Tips To Reduce Stress from Bridgette Mansfield Hypnotherapy And what a stressful time it’s been!
due to school or peer pressure. However, a situation that feels stressful to one person may be motivating to someone else and this can be down to our past experiences, our learnt behaviours, our thought processes and our own level of self-esteem.
So how can hypnotherapy help reduce stress levels……………..
Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure, when you feel unable to cope, which can cause health problems We all experience stress at one stage or another. It can be caused by health issues, money worries, constant worrying, loneliness, pressure at work, no work, lack of control, family problems, bereavement, divorce and many other reasons. Stress is recognised to be one of the main causes of sick absence from work and it seems that more and more children are suffering with stress
Stress is caused by our subconscious protecting us. We may go into a fight or flight response when we are in an uncomfortable situation. Our subconscious can’t tell the difference between what is real and what we are imagining so it sometimes acts as if we are in a life threatening situation when in fact all we are doing is for eg. a presentation in front of 20 people or starting a new job! We are then left with all this extra energy with nowhere for it to go. This can leave us with feelings of stress, anxiety, anger, depression, frustration, insomnia and mood swings