ■

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London celebrated on de Gaulle speech anniversary


n his first overseas trip since the coronavirus outbreak, President Emmanuel Macron visited London in June to honour the city for its wartime efforts and to mark the 80th anniversary of General Charles de Gaulle's famous call for the French people to resist Nazi occupation. Known as l'appel du 18 juin (the appeal of 18th June), de Gaulle's speech is widely considered to be the moment that gave birth to the French Resistance and is regarded as one of the most important speeches in French history. Macron was welcomed to London by Prince Charles and his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, who received the president at their Clarence House home in the presence of a guard of honour formed by the Coldstream Guards. “Your nation spearheaded the liberation of the world. It erected, against Nazi

barbarism, the most beautiful of the ramparts: that of unity and fraternity,” Macron told Prince Charles. “The United Kingdom gave Free France its first weapon: the microphone of the BBC.” Hailing London as the “cradle of Free France” Macron added: “I wanted to express the French Republic's infinite gratitude to the City of London by awarding it, in a wholly exceptional capacity, the cross of the Légion d'Honneur.” “Your presence here today, Mr President, is a powerful demonstration of the bond between our two countries, and between our people, and of our shared determination that it must endure,” replied Prince Charles in a mixture of English and French. “It is a bond forged through common experience, sanctified through shared sacrifice and burnished by the deep affection in

which we hold each other. Time and again our countries have stood together against tyranny and oppression, joining arms to defend the values we hold most dear.” The ceremony concluded with a joint fly-past of the Red Arrows and their French equivalent La Patrouille. Although usually awarded to individuals, the Legion of Honour is occasionally symbolically awarded to cities and countries. London becomes the seventh location to be given the award in recognition of its contribution during World War Two, joining Algeria, Belgrade, Brazzaville, Liège, Luxembourg and Volgograd. It had earlier been announced that four surviving French Resistance fighters were to be appointed honorary MBEs. Edgard Tupet-Thomé, 100, Daniel Bouyjou-Cordier, 99,

De Gaulle's speech in full (translation) The leaders who, for many years, have been at the head of the French armies have formed a government. This government, alleging the defeat of our armies, has made contact with the enemy in order to stop the fighting. It is true, we were, we are, overwhelmed by the mechanical, ground and air forces of the enemy. Infinitely more than their number, it is the tanks, the aeroplanes, the tactics of the Germans which are causing us to retreat. It was the tanks, the aeroplanes, the tactics of the Germans that surprised our leaders to the point of bringing them to where they are today. But has the last word been said? Must hope disappear? Is defeat final? No! Believe me, I who am speaking to you with full knowledge of the facts, and who tell you that nothing is lost for France. The same means that overcame us can bring us victory one day. For France is not alone! She is not alone! She is not alone! She has a vast Empire behind her. She can align with the British Empire that holds the sea and continues the fight. She can, like England, use without limit the immense industry of the United States. This war is not limited to the unfortunate territory of our country. This war is not over as a result of the Battle of France. This war is a world war. All the mistakes, all the delays, all the suffering, do not alter the fact that there are, in the world, all the means necessary to crush our enemies one day. Vanquished today by mechanical force, in the future we will be able to overcome by a superior mechanical force. The fate of the world depends on it. I, General de Gaulle, currently in London, invite the officers and the French soldiers who are located in British territory or who might end up here, with their weapons or without their weapons, I invite the engineers and the specialised workers of the armament industries who are located in British territory or who might end up here, to put themselves in contact with me. Whatever happens, the flame of the French resistance must not be extinguished and will not be extinguished. Tomorrow, as today, I will speak on the radio from London.

Hubert Germain, 99, and Pierre Simonet, 98, are already members of the Order of Liberation, an honour given by France to those who played an outstanding role in freeing the country from its four-year wartime occupation. When Nazi forces swept across France and captured Paris, de Gaulle was a relatively unknown figure, only recently promoted to the rank of general and holding a junior position in the country's cabinet. His image as a leader quickly grew through future speeches in exile and, later, his actions. Despite its important historical status, The Appeal of 18th June in fact had very little impact at the time. Transmitted on the BBC's French Service, the broadcast was not recorded and relatively few people in France heard it. A similar broadcast four days later on the same network, however, reached a much wider audience and went a long way to establishing de Gaulle as this country's leader in-exile. “I, General de Gaulle, currently in London, call upon the officers and the French soldiers who are located in British territory or who might end up here, with their weapons or without their weapons to get

in touch with me,” de Gaulle said. “Whatever happens, the flame of the French resistance must not be extinguished and will not be extinguished.” Later in the day Macron met his British counterpart, Boris Johnson, to discuss the ongoing health crisis and Brexit trade negotiations. It is believed that the leaders talked about the possibility of removing the current quarantine rules ahead of the summer tourist season. Members of the delegation led by the French president were not required to quarantine in the UK for 14 days under an exemption in place for “representatives of a foreign country travelling to the UK to undertake official business with the UK”. In the lead up to the visit, the statue of Winston Churchill that had been boarded up during recent civil unrest was uncovered, but a statue of de Gaulle in Hautmont near the Belgian border was itself splashed with bright orange paint and had the back of its pedestal daubed with the slogan “slaver”. President Emmanuel Macron later said in a televised address that France would not erase “a trace” of its history and vowed it would not remove statues of its historical figures. ■


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new law passed by the Assemblée Nationale has banned the use of words such as 'steak', 'escalope' and 'saucisse' to describe vegetarian and vegan products created from vegetable proteins. Plantbased alternatives to traditional meat products have become increasingly popular in recent years and the industry is expected to be worth €600 million next year, but gone now are the days of vegan sausages and veggie burgers. The threat has led to heavy campaigning by the country's meat industry - currently worth around €35 billion - which has now won a victory in its fight to protect producers from the rising popularity of alternatives to meat. According to the new law: “The names used to indicate foodstuffs of animal origin shall not be used to describe, market, or promote foodstuffs containing vegetable proteins. A decree shall set the proportion of vegetable proteins beyond which this name is not possible.” “Improving the labeling of food products is essential to allow consumers to become real actors,” said Agnès PannierRunacher, Secretary of State to the Minister of the Economy and Finance who also suggested that the new rules would

protect both producers and consumers. “Many French people are committed to promoting short supply chains, quality produce and supporting our farmers. This enhanced traceability reinforces our policy favouring 'Made in France'.” Lobbyists for the meat industry have welcomed the new law and claimed that the nutritional content of vegetarian alternatives bears no comparison to traditional meat products. The move has echoed a similar fight won by the French dairy industry a few years ago, which banned non-dairy alternatives from using the words lait (milk), crème (cream) or fromage (cheese) in their product descriptions; under the ruling, dairy-like products made with alternatives such as soy or oats must label themselves as jus (juices), boissons (drinks) or desserts (desserts). The law change has understandably been met with consternation and anger by many within the burgeoning meatsubstitute industry, who claim that the public is already sufficiently informed to the point where no one would think a vegan sausage contained any meat. “A representation is misleading only if the average consumer is being misled,” said the European Vegetarian Union (EVU) -


Ban on vegan sausages and veggie burgers

the umbrella organisation for the European vegan and vegetarian societies and associations. “We are not aware of any evidence indicating that consumers were misled by this practice, which is the main argument of the supporters of the restrictions. A recent German study found that

only four per cent of customers have ever unintentionally bought a vegetarian product instead of a meat product or vice versa. This very low number illustrates that labelling which includes references to conventional product names is not a huge problem for the general public.” ■

Government minister backs proposals to reduce motorway speed limit to 110km/h When the government reduced the speed limit on the country's roads to 80km/h, it sparked a series of protests that gave birth to the gilets jaunes movement and months of civil unrest. It would appear that a new showdown could be around the corner after the minister of transport and ecology, Elisabeth Borne, “personally supported” a proposal from a climate change pressure group to reduce motorway speed limits to 110km/h. The speed reduction was one of the proposals of the Climate Change Convention, a group of 150 members of the French public, selected at random, which was brought together to vote on climate change measures to lower France's carbon emissions by 40 per cent by 2030. “If we lower the speed limit, we reduce the effects of greenhouse gases by 20%. In principle, that’s an effective measure to help the climate,” explained the minister, although she admitted any changes would need wider public support. “It’s important with subjects such as this to make sure there is support from people in France, and from those who are directly concerned, which is not the case for me. I don’t use my car to go to work using the motorway.” A survey taken the week after the minister's announcement showed that more than two-thirds of the public were currently against the move. ■



is morning calls sparked a thousand debates across the country, but Maurice the cockerel has crowed for the last time, after his owner announced his death at the age of six. Maurice gained international support - and became a symbol of campaigns to protect the sounds of the French countryside - after finding himself at the centre of a legal dispute over noise pollution. The case threatened his permanent “removal” from his home, but in 2019, a court ruled in Maurice's favour and he lived out the rest of his days on the île d'Oléron just off the west coast of France. The cockerel actually passed away in May, but his proud owner Corinne Fesseau thought people already had enough to worry about and held back the sad news until recently. “I said to myself that with lockdown, people already had enough to worry about.” Fans of the figurehead will be glad to hear that his name

- and presumably his morning calls - will live on: “We've bought a new cockerel, and we've called him Maurice too - he sings just as well. But he will never be our Maurice.” Maurice first hit the headlines when two second home owners from the Limousin objected to their noisy neighbour waking them up early in the morning during their trips to the island. The case sparked a national debate over the sounds and smells of the countryside and again raised the age-old tensions between rural communities and encroaching urbanites. Numerous other stories soon hit the headlines, ranging from complaints of stinky cows and noisy church bells to croaking frogs. The spate of legal battles led a group of MPs to table a bill which would grant the sounds of the countryside protected status. “If we get this status, it will be a guarantee for a farmer not to find himself in front of the judge because his cows moo too much before being fed or because his donkey

Xavier Leoty. AFP

Maurice the noisy cockerel dies aged 6

brays during the hot season. It's humiliating for rural folk to find themselves in court because of someone who comes from elsewhere. When I go into town, I don't ask them to remove the traffic lights and cars!” In further bad news for Parisians looking for a spot of peace and quiet in their rural retreats, farmers across France have reported a recent boom

in the number of people keeping chickens. Food shortages in the early days of lockdown and increased awareness over food miles and local produce have led many to start fledgling smallholdings in their back gardens. Some producers of laying hens have seen as much as a 40% increase in the number of orders. This boom is not new, however, according to Jean-Claude

Périquet, president of the Fédération française de la volaille: “The boom for laying hens dates back a few years but during the confinement there has been a new rise in sales as people were trying to stay busy. It has been a trend for a few years now but the confinement has created more demand, maybe because people wanted to have fresh eggs.” ■

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CSF Cycle For Life

Limousin communes to get 4G mobile coverage


ancer charity Cancer Support France (CSF) has announced that its ‘Cycle for Life’ event will now take place from 23 to 26 September. The event had been postponed from June due to the Covid-19 crisis. CSF National President, Pat Lockett, says “Due to the health crisis we were unable to plan the ride for June but are delighted that we can now go ahead in September. Our aim is to ensure that no English speaker of any nationality in France needing support, be they patient, carer or family member, is unaware of us. Cycle for Life will help us raise awareness and funds whilst you have fun and keep fit.” This year’s event sees CSF and its cyclists following La Flow Vélo, a dedicated cycle route crossing from the Atlantic, through the Charente and ending in Angoulême for four days of gentle exercise. Starting on Wednesday lunchtime at Rochefort, with its 17th century maritime arsenal, cyclists will stop at Saint-Savinien and Cognac, ending with a welcome lunch on Saturday at Angoulême, best known for its paper industry and as the capital of

cartoons. Pat continues: “The n ational association provides support to our local associations but has no independent means of raising funds. Last year, sponsorship from the Cycle for Life raised almost enough funds to cover the costs of the annual three-day Trainers' Conference in November. This Conference is the most important event in the CSF year, enabling our trainers to share, discuss and develop our training. This is vital to ensure a high quality and consistent support service across France. It is also the biggest expense which CSF National faces. If you cannot ride then do consider making a donation and don't forget, the cyclists would love to hear you urging them on!” Come and join CSF, meandering through lovely French countryside, and enjoy the fun. For up to date details please see our Cycle for Life Facebook page at www. And for more information about CSF and what we do have a look at our website:

