16 minute read
Teaching-Writer Natanya Biskar
Abigail Valley View Elementary School
Once upon a time, there lived two little pigs named Bob and Baloney. They always smelled like strawberry shampoo, and they were so pink you could see them from outer space. All they wanted to do was live by a waterfall, but sadly, the only waterfall in the world was by a wolf’s den, and the wolves loved to eat pig. And they always tried to eat Bob and Baloney. But they still moved to the waterfall. Everyday Bob and Baloney would have to put up with having their house knocked down and being scared half to death when the wolves said, “Pig, Pig, let us in, we have lots of hair on our chinny chin chins” Until one day… Bob and Baloney had an idea to make two decoys of themselves. And then they built a stick house and put the decoys in the house. And of course, the wolves stormed the house and ate the decoys and chewed on the sticks. Of course, the wolves did not notice they were decoys. While the wolves were howling like the wind on a stormy night and celebrating their “victory,” Bob and Baloney were building a large house…
“I don’t know, Bob, should we really be doing this?” said Baloney. “Yes, we need to escape to Mars before the wolves ind out the truth,” said Bob. “That we’re not dead,” said Bob. Now you are probably wondering what they were building behind the large house. Bob and Baloney were building a spaceship!! And for some reason Bob owned spacesuits, astronaut food, and rocket fuel. Soon, they got the spaceship up and running. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … BLASTOFF!!! “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” screamed Bob. “WHOOOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” yelled Baloney. Finally, the spaceship slowly sputtered to a stop… “Put, put, put,” it said. They landed with a thud. Bob and Baloney slowly walked over to the window. And what they saw made them turn as white as snow…
“DINOSAURS!!!!!!” they yelled. “Bob, where are the astronaut suits?!” said Baloney. “Down the hall to your let’’ replied Bob. Baloney rushed down the hall and put on the suit.
Brady Valley View Elementary School
Once upon a time, in the grassy hills of Who Knows Where, there was a tortoise. In the village of Who Knows Where there were many animals but there was not one animal slower than the tortoise, not even the snail! And no one in Who Knows Where was faster than the hare. The tortoise idolized the hare and his speediness. Sadly, the tortoise was not only slow, but a little plump. Also, his green shell made him look like a scaredy cat who would hide in his shell when a single raccoon attacks him. The tortoise wanted to be the popular animal in Who Knows Where, but to do that he would have to beat the hare, and he would never be able to do that. However, for some reason the tortoise’s conidence began to grow until one day he thought he could best the hare. One day while the hare was bragging about being fast to the young chipmunk and weasel, the tortoise came out into the clearing and openly yelled, “I challenge you to a race match!” He pointed at the hare. The animals stared at him then burst out laughing. “You, beat the hare? You must be insane!” the weasel said, bursting out laughing. The tortoise looked on in disapproval. “I accept your challenge,” said the hare. “But I must warn you. You are dealing with the fastest animal in all the land, and also be careful to not get crushed by my paws.” The hare walked away laughing. “Oh, I’ll show you, I’ll show you alright. I will beat you and the whole town will love me, and there’s nothing to stop me from doing that!” Over the next couple of weeks, the tortoise tried to do 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 25 pull-ups. Even though he usually stopped at 10 for each. The day of the race came and all of Who Knows Where
came to watch the hare, not the tortoise. The race began and the tall hill looked like a giant anthill. Even though the tortoise worked a lot he wasn’t even close to the hare and the hare made it all the way up to the inish line in 30 seconds. Even though he was right by the inish line the hare said, “I’m so far ahead I could take a nap.” So, he took a nap. Slowly, over time, the tortoise began to get closer to the hare and ater a long 2 hours 37 minutes and 22 seconds the tortoise passed the hare. The tortoise moved so slow it was like he was stuck in syrup. A couple minutes later the hare woke up and looked at the inish line. “What!” The hare ran as fast as he could, but the tortoise barely managed to beat the hare. “Woo-hoo,” said the tortoise. “I win!” The hare was crying with the defeat and everyone in the crowd was in awe until the oicial said, “The hare wins!” The hare jumped up in happiness and the tortoise was shocked. “I ask for a replay!” cried the tortoise. Even though the tortoise obviously won, the oicial said, “Like before, the hare wins!” The tortoise was shocked, and his heart was broken, so he went home. He was able to turn on his old television and