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Issue 37
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Time for the NHS to See Care Homes as Partners Not Problems
A recent study has revealed how the nHS and care homes can work better together to deliver high quality, cost-effective healthcare to the half million people in residential care
The study led by the University of Hertfordshire and funded by the National Institute of Health found that healthcare provision to residents in care homes across England is often ‘erratic and inequitable’. The Optimal study found a narrow focus by NHS decision makers on care homes as a drain on resources, rather than as a solution, can result in short-term interventions that compromise relationships between NHS and care home staff, and affect care home staff confidence in being able to meet residents’ health needs. The study, involving seven UK universities, analysed the impact of different approaches by the NHS in providing healthcare to people living in care homes across England and identified several examples of successful partnership working between NHS and care homes. However, it concluded that high quality healthcare provision to care homes can only be achieved nationwide if close collaboration between the NHS and care homes becomes part of the ‘landscape of care’. This means ensuring, through targeted investment, that visiting healthcare professionals and care home staff are given the opportunity to work closely together to identify, plan and implement care protocols. Other key findings: • Care homes rely on the NHS for access to medical and specialist care. As many as 27 different NHS services can visit to provide care and treatment for residents. • Access to healthcare for care home residents was highly unpredictable. While one care home could receive a significant amount of NHS support, for example through visits from nurse specialists and therapists, residents in another care home could struggle to see a GP. • The best results were achieved when healthcare professionals working with care homes on a regular, ongoing basis were linked in with other NHS services as part of a wider network of expertise. This created naturally occurring opportunities to meet and discuss care, and nurtured a mutual appreciation of the challenges both NHS and care home staff face. It also reduced demand on stretched urgent and emergency care services, and increased staff confidence around decisions not to admit a resident to hospital or to discharge patients from hospitals earlier. • Researchers found NHS initiatives that ‘threw money’ at care homes to achieve minimum standards of care without any meaningful interactions with care home staff – for example paying certain GP practices more money to work with care homes – were unlikely to work. • Where the same amount of money was used to provide ongoing support and to enable NHS and care home staff to work together more closely, the investment delivered positive outcomes, the study said. • Seventy per cent of people living in UK care homes have dementia, which complicates healthcare provision. Some health services struggle to deal with this complexity and many NHS
staff reported how difficult they found visiting care home residents with dementia, especially when they had no ready access to specialist dementia services from elsewhere in the NHS. • The study revealed examples of residents being admitted to A&E departments if care home staff needed a psychiatric opinion, putting further pressure on hospital wards. In contrast, when visiting nurses from a care home specialist team were linked to other NHS services they were able to involve, and work with, specialist services and hospital admissions were avoided. Lead author Professor Claire Goodman from the University of Hertfordshire’s Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care, said: “It is essential that residents in care homes – some of the oldest and frailest in society – have access to healthcare that is equitable and equivalent to those received by older people living at home. “The Optimal study shows what needs to be in place for this to happen and found many examples of effective integrated working. Across England, however, access to healthcare for care home residents continues to be highly unpredictable.” Goodman, who is also a NIHR Senior Investigator, continued: “There is an unrelentingly negative narrative in the public consciousness around bad care in care homes. Yet with 460,000 people living in UK care homes, occupying three times the number of NHS hospital beds, care homes should be seen as an integral and important part of the health and social care system. “Just as we talk about ‘improving’ and ‘outstanding’ schools, we need to develop a positive vision for what a good care home looks like and the Optimal study has sought to support this. If we see care homes as part of the landscape of care – as a solution not a problem – then we have a real opportunity to get the delivery of healthcare in care homes right. “Our study has shown that the provision of healthcare services to care homes is likely to be most effective when NHS services have time to learn how to work with care homes and value the work. Access to expertise in dementia care is important for both NHS and care home staff, as is ongoing GP involvement.” “When the NHS views a care home as a valued partner then there is a greater willingness to work together to solve problems and a culture of blame recedes. When healthcare for care homes is co-ordinated and recognised as important by the NHS then residents benefit and there is a much more appropriate use of hospital services.” Professor Julienne Meyer, Professor of Nursing Care for Older Adult at City, University of London and co-author of the paper, said: “Our report shows that it’s time for the NHS to see care homes as partners not problems, and to achieve this we have identified a number of ways that the NHS and care homes can work better together to deliver high quality, cost-effective healthcare to the near half million people in residential care. We are all going to get old, so we need to ensure that the lives of older people, and the care homes they live in are properly supported to deliver effective care in collaboration with the NHS.”
VIEWPOINT HellO And welcome to the Summer issue of the carer! Once again, I would firstly like to begin by welcoming new readers to our publication. And to give our new readers a brief background we are a “free to trade” business publication for residential and nursing care homes, all proprietors, managers, and procurement professionals within the care industry, bringEDITOR ing news and views, professional comment from industry experts. All that we would ask is that when replying to any of the advertisers in our publication, either directly or online, please mention that you saw the details in The Carer! We would also draw your attention to our website which is updated on a daily basis with the latest industry news, a business directory linking back to our advertisers websites,. I would also urge you to sign up for our digital newsletter which will bring you the latest news and views as it happens! I would draw your attention to articles on pages 3 and 9 regarding “Are Care Homes Breaking Consumer Law”? Regarding concerns and a proposed enquiry by the Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) into the care home sector and consumer law. In particular fees being applied once a resident has died. This issue I suspect is going to be the source of a lot of unfair negative publicity for the Care profession. In fact, it already has headlines such as the one seen in a daily broadsheet “Care crisis: this is why Britain's care homes are charging the dead” paint an appalling impression of an overworked and underfunded industry. Costs must be met, and books must be balanced in any business. That is a commercial fact of life and the care industry is no different. Any responsible provider will issue a contract of service which will be based on assessed care needs. Within that contract there will be terms relating to accommodation which will take into account a period of time to enable families to take possession of personal items following the passing of a resident. That of course means a room is not occupied, but costs must be met. The insensitive alternative which would cause even more of an outcry would be to fill the room immediately as they do with hospital beds, not allowing families adequate time to grieve, and no home/Provider would want to do that. As Martin England chief executive of Care England, said, Martin Green, said: “Like many other agreements, the payments do not stop the moment you die, rather there are contractual arrangements which the person’s estate is responsible for.” Contracts are generally brought up to protect the interest of all parties, and I believe it is a matter for families to challenge any terms they disagree with at the time of a family members admission if they are unhappy, furthermore, experience tells me that most responsible providers will be flexible in their approach. I was very disappointed to see that according to the government report, “The CMA will be seeking views from national and local government, as well as regulators and the industry” and yet no mention of any consultation with the industry itself, or any associations on behalf of the industry. Once again, another opportunity to engage the care industry and help bring about a mutually satisfactory solution is wasted.
Peter Adams
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WEBSITE: EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES Sylvia Mawson David Bartlett Guy Stephenson TYPESETTING & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Shelly Roche Published by
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Providers Tell CQC: ‘We Want to Improve' SOCIAL CARE providers have told a leading sector regulator that they are committed to driving up standards but are being hampered by funding shortages and the ability to recruit nursing and care staff. Members of the Independent Care Group, meeting at their AGM in York, told Andrea Sutcliffe, CQC Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, that the biggest challenge they now faced was recruitment. The AGM followed CQC's latest report on the state of social care, which revealed that 79% of adult social care services in England were 'Good' or 'Outstanding' but 21% were "requiring improvement" or "inadequate". Mike Padgham, the Group's chair, said too much attention went on to the 21% needing improvement or inadequate and not enough on the rest that were good or outstanding. He said: "We are not saying that there are not some very unsuitable people in social care. We want them caught and stopped from providing care. But they are a tiny minority."
He said all providers "got a kicking they didn't deserve" because of the failings of a few. This was harming the recruitment of carers and nursing staff as it hit morale in the sector. "So here's the thing - everyone wants there to be social care services for people when they need it - but the relentless demonising of social care prevents us from recruiting enough of the good people we need," he added. "The 79% who are working hard to create a caring culture get tarred with the same brush as people who should not be working in social care. I want to say how proud I am of the care services I know. How proud I am of the people here who go the extra mile. And I know how proud you are of your services and your staff." Ms Sutcliffe said she shared providers' frustration that good care didn't get the publicity it deserved, and agreed that recruitment was a challenge. After the AGM, Mr Padgham said there had been consensus that challenges lay ahead and that everyone had to work together to drive up standards.
CMA Outlines Emerging Concerns in Care Homes Market THE COMPETITIONS and Markets Authority (CMA) has published the initial findings of its care homes market study, and is investigating if some homes are breaking consumer law. The market study was launched in December 2016 to examine whether the residential care homes sector is working well for elderly people and their families. Having reached the halfway point of the study, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published emerging findings and announced that, as a result of information received during this work, it has opened a consumer protection case to investigate its concerns that some care homes may be breaking consumer law. This is focused on concerns about certain care homes charging families for extended periods after a resident has died, and homes charging large upfront fees. The initial findings of the market study highlight wider concerns about the sector, which will form the focus of the next phase of its work. These include: • People are struggling to make decisions about care: Prospective care home residents and their families need to be able to make informed choices, often under stressful and time-pressured circumstances. However the CMA’s initial findings suggest that many people find it difficult to get the information they need, are confused by the social care system and funding options, and do not know how to find and choose between homes. • Complaints procedures are not functioning well: It is not realistic for many residents to move home if they are dissatisfied with the care they are receiving, as to do so would be distressing and harmful to their health. It is therefore essential that effective systems are in place for them to be able to complain and, where necessary, have these concerns acted upon. Our initial findings, however, indicate that redress systems often do not work well, and residents can find it very challenging to make complaints. • While many care homes offer a good service, there are concerns that some might not be treating residents fairly and that certain practices and contract terms might break consumer law. As well as the issues on large upfront fees and fees charged after death, which we are investigating in the consumer protection case, we are concerned about other consumer protection issues such as a lack of information about prices on care home websites, and care homes’ contracts giving homes wide-ranging discretion to ask residents to leave, at short notice. • The sector is not positioned to attract the investment necessary to build greater capacity needed for the future: Demand for
care home services is expected to increase substantially, with the number of people aged 85 and over projected to more than double by mid-2039. The level of care they require is also expected to increase as, having spent longer in their own homes, they will be more frail when they do move to a care home. At present, shortterm public funding pressures and uncertainty mean the sector is not incentivised to undertake the investment necessary to meet future demand. Acting Chief Executive, Andrea Coscelli, said: Some of the most vulnerable people in our society use care homes, often moving to them under extremely difficult circumstances. It’s therefore essential they are able to make informed choices, understand how services will be paid for, and be confident they will be fairly treated and able to complain effectively if they have any concerns. We also have particular concerns that some care homes might be breaking consumer law and have opened a consumer protection case to investigate further. Demand for care home places is expected to surge over the next 2 decades. To make sure the additional capacity this requires is available, it needs to be built in good time. At present, short term funding pressures and uncertainty mean that the sector is not attracting investment. We will be focusing on finding ways to deal with these, and other concerns identified. The CMA has already begun to develop recommendations to protect residents and their families, which will be expanded over the next half of the market study. These include examining how: • People can be actively supported in making choices • Complaints and redress systems can be significantly improved to help people feel more comfortable reporting concerns • Residents and their families can best be protected, and how to encourage fair treatment by care homes • Local authorities can be encouraged to share best practice in procuring care home services and planning, and developing provision in their areas • To encourage investment for the future The next phase of the CMA’s study will focus on developing and refining these recommendations to ensure they are robust and practicable, and can help make real improvements to the way the sector works. CMA will be seeking views from national and local government, as well as regulators and the industry in each country of the United Kingdom, to ensure these recommendations can be effectively implemented.
Low Intensity Vibration Therapy For Care Home Residents Launches In UK A medicAlly-APPrOved device that uses low-intensity vibration (liv) to help redevelop bone and muscle tissue, restore postural control and improve balance and mobility is launching in the UK. Approved for therapeutic use, marodyne delivers safe, gentle and consistent vertical vibrations to help restore motion to joints, redevelop muscles, facilitate bone healing, increase bone mineral density, prevent and reverse the complications of osteoporosis and ease osteoarthritis.
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treatment.” People simply stand on the Marodyne platform while its ‘smart’ technology automatically adjusts to deliver even and optimal cycles at 30 contractions per second. Marodyne uses a microprocessor to control and maintain sound waves that output 0.4g acceleration to any user. This precise low acceleration, low level vibration is transmitted at a high frequency (30Hz), mimicking the small high frequency contractions exerted by muscles onto the bone. These small forces have a direct effect upon the growth, health and renewal of musculoskeletal tissues involving networks of cells that are sensitive to chemical, biological and mechanical signals. LIV should not be confused with Whole Body Vibration (WBV) which exerts a high acceleration, high level vibration of well over 1g and is generally unsuitable for the elderly or infirm. Four key areas where liv can help the elderly: Osteoporosis - by maintaining and increasing bone mineral density, speeding up bone healing, and increasing the quality of fracture repair. Osteoarthritis - by improving metabolism, boosting blood flow and helping ensure the nutrients necessary for cartilage formation are pumped efficiently into the joint cavity. Falls Prevention – by stimulating and restoring the dynamic action of muscle fibres in the legs which help to give better balance, postural reflexes and co-ordination while improving muscle strength and stimulating new muscle growth. Active Ageing – by stimulating blood circulation and lymphatic flow and improving leg strength it encourages mobility, flexibility and independence. Visit for further information.
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AHS FrAncHiSe Partners ltd, the franchise arm of Avant Healthcare Services, which has been trading since 2012 has recently awarded its first franchise. Avant Healthcare Services, who provide quality social care, support and companionship services to customers and their families who require care and support in their homes, are now seeking more hard working, ambitious people to build profitable sustainable businesses by joining their expanding franchise organisation. Franchisor Sally Graham owned and operated a multiaward winning healthcare franchise with her father for 17 years, before founding Avant Healthcare Services in 2012 and franchising it through AHS Franchise Partners Ltd in October 2015.
