Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
Sis. May Pedico
Sis. Junila Salundagit
Sis. Erlani Maningat
Pastor Christian Alix
Bro. Jeffrey Paul Cruz
Dr. Charles Stanley
Bro. Rued Almadilla
Pastor Erwin Concepcion
Sis. May Pedico
MEN 8 KING’S THE MASTER’S “WELL DONE” Bro. Cyril Rodriguez
Ptr. Rogil Apostol and Sis. Janice Apostol
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to acknowledge our brethren who submitted their entries for our 8th cover design edition. Thank you for your labor of love Sis. Arriane, Sis. Juny, Sis. Jerna Love, and Pastor Welven! We encourage you all brethren to submit your cover design entry in every issue of the Burning Bush. There is joy and delight in serving the Lord with the gifts and wisdom He has given you! BB
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
According to a known Greek philosopher, “There is nothing permanent except change” which is highly evident in a true believer's life. Change is inevitable and imperative as the clearest picture of a Spirit-filled and Spirit-controlled life. The Lord says, Because it is written, Be ye holy for I am holy (1 Peter 1:16) thus, transmits the undeniable truth that a life surrendered to Jesus Christ results to gradual change albeit a long process and in a slower pace to some, however on the same road of conforming to Christ's image.
Nothing best illustrates such transformation we experience more than the nature of a caterpillar that metamorphose into a beautiful butterfly. This conversion of a caterpillar in the chrysalis is a tough process and is similar to what we Christians undergo in order to emerge from the cocoon as new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17). Though we face warfare that goes between the flesh and spirit, we can be sure that we can overcome such impossible feat through the power of the Holy Spirit and not by our feeble strength as mere human. With God, all things are possible!
This New Year may lead the world into coming up with many resolutions – changes that most often will be broken than accomplished even before the quarter of the year ends. But as born again in the family of God, let us pay heed to the petition of Paul in Romans 12:1-2 for the continuous pursuance of the renewing of our minds and offering of our bodies as living sacrifices for God's glory. Such heart that was cold, recalcitrant, dead and inert to godly matters – surrender that stony heart to Jesus Christ and let the Holy Spirit work out, soften and replace it with a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26)! Desire a heart of flesh that is pulsating with life, driven to be far different from the world and pleasing to God, most of all!
Junila Salundagit Editor-In-Chief
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
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PASTOR Dear Brethren & Friends, If we look around us, we see many Christian churches sprouting up like mushrooms compare to five or ten years ago. There are mega churches today with congregation of more than twenty thousand members. I have seen churches with more than ten thousand people attending worship service at once. It looks amazing how the Lord works in these churches and surprisingly, all of these churches are contemporary ones. Question arises, what is the new trend in evangelism today? One thing is known, contemporary worship uses entertainment and light preaching that does not convict sinners to repent, mostly love and blessings. Some pastors say, it’s up to the Holy Spirit to move their hearts. Although it is true, but it is also commanded that preachers should deliver the straight forward message to convict the hearts of the hearers. 2 Timothy 4:2 says, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” The aim of the preaching of the Word of God is to transform the lives of the guilty sinners for Jesus. The Bible says in Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
“Life transformation is the first manifestation of the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer”
We have to be reminded again that when a person becomes born-again Christian, changes must take place in his life. Life transformation is the first manifestation of the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. First of all, the word “again” from the word “Born-again” (John 3:3) is the Greek word “anothen” means born from above. So, believers who received Jesus as Lord and Savior will definitely have changed life: from worldliness to godliness, from unrighteousness to righteousness. Everything in his/her life changes from the way he or she thinks, to the way he/she does things. Paul said it in 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Old sinful deeds in a person’s life will drastically be changed into righteousness through the work of the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit is to sanctify the person to produce good fruits pleasing to God. Ephesians 1:13 says “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise”, through the power of the Word of God. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 says “For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” When we therefore see “Christian friends” still dwelling in their old worldly life, his/her deed is detrimental to his/her claim to be a Christian, and might still be unsaved and in darkness. Leading them back again to Christ would be the best thing we should do for them. May this issue gives you a new insight of knowing your true relationship with Christ and the joy of understanding a transformed life. BB
For His Service, Pastor Erwin Concepcion Senior Pastor Back to the Bible Baptist Church gbdesign@emirates.net.ae
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
F o r
SETTING YOUR GOALS What’s your plan today? Once in a while, I would read stories of great historical accomplishments. One of which was the story of the Wright Brothers – the Inventors of the modern airplane. During the 1900s, the pursuit of the powered man flight was the talk of the town, but Orville and Wilbur Wright had none of what we consider to have the recipe of success. They had no money, they paid for their dream from the proceeds of their bicycle shop, and not a single one of them had a college education. But what made their work special is because they were driven by a purpose, they believed that if they could figure out this flying machine it will change the course of the world! They work with passion, sweat and tears. There were stories of how every time the Wright Brothers went out to test the plane that they would take five set of parts, because that's how many times they would crash before they could eat dinner. And eventually on December 17, 1903, they made the first controlled, powered and sustained human flight machine. In relation to the Christian walk, the story inspires us to start something that really matters to God in the context of making a difference in this sick world we live in today. The question is: What goals have you set for the Lord? What preparations are you doing today that can make a difference tomorrow? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? The Bible declares that, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" 1 Corinthians 10:31. The flying machine story gives us an illustrative lesson about commitment to the goal without excuses. We should never forget that our goal as believers is to glorify His Name (Isaiah 43:7, Revelation 4:11) Being the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16) will result in serving the Him with love and passion. "Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:22-24. Notice the phrase "in singleness of heart" that means... FOCUS. Our motives and attention should be fully for Christ. In Christ alone we stand, for without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5). Our family, our career path, our future and even our personal goals are all in vain without the great Shepherd leading us. As we evaluate our lives the past year, did we consider and pursue the goal to be closer to Jesus this year? Is He part of your plan? BB
Pastor Christian Alix Associate Pastor Back to the Bible Baptist Church ianalix.id@gmail.com
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
od’s ultimate will is for every believer to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. His grace is responsible for our rebirth, and from that point it directs, moves, and influences us to become increasingly Christ-like. In that way, we can say with the apostle Paul, “By the grace of God I am what I am” (1 Corinthians 15:10). Paul’s life is a powerful example of God’s transforming grace. In Philippians chapter 3, Paul describes how he once depended on his good works, nature, and conduct to gain acceptance before God. He did not originally understand there is only one way to be made acceptable in God’s sight — by His grace. However, encountering the living Christ totally changed Paul. He recognized that all of his human titles and achievements had absolutely no spiritual value. Like him, we must also realize we will never gain eternity by depending on anything we are or anything we do — salvation is unrelated to how much money we give, what excellent citizens we are, or how well we treat our family. It is by grace, and grace alone, that we are saved (Ephesians 2:89). There are millions of people who sincerely but wrongly believe they will be acceptable to God based on how good they are. It grieves my heart to think they will die in ignorance, deceived by the false doctrine of working to earn the Lord’s approval. By grace, Paul’s thinking was corrected — he learned that everything he had counted as valuable was worthless. In this way, Christianity’s worst enemy became its greatest asset, chief proponent, and dearest friend. How did this change come about? Saul, the “Hebrew of Hebrews” committed to destroying anything related to Jesus Christ, was approaching Damascus. Blinded after a sudden flash of light, he fell to the ground and heard Jesus say, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” (Acts 22:7-9). The future apostle leaned that being critical of the church or Christians was equivalent to opposing Jesus Himself (Matthew 25:40) and that to attack
