Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then Said I,
Be a Witness for Christ to the Nations! FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
Bro. Jeffrey Cruz
Bro. Sandy Soliguen
Sis. Tanya Malilay
Sis. Rosette Perido
Sis. Lorie Torio
Sis. Mabel Grace Soriano
Sis. Jerlyn Delarmente
Pastor Erwin Concepcion
Pastor Christian Alix
Pastor Erwin Concepcion
We would like to acknowledge our brethren who submitted their entries for our 7th cover design edition. Thank you for your labor of love Sis. Rene Rose, Sis. Tanya, Sis. Juny, Sis. Jerna Love, Sis. Cherrie, Sis. Regine and Pastor Welven! We encourage you all brethren to submit your cover design entry in every issue of the Burning Bush! There is joy and delight in serving the Lord with the gifts and wisdom He has given you!
Bro. Juan Paolo Avila
Sis. May Pedico
Sis. Sarah Kay Rodeo
Bro. Juan Paolo Avila
Sis. Juvy Sampang
Bro. Dario and Sis. Amber Lausa
Sis. Cherrie Tuquero
Sis. Lilibeth Concepcion
OBEYING CHRIST - WATER BAPTISM Ptr. Rogil Apostol and Sis. Janice Apostol
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
Editor's Desk
A Blessed 2nd Anniversary to Burning Bush Newsletter!
Contact Us: burningbushteam@aol.com DESIGN ON THE COVER LORIE TORIO Want to share this to a friend? You may preview or download this issue to this link.
October 2015 marks the 2nd Anniversary of Back to the Bible Baptist Church’s very own Burning Bush Newsletter! Two years ago, we were privileged to be part of the relaunch of this publication ministry. As we continue to work intimately as a team — fervent to serve and motivated to mature spiritually, we saw how God marvelously touched our lives, not only by training us to be equipped in the ministry, but more importantly by changing our hearts to be worthy of our calling in His service. All these years the Lord taught us to depend solely on His mercy and grace. Therefore, we experience conspicuous joy in every published issue of Burning Bush Newsletter, knowing that God in His omniscience and wisdom is behind all these accomplishments. We feel so blessed and words are not sufficient to express our gratitude towards our brethren who shared their talents to give support to our Church’s Burning Bush Newsletter. In this issue: Once again, we are honored to present you articles in the light of this Month's Theme: A Witness to the Nations. As followers of Christ, we are beseeched to adhere to the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20). It is a delight that through this ministry we can proclaim the Good News and share God's Word to the world. We pray for every reader to be filled with God's wisdom and spiritual understanding as they go through every page of this Newsletter. We marvel at the opportunity to encourage fellow believers to preach Jesus in all seasons of their life and be partakers of the Gospel with great confidence and fervor (1 Corinthians 9:23-24). God stir your heart with the yearning to be holy before Him and compel your lips to continuously speak of His magnificence! Hence, let us stand fast to become witnesses to all nations that are of great need of deliverance from the bondage of sin, that they may obtain salvation in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. All the praises and glory be unto our gracious, loving and faithful Almighty God Who has immeasurable wisdom and majestic power and the Only Source of all that we have!
Junila Salundagit Editor-In-Chief
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
Dear Brethren & Friends, Approximately two thousand years ago after His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His Disciples several times to reassure them that His promise of return shall be fulfilled. Prior to His ascension to heaven, He gathered all His disciples and commanded them to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), and then He went up to heaven bodily as it says in the Scripture, “So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” It is on that moment that His disciples finally confirmed that their Master, indeed, is the Lord of all, and begun to spread the good news of salvation to the world. Jesus commanded, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Many of us today can testify how we meet Jesus in the Bible in this country and became born again Christian, some through Bible studies, some through friends who shared the gospel to them, and some were convicted during the worship service and received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. According to His mercy and grace, we are all part of His greater plan to save the lost regardless of who we are, where we came from, and which culture we belong to.
“According to His mercy and grace, we are all part of His For His Service, greater plan to save the lost regardless of who we are, where we came from, and which culture we belong to.”
It reminds us of the letter of Apostle Paul to the Corinthian Believers when he said, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building” (1 Corinthians 3:6-9). So when we think of witnessing to the nations, we look at the same way the Lord had called His disciples, the pattern and experience learned by them for approximately three years of rigorous practical training of witnessing to the lost. We are no difference than those early Christians who served Jesus in His time on earth. There might be some adjustments in the way we share the Gospel today because of diversities in geography and culture, but the pattern of reaching out the lost is the same and will never change. It all started in loving the Lord Jesus, putting one’s faith in Him, and looking forward for His final return. Let’s join together hand in hand in reaching the lost for Jesus.
For His Service, Pastor Erwin Concepcion Senior Pastor Back to the Bible Baptist Church gbdesign@emirates.net.ae
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
F o r
The Greatest News Everyone should know
Isn’t it amazing that we will not have trouble sharing the greatest news of all time? Will a doctor not want to tell his cancer patient that the biopsy result is negative? Or someone who just won an Olympic gold medal would keep everything secret to his countrymen? Would a loving mother who just delivered a baby not want to make it known to everybody around her? So why is it that even we have the best news in the world still we are so shy and slow to tell it to others? Most of the time, our problem may be a long list of excuses. Perhaps we don’t know the gospel well enough or maybe we think it is someone else’s job. It is the work of the Pastor or missionary, or the common excuse which goes like this: “Uhm, I fear that people will reject me, I’m sure they will not accept the gospel message. I haven’t memorized verses, and even if I do, they will tag me as too religious… Oh no, I will be an outcast! ” and so we keep our mouth shut. But you know what? Maybe it can be as serious as – the lack of love to God and compassion to others. I think most of the time, the very reason we don’t evangelize is because we forget the heart of the message we bear. We forget that it is the Lord’s will and pleasure to make His gospel known. Jesus wants sinners to be saved. “He came to seek and to save that which was lost!” (Luke 19:10, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:4-6). In fact, heaven rejoices over one sinner that repents (Luke 15:7, 10). So, we are not surprised to find through the book of Acts that in the early church, many believers evangelized diligently from house to house telling the good news about the Lord Jesus (Acts 8:1-4, Acts 11:19-21). It is crystal clear in the bible that we are commanded to love others. It is an important part of the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37-39). We preach Jesus because we care about the people. We want them to experience the real joy in the presence of our Savior. We must understand that there is NO other way for them to experience eternal life, the forgiveness of sin and the deliverance from the penalty of hell. Therefore, there should be a great emphasis to point them to the finished work of Christ on the cross; the only way to be saved is by trusting Jesus (Romans 10:9, 13). So now, the challenge for all of us is, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? How shall they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14) “So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) They need to hear it from us, be the light to others! BB
“We preach Jesus because we care about the people. We want them to experience the real joy in the presence of our Savior.”
Pastor Christian Alix Associate Pastor Back to the Bible Baptist Church ianalix.id@gmail.com
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
s Peter later wrote to a church, ‘In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord’ (1 Peter 3:15, 16). The most fundamental element in witnessing to Christ is that we are in a right relationship with the Son of God, that He is our Lord over everything in our lives, over every interest, every concern and every affection. We must make sure that we acknowledge that He reigns on the throne over our hearts. Witnessing is not a matter of gaining people’s attention by some striking ploy, dramatic words, a technique, or a method. There is something more fundamental than that. Are we right with God? Because if we are then nothing will prevent us speaking a word for him, and if we are not we will be incompetent and disinclined to bear witness. Our guilty silence will not be due to the absence of a dramatic hook on which to hang our words, or that we have failed to take a course in witnessing, or that we are not quick-witted enough, but that we are not right with God. The way to sort that out is to consider afresh the glory and greatness of the Christ who saved us and see where that relationship has gone wrong. ‘But how can I personally share with others the things that Jesus said?’ What an important question. ‘Invite them to church,’ is one answer, but hearing the message of Jesus does not happen if public indifference to Christianity is resulting in a permanent dumbing down of our worship. The entire framework of our worship has to serve everything that Jesus said. The indifferent world must have explained to them all the things that Jesus said about such things as what is coming out of the heart of man, and the reality of the judgment of hell that awaits the unconverted, and the universal need of a birth from above. And what goes on before the preacher announces his text serves to clarify and endorse this explanation of Jesus’ teaching. In other words, the preparation in praise
and prayer for the climactic proclamatory aspect of worship also has to speed home the message of the same God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as well as the deity of Christ. Should the church become a concert, a debating society, a series of endless trailer announcements for the ‘real’ meetings which are going to take place during the week, or when it has B-list celeb interviews, or the performance of witty personalities with jolly handovers between worship leaders and preachers then it becomes more difficult to carefully explain all that Jesus said, and apply the consequences of his serious words to all the congregation. We expect serious places to be serious, and so, just occasionally, a little dull. If that dimension of awe is extracted then a church has lost its point and the great commission cannot be effectively fulfilled. We don’t want the leaders of the church to extract the reverence and godly fear from hallowed places in the name of accessibility. We wish the church leadership would take very, very seriously the words of the Great Commission. Most of all we are to cultivate a dependence on the Holy Spirit, intuitively to invoke his help, and at every moment of crisis seek for his energy and insight. There will come many occasions when we are facing situations we’ve not foreseen. We have no prepared answers. We lack any formulae and the answer then is to know what you believe and to learn to depend on the Spirit of the living God to give you words and tell you what to say. Without him we can never fulfill the requirements of the Great Commission. With him we can do more than conquer; we can gather new recruits who will speak for Jesus far better than we do ourselves. Excerpt of an article reproduced with permission from the Banner of Truth website www.banneroftruth.org
Rev. Geoffrey Thomas has been the minister of Alfred Place Baptist Church in Aberystwyth, Wales, since 1965. Born in 1938 in Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, he became a Christian as a teenager in his home church, the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Hengoed, in 1954. After grammar school, he read Biblical Studies, Greek and Philosophy at Cardiff University (BA, 1959). He found fellowship in the Inter-varsity Fellowship group, and was influenced by the ministry of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and reading books such as J. I. Packer’s Fundamentalism and the Word of God, Whitefield’s Journals, Lloyd-Jones’ Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, and J. C. Ryle’s Holiness. At this time he also began to take The Banner of Truth magazine, which he has since served as Associate Editor. 6
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
Why Christian Should Do SOUL-WINNING Pastor Erwin Concepcion
Soul winning is starting a conversation with an unsaved person, sharing God’s plan of Salvation with him from the Bible, so that he clearly understand HOW he receive Christ as his Savior, and have eternal life. It is leading a person to Christ.
