The publication for Nursing and Residential Care Homes £1.75
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Care Homes Receive 40% Nursing Care Increase from Department of Health The NhS contribution towards the costs of a place in a care home with nursing is being increased on an interim basis to £156.25. The rates for eligible care home residents assessed to require the help of a registered nurse will be as follows: • Standard rate will be increased to £156.25 per week • Higher rate will be increased to £215.04 per week (this is only relevant for those people who were already on the higher rate in 2007 when the single band was introduced) Registered nursing care for eligible nursing home residents is funded by the NHS and the weekly rate per patient is currently set at £112. The increase follows an independent review of the rate paid by the NHS to nursing homes (known as NHSfunded nursing care). The review, carried out by Mazars LLP, recommends that the NHS-funded nursing care rate should increase by 40% to £156.25. The government accepts the recommendation, which means that clinical commissioning groups will now pay a national rate of £156.25. The increase will be backdated to
1 April 2016 for individuals who were in receipt of NHSfunded nursing care from that time. The new rate is being paid on an interim basis while further work is done to review the element of the rate for agency nursing staff (which could lead to a reduction to the rate from 1 January 2017) and to consult on introducing regional variation from April 2017. Whilst welcoming the new rate Frank Ursell chief executive of the Registered Nursing Home Association (RNHA) said: “What’s the catch? We welcome the fact that a detailed review of actual nursing costs in care homes has led to an increase in the weekly amount to be paid – from £112 to £156.25, on the face of it, this is a step in the right direction. But we have concerns about the fact that the increase is described as an interim award, which according to the Department of Health could be reduced for some nursing home residents after further analysis of the figures. “There are also big question marks about where the money will come from. Is the government going to make an extra allocation of funds to NHS clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) so that they can pay the money to residents being cared for by nurses? Or are CCGs expected to find this from their existing resources? And how long will be it before payment of this overdue increase and the backdated amounts stretching back to the start of April will actually be made?”
He added: “These are not the only potential flies in the ointment. A majority of patients in many nursing homes qualify for local authority funding of all their fees. The NHS contribution is intended to meet the nursing element of those costs. So will cash-strapped local authorities pass over the whole of the award to the nursing homes concerned? Or will they try to hang on to it in order to protect their hard-pressed budgets?” “All these loose ends makes care providers necessarily cautious about the outcome of the review of nursing costs commissioned by the Department of Health, on which this award is now based. RNHA members are understandably asking questions. We look to the Department of Health to provide some answers as quickly as possible.” He concluded: “The Mazars report, which is based on a survey of nursing homes, has identified regional and other variations in costs. This is no surprise to anyone, because the cost of running a nursing home in London or the South East is necessarily higher than in many other parts of the country. “We hope that this will not turn into an excuse for the Department of Health, some months down the line, to withdraw the uplift on a selective basis. To do that would be both disappointing and unfair, not least because in our view the NHS contribution has been unrealistically low for a long time.”
VIEWPOINT Council Tax Precept Fails to Close Adult Social Care Funding Gap… …says a survey by the Research published by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS). Did anyone think it would? This story has brought the following responses by industry bodies and professionals which we are delighted to reproduce:Kate Fitch, Head of Public Policy at Sense said: “The EDITOR ADASS survey reveals the pressure local authority budgets are under from government spending cuts and the growing number of people needing support. “When local authorities are unable to fund appropriate care it will lead to many older and disabled people missing out on the services they desperately need for day-to-day life. Inadequate social care has a knock on effect and results in further demands on the NHS. For example, the deafblind people we support can become more susceptible to falls or require hospital treatment because they didn’t get the support they needed from social care. It is vital that the Government heeds the warnings in this report and release enough funds for local authorities to provide the right level of social care support and reduce the burden on the NHS.” Janet Morrison, Chief Executive of Independent Age, the older people’s charity, said: “It’s been clear for a while that English councils have been operating a bare bones social care service, but these figures underline just how severe the risk is to the future of this vital public service. Councils are facing a funding gap of nearly £1billion this year alone, increasing numbers of older people are missing out on support and care providers are increasingly exiting the market due to financial difficulties. “The Government’s attempt to plug the gap using the social care precept has been less than a sticking plaster, and hasn’t even covered the cost of the new National Living Wage. Amid all the political turmoil, we cannot lose sight of this issue. The crisis facing the future of social care in this country must be at the top of Theresa May’s in-tray.” Richard Humphries, Assistant Director of Policy, the King’s Fund, said: “Our assessment of these findings is that the immediate prospects for the social care system, on which older and disabled people depend, are grave and deteriorating. The diminishing confidence that local authorities can meet their most basic legal duties to provide care for the most vulnerable citizens should be a huge source of public concern. It is clear that measures such as the social care precept and the Better Care Fund are an inadequate response to the widening gulf between need and resources. “Plummeting levels of confidence among Directors in their ability to make further savings is alarming. As the risk of more care providers going out of business intensifies and with the NHS in deep financial trouble, the need for a clear strategy to place the funding of these essential services on a sustainable long term footing is now even more urgent.” I personally think this is the greatest challenge our new Prime Minister is going to face. Yes, I am aware of all the other issues in particular the recent Brexit vote and negotiations to leave Europe, but I genuinely feel that this will be insignificant as our population ages and costs increase. The fact that the report states that the 2% surcharge has failed to cover the costs of the living wage alone says it all. I noticed that the recent resignation of community and social care minister Alistair Burt went almost unnoticed, and at the time of writing this, I note that the Care Minister’s role has been “downgraded”, in our new Prime Minister Teresa May’s Cabinet reshuffle. The adult social care brief will now be overseen by parliamentary under-secretary of state for community health and care David Mowat. This is the first time since 2008 that the role has been handed to a junior minister! I think the above comments tell their own story and I very much hope that one of the first things on his agenda will be to address this issue.
Peter Adams
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Council Tax Precept Fails to Close Adult Social Care Funding Gap ChArGiNG reSideNTS extra council tax to pay for social care has failed to raise enough money to cover the cost of the new National living Wage (NlW), let alone address the huge shortfall in funding in the face of increasing demand, a survey of all 151 adult social services directors in england has found. Research published by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) highlights that the precept, introduced in the Autumn Statement 2015 to give councils the option to raise council tax by 2 per cent for adult social care, will generate less than two thirds of the more than £600 million needed to cover the NLW this year. That means that this year, directors are left with a gap to fill of around £940 million just to keep services operating at last year’s levels - for all of those people who need them. ADASS said: “Councils are working hard to protect adult social services budgets, with adult social care accounting for 35 per cent of council spending for the third year running. However, with more people needing support and having increasingly complex needs, the impact of the welcome national living wage, and other cost pressures, fewer people are getting help, and councils are having to make reductions which will impact on people who receive care. “More money needs to be invested in prevention to reduce future demand, but with funding under such pressure and diverted to those with greatest and immediate need – those that we have a statutory duty towards – the opportunity to do that is being taken away.
“We have been arguing for some time now that adult social care needs to be given the same protection and investment as the NHS. Services are already being cut, and the outlook for future care is bleak. We’re at a tipping point where social care is in jeopardy, and unless the Government addresses the chronic underfunding of the sector, there will be worrying consequences for the NHS and, most importantly, older and disabled people, their families and carers.” The overall budget for adult social services has risen slightly from last year due to the precept, from £13.65 billion to £13.82 billion, but there is wide variation between individual councils, with 70 of 151 reporting a fall in budgets. 62 councils needed to draw on reserves last year to fund budget shortfalls, while 52 had to cut services to balance budgets. The precept also raises the least amount of money in the areas of greatest need, intensifying budget pressures. The survey also found that more people in need were being affected by the crisis in social care funding: • Despite a 3 per cent increase in the older population, there has not been a corresponding rise in people receiving care; • At least 24 per cent of the £941 million (7 per cent) savings that adult social services directors will be expected to make this year will come from cutting services or reducing personal budgets; • 80 per cent of directors reported that care providers – both care home owners and home care providers – were facing financial difficulties and closing care homes or handing back contracts to councils, affecting thousands of people, despite 82 per cent of councils increasing fees to providers.
Health And Care Integration Toolkit To Launch A Tool kit of resources to help local health and care leaders move further and faster on achieving their vision of integration will was unveiled at the local Government Association's annual conference. The integration self-assessment tool kit has been developed in partnership by the LGA, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, NHS Confederation and NHS Clinical Commissioners, to support local health and care systems. It will enable local areas to assess their own readiness to bring about integration, and identify what action they need to take. The tool kit will be officially launched as part of the session "How do we tackle the financial crisis in health and social care?", a panel debate chaired by journalist and TV presenter Cathy Newman. This session will emphasise the importance of a local place-based and democratically accountable approach to integration, in which leaders will need to operate beyond their traditional organisational boundaries to achieve the best health and wellbeing outcomes for their residents. The unveiling of the tool kit follows the launch of "Stepping up to the place: The key to successful integration" at the NHS Confederation annual conference, a joint report by NHS Confed, LGA, NHSCC and ADASS that
outlines the shared vision for integration based on forming care around the needs of individuals in society. The tool kit will be piloted in several areas before its full roll-out in autumn, when it will be available to all areas as part our Care and Health Improvement Programme leadership offer. The LGA's Community Wellbeing Portfolio Holder, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, said: "This is a practical self-assessment tool kit we have produced to help local health and care systems accelerate the scale and pace of integration. "It is part of a suite of resources which will build on our shared vision to integrate health and social care and improve patient care. "We understand the challenges places face in delivering integration and this tool kit is about making that process easier by helping local areas identify the actions they need to take." Dr Graham Jackson, NHSCC co-chair and chair of Aylesbury Vale CCG said "We know that place-based integrated health and social care systems are key to delivering truly person-centred care. "Our joint report with the LGA, NHS Confederation and ADASS ‘Stepping up to the Place' set out what this could look like – the new tool kit will be a valuable resource to help local health and care systems put this vision into practice at pace."
Historic Act to Protect Carers 'Fails in Its First Year' Foi requeSTS reveal disabled people and carers actually worse off since the launch of the Care Act.
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One year on from its launch, the long-awaited Care Act, billed as the most significant reform of social care law in over 60 years and promising to safeguard the wellbeing of disabled people and carers, has failed in its first year, a charity study has found. The new research from national disabled people’s charity Revitalise found that over half (55%) of England’s local authorities had spent less overall on services for disabled people and carers since the Care Act came into being than in the year before – to the tune of an incredible £397 million – and 42% had reduced their spending on respite provision by an average of nearly £900,000 each. A central pillar of the Care Act was the legal entitlement of all disabled people and carers to an assessment of their support needs. However, the Revitalise study, based on Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, found that local authorities gave fewer Needs Assessments for disabled people during the first year of the Care Act than in the year before it, and half (48%) had carried out an average of 22% fewer Carer Assessments during the same period. A parallel survey of disabled people and carers mirrored the FOI findings. Over half (53%) of the disabled people and carers surveyed by Revitalise said the funding they received had been reduced or not kept pace with inflation over the past year. As a consequence, two thirds (66%) said they felt more isolated and had been forced to reduce their time spent taking valuable respite, and 44% said they were now struggling to make ends meet. Despite prominent support from central government, the failure of the Care Act was amply demonstrated by Revitalise’s research. 7 out of 10 (69%) disabled people and carers told the charity they were unaware of any changes to their entitlements as a result of the Care Act and half (49%) said the services they received had got worse since the Act’s introduction. The Care Act, part of Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s “Revolution in the heath and social care sector”, came into force on 1 April 2015 and was one year old in April 2016. Revitalise’s study, based on FOI requests and its own research, looked at the impact of the first year of the
Care Act compared with the preceding year. In light of the study’s findings, Revitalise is calling for an overhaul of the Care Act to ensure that all the disabled people and carers within local authority jurisdictions are approached and offered Carer or Needs Assessments, and more funding from central government to enable local authorities to fulfil all the pledges contained within the Act. The charity is also reiterating its call for sufficient funding for respite breaks to be a fundamental element of all social care provision. Revitalise Chief Executive Chris Simmonds commented: “For the first time in 60 years a piece of legislation has come along which purports to enshrine and protect the rights, dignity and independence of disabled people and carers, but it has become abundantly clear from our own research that the Care Act has failed to make any meaningful impact on the quality of life of the people it sets out to support – and in many respects their situation appears to have got worse. This is a tragedy. “It is already well known that there is a massive and growing shortfall in adult social care budgets, which is expected to be around £4.3 billon by 2020, so it is hardly surprising that local authorities are struggling to implement the Care Act properly. In fact, local authorities raised concerns about implementing the Care Act long before it came into force. “As a respite provider, the importance of regular time off – for carer and cared for alike – is well known to us, so it is very disheartening to find out that adequate funding for respite is one of the services that has diminished under the Care Act.” “Despite its very laudable intentions, our fear is that until local authorities get squarely behind the principles of the Care Act – and the equally important issue of the shortfall in adult social care funding is addressed – disabled people and carers will continue to struggle to achieve even the most basic quality of life.” Revitalise is a national charity providing respite holidays for disabled people and carers. Revitalise provides short breaks, with 24-hour nurse-led care on-call and personal support, at three accessible centres in Chigwell in Essex, Southampton and Southport. Each centre offers a wide range of accessible activities and excursions in a holiday environment.
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Care Group Condemns Underpayment of Care Home Fees A leAdiNG social care group has condemned the findings of a report which revealed chronic underpayment of fees for care home places amongst councils. The Independent Care Group says local authorities are undervaluing a vital and necessary service and putting care homes at risk. Their words came after health and care research firm Laing Buisson found that only 21 councils out of 150 investigated are paying weekly fees at or above the £620 per week benchmark considered reasonable for residential care. Laing Buisson said one in eight councils are paying onethird less than the recommended rate, and one local authority, Sefton, in Liverpool, pays local operators just £299 a week. The Group’s Chair, Mike Padgham, said: “The amount some councils are paying grossly undervalues the service that is being provided to older and vulnerable adults who
rely upon their care home for 24-hour care. “The fees some are paying are unsustainable and will contribute to the inevitable closure of some care homes, unless better funding is provided for social care.” The last six years has seen more than £5bn cut from social care budgets and the amount local authorities pay to providers to offer care has been savagely cut back. The National Living Wage saw the minimum pay for staff aged over 25 rise to £7.20 an hour -the current national minimum wage is £6.70. Social care providers say this will have a devastating effect on the sector. Only last week the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) said the 2% precept the Government had allowed council to charge to pay towards social care had failed to raise enough money to cover the cost of the new National Living Wage (NLW), let alone address the huge shortfall in funding that social care is currently facing.
Social Care ‘In Jeopardy’ As Surcharge Fails to Cover Living Wage Costs The NATioNAl Care Association (NCA) is calling on the new government to tackle the serious funding gap in social care. As the leading and most established representative organisation of care providers, NCA feels it is crucial to ensure that the sustainability and growth of social care is high on its agenda to prevent a collapse of the independent social care market, which would result in thousands of vulnerable people being left struggling to access care and support. A recently released report by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) reveals that a 2% council tax precept for social care will raise £380 million this year, whilst the estimated cost to councils of fully meeting the National Living Wage is £612 million. It is clear that short term measures will not address an issue which is a result of a lack of commitment and understand-
ing of the value of social care to communities. This extra money will not be enough to close the social care funding gap, which it is estimated will be somewhere between £2.8 billion and £3.5 billion by the end of the parliament, when the impact of the National Living Wage is taken into account. National Care Association Executive Chairman, Nadra Ahmed OBE warns that ‘‘Sadly, the systematic underfunding of social care by national and local government has created dangerous market instability, and independent commentators are alluding to the collapse of the independent social care market, which could, in turn, mean that thousands of vulnerable people will struggle to access care and support at a time when they are the most in need.” The ADASS report warns that councils will have to save £941 million from their 2016/17 adult social care budgets. With costs rising and more people needing care and support, only 31% directors of adult social services are fully confident they can achieve these savings.
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Embracing an Older Workforce: NCF Survey Report The 2016 National Care Forum personnel survey report presents findings for over 68,000 employees in adult social care: NCF Personnel survey 2016. The most startling finding in this report has to be the age profile of frontline staff and registered managers. Over 93% of registered managers in the survey are over 45, with 38.3% in the 55+ age group. Vic Rayner, executive director of the National Care Forum said: “As a sector it is important that this factor is at the forefront of personnel strategies, thinking through how the needs of that workforce can best be met.” Increasingly personnel practice is recognising the health and wellbeing requirements of all staff, and demonstrating greater flexibility around caring responsibilities. However, to provide a positive environment within which to recruit and support this portion of the workforce, it is essential that the contribution of the older workforce is embraced. Vic Rayner added: “Whilst of course, this survey highlights there is much work to be done around workforce planning for the future, particularly recognising future requirements as this portion of the workforce moves into
retirement. However, there is an immediate need to apply the principles of talent management to support and sustain the high level of contribution from those aged 45 and over to the provision of excellent quality care.” The report provides benchmarking information for providers of care and support services across the UK, detailing staff numbers, turnover, qualification rates, sickness absence, vacancy rates, leavers and the reasons for leaving a post. Further to the NCF discussion and good practice paper on the distinctive contribution of nurses to adult social care the report also provides details of registered nursing staff and specialist nursing roles. Responses to this survey range in size from single care homes through to multi-service operations employing several thousand staff. Once again over 70% of eligible organisations were able to participate in the 2016 survey, providing information for over 68,000 staff. The continued high level of member engagement reflects one of the core benefits of NCF, that of sharing information and the valued opportunity to benchmark among peer organisations in the sector.
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RNHA Calls for More Information About Discharged Patients NURSING HOMES need better, more timely information from hospitals when patients are discharged or returned into their care, the Registered Nursing Home Association (RNHA) has said. In its response to Care Quality Commission (CQC) recommendations for improving co-ordination between health and social care providers, the RNHA wants the NHS to review the way it interacts with nursing home staff on important clinical matters that can materially affect individuals’ recovery in the period immediately after their hospital discharge. Said RNHA chief executive officer Frank Ursell: “We need a big shake up of the whole system. As the CQC has pointed out, care home staff often don’t receive even the most basic information about the people being discharged to them. “More worryingly, they may not be told about the medication the patient has been receiving in hospital. Yet these details are vital when a vulnerable individual with multiple health conditions is moved from one care setting to another.” He added: “It would help if the NHS and social care
providers could work out an agreed protocol for sharing information. This must be a two-way process, of course. So if there are improvements we need to make in the way we communicate with hospitals when our residents are admitted to hospital, let us identify what has to be done by learning from and building on existing good practice across the country.” “Specifically, the CQC should follow up its recommendations by calling on the Department of Health to set up a joint task force, with representation from the NHS, local authorities and social care providers, to come up with practical solutions.” Mr Ursell concluded: “For the benefit of the hundreds of thousands of older people looked after in long-term residential care – many of whom come to us initially from hospital and many of whom need to be re-admitted to hospital if their condition deteriorates to the point of necessitating acute treatment once again – there should be standardised procedures for staff at both ends to follow in communicating key information. “But unless the CQC pushes the Department of Health into action, this report will simply sit on a shelf gathering dust.”
Alive! Launches New Best Practice Guides for Care Home Staff A FREE tool to improve the lives of older people living in care homes, ‘Making a Difference’, has been produced by Alive! in partnership with Bristol City Council and RSVP West (Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme). Positive relationships between residents, staff and relatives are at the heart of good care and care home management has a vital role to play in nurturing the positive interactions which lead to close relationships. ‘Making a Difference’ consists of two guides, one for care home managers and one for care staff. The guides are designed to provide simple, practical ideas to ensure that developing strong relationships with residents is a top priority for care homes. The guide for care staff offers pragmatic suggestions for engaging with residents and getting to know them when undertaking their care work. To make sure they’re fit for purpose, the guides were
developed in conjunction with care managers and staff and can be used as part of an induction session as well as a resource for ongoing training. Simon Bernstein, CEO of Alive!, says, “As well as offering an outstanding range of person-centred activities through our own presenters and training care staff to deliver high quality activity sessions themselves, we are dedicated to improving the lives of older people in care by championing their access to purposeful activity and intellectual, social and emotional engagement. Our policy is to share best practice with all who can benefit. RSVP’s team of Lay Assessors will also be using the Guides with care homes, as part of their work alongside Bristol City Council’s Quality Assurance Officers, to support and promote the importance of quality of life for residents. We are therefore proud to offer our ‘Making a Difference’ Guides in downloadable pdf format via Hard copies are also available for a small charge to cover postal costs.”