the body of Christ meant putting oneself under condemnation and judgment. But God’s grace was about to transform Saul by giving him a new nature and a fresh start. His hostile, vengeful heart would abruptly be changed, and he would become the church’s most powerful promoter. The grace that saves and transforms today is the same grace that changed Saul, the sinner, into Paul, the saint. And he became an example to those around him as well as to future generations. God wanted all of us to know that if He can come out of nowhere, knock Paul down, blind him, and transform him completely, then He can save anyone. Witnessing Paul’s conversion makes us ask, “Who among us cannot be transformed by the grace of God?” But don’t be deceived by Paul’s dramatic experience. I was saved at the age of 12. I had been reading the Bible a great deal, and I understood that I needed God’s forgiveness in my life. There was no flash of light; I simply stepped from the second pew, walked to the altar, and knelt down to pray. I came from a home where my mom read the Bible to me, so my getting saved as an adolescent was somewhat normal and natural. But what I want to tell you is this: It took just as much grace to save me at 12 as it took to save Saul of Tarsus, the violent, hateful persecutor of the church. The Bible says we were dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:l). How much life does it take to make a dead person alive? It doesn’t matter whether the dead person is 7 or 70 — it takes Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). What an awesome example Paul is of the transforming power of God’s grace, which can change a murderous opponent of Christ into the world’s greatest missionary. He gave himself without reservation to proclaiming the gospel, and he was able to say that God’s grace toward him “did not prove vain” (1 Corinthians 15:10). Has God poured His grace out into your life? Don’t let it be in vain. Tell God how thankful you are — and tell others what He has done for you. Source: http://blog.precept.org/the-transforming-grace-of-god/
Charles F. Stanley is the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author. While his teaching is transmitted throughout the world to millions of people, Dr. Stanley has been said to demonstrate a practical, keen awareness of people's needs and provide Christ-centered, biblically-based principles for everyday life. Dr. Stanley’s motivation is best represented by the truth found in Acts 20:24, “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus — the work of telling others the Good News about God's mighty kindness and love.” This is because, as he says, “It is the Word of God and the work of God that changes people’s lives.” Source: http://www.intouch.org/about-us/meet-dr-charles-stanley
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
TRANSFORMATION Pastor Erwin Concepcion
Spiritual Transformation is to change radically in inner character, condition, or nature. In Romans 12:2 the Apostle Paul exhorted Christians, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Followers of Christ should not be conformed, either inwardly, or in appearance, to the values, ideas, and behavior of a fallen world. Believers should continually renew their minds through prayers and their study of God’s Word, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and so be transformed and make like Christ, “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). When He returns, Christ will “...change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body...” (Philippians 3:21). To have a transformed life, one must totally surrender his/her life 100% to Jesus Christ.
BIBLE READING: Romans 12:1-2 v.1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. v.2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. If we want to have great impact in the world for Christ, we must be seriously committed to studying God’s Word, learning soul winning by doing it, working hard following up new converts and thinking hard how to serve God more effectively. Apply these principles of surrender to your own life: 1. Pray daily, using a prayer list (confess, thank, other’s needs, my needs). 2. Read, study, and memorize the Bible daily. 3. Tell someone that you have surrendered 100% to Jesus Christ. 4. Ask God to fill you with his Holy Spirit daily. 5. Take opportunities to talk to your roommate, office mate, friends, visitors in the church, and ask them: If you were to die right now, would you be 100% sure of going to heaven? 6. Take opportunities to teach or preach. 7. Ask God to open doors for greater service. 8. Take opportunities to have Bible studies with others. 9. Pray the following: 9.1 1 Chronicles 4:10 “And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.” 9.2 Matthew 9:38 “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” 9.3 Isaiah 6:8 “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” 10. Decide to attend all activities of the church including Christian education subjects which will help you grow. 7
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
11. Challenge people to be saved and fully surrendered to God. 12. Love and choose the most Godly people to be your close friends. 13. Learn as much as you can about serving God as fast as you can. 14. Keep saying “Yes” to God and the opportunities to serve God. 15. Ask God for someone to lead to Christ and to teach the Bible each week. 16. Ask God for the courage and boldness to do God’s will. 17. Ask God to give you a hatred for sin and love for holiness and righteousness. 18. Ask God to give you eternal values. 19. Reach out as many persons as possible. 20. Ask God to make you a powerful, spirit-filled, Bible teacher and soul-winner. 21. Ask for more ideas to win souls and to serve God better. 22. Ask God to make you loyal to this church. 23. Ask God to keep you humble and make you wise; to give you wisdom. BB
Bro. Cyril Rodriguez
he King’s Men Ministry of BBBC is composed of ordinary men with limited capabilities but has remarkable faith in God that makes them do awe-inspiring service. Men are meant to lead not just in the church but also at home and this ministry is God’s tool to train us in dealing with life, in general. The KM (King’s Men) also takes a pivotal role in all church activities though it be a small gathering, an outdoor fellowship or an anniversary celebration.
repented. This is also apparent in the men of our church! Yes! Like all other men they are not faultless but each one has their own humble heart necessary for the work of the ministry.
Aside from Christ himself (our perfect example) the Bible do gave us men who illustrates a normal but fruitful Christian life and I would like to reflect on these great men of the Bible to show how God has worked in them and how he still works in the lives of the men in our KM ministry today. The Bible records our forefather’s marvelous acts but looking closely, what make them remarkable are their purpose, humility and unity.
The Unity The Preacher said in Ecclesiastes 4:9, “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.” Working together for the advancement of God’s cause bringeth forth good reward and nurtures everyone that is a part of the work as Proverbs 27:17 suggest; Iron sharpeneth iron. The Bible clearly shows us the magnificent work of unity; Noah and his family, Abraham and Lot, Moses and Aaron (and Joseph), Daniel and his three friends, Elijah and Elisha, David and Jonathan, Peter, James and John, Paul and Silas, et al. No one can deny that by being united and having one thing in common can change even the course of history, just like what these men of faith have done.
The current struggles that we have are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. Oh! That moment when we face our Master and hear His sweet “Well done”! To worthily hear those words is what makes ordinary men do extraordinary things. The Purpose The Patriarchs, the Judges, the Prophets, the Apostles and the Martyrs of the Bible lived in various eras; they have different family background, occupations (shepherd, tentmaker, fisherman, publican, doctor, lawyer, etc.) and belief before they encountered God. These valiant men, by God’s power, have done a lot of marvelous works some of which are not perceivable even by the greatest minds the world can offer. Amazing as it may seem, they have but one thing in common, their mighty acts have only one reason and purpose behind – to give glory to God and to make His name known to all people throughout all the ages. Though it be dividing the sea, overcoming giants or calling fire from heaven the purpose never changed nor it will ever be. I believe it has been passed down in our time and is the main quality of BBBC’s KM ministry that makes them grow stronger and despite having a lot of differences the purpose in serving God never changed since the old time. Put this purpose in your heart and God will enable you to accomplish amazing feats. I strongly believe that this purpose drives the KM to continue moving forward because there is no other reason to live than to glorify the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls.
The KM fellowship itself is already a learning ground about humility and anyone who experienced companionship from these humble men of God can testify about the humility that lies behind those cheerful faces.