SHOULD WE DO SOUL-WINNING? These reasons must be firmly grounded in our minds, and we must teach them to every person that we disciple as soon as possible. 1. God commands us to “Go and preach the gospel to every creature”. (Mark 16:15) 2. That is why Christ came. “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost”. (Luke 29:10) 3. We shall ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ to receive REWARDS for faithfully serving Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:10) 4. Because of HELL, Heaven is SWEET, and JESUS SAVES”. (Luke 16:19-31; Mark 9:42-48) 5. THE LOVE OF CHRIST compels us. (2 Corinthians 5:14) 6. People are BLESSED by being saved and becoming a new creature. (2 Corinthians 5:17) 7. God has given us the MINISTRY (job) of Reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18). This job is to bring God and man together. 8. We are AMBASSADORS for CHRIST. (2 Corinthians 5:20) 9. So Christ will say to us: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21). 10. Soul-winners are the BEST Christians. (Matthew 4:19) 11. Soul-winners will shine as the stars forever. (Daniel 12:3) 13. So that we will not be ashamed before Christ. (1 John 2:28) 14. There is a great need, but few laborers (soul winners). (Matthew 9:36-38) 15. JESUS was a soul-winner. (John 4; Luke 19:10) 16. We have very little time to do soul-winning (John 9:4). We cannot do soul-winning in heaven, only on earth. 17. Soul-winning and Disciple-making is the only hope to save our country from sin, judgment and bad government. (Ezekiel 22:30) 18. We will PERISH without a VISION of Soul-winning and Disciple making. (Proverbs 29:18) 19. Soul-winning glorifies Christ. When people get saved, they praise God.
20. Soul-winners are WISER, know the Bible BETTER, and have LESS FEAR. 21. GIVE (the Gospel) and it shall be given unto you (Luke 6:38). Look after God’s interest and He will look after yours. 22. To plant and build Soul-winning churches all over the world. 23. To HURT SATAN and to make heaven rejoice. (Luke 15:3-7) 24. It is a PRIVILEGE that angels do not have. (Acts 10:3-8) 25. Those you win to Christ will thank you in heaven and love you always. 26. God gives greater opportunities for service (in this life and the next) to those who are faithful in little things such as Soul-winning. (Matthew 25:21) 27. It is great to see God uses you. 28. If we do not win them to Christ, the world of cults will win them for Satan. 29. “WOE is unto me, if I preach NOT the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16; Luke 12:47) 30. Soul-winning is the most exciting way to spend your life. 31. You set a MULTIPLICATION CHAIN going the way to have millions of people in it. (2 Timothy 2:2) 32. Jesus is COMING SOON. 33. Soul-winning increases your love for people and for God. 34. Example of Christian in the past is martyrs. (Revelation 17:6) 35. It is the BEST WAY to MAKING FRIENDS. 36. It makes you HAPPY and brings UNITY in the church. 37. You may win a great person to Christ. 38. Our life’s goal should be of great usefulness to God by doing Soul-winning. 39. You may be surprised by the prosperity that will come to you by Soul-winning. (Ecclesiastes 11:6) 40. You can use your modern communication gadgets to reach your unsaved family members and friends to Christ. BB
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
PAYING The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him. Proverbs 20:7
ust like Mother's day, Father's day celebration is one of the most anticipated activities in BBBC calendar but this isn't just a day for dads to get more ties. Why do we celebrate Father's Day? The idea of a special day to honor fathers and celebrate fatherhood was introduced from the United States. There, a woman called Sonora Smart Dodd was inspired by the American Mother's Day celebrations to plan a day to honor fathers. In USA, Father's Day has been celebrated in June since 1910. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, but it is also celebrated widely on other days. Many men desire to be good fathers, but the criterion that really counts is whether or not they are godly fathers. Here are four Biblical principles that, by God’s grace, will lay a sound foundation in helping fathers become godly. First, godly fathers are first godly men. Children must be able to see an example of Christ in their fathers. Paul says to his spiritual children in 1 Corinthians 11:1, "Be followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." Until men by faith follow in the example of Christ themselves, they cannot be godly examples for their own children. Those who follow Christ in thoughts, attitudes, and actions are those who have the right and Biblical ability to properly train and disciple their own children. Second, godly fathers love their children unconditionally. Unconditionally is a significant word. It implies that love is not merited or earned and that the father’s treatment of his children is not dictated by what they can offer him in return. Third, godly fathers train their
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
TO OUR GODLY FATHERS Bro. Juan Paolo Avila
children how to love and honor God. The willingness and ability to train in righteousness is the call of every godly father.
says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Fourth, a godly father seeks to give his children good gifts such that his children are blessed through him. Of course, love and discipline and the training of the Lord in righteousness are blessings of eternal value, but godly fathers go beyond just spiritual gifts to seeking to give good gifts of all kinds. This year's Father's Day celebration is extra special because there are 4 members that are soon-to-be fathers. Right after the worship service, video presentation for fathers was played. The kids gave their messages to their dads and you can vividly see how elated they are. Then sweet voices of TWs echoed in the room as they render songs entitled "Hymn for Father's Day" to greet the fathers and "Dare to be Daniel" to challenge them to be like the courageous Daniel who took the stand in the Name of his living God. Pastor Erwin Concepcion asked the fathers to gather in front for prayer of blessings. As a gift to the fathers, they received a tie. Thanking the Lord Jesus Christ for being faithful to the fathers of BBBC! All praises to Him. BB
A Lesson
for Servant Leaders in the Upper Room
Bro. Jeffrey Paul Cruz
n the upper room, the Master rises from supper, girded Himself with a towel after laying aside His garments. A HeLesson takes water and pours in a basin, in the Upper Room for a Servant Leader kneeling down before His disciples, He begins to wash their feet and wipe them with the towel wherewith He is girded. And after a short discourse with one of the disciples, named Simon Peter, the Master has taken His garments and sits down and ask them, “Know ye what I have done to you?” (John 13:1-12) Our Lord Jesus has given His disciples this amazingly divine example and so, for us also today. We ought to serve one another with humility and love and regard ourselves as the servants of each other. On May 8, 2015, in Samaya Hotel Deira, new BBBC Servant Leaders and newly formed committee called BBBC Membership Committee are presented in front of the Church Congregation. Bro. Melvin Caba and I humbly accept the wonderful opportunity to serve as the new servant leaders or deacons in Back to the Bible Baptist Church. The congregation witnessed as the Church leadership headed by Senior Pastor Erwin Concepcion and Associate Pastor Ian Alix, together with other servant leaders welcome and pray for us in this great yet humble work to serve the people of God in BBBC. Bro. Melvin Caba is now the servant leader in charge of the BBBC Evangelism and Mission Department while I am assigned to serve in BBBC Stewardship Department. Likewise, for the BBBC Membership Committee, Bro. Rey Bornales is called to be the committee leader. Together with him in this service are the committee members which include me, Sis. Erlani Maningat, Sis. Tiny Salcedo, Sis. Mimi Perez and
Sis. Angeli Cruz. Two of the key objectives of the newly formed committee, are first, to provide prospective members with information about membership in cooperation with the church leadership and second, to be in touched with church members, both old and new, to become acquainted with the areas of opportunities wherein they can serve in various church ministries. The BBBC may have new servant leaders, but there is a lot of work that needs to be done, and more servant-hearts are needed. Truly, to be given an office and responsibility to serve in a church is not an easy task but in light of this, let us cling to what Jesus Christ teaches us from the lesson in the upper room that a heart of servant is to ground oneself in humility and love towards one another. One may be called a leader, but he is more of a servant because in the Kingdom of our Great Lord, He says in
Matthew chapter 20 “But whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:” Glory be to the Lord God Almighty. BB
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:3-4
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
IN PURSUIT OF Sis. May Pedico