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Care Homes Offer Improved Care Following Re-Inspection Say CQC NEARLY THREE quarters of care homes originally rated ‘Inadequate’ have improved their ratings following re-inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) showed analysis published Wednesday 25 May. George McNamara, Head of Policy at Alzheimer’s Society said: "It’s positive to hear that three quarters of care homes have improved their ratings, resulting in many people experiencing better and safer care from these services. However, today’s figures also show that one-third of inadequate care homes re-inspected by the CQC are still inadequate or have closed, while half of
care homes re-inspected have improved but are still not providing the care that people with dementia have the right to expect. "This is a strong cause for concern and echoes the findings of our Fix Dementia Care campaign, which found that thousands of the 280,000 people with dementia who live in care homes are still being let down by the health and social care system – and provided with a secondclass service. "There is absolutely no room for complacency. A care home is a person’s home and must be treated as a vital part of the community."
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Cherish Country’s Network of Excellent Care Homes A leAdiNG social care spokesman has urged the country to cherish its vital network of care homes as they face an uncertain future. Speaking prior to National Care Home Open Day, which took place in June, Mike Padgham says the country has wonderful care homes that are envied the world over. But he fears that serious under-funding and spiralling costs means that some homes are facing a struggle for survival. “National Care Home Open Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and cherish the fantastic work that care homes do, up and down the country, 365 days a year to look after frail and vulnerable people who can no longer look after themselves,” he said. “But we must cherish and protect them as their future looks increasingly uncertain.” The Care Quality Commission recently reported that standards at care homes were improving and that three quarters of care homes previously rated inadequate had improved their rating when re-inspected. Mr Padgham, chair of the Independent Care Group (York and North Yorkshire) added: “We are truly blessed in this country to have such a wide variety of wonderful care homes, staffed by excellent, dedicated and committed staff who work round the clock to provide outstanding and compassionate care to people who cannot live without it. “National Care Home open day again demonstrated that to the country as homes opened their doors to the
public to put on show the care they offer. “But at the same time we have to face up to the fact that the future for our care homes is uncertain to say the least. Unless we wake up and properly fund social care, because of funding pressures and rising costs, we will lose some homes altogether. “When they are gone and people are struggling to find places for older and vulnerable adults to live, it could be too late to do anything about it.” According to recent research, a quarter of care homes in the UK are in danger of going under within three years. From a market of 20,000 homes (run by 6,000 operators) – some 5,000 are at risk because of debt, difficulty covering loan repayments and rising costs. Laing Buisson say in the 12 months to September 2015, more than 7,700 care beds were lost in England, against 6,100 new beds being opened – a net loss of 1,600 beds. By the end of summer 2016, a further 2,500 care beds will be lost, suggesting a loss of more than 4,000 care beds in just two years. The last six years has seen more than £5bn cut from social care budgets and the amount local authorities pay to providers to offer care has been savagely cut back. The National Living Wage saw the minimum pay for staff aged over 25 rise to £7.20 an hour -the current national minimum wage is £6.70. Social care providers say this will have a devastating effect on their already struggling businesses. The 2% precept councils were offered to help pay for social care will not scratch the surface and not even help providers meet the additional costs of the National Living Wage.
Derbyshire Dignity Award Won by Chesterfield Home HOLMEWOOD CARE Home has been awarded The Derbyshire Dignity Award for services provided to residents and their families. The Chesterfield home has 40 beds and provides tailored residential and day care to meet residents’ individual needs. The award, issued by Derbyshire County Council, recognises Holmewood’s person centered care and their dignity protection processes and procedures for residents living with dementia. It also recognises the home’s involvement of families with care planning for their loved ones, giving the residents a voice, as well as activities and events and end of life care. Kathleen Richardson, manager at Holmewood Care Home, said: “Following a compliance assessment process by Derbyshire County Council, we are delighted to receive The Derbyshire Dignity Award for
the care we provide. “We support our residents in every possible way, with our carers prioritising their physical and emotional wellbeing right from the beginning and throughout their time with us.” The Derbyshire Dignity Campaign provides awards based on a 10-point dignity challenge. Chris Whittaker, Coordinator of the Dignity and Respect Campaign for Derbyshire, said: “Congratulations to Holmewood Care Home on achieving their award. They deliver person centred care to all individuals, treating them with value, dignity, respect and care. “It is so heart-warming to find a care home that not only displays these qualities but ensures they are carried out on a day to day basis.” Derbyshire County Council will be holding workshops to encourage all care homes in the region to sign up to the Derbyshire Dignity Award.
Government Petitioned On Surveillance Cameras in Care Homes BOSSES AT Care Protect have cautiously welcomed the Government’s response to the petition ‘Install CCTV cameras in all care homes to protect the vulnerable people’ but warn that much more needs to be done. The Government response to the online petition states that ‘the Government does not object to the use of CCTV cameras in care homes on a case by case basis.’ It goes on to say that ‘the abuse or neglect of vulnerable people is deplorable.’ The response concludes that ‘care providers and members of the public, including care service users and their families, are free to decide whether or not to employ CCTV or covert monitoring.’ Philip Scott, Managing Director of Care Protect said: “The Government is certainly right to say that any form or abuse or neglect is deplorable but it fudges giving any real, tangible solutions.
“It is a fact that the majority of care homes are compassionate environments where residents can feel safe and cared for, however it is also a sad fact that there are individual cases of serious abuse that occur, even in the best homes. “As a former nurse and home manager myself, I strongly believe that the use of independently monitored smart intelligent cameras is something that the sector needs to consider and debate, to safeguard both service users and staff. For over thirty years abuse issues have been reported on an almost weekly basis yet despite repeated efforts to strengthen legislation, prioritise whistleblowing and improve inspection processes, abuse continues unabated. “The time has come to stop talking and take action and I implore people who feel as strongly as I do that the abuse of vulnerable people should not be tolerated to sign the petition and keep the debate going. "Government, local authorities and the Care Quality Commission will have to take notice if enough people take a stand."
Wigan Warrior Raises A Glass To The Ash Tree Arms WiGAN WArriorS and england international player, Michael Mcilorum, visited Ash Tree house residential and dementia care home in Wigan to officially open their brand new pub-themed lounge, The Ash Tree Arms. Michael, who has played over 200 games for the Warriors, mingled with residents and staff at the home before tucking into some pub grub. He also took the time to sign autographs and have his photo taken with the residents and staff. Kathryn Disley, Home Manager at Ash Tree House, said: “Everyone was so excited about Michael visiting to officially open the Ash Tree Arms. Many of our residents are avid Wigan Warriors fans so
there has been a real buzz at the home since finding out Michael is coming. He certainly caused quite a stir when he arrived and it was great to see him raising a glass with our residents. We have all had such an amazing day – the pub is a great addition to our home and I am sure it will create a fantastic social hub for our residents and their family and friends.” Michael, who is currently injured after suffering a broken ankle during a game in February, said: “I really enjoyed meeting everyone at Ash Tree House. There are some great characters here, and lots of Wigan Warriors fans. It really is a home from home and the new pub is fantastic, especially as it has a sports theme! I had a great time and I will certainly drop by again.”
Theresa, 92, Relives Time as WWII Secretary Work AT the War office during World War ii has been recreated for one resident at a care home in east Sussex, as part of its project to become a centre of excellence in dementia care. Hastings Court care home on The Ridge has launched a year-long commitment to become the first ‘Butterfly’ care home in the county. The project will see management and staff trained in the Butterfly approach to dementia, which focuses on person-centred care and wellbeing. As part of the scheme, rooms are being designed to reflect residents’ past lives and the things they enjoy, and staff on the floor wear their own clothes rather than uniforms to help create a family-type atmosphere. Theresa, aged 92, from Eastbourne has lived at Hastings Court for 18 months. A retired secretary for the War Office, the walls next to her room are being redecorated to resemble where she used to work. Memorabilia such as a desk, a telephone, files and a typewriter trigger memories of a time when she was very productive and felt great responsibility, giving her purpose in her day and a sense of achievement. Theresa’s nephew, Adam, said; “We never thought to set up such a space for Aunt Theresa but seeing her so engrossed in what she is doing – even if it’s just loading paper into her typewriter – it seems such an obvious thing to do. The staff here are so supportive and get involved with all of us so we all feel included in making life the best it can be for my aunt.” The second floor of Hastings Court will also be
transformed with dedicated lounges for people at different stages in their dementia which will make day-to-day life more fulfilling. The Butterfly model has been developed by Dementia Care Matters, globally recognised leaders in dementia care and training. Butterfly homes are given a national dementia care Quality of Life kitemark and there are now more than 100 across the UK. There are currently more than 850,000 people estimated to be living with dementia in the UK. This forecast to rise to over 1 million by 20251. Hastings Court recently launched the project to residents, families, health and social care professionals and members of the public. Among them was resident, Fred Day, whose wife, Sheila, lives on the second floor. “Dementia needs to be brought to the forefront. Sheila is wonderfully cared for here but there are many places where people with dementia are forgotten. I think it’s a wonderful idea to bring the Butterfly Project in to play.” Manager, Katie Brewster, said; “There is a growing demand in Hastings for dementia care and we want to offer the best care and the best environment. The Butterfly project is about seeing each person as an individual, about bringing colour into people’s lives and allowing them to live as they want to live. “We know that families need to feel their relatives are living well with dementia and we are passionate about enabling them to do so. “Achieving Butterfly status will impact on the home as a whole so everyone will see the benefits, whether they have dementia or not.”
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First Successful CQC Prosecution Sounds Warning for Care Providers The FirST prosecution of a care provider by the Care quality Commission (CqC) since taking over enforcement powers from the health & Safety executive (hSe) in 2015 sounds a warning for the care sector, says law firm Bevan Brittan.
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The CQC brought a prosecution for failing to provide safe care and treatment against St Anne’s Community Services, a not for profit charitable organisation, following the tragic death of a resident at one of its care homes in West Yorkshire in April 2015. A District Judge at Bradford Magistrates’ Court fined St Anne’s Community Services £190,000 plus costs. This marked a reduction in the fine that could have been levied which was in the range of £300,000 to £1.3 million under the new guidelines, due to considerable
mitigating factors and the defendant’s early guilty plea. Bevan Brittan, led by associate Sarah Knight, represented St Anne’s Community Services. Stuart Marchant, partner at Bevan Brittan, said that the prosecution marks a significant moment for the sector: “The scale of the fine, though a substantial reduction on the guidelines, shows the financial risks that providers face under the new health and safety regime when the everyday operation of care services goes wrong. CQC will be pushing ahead with more health and safety prosecutions and the fines can be truly substantial. “It is crucial that providers do everything they can to avoid incidents in the first place, by having effective risk assessments and training in place. Where there is an incident, it is critical to act quickly in response, and to learn and take action to prevent any recurrence in the future.”
Councils Respond to Launch Of Adult Social Care Inquiry reSPoNdiNG To the launch of an inquiry by the ClG Committee into the financial sustainability of local authority social care, the local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing spokeswoman, Cllr izzi Seccombe, said:
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“We are in real danger of a crisis in social care, with councils’, providers’ and carers’ ability to support our loved ones and ensure they live the dignified and independent life they deserve undermined by severe funding pressures. “The growing demand of an ageing population, as well as the increasing costs following the introduction of the National Living Wage, are squeezing care home and domiciliary care providers to the point of collapse. “On top of this, councils are starting from an unstable
Accro Services ACCro ServiCeS is an established company providing scheduled servicing and maintenance support for medical devices, pressure care products and patient lifting equipment within the healthcare sector. We assist hospitals, nursing homes and other care groups nationwide. Our network of engineers enables us to support nursing and care home operators, to provide a consistent level of scheduled maintenance and a rapid response to equipment breakdowns. Engineers are trained to a high standard through inhouse training and specific product training provided by
foundation, having had to close a £5 billion funding gap over the past five years. “The importance of adult social care was acknowledged by the Government in its decision to allow councils to raise council tax by 2 per cent to pay for adult social care, although it is likely that for many authorities this won’t be sufficient to meet all the cost and demand pressures, particularly the cost of the National Living Wage. “This is why the LGA is calling for the £700 million Better Care Fund money earmarked for the end of the decade to be brought forward to 2016/17 to help alleviate growing social care pressures. “Adult social care needs to be properly funded by government, and we wholeheartedly support the CLG Committee’s decision to shine a light on this urgent issue.” equipment manufacturers. Accro Services is dedicated to providing an honest customer service, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free maintenance program and breakdown support all year round. Our service includes: • Scheduled Servicing of medical devices and equipment • LOLER Testing of lifting equipment • Pressure Care Mattress decontamination • Equipment spares and repairs Telephone: 01243865855 Email: Website: LinkedIn:
Elder Abuse 'Must Now Be a Crime' ACTION ON Elder Abuse (AEA) has launched a UK–wide campaign calling for elder abuse to be made an aggravated criminal offence, similar to offences that are racially or religiously motivated. Research by the charity has shown that the Criminal Justice System is constantly failing to deliver justice to older people who are increasingly experiencing terrible abuse, theft and neglect at the hands of perpetrators who routinely ‘get away with it’. The charity says “the Criminal Justice system is failing to protect older victims of abuse and neglect. Most cases are never prosecuted – and many should be – and police cautions are used as a cheap and easy way of avoiding the time and cost of prosecution (these are not criminal convictions). And even when cases are taken to court the result is invariably a suspended sentence or community service. When is this going to end?” Following a series of Freedom of Information requests, AEA learned that most agencies, including the police, the courts system, and the Ministry of Justice, fail to keep any significant records of the experiences of older people, with one force who did provide information admitting that it investigated 76 cases in a year and issued a police caution in each case. Not one reached court, so none of the perpetrators received a criminal conviction. In its report the charity catalogues 23 cases of elder abuse where not one culprit received a custodial sentence, despite the terrible circumstances of the abuse. “Whether it is a 71-year-old man beaten so badly that his jaw required wiring, or the couple torn apart by abuse after 63 years of marriage – and dying apart – or the man so badly neglected in a care home that visitors were overcome by urine
and faeces, the sentence is still suspended, or community service. It doesn’t matter if the victim is 87-years-old and slapped around, it doesn’t matter if the abuse destroys the older person’s life, and it doesn’t even matter if there is video evidence of the callous nature of the abusers; the perpetrators never receive the sentence that the public expect and demand,” said Gary FitzGerald, Chief Executive of AEA. The new aggravated offence will cover physical, sexual, financial and psychological abuse, and neglect, with statutory minimum sentences for perpetrators, which courts may extend when necessary, as well as a requirement for mandatory reporting of suspected elder abuse. “Elder abuse is a crime,” said Gary FitzGerald, “and its long overdue for it to be treated as one. The UK has slipped far behind other countries in this regard, and we are allowing perpetrators to act with impunity. This has to stop. We have to send a clear message to these people that crimes against older people will no longer be tolerated or treated leniently.” “I have no doubt that the Government will argue that we already have enough laws.” continued FitzGerald. “But they didn’t argue that about racially or religiously motivated crimes, that’s why we have the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. And I am sure they will argue that a crime of elder abuse risks belittling the ability of most older people to protect themselves. But they don’t argue that when they talk about domestic abuse or racial abuse, where they are motivated to bring in additional aggravated crimes. It’s time they stopped treating our elderly, frail mums and dads as second class citizens.” The charity has noted that, in the UK, between 500,000 and 800,000 older people are abused in their own homes each year; for comparison, the NSPCC estimates 400,000 children face abuse each year. In 2013/14 there were 28,000 cases substantiated by adult protection teams of what are crimes against older people in England, but only 3,317 referrals (11.8%) by the police to the CPS (England and Wales). Sexual abuse accounted for 5.3% of abuse cases referred to adult protection, but only 1.9% of sexual offences were prosecuted.
Insolvency Fears Over Care Homes CARE HOMES are increasingly at risk of closing down due to rising costs and a lack of cash, warn insolvency and care homes specialists Bishop Fleming Chartered Accountants. A recent BBC Radio 4 survey revealed that unless new cash was injected into the care home sector by local authorities, many beds would have to close to the elderly and infirm. More than a quarter of UK care homes are in danger of closure within the next three years, according to the BBC survey, reflecting a rising trend of care home operators closing their doors due to pressures such as the National Living Wage, pension auto-enrolment, restrictions on migrant labour and the increasing costs of inspection and regulation. Top 40 accountants, Bishop Fleming, with specialist insolvency and care home teams, are warning that care homes in trouble need to take advice about their options before it is too late and they become another statistic. Nearly 50 care homes went insolvent in 2014/15. The BBC research also revealed care homes were carrying too much debt and were not making enough profit to cover loan repayments. This has led to many care homes increasingly having to be more creative over
Mister Uniform Ltd WITH THE recent warm weather many of our clients are on the lookout for lighter weight tunics and garments to help keep your staff cool while working. To help your staff look professional and stay cool this summer Mister Uniform are proud to launch our brand new range of “Super Lightweight” summer garments. Ask one of our friendly team about our brand new Ultra Lightweight Tunic which is proving very popular with our customers. This tunic is amazingly light at just 145grammes in weight. This is 25% lighter weight fabric than many regular healthcare tunics. We also offer lightweight 100% cotton polo shirts, light weight chefs jackets and healthcare dresses. To find out more about our “Super Lightweight range” simply call us and ask one of our friendly staff who’d be delighted to assist you.
how they continue to offer social care for local authorities in the face of increasing pressures on resources. Many are freezing recruitment plans or fundamentally changing their business models to survive. Head of Bishop Fleming’s care homes team, Tim Godfrey warned: “Although local authorities can levy an extra 2% council tax this year to help pay for social care, this money has yet to reach care homes and may not get there at all where cash-strapped local authorities have more pressing financial priorities.” “It is arguable as to whether the 2% rise in council tax is enough anyway,” he added. Jonathan Williams, a partner with Bishop Fleming and a licensed insolvency practitioner, echoed Mr Godfrey’s words, adding: “Where a care home is struggling but seeks advice sooner rather than later, it is possible to devise a rescue plan that will enable the care home to carry on trading. With increasing staff costs - particularly with the final rollout of auto-enrolment pension obligations - it is critical that businesses have accurate accounting and forecasting information. At a time of static or possibly falling revenues care homes must be sure that they have sufficient funds to meet a growing cost base.”
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Innovative Nursing Assistants Programme: Report Published SUPPORTING SENIOR care workers to become nursing assistants can tackle the shortage of nurses in care homes, improve the quality of care for residents, and support career development and retention. A new report by the Social Care Institute for Excellence, evaluates care home provider HC-One’s Care Assistant Development Programme (CADP). The programme, which has received RCN Accreditation, consists of blended face-to-face and elearning, ongoing assessment, and mentoring support from a qualified nurse. SCIE’s independent evaluation of the programme found that: • Retention rates are high – with 97% completion rate • Nursing assistants say the programme prepared them well for their new roles the nurse mentor role is a valuable element of the programme, with 89% of nursing assistants surveyed saying they felt supported by their nurse mentor • Residents receive greater consistency of care, more personcentred care and a more timely and response care due to increased capacity across the home • Early communication with residents and qualified nursing staff can alleviate any concerns or confusion over the new role. The evaluation report, which was commissioned by HC-One, says: "In the first year of its implementation our [SCIE’s] evaluation findings paint a positive picture overall of a well-planned programme that continues to be refined and developed. The overall learning and develop-
ment package is regarded as a key programme asset and nursing assistants rate their training highly as preparing them for their role. The face-to-face learning and development programme in particular was highlighted for providing a quality learning experience." SCIE’s Chief Executive, Tony Hunter, says: "We were pleased to conduct this evaluation because any initiative that can improve the lives of care home residents, whilst at the same time creating exciting career opportunities for care staff, is worth focussing on. The evaluation looks at the programme’s first year and I hope that the project continues to thrive and offers insights to how other nursing homes can respond to capacity issues." HC-One’s Chairman Dr Chai Patel says, "In response to the acute shortage of nurses in recent years, HC-One developed the Care Assistant Development Programme in conjunction with the Royal College of Nursing. This has created excellent new opportunities for carers to develop their skills and begin a new journey of personal development, as well as meeting the sector’s skills gap within the context of a changing demography in health and social care needs. HC-One are delighted to work with SCIE to evaluate this new project from its inception and thereby create real-time learning. We are very proud of our industry leading, multi-award winning training and career development programme for colleagues, which runs across all HC-One homes. SCIE’s report is evidence that our programmes make a positive difference to the people we care for in a safe and effective way."