The company’s first franchisee Melinda Bailey, owner of Avant Healthcare Services (Worcester), comes from a successful corporate background, previously working in sales for BT. The new franchise has been successfully reviewed by the CQC (Care Quality Commission). On awarding her first franchise Sally said, "Everyone at AHS Franchise Partners and Avant Healthcare Services is delighted to award our first franchise and welcome Melinda to the Avant family. She already has a great team in place in Worcester and with the support of my highly experienced head office team, who have proven track records in the industry, we will help her and all future franchisees, to grow ethical, profitable, sustainable care and support businesses, across the United Kingdom. We look forward to hearing from more hard working, motivated people like Melinda, with a desire to grow large successful businesses and, ultimately, to help them achieve their dreams." If you would like to know more about buying an Avant Healthcare Services franchise please visit our website
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NCF Respond to CQC State of Adult Social Care Report 2014-17 cQc HAS produced its analysis of nearly three years of inspections of adult social care services under their newly developed assessment framework. Having inspected over 33,000 services including domiciliary care, shared lives, care homes, nursing homes and specialist services for people with learning disabilities, they have provided an overview of how they view the sector. NCF Executive Director, Vic Rayner says: “The CQC report provides a window into the complexity of adult social care in 21st century Britain. This report shows that the ‘care’ factor is alive and well, with over 95% of services being rated as good or outstanding for the care that they provide. This is good news, and is vital that we continue to measure.” “The report also highlights the areas where there is need for significant improvement – demonstrating the critical importance of safeguarding and leadership. These factors are, of course, essential for the delivery of care to some of the most vulnerable members of society. Leadership is a
key driver for change, and it is very encouraging that CQC has highlighted the importance of a strong culture around creativity and innovation as making a real difference to the delivery of outstanding services.” Vic Rayner goes on to say: “However, the report also shows the need for action to invest in the care sector, and critically the staff who deliver 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The impact of the sustained underfunding of social care has been recognised in a wide range of reports from CQC, ADASS, Age UK and others. The needs of those entering care services have changed dramatically in the last 5 to 10 years, and the sector needs support and investment to adapt and develop the way in which it addresses these new and emerging needs. Complex care and health interventions, multi-disciplinary support for individuals, changing societal patterns of family support, greater emphasis on the role of technology – these changes are coming thick and fast – and this report shows that investment needs to be delivered now to maximise the impact of the good care on offer – to deliver good and outstanding services across the board.”
Social Care Collapse Is Ever Nearer cAre englAnd, the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care, has launched its results of a survey on pay. the first of its kind, the results of this survey are in line with other key messages from the sector namely the fragility of the system owing to inadequate and unsustainable fees from local Authorities. Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England says: “Care England’s survey makes is clear that providers are expecting higher staffing costs and falling profits whilst demand continues to increase. In order to manage this, providers are anticipating fewer Local Authority placements while investing in technology and services to respond to demand. The sector can and must adapt, but dynamics are shifting and unless Local Authorities pay the commensurate rate to providers there will be a lack of capacity for Local Authority funded residents and the ongoing workforce challenges will not be
addressed”. Key Statistics • 96% of providers expected their overall staffing budget to increase this year and all expected further increases over the next 3 years to keep pace with demand. Staffing budgets make up the bulk of costs for providers. • Only 10% of providers expected profit margins to increase in 2017/ 18 and this slightly increased to 15% projecting an increase in profit over the next 3 years. Conversely 55% of providers were projecting a fall in profits up to 2020. • As a consequence providers were projecting a decrease in the number of Local Authority placements taken on, with 32% projecting a decrease in placements accepted in 2017/18 which increased to 45% of providers projecting to take on less Local Authority placements over the next 3 years. Professor Martin Green continues: “Providers are realising the potential of technology in order to streamline their businesses and reduce the demand for staff”.
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Children Thank Care Home for Help Saving School Swimming Pool JOAnnA BrOwn, Headteacher at St mary’s c of e School Pulborough and some of her pupils visited the Anchorage care home in Pulborough to say thank you for the donation of a thousand pounds which was to help with the school’s swimming pool repair. As Joanna told the Directors and residents, “It is so important for the children to be able to swim and be confident in water
as here in Pulborough we are surrounded by water; the river Arun is a very fast-flowing river and we also have the sea very close by, so safety is of paramount importance”. The delightful pupils sang a couple of songs from their latest show Aladdin. They also participated in a quiz session. The residents love the interaction with the school and really appreciate all the work that the staff and pupils put into entertaining them, especially at Christmas.
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New Research Could Improve Care for Thousands Dying from Dementia in Nursing Homes NEW RESEARCH funded by Marie Curie provides evidence that stands to improve the care received by those dying from dementia in nursing homes across the UK. The research, conducted at University College London, has looked at the effectiveness of a new model of care (COMPASSION) that encourages an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to the care that nursing home residents receive in the later stage of dementia. Through the development of joint working practices, the new model of care aims to help nursing home staff better manage the complex needs of residents while avoiding the occurrence of unnecessary and costly hospital admissions. Eighty per cent of the estimated 400,000 people in UK nursing homes are living with dementia or another form of cognitive impairment and the majority of people with dementia in the UK (53%) will die in a long-term care institution. A recent study2 has also warned that the number of people who die from dementia is set to almost quadruple in the coming years – all of these people will be in need of high-quality end of life care. The COMPASSION model – which has been developed according to best practice and in consultation with people with dementia, their carers and a range of health and social care professionals – was tested in two different but typical UK nursing homes. In both homes, a dedicated care lead worked with and supported nursing home staff, and health and social care professionals, to improve care practices The model was found to bring about improvements, including the better management of residents’ pain symptoms, and allowing those in the final months of their lives and their families the opportunity to make plans and decisions in advance. It also encouraged staff to adopt a holistic, person-centred approach with an increased focus on shared decision-making with residents and their family members. However, the research also highlighted that the quality of care that nursing homes staff are able to provide is largely influenced by the external support available to them from their local health and social care professionals, in-turn determined by local funding decisions by CCGs. As part of the COMPASSION programme of research the team found that the needs of many UK nursing home
residents with advanced dementia are not being met. It showed that those with dementia who are approaching end of life often receive fragmented and inadequate care. In interviews, nursing home staff reported poor morale, frustration that they were not provided with adequate training and support, and a lack of access to specialist resources such as palliative and end of life care services. Dr Kirsten Moore, Lead author & Senior Research Fellow, Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Department, University College London, said: “A key aspect of the COMPASSION model of care is that it encourages and coordinates local health and social care professionals, involving them in the care of patients in the nursing home. It makes them aware of what support is needed and enables them to meet with nursing home staff to discuss the needs of patients. With the number of people living with advanced dementia only set to increase, it is vital that commissioners are clear on the role that health and social services can play in caring for people in nursing homes and help make this possible by providing the appropriate resources. “Even where nursing homes are well supported by local services, there still appears to be a widespread lack of coordination between professionals – this model offers a way for every day and specialist healthcare teams to work together in the nursing home setting as they would be in a hospital setting.” Simon Jones, Director of Policy and Public Affairs for Marie Curie, said: “We know that with the right support and resources in place it is possible to deliver high quality end of life care to the thousands of people living with advanced dementia in care homes. “This research provides a model for providing the best possible care in this setting but also demonstrates that, as the number of people with dementia increases, nursing homes are increasingly reliant on, and must be supported by, their local health and social care services. “If people can’t be cared for appropriately in the nursing home setting, we are likely to see an increase in unnecessary emergency admissions, followed by long costly stays in hospital, which is often the worst environment for someone suffering from the confusion associated with dementia.”
Trio of Centenarians Is a Record for Sheffield Care Home BIRTHDAY MESSAGES from the queen at Buckingham Palace have been arriving thick and fast at Broomgrove Nursing Home of late.
In fact the Sheffield-based care home is celebrating a trio of ladies that have reached the grand old age of 100 – a record for them! Betty Richardson (101 years-old), Lucille Burnand (100 years-old) and Val Royston (100 years-old this month) are all renowned for their positive outlook on life. Betty Richardson, who enjoyed a long career in employment services, said: “Both my parents had a very positive attitude to life and it rubbed off on
me!” Lucille Burnand spent her life caring for others – she spent much of World War Two looking after sick children and was her parents’ carer in later life. Val Royston spent her working life in academia – she worked in Sheffield University’s Department of Law. Donna Pierpoint, the manager at Broomgrove Care Home, said: “It’s not every day we have the pleasure of three ladies that have reached such amazing age. They all have pin-sharp memories which is quite amazing to say they were all born before the end of World War One and have all lived such long and well meaning lives.”
Report Suggests One in Three Dementia Cases May Be Preventable A new report has estimated that a third of dementia cases could potentially be prevented if nine different risk factors could be eliminated. The Lancet Commission report, which summarises available evidence on risk factors for dementia and models their likely impact on prevalence of the condition, was presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2017 in London. The Lancet Commission, which was supported by Alzheimer’s Research UK, involved 24 dementia experts from the UK and across the globe. The team brought together existing evidence from a range of studies in an effort to produce a comprehensive overview of research into dementia prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care. As well as outlining established risk factors for dementia, their report also highlights emerging evidence linking hearing loss and social isolation to dementia risk, and calls for more ambitious strategies for dementia prevention. As part of the review, the researchers modelled the potential impact of eliminating a number of risk factors for dementia, including established risk factors such as hypertension, obesity, smoking, physical inactivity, diabetes, depression, and lack of education in early life. The review also considered growing evidence linking hearing loss in mid-life and social isolation in later life to a higher risk of dementia. For each risk factor, the researchers calculated the potential impact on dementia prevalence if the risk could be completely eliminated. Their results suggest that if nine modifiable risk factors could be removed, the number of people living with dementia could reduce by 35%. The report identified that the three risk factors with the largest potential impact were hearing loss, low education in early life, and smoking. The analysis suggested that dementia prevalence could potentially be reduced by 9% if hearing loss in mid-life could be eliminated – but the authors caution that evidence in this area is still emerging. A number of theories have been put forward to explain the link between hearing loss and dementia, including the possibility that the same underlying mechanisms could be driving both conditions. Similarly, the researchers point out
that many of the risk factors highlighted in the review can be difficult to separate from one another. Dr David Reynolds, Chief Scientific Officer at Alzheimer’s Research UK, the UK’s leading dementia research charity, said: “This comprehensive report further underlines the potential impact of action to reduce dementia risk, and the importance of public health policies aimed at helping people reduce their risk of the condition. Prevention strategies must be underpinned by robust evidence and while our understanding of dementia risk is growing, there is still much we need to know about the different risk factors for dementia. Further research is vital to help pinpoint the most effective strategies for reducing dementia risk, which is why Alzheimer’s Research UK is investing at least £2m in our Prevention and Risk Reduction Fund. “Research into the links between hearing loss and dementia is at an early stage and this review points to a need for further studies to establish the reasons behind this link. It’s not yet clear from the available evidence whether treating hearing loss could help reduce the risk of dementia, and it will be important to see this explored in future research. “The report recommends more vigorous treatment of high blood pressure, and we would welcome moves to ensure all those who could benefit from blood pressure medication do so. We know that many people who are prescribed these medicines have difficulty sticking with their treatments, and it could be important to examine how these challenges might be addressed. A healthy lifestyle is also important for keeping blood pressure under control, and strategies to help people adopt and stick to healthy habits must form part of our efforts to reduce dementia risk. “While this report rightly highlights measures we can take to reduce our risk of dementia, it also serves as a reminder that even if every risk factor identified here could be eliminated, we do not yet have a sure-fire way to prevent dementia. Alongside prevention research, we must continue to invest in research to find a life-changing treatment for people with this devastating condition.”
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Back to School for Residents and Customers At Belong Crewe reSidentS And customers at Belong crewe care village rolled back the decades to find themselves in a classroom setting, taking part in a very special science lesson. the session was organised with the local Oaks Academy High School, which sent along pupils from years 7 and 8, accompanied by their science teacher, mr Ash Scott, and their english teacher, claire Hall. Belong residents and visitors were invited to take part in a number of science experiments, including building and launching rockets, measuring lung capacity and understanding buoyancy. Residents and Oaks Academy pupils gathered in groups to carry out
the experiments under the watchful eye of Mr. Scott, and recorded their observations and results. The grand finale involved the groups making a paper rocket and seeing whose travelled furthest when launched. Mr Scott explained what effect fins and wings had on the distance the rockets travelled. Sharon Bull, experience coordinator at Belong Crewe, said: “Everyone really enjoyed the event and it generated much discussion about science – one man, who used to be a Senior Scientific Officer at the Met Office, got very involved. The classroom scenario also prompted much laughter and jokes about ‘going back to school’. Given its success, we’re planning to hold more events like this to take place in the future.”
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Anchor Reveals Brits Are Confused and Stressful Experiences Equivalent To Worried Over Social Costs and Funding ‘More Than 4 Years Cognitive Ageing’ new reSeArcH from Anchor – england’s largest not-for-profit care and housing provider for older people – has revealed widespread confusion around the cost of social care with the majority of people wanting stronger State support. Following the recent public spotlight on social care and the debate around a so-called ‘dementia tax’, Anchor has anticipated the government’s planned consultation to gauge public opinion on social care. The research shows the need for the government to transform its rhetoric into clear policies that address the social care crisis and allow the UK’s ageing population and younger generations to plan for their futures. Our ageing population is unprepared for older age and worried about the future • Only 14% are currently saving for their care needs in later life. This is 22% less than how many were saving for care when Anchor asked in 2015 • 72% worry they will not be able to pay for the cost of their own care, with 76% of 16-34 year olds thinking the same • Two thirds (68%) worry they will not be able to afford decent care for their relatives; this jumps to 82% when asking 16-34 year olds • 22% wrongly believe that the state pays entirely for your
care needs in later life, with this figure increasing to 33% for those age 16-34 The public want state funding for care and would like the government to introduce a social care cap, as recommended by the Dilnot Commission on future funding of care and support in England • 70% believe there should be a cap on social care costs • Almost half (47%) believe that social care, including dementia care, should always be paid for by the state The UK is grossly underestimating the cost of staying in a care home, with a fifth thinking it is entirely statefunded • More than half (52%) believe average social care costs are under £30,000 a year (in reality it’s £31,200 – £36,008) • 29% believe average costs are just £20,000 a year Jane Ashcroft, Chief Executive of Anchor, said: “These statistics demonstrate successive governments have glossed over the social care crisis for too long. The failures of government to commit to a plan that meets the needs of our ageing population and future generations are now felt by all – by those let down by the health and social care sectors and those left ill-prepared and worried about funding their future and that of loved ones. “Since the election, the government has been quiet on social care but it’s paramount that its reform does not get lost among the long list of priorities.”
