Michaelmas 2015 Issue 8

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Feminism in college:

Baroness Lawrence:

Should women-only events be supported in Cambridge?

The UK police force needs significant reform

→ Comment, p.16


Cavendish Lab to get £75m funding boost Government money will help fund development


he government has announced plans to invest £75 million into the University’s Cavendish laboratory, as part of the Spending Review. This donation will be matched by the University. The funds are hoped by the University “to transform the Cavendish, helping maintain Britain’s position at the forefront of physical sciences research.” The money will be used to build a new Cavendish Laboratory in West Cambridge. The new complex of laboratories will serve 1,000 staff, students and visitors and feature teaching, research, library and administration space. The complex is planned to open in 2020. This will be the third laboratory to hold the Cavendish name, originally named after the scientist who discovered hydrogen. It was in the first lab that Crick and Watson discovered the structure of DNA. The vice-chancellor, Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, said of the new funding from the government: “This is fantastic news. The Cavendish is and will serve as a national asset, to the benefit of research both in Cambridge and across the UK.’’ He continued to say that “this announcement demonstrates the government’s commitment to regional and national scientific growth and innovation. It presents a major opportunity for us to create a worldleading facility in the heart of the greater Cambridge high-tech cluster

Recipes, decorating tips, and making a Bridgemas miracle

→Interviews, p.14

→Part 2 Special


26 November 2015 Vol. 17 Michaelmas Issue 8

Stevie Hertz News Editor

The Bridgemas Special:

Cambridge Student

English tuition fees are world’s highest Elsa Maishman News Editor University fees are higher in England than anywhere else in the world, according to a new report from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. The study details average tuition fees charged by public institutions in the academic year 2013/14, in relation to the proportion of students who benefit from public loans, scholarships or grants at bachelor’s level. England had the most expensive average tuition fees, at just under £6,000, once scholarships and grants have been accounted for. However, English students’ investment tends to be repaid in higher graduate wages. The United States was ranked second, with fees of just under £5,500 (although this data is from 2011/12). However, these figures only apply to public universities, while many leading American universities are private. The report also compared the percentage of students in each country who benefitted from public loans, scholarships or grants. In the UK, 91.6% received support, whereas in the US it was 85.3%, and across major government scholarship programmes in Australia the figure was 87.4%. Switzerland had the lowest percentage of students benefitting from public loans, scholarships and/ or grants, at only 7.9%. However, the associated average tuition fees were just over £670. The report notes that since 1995 the UK has moved from a system of low tuition fees and ‘‘underdeveloped’’ student support systems to one of high tuition fees and ‘‘significant’’ public support to students. Nevertheless, nine out of ten graduates in England have an average of more than $30,000 in tuition loan debt – about £20,000.

and deliver a step-change in physical science research capability in the UK.” Similarly, the head of the Cambridge’s Physics department, Professor Andy Parker, commented: “This funding allows us to continue the tradition of innovation and originality that has been at the heart of the laboratory’s programme since its foundation.” Anthony Bridgen, a second-year Natural Sciences student commented: “It’s nice to see the government investing in science at a time when there seem to be so many cuts... However, that this money is going to somewhere like Cambridge which is already so well funded, one could question whether their allocation priorities are right.” Alongside the funding for the Cavendish, the funding review also announced that a new Enterprise Zone will be created in Cambridgeshire, and for the first time, postgraduates will be able to get loans for their tuition and maintenance costs. They will also offer maintenance loans to people studying for parttime degrees and tuition fee loans for those taking second degrees in a STEM subject. However, while former Cambridge City MP Julian Huppert praised the decision, the current MP, Daniel Zeichner, focused on other aspects of the budget, particularly replacing research grants with loans. The original Cavendish laboratory was founded in 1874 on the New Museums Site. It is currently under This year’s Footlights Pantomime ‘Robin Hood’ opened last night.Turn to pages development to create an access route. 4-5 of Part 2 for a look behind the scenes. Image: Chris Williamson Editorial Comment page 15 →

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