rewatched the news report, but then he noticed something of. Ater replaying the clip seven times the tortoise saw that the hare stufed the oicial’s pockets with money! The tortoise did win, but, because of some stupid cold hard cash, he lost. Now, more than ever, the tortoise was determined to beat the hare, but he knew he would need something else. The tortoise pulled out his old rocket engine book and got to work. Over two weeks of non-stop work the tortoise re-challenged the hare for a rematch. However, the tortoise was prepared this time. The tortoise showed up late but when he arrived everyone was in awe. The tortoise walked in with a giant irework on his shell. Everyone looked at the tortoise questionably, but he walked up to the inish line. “Okay,” said the oicial. “On your marks…” The tortoise lit the fuse on the irework. “Get set…” The hare got ready. “Go!” The irework ignited and the tortoise went lying and everyone looked in awe.
“I-m-mm-m do-oo-oo-ing i-ttttttt!” exclaimed the tortoise while he was lying, and his cheeks were lopping around. The hare was in so much awe that he didn’t even start. The tortoise kept going around the hill, he was about to win! The tortoise kept going until his irework ran out over the clif. He looked down and said, “Oh would you look at that?” And then he fell. “Aaaah!” The hare rejoiced and ran up the clif and won again. The tortoise was at the hospital for the next 3 months and winter came again. He knew that he needed something less dangerous but still be able to be fast if he wanted to beat the hare. So, he took a train to the big city for the winter, and nobody saw the tortoise, until now. The tortoise had sent a challenge to the hare via email and waited at the inish line for the third time. As the oicial was about to give the win to the hare, hip-hop music started playing in the distance. Everyone looked behind them to see the tortoise in a Lamborghini wearing a golden chain with sunglasses. The hare looked at the tortoise in confusion. The tortoise pulled up to the starting line and said, “Wassup,” to the hare. “Ok, this is weird,” said the oicial. “Ready, set, go!” said the oicial. The tortoise drove and crashed into a clif. “Um, give me a sec,” he kept reversing out then into the clif. The hare was looking at him in confusion and didn’t start, until the tortoise managed to get on the road. The hare ran as fast as he could and was able to get on the inside. The tortoise and the hare were neck and neck with each other, but the hare was on the inside. The tortoise cut the hare of and got in front of him and hit the pedal to the metal. “Eat my dust!” the tortoise said behind him. Then, at the last second the tortoise looked forward and saw a rock. “Oh no.” The car hit the rock and the tortoise went lying. “I forgot to put on my seatbelt!” cried the tortoise as he went lying. “Owww!” said the tortoise. Again, the hare ran up to the inish line and won again. For the third time, the hare won. Nobody thought that the tortoise would challenge the hare, but the tortoise, being 36
absolutely stupid, challenged the hare once more. The hare won over and over and over again, until 523 days later. The tortoise, who had 27 broken bones, again walked over to the hare. “For the last time, Tortoise, you are not going to beat me! You’ve been trying this for 2 years, and how many have you won? Zero!” said the hare. “Ohh, but I’ve got a trick up my sleeve this time. I rechallenge you ater I rechallenged you ater I rechallenged you ater I rechallenged you again ater I rechallenged you for the 4th time ater I rechallenged you the 3rd time ater I rechallenged you the 2nd time ater I rechallenged you the 1st time. I rechallenge you to a rematch.” The hare looked at him and rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll do it,” said the hare. The day of the race came. Surprisingly, the tortoise wasn’t late, but he came there…. with nothing!? “What?” said the crowd. “Ok,” said the oicial. The oicial started, “On your marks, get set...” “Wait!” said the tortoise and the hare at the same time. “I have something to say,” they both said in unison
“I’ll go irst,” said the tortoise. “I just want to point out that this only started because of my jealousy, to beat the hare. I wanted to be your friend. I also want to point out that the hare didn’t win the irst race.” The crowd gasped. “When the oicial was reviewing the play, the hare stufed the oicial’s pocket with money! $5,000 easy. Also, I have proof.” The crowd gasped again, and the tortoise showed them the clip. Then one member of the audience yelled, “How do we not know this isn’t photoshop?” and the crowd agreed with him. “Tortoise!” the hare yelled. The tortoise turned around. “If you don’t forfeit, this will go on for an eternity and keep hurting Who Knows Where.” “I realize my mistake I...” “I’ll see you at the inish line,” said the tortoise. Dynamite exploded under him, and he went lying. Then he landed in the same spot. “Fine, I...” “I’ll forfeit,” said the hare in disappointment.