Unity is also highly evident in the KM ministry, though it may be physical work, technical expertise or mental challenges; one can surely notice those joy-filled eyes and lively conversations as they work with each other for the furtherance of the gospel. Knowing that we got each other’s back is an encouragement already in itself. The purpose that never changed, the humility that can be felt and the unity that encourages are the essential elements that hold the KM ministry together and bring out the best in every one. We may not be elites of the society nor renowned individuals but God chose us for his glory and that alone is more than enough to cheer even the most discouraged soul, as Paul hath said…“For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence.” I Corinthians 1:26-29
There is no small act when it comes to service as long as this purpose is served. The Humility Humility is a characteristic of the strong. It takes more courage to be humble enough to accept one’s failure than to receive praises on one’s triumph. Some of the faithful men in the Scripture committed the sin of murder, adultery, a lying tongue and being drunk but they are humble enough to confess and forsake them. Take David for example, when confronted of his sin, without a word he humbly
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
Finally, I beseech and urge everyone to keep the faith, run the race, fight the good fight until the final moment because in the end it’s all about our Master’s “Well Done”. BB
NURTURING Sis. Cherrie Tuquero
he starting point for a successful Christian life should be at home. Couples should recognize the impact their relationship has on their children. Those who do not have children yet should learn now how their marriage will either make or break the spiritual life of the children who are yet to come. In order to achieve this seemingly big task, it has to be founded on a strong foundation which is a strong marriage where Jesus Christ is the center. Membership to a Christ-centered church is one great step towards the direction of achieving a good marriage since couples are taught of biblical principles it. The church helps in aligning a husband & wife under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Marriages that have clear sense of purpose are harmonious despite individual differences since both parties focus on pleasing the Lord. The Back to the Bible Baptist Church (BBBC) emphasizes the biblical concept of nurturing and pursuing Godly marriage by establishing a group exclusively for married couples known as Gameo. Gatherings and seminars are organized to honor the love of marriage and desires to present the spiritual purpose. Just recently, Gameo ministry successfully held a small gathering at Pita restaurant in Al Riqqa, Dubai. This was attended by 50 couples together with married individuals whose spouses are in the Philippines. The event was opened with a short prayer led by Bro. Jeffrey Paul Cruz. This was followed by an interactive Biblical couple matching game fronted by the Maningat Couple. Each group received paper cut outs with names of couples found in the Bible. The group then has to match the husband to the wife. A gift was awarded to the first group who was able to finish the task. The highlight of the evening is the fun yet intimate discussion of topics about marriage starting from God’s own definition as stated in Genesis 1:26, 2:25. Understanding how God created man and woman as partners inspired everyone as they shared to the group their own definitions and how they value the sanctity of marriage. Malachi 2:14-15 aptly states, "Yet ye say, wherefore? Because the Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant. And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.� The evening ended with a sumptuous dinner shared by everyone who went home with a filled stomach and a joyous heart. BB
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
11TH ANNIVERSARY Sis. Marinella Maralit In Bible times, God used the watchman to warn and teach the people. So as this text declares, “So, thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word of my mouth, and warn them from me.” Ezekiel 33:7
The Watchman as a Key Figure In the ancient world of agrarian societies, large watchtowers were placed overlooking the fields. There, in the weeks the crops were ripening toward harvest, men would stand watch, guarding the fields from animals or from thieves who would make off with the crops. With the community’s basic food stores at stake, the watchman’s role was critical to the townspeople. In the Scripture, a watchman is a watcher mounting the city walls in times of stress to survey the scene outside the fortifications. He was situated on a spot from which he could monitor the approaches to the town. If a threat appeared, he would sound a warning and the town would shut its gates and prepare for battle. You can also imagine the watcher standing vigil at other times, observing the daily life of the city. He could see much of the activity in the streets and markets. He knew the people, their work, their habits and their lifestyles. If his position was near the city gate, he could also observe the business of the city transacted by its officials (see Ruth 4:1-12). No wonder God uses this role to illustrate the job of the prophets He sent to comment on society’s behavior, as well as to deliver messages of warning and instruction. The role of a watchman is not limited to speaking only about the sins and problems of the society. The watchman was also charged with proclaiming good news about salvation. Source:..http://www.ucg.org/the-good-news/the-role-of-awatchman-what-does-it-mean-for-you
We have studied the 3 different phases of Sounding the Trumpet, the Echo of Warning for approximately 3 months. To specify them, they are: Awakening, Blowing and Echoing. Such is a concept of Evangelism in diluted form. Bro. Melvin Caba, the Sojourner’s president patiently taught us the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of evangelism and to condense them it is 5Ws and an H. It is a convicting and worth-pursuing message for us! We were taught to memorize sets of verses to evangelize which are to 10
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
some who are old in their faith are sorts of review, contrary to new ones who consider them as challenges! Praise be to God Who blessed Bro. Melvin with wisdom to lead us on this highly significant subject as he presides the group! Evangelism is declaring the gospel or the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ alone to the lost ones; a command to all Christians. One-on-one evangelism was encouraged before we end up the 3-month study. To be able to determine if the objective of the quarter-long seminar were met, we had our practical training which is witnessing our fellow sojourner who will act as an unbeliever. Mixed emotions are felt by each other, depending on the way they view such training! It has been a decade and a year of God’s continuous faithfulness to the singles’ ministry of Back to the Bible Baptist Church. Then, approaches our anniversary – the occasion that with great delight we look forward at! Christian Sojourners, the singles and young professionals’ ministry of Back to the Bible Baptist Church celebrated its 11th Anniversary on Friday, 4th of September 2015 in Landmark Hotel, Deira, Dubai. Dressed in red polo-shirts coupled with various conservative styles of skirts and tailored or casual trousers are the members and regular attendees of the Sojourners’ ministry. Including our visitor,
CELEBRATION God has favored us with 60 singles that day that suitably occupied the seats of the room! Glory be to Him! Would it not be for His grace to us, we would mess up this event. As the honor and glory belongs to God, so we rejoice in every part of our anniversary from the setting up of the room, to registration to evangelism. Oh, yeah! Before the start of the program proper, here comes our practical test as we call it since we have a lot of visitors. The way we are taught and trained will be placed into reality! To some who are privileged to witness others to Christ and to review other’s salvation, we celebrate joy while others, who may have wanted to but have other obligations and responsibilities on that day, may have their chance some other time. Oh what joy! This is our sentiment knowing that by face value, we were made as means to lead souls to Jesus’ feet! Sojourners gave their best in order for the celebration to be successful for the glory of the Lord ― starting from the decoration up to the registration, ushering of the invites, guests, friend, and colleagues and most importantly, sharing to them the Good News. Followed by the usual worship service, we prayed for the whole program; those who will play the instruments, manage the equipments, and for every detail of the event.
We joyfully sang hymns and praises to God. But before proceeding to the message, we heard a testimony from one of the sojourners. Indeed, the Lord Jesus Christ has His own way of changing a person’s life. One of the innumerable evidences is Sis. Regine Perido who stood up to testify how God transformed her into a Christian woman she is now. Evident in her life, she has undergone metamorphosis, the process of the transformation of an ugly caterpillar to pupa, to larvae and finally to a beautiful butterfly. Then, Sis. Mean Cruz and Sis. Gillian Alix gave a special number to condition the heart of the listeners in listening to the Word of God that will be preached and to give praise and glory to our Savior. The message of the Lord was delivered by Pastor Ian Alix who gave emphasis on how this generation can be a witness for Christ and how our God can manifest His grace through us with the help of His Word and power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. After the worship, everyone had wonderful fellowship as they participated in different games and activities. Of course, the eating fellowship is always there! A bountiful buffet was waiting this time to bless us physically. May the Lord use mightily everyone who attended the celebration for the expansion of His Kingdom! May everyone be as a watchman who blows the trumpet and always ready for battle! Action with faith in a living God knows no defeat! BB
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
TRUE WOMEN IN ACTION TW FUNSis. Angeli RUN 2015 Cruz TRIVIA: The Fun Run Event was organized by the True Womanhood Ministry mainly to gather the women of Back to the Bible Baptist Church to support the preparation of the Church’s Anniversary, specifically in packing of snacks and souvenirs. Launched last year, it was a successful activity wherein ladies were able to “run for a purpose” and at the same time to fellowship with one another. This year’s Fun Run event was held on October 3, 2015 at Hamriya Ladies Park, with the theme “Reaching Others for Christ While Running for God.”