Set In Stone

areas to be covered, for the year 2020, by mobile radio operators participating in the targeted coverage scheme. These areas have been identified by the government in consultation with local authorities,” the government wrote in the Journal Officiel. “In each zone, the designated operators will be required to provide mobile radio-telephony and very high-speed mobile access services by means of the installation of new sites ensuring coverage in the area.” The communes that will benefit from new mobile phone masts are:

ne of the government's flagship policies when it came into office was a pledge to provide fast, reliable broadband to everyone in the country. Much work has been done in recent years and large parts of the country do now have access to fibre optic internet and/or a 4G/5G signal. The reality is very different, however, for those of us who live in rural areas, where towns - and occasionally entire communes - have little or no mobile phone coverage, let alone high-speed internet. When the licences for 5G frequencies came up for auction, the French government struck a deal with the four main mobile phone operators - Orange, SFR, Bouygues and Free - that saw them commit, in exchange for the agreed price, to provide 4G coverage to the country's zones blanches (remote areas that do not currently have a reliable mobile signal). The government has recently published the list of communes which must be given a strong mobile data signal by the end of 2020 and a number of communes in the Limousin are set to benefit, although none of these are in Haute-Vienne. It is expected that similar lists will be published in the future. “This decree establishes the first list of

Creuse: Le Mas-d'Artiges Gentioux-Pigerolles Croze / Saint-Quentin-la-Chabanne Saint-Frion Saint-Marc-à-Loubaud Saint-Amand-Jartoudeix Saint-Martin-Sainte-Catherine Auriat Le Donzeil Corrèze: Concèze Saint-Hilaire-Foissac Saint-Merd-de-Lapleau Saint-Martial-de-Gimel Sornac

Face masks compulsory until November Wearing face masks on public transport will remain compulsory in France until at least November, the minister for transport and ecology has confirmed. Speaking on television, Elisabeth Borne stated that the safety measure would remain in place “until at least four months after the State of Emergency is lifted”, or until a vaccine is released. The State of Emergency is currently due to end on 10th July, and the government has already said it will not seek to renew it. “I think it is important to continue wearing masks and we have seen that those using public transport have been respecting these rules,” said the minister. “People are wearing them, wearing them properly. They protect people, and it seems like a sensible protocol.” Face coverings on public transport, including taxis, are compulsory for all people aged 11 or more and failure to follow the rules could land you with a fine of €135. ■


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replaced. “The reaction of the State must be clear and firm: condemn and repair,” 10 environmental and animal rights groups said in a statement. “Failing to do so would vindicate the poachers. We cannot let people impose their point of view through violence. They must understand that there is no way forward with this type of violent and illegal action. We will not simply lodge a complaint. These individuals do not have the right to decide if a bear lives or dies.” In the days after the news of the bear's death, one NGO offered a €30,000 reward for information leading to a prosecution. After initially pledging €10,000, the Sea Shepherd group received a flood of donations allowing them to triple this sum. The group has successfully used similar tactics in the past, most notably last year when a €10,000 reward led to the arrest of two men who had decapitated two seals in Finistère, Brittany. Their trial is due to take place in September

this year. Once native to the area, the first brown bears were re-introduced to the Pyrenees in 1996 but the project proved to be controversial from the outset. Although hailed by conservationists, the policy understandably angered farmers on both sides of the border, who claim their livelihoods depend on the freedom of their flocks

of sheep, cattle and goats to graze undisturbed on the high pastures during the summer months. While cases of bear attacks on livestock are relatively rare and conservationists insist the impact is minimal, anti-bear campaigners are usually successful in making sure they hit the headlines when they do occur. Farid Benhammou, a ge-

ographer and researcher at the University of Poitiers, insists that the animals are largely vegetarian and will only eat other animals when they are particularly hungry. The researcher says that the number of killings by bears in the Pyrenees are likely to be “exaggerated”, and in many cases can probably more accurately be attributed to packs of wolves. ■

The dangers of informality

Screenshot (FranceBleu)


uthorities in France have launched an investigation after the shooting of a brown bear in the Pyrenees. “A bear was discovered today killed by bullets. Bears are a protected species; this act is illegal and deeply reprehensible,” announced Ecology Minister Elisabeth Borne. “The local prefect is on-site and the State will file a complaint.” The remains of the wild bear, which is believed to have been around four or five years old, were found by biodiversity officials investigating a series of complaints from farmers about sheep killings. The bear was not wearing a tracking collar and has not been identified; its carcass was flown by helicopter to a veterinary school in Toulouse, where experts were due to carry out an autopsy. Conservation groups backing local efforts to boost the bear population in the Pyrenees said they would also press charges and called on the government to ensure the animal would be

@Elisabeth_Borne (Twitter)

Anger as protected bear is killed in the Pyrenees


nowing when to use 'vous' and when to use the less formal 'tu' is a linguistic and social minefield that has tripped up many, especially native English speakers for whom the distinction is a foreign concept in both senses of the word! Unfortunately, this formality faux pas has become even more serious with the news that you could literally be putting someone's life at risk with the wrong choice in these times of Covid-19. A linguist from Aix-Marseille University, presumably with his tongue firmly in his cheek, has produced a video explaining the relative dangers of saying the words 'tu' and 'vous' in relation to spreading viruses. Everyone knows that you should cough into your elbow, or even better a tissue, but your mouth also expels tiny droplets of saliva when you talk. A study using lasers to track these tiny droplets in a confined space has shown that 'tu' produces far more saliva than the formal 'vous'. Here's the science bit: “We can’t speak without expelling air, but ‘pa’, ‘ta’ and ‘ka’ use voiceless occlusives, consonants formed by creating a brief block of airflow in the vocal tract; these are also called ‘stops’,” explains Philippe Martin, a linguistics professor from Paris Diderot University. “It’s like if you burst a little ball... you therefore expel a lot of air. Their voiced cousins, which make the vocal chords vibrate, ‘da’, ‘ga’ and ‘ba’, are similar but expel less air and so they don’t carry as far.” “Fricatives are consonants made by forcing air through a narrowed channel such as tongue against teeth or the soft palate, and these can also cause some problems. However again the voiceless fricatives like ‘f’, ‘s’ or ‘ch’ are worse than the voiced ones, ‘v’, ‘z’ and ‘j’.” The informal 'tu', 'toi' and 'tes' all use voiceless stops, whereas 'vous' and 'vos' use voiced fricatives - far less dangerous words to utter in public. But before you dismiss this research as a particularly pointless piece of publicity, just think twice about whether you want to risk saying that out loud! ■



Groundbreaking Alzheimer's village opens near Bordeaux

Residency permit website launch delayed overseas in the first six months of next year, bear in mind that you may have to re-enter the country on one of these visas if you do not have either a titre de séjour, proof that you have applied for one, or a document stating that you are usually resident in France, such as an attestation de domicile signed by your local mairie. The government initially launched a bilingual residency permit website last year to allow British people living in France to apply in advance in the event of a no-deal Brexit. This site allowed people to apply online and upload the majority of their supporting documents electronically. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive and it is widely believed that the new website would be based on this previous one. Furthermore, anyone who has already applied via the no-deal site will have their application processed automatically and will not have to go through the process a second time. It is widely expected that there will be two kinds of card: one for people who can prove they have lived in France for at least five years and a second for those who arrived more recently. This second card will be valid for up to five years and will be exchangeable for a permanent one after five years of residency. The application process will be simplest for those who already hold a 10-year “carte de séjour - séjour permanent”, which can simply be converted to the new type of residency permit. ■

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>> continued from pg 1


fter a delayed start due to the coronavirus lockdown, the country's first so-called “Alzheimer's village” has welcomed its first residents in Dax, south-west France. The facility, which took two years to build and cost €28.8 million was designed to resemble a traditional Landais village and is now home to 30 dementia sufferers, with a further 90 due to join them in the near future. Plans for the village were first announced in 2015 and were based on the groundbreaking Hogewey project at Weesp, half an hour south-east of Amsterdam. It was the brainchild of socialist politician Henri Emmanuelli, who first visited the Dutch facility as part of a parliamentary committee studying Alzheimer’s treatment in France. Emmanuelli died in 2017 - the year the first stones were laid. Planners took inspiration from the bastide layout typical of south-west

France, with a central square surrounded by a café/restaurant, a hall suitable for concerts, a village store and a hairdresser. The Landais Village is “designed like a real village, spread out over a landscaped park of five hectares”, according to Vincent Galibert, the director of the group that is piloting the project. The village is divided into four quarters with a total of 16 homes of 300 m2, with each building housing between seven and eight dementia sufferers. There are gardens where residents who had previously grown vegetables at home can continue to do so, and a separate area with poultry and other small animals. “The idea is to maximise the quality of people's lives. Keeping everyone active. Focusing on everything they can still do, rather than everything they can't. Because when you have dementia, you're ill, but there may really not be much else wrong

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with you,” explained Isabel van Zuthem, director of the Weesp facility at the time the French project was announced. “We can still do more, but in general, I think we get pretty close to normal. You don't see people lying in their beds here. They're up and about, doing things. They're fitter. And they take less medication. I think maybe we've shown that even if it is cheaper to build the kind of care home neither you or I would ever want to live in, the kind of place where we've looked after people with dementia for the past 30 years or more, we perhaps shouldn't be doing that anymore.” The majority of the residents will come from the local area, but with the cost of care similar to that in a traditional care home - once the facility has been built - it is hoped that the country's first Alzheimer's village will prove to be the blueprint for similar projects across France. ■



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senior politician has again taken to Twitter as part of her ongoing “name and shame” campaign highlighting bad packaging practices. In the cross hairs of the Secretary of State for Ecological and Inclusive Transition, Brune Poirson, on this occasion was supermarket chain E. Leclerc. Posting a picture of six hardboiled eggs, packaged on an expanded polystyrene tray and wrapped in cling film, the minister Tweeted sarcastically: “Previously, nature had to make do with its own ingenious packaging, known as a shell. Many thanks to E. Leclerc for this fantastic innovation!” Tackling excessive packaging forms part of the loi anti-gaspillage, the anti-waste laws voted through by MPs earlier this year that will see many forms of packing banned from 2021 and others made prohibitively expensive through regulations and taxation. “Technically, the plastic film is recyclable, but it's not certain if it will be recycled

properly or just put into the bin, as this form of recycling is not yet well-developed in France,” explained the minister. “And the black tray is most certainly expanded polystyrene, which will be banned from January 2021, and which in this case has been dyed black using carbon, rendering it non-recyclable.” Brune Poirson has previously tackled the French food giant Fleury Michon over one of its pre-packaged salads, tweeting in March: “Since Fleury Michon do not understand that in 2020 offering non-recyclable containers is no longer acceptable and thanks to #LoiAntiGaspillage, they are both inflicting an ecological penalty on the planet whilst benefiting those companies that favour true recycling.” Earlier in the month, the ecology minister had also revealed that those convicted of littering in a public place - including the incorrect disposal of face masks - would now face an increased fine of €135, rising to €375 in case of late payment. ■

Internal flights banned along train routes The government has confirmed that a planned ban on internal domestic flights where an equivalent train journey of less than two and a half hours exists will apply to low-cost carriers as well as Air France. As part of the continuing battle against climate change, the government had previously said that the national airline would not be able to operate on routes where rail options are available, leading to fears that the low-cost airlines would simply

Credit: @brunepoirson (Twitter)

Minister shames supermarket over packaging

move in to offer their own flights. “It is obviously not conceivable that we would allow operators of any kind - especially low-cost operators - to get involved,” confirmed Junior Transport Minister JeanBaptiste Djebbari. “We will therefore issue a decree, for environmental reasons, compatible with European law, so that there is no competition risk.” In reality, the move will affect very few routes and industry experts point to historical data that shows when a new TGV line has been introduced in the past, any competing flights usually stop shortly thereafter due to lack of demand.