The tortoise jumped up in joy and said, “I’m the winner of every single race in Who Knows Where!” “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” said the hare. “I’m just the beginning, you’ll have to deal with my 3rd cousin on my mom’s side, the cheetah.” “Nooooooooo!!”
So, the tortoise failed to live happily ever ater.
The End
Leo Valley View Elementary School
Once upon a time, there lived three cute and sot chickens. The irst chicken was a chickenere named Fill, and was brown, the second was a cluckest named Todd and he was yellow, and the third was a chicolie in clucker named Jerry and he was white with spots. One day their mother got as sick as if she were to die. “If I were to die you must go of to build coops of your own, but beware of the Big Bad Beetle, he lives in the valley. If you decide to go down there, send him an email—his email address is YUMMY03,” said Mother. They all loved their mother a lot and the next day the chicken’s mother died. They were all so sad. So, they did what their mother had told them, to go of to build chicken coops for themselves. “Where should we build the coops?” said Fill. “Down there in the valley looks like a good spot because the Big Bad Beetle does not live there, I think?” answered Jerry. “I agree,” said Todd. So of they went into the valley to build coops for themselves. Fill built a coop out of, um... his natural fertilizer, Todd built his coop out of mud and sticks, and Jerry made his coop out of clucker balls because it was the only thing he had to build with. The next day the chickens were helping their brother, Jerry, practice clucker, just then they saw a big shadow. “Hello there, neighbor,” Jerry almost shouted out, but
luckily his brother stopped him. “Everyone hide,” whispered Fill. “It is the Big Bad Beetle.” All the chickens went into their coops, the Big Bad Beetle went up to Fill’s door, but when he took a whif, he plugged his nose and knocked on the door and said, “Can I come in?” “No,” answered Jerry and he stayed still. The Big Bad Beetle went over to Todd’s coop, he knocked on the door and said, “Can I come in?” “No way,” answered Todd and he ran into his brother Fill’s coop, knowing it stunk so he would be safe. The Big Bad Beetle went to Jerry’s coop and when he knocked on the door the coop made of clucker balls fell down. “AHHH!” Jerry screamed and ran into his brother Fill’s coop thinking the same thing his brother Todd was thinking. The Big Bad Beetle went back to Fill’s coop and instead of knocking he tried picking the lock on the coop door and the Big Bad Beetle got in. Then the most unexpected thing happened. The Big Bad Beetle talked in a way no one expected, he talked in a small helpless voice. “Hello, my name is Gerald the Beetle. I will not hurt
“Hi Gerald,” the chickens said together. “Do you want to live with us?” asked Todd “Sure,” answered Gerald, talking more strongly yet. And they all lived happily ever– well, no, eventually they ate Gerald because they were so hungry.