t was a warm and sunny Saturday morning at around six o’clock when TW ladies started to arrive at the park. Following assembly and registration, everyone sits around a bench encircling a big tree. With their lovely voices and joyful spirit the ladies begin to sing hymns to the Lord, led by a mother and daughter tandem, Sis. Mayet and Nicole del Castillo, with Sis. Cathy Concepcion playing the guitar. Sis. May Pedico opens in prayer, as everyone prepares their hearts to listen to the message of the Lord to be delivered by Sis. Dhorz Soriano. The message was simple, but it challenges each one to take every opportunity “to let their light so shine before men, that they may see their good works, and glorify the Father which is in heaven” (Mathew 5:16). She further exhorts the women through her personal testimony on evangelism and mission and encourages them to pray to God for a desire to make soul winning a part of their Christian walk. To conclude her message, she pointed out that there is no big or small role, particularly on the upcoming Church Anniversary, but everyone plays an important part to make Christ known on that day. After the devotion, the ever energetic Mommy Cors Soriano asks everyone to get up on their feet and do warm-up exercises with her. The smiles and laughter continues, as everyone excitedly participates in the games prepared by Sis. Erlani Maningat which challenges both their physical bodies and Women of the Bible know-how’s. Then the actual Fun Run begins. Although a little bit exhausted because of the humidity, some of the ladies still manage to jog around the park a couple of times. Talk about endurance! These ladies deserve a treat! At around nine o’clock in the morning, the ladies proceed to Manama for the second part of the program. A hot and delicious Arroz Caldo is waiting for them prepared by Sis. Razel Jope. Over a bowl of porridge and a cup of coffee, Sis. Deds Celebrar facilitates a quick briefing with the Evangelism team. A lot of questions and exchanges of ideas were thrown, talking about how to better serve God through soul winning. After this, it is time to roll up everyone’s sleeve and start packing three hundred fifty pieces of souvenirs, snacks and water. Not a single hand is empty as each one eagerly takes part on the packing. As a result, the ladies were able to finish the work in no time! Thanks to the organizational skills of some of the TW, and cooperation of everyone. Tiring as it may seem, the joy is evident in the faces of everyone. Joy that is for sure, coming from a heart that is willing to serve God, no matter how small the work may appear and knowing that the time committed is for the Lord and will never be in vain to Him. BB
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
Glorious Core of Music Bro. Sandy Soliguen
God’s gift of music; a gift that binds It is astonishing and profoundly reverential to think how the universe bears comparison to that of a grand symphony orchestra – here each cosmic entity from the largest component down to the smallest particles are as instruments, expressed and represented by their unique sounds vibrating in tune. God, the composer and conductor of the universe aligns each element in space to move in breathtaking fashion of rhythm and unity, hanging everything in a perfect balance and harmony through their celestial course and design. The vastness of the universe sings of God’s wonderful masterpiece, a clear testament how God magnificently holds everything under the baton of His power and might. God desires to reach out to His creation especially man who was made in His own image. When God created all things, He also created music and it is evident on our ability to create sound on our own. Singing, whistling, even the clapping of our hands indeed proves that God equipped us with musical facility inside our human structures. It is an ability that He designed for us with a purpose. Have you ever thought what the Bible says about music? Perhaps through examining its biblical role and significant references in the lives of our Bible heroes, we can reflect how we can put this gift to good use, to help us understand its link and purpose in our lives.
To express our thanks, honor and worship to God Essentially, one of the ways we can glorify and honor God is through music. The account in 2 Chronicles chapter 5 tells us that when “all the men of Israel assembled” with King Solomon to celebrate the Ark of the Covenant’s arrival at the completed temple. Apart from the feast and sacrifices offered to honor God, music was played, and God’s response was so awesome that the temple was “filled with clouds” which represented His approval. Notice what happened as a result of this musical 13
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offering, even the all-powerful Creator responded when dignified music is used to glorify Him.
A gift that brings peace, calms the spirit, admonishes, and draws others to God In Acts 16:16-40, Paul and Silas’ prison experience demonstrated to us that no trouble however grievous, could hinder us from lifting up a song of praise to God. It brings peace even during the direst situation when we let God handle and take control of our sufferings. Colossians 3:16 says Godly songs can be powerful spiritual tools we can employ to pour our hearts out to the Lord, and they can be used to teach and admonish others too. 1 Samuel 16 gives an account of David and his encounter with the depression stricken King Saul. God used his gift of music to soothe and calm the king’s malady and distressed spirit. It’s no wonder, no matter how bad our mood can get, listening or singing a song to the Lord helps free our spirit and brighten our day. Psalm 40:3 - Songs that we offer to the Lord can bless and draw others to God, and could encourage them also to put their trust in the Lord. There is much we can learn from the accounts in the bible related to music, and those examples given are just a few. The creation of music as ministry in the church was intended by God to be a powerful tool to be used with responsibility and care. It is important to realize, however, that it is not how well we conduct and display our talents and skills in playing instruments or singing with great passion, but it is only through the working of the Holy Spirit that these gifts are empowered by God, to be used for His purpose, glory, and honor. In closing, Music is said to be God's gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, and the only art of earth we can take to Heaven. It is a gift that binds us together in the harmony of faith and love of God here on Earth and with great hope and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ until His Kingdom comes. BB
Sis. May Pedico
ALLELUJAH! Happy 11th Anniversary Back to the Bible Baptist Church!
Praise ye the Lord God of Heavens – the Immutable and Eternal God who in manifold manner hath blessed us so much of everything we need, enabling us to reach, rejoice and celebrate our 11th Church Anniversary! Looking intensely through the vivid lens of the past and be in halt for a while to let the reminiscence flare, who would not magnify the Lord God in awe of His majesty and rejoice over the victory now? To fan the fire, one cannot impede the rapid beats and redundant cheer of the heart! *Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! This annual fête is a constant reminder of God’s unfailing love, abundant grace and enduring mercy to us – Back to the Bible Baptist Church!
The Scene
Radiantly wearing self-effacing yet elegant designed clothing – black and gray dresses for True Women and suites and bow ties for King’s Men, members and regular attendees of Back to the Bible Baptist Church greet friends and visitors with warm smiles, hearty hugs and cordial handshakes. Such is the panoramic view last Friday, about 1 o’clock in the afternoon of the 9th of October 2015 at Metropolitan Palace Hotel, Deira, Dubai! It was just the start of the big day, an exquisite picture to behold, perfectly orchestrated by our dear Lord! Giving emphasis to the value of lost souls and taking by heart October’s Theme that is A Witness to the Nations, through fervent prayers and wholehearted invitations, God graced us with 140 visitors from a total of 344 individuals who attended. In every facet of the program, from the preparation to the day of celebration itself, enumerating from registration, witnessing, prayer, Scripture reading and playing of instrumental and congregational songs, adding up the church choir, personal testimonies and presentation of the church’s activities until the serving of food to the visitors for dinner at the latter part every member of the Body of Christ happily managed their portion.
The Message Pastor Erwin Concepcion, our Senior Pastor entitled the message he delivered as The Only Way to Salvation which exposed the Text Romans 10:1-13, highlighting his three focal points. Such points he stressed out are Selfrighteousness is Useless to Salvation, Confession is Precondition to Salvation and Believing is Imperative to Salvation. He ended the Message with a contemplating dare to the worshippers 14
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verbalizing, “Maybe Jesus is watching you this very moment. Maybe for the last time, He is knocking at the door of your heart (Revelations 3:20-22). Will you receive His offer?” Numerous visitors were convicted by the Holy Spirit and so they confessed their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior when Pastor Erwin invited them to. God saw their heart! There were joy and thrill in our heart as we beheld those souls surrendering their life to our Lord Jesus Christ. I become cognizant then how much more the glories in the heaven where God abode are! The Holy Bible tells us of angels in heaven who rejoiceth over one sinner that repenteth! (Luke 15:10) Oh, joy! Oh, delight!