Bastille Day parade to celebrate healthcare workers Bastille Day is one of the most important dates in the French calendar and July 14th typically sees large parades, celebrations and parties taking place across the country. This year will be different, however, as the government continues to advise against large crowds; it has



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With the usually large military parade along the Champs-Elysées cancelled, President Macron announced that the Bastille Day celebrations in Paris would this year be used celebrate the country's healthcare workers and will take place on the Place de la Concorde in front of a crowd of 2,000 members of the public who will be joined by 2,500 invited guests. ■

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previously stated that gatherings of more than 5,000 people will not be allowed before September.

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or many children in the nation's capital, the coronavirus lockdown meant a trip to the family's second home in the countryside with the promise of long boring days ahead with no one to play with. For two brothers, however, their lockdown story would resemble something out of the page of a children's adventure book. When news of the upcoming lockdown was announced, the boys' father decided to head to his family home in the Vendôme, south-west of the capital to stay with an older relative. Soon after their arrival, the two boys, both aged around 10 years old, decided to pass the time by building a fort and were told they could use their late grandmother's sheets, which were still in a wardrobe in one of the rooms. Pulling out the sheets, two large, heavy objects also fell out of the wardrobe, which the boys put back before heading off to their fort. When they later mentioned the discovery to their father, he believed that they had found his mother's old knife holders which had been used at family dinners for many years. When the brothers also mentioned the inscriptions and serial numbers, the family's interest was

piqued and they contacted a local auctioneer, Philippe Rouillac, who had been trying to raise his profile during lockdown. “Every day on our website at 3 pm, we told the story of an interesting object, which resulted in many people sending us inquiries during that time about what they had found in their houses,” explained the auctioneer. “Sometimes, they discovered or rediscovered an unusual object after tidying up and asked us for a free appraisal by videoconference.” On hearing the story of the boys' discovery, the auctioneer did indeed arrange a video call and had immediate suspicions that the dusty metal objects may be hiding a more valuable secret. His hunch was confirmed once he had seen the items for himself after the lockdown was lifted, at which time he was able to confirm that they were not in fact large heavy knife blocks, but rather two one-kilogram bars of gold. In a further stroke of luck, the price of gold has risen sharply since the beginning of the year as a result of the global pandemic, and whilst they would have been worth €80,000 in January, their value in today's market has

© Philippe Rouillac

Brothers find grandma's secret gold bars

risen to more than €100,000. Although the story is a headline-grabbing one, the auctioneer was actually unsurprised. “As a nation, the French have the most gold per person in the world after India. And it is often in the form of old coins hidden some-

where. Gold has always been something that will always have value in France.” If you weren't tempted to spring clean the attic during lockdown, maybe now would be a good time to have a quick look... just in case! ■

Adventurer's space hopper mountain climb

credit: Quentin Top


he Col du Tourmalet is the highest paved mountain pass in the Pyrenees and one of the most famous peaks of the Tour de France. Since 1910 when the race first visited the mountain range which divides France from Spain, the iconic pass has been crested by the peloton on more occasions than any other. It takes a brave, fit and dedicated cyclist to take on the notoriously long and steep climb and many professional cyclists have been forced to abandon the race on its slopes. Which is why many were left confused when a Belgian adventurer began the long climb, with little fanfare and no press attention... on a space hopper! Setting off at five o'clock in the morning, Glenn Valentin began the 18.6 kilometre bounce up to the peak, shrouded in clouds at 2,115 metres above sea level. After initially making good time, Valentin slowed as the gradient increased. “By noon, I had gone a good 12 kilometres,” he told journalists after the event. “That was when it started to rain, and a photographer from a local paper showed up. He followed me for about three hours


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and made a lovely video.” The last two kilometres, also the steepest of the whole climb, would prove to be a test of endurance. “That was really difficult, and I need two hours to do it in. On top of that, the weather was really awful, cold and misty. I was in enormous pain in my buttocks and in my hamstrings and was also straining my neck, wrists and elbow. But the way I felt when I got to the top made it all worth it. I am super glad I did it.” All of this suffering was in aid of Les Petits Princes, a Paris-based organisation that fulfils the wishes of critically ill children. “I’m a big dreamer myself, so it seemed like an appropriate initiative to support,” the 29-year-old said. “I hope to lend them a hand with this stunt and also motivate myself to do a few more like it. I have a new adventure planned for August, in fact.” As a child, Valentin had dreamed of riding in the Tour de France, and while he has remained a keen cyclist, he never fulfilled his ambition of turning professional. “I've ridden up the Tourmalet three times on my bike, and I can tell you it's a bit easier than on a space hopper!” ■

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Do you dare eat an apricot?


by Julia Watson

t’s a truism to say that food is as much about culture as it is about appetite. The chilly north of Europe has never included in its national cuisines the quantities of chillies that go into the dishes of Asia. Nor has the climate east of the Bosphorus, meteorological and religious, encouraged the promotion of cows for the production of cream and butter. The French consider the British pairing of mint sauce with roast lamb a desecration even while they are happy to serve blackcurrant sauce with duck. What is interesting, though, is when the addition of certain ingredients strays, in the view of the eater, into the zone of possible physical danger. Living in Washington DC for almost 20 years, it was as difficult towards the end of that period as it was at the start to get hold of offal. Most supermarkets - independent butchers are rare - sell a spread of skinless chicken breasts, a lesser stock of thighs and legs, a display of vermillion-red cuts of beef, pork roasts and very thin un-fatty chops - the Other White Meat, as it’s marketed, with its implication of better health attached. Newly arrived, I drove all over the capital in search of kidneys to make a steak and kidney pie, to introduce new American friends to British culture. Finding a complicit French butcher behind the meat counter of an upmarket food store, I nevertheless had to sign a Food & Drug Administration form saying I fully understood the dangers of eating offal and another form that exonerated him from liability should any health issue arise. The kidneys weren’t available at the time. They had to be ordered from some independent location. Nor would they be fresh. They arrived several days later, frozen into a brick. When the guests sat down at the dinner in front of the traditional British pie, they each carefully removed every piece of kidney and set it aside on the rim of their plates. More recently, we had a friend from another European country to stay. She sat at the kitchen counter watching me make Tarte aux Abricots, chatting away as I rolled the pastry about the joys of French food and how impressive was the French way of using every part of everything, having been served the previous night a warm salad of wilted radish and beetroot leaves. However, she had her limits, too. When I cracked open the stones of the apricots, blanched their kernels to remove their skins and scatter the nuts over the apricot tart, she rebelled. Surely they would give her cyanide poisoning. Despite my assurance that she would have to eat the weight of her head in apricot kernels before she was in any danger, she was clearly unsettled enough that I had to use almond slivers instead to make her feel safe. You can use whichever you prefer for the apricot tart below. I offer this recipe because the method applies to any soft fruit although you will find that plums leak a good deal of juice in the baking. I don’t find that a drawback, but it does make the pastry a little soggy. In a good plum-y way, in my view. It also works beautifully as an apple tart. Peel and core the apples, then cut them into slices you overlap down the pastry. Baking a fruit tart in a rectangle saves an awful lot of work and avoids that struggle of getting pastry and fruit happily settled into a round tin. Also, it slices more easily. Julia Watson has been a long-time Food Writer for newspapers and magazines in the US and the UK.

Apricot Tart

Ingredients (serves 4-6) : 250g plain or puff pastry 500g fresh apricots, halved and stoned Kernels of apricots for scattering, or almond slivers (optional) 100g unsalted butter, melted 150g caster sugar Icing sugar for dusting Preheat oven to 200C. Roll out pastry to a rectangle on a flour-dusted work surface and lay on a large buttered baking sheet. Use the tip of a knife to score a light line all the way round, 1cm from the edge. Crack the apricot stones and remove their kernels. Blanch the kernels in boiling water for 1 minute, then drain off the water and skin them. Arrange apricots as tightly as possible over pastry, cut side up. Brush the apricots and the pastry edges with the melted butter, sprinkle the fruit with sugar and scatter almond kernels or slivers over. Bake for 30-40 minutes, till the apricots are soft and beginning to char a little. Charring is important, adding a caramel flavour. Sieve over icing sugar just before serving and eat at room temperature on its own or with crème fraîche or ice cream.


06 04 17 80 93



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Is time running out for tax-free pension transfers? - Blevins Franks If you have chosen to retire in France, it is sensible to review your pension options now, before Brexit potentially changes the rules.

times. And, while many UK pensions are payable only to your spouse on death, a QROPS allows you to include other heirs in estate planning.

nderstandably during this global health emergency, normal life has been paused while priorities have shifted. With all that’s been going on, it is easy to forget that the Brexit transition period is still due to end in just a few months, on 31 December. Reassuringly, we now know that if you are lawfully settled in France before then, you will be able to enjoy uninterrupted residence rights. But with no certainty on what form Brexit will take from 2021 – or whether the UK will even leave with a deal – there are still many unknowns. Perhaps one of the biggest is what will happen to UK pension rules for expatriates. Looking at it from the UK government’s point of view, it could be potentially quite lucrative, for example, to tap into overseas pension transfers once they shed their EU obligations. If you are already retired or planning to retire abroad, this is the time to review your pension options – before the rules potentially change.

Taxation of QROPS transfers


The option to transfer overseas Since QROPS’ introduction in 2006, many thousands of expatriates have chosen to transfer UK pensions to a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS). Transferring to a QROPS can consolidate several UK pensions under one taxefficient roof suited to your country of residence and unlock other benefits. Once in a QROPS, funds are sheltered from UK taxation on income and gains, and immune to future changes to pension rules. Usually, a QROPS provides greater investment diversification compared to UK pension schemes, with more freedom to vary income. Many also offer multi-currency flexibility, letting you hold and draw your funds in your currency of choice. Meanwhile, as UK pension payments are usually made in sterling, the income remains sensitive to volatile exchange rates during these uncertain

Currently, most expatriates in the EU can transfer to a QROPS completely taxfree, but there are two key situations in which tax is payable. First, if your combined UK pension benefits exceed the UK’s lifetime allowance (currently £1,073,100) you would face a 25% tax penalty on anything transferred over the limit, even if you are non-UK resident. But once in a QROPS, funds would never be subject to Lifetime Allowance (LTA) charges again. The second taxable scenario is if you transfer to a QROPS based outside the EU/EEA (European Economic Area). In this case (unless you live in the same jurisdiction as the QROPS), the UK applies a 25% ‘overseas transfer charge’ on the whole transferred amount. Expatriates in France escape this tax by transferring to a QROPS based in an EU/EEA country. However, this may change with Brexit. A closing tax-free window? As Brexit eliminates Britain’s current EU commitments – including freedom of movement for capital – the Treasury gains more scope to recoup revenue from UK nationals abroad. Many expect this will prompt the UK government to impose widespread penalties on pension transfers, even within the EU. While the government has offered reassurance that expatriates will keep the right to make overseas transfers, whatever happens with Brexit, it has stopped short of making any tax promises. It is telling, however, that the legislation for the overseas transfer charge already includes the ability to capture all transfers – the government would just need to remove the EU/EEA exclusion. What you need to consider Without a guarantee that tax-free transfers will continue, it is sensible for

