Burning bush annual magazine of back to the bible baptist church

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GOSPEL For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16


PASTOR , I am greatly delighted to welcome you to the 12th anniversary of the Back to the Bible Baptist Church! The theme of the celebration is “The Gospel”, rejoicing His continuous goodness and bountiful graces to the BBBC.


In this celebration, we reminisce His sovereign grace when He called us and saved us from the bondage of sin and hell through the Gospel, where it leads us to know that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to shed His blood on the cross for our sins as propitiatory act of mercy for His beloved lost people. 1 John 2:2, “And He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” This work alone is an unfathomable action of grace of an infinite Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient God who is the Author of life, the Creator, and the God Who is in control of this vast universe (Colossians 1:16).

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:” Colossians 1:16

This act of redemption is the result of an immeasurable love to His people, the pinnacle of His creation. Romans 5:8-11 says, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath through Him. For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement (reconciliation).” Through the banner of His saving grace, we celebrate the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ today! The miracle of new life through the Spirit He has given us, the people He used to lead us, the appointed time and place He prepared for us to save and sanctify us for His greater purpose, that His name be glorified! Revelation 4:11 says, “Thou art worthy O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” To God be the glory, and His name be praised! Wishing everyone a happy 12th anniversary! In His Service,

, Pastor Erwin Concepcion Senior Pastor Back to the Bible Baptist Church gbdesign@emirates.net.ae

“We believe that it is the obligation of the saved to witness by life and by word to the truths of the Holy Scripture and to seek to proclaim the Gospel to all mankind.” MISSION STATEMENT BACK TO THE BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES





Therefore said he unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Luke 10:2


It’s wonderful to reflect that 12 years ago God called and gathered a small group of committed people to serve Him; how the Lord gave a burden to one person that prompted him to start a church that we now know as Back to the Bible Baptist Church. As we look back to the years of bittersweet memories of ministering and obeying the Lord’s commandment, we can’t help but think that it is only through the marvelous love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that we were able to materialize the profound yearning to be instruments for His glory. With the resolution to obey God, this church has been blessed to grow both spiritually and numerically which are evident in the expanding ministries and growing numbers of Bible Study Groups.


Our fervent prayer is that the Lord would be magnified through our church and that His great Name and saving grace may be made known and worshiped through our lives. May the Lord’s abounding grace empower and sustain our Church in pursuance to serve Him more with all our strength. We pray for Him to continuously bestow us wisdom as we spread the Message of Salvation to the lost.


Happy Anniversary to us – Back to the Bible Baptist Church!


God bless us all!



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2 FROM THE PASTOR Pastor Erwin Concepcion


4 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK Sis. Junila Salundagit









Bro. Jeffrey Cruz






Pastor Erwin Concepcion

Pastor Erwin Concepcion



Dr. John Piper

Sis. May Pedico



GRACE THROUGH LOSS Bro. Nelson Maningat


36 GOD PLANNED IT ALL Sis. Erlani Maningat



Sis. May Pedico

Bro. Rued Almadilla

Bro. Noel Maningat



Sis. Erlani Maningat

Sis. May Pedico



Bro. Juan Paolo Avila



Burning Bush as the Official Annual Magazine of Back to the Bible Baptist Church has primarily this mission we called 3Es explicitly to Encourage, Equip and Edify the readers; thus, boiling down to point out God’s magnificence. We laud God that in 3 Years, His grace abounds in us, evident of the issues we have already published as seen on the right side of this page. God’s grace is enough and His provision is well-timed in every edition – mere reasons why upon every release, the joy is wholly felt and celebrated. Indeed, by Him all things are possible. All things were made by him; and without him was not any ISSUE #09 ISSUE #06 ISSUE #07 ISSUE #08 ISSUE #10 thing made that was made. (John 1:3) Hence, in awe of His faithfulness as a team working in the vineyard of the Lord, we bring back the glory to the Giver of all gifts – God, Himself! (James 1:17) The Burning Bush Team









Every person wakes up and does something on a regular basis. We call it habit. We build our daily lives around our priorities each day; the same people repeat the same routine over and over. That hot cup of coffee is an integral part of your morning; often times you feel incomplete especially if you ran out of 3 in 1 sachet. Not a good day. For many people, that's how they start right but for me, I found it a very good day when I can intimately pray and thank God and when I can sit back, read my Bible and reflect on what’s God’s plan for me, my family and the ministry. The point is this: as believers, we should make time for what we truly value. We need to build our lives around what truly matters – our relationship with Jesus. What is God’s greatest commandment? Mark 12:30-31And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. If this is His greatest command, we are to pursue a lifelong commitment to get closer to Him, every single day. But let's be practical, maintaining a Jesus centered life in the midst of a busy schedule, where the demands of work and family are challenging. Let me share very simple ways that can help us draw near to Jesus each day. PREACH TO YOURSELF Jesus died on the cross to pay the sins that we can’t ever pay, and has given eternal life to those who will put their faith and trust in Him. Unbelievable grace! And that is the most vital news humanity has ever heard. Now, if the gospel is the greatest news in the world, we need to create ways to immerse ourselves in that truth Every Single Day. The Bible says, we are to meditate the Word of God day and night (Psalm 1:2, Joshua 1:8). We need to speak to our own heart on what matters most, reminding ourselves of the Gospel is the most important daily habit we can establish. MEMORIZE THE GOSPEL The Bible refers to memorizing the Scripture as storing up His Word in our hearts (Psalm 119:11). God wants us to keep his promises into our hearts whatever we're doing. Remember that our battle is spiritual (Ephesians 6:10-12). To win the war over sin and temptation everyday, we are to keep his Words into our memory. We can pull them out and be strengthened by their truth. Now, you might say that you're not good at memorizing the Scripture, but let me tell you this: if you’re committed to something nothing is really hard. The best way to start is with the gospel. Since you have to begin somewhere why not start with the central message of the Bible? Here are some gospel truths you're probably familiar with: Mark 10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. Romans 8:1There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 8:9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. (Additional References: 2 Corinthians 8:9, 1John 4:10, Romans 5:8, 1Timothy 1:15, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 6:23, John 3:16) A God-centered life is composed of God-centered days. Prepare your coffee and start today. BB

Pastor Christian Alix Associate Pastor Back to the Bible Baptist Church ianalix.id@gmail.com



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

Meet Our 12th Church Anniversary

Biographical Introduction: Dr. Joel and Sis. Sarah Arnold were blessed to grow up in godly homes and attended Bob Jones University for college and graduate school. After Joel completed a Ph.D. in Theology from BJU in 2011 and Sarah a Masters in Music Education, they began serving at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College in the Philippines. Their ministry in the Philippines includes three areas: (1) teaching at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College in Quezon City, (2) church planting in partnership with national men, and (3) outreaches to and short-term classes across the Philippines and Southeast Asia. In their first term, the Arnolds focused on learning Filipino, served for several months in the province of Palawan, took an interim pastorate at Gilarmi Fundamental Baptist Church, and taught classes at BJMBC. This last semester Joel taught Bible Doctrines, Daniel & Revelation, Systematic Theology, and Intermediate Greek. The Arnolds are blessed to serve with their three children, Jeremy Daniel, Zachary Jason, and Caroline Elyse. You can learn more about their ministry online.

A Few Thoughts: We are thrilled by the privilege of meeting and ministering to your church, even if only for such a short time. Seeing God’s work in different places around the world is a constant blessing and reminder to us of the many things He is doing. Spending time with his people and fellowshipping around His Word is the greatest privilege we could ask for as we anticipate our time with you this week. In so many ways, this is an undeniable testimony to the power and transformation of the gospel. Since the time that Jesus Christ lived and died on planet earth, the good news of Him has spread from pole to pole. People meet to fellowship, worship, and hear of Him, from North America where I was born to the Philippines where we now serve, to the Middle East where we look forward to fellowshipping with you soon. And yet all of this is just beginning. Jesus’ worldwide reign will someday be complete, universal, and acknowledged by every tongue. When, at last, every knee finally bows before Him, the universal power of the gospel will be evident to all. Ours and yours is merely the privilege of getting started with that worship early. We (tayo) praise Him now as we will do forever, and we invite anyone who is willing to hear to join us in that worship, before it is too late. Thank you so much for your hospitality in having us, and your burden for God's work as you serve and walk faithfully with Him. We look forward to seeing and learning more of what God is doing among you there.

Dr. Joel Arnold Anniversary Guest Speaker Bob Jones Memorial Bible College Philippines


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


BBBC Homiletics Class 2015-2016 Bro. Jeffrey Paul Cruz


irst century Christianity is embattled with overwhelming trials and persecutions because of their faith in the Resurrected Christ. These relentless attacks come in all sides, even inside the early Christian community. The enemy’s subtle attacks are not only in swords and arrows or burning sticks, but by words of teachers that bring damnable heresies (2 Peter 2:1). The Apostle Peter describes the way of these false teachers as covetous, that through “feigned words make merchandise of you” (2 Peter 2:2). They would even deny the Lord Jesus Christ; hence, lead their listeners to inevitable destruction (2 Peter 2:1). Likewise, the Apostle Paul warns Timothy of the same (2 Timothy 4:3), “for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.” The Word of God warns that His judgment will not come short on false teachers. That a time will come that they will be cast down to hell, and be delivered unto chains of darkness (2 Peter 2:4). Though forewarned, up until today, the 21st Christianity is not spared by these heresies brought about by false teachers who pervert the Word of God for their own gain. The Word of God is holy, powerful and life-giving and handling it loosely and carelessly would rather bring destruction in the life of the listeners. Thus, a preacher is much accountable in delivering God’s Word to His people in all of its truth and entirety. A preacher is instructed to rightly divide the Word of truth and avoid errors in delivering God’s Message. It entails discipline, love and heart-felt desire to learn to be a student of the Word. There is a saying that a preacher is not made overnight, like a tree he needs time to grow and blossom. Homiletics is one of the most important foundational knowledge that a preacher should possess and Back to Bible Baptist Church acknowledges its significance that is why it has continued the noble desire to hone its members to be new generation preachers through Homiletics class or study. The class started in 2015, covering the first chapter that is the Introduction in Homiletics. After which the class moves to the second and final chapter of the lesson, that is main focus of the whole study. Some of us may have heard about this as the preferable style and disciplined in preaching – the Expository Preaching also known as Exegetical Preaching. The Bird’s Eye View of Expository Preaching (Based on Homiletics Student Manual) Before reading below please note that these general points in Expository Preaching can also be used in personal devotion and bible study. Expository Preaching or teaching is an explanation resulting from a thorough study of the Word of God, based on sound hermeneutical rules of literal, grammatical, historic interpretation of any given passage/ verse (generally a paragraph or paragraph thought) homiletically (sermon) arranged to bring out the salient features of that passage. Furthermore, application(s) must be made to the hearers which should be consistent with and arising from the correct explanation of the passage.




Research by principles of interpretation – failed to interpret one’s study is to fail to explain correctly in one’s preaching. Every theological student needs a course in hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is the study of principles and methods of interpreting the text of the Bible. It is equally important foundational knowledge to every theological student (or bible readers).


Arrangement of the passage – arranging into logical and homiletical (sermon) divisions for a clear presentation of the salient truth of the passage.


Actual delivery – the method of presentation will be an “Explantionary” exposing/expounding of the passage. Every preacher is reminded that “you preach to make things clear.”


There is an Application to the hearts of the listeners of the truth which has been explained for their rational understanding. To fail here is to fail in fully obeying the command – “Preach the Word.” Key thought to remember is “there must be changes in the heart of the listeners.”


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

The Error Through

Expository Preaching in Expository Preaching – Applications of Sermon Structure 1) Read – rationally the written Word of God is ought to be read. To read the Word is to meditate upon it (Psalm 1:2). Read the chosen texts or verse/s many times and in due course the wisdom from the Word will be revealed. Such wisdom that is given through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. NOTE: Everything should start in Prayer. 2) Interpret – in interpreting the text, it is important to remember the golden rule – that Context Rules. Interpret the text in light of the context. The texts (verses) that precede and succeed the text under consideration must be taken into account. Cross examine the text by answering the 5 Ws and an H (who, what, where, when, why and how). This will lead you to answer valuable facts in analyzing the context of the passage and avoid losing the entirety of the message. 3) Illustrate – to give illustration is to make pictures to your words. It drives the lesson into the minds of the listeners. It is important to remember that the illustrations must fit the theme and unity of the message. 4) Life Application – very important part of the sermon; this is where the divine truth of the Word is instructed for our daily lives. After all, the aim of every preaching is to change the life of a person, inclining it in the commandments of God.

