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How you can help The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre
The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre
The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre is an Enfi eld-based charity supporting those in the area affected by cancer be it patients, family, friends or colleagues. We provide emotional, psychological and practical services, free of charge, to over 600 clients every year to help them come to terms with and cope with their changing lives.
After a cancer diagnosis, you might feel lots of different emotions; a sense of shock, fear, or sadness and you might question why this has happened to you. When faced with these overwhelming feelings, Head of Services, Fiona Connell, says that “asking for help when you don’t know what help you need is an incredibly brave step.
When you, a family member or friend are diagnosed with cancer life can become so busy that you don’t often get time to check in with yourself and what you need. People don’t see how a massage or group can help with their changing lives.
But coming to The Nightingale Centre gives you a safe space to navigate what you’re going through. One-toone counselling allows you to share fears and concerns without worrying someone in your immediate circle. While group sessions helps you connect with people who have been through or will go through something similar, you can ask questions, offer advice and talk freely.
Throughout my time at The Nightingale, I have seen the difference our services make to our clients. The fi rst day a client comes to us compared with the day they are ready to move on is a huge contrast because they now have the tools to cope with the effect cancer has had on their lives.”
Have a look at our upcoming events a great way for you, friends, family or company to get involved and support a local charity.
Birthday Weekend Walk
They say 19 is just a fi ller birthday, so let’s fi ll it with a celebration we won’t forget! The Nightingale was established on 21st August 2002 and because we’re not sure if we’ll be able to celebrate together, we’re throwing a Birthday Weekend Walk!
Sign up and walk for cancer today

Over the weekend of 21st August, we want you to walk 10k your own way. It could be with friends, family, work colleagues, neighbours, the more the merrier. Whether in your local park, along your high street or even in your home, we don’t mind. Walk as far as you feel comfortable, it doesn’t matter how you do it – as long as you have fun.
The Annual Charity Golf Day
Our Annual Charity Golf Day is back and we couldn’t be more excited! Join us at Crews Hill Golf Club on Friday 13th August for a full day and night of golf, food and drink. Who could want more after a year in lockdown? This is the perfect opportunity to test your game amongst your friends and colleagues and fi nd out who’s still got it. You’ll play on the stunning Crews Hill Golf Club 18-hole course, enjoy breakfast, refreshments at the Halfway house and competitions testing your game. In the evening non-golfers can join for a delicious two course-meal, dinner games, auction and the highlight of day, the prize presentation!
Get back in the swing of things and sign up as an individual or a team of 4 today
If you or someone you know has been affected by cancer, call us today on 020 8366 4333 to fi nd out more about our services and how we can help you.
“The Nightingale helped me to keep a positive mind set. Whether joining an exercise class, having a massage or a counselling session, it all made a big difference. You’re meeting people in similar situations to you, who give you a boost every now and then when you need it. It’s something to look forward to, even just getting out of the house and having a cup of tea at the centre. You always come out feeling 100%.” – A Nightingale Client