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anyone considering transferring to act sooner rather than later. Timing is especially important here as the administrative process for pension transfers can take several months to complete. However, it cannot be overemphasised that transferring is not appropriate for everyone. Also, all QROPS are not the same – there are differences between providers and jurisdictions that can affect the benefits. Alternative investment structures could offer expatriates in France comparable benefits to QROPS, so take personalised, regulated advice to establish the most suitable approach for you. Pensions are likely to play an important part in your long-term financial security, so it is crucial that you only use a fully authorised and regulated provider. An alarming number of people have lost retirement savings through pension scams or by reinvesting in failed, unregulated investments that offer no protection. Your adviser should take into account your unique circumstances, income requirements, goals and tolerance for risk – as well as the cross-border tax implications – to establish the right solu-

tion for you and your family. Even if transferring is not right for you, with still so much uncertainty ahead, now is the time to review your pension arrangements so you can secure the retirement of your choice in France, whatever Brexit brings. ■ Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; individuals should seek personalised advice. All advice received from any Blevins Franks firm is personalised and provided in writing; this document, however, should not be construed as providing any personalised taxation and / or investment advice. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at: Tel: 05 53 63 49 19 Email:



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No Siret: 494 916 760 00015 06 04 17 80 93

Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93 Building Services Fosses Septiques

Fosse Septique 23 Steve. JOHNS. SARL

Fosse Septique Specialists Planning permission arranged Design and installation Supply and servicing DIY and trade kits Free site visit and devis siret: 824 706 444 00018


Les Vidanges Limousines ▪ Emptying septic tanks ▪ Unblocking pipes ▪ Cleaning wells ▪ Group rates available between neighbours Call David - 24/24 7/7

06 49 66 44 25 87800 Jourgnac Siret N° 750 725 780 00019

Building Services General A. Wright

Carpenter & Joiner 06 35 12 10 66 see main ad - pg 2

Call: 07 78 40 93 83 Email: Siret: 829 857 184 00016

La Noneix

Construction & Property Services

Established, Professional and Personal Building Services. Fully registered with décennale insurance covering all works.

●Renovations ●New builds ●Roofing ●Stonework ●Carpentry ●Ground works

Large or small projects undertaken - please view our website. Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands SIRET: 501 144 596 00019

Stephen Cullinane & Son


All building work undertaken No job too small City & Guilds and NVQ Qualified tradesman Over 35 years experience in the construction industry Based in dept. 23

Mob: 07 85 51 42 66 Tel: 05 55 83 04 11 Siret: 848 602 934 00012

STEVE'S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Roofing, Building, Renovations, Plastering & stud walls, ... and more! Fully insured. e:

From the foundations to the roof Established 13 years in France 05 55 81 00 53 - see pg 8

t: 05 55 50 52 02 m: 07 66 52 33 47

Davis & Davis

Paul Jones Renovation

30 years' Experience in Construction, Renovation & Project Management Quality Workmanship Guaranteed Internal/ External Developments Barn conversions, loft conversions, new-build, drylining, plastering, rendering, spray rendering, tiling, installation of kitchens/ bathrooms, painting, carpentry, replacement doors & windows, velux installation, groundworks, landscaping, decking & much more...

No job too big (or small). Give us a call for a free competitive quote.

05 55 60 29 50 / 06 04 13 30 57 email:

Based Arnac-la-Poste - Covering depts 87, 23 & 19 Siret: 498 203 652 00017

Max Huggett

Experienced and fully registered builder with 10 year Décennale Insurance Offering a broad selection of building services in depts. 87, 19 & 23. From one off installations to complete renovations, construction, decorating, landscaping and ground works. E:

T: 05 55 69 37 64 M: 06 80 92 23 82

English & French spoken - Siret: 518 511 340 00011

siret: 842 233 108 00013

Experienced and fully registered artisan, offering a high quality finish and service • 10yr Décennale Assurance • Plasterboarding walls and ceilings • Tape and Jointing • Kitchen Installation • Tiling • Carpentry • Patios/Decking

Tel: 05 55 69 28 12 Mob: 06 73 18 63 47 Email: siret no: 495 067 829 00020


Email: Tel: 04 73 52 14 43


To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93 NEUVIALLE MENUISERIE JOINERY


05 55 62 63 82

siret: 829 638 741 00019

30 Years’ Experience Joiner Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms Flooring & General 2nd Fix Finishing, Joinery & Decking Emergency Lock Services Mike Christie 05 55 64 35 11 (Home) 07 61 76 97 41 (Mobile)

Siret: 802 265 728


no job too small - very competitive rates



What is an Assurance Vie and how can it help you? – Rosemary Sheppard, International Financial Adviser

UK are no longer tax-free and you need to give careful consideration about how you deal with this. With the new Common Reporting Standards that were introduced recently we can no longer bury our heads in the sand and think that the French taxman will not know about the assets you have left in the UK and will not look to tax you accordingly. Fortunately, there is a perfectly good solution for this in France – Assurance Vie. What are the principles of an Assurance Vie and how can it help you with your tax planning?


here are lots of issues around us right now, some of which we can influence and some of which we can’t and, as the old adage goes, there are 2 certainties in life – one of which is taxes! As our lives begin to revert back to some semblance of ‘normality’ there are many things for us to consider and now, more than ever, we need to be able to make the most of every penny we have, whether employed, self-employed or retired. Once resident in France, the ISAs and other tax-efficient savings you may hold in the

• Your investment is allowed to grow tax free. • Should you wish to withdraw funds only the part of the withdrawal that is subject to a ‘gain’ will be subject to tax and social charges, as the


• house/barn clearance (pre sale / post sale) • garden/land clearance • dechetterie runs • rubbish removal Specialist equipment available: • tractor with flail mower, rotavator, etc. • vehicle with 1.5 tonne crane

05 55 37 45 35 siret 532 981 198 00015


Travaux Publics 06 33 78 24 23 - pg 3

Entreprise Hines

majority of your withdrawal is classed as return of capital. • For higher rate taxpayers you can choose to be taxed at the lower rates attributed through the Assurance Vie regime (12.8% in years 1 – 8, plus 17.2% social charges. After year 8 if your net premiums are below €150,000 then you can benefit from a reduced rate of tax at 7.5%) or your nominal rate, so if you are a nil-rate taxpayer then you will have no tax to pay. • After your 8th year there is a tax-free withdrawal allowance of €4,600 per annum (€9,200 for a joint policy), after which additional withdrawals are taxed as above. • You can nominate anyone to be a beneficiary of your Assurance Vie and unlike other aspects of inheritance the recipient is entitled to receive the equivalent of

Dave Cardwell - Builder

05 55 98 24 12

See our Display Ad below

Harlequin Developments est. 2007

All aspects of renovation and refurbishment, big or small, undertaken. Kitchens fitted and tiled Replacement doors and windows Parquet flooring Oak framed porches Plasterboard and Insulation SIRET: 494.501.067.00016

● Roofing - New & Repairs ● Masonry ● Plastering ● Dry Lining ● Sand Blasting ● Scaffold Hire ● ... and much, much more

SIRET: 503 169 237 00016

06 04 17 80 93

40 years qualified experience

However, this is only one aspect of your tax planning

A reliable comprehensive range of DIY services inside and out. No job too small

Tel: 09 72 91 51 28 Siret: 850 034 653 00020

Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93

and it is extremely important to take full advice from the outset to ensure that your hardearned cash, whether in savings, pensions or investments, keeps working hard for you. If you would like to arrange an independent, professional and impartial consultation, please contact me by email: Rosemary. sheppard@blacktowerfm. com, visit our website w w w. b l a c k t o w e r f m . c o m or call me on 06 38 86 99 70. Blacktower Financial Management has over 32 years’ experience helping expats to make sure that their money works for them. The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

Masonry & More


Based in Gorre

For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email:

Building & Renovation

€152,500 tax free, with anything over this taxed at a rate of 20%. This means that anyone who is not a blood relative or spouse (stepchildren, non married partners or friends) will not be subject to the usual 60% Inheritance Tax. (Different amounts apply if initial investment is made when you are over the age of 70.) • Savings can be kept in sterling, or be made in euros or US dollars and can be ported back to the UK should you return in the future. • You can have a choice of investment options to suit your specific requirements and level of risk, which can be altered as your needs change. • Assurance Vie policies are exempt from Wealth Tax.

General building Renovation , Roofing Reliable, good quality work 30 years exp Scaffold Hire Martin Sprague

05 55 61 93 07

martin_sprague_1@ SIRET: 531 768 182 00010

Building Services Groundworks



Can I help you with those jobs you don't want to do?

Excavator with Driver

• Painting/Decorating • Labouring • Pressure Washing • General DIY No job too small, just give me a call!! All areas covered - Based nr Aubusson (23)

see main ad - pg 11

05 55 83 02 77 / 06 30 90 58 90

0044 (0)7831 121 019

RSW Entreprises

Fosse Septiques/Micro stations

Siret: 523 955 151 00015

See our Display Ad - pg 4

The Reclamation Yard

Mini-Digger with driver

05 45 30 72 04


semm main ad - pg 9 See Main Ad below

Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) through whom we have a registered branch and passport for financial services in France. License number 00805B.

Building Services Lifts & Scaffolding

Cherry Picker Services

14.5 metres on a van

Tel: 09 66 03 52 89 Call for a quote

ANGLO SCAFFOLDING HIRE UK scaffolding supplied and erected here in France Qualified and fully insured FREE no obligation quotes Call Ian on

06 34 24 64 11 or see

Email: SIRET: 799 067 939 00014 06 04 17 80 93

To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93 Mini Digger

with Driver for Hire

Landscaping, Ditching, Land Clearance etc. Hedge Removal and Stone Wall Construction John Bonella

87440 Marval

05 55 53 03 56

siret no. 523 183 580 00019

Advertise here from just €36 HT / month

06 04 17 80 93



Home renovations / Ground works Block works / Verandas, Abris & Terraces Barn doors & Shutters Also available: digger & driver Planning permission assistance and design available HNC and ONC qualified, 15 years experience & 7 in France Based near Lubersac (dept 19) Tel: 05 55 98 24 12 - Mob: 07 82 78 01 31 Email:



Building Services Plasterers

Able Plastering

French registered plasterer with over 30 years’ experience All internal and external works covered Plastering (English and French plaster) Rendering Concreting Floor Screeding Stud Partitioning Lime Mortar Pointing

Tel: 05 55 62 12 39 Mobile: 06 06 41 10 30

Building Services Sandblasting Sand and Blast We provide a fully operated


service for wood, stone and metal. Perfect for stripping away years of grime or paint. Contact us for a free quote, or see our website:

05 55 76 31 59 / 06 77 40 95 92 SIRET: 812 727 253 00013

Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93 Computers, TV & Satellite

Chimney Sweeps Le Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles SIRET: 504 612 441 00015

Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93 Building Services Roofing MUMFORD TOITURE Roofing & Plastering/ Plasterboarding Service

25+ years roofing experience All aspects of roofing, large or small 15+ years experience plastering/boarding
 Fully registered and insured Trading in France since 2007
 Call Mark for a free quotation

05 55 44 71 44 / 06 78 60 96 16 Siret No. 493 159 412 00011

see main ad - pg 3

Counselling & Support Services COUNSELLING

& PSYCHOTHERAPY Lesley Kidd MSc & Martin Simpson MSc 06 04 17 80 93


05 55 63 53 06 06 23 29 48 19

05 55 78 72 98

SIREN: 818 604 654



• Meet in person or via skype • Borders 87/19/23 (87130) • Individuals & Couples

Siret: 527 906 614 00013

A genuine plasterer French and English spoken Traditional Plastering Rendering, Stud partition dry lining Lime mortar stone pointing

Big Dish Satellite

Experienced, Registered & Fully Insured No mess, no fuss Email:

T: 07 68 76 39 99 siret: 484 768 700 00029

La Petite Ramoneur

THE LADY SWEEP Established since 1986

Brush & Vacuum All types of chimney Fully Insured Call Ruth Langston

02 54 31 48 50 06 25 61 84 95 (SMS only) siret 504 218 454 00016

Chimney Sweeping • Flue ways cleared • Birds nests, vermin & debris removed • Smoke evacuation & gas tightness tests • Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage)



Tel: 05 55 62 05 61 Mob: 06 52 38 67 65 Email: siret: 453 067 910 00019

For all your TV and satellite installations and repairs (Sky TV, Internet etc.) Call Patrice: Fast dependable service

Restaurant du soir. Lunchtime Menu Ouvrier. Our menu changes monthly. Special occasions and parties welcome. Fish and chips and mushy peas €11,50 the last Friday of each month. Open Mon - Sat * Reservation in advance please* For more information:

tel: 05 55 81 31 85

email: 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix.