The NACC Takes to The Skies for Charity oN SATurdAy 8 october 2016 an intrepid and inspirational team of National Association of Care Catering (NACC) members will leap 10,000ft from an aeroplane to raise money for The Food Chain and Alzheimer’s Society. The six courageous, thrill-seeking NACC members have signed up to do a tandem skydive as part of their ongoing commitment to making a positive difference to the lives of the vulnerable and elderly. Casting all personal trepidations aside, which includes one member with an intense fear of heights, they will perform an adrenalin-pumping tandem skydive to raise as much money as possible for the two worthy charities. The team is calling on the generous support of industry colleagues to ensure their ‘big jump’ raises as much money as possible. Please visit to pledge support and make a donation. The sensational six preparing to leap 10,000ft, including a 45 second freefall, are: • Neel Radia, national chair, NACC • Amanda Scott, managing director – UK, Sunrise Senior Living • Preston Walker, director/owner, Oak House Residential Home • Oliver Smith, head chef, Hadrian Healthcare’s Wetherby Manor and NACC Care Cook of the Year 2015 • Billie Moore, managing director/owner,
McCullough Moore Sophie Murray, head of nutrition and hydra• tion, Sunrise Senior Living Neel Radia, national chair, National Association of Care Catering, comments: “I have always wanted to do a skydive and to be able to fulfil this ambition in support of two wonderful charities is fantastic. I’m naturally nervous but it’s going to be a great experience to jump out of a plane alongside good NACC friends and colleagues. It’s also a thrilling way to kick off the NACC’s 30th anniversary year. Improving the life quality of the vulnerable and elderly through good nutritional and emotional care is the aim of the NACC. The Food Chain and Alzheimer’s Society share our mission to enrich lives and we are proud to be able to support them in their formidable work. I ask industry colleagues to please sponsor our charity skydive as generously as possible, and thank them wholeheartedly for their support.” The skydive takes place on Saturday 8 October in Nottingham and follows the annual NACC Training & Development Forum (5-7 October) where The Food Chain and Alzheimer’s Society will also be the beneficiary charities of the NACC Awards dinner. To support the effort of the NACC skydiving team visit
Top Honours Go To Badgemaster At The Professional Clothing Show NAMe BAdGe manufacturer, Badgemaster, scooped three highly commended awards at the Professional Clothing Awards last week; Best iT innovation and Website, Made in the uk, and Best Manufacturer/distributer. Celebrating their achievements, Badgemaster was centre stage receiving the awards from Olympic star and TV presenter Sharron Davies at the glamorous event in London last week. Co-founder and Managing Director, John Bancroft MBE describes his pride and delight at the achievements of their 100+ team: “To receive these awards is a great honour – for our team, our clients, and for the local community in Nottinghamshire. To be globally recognised for our achievements is one of the great landmarks in our journey to deliver unparalleled products and service for our customers.” Award 1. Best IT Innovation and Website launched their new site with many innovative features earlier this year, providing enhanced services to customers to help them access highest quality, personalised badges with the famous Badgemaster price guarantee easily and efficiently. Bespoke badge design, helpful product information, expert advice and instant price quotations are part of the experience. Badgemaster customers can now place orders online giving them the fastest, the most accurate and the most economical way that there is to order a name badge. With an average of 50 new enquiries and over 200 orders a day, the website is a key part of Badgemaster’s customer service, helping 27,000 customers and 5 million people and an estimated 5,000,000 people wear Badgemaster’s name badges every day.
Burlington Uniforms BurliNGToN uniforms ltd is a privately owned company which specialises in supplying corporate uniforms for all industries and business sectors and has been doing so for nearly 40 years. We provide a one-stop shopping experience for clients engaged in any kind of activity in the private or public sectors. Our private clients include blue chip companies, well-known private companies and professional firms. Our public sector clients include government departments and agencies, legislative and judicial bodies, local authorities, emergency services, and some of the world's most famous museums. We provide the highest standard of service and customer support. This
Award 2. Made in the UK Badgemaster, Europe’s largest name badge manufacturer, had its first factory in a small portacabin in Hucknall, Nottingham. Twenty-four years later, the state of art purpose built facility 12,000 square foot facility still resides in nearby Newstead Nottinghamshire today. The company plays an important role in the local community, receiving Governmental recognition for staff training and environmental responsibility; subjects close the hearts of many of Badgemaster’s 100 + employees, who come from the local ex-mining community. Badgemaster’s focus on British suppliers of the highest calibre has also earned the company the British Standards Institute Accreditations for Quality and Environmental Management. Award 3. Best Manufacturer/Distributer Badgemaster’s best in class reusable name badge, Instabadge®, was recognised for its quality and customer service benefits. It enables customers to create bespoke, professionally designed badges within their own premises. it’s unique and innovative design enables customers to have almost all the quality and appearance of a professionally made ready to wear badge with all the economy and convenience of a reusable one. Its benefits have been widely recognised, with already over 2,000 customers now enjoying the Instabadge benefits. As well as being available from Badgemaster directly, it is also now distributed through corporate clothing companies, catalogue and office stationery suppliers. For more information about Badgemaster, call their customer services team on 01623 723 112, email or visit or see the advert on page 18. combined with our commitment to research, develop and supply clothing of style and quality at competitive prices has been the key to our success since 1974. Our head office is based in Enfield and this also serves as our distribution hub and warehouse. We also have a manufacturing and distribution centre in south Wales, where we produce our own corporate wear ranges of suiting, shirts and blouses, and accessories. We are one of the only UK based manufacturers left and this unique feature gives us a substantial advantage over our competitors in turns of having direct control over production and bespoke capabilities. We are independently accredited with both ISO9001 (Quality Management) and ISO14001 (Environmental Management) standards, and are a Crown Commercial Service Supplier. For further details see the advert on page 9.
Alex Morte Claims the Title NACC Care Cook of the Year 2016 Alex MorTe, chef de partie at Signature’s Coombe hill Manor in kingston-upon-Thames, is officially the best care cook in the uk. Alex was crowned the National Association of Care Catering (NACC) Care Cook of the year 2016 yesterday, following the thrilling national final of the respected culinary competition. At the age of 21 he is also the youngest champion in the competition’s history. At Barking & Dagenham College’s Technical Skills Academy, 12 finalists pushed the boundaries to showcase their exceptional knowledge, talent and flair in the specific field of care catering. Alex and his winning menu of Grilled hake, charred asparagus, pea purée, crispy dill potatoes, crispy bacon and grilled vine cherry tomatoes followed by Dark chocolate and salted caramel delice with a chocolate tuile claimed the title after 90 minutes of intense competition. Alex stood out to the judges as the clear winner for many reasons. The calm and confident chef demonstrated excellent cooking skills and technique to produce beautifully-presented dishes with a real depth of flavour. Alex said on his win: “I am absolutely blown away to have won! This is my first ever competition so to be the winner is amazing and unbelievable. The final was a great experience. It was nerve-wracking at first but once I started cooking I relaxed and I actually enjoyed it. For the judges to say there was a ‘clear winner’ is a great feeling and I am very proud.” Martin McKee from The Hawthorns care home in Aldridge took second place, with Alan Cash of Mildenhall Lodge care home in Mildenhall taking third place.
Alex Morte was also awarded Highly Commended Main and Martin McKee took Highly Commended Dessert. Neel Radia, national chair, NACC, comments: “Congratulations to Alex Morte, the NACC Care Cook of the Year 2016! Every year this fantastic competition just gets better and better. That was an exciting and closelyfought final and Alex should be incredibly proud of his title. “I applaud every single finalist for an exceptional display of culinary excellence. They all impressed the judges with their innovation, creativity and skill, and also the expertise and understanding of the complex nutritional, dietary and dining needs of those in a care environment that they demonstrated. “I am thrilled to see the NACC Care Cook of the Year competition grow year on year. It is testament to the high standards and genuine talent within our sector and to the dedication of care chefs to continuously deliver excellence on behalf of those entrusted to their care. All of the competitors are great ambassadors for the exciting and rewarding care catering sector.” The NACC Care Cook of the Year competition seeks out the best care cook in the UK by challenging entrants to create a nutritionally-balanced, two-course menu (main and dessert) that is suitable for service users in a care setting. The combined food cost for both courses must be no more that £1.50 per head based on four portions and it is to be produced in just 90 minutes. Each competitor is expected to demonstrate nutritional understanding of the foods they are using, plus culinary flair in flavours, execution and presentation, with the appropriateness for the target clientele always a priority. In addition, the judges are looking for innovation, costing, suitability for the environment, adherence to nutrition guidelines, taste and overall menu balance.
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Social Care Employers Urged to Enter Accolades Awards NoMiNATioNS Are open for Skills for Care’s national Accolades awards and adult social care organisations who deliver high quality care are being urged to enter. The Accolades recognise excellence and innovation offered by adult social care providers in 10 different categories reflecting the diversity of a growing sector worth £43 billion to the national economy. Previous Accolades finalists say making it to the awards ceremony gives them a chance to have the outstanding work they do recognised by an expert panel of judges, and show how their high quality care provision changes people’s lives. Skills for Care CEO Sharon Allen said: “Our job is to support the learning and development needs of 1.5 million adult social care workers, so they can meet the needs of the people they work with, and this is a chance for employers to have a national platform for the outstanding work they do in their communities. “Adult social care is not always great at saying how good local services are so please get your entry in as this is a chance for organisations to have their much deserved turn in the spotlight. I’ve seen for myself how it
much it means for all our Accolades finalists to have national recognition for their teams.” The 16/17 awards categories are: • Best employer of under 50 staff • Best employer of between 51 and 249 staff • Best employer of over 250 staff • Best individual who employs their own care and support staff • Best employer support for registered managers • Best employer support for Apprenticeships • Best recruitment initiative • Most effective approach to leadership and management • Most effective approach to integration and new models of care • Best endorsed provider of learning and development The Accolades are open to organisations of all sizes and individual employers. Entry forms are now available at The closing date is Friday 23 September 2016 and the winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in Liverpool on Thursday 9 March 2017
‘Mocktail Morning’ Highlights Importance of Good Hydration at Care Home Residents at a care home in West Sussex have been given a taste of the summer after taking part in a ‘mocktail morning’ to highlight the importance of good hydration. Glebe House care home is taking part in a pilot scheme called ‘Hydrate in Care Homes’, which has been devised by the Kent-SurreySussex Academic Health Science Network (KSSAHSN) to improve hydration among older people living in residential and nursing homes. Residents at the Shaw healthcare-owned home were treated to a selection of mocktails including ‘Faux Champagne’, the ‘Ray Rodgers’ and the classic ‘Shirley Temple’. The drinks were freshly made at the care home with platters of fruit provided as another source of hydration. Similar trials in Kent and Surrey care homes saw improved hydration among residents, which also led
to a decline in the amount of trips and falls, as well as lowering the chance of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI). Julie Levy, manager at Glebe House care home, said: “After hearing about the success of this scheme elsewhere I became interested in the idea of piloting it here at Glebe House. The mocktail morning was a huge hit with the residents and, as a result, we’re already looking into having a monthly ‘hydrate’ morning, whether it be with mocktails or other fun and interactive ways to increase hydration. “We’re also hoping to develop a hydration policy, so that residents and their families can be safe in the knowledge that they are receiving the optimum food and drink that will encourage wellbeing, health and hydration. Through our continued work with the KSSAHSN, we hope to proactively reduce the risk of accidents while providing residents with stimulating social events.”
Sassi Gifts is a mobile gift service, established in 2012, that allows people to shop for beautiful gifts even if they are unable to get out to the shops. If we have a franchise in your area, we would be delighted to come in and do a sale for you. We bring new items each time we visit, plus we keep our prices low! This is a free activity into the care home sector, and has proved enormously popular in over 60 areas across the UK we currently visit. The only cost is to the person purchasing.
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Almost Half Of British Population Living With Chronic Pain A SIGNIFICANT part of the British population, 43% is living with chronic pain, a key cause of disability and distress, according to a new study based on an analysis of the available evidence. The number of affected population, about 28 million adults (based population statistics for 201) is likely to increase as the population ages, the researchers warned. Women were more likely than men to be affected by chronic pain, irrespective of age or pain type, the findings showed. The review team searched two medical databases, Medline and Embase, for articles reporting on the prevalence of chronic pain in the general UK population. All study types were included, providing they reported prevalence estimates for the following: • Chronic pain – pain in one or more locations in the body • Chronic widespread pain – using the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) definition (1990) of pain in the head or spine and two limbs on opposite side of the body • Fibromyalgia – ACR criteria (1990 or 2010) of widespread pain and tenderness in many different parts of the body, along with other symptoms of the condition (e.g. lethargy) • Nerve pain (neuropathic pain) – pain in one or more body locations with nerve features, such as numbness or tingling Their search included studies on population based esti-
mates of chronic pain, characterized as lasting more than three months, chronic widespread pain, fibromyalgia (a rheumatic condition characterised by muscular or musculoskeletal pain), and chronic neuropathic pain (caused by nerve signalling problems). The researchers used data from 19 studies that included almost 140,000 adults. They extrapolated the results to come up with the estimate that around 43% of people in the UK experience chronic pain. More adults aged 75 or over (62%) experienced pain than those aged 18 to 25 (14.3%). The summarised data also showed that eight per cent of adults in Britain experience chronic neuropathic pain, and 5.5 per cent live with fibromyalgia, a long-term condition that causes simultaneous pain in many different parts of the body. Unsurprisingly, the researchers found that older people were more likely to live with pain over the long term. Among 18-25 year olds, the prevalence was 14 per cent, although it may be as high as 30 per cent among 1839 year olds - a sizeable chunk of the working population, the researchers said. Among those aged 75 and above, the prevalence was almost two thirds (62 per cent). The findings, published in the online journal BMJ Open, suggest that if current trends continue, the burden of chronic pain may increase further still as the population ages.
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at all times, offer our customers competitive rates and to take away the strain of their energy bills so they can concentrate on running their business whilst we take care of everything else. Yü Energy has been also listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London stock exchange in March 2016. Come and see us on Stand J70 at The Care Show, NEC or call us today 0115 9758 258 or visit
Hearing Loops Play An Important Role in Care Homes heAriNG loSS is a major public health issue, affecting a third of over 65 year olds in the uk. With 93% of residents in nursing homes and 99% in residential homes over 65, this is a matter that care homes must address. It can be tricky for those with hearing loss to distinguish speech, even with a hearing aid. In normal mode, a hearing aid amplifies all sounds including background noise. This can result in residents finding it hard to contribute to group activities. Hearing loops improve communi-
cation by reducing background noise, giving all residents an opportunity to engage in community life. Not only will your residents be able to participate in group activities, you will be supporting the NICE quality standard (QS50) relating to the mental wellbeing in care homes. At Contacta we have years of experience in adapting and installing room loops to suit your individual needs. To find out how a hearing loop will benefit your care home, get in touch on 01732 223900, or visit us at the Care & Dementia Show (Stand G24) on the 11th and 12th October for your free trial at your establishment.
White Paper Highlights Lack of Awareness School Pupils Join Care Home and Healthcare Training For Dysphagia Residents in Looking to the Future dySPhAGiA, The medical term for swallowing difficulties, affects 8% of the global population. It can lead to malnutrition and dehydration, a loss of dignity when dining, and has potentially fatal consequences. Yet there is a worrying lack of easily accessible information available to support the increasing number of individuals, and their family members, living with this condition. In addition, care professionals are struggling with limited awareness, a lack of investment into training and resource, inconsistent use of standards and a failure to focus on providing a dignified dining experience. These are the unpalatable conclusions from a white paper published today by apetito, the leading food producer for the health and social care sector, in the first report of an ongoing series entitled apetito: TheKnowledge, set to create an authoritative compendium exploring some of the key health and wellbeing challenges facing society. ‘TheKnowledge: Dysphagia – The Hard to Swallow Truth’ examines the complexities of this condition that affects people of all ages and walks of life. It highlights the scale and impact of dysphagia and draws upon published research and data from across the globe – painting a picture of a condition that sees surprisingly little awareness, despite its prevalence: • As many as 75% of nursing home residents will live with dysphagia. • An estimated 68% of those living with dementia have dysphagia. • Between 40% and 78% of stroke survivors experience dysphagia. According to Lee Sheppard, Director of Public Policy and External Affairs at apetito: “Dysphagia is caused by a huge number of primary
conditions – it’s associated with stroke, those suffering brain injury, developing Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, or dementia. It is also widespread in children with acute Cerebral Palsy, as well as being widely experienced amongst the elderly, often simply due to muscle-weakening or poorly fitting dentures. “It is not surprising that many of us will experience this condition which can lead to further severe health problems, and yet our research has shown that 70% of healthcare professionals (HCPs) say there is a worrying lack of help, education and training around dysphagia. Indeed, 53% of HCPs felt that a lack of access to potential solutions such as texture modified foods directly contributed to aspiration in patients and 47% felt that this lack also directly led to malnutrition in those living with the condition. Overall, 73% were concerned about the nutritional intake of their dysphagia patients. Sheppard calls for action: “What the findings show is that dysphagia, despite its prevalence, is poorly recognised and those living with the condition often fail to receive suitable support. To address this, we need increased levels of training and investment in healthcare professionals. We also need support organisations to provide far better information and signposting and for dignified standards to be upheld by our regulators. “Many at home or in care are forced to try and cope, the result of which is often bland, unappealing food that is both unsafe and nutritionally inadequate. Those living with dysphagia deserve not only to receive a safe meal, but one which also allows them to dine with dignity. Everyone should have the right to enjoy mealtimes, which is one of life’s simple pleasures”. More on dysphagia and managing this condition is in the apetito report, which is available to download from
Hampshire Platinum Pair Celebrate 70 Years of ‘Love and Laughter’ love, AFFeCTioN, laughter and mutual respect’ have helped a remarkable hampshire couple stay the distance to reach their 70th wedding anniversary. Platinum pair Richard and Hilda Snelling, 94 and 90 respectively, celebrated becoming one of Britain’s longest married couples with a party at Lymington’s Belmore Lodge care home where Richard has lived for the past six months. Southampton-born Richard was serving in the army when he met the young Hilda Williams at a dance near her childhood home in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. As part of his duties as rations corporal at the top secret Wilton Park army base, he was responsible for the collection, distribution and recording of rations for up to 500 people. He was helped by a num-
ber of German prisoners of war working under him. Among the more senior Germans held at Wilton Park at the time were high-ranking Nazi politicians such as Rudolf Hess. The couple were married at Beaconsfield Parish Church in April 1946 when Richard was 24 and Hilda 20. Sixty guests attended their reception at the local Royal British Legion Hall and they honeymooned in Newquay, Cornwall. On her wedding dress, Hilda wore a mother-of-pearl brooch which was a gift from her grandmother and is still a treasured family possession 70 years on. Some of Richard’s POWs also gifted flowers for the bride. Activities Organiser Claire Fryer said: “It was a lovely occasion for a wonderful couple with a loving family. We were only too delighted to help them all celebrate.”
A TiMe capsule to be buried at a Chichester care home will give future generations an insight of life in 2016. Pupils at Jessie Younghusband Primary School took part in a competition to select items for the capsule at Colten Care's Wellington Grange. The winners, aged from five to 11 years old, were invited along to the Broyle Road home to see their suggestions placed in the sealed container. They included a pair of glasses, CD, copy of a TV listings magazine, Lego brick, video of Chichester and an ammonite. Residents at Wellington Grange also got in on the act by suggesting the cap-
sule should include a pill - as it's thought unlikely people will have the time to sit down and eat a meal in the 22nd century - together with a sixpence coin and an iPad. The items were accompanied by a short written explanation. Emily Hudson, Activity Organiser, said the children had been "very imaginative." She added: "The winners came from each of Jessie Younghusband's year groups and were presented with a voucher for their suggestions. "We also laid on drinks and cakes for the children and our residents and the whole event was a very happy occasion." The time capsule is expected to be buried in the grounds of Wellington
Argos for Business Brings Safety and Comfort to Care Homes ArouNd 23 per cent of the uk population is currently aged over 60 and during the next 20 years this proportion will rise to 29 per cent . With this in mind, care homes need to ensure they are adequately designed and equipped to cope with current and future arrivals of residents to ensure they have sufficient provision for guests with special needs and accessibility requirements, whether due to disability, illness or advanced years. Improving accessibility, convenience and comfort within care homes could enhance the profile of your accommodation and bring in additional business, whether for temporary respite stays or longer-term residents. Care homes that can offer additional products to ensure a safe and convenient stay, can enjoy an additional boost to business and an enhanced profile within the competitive care home market. With this in mind, Argos for Business has sourced a range of gadgets, devices, appliances and accessories to allow care home managers to install equipment and make reasonable adjustments to their facilities, under its Independent Living range. From wheelchair ramps, suction grips and bed and wall rails to bath and shower stools, stair lifts and adjustable beds, the Independent Living products offer stylish, temporary and permanent products care home managers can install on request for residents with special requirements or offer as permanent fixtures and features in designated rooms and communal access areas. The range also features a selection of wheelchairs, mobility scooters, walking frames and sticks, massage, circulation and exercise equipment, health monitors, as well as household and gardening tools and
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accessories – all essential items for care homes to ensure a safe and comfortable stay. Jacqui Glenn, director at Argos for Business, says: “Our Independent Living range offers care home managers solutions for good accessibility and equipment. Some of them are essential products that can be incorporated into bedrooms, bathrooms and access areas to enhance the stay for residents and provide peace of mind for their families and carers. “The range features stylish and practical solutions without making rooms appear overly ‘medicalised’, while providing essential items for mobility, safety and comfort for residents.” For efficient purchasing and procurement processes, Argos for Business’ Fast Track is a same day delivery and collection service, providing increased speed and efficiency to care home managers. Those purchasing are now guaranteed same day delivery on many items straight to their premises on orders placed by 6pm, seven days a week. This is ideal for care homes that need to purchase or replace items as a matter of urgency, avoiding disruptions to residents. Argos for Business takes a partnership approach to provide solutions that offer care home managers products that can enhance the stay for residents. The Argos Business Account allows managers and purchasers access to the Independent Living range as well as over 50,000 Argos products in-store and online at The free account offers four per cent discount on all orders, along with extended payment terms of up to 37 days. There is no minimum spend on the Argos Business Account so care home businesses can set up an account now and ensure they are well prepared for guests with accessibility requirements. To find out more about Independent Living from Argos for Business, visit
Ecoshield Conservatory Roofs are recognised by the government as eco friendly, energy saving roofs and insulations. Therefore Ecoshield products have been rewarded the lowest VAT rate of 5% compared to the standard 20% VAT rate. This gives us an opportunity to give our customers the great price and allow our customers to save 15% VAT.