Fundraiser Florence Waves Farewell to The RNLI On Her 100th Birthday AdmirABle FUndrAiSer Florence candlish bowed out of 78 years fundraising for the rnli – on her 100th birthday. Florence, a resident at Colten Care’s Braemar Lodge care home in Salisbury, started volunteering for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution in Birmingham in 1939. An accomplished catering specialist, she travelled the country during her career, setting up industrial kitchens. But she always managed to find time for the RNLI. After moving to London and having two sons, Florence helped collect on Flag Days for the Kensington branch of the charity. And when she moved to Salisbury in 1967 she soon joined the city’s own RNLI branch, occupying all of its elected posts, including Chairman and Treasurer, at some point. Florence was born in Southsea in Hampshire on June 28, 1917, and her father Walter Hiscox was in the Royal Navy based in Portsmouth. However her devotion to the RNLI did not stem from her own love of the sea. On the contrary, she is not keen on boats, nor the sea, because she can’t swim.
One of her two sons, Graham Candlish, 69, said: “Since joining the Salisbury Branch in 1969, mother has been a dedicated and enthusiastic member of the committee and she only gave up standing outside supermarkets with a boat shaped collecting tin a few years ago.” Widowed herself for 53 years, Florence still deals with the all correspondence involving In Memoriam donations, i.e writing to relatives and undertakers. Her other son Raymond, 73, said: “Mother’s contribution has helped to raise the profile of the local RNLI substantially and has also won her many plaudits. “In 2012 the RNLI made her an Honorary Life Governor, in recognition of her long and outstanding service. The highest RNLI award given to a volunteer. “She was also presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by The Wessex Charity Awards that same year.” Florence however, is very modest about her accomplishments, including her milestone 100th birthday, which she celebrated quietly with her family and later with cake and sherry, with her fellow residents at Braemar Lodge. She said: “I’ve just lived a day at a time and supported a very worthwhile charity.”
reSeArcHerS At the Alzheimer’s Association international conference 2017 in london have highlighted the impact stressful life events can have on brain function. The study is one of a range of US studies highlighting racial disparities in dementia, with African Americans exhibiting higher rates of dementia than Latinos, Whites and Asian Americans. Studies presented at the conference explored factors that could contribute to these difference in risk, highlighting place of birth, early life conditions, stressful events and living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods among possible contributing factors. A team from Wisconsin in the US focused on the impact of stressful events on brain health. They collected data from 1,320 people with an average age of 58, who provided information about their lifetime stressful experiences and took part in tests of memory and thinking. They found that experiencing more stressful events was associated with a worse performance in memory and thinking tests and that this effect was most apparent in African Americans. Each reported experience appeared to equate to around four years of cognitive ageing, with African Americans reporting more stressful experiences in their lifetime. Dr Carol Routledge, Director of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Our brains are incredibly intricate organs that show enormous resilience to keep us ticking every day. Stressful life events can turn our lives upside down for a
time and though most people can eventually return to an even keel, we can’t be sure how psychological stress could impact the workings of the brain over time. This study showed a link between lifetime stress and worse performance on memory and thinking tests, but there could be a number of different factors underlying this relationship and the long-term impact wasn’t explored. However, there is a growing realisation that events and experiences throughout life can impact the brain decades later and researchers must take a whole life-span approach to understanding brain health in later life.” “Previous US research has pointed to differences in rates of dementia between different ethnic groups. While this study didn’t look at whether people went on to develop dementia, the researchers found that African Americans experienced a disproportionately high number of stressful life events, which could contribute to racial differences in later life cognition. It’s less clear whether a similar pattern of racial difference exists in the UK, and further investment in research is the only way to build a clearer picture. Alzheimer’s Research UK is working with government and other charities to build the evidence base around the impact of dementia in Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities to take steps towards reducing health inequalities across society. Understanding differences in risk and awareness of dementia among different ethnic groups in the UK is vitally important, to ensure tailored information and support can be provided to everyone affected by the condition.”
Fiona Phillips Helps Celebrate Launch of New Hallmark Care Home televiSiOn PreSenter Fiona Phillips was the guest of honour this week at the opening of a new £11m Hallmark care home in royal tunbridge wells. Fiona, who is also an Ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society cut the ribbon in front of 100 interested guests as part of Chamberlain Court Care Home’s official grand launch event. As part of the 72 bed residential and dementia care home’s special event, guests were invited to view the home’s state of the art facilities, which includes a £50,000 cinema, hairdressers, barbers, therapy room and café. Other design innovations at the home include; a walk in and musical therapy bath, a celebrations room which can be reserved for functions, an outdoor activity room and an aviary. The afternoon event which was attended by local businesses and care professionals alike was culminated by speeches, a ribbon cutting ceremony and buffet lunch in the homes unique celebrations restaurant on the third floor of the home with an adjoining terrace. Speaking at the launch, Fiona
described the new home as “one big community where care and passion runs throughout. “It is a joyous place already! The workers are wonderful and it is amazing to see such passion and enthusiasm for good care. It’s like a lovely hotel but the workers make it a home! “It is a community already and it is important to acknowledge the impact and importance of that, especially when it comes to the care of older people who can often feel isolated.” Hallmark Care Homes managing director, Avnish Goyal said: “I am delighted that Chamberlain Court Care Home in Royal Tunbridge Wells is now officially open and welcome all of our new team into the Hallmark care home family. “I am proud of everyone who has been involved in the building and opening of the care home, including Goldfinch Developments and the team involved in the grand launch. “We are looking forward to making Chamberlain Court a part of the community providing outstanding care for residents in the future, enabling them to live life to the full.”
On-site dental clinics – a positive approach to meeting oral health needs in residential care When did your residents last see the dentist? Most NHS dentists are no longer funded for home visits and CQC regulation means that few practices are geared to offer treatments outside the surgery. Whether residents receive dental care often depends on them having relatives nearby or on the home providing transport and staff to escort them. Our solution The Mobile Dentist Company* has pioneered the delivery of private dental clinics to residential care homes by fully qualified dental teams with portable equipment and digital x-ray. Our on-site dental clinics offer examinations and a range of dental treatments which can be safely given in the home environment – clinics take place quarterly, monthly or fortnightly, based on the number of registered beds. NICE Guidance on Oral Health for Adults in Care Homes (July 2016) is due to be followed by a NICE
Quality Standard requiring homes to assess and record mouth care needs and assist with cleaning teeth and dentures where necessary. Homes will need support from dental professionals who understand the needs of this patient group and the challenges faced by care staff. What does it cost? We charge a monthly fee which the home can choose to pass on to residents or absorb – contact us for a bespoke quote.
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Are Care Homes Breaking Consumer Law? tHe cOmPetitiOn and markets Authority (cmA) has recently published its initial findings following a review of the care homes market. As a result of the initial findings, the cmA has launched a separate enquiry into the possibility that care homes are breaking consumer legislation by, for example, charging large upfront fees or requiring payment of fees after a resident’s death. consumer legislation Applicable to care Homes The Consumer Rights Act 2015 (the ‘Act’) applies to all businesses that provide goods or services to consumers. Care homes provide care services to consumers so are caught by the Act. Under the Act, all services supplied to consumers should be: • Carried out with reasonable care and skill; • Completed for a reasonable price (if no price is specified); • Completed within a reasonable time (if no timescale is provided); and • Completed in accordance with any information said or conveyed in writing to the individual which is relied upon (this will include quotations, assurances and any other information provided before going into the care home). The Act also includes rules on unfair terms in consumer contracts. A term of a contract for care services may be unfair if it causes a significant imbalance between the rights and obligations of the care home and the resident. Given the
vulnerability of many care home residents, care homes should be especially careful to ensure the terms of their contracts are fair. A care contract could be unfair if, for example: • It charges disproportionately high termination fees for cancellation or it requires residents to give an excessively long period of notice of termination. • The contract price and/or the services being provided for the price are not “transparent and prominent” (for example, they are hidden away in small print) and the fees payable are not clear. One of the findings of the CMA is that some care homes have been charging large upfront fees without making it clear what these fees apply to. • It allows the care home to decide the price payable after the resident has already become bound to the contract. There are allegations that care homes often have the ability to increase fees without providing an explanation or breakdown of the increased fees to the resident. In general, contracts with consumers must always be very clear, avoiding legal language and in a readable size font. considerations for care Homes In light of the CMA’s investigation, care homes would be well advised to review their standard contracts with residents and consider (as a starting point): • Is the information given to prospective residents and their families clear in relation to the service provided and all the associated costs?
Delivering Exemplary Patient And Resident Care: Integration In Practice At Care & Dementia Show 2017 AS cAre & dementia Show 2017 fast approaches (10th – 11th October 2017, nec Birmingham), the carer unveils some top reasons to attend this year. Organiser UBm confirms a significant investment injection this year into dementia care and supporting care professionals on their journey towards a truly integrated care system in the UK. A first ever partnership with NHS England brings integrated care to the fore in 2017 with the launch of Care Show’s Integrated Care Zone. This education theatre will host a packed programme of case study presentations delivered by some of the industry’s most respected thought leaders. With names soon to be announced, speakers from across the NHS will demonstrate first-hand, how successful collaboration can be achieved between the NHS and social care providers. “This new partnership will provide free access to high-quality learning for care professionals at a time when the industry is dealing with ever tightening training and CPD budgets”, says Care Show Brand Director, Rebecca Pearce. “By condensing opportunities to learn, network and explore the latest market innovations over just two days, in one location, Care Show is an efficient way to stay up-to-date and further improve the lives of those living in the care system” she adds. Thousands of new products and services will go on display this year, providing an immersive experience for visitors to touch, play and learn about some of the latest innovations on the market. Visitors can meet with over 250 suppliers including headline sponsor NH Group which will be showcasing its enhanced service offering. Top brands to visit include DeVilbiss Healthcare
(previously Sihil), everyLIFE Technologies, Shackletons, OSKA, FH Care, Teal Living, JLA, Renray Healtcare, apetito and Access UK. As care homes currently house almost half of the UK’s dementia population*, managers, directors and owners can experience first-hand what it is like to live with the condition on a daily basis with The Virtual Dementia Tour®. helps you to understand what people with dementia experience every day. Scary, isolating, confusing and emotional, this fantastic experience must not be missed and will truly change the lives of people with this disease. Visitors should also attend the Dementia in Care theatre. Chaired by Professor June Andrews OBE, speakers will share the latest advice to help care homes tackle dementia in business and services. Topics include how to deal with challenging behaviour, different ways care homes should prepare for dealing with a more needs based audience. Introduced for the first time to help care professionals pre-plan for the show, Care Connect is a fully supported one-to-one meeting program where registered visitors and exhibitors can arrange meetings ahead of the event using an online portal. Meetings can then be held either in the catered Care Connect Meeting Lounge with a team of hosts on hand to ensure all meetings run smoothly or on an exhibitor's stand. To attend Care Show 2017 and access the latest Integrated Care Zone updates, please visit: Keep up-to-date on the latest industry and event updates by following Care Show on Twitter (@CareShow), joining discussion using the official event hashtag #CareShow. You can also connect with us on Facebook ( and LinkedIn in the ‘Care Show Discussion Space’.
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• Is the same information that is provided to prospective residents contained within the final contract with residents? • Is the standard contract used with residents in plain English, avoiding legal terminology? • Are the terms of the contract fair, for example, is there sufficient notice of fee increases and justified reasons for doing so? How long is the notice period if the resident wishes to leave the home and is any termination fee justified? • When fee increases are announced, is the resident given enough information to justify the fee increase? • Is there an established complaints procedure which is clear and accessible to care home residents and their families? If you a care home operator and would like advice in relation to your contracts with residents, please get in touch with the author. Samantha Woolley is a solicitor with Wright Hassall LLP. She provides commercial legal advice to businesses across a range of sectors, including health and social care.
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Is Technology the Key to Relieving Staff Stress? JAri eKBlAd, cOO at marielectronics Oy, considers how the use of technology can be a costeffective solution in relieving the stress burden on care home staff, while crucially avoiding any compromise to patient care. The pressures on nursing staff in residential care are intense. Stress is commonplace in a working environment that is becoming more complex and challenging. The well-documented financial crisis in the sector has seen a struggle with decreasing budgets, and in some cases the identification of a decline in delivering the appropriate standards of care. These factors are having an impact in terms of falling staff morale, increased sickness, absence from work and the associated problem for management of staff retention. Stress creates a non-virtuous circle: shortstaffing - for whatever reason - increases stress, which can then result in more staff leaving their position. Dementia rates are increasing exponentially with the ageing population in the UK. Staff are becoming stretched in their day-to-day duties in response to the significant behavioural challenges that are arising as a result. Low staffing levels are struggling to respond to increasing care needs with decreasing ratios of qualified staff to overall patient numbers. Care staff are at the front line. One third of people with dementia live in residential care; while approximately two thirds of care home residents are currently estimated to have dementia. The elderly are often admitted to residential homes in the later stages of dementia, when care at home becomes too challenging. Associated symptoms of cognitive impairment and loss of balance have serious implications in terms of falls, and in particular for hip fractures. A survey of care homes in England states that a significant percentage of staff cite that financial pressures have led to homes accepting residents with complex care needs that do not fit within their official category of registration. Dementia’s progressive nature means patient’s exhibit high-risk behaviours which are unpredictable. Each individual will experience and display their symptoms differently. This increases the burden on staff and makes it crucial for those
responsible in caring for them to be able to track the unique daily rhythm of dementia and also detect a fall as soon as it happens. Patients can experience restlessness, especially at night, when their Circadian rhythms are impaired. These regular 24-hour sleep/wake patterns deteriorate with ageing and disruption affects as many as a quarter of dementia patients at some stage. They may pace or wander, increasing the likelihood of injury. In addition to restlessness, a range of disruptive symptoms and behaviours can occur, including: shouting and screaming, walking, sleep disturbance and night-time waking, hiding, hoarding and losing things, accusing, trailing and checking and losing inhibitions; increasing the physical and psychological burden for caregivers. There are a range of technologies available which help to balance the demands on staff within budget constraints, allowing for the prioritising of tasks in patient care in a manner that is both efficient and non-invasive. Certain technologies such as smart detection systems allows for the remote tracking of the movements of residents without compromising the quality of care. Smart detection can help save lives by detecting a patient’s fall as and when it happens. An all-round system can eliminate or reduce most major daily risks. Staff can also be alerted to the repercussions of a broad range of symptoms and behaviours, thereby reducing routine checks. They will be able to learn more about their patients and adapt their care strategies accordingly. Whether patients are sleeping, or eating; going outside their room, or making a trip to the toilet, staff can receive alarms and build up data to evaluate significant changes in behaviour and establish patterns for future reference. The use of smart detection technologies can reduce injuries and improve the provision of proactive care through faster reaction. Staff will be far more effective in planning their tasks based on each individual resident’s symptoms and needs. It enables staff to target their attention on the things that are most important to each resident, saving both time and resources. The unique and growing challenges of dementia are combining with the effects of limited budgets to deliver an increasingly stressful environment in residential care. Smart solutions that are proactive, economic to implement, and which successfully deliver safety and security for all concerned are key to staff retention and the levels of care that all in the sector aspire to provide.