n such ways that can bequeath glory to Him, the Triune decorator, fashion designer, author and poet. Moses is an God marvelously created us human beings, the pinnacle example of a melancholic in the Old Testament times. amongst His creations in His own image and likeness The Phlegmatic (Revelation 4:11, Genesis 1:27). Every one of us is like Mother's day,and Father's day celebration is uniquely formed andustframed; fearfully wonderfully as With their dry humor, partners Sis. Catherine Linsangan of the Regardless most anticipated described in Psalmone 139:14. of our activities individual in BBBC and Sis. Erlani Maningat broke the silence and seriousness when it differencescalendar as Christ’s ourselves andmorewas butones, this we isn'tmust just understand a day for dads to get ties. their time to discuss their temperament. The second our brethren and change our obnoxious behavior to serve our temperament is the tremendous introvert Phlegmatic who has a Why do we celebrate Father's day? The idea of a special Master Jesus Christ efficiently and harmoniously in the church. In gracious and tranquil spirit. She works well under pressure and dayof this to reality, honor fathers and Spirit celebrate fatherhood wasso little anger that she may live her entire life never be the vividness God the Holy channeled the has True Womanhood leaders come up with the conceptual idea introduced fromtothe United States. There, a woman called angry. All who know her admire her easygoing, never-get-upset, of a TrueSonora Womanhood Day that well-balanced temperament. Being calm and dependable, Smart Dodd wasfeatures inspiredthe by Temperament the American Mother's Awareness. good-natured and easy to get along with, cheerful and pleasant Day celebrations to plan a day to honor fathers. In ifUSA, she doesn’t have much to say, kindhearted and loving are her It Father's was aboutDay 4:15has in the afternoon of Saturday, 20 thsince of 1910. been celebrated in June strengths. Inclusive in her weaknesses are lacks self- confidence, June, 2015 whencountries the program was called begin. of pessimistic and fearful, worrier, rarely laughs aloud, passive and Many celebrate it on to theformally third Sunday June, With our dynamic TW hosts Sis. Joy Obillo and Sis. Arabella indifferent, compromising and self righteous. Her occupations but it is also celebrated widely on other days. Many men Mojica, the humid afternoon was made alive by chortles and and hobbies are homemaker, parent, bookkeeper, counselor, desire be good but the criterion that really laughs! This duo, to possessing the fathers, active personalities conquered elementary teacher, reluctant leader, administrator, seamstress the room and withistheir exuberant gestures contaminated the rest Hereand counts whether or not they are godly fathers. aresecretary. The famed father of faith Abraham is a biblical of the TW.four All Biblical are then principles attentive tothat, Sis. Eng Concepcion as she example by God’s grace, will lay a of a phlegmatic person. gives the introduction of the temperament after the sequential sound in helping fathers become godly. First, flow of the usualfoundation program which is prayer, opening songs, ThetoCholeric godly fathers are first godly men. –Children must be able opening remarks and welcoming of visitors the preliminary Then, the strongest among the four temperaments which parts of thesee program led by assigned Women. an example of ChristTrue in their fathers. Paul says to his is Choleric turned up in front. With the powerful manifestation in spiritual children in 1 Corinthians 11:1,fundamental "Be followers oftheir me, personas, the best buddies Sis. Dors Soriano and Sis. What is Temperament? noun. The Rochelle groundwork presumed be follow evenofas character, I also am ofgenerally Christ." Until men bytofaith in Maloles made Manama Villa 7 silent as their booming voices mightily conquered the place. In addition, Sis. Rochelle biologically determined and existent early in life, inclusive of the example of Christ themselves, they cannot be godly gave the fresh testimony of her pregnancy and so all are mindful traits like emotional reactiveness, energy level, reaction examples fortotheir own children. Those who follow Christ andinenthralled. Choleric is a super extrovert temperament. She tempo, and motivation explore. thoughts, attitudes, and actions are those who havehasthea dynamic personality. A natural born leader that rarely (Ref.: http://psychologydictionary.org/temperament/) right and Biblical ability to properly train and disciplehesitates their to tell others what to do – whether she is qualified or Psychology classifies people into two: 1) introvert and not, describes the Choleric. Counting her strengths are strongown But, children. Second, godlyspecific. fathers Under love their 2) extrovert. temperament is more the children willed and self-determined, optimistic, self-sufficient, fearless and unconditionally. significant introvert are Melancholic andUnconditionally Phlegmatic and isonathe extrovert word. boldIt while her weaknesses are violent anger problem, highly are Choleric and Sanguine. As is ournot guide to this seminar, we have insensitive to the needs of others, unemotional and implies that love merited or earned and thatopinionated, the the book father’s entitled, treatment Spirit-controlled by the by cold, of his Woman children authored is not dictated what little appreciation for aesthetics, unsympathetic and harsh, famous Christian writer, speaker and women’s ministry leader, impetuous and violent and disgusted by tears. Her occupations theyLacan offerIthim return. Third, fathers train their Mrs. Beverly Haye. is soin beneficial to us godly that we are so and hobbies are strong leader, professional career, president of grateful for the wisdom God graced to the writer to pen it! On women’s work, home entertainer, executive secretary, participant the contrary, as I move forward, make an effort to discover what in athletics, administrator, high school teacher, crusader, and blend of temperaments you are! political activist. In the Bible, Apostle Paul modeled choleric temperament.
The Melancholic The first temperament is the Melancholic. In perfect tandem, Sis. Cathy Concepcion and Sis. Mai Espanar subjugated the facade as they discuss the temperament. Melancholy is the richest of all temperaments. Generally, she is naturally gifted and has a high IQ. Among her strengths are that she loves music and art, has rich and sensitive nature, has analytical ability, is emotionally responsive, and a deep and reflective thinker. However, to her weaknesses belong being moody and gloomy, pessimistic and always looking for the negative, likes to suffer, acts as a martyr, hypochondriac, introspective to the point of being harmful, depressive and proud. By occupations and hobbies, melancholic is an artist, musician, culinary arts, accountant, beautician, spectator at athletic events, educator usually in Math, Science or English, interior decorator, fashion
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
The Sanguine The allies, Sis. Mabel Grace Soriano and Sis. Arriane Intal with charming countenance and jam-packed vigor once again made the women vivacious as they presented their Sanguine temperament which is the fourth. Sanguine is the super extrovert temperament with a fun-loving personality who is always the life of the party. Her warm and happy disposition is contagious. Her strengths are being warm and lively, charismatic, talkative, carefree, compassionate towards others, great storyteller, lives in the present, infectious conversationalist and unusual capacity for enjoyment. On the other hand, her weaknesses are that she dominates conversation, not attentive, weak-willed and has a little conviction, seeks credit and approval, enjoys people and then forgets them, makes excuses
for negligence, talks too often about herself and forgets promises and obligations. Her occupations and hobbies involve being an actress, women’s speaker, sales woman, visiting and caring for the sick, good cook, volunteer work, loving mother, foster home parent, leader, and receptionist. A good illustration is Apostle Peter. Beloved readers, among the four temperaments can you now spot what blend are you? Shaped in different blends of temperaments, we should heartily accept and embrace ourselves’ positive aspects for they are our strengths. Concerning the negatives, they can be developed to positives if and only if as a Christian you will let God the Holy Spirit control yourself. Certainly, you read it right! Only the Holy Spirit has the transforming power to change man’s negatives into positives! It is not automatic because one is a Christian! Change will just take place if you connive with the Holy Spirit. You have the ability to overcome your weakness. As a Christian, the choice is yours. –Beverly La Haye Furthermore, all temperament speakers talked about temperaments and communication, temperaments and love life, and serving the Lord with one’s temperaments. Alternate of special number graciously sang by Sis. Sarah Nena, games prepared and conducted by TW from Karama, trivia researched and questioned by Sis. Lani Maningat and kitchen and cooking tips discussed and in application demonstrated by Sis. Razel Jope is subsequent to every temperament presentation.
The Secrets of a Spirit-controlled Woman For the denouement, I handled the discussion of the Secrets of the Spirit-controlled woman. To enumerate the five, here they are: 1) Receive God’s offer of salvation by inviting Jesus Christ into your life, 2) Live in the absolute control of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18), 3) Read the Word of God regularly, 4) Learn to develop a mental attitude of prayer and last but not the least, 5) It is essential to seek to do His will. A Spirit-controlled woman doesn’t seek her own will but rather by faith she seeks the Will of God through prayer and Bible reading. To be Spirit-controlled is God’s command and thus, should be visible by the fruit. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 Eventually, as we completed the day, most of us if not all might have identical thoughts in mind – my cup runneth over! We have all the merits of the program from those women God used to convey the knowledge we need to deal over with ourselves and the people within our reach! Undeniably, God was magnified in our midst!