Care Homes Diagnosed as in Serious to Critical Condition The ouTlook for care homes in the uk ranges from serious to critical, as staff costs, nurse shortages, poor funding and increasing red tape are draining the lifeblood out of the sector. The prognosis is given in a new survey for BBC Radio 4 that shows urgent surgery is needed to save care homes from rising costs and reducing resources. A new injection of local authority funding is urgently needed as more than a quarter of UK care homes are in danger of closure within three years, according to the survey. The BBC research also revealed care homes were carrying too much debt and were not making enough profit to cover loan repayments. Whilst most local authorities have this year added a 2% hike to council tax to help pay for social care, this money has yet to seep through to care homes, though concerns have been raised that this money will still not be enough. Care homes are reeling from the new national living wage of £7.20 per hour for staff over the age of 25 introduced in April this year. Pressure on the sector is set to increase further as the living wage is expected to rise to £9 per hour by 2020. The survey revealed that the national living wage not only pushes up the pay of those on lower scales, but across all
staff bandings. Care homes are concerned that their rising payroll costs are not being met by cash-strapped local authorities who are unwilling or unable to match the increase. There is also anxiety over government plans to further restrict migrant labour, as this will add to the staff shortages in an industry where a high number of migrant staff are already employed. Rising wages comes on top of pension auto enrolment, which is a complex issue for care homes due to the high level of part-time and short-term workers. The regulatory burden on the sector in the form of increasing red tape and above-inflation rises in fees levied by the Care Quality Commission are also having their effect. Bishop Fleming Partner, Tim Godfrey, who heads the Care Home Sector team, commented: “The survey reveals a care sector in a really serious to critical condition as care homes struggle to adapt to increasing pressures on their resources. Many are having to freeze their recruitment plans or drastically change their business models just to survive.” Mr Godfrey explained: “Care homes funded by local authorities face closure unless these authorities meet the rising cost pressures. Whilst some councils have increased funding, it is clearly not enough to cover the burden.” “Beds will have to close and jobs will be at risk. Ultimately, the quality of care being offered will deteriorate,” he added.
3rd Sector Care Awards 2016 - Nominations Are Open - Are You In? NoMiNATioNS Are open for the 3rd Sector Care Awards 2016. Are you in? The 3rd Sector Care Awards recognise the innovation and excellence happening throughout the not-forprofit care and support sector. It’s easy to nominate, just visit choose your category and say why you or someone you know deserves to win. You have until Friday 2nd September when nominations close. After that, successful candidates will be invited to a Judging Day on Wednesday 2nd November, which every nominee must be able to attend. This year’s ceremony will take place on Wednesday 7th December
and welcomes back Dame Esther Rantzen as host. The awards will also feature more great entertainment to enhance the spirit of the day. Dame Esther said, ‘I am delighted to be involved in such a worthwhile event. It is crucial that the not-for-profit sector offers high quality care and support for vulnerable people, whilst driving up standards.’ The Awards are open to any individual, team or organisation that operates in the third sector and excels at supporting people. Once again, employees of all levels are invited to share their best practice. If you would like to speak to us about nominating, attending or supporting this event, please do not hesitate to contact: Lisa Werthmann, Director of Creative Operations, Care Choices Ltd Email: Tel: 01223 206952
Easylink UK Launch Two New Websites MedPAGe liMiTed T/A easylink uk are set to launch two new websites. The websites offer Amazon style presentation of specialist care products with an option to buy in bulk at trade prices. The websites are packed with resource information to help you choose the correct products for your needs, and with videos to help you set them up you will have access to a range of superb quality products at affordable prices.
With over 30 years of experience in supplying care technologies, and developing specialist products such as our epileptic seizure detection alarms, Medpage is a brand that you can trust. With accreditation from BSI to ISO 13485:2003/7 for the design and manufacture of medical devices, you can be assured of a complete quality experience with our company. or telephone 01536 264 869 to speak to one of our product support advisors.
Wheelchair-Friendly Transport from Brotherwood WheelChAir ACCeSSiBle vehicle manufacturer Brotherwood, and Contract hire specialist providers lvC Mobility,are pleased to announce an exciting new partnership, which combines over 50 years of specialist experience to offer affordable finance packages for both Business and Private individuals in need of high quality, wheelchairfriendly transport. For many care homes the cost of purchasing a new Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) outright can often be prohibitive. LVC's new Contract Hire package offers an affordable solution to a new WAV, with a low initial out-
lay and fixed, tax-allowable monthly rentals all that is required to run a high quality, easy-to-use wheelchair car for an agreed period from 24 to 60 months. Brotherwood have been converting vehicles for wheelchair access since 1985. LVC Mobility is a trading style of LVC Central, who have over 20 years of funding expertise through the UK's major vehicle finance lenders. Together the partnership offers a trusted, experienced and competitive funding alternative that can enable you to access the very best in wheelchair passenger transport. For further details call today on 0808 301 8603 or visit
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Dorset Police and Alzheimer’s Society Making Dorset Dementia-Friendly DORSET POLICE is working in partnership with Alzheimer’s Society, to establish ‘Safe Havens’, a local initiative which aims to make people with dementia and related conditions safe in their communities and homes. The Safe Havens will be located in approved care homes or day centres, where anyone who is living with dementia and other related conditions can temporarily go if they are confused in public and are unable to provide sufficient information to be taken home. Police officers or Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) will escort the individual to the Safe Haven and ensure they receive the appropriate care from staff there. The officer will only leave when all parties agree that it is in the individual’s best interest to do so. Dorset Police and Alzheimer’s Society are looking for care homes and day centres to be part of the scheme. The locations will be open to people with dementia and other related conditions that members of the public, PCSOs or police officers have concerns about, or who have self-presented to a location such as a shop. Alzheimer’s Society research, carried out with people who have dementia, asked participants what they felt were the biggest barriers to taking part in their local community. The research revealed that nearly 70 per cent were concerned about becoming confused and lost while in public (Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Report, 2013). The Safe Havens project aims to address these concerns and make people who have dementia related conditions feel
The Revitalise Effect REVITALISE IS in the happiness business. The charity is the largest provider of respite holidays for disabled people and carers in the UK, but this only tells half the story. Each year Revitalise welcomes thousands of people who need the reassurance of 24-hour on-call nurse-led care in order to have a respite holiday, but it is what the charity provides on top of the care that really sets it apart from other providers. A rolling programme of accessible excursions,
comfortable and assured in their local areas. Jo Malyon, Services Manager at Alzheimer’s Society in Dorset, said: “Safe Havens are part of a wider project seeking to keep people with dementia safe, but also to improve their ability to remain independent and have choice and control over their lives. “We want to ensure that communities across Dorset are dementia-friendly. For this, we need commitment from across the community, so it is hugely important that we can work alongside our neighbourhood police. “According to research we carried out in 2014, 34 per cent of people with dementia did not feel a part of their community. We know this is partly because they lack confidence and are concerned they will become confused when they are out in public. “We hope that this joint initiative will help mitigate these concerns and bring people who may feel lonely or isolated back into the community.” Simon Thorneycroft, Mental Health Co-ordinator at Dorset Police, added: “Dorset Police is proud to be working in partnership with Alzheimer’s Society and Dorset Dementia Action Alliance. “The Safe Havens will allow the police to provide a secure and comfortable setting for vulnerable individuals, while they make enquiries to identify them and ensure they receive the right care. “The locations will all be voluntary and their assistance is key to making the scheme work.
activities and entertainments, coupled with themed weeks and of course those all-important opportunities to socialise and make connections with others, turn mere respite breaks into proper holidays. So whether your ideal holiday involves adventure, exploration, culture or relaxation (or a little bit of everything), Revitalise is confident there is a holiday that’s ideal for you this summer. Revitalise operates three accessible holiday centres in Chigwell in Essex, Southampton and Southport, each providing holidays with 24-hour nurse-led care and the support of volunteers, along with a busy programme of accessible excursions, activities and entertainments, all in a relaxed holiday environment. For more information about Revitalise holidays and to order a brochure, call 0303 303 0145 or visit or see the advert on page 12.
NCPC Responds to Hospice UK Report into End of Life Care Priorities THE NATIONAL Council for Palliative care has responded to Hospice UK’s report, which found that well over half (57%) of Health and Wellbeing Boards do not include the needs of dying adults and children in their key strategies that inform local service planning. It also found that more than a quarter (27%) of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) do not have a strategy for addressing end of life care for adults in their area. Simon Chapman, Director of Policy and External Affairs, said “End of
life care needs to be a priority and it is unacceptable that there are parts of the country where the needs of dying people are not being met. With demand for end of life care set to increase in the coming decade, it has to be a priority for all care providers. We endorse the call for the Ambitions Framework to provide the basis of future developments, and also urge the Government to give its response to 2015 Choices Review. “Our 2014 report found that only 43% of HWB’s include the needs of dying people in their own strategies, so this latest research shows there has been no change in nearly two years. This simply isn’t good enough.”
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Senior Activities from Intimex CArerS ArouNd the country are looking after a growing population of older people with dementia. Science is now telling us that keeping the mind active for the elderly is essential. The right kind of activities and mind stimulation will help keep dementia sufferers happier and much calmer. Intimex offers a wide range of activity products for use in care homes and day centres. Products available cover areas such as: Exercise, Games, Mental Stimulation, Reminiscence, Music, Entertainment, DVDs,
Spiritual, Sensory Stimulation, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Puzzles, Arts & Crafts and Gardening. There is also a range of resources and equipment to help you and your staff in their day-to-day activities with your residents. These include; Date & Weather board, Giant Write & Wipe Calendar and much more. “Intimex products had such a calming and positive effect on our residents” Gail Todd - Guisborough Manor Care Home Visit
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The MP’s View: Advancing Hand Hygiene Compliance in the NHS ANdreA JeNkyNS, MP for Morley and outwood and founder of the ‘handz’ hand hygiene campaign, refocuses the attention that must be paid to the prevention of healthcare associated infections (hCAis). After personally experiencing the devastating impact of hCAis, and recent data indicating a rise of the number of cases recorded, Ms Jenkyns is calling for urgent action to improve hand hygiene compliance across the NhS. The 21st century NHS is facing many challenges, one of these being an increase in HCAIs. A number of healthcare workers are failing to adhere to adequate hand hygiene practises whilst at work, causing infections to hospital patients to spread. This is a pertinent concern which must be looked into, sooner rather than later.
Research conducted by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control in 2011 worryingly showed that 6.4% of hospital patients – one in 16 – contracted an infection while in hospital. This study is being replicated later on this year to provide the latest figures on HCAIs in England; rates have crept up in recent years and suggest progress in the past five years may not mirror those in the mid-2000s. Alarmingly, 300,000 patients develop a HCAI in England every year, with 5,000 of those cases proving fatal. It is estimated that 20-40% of all HCAIs can be avoided by better communicating and better application of the existing hand hygiene rules and practices . If there is anything that can be used to support that notion, then local NHS trusts should be active in their implementation.
Better reporting, Stronger Compliance There is no doubt that doctors and nurses are best-positioned to know how to look after patients and I am by no means suggesting that anyone is deliberately avoiding washing their hands. It is more a case of identifying behavioural habits that are not being discouraged by their employers. That is why they need support from a management level – to ensure that hand hygiene compliance is being adhered to at all times. When vulnerable patients’ well-being is at stake, healthcare workers must have full understanding on how important hand hygiene is, and how to ensure their patients remain protected in their care. Hand hygiene reporting methods must also be improved for this problem to be effectively tackled. Reported hand hygiene rates in the NHS are much higher than the actual rate of compliance, due to the inaccurate methods of gathering data. New ways of reporting need to be developed to ensure that workers are held accountable for delivering the safe, high quality care that the NHS is renowned for worldwide. Despite the high number of patients who contract infections whilst being treated at hospitals, it is extremely difficult to pinpoint the moment when the contraction occurred. In my father’s case, I witnessed many missed opportunities for hand washing. However, by collating accurate data on hand hygiene compliance, it may be possible to spot patterns of behaviour amongst staff that could lead to preventative action. The common method of using direct observation to measure hand compliance is deeply flawed in this regard. The information can be subjective, imprecise and prone to false positives. For staff, knowing when they are being watched might make them overplay their regular
habits, running their hand under a sanitising dispenser more frequently than they might normally – this behaviour is commonly known as the Hawthorne effect. However, if healthcare operators can see first-hand through precise, quantifiable data that their staff are not washing their hands at the rate required to achieve compliance, then they can take action to communicate this to the healthcare workers. From there, these highly-trained professionals can re-evaluate their hand hygiene practices in every action they take before, during and after treating patients. With electronic data readily available, it provides an accurate picture of what is being done to prevent the contraction and spread of infections – not only for staff, but for patients and their relatives too, empowering them with the knowledge that the standard of care is constantly being reviewed and improved. As such evidence suggests that more sophisticated, electronic hand hygiene compliance reporting can change behaviours that will save lives.
Supporting the existing Causes Suggesting technological reporting solutions is one thing, but we must generate the support for its implementation to make real strides. To do that, we need to make the issue more prevalent in healthcare discussions – meaning we need to back those that support the issue passionately. There are several fantastic causes that seek to generate awareness on the importance of hand hygiene in healthcare. The WHO ‘SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands’ campaign is one excellent initiative that comes to mind, providing a wealth of resources to help hospitals and healthcare establishments raise awareness on the issue amongst their staff, the efforts of which amalgamate on a campaign day held on the 5th May each year. As part of our efforts to continually drive awareness, we must look for new ways of gathering data, and encourage technological support that can be utilised to strengthen the message further, and, ultimately, provide the muchneeded evidence to those in charge of our NHS premises. The means to report on hand hygiene compliance in the NHS is out there. There are technical solutions that could revolutionise hand hygiene protocol and save thousands of lives each year, and prevent the tragic impact these needless deaths have on so many families across the UK. The difference that we can make is incalculable. I would urge anyone who can help us to do so, either by getting in touch with ourselves at the Handz campaign, or through any of our dedicated supporters. Anyone with influence in the healthcare sector must ask themselves just one question: are we really doing all we can to reduce HCAIs? For more information on Handz, please visit:
Inadequate Wash Facilities At Home Adding To NHS Bed Blocking ACCordiNG To the department of health’s own figures, each excess bed day costs the NhS £275 whereas a portable hand wash basin, which costs around £150, could see that NhS bed unblocked and the patient at home. Manty Stanley – managing director at TEAL Patents – says: “TEAL Patents is all about portable hand washing units which can be located to the point of need. We like to think by providing hygiene facilities which work in any room of the house, we play a small but key part in helping patients get out of hospital and into the most healing environment - their home – and well as unblocking NHS beds.” TEAL has designed and manufactured a range of portable, hot water, basins specifically for the home
care environment. For minimal intervention, TEAL’s PatientWash is completely portable and lightweight and provides a self-contained, medical, hot water, hand wash and keeps water warm for up to five hours. For maximum intervention, the sophisticated TEAL Wash Stand takes users through NHS-compliant hand hygiene practices. Specifically designed to meet the requirements of home care, the Wash Stand can be placed at the bedside. All units – for hire or purchase – are delivered within 24 hours to customers located in mainland UK. For further information: W: T: 0121 770 0593 E:
Assured Virucidal Disinfection Against Norovirus, Influenza and MRSA evANS vANodiNe has introduced a new virucidal disinfectant, specially formulated for use in infection prevention and control. Safe Zone Plus is a proven multi-surface disinfectant cleaner with broad spectrum activity against viruses, bacteria, fungi and spores. it is an unperfumed, non-classified, ready to use formulation, which cleans and disinfects in one operation. To substantiate a claim that a disinfectant is virucidal and is suitable for use in high risk areas, it must be tested according to the appropriate European test method. EN 14476:2013 + A1:2015 is the latest version and it is used to demonstrate activity against Poliovirus, Adenovirus and Murine Norovirus; activity against these viruses is sufficient to allow a claim against all enveloped and non-enveloped viruses. Safe Zone Plus has passed EN 14476 against these viruses and other viruses of significance in the healthcare environment.
Disinfectants are an essential part of infection prevention and control programmes in high risk areas such as in hospitals and nursing homes. Viruses, bacteria and fungi may persist on surfaces for several days, or even months, and can be transferred to vulnerable patients. The correct use of an effective disinfectant, such as Safe Zone Plus, will aid in minimising microbial contamination of the patient environment. During periods of high infection, such as influenza and norovirus outbreaks, using Safe Zone Plus in public areas to disinfect hand contact surfaces will help to break the cycle of transmission of infection. Safe Zone Plus is ideal in medical areas, such as hospitals, clinics, doctors surgeries, nursing homes, visitor rooms and public areas. It is available in a 750 ml ready to use trigger spray and a 5 L refill, which also comes with an extending trigger spray. Microbiological profiles for Safe Zone Plus and all Evans Vanodine disinfectants are available via the Evans Vanodine website
BioCote Protected Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection ®
ANGloPlAS Are a uk manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry. Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (hCAis) are a priority for healthcare providers, and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies, including hand hygiene, cleaning, training and the adoption of new technologies, to tackle the problem. As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market, including antimicrobial technology. With this in mind, during the summer of 2011 Angloplas became an official partner of BioCote® which allowed it to transfer production of its dis-
Rug Doctor Pro The ruG doctor Pro hot water extraction system process is proven for its ease of use, user friendly design and 100% reliable results. The system also includes high efficiency money saving cleaning concentrates specifically formulated to maximise the performance of rug doctor Pro cleaning machines. Rug Doctor Pro's Quick Dry cleaning technology dries up to three times faster on both Mighty Pro and Wide Track machines allowing carpets to be ready faster for foot traffic to be resumed. Rug Doctor Pro will benefit your nursing or care home: • It can clean carpet, upholstery, carpeted stairs, vehicle interiors and mattresses • It is a high performance and powerful cleaning machine
Chiltern Water & Environment Ltd ChilTerN WATer & environment ltd can help you with your legionella compliance and water hygiene requirements. Chiltern Water & Environment Ltd was established over 25 years ago by Chartered Chemist and Biologist Robert Hunt, having already gained 25 years of experience in the water industry. Still family owned, the company has grown into a team of water industry experts, with significant knowledge and experience supported by industry recognised qualifications. It provides a confidential and independent service in water management and environmental monitoring. Chiltern Water & Environment Ltd offers the following services: • Legionella compliance services incl. risk assessments, monitoring schemes and provision of log-books • Legionella awareness training • Legionella outbreak/contamination management
pensers, originally produced in a standard PVC material to the the world's first independently proven antimicrobial PVC with BioCote® silver ion technology. For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags.
Ordering You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to and clicking Hospital, Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code. There you can use the easy online shopping system, or alternatively if you are NHS or an account customer, via an emailed or faxed purchase order. You can also view and/or download the latest catalogue and price list. • It has a pedigree of proven reliability and durability • It's easy to use - no training required • It comes with a range specially formulated professional cleaning chemicals • It's time saving • It is of the highest product quality - BS tested and approved When you order a Rug Doctor Pro machine you will receive a full 12 Month warranty. Setting up an account is really easy, simply visit the shop on the Rug Doctor website at , enter your details and start shopping! For more information, please contact Rug Doctor Pro on 01903 235558 and ask to speak to their Commercial Sales Team or email
• Asset inspections, including tanks and calorifiers • Remedial works, including disinfections • Temperature monitoring • Water sampling and analysis • Hydrotherapy pool testing and sampling • TMV Testing & Servicing • Closed system testing and dosing • Private water supply risk assessment and sampling • Investigation into specific water quality problems • Leak investigation works • Supply of small-scale treatment equipment and bulk chemicals The company is a member of Constructionline and is working towards membership of the Legionella Control Association and accreditation to ISO 17000. To discuss your requirements please contact David Hunt using the details below. Email: Tel: 01494 712831
The Rug Doctor Pro hot water extraction system process is proven for its ease of use, user friendly design and 100% reliable results. The system also includes high efficiency money saving cleaning concentrates specifically formulated to maximise the performance of Rug Doctor Pro cleaning machines.