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Adult Social Care Workforce Continues to Grow new AnAlySiS from Skills for care shows the adult social care workforce continues to grow with 1.45 million people now offering care and support in communities and services across england. Skills for Care’s ‘Size and structure of the adult social care sector and workforce in England 2017’ report reveals that workforce numbers have grown by 19% to approximately 1.58 million job roles since 2009. The rate of increase for adult social care jobs has slowed however. There was an increase of 30,000 jobs between 2014 and 2016 compared with an increase of 70,000 between 2012 and 2014. There are now around 20,300 organisations involved in offering social care across England and around 70,000 adults, older people and carers who receive direct payments employ their own staff. The report contains a new projection that if the workforce grows pro-
portionally to the projected number of people aged 65 and over in the population then 500,000 new jobs will be needed by 2030 to meet demand. Skills for Care CEO Sharon Allen said: “This report is now firmly established as the gold standard for workforce data on the existing workforce and is also projecting significant potential growth to meet demand over the coming years. “This report allows everyone in adult social care and health services to make decisions about how to meet growing demand in our communities based on hard data not anecdotal evidence. Given we know that we will need to find, train and retain many more people over the next 15 years it shows that this is the time for all of us to focus on how we can do that.” To download the ‘Size and structure of the adult social care sector and workforce in England 2017’ report go to
Summer Fayre Success for Halton View Care Home diSney and nickelodeon cartoon characters made a special appearance at a widnes care home summer fayre. The family friendly event was also attended by Halton’s Mayor Councillor Alan Lowe, alongside residents, staff, friends and family of Halton View Care Home. A soft play area, glitter tattoos, seaside games such as splat the staff, a BBQ and stalls all attracted a top turnout for the beach-themed fayre. Marshall the dog from Nickelodeon’s Paw Patrol and Disney’s Minnie Mouse kept the children entertained while parents, residents and staff enjoyed the sunny
Nelson Care Home ‘Celebrates A Life’ With Memorial Event lOved OneS gathered recently to be together and remember their loved ones who had passed away. Andrew Smith House have created a memorial garden to give relatives and friends the opportunity to return to the Home and remember and reflect on their loved one. The designated garden is situated at the side of the Home, and is a peaceful and tranquil area to come to. The special annual Memorial Event commenced with Jayms Bell, Manager of the Home welcoming each person back to Andrew Smith House. Each loved ones name who had passed away, was read out by Jayms and a Bible reading, blessings and prayers followed by Father Chris. The service concluded with Jayms reading a reflective poem called …’A Life Well Lived.’ Finally each person placed a single rose near to their loves one’s name plaque, on the main north area of the garden. The name plaques had been carefully and wonderfully engraved by Alan Woods. Following the beautiful service of remembrance the group enjoyed each other’s company with fellowship, afternoon tea and refreshments. Each person was also given a special rose in memory of their loved one, as they returned home.
weather. The annual event raises funds for day trips throughout the year for the home’s residents. Amanda Kelly, home manager at Halton View Care Home, on Sadler Street, said: “We had a fantastic turnout for this year’s summer fayre. “I can’t thank everyone enough for coming along and donating to the residents’ fund. A special thankyou goes to Mayor Councillor Alan Lowe for showing his support. “We’d also like to thank AJ1 marquee for donating the table and chairs for the event.”
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We’re Here to Help on Social Care Crisis SOCIAL CARE providers have offered their help and advice to the Government to solve the crisis in caring for our oldest and most vulnerable people. The Independent Care Group says it welcomes the Government’s call for cross-party action to tackle the big issues like social care, Brexit and terrorism. Chair Mike Padgham has written to the Prime Minister and to Parliamentary Under-secretary of State Jackie DoylePrice, inviting them to visit the front line of social care and to learn about the issues and possible solutions. He said: “It is very heartening to hear the Government say it is willing to listen to other views going forward. Other political parties had solutions for the social care crisis in their manifestos and care providers have solutions to offer too. “It is vital that the Government gets a real understanding of the issues facing social care and listens to solutions that include, but also go far beyond, improving funding.” Amongst other things, Mr Padgham wants to see a root and branch overhaul of the way social care is planned and funded to include the merging of NHS health care and social care into a National Care and Health Service, with its own Secretary of State, at Cabinet level. He says the sector needs greater funding – possibly through taxation and/or NI contributions and a commitment to ensure a fixed percentage of GDP is spent on social care. He also wants to see dementia regarded as a health issue, a cap on social care costs, including ‘hotel’ charges, a national minimum rate for care fees, a minimum wage for social care workers, above the National Living Wage and
incentives for providers to invest in the future, like being zero-rated for VAT so that they can claim it back, as other business sectors do. His call for change follows last week’s publication of a Care Quality Commission report criticising standards amongst some care providers. Mr Padgham added: “It is worth remembering that the majority of care providers are delivering good or outstanding care. This report will again damage confidence in social care and harm morale within an already fragile sector. But we also have to hope that it persuades the Government that the crisis in social care must be addressed now and not months and months down the line through another Green Paper, by which time it will be too late. “Council spending on social care has fallen by £5bn since 2010 and overall spending on services has dropped by a fifth, with a £2bn shortfall predicted. “Some 1.2m people are now going without the care they need and the number of people needing care is going to rocket by around 1.5m in the coming decade. “With councils cutting what they pay providers to commission social care it is inevitable that standards will fall. Care homes are closing and homecare providers are handing back contracts because it is no longer viable to keep providing services for the care fees that are being paid. “One of the biggest failings reported was staff shortages. This is inevitable as it is impossible to recruit and retain good carers during the current economic climate and we are all facing a national crisis in recruiting nursing staff which is affecting both NHS and social care and needs to be addressed.”
Care Assistant Calls on Young Men in Surrey to Consider A Career In Care A CARE assistant from an Anchor care home in Woking is leading a campaign to encourage young men in Surrey to consider a career in care. Having left college at 17, Jarred Stansfield, from Maybury, flitted between different jobs for two years before finding the job he says has helped him find direction in life – a carer at Anchor’s Heathside care home in Coley Avenue. Jarred, now aged 20, has made such a difference to the lives of the older residents in the six months he’s been a carer that he has been chosen to spearhead the campaign in Surrey to address the chronic shortage of carers across the sector. Anchor, which runs Heathside, commissioned a survey which found that by 2025 there will be a shortfall of one million carers across the country needed to look after Britain’s ageing population. Jarred’s campaign, which also covers care homes in East Horsley, Staines and Thames Ditton, follows the General Election during which social care funding became one of the major battlegrounds. Jarred said: “My other jobs had no meaning to them and I wasn’t helping anyone. Care is completely different.
Unlike other jobs, I don’t dread going into work. “The pay is better than the other jobs I’ve done and although there are easier jobs, the level of satisfaction I get every day makes up for the challenges you sometimes face. “Many young people think care is a woman’s job but that couldn’t be further from the truth. As people are living longer, more men are going into care so many of them prefer to be looked after by a male carer. “Society used to think nurses were just women and that has changed. I hope this campaign will open young men’s eyes to the great opportunities care has as a career.” He said: “I didn’t know much about dementia and I was worried about how I could help someone with this condition but the training has helped me understand it and how it affects people in different ways. The training has given me the confidence to support residents with dementia so they have a good quality of life. “In fact, an example of how I’ve made a difference to an older person’s life concerns a resident with advanced dementia who can’t communicate that well but has still retained her sense of humour. Her family told my manager I was the only carer she has ever bonded with me because I spend a lot of time talking and laughing with her even though she can’t speak.”
Calls To Replace 'Complex and Confused Social Care Test' with Fairer Approach tHe gOvernment’S confused and complex method of means testing for social care should be replaced by a fairer and simplified approach, according to a new study from cass Business School. Using the Cass approach a person’s savings, other assets and income would be treated on an equivalent basis. Capital limits would also be scrapped and there would be no need for a cap on care costs – as mooted in the recent Conservative election manifesto. The new approach suggests financially rewarding people for saving towards their care. Ideas to do this include new accredited savings vehicles and the introduction of ‘care saving accounts’ which could help to bring new money into the system. This would be in the knowledge that savings or additional income would not be used as an excuse for reducing state support as is presently the case and that there would be rewards for people who do save. With the number of UK citizens aged over 75 doubling to 10 million by 2040 and with 1.3 million people already receiving social care services in England alone, the demand for long term care is expected to increase significantly in coming decades. Currently responsibility for providing care is split between the individual and the state with the state acting as a provider of last resort. Eligibility under the present system support depends on one’s assets and income. The problem is that this support is withdrawn on a pound for pound basis as income increases and secondly assets are treated differently which can create perverse behaviours. The preferred system proposed by Cass aims to: • Create a means test that can be used both for domiciliary and institutional care with equal clarity;
• Make the system fairer and more transparent e.g. by removing ‘cliff edges’ which cause perverse behaviours such as the deliberate disposal of assets; • Treat people with similar personal wealth, but which is split differently in terms of income and assets, equitably and fairly; • Simplify the rules so that anybody could reasonably be expected to undertake their own assessment with minimal financial expertise or by using resources on the internet; • Bring new money into the system, primarily privately from individuals and not from the state, by providing the appropriate incentives to save. Report author Professor Les Mayhew, Professor of Statistics, Cass, said disquiet over proposed Conservative pledges on social care contributed to the Prime Minister’s election difficulties and led to social care policies being skated over in the Queen’s Speech, with only the briefest of mentions of a consultation. “Whilst we welcome this commitment to consult on social care funding, we urge the Government to take action and consider the most recent research and thinking. Our research sets a balance between the responsibility of individuals to provide for their care and that of the State. Our approach offers a new way in which people are not penalised but rewarded for saving and planning ahead.” Baroness Sally Greengross OBE, Chief Executive of the International Longevity Centre – UK (ILC-UK) said: “The ILC-UK welcomes this contribution to the urgent and ongoing debate around how to support our pressurised adult social care sector, so that it can support our rapidly ageing society. At a time the Care Quality Commission has described as a ‘tipping point’ for the social care sector, the suggestions contained in this report make an important contribution to a debate that can no longer be postponed.”
A Chance to Shine in The Accolades Awards AdUlt SOciAl care employers will have the chance to shine as nominations open for the annual Skills for care Accolades celebrating outstanding service provision. Every one of England’s 19,300 social care organisations can enter the Skills for Care’s 2018 Accolades online and is a chance to them to showcase what makes their hard working teams the best. The Accolades were created by Skills for Care to recognise excellence and innovation offered by adult social care providers in our communities where 1.43 million workers offer care and support to millions of people. Skills for Care CEO Sharon Allen said: “Our job is to support the learning and development needs of the adult social workforce and the Accolades are a chance for employers to show off all the great things that happen when you invest in your staff. “Adult social care needs to shout from the rooftops about how good local services, so this is their chance to shine, and have a much deserved turn in the spotlight.
I’ve seen for myself how it much it means for all our Accolades finalists to have national recognition for their teams.” The 2018 awards categories are: • Best employer of under 50 staff • Best employer of between 51 and 249 staff • Best employer of over 250 staff • Best individual who employs their own care and support staff • Best employer support for your registered manager(s) • Best social care apprentice employer • Best recruitment initiative • Most effective approach to leadership and management • Most effective approach to integrated new models of care • Best endorsed provider of learning and development The Accolades are open to organisations of all sizes and individual employers. For the first time this year all entries will be online at The closing date is Thursday 21 September 2017 and the winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in London in March 2018.
NACC Training & Development Forum 2017 – A Time for Learning, Debate and Celebration tHe nAtiOnAl Association of care catering (nAcc) training & development Forum 2017 on 46 October at the east midlands conference centre, nottingham, will bring the nAcc’s 30th anniversary celebrations to a grand crescendo with an engaging programme, excellent networking and entertainment, and a special cake competition. The tailored two-day training event will address the latest developments and innovations in care catering, tackle the current challenges, and update and inspire delegates with new guidance, ideas and best practice. The meticulously-planned programme features a relevant mix of expert speakers, culinary demonstrations, practical workshops, one-to-one supplier meetings and supplier exhibition. The forum will also connect care professionals through the frequent networking and entertainment opportunities – including a ‘star-studded’ opening evening that celebrates the 1980s, the decade that launched the NACC. This year’s speakers and performers will deliver fresh perspectives and food for thought. ‘Don’t leave me now’, a play inspired by two real-life stories and boasting over 120 UK performances to date, will explore the impact of early onset dementia with humour and compassion; Sarah Wren, the award-winning chief executive of Hertfordshire Independent Living Services (HILS) will present ‘Upset the apple cart – or crumble’ and consider disruptive innovation in health and social care; and motivational speaker, Niger Risner, will share the importance of the IMPACT code. Practical guidance and insight to help enhance services will be gained through topical workshops. Subjects being addressed include How to provide good nutritional care and comply with CQC’s fundamental standards, courtesy of Sue Hawkins and Ros Speight, and Undernutrition, ‘MUST’ screening and complying with CQC regulations, by Alison Smith, prescribing support dietitian, NHS and chair of the BDA Older People’s Group. A series of culinary demonstrations will inspire delegates with new recipes and techniques tailored for the
needs of elderly and vulnerable service users. To celebrate the NACC’s 30th anniversary, a special cake competition has been launched. Open to novices and masters alike, entrants are challenged to create an original single-tier celebration cake* to commemorate the association’s milestone. Paper entries must be received by Friday 4 August 2017. All shortlisted designs will be viewed, tasted and judged at the NACC Training & Development Forum on Thursday 5 October, with all finalists receiving a free day delegate place at the forum, worth £240. Gold, silver, bronze and highly commended awards and prizes** will be presented and the winning cakes will be included in the afternoon tea served at the event. The NACC Training & Development Forum is home to the prestigious NACC Awards 2017. On the evening of Thursday 5 October at a spectacular gala dinner, dedication, innovation and exceptional service will be recognised and celebrated, together with the association’s 30th anniversary. The coveted titles to be won include: Care Establishment of the Year; Meals on Wheels Award; Catering Team of the Year; Catering Manager of the Year; Our Care Catering Hero; Region of the Year; Pam Rhodes Outstanding Achievement Award; and National Chairman’s Award. Neel Radia, national chair of the NACC, said: “The NACC Training & Development Forum is always a highlight of the association’s and care catering sector’s calendar. This year, our 30th anniversary year, it’s more special than ever and a real cause for celebration, as well as continued learning and debate. “The NACC Training & Development Forum is going to be an incredible event and a great climax to our 30th anniversary celebrations. We have an excellent programme in store and I very much look forward to this opportunity of learning, debating and celebrating with colleagues and friends, old and new.” For further information and to book a delegate place at the NACC Training & Development Forum 2017 visit
Pro-Cal Powder®: A Food First Approach it HAS been reported that 25-34% of hospital admissions are at risk of malnutrition and 30-42% of patients who are admitted to care homes are at risk of malnutrition (BAPen, 2017). Studies have shown that increasing the energy density of meals through food fortification can increase an individual’s calorie intake by up to 30% (Odlunds, et al. 2003). Pro-Cal powder® is a powdered, neutral tasting food fortifier which mixes easily into a wide range of food and drinks. It is a unique blend of protein, fat and carbohydrate designed to specifically enhance the macronutrient content of every day foods. It provides 100kcals and 2g of protein per 15g sachet or scoop. The fact it is neutral in flavour means it doesn’t affect the taste of foods so patients can eat the normal foods they enjoy without it causing a taste change. This may help aid compliance when
it comes to food fortification by helping to ensure that patients achieve a higher energy and protein intake without a noticeable difference to their daily intake. Pro-Cal powder is especially useful for fluid restricted patients or those who cannot tolerate large volumes because it can be incorporated into many food and drinks without affecting the volume. Pro-Cal powder comes in a variety of pack sizes to suit both acute and community settings, including catering tubs that are ideal for care homes or hospital kitchens. It is extremely easy to use, therefore is convenient and manageable for both patients, carers, and catering staff. Pro-Cal powder is a food for special medical purposes and must be used under medical supervision. If you would like to request a sample or learn more about the product, please contact your local Vitaflo Representative or call our Head Office on 0151 709 9020 or see the advert on the facing page.