Soli Deo Gloria! By God’s grace, we desire to obey Him as we gain understanding from Him and His Word to be the women He designed us to be in diverse phases and seasons of our lives. May He set a continuous longing and conviction in our heart –the relentless pursuit to be Spirit-controlled women in our changing times! BB
Sis. Cors Soriano tackled the challenges of life for a Christian woman in different stages of life. Her subject jointly stuffed with her advance experiences in life was effectively delivered with a well-modulated tone of voice. The message served as a challenge for us how to be godly in the gradually escalating stages of life. In True Womanhood Ministry, We are women reaching out women for God’s glory! This is our heartbeat!
Sis. Rochelle discusses about the choleric.
11 Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
Authored by Beverly La Haye
TW are enjoying the game!
Be in
Sis. Sarah Kay Rodeo
Music is a vocal or instrumental sound (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. Music affects your mind and thoughts; sometimes it can affect our feelings or emotions, and most of the people listen or create music to express themselves. Who created music? Why is it created? Is it to make us happy? Satisfied? Contented? Or is it a stress reliever? In Christian world, what is the true meaning of music? Is it the way to evangelize those who are lost? Or does music be the way to salvation? At first, all I know is that it should be solemn, lyrics should be about God, and it must be in accordance with the Bible. The music seminar is an eye opener especially to the youth who are vulnerable and wrestling with various attacks while sojourning the day to day life here on earth. Music has a big impact in one’s life. Yes! It can affect one’s mood, thinking, and expression of oneself. Christian Sojourners a ministry of the young Professional Singles of The Back to the Bible Baptist Church held a “Music Seminar” last June 5, 2015 that was conducted by Bro. Sidney Guiang in Manama Villa 7.
What is Music? Music is a creation of God (Revelations 4:11).
He created its elements – pitch, rhythm, harmony etc. God did not create the styles of music, in the same way like He created barley but not the beer. Nowadays, we have many styles of music like RnB, Rock, Hard Metal, and Pop which are not pleasant to ears and affect the emotion of one’s listener. In the Old Testament, music was used to worship and praise the Lord God. Its purpose is to glorify and honor Him. Nowadays, sadly it is used just to have fun and enjoyment, to satisfy their feelings and emotions, and there are others who listen to songs just to be updated with the latest in music scene.
Music is a gift from God (James 1:17).
Music was entrusted to us by God and not the sole possession of any person. We are responsible to use music in such a way that is pleasing Him.
Music should be used to praise the Lord (Book of Psalms).
Music of worship should exalt the Lord. Sacred music should not be created or used to exalt man to appeal the old sin nature, as it is an act of worship (giving and humbling).
Music should be used for instruction in spiritual matters (Colossians 3:16).
Sacred music should appeal to the mind and not just the emotions or body. Music cannot be the way to one’s salvation, evangelism through music is not effective as it is not based on how you feel for you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Music may be used for other everyday activities.
We may use music for enjoyment; we do not have the right to allow sinful, worldly influences into our lives. As the seminar goes, the speaker discusses as well, the secular music. It makes one guilty of songs or music they listen to. Not all song that has the lyrics “God” is considered as Christian music. This is really an eye opener to all because music affects how we live and our lifestyles. Many attendees of the seminar were convicted that night. It left a question that marked in each of our heart. As a Christian, are you living a holy life? Bro. Sid also tackles about the right beat as many Christians are not aware of it. We should be cautious about the world’s music that consist a lot of syncopations. Generally speaking, they need to be avoided for it will influence us and might as well lead us to play our musical instrument with no difference to our earlier favorite worldly band or singer way back when we were unbelievers. It’s a matter of choice; will you choose to live a life in tune with God or a life conforming to what the world demands (Romans 12:1-2)? God created His creations to glorify Him (Revelation 4:11). We must serve as good examples. It will start with us – you and me! Music is one of the many aspects to show our beliefs. Lastly, the common wise saying says, “what you believe, affects how you live”. As Christians, we should be giving the world the right view of Christianity, the right beliefs of real followers and children of God (1 Timothy 4:12). Choose the right kind of music! Be in tune with God! BB 12
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
LORD’S Young Flock Ministry: Its Beginning Bro. Juan Paolo Avila
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
The church does not cater adults only that want spiritual guidance and growth, it is also for children that need God's Word to mold and prepare them when they grow old. I am thanking the Lord for giving me the opportunity to sit and have a one on one interview with Sis. Rememdios Concepcion, one of the founders of Lord's Young Flock or LYF Ministry. The following questions and answers will enlighten you about this ministry:
1. Who initiated the children's ministry? Sis Nene Tupas, Pastor Jogli Tupas' wife initiated this ministry. She has the desire to equip the kids in the church with the Word of God. But when they left for the Philippines, she assigned me to be the head and look after the kids since my daughter Anya is part of the children's ministry along with Paulo and Richard.
2. When did it start? Where is the first venue? What are your activities before? It started in 2004, the same year when BBBC was established. Since the Friday Worship Service is in Manama, I gather them in a small space upstairs to share bible stories. We don't have many activities before compared today. After they have listened to bible stories, I will let them play and wait for the worship service to be finished.
3. What struggles did you encounter during the first few years of handling this ministry? How did you overcome them? The very moment I accepted to be the head of this ministry, that moment is a struggle for me. I am very hesitant because I was a new believer then, I don't have much to share about the Bible. I also faced issues such as time for myself and time for the Lord because I cannot attend Friday Worship Service. I don't have a substitute teacher. It took me years to actually love this ministry. But through fervent prayers to our Lord God, I overcome the challenges I encountered. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing".
4. Why LYF? I came up with the idea LYF, pronounced as "life" because Jesus is life and it stands for Lord's Young Flock.
5. What advice can you give to those who are willing to be teachers? He or she should have dedication or commitment, lots of patience and love for the kids. This ministry has blessed me in all aspects of my life especially spiritual. It equipped me with bigger ministry which is outside the church and has molded me to become a better person. I had a wonderful time talking with Sis. Eng for I have come to know her more as a person. Moreover, as one of the new head teachers of LYF, I am pleased to be acquainted with some basic essential information about it. Recently, LYF has grown in numbers – the leaders, head teachers, teachers and kids. We have a total of more or less 50 kids in the church excluding the babies. With the God-given desire and by His grace, the leaders and teachers continue to give their best in molding the young minds to live in the way of God. It is our vision to have godly leaders tomorrow! Our faithful and Almighty God continue to bless LYF Ministry for His glory! BB 13
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
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STUDY Groups
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Mothers on their Special Day our
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name Bro. Sandy Soliguen of our Lord Jesus Christ; Ephesians 5:19-20
“Honor Christian mothers, instruments of God, raising faithful families, worshipping the Lord. Following His commandments, showing us the way; Love and faith and kindness, teaching us to pray…”
The soaring musical strain of this vibrant hymn sets in a pleasant atmosphere inside the hall, filling the room with resonating sound of a piano accompaniment as Christian Sojourners and the kids of Lord’s Young Flock (LYF) ministry sing their hearts out for a special group song number dedicated to mothers. They were singing the song entitled “Honor Christian mothers”, wound up to be the tribute song for this year’s Mother’s Day Celebration; a homage to all beloved moms of Back to the Bible Baptist Church. This event was held last 8th of May 2015, shortly after the English worship service. The True Womanhood Ministry (TW) assisted in hosting the program, prepared the selection of gifts and token giveaways. One of the program highlights which I believe certainly gave a tug at the mothers’ heartstrings, is the part when their kids greeted, kissed, and handed over each of them a stem of pink rose. Flowers are an aesthetic token of affection. Simple as they are, but surely spot-on as I have read pink rose in particular symbolizes grace and elegance, and often given as a symbol of admiration and appreciation to someone we dearly love.