Rug Doctor Pro will benefit your nursing or care home: • It can clean carpet, upholstery, carpeted stairs, vehicle interiors and mattresses • It is a high performance and powerful cleaning machine • It has a pedigree of proven reliability and durability • It's easy to use - no training required • It comes with a range specially formulated professional cleaning chemicals • It's time saving • It is of the highest product quality - BS tested and approved
For more information, please contact Rug Doctor Pro on 01903 235558 or email
The Complete Maintenance Management Software Solution... It’s New and It’s Affordable Shire Systems design and supply Pirana CMMS, the affordable, UK No 1 maintenance software solution. Pirana is becoming increasingly popular as the cost effective, quick start-up Maintenance Software choice. Shire also delivers a range of ‘hands-on’ training courses at their modern training centres, as well as free ‘try-before-you-buy’ regional roadshows. And if that doesn’t convince, then there is always the fully functional free software trial. All in all it’s the complete CMMS solution, at a realistic price. • Asset, Meter & Task Registers • Checklists & Condition Monitoring • Preventative Maintenance • Work Scheduling & Requests • Stock, Inventory & Purchasing Control
Ablyss Care Management Systems AS A registered care provider you are all too aware of the high quantity of record keeping that you must perform. each home will record their provision of care in a number of different ways through checklists or detailed notes. Many homes prefer to record this information using a pen and paper because they either believe that their staff are unable to cope with using technology or they feel that the pen and paper approach is quicker. This is completely understandable, however paper based records make it very difficult to evidence and assess care provided to a resident. With CQC placing an increasing burden on care homes to evidence their care provision it has never been more important to assess the way your data is recorded and reviewed. The technology that surrounds
• Costs & Charges Management (Contractors) • Management KPIs & Reporting • Support SUSTAINABILITY goals Easy to use and get started One size fits all. There are no hidden costs and the interface is incredibly easy to pick up; it’s possible to get started in minutes. Conveniently, there is a choice of setup options, 1. On-premise 2. Cloud 3. Stand-alone 4. Mobile The price performance of Pirana CMMS just goes to prove that organisations don’t have to look towards expensive and complex systems to meet maintenance goals. So if you want to extend asset life, cut costs, meet compliance and move towards your sustainability goals, then look no further.
us today can make this job so much simpler. At Ablyss we have looked to embrace this technology whilst providing solutions that are workable, efficient and reliable. By providing you with the right tools, you can quickly record data and then ultimately assess how your residents’ needs have changed over time. This way you can easily not only evidence your care but also adapt it to your residents’ changing needs. Ablyss CMS is fast becoming a favourite amongst a range of care providers, from nursing and residential homes to rehabilitation facilities. Users have experienced massive time saving benefits with reviews being completed in 10 minutes rather than in two hours and compliance checks being completed over 60% faster. Essentially CMS will streamline the way you manage your information, leaving you free to do what you do best - care. To see what Ablyss CMS could mean to you, visit our website or call us on 01625 535685 for your free 30 day trial or to book a demonstration.
All This in a Simple ID Card! QRSecured has been providing ID verification for agency staff in the health field for over two years. All that is needed is mobile phone or tablet to scan the unique QR code, and the QRCsecured database will verify (or otherwise) the ID card. A new feature allows providers to include
staff training or qualification records. The information is protected by a PIN and encrypted on our server. This enables the ID card to be a source of up to date training information – accessible not only to service users but also within the agency. The system is available from QRSecured ( Tel: 020 3002 0539 or
Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.
Who is this?... When care staff enter your premises you will want to check their ID. Perhaps you ask to see their ID cards. But can you be certain the person is who they say they are? Or still work for the agency? Sometimes cards get lost or stolen, or used beyond the end of their employment. An innovative new product is increasingly being used by care staff agencies. By adding a QR code linked to a database system, staff ID cards can be checked at any time by just scanning them with a mobile phone. No extra equipment is needed! A new feature allows the staff’s training record to be viewed as well. See The system is available from QRSecured ( - be sure to ask your supplying agencies if they are using QRSecured.
Disability Group Urges Providers to Seize the Benefits of Technology in Care The voluNTAry organisations disability Group (vodG) has launched a new report on how social care providers are embracing technology to improve services. The group argues that commissioning practices must keep pace with technological change to support quality improvement. The report coincides with the Department for Communities and Local Government social care inquiry which is calling for evidence on innovative approaches to the design and delivery of adult social care, including through the use of technology. VODG finds digital technology is enabling people using care and support services to exercise greater choice, control and autonomy and to live more safely. The use of GPS systems to ensure that people remain within an area they can safely manage, movement sensors that tell staff whether someone is ok, gadgets – from medication dispensers to talking microwaves – that promote independence, and touchscreen technology all mean that social care has the tools to become a high tech sector. VODG chief executive Professor Rhidian Hughes says: “Digital technol-
ogy offers opportunities to improve how we support people both at home and in residential care, how we communicate with people with specific communication needs and how we enable people to remain as independent as possible while managing the risks.” However, there is a dilemma for care and support providers as new technology requires significant up-front investment which can generate long-term savings, for instance by reducing someone’s reliance on paid staff. But these technological solutions are rarely commissioned by local authorities. Therefore VODG is calling on local authorities to commission services based on outcomes rather than fixed hourly rates. This would give providers the confidence to invest in technologies which can simultaneously improve quality of life and reduce long-term care costs. Paul Cusworth of Real Life Options who also contributed to the report adds: “Purchasing, implementing and maintaining technology is often expensive and companies in the sector often have limited resources to support technology. This makes the decision making process very important.” VODG will be supporting providers to maximise the benefits of technology to deliver high quality and efficient care and support services.
“Previously We Used A Sheet Of A4 On A Kitchen Cabinet. Now We Have All Our Information At Our Fingertips” HOW DO you avoid documentation becoming a chore? You make it a natural part of day-to-day workflow with the residents, responds the Hyldgaarden Care Home where Sekoia has been rolled out in 42 residential units. In 2014 Hyldgaarden Care Home was facing an immense challenge. Stringent documentation requirements and complex IT systems made it difficult for staff to meet their requirements both in terms of care and structure. “The system we had was advanced and not very user-friendly. Many people were tired of it, because it took so much time to boot up the computer, log in, register and close down again. All that time was taken away from the residents,” explains Anja Toftgaard, Care Assistant and Coordinator. The care home went in search of a replacement. The aim was to find a system that would enable documenting, registering and gaining an overview of everything without having to spend valuable time in the office. “We saw that a lot of companies had great ideas, but very few had a finished product to offer. We chose Sekoia’s solution because it was able to solve our specific challenges right here and right now.” At Hyldgaarden and at other care homes, resources very much depend on the reports staff send to case officers. Documentation tools therefore need to be simple, quick and meet all requirements, explains Anja Toftgaard.
“Previously, the municipal department wanted a long explanation about the development of the citizen. Now it is much more about measuring effect: have we delivered what we need to deliver? Has Mr Jones, for example, had his two daily walks? With Sekoia, we are able to register this in an instant and extract the data we need when the case officer calls. We are even able to see what the reason is if we have not been able to achieve our aims, for example that we have offered the walk, but the citizen has declined,” she explains and continues: “In other words, it has become easier to monitor the aims for each citizen, generate progress reports and ensure that we deliver what is expected of us. Our employees widely agree that our day-to-day documentation and general overview have become much better. With Sekoia, there is no excuse for missing tasks or forgetting activities, says Anja Toftgaard with a smile. “Previously, we really just had a sheet of A4 on a kitchen cabinet that we had to refer to constantly. Now we have all the information at our fingertips. This is also invaluable for our temporary staff who are not as closely involved with the residents,” she explains and concludes: “Our workflow has become easier because our dayto-day documentation has moved out of the offices. This provides more time with the residents and that is what we are passionate about.” Contact Sekoia on +44 2083 347 126 or visit
AIRlert Bed and Chair Leaving Sensors hoW CAN you offer safe and reliable monitoring of your residents falls 24 hours a day? Did you know that in care homes, falls account for around 90% of reportable injuries to residents. The rate of falls is almost three times that of older people living in the community. Injury rates are also considerably higher for people living in care homes, with 10-20% of institutional falls resulting in a hip fracture and 25% of people admitted to an acute hospital with a hip fracture coming directly from a care home. The quality of life of an older person can be significantly reduced following a fall. The effects include: Increased social isolation. Increased problems with activities of daily living. Increasing tendency to depression and mental health problems. Increasing physical and emotional dependence. Many slips, trips and falls in care homes are preventable. Introducing our new unique Airlert air sensitive pressure alarm mats. They detect subtle variations
in pressure change as a patient gets out of a chair or bed. The system only alarms when a certain level of pressure has been reached, allowing patients to roll around on the bed or chair without false alarms. By using air pressure the system can be placed under mattresses or cushions for a more discreet and comfortable sensor. This means the sensor will not interfere with any type of pressure care equipment which may already be in place, including active mattresses. Additional Features and Benefits; • No trip hazard risk of traditional floor based monitoring systems. • Bed mats are full length to minimise false alarms. • No electronics inside the mats means they are virtually indestructible • 1 year warranty and lifetime maintenance support To book an on site demo or arrange your 30 day trial call us NOW on 01773 713 713 or email
C-TEC Launches New NC951 Accessible Toilet Alarm Kit C-TeC has released an updated version of its bestselling NC951 accessible disabled persons’ toilet alarm kit. Stylishly re-designed and featuring a new call acknowledgement function to reassure users help is on the way, the NC951 contains everything you need to create a cost-effective BS8300 compliant emergency assistance alarm. Said Andy Green, C-TEC’s Marketing Manager: “The re-launch of our marketleading disabled toilet alarm kit is testament to C-TEC’s commitment to continuously
Easylink UK eASyliNk uk, established 1984, are market leaders in the provision of nocturnal epileptic seizure detection products. our first model, the MP5, was first introduced during 1995 and was the first product of its type to offer wireless alarm signalling. our current range of products provide seizure detection solutions for individual and multiple bed monitoring for domestic and professional care. Easylink UK also offer a range of affordable falls detection and prevention products including fall detection pen-
refining and improving existing products. We believe its new features will prove very popular especially as we have kept the cost of the product the same.” Currently celebrating its 35th Anniversary as a leading UK manufacturer of world-class life-safety systems, C-TEC has also launched the QT951, another accessible toilet alarm kit specifically designed for use with its powerful addressable call system. For more information, call C-TEC on +44 (0)1942 322744 or visit dants, bed and chair occupancy detection alarms, and resident door egress alarms. Our latest fall detection pendant reliably detects and raises a wireless alarm should a person experience a fall. The pendant also features a touch sensor call button, particularly useful for people with limited dexterity, caused by age, Stroke, or other debilitating condition. The call pedant has a transmission range of 150 Metres with signalling to a radio pager or radio receiver providing connection to an existing nurse call system. Easylink UK have an extensive portfolio of Senior care products including memory prompting aids for medication reminders, aids for daily living. Easylink UK are accredited by BSI to ISO 13485:2003/7 for the design and manufacture of medical products. For details visit, Telephone 01536 364 869 or see the advert on page 2.
Courtney Thorne Wireless Nurse Call CourTNey ThorNe, the wireless nurse call specialist, has launched the ‘Altra’ range for the care sector with Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, fall detection capability and proven reliability designed specifically for care home environments. Building on a 40 year track record in the sector, Courtney Thorne has developed an new software architecture for the Altra range, utilising smart mobile technology to provide a wireless system that combines proven radio frequency technology with Bluetooth and WiFi.
The company is so confident that the Altra Range offers the ultimate in wireless nurse call capability and reliability that it is offering a three year warranty as standard with all systems. Comments Managing Director, Graham Vickrage: “Wireless call systems offer the greatest flexibility for the care home sector with fast and simple installation that involves no hardwiring or disruption to residents. Our approach in developing Altra has been to combine reliability with enhanced connectivity and capability, enabling customers to select a bespoke specification that meets the needs of their care home. Altra can already be integrated with a DECT telephone system and new elements can be added on a ‘plug and play’ basis with full android and iOS device integration to follow within the year.” See the advert on this page for details.
Chubb Introduces Care Call at the Care and Dementia Show ®
ChuBB CoMMuNiTy Care, part of Chubb Fire & Security ltd, will showcase its new resident-to-nurse call solution Chubb® Care Call at the Care and dementia show from the 11th – 12th october in Birmingham. Chubb is a part of uTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of united Technologies Corp. (NySe: uTx). Chubb® Care Call allows residents to call nurses or carers in healthcare facilities such as hospitals and care homes with an enhanced, user-friendly design. A slim, modern room unit is installed by the patient’s bed with user-friendly colour-coded buttons to call for assistance. The closest nurse or carer receive the call direct
Nurse Call from Aid Call Aid CAll’S newest nurse call solution, the Touchsafe Pro, has been developed in response to the changing needs of the healthcare sector and recognises the growing prevalence of Alzheimers and dementia amongst our aging population. Our nurse call systems are designed to reduce response times to emergency calls, improve the standard of these responses by increasing the amount of information available to carers and to facilitate the care of those with more complex care needs. It encourages better communication
Alarm Radio Monitoring ArM is the uk's premier wireless Nurse Call & Staff Alarm system designer, manufacturer, supplier and installer, offering a comprehensive range of Nurse Call, Staff Alarm, lone Worker, Fire Alarm, door Access and Telephony bespoke systems. With over 30 years experience in the design & development of wireless Nurse Call & Staff Alarm/lone Worker systems, Alarm radio Monitoring has established itself as a key player within the wireless solutions market to the public & private healthcare sectors. Wireless Solutions are ideal for environments that do not lend themselves to running in cables, for example listed buildings or busy environments, whereby closing as area of
to their smartphone and can instantly access the patient’s treatment data to assist with their subsequent response. “Offering easy-to-use, smart, and cost-effective technology, Chubb® Care Call provides a unique value proposition to patients and caregivers looking to enable fast and accurate responses,” said David Hammond, general manager, Chubb Community Care. “It helps to deliver a faster and more reliable service that in turn supports a better resident outcome.” “We are pleased to demonstrate how Chubb can provide smart and well-adapted care solutions in the safest and most secure environments,” said Hammond. For more information about Chubb Community Care’s offerings, visit and reassures residents, and their families, that help is always nearby. Features such as the dementia clock and easy-to-use reminder calls can assist more vulnerable residents and an all-encompassing call logging system will monitor staff performance. We also offer a silent paging system which has proven to be of huge benefit on dementia wings, where loud alarms can cause undue distress. Additionally, the systems’ peripheral devices and assistive technology help carers to support falls management, learning difficulties and dementia. They facilitate greater independence, provide preventative as well as reactive care and mean the system benefits those without the necessary cognitive ability to utilise a conventional nurse call system. For more information visit or contact or see the advert on the back cover. a building is not deemed financially viable. Wireless systems also offer the flexibility & ease for future expansion. Our new HTM 08-03 Nurse Call system is the only fully HTM 08-03 compliant wireless Nurse Call Asystem. The new wireless HTM 08-03 version of our Nurse Call system is ideal for replacing old hardwired Patient Call Systems in Hospitals with minimal disruption to both Patients & Staff. No need to replace the whole Bed Head services, the ARM HTM 08-03 compliant wireless Nurse Call system can be fitted on to the existing Bed Head Services panel. For more information contact our sales team or click here. Every system comes with a full 12 month manufacturer's warranty and FREE 24/7 Engineer manned telephone support, no need for an expensive maintenance contract to be taken out. Take the ongoing cost out of your operation with our unique return to base service exchange policy and low cost of ownership/leasing options. For further details see advert on page 10.
Lotus Care Technology THE NURSEALERT pressure mat has been one of the most successful floor pressure mats due to it being non slip and carpeted which makes it feel very natural under a residents foot. Lotus Care Technology Ltd have many other fall saving devices that can give you peace of mind whilst caring for this at risk of falls. Having many years of experi-
ence in fitting and maintaining Nurse Call Systems helps the guys at Lotus Care Technology understand that every home is different and has different needs. They can specify not only the best system for the enviromental factors in the home but also take into consideration the best products that will make your carers and nurses jobs that little bit easier. For a site consultation or friendly advice call them free on 0800 8499 121 or local 01822 613258.
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Cutting Kitchen Consumption: Energy Down By 34%; Water Down By 53% KiD Catering Equipment RESEARCH BY Zurich University shows that multifunctional appliances deliver significant savings and improve BREEAM rating Researchers at Zurich University studied the energy consumption in a commercial catering kitchen before and after a major refurbishment. They found that, by switching from conventional appliances to the latest multifunctional cooking technology, the kitchen reduced energy consumption by 34% and water consumption by 53%. Moreover, the new kitchen appliances were able to produce more food from less space. Since kitchens are a major centre of energy consumption centre in a commercial building, the switch to modern, multifunctional appliances can also impact on a BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) rating. The staff restaurant at ABB Schweiz AG, the Swiss manufacturer of energy and automation technology, was selected for the research project. The appliances used were Frima VarioCooking Centers and Rational combi steamers. The project was undertaken by Zurich University for Applied Sciences, under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinzelmann and SV Schweiz (the Swiss catering and hotel management corporation). The aim of the project was to record the efficiency of multifunctional cooking technology under real conditions, with a ‘before and after’ comparison based on the most accurate possible measuring equipment. As market leaders in their respective multifunctional cooking technologies, Frima and Rational were the obvious choices to supply the appliances. At the start of the project, in April 2014, the restaurant produced around 380 lunches daily, using conventional technology in a
CK Direct Ck direCT is a uk based company situated in the Cambridgeshire town of Peterborough. Since 2002, we have established ourselves as a leading supplier of Commercial kitchen. All of our products and services are offered nationwide throughout the UK. Our company has had previous experience in the supply of catering equipment, though 2002 has seen us concentrate solely on offering commercial kitchen extraction systems, with canopies available at
cook-and-hold system, with a menu choice of four different dishes. Measurements of energy and water consumption were taken over a period of eight weeks. The number of main meals, the menu, food waste and over-production were also logged. The measurements showed that production of each main meal required 0.58 kWh of electricity and 2.72 litres of water. (Dishwashing requirements were not considered in the study.) The kitchen renovation, including the installation of the Frima and Rational appliances, was undertaken in summer 2014. Measurements of energy and water consumption were then taken again, in order to enable the ‘before and after’ comparison. The measurements showed a significant reduction. Energy consumption dropped by 34%, meaning only 0.38 kWh per main meal was now required. This corresponds to a reduction in annual CO2 emissions of 1.8 tons. For water, consumption was only 1.28 litres per main meal, 53% less than before. Anton Bucher, project manager planning & construction at SV Schweiz, says, "The cost savings allowed us to create an attractive front-of-house cooking concept, with a pizza oven and a pasta machine and boiler, without needing any extra budget.” “The project proves that modern cooking technology can optimise the use of resources, reducing energy and water consumption significantly,” says Graham Kille, managing director of Frima UK. “What’s more, the restaurant was able to increase the range of meals it offered, thanks to the extra cooking options offered by the Frima and Rational appliances.” For information and brochures, or to come to a free Cooking Live demonstration, call Frima UK on 0845 680 3981, email or visit
both the lowest possible prices and the highest quality. Our services include: • Commercial Extraction Hoods and Canopies • Standard Kitchen Ventilation and Extraction • Bespoke Kitchen Ventilation and Extraction • Air Input Systems and Replenishment • Gas Interlock Systems • Carbon Filter Systems and Odour Control • Silencers and Noise Control • Stainless Steel Wall Cladding • Hygienic Plastic Wall Cladding • Replacement Filters • Replacement Fans For further details Tel: 0808 178 0001, email:, web:
Victor Manufacturing FOR MOVING, storing, and holding hot and cold foods, UK equipment producer, Victor Manufacturing can help. With 70 years of manufacturing experience, Victor is able to deliver an extensive range of catering equipment suitable for a wide range of organisations, including nursing & care homes, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, sporting arenas and educational establishments. The product range includes gas & electric hot cupboards, hot plates, kitchen passes, heated plate dispensers and warmers, counter top servery units, pie
heaters, pasty warmers, heated drawer units, refrigerated salad wells, deli bars & counters, patisserie units, heated tiled, ceramic & glass top carvery counters, bespoke and custom food servery counters, mobile heated and refrigerated servery units as well as a comprehensive range of drop-in gastronorm compatible hot and cold food service modules. The entire range of Victor products are all handled and managed efficiently through the company's comprehensive network of national and local distributors. For further details, see advert this page.