The Challenge
By yourself, how can you not accept the challenge to be a witness for Christ to the nations for what He hath done for you, leaving nothing for His own self but the cup of suffering and the load of shame more than two thousand years ago? Yes, Jesus Christ was beaten, was wounded and had died for our transgressions, in lieu of us! While hanging on the tree, He bore on His shoulders the sin of humanity and the wrath of God the Father that we sinners ourselves should have had experience. Dressed in robe of flesh, it is too hard for Him yet He chose to obey His Father and finished everything. Absolutely! He left nothing undone for us and thus, for our salvation’s sake! Devoid of doubt, that is how much Jesus loves you and me! In his era, the prominent prince of the preachers, Charles H. Spurgeon assertively quoted, “Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that!” What a convicting truth to be intentionally seized, wholly embodied and graciously lived out by us – Christ’s ones! Consider this mortality fact by statistics: Every second, two human beings die. Every day, scores of thousands of people die (151,600 persons, http://www.ecology.com/birth-death-rates/) and multitude of them is going to hell – a place of torment! Those might include people within your reach, more possibly, even those close to your heart. After all, none of us will become monuments here on earth. Hope this barefaced truth freshly served in your face lit your tail! Grab every opportunity! Second chance might by no means come! This is the challenge: from this day and beyond, be a witness for Christ to your unsaved family, neighbors, acquaintances and even to your enemies! By doing so, the Message you have shared will spread out to others; the Light you have ignited will illumine the world! Eventually, you will turn out to be a Witness for Christ to the Nations! BB *"Hallelujah" means more than simply "praise Jah" or "praise Yah", as the word hallel in Hebrew means a joyous praise in song, to boast in God…The second part, Yah, is a shortened form of YHWH, the name for the Creator.
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
Rejoicing Over Victory Sis. Erlani Maningat
Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works. Ecclesiastes 9:7 arranged a post anniversary celebration in Creek Park a week after the anniversary, rejoicing over the success of BBBC’s 11th Anniversary and also the birthday of our beloved Pastor Erwin Concepcion. Christian fellowship occurs when two or more Christians are in one another's company for God said in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”, so surely God do celebrate with us. Acts 2:44 says, “And all that believed were together, and had all things common.” Yes it is! We have common God, common Father, common Spirit, and common Doctrine. We also have common love – especially in food. Aside from bountiful food and drinks prepared by all brethren, we have not forgotten to utter the intimate prayer which is our spiritual food that satisfies our soul. How can we also forget the “boodle fight” – a military style of eating where long tables are prepared with all the foods are on top? Viands and rice are ready to be eaten using our bare hands and so even the youngest of the brethren enjoy the feast. 1 Corinthians 10:31 states, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” Even the games prepared by our game masters pertains to godly things, such indicates that even when we are playing, we are glorifying God. The Bible quiz prepared by game masters did not only cause us palpitations but also measures our knowledge of God and His Words. Unable to answer the questions means, we should not stop reading and studying the Bible for there is still so much to learn, so much to know and so much to realize. 16
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We also have time to celebrate the birthday of our beloved Pastor Erwin Concepcion, and as usual he is not aware of what is going to happen. Each Bible study group was given a chance to greet Pastor and give their gifts. This is one of the precious times when we can show how grateful we are for having him as our pastor. The love and appreciation in Pastor Erwin’s eyes are so evident. Aside from the celebrations and merry making, that fellowship also give way for fellow brethren to comfort each other and edify one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Fridays are not enough to discuss all matters of concerns to fellow Christians and only through this fellowship, we are given so much time to tackle all our concerns, burdens, pains, blessings and most of all share each other’s testimony on how God touch each lives. I ask a pair of new members as to what they can say on the fellowship they recently attended, and they have the same answer “They had so much fun though they did not win the group game.” There is really a big difference in Christian fellowship and fellowship with our unbeliever friends. We can have friendships and relationships with unbelievers, but true Christian fellowship can only occur within the body of Christ. We are united to one another by common beliefs, purposes and goals. Our hearts and minds are “other-worldly” because we follow Jesus Christ, who said that His kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). We know that we are strangers in this world, and we long for the time when we will be in our true home which is heaven. The importance of true Christian fellowship is that it reinforces
these things in our mind and helps us to focus on Christ and His desires and goals for us. As iron sharpens iron, in true Christian fellowship Christians sharpen one another's faith and stir one another to exercise that faith in love and good works, all for God’s glory. BB
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:25 17
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BushPaul / Third Quarter / 2015 19 Bro.Burning Jeffrey Cruz
The Underlying Purpose of Church Fellowship
In the Holy Scripture, the word “Fellowship” is
mentioned 17 times, and 15 of those can be found particularly in the New Testament. The first of the 15 appears in the Text Acts 2:42 where Church is established, “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” The book of Acts is purposed to “give an accurate account of the birth and growth of the Christian Church” (Historical background Tyndale Bible). Thus implies that Christian fellowship or the gathering of the Saints is a vital part of a Christian spiritual growth and the Church, collectively. By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Back to the Bible Baptist Church takes this biblical instruction by heart. In every way possible, available times are given in building one another in various Church fellowship activities. One of which is the In-door Summer Sport Fest and Fellowship last August 28, 2015 held in Sala Al Deen Sports Hall in Deira, Dubai. Church members and guests, both young and not so old, come to experience the joy of fellowship and also, so to shred some pounds through different games and team building activities prepared. Bro. Paul Nena opens the event in prayer followed by a short devotion by Bro. Rued Almadilla. The devotion tackles what the Word of God has to say about the importance of fellowship and bodily exercise. Again as mentioned above, all are reminded to continue in building one another through attending church fellowships and not to forget to take good care of our body so we can better serve God and His ministries. It is then followed by the hosts taking the center court to start the games. Bro. Angelo Malilay, together with Bro. Jeffrey Intal and I are the said hosts. Themed to be a sport-full event to promote the value of physical fitness, the creative organizers use their wits to put some twists here and there. Volleyball for the Ladies and basketball for the Gents, everyone takes the a-game in the court. One of the highlights is when volleyball is taken to a different level, so as to speak having the twist where the groups use mantles, 18
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holding each four corners, and the goal is to catch-andtoss the ball to the other side. Laughters and cheers engulf the whole building. In between, a sumptuous dinner is served to fill the empty stomachs prepared by True Women Ministry. There are also team building activities that follow like “protect the egg,” “paper towers,” and “multiple relays.” Then the final whistle blows to cap off the games and the event, as well. Awarding ceremony follows to reward the best players and group winners . Church fellowship, more than anything builds unity
of relationships in the body of Christ. As the Church is in Jesus Christ, and the He is one with the Father, so “truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3). Let us continue to sharpen one another and create “oneness” within us by attending Church gatherings and see the importance of this beautiful mandate that the Lord God Almighty has given us! BB
To God be the Glory!
hen there is pressure or pain in your head, it is difficult to t ell whether you are experiencing a typical headache or a migraine.