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In view of this, each passing year we set a day dedicated to mothers, a celebration which is also observed in other parts of the world albeit in different months and dates. From the biblical standpoint, we are commanded by the Lord to obey and give honor to our mothers, and fathers as found both in Exodus 20:12 and Ephesians 6:1-2. Although the bible does not say something about dedicating a day to celebrate mothers, it also does not mention anything that condemns it. As followers of Christ, while we believe that showing love to our mothers or parents should be an everyday expression that flows out naturally from a God-centered family, on the other hand, it is also in good faith that celebrations like this could just be another opportunity for us to thank, pray, and verbally acknowledge how much they mean to us. I believe honoring our parents regardless of our age, circumstances, and achievements in life do validate our obedience and humility as servants of the Lord who promised us life of long blissful years if we keep His command. The program concluded with Pastor Erwin Concepcion’s recognition of mothers, including expectant moms on their special day. Inspiring them with encouraging words and finally lifted them up to the Lord in prayer. Elated and all hearts blessed with the overall presentation for its simplicity, gestures of respect, and sincere hearts of the brethren the way mother’s day should be remembered and celebrated. Good job leaders and coordinators! For everyone’s contributed effort and for the success of this event, Glory to God! BB
Sis. Tanya MalilayOn Being A New Mom
Well? What’s on your mind? Having a baby? Labor? Pain? Scared of giving
birth? Hardship? Joy? Excitement? A wonderful gift from above? Hmm...All of these are coming into our minds when we talk about having a child. Indeed, it is an unexplainable feeling, a mixed emotion perhaps of being scared and being excited but with so much joy. What is more valuable is the responsibility that God has entrusted to us that one precious life. When I gave birth to Eunice, it is like an achievement for me (whoa! I surpassed the tremendous pain!). Oops! Don’t be scared! ‘Coz once the baby comes out, you’ll forget all those pain you’ve just experienced. I’m no different than other moms out there. In my 1st – 2nd month (1st especially) of being a mom, I feel really exhausted – seriously. Staying up all night until the cock crows I barely had a good sleep since I’m breastfeeding her also. I’m attending Eunice personally because I want not only the best but the excellent for her. I see to it that all that she uses is properly cleaned. When she sleeps I’m placing her on my chest near to my heart to be sure that she is very well comforted by hearing my heartbeat. When I recovered my strength, I washed her clothes personally. And when she started to drink formula milk, I’m cleaning her feeding bottles as well. I’m doing it by myself because she’s so precious to me. I’m like a quality controller. I’m happy doing it and so it doesn’t matter if I find it tiring, though. The time has come to choose for me between Eunice and my job and I really struggled on it. I so loved my job and I still have something that I wanted to achieve more in my career. Even before we go home to the Philippines for holiday vacation few months ago, the desire of returning to my career still lingers to me. During our stay in the Philippines, I’ve seen moms desiring to stay beside their child, but couldn’t do it because they need to work for their living. Again, I’ve overlooked the blessing God gives to me. While, I’m still longing to return to my job, other moms are dreaming and telling me how blessed I am to be on my baby’s side 24/7 hours a day. I’ve learned that the heart of every mother is to be at the side of their children, attending their needs and taking care of them. I started to realize how truly blessed I am for God has given me a precious gift (Eunice) and not only that, but also the opportunity to take care of her full time. Eunice becomes my happiness since she was born and I thank the Lord for her each day. “More precious memories together, more laughter to share as she grows.” This is something to be cherished and embraced. I love my current profession and that is a FULL TIME MOM! Thank God for my husband Bro. Angelo that is blessed to provide us our family needs! Praying for God’s guidance and wisdom for all moms like me, rearing God’s precious little ones!
One tiny hand to hold, One tiny life to mold Every good and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17 17
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
onducting is the art of directing a musical performance, by way of visible gestures with the hands, arms, face and head. The primary duties of the conductor are to unify performers, set the tempo, execute clear preparations and beats, and to listen critically and shape the sound of the ensemble. They are the ones who lead and guide a group of singers in order to perform a piece to the best of their abilities. The principal conductor of an orchestra or opera company referred to as a music director or chief conductor, or by the German words Kapellmeister or Dirigent meaning the leader or conductor of an orchestra or choir. Rootswords Kapelle (“choir”, “orchestra”, or originally, “chapel”) and Meister (“master”). Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki Can an ordinary person conduct a choir in the church? Yes, as long as a man is saved and has a good testimony as a Christian! Although, it will not be easy as anyone thinks. I thank the Lord for giving me the chance to interview some of Back to the Bible Baptist Church’s choir conductors wholeheartedly serve the Lord. It is astounding and inspiring to discover the challenges they constantly face in this ministry; how God really works and how amazingly blessed are our dear brethren in giving their best even though they at times, feel less capable and undeserving! Eagerness to practice and learn, offering their gifts to God humility towards the Lord and surrendered heart are some secrets of the brethren leading the choir, standing before the congregation and the Holy God. Standing in front could be nervewracking but through the help of the Holy Spirit, everything is possible as written in Matthew 19:26 “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible”. Here are the interview questions with their corresponding answers:
1. When were you assigned as a choir conductor? Bro. Rain Soliman: April 17, 2015 and the song was “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”. Bro. Joven Consuelo: Maybe around March 2015. Bro. Jay Jope: I failed to remember the exact date I started. However, it must have begun after the congregational song leaders were assigned by the Choir Director. Bro. Sandy Soliguen: Here in BBBC, at least once every two months, but back home in the Philippines, I was already conducting our church choir before I left for Dubai. Bro. Cyril Rodriguez: Since I became a Christian, I cannot actually remember but here in BBBC around the first quarter of 2014. Bro. Sid Guiang: I can’t really remember.
2. What are the challenges you faced in being the conductor? How did you face/resolve such challenges? Bro. Rain: The challenges I encounter being a choir conductor are, first is fear and second is on how I am going to lead the choir, and how will I arrange the variation song. I don’t resolve that challenges alone because music ministry leaders are very supportive and they guide me throughout the practice. I believe God will never fail us if we work for His glory. Bro. Joven: The feeling that you will make a mistake. Of course, Prayer! Bro. Jay: I feel so nervous for the first time and my whole body was shaking. However, I overcome this when they regularly assigned me as a song leader and knowing that I am serving the King of kings and the Lord of lords from the heart and not men. Also, prayer is the weapon. Bro. Sandy: The challenge is to be knowledgeable and capable enough to educate, teach, and even discipline them. Also to achieve unity and aim for excellence not just in terms of vocal skills but most importantly instill a heart for ministry and its true purpose which is to glorify God. Bro. Cyril: The biggest challenge for me is how I, as a conductor, will encourage the choir to bring out and give their best in singing for the Lord. The only thing that I do to resolve it is by teaching them all the knowledge that God gave me in singing, in an approach that will make them feel challenged. Bro. Sid: On how you can direct or make the members follow you. Resolve it through practice. 18
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Choir Conductors Sis. Juvy Sampang
3. What does it take to become an efficient/effective choir conductor?
Bro. Rain: Willing heart to serve the Lord, be part of the music ministry, seek counsel from the music leaders and pray. Bro. Joven: By Practicing to be effective and of course to have time for devotion about the verses related to the songs. Bro. Jay: Remembering always that I am serving the Lord and having the heart to be used as an instrument for His glory. More practice with the choir especially with the pianist. Humble myself. Prayer Bro. Sandy: First the person has to have a heart for the music ministry, then a background, experience and knowledge to be able to teach. It's a big responsibility that only an experienced person can handle and be an effective choir conductor Bro. Cyril: Love for God, for His people and for the ministry. Bro. Sid: To love God more than ministries and everything will follow. If you love God, your time and effort is undivided. One must have patience and leadership skills.
4. How does being a choir conductor developed/ blessed you as a Christian? Bro. Rain: Singing Hymns and Psalms is a form of worship; this has developed me as a Christian in worshiping God. When singing hymns, it makes my heart feel better and prepares me in worship service. As a Christian, I am blessed with the messages of the hymns because they remind me to have hope and courage, to rejoice and lift up my heart to God. In such ways, I get closer to God. Bro. Joven: The anxiety disappears after knowing that I can use my "talent" to serve the Lord. Bro. Jay: My heart is grieving that only few men are serving God through music ministry contrary to the fact that there are so many men in the church. On the other hand, despite of being a sinner and my righteousness is compared to a filthy rag, weak and not worthy before the sight of the Lord, I am blessed that I have an opportunity to serve Him. It is a great privilege to serve the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Bro. Sandy: As a person who has been in this ministry for a long time, it has developed my patience in a positive way. I used to have a very short temper about people, but I learned that teaching or leading the choir requires a good amount of patience which can be developed over time. Bro. Cyril: The joy of seeing the people involved growing in the ministry and being a blessing and an encouragement to others are already great blessings for me. It causes me to love God and the ministry more and more. Bro. Sid: In spiritual aspect, study the song. You become matured at the same time when studying. Just like preaching, before you deliver the message you have to study first. In personal aspect, it requires a lot of patience and leadership skills.
5. What advices can you give to new/ aspiring choir conductor? Bro. Rain: I always remember the word from Pastor Ian, “Remember we have only one audience and that is God“. We don’t please men, we praise God, and God does not give us the spirit of fear so be of good cheer. Be a blessing to others and use the gifts and talents God has given you for His glory. Bro. Joven: The question is who are the aspiring conductors? Just do it for the glory of God. Bro. Jay: The purpose that we still exist in this world is to glorify God. Let God use us. Philippians 1:20-21. Bro. Sandy: My advice for them is to be familiar with the procedures of the practice happening in the choir, then knowledge of music or note reading is a must as formal singing requires it, and then, most importantly the right heart to serve God. Bro. Cyril: Do not be easily discouraged because it takes a lot of faith and patience to be an effective choir conductor. Bro. Sid: Check their selves first. Are they doing that for popularity or for God? If it is for God, then strive for excellence. Since you are the leader, there must be no mistake during conducting/ leading or else it might lead to chaos. Have patience and perseverance. Always remember to give your best for Our Lord Jesus Christ who deserves it. It is not the ability but the availability. You must have the willingness to be used in different ministries and the heart to share your talents and skills for His glory. BB
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CHRISTIAN COUPLES Bro. Dario and Sis. Amber Lausa
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?” -2 Corinthians 6:14
Having godly friends who support and pray for you are gifts from God.