The Graduates with Pastor Erwin Concepcion and Pastor Ian Alix: Bro. Joven Consuelo, Sis. Junila Salundagit, Pastor Welven Salundagit, Sis. Ailyn Regencia, Bro. Frank Abia, Bro. Dario Lausa, Bro. Julius Siena, Sis. Jerlyn Delarmente, Bro. Rey Timbang, Bro. Noel Gura, Bro. Sidney Guiang and Bro. Noel Maningat

For weeks, the BBBC Homiletics Class engages themselves in learning all other principles and ideas of the study. After all the lessons have been covered, it is time to put these into practical application. The Class Practicum serves as the final phase of the class and the highlight of the whole lecture. Each student delivers a sermon based on his chosen text in the Bible. Keeping close eyes (and ears) at the students is the jury led by Pastor Erwin Concepcion, Pastor Ian Alix and other Church leaders. Following each and every sermon, by means of love and grace, each juror gives his constructive criticism and appreciation on a service well done. Merely after two months of weekly practicum class, by the grace of the Almighty God and by guidance of the Holy Spirit the class has finally come to a victorious end. Seeing right before our eyes are the new breeds of BBBC’s homegrown preachers, both men and women. They humbly sought our prayers, that is for them to keep the fire burning in their heart and to carry on their “feet that will bring good tidings” (Romans 10:15). The BBBC Homiletics Class of 2015-2016 has answered the call of our Lord Jesus, on the purpose to which we are all called – to Preach the Word. To God be the Glory. BB


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


GOSPEL Pastor Erwin Concepcion

Gospel is the English word used to translate the Greek word for “good news”.

Christians use the word to designate the message and story of God’s saving activity through the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of God’s unique Son Jesus. Development in the Old Testament Bisar is the Hebrew verb which means “to proclaim the good news”. Unlike the English languages, Hebrew is able to convey the subject of the proclamation in the verb’s root; no direct object was needed with the verb bisar to make clear the subject of an announcement was “good news”. Originally, the word was used to describe the report of victory in the battle (2 Samuel 4:10). Because the Israelites believed God was actively involved in their lives (including battles and wars) bisar came to have religious connotation to proclaim the good news of Israel success in the battle was to proclaim God’s triumph over God’s enemies. The transition from the use of bisarin a military sitting to its use in a personal context is not difficult to envision. If Israel proclaimed good news when God delivered the nation from its enemies, individual ought also to proclaim good news when God delivered them from personal distress (Psalm 40:10). The nation’s victories in war and a person individual salvation both called for the announcement of what God had done. The book of Isaiah marks the full religious development of the term within the Old Testament. By this time the word is most often used to describe the anticipate deliverance and salvation which would come from the hand of God when the long-awaited Messiah appeared to deliver Israel (Isaiah 52:7). The military-political and personal connotations of the word were fully united in the hope of a Deliverer who would both triumph over the earthly enemies of God’s people and usher in a new age of salvation.



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

Usage in the New Testament In the New Testament “gospel” has two shades of meaning: it is both the actual message on the lips of Jesus about the reign of God (Mark 1:14), and it is the story told about Jesus after His death and resurrection (Galatians 1:11-12). In each case “gospel” refers to the work which God alone initiates and completes. In as much as God has chosen to bring about the world’s reconciliation in this one particular way, there is only one gospel (Hebrews 1:1-2). Furthermore, since God is the One working through the saving activity of Jesus, God is also the author of the gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:13). The gospel is God’s message to humankind (Romans 15:16). Only God calls and commissions the messengers of this good news, and in addition, only God gives the messengers the story they are to make known (Romans 10:14-15; 1 John 1:5). Therefore, the proclamation of the good news is the continuation of the work which God began in Jesus Christ. God’s messengers are not merely telling about the history of salvation when they proclaim good news; rather, they are an integral part of the work which continues through their efforts. The living Lord, Jesus Christ Himself, confronts listeners through the words of the messengers. To alter the message by adding extra requirements or by omitting crucial details is to pervert the gospel into the false message which ceases to have saving power (2 Corinthians 11:3-4; Galatians 1:6-7)

The Message of the Gospel The most basic summary of Jesus preaching appears in Mark 1:15, “The time is fulfilled”, He said. “The kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” The need for good news assumes a bad situation. The bad situation in which humans find themselves and the reason they need good news is that sin has entered each of their lives (John 8:7; Romans 3:23). Sin is a power that controls them and shapes their destinies (Romans 3:9; 6:22). Because humans cannot overcome the power of sin by themselves, God has intervened on their behalf through Jesus. Jesus has come to seek out all persons so they may respond to God’s grace (Luke 15:1-10; 19:10). God’s grace which Jesus bears within Himself (John 1:14), overcomes sin’s power and offers forgiveness for individual sins (Mark 2:5; Romans 6:14). While God offers grace to everyone, this grace is not effective in overcoming the power of sin in a person’s life until that person accepts it (Matthew 19:20-22; John 1:12). Because Jesus bears God’s grace in Himself, grace is accepted only by receiving Him (John 14:9-12). The marks of having accepted Jesus are repentance (Luke 13:3) and a changed life (Matthew3:8; 1 John 1:5-7).

The fact that forgiveness, freedom from sin, and a new life are possible is good news. Because all this is possible only through Jesus Christ, His message and His story are called the “gospel.”

Development of Written Gospels Within the New Testament, the word euanggelion always refers to oral communication, never to a document or piece of literature. Not until the beginning of the second century and the writing of the “church fathers” do we find references to “gospel” in the plural, indicating written documents. How did this transition from a spoken message to written books take place? Literacy was uncommon in the ancient world. Books and writing equipment were expensive and the education needed to use them was usually reserved for the rich alone. Consequently, many societies preserved and transmitted their national stories, traditions, and faith by word of mouth. These societies stressed the importance of telling and remembering their traditions from one generation to another. Such a system may seem fragile and unreliable by modern standards, but an ancient societies trusted the methods and forms they developed to sustain the process. In times of crisis such as an invasion by a foreign nation, however, certain learned individuals would try to guarantee the preservation of their society’s oral traditions by writing them down. They often wrote out the fear of what would happen if their nation was defeated or destroyed and no one was left to transmit orally the living tradition to the next generation. The gospels of the New Testament developed along a pattern similar to other ancient writings. For many years the stories and teachings of Jesus were communicated primarily by word of mouth. In addition to the fact of limited literacy, members of the early church believed Jesus would return soon, so they felt no urgency to write down His teachings for the future. Then about thirty years after Jesus’ ascension, three interrelated crisis began to impinge upon the church. As a result of this crisis, individual responded to the leadership of God’s Spirit to write down the teachings, stories, and message of Jesus into what we call the Gospels.

The first of these crises was persecution. The Emperor Nero initiated the first official persecution so he could use Christians as scapegoats for his own insane actions. The second crisis involved passing away of the generation of people who had actually seen Jesus in the flesh, heard His teachings, and witnessed His miracles. Some died in persecutions and others simply aged enough to pass away from natural causes. The early church placed a high value on the experience of actually having seen and heard Jesus (Luke 1:2; 1 John 1:1). Therefore, the death of members of the original generation of Christians was viewed as potential break in their linkage to the historical roots of their faith.


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


The third crisis was the perceived delay in Christ’s return to earth. Preaching recorded in New Testament has distinct sense of urgency about it. The apostles believed that Jesus would be returning any day and that it was imperative for them to give as many people as possible the opportunity to respond to Him. Their constant emphasis was to communicate the gospel today, not to preserve it for the future. As longer and longer period of time passed after Jesus ascension, the church became more and more concerned about preserving the message.

The Purposes of the Evangelists From approximately A.D. 60 until A.D. 90, four individuals responded to the inspiration of God by writing down message of, and about, Jesus. As they did, these individuals surely held several goals in common. Responding to the crisis around them, they wanted to preserve the gospel message in an accurate form for believers who would follow in future generations. In this sense, the authors were each trying to produce a book for the Christian community. They wrote down the good news of Jesus to strengthen, to educate, and to encourage those who already accepted its message. It is also clear that they intended to use a written form of the gospel as an additional tool for evangelism (John 20:30-31). The evangelists envisioned the written gospel as a vehicle to spread faith in Jesus Christ. In this sense, each evangelist was trying to produce a missionary book. Understanding the missionary character of the four Gospels is an important factor in their study. The Gospel writers’ primary interest was not to produce great works of literature, nor was their intention to write

a biography in the modern sense of the word. Their principal objective was to convert individuals to faith in Christ. Thus, they wrote primarily to convince, not to record facts. The primary intention of the evangelists determined the shape and content of the written Gospels. One may wish that the Gospel writers had included additional information about Jesus’ home life, His adolescence, or some other area of interest; but the Gospel writers were not led to believe that kind of data was crucial for faith. The evangelists structured their works to give the message maximum impact on the readers. They included materials, they felt were essential for the readers to know to be able to make a decision about Jesus’ identity. All other concerns regarding form and content of the Gospels were secondary to the missionary objective. While teachings of the New Testament affirm that there is only one, true gospel, the books contained therein stand as testimony to the fact that the gospel is influenced by each personality which proclaims it. The church does not possess one account of the message of and work of Jesus which stands alone as the official record of His activity. Rather, the early church recognized the inspiration of four different accounts of the gospel. Each one was written from a slightly different perspective; each one had a different audience in mind; each one was designed to highlight the elements of the gospel which the author felt most important. The four Gospels witness both the divine inspiration of God and the individual, human personalities of their authors. Out of several gospels and other accounts of the life of Jesus (Luke 1:1-2), God led the early church to choose four which He had inspired.

In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1:13



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

General Notes of the Gospel The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the glad tidings that Jesus Christ died for man’s sins, that He was buried, and that He rose again from the dead to be the Savior of those who receive Him (1 Corinthians 15:1-11). It is the message of free righteousness for those who trust Christ (Romans 1:15-17). It also called the “the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24), “the gospel of Christ” (Galatians 1:7), “the gospel of God” (2 Corinthians 11:7), “the gospel of peace” (Romans 10:15), “the glorious gospel” (2 Corinthians 4:4), and “the gospel of salvation” (Ephesians 1:13). Each of these names emphasizes different aspects of the same gospel. For example, “gospel of the grace of God” emphasizes that true salvation is free gift of God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). The gospel is grace alone through faith alone without a mixture of works (Acts 15:11; Romans 3:24; 4:5-16; 11:6; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-7). Any addition to the gospel of the grace of Christ is cursed by God (Galatians 1:6-11). BB Sources: Holman Bible Dictionary Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity



Gospel in


What's the Gospel? What’s the gospel? I’ll put it in a sentence. The Gospel is the news that Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, died for our sins and rose again, eternally triumphant over all his enemies, so that there is now no condemnation for those who believe, but only everlasting joy. That’s the gospel. You Can't Outgrow the Gospel You never, never, never outgrow your need for it. Don’t ever think of the gospel as, “That’s the way you get saved, and then you get strong by leaving it and doing something else.” No! We are strengthened by God through the gospel every day, till the day we drop. You never outgrow the need to preach to yourself the gospel.

How the Gospel Strengthens Here’s an illustration, and I use it not because it’s any big deal to speak from my life, but because it’s what I walked through and where I most pointedly in the last year experienced the power of the gospel to make me strong. (Many of you are walking through things much heavier than prostate cancer—much heavier.) Do you remember the verses that I shared with you back in February that were almighty for me? It was that moment right after the doctor says, “I think we need to do a biopsy,” when this stab of fear comes. It didn’t last long, mercifully. And then came—what? 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10. It’s just as pure gospel as you can get. God has not destined you for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for you so that whether you wake or sleep you will live with him. Settled. Peace like a river.

The Gospel Is Perfect for Your Needs That’s just gospel—perfectly timed, perfectly applied, perfectly suited to my need. That’s why the Bible is so thick—because there are so many different needs that you have. And there are suitable places .

where the gospel is unfolded for you, so that if you immerse yourself in the whole book, always with an eye for what Christ has wrought for you and purchased for you in this thick, glorious history of God’s interaction with people, he will give you what you need. Therefore, everything in me says, and I hope to say until the day I die, “Now, to him who is able to strengthen me, according to Paul’s gospel, to him—to that God—be glory forever and ever.” God came into history in Jesus Christ; he died in order to destroy the power of hell and death and Satan and sin; and he did it through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Plea to Believe I know that there are people reading this who are not trusting Jesus Christ, and therefore can only expect condemnation. So I’m just going to plead with you here at the end, lay down that rebellion. Lay it down. And simply embrace the gospel that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Righteous One, died for your sins. He was raised on the third day, triumphant over all his enemies. He reigns until he puts all of his enemies under his feet. Forgiveness of sins and a right standing with God comes freely through him alone, by faith alone. I plead with you, don’t try to be strong in your own strength; it will not be there when you need it. Only one strength will be there—the strength that God gives according to the gospel. Don’t put it off. [This text is an edited transcript of the audio. It is excerpted from the sermon, “God Strengthens Us by the Gospel.”]

John Piper is founder and teacher of desiringGod.org and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Source: http://www.intouch.org/about-us/meet-dr-charles-stanley Seminary. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is author of more than 50 books, including A Peculiar Glory. Source: http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/the-gospel-in-6-minutes


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


“To Speak the Things Which We Have Bro. Cyril Rodriguez


shouted the man who was lame from his mother's womb as he leaps and walks for the first time in four decades. Oh! I can only imagine his joy and the witnesses awed faces. He may have uttered other words of praise but one thing is certain, his 40 years of suffering ended in an instant when Peter and John healed him in the name of Christ (Acts 3:19). Such a wonderful event, no wander why the gate where he was healed was called "Beautiful" (Acts 3:10). The passage declares the insurmountable power, glory and beauty the name of the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ holds.