Stephen Wisedale

Try Something Different

Solve your Internet, Wi-Fi and computer problems

Marsac (23) • Cosy atmosphere • Speciality Crêpes • Large burger menu • Around 115 single malt whiskies • Selection of bottled British ales • Book corner, pool table • "Mouclade" nights • Curry nights

WiFi Anglais Chez Jacques

05 55 63 78 72 06 04 17 80 93 Email: Tel: 05 53 30 23 96 Mob: 07 78 52 20 46

Siren: 502 409 949

Le Restaurant Ecurat

siret: 353 613 227 00035

Based Séreilhac (87)

Wi-Fi networks for homes, gîtes and small businesses. Outdoor Wi-Fi 4G Internet. Windows and MacOS.

26, Ecurat 23150

Siret: 800 525 040 00013

05 87 40 02 83 closed Wednesdays

Mandys-curry-2-go Mobile Curry Take Away For menus and venues: Follow us on facebook e :

m : 07 70 39 12 23

Parties 20+ & events catered for siret: 498 199 306 00016

British Market Stall +33 (0)6 79 23 57 09 +33 (0)7 69 14 49 73 see main ad - pg 10

Allo Allo

Bar / restaurant Le Grand Bourg See main ad - pg 6

Garden Services

Entreprise Maeva

Garden Maintenance

Strimming, hedge cutting, lawn mowing, general upkeep. Daily rates and/or monthly contracts. 40 km radius - Bénévent-l'Abbaye (23210)

07 69 34 75 02 Siret: 831 957 691 00023

Team Jardin

Reliable, professional and friendly garden services. Garden Maintenance. Land Clearance. Garden Construction. Bespoke long-term maintenance plans. Tel: 05 55 37 18 03 Mob: 06 33 66 17 45 e-mail: Siret No. 752 549 907 00018

‘Chou Chou’ Magnat-l’Etrange, Creuse (23)

RHS qualified horticulturalists Clearance, weeding, pruning, topiary, planting, maintenance, design. Day or half day rates. Excellent references. All work by hand. Mob: 06 25 82 88 53 Email: siret: 877 702 696 00015


To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93 or email



“SolarVenti”- the solar solution to damp and humidity


simple solar energy system that runs on its own, even when you are not there! – And provides a free heat supplement in winter. The Solarventi air panel was invented more than 20 years ago by Hans Jørgen Christensen, from Aidt Miljø, with the backing of the Danish government. He wanted to use the sun’s energy for airing and ventilation of the thousands of holiday homes on the West coast of Jutland, - houses that were left empty and unheated for long periods - houses with damp problems, mould and bad odours - houses that left their owners with discomfort, lots of work and expense. He wanted a system that would be safe, simple, without the need for radiators, water and/or mains electricity. Slowly but surely, the first Solarventi model came


How it works The principle behind Solarventi is simple: a small, builtin, solar cell powers a 12V fan that is connected to an air vent, a control unit and an on/ off switch. Whenever the sun shines, the air in the solar panel is heated and the fan, receiving power from the solar cell, introduces warm, dry air into your home at the rate of 20 to 100 cubic metres per hour. The initial models were more than capable of keeping the cottages dry (and ventilated), even with the limited sunshine hours available in Denmark during the winter season. Since that time, the technology has really come along in leaps and bounds. Now, more than 20 years later, the 3rd and 4th generation Solarventi have exceed-

Garden Services

ed all expectations. In Southern Europe, Solarventi is not only used for ventilation/dehumidification purposes; with far more winter sunshine hours, it also provides a substantial heating supplement. Several technical and governmental studies show that incoming air temperature can be increased by as much as 40°C. A DIY Solution? The installation process is very straightforward and should only take two or three hours. All that is needed is a drill, hammer and chisel to make a hole in the wall. Roof installations are also possible. In fact, the Solarventi was originally designed to be a DIY product - in Scandinavia it still is. There are no electrical or water connections and it can be safely left running, even when

the property is empty. Solarventi requires no maintenance - if the property is unoccupied during the hot summer months, then it can be left running at low speeds for ventilation and dehumidification purposes or simply switched off. With a range of panel sizes, and the option for wall or roof mounting, Solarventi is suitable for all types of buildings, caravans or even boats!! Following the patenting of its design in 2001, Solarventi has only recently been actively commercialized. Over the last six years, Solarventi units have been installed in more than 24 countries and demand is increasing rapidly. From Greenland to Australia, Solarventi is finally getting the recognition it deserves. ■ Units start from €490 TTC.

Purple Solutions Garden Maintenance

Jenny Homer BA Hons, PGCE

Online French Tuition

06 72 87 87 14

Qualified Teacher of French, formerly teaching in my classroom in Eymoutiers, but now online! If I have been able to improve my IT skills, I can guarantee you can improve your French. More information on my website.

see main ad - pg 10

GARDEN AND PROPERTY SERVICES 87 Garden maintenance including grass cutting and hedge trimming. Gîte changeovers, cleaning and jet washing. Areas covered: 45 minutes around Lussac-les-Eglises, 87360 (Departments 87, 23 and 36) Contact Glen:

05 44 25 55 04

or UK mobile: 07955 488 194


Now offering small group tuition online at levels to suit your needs. My priority is on speaking and understanding French in daily life. Special rates for those living in the Limousin!

Paul Brown

Grass Cutting Strimming General Maintenance Based La Souterraine (23)

The Brexit clock is still ticking! Since 1 April 2020 those applying for citizenship must pass an exam to prove B1 level French, both spoken and written, no exemptions for age! For more information...

Tel: 05 55 89 57 40

Email: siret: 490 323 243 00025

Siret: 483 059 242 00030



Your advert here

05 45 21 16 13

06 04 17 80 93 Siret No. 884 266 305

Maintenance gardener Stephen Grendon

Need some advice? Too much like hard-work? 30 years of experience

TEL: 06 72 11 62 15 Based in St-Julien-le-Petit (87460), covering St. Léonard, Peyrat, Eymoutiers, Bujaleuf.

SOLARVENTI - Available in the Limousin From Harlequin Developments Tel: 05 55 68 67 56 Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97

Piano Tuning and Repairs see main ad - pg 11

Gifts & Crafts

Health & Beauty

siret: 839 102 415 00016

DMS gardening & cleaning services

Your advert here

Now taking on new clients for 2020 for all your cleaning and gardening needs, including changeovers and key holding. Reliable, trustworthy and experienced. Areas 16/87/86/24 covered

06 04 17 80 93

06 42 14 26 56 siret: 827 791 054 00014

Garden & Property Services Joseph and Samantha Geer Grass, hedge and tree cutting Fences, gates and stone walls Gite cleaning and changeovers ... and much more

Tel: 06 86 95 46 51 Champsac 87230 Siret: 841 617 491 00011

Handholding & Language Services

Sophie Arsac

French lessons & handholding services 06 61 56 47 17 - pg 8

A HELPING HAND Translation/interpretation Dealing with utilities/banks Permis de construire Sourcing/supervising artisans Notaire/tax/hospital meetings

05 55 62 50 38 Jonathan Critchley siret: 792 285 025 00013

Tranquillity Bien-Être

14 Place de l'eglise, 87470 Peyrat-le-Château Reflexology - €30 to €40 Indian Head Massage - €30 Indian Face Massage - €50 Simple Face Massage - €30 Gel Nail Polish - €20 to €35 Manicure/Pedicure - €15 to €25 Ear piercing - €30 to €35 Spray Tan - €15 to €20 Massage from €10 upwards. Pamper days for up to 5 people (Ideal for get togethers!!) Also, gifts, cards and more available to buy!! 20 % off first visit, 10% off second with this advert

T: 06 51 20 26 37 E: W:

Chez Boutique

Formerly La Petite Place

See our Display Ad - pg 11

Insurance & Finance Blacktower

Financial Managment Group

Rosemary Sheppard 06 38 86 99 70 - pg 6

The Spectrum IFA Group

Tony Farrell

International Financial Adviser

05 55 89 57 94 - see pg 10

Blevins Franks International tax and wealth management advisers See our main ad - pg 13

For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email:

Mobile hairdresser

Call Teddy:

06 04 17 80 93

Covering all of La Creuse!

06 15 78 18 04- pg 7



Pools & Spas Naturalis Pools

06 31 17 25 60

All Property Diagnostics for Sales/Rentals Energy Performance (DPE), Asbestos, Lead, Electricity, Gas, Termites, Risks/Pollution, Measurements

see main ad - pg 2

Fluent English speaking. Technical comments and advice possible

Dave Roberts

Contact : 06 28 94 24 00 or

Fibreglass Specialist Fibreglass swimming pool linings that can be applied over all finishes: tiles, marbelite, concrete, etc. Perfect for new pools, old pools, or pools leaking water Laminated on site, one piece and seam free For more information or a quote, contact Dave: +44 (0)1403 741 294 +44 (0)7825 916 573


Limousin Spas

The region's leading distributor of Spas, Swim spas, Saunas & Hot tubs

New for 2020

We are pleased to announce our new range of over 80 Spas, Swim spas, Hot tubs & Saunas from top European and U.S. manufacturers. *Platinum Spas* *Superior Spas* *BeSpa* * California Spas* *Superior Saunas* *Baltic Hot tubs* *Baltic Saunas*

Prices from €2,200

See our references on:

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Beaux Villages Immobilier

Freephone: 08 05 69 23 23 09 82 12 69 73 (Home) 06 06 40 81 07 (Portable)

Furniture, interiors & gifts - see pg 3

Caring for your home in France when you can’t be there

Hand made garden ornaments

Garden & Pool Maintenance General Maintenance & Small Renovation work including plasterboarding, tiling, painting, etc. Changeovers/House Cleaning Ad-hoc Assistance References available Contact Mark or Trudy...

see main ad - pg 9

Houses on Internet

+31 (0)6 41 20 73 69

See our Display Ad - pg 3

tel: 05 55 81 31 85

Bruno Sablé

9, St. Louis Pasteur 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres

Sewing Machine Repairs ... all makes and models Also repairs and maintenance of small electrical appliances M: 06 38 92 61 24 T: 09 51 59 31 43 E: 06 04 17 80 93

Man & Van Transport

Genuine/Reliable/Honest Local + Europe + UK runs House/Barn clearances! 15m3 capacity 4m load length English & French Spoken

09 82 12 69 73 06 06 40 81 07 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres


Scrap & Clearance

Franklins Removals

Siret 530 213 644 00012

0044 121 353 7263 see main ad - pg 4

for scrap

All Limousin covered Anything considered Any quantity

Tel: 05 55 37 45 35 Mob: 06 74 21 47 71

OLD'S HEIGHT 05 55 63 72 45 - see ad pg 14

2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix

Très Jolie

Carrefour du Bois Limousin

Cendrillon 06 83 66 83 09

Artisan art for your garden

see main ad pg 15

06 04 17 80 93

Atelier d'Art du Jardin

05 55 64 55 70 - see ad pg 7

Ladies fashion accessories 05 55 53 03 56 / 06 04 08 29 53

Your advert here

26, Ecurat 23150

Cash paid Stove Sellers Set in Stone

Siret: 479 965 758 00028

All properties looked after, main residences, holiday homes & gîtes. Changeovers, cleaning, tidy ups, maintenance, gardening, swimming pools, etc. Single or regular visits. Fully insured. Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150). References available.