Not only do they have your best
interest at heart, they also lift your spirit up with their positivity towards life which can be contagious. And eventually you unknowingly begin to apply that kind of attitude in your very own life. Surrounded by Christian couples, an amazing group of people can be quite refreshing. Back to the Bible Baptist Church's couples are truly admirable with their hold of Biblical teachings constantly applied to their relationships. Here, couples are willing to lend a helping hand and pray for you in tough times of trouble as a reflection of God's love. The Gameo Fellowship held in Fiesta Pinoy on June 5, 2015 at 4:30pm paved way for introducing the new leaders of Gameo Fellowship. Through fervent prayers of our pastors and church leaders the Lord revealed Bro. Nelson and Sis. Lani Maningat to handle the ministry. This loving couple led us to a fruitful and fun afternoon. The couples are divided into two, the group of the husbands and the group of the wives. Each group discusses the common problems given in three categories which are Finances, In-laws and Quality time. The mechanic of the activity is to list down the challenges in each category and to discuss the suggested solution within the group. Every member is given time to share and discuss personal experiences on how conflicts can be easily resolved. Common problems encountered in married life are discussed and biblical responses on it are sought for spiritual guidance and godly resolution. This is the time when the BBBC couples raised problems which we commonly avoid to bring up to our partners for fear of rejection or making our situation more complicated. Group leaders, Bro. Cyril Rodriguez for the husbands and Sis. Deds Celebrar for the wives, are given sufficient time to read the answers of their group members to let the other group get insights of the ideas and godly perspective they have gathered for a more harmonious relationship within the home. The discussion went to a little constructive argument that surprised us to know that even our church leaders encounter. Knowing that all these obstacles have purpose in our lives, as the scripture said “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28, we realize that these are just a process which makes our relationship and our faithfulness to each other much stronger knowing that our marriage is designed by God that requires the wife to submit to her husband and the husband to love his wife as his life; 1 Corinthians 11:3 “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God”. Then, activity is concluded with the short devotion by Pastor Erwin Concepcion with truly captivating words from God. No Couple is exempted to experience struggles in their married life. Some are easy and some more difficult to handle but God teaches us the greatest weapon in dealing with whatever challenging circumstances we are in. By praying together and yielding to God's power are we only able to work out conflicts and problems as a couple. “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22 BB 20
Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
What One Has to Know about Sis. Cherrie Tuquero
inding out that you have diabetes can be terrifying. But don't panic! People with diabetes can still live long, healthy and happy by simply taking heed to what they eat or drink. Be careful with your intakes! Unfortunately, with all the information available to us in today's modern, high tech world, it's easy to lose sight of the timeless wisdom handed down in the Scripture. In Hosea 4:6, "Many people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because thou has rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me; seeing thou forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children". Then in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end". These bible verses from the Old Testament remind us of where we start our search to regain our health and there are additional 71 verses in the bible about health based on God’s plan. First step is getting education about diabetes. What is Diabetes? It is a chronic condition that occurs when the body cannot produce enough or effectively use insulin. Insulin is produced by pancreas; it is the main key to open the body cells allowing the sugar (or glucose) to enter. As a result, the blood glucose level is lowered and the cells get their necessary food. Glucose (that is in the body cells) is converted into energy needed by muscles and tissues to function. In people with Diabetes, this doesn't work properly. Your body cannot make energy from the food you eat due to shortage or lack of insulin. Sugar stays in the blood instead of going into the cells of the body. This can cause two problems; (a) your cells may starve for energy and then you feel tired and (b) high blood sugar levels may give extra workload to your eyes, liver, kidney, heart, nerves and brain and if these organs are not functioning very well, this will result in mood swings. What are the types of Diabetes; TYPE 1 Diabetes is caused by an auto-immune reaction, where the body defense system attacks the insulin producing cells in the pancreas. As a result, the body cannot produce insulin it needs. It usually occurs in children or young adults. People with this form of Diabetes needs injections of insulin everyday in order to control the levels of glucose in their blood. Symptoms are abnormal thirst and dry mouth, frequent urination, extreme tiredness or lack of energy, constant hunger, sudden weight loss, slow healing wounds or recurrent infections and blurred vision. TYPE 2 Diabetes is the most common type, usually occurs in adults, but is increasingly seen in children and adolescents. The body is able to produce insulin but it is either not sufficient or the body is not responding to its effects, leading to a build-up of glucose in the blood. People with type 2 diabetes may remain unaware of their illness for a long time because it may take years to appear or be recognized, during which the body is being damaged by excess blood glucose. Factors that can contribute to type 2 DM are obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity, family history and poor nutrition during pregnancy affecting the developing child. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is another type of DM in which women develop diabetes during pregnancy. It normally occurs later in pregnancy and arises because the body is unable to make and use enough insulin needed for pregnancy. The baby is already well- formed but still growing. The risk to the baby is therefore
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lower than those those whose mothers have type 1 and type 2 diabetes before pregnancy. Women with GDM still have to control blood sugar levels to minimize risks to the baby. This can normally be done through a healthy diet but insulin or oral medication may also be needed. Gestational diabetes in mothers normally disappears after birth. However, women who have had GDM are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life and babies born to mothers with GDM also have a higher risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes as adults. Since we understand how our body works and how it develops a condition such as diabetes, let us learn how our diet or food affects our daily living. As we know, our Creator has blessed us with taste buds that respond pleasurably to sugar but because of excess sugar we get sick. Adam and Eve did not eat french fries. Moses never had a cheese burger. The twelve apostles never tasted fried chicken skin and barbeque, and the promise land was said to flow with milk and honey not with syrup and soda. God doesn't want us to get sick, but rather he wants us to experience good health by consuming our diet based on healthy foods. The best food choices are high fiber diet that includes whole grains (brown rice or wild rice, sweet potatoes, yams, winter squash, cauliflower mash, rolled oats, peas or leafy greens as lettuce, kale, spinach and arugula). Fresh vegetables (eaten raw or lightly steamed, roasted or grilled). During summer, best fruits for diabetics are stone fruits like peach, plums, cherries, nectarines, fuji and granny smith apples – these fruits have bio-active compound that can effectively fight type 2 diabetes. Citrus, pomegranate and cranberries are best in winter. However, if your blood sugar is uncontrolled, fruits high in carbohydrates and low in fiber should be avoided such as mangoes, grapes, watermelon, pineapple and bananas. But unripe bananas consumed as a vegetable in Asian cuisine are beneficial in controlling blood sugar. Always choose whole wheat products. For protein products – baked, broiled, grilled or stewed meat (fatty portions removed), skinless chicken or turkey, fish, beans, eggs (as per requirement) and nuts. Dairy products 1% or skimmed milk, low fat products of milk substitute (yogurt, cottage cheese) non-fat sour cream. For beverage, we can drink water, unflavored sparkling water, non-fruity mixed drinks, unsweetened tea (add a slice of lemon) and coffee (plain black or with added low fat or skimmed milk). Start your day with a good breakfast to help you have energy as well as steady blood sugar. Do not skip meal especially breakfast. Lastly, don't ignore serious medical issues. Your doctor or dietician can help you manage your condition but divine intervention is much needed. We are what we eat so when we make healthy food choices definitely, it will improve our overall health. Pray for selfdiscipline! BB
Conveying Knowledge to Edit the Best Scene Out Audio and Video Editing Seminar Sis. Rosette Perido
Our talents, skills and even our acquired knowledge are all given by God according to His divine purpose. Moses, for example, taken under the royal training was supposedly to become a ruler and leader of Egyptians. All his abilities and skills were used not to lead Egyptians, but instead to God's people as it happen later on. We are being prepared and trained to be equipped in different ministries to give glory to our Almighty God. The Back to the Bible Baptist Church continually aims and desires to equip its members in order to be used in different ministries as they grow spiritually. To achieve this, classes, trainings and seminars are given by pastors and leaders -praying for wisdom to know what development in certain areas our brethren need.
One of its remarkable features is muting the unwanted noise in the background of a video by separating the sound from the video and replacing it with a clean recorded new sound or music. It would seem difficult but on the contrary quite easy to manipulate.
For the perfecting
After the introduction and discussion of each tool's function we were given an exercise for practical application. We used one of the quite easy to manipulate. videos taken from the Bread of Life Cantata. Our task is to synchronize the voice and the video. It was complicated at first as we need to be prĂŠcised and close to perfect, but everyone successfully accomplished it. The key is giving full attention in order to achieve a good result. The seminar that lasted for 4 hours is packed with knowledge and fun.
of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Ephesians 4:12
On the 10th of July, 2015, God grace us once again with this wonderful opportunity to hone our skills and discover new talents. A seminar on audio and video editing was conducted by Bro. Paul Nena and was assisted by Bro. Angelo Malilay, in Manama Villa 7 and was attended by interested brethren. This is beneficial especially in the ministry that requires audio and video editing.
The software we were introduced to was Corel. It was quite challenging and perhaps a bit confusing. Bro. Paul patiently and methodically introduced the basic tools that will be used mostly in editing. He has shown a couple of sample works he created in pursuance of the user to visually expect the advantage of knowing the program.