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

The miracle did not only happen for the lame man’s favour but it also gave the apostles opportunity to preach and declare the name of Christ who saves to the people (Acts 3:22-26) and to the rulers, elders, and scribes (Acts 4:8-12). To preach Christ is a privilege but it bears a serious responsibility, one must be fully prepared and equipped. Peter and John together with the other apostles learned under the feet of Christ himself, they were rebuked, encouraged, fed and even witnessed firsthand, miracles that no man can fathom. Before they become good preachers they undergo a process called "learning"; the Lord equips them personally and train them by example and through this, they gained wisdom, confidence and strong faith that despite of being captured due to preaching did the same .

thing in front of their captors (Acts 4:8-12) and despite being threatened by the high priests "not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus" gave an answer that only men full of the Holy Ghost can utter. “…Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." Acts 4:19-20 “Things which we have seen and heard!” Yes! Those things that they've learned from Christ. O, how we pray to continuously have this zeal to preach and share the Word of God. The elders, rulers and the scribes marveled when they saw the boldness of Peter and John despite being unlearned (Acts 4:13). It is true that once we got saved we all have a testimony to tell and it automatically puts us under the privilege of obeying the Great Commission. However, it is critical to learn the "how to's” of preaching especially if one is to stand in front of a corporate worship of believers. An “unstructured” message can cause confusion, doubts and sometimes discouragement to the hearers and an error or any misinterpretation of the Word has serious consequences as John declares in Revelation 22:1819. Another case to ponder is that the harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are few; the need is so obvious. A call for Christians willing to be trained for preaching, teaching and leading is now ringing, let us swiftly enlist.

and preach dominantly envelops their being. There they go, one by one, by God’s grace they all delivered their message, Christians were blessed and the Lord was magnified. Positive criticism was given by the panel after every preaching to exhort the participants, to improve their weak points, to sustain their strong points and to take out unnecessary practices. In the end, a new group of believers was equipped and more ready to preach and teach. It is so amusing to know that the apostle’s practice was passed on unto this day, to “speak the things which we have seen and heard” – to preach of what we’ve learned from Christ. On behalf of BBBC family, I would like to congratulate all the students who successfully finished the course: Brothers Julius, Dario, Joven, Noel Maningat, Noel Gura, Sid, Redgiel, Pastor Welven, Sisters Ailyn, Gerlyn & Juny. Praise God for your lives and may the Lord Jehovah mightily use you for the advancement of His cause. Glory be to the Lord God omnipotent who reigns! BB

For these reasons our dear pastor has a continuous burning desire to teach and equip our church especially the men to preach. The last study that has been conducted is the art and science of preaching, better known as Homiletics. It lasted for around 6 months (from November 2015 to April 2016) and was held in Manama Villa 7 every Friday, 6:00 pm onwards. Special make up classes was also set for those who did not complete the study due to conflicts on schedule. Every student, after finishing the said class was asked to submit their chosen text for practicum to be checked by Pastor Erwin Concepcion. After weeks and months of preparation and prayer, the final part finally took place. The much awaited practicum started on May 2016 where each student is assigned to preach in front of a panel composed of our pastors and deacons, two to three preachers every Friday evening, if possible. The atmosphere was filled with the audience’s excitement and eagerness to hear the Message and on the other hand, you can feel the tensed aura of . st

BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

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Women Sis. May Pedico

How can a woman be a True Woman?


he pre-requisite of being a true woman is embracing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 15, “Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” The Gospel as preached and declared by Christians to others has the power to change lives. A True Woman is a saved person. Once in her life, she wholeheartedly acknowledged that she is a sinner and is going to hell. The penalty of her sin made her hell-bound and so she needs a Savior Who can save her from sin, from spiritual death (eternal separation from God which is the penalty of sin) and from hell. That blameless Lamb who was once offered to pay the penalty of human’s sins; the only Savior is Jesus Christ. For without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins (Hebrews 9:22b). She, the True Woman in an instance of her life repented from her sins, fully surrendered her life to Jesus and accepted Him as her personal Lord and Savior, wholly believing that Jesus alone saves.



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

A Christian life doesn’t stop from being saved. It is just the beginning. Sanctification follows after being saved and justified. We are set apart. The pruning method is tough. From wildness to being wise. The ultimate goal is to be like Jesus Christ Himself. He is the icon of Christianity. Legendary is the quotation penned by Elizabeth Elliot that says, “The fact that I’m a woman doesn’t make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I’m a Christian does make me a different kind of woman.” So we speak with her, the True Women of BBBC. We want to make a difference as Christ’s redeemed women! He placed desires in our heart to serve Him and give glory to our Creator (Revelation 4:11). Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we mean to mentor, counsel, reach out and encourage women. We strive to live out the Titus 2 woman and yearn to be virtuous ones (Proverbs 31). We want our light to brilliantly shine to the dim areas of the world by Jesus’ grace. The True Womanhood ministry has various activities that facilitate the spiritual growth of women of BBBC. Vis-à-vis to the above, we are taught biblical ways that are not specifically discussed in Worship Services; those that are focally intended for women only. Let us look back to the events a year ago. Here is our timeline, the chronological sequence:

October 3, 2015 2nd Annual Fun Run, Packing of Souvenirs and Foods for Church’s Anniversary and Evangelism Review It is a pleasure to toil for the Lord be it in small or huge task. Assigned to pack souvenirs and foods for the attendees of our church anniversary, we made it more creative and active by having early morning devotion with our speaker, Sis. Dors Soriano. Sweating out bucket of fats added up to our goal that very day in Hamriya Ladies Park. Accomplished with vigorous playoffs that brought ladies’ screams and mirth and delectable breakfast was served after our moment of perspiration. Short review of personal evangelism followed right away by Sis. Deds the time we reached Manama Villa. The final activity which is to pack the goods considered as tokens for our 11 th church anniversary took place later on. TW went home encouraged and challenged by the Word of God to Witness for Christ while Running for God. We take pleasure spending time toiling for the Lord with sisters in Spirit. Nothing is in vain if offered to our Master.

February 5-6, 2016 TW 7th Anniversary Camp The women’s ministry of Back to the Bible Baptist Church had reached its 7th year. Glory be to God! It was our first time to hold a 2-day camp in the cool and refreshing plains at the base of Jabeel Hafeet Mountain, Al Ain which is Green Mubazzarah. We cannot deny the fact that everyone is excited. On to the camp, geared with us are our tent, winter outfits and our heart ready to hear the Word of God that will be delivered by the Speakers. The overnight was a cherished break for us who are staying in the busy cities of UAE. Themed, Fashioned As A Woman: Recovering Biblical Womanhood was categorically tackled by 4 speakers from our text Titus 2:3-5 which imperatively says, “The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” Primarily, I discussed about (1)The High Calling of A Woman – Woman in Titus 2, followed by (2) Godly Woman in the Workplace by Sister Rochelle Maloles, (3) Godly Woman at Home by Sister Arriane Intal, and (4) Godly Woman in the Church by Sister Eng Concepcion.

We were inundated with blissful heart how God had blessed us in that camp from the Messages the speakers delivered and every TW received, to everything else. He arrange everything for us. Also, He provided us the aid of our supportive Pastors and King’s Men who drove for us, cooked, protected and took good care of us. Additional to our happy and wonderful memory banks is another worthremembering anniversary of True Womanhood Ministry!

April 15, 2016 First Prayer Mosaic, Tea Party and Film Showing At about 4o’clock in the afternoon, women helping each other in preparing the place, refreshment and food are an exquisite picture to behold at the 2nd floor of Jomac Residences. King’s Men gladly offering help to carry things and set up the audiovisual paraphernalia make the sight more gorgeous and our heart, happier. The scorching heat of the summer sun we felt was not a hindrance to the excitement and flaming heart we had have to celebrate the event. Teemed delight is what I feel during those times and in reminiscing it now. Joy. Real joy is ours tiresome though it be. Tea time, prayer, singspiration with hymnals songs sang at the top of our lungs signifying the expression of our utmost praise and thanksgiving to our loving God, Scripture reading and listening to the Message of God about prayer are the first piece of the activity led by TW leaders. After the short tea and coffee break and fellowship, a movie entitled, War Room is what we joyfully watched together. Mixed of laughter, tears and conviction to intently pray hard are what the movie brought. It was actually included in the program to make us ready for the last activity that we had that night, the highlight of the event which is the prayer mosaic. Sounds new to scores if not to every TW it is. Prayer is very essential in our Christian life and so we have come up with this activity that led us to once again reignite our prayer life. Assigned several TW set up 6 prayer stations specifically adoration, confession, thanksgiving and 3 numbers of supplications which constitute needs for (1) personal and family, (2) church, and (3) bereaved and sick brethren, jobseekers and prayer sticks that are prayer requests from brethren. Instructed to move and shift to the next prayer station by group after every two bell rings, most of



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


us if not all ended up with tears flowing from our eyes. Those tears are mixtures of total surrender of our desires to God and gratefulness to Him. We concluded with our TW’s Theme Song, Truly Yours and followed by dinner fellowship, picturetaking and clean up. Praise God for in our weakness, He shines!

July 8, 2016 Second Prayer Mosaic and Ice Cream Fellowship TW in unity prepared the things needed for our event. Wide-grinned smiles can be seen in the faces of the women. Ice cream fellowship best matched the humidity of the afternoon. Held in Manama Villa that was converted to a garden-like place is the venue of our 2nd Prayer Mosaic. That’s the attestation that the event thrived, right? Obviously, yes since the upshot of the first was brilliant. We themed the second prayer mosaic as “Breaking Up the Fallow Ground” with our Speaker, Pastor Erwin Concepcion. The Message was a great reminder if not new anymore to the ears of the TW, inspiring women to be real women designed by the Creator, more so in conversation which is interpreted as the lifestyle. In the same manner and system comes the prayer. In continuity, we are thankful to God for the event. This has become a semi-annual event of the True Womanhood. We look forward for the next one that will be done on midWinter of Dubai by early next year.

August 12, 2016 Girl-Gone-Wise Book Study Recognition Recommended for Christian ladies is the group book study Girl-Gone-Wise in a World Gone Wid authored by Mary Kassian. Two groups namely Deira which I headed and Karama which is by Sis. Rosette Samohan had our recognition in TW Class last August 12, 2016 right after the Tagalog Worship. A total of 9 graduates dressed in black and red were called in front, given tokens and some uttered their testimonies. It took us 2 years to finish the study that contains 20 contrasts wrapping up the Proverbs 7 woman. This is the 3rd batch already that finished the course. Praise God for the women who endured till the end. A person who is not saved, a woman without Jesus Christ finds it intricate when talking about changed life from old nature to new, evil to righteous. As the Lord unfurled our wildness personally to each of us, we pray that life application will be pursued. After all, it matters.

August 2015 – July 2016 Bridal and Baby Showers We have sisters whom God ordained to be married during this period and we merrily celebrate with them. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and one of the most important affairs to be feted and so, before our sisters left the status of being single and walk down the aisle, we shower them

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twith blessings and encouragements. Talking progressively, the next stage is motherhood. Our sisters who are pregnant of their firstborn child prior to deliveries are given baby showers in preparation of being a mom. It is always a joy to two parties – the one showered and those who showers every time these events are made. Each attendee is a blessing to the moms-to-be. To many, it means showing them how much we love, care and support them despite our demanding time, rejoicing with them in the celebration of the blessing of a new life.

Every Friday Regular Activities Every Lord’s Day, TW has its Friday School in between Tagalog and English Worship Service, having 10am to 11:50am as its regular timing. For this year, we continue to study various women of the Bible from known to unknown, having good or bad characters. Prayed TW are designated as teachers for 2 Fridays. We read the passage from the Bible, hear the story of the women and discuss the lessons being learned – applying the good ones and taking note of the negative ones. We are studying its relation to our recent time. Thank you for the teachers who diligently and zealously study to vividly convey the Message to us. This touches my heart, bringing me to teary-eyes and inaudibly mutters my gratefulness to the Lord. Situations like this. In relaxed conversations, it is a delight and blessing to hear straight from women as to what they have learned from TW ministry. Praise God! We are with each other in mixed chapters of women’s lives from being single to being married and later on becoming a mom. Grateful to our Lord God Almighty for enabling TW Ministry edify women to wholeheartedly and ecstatically embrace womanhood in whatever stages and seasons of life. They can voice out loud and clear how their relationship with Jesus made a difference in their life much more in their bond with their husband and children. Those prayed and planned activities and fellowships weren’t for nil. The fruits can be seen in the lives of the women who opt to pursue Christ and His Words! An incessant challenge for us: God fashioned us as women and we are influential by nature. Therefore, influence others to be godly as much as you can. People within your reach. By the grace of God. Share what you have learned. Teach the young, the children. They are leaders of tomorrow. Too Possible. Help them to be great ones!

God Bless the True Womanhood! BB


Christian Sojourners or CSJ is a ministry of the Back to the Bible Baptist Church. The main objective of the group is to complement the church in strengthening the spiritual needs of the single, young adults and young professionals of BBBC.




BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


SOJOURNERS, Bro. Rued Almadilla


variety of activities are on a regular basis held every 1st Friday and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Bible study of different subjects wherein singles can relate to is being held in Manama Villa 7 or in some other venues. In succession below are deemed efficient ventures we seized for the past year till date.