CUSTOMERS FROM all walks of life appertaining to the commercial catering foodservice industry, have been catered for the last 25 Years by KiD Catering Equipment. Customers requests for all manner of new equipment products, be it a single item, or a full kitchen / restaurant design, fit out, service & maintenance of all types of equipment, manufacturers spare parts, or just impartial advice, are provided by our knowledgable team on a daily basis up and down the UK. We are a preferred service / sales partner for Convotherm combination steam ovens, along with other top level manufacturers be it for cooking equipment, ware-washing, beverage, refrigeration, veg preparation, storage systems and furniture. You the customer decides as to what you are seeking and we will do our very best to assist you in satisfying your exact requirements, swiftly and within your budget. KiD can offer finance packages tailored to your specific business, so for a no obligation chat or quotation, drop us an E-Mail or give us a call, we’re here to help you and your business. See the advert on this page for further details.
Independent Fire Risk Assessor and Runcorn Care Home in Court
AN INDEPENDENT fire risk assessor has been given a four month jail sentence, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to pay £1,000 costs after 'paying lip service' to assessing a Cheshire care home.
At the same hearing at Warrington Crown Court, before Judge Tina Landale at Warrington Crown Court on Thursday June 23, Surrey-based nursing home company Minster Care was fined £40,000 and ordered to pay £15,000 in costs after pleading guilty to serious breaches of fire safety regulations at Croftwood Care Home in Runcorn. Graham Foote, 70, a former firefighter and retired independent fire risk assessor of Old Road, Beverley in Yorkshire was given the sentence after he had been appointed by Minster Care to provide a fire risk assessment for Croftwood Care Home and failed to give adequate advice and information. Judge Tina Landale summed up his sentence by saying: "Graham Foote's assessment almost entirely misses the point and the inadequacies are patently obvious." Minster Care pleaded guilty to four serious breaches of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 when the company appeared before Judge Tina Landale at Warrington Crown Court on Thursday June 23. These related to provision of fire alarms, duty to take general fire pre-
DB Fire Safety THE FIRE Safety Order 2005 requires that all premises have a current Fire Risk Assessment and that staff receive appropriate training. We specialise in carrying out fire risk assessments and providing
Dorgard from Safelincs WITH THE summer finally here care facilities are often confronted with the dilemma of maintaining a flow of fresh air through the premises for residents and staff and adhering to fire safety regulations. How can you legally hold fire doors open to allow the air to circulate and be confident that in the event of a fire the fire doors will close, compartmentalising the fire, protecting lives and the building? Dorgard can provide an easily installed solution for all care facilities. This battery-operated unit fits to the bottom of your fire door and, on hearing the fire alarm, Dorgard releases its plunger holding the door, allowing the door closer to close the fire door.
cautions, evacuation procedures and training. Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service first pointed out inadequacies in fire safety in September 2011, and served an enforcement notice on the property for fire safety breaches in March 2014. Judge Landale added that she accepted fully that the company had now taken steps to help deal with issues, but that this wasn’t enough: "This is a serious charge because there are 22 residents who use wheelchairs or frames, with one confined to bed. The company paid very little attention to the notice in 2011 other than appoint Mr Foote. It is obvious that, should fire have occurred, a highly ambitious plan would have been needed to evacuate these residents." Simon Gibbins, Head of Protection at Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service said: “Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service aims to help and support any business to operate safely. However we will take action when companies choose not to treat fire safety as a legitimate business requirement. We urge all companies to take their fire safety obligations seriously to avoid prosecution.” Simon added: "It is important that anyone employing a fire risk assessor must understand that the fire risk assessment is not just a document but the beginning of a process that must involve the cooperation and understanding of both parties."
training to staff in Residential Care & Nursing Homes throughout England & Wales. Our Fire Awareness and Fire Warden courses can be carried out on your premises, or through our ELearning courses specially developed for Care & Nursing Homes. For more information; please call 0800 772 0559 OR Email: Having the ability to legally hold your fire doors open enables residents to be more independently mobile all year round. Often, elderly residents are unable to negate heavy fire doors with their walking aid and as a result have to request a member of staff to escort them from one room to another. Enhancing the independent mobility of your residents will boost their self-esteem. Your staff will also be freed-up to deliver the care that is needed to other residents. Dorgard can be installed in a matter of minutes by your handyman and can be programmed to close the fire door automatically at night, too. The use of Dorgards ensures that you will not be prosecuted for breach of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which could otherwise lead to a heavy fine or even imprisonment for holding fire doors open with wedges and other objects. Tel: 0800 612 7908
Enabling Independent Living... AhM installations are specialists in providing bathroom and kitchens that have a unique difference. The firm, based in lincoln and Newark, specialises in creating rooms to facilitate independent living... Being able to live independently is a vital part of dignity in later life. That’s why Lincoln and Newark based AHM Installations has spend over 25 years perfecting the design of rooms to facilitate independent living in later life, or those with mobility problems. “I originally worked in the rise and recline bed industry, helping people to remain comfortable in their own homes,” says Director Simon Symcox, who runs the company with wife Julie and son Charlie. “I saw the need to provide not just furnishings and appliances like stairlifts, but whole rooms created around the personal needs of each user.” “These include bathrooms with wheelchair accessibility, walk-in baths and showers, and baths with features like our electrically operated lifts.” “In kitchens, we can provide rise and fall work surfaces, wheelchair accessible kitchens, and rooms for those with impaired vision.”
“Crucially, these room look smart, feel luxurious and work well, without feeling too clinical. We work to any budget, and we've a style to suit anyone.” The firm’s specialism means that AHM Installations are well-placed to provide advice with unprecedented expertise and product knowledge. But moreover, its team of in-house fitters and specialised tradespeople provide a trustworthy service that facilitate the same peace-of-mind during the design and installation process as you’ll experience after the creation of each new room. In addition to complete kitchens and bathrooms, the firm can also provide heating solutions, and can install stairlifts for mobility over different floors. “It’s a specialised industry, but one that necessitates a trustworthy and reliable service too,” says Simon. “That’s why we provide a 12-month warranty on all bathrooms, shower rooms and wetrooms, and insist on only using quality products.”
For more information on AhM installation’s bespoke kitchens and bathrooms for independent living, call 01522 500288 or 01636 821443 or see Alternatively, visit the company’s showroom at downtown, Tritton road, lincoln lN6 7TN.
LIVING THE FEATURES WHICH CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO THOSE WITH IMPAIRED MOBILITY... AHM Installation have more than a few ideas for making life easy, whether you’re looking to configure a kitchen or bathroom for independent living... BATHROOMS • Walk-in baths, baths with integral seats or those with door entry, make independent bathing easier. • Wetrooms facilitate easy access for wheelchair users, whilst slip-proofstools provide better safety. • Height adjustable baths make entry and exit easier and safer. • Non-slip materials can be utilisedwhich are easy to clean and safe. KITCHENS • Height adjustable worktops can be lowered for easier access. • Cabinets can be raised from the floor, to enable wheelchair footplates to pass underneath, giving better access to work surfaces and cabinets. • Different drawer options andhinged wide-doors provide easier access to storage.
LPD Commercial Laundry Systems lPd supply a complete range of Commercial laundry systems and services with laundry equipment for industrial and commercial laundries to include washers, dryers, ironers and spare parts for most manufacturers and model ranges. You can buy, lease or rent commercial laundry equipment from us and our expert knowledge will ensure your laundry machines are installed and maintained professionally. LPD are a leading supplier to the care home market, we offer cost effective solutions to your laundry needs using the latest technology and highly energy efficient equipment. All our laundry machines are fully WRAS approved —
to comply with the water bylaws and have built in disinfection programs to health and safety guidelines HSG(95)18 if needed. All our equipment can be connected to Automatic Dosing Equipment to ensure that each wash has the correct level of laundry detergent, conditioner and de-stainer added. Working with customer database in excess of 6000 and a number of the Large Group Operators and Local Authorities — LPD offer a premium quality range packages such as our “Gold Care” — where we take total care of the machines for the whole term. We are also able to offer outright purchase, lease and rental options to suit our customers needs. Whatever package you choose we have the support and resources to ensure your Laundry runs smoothly. For further information or a site visit see advert this page or please contact us at
Forbes Professional Provides A Complete Care Solution To The Care Sector For ANy successful on premises laundry operation it is essential to source an informed provider and to have a reliable service partnership in place. This enables the correct procurement decisions, based on logistical and regulation requirements, and also secures access to the necessary engineer responses when they are needed. Established in 1926, Forbes Professional offers a wide range of flexible solutions for commercial laundry provision. As well as purchase with maintenance options, we offer a Complete Care solution, which is ideally suited to a care environment. This solution gives access to Miele’s market leading equipment without the incumbrant upfront
capital outlay, and with a comprehensive, same day backup service. We always assume a consultative approach, applying our understanding of industry requirements to advise upon WRAS and CQC stipulations. All clients are allocated a dedicated account manager from the initial site survey, who remains their point of contact for the life of the contract. Installation and commissioning are carried out by our manufacturer trained field engineers, who also provide user training to ensure that equipment is fully optimised. After delivery our expansive infrastructure facilitates a first class local service, on a nationwide basis. Contact Forbes Professional on 0345 070 2335 or
Armstrong Equipment Keeps Things Clean For Clitheroe Care Home THE ABBEYFIELD Care Home , which has been running for some 23 years, is set in the heart of the Ribble Valley at Low Moor in Clitheroe, on the southern edge of the Forest of Bowland – an area of outstanding natural beauty. It has 41 single, en suite rooms including a dedicated dementia unit catering for 11 residents. It offers respite and convalescent accommodation as well as long term care and the excellent facilities of the home are also available to non-residents on a day care basis.
Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.
All the laundry generated by the home is done on site. In 2014 Armstrong Commercial Laundry Systems supplied three new machines to the home – an Amazon 14kg washer extractor and two Huebsch 14kg capacity tumble dryers. Clare Browell, premises and administration assistant at Abbeyfield, told us they were
very happy with the equipment and the service they have received from Armstrong. The laundry is run by Clare with three dedicated laundry assistants. “It operates every day from 7.30-12.30 in the morning, and then the care staff do some washing as well,” she told us. “We wash all the bedding, towels, kitchen and dining room linen and of course residents’ personal items as well. And our assistants are all trained in special handling of any soiled or contaminated items which require bagging and different chemicals.” Apart from meeting all CQC national standards, Abbeyfield has an excellent local reputation and aims to provide the highest standard of care for residents – “and ensuring laundry quality is an important part of that”, Clare said. For further information contact Armstrong Commercial Laundry Systems, Ampere Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2AE Tel: 01635 263410 E: Website:
Allsop & Francis here AT Allsop & Francis, we’ve been supplying, maintaining and repairing commercial laundry and dishwashing appliances for over 24 years, and are proud to be Miele Professionals No.1 Partner in the uk and have been now for 10 consecutive years. We are also an approved electrolux partner. Our customers include: • County councils and local authorities • Nursing and residential care homes • Housing associations • Hospitals • Schools • Colleges • Hotels • Restaurants
Tersus Equip TerSuS equiP was established in 2011 and the latin meaning is clean, neat and correct. Tersus is run by industry professionals; we are official uk distributors for the lavamac and Primus laundry brands. We supply and support many prestigious care home operators throughout the uk. Tersus provides design, procurement, project management, installation,
• Charities • Offices • Equestrian centres • Factories and more… We have a dedicated sales team and a fully qualified team of both service and installation engineers who cover the South of England and we have the national backing of our Miele Professional Partners. As well as emergency repairs, we carry out routine servicing and GasSafe gas safety checks. We also provide fixed cost service contracts. We love what we do and we pride ourselves on our very personal approach and many years of experience in assessing and supplying the very best equipment to suit our individual customer’s needs. To ensure you get the right appliances for your specific needs, our sales team is happy to visit you and complete a thorough, free site survey. For further information, please call 01243 555525 or visit
training and National service support to all our clients. We have our own unique brand of laundry trollies and systems to support all the care home operator’s laundry needs. Our expertise enables us to provide a facility that covers high risk areas, identification, handling, processing, personal identification and storage solutions for the care homes industry. Tersus offer housekeepers and laundry staff the total solution to maintaining and operating a high quality professional laundry service. For further information see the advert on this page.
Is Your Laundry Provider Delivering The Service That Your Business Requires? lAuNdry ProviSioN is a key necessity in any care home, and it is essential to align yourself with the right service partner. We are frequently approached by businesses that have been let down by their previous providers, and have been left waiting frustratedly for a number of weeks after an urgent service call out request. At Forbes Professional we understand that engineer reponse times are crutial to the running of an on premises
laundry function. Established in 1926, we remain a family run company today, and pride ourselves on the level of service that we provide to our clients. We have an expansive nationwide infrastructure and a large team of inhouse engineers that enable us to deliver a same day next day engineer response service. Proud to be partnered with Miele Professional, we offer a wide range of WRAS approved commercial laundry and dishwashing appliances. We always assume a consultative approach and advise upon all the necessary requirements for CQC compli-
Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.
Omnicell Ltd, A Leading Provider Of Medication Struggling to Maintain Temperatures Below Adherence Packaging And Automated Healthcare 25°C for ‘Room Temperature Medicines’? Solutions, Launches New Omnicell eMAR To AS PArT of our commitment to specialist temperature Improve Medication Management In Care Homes providing management solutions to healthAlMoST 70% of care home residents have experienced at least one error in their medication regime (1). omnicell uk & ireland, a leading provider of medication adherence packaging and automated healthcare solutions, has launched a new automated medication management system that will help tackle this serious issue by reducing the risks associated with using a paper medication administration record (MAr) sheet in a managed care home. Omnicell eMAR automates the entire medication management and administration process making it safe, simple and compliant for everyone involved. The system, gathers information, provides prompts and accurate instructions for staff and gives managers real time medication administration data at the touch of a button so they can be sure that the right dose has been administered at the right time to the right resident. Residents in care homes take an average of 7.2 medicines per day (2), with each additional medicine comes an increased risk of errors in prescription, monitoring, dispensing or administration, adverse drug reactions, impaired medicines adherence and compromised quality of life for patients (3). CQC’s annual state of care report found that safety was the biggest concern with one of the main factors being poor medicines management. With Omnicell eMAR, each individual medication is identified through a bar code applied in pharmacy, which can then be tracked at all stages from check in at the care home to administration to the resident, to unused items which are disposed of or returned to the pharmacy. The system uses on screen photograph identification, provides important medical history for each patient and includes a simple alert and verification system to minimise the risk of medication administration errors in the home. The benefits of the system have already been realised by a number of retail pharmacies including Rowlands Pharmacy who are now offering the Omnicell eMAR service to all its care home customers. CQC inspections are
much easier for care homes with Omnicell eMAR as the system provides a clear audit trail and peace of mind that all resident medication has been administered safely through easy to follow processes for all staff, with the system mitigating compliance risks and providing accurate information in the event that medication is not administered and providing a clear reason as to why. In addition, the system has a ‘carried forward’ feature which allows homes to use up medication from a previous cycle rather than throwing it away – helping to tackle large scale problem of medication wastage here in the UK. Medication wastage in England costs the NHS £300m each year, £50m of this is medicine disposed of by care homes (4). With Omnicell eMAR, a simple stock report shows how much stock needs to be ordered, avoiding the risk of surplus or low stock. Paul O’Hanlon, Managing Director for Omnicell comments; “At Omnicell, we’re delighted to be launching the latest in eMAR technology. This automated medication management system will help to drive efficiencies, reduce unnecessary medication wastage and improve patient safety in UK care homes. At Omnicell, this is something we’re passionate about. With the eMAR system, the nursing staff are informed of which medication is required by each resident, the correct dose and the time it is due – reducing the risk of medication errors. The time staff spend checking in drugs when they arrive from the pharmacy is also significantly reduced and this time can be redirected back into face to face resident care, helping to achieve the ultimate goal of improved care. “At Omnicell we don’t just sell you a system, we pride ourselves on providing everything that is needed to help integrate the system in to the care home and work in partnership with care and nursing teams from the outset. Our initial training is designed to leave staff feeling confident in their new system and left assured that we provide ongoing support every step of the way.” For further information call 0161 413 5333, visit or email:
care industries… qed has developed a CrT ‘controlled room temperature’ cabinet for storing 25°C medicines at the recommended temperature. From customer queries we realised how some care homes were struggling to prevent temperature spikes above 25°C, and especially more so during a heatwave when temperatures soar outside. Logging daily temperatures where
medicines are stored is precautionary rather than preventative and when temperatures exceed 25°C staff are faced with the challenge of trying to prevent temperature spikes and protect these medicines. QED CRT cabinets will take the worry out of solely relying on readings from ‘room temperature thermometers’, giving staff complete peace of mind and ensuring correct medicine storage. Various size and capacities available: Please contact us for the products full advantages and essential features. T: 01663 – 735494. W:
Medicines Management Guide from Rosemont A Guide to medicines management and older people is available from rosemont Pharmaceuticals. Called ‘Medicines management and older people – a guide for healthcare professionals’, the booklet aims to help healthcare professionals learn more about how medication works, how the ageing process affects medicines, common adverse drug reactions, the definitions of compliance and concordance as well as to give an overview of some of the legal aspects of medicines management. The content of the guide is based on current best practice and the most up to date evidence about medication management. The focus is on the care of older people, who have a higher prevalence of illness and take around
50% of all prescribed medicines (Kelly 2011). Four in five people over 75 take at least one prescribed medicine, with 36% taking four or more medicines (NSF 2001). To receive a free copy of ‘Medicines management and older people – a guide for healthcare professionals’, just email: Rosemont Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Rosemont House Yorkdale Industrial Park Braithwaite Street Leeds LS11 9XE +44 (0)113 244 1999 References Kelly J , Wright D, Wood J, (2011) Medicine administration errors in patients with dysphagia in secondary care: a multi-centre observational study. Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(12), 2615–2627 Department of Health, Medicines and Older People: Implementing medicines-related aspects of the NSF for Older People, March 2001
C & S Seating We AT C & S are proud to be the national supplier of 24 hour postural management and control products for over 25 years. Initially developed by the Company founders and a consultant specialist physiotherapist, using on-going feedback from health care professionals we now have a wide selection of positioning equipment available to purchase directly from our website. We manufacture and supply 9 different sizes of T-Rolls and Log Rolls (ranging from paediatric to adult) along with small and
large Alternative Positioning Supports and Leg/Knee Supports. Our new popular Soft Knit range of covers in a variety of colours provide a softer alternative that can be placed easily over our standard waterproof rolls which are both removable and washable. Ask our team about our inflatable T-Rolls that are designed for short term use and ideal for holidays and aqua therapy aid. All fabrics meet the UK Flammability standards and carry a CE mark. Members of the BHTA, ISO 9001 registered and are happy to provide individual care provider quotations. It is recommended you seek professional advice to select the correct product depending on your needs. Contact us on 01424 853331 or to place your order or to request a brochure.
iLiv Contract Fabrics ThiNk oF lancashire and you probably think of textile mills and cloth making. it’s a heritage we’re proud to be part of. For over 25 years the SMd Group has supplied quality fabrics and soft furnishings to contractors, designers, your favourite high street stores and independent retailers. The journey so far has been great but our latest venture has to be our most exciting! How could iLiv Contract Fabrics work for you? 1. Heritage – SMD Group was one of the original manufacturers of Fire Retardant fabrics in Europe and demonstrates a technical expertise in high specification fabrics you can trust. 2. Co-ordination – Recognising time is one of your most valuable commodi-
Contributing towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits for both RIBA and SBID members, the “Specification of DementiaFriendly Flooring” seminar is one of three informative sessions on the subject of specifying vinyl flooring which can be delivered by Polyflor representatives throughout the UK, free of charge. New for 2016, the hour long dementia-friendly flooring session includes helpful information on understanding more about the condition and the appropriate design principles which need to be considered when specifying flooring for dementiafriendly environments. Polyflor’s CPD offering also includes sessions on the “Specification of Vinyl Floorcoverings” and “Specification of Safety Vinyl Floorcoverings”. These SBID and RIBA approved CPD seminars cover the different types of vinyl floorcovering and their appli-
Carers and Users Can Rely on the CareFlex HydroTilt The hydroTilt now has a unique angle adjustable, padded, flip-up footplate plus the leg rest has a 25 negative angle to facilitate standing and offers a more comfortable seating position for clients with tight hamstrings. It is an accommodating, all-round chair for posture, pressure and comfort management in equal measure, suitable for a wide range of seating needs, in all care environments. It has now been a work horse chair in care homes and the community for over 20 years. It’s been much copied and there are some cheaper ‘versions’ out there in the marketplace. But, as ever, you do get what you pay for. We can honestly say, the number of problems with the HydroTilt over the years have been minimal. It is a well-thought out, effective design which is simple to use and virtually problem free. “I have used Careflex chairs for over 10 years, particularly for individuals with Huntington’s Disease. The HydroTilt is an extremely robust long lasting chair, even after years of use. I have had these chairs pressured mapped with HD patients and have had extremely positive results.”
ties our aim is to provide a full range of fabrics developed so that you can coordinate across designs, qualities and colours quickly and confidently putting together fabrics for every application in a room. 3. Printing – having our own onsite printing facility enables you to achieve urgent deadlines. 4. Scale – the whole group’s activities provides a scale of operation that gives you access to the lowest cost supply routes, an Asia office, unique manufacturing facilities, a 10+ strong in-house design/sourcing team and the latest market trends. 5. Fabric – textiles are in our DNA. We carry over 3000 SKU’s, sourced in over 10 countries and sold in over 40. Reliability you can count on in all aspects of production including spinning, weaving, finishing and stock support. 6. Partnership – we always work with contractors and designers in partnership on projects For further details see advert this page
Polyflor Offers New Dementia-Friendly Flooring CPD Seminar PolyFlor, The uk’s commercial and residential vinyl flooring specialist, has just announced the launch of a new CPd seminar on the topic of dementia-friendly flooring approved by both the royal institute of British Architects (riBA) and Society of British and international design (SBid).
cations, relevant industry standards, installation and maintenance. As a manufacturer of flooring suitable for dementia care facilities, Polyflor is a member of local Dementia Action Alliances who are committed to transforming the lives of the 850,000 people currently living with dementia in the UK. Polyflor is also a longstanding partner of the International Dementia Design Network at the University of Salford. Polyflor has also recently launched a brand new specialist care brochure to present some new dementia-friendly flooring principles developed in collaboration with the University of Salford’s School of the Built Environment and Institute for Dementia, which are also contained within the CPD. Visit the Polyflor website to read online or order your free copy. Visit for more information about Polyflor’s CPD seminars and how to book a course. Alternatively contact the Polyflor team on Further details of Polyflor’s extensive range of resilient vinyl flooring are available from Polyflor Ltd, Radcliffe New Road, Whitefield, Manchester, M45 7NR. Tel: 0161 767 1111. Fax: 0161 767 1128. Website: Email:
Senior Occupational Therapist, Badby Park “The HydroTilt can address a range of issues relating to pressure and postural care… also ease problems associated with feeding, environmental interaction, mobility, respiration and swallowing, oedema and, perhaps most important of all, comfort and dignity.” Collins F (2007) Why a Footplate is Essential In a normal seated posture, 19% of an average person’s body weight is distributed through the ankles and heels, making the feet a high risk area for pressure ulcers, therefore, a footplate is essential to help protect the feet while seated. Call 0800 0186440 or visit for further information.
