A great way to celebrate the end of lockdown! A Brand-New Face-to-Face Monthly Networking and Business Growth Meeting For Entrepreneurs in, and around, St Albans is coming to town... Starting in July, an exciting and new type of Networking and Business Growth Meeting is starting in St Albans that’s guaranteed to help your business to grow. Run by Entrepreneurs Circle, these unique and very different events look set to become the highlight of the month, every month, for ambitious business owners in and around St Albans. So, what’s it all about? We took some time out to catch up with the Entrepreneurs Circle’s Local Ambassador - Peter Barker - a Local Business Owner - who’ll be leading the meetings to find out more about these unique business events for local business owners.
What is the Entrepreneurs Circle and why are these meetings being launched? The Entrepreneurs Circle (EC) is the UK’s biggest (and best) community for ambitious business owners. It’s dedicated to helping business owners grow their business and provides tools, training, help and support for Entrepreneurs who want to get and keep more customers. It has an impressive track record too as over 70% of EC Members grow their business by at least 100% after two years of membership. The local meetings are being launched as a direct response to members and small business owners across the UK requesting face-to-face opportunities to meet up and focus on the growth of their businesses. So, tell us a little more about the local meetings and what people can expect? These brand-new face-to-face meetings will be a unique opportunity to spend time with like minded local business owners to share what’s working now. EC