General Assembly and Accountability Group Popeye’s Restaurant, December 4, 2015 We are grateful to God for the previous set of officers who labored for His glory! For sure, their labor of love is not n vain in the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58). As the first general assembly of the sojourners for the year 2015, new set of officers was introduced to function. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 teaches us to, “Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.” In connection to this, far be it from just being acquaintances as brethren in the Lord, we organized and launched the accountability group to bring the sojourners closer to each other, encourage, pray and lift each other up. Vis-à-vis the members, there are leaders who are accountable to them and vice versa. Such is a challenge for everyone’s valued time and resources but extended beyond are love and care that are weightier. New Year’s Fellowship Jomac Rooftop, Jan 6, 2016 What a fine day it was to begin our New Year bible study and fellowship at Jomac rooftop! We praise God for the New Year 2016. Seated on mats are the winter-geared singles who are more than interested to hear how to spiritually bud this year and in the years to come. Such was a time to reflect on His goodness in the past year and try to meditate and plan ahead on how to be fruitful in 2016. It is in fact an opportunity to lead the singles of BBBC. Colossians 1:9-10 says, “For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.” It was a fun-packed, remarkable night as we studied the Word of God together and relished the sweet fellowship over bowls of luscious homespun broth stuffed with sea foods and vegetables that supplied warmth to our chilling selves.



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

Ushering Seminar Manama Villa, January 29, 2016 As singles, it is our task to do the ushering in both worship services. Considering it as a significant undertaking since it should start before the worship begins, we want it to be done properly as 1 Corinthians 14:40 says, “Let all things be done decently and in order. “ Linking to this desire imparted to us by the Lord to give glory to Him, we invited Pastor Ian Alix to conduct a seminar to us which gives emphasis on the appropriate approach and shrewd ways to usher not only the members and regular attendees but much more the guests and visitors. We are indeed blessed to be nurtured on how to render our best service in doing what we think are just easy chores but to the latter, useful and to our Lord, well-pleasing. Personal Finance for Singles Manama Villa, February 10, 2016 Burdened about the future of my fellow single brethren in the church, I conducted a seminar on personal finance conducive to learning. We are just transient here in Dubai and as the Lord blessed us with work that is the source of our income, we should be good stewards of the things the Lord has bequeathed on us. It is my delight to teach them how to spend the fruits of their labor wisely and invest for their future if they have not yet started to do so, so that when rainy days come they have something to consume. Question and answer followed after the fascinating topic. Bible Quiz Manama Villa, March 4, 2016 I find it interesting that the Book of John be the subject of our quiz. Original in the history of the sojourners to have this bible quiz and just like our other activities, it brought thrill to us. Divided into two groups to be precise with are Truth and Grace were the singles of BBBC. In circumstances like this, one can differentiate those who studied the pointers given from those who did not. In general, it was a great experience for everyone. As Apostle wrote to young Timothy, Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15), so we too, desire. Sportsmanship and acceptance of defeat were besides, observed. We look forward for more to come.

CSJ Film Showing Manama Villa, June 25, 2016 Gifted are the sojourners with a lot of talents and one of them is in the field of acting. For the first time, we pursued film-making and made it also as a means of fundraising. Glory be to God for the diligence, patience and determination of the young professionals who gladly endure the film-making. It was never easy and yet it succeeded. All are amateurs but what matters is that they used their talents for God’s glory. The film was shoot numerous times in a week, right after everyone’s work is through. The stories encourage the viewers to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to their neighbors, friends and those people within their reach. Undeniably, people need the Lord. Prayer Watch Manama Villa, April 6, 2016 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). Prayer Watch is a quarterly activity of the sojourners. It started way back last 2009 and by the grace of God continues. As we value prayer in our spiritual walk, so we love to assemble ourselves together to jointly pray. In so many times we see how the Lord has worked, is working and with faith will keep on working in us and through us.

Board Games Night Manama Villa, August 10, 2016 Scrabble is such an enjoyable, mind-boggling game for it manifests one’s mental vigilance. With identical mechanics and rules of the traditional game and yet we played the computer-operated one cautiously spawned by the officers-in-charge. Screams and laughters filled the hall of Manama Villa 7 as the group members of both two groups are competitive. Moreover, the vigor and fervor of the youngs are at its peak suited to the 2nd board game that is the life-sized tic-tac-toe. Who would not yell and laugh out loud when you are playing the game? Even spectators do. Praise God for He is the Author of the fun that we have!

12th Anniversary Celebration Pita Restaurant, June 3, 2016 See how time fleets! A sum of more or less than 80 individuals gathered in Pita Restaurant, Deira, Dubai to celebrate the 12th year of God’s faithfulness and grace to the singles ministry of the church. We are grateful to the Almighty God Whom we serve for everyone who had a part in this organization – those people who are ahead of us and passed on the baton to our generation. Fractions of the program are evangelizing the visitors, testimony time, singspiration, film-watching and listening to the Message of God delivered by our senior pastor, Pastor Erwin Concepcion. We went home blessed with every detail of the program. Tired were we yet energized because we were spiritually encouraged and at the same time challenged to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not to be ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:17). In physical aspect, we were also satisfied with the abundant blessing of foods. God’s loving providence!

Love Courtship & Marriage Seminar Popeye’s Restaurant, September 2, 1016 The latest event that we had is the commonly called LCM Seminar, an acronym for love, courtship and marriage. One of the most important aims of the sojourners ministry is to stay pure while not married. Pastor an Alix conducted the seminar more enriched with his personal testimony and that of previous sojourner of BBBC who like him is now married, too. We were taught to stay physically and mentally pure while single, in a relationship or not. Teens joined us in this session. Singles were nurtured how to behave properly as believers of Jesus Christ, bearing His Name. Furthermore, we were taught about 2 Corinthians 6:14 which states,” Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” In a time frame of 2 hours, there were topics that were not tackled and majority of us wishes more. In a wee span of time, we were pleased to perceive sounds of inspiring messages of waiting on the Lord and His perfect time and will, while praying.

Staring back, God’s unmerited favor proliferated in us. The Lord continues to bless the singles ministry with the longing to reach out other singles, young adults and young professionals for His glory! It is my prayer that those activities that we had won’t be for naught. The lessons we learned be nourished and sooner flourish to produce sweet-smelling savour that pleases God. As I lead, I pray that each of us will desire to have a closer relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for us to bear lasting fruits for His recognition. BB


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


STAY Sis. Erlani Maningat

“Growing Together Spiritually” SEMINAR “Husband love your wife, wife submit to your husband”, this is the common verse we always hear whenever there is preaching or gathering pertaining to married couples. Has this verse changed your married life? Has the Gospel created a great impact on your relationship with your spouse? When we got saved (by grace), we come to realize that we are hell bound, sinners and desperately in need of a Savior. Even if we exert all our effort to be good and make peace with everyone, we still cannot overcome our old self. Only by the grace and mercy of God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit can make it possible for 2 Corinthians 5:17 says,” Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come”. Therefore, the Gospel will change us individually and making us new individuals and molding us into Christ’s image. As a new person, we can now love one another, love our enemy, love thy neighbor, love our husband/ wife because it is what God had commanded and He is the Author of Love for God is Love. As the Gospel had changed us into new persons, it will also teach us and show us to connect to Christ, making Christ as the foundation of our married lives. Jesus has mentioned in the Bible regarding foundations (Matthew 7:24–27) wherein we can relate and apply for couples binding a home together.



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

1 Corinthians 6:19 says that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and it doesn’t belong to us anymore, it is of God’s, therefore whatever we do we should do it for God and not for men. John 15:5 says we should abide in Him for without Him we can do nothing. We should stay connected to Christ, as couple’s are connected to each other and each member is connected to one another through Christ. We can help each other to set Jesus Christ apart as Lord and Master in command of our lives, to stay connected always enjoying the bread of life. We must know Jesus Christ personally and diligently follow in His steps, growing toward Christian maturity. Paul wrote, "... That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:" (Ephesians 4:14–15). BBBC’s Gameo Felowship is designed to connect all married brethren to Christ, teaching all of us to be dependent on God and not on our own selves, to know more about Christ, to pray for one another’s strength in combating every trial that will try to ruin every member’s married life. We are

Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Philippians 2:2 living in a very busy world, I’m sure every Christian couple would love to spend time together praying and encouraging each other from the Bible, but they just don't do it or can’t do it. They let other priorities ruin what should be the most important aspect of their marriage relationship. Different activities are done and more are in store for Gameo members in keeping us all aligned to what God wanted us to do. We have done several meetings and general assemblies and will still be doing it to discuss topics that would educate us all in Christian living. We also have done Prayer watch and by God’s grace, we are planning to do it

monthly. Spending time in prayer and in the Word will help us anticipate what will come in on next stages of life. It will help us to be prayerful and apply the Scripture thoroughly in our everyday life. We keep our connection with God alive by spending time in His Word and in prayer, to become “doers of the Word” (James 1:22-24). Psalm 119: 33-37 shows us the importance of connection to God. 17

The Psalmist asked God to teach him His statutes and give him understanding of His law, that he would observe it with his whole heart, go in the path of God’s commandments, and turn away his eyes from vanity and quicken him in God’s way. By meditating on God’s Word, putting the Word into our hearts and then applying it, we can stay “connected” to God. God has given us His Word as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path to lead us to Him. Gameo is scheduled every second Tuesday of the month to render special number for Tagalog worship, we are calling all Gameo to step forward if you want to sing for the Lord, let us know so we may put you next in line. In closing, we all know that marriage is an institution ordained by God, uniting a man and woman in bond of marriage and of love. Marriage models the relationship between Christ and his bride, the Church. It is the basic unit and the first station where a Gospel could travel, let us stay connected, focused and determined in reaching others for Christ while God continue to mold us in Christ likeness. BB

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and

grounded in love, 18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Ephesians 3:17-19

PRAYER WATCH Al Mamzar Open Beach st

BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016



Nurturing a child in a manner where learning is fun without compromising the fundamental principles of bible. Lord's Young Flock or Children's ministry caters the children of BBBC and they are being taught to sing praises to the Lord, trained to read and meditate God's word, to play musical instruments and be a responsible child of God. It was 9th of October, 2015 when LYF kids showcased their God-given talents through singing, playing musical instruments and reciting bible verses for BBBC's 11th year anniversary. The audience was joyful and blessed after their performances. To wrap up LYF 2015 calendar, children had sleepover and prayer watch. This was held in Manama Villa 7 last December 18-19, 2015. Kids went home with blissful hearts because the two-day activity was filled with games and learning. The very first activity in LYF calendar for 2016 was LYF Prayer watch and sleep over. This was on February 2016 at Manama villa and around 20 kids participated. Bro. Angelo and Bro. Dario facilitated the evening devotion while Bro. Jay and Bro. Rey were in charge of morning devotion. Then



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

after their breakfast, Teacher Eng gathered all LYF girls for a seminar about modesty while Pastor Erwin assembled the boys for a short devotion and discussion. At the end of the seminar, girls were able to differentiate the clothes that are pleasing to God and to men. Last March 12, 2016, kids had their first outdoor activity held at Al Montaza Amusement and Water Park. Children were amazed and enthralled by the giant air balloon inside the park. After lunch, everyone was on their feet and excited for the games prepared by Teacher Eng and Sis Mai. Through these fun-filled games, camaraderie and child's sportsmanship are being developed. Second prayer watch and sleep over was on May 13 and 14, 2016 in Manama Villa. Just like the previous prayer watch and sleep over, there were evening and morning devotion, morning exercise and seminar workshop. Part of LYF calendar this 2016 is Teachers Seminar to those who are willing to teach the kids. Last July 13, 2016, LYF head teachers and teachers gathered in Manama Villa 7. LYF ministry was so blessed because of the number of attendees. Since it was Ramadan, seminar started early. There were 6 speakers and each speaker was given a topic to discuss. The discussion is about children's behavior,

bible stories for preschool, and the appropriate topics to be included in a lesson plan, answering tough questions raised by the students, preparing audio-visual presentation and action songs for kids. Participants were given the opportunity to ask and voice out their concerns. It was indeed an enjoyable experience especially for those first timers. The most recent LYF activity was Summer Camp entitled "Kingdom Quest". It was a 3-week event, commenced on July 15-16 and concluded on July 29-30. The main objective of this camp is to educate the kids about God's kingdom and the guiding verse was Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you". Around 60 kids participated and making it the most number of attendees in LYF summer camp history. Teachers in every level prepared bible story, arts and craft and games. Each camper was being evaluated by their teachers and the kid with the highest rating will be awarded on graduation day. Kids were informed to memorize bible verses to be presented on their last day and they should familiarize the theme song of the camp. After weeks of learning, fun, and sleep

over, it finally comes to an end. Closing ceremony was held at Fiesta Pinoy Restaurant, Deira last July 30, 2015. Program proper started at 10AM. Before awarding of certificates, Pastor Ian Alix led the devotion. Then right after that, campers performed the theme song with action and everyone was delighted by the children's performance. Awarding of medals to outstanding campers was next. NJ Medel was the most outstanding in Preschoolers; Shanella Athena Maningat was awarded as the most outstanding camper for Graders 1 while Zyra Nena was the most outstanding camper for Graders 2 and Joseph De Vera for Teens. There were awards for Best in Bible Verse, Best in Work Book, Best in Arts and Craft, Most Cooperative, Most Punctual. At the end of the program, LYF acknowledged the teachers and volunteers as well the parents that made this year's camp a huge success. We should always remember that "It is easier to

build strong children than to repair broken men. Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. (1Timothy 4:12) BB


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016




BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016



The Back to the Bible Baptist Church originally came from the original group called “The Back to the Bible”, a small Bible Study group I started when I & my wife Beth came back to Dubai from Canada on August of 1998. When I became Christian in Canada, God gave me the burden to reach my lost family member and friends in Dubai and Philippines. I didn’t understand that feeling from the beginning but irresistible feeling of proclaiming the Gospel prompt me to go back to Dubai to do the work. My wife Beth was holding a good position in Hyatt Regency in Vancouver and at that time I was employed as interior design consultant in the largest and the most expensive European furniture store in whole North America, overseeing the interior design projects of three big stores for three years. Although we were living in a quite comfortable life in that country, my heart was burdened for the lost souls that made me asked my wife if she is eager to go back with me in Dubai. I praise the Lord that she didn’t even ask me why I made such decision.