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Christopher Guy Interiors now offer a completely free interior design service for new builds and home refurbishments offering curtain design and manufacture, the highest quality wallpapers, feature wall art and one of the best ranges of accessories in the country. Flower displays, paintings, pictures, chandeliers, garden furniture and silk flower displays, giving your home the highest possible standard in furnishings. Offering you a complete one stop shop at 30% less than our competitors.
Franklite: Lighting For That First Warm Welcome... FrANkliTe liMiTed have been known for their quality of product and service in the decorative lighting market for 40 years and, over recent years, the Company has built an astonishing reputation for quality led lighting. Most recently, Anovocare’s Cloghran Nursing Home in Dublin asked Franklite to create a design that would incorporate as much LED as possible whilst avoiding glare problems that can be created by some poorly designed downlights. Franklite’s range of quality recessed downlights offer a modern, simple lighting scheme with clean lines and
an unobtrusive way to illuminate spaces. The chosen LED lighting for the nursing home was well positioned to provide ambient lighting and more focused task lighting. As intended, the results were magnificent and can be viewed on our website and advert. Franklite have a team of professional and knowledgeable personnel who can demonstrate Frankled technology and discuss individual requirements. Call 01908 691818, email, visit or See the advert on page 39 for details.
Sidhil’s Bradshaw Beds – Designed For The Care Home Environment WiTh The focus clearly on safety and performance, Sidhil’s Bradshaw range of nursing and residential care home beds has been developed specifically to meet the individual and clinical needs of the care home environment.
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These electrically operated, fully profiling nursing care beds also meet the aesthetic standards required, offering a choice of wood finishes to create an attractive domestic setting and a new range of padded head ends in colours to harmonise with selected interior decor. The range successfully combines Sidhil’s established tradition for strength and durability with special lightweight construction materials and techniques, offering beds which are easy to assemble and disassemble, stable and visually attractive. Bradshaw beds include both Bariatric and Low
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versions to cater for the needs of larger clients and also to minimise the risk of falls. Alongside the beds, Sidhil offers a range of equipment and accessories for improved comfort, safety and convenience. These include a selection of mattresses including both static and dynamic pressure care systems to optimise tissue viability. Sidhil enjoys an enviable reputation for the most advanced levels of customer service of any supplier in the country, including typical delivery lead times of less than three days, backed up by regional service centres carrying stocks of spare parts, available nationwide within 24 hours. Please contact us for your nearest distributor: Sidhil Customer Services Tel: 01422 233 000 Email:
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Introducing our NEW Cheetah range - affordable UK manufactured trolleys. Whether it’s a hot drink from the tea trolley, a little tipple or a mouth-watering cream tea from the chilled dessert trolley, Euroservice has the answer.
Why not contact one of our experienced sales team to discuss your requirements? We feel sure that a Euroservice trolley will be one of your best assets, saving you time and enhancing the excellence of your service. For more information visit: or call 0800 917 7943
MATTreSSMAN iS one of the leading suppliers of mattresses and beds in the uk.
We have been in the mattress trade for over 10 years; this experience ensures a service of the highest quality & the lowest prices in the UK. Our dedicated trade sales team believe in putting the customer first, giving excep-
tional levels of customer services which is renowned among our customers. Mattressman has the largest selection of contract mattresses, divans and beds from Britain’s leading industry brands. All of our mattresses are made in the UK in our very own factory based in Norwich, from the simplest guest mattress to the highest luxury mattress; Mattressman has an extensive range of beds to suit all needs. All of our contract mattresses comply with BS7177 fire retardant standard (Crib 5 / Source 5) which makes them ideal for businesses
which require a higher standard of flame retardancy above standard domestic. Zip & Link and special sizes beds & mattresses are also available on request. For the Care home industry we have a Special Contract waterproof mattress. We also have a huge range of bed frames, guest beds & accessories available on our website for fast free delivery. Quantity discounts available, please call our contract sales team to get a quote today on 0800 567 7625 or visit our website
Is Your Conservatory Too Hot or Too Cold? 50 Years of Furniture and Much More... do you have a conservatory that your staff and residents complain is too hot in the summer months and complain that it is too cold in the winter months? If the answer is yes, then we at Ecoshield Conservator Solutions can help you with the most common problems of conservatory ownership. Ecoshield is the UK number one conservatory insulators, which, when one of our cost effective systems is installed, will not only provide all year round comfort for your staff and residents , but will also save you money on energy costs. Our system will insulate your conservatory from the hot summer sun and will retain heat in the winter.
Not only will an EcoShield system reduce heating and cooling bills it will also count towards your legally binding business carbon reduction targets. Once your Ecoshield system is installed you, your staff and residents will notice the immediate difference. Once a no go room your conservatory will be a room you are able to use in comfort all year round. Ecoshield system is quick to install with no mess, keeping resident discomfort to an absolute minimum. All Ecoshield systems come with a 10 year fully transferable insurance backed guarantee for you piece of mind. Call now for a free no obligation survey on 0800 2118687 or see the advert on page 17.
Skopos Fabrics Ltd - Innovative Furnishing Fabrics For Care Interiors SkoPoS FABriCS ltd has offered contract furnishing fabrics and weaves for nearly forty years and has offices, agents and distributors across the world. our reputation for stylish design, durability and technical excellence have established Skopos an enviable client base in the specialist hotel and leisure, cruise and health/elderly care sectors. Working closely with many international architects and designers worldwide and with design collaborations with art colleges including the RCA in London, we retain an inspiring edge and constantly pioneer advances in technology and innovation in the contract sector. With our own design studio Skopos offer an end-to-end service, interiors can be transformed from initial design, through measuring, make-up, delivery and installation. We also supply fabric on the roll to interior designers, contractors and upholsterers depending on the client’s requirements.
With new collections launched every year, Skopos Fabrics stocks hundreds of different contract fabrics and has a complete archive of past work. Our two brands, Skopos (Hospitality) and Mosaic (Healthcare) consist of a wide range of contract FR fabrics suitable for drapery, bedding and upholstery applications, including prints, jacquards, velvets, tafettas, textured plains and faux leathers – the collections work together allowing an exciting breadth of interior looks to be created. We can also design, source and commission weaves and prints to meet our customer’s own criteria - price, lead-time, aesthetic or performance specification. We are ISO9001 accredited and all fabrics produced and sold are fully tested to ensure FR and contract performance. Skopos has achieved recertification to the Carbon Trust Standard for another 2 year period. The certificate covers the period 2013 – 2015 For further details see advert on page 38.
reNrAy heAlThCAre has been producing high quality healthcare furniture for 50 years. 2016 marks our 50th Anniversary and we are as proud today of how we have evolved and continued to grow in the uk and europe. From large new build homes to independent care homes we cater for all. We furnish Bedroom, Lounge, Dining, Café, Dementia, Reception, Cinema, Salon, Bistro, Activity rooms and more. We also supply ward and mental health furniture to the NHS. Our vast experience and project management skills enable us to provide furniture and
furnishings that are made to last and enhance your healthcare facility. With mood boards and experienced project managers we provide a care home you can be proud of. Beautifully designed, Professionally made and Carefully installed by Renray. For more information on our latest case studies or to view our image gallery logon to or contact one of our highly experience representatives call 01606 593456. Come and visit Renray Healthcare at the Care and Dementia Show and join in our 50th Anniversary celebrations.
PRODUCT PORTFOLIO APEX Medical Launches New True Low Air Loss Mattress System The SereNe is a modern and innovative True low Air loss mattress system designed for use in both the Acute and Community sectors, offering pressure reduction for patient’s who are better suited to this type of therapy. The Serene can also help with Micro Climate Management by helping to increase the MvTr rate with its low air loss technology as the pump provides 120 lpm of air flow from the mattress. The Serene Low Air Loss mattress replacement system provides immersion and envelopment therapy for the patient’s, which will help to reduce the pressure on the patient’s body across its whole surface area. The Serene mattress has a heel zone section to help increase immersion and redistribution of pressure around the heel area. The Serene mattress system has a simple to use and intuitive weight set-
ting function, enabling the nursing staff or care giver to quickly and effectively set the mattress up according to the weight of each patient. The Serene mattress also comes with an innovative cell on cell design offering support to the patient during power failure or transport. The Serene has a range of unique features for both patients and caregivers, and has been designed to comply with the most stringent infection control guidelines. It is suitable for all types of patient from pressure injury prevention through to managing existing pressure damage. The Serene mattress is an exciting addition to the APEX portfolio of products, and it will help Acute and Community customers effectively tackle pressure ulcers throughout the world. For more information on this exciting new product please contact APEX medical on 01322 520 560 or head over to or see the adverts on pages 1 & 3.
CareZips Incontinence Dignity Trousers CAreZiPS Are patented everyday wear trousers that improve comfort and dignity of incontinent people. Fitted with unique 3-zip fastening system, the CareZips make changing of personal incontinence pads, diapers and absorbent briefs faster and easier for the carers, whilst improving dignity and comfort of the patients. CareZips Incontinence Trousers feature 3 strategically positioned zips that open the trousers from the waist to the knees for quick and easy access to the abdomen and crotch, when changing briefs and diapers, catheters, collection bags and pouches. No need to undress or pull the trousers down. CareZips Incontinence Trousers deliver all
round more pleasant experience for all. Less exposure and more dignity for the users. Less back strain and significant timesaving for the carers. CareZips are unisex and made in 7 sizes and 2 colours (i.e. navy and taupe). Wrinkle resistant with stretch for extra comfort, washable and non-iron, the CareZips are perfect for wear day after day. When worn over incontinence compatible hip protectors (i.e. HipSaver QuickChange, HipSaver OpenBottom, HipSaver EasyFit), the CareZips Incontinence Trousers improve dignity and comfort as well as help to prevent fall related hip fractures commonly occurring in the vulnerable incontinent people. Supplied by Win Health Medical Ltd 01835 864866 - or see the advert on page 7.
NEW Adapted Clothing: Tracksuit Pants with Side Zips! ADAPTAWEAR ARE pleased to announce that they have recently added some NEW unisex Tracksuit Bottoms with Side Zips to their adapted clothing range. This clever new style offers side zips all the way down both tracksuit legs so it makes them easy to take on and off.
Available with an elasticated waist for extra comfort and in sizes Small – XX Large in navy; these soft tracksuit are sure to become a favourite for both patients and carers alike. For more information on Adaptawear’s Ladies and Men’s Clothing Range please visit Carer readers please quote CR10 for 10% discount off your first order. See page 7 for details.
Incontinence UK Added NEW TENA Incontinence Protective Underwear!
INCONTINENCE UK have recently added the NEW TENA Men Level 4 & TENA Lady Pants Discreet Protective Underwear to its incontinence pull up pant range. This expansion of their TENA pull up pants incontinence range means they now offer absorbency control for leaks at the highest level from light to severe incontinence.
These new disposable, protective incontinence pull up pants come in a breathable, soft, stretchy cotton-like material which make them look and feel like everyday underwear so you can carry on a normal active lifestyle. They provide a comfortable and discreet fit which makes them unnoticeable under normal clothing and are for light to moderate
incontinence. The TENA Lady Pants Discreet Protective Underwear is designed specifically for ladies and comes in a feminine design. Easy to pull up/down and comes with adhesive side-tears for easy removal. The TENA Men Protective Underwear Level 4 is designed specifically for the male anatomy and comes in a masculine design. With a Unique Odour Control and Lock Away Core that retains liquids and keeps them away from the body offering dryness and comfort. For more information on the full Incontinence UK’s Product Range including TENA Pants please see the advert page 5 or visit Carer readers please quote CARER16 for 10% discount off your first order.
Specialists In Emergency Medical Equipment Create Ground-Breaking Emergency Choking Device THE DECHOKER, which has been endorsed by leading consultants and advanced first-aid trainers has been created in the hope of saving millions of lives from an all too common medical emergency- choking. Most people have experienced the fear of watching a loved one choke and although most cases end in the obstruction being cleared, far too many young, old and vulnerable people have lost their lives to this common medical emergency. In fact, choking is the leading cause of death in children. If trained in first aid, anyone who witnesses a choking emergency will have been taught traditional methods of extracting the foreign body which blocks the patient’s airway, such as the Heimlich manoeuvre. Although such techniques can be highly effective, if ineffective, the only course of action is to await an emergency response; however, knowing that it only takes 4 minutes for brain damage to possibly occur in someone choking, this is a costly wait. Experts at Dechoker Europe Ltd are only too aware of these facts, and as a result have worked tirelessly over the last few years to research and bring to production the Dechoker. The principles behind the Dechoker are simple: the device sucks the air from a patient’s airway (behind the obstruction) in turn sucking out the debris which has been blocking it. The mouthpiece attached
to the Dechoker resembles a traditional oxygen mask but has an additional tube which is fed into a patient’s mouth which depresses the victim’s tongue allowing maximum access close to the obstruction. Once the mask is sealed around their face, the first aider gently pumps the air out through the attached respirator for up to 3 seconds. This process can be repeated after a brief rest to allow the lungs to re-inflate. What seems like such a simple piece of equipment could indeed be the decider between life and death. Dechoker Europe Ltd have launched a video campaign via YouTube which shows a consultant anaesthetist demonstrating the effectiveness on the Dechoker on medical manikins. He, along with a host of other medical professionals, endorse the product and recommend that all places which hold first aid equipment should also have a Dechoker. Its simplicity of use and high success rate makes it a must for public premises, care homes and even individual homes inhabited by young children. In fact some leading advanced first-aid trainers will shortly be running training courses for children so that they can save the life of a parent, grandparent or a sibling.The dechocker can be seen being used at and For further details please call 0203 858 0878 or visit
Great Towels at Great Prices
BURSALI TOWELS (UK) Ltd. was established in the UK in 2005 by the Turkish towel factory NBT, to offer a better service to the UK and European wholesale towel market. Bursali's flexible combination of supplying towels to the trade, both direct from the factory and from UK stock on a next day delivery basis, is probably unique. Bursali offer towel and bathrobe ranges suitable for all market sectors, from budget to luxury, and from care
and nursing homes to hotels, spas, and health clubs. The budget ranges start at 420gsm and then the luxury ranges go up to the “Ultimate” 700gsm Egyptian quality combed cotton range. Following great demand for their “linenHall” luxury 650gsm combed cotton range, Bursali have recently increased the number of available colours to 16, to include the latest fashionable shades. For more information, please contact Steve Vallender on 01443 844011, email:, visit or see the advert on page 13.
LifeVac - Giving Peace of Mind Whilst Saving Lives We Are now reading news reports nearly every day of children and adults choking to death. The new lifevac can change this. LifeVac is new single suction anti choking device. As the LifeVac has a one way patented valve, when applied it only sucks up and does not push air down when pulled therefore LifeVac creates three times more pressure than the abdominal thrust and chest compressions as trained in First Aid. In all testing LifeVac has dislodged obstruction of the airway 99.9% of the time in one use (reports available). Plus has no risk to the casualty. LifeVac is ideal for disabled people that cannot receive traditional choking treatment. LifeVac is FDA approved, MHRA
approved as a class one medical device, Canadian Health Service approved and CE accredited. The device has undergone various clinical tests. If you wish to see more details of independent testing and information (which is required for FDA registration and MHRA approval and CE accreditation) please contact LifeVac. LifeVac has been purchased by Exemplar Health Care plus many more establishments in the UK such as in schools, restaurants, care homes, pharmacies and in the home. The price is just £59.95 +VAT. To order go to or call us on 0208 127 0210 or email See the advert on page 9 for details.
Prevention Is Better Than Cure...
With nhS interest in prevention rather than probable eventual hospitalisation, physiotherapists in adult care and hospital trusts are recommending that care homes and families buy small hand devices for exercise to prevent hand closure and protect against skin breakdown. Fingers bending towards the palm can be painful to move, if at all possible, and can result in skin deterioration between the fingers and in many cases total closure will lead to skin damage from nails to the palm of the hand. It is beneficial to have a strap over the back of the hand or the thumb to secure the hand grip in place, unlike in years past
when a rolled flannel or bandage was deemed sufficient. Hand grips are available in sheepskin, nylon, terry fabric, and velour covered micro-beads at a cost of less than £20. But sheepskin can become hard and rough after washing, nylon is often too hot causing the palms to sweat, and terry fabric takes longer to dry. Soft microbead hand grips and finger separators can also be used as ‘comforters’ in end of life care and as a diversion for individuals prone to pull at feeding or IV tubes. Micro-beads are cool and easily laundered, quick drying and very comfortable. For more information contact MEDORiS on 01608 819 219 or look at their website – or see page 3.
sockson - Dressing Aid for Socks and Compression Socks The "SoCkSoN" dressing aid device enables anyone required to wear socks, anti-embolism compression socks or lymphedema arm stockings, the means to put these on quickly and simply without the need for an oT or nursing aid assistance. The sock is simply placed inside out onto a plastic cup, the cup is lowered to the right height and a gentle downward push movement with the leg or arm allows the sock to slide into place. There is no pressure on backs, hips, arms, ankles or knees and it is performs the task with no pain, twisting or discomfort. The device enables elderly people with restricted movement, people with bad backs or people recovering from surgery or medical treatments a safe, quick and independent method of dressing themselves. We have received a very positive response
in the United Kingdom from doctors, nurses and various medical professionals at the hospitals we have visited and at the Care & OT shows and exhibitions we have attended, who see the enormous potential and huge cost savings to be had in using our simple product. This has been very encouraging for us. The usual response we receive is “Wow that was quick, can you do that again......’’ We are a start-up company based in the SW of the United Kingdom and have sourced UK components and aluminum molds for our own engineered, designed extrusions and we are now in production here in the South West of England. The product has a world-wide patent. It has been trialed and tested and has CE certification. Phone: (+44) 790 774 8213 Email: Web: See the advert on page 8 for details.