VSRW designs cut gas consumption and minimise the risk of legionella at The Old Palace Lodge. When The Old Palace Lodge experienced problems with their aged boilers and hot water plant, VSRW were asked to carry out a feasibility study, with a view to maintaining the existing plant, whilst having new boilers and hot water plant installed, so as not to disrupt the business’s operations.
This was doubly important, as the new heating and hot water plant, would have to feed the proposed 18 bedroom extension.
As this required a significant investment from the owner of The Old Palace Lodge, VSRW accepted a deal that they would only receive 2/3 of their fee at tender stage and, the remaining 1/3 when the gas savings were realized.
as the previous hot water system was based on tank fed storage calorifiers, the new mains fed hot water generators have helped minimise the risk of legionella.
The new installation has resulted in significant gas and Co2 reductions and,
VSRW Ltd 27 Wallingford, Bradville, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK13 7DN
VSRW proposed that one of the existing bedrooms was converted into a new plantroom to house 2No. condensing boilers and 2No. anti-legionella “loading” hot water generators.
Business owner Martyn Murphy said, "It’s amazing that the heating and hot water are better than ever, whilst producing positive savings."
Telephone: (01908) 315366 Mobile: 07736 067547
Simple Affordable Solutions Accessible Design In Public Places for Bathing Needs AHm inStAllAtiOnS are specialists in providing bathroom and kitchens that have a unique difference. the firm, based in lincoln and newark, specializes in creating rooms to facilitate independent living... Being able to live independently is a vital part of dignity in later life. That’s why Lincoln and Newark based AHM Installations has spend over 25 years perfecting the design of rooms to facilitate those with mobility problems. The firm’s specialism means that AHM Installations are well-placed to provide advice with unprecedented expertise and product knowledge. But moreover, its team of in-house fitters
AcceSSiBle wASHrOOmS are not known for their aesthetics. to comply with the disability and specialized tradespeople provide a trustworthy discrimination Act (2005), service that facilitate the same peace-of-mind during the function often takes precedesign and installation process as you’ll dence over form. However, experience after the creation of each delABie, the leading new room. european manufacturer for water controls and In addition to complete kitchens and sanitary ware, has launched a range of grab bathrooms, the firm can also provide heating solutions, and can install stairbars and shower seats with design at its core. lifts for mobility over different floors. AHM Installation have more than a few ideas for making life easy, whether you’re looking to configure a kitchen or bathroom. For more information on AHM Installation’s bespoke kitchens and bathrooms, call 01522 500288 or 01636 821443 or see
Wellbeing From The Bottom Up…! More people in Britain suffer from faecal incontinence than suffer from asthma or diabetes!* Any bowel issue is rarely discussed, but it has huge consequences in terms of health, hygiene and wellbeing. New developments in assistive technology are enabling sufferers to deal with at least some of the consequences in a dignified, sanitary way. Clos-o-Mat’s new range of Vita bidet toilets, with their built-in douching and drying, deliver the best performance available. When triggered, the toilet simultaneously flushes and begins the warm water cleaning process, automatically followed by warm air drying. As a result, any soiling is efficiently and consistently washed away, and the user’s bottom is left clean and dry without any need to use manually wipe with toilet tissue. Risk of faeces left in skin contact and potential for skin irritation through excessive rubbing with tissue is removed. The potential for cross contamination through hand:body contact is reduced, even eliminated. Pensioner Eric Greenhalgh sums it up: "I am a new man! I don't know I have a bottom now! I now qualify as a human being, totally in charge of my own rectum. I am gratified beyond belief at the difference it has made," he says. "And my wife has a better quality of life too, as she does-
n't have to wipe me whenever I need the toilet, day or night. She can cope better with caring for me in the day as she now gets a full night's sleep, instead of having to help me toilet in the night.” Adds Dr Ken Townend, who also has bowel issues, “With the Clos-o-Mat, I just press the button and off we go! I get far fewer sore bums, which I used to get all the time even though I used the softest toilet paper or even wipes. And I am confident that I am clean, which didn't happen before." The new-look Clos-o-Mat Vita range now includes options to suit every style and user preference. The brand-leading Palma Vita is the UK’s biggest-selling automatic toilet. The Lima Vita is the wall-hung version, whilst the Lima Lifter brings full height-adjustability. Family-owned Clos-o-Mat is the only wash & dry toilet provider in the country that is British-based, and has been since its foundation over half a century ago. It is also the only company in the sector that has its own team of service engineers. The network covers the whole country, giving a local, personal touch from initial commissioning to annual servicing, or retro-fitting of accessories to ensure the toilet adapts with changing user requirements. Reader enquiries Tel 0161 969 1199 Web
Creating Safe and Inclusive Bathing Facilities with AKW delivering enHAnced resident independence and privacy is a key goal for care homes committed to excellence. However, bathrooms need to be adapted to ensure accident risk is minimised during times of reduced supervision. AKW, a leading provider of wet room solutions, is experienced in working closely with care homes to create safe and inclusive washing spaces in both new build and retrofit installations. Wet rooms are ideal for those with mobility issues and AKW’s Tuff Form (60 stone maximum load) and TriForm wet room formers are so strong that they can accommodate both a user with a wheelchair and a carer if
required. They also bring a contemporary look and feel with a touch of luxury to any bathroom. Safety and style are continued with AKW’s iCare Bluetooth® enabled smart electric shower, which allows for ultimate water and temperature control and enhances the experience of both ambulant users and those with reduced mobility. AKW also advises on the right products to aid both residents and carers: from what full or half height shower screen to install, to which grab rail or shower seat to use and where to put it. In addition, all AKW products are available in a wide range of sizes and finishes. Reader enquiries Tel 01905 823 298 Web
well-being The clean lines of DELABIE’s Be-Line® grab bars and shower seats provide a new aesthetic, replacing the institutional aspect of adapted washrooms. Concealed fixings and an ergonomic design heighten the impression of comfort and provide a necessary level of discretion. The facilities can be used by any user, at any life stage and regardless of their level of independence, promoting a sense of well-being. This makes the shared use of sanitary spaces more agreeable for everyone. Safe Public facilities accommodate all users, so DELABIE tests its grab bars and seats to over 200kg, guaranteeing
stability and safety for all. Made from extruded and injection–moulded aluminium, the Be-line® range is durable and can withstand intensive use. The smooth, homogenous surface is also easy to clean and the lack of joints minimises niches where bacteria proliferate. ergonomic Featuring a flat front face, Be-line® grab bars fit the hand’s natural curve perfectly. The ergonomic design prevents the hand from rotating, providing a comfortable and secure grip. This, combined with a minimal gap between the wall and the bar, reduces the risk of fracture since the hand cannot slip between the wall and the bar. The Be-line® range of grab bars and seats is available in two finishes, white aluminium or metallised anthracite, providing a good visual contrast, yet coordinating well with any style of washroom. Visit
Saniflo 2017 Roadshow Showcases New Products SAniFlO UK, the country’s leading designer and manufacturer of pumps, macerators and shower cubicles, is taking its roadshow on tour again after the success of 2016 – which took in 80 venues in england, wales and ireland – to visit independents and merchants nationwide. From now through the autumn, the Saniflo roadshow will educate industry professionals about the company’s 2017 launch of the new products for domestic and commercial markets, which offer greater accessibility than ever before. the 2017 ‘Saniflo Up’ product launch is Saniflo’s biggest in 30 years. Attendees receive live product demonstrations from a member of the Saniflo Field Service team and they have an opportunity to ask any questions.
This year, the roadshow truck displays two static Kinedo shower cubicle displays – the Eden and the Kinemagic – plus a working display of a Sanicubic 2 Pro and Sanicom 2. These working displays sit on opposite sides of the van and are connected up via pipework in the roof, which runs down to each unit. Static displays include the new Saniflo Up domestic products and the Sanishower +. Ann Boardman, Saniflo UK Customer Services and Marketing Manager, comments: “This is a fantastic opportunity for industry professionals to receive a crash course in our new products and see just how easy they are to understand and fit. It’s our biggest launch in 30 years, and we’ve gone to huge lengths to improve and simplify the technology and we’re sure industry professionals will be delighted with the enhancements to our domestic and commercial ranges.” For further details visit or 020 8842 0033
0207 495 5111
PRODUCTS & SERVICES Adaptawear Men’s Magnetic Shirt! CareZips™ Incontinence Dignity Trousers Adaptawear are pleased to announce that its best-selling Men’s Magnetic Shirt is back in stock in all sizes and colours!
NO MORE BUTTONS - this smart, classic looking men’s shirt incorporates special hidden magnets along the front panel that fasten effortlessly and removes the need to struggle with buttons. Magnetic fastenings may be easier to manage if you have restricted movement or stiffness in your hands or fingers and is perfect for customers who suffer from Arthritis and Parkinson’s. Features: •Hidden magnets that fasten effortlessly
down the front and on the cuffs •False buttons along the front making this shirt look like any other •Front left hand side pocket •Long sleeved with adjustable cuffs •Made from machine washable polycotton •Available in sizes S – XXL in Light Blue or Black Check Please note: Unsuitable for Pacemaker users and suffers of Deep Brain Stimulation. For more information on Adaptawear’s Product Range please visit Carer readers please quote TC141 for 10% discount off your first order.
CareZips™ are a new adaptive trouser garment that preserves dignity of incontinent people and aids carers in delivering better care.
Fitted with unique 3-zip fastening system, the CareZips™ make changing of personal incontinence products more dignified and comfortable for the wearers and easier and faster for the carers. CareZips™ feature 3 strategically positioned zips, 2 of which run from the waist to the knees on both sides of the body and the 3rd zip from inside of one knee all the way up and down to the inside of the other knee. The 3-zip system makes access to the abdomen and crotch during diaper changes fast and easy. There is no need to undress
or pull the CareZips™ down. CareZips™ are unisex and available in 7 sizes for good fit. Made in popular colours, CareZips™ fabric is soft and wrinkle resistant with stretch for extra comfort. Washable and non-iron, the CareZips™ are perfect for wearing every day. When worn over hip protectors for incontinent people (i.e. HipSaver QuickChange, HipSaver OpenBottom, HipSaver EasyFit), the CareZips™ improve dignity and comfort and help to prevent fall-related hip fractures. CareZips™ Incontinence Dignity Trousers improve lives of the most vulnerable people and their carers! Contact Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866
Please Get In Touch If You Need High Quality ID Get Multizoned with Consort Claudgen’s MRX1 Controller Cards Or Name Badges From Just £1.50. PLEASE SEE what our customers say about us; “The quick turnaround and quality that Chris and his Team produce time and time again is simply superb nothing is too much trouble. I 100% recommend QIDC to anyone looking for quality id badges.” (Simon Walton (Field Manager – Channel Assist) “So pleased we chose QIDC to produce our ID cards, each order is high quality, budget-friendly and super speedy.”(Lizzy Jewel - Marketing, Communications and Events Officer - Safer London)
“Great service, fast, efficient, quality products but inexpensive – win, win all round” (Lea Roberts - Commerce and Finance Director - BCAS Biomed) “QIDC have served us very well for many months now. They always deliver promptly a high quality lD Card for our Charity volunteers. Communication is excellent and the service second to none" (Denise Randall - Chairman – The Edward Foundation) Visit or see the advert on page 3 for further details.
NEW Confitex Washable Briefs Added To Incontinence UK! Incontinence UK has recently added the Confitex range of Washable Incontinence Briefs to its range of washable pants. These washable briefs has been designed to look like real, fashionable underwear but have a discreet built in incontinence pad suitable to help with urinary incontinence (light to moderate incontinence). The Confitex washable brief range is available in both men’s and ladies styles with a unique 3 layer technology. Made from stretchable, comfortable fabric with Bamboo fibre – last three times longer than cotton and is kinder to your skin and helps regulate skin temperature to keep you fresh and comfortable. Confitex Ladies Full Incontinence Brief Basic Fashionable full brief style with lace trim around the legs and waist – lower cut on legs and high waist. Available in black in sizes Small –
XXX Large. Absorbency up to 350ml. Confitex Ladies Full Incontinence Brief Lace Fashionable full brief style with stylish lace trim on the pouch while the legs and waist are finished with a crocheted floral design - lower cut on legs and high waist. Available in beige in size X Small – XXX Large. Absorbency up to 200ml. Confitex Men's Basic Incontinence Briefs Fashionable men’s basic brief long boxer short style – sits just below the waist to offer a comfortable fit and with a modern silhouette. Elasticated waist with no fly. Available in black in sizes Small – XXX Large. Absorbency up to 350ml. For more information on the full Incontinence UK’s Product Range including other washable pants please visit Carer readers please quote CARER17 for 10% discount off your first order
Consort Claudgen has launched their latest innovation, the MrX1 Multizone wireless controller, which offers ‘zoning’ of your electric heating system. this central controller can control up to eight heating zones via existing CrX2 controllers which operate multiple Consort rX heaters in the same room or zone. The MRX1 has a large colour LCD touchscreen, is simple to set up and easy to pro-
gramme. A 7-day programme featuring 6 time periods a day can be set separately for each space or duplicated across other areas, if required, saving time. Temperature adjustments for all zones can also be done simultaneously. With extensive heat control options and energy saving features, the MRX1 controller provides great energy and cost saving making it ideal for home or commercial property owners. For more details, email: or tel: 01646 692172.