How It Started

On the same day we arrived, Beth re-joined the Emirates Airline and I formed a Bible Study group with about 6 people. It was a great joy and fulfilment when I started sharing the Gospel to my friends. In few weeks’ time, our number increased to more than 10 people. Since I was the only one who drives a car, I was also the one who picks up attendees as far as the desert area of Jebel Ali, cook dinner for them, share the Word of God to them, then drop some of them back to their homes, while some stay behind to sleep in our flat as I could not accommodate them all in the car at the same time. I choose Thursday because it’s a decision day for those who are truly seeking God. It is weekend and a “Party Day” for many.

How It Grow


Several years later, after I left the church I used to be a part of and joined a newly formed Fundamentalist Baptist Church in Dubai. However, after a godly pastor of the church confronted the church’s sponsor because he committed gross sin, he decided to leave Dubai and commissioned the work of the ministry to me and another leader. We prayed for the name of the church, many suggested to carry the name of their church but after several prayers and voting, the “Back To The Bible” name came out and in late 2004 BBBC became a church. The church started with regular attendees of around thirty people. Almost all of the attendees came from different Baptist backgrounds.

How It Became A Church



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

Encountering Struggles

During the first year of BBBC, the church encountered several problems mainly church’s policy and leadership. It is reminiscent in the church of Corinth where members brought-in their own culture and belief, preference of leadership and even doctrinal issues. After countless prayers and spiritual consultation with experienced pastors and matured Christian friends, my partner in the ministry decided to start his own and formed as well, another church. During the next three years, BBBC leadership confronted several issues of sins including division. It is on this transitional stage that I experienced sleepless night and was rushed to Dubai hospital, operated twice for continuous nose bleeding. I remember what the Apostle Paul had gone through in 2 Corinthians 11:23-27. I thought, the righteous church has to undergo trials and sometimes spiritual attack in order to experience the power of God in protecting its flock. In this, we can always praise the Lord for His grace!

The Rainbow After The Flood

I remember Noah after the flood, God showed him the rainbow of covenant and hope (Genesis 9:1-17), in every faithful works of God, no matter what comes along the way, God will always protect His name among His people. Indeed, disgruntled murmuring people left the church, but God kept few faithful people to continue the work of the ministry entrusted to us.

2007 Blessing Came Along

After few years of struggles came blessings. God faithfully send many gifted brethren to help the BBBC start a new life. On 2007 onwards, faithful men and women started joining the leadership ministry of the church. There was a time when I myself, along with church leaders were praying relentlessly for a pianist and musicians to help the music ministry of the church as we do not even have a single one who can play a piano. By God’s grace, choir was formed and with the help of a sister who have no education in music nor experience leading the music ministry of the church, the music ministry was born. God so blessed the church with people who offered their voices to the Lord! Today, we keep the same principle in our choir ministry, that any member who are willing to serve the Lord in singing, regardless of their capacity to sing, we welcome them to be part of the choir ministry because we know that God searcheth the heart! During the past few years, we had invited several pastors to become speakers in our anniversaries and seminars to help strengthen the church. The following pastors who came to visit and help the church are: Pastor Evan Venegas (CBAP), Pastor JogliTupas (AFBC), Dr. Stephen Zeinner (US), Pastor Nel Guiang (BJMBC) and this year, it’s a privilege to welcome our new American friend, Dr. Phil Kamibayashiyama, Director and President of BJMBC as guest speaker in our 10th anniversary & his wife, who also conducted bible lectures to strengthen the church.

2016 The Church Today

By the grace and guidance of the Almighty God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, BBBC had grown both spiritually and numerically. Ministries is expanding, with the church having thirteen (16) main Bible study groups with multiple sub-groups, the music ministry, the Kings Men (KM), the Gameo Fellowship for married members, the True Womanhood (TW) for women, the Sojourners Ministry for singles, and the Lord’s Young Flock (LYF) Ministry for children, Burning Bush Publication and other ministries being formed. Seeing The Back to the Bible Baptist Church growing in its service to God today is already a great joy of realizing why God brought me back here in Dubai. Together with faithful and loving leaders and members of the church, we truly aim to serve Him in the expansion of His kingdom here on earth as He commanded us to preach the Gospel to the world. We desire to please the Lord as we serve Him with love, for He is worthy of all our sacrificial service, that we may glorify His Name through our ministry! BB

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016






Today marks the 12th Church anniversary celebration and to be precise with, it is a year and 5 days past the last time we celebrated our preceding church anniversary. Let us reminisce what happened a year ago. Our joy! Let’s peek from glimpse of it. To refresh our memories, here is an excerpt from the article that was in print:

The Scene Radiantly wearing modest clothes in motifs of black and gray apparels and suites and bow ties, members of Back to the Bible Baptist Church greet friends and visitors with warm smiles, hearty hugs and cordial handshakes about 1 o’clock in the afternoon of the 9th of October 2015 at Metropolitan Palace Hotel, Deira, Dubai. Giving emphasis to the value of lost souls and taking by heart October’s Theme, A Witness to the Nations, through wholehearted invitations, God graced us with 140 visitors. Every member of the Body of Christ joyfully does their part in every detail of the program from the preparation to the day of celebration itself, registration, prayer, scripture Reading, playing of Instrumental and congregational songs, church choir, testimonies and presentation of the church’s activities until the serving of food to the visitors for dinner as the closing.

The Message Our Senior Pastor, Pastor Erwin Concepcion entitled God’s Message he delivers as The Only Way to Salvation which exposes the Text Romans 10-1-13. He has three focal points. First, Self-righteousness is Useless to Salvation from verses 1-5. The Lord God demands righteousness from all of us. The word righteousness was repeated 7 times in the text mentioned. Our self-righteousness is nothing. The blood of bulls cannot take away sins but it is the finished sacrificial work of Christ in the Cross that gives us redemption. Yes, the shedding of Jesus Christ’s precious blood redeemed us from the penalty of our sins. Religion cannot save and the absolute fact is that converted souls belong to God (Matthew 15:1-9). The second, Confession is Precondition to Salvation from verses 8-9. One of Jesus’ disciples Matthew, in his book in the New Testament warned us of the false prophets mentioned in chapter 7, verse 21, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven”. Iniquity is lawlessness. Presumptuous or habitual sins are iniquities. Sin originated in the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago made by our fore parents, Adam and Eve.



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

Since then, the place where we live is considered a fallen world. That sin they made were inherited by every human, by you and me. Read Romans 5:12, I John 1:8, Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23 in the Holy Bible. Pardon from sins is an act of grace. Grace is the unmerited favor; given to someone who do not deserve it. We must confess our sins. Confession is defined as a formal statement of admitting that one is guilty of crime (Psalm 32:5, I John 1:9, Romans 10:8-9). Anyone can say sorry for what he/ she did but if it is not from the heart, it is not confession. Remember, unlike man, God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). Do ask forgiveness from the heart (Proverbs 21:2). Lastly the third, Believing is Imperative to Salvation from verses 10-13. What are we to believe? Believe that we are sinners (Romans 3:23), sinners will go to hell (Romans 6:23, John 3:16-18), and that sinners need a Savior to save them from sin and hell (Romans 10:9, Acts 16:30-31). John 14:6 says, Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. In addition, For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; (1 Timothy 2:5). For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10;13) Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened (Matthew 7:7-8). Pastor Erwin ended the message with a challenge to the hearers, “Maybe Jesus is watching you this very moment. Maybe for the last time he is knocking at the door of your heart (Revelations 3:20-22). Will you receive His offer?” Numerous visitors take the challenge by confessing their sins and accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior when Pastor Erwin invited them to as he closed the Message. There is joy and thrill in our heart as we behold those souls surrendering their life to Jesus but much more are the glories in the heaven where God abode! Millions of angels in heaven rejoiceth over one sinner that repenteth! (Luke 15:10)

Our Heart To God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and God the Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior we owe everything!

The Challenge Collectively, what shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward us? Psalm 116:12 how can we not be witnesses to the Nations for what He hath done for every one of us and our beloved Back to the Bible Baptist Church? Wow! What a celebration in awe of God’s affectionate providence! We have just peeked from a glimpse of our joy. This day, another beautiful and fascinating story of God’s magnificence is added up to the church history and praise God we are a part of it! A story that will be told and remembered from tomorrow onwards. Praise God for He is faithful! Let us spread His love, mercy and grace. Much more let us continue to echo the Gospel of Jesus Christ by choosing to live it! BB


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


Tracing Out the

TRAIL and its Highlights Bro. Sandy Soliguen

“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God”. Colossians 3:16



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


place importance in the inclusion of music in all our church programs and order of activities. From regular Friday worship services, bible studies, inter-fellowships, to special events such as church anniversary, musical cantata, and other church functions. That being said, we assert that music rendered unto God should be free of worldly factors and contemporary style, thus we strive to make sure only godly and appropriate music materials be allowed to be used for special numbers, choral singing, and instrumental music renditions. As what Ephesians 5:10 states, “proving what is acceptable unto the Lord”, should be the gauge of judgment for us to establish and express genuine worship to our Lord. Thankful to God that amid the changing times, things are looking up as far as our music ministry is concerned. It is a blessing to see newly baptized individuals joining in the choir, singing along with the other regular and faithful choir members. Also more adults and younger ones are getting themselves involved in learning to play different musical instruments, thanks to our music lessons and training programs they are now added to our growing list of church musicians. As we come to another blessed year, on the occasion of our 12th church anniversary. Let us look back at some of the memorable events and highlights of last year. I believe it is good to be reminded how the Lord ushered us a mighty long way through all the challenges in preparing for these events, especially those that took us months to rehearse and prepare.

The following are highlights of activities we had from last year. Try to refresh your memories with some flash of the past glimpse of these blessed events: 9th October 2015 – Back to the Bible Baptist Church 11th Anniversary

The event was well attended. Almost to a full packed crowd inside the main auditorium of the Carlton Palace Hotel, (formerly Metropolitan Palace Hotel) thanking the Lord for a record breaking 140 visitors from the total of 344 individuals who came to join us in our celebration. Musical highlights of the program include presentations by the BBBC instrumentalists, the Lord’s Young Flock with their instruments and voices musical number, a duet song number in between selected brethren’s testimony segment, men’s ensemble rendered during the giving of tithes and offering, and the BBBC choir songs presented before the main highlight of the event, the preaching of God’s Word as delivered by our Pastor Erwin Concepcion.

25th December 2015 – Musical cantata “Rejoice, the Saviour is born!

A restaging of one of the past musical cantatas we have had in years of same theme, title, and songs was presented before our guests and visitors who attended this event held at the Flora Grand Hotel in Al Rigga, December of last year. Remembering and celebrating Christ’s birth, His plan of salvation revealed through His incarnation, life and death at the cross was the central message of this Musical cantata, and the preaching of God’s Word as delivered once again by Pastor Erwin Concepcion.

February – June 2016 – Short courses for instruments and Music Lessons!

Sometime between February and June of this year, we had short courses offered for the study of playing musical instruments as initiated by Bro. Sid Guiang, our music director. Piano, flute, guitar, ukulele, cello and violin are the featured instruments in the course training. Over 60 students participated in the training program, with most of the students as working professionals. The outcome is very encouraging, as well as really inspiring to see adults and young ones fiddling their fingers through their strings instruments, offering their God-given talents to our Lord. Some of them have now become regular instrumentalists in our worship services.

These are the big moments we have had so far from the last year’s activities. We give all thanks and praises to God for the successful outcome of these events. Also for guiding and providing us strength to attend in all practices and rehearsals, for equipping us with talents though we are not skilled and professional musicians. As we welcome another year of God’s faithfulness, may we learn to commit more of our time, practice and participate at every opportunity by ministering to our brethren and unbelievers through the music ministry. BB

To God be the glory!


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


Grace through

LOSS Bro. Nelson Maningat

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Leviticus 24 : 19 – 21 says, And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbor; as he hath done, so it shall be done to him; Breach for Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he has caused a blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again. And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it; and he that killeth a man, he shall be put to death.