I used to suffer from terrible migraines when I started working in United Arab Emirates. It is so annoying and just keeps on coming back. I remember the unbearable thumping pain that lasted for three days. And for extremely severe cases, I go to the hospital for pain management. Also to prevent future attacks from occurring I tried to know the difference of the two and incorporate it to my daily food intake. Then, I realized that recognizing migraine headache from a traditional headache, and vice versa, are very important. Headaches are unpleasant pains in your head that can cause pressure and aching. They can range from mild to moderate pain and usually occur on both sides of your head. Some specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, and back of the neck. A headache can last anywhere from 30 minutes to a week. Types of headache that occur are: Tension headache (triggers for this headache type include stress, muscle strain, or anxiety), Cluster headache (these headaches occur on one side of the head, but aren’t as severe as migraines. Other symptoms include runny nose, a watery eye, or nasal congestion). Sinus headaches (co-occur with sinus infection symptoms like fever, stuffy nose, cough, congestion, and facial pressure. This type is often confused with migraines). Half to three quarters of the adults aged 18–65 years in the world have had headache according to World Health Organization. Migraine is a headache that can cause intense throbbing or pulsing sensation in one area of the head, however, it is possible to have a migraine headache that affects both sides of the head. Other differences include the pain’s quality: A migraine headache will cause intense pain that will make performing daily tasks very difficult. It is accompanied by vomiting, nausea and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. The pain lasts for hours or even days. Migraine is one of the world's most disabling medical illnesses because over 10% of the population suffers from migraine according to MRF (Migraine Research Foundation). Most often begins at puberty and most affects those aged between 35 and 45 years. Potential migraine triggers include: bright lights, loud noises and certain odors or perfumes, physical or emotional stress, allergies and allergic reactions, smoking or exposure to smoke, skipping meals, menstrual cycle fluctuations, birth control pills, hormone fluctuations during menopause, changes in sleep patterns or irregular sleep, and tension headache. When it comes to our intake what guidelines should I follow? Limit foods rich in TYRAMINE (a monoamine compound naturally found in some foods, plants and animals. How tyramine can trigger migraines? It can cause nerve cells in your brain to release the chemical norepinephrine (or noradrenaline). Having higher levels of tyramine in your system -- along with an unusual level of brain chemicals -- can cause changes in the brain that lead to headaches and can increase blood pressure. Found in aged and fermented foods, such as: Aged cheeses, Smoked fish, Cured meats (tocino, longganisa, etc.), Aged chicken liver,
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Health corner Sis. Cherrie Tuquero
Meats that have been fermented or air-dried, such as summer sausage, hotdogs, salami, Red wine, alcohol (the sulfites preservative added in it have been linked to migraines, it increase blood flow to your brain and also result in dehydration), Sauerkraut, Msg (monosodium glutamate), Fermented soybeans, soy sauce, tofu. Other foods that may contain tyramine include: Sauces containing fish or shrimp, Miso soup (soybean paste), Yeast extract , pickled fish, chocolate(cocoa may actually protect the nerve cells that cause migraine headache but based on the recent research of International headache society, 22percent of headache sufferers identify chocolate as one of their headache trigger). Coffee (a little caffeine can get rid of migraine headache, some caffeine also included in migraine medications but too much caffeine can be a headache trigger when you come down from your caffeine "high", you need to be drinking about 200milligrams of caffeine (about two to three cups of coffee) to get a withdrawal headache when you miss your dose. Even refrigerated foods can have an increase in tyramine content if stored for several days. So it is important to consume fresh produce within 24 or 48 hours of purchase. In the case of canned or frozen foods, use immediately after opening. Purchase fresh meats, poultry, and fish, and eat them the same day or freeze right away. Thaw foods in the refrigerator or microwave; thawing out on the counter at room temperature could allow formation of tyramine. Which foods can I include or eat? All grains, fruits and vegetables; fresh dairy foods, such as yogurt, ice cream, soy milk alternative and fresh milk; Eggs, cooked peas, dried beans and lentils except for fava beans, fresh sausage such as breakfast sausage patties, fresh packaged poultry and fish; for condiments ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce and salad dressing. Drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, reduce stress, avoid certain foods that trigger migraine and have a regular physical exercise. Keeping a "headache diary" for several months can help you and your doctor determine whether tyramine or some other trigger may be linked to your migraines. Take note of the time and date that a migraine begins. Then answer these questions: How exactly does the migraine feel? If you're a woman, where does the migraine episode fall in your menstrual cycle? What have you eaten recently?, Have you been exposed to other common headache triggers, such as a change in altitude, change in temperature, strong smells, bright lights, loud noises, changes in sleep habits, or unusual stress? When you are suffering in physical pain or any illnesses, before taking any other actions, take it to the Lord in prayer first. It is a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer as what the famous hymn, “What A Friend We have in Jesus” speaks out. Moreover, we have a great God “…who healeth all thy diseases” as what Psalm 103:3 aptly says. Do your part in taking good care of the earthly body that was divinely entrusted to you which is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Whatever your disease is, may not simply be migraine or headache, be it His will for you to be healed, He will do so. Nothing is impossible to Him. Give your full trust to Him! BB
Strengthening the Bond of Unity BBBC EID Holiday Fellowship Bro. Rued Almadilla The immense importance of fellowship in a Christian life can never be taken for granted. It was not included in the early church activities for no reason (Acts 2:41-42). Church is the place where true and genuine fellowship is experienced. We are social being by nature the reason why we need companionship even in our walk with the Lord. God designed fellowship to be one of the ways that Christians mature in their spiritual life. BBBC once again took advantage of the holiday declared by having fellowship with one another. The activity was organized to encourage brethren to mingle and get to know each other. It is in this informal setting that we get more acquainted with our brothers and sisters in the Lord and where authentic love and concern can be shown. On the 23rd of September, 2015, BBBC heads toward Al Kuwaiti Girls School Gymnasium in Al Qusais to have the Eid Fellowship with the theme, “Serving One Another”. Brethren assembled and registered first before they were divided into four teams namely Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Before the competition began, Pastor Erwin gave an exhortation on the significance of fellowship to an individual Christian. Without further ado, the four teams then were instructed to formulate their cheering to start off the competition. Directives were specified to the teams to prepare for their group presentation which is the highlight of the program. Other fun-filled games such as “Multiple Task” and “Hazard Games” made everyone ecstatic as each cheered for their competing team mates. Meanwhile, the kids were as busy as the adults because Teacher Eng and other LYF teachers organized activities for them, as well. Children were extremely engrossed on what they were doing which includes arts and crafts, cooking lesson and other fun-filled endeavors. Luscious lunch was served instantly after the first part of the games was finished. Even though we have the feeling of heaviness in our stomach because of abundant blessings of food that were ladled out and distributed, right after the lunch break the competition continued. The groups were engaged to more intellectual games such as Bible Jeopardy, Charade with a twist where the group will act out the word 20
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and freeze and challenge game where each team have their turns to add a letter to where they thought they will be able to form a word. Regardless of age, everyone who is physically able joined in. Excitement and so much more of it can be felt as each player gave their best to let their team win in the challenges. Good thing, the hall is concrete; otherwise, idiomatically speaking it would wobble because of the cheers, laughter and screams of the brethren! It is as if the grand prize is house and lot or a million of Dirhams! Competitive by nature while enjoying the Christian fun, this is the ‘real us’ given the liberty to competitions!