Care Home Caterers Get Perfect Oven Option Catering equipment supplier, Euro Catering, has taken delivery of the brand new, intuitive Giorik Easyair Combi oven – an oven perfect for use in care home kitchen environments.
The Giorik Easyair Combi is hot-off Giorik’s production line in Northern Italy and is creating waves across Europe, as a medium-duty combi oven that accepts data via a USB port, making it easy to upload recipes. In fact, up to 99 pre-set menus can be stored. As the care home caterer will see, the Easyair brings Giorik combis up to date with continually advancing modern technology. It is also a convenient option for the kitchen, being stackable two-high, using a stacking kit. Available in both gas and electric, it has programmable touchscreen controls and nine phases of cooking are available in each programme. It will give the operator the flexibility of multi-shelf cooking, supported by individual timers, and also offers Delta T cooking, including a core probe as standard. The Easyair has four cooking modes: hot air only; hot air with adjustable humidity
(particularly good for baking); steam only, or combination cooking. When it comes to clean-down, it has the option of an inbuilt automatic wash programme with a choice of three wash cycles – soft, medium or hard. It also facilitates cleaning by having a double-glazed door with inner door opening, radiused inner corners and removable oven racks. With a cook and hold function, LED lighting, and automatic fan rotation from a 3-speed cooking fan - for even cooking and consistent results - it offers all a care home caterer requires. Euro Catering’s sales director, Justin Towns, says: “Care home caterers are going to love this combi oven, which uses technology to help make life much simpler for the kitchen team. It also comes with the peace of mind of a 24-month labour and parts warranty, from a manufacturer with 25 years’ experience, so definitely holds the recipe for success.” More details can be found at and enquiries can be made on 01455 559969 or by emailing
Microwave Ovens - Pat Bray of Regale on How and What to Buy A cOmmerciAl microwave oven is one of the most essential items in a ‘fast food’ commercial or care catering kitchen, unless someone comes up with a quicker method of turning out hot food in seconds, then the commercial microwave oven will be around for many years to come. to demonstrate this, one only hasto see the volume of replacement microwaves sold every year which is “thousands upon thousands”! Currently, as new models are coming on the market they are basically the same as the models that they are replacing! Generally, they only had ‘added’ programmes and facilities (which sometimes are never used). However one feature that Panasonic introduced was to stop using incandescent lamps (which are never covered by the manufacturers warranty) and fit an LED electronic circuit which can be programmed to flash when the cooking has finished instead of (or with) the bleep, so with a bank of microwaves it is easy to see which oven has completed the cooking cycle. The other good reason for this the savings made as the new LED has a three year warranty – so no more expense for lamps! Regale Microwave Ovens also followed suit with the LED idea and when they supply a new microwave oven complete with their Microsave Cavity Liner they change the incandescent lamp(s) to LED free of charge in the heavy duty compact range of Daewoo and Sharp and give them a free 3 year warranty. Microwaves cannot be compared with other cooking methods as generally in the fast food market microwaves are used for re-generation of pre-cooked product. When used as a cooking aid (for example
HotMixPro Gastro tHe mOSt robust industrial strength thermal blender on the market! • Are your patients missing out? • Is your kitchen fully equipped to produce nutritious, delicious Special Diets? Safe -The 2 litre heavy usage mixing bowl sits within a fully insulated stainless steel casing easy to clean - All stainless steel construction and dishwasher proof mixing bowl easy to Use - Operates exactly to programme at a touch of a finger.
melting chocolate, cooking vegetables etc there is no other kitchen equipment that can compare with a microwave for speed, footprint and running costs. If you are wanting to cook items, or reasonably fast regeneration, then look for a branded 1400watt – 1500watt output but if somethings are frozen to be regenerated and you also want quick re-heat then you must go for an 1800watt – 1900watt output to be on the safe side, but once again, as there are very many microwaves that all come out of the same factory with different names on them so always go for the branded names that you know well of. Another fact that would be of help in the longevity of the microwave, help avoid some costly repairs if the ceiling plate burns out or the base plates crack which are not covered by the manufacturers and can cost well over a hundred pounds to have replaced, you should consider making sure that the microwave has a ‘Microsave’ Cavity Protection System pre-fitted which will also save ‘cleaning time’ and avoid ‘down time’ whilst waiting for the engineer to call to replace the ceiling or base plate. There are currently three brands on the market in which the Microsave can be pre-fitted and they are Panasonic (for models NE1843 and NE1853 both 1800watts) the Sharp (for the R22AT 1400watt – R23AM 1900watt and R24AT 1900watt) and the Daewoo (for the KOM9F50 1500watt and KOM9F85 1850watt) all the above will have LED type of lighting when purchased with the Microsave. All are available from the dealer network of Regale Microwave Ovens. For further details see adverts pages 15 & 17 or visit efficient - Speed range from 0 -12,500rpm allows blending, small and large amounts, to just the right texture Financial Benefits - Precise temperature settings between 24°-190° dramatically reduces waste by maximising nutritional values and maintaining appetising flavour and colour of fresh ingredients memory - The integrated SD card can store numerous ‘Special Diet’ recipes HotmixPro Gastro is an essential support for every busy caring or nursing home or hospital kitchen. Invest in the Best? Find out more by contacting us on 01629 705110, email: or visit
Victor Manufacturing Limited FOr mOving, storing, and holding hot and cold foods, UK equipment producer, victor manufacturing can help. With 70 years of manufacturing experience, Victor is able to deliver an extensive range of catering equipment suitable for a wide range of organisations, including hotels, restaurants, hospitals, sporting arenas and educational establishments. The product range includes gas & electric hot cupboards, hot plates, kitchen passes, heated plate dispensers and warmers, counter top servery units, pie heaters,
pasty warmers, heated drawer units, refrigerated salad wells, deli bars & counters, patisserie units, heated tiled, ceramic & glass top carvery counters, bespoke and custom food servery counters, mobile heated and refrigerated servery units as well as a comprehensive range of drop-in gastronorm compatible hot and cold food service modules. The entire range of Victor products are all handled and managed efficiently through the company's comprehensive network of national and local distributors. For further details see the advert on this page.
Fit and Forget - Kingspan Environmental’s New Smart iFOG Management Systems KingSPAn envirOnmentAl, a global leader in the design and manufacture of commercial waste management, has turned its attention and considerable expertise onto the problem of catering food waste with the launch of its new ‘smart’ fat, oil and grease management system. iFOG is an intelligent system for waste removal that uses naturally-occurring micro-organisms to eat the fat, oil and grease (FOG) which builds up in kitchen drains. It can reduce drain unblocking and grease trap emptying costs by up to 75 per cent per annum, lessening the resultant kitchen odours, while also eliminating all health and safety risks associated with chemical or mechanical methods of FOG management. The self-contained unit uses high-performance multi-strain bacteria which are scientifically proven to be highly effective at digesting FOG from a wide range of food-stuffs.
The fully managed “Fit and Forget” system also contains remote-monitoring technology guaranteeing effective, continual treatment 24/7, preventing further build up. “iFOG saves you time and money, and makes for a cleaner, far more pleasant working environment for staff – many of whom, I’m quite sure would be delighted that they don’t have to empty grease traps with the same regularity,” says Mr Anderson. “It’s also an entirely trouble-free way of ensuring your business is compliant with the myriad of environmental regulations around FOG.” iFOG was Highly Commended in the Sustainable Catering Equipment Award category at the recent CESA Awards 2014. IFOG is available on a free hire basis for a minimum 12 month contract. Prices start from £2.60 per day. Learn more about Kingspan’s range of food waste management solutions at
Use Technology - Improve Efficiency POOR EFFICIENCIES in many areas of the sector are caused by the lack of investment in technology. Technology will improve the way your staff carry out tasks by either speed up existing processes or allowing new, more flexible and accurate ways of carrying out a job or process which will in turn allows management and staff more time to care. You wouldn’t expect to check out of a hotel with an invoice and extras raised in Word or Excel so why do many operators still use this method when invoicing? How many industries with shift workers rely on manual payroll processing outside the care sector? Repeatable systems should harness the power of technology to cut back the massive waste of man hours spent processing and checking manual tasks. In order to work out the best technolo-
gy for your needs, you should assess your current systems against your requirements. Think about what inefficiencies exist in your homes and how you could: 1. Capture relevant information, such as resident/staff details, in the most simple, time-efficient way. 2. Manage your documents to ensure that information is dealt with logically. 3. Avoid duplication at all costs; completing handwritten timesheets which then need to be manually inputted into payroll is a massive, unnecessary waste of time & manpower. 4. Address technological obstacles. The perception that your staffs are not IT literate is out of date; most people own a smart phone so yes they are! Martin Jones MDF Fusion Care Solutions Ltd 01133 979 555
Kuradocs Announces Liferaft for Elderly People and Their Carers UK START-UP, Kuradocs, has announced a new online application, Liferaft, that helps elderly people and their carers to ease the administrative burden that comes with caring. To meet the increasing demand for health and social care, the government and NHS England are driving towards integrated services and more person-centred care, where individuals have much greater involvement in managing their own care: ( Liferaft is a person-centred single system that supports integrated care by providing carers, GPs, nurses, social services and physiotherapists with a single source of information, which is managed by the person being cared for, or their carer. The Liferaft portal brings together health, medical, emotional and social care information in a secure online platform, so that up to date information is available to everyone in the care circle. Liferaft supports both the person being cared for and, crucially, the carer, by providing a single source of information on the needs, preferences and goals of individuals. Liferaft allows elderly people and their carers, to record not only health and medical data but also social, emotional and support care information and is particularly useful when arranging respite care. The comprehensive information stored in Liferaft can also be used to smooth the transition from home care to supported living, or a care home environment. The ‘About Me’ section of the portal can be used to record a person’s favourite colours, clothing, tunes, foods and activities, or if they like hot drinks to be served in a particular way, or at specific times. This can all be recorded within the Liferaft portal and securely shared with everyone within the care
circle, while the Calendar section helps with the management of appointments. If a person’s condition changes overnight, such as a pressure sore appearing, or blood sugar levels increasing, carers can print off or directly and securely share a Liferaft update to alert others who are transporting or looking after that person, so that they take additional care. The portal can be accessed and updated on laptops, PCs and tablet devices, allowing information to be viewed anywhere where there is an Internet connection. Nicola Murgatroyd founded Kuradocs to develop Liferaft after spending 28 years caring for her daughter, who was born with spina bifida. Nicola wanted to save people the time and pain of having to repeat personal information whenever another professional becomes involved in the care process. At the heart of Liferaft is a secure database which has been developed over the past three years by the Kuradocs team. Nicola Murgatroyd comments, “There is a clear directive from the UK Government that care should transition to be person-centred and that we should move away from the 'treat and fix' model. There are a host of health-related applications but none integrate health, social, emotional and intellectual information and provide the care circle with an understanding of the whole person, as Liferaft does.” “Integrated care is crucial to help meet the needs of the ageing population and more people living longer with complex conditions. Liferaft enables everyone to manage their care and communicate their needs and supports new care models that are designed to ensure everyone gets the best co-ordinated care.” Liferaft can be accessed via the website:
GDPR is Coming – Are You Ready? BY THE 25th May 2018 most organisations in Europe will have to become compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) with a much more stringent regulation and significantly greater fines for non-compliance. GDPR is a European Union regulation and is a single regulation that covers the whole of Europe. The purpose of this is for consistency within the European Union and to help countries around the world who trade with Europe to have a single regulation to adhere to. Voting to leave the European Union does not affect this: “The GDPR will apply in the UK from 25 May 2018. The government has confirmed that the UK’s decision to leave the EU will not affect the commencement of the GDPR” ( data-protection-reform/overview-of-the-gdpr/) The purpose of GDPR is to protect individual’s data that is held by third parties. It builds on the Data Protection act but takes it further by making data processors continually accountable for all the data they hold. It gives individuals rights to know what data is being held about them, and gives them rights to have this information removed, unless
there are legal obligations to keep that data. The one important feature is that manual filing systems are affected – not just computer data. If care plans are kept in a filing cabinet then these are affected, as are daily records and charts kept in a folder. Any manual records, applying to staff or service users are included in the GDPR, and comply with the regulation. Another major feature that, unlike the Data Protections Act, it is no longer good enough to be compliant – there is a new accountability requirement. There are significant fines simply for not specifying why information is held, and how the organisation meets the GDPR regulations. The financial penalties start at 10 Million Euro or 2% of turnover for not being compliant, and double that for any data beach. These fines are roughly 20 times greater than under the Data Protection Act. May 2018 may seem along time off, but the impact of GDPR is significant to every care provider and the amount of work needed to become compliant should not be underestimated. For further information on how you can be compliant call today on 01483 604108 or call
Care Planning - Electronic and Paper Based STANDEX SPECIALISE in care planning systems for nursing and residential homes. We are the ‘go-to’ for up to date care planning excellence which complies with Care Quality Commission regulations and those of the Local Authority. We offer paper based documentation that is colour coded, easy to understand and record information, as well as our soon to be launched electronic ePlan system. The eplan is an entirely new cloud software system that enables you and the support team access to dynamic information about each and every one of your service users. It offers: • A holistic and up to date view of all of your residents in all of your homes • Intuitive and simple with very little training • A full and comprehensive audit of everything that is done • Fully compliant with CQC and national standards and requirements You can be confident that both paper and electronic systems, enable staff to evidence the excellent care they are giving in line with legislation and best practice. care Plan example Booklet Our new Care Plan Example Booklet contains all of our forms including the initial assessment (support plan), care plans, associated assessment tools and other ‘day to day’ forms to accompany the care plans such as Food Charts, Body Maps and Stool Charts. The comprehensive 70 page booklet demonstrates how to use our care planning system and how they look filled in. A ‘must have‘, for all care homes concerned with excellent, robust and person centred care planning. It goes through a serviced user’s pre-assessment and admission to the care home, how they should be assessed and
included in their decisions about day to day support required. It looks at mental capacity issues with various examples of when mental capacity assessments should be done. The Care Plan Example Booklet is ideal for new starters to care planning and for those that need refresher training on recording service user care. It will ensure staff have a thorough understanding of the care planning process and how information needs to be recorded in a person centred way, to reflect the individualised care and support being given. e-plan Software We have another brand new product for this year’s shows, we are launching our new electronic care planning system: e-plan. e-Plan is an entirely new cloud software system that enables you, your carers and other members of the support team access to dynamic information about each and every one of your service users. It offers: • A holistic and up to date view of all of your residents in all of your homes • Intuitive and simple with very little training • Prompts to think about when person-centred care planning • A full and comprehensive audit of everything that is done • Fully compliant with CQC and national standards and requirements The e-plan is designed to enable a smooth transition from our paper documentation to electronic, if electronic care planning better suits your care home. As with the paper documentation, it ensures that you are able to evidence excellent, robust and person centred care planning. For further information see the advert below or visit
NHS Bed Blocking Relieved By New Mobile Phone Technology NEW MOBILE phone technology is helping local authorities to alleviate NHS bed blocking, following trials around the country. The new technology can help speed up hospital discharges and prevent unnecessary re-admissions, freeing up vital beds and also reducing the cost of post-hospital care. The announcement comes at a time of growing divisions between local government and the health service over bed blocking, which is widely seen as a major contributor to the NHS's present difficulties. The new technology offers local authorities a way of continuing to support people in their own homes, which they say is increasingly difficult. To tackle one cause of bed blocking, in October 2016 the London Borough of Hounslow partnered with West Middlesex Hospital to help improve the quality and speed of some discharges by providing a Linkline+ Telecare kit, based around a specialist mobile device with an emergency button. Emergency buttons are not new but traditionally they involve costly equipment installations at home, with discharges sometimes delayed days or weeks while the work is done. By contrast, at the heart of the Telecare kit is a choice of two specialist mobile devices, OwnFone and Footprint, that end the need for fixed installations. West Middlesex Hospital keeps a number of the kits to hand, with the devices already live, so discharges can happen quickly. OwnFone is a purposefully simple, lightweight mobile phone. For the Telecare kit it is configured with an SOS button and pre-programmed with the Linkline+ emergency number. Footprint is an even smaller, lightweight, wearable GPS tracking device. It's small enough to attach to a key ring, keeps tabs on the wearer's location and offers an SOS button, two-way, hands-free voice communication and a fall detector.