Giuliana Valley View Elementary School
Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Goldilocks who lived in a little cottage. One day when she woke up, she suddenly had a craving for some oatmeal. She cooked some for herself, but it was too hot for her to eat so she went on a walk. Also taking a walk were three bears named Jimmy, Johnny, and Jorge. They were wandering around when they smelled the delicious aroma of the oatmeal coming from Goldilocks’s house. “That smells good!” exclaimed Johnny. “Let’s go ind out what it is!” Ater a long 30 minutes of running into painful and unforgiving trees and getting lost, they inally reached the house. When Goldi went for a walk, she accidentally let the creaky cottage door open. When the young bears discovered this, they decided to go inside. They all saw the oatmeal at once and got in a ist ight because they all wanted it. “It will be mine!” screamed Jorge. “Not in a million years!” yelled Jimmy. So, they all got tired and drited of to sleep on the loor. Ater an hour, Goldilocks inally got home with some sweet honey she bought from the store on her walk. “Oh my gosh! What are you bears doing here!” Goldi
Goldilocks had always been a friend to animals, so she was not scared of the bears. But she was sneezing a lot when she was with them, and she realized she was allergic to the bears’ sot, fuzzy fur. “We are very sorry for intruding your home when you were gone,” said Jorge. “But we were super hungry!” “Thank you for your apology. You must still be starving so have some honey,” Goldilocks said while handing Johnny the jar of sweet gooey yellowness. The three young bears ran of back to their house and Goldi immediately stopped sneezing. Then, Goldilocks ate her oatmeal in peace and the bears ate their honey in peace and every Sunday, Jorge, Johnny, and Jimmy go to Goldi’s house for honey and oatmeal. Also, Goldi went to the doctor to check on her allergies. 40
Rowan Valley View Elementary School
Once upon a time, there was a big scary monster; he had spines on his back, leafy green, leathery skin, burning orange eyes, and razor-sharp teeth like thorns. One day, when the monster was in his deep dark cave, he heard chattering outside. He poked his head out to see what all the commotion was, and he saw a bear, a beetle, and a rabbit. He was furious. The monster ran outside and roared the most terrible roar, but the animals did not hear him, they were too focused on building their homes. So the very angry monster went to bed. The very next day, he looked outside at the three little animals, as smoke came out of his ears and his eyes turned a sour yellow and an angry red. He was more than furious. He did not want them outside his cave. “Why won’t vay leerv mer alowne!” said the monster. “I don’t want arnijals!” The monster ran outside his cave, making earth shaking stomps, and then… ROOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! The big scary ferocious monster had blown the house down. But then, in slow sad movements he went back to his cave. The big, bad, and now sad monster sat down in his cave, and started crying glowing green tears. The monster had never known what it was like to feel bad for someone. The next entire week, he was awoken every morning by the animals yelling at him. He made a low sad roar, and they let him alone. The next day he travelled to the English teacher monster, and learned to speak English. Soon ater, the monster went up to the animals and tried to apologize, but they ran away as soon as he said: “Hraim Rawry.”
The next day the monster said to himself, “Brayke day crake to rowpologize.” He used his baking skills, and experimented with monster ingredients, until he made a “yummy” cake.
The big monster then went to the wise English teacher monster, and showed him his cake. “You think you can apologize with this? Not even a rat would eat this!”
The big bad monster started crying, then found himself in his bed with a metal tray in his hand. It was a dream. Ding! The oven opened and shot out a cake, which landed on the tray. “Me drid irt bercuze mer bileve in merselv!” The monster had baked the perfect cake, so he went to the English teacher. The wise English teacher was quite impressed with the cake, so he walked with the monster to the bakery, to show he was harmless, and the baker wanted the recipe, and ate the whole thing. The monster baked a new cake, and the baker and teacher walked with the monster, to prove he was harmless. The monster walked up to the animals, saying, “Sime rawry,” and the animals forgave him, and ate the cake. The monster (myself) had felt happy because he became a better person, and they all lived happily ever ater. With this tale being passed down the many generations, it teaches the future monsters and YOU that no matter how bad you are, you can always have a chance to become a better person.