Winners were publicized in the awarding ceremony. The Yellow team celebrated as they were announced as the over-all champion. The program was finally concluded with a closing prayer and the mandatory group picture followed. Happy countenances of the brethren can be seen even after the program finished. It is in these activities that we enjoy the company of Christian community; a joyous fellowship that connects individual Christians because our Lord is one. More love grows for each other thereby, as we strengthen the bond of unity among the believers. BB
Lord’s Young Flock’s Prayer Watch Bro. Juan Paolo Avila
rayer Watch with sleep over is the much anticipated activity of Lord’s Young Flock. Children get to sleep beside their friends. The true essence of this activity is not just on camaraderie but most importantly is honing the child to pray and have a personal relationship with the Lord. This year’s first Prayer watch was held in Manama Villa 7 on September 18-19, 2015. There were 17 kids who participated, 7 of which were first timers. The program started with a prayer headed by Bro. Jeff Cruz. Then one by one the kids introduced their selves with a twist. They should mention one character or trait they possess that will enable the kids to remember their name. After that, the kids listened attentively as Teacher Eng Concepcion read the house rules and regulations. She clearly emphasized that whoever violates will receive a punishment. Then, reciting of the Bible verse for the night followed. Everyone was on their feet because whoever fails to memorize will be punished and as expected the kids did a great job in memory verse. The highlight of the activity was the evening devotion. The kids were categorized per level. Bro. Jeffrey Paul Cruz was the speaker for the graders while Bro. Melvin Caba was for the pre-teens and teens. The children were very attentive and you can see in their faces that they understand the message. The kids were excited for the activities on the second day. They woke up as early as 5 in the morning to prepare. Around 6 In the morning, they went
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straight ahead to Al Nahda Park for their Prayer watch. Bro. Melvin led the morning exercise and right after, they were grouped for morning devotion. Pastor Erwin Concepcion was the speaker for pre-teens and teens while Bro. Rued Almadilla was in charge for graders. The morning devotion lasted for an hour. Hot porridge served as breakfast. Then the kids were allowed to engage in recreation in the play ground for an hour. The kids went back to Manama to prepare for the next activity. Teacher Eng and Sis. Mai facilitated the activity that lasted for 3 hours. Lunch was served at 12noon. The two-day activity was concluded with a prayer. Truly, the first ever Prayer Watch for 2015 was a success. Thanks for the help of LYF leaders and teachers! Soli Deo Gloria! Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
ABU HAIL MAMZAR All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
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AL RIGGA DUBAI LAND Study to shew theyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
SHARJAH Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
My Life Testimony Bro. John Ericson Soriano
is an honor and a privilege to write for our very own Burning Bush and to share my life testimony as a Christian. Every time I am asked to tell how God changed my life, I am filled with joy to have the chance to impart my story. I cannot imagine how much God loves us that even we are not worthy, He has given us a second chance in life. We always hear from people, see on TV, or even read of many stories about Christians who once had dysfunctional life, came from broken family, and did terrible things before the Lord transformed their lives. But my situation is different. I grew up from a Christian family. I have a very good family, good environment; you could say that our family is one of the families that have good reputation in the church where we are attending. In the community or barangay where we live in, our family is well known since my father was also a military officer and one of the former president Marcos’ allies. At the age of 9 years old, I got to know Christ by attending Sunday worships and Sunday schools. We see to it that every Sunday all members of the family will attend the services which sort of became a tradition to us like any other religious Filipino families. As I grew up, I heard a lot of preaching, Bible Stories, and different life testimonies. In addition, I also attended many youth camps and for several times I have surrendered my life to God during those camps. Tears really pour in my eyes whenever there is an altar call from our head pastor that would let anyone think I would completely turn my back on all my vices and bad habits. Whenever they see me active in the church and doing several ministries (attending young people fellowships, choir practices on Saturdays, young people’s activity of distributing tracks, sharing God’s word to the lost youth) sadly, I was also learning many vices with other young people in the church. Sometimes from our basketball practice with the church players, we head directly home to eat and by nightfall we stay in my room then begin drinking, smoking, and watch porn movies when all the while Mama at Papa thought we were doing Bible Study. This setup went on, church on Sundays and Saturdays, pretending to be holy, then on weekdays indulging ourselves in drinking sessions and other worldly stuff. Then my Mama noticed my behavior and told me to surrender early on all my sins. But I did not take heed instead continued until attending church became so shameful that I decided to lie-low in the ministries. Somehow my conscience got better of me, reading the bible became harder as well as praying because of the kind of life I live. This went on until I had the chance to go abroad. To stop me from all my vices and to be far from my friends, my parents decided of sending me to Dubai which was alternative to placing me in rehab, with the intention that at least there I will earn. That was the initial plan but little did I know that I would be enlightened of what having an intimate relationship with God really means. While in Dubai I was separated from my family and my girlfriend before now my wife, Dhorz. I thought there is no hope since I know that even she gave up on me, being fed up with all the things I did. Sadness and boredom led me to once again open and read the Bible. For few months I will be sober but would eventually go back to drinking since I am earning a bit and so I became my usual self again― a secret agent Christian as I regard. In spite of those, God is so good, after 2 years of work I went back to the Philippines and it was blessing that Dhorz and I got married. I became more confident that everything is just fine and it was perfectly okay to continue my worldly life. Then, Dhorz and I started our married life in Dubai where she soon after also found work. We were blessed with a child but that did not stop me. Still whenever I find time to drink I would drink. Whenever we have our vacation, I dedicate 1 day just for my “barkadas” to drink all we can. Then the day came when I was terminated in my work. Though before that, we were able to find a new church here Dubai which was the BBBC through Sis Deds Celebrar who I met when she had some t-shirts printed. I read Back to the Bible which prompted me to ask if we can attend. Sis Deds arranged for us to be picked up and from then on we started attending the church. However, I could only attend whenever there is an occasion since I work at a hotel and I do not have a fixed schedule which did not allow for ministries and commitment to the church so I just went on with my usual life. Then all of a sudden I was terminated from work. I have a family to be supported but I had to go back to the Philippines and I was separated once again from my family. There, Papa, Biboy and I are the ones who stayed since Mama needed to be in Dubai to take care of Martha, my daughter. And here I go again; free to do whatever I want to do. For a year of my stay in the Philippines, there were lots of things that drew me away from the Lord. On the time that I speak to Dhorz and Martha I am reminded that I have a family. I was oblivious to reality that I was slowly drifting away from my family and most especially to the Lord so after finishing a short course in the Philippines I decided to be with family. I asked myself, why in spite of all my sins I am still alive. The Lord has a plan for me. Reunited with my family once more we were blessed to have another child, Matthew. But before that a person took the time to speak to me and have Bible Study with me. During that time I realized that I was not truly saved because I could not stay away from sinning. Pastor Erwin explained to me that to be truly saved is to hate sin. Heart to heart, Pastor and I talked. I admitted to him about my situation and all the worldly things that I love doing. He explained that if you are a true Christian you will hate sin and you will depart from it and Mathew 7:21-23 really got my attention and convinced me that I was not truly saved. What a wonderful truth that God is truly good to me. This passage speaks that you might think you are saved because of all the ministries, busyness in church activities, choir practice, and so on, but sadly doing the things against God’s commandments proves that one truly is not His. I am blessed to have had another chance; it did not reach to the point of Him telling me, “Depart from me ye that work iniquity,” knowing that I am fully aware of the wrong things I am doing and yet I continue living a life without a true relationship with God. That evening I recommitted my life to God. It was not easy, but the Lord helped me to forget and totally let go of my past. Now, I have strong relationship with God since I have fully surrendered my life to Him. Sometimes in there are struggles and tests, but let us use them to strengthen ourselves because those trials draw us nearer to God. I am grateful to our Lord that it was not too late for me and I discern the truth to be truly saved which is having a true relationship with God and repenting from all my of my sins. I forget and run away from my sins and started serving the Lord faithfully. Thank you so much to Jesus! I know that I am not a perfect a Christian but God is molding me more to be like Christ! BB 24
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake. Psalm 115:1 Hakavod Lashem! Happy 2nd Anniversary Burning Bush!
llow me to humbly impart to you dear readers, the joy that God has blessed us as we celebrate our 2nd anniversary! Two years ago, Pastor Erwin Concepcion and Pastor Christian Alix gave blessing to a gifted brother to re-launch the Burning Bush – the official newsletter of our beloved Back to the Bible Baptist Church. The Lord gave him wisdom to ask from brethren write ups for the re-launch and then, graced him with crystal-clear perception to gather us collectively and work as a team. As our faithful God hath called us to render our service to Him through our Church’s very own publication, He hath given us joyful heart in working, as well. It was never easy for us especially in our first year. We are not professionals when it comes to this, but God’s grace alone is enough, endowing us to plate you up fresh and substantial quarterly issue of The Burning Bush. Thus, serving its 3Es purposes which are to Encourage, Equip and Edify! We consider it a great privilege to labor for His glory! Time soars so fast that we are on our 2nd year now and the Lord granted us delight in realizing it. The leadership was transferred to our current Editor-In-Chief. God highly favored Burning Bush that He added committed brethren to the team. They are: one who partnered me as sub-editor, one layout editor and two additional regular contributors. A span of 2 years seems so long. Loads of things had happened and had molded us to pray hard and rely solely on Him – to seek Him and His will. Human as we are, each of us faced certain distractions such as dilemmas, struggles and difficult situations in our own personal life be it in work, health and family aspects in those moments when we are doing our tasks; however, God is so gracious that He hath kept us in His loving care. Such experiences whetted us to choose to walk closer with Jesus and to look up only to Him – the Author and the Finisher of our faith, as declaratively printed in Hebrews 2:2! October 2015 marks our 2nd anniversary but due to busyness, we scheduled the celebration on the next month. On the 9th of November 2015, BB Team went to Al Barsha to dine out together and celebrate the goodness and grace of God. That was right after each of our own everyday jobs that we headed to Chalet Grill Plus. Delicious and mouth-watering foods were dished up in our table.