Moulin de Tintin

Creuse Property Care

Siret: 752 157 610 00011

Property management

Retail & Commerce

See our Display Ad - pg 9

T: 05 55 67 90 47 / P: 06 40 75 74 47 E: W:

'Gite and Tidy'

06 04 17 80 93

see main ad - pg 5 Tel: 05 55 63 26 20

Property Sales & Maintenance

Your advert here

siret 532 981 198 00015

Central France Storage Dry, safe & secure storage Brexit Busting Prices!! Vehicle storage options We also do internal moves! 14.5m cherry picker available

Tel: 09 66 03 52 89 Email:

Antiquités agricoles

siret: 494 123 847 00019

I will buy just about anything in your barn: agricultural machinery, cars, motorbikes, lorries, pushbikes, old wrought ironwork, oil cans, signs, timberwork and doors... in fact, anything!! Just think, that rubbish could earn you cash!! 06 04 17 80 93

CALL: 0633 847 699

Watson European International Removals see main ad - pg 6

siret: 511 127 763 00015

Transport, Removals & Storage Transition Removals (+33) 05 55 34 19 46 see main ad - pg 11

Buggs Car Hire

Smart Moves For a fully insured, careful service


Bergerac & Limoges Airports

see main ad - front page

+44 (0)7966 287 430

To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93 or email Would you like to receive an electronic copy of The Bugle each month? We can deliver a copy to your inbox, hot off the press

Visit to subscribe online



Houses on Internet: A Global Property Network


ouses on Internet – Global Property Services (hereafter referred to as “HOIGPS”) is the internet/marketing company that has been helping people sell their French property to buyers worldwide since 2009. Richard Kroon, founder and director of the company: “In spite of Brexit, this year started off extremely well... and then the COVID-19 crisis shut everything down. We decided, however, to keep the international advertising of all properties at the same level. As most people in Europe had to stay at home, they could at least still see and enquire about houses for sale and put them on their shortlist, in order to view them when it was all over.” “This seemed to be a good move. Now the lockdowns are more or less behind us, we see prospective buyers making appointments for

viewings, even the first post-Corona sales have been completed. It shows why our worldwide advertising is so important. Our marketing efforts are definitely paying off and guarantee a worldwide exposure of your property to buyers wherever they live. “Last year HOI-GPS. sold properties in the price range from € 35,000 to € 875,000 to people from 14 different countries, such as France, Australia, Belgium, Holland, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Denmark and South Africa. “The actual work all starts with the presentation of a property. If that’s not good enough, all other marketing efforts are useless. Our photographers usually take 150 to 200 photos of a house and in addition copy any good (summer) photos our clients may have themselves.

“About 50 to 60 of those photos are selected, enhanced and presented on the dedicated website we make for each property in English, French and Dutch. The texts don’t just describe the house, garden and outbuildings, but also have information about local shopping, schools, airports and leisure activities. “When the website for the house is online, we first connect it to our main HOI-GPS websites which attract over 135,000 visitors from 35+ countries each month. Most of these people find us through Google and additional Google advertising. “To reach an even larger audience, a summary of the presentation of the house is also placed on several other leading property websites. These adverts are also connected to the dedicated website of the house, making it all one big global property network. “As the property market has

become a global one, a prospective buyer can be on the other side of the world while the owner is in bed sleeping. With our approach, the buyer does not have to wait and can see the entire property whenever he wants, at the moment he is interested in it.”

For more information on HOIGPS or to market your property through them, visit their website. ■

Houses on Internet Global Property Services

+31 (0)6 41 20 73 69

Advertising in The Bugle Business Directory Advertising your business couldn’t be easier. Text only, boxed listings are available in our Business Directory from just €12.50/month. Alternatively, why not spotlight your business with an Advertorial, available from 1/6 Page (€50 HT) up to Full Page (€300 HT). Both Directory Adverts and Advertorials represent a cost effective way to put your brand in front of more than 30,000 pairs of eyes each month!!

For more information on any of our advertising options, please feel free to give us a call on 06 04 17 80 93 or send an email to

6-Month Contract

12-Month Contract

Small b&w Directory Ad



Large b&w Directory Ad



Small Colour Directory Ad



Large Colour Directory Ad



All prices exclude TVA (20%)

Large Directory Ad 46mm x 71mm (Actual Size) 45 words max Small Directory Ad 46mm x 46mm (Actual Size)

30 words max

Directory Advertising is available either in black and white or colour, and in either small (30 words max) or large (45 words max) format. Directory adverts may only contain text (small logos may be allowed when supplied). The minimum contract length is 6 months. Advertising is payable on publication. All prices are HT.

We are looking for a Estate Gardener and a Cleaning Lady/ Housekeeper

Bugle Notice Board

for more information

Le Restaurant Ecurat

Tres Jolie Milhageut

We will continue to be closed in order to maintain our customers' safety and will probably not be open until later in the summer. In the meantime we can offer you

Ladies Fashion and Accessories

take away Fish & Chips

Returning to Piégut Market this month

and take away Curries.

*Breaking News* - Katherine at 'Dizzy & Co Designs' in Saint-Claud (16450) is now stocking my 'Made in Italy' clothing range. Please pop over to the shop at 9 rue François Daigueplats to see all the beautiful things she has.

Please telephone in advance. Stay safe.

in 87430 Verneuil Sur Vienne Please call 06 78 86 14 41

26, Ecurat 23150

See Facebook page: "Tres Jolie Milhaguet"

05 55 53 03 56 / 06 04 08 29 53

tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email:



CLUBS, CHARITIES & ASSOCIATIONS In these uncertain times, most of the meetings on these pages are understandably cancelled for the time being. Many of the Clubs, Charities and Associations are still active, so do not hesitate to get in touch if you need help, advice or support. ** Note that coronavirus updates have been added to these listings on our website : Charities

Fitness & Fun

The Hope Association Charity Shop 87 2 rue de la Vieille Tour, 87120 Eymoutiers The shop is run by a group of volunteers with the sole aim of raising funds for abused & abandoned animals. Opening hours: Sat 10h-13h, Wed & Fri 14h-17h, 1st & 3rd Thu morning 10h-12h. We offer a selection of items including pre-loved clothes, jewellery, greeting cards and much more. We are happy to accept anything in good sale condition either directly to the shop or email shopeightyseven4hope@gmail. com SPA Creuse The SPA Creuse dog refuge centre is based in Saint-Sulpice-le-Guérétois near Guéret and provides an invaluable service to the community by rescuing dogs that otherwise would have nowhere to go. Each year we re-home over 100 dogs which find themselves at the SPA though no fault of their own. We have dedicated staff who work alongside a network of French and British volunteers, all of whom have one aim in life, which is to do the best they can for the dogs until they find their forever homes. In order to do this they need to raise funds; along with walking the dogs every day, volunteers also organise fund-raising events and vide-greniers throughout the year. We are a friendly bunch and always on the lookout for more like-minded people and so if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, making a donation, or adopting one of our lovely dogs, then please visit our website

La Chance de Danser New times for classes as follows: St-Léger-Magnazeix - Salle des fêtes (Adults): Tue 5-6 pm Stretch & Tone; 6-7 pm Beginners Tap; Thu 5-6 pm Elementary Tap; 6-7 pm Dancersize. La Souterraine - Batiment St Joseph (opp la mairie) (Adults): Sat 9-10 am Ballet. For more info please email or tel 06 99 95 43 00. Bridge Club St. Junien Regular tournaments. Bridge lessons for beginners and intermediate levels (English-speaking teacher). Friendly welcome guaranteed. For further information don't hesitate to contact Mireille Drouet, President 06 30 20 45 13 / 05 44 24 10 92 / or John Slade 05 45 71 50 44 / Yoga Aubusson Classes at the Maison Sport et Danse, Dojo: Mon 15:45 Gentle Hatha; Tue 17:30 Yin, 18:30 Hatha. Valliere Salle Polyvalente: Wed 18:30 Hatha. Felletin Espace Tibord: Fri/Sat 10:00 Hatha. 5 euro per class plus 10 euro adhesion. More info: Abbey 06 83 24 62 72 www. Cussac Bowls Club - Short mat indoor bowls If you’re a beginner or seasoned player come and join in with a friendly club. Weekly meetings starting Wednesdays 19:45 and Thursdays 9:45. Please call Peter on 05 55 78 66 45 for more info, email cussacbowlsclub@ or come along to one of our meetings at Cussac gymnasium. Indoor Bowling at Oradour-sur-Vayres If you already play or have never tried indoor bowling then come along to a meeting. It's great fun and easy to play. If you have never played it before we will show you how. We meet every Monday evening starting at 18.30 hrs at La Chapelle, avenue des Chapelles, 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres. Come and try it - it's free. For further info tel 05 55 78 45 24 or email oradourbowlingclub@ Keep Fit Amazing abs, breathtaking buttocks! Come and join our group at the CAPE in Pontarion. We are all ages, all sizes, men & women, but are serious about keeping fit. We meet every Thursday at 8 pm in Pontarion Town Hall, for a onehour workout. Come for a free trial, or call 05 55 64 98 87 or 06 32 42 95 68 for more details. Drawing and painting classes At Saint-Junien with the CAPCC (art club). All levels welcome, every Monday and Thursday, English and French spoken, friendly atmosphere, materials provided by the club. 45€ / half-term. Contact: for brochure with full details. Chabanais Bowls Club Indoor Short Mat Bowling Whether you wish to start, improve or just enjoy indoor bowls, we offer a friendly atmosphere with regular competitive and social events. We meet on Tue 10h-13h and Thu 14h-17h. All equipment supplied, only €2 pp/ week. Regular gentle exercise for all ages and nationalities. If interested,

Church Notices English-speaking Christian meeting in La Souterraine All are welcome to our meetings every Sunday at 10.30 am at La Souterraine. A talk will be given each week in English lasting 30 minutes on a variety of subjects. The purpose is to build up our spirituality and help us with day-to-day living. Our Kingdom Hall is located at 31 l’Age aux Roux, 23300 La Souterraine. Also please see our website: JW.ORG English-speaking church services Guéret "Come as you are" - This is an invitation to join us at our SERVICE IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith or would just like to attend a church service, you are welcome at 3 pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at Église Évangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud, 23000 Guéret. We welcome all who want to share in our fellowship and children are very welcome. For more details please visit Eglise Protestante Unie de France English Language services We look forward to giving a warm welcome to everyone from whatever Christian tradition (or none) on the 3rd SUNDAY of the MONTH at 3 pm. (Two exceptions - August and December second Sunday) Where? At the “Temple” in Thiat (in the north of the HauteVienne) – the chapel is on the main road close to the Mairie. After worship there is tea/coffee and cake – and a chance to chat. (Services in French every Sunday morning). If you want to know more contact Rev Stephen Sawyer on 05 49 84 33 86 or Zoë Horlock on 05 55 68 59 95.