My daughter Sam and I were so happy and excited because her mom was pregnant and we saw that small heartbeat when we went for her ultra sound. She said that finally, after seven years she’ll become a big sister. A few days later, my seven year old daughter was on her way to the school bus at the school parking when she saw her friend’s lunch box dropped on the ground. She picked it up to give to her but a speeding car ran over her. She was rushed to the hospital and the doctors said that her internal organs were badly crushed and damaged that caused her death. The baby in my wife’s womb also lost heartbeat and she had a miscarriage after that incident. I was so devastated and no words can express that feeling of pain and grief. I felt so helpless that whatever I do or whatever I think, I cannot bring my daughter back. I was so angry at that woman who caused us this traumatic experience. She said that she’s in a hurry because it’s her son’s birthday; she doesn’t care about those children who were rushing to the buses after class. I went to the police station to get the Police Report and process the documents so I can bring my daughter’s body back home to the Philippines. I asked the police if the woman was there and they said that she was in jail but they did not allow me to see her. All the documents that were given to me were written in Arabic even the people who I was talking to speaks very few English words. I decided to seek help from the Philippine Consulate but they told me that this process will take time maybe a month or two and their PRO is busy in helping a woman who is in jail after killing a child in a car accident. I got angry and shouted at them, it was my child who died and we are the victim here. They did not even bother to contact us to offer help instead they are busy in helping the woman who killed my daughter. A Jordanian family friend helped me in processing all the papers and after four days, I went back to the Consulate to cancel my daughter’s passport and they asked me how did I manage to process all this so quickly but I did not reply knowing that the woman who killed my daughter was already out of jail with their help. I just want my daughter’s passport cancelled and get out of there. We flew back home with our daughter in the cargo of the plane and we arrived at the airport at 11:30pm. There was a very long queue in the immigration so I went to the foreigners’ lane because the cargo village will close at 12 midnight and we need to bring her out there before it closes but the immigration officer did not allow me and we had an argument. My daughter died but why does it seems that nobody has sympathy on us, I began to question God. We don’t deserve this especially my daughter who is so innocent. Why was she taken away from us at an early age? Why she has to suffer this painful death?

that you’re the man of the family and you need to be strong; be strong for my wife. Yes, I’m a man, a husband and most of all, a father and I cannot just accept this. I have to do something. The bible says, ”an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” I will have my revenge, so I began to plan without my wife knowing it. I will hire somebody to kill that woman’s family members, one by one except her. I want her to suffer; I want her to feel the pain that we’re feeling. Everything was set that even the assassin will not know who I am but we’ll have to wait for a few months or a year to do it so that nobody would suspect that I’m the one behind it. We went back to Dubai after a month seeking to rebuild our lives without our child. My wife and I didn’t talk too much; she’s still crying most of the time and simply reading her bible. She wanted me to read my bible but I didn’t want, I’m no longer interested on what the bible will tell me, I have my verse “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” and that’s all I need. My wife, Lani keeps on telling me what she read in the bible and even asked me to read it with her. Just to satisfy her, I listened to her and read the bible with her. I also went to church with her, and there, Pastor Erwin and the whole BBBC family didn’t stop comforting and praying for us. We started a bible study at home and I began to open my bible again. I read the story of David when he lost his child. David said, “But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me” (2 Samuel 12:23). This passage has changed everything in me; David’s confidence of meeting his son in heaven helped me to face the future with hope. I’m going to have a reunion with my children in heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6) so I abandoned my evil plan/revenge and ask forgiveness from Him. It is not easy, as I walk through my Christian life. I still keep on falling into sin. Then, I realized that I haven’t truly forgiven that woman. Matthew 6:16 says, “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. However painful it is, I know that all things work together for good (Romans 8:28), it is His perfect plan and if that woman will be able to read my testimony, I want her to know that we have forgiven her and may she find true peace that is only available through our Lord Jesus Christ. Getting over or moving on from the loss of our daughter is never easy. It is not like a sickness which we can recover. The pain is still and will be there as long as I live but Jesus has, by the power of the Holy Spirit who now lives in my heart, continues to sanctify me through His Word and on what He is doing in my life. He promised, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Revelations 21: 4). Moreover, I thank God for His grace in our loss! BB

At the wake, my wife spent most of the time in the room crying and reading her bible. People often told me st

BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


Sis. Erlani Maningat

go of another lifeless child. I hated that driver who accidentally killed my daughter because she took away two lives and left nothing with me, just pain, terrible pain. I thought of avenging my children’s death to feel vindicated, but God said vengeance is His and not ours.

It is so difficult to write my testimony for every word is written in tears. It requires me so much strength to start writing the first sentence. I just remember the verse” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. My daughter died due to vehicular accident. She was run over by a speeding car, driven by a woman in front of their school gate. It is the day before she will be crowned Ms. FEPS wherein everything is ready for her coronation, just waiting for the big day. I was in the office when I was informed about the accident. Her teacher did not tell me the exact condition but they told me to rush to the hospital. When I arrived in Al Qassimi Hospital, the doctor told me the true condition and it’s as if I lost all my strength considering I was also two months pregnant by that time. I didn’t lose hope; I prayed that my daughter will make it and that she will live. 5pm of same day, after all the operations were done, she passed away, same time when I wanted my heart to stop beating. The nurses came to me telling me comforting words, but all I want is to see my daughter. She has been in the hospital morgue for several days until we process her papers to fly her back home to the Philippines. In the plane, it was so painful to realize that I am travelling with my daughter but she’s not beside me. She’s in the cargo compartment, instead. I know it was so selfish on my part but my prayer that time is for the plane to crash and I would be dead just to stop the hurting, the terrible pain I was feeling that time. When we reached home, seeing my entire relatives make me feel more of the pain. It’s like I was stabbed so many times but I wasn’t dying. Seeing my daughter in the coffin triggered me to ask the Lord to let me die instantly or let me have a permanent amnesia so I will forget everything. After few days, I visited my doctor to check on my pregnancy and there we found out that the baby in my womb stopped growing and there’s no heartbeat anymore. Double tragedy! Two of my kids were taken from me. I was crying but no tears were falling. I ran out of tears maybe because of too much crying. But, the pain never subsides. During the wake, I seldom sit beside my daughter’s coffin; I stayed in my room and started reading the Bible, trying to look for some answers. It led me to the book of Job. I read every word of Job’s story and compared his suffering to mine. The only difference is that, he has so much faith and trust in God. He never even thinks of giving up. What Job said in Job 1:21b stuck on my mind, “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord!” Those words had led me to my first step of acceptance – acceptance that my children are gone and I should let them go. We decided to schedule the interment and since all our relatives are catholic, we still had the mass before laying our firstborn in her tomb. During the mass, I was talking to God thanking Him for seven wonderful years He allowed us to be with our daughter – seven years of happiness and asking God for strength in facing the pain and help me go on living even my heart was broken. When my daughter’s body was put in the tomb, it became more painful, I came to realize that I will not be seeing her anymore. I don’t want to leave her tomb. I want to stay but someone told me I must let go. Yes, I must let go, another child inside me is dead and I should let go of it, as well. The following morning, I go back to my doctor and decided to do the D & C, to let



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

I continued reading the book of Job and there I know, God restored Job and returned all that was lost including His children. I prayed that God will do same thing to me, I cannot go on living without a child, and He better take me and let me die. After few days, I had a dream wherein I am in a children’s park near a beach area, pregnant and looking after a running girl who I know is my daughter and looks like Sam, my daughter who passed away and I am so sure that the baby inside my womb is a boy. Since then, I know in my heart that God will give me two more children and true to His promise, we now have Samsam and Jemjem. When we come back here in Dubai, it’s even more painful, I can’t sleep thinking there’s no more little hand that will wrap her arms around me and will ask me to sing a lullaby. I don’t know what to do and where to start. I used to do everything for my daughter, prepare everything for her, but she’s gone and everything seems so different. I decided to go back to BBBC and attended Bible studies in Golden Bell. I was trying to live life and move on. I received a message from Pastor Tupas saying, “Move forward and look up”. I said, “I will try”. I remember the song he taught me “Rejoice in the Lord” and I started singing it once again. Slowly, I begin to release more of the pain through studying God’s Word. I remember my conversation with Pastor Erwin. He told me that God has a purpose why it happened to us, I may not see it right away, but God will reveal it in His time. I continued searching for answers through studying God’s Word, even reading other books. One of the books I read was entitled “Safe in the Arms of God” by John MacArthur. I still remember reading a book wherein a paragraph caught my attention. It says, a wife who loses a husband is called a widow. A husband who loses a wife is called a widower. A child who loses his parents is called an orphan. There is no word for a parent who loses a child. That’s how awful the loss is. I strongly agree. It’s like having an open wound in your heart that every time it is touched, it bleeds and causes so much pain. I thank the BBBC brethren, my friends and relatives who comforted me during those times of sorrow, but I would say, I got the true comfort from the God – through His Word, by reading the Bible, by meditating on it. God’s Word is so powerful that it led me to acceptance, letting go, moving on, brand new hope and most of all, forgiveness. My husband and I continued to attend the church services and Bible studies until we found out that I am pregnant, I was still crying every night, but God has given me a new life to cherish. We became active members of the church until we opened a Bible study group in our place. I know God deals with us and is still dealing with us. I remember once again what Pastor Erwin has told me. Now, I know the answers. God wanted us to serve Him. When we left our previous church, we are like sheeps who have gone astray and God has to use His rod and staff to correct us and guide us back to the fold, for God said in John 10:28-29, No man can pluck us out of His hand, neither out of the Father’s hand. One by one, answers are sinking into my mind and in my heart. God loves us so much though we are not worthy of that love. God taketh away and He is also able to bring it back. There will be sorrow and pain but God will always be there to comfort us. There will be struggles and trials, but God promised He will never leave us nor forsake us. Our sufferings are just a tip of what Christ had suffered on the way to the cross and on the cross itself. We have no right to complain, that’s why in all things we should always remember why Jesus died on the cross. I will always be thankful to God for everything. Yes, we suffered the loss and we felt the pain, but God restored us back, back into His arms again. God has given us more reasons to rejoice, live and serve Him. Most of all more reason to praise and glorify Him! BB


God has performed an amazing act of grace in my life and it is my personal ministry to tell others about it. One thing I have learned through about the pursuit of a life of faith is that it isn’t a light-switch moment, and then it’s done. It is a lifetime of consistent living, obeying, learning, and submitting to the will of God. Looking back at my very young age, I've come to learn that life was not easy. So, being the eldest I've dreamt of and aimed to be successful someday that is to own a business to help my family. This has become my motivation and goal in life. I came from a family that do not go to church most of the time. Just on an occasional event such as baptism, weddings and first Sunday of the month mass were the extent of my exposure to church. I don't have a deeper knowledge and understanding about Jesus Christ, God the Father, Holy Spirit and Word of God. During my college days, I came to realize that this world is full of greedy people. They have much but they still want to get more and more. Everyone is after money, fame and success. When I started living in Manila for schooling by God's grace, year 2007 I met my grandmother’s friend who manages a dormitory in Manila. She invited me to attend in their church service. At first, I was hesitant but out of curiosity I decided to go with her. From that day onwards, I continue on attending their church services including prayer meetings. I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Savior on July 19, 2007, I was 17 at that time. I also joined the choir despite of my mother and grandmother’s disapproval. I became an active member of our church. My first 2 years as a Christian became fruitful, I shared gospel to my loved ones, friends, classmates and even to those people that I have just met. Year 2011, my faith was put to a test. Just after I finished the contract from my second job, I suffered depression. I decided to take a vacation in our province. However, still I was a mess. Though I believe in His power but worries reign. I started giving up and even wanted to die. But, God brought me to a realization that this is not the life He wants me to have. Soon I return to Him, trusting Him fully. I started joining again church activities, reviving my spiritual life. It’s been amazing to see how God has brought me back to Him. I came to realize my mistake on not fully trusting and depending on Him. Then on February of 2012, I prayed to God if it is His will for me to work here in Dubai. God answered my prayer after two months of praying. Then, what happened next was beyond my expectation, as I got the job I've prayed for to work in an office as a travel consultant. The fact that it was my first ever interview here in Dubai and I didn't have any background in ticketing. But through God's grace and mercy, I was able to get the job. Then, .