Moreland House Benefit from Jaga Heat Pump MORELAND HOUSE care home in Hornchurch, Essex, is a part-new build, part-renovated building owned by London care home operator, Abbey Total Care Group. The building is one of a number of safe, comfortable, and sustainable care homes run by the company in the area – the latter demonstrated by Moreland House winning the prize for Commercial Air Source Installation of the Year at the National Heat Pump Awards 2014. In order to translate the efficiency benefits of the air source heat pump – which was installed as part of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) – into comfortable temperatures for the building’s residents, Abbey Total Care Group sought out Jaga to supply its safe, energy efficient radiators for the building. “We have established a strong working relationship with Jaga at several of our care homes and Moreland House was no different,” said Kartik Patel from Abbey Total Care Group & Design and Construct London Ltd. “Low surface temperatures were essential to protect our residents – whose care always comes first – but efficient performance in conjunction with the heat pump was vital too.” The wall-mounted Jaga Strada DBE was installed throughout Moreland House’s bedrooms, corridors and communal lounge areas, accommodating the need for heat pump compatibility, high outputs and to ensure the safety and well-being of the building’s residents. The Strada works efficiently with low flow temperature heating systems, such as air and ground source heat pumps, due largely to the extra output capacity generated through Jaga’s Dynamic Boost Effect (DBE) technology. This consists of small fans being attached to the heat exchanger which draw air over the
element – working quietly to improve the radiator’s output, efficiency and responsiveness, as and when an extra heat boost might be required. In addition to this, the radiators feature Jaga’s sustainable Low-H₂O technology. This means that the radiators are low mass and low water content, requiring just a tenth of the water required by standard steel panel radiators, and reducing energy costs by as much as 16%. To ensure the safety of the residents should they come into contact with the radiator, the Strada DBE features cool-to-touch panelling and was installed without any exposed components. In elderly care homes – where physical frailties and conditions such as dementia make occupants extremely vulnerable to potential risks – the cool-to-touch radiators provide the peace of mind to care staff and the residents’ families that the risk of burn injuries is minimised. “Our company’s philosophy is built around helping elderly residents enjoy their autumn years to the fullest,” added Mr Patel. “Part of that is to ensure that their living environment is as safe and comfortable as possible, and part of that is to ensure that they experience perfect temperatures at all times. Through the use of Jaga radiators, we have found the perfect, all-encompassing solution for our own, and more importantly, the residents’ heating requirements.” Rising energy costs mean that care homes must start considering ways of reducing fuel consumption. By utilising government schemes such as the RHI to fund the installation of energy efficient heating systems, care homes can make significant savings that will ultimately benefit their residents. When systems such as heat pumps are combined with safe, low flow compatible radiators, the perfect balance of occupant comfort and sustainability can be achieved. For further information call 01531 631 533 or visit
Belong Introduces a New Approach to Drive Up Standards of Person-Centred Care by Amanda Green, Principal Consultant, Cognisco DELIVERING PERSON-CENTRED care has become an increasingly important focus in the care sector. Person-centred care is all about considering a customer’s desires, their values, family situation, social circumstances and lifestyles – seeing the person as an individual, and working with them to develop appropriate solutions. But this ‘gold standard’ can be difficult for carers to achieve in every situation, on a daily basis. They may have conflicting pressures - the need to complete tasks or be faced with challenging behaviour or they may simply misinterpret what a resident needs at a certain time and inadvertently make the ‘wrong’ decision. Getting it right consistently is tricky. For instance, a carer may be tasked with getting a customer dressed for the day but they don’t want to get dressed at this time and would prefer a chat and a cup of tea. In this situation, a carer might make the ‘wrong’ decision because they are too task-focused or don’t want their colleagues to think they are being lazy and not doing their job. One Care Home Operator that has recently adopted a new approach to delivering person-centred care is Belong, a provider of unique village communities that support and care for people with dementia through to end of life. Two years ago, Belong reviewed its standards of care and found that some of their customers weren’t always getting the best outcomes. There were some inconsistencies in the quality of care and support between teams and its philosophy and values of delivering person-centred care weren’t always being lived out. Also, its staff training and development programmes were not delivering the desired changes in practice or culture. Belong realised that changes were needed. The organisation wanted more accurate data about the competence and behaviour of staff and greater insight into how residents were being treated. It also wanted to improve staff training and development, ensure a return on investment for training was being delivered and identify any gaps in staff knowledge and confidence which could be affecting their performance. Belong approached Cognisco to create a framework to develop staff in line with its philosophy and values. Cognisco specialises in the critical insight and analytics that enable organisations to maximise people potential and minimise people risk. Together, the two organisations developed, ‘The Dementia*Care assessment’ – an online assessment which tests the knowledge and confi-
dence of care staff in all aspects of their role. Belong wanted a standardised approach to the measurement, assessment and development of staff and ensure its training and development programmes were delivering the best results. It wanted to monitor improvements in the attitudes and behaviour of staff and ensure a consistent standard of person-centred care was being given to customers. ‘The Dementia*Care assessment’ uses situational judgement questions to test a carer’s knowledge on a range of subjects including resident’s health and “lived” experience, their understanding of Dementia and Care Strategies and on how to deliver person-centred care. Belong also introduced behavioural assessments at the same time, with staff being observed performing their roles and working with residents. The results from both assessments were fed back into individual feedback and development plans. One of the key benefits was that Managers were given access to accurate, real-time data about the competence and confidence levels of all staff and insight into any knowledge gaps and training needs. The data also highlighted any signs of risky staff behaviour or decision making intelligence which has made it easier for managers to assign highly targeted training matched to individual needs. All staff then received their own personal learning plan which they can access through Cognisco’s platform my*KNOW, with links to specific learning aligned to their development needs. These ranged from short videos on different aspects of their role, through to coaching and group workshops. All front line staff, including managers, have participated in the assessment. More recently, the organisation has reassessed staff, with significant improvements noted in the area of person-centred. Phil Orton, Head of People at Belong has described the assessment as ‘game changing.’ There have been many benefits. Belong has noticed a positive change in the attitude of staff and the way in which customers are being treated – with a marked improvement in the area of person-centred care on reassessment. Staff are also more confident and feel better equipped to deal with residents with more challenging behaviour or complex needs. Having real-time insight into staff competence has enabled Belong to tailor developments to improve individual performance. It is also able to better resource shifts and ensure a balanced mix of people with different skills and personalities are looking after residents – an initiative which is helping to improve standards of care.
The Smell & Connect Original 6 Collection THE SMELL & Connect Original 6 Collection is a conversation aide that can be used by both professionals and families to engage people living with dementia in conversation or activities. Featuring the scent of cut grass, tomato plant, baby powder, fresh laundry, victoria sponge cake and chocolate orange there is something for everyone. The smell sensation provides stimulation, a shared experience and something to talk about – all of which contribute towards greater connectivity and inclusiveness. Talking about the memories and associa-
Geopace Training GeoPACe TrAiNiNG is the leading provider of Phlebotomy Training Courses in the uk, delivering excellence in training since 2010. All courses are Nationally Recognised and Accredited with The Open College Network. Corporate clients include NHS Primary Care Trusts, Colleges, Universities and Care Homes, as well as GP Surgery staff and privately funded individuals. Group rates are available for 3 or more delegates attending, or training can be carried out on-site. The relax two-day Introduction to Phlebotomy course assumes no prior knowledge of phlebotomy and leads up to the point of live blood draw. Progression courses are available online and include Neonatal & Paediatric Phlebotomy and Advanced Venepuncture & Cannulation. A Phlebotomy Refresher Course, also available online, is also available to update and renew the learner’s past accreditation. For further details Tel: 01525 713377 Website: Email:
tions and individual has with the scents supports person centred care, helps carers get to know people and is active demonstration of engagement. The relevance of sensory therapy, and particularly the use of the sense of smell, to relationship centred care is that the act of sharing a scent experience automatically engages people in joint activity. Even without words, the smile that scent can bring is valuable in maintaining connected relationships, helping people to stay engaged with family and carers, and thus feel happier. Visit for further information.
Using a blend of Online and classroom based learning you can create a programme of learning that suits your own unique requirements. Flexible online access allows learners to work at their own convenience and pace We have produced online, classroom and a portfolio version of the learning materials. To support in-house trainers, there is also a Train the Trainer option for many courses The Care Certificate Standards
All 15 Standards are available on-line (or a printed version) which can be purchased in any combination to suit the service provision. These programmes of learning provide duel functionality by allowing learners to re-visit and complete downloadable activities as a progression toward the QCF Health & Social Care Diplomas at both Level 2 and 3 (QCF Funding may be available)
Other Courses Available Include
Moving & Positioning (Theory Medication Awareness (Theory) Food Safety (Theory) Physical Intervention (Theory) Positive Behavioural Support
Introduction to Learning Disabilities Working with Learning Disabilities Preventing & Managing Challenging Behaviour Physical Intervention Risk Reduction Many more Clinical courses (full list available)
Level 3 Award in Education and Training Moving & Positioning QCF Assessor (TAQA Award) Other options available
Physical Intervention First Aid Preventing & Managing Challenging Behaviour
Train the Trainer Courses Available Include
15 Years of Excellent Customer Service For 15 years W & P Training has offered a variety of products and services within the Adult Care Sector specifically tailored to improve a provider’s service to meet or exceed the regulations and achieve the highest Care Quality Commission ratings. The team has many year’s sector experience in clinical, operational, local authority and senior management positions which provides W&P with a unique knowledge base capable of supporting the most complex of services. Our products and services are up to date with the latest legislation and regulatory guidance and are competitively priced, easily accessible and written and presented in various formats to meet your business needs. Are your Policies and Procedures up to date? For Health and Social Care Providers having up to date Policies and Procedures is an essential part of maintaining the organisations compliance to legislation and regulatory frameworks. W&P’s Policies & Procedures are written by industry professionals and are designed to provide a comprehensive and clear guide on how to manage a care service whether residential, domiciliary or nursing. Why should i buy W&P Policies? Compared to many of our competitors, we do not tie you in to any license agreements or apply any restrictions on how you update or edit your policies, the only thing we ask is you don’t change or remove the main compliance elements as this might affect their validity. When you buy a full
set of Policies we include the update service free for up to a year and then if you wish to continue with keeping this valuable service it costs just £145 per year (plus vat) that’s less than £3 a week. This means complete peace of mind that every 12 weeks your policies will be reviewed by a panel of experts and updated in accordance with the very latest legislation or good practice initiatives. The most recent updates included over 30 revisions 4 of which were brand new Policies, so the update service saves a lot of time and money when compared to doing this task internally. New for 2016! The inspector calls - Our customers have asked us to develop a Workshop to Support their Managers, Deputy Managers and senior Care/Support Staff to understand the changes in CQC Inspections and to feel confident and relaxed to carry out their important role under the current inspection regime. The aim of this workshop is to give staff the opportunity to explore their attitude to being inspected and to give them the knowledge and understanding to be able to respond positively when the CQC inspector calls. The training focusses on what to expect during an inspection and how to cope with the process in a professional, objective and courteous manner. The workshop helps you to look through the inspector’s eyes to better prepare you and your colleagues for when the inspector does actually call. Call us For More Information – for a no obligation chat about how W&P Policies & Procedures can work for you call us on 01305 767104, see or email info@wandptraining or see advert page 5.
A Cost Effective Way to Help Care Staff Become ‘Stroke Aware’ THE DEVASTATING impact that a stroke can have will be all-too familiar to anyone working in care services across the UK. Stroke is the second most common neurological condition among care home residents after dementia, according to the Centre for Policy on Ageing. The Stroke Education & Training team at the Stroke Association have developed a ‘Training for Trainers’ course that empowers trainers, working in care settings throughout the UK, to deliver ‘Stroke Aware’ courses to their colleagues. This is a cost effective way to increase the awareness of stroke within the workforce. There are around 152,000 strokes a year in the UK – that’s around one every three and a half minutes. Thanks to improvements in the field of stroke care, you are twice as likely to survive a stroke
compared to 20 years ago. But stroke still remains the largest cause of adult complex disability in the UK and the long term effects caused by the condition will vary greatly from person to person. A thorough understanding of stroke can empower care workers to ensure that people have the best possible change of a recovery. Stroke rehabilitation, six months reviews of stroke survivors, and identifying symptoms of stroke are all measures which care providers can take to improve the treatment of stroke – all of which are in line with NICE’s current quality standard consultation on stroke care. We have limited places on each of these courses but you can book a place by visiting: Email: Tel: 01527 903911
MediEnlist Can Cure Your Summertime Staffing Blues SUMMER IS here and the sun has finally awoke from hibernation and is shining down on us through wispy columns of charcoal induced BBQ smoke. It's also the time of year when it seems like the entire workforce wants to jet off to exotic lands to sip cocktails whilst leaving the remaining already overstretched staff to pick up the extra workload and push through the painfully slow moving 12 hour shifts. With operational costs getting higher month by month it makes sound financial sense to reduce your agency staff bill. MediEnlist can help! They supply UK care providers with high quality Nurses and Healthcare Assistants sourced from within the EU. MediEnlist stress they are not an agency. Pay only an affordable one off fee and avoid those crippling monthly agency fees.
MediEnlist understand that swift time-scales are extremely important and have a remarkable average of only 30 days from interview date for Nurses to commence employment in the UK (this figure includes Nurses without a PIN commencing initially as a Senior Nursing Care Assistant). Currently supplying nurses and healthcare assistants to some of the biggest names in the UK private healthcare sector MediEnlist have the capacity to supply even the highest demand. A welome new addition to the MediEnlist team is Mihaela Calota who has recently joined the ranks to fill the position of Business Development Manager (UK). For a cost effective recruitment solution contact call MediEnlist on 0191 337 1233 or visit or see the advert opposite. Product Solutions for Care and Nursing Homes specialises in high quality, competitively priced products for adults with dementia. The shop is run by Makerfield Ltd, an established online retailer supplying the NHS and care homes across the country. Our comprehensive range includes high visibility signage to help care home residents find the toilet, bathroom and other important locations. Directional and personalised bedroom signs are also available. Eating and drinking can often be a problem for people with dementia and our solutions include easy to see, coloured plates and cups which help to reduce spillage. Bathroom and toilet aids
The ability to take a bath or shower in comfort is essential, while safety is a key consideration. A shower chair allows a resident to sit comfortably while coloured grab rails reduce the risk of a fall. Other support products such as height adjustable toilet frames and raised seats in bold colours now make the toilet more accessible and comfortable to use. These are just some of the products on and we are continually expanding the range with reminiscence aids, daily living and mobility products to prolong independence and improve the quality of life for people with dementia. For further information call 0800 999 6659 or visit
Sing For Your Life Opens Two New Centres In Reading and Glasgow to Meet Demand Following publication of N.I.C.E. Guidance NG32 which strongly recommended singing to be a beneficial and cost effective activity to support the Independence and Mental Wellbeing of older people, Sing For Your Life has opened new centres in Reading and Glasgow which will provide training and support to users of the unique Silver Song Music Box System which is now being used by more than 200 Community Centres, Care Homes and NHS Dementia Units. The Silver Song Music Box provides an inclusive activity that delivers excellent cognitive therapy and stimulates reminiscence. The Silver Song Box can be used with either a TV or Projector. The words of the song are projected on to the screen and are synchronised with the music, eliminating the need for song sheets.
THE SILVER SONG MUSIC BOX system has been developed by Sing For Your Life to enable Day Care Centres, Residential Care Homes and Hospitals to provide participatory singing sessions for older people. Singing brings people together and The Silver Song Music Box provides an inclusive activity that delivers excellent cognitive stimulation therapy and an effective reminiscence experience.
The system is can be purchased or rented and can be operated by a carer who has not had formal musical training. Singing is therefore available whenever and as often as it is needed.
Contacts: South West England Hampshire, Thames Valley East Anglia Scotland All other areas
For more information go to or call 01303 298546 for an Information Pack "A song a day keeps the doctor away."
Brent King Healthcare BREnT King specialise in arranging business mortgages and commercial property finance for residential, nursing homes, and other commercial properties. We have strong relationships with many lenders, which enable us to obtain some of the most competitive funding in the market. We have facilities for up to 75% of Market Valuation or 100% with suitable additional security. Brent King has an existing client base that ranges from the small owner operator up to emerging groups that have varied requirements in commercial mortgages and property lending. Therefore whether you are extending and upgrading your existing business or on the acquisition
Global Business Finance GloBAl BuSiNeSS Finance was established just over 26 years ago by the firm’s present senior partner, Mark Widdows, and since then has arranged over £1.8bn in loans for healthcare clients. The firm works exclusively in the care sector providing a very personalised service, as the firm knows every client is individual with individual requirements. Mark and his team spend time getting to know each of their clients in order that they can ensure all needs are met and the loan facility tailored to their client’s individual requirements. Global offers national coverage and with the support of email, fax, regular telephone conversations and face to face meetings the firm are able to put together a professional and comprehensive bank application. The bank managers that Global work with are all specialist healthcare
Anglian Archives ANGliAN ArChiveS are archiving specialists and, for over 25 years we have cared for sensitive documents for those working in the care sector and those working in the clinicaland medical fields. We provide secure off site document and file storage in a fire resistant environment. Out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind as we can retrieve your docu-
trail and looking for a commercial loan, it would be of benefit to discuss what could be achieved on your behalf in the future. David King has over 30 years experience as a lender and broker/consultant He has specialised in the Residential Care/Nursing Home sector and offers clients confidential and Independent assistance David was a care home owner himself for four years until 2007, increasing the value of the business by 50%. He comments that changes were made to the day to day operation to maximise staff moral and focus on fees and costs. An initial appointment can be arrange for a confidential meeting at the business lasting no more than an hour. We would prefer to start with a viewing of the property and accommodation to confirm the layout and configuration. A private meeting will follow for us to confirm any initial observations and we will ask for any challenges currently facing the home. Phone : 01489 782020 Fax : 01489 783111 Email :
managers who have extensive knowledge within the sector and fully understand the requirements of the clients that Global introduce. Mark Widdows, the firm’s senior partner, trained as an accountant before establishing the brokerage in 1989, other key executives are his wife, Sally-Ann, who specialised in nutrition before becoming a registered care home manager and Rupert, his son, who is also a qualified care manager and holds a degree in dementia with the leading Bradford Dementia Studies Group through Bradford University. The family own and run two care homes so fully understand all aspects and issues of care home owners which brings a unique ability to the firm to work with clients and convey their needs to the bank that is lending. With over £1.8bn in completed care home loans you should strongly consider Global Business Finance to represent you for your next loan application. See their advert in this issue on this page. Reader Enquiries - Tel: 01242 227172 Email: ments or files for you and deliver them or post or scan and email them to you. We understand you work in a sensitive area so, to give you peace of mind all our staff are enhanced DBS checked and sign a confidentiality agreement. A lot of our clients have a statutory requirement to retain hard copies of records for many years and this is what we specialise in. Our customers often see us as an extension to their business, an additional department if you like; part of the team. Let us become part of your team and improve your working environment. For further information contact 01604 670 964. or email
With The Uncertainty Caused By Brexit It Is Even More Important To Ensure That Each Home Is Achieving Its Full Potential It might be possible to increase the number of occupants by offering care in another category. Residents with a requirement for care that cannot be provided in their own homes will tend to be looked after in a specialized unit, such as a dementia wing in a local Nursing Home. In many instances there may be potential to increase the number of occupied beds in a Home by carrying out a reorganization of rooms or an extension or new wing in the grounds to create a new unit to provide care in a use sector new to the home. A Home running full, or near full, or a larger home is in a much better financial position than a smaller home or one with low occupancy levels. It is worth Home Owners examining the type, category, number and quality of their bedrooms and facilities to see if it is possible to provide rooms of a different category, a greater number of bedrooms, or improved rooms more Eddie Dribble - the best known name in the attractive to privately funded users. It may be possible to private care industry fill a space in the grounds with a new ‘wing’ to house residents requiring a type of specialist care, for which there is a high local demand. Valuations undertaken - Nursing Forrester Associates is an award winning architectural and Residential Homes always practice specializing in the care home sector, with over 30 wanted for sale nationwide years experience. They are offering a free initial appraisal to see if a home has the potential to boost occupancy and increase profitability by carrying out alterations, extensions or new construction. They are able to advise on the Reduced commission rates for most cost effective ways of changing or enlarging homes owners replying through this to make them more profitable. They offer an optional Emanuel A Dribble nationwide full architectural package from initial designs, advertisement through planning permission, building approvals, tender26 Arthur Road ing and construction supervision up to CQC approval. Fees are competitive and they are able to point the way New Malden Reduced commission rates towards a finance provider. Surrey KT3 6LX Call or email Forrester Associates to discuss your home for RNHA members or to arrange an appraisal on 01527 833876 or mike@forTel/Fax 020 8942 0852 and see what could be achieved.
Many Care Home owners are finding it difficult to achieve the full potential of their building assets partly due to the current emphasis on promoting care within the users own home. Specialist care, however would normally be provided by a Care Home licensed to provide the necessary specialised care, either in the entire building or within a specifically identified wing or section of a general care home.
Nursing & Residential Home Specialist Agency