Peyrat Film Club

The CINEMA in Peyrat-le-Château, run by the volunteers of the Association Bande Originale, regularly shows VOST films (original version with French subtitles), especially for all the non-French speakers in our region. In July we will be showing: Richard Jewell – Saturday 4th, 17h Judy – Saturday 11th, 17h Mr Jones – Saturday 18th, 17h Spartacus (1960) – Saturday 25th, 17h Plus a one-off Beatles Season: A Hard Day's Night – Thursday 2nd, 21h Help – Thursday 9th, 21h Magical Mystery Tour – Thursday 16th, 21h Yellow Submarine – Thursday 23rd, 21h Eight Days a Week – Thursday 30th, 21h Tickets just €3.50!! See our website for dates & times, etc:

join us for a free taster session at the salle des fêtes, Chabanais, or email: INSPIRATIONS – Art & Craft Group We are a small group of artists and crafters who meet every Friday from 2 pm until 5 pm at the Salle Barbara, Droux 87. There is no formal tuition but we all help, advise and encourage each other to perfect our skills and learn new ones. New members welcome, from absolute beginners to experts. Materials can be supplied for try-outs. Contact: Art Classes Mainsat The class runs every Thurs (term time) at the Salle du temps libre in Mainsat from 14h-16h. We do a little bit of everything: pencil, charcoal, watercolour, pastel, acrylics, oils and sculpture, etc. Contact Susan Neill for more info: Tel 05 55 83 12 18 / Mob 06 87 99 31 37 / Email Zumba Dept 18 & 36. Contact: Coralie tel 07 78 66 52 01 Web: fun-life-attitude. Facebook: Coco Zumba Email: Dordogne Short Mat Bowls Association Learn to play Indoor Short Mat Bowls in the heart of the Dordogne at Eyzerac, just off the N21, south of Thiviers. We are a small friendly inclusive club who meet every Thursday afternoon throughout the year at the Complex Sportif in Eyzerac 24300. We are looking forward to welcoming new members, both novices or experienced players. We have all the equipment you need to play, so why not join us any Thursday at 2 pm until 5 pm. To arrange a taster session or simply for more details contact Paul Boswell (Secretary) at boswellmoore@hotmail. com or call 05 53 56 99 75. Walking Football, Dun-le-Palestel If you think your footballing days are over, then think again! Our association, Entente Cordiale, is trying out a new venture – Walking Football, a slower version of the beautiful game! And it's for all adults over the age of 50. We meet every Monday from 16h-17h in the Gymnasium, just opposite The Apollo. Walking football is designed to give you the chance to play the game you love, but at a much slower pace. It's a great way to keep fit, learn skills, have fun, and socialise at the same time, so why not come along? At the moment, all sessions are indoors, so please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. If you are interested in coming along please contact Steve Coram by email at: Also now – Badminton! Playing Badminton helps to improve your fitness, and is great fun too! Come and join in with us every Tuesday afternoon from 16h-17h in the Gymnasium. Everyone welcome. Laurière Carpet Bowls Club Registered & insured. For some gentle exercise with a friendly social club, learn to play Indoor Bowls at Lauriere, 87370, in the Haute-Vienne. No experience required. Come and take a look. It is great fun and easy to play. Join us any Monday at 2 pm until 5.30 pm at La Maison des Jeunes (Community Centre), on the route de St Goussaud (D28) just off the D914 at Lauriere. Parking available. Session includes short refreshment break with home-made cakes (€2.50 per person). For info, please call 05 55 71 23 83. Currently, we have British, French, and Dutch members. We look forward to seeing you. American Line Dancing (French Style) The new course for 2019/20 has just started so why not come along. The Phénix Country Club welcomes new members - men & women, beginners & experienced dancers - to the salle des fêtes at LACS, near LA CHÂTRE, dept 36. Learn French & learn to dance in a friendly environment every Tues & Fri evening from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. 1st 2 sessions are free. Annual subscription is 80 euros per person. For more information in English contact Ruth on 02 48 56 34 85 or email our French Présidente at Art Classes in Bujaleuf in French and English Caroline welcomes you at her workshop

in Bujaleuf for drawing and watercolour painting. 2 courses weekly: Tue and Wed afternoons, 10 euros per person for a two-and-a-half-hour session. The classes are in both French and English, a good way to share languages and cultures in a friendly atmosphere. New students welcome. For further information please contact Caroline on 06 72 08 26 15 or at Gardening

new people, both French and English, into the association. The annual subscription for membership is €12 per person or €22 for a couple. Contact: Christine Gee 05 55 64 22 25 Email: French Conversation Group at Les Billanges (87340) We are a small group who meet fortnightly for an hour and a half on Tuesday evenings during term time in Les Billanges, 87340, close to the Creuse/Haute-Vienne border. We are accompanied by a retired

Les petits jardiniers du Limousin

As we all know, at the moment we are all staying safely at home. Therefore Les petits jardiniers du Limousin are not holding their monthly meetings until all is well again. Meanwhile it's a good opportunity to spend time in your garden, whether it's digging, pruning, chopping trees down, clearing out old plants or preparing seeds and plants for the coming season. You might, of course, be just sitting outside enjoying the feel of the sun on your face - what better way of passing an hour or two? Although we can't hold meetings, we are keeping in touch with members and friends and have set up a Facebook page where you will find gardening hints and photos of members' gardens to inspire us all during these difficult times. Whilst some restrictions are being lifted and for which we are very grateful, group gatherings of over 10 people are not allowed at present and, of course, we must respect the rules of social distancing. Care of our members and friends is our first consideration and after much consideration it has been decided that meetings will not re-commence before the autumn at the earliest. An exact date has not yet been finalised. We will get back to our monthly meetings eventually and have a grand reunion. Let's look forward to that! For any further information contact Carolyn at

The programme for the rest of 2020 was as follows. It will be updated as and when we are able to hold meetings again – watch this space! May 21st June 18th July 16th August 20th

- Car rally and lunch, from 9.30am - Visit to Custos Apium + picnic (optional) - Crazy about Courgettes - Introduction to botanical art Integration

Learning Together – Apprenons Ensemble We offer an easy-going and relaxing range of social functions to bring members of the French and English communities together, and a range of language courses for different levels of experience in English and French in Rochechouart (87) and Brigueil (16), as well as a Life & Culture in France course in Rochechouart. All lessons are in small groups with qualified teachers for just 7€ per hour; membership costs only 16€ per year. Visit or email for more information. For help and advice on choosing the right course telephone 05 55 58 02 88 or email frenchlessons. CLE – (Charente Limousine Exchange) Founded in 2003 The Charente Limousine Exchange (CLE) are a group of enthusiastic members who form a valuable resource for the exchange of information, ideas and experiences. Run by a small volunteer committee they provide help and support with many varied issues associated with living in France. CLE organise many social activities and regular trips, including monthly lunches, quizzes and (usually) friendly boules games. Forums on French tax and other relevant issues provide crucial membership support. Visit the website for more information and calendar of activities. President: Dave Brown. Web: Tel: 05 49 87 05 85 Email: Association Rencontres FrancoBritanniques The association of 120 members, based in Bourganeuf, aims to help British people become integrated in their communes and local life. We organise a range of cultural and social activities for our members. A list of our activities is on our website Our fortnightly conversation groups give the opportunity for British members to improve their spoken French, and our French colleagues their English. We would very much like to welcome Managing Editor: Steve Martindale Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale Registered Address: 19, route de Champagnac 17500 MEUX SIRET: 514 989 748 00025 Printed by: Charente Libre 16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac Monthly circulation: 11,000 copies All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any text without permission is prohibited. Dépôt légal à parution.

September 6th - 8th Annual Show, from 10.00am October 15th - AGM + Tropical Plants & Bulbs November 19th - All about Grafting December 10th - Christmas party French schoolteacher and a current French teacher of English. Discussion is informal, loosely based on everyday topics, including some grammar plus general discussion. We need a few more people to help keep it vibrant and to cater for inevitable absences. The only cost is yearly membership of the local Association, about €16, which brings with it other social opportunities. To find out more please contact Chrissy Smith at Familles Rurales in Peyrat-le-Château Association Familles Rurales now offer assistance in English and Dutch to all non-French speaking people (British, Dutch, German, etc.) concerning all kinds of administrative steps. The service is available in Peyrat-le-Château and surrounding communes. We will try to provide information and help you find your way in social and administrative matters, as well as with practical matters where language is a problem. Find Heleen Tichler-Botermans at the AFR office in Peyrat-le-Château on Mon/Wed/ Thu from 9am to 12pm. You are welcome to drop in or make an appointment. E-mail: familles-rurales.infopeyrat@ Telephone: 06 41 20 06 83 Office address: 19 avenue de la Tour, 87470 Peyrat-le-Château Familles Rurales 2 in St-Yrieix-laPerche Weekly courses in French for foreigners (mainly English and Dutch) living in the area. Four levels taught: Level 1 Beginners - Mon 10h30 - 12h; Level 2 - Thu 10h30 - 12h; Intermediate - Tue 10h30 - 12h; Advanced – Tue 14h - 16h. All courses are held at our premises 1, rue de la Piscine, St-Yrieix-la-Perche 87500. For more info tel 05 55 09 30 86, email or visit www. Les Franglais de Banize (23120) French and English people meet every Wednesday at 2-3 pm in the mairie in Banize to share English and French language and lots of laughter. We all learn from each other, in both languages and about aspects of both cultures. In general the English try to speak in French and vice versa. As far as Directeur: Steve Martindale Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale Siège: 19, route de Champagnac 17500 MEUX SIRET: 514 989 748 00025 Imprimé par: Charente Libre 16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac Tirage mensuel: 11,000 copies Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent numéro est strictement interdite. Dépôt légal à parution.

The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world.

22 ♦ COMMUNITY possible! The meetings have been going on for ten years now but new arrivals are always welcome. For more information please contact Anne Chadwick at or tel 05 55 67 53 60. Bessines-Accueil Bessines-Accueil is a group based in Bessinessur-Gartempe (87250) which seeks to welcome new arrivals both to the town and to the surrounding region and to assist them with integration in the community. The group is comprised both of French and English members and meets weekly, generally on Thursday afternoons, in Bessines-surGartempe, when various activities take place, all aimed at promoting a friendly and welcoming ambiance. Through these activities, which include visits, talks, entertainment and much more, the group aims to discover and promote an appreciation of the life, the history and the heritage of the area and to help new arrivals settle. For more details or to join please contact the President, Bernadette Ruffenach, on 05 55 76 11 19. Café Franglais Organised by the Amitiés Internationales du Pays de Boussac (AIPB). Every Wednesday evening at 18h30 in la Maison des Associations, Quartier Pasteur, 23600 Boussac. Come and join us for an informal chat to improve your French or English with native speakers in a café atmosphere whilst enjoying a drink and nibbles. From 9th January until 24th April without stopping for Easter. Break for the summer, then recommence 4th September until 11th December. For more info please email Open Door Association – English Language Library & Cultural Exchange Group The Association organises a range of activities throughout the year aimed at bringing together French and English-speaking residents through cultural exchange. Our range of activities for 2019 include a Burns’ Supper, an Occitan Musical Evening, a bilingual guided bird-walk, Beaujolais Nouveau Evening, a Pub-Style Singalong and selected readings from the works of JRR Tolkien. See our website for a full list: www. In addition, Open Door operates an Englishlanguage library service with outlets in StPardoux-Morterolles and Bourganeuf, with a choice of around 5,000 fiction, non-fiction and children’s books as well as DVDs and jigsaw puzzles. See our website for opening hours. We welcome new members of all nationalities and offer individual and family membership as well as temporary membership for holiday visitors. Contact the Secretary on for details. Tea Time Cultural exchange workshop designed to bring together those who want to practise their French or their English in a friendly and fun environment. Held at the old school in Sussac (87) every Tuesday morning, 10 am till 11.30 am, except school holidays, the session includes group discussion/chat, structured role play and games for grammar practice, specific weekly topics, a small library of English/ French books, CDs and DVDs and an exchange of recipes, thoughts and ideas, followed by tea/coffee and cake. Cost: €144 for the year, plus €25 annual membership fee to the Foyer Rural. Contact: Jasmine (en français or in English) on 06 41 36 05 03. Bilingual Montessori Workshops At the Foyer Rural in Saint-Léonard-deNoblat for children aged 3 to 8 years old, run by Catherine Hutchinson and Sue Greenbank. The children are immersed in an atmosphere where both French and English are spoken. The workshops take place on Wednesdays from 13h30 to 15h30 and on Saturdays from 10h to 12h. The workshops take place without the parents. For further information please contact Catherine on 07 70 46 57 70 or Sue on 06 52 26 54 79. Libraries & Books La Souterraine English Library and Information Centre Located in the historic Porte de Puy Charruad, at 10 rue de Portal, la Souterraine, we are a lively, well-stocked English language library with almost 4,000 books and DVDs available to borrow. We have an attractive cafe which serves tea, coffee and a range of home-made cakes when available. The library hosts a lively mixed conversation group for French and English speakers plus a more traditional French language class. There are a number of thriving and popular special interest groups such as the Art Group and Camera Club who regularly display their work in our cafe. We also have a Writers Group and hold a collection of their published books in the library. Whatever your interests don’t hesitate to pay us a visit and you will be made most welcome. We are currently open Wed and Fri from 10h-13h. For more info tel 05 55 89 57 62 during opening hours, email info@ or visit www. Sale of Second-hand Books, La Croisillesur-Briance On the 18th of every month, during the monthly market at La Croisille-sur-Briance ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 2020