22 Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
It is a delightful blessing to have people who willingly share their gifts and talents for God’s glory. We must keep in mind that it is not about the amount of knowledge or how notable our talents are. It is all about our willingness and our passion to be used in God's ministries. BB
Inter BS Fellowship
Sis. Lorie Torio e are living in a chaotic world ruled by its god, Satan ( 2 Corinthians 4:4 ) the cause why we have tribulation (John 16:33) but the Lord Jesus gives us peace and joy as His believers. People may seek joy in different areas of their lives but would be nothing other than fleeting and trivial. But to us Christians, we have the joy far greater than this world offers. Our joy can be found in Christ ―a profound joy that brings hope and respite to our state of mind. And as we live here in this corruptible world, we are blessed to experience glimpses of this Joy through the presence of our brethren. It is summer in Dubai and about 45˚C outside. Despite the scorching heat, different Bible Study groups of Back to the Bible Baptist Church assembled at Fiesta Pinoy Restaurant for our regular Inter-BS Fellowship. The program started with a prayer, followed by a song for the conditioning of mind and heart in preparation for the short devotion given by Pastor Erwin. The exhortation is about 2 Timothy 3:15-16, that says, “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” Unlike the usual groupings of per Bible Study group, this time Bro. Rued, our game master that day, decided to split each team through randomly counting heads by four and gathering everyone according to their number. It was both exciting and refreshing to be joined with other BBBC Bible Study Group members and visitors. The first game is all about the team with the quickest reflex to catch straws. It was 23
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an exhilarating moment as I watched the brethren cheering loudly as if they were in the Olympics. For sure, our Master was pleased seeing this scenario of His children having fun and enjoying our time together as one body in Christ. The rest of the games prepared were as fun and mind stimulating as the first. Like any other competition there can only be one overall champion. Group 1, led by Bro. Jay Jope, bagged the prices with all their exerted efforts and stabilized perseverance. The indescribable joy that we felt that night is like having the heart of a child. This reminds me of what our Lord Jesus said in Matthew 18:3 "… Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Genuine joy can be received when we hope for the Lord like little children, with humility, thirst for His Word and love for Him in every aspect of our lives. It is like little splashes of heaven on earth amidst pains and sufferings as we are being prepared for His Kingdom. The Lord God wants our heart and He is surely glorified if our hearts are filled with joy worshipping and fellowshipping together. The joy that we have in our Inter-BS is like a picture of what will be our future together as fellow believers when we finally meet in heaven. It’s sad to know the fact that a lot of people take their own life because of depression or failing to find that true joy. People should realize that this longing in their hearts can only be filled by our Lord. My prayer goes to whoever read this, that may you find the true joy that we are experiencing now ―that genuine delight which can only be found in a life that is fully surrendered to Jesus Christ and live for His glory. BB
Sis. Lilibeth Concepcion
rowing up in a family with wrong religious beliefs have both positive and negative influence on me. Although I know well that there is one true God and that disobeying Him is considered sin, I also believe that I have to do good things all the time to please Him and to receive answers to prayers that are solely focused on my desires and my needs. I am self-centered instead of God-centered. When I was 12 years old, my mother died due to eclampsia. We were not prepared to lose her. I questioned God why He has to take her and deprive the eight young children of a mother's nurturing care and affection. How could a loving God allow this to happen? What will be our future? In the year 1988, I had the opportunity to travel with my aunt to Manila and there I met Gemma. She is my born-again Christian roommate who invited me to her church – Christian Life Fellowship. For the first time, I heard the pastor preached about God Who loves us (John 3:16) and provided a way for me to be forgiven of all the wrong things I have done, He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. He took the punishment that I deserve, paid the penalty for my sins, and gave me an eternal life. I didn't have to "do anything" to earn his forgiveness (Romans 6:23). I realized then that I am a sinner, and that I needed Jesus to save me. On summer of 1990, I asked God to forgive me of my sins and I accepted Jesus as my Savior. When I die, I am guaranteed a place in eternity with Him. Now I don’t have to question God anymore if He loves me or if He ever cares for my future because I know He does. It's a wonderful thing to trust God that He is at work and in control of 24 Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
whatever happens. I have been a believer of the Lord Jesus for 26 years now but my desire to really get to know Him only began when I got married to an unbeliever turned Christian in 1997. My husband received the Lord Jesus as his Savior, too! He committed his life to God to His calling as a Pastor in the church here in Dubai. To gain more understanding and wisdom in support to my husband's work for the Lord, he ministered to me first. While our marriage is not perfect for we have had our trials and ups and downs, by the grace of our Lord, it is truly blessed. Being married to a man who has a heart for God and is a true servant of God and a son who tests my faith daily, give me more reasons to depend on God. Now, I'm trying my best to perform my roles to my husband and his ministry and to my son in ways that are pleasing to God. I can see God’s immeasurable amount of love and Divine providence for me. I praise and thank Him for that love. All glory, all praises and all honor be unto Him! BB
GOD’S KINGDOM Sis. Mabel Grace Soriano
n the 24th of July 2015, our Friday Worship Service becomes special because of the guest speak who is a missionary in Mozambique. He grew up in Bethel Baptist Church of Valladolid, Negros Occidental and was trained in Bethany Baptist Church of Makati, Philippines. Pastor Moises Escaro started the preaching by sharing his life's testimony and how the Lord God placed him in the Mission Field. I can personally witness how humble and zealous he is in devoting his life in God’s work focusing on declaring God’s “GREAT NEWS” through mission wherein the Lord God brought him and his family. The title of his message is "Enriching the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ through Mission". Through his message I realized that we should have a common GOAL which is to GO; to go to a place which is not familiar, to go to a place where we can only see God’s providence, and to go to a situation that will lead us to depend on God’s grace alone. It is clearly stated on Matthew 28:18-20 that we should GO. Jesus Christ was sent by God the Father to a place which is the world of sinners. Why would the Lord Jesus Christ send us to an unfamiliar place? That’s because God wants us to declare the Gospel. Because He loves the soul of the people! Looking back, we should be grateful to American Missionaries who zealously declared and brought this Truth to our beloved country, Philippines. They sacrificed their comfort zones to declare the Good News to us; they educated us that Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone. In addition, they taught us that Jesus sacrificed himself by dying on the Cross of Calvary for all sinners. He paid the penalty of our past, present and future sins. We do not need to do anything BUT to accept Him as our Lord and Savior to be saved from sin, death and hell. Consequently, it is our duty to declare the Good News of Salvation to the lost. Thanks to those faithful and courageous missionaries! We are the fruit of their labor. You and I do not deserve heaven but God is not willing that anyone of us would perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). We should also be witnesses to the unbelievers! So many are the needs of Mozambicans but the greatest is SALVATION! Romans 3:10 says we are all unrighteous; we are all lost (Luke 10:19)! All of us are filthy rugs, nobody can go to heaven and we all deserve the lake of fire. And with this truth that we are lost (your loved ones, friends, colleagues), we should be moved with COMPASSION for them like what Jesus felt when he saw the great multitude in Matthew 9:36, he stopped and dine with them, healed the sick, provided and fed the starving men, and so many compassionate acts of Christ. Jesus gave them permanent blessing. Likewise, we also as Christians should provide permanent blessing to our families, relatives, friends, and community – the blessing of Salvation. Being lost before does not stop there, we have the Scripture to prove and testify the Salvation. We should be confident in declaring the Gospel as also what Acts 1:8 says, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in
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Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” This means Mission – Partnership with those who can and have the ability to GO. God is the One giving the burden to the believers to go. He wants us to LABOR; to work for Him and for His glory. Luke 9:37, ”Then saith he unto plenteous, but the labourers his The harvest truly responsibility is aredisciples, few;”. Laboring is a GREAT and so comes with it is Grace. We should live holy lives to be effective missionaries. Pastor Moises then reiterated his small works for the Lord from being a Marine Engineer. He started from being the Song book keeper, then song leader, Sunday School Teacher, personal driver of their pastor, and so on and all these were trainings for him to be ready to go. The heartbeat of Jesus Christ is the Mission. He is the first Missionary ever! He left His Throne in heaven to be with us, sinners. If we, ourselves can’t go, our giving can. We should pray for more laborers, God did not choose those intellectual but God looks for someone available, faithful and committed. If there is a burden, surely there is blessing. The blessing of Great Commission is to those who humbly support the missions. They are the ones faithfully blessed by God. When we give, it increases our faith and unity of our church. There is also a blessing of consciousness of Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit is always at work when our mind and heart are set for the expansion of His Kingdom. It’s the Holy Spirit’s work to speak to our hearts to give. And lastly, there is eternal reward in heaven to those who give. Giving is a never ending story of how the Lord God blesses His children. The Bible says that it is MORE BLESSED to GIVE than to RECEIVE (Acts 20:35). It will be a wonderful moment when God will meet us in heaven and welcome us saying, “Well done, my good and faithful servant”. Being FAITHFUL is a huge responsibility. In giving, our faith is being tested on whether we will give or not and if we will, how much. Remember, God is the One who provided those blessings to you (James 1:17) and you can never outgive Him. Come to think that because of His great love to you He freely gave even His own Son, Jesus Christ to die for your salvation. So, the next time you are tempted not to give, mull over how much he has sacrificed for you. Finally, if we invest in the bank of heaven, we will For where your have eternal dividend that cannot be CORRUPTED. treasure is, Contemplate on there will your this: Where are you investing your resources, time, strength and wisdom? That simply shows where be also. Matthew 6:21 your heart is! BB