I decided to look for a church where I can attend to. Surprisingly, one of my aunt’s friends whom I am staying with is attending a Christian Church. So, without doing any background check about the church I came with her. Then, I found out that the church I was attending was an Evangelical church. There were big differences on the doctrines and practices, since I came from an Independent Baptist Church. However, due to my high volume of workload and no availability to look for a Baptist church I decided to attend there despite the doubt. Time passed by and I see myself becoming an unfruitful and stagnant Christian. Because of that, I and my sister decided to look for a church same on the church we are attending in Manila. God led us to BBBC. The very first time I attended the service, I can say that this is the answer on what we were praying for. This is the church where we really belong. May 22, 2015, God used Pastor Erwin Concepcion in declaring the Gospel and I came to know that I was not saved. I recommitted myself and received the Lord Jesus as my Lord and personal Savior again. I decided to join Hermeneutics, as I was really interested on studying doctrines. I believed that lots of churches have been lead to wrong doctrines because of wrong interpretation. I wanted to deeply understand the doctrines so I can stand firm on our beliefs and be able to teach others. I also joined the Homiletics class. Public speaking is not my favourite thing to do, but for Gods glory I will do everything for Him. I would like to be equipped, as my desire and aim now is to be the person whom God can use for His glory. I know that I still have a long way to go. But I know that I am taking the right path and I'm fervently praying that He will be with me always even in difficult times. I am grateful to God for giving me my BBBC family. Thank you, brethren! Thank you for your calling! Thank you for your obedience! Thank you for your words! Thank you for your service! Thank you for your support! Thank you for your love! Indeed, my Redeemer is faithful and true. My life verse: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” I Corinthians 10:13. BB


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016




It is a great privilege to write and share my life's testimony as a Christian. I grew up in a Roman Catholic faith wherein during my younger years I was one of the lay ministers in our community chapel. Being one of the lay ministers, I was the one who prepared the things needed for the altar. At the same time I was a member of The Knights of Columbus whose objective is to take good care of the priest. Doing so, it seemed that I didn’t understand what I was doing. I had a lot of unanswered questions. Like any typical guy of this world, I also had my inequities like the habits of smoking and drinking. Back then, I had a lot of friends who also used drugs that eventually had me a taste of that vice. Then, opportunity came when my brother sponsored me to come here in Dubai to work. I was blessed the chance to avoid those worldly people. It was in 2008 when my brother and sister-in-law were introduced to BBBC family. Since we were living in the same apartment, I would avoid and give excuses not to attend their Bible Studies. It was a hard adjustment for me as I didn’t want to abandon my Catholic faith. But I couldn’t run and hide for long because my brother would ask me to fetch their brethren who will attend the bible study. For a while, I attended bible study but not regularly. I set up an audio bible in my phone so even while driving or doing something I still could listen to the Word of God. I met Pastor Erwin Concepcion and other members of the church. I even asked him if he can baptize me already but since I told him my life's story, he said, “You’re not ready yet”. He advised me to fix my life first for I left my girlfriend who was pregnant. After a year, we got married and started our married life in a long distance relationship. That time I was not living anymore in my brother’s house. Living alone, the devil’s temptation was really strong. I was still into smoking and even finished 2 packs of cigarettes a day. I am spending most of my weekends into drinking sessions with my friends and other girls since it was my rest day. And the worst thing I have ever done is cheating on my wife. My life was a mess. I’m into infidelity and in a situation like that I couldn’t resist. I was oblivious to the bad consequence waiting for me because of my sins. Suddenly, an accident happened when my friend’s car crashed and someone was hurt. I took the blame for his mistake since the car he was using was a rent a car which was under my name. I didn’t even realize that the police will put me into jail. That time my wife called. Over the phone she said that she dreamt of me and I was with somebody else but she couldn’t see or figure out the face. I shouted and told her that she's thinking too much. I didn't have the guts to tell about my situation. Inside the jail, I was so afraid I couldn’t breathe properly because all I could see are the four corners of the cell and the people detained with me. I prayed and prayed for God to help me.



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

He answered my prayer when my friends came to the police station and brought my passport. He said that they didn’t file a case against me so I was released. I did a lot of mischievous things and yet our Lord God was there to help. However, in spite of God’s mercy and goodness, I’m still into my indiscretion. I was still a captive of my immorality by still cheating on my wife. And during that time, my son’s health was getting poor for he was diagnosed with Primary Complex. He was always sick and been admitted to the hospital. He stopped from nursery school for he needs to take continuous medicine for six months. For some reasons, he was always sick. Also my wife finally found out that I was cheating on her. She said that the only reason she couldn’t leave me was because our son. I know I was about to lose my family. With all of my shortcomings, I begin to lose my confidence and my morale. After years of being lost, I went for vacation and there found fulfillment with my family. I reunited with them, and thank God our marriage was getting smooth again. Glory to God for His goodness for giving my wife a loving and forgiving heart, for always praying to God to touch my heart. The bible said in Matthew 19:6, “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” After my vacation, three months later, I took my wife from the Philippines. After a year, my brother offered us one of their rooms to stay. We had the chance to attend Back to the Bible Baptist Church. I know God is working in our lives because blessings began pouring on us. It’s always in our prayer for our son to be with us but due to financial problem it was difficult. But God is so good for giving us His grace to be a complete family. We started to live a new life. We attended bible studies and other fellowships and activities of the church. I and my wife accepted JESUS CHRIST as our Lord and Savior. Little by little, I quit smoking and alcohol. I focused my attention more to my family. After several months, for the second time around after so many years, I asked Pastor Erwin if he can baptize me but this time, it’s not me alone but with my wife already. Praise God. I was so blessed because He saved a person like me. I’m so undeserving for His love yet his love for me was so overwhelming. The questions unanswered before became clear to me. I asked the Lord for forgiveness for all my sins and His response for me was so amazing. Our son who was always been sick before is now healthy in body, mind and spirit. My wife and I help each other to grow more spiritually. Being in Christ really gives me a peaceful and joyful heart and mind. I even attended homiletics class. It is my desire to share the gospel to others who still don’t know Christ. Truly, if God works in your life, no matter what you have done or even how many times you fall, He still shows His love for us. My experience is a living testimony of God’s grace to those people who are living in the wrong path of life. I really thank the Lord for those people He sent for me to be the instrument of His Love. My life was changed. God reminded me that the purpose of dying in the cross is not the position, not the power, and certainly not for the name to be glorified but to have me or you beside Him. It is us the reason of His birth, His existence and His death. He wants us to be saved and live with Him throughout eternity. That’s God amazing grace towards His children. To His children, He has His mercy, and even if has the power over us though we deserve judgment. He holds us in His hands with compassion and love. BB

Winter Camp 2016 Sis. May Pedico

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1

It was still winter time in the Middle East, and before the weather changes the church did not want to miss one of the most-awaited annual events – the church camp. It was way back Year in 2009 when we had our first church encampment which made our bond us brethren in Christ, stronger and so we continue to hold such every year. Right after our English Worship Service on Friday, 18th of March 2016, Back to the Bible Baptist Church in convoyed trip from Dubai travelled towards Hotel Royal Residence Hotel, Um Al Quwain, UAE. Packed with us are overnight stuffs to be used. We arrived in the venue late in the afternoon. Some of us ate our late lunch whilst others already had theirs on the vehicles, through the journey. As soon as everyone got settled in their room assignments and had their concerns taken care of, the fellowship program started. Grouped in four, the attendees commenced the fellowship with cheering! Subsequently, the camp committees facilitated group games such as bible quiz and parlor games. Tasty dinner was served by assigned brethren in the evening. Afterwards, Pastor Erwin delivered the Message of God for us that very night. Subsequent to being fed and refreshed spiritually, we continued with the fellowship. Skits were prepared by each team with complex yet adaptable rule of singing the dialogue. Those skits made our night more cool and fun. Since other brethren need to go home for work the next day, immediate awarding was pursued. Prayer concluded our night.

As God wake us up from a comfortable and sweet night rest, we who were left in the place continued our activity for the day. On our 2nd day that is 19th of March, King’s Men and True Womanhood Ministry had their early morning devotion, independently. Each was held in their own corresponding accommodation. The rest of the morning, consequent to breaking the fast is a free time for everyone. Liberated to do anything you want to do while in the venue added up pleasure to us! KM and TW had their own business that made their stay extra memorable. As the early Christians in the New Testament obey the Lord commands continue steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers (Acts 2:42), so do we. What a sweet and engaging fellowship! A heartwarming event to remember! One Christ, One Body, One Family – this is us, BBBC Family! Praise God! BB


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


Caring Hair For your

Sis. Cherrie Tuquero My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. (Psalm 45:1) Over the years, I always consider it a privilege to be given the opportunity to be part of BBBC’s pool of writers. I am blessed to be able to share my knowledge and insights about nutrition and health by writing about topics that may serve as a resource to those who value health and wellness and an eye opener to those who don’t care that much. A little change on a person’s habits by setting realistic and informed goals would produce a ton of difference in your health. Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. For this year’s anniversary issue, I have decided to write something about Nutrition and Hair Health. The human hair also reflects the overall condition of the body. It is most often seen as a critical element to achieve youthfulness and beauty in women, and virility & masculinity in men. So it would be not surprising if many of us fear hair loss and any other conditions which can cause damage to our hair. In the bible, Samson took his strength from his long hair, flowing mane to destroy the Philistines. When Delilah cut his hair his strength was gone. In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh always wore a wig to denote his status, and few bible verses that explains about hair are 1 Corinthians 11:15 says, “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for [her] hair is given her for a covering” and 1 Corinthians 11:14 says, ”Doth not even nature itself teach you, that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?” Hair is the fastest growing natural tissue; average rate growth is 1cm per month. Optimal growth occurs from ages 15-30years old and reduces from age 40-50. Genetics and health are factors in hair wellbeing. The living part of hair is under the scalp skin where its root is house within the follicle. Nutrients derives from the blood, health concerns such as stress, trauma, medications, medical conditions, heavy metals, smoking can affect the hair. Also, malnutrition, congenital heart disease (a heart problem that develops before the baby is born or at birth), neuromuscular disease (impair the functioning of the muscles, it is genetic or runs in the family), alcoholism and advanced age (getting older) can cause hair to change color, be weakened or loss. Hair growth may also be reduced by nutrient deficiency like anorexia, anemia, zinc deficiency and hormonal fluctuations (menopause, polycystic ovaries and thyroid disease). Nutritionists confirm that people with certain nutritional deficiencies tend to have dry, stringy, dull hair and sometimes hair loss. Hair problems can be restored once the deficiency is addressed.



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

DON'TS *Crash diets (or method to lose weight really fast in a short period of time, by reducing the daily calorie intake to as low as 700 calories a day) affects the normal hair cycle causing increased shedding or hair loss to more than 50-100 hair a day. *No to sugar as it is highly acidic, it destroys B vitamins and decrease minerals leading to unhealthy hair. Also soft drinks, snacks like fried, overcooked junk snacks, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine have detrimental effects (damaging/harmful) to hair growth. *No to Junk foods or unhealthy eating pattern and habits. *Excessive hair bleaching, treatments, perming, coloring and other hair abuse, as it triggers hair fall and baldness. *Avoid unnecessary brushing, combing or handling. Use soft, round bristle brush. *Stress, tension, anxiety, insomnia and some medications are known to retard (prevent) hair growth.

DO'S and PRACTICAL APPLICATION *For healthy hair and beauty, food variety may be the best option. *Consume among the following Vitamins and Minerals. VITAMINS Vitamin A (Beta-carotene) is essential for hair growth and healthy scalp. Found in green and yellow vegetables and fruits like sweet potatoes, broccoli, apricots and carrots. Vitamin E increases oxygen uptake and circulation thereby improving hair growth and health. Consume Avocado, rice bran, nuts, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Vitamin K helps maintain healthy hair. Sources include dairy foods, asparagus, figs, broccoli, lettuce, brussel sprouts, cabbage, dark green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, rye, soybeans, wheat and yogurt. B complex vitamins are water-soluble, that can be taken in adequate amount each day because the body removes excess amounts of these vitamins in your urine.

1. B1 (thiamin) sources – milk, beans, potato, sweet corn, liver, soya-beans 2. B2 (riboflavin) sources – milk, cheese, vegetables, tomato, soya-beans, eggs, meat, chicken 3. B3 (niacin) sources – meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, and mushrooms, tree nuts (almonds, walnuts and cashew) 4. B5 (pantothenic acid) sources – meat, broccoli, and avocados 5. B6 (pyridoxine) from cereals, dry fruits and nuts, egg yolk and liver 6. B7 (biotin) sources – eggs, liver, soy 7. Folic acid or vitamin B9 from leafy vegetables, pasta, bread, cereal, liver8. B12 (cyanocobalamin) sources milk, fish, mutton, chicken and eggs They help in nourishment of hair-follicles (are sheath of cells and tissue which surrounds the root of a hair), B vitamins give hair flexibility, strength, shine and helps prevent hair loss, avoid graying and greasy hair which is a sign of low folic acid and prevention of dandruff for Vitamin B6 deficient.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is important for good circulation, hair growth and hair color. Enough Vitamin C results in strong, supple strands of hair that do not split. An important antioxidant that promotes cell and tissue repair and enhance immune system. Sources are citrus fruits like oranges, lime, lemon, berries, vegetables like brussels sprouts, cucumbers, tomato, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables and red peppers.

MINERALS Iron helps carry oxygen to the hair. Sources are dark and green leafy vegetables, whole grains, garden cress seeds. Potassium is important in nutrient transfer to hair. Best source are banana, sweet potato, tomato or sun dried tomato, kidney beans. Magnesium is important for hair growth. It includes food like whole grains, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, fruits, nuts and pulses. Zinc builds hair protein, maintain good hair condition. It stimulates hair growth by improving immunity. Natural sources are legumes, mushroom, non-fat dry milk, spinach, whole grains, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Selenium sources are tuna, salmon, shrimp, sardines, turkey, chicken, lamb, scallops, and beef. It is necessary for iodine metabolism and good hair growth. Along with the proper healthy hair we must include food rich in essential fatty acid like vegetable oils, whole grains, legumes, fresh nuts and oil seeds, spirulina, flaxseed oil and pumpkin seeds. It helps in dry and brittle hair. Exercise is also important along with healthy hair diet as it will ensure proper blood flow to your scalp and hair growth.