Should calls come, Linkline+ is set up to respond round the clock, with dedicated officers highly experienced at dealing with people in crisis, providing reassurance and able to liaise with other services where needed. OwnFone and Footprint are both the inspiration of London-based manufacturer OwnFone. Sales director Sarah Watts said: "OwnFone and Footprint are specialist devices designed for independent-living vulnerable people. OwnFone is a complete, lightweight mobile phone on which we can fully customise the display and functions, and can pre-programme numbers to call for Linkline+ users. Footprint brings the benefits of GPS tracking and two-way communications to a very small, handy, one-button device. "A highly unusual benefit of both devices, in addition to their design, is that they operate independently of any single UK mobile network and can freely roam between networks in search of the strongest signal, thus avoiding typical mobile network issues and giving the users peace of mind." Linkline+ offers its Telecare packs free of charge to Hounslow residents for the first six weeks following discharge. After initial trials, 83% of users valued the service enough to subscribe as direct clients. Meanwhile, a three-month trial of a similar service in the West Midlands town of Dudley found a reduction in the number of people being readmitted to hospital, which was not only good news for the Telecare users but represented a saving to the NHS of £600 per averted re-admission. Sarah Watts concluded: "Our ability to provide an instantly available, emergency contact system to patients on discharge can make a tangible difference to their lives and to the freeing up of hospital beds, which is why we're in talks with local authorities and care providers about extending the service to many other regions of the country." For further information visit
All Your Care Management Needs – Covered ZURI, the mobile, web-based care management solution developed by Care Software Solutions, has added a rostering platform as well an eMAR system to its suite of solutions, making ZURI the most comprehensive care management solution in the care industry today. ZURI Rostering creates a consolidated, end-to-end staff management solution allowing managers to more efficiently manage staffing schedules by intuitively recognising scheduling patterns and behaviours, and auto-populating staff schedules based on the tasks defined by the client care plans. ZURI Rostering seamlessly assesses and matches client and staff requirements and preferences with staff skills sets. Newly implemented ZURI eMAR, streamlines the medication administration process by providing nurses and carers with real-time access to medication
schedules, prescribed doses, improved legibility and instantaneous alerts that notify them of potential medication safety concerns, such as missed doses and signatures. Although ZURI has grown into a comprehensive care management solution, at the heart of the organisation remains personalised care planning. ZURI Care Planning brings together all the vital features that carers need into one centralised, digital location allowing them to do their job much more efficiently, spending less time documenting and more time on what is important - caring for their clients. Managers are better able to securely manage and personalise client care planning and monitor care delivery remotely. ZURI’s unique suite of services creates a truly end-to-end care management solution, from HR and recruitment, rostering, time and attendance, and care planning, through to facilitating billing and payroll. For more details, visit Email: Call: 0800 210 0094
Importance of Nurse Call Systems tHe SAFety of residents in a residential care home environment should be the principal and most important factor to all staff. care homes execute a number of procedures to ensure residents remain safe and secure at all times, these can range from surveillance systems to nurse call systems. nurse call systems are now found in many homes and hospitals and are the most common choice for ensuring residents nursing needs are monitored. Florence Nightingale developed the first nurse call system in 1860, a patient rang the bell which alerted nursing staff, yes it was that simple! Now, as technology plays an ever more important role in the care environment, as part of the drive to improve care standards and patient experience, nurse call systems continue to play an important role, which is becoming more crucial as the sector comes under increasing scrutiny. Contained in the Care Quality Commission guidelines for inspection, are areas inspectors check when they are inspecting the standards within a home or care provider. There are five questions asked of all care services. They're at the heart of the way the CQC regulate and according to
the CQC, they help to make sure they focus on the things that matter to people. • Are they safe? Safe: you are protected from abuse and avoidable harm. • Are they effective? Effective: your care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, helps you to maintain quality of life and is based on the best available evidence. • Are they caring? Caring: staff involve and treat you with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect. • Are they responsive to people's needs? Responsive: services are organised so that they meet your needs. • Are they well-led? Well-led: the leadership, management and governance of the organisation make sure it's providing high-quality care that's based around your individual needs, that it encourages learning and innovation, and that it promotes an open and fair culture. With residents in care homes requiring assistance at a moment’s notice, and at a time when there may not be a member of staff around to provide immediate attention, nurse call systems can help to ensure these questions can be answered successfully on inspection and ensure residents’ needs are met and maintained. See this feature for details for the industry’s leading suppliers of Nurse call Systems.
Nurse Call Systems from Alarm Radio Monitoring AlArm rAdiO mOnitOring (A.r.m) is a UK based manufacturer of wireless nurse call and Staff Alarm systems; offering a comprehensive range of nurse call, Staff Alarm, Fire Alarm, and door Access bespoke systems. with over 30 years experience in the design & development of wireless nurse call & Staff Alarm systems, A.r.m has established itself as a key player within the wireless solutions market to the public and private healthcare sectors. Wireless solutions are ideal for environments which do not lend themselves to running cables, for example listed buildings or busy environments. Wireless systems can be fitted while your home remains operational, so you do not have to close rooms off and they offer greater flexibility and ease for future expansion. Care Homes choose A.R.M nurse call systems because they: • Are quick and simple to install.
The the for wireless nurse call systems and accessories are returning to the care and dementia Show 2017 after a successful launch last year.
Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.
Once again the very affordable i2 Wireless Nursecall System will be on show as well as several new accessories including Bed and Chair Monitors as well as a Periodic Check Unit (PCU). The PCU can be connected to any Nurse Call System and supports staff by reminding them to check a resident a pre-set intervals. The intervals can be set by staff and range from 15 minutes onwards. Typical use would be to support end of life care pathways or distressed
• Make it easier for staff to identify the source of calls because they give full text descriptions. • Give management the tools they need to monitor and control best practice. The system provides a full audit trail of which buttons are pressed and response times. • Failsafe eg alerts you in the event of a system fault or batteries are running low. • Carry a year’s guarantee. • Are supported 24/7, 365 days a year by specialist engineers over the telephone or online. Take the ongoing cost out of your operation with our unique return to base service exchange policy and low cost of ownership along with flexible finance options. No matter how demanding your environment, A.R.M believes everyone - whether you’re a customer in a care home or team member - should be within safe reach. Whether you need a combination of a Nurse Call, Staff Alarm, Fire Alarm, Door Access system, we have a team to help design a package that will meet your requirements. For further details call 01568 610 016 or email residents. The i2 Wireless Nurse Call System is proving very popular with small, independent care homes. It has all the functionality of a modern day nurse call system but allows the home to install it themselves. Simple to use and install it comes ready to use straight out of the box. There is no complicated central controller setup and quite simply a Call Point sends a full alphanumeric message directly to a Pager and a Display. Each Call Point has 7 alarm levels, Call, Assist, Emergency, Sensor, Visit, Reset, Low Battery. One Call Point and One Pager is all it takes to start a system! Use code CAR10 for a 10% discount. See for full details.
Assistive Technology Provides Numerous Affordable Care Solutions iF yOU haven’t heard the term Assistive technology (At) before, basically, it is a term used to describe handy gadgets. At can help with many care scenarios where alarms or alerts are needed. A good example is our new design wi-Fi alarm switch. when the two parts are separated, an alert is sent to your Smartphone with date and time of operation. the switch is ideal for a door or window
Lotus Care Technology the nurseAlert pressure mat has been one of the most successful floor pressure mats due to it being non slip and carpeted which makes it feel very natural under a residents foot. lotus care technology ltd have many other fall saving devices that can give you peace of
alarm and can even be used on a fridge, cupboard or medicine cabinet. visit and search wi-Fi. Medpage Limited have supplied AT for over 30 Years and are leading suppliers of Epilepsy and Senior Care products, specialising in falls detection and prevention. As a BSI registered company accredited to ISO 9001 & 13485:2003 for medical device manufacture, we are well placed to provide expert advice and products of high quality to help you with your caring needs. Visit our website or give a call on 01536 264 869 or see the advert on page 2.
mind whilst caring for this at risk of falls. Having many years of experience in fitting and maintaining Nurse Call Systems helps the guys at Lotus Care Technology understand that every home is different and has different needs. They can specify not only the best system for the enviromental factors in the home but also take into consideration the best products that will make your carers and nurses jobs that little bit easier. For a site consultation or friendly advice call them free on 0800 8499 121 or local 01822 613258.
Encompass- eZone Alert System encOmPASS tecHnOlOgy is a designer, manufacturer and developer of high quality solutions to the care industry. with more than 20 years experience of distributing other manufacturer’s products and listening to customers unfulfilled needs, a completely new system was designed based on those requirements. eZone is a real time RFID solution unlike any other comparably placed system currently available. Using RFID technology and custom software, eZone provides everything that a conventional nurse call system does and more...lots more! What's different? Simplicity! Multiple call levels: call, assist, emergency, fall, panic, wet bed, chair, en-suite, pull cord, door, epilepsy, you name it and you can have it but only a single button to press – not 2, 3, 4 or 5, not a choice of various coloured buttons, avoiding staff confusion, requiring minimal training and ensuring fast adoption by temporary or bank staff. eZone has been developed with simplicity in mind - the system is quick to install and extremely easy to use
eZone Staff & Patient location • Staff location, all day, all night...automatically! No buttons to press, no logging in and forgetting to log out or not logging in at all. All activity is stored and recorded for audit trail and reporting. No more manual checklists or completing forms at the end of a shift. Patient location is just as easy - a fob press sends an alert which provides the client name and current location so staff don’t waste time looking for a client who is wandering. eZone Fall monitoring • Fall monitoring is built in to every portable device as standard. It’s not an extra, its included because we were asked for it – repeatedly! eZone dementia & wandering • Each individual can be set with their own care profile and risk assessment. Alarms can be raised if they leave their room, if they leave a floor level, if they leave the building or approach an area of risk such as a kitchen or stairwell. There is no requirement for door contacts or bed monitor sensors. Should a confused client enter someone else’s room, an immediate alert is sent to staff so they can respond accordingly. For further details see advert this page or visit
Home Is Where Assisted Living & Healthcare Is ASSiSted living & Healthcare is a rapidly growing industry in the UK and legrand, global specialists in electrical and digital building infrastructures, have established a new identity as the Home of Assisted living & Healthcare. With the average living age and the number of individuals considered vulnerable or at risk increasing daily, technology is forming a central role in the delivery of cost effective, efficient and reliable social care and health care
services. This technology is quickly advancing as the demand for digitally enabled products and services intensifies. Legrand’s Assisted Living & Healthcare division designs, manufactures and supplies innovative technology enabled care services in the UK and Ireland. The division’s new identity brings three separate brands, Tynetec, Aid Call and Jontek together, to position Legrand as a leader in the assisted living market. Visit for further information, or see the advert on the front cover.
NO MORE PRESSURE MATS Wireless Infra Red Movement Sensor
The movement sensor came about when a handyman at a care home complained about the short lifespan of pressure mats and how easily damaged they are. Also more worrying was that some residents knew that if they stood on them, a nurse arrived so tried to step over them, sometimes falling in the process. My background is not only in nurse call but intruder alarms so I decided to build a small discrete sensor that covered both sides of the bed. The first ones were wired to a nurse call point and worked well but one of the drawbacks of the pressure mat also applied to the sensor, it could be unplugged! So I started work on a battery operated wireless sensor that sends an infra red signal to a compatible call point and, over a period of six months, it was tested in a local care home and refined with feedback from the handyman and nurses. It has been over a year now since I started selling them and the feedback is all good. That care home is part of a national group of homes and I have now sold to many in that group with repeat orders coming soon after. Frequently Asked Questions How long do the batteries last? Minimum 4 months if left on permanently What type of batteries? 4 x AA & 1 x LR23 What is the range? Approx 6 metres and 110 degrees Is it suitable for any nurse call system? At the moment it is suitable for Intercall, Caresafe and Quantec systems with infra red call points. If I have one of the Intercall, Caresafe or Quantec systems with standard call points can I change them? Intercall and Caresafe points are easily changed by your handyman - Quantec will need an engineer. What is the auxiliary jack for? Anything you can plug in to your call point can be connected to the sensor and the signal will be transmitted to the call point. If your resident wants to sit at the other side of the room from the call point, a pear push can be connected without the use of long leads. How much do they cost? Standard sensor £165 + VAT. Sensor with auxiliary jack £175 + VAT (inc postage).
