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Do you have a book in you waiting to get out? Maini Books could be just what you are looking for

Writing a book is incredibly simple…

All you need, is an idea, a pen and some paper - Ta dah, book written! The thing that’s a bit trickier is getting your book published. There’s a plethora of information available on the internet, and it’s easy to get bamboozled as to what the process is, who you need, and how to go about the next steps!


At Maini Books, we support your Independent Publishing journey and believe in making publishing your book as simple and as pleasurable as possible. We’ve got inhouse copywriters, illustrators, layout designers, formatters, and a marketing team to hold your hand from start to fi nish.

But before we go on, lets circle back to the fundamentals. What are the different ways to get your book published?


Traditional publishing refers to the established system of getting a book deal, which involves submission to multiple agents, usually a number of rejections and then (hopefully) being accepted. The pros of going down this route are your publishers will provide EVERYTHING you need, from editors to illustrators to print production and distribution into mainstream stores, and even marketing your book. It also means there is no fi nancial investment needed, sometimes there is even a cash advance for your work! The cons are you have less creative control (they will choose the ultimate direction for your book), you receive lower royalties, and it’s a slow process! It might take you a year or two to get an agent, another year to get a publishing deal, and then it will likely be from six months to two and half years before your book is launched. This assumes that it’s plain sailing… J.K. Rowling was rejected a whooping 12 times before even starting this process! And there’s no guarantee of ever getting a deal.


There are a vast number of companies that will help you to ‘self-publish’. This means you supply them with a full and fi nal manuscript, and they will arrange the publication process for a fee and a cut of your royalties. The pros are you have more creative freedom over your text and illustrations/images (if required), and also you choose the formatting for how your book is produced. The cons are you still need to fi nd your own support team (editors etc) before submitting a fi nal version, it will need to be fully formatted and correct for printing (designers required as well) and although there will be some marketing support (usually by way of being added to their website) you will need to manage further marketing yourself. In addition, you are losing a percentage of your profi ts. You manage the publishing process and hire the right people/services to edit, design, publish, and distribute. The pros are you remain in complete control of all artistic and business decisions, and retain 100% of all profi ts that you make. You can sell your book by any means in any global market, as you retain the rights. In addition, if you self-publish and do well, you have the potential for agents and publishers to come to you (think E.L James and 50 Shades of Grey, which originally was independently published, and now has sold 65 million copies and is a movie franchise!) The cons are you do need to do it all yourself, or fi nd suitable professionals to help. You will need a budget upfront and the right contacts if you want a professional result. However, there are now many options for print on demand production, so you don’t necessarily need to ‘buy’ a stock of your books.

And that’s where Maini Books comes in. We are a different sort of service, where we help and guide you through the Independent Publishing route. We provide support by mentoring you through the process, having the relevant contacts (if you need them) and then we support you with publication and production, and if you like even the marketing!

So if you’ve got that book ready to be written but just haven’t put pen to paper yet, get in contact with us for an informal chat.

07453 307 071 www.mainibooks.co.uk

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