Make sure to consume complex carbohydrates like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown rice than simple sugars and white flour foods. This will give energy and growth of body tissues of hair. Also add high protein source like soy, tofu, and dairy products like milk, curd, paneer, cheese, nuts, oilseeds, beans and pulses.

DIET PLAN: (HEALTHY HAIR FOOD PLAN) BREAKFAST Skim milk/Soy milk, Whole grain bread or toast or breakfast cereal or sprout, Bowl of fresh fruits MORNING SNACK Fresh vegetable juice like carrot or cucumber juice Handful s of nuts likes walnuts, soaked almonds, raisins, dates (choose from options) LUNCH Fresh vegetable soup/salad, Brown rice (whole wheat), Green veggies Dals or whole pulses, Curd/Tofu AFTERNOON SNACK Skim milk (1 glass), roasted chana (chickpeas) or kurmura (puffed rice) or roasted popcorn EVENING SNACK Fresh veggies and fruit juice (like carrot, apple, and lemon) DINNER Fresh veggie soup or salad, or brown rice, Vegetable BEDTIME SNACK (optional-choose among the following) Fruit like watermelon or banana, Natural substitute like fruits, dates, figs or honey instead of sugar Fruits like berries, grapes, apples and cherries (they have useful enzymes that can add value to hair health You have all the answers, just need to take ultimate responsibility, nourish it and learn to love your blessings. By the way, God gives us the trees, greens and their produce to be consumed for meat and medicine. The Word of God is never outdated. Thus, such are still the best option for our health as

Ezekiel 47:12



by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.” BB


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


Dearest BBBC, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. How time has flown! It seemed only just like yesterday that we were helping to organize the 3rd Anniversary of BBBC and now you are already celebrating your 12th Anniversary! God has indeed done great and wonderful things amongst you. We have seen many godly men that have been raised to preach, a music ministry that has flourished and a choir that remains strong and committed to the right worship in this day of the entertainment-focused church. We are encouraged by the many that have been joining the flock and how you continue to reach out to the lost. Even as we truly enter the last days remember that our time to work is short and there remains much work to be done. Many are still headed on their way to an eternity in hell fire and it is our duty to warn them to turn before it becomes too late. One thing that we urge you is to keep the faith. We have grieved also at the news that some have fallen away from the faith choosing to trade the eternal with the temporal, some who have compromised with sin and who have been deceived by the chief of liars. The main requirement of being a disciple of Christ is preserving in the race not giving up before the finish line, keeping your eyes on the goal of hearing from our Lord, "Well done good and faithful servant, now enter into My rest." Jesus reminds us that following Him requires each of us to take up our cross to follow him. Are you carrying yours or are you just being content bring a "comfort zone Christian?" I assure you there is no such thing. Have you been bearing fruit? Or will you be a fruitless branch cast into the fire?

To the Back to the Bible Baptist Church Dubai, the church where I have known and have received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and have grown in God's grace and truth, our love and greetings to all of you on the 12th church anniversary! You have always been a source of blessing and encouragement to us and continue to be. We wish you the Lord's richest blessings! Although we live across the ocean, we are one church with you, and we look forward to the eternal fellowship we will enjoy in glory. Praise God for His love, grace and faithfulness to the BBBC! May you continue to be a light in the darkness, and God bless your labors as you continue to share the good news of salvation. Love & Prayers, Sis. Cynthia & Migs Ubungen AUSTRALIA

From Across

Bear in mind that God is no fool. One cannot claim to be a disciple of Christ yet hide unconfessed sin. Get right with God if you need to. You cannot confess Christ yet live in sin. Satan will use this as a stranglehold on whatever ministry you are doing and you will not be able to truly flourish and serve God. Be set free for in Christ we have true freedom. Three years ago, our family decided to take the step of obedience to head to the Philippines to preach the gospel there. We cannot say that the journey has been an easy one. There are many struggles and challenges with even our lives being put on the line. Even just this year in April our youngest daughter at only 1 year old was admitted into hospital with a very rare bacterial infection that was highly antibiotic resistant and her life was only preserved with the many prayers that many saints interceded together with us for. Even now, we are being led in another step that will require day by day dependence on our God even for daily provisions but we know God is a faithful God that will not leave us wanting. Thus, we ask for your prayers even more. Even as we approach an even more uncertain future in the world, we must be reminded that the signs in the world are pointing closer and closer to the return of Christ. We must be like the prepared virgins, equipped with extra oil, readily watching, not sleeping, ready at a moment's notice to depart. Be encouraged that whatever struggle you are going through, it's only for a while. God's grace will be sufficient for thee.

Dear BBBC Family, Happy 12th anniversary. our good Lord has been faithful to you all and His greatness and power are shown in your lives and testimony as a church. Your faithfulness and humble service to the Lord is felt across the globe. We are so grateful to God that we grow spiritually through BBBC and been ministered by hardworking and dedicated servants of God in BBBC. You are always in our hearts and praising God every time we remember you all especially the Concepcion family and Pastor and Ate Beth. Stay faithful to our King. Looking forward to seeing you one day if not on earth for sure we all have our fellowship in heaven.

Until we meet again dearest BBBC, run the race toward the mark. Blessed 12th Anniversary!

1 Corinthians 15:58,�Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Much love,

Love you all, The Faulans

The Lau Family Bro. Jacob and Sis. Grace Elisha, Elizabeth, Emmeline and Evangeline SINGAPORE



BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016

Bro. Erick and Sis. Cheryl Hannah and Baby Hans CANADA

Dear brothers and sisters at BBBC,

Dear BBBC Family,

We rejoice with you in celebrating 12 years of the LORD's unchanging love and care! Our time with you is still one of the greatest highlights of our ministry. So if you and Pastor Erwin are precious to us, how much more precious you are to the Lord! Most exciting to us is how the Lord Jesus has used you and wants to still use you to shine the light of the glory of God in UAE. Someday we will again stand together rejoicing in the Lord's grace and casting our crowns at His feet. Until then, may you see these first twelve years as Jesus' first twelve years -- just the first part of many more years to be about your Father's business.

Every year as I am reminded that Back to the Bible Baptist Church is celebrating another anniversary, I still stand back in awe at how God continues to lift His name!

Love in Christ, Dr. Phil and Mommy Mila Kamibayashiyama USA


Let God be given the highest praise for He is God of wonders and wonders. He is so marvellous that in unfathomable greatness of His majesty and in the vastness of all His creations, He loved us and looked upon us and saved us and made us His children in the beloved wherein He enjoined us for same purpose. Through this, we have known each and knitted our hearts together and made us co-labourers in His vineyard. It is really a blessing to meet you and the most of it, is that, you accepted us not only as new friends but as part of the family, for indeed we are. Your warm reception is too great that my wife and I can never forget it. Consequently, those short periods of our visits with you were great privileges to serve the Lord. I like your church name for it is really what you are. Your choice of the right kind of music, your stand on the right doctrine and your zealousness in bringing the lost to Christ portray that you are standing Back to the Bible (Acts 2). Keep on until the coming day of the Lord. “For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister� (Hebrews 6:10). With this, I greet you a blessed and a blissful 12th Church Anniversary. May the Lord continuously pour out His blessings to you-ward. Pastor Cornelio L. Guiang Puerto Princesa Bible Church PALAWAN, PHILIPPINES

For every goodness that we experience, at times we might feel that as we seek God, He blesses. But the truth in the Bible is, our being attracted to Him, our drawing close and seeking Him are actually His doing. He said in John 15:16. "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you." It is not an accident that you brethren are here in Dubai. It is not an accident that you are part of the life of Back to the Bible Baptist Church. It is not a coincidence that we live in such a time as this. We are celebrating our 12th year. Each one of us is appointed to bear fruit continually, abundantly and eternally because the best is yet to come! Let us wait prayerfully and work lovingly in forwarding God's kingdom. Let us also ask ourselves what kind of fruits we bore. Or are we really bearing fruit? Our life as a church and God's delight is when in our loving Him we bear much fruit. Our prayer as a family is that you continue to love and support Pastor Erwin and the whole leadership, and for God's love to cover and keep each one of the brethren in the fold and for you to be used to usher more into His Kingdom while it is still day. Our life as a church and God's delight is when in our loving Him we bear much fruit. Our prayer as a family is that you continue to love and support Pastor Erwin and the whole leadership, and for God's love to cover and keep each one of the brethren in the fold and for you to be used to usher more into His Kingdom while it is still day. Remember, you are chosen. Ordained to bear fruit. Blessings and blessings and our warmest love to you all! The Tupas Family Pastor Jogli and Sis. Lynette David Raj, Ruth Gail and Daniel Earl MALAYSIA Dear BBBC Family, We are rejoicing with all of you as you celebrate your 12th year anniversary of Back to Bible Baptist Church, Dubai. We are praising the Lord for your partnership in the advancement of God's kingdom here in Cambodia. May the Lord bless you and keep you all as you continue to obey and serve Him faithfully. Congratulations! To God belongs the eternal praise! Love in Christ, Pastor Rogil and Janice Apostol CAMBODIA


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016



Dear BBBC Brethren, It is a pleasure for us to write you and extend our congratulations and the blessings of His greatness and faithfulness as a church family, the body of Christ. Thanking the Lord of the harvest for bringing you new souls, to be one as a family in Christ. Rejoicing in the success and hard work of Pastor Erwin and his lovely wife and their lives and dedication to the Lord and His work. We wish you new achievement and further fruits that will always be for eternity. May God continue to bless and extend His Kingdom through you. Thank you so much for your support to the mission work in Bangyai, Nonthaburi, Thailand. You are the hands and feet for Jesus in that Buddhist country.

Happy anniversary BBBC! To God be all the glory! In His Service, Pastor Nimrod and Sis. Esther Acosta Thai officers/leaders of this church. Please pray for his missionary visa and work permit to be issued soon. Pray too for safety and wisdom for him and Jen to be used of God in a mighty way as they nurture the Thai and Filipino believers. Training them to involve in evangelizing/building the Thai for Christ.

Installation service of Jeph and wife Jen as a missionary pastor of Bangyai Baptist Church that we planted by God’s grace.

Our son Pastor Jeph conducting home bible study

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It is our church celebration outing day. This is the English Filipino congregation that we also started 15 years ago. Praise God Pastor Jeph is preaching to the Thai church in the morning and he pastors also the English and Filipino church in the evening.

BBBC – UAE Local Missions And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:18-20 As the Lord God commanded us to expand His Kingdom on earth, He hath blessed BBBC with two mission churches here in the UAE. The two missions are Mirfa and Abu Dhabi, both are located in Abu Dhabi Emirates. Pastor Erwin Concepcion commissioned faithful men of BBBC to start their mission work.

MIRFA MISSION By the grace of God, we have opened a mission church in Mirfa, Abu Dhabi through the leadership of Bro. Rodlin Cawaling. There are a total of 18 attendees. Due to the schedule, there are inconsistencies in the attendance. They are having their regular worship service, bible study and prayer meeting. Likewise, praise God that they had just celebrated their 2nd anniversary last 18th of September, 2016.

ABU DHABI MISSION It started as Abu Dhabi Bible Study Group on 26th of November, 2013. The Lord did grant the desires of their heart to be a mission church in the mentioned place. On March 25, 2016, they commenced a worship service with a total of 12 attendees which is consist of nine members and 3 regular who are candidates for membership. Praise God for the Servant Leader Bro. Melvin Caba and King’s Men Bros. Jay Jope and Bro. Rey Busquit He uses to lead this mission. Moreover, they also started their prayer meeting on the 24th of July 2016. Let us continue to pray that these missions will thrive for the glory and fame of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. BB If ever you know family members, friends or acquaintances who are seeking for church where to worship or serve the Lord, please feel free to contact the persons mentioned above.


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BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016





BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016








BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016



Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016




BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016


BURNING BUSH/1 Annual Edition/2016






8:30AM – 10:00AM 11:00AM – 1:00PM




Sis. Cathy Concepcion 050 4523 550

8:30PM Manama Villa







CHOIR PRACTICE 8:30PM Manama Villa

Sis. Gemini Peralta 052 9287 661 Bro. Jay Jope 050 9417 696 Sis. Cathy Concepcion 050 4523 550 Bro. Angelo Malilay 055 9441 751 Sis. Aileen Hinojales 050 8893 683 Bro. Jeffrey Intal 050 2876 209 Bro. Jeff Cruz 055 6461 765 Sis. Haidee Sulitas 056 1060 847 Bro. Paul Nena 056 2856 704 Bro. Jeff Maloles 050 2069 392 Bro. Rodlin Cawaling 050 1819 357 Sis. Jona Delapena 055 8625 039 (1st Friday night and 3rd Wednesday night of the Month) Bro. Rued Almadilla 050 2702086 Bro. Rey Timbang 055 7425 675 Bro. Wasantha Pathiraja 050 2964 779 Bro. Rued Almadilla 050 2702 086 Bro. Ric Saquing 056 9518 305 Sis. Shirley Guiang 050 3634 894


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