For the invisible Things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. -Romans 1:20
That The
aterial Culture is a terminology frequently used by archeologist that refers to artifacts or other concrete things left by past cultures. Archeologists study the 'material culture', such as properly excavated site, which may tell about the people who lived there, what they ate, what they believed or how they organized their society. Mr. Ray Vander Laan saw the importance of understanding the Bible in the light of the historical and cultural context. He uses research of the top scholars in the fields of archeology, history, and Biblical study to explore the Biblical text ever more deeply. The 12-volume series of the film That The World May Know by Mr. Ray Vander Laan took place in Israel and Middle East which provides a much profound insight of the geographical settings of the places in the Bible, giving the believers today a keen understanding of the scripture and become more intimately engaged in the experiences of the characters in it. In lieu of King’s Men and True Womanhood Friday School, Pastor Christian Alix introduced and facilitated the series of educational, convicting and inspiring film scheduled for approximately 3 consecutive months. It started on June 12, 2015, from 10:15 AM up to 11:00 AM right after Tagalog Worship, at Samaya Hotel. The objective of the film showing is to help us gain fuller understanding and appreciation of the Word of God by seeing for ourselves the exact places that our Lord Jesus Christ and other godly people have set their foot on. It allows us to visibly experience those fascinating places described in the Bible. In one of the episodes in the series, Mr. Ray narrates how Jesus chose His disciples. You may wonder where could have Jesus found his disciples and you might think that for sure Jesus would look for someone who is rich or famous or someone extraordinary. However, in a place called Bethsaida or specifically known as Fishington in Israel, a very small place where ordinary people live, Jesus found his 5 disciples: Peter, Andrew, James, John and Philip― a far cry from what we would expect. These people were CHOSEN to be Jesus' disciples. God uses ordinary people or even ANYONE according to his Divine purpose. He can use their lives to inspire others and bring them closer to God through the Gospel. It is not about you or what you can do but it is all about God and His love, power and grace. To be His disciple, one must deny his own self, take up his cross and follow Jesus (Matthew 16:24). 26 Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
May know Sis. Jerlyn Delarmente
This series touches many facets of our Christian life, not only by being a worthy disciple but more importantly, the film reminds us of our salvation and the great commission entrusted to us by our Master Jesus, Himself. Our salvation is the greatest gift we received from God. He offers His life to pay the full price of our sins. He redeemed us with His own precious blood on the cross for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins (Hebrews 9:22). We started with repentance from our sins and accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. We believe that He alone can save us from sin, from spiritual death and from hell, putting our faith solely in Him. Consequently, let us allow God the Holy Spirit to control our lives and strengthen our faith to Him by studying and listening to His Word ((2 Timothy 2:15, Romans 10:17). Moreover, we have to declare the good news of salvation first to our Jerusalem which is our close family, co-workers, direct neighbors only you can contact and in all Judaea which are our neighbors, your community, your city and in Samaria which is may be the choleric and sarcastic officemate that you just don’t want to talk with about your faith, may be atheists, gays, or just simply people whose belief is simply opposite to yours or it can be that your Samaritan might just be someone who was sitting at an angle across the passageway in Church last Friday and lastly, unto the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8). Moreover, the bible says in Matthew 28:18-20. 18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. The geographical setting in the Bible mostly took place in the desert, giving us a fair idea of the hardship that they may have experienced. Today, this desert can still be found in our Christian walk but in different forms and in different seasons of our lives. Let us not be discouraged by the hardships that we encounter as we run the race towards holiness in perseverance of proclaiming the one true God (Hebrews 12:1). Instead, see every obstacle as temporary deserts of our life on earth that prompts us to solely rely on God's power and sufficient grace. We are merely sojourning here on earth and the fact is, this world is not our home. Remember that these deserts show us of God's constant presence and love for us (Deuteronomy 32:10), teaching us to deliberately seek God and His will and shaping us to be more like Jesus. BB
CAMBODIA Dear BBBC Brethren,
We always thank the Lord for your partnership with us here in Cambodia for the furtherance of the Gospel and for the glory of God. We thank you for your faithfulness in praying and supporting us. We would like to share the joy and the humbling experience seeing God's marvelous works in the lives of Cambodian people. We give God all the glory for who He is and what He has done! The Lord bless and keep you all! By God's grace and for His glory, Pastor Rogil and Sis. Janice Apostol
Hanges in our lives take place once we come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. Many of those changes take place on the inside-in our heart. But the Bible shows us one step of obedience that all true followers of Christ are expected to take-water baptism. Water baptism is an outward symbol of those inward changes. Cornerstone family is giving God all the glory, honor and praise for His wonderful grace and love! May 10, 2015, we celebrated God’s faithfulness to the lives of five Cambodian believers who followed Jesus Christ through water baptism. We rejoice with them on how God is working in their lives as they continually grow in their relationship with Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Each of them has a testimony to share, their decision has been tested and yet they obeyed.
Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
LIZA KRAUCH and CHAN POR KRAUCH are siblings, both in high school who believed Jesus Christ sometime in 2014 through the church Campus Ministry with the platform, “Teaching English and Math.” God used Vannak and Nary who were so determined for them and shared the good news. From then on, every week and every opportunity possible, in a span of one year, they were follow up sessions for these siblings. Their parents are both buddists. When they knew of the new faith their children have, they tried to stop them from attending the church worship. But as they go to school each day (Monday to Friday), they also come to church each day to fellowship and learn more about God. It is their prayer to God that they will be given opportunity to worship God together with other Cambodian believers. Praises be to God for the decision made by Liza and Chan Por to continue believing and following Jesus despite the strong opposition and persecution. SREY MAO VON is a professional, working with a prestigious Language Training school for professionals in Phnom Penh as a Deputy Marketing Manager. She is originally from Poipet province, boundary of Thailand. Her father died when she was three months in the womb, so she grew up without the opportunity to see him face to face. She moved to Phnom Penh leaving her family for her university studies. She started believing Jesus when she joined the English Camp last 2008. From then on, little by little God is opening doors for her to strengthen her faith. In 2010, God made the way for Rogil and Janice to meet her at Royal University Phnom Penh-Institute of Foreign Languages (RUPP-IFI). That meeting with her led Rogil and Janice to hold the Discipleship Program for her. It took her five years to decide because her mother who is a Buddhist sensed that she’s a believer and in fact warned her. But God gave her the courage and finally decided to be baptized. Indeed victory belongs to the Lord. THEARY YIM is a 3rd year preparatory medical student of International University, Phnom Penh. Corner stone met her through our campus ministry. God used Leakhena, her classmate and friend by introducing her to us. Every week Janice visits her at her boarding house or university canteen teaching the Word of God particularly Creation to Christ using the Story of Hope material. She believed Jesus Christ after almost a year of follow up from November 2013 to 2014. Her great concern is her parents, she’s worried that they might reject her because she thought that becoming a Christian is disrespect to parents. The church continued praying for her and few days before the Baptism Day she stood up, and decided to obey God. This is another testimony of the mighty hands of God working in the hearts of the Cambodians. KANYA SIM is a Grade 10 student in a Christian school in Phnom Penh. This is unusual for Cambodians – Kenya is a second generation Christian in her family. Her father, Mr. Sambath Sim who grew up in a refugee camp in Thailand is the one who shared the Gospel to her. After the Khmer Rouge regime he got a job in Battambang province and eventually moved to Phnom Penh. At an early age she is blessed to have a Christian father who has big influence in her spiritual growth.
27 Burning Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015 Bush / Third Quarter / 2015
8:30AM – 10:00AM 11:00AM – 1:00PM
Sis. Cathy Concepcion 050 4523 550
8:30PM Manama Villa
CHOIR PRACTICE 8:30PM Manama Villa
Sis. Gemini Peralta 055 7920 968 Bro. Jay Jope 050 9417 696 Sis. Cathy Concepcion 050 4523 550 Sis. Aileen Hinojales 050 8893 0683 Bro. Jeffrey Intal 050 2876 209 Bro. Nelson Maningat 055 9366 988 Sis. Haidee Sulitas 055 1096 247 Sis. Jona Delapena 055 5095 248 Bro. Paul Nena 050 5737 034 Bro. Jeff Maloles 050 2069 392 Bro. Bong Cawaling 050 1819 357 Bro. Ric Saquing 056 9518 305 (1st Friday night and 3rd Wednesday night of the Month) Bro. Melvin Caba 050 1637 277 Sis. Cathy Concepcion 050 4523 550 Bro. Rued Almadilla 050 2702 086 Sis. Shirley Guiang 050 3634 894
BACK TO THE BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH Burning Bush / Third Quarter / 2015