Free confidential support for Englishspeaking people touched by cancer Volunteers & Active Listeners needed (full training will be given) If you are interested please email:

CSF 24 HOUR HELPLINE - 0800 24 02 00 email:

Facebook : Cancer Support France - Charente-Plus (87130), there is a sale of second-hand books (both English and French) from 9 am to 12 noon, at the former restaurant in La Place, opposite the bar/tabac. All proceeds go towards the local school funds (for La Croisille-sur-Briance and St-Méard RPI). The English Library – La Bibliothèque Anglophone, Dun-le-Palestel The English Library, which has now been established for over 12 years, is part of the Anglo-French Association Entente Cordiale and is situated in the route des Ratteries, adjacent to the Bibliothèque Municipale, Parc Benjamin Bord. The Library is a very welcoming meeting place, where you can come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, whilst browsing through our extensive collection of around 10,000 books, talking books and DVDs. Thanks to donations and an active purchasing policy we are able to offer something for everyone. For our new acquisitions we concentrate on recent publications, as well as member requests for older books. Open Thu 10h-13h & Sat 10h-12h30. Entente Cordiale hosts a wide range of other groups and activities too, including English lessons, French lessons, Traditional Dance Group, Art Group, Theatre group, Les Troubadours, Traditional Embroidery Group, Walking Football and Badminton. For more information email Music OuiRock Choir Do you enjoy singing? Fancy being part of a great group of people who come together once a week? If you do, why not come along to a taster session. We meet every Wednesday evening at 18h at the salle des fêtes in StSulpice-les-Feuilles (87160). For further details contact us on Facebook @ ouirock87 or via email on: ouirock87@gmail. com We look forward to welcoming you! L'Orchestre Philharmonique de La Souterraine If you or one of your family are interested in playing in an orchestra and think your standard might be adequate do get in contact with us. We meet weekly on Friday evenings in La Souterraine (apart from the summer holidays) to rehearse. Most of our concerts are around Xmas or May-July. Our members come from all over Limousin so lifts to and fro may be possible if necessary. Contacts: French language Marie-France Martinie 05 55 30 76 23 / English language Alan Kerr 05 55 56 34 52. Le Chambard du jeudi Organised by the association Nessgig this takes place every 2nd Thursday of the month, from 19h to 23h at “La Maison des Associations", place du 8 mai 1945, ChâteauChervix (87). All music lovers who would like to share and exchange information and stories around songs and singing, in French AND in English, or who might like to jam a little, are welcome. Free admission! For more information email or tel 05 55 09 99 34. JJ's Music Club Hosted by L'Authentique Restaurant, 25 rue Principale 23360 Lourdoueix-Saint-Pierre. Singers and musicians of all styles and levels will be warmly welcomed on the last Friday of the month. Free entry. Please reserve food in advance (05 55 80 21 67) - 17 euros for 3 courses. For more information email Jacky at Live music sessions, Rochechouart Our acoustic music sessions take place every second Friday of each month at Salle Jacques Brel in Rochechouart. You’ll hear celtic, country, jazz, music hall, pop, classical, comedy, swing & some original compositions in English and French. If you’re a singer or musician or just want to listen to some great music, why not come along? Doors open at

7.30 pm. Join our Facebook Group Folk-Galerie for more information and, if you would like to perform, contact Support

This handsome boy is called Nuts (Noots) and he is a Shepherd cross. He is 3 years old, steady, calm, affectionate and just takes everything in his stride. His start in life was not good, he lived with his companion Neron, in a dark filthy garage, then they were abandoned and left to fend for themselves, until they arrived at the SPA. He had fleas, worms and a skin problem but with the best care, he is now healthy, happy and ready to find his forever home. Nuts gets along with females and some male dogs but would prefer a home without children. This boy has been at the refuge now for 10 months. Look at that lovely face, surely someone can give him the loving home he needs? Alcoholics Anonymous If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there are now English-speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous at Limoges, Périgueux and Civray. Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. For details of the meetings or other information contact Ewen 05 53 05 76 62 (Périgueux) or Angela 05 49 87 79 09 (Civray). Other meetings in South-West France can be located on our website at Cancer Support France, Charente Plus Free confidential support for English-speaking people touched by cancer in departments 16, 17 & 86. CSF 24 hour helpline: 06 45 35 32 30, Email, Facebook: Cancer Support France - Charente Plus Volunteers & Active Listeners needed (full training will be given). If you are interested please email: CSF Charity Shop open at 3 rue Nationale, 16150 Chabanais (entrance opposite the mairie – we are on the 1st floor upstairs) Tue & Wed from 10 am – 4 pm. Cancer Support France Haute-Vienne We offer free and confidential support to English speakers affected by Cancer in the Haute-Vienne (87), Creuse (23), Corrèze (19) & Indre (36). Our helpline number is 0800 240 200. If you would like more information or would like to become a member or help in any other way, please contact Sue Ware 05 55 00 31 15, or visit www. Association France Alzheimer in Dordogne The national French charity supporting families affected by dementia. A network of English-speaking volunteers works across Dordogne to help expats and their families. English language support groups meet near Bergerac on the first Tuesday of each month and in Eymet on the third Wednesday of each month. Website: Email: Tel: 05 53 27 30 34

Cancer Support Haute-Vienne

affiliated to

Your local Association supporting English speakers touched by cancer in departments 87, 23, 19 & 36

HELPLINE 0800 240 200

If you think you can help Nuts then please contact the SPA de Creuse (Guéret), 21 Le Clocher, 23000 Saint-Sulpice-le-Guérétois tel 05 55 81 99 31 (answering machine) or send an email to

Something for these pages?


Do please come in and visit us. We are located at: 3 rue Nationale, 16150 Chabanais (entrance opposite the mairie, directly behind Petticoat Lane – we are on the first floor upstairs)

OPENING HOURS: Tuesday & Wednesday 10 am – 4 pm Sorry – no books or electrical goods



The Bugle Film Club

2nd Thursday of the month

FESTIVILLE 11th July - 9th August The Festival du Haut Limousin has had to postpone its 22nd edition to summer 2021 due to Covid-19. But in order to support the artists and maintain a cultural activity, the Festival du Haut Limousin and the Ferme de Villefavard have teamed up to create a new event which will take place at the Ferme de Villefavard from 11th July to 9th August, entitled Festiville. Two concerts of opera will open the festivities, with the brilliant young generation of French singers who will have participated in master classes with Élène Golgevit and Ouri Bronchti. Then three very promising chamber music ensembles, supported by ProQuartet (a Paris association contributing to chamber music and string quartet practice through professional and amateur training and concerts), will be welcomed to Villefavard for residencies. On this occasion, they will perform in public, in the auditorium or in the courtyard of the Farm if the weather permits! Concert dates: Saturday 11th July at 20h - En Voix ! (programme tba) Sunday 19th July at 18h - En Voix ! (programme tba) Saturday 25th July at 18h - Quatuor Mona – Ravel, Bridge, Mendelssohn Friday 7th August at 20h - Trio Aralia – Haydn, Schubert, Ravel Sunday 9th August at 18h - Quatuor Agate – Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert Reservations: Tel 05 55 60 29 32 (Mon-Fri 10h-13h); Email For more information visit The wearing of a mask is obligatory for the concerts.

The Film Club will be back up and running soon... email to join the mailing list, or watch this space! What? A recent film in VO (original English version) Where? Cinéma Sénéchal, 1 rue du Sénéchal, 23000 Guéret When? 19h00, 2nd Thursday of the month How much? JUST €4

(if you mention The Bugle when purchasing your ticket)

For details of the Cinéma Sénéchal, visit Details of each month's screening will be included in The Bugle, but to receive emails about upcoming Film Club nights, please send an email to quoting “Film Club” in the subject line, and we will add you to our contact list - (We promise not to send you any spam!!)

Got an event for The Bugle?

06 04 17 80 93

Festival 1001 Notes - 1st to 8th August The 15th edition of this festival will take place this year at the Parc du Muzeau, Saint-Priest-Taurion from 1st to 8th August. On the line-up are 50 open-air concerts to enjoy with family and friends. For more information and to reserve tickets / day passes visit

24 ♦ WHAT’S ON ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 2020

Summer garden parties in the village of Masgot!! Particularly fashionable at the time of François Michaud (sculptor of Masgot), garden parties are the new feature for 2020 in the village of Masgot. A pinch of magic, a magnificent setting, a nice opportunity to meet up… Covid-19 has tainted neither the joy of life nor the imagination of the association Les Amis de la Pierre de Masgot! On the menu will be: - Decorations inspired by Alice in Wonderland - Gourmet treats served in wicker baskets or to take away (smoothies, ice creams, paninis, fondu creusois, homemade fries, local produce, salads, a tea menu and some very British cakes!) - Outdoor games: mikado, croquet, dominoes… - Musical entertainment: July 18, Concert by Mario Forté, in partnership with La Métive; July 31, Skyzo Team Fridays (16h-22h), Saturdays (13h-22h) & Sundays (13h-18h) throughout July and August. RESERVATION ONLY: 05 55 66 98 88 / The wearing of a mask is required inside the buildings.

Murder Mystery in Masgot! Immersed in a 19th century police case, investigators must search for clues, answer questions, check the alibis of the suspects and unmask the murderer of Miss Pauline Auservice, a servant in the village, found dead in mysterious circumstances! Who is responsible for her death? Wednesdays and Thursdays in July and August: 15h-21h (last entry 19h) RESERVATION ONLY – visit to reserve online Tickets: Adults €8; Children €4; Under 6s free; Family pass €25 (2 adults + 3 children)

Got an event for The Bugle? 06 04 17 80 93

This year's Debussy Festival in Argenton-sur-Creuse takes place from 23rd to 26th July at Les Jardins de la Grenouille and takes for its theme - “Debussy, pas classique !” - exploring the composer's instinct to steer clear of classical structures. The Festival proposes two performances by the same artists each evening, starting on Thursday 23rd July with a piano improvisation battle between Jean-François Zygel and Thomas Enhco. Both virtuosos of improvisation, one favours classical and the other jazz. This will be a high-flying match with two pianos where the two adversaries will have to compete in invention and fantasy, while drawing inspiration from the rhythms and patterns of Claude Debussy's music. The following evening sees performances by one of the best mandolinists today, Julien Martineau, accompanied by guitarist Éric Franceries and double bass player Yann Dubost in a programme entitled Latin Paradise. On Saturday 25th, audiences can enjoy the sounds of three wonderful leading musicians: trumpeter Lucienne Renaudin-Vary, accordionist Félicien Brut and bassist Edouard Macarez. To close the Festival, the great clarinetist Pierre Génisson and the magnificent Hermès Quartet will meet for an unprecedented concert of swing and a large repertoire of chamber music from the beginning of the 20th century.

For information and tickets visit

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