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
After thanking the Almighty God for our food and our team, pleasant conversations sprouted up and went on while we are having our dinner. We enjoyed the blessing of each other’s company and musing over such moments brings smiles in our heart. We owe everything to our Lord! Two years have passed and we ourselves are first-hand witnesses of how God has worked and is continuously working through and in Burning Bush. As a team lovingly laboring for the Lord, we desire that as time progresses and figures of our publication increases, may the glory of God radiantly shines through and through! Soli Deo Gloria! Yes, it is God’s glory alone because it is by His grace alone that Burning Bush turns two! BB
An Update from Rogil and Janice Apostol in Phnom Penh City
Greetings from Cambodia! We love to share with you another milestone of Cornerstone Church, Phnom Penh, Cambodia by God's favor alone. We have lots of praises and thanksgiving to our great and mighty God who made these things possible.
GOD CHANGES MY HEART 4th Anniversary The Cornerstone Church, Phnom Penh 4th anniversary celebration last May 31, 2015 highlighted on how "God Changes My Heart" with this year’s (2015) church theme “A Man And Woman After God’s Own Heart”. It was a Sunday Worship celebration and a reflection of the life of the church in the power of God’s hands who made all things possible. Full of praises, amazement and thanksgiving to the author and founder of this local church, God Himself. We thank the Lord for sending a couple, Dr. Jim and wife Jin Villanueva as our anniversary speakers. God orchestrated their coming, as new missionaries, who are in the process of looking for missions partners around and they considered Cambodia as one. The Lord made the way, from Thailand where they are serving, they arrived Cambodia one day before the anniversary date. Such a blessing and encouragement to the Cornerstone church family to have them ministering the Word. It’s all by God’s grace and faithfulness to Cornerstone Church, Phnom Penh of its existence. We witnessed with our eyes His power, miracles and favor for the past four years. He’s been faithful and so good. Since 2010, He has been pouring blessings to His ministries in Cambodia. The reading of the church history highlighted the May 2014 to May 2015 how God’s power in saving people and how they joined in reaching out Cambodia for Christ. God added souls in His Kingdom. We have seen His power as He transforms lives continually both Cambodians and foreigners alike, for His glory. The testimonies of Sister Srey Mao, a Cambodian and Sister Josephine Andaya, a Filipino are evidences of God’s transforming grace to His children. Cornerstone Church is rallying and holding on to be “Men and Women After God’s Own Heart”. We rented a big function hall at the Royal University of Phnom Penh-CKCC building as venue for us to invite more people and other churches to join us with the celebration. True enough, God brought together more or less 150 people, Cambodians and foreigners praising and rejoicing the greatness of God, fifty percent more or less of which are guests. We give glory to God our Saviour, Lord and Master for the blessed experience of knowing Him and of serving Him. We thank God for His work in building lives for eternity. We thank God for Church family who are willing to follow Jesus no matter the cost. We praise God for our partners in prayers and in support that simply reminds us that everybody has a part in reaching Cambodia for Christ for God's greater glory. "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." - Matthew 16:18
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
Nary and Vannak are one of the first fruits of Campus Ministry work here in Phnom Penh through Cornerstone. By God’s grace we have had the opportunity to take these students for around 4 years who eventually fell in love with each other, then became husband and wife. Nary is a BS in Physics graduate, and Vannak is a BS in Mathematics graduate; both of them are the first fruits as well of the Scholarship program through Cornerstone Organization for poor students but with ambition in life. The four years of training and discipling them in Phnom Penh with the Apostols and the rest of the brethren at Cornerstone, we believe it made a tremendous impact in their lives. Janice and Rogil opened their lives for them to be a blessing and by God’s grace to be a good example on obeying and following Jesus and in God’s service. Eventually they need to move to Battambang the province of Vannak because the teaching assignment of Vannak is located there. CORNERSTONE GOES GLOBAL Lillybeth Steeples served the Lord here in cambodia for 10 long years serving the orphans and the children. Her husband Andrew Steeples served the Lord for almost 3 years here in Phnom Penh as chaplain in a Christian Organization. For almost 4 years they were involved in the ministry of the Lord through Cornerstone. They both love the Lord and His work here in Cambodia but with much contemplation and seeking God’s will for their lives prompted them to move to the U.S. for good.
and Kampong Chnnang Province, Cambodia, 2015 November
2 Corinthians 4:1 It's their desire and prayer that God will use them for His glory and the Lord led them to be sent as foreign missionaries of Cornerstone Church to the U.S.A. On the 20th of September 2015, Pastor Rogil Apostol together with the Church leaders and Church members, commissioned them and prayed for them to be sent out as missionaries to America. Please pray for our beloved brother Andrew and Sister Lillybeth for wisdom and guidance in finding jobs, adjustment in America, daily provision, spiritual blessings, encouragement from the Lord always and God will open doors for ministry.
LITERACY AND SANCTUARY BUILDING PROJECT UPDATE Cornerstone is serving the Lord at the outreach at Rah village, Kampong Chnnang province for four years now. The ministry evolves as the years go by and we came to a very special project for the literacy and sanctuary building. We have seen the great need in that place physically and most especially spiritually. The project started last 20th of August 2015 and we are now on the 14th week of the said project, on its final stage. We are praying and having the inauguration of the building by faith on November 25 whether it is finished 100 percent or not. We are encouraged from the Word of God in Matthew 21:13 ..."'My house will be called a house of prayer,'... and in Nehemiah 6:16 - ...they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.
Please pray for Kampong Chnnang: (1) God will bring healing to the wounded souls of the Kampong Chhnang people; (2) God will cause spiritual freedom to Kampong Chhnang people from the slavery of sin; and (3) God will bring spiritual restoration - our lives first then Kampong Chhnang people’s lives.
“When we allow God to minister through us, even unbelievers will know it is God’s work.” PRAYER ITEMS Wisdom for Cornerstone Church Ministry Heads in making the specific ministry goals, objectives, and budgets Wisdom for the Cornerstone Church leaders and members in preparation for 2016 ministry Spiritual growth for Cornerstone family Provision for the remaining needs of USD$2,500 and safety for the building construction team at Rah village Wisdom for the Discipleship Ministry of Cornerstone Wisdom for the website project of the Church Thank you so much for your love and for your continued partnership for God's global glory. If God is stirring and leading your heart to support us in our personal needs and ministerial needs please let us know. God bless! Together in His Service,
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:1-2
8:30AM – 10:00AM 11:00AM – 1:00PM
Sis. Cathy Concepcion 050 4523 550
8:30PM Manama Villa
CHOIR PRACTICE 8:30PM Manama Villa
Sis. Gemini Peralta 055 7920 968 Bro. Jay Jope 050 9417 696 Sis. Cathy Concepcion 050 4523 550 Sis. Aileen Hinojales 050 8893 0683 Bro. Jeffrey Intal 050 2876 209 Bro. Nelson Maningat 055 9366 988 Sis. Haidee Sulitas 055 1096 247 Sis. Jona Delapena 055 5095 248 Bro. Paul Nena 050 5737 034 Bro. Jeff Maloles 050 2069 392 Bro. Bong Cawaling 050 1819 357 Bro. Ric Saquing 056 9518 305 (1st Friday night and 3rd Wednesday night of the Month) Bro. Rued Almadilla 050 2702086 Sis. Cathy Concepcion 050 4523 550 Bro. Rued Almadilla 050 2702 086 Sis. Shirley Guiang 050 3634 894
Burning Bush / Fourth Quarter / 2015