For further information please email or visit
Bennett Security Ltd Lynkyla, Old Inn Road Findon Aberdeenshire AB12 3RL
Care Home Operators - Don’t Live to Regret Fire Safety Negligence wHile Fire safety cannot be overlooked in any business, fire safety in care homes is of critical importance and can be matter of life and death where there are vulnerable occupants concerned – such as the residents of care homes. As providers, fire safety is only one of many safety issues with which management must concern themselves to minimise the risk of injury or death to staff, residents or visitors. Unlike most of the other safety concerns, fire has the potential to injure or kill large numbers of people very quickly. As reported in the last issue of The Carer, two people have died recently and three more were injured by a fire at a residential care home for the elderly in Hertfordshire in April. Firefighters from Hertfordshire, Essex and London rescued 33 survivors from the flames at a residential care home in Hertfordshire, who were then cared for at a nearby emergency reception centre. The recent and tragic event in London has heightened fire safety concerns for many people and the speed and devastation of the fire has shocked the entire country. Residential care providers are under constant pressure to ensure that they are legally compliant with fire safety Regulations, and, where appropriate, by undertaking a suitable and satisfactory fire risk assessment. A fire risk assessment is vital to keep your premises safe for everyone, be they residents, employees, contractors and visitors. A fire risk assessment should be a continuous procedure and inspected or reviewed as changes to your premises are made. Ensuring premises have satisfactory evacuation equipment, an appropriate number of trained and capable persons, and
consideration of resident mobility levels within each compartment are crucial features of fire assessments. There has also been more emphasis on individual fire risk assessments where residents smoke within the care setting, taking into consideration fire retardancy of fabrics including clothing worn by the residents blankets, use of creams, smoking habits of the individual, previous incidents, use of oxygen, provision of suitable cigarette disposal containers, availability of smoking material, supervision by staff. Given the recent terrible fire at Grenfell Tower Block in London and the incidence of a number of recent fires and resulting fatalities in the sector, fire safety is very likely to be a key focus in CQC and fire officers’ inspections over the coming months. According to CQC statistics, safe care and treatment is one of the top reasons for enforcement action in residential care. The issues which are being reported include irregular fire safety audits, emergency evacuation plans not being reviewed, locked or blocked fire exits, defective fire doors, staff fire safety training not up to date and faulty fire detection systems. It is therefore crucial that providers ensure they have robust fire safety systems in place, and equally crucial to consult experts in this matter.
Mobility of the Elderly Linked to Social Participation and General Wellbeing reSeArcH HAS linked a reduction in mobility in the elderly to a correlating reduction in levels of social participation, general health and overall quality of life. elderly in care often experience an impairment of their mobility, due to a medical condition or illness or through the environment that they live in. Heavy fire doors, which are an essential part of fire safety provision within care settings, pose a large barrier to independent mobility of residents. There are ways of legally holding fire doors open, which enhance the independent mobility of the elderly without compromising your fire safety integrity. Fire door holders and retainers can be fitted to fire doors, enabling them to be pinned open. When the fire alarm sounds the holder or retainer will automatically allow the fire door to close and prevent the spread of fire. What do you, as the manager of the care setting, need to consider before choosing your solution? The first point to consider are the benefits that installing a fire door closer or holder will have on both your residents and your staff. Being able to hold fire doors open will not only enable residents to have increased independence it will also free up carers time to spend with residents in a more directed way and it will increase the flow of fresh air through your building, making the
environment more pleasant. Considering what features and essential functions you require will guide you through the selection process. Do you want the flexibility to have fire doors open at any angle or just pinned wide open? Some units have the ability to effectively take the weight out of your fire door, enabling it to act as any normal door. You will be able to leave the door ajar, which can be beneficial at night for residents who feel anxious. Having the ability to set a night closing timer will save staff time and ensure that the doors you don’t want leaving open are closed at the same time each night. The installation process should also be given some thought. Hard wired units will require an electrician to install them, whereas battery operated ones allow you the flexibility to install them through your general handyman. Hard wired devices will be triggered by the fire alarm panel, battery operated units have the capability to ‘hear’ your fire alarm and will be triggered when the alarm sounds. Some units can recognise your specific fire alarm sound, which reduces them closing to the sound of other noises that resemble a fire alarm. Supplied by Safelincs Tel: 0800 612 6537 Email:
Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection AnglOPlAS Are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry. Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HcAis) are a priority for healthcare providers, and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies, including hand hygiene, cleaning, training and the adoption of new technologies, to tackle the problem. As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market, including antimicrobial technology. Angloplas’ range of dispensers are produced in the world’s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to
Angloplas. This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product, reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella, Salmonella and mould by up to 99.99%. For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags. You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to and clicking Hospital, Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code. There you can use the easy online shopping system, or alternatively if you are NHS or an account customer, via an emailed or faxed purchase order. You can also view and/or download the latest catalogue and price list.
KalGUARD Offers Maximum Benefits For Limescale Control limescale control is recommended for any business located within a hard water area, and especially those that rely on the availability of hot water, such as restaurants, care homes, schools, leisure facilities and hotels. If left unchecked, limescale can lead to problems such as higher energy bills (British Water estimates that just 1.6mm of limescale can increase a heating system’s fuel requirement by up to 12%), as well as premature repairs, breakdowns and replacement of secondary hot water system components and appliances, business downtime,
and unnecessary, unplanned capital expenditure. To inhibit the buildup of limescale, KalGUARD® from Sentinel Commercial is a scientifically- and independently-proven limescale control device which uses unique driven electrolytic technology: the only powered device-led methodology to be recommended by UK Building Services Compliance Guide to Part L. WRAS-approved KalGUARD is able to treat an entire system when installed on a rising main before pump and booster sets, providing a value-engineered solution to limescale control. Once commissioned, KalGUARD requires only a bi-annual service if the system filter is fitted. KalGUARD is available in a range of sizes, from 22mm through to 108mm. To find out more about the benefits of KalGUARD, call 01928 704330 or alternatively visit
Keep Residents Infection-Free This Summer with Good Hand Hygiene NURSING AND residential care organisations need to focus on adopting good hand hygiene routines this summer to prevent the spread of infection and illness among its residents. “Fluctuations in temperatures can lead to an increase in the number of infection outbreaks,” says Manty Stanley, managing director at TEAL Patents. “Whilst not all infections are life threatening, extra precautions must be taken to protect those with weaker immune systems. “Washing hands with soap under running, warm water is the gold standard in hand hygiene and does more than any gel or wipe to prevent the spread of infection. If it is just a question of access to running water, TEAL has the solution. “A TEAL portable hand wash unit overcomes every logistical challenge, as many of the units work without mains water supply or drainage.”
TEAL Patents is the world-leader in the design and manufacture of portable, hot water, hand wash units which work independently of mains water and sewage. Working with nursing and residential care organisations for over 10 years, TEAL has developed a range of units specifically for operation in nursing and care home environments to ensure hand wash facilities are available at the point of need. TEAL’s range includes the WashStand and the PatientWash. Fully portable, they can be taken directly to residents or an area most at risk. All TEAL units are available to buy or hire for delivery to an address in the UK within 24 hours. For further information, please visit: W: T: 0121 770 0593 E:
Ontex - Personal Hygiene Solutions Ontex iS a leading international producer of disposable personal hygiene solutions for all generations. Offering a comprehensive range of continence products, supported by a dedicated team of professionals providing leading levels of customer service. Recognising the importance of face-to face contact with customers, Ontex have invested in a large team of qualified
nurses who offer and training and support (on their iD and Lille branded products) to Care Homes and the NHS. Ontex is a key supplier to over 300 NHS organisations and is currently NHS Scotland’s preferred supplier Their quality, value-for-money products are also distributed in more than 110 countries through retailer private labels and leading brands including iD Expert and Lille. | | Please see the advert on page 9 for details.
Please Please mention mentionTHE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.
A Clean Bill of Health For The Complete Laundry Your Laundry Service Solution for the Care Sector reSeArcH HAS shown that nearly two-thirds of care home managers would like to make changes to their laundries. many have highlighted the benefits of partnering with a laundry services provider. Here are three main benefits of using an outsourced laundry service: Freeing up staff time Almost half of care homes (46%) say that saving staff time is the biggest potential benefit of outsourcing their laundry services. Significant time, planning and physical demands are required to operate an in-house laundry service and outsourcing the washing, drying, finishing and packing can free up staff to focus on more important tasks. Freeing up valuable space A quarter of care homes say they have a need for more space for laundry. Whilst this might not be an issue in newer, purpose-built care homes, for older or converted buildings it can effect productivity and the ability to meet infection control best practice guidelines.
Outsourcing means that space is no longer required for any machinery, although cupboard space should still be allocated for clean linen, with a separate area for soiled linen to be held in adherence to Government guidelines CFPP01-04 on linen decontamination. reducing costs and hassle When asked about laundry problems, over 60 percent of surveyed care homes reported that machine breakdowns caused the most disruption to staff, owners and residents. As well as disruption, the impact of breakdowns on cost and time are significant. Additional linen purchases, parts and labour costs and man hours to fix the problem can all affect operating budgets for the entire home. Outsourcing with a trusted provider, such as Berendsen, frees up staff time, creates space and reduces costs and maintenance issues, enabling staff to direct their energies towards the residents, not their laundry. Learn more at or call 0808 281 0310.
FowlerUK - Commercial Laundry & Catering Equipment tHe OriginS of FowlerUK go back to 1966 when the father of the present managing director, david Fowler, set up a business to supply and service white goods in the local community. in 2005 david took over the running of the business and decided to focus exclusively on the supply and maintenance of commercial laundry and catering equipment. the business continued to trade on family values such as reliability, care for others and trustworthiness. The secret to FowlerUK’s success lies in building a personal connection with each customer. The most important element in this is recruiting people who fit with the company values, and who demonstrate these to customers and colleagues on a daily basis.
FowlerUK is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of commercial laundry and catering facilities in the Care Industry, supplying and maintaining equipment in care homes and hospitals nationwide. The product range that FowlerUK has made available is extensive and varies through different specialist requirements specific to each industry. FowlerUK are constantly searching the markets for new technological developments to assist in saving their customers money as well as providing the same fantastic results. The results of FowlerUk’s determination to stay true to its family roots are impressive; the business has seen annual turnover double in the last four years. FowlerUK is undoubtedly a local business making a national impact. For further information call 0800 619 9337 or visit
tHe PrOviSiOn of laundry and dishwashing equipment involves a lot more than product selection, and it is important to choose a trusted service provider to enable the right procurement and planning decisions. Forbes Professional delivers everything from initial site surveys, cAd design and assistance with plumbing and electrical specifications through to installation, commissioning and user training. we provide a comprehensive end-to-end laundry solution and advise upon all relevant compliance and logistical requirements. Established in 1926, we have a solid understanding of healthcare sector requirements and deliver comprehensive commercial laundry solutions to care homes across the UK. For the care sector, domestic laundry equipment does not
meet the stringent hygiene standard requirements and it is important to choose the appropriate commercial machines. Proud partners of Miele and Primus, our commercial washing machines provide both sluice and thermal disinfection to fully comply with CQC and WRAS regulations. To complement our washers, dryers and rotary ironers, we also offer auto-dosing equipment and on-going detergent provision. Our Complete Care solution gives access to premium commercial laundry without upfront capital expenditure and with the security of our first class engineer response service and no call out or repair costs. All account management, service requirements and detergent orders are handled centrally from our head office as part of a streamlined process that keeps things simple for our clients. Forbes Professional 0345 070 2335
Ironer From Armstrong Help Govan Care Home To Maintain Its Exceptionally High Standards St FrAnciS care Home in govan, glasgow is a 40-bed nursing home run by the Franciscan Sisters minoress, a religious congregation who have been working in govan since 1946. the home, registered to care for the frail elderly, has a christian ethos but is open to all. margaret Prele, manager of the home, told us, “we see ourselves as a small part of a large Franciscan family, and all our residents, staff and visitors become part of the family that make up the loving home that we offer.” The majority of the home’s flatwork laundry used to be outsourced, but last year a decision was taken to bring it all in-house in order to save money and also allow better stock control. Unusually for a care home it was decided that all bedding would be ironed. “We believe that those who live here deserve the best, including a well presented room, and to feel valued,” Margaret said. “Therefore we felt it was essential to go the extra mile and have all bedding ironed.”
They bought a GMP electrically heated drying ironer from Armstrong Commercial Laundry Systems, having had previous experience with the company – they already had washers and dryers supplied by Armstrong. The home has a dedicated laundry staff who use the ironer daily, at least five to six hours a day. The staff have been trained to use the equipment by Armstrong engineers and, Margaret told us, “find it easy to use and are very happy that it reduces the manual handling and folding of large items.” “We had one or two issues initially with the ironer,” she explained, “but as always Armstrong’s response time was excellent. If ever we have to call them, the engineers normally come out the same day and nearly every time can fix the problem on the spot. The Armstrong team are always efficient and well mannered, and it is a company we would recommend to anyone as they are very helpful and easy to deal with.” For further information contact Armstrong Commercial Laundry Systems on 01635 263410, email or visit
Thermal Disinfection: Definition, Processes And Tools For The Care Sector
whilst care homes aim to deliver fast cleaning of linen, as well as delicate handling of residents’ personal garments, there is one element above all that those in hospital and healthcare environments must be able to deliver: thermal disinfection. Here, Amanda Dufrane, Care Segment Manager for Electrolux Professional, explains more. Laundry practice in the care sector can act as the gateway to infection outbreak, or infection prevention. While it might not be for the faint hearted, the fact of the matter is that soiled linen is likely to come into contact with any manner of bodily fluids; some of which could contain very harmful microbes or bacteria such as Clostridium difficile (C-diff) or MRSA. So, when it comes to handling soiled laundry, thermal disinfection – coupled with a proper laundry cycle management system – is the overarching way to stop the spread of infection in its tracks. But what does thermal disinfection really mean? In short, it is the use of above-average wash temperatures for a set cycle time to ensure any potentially infections microbes are killed. This can be done in a number of ways, such as 93°C for one minute, 71°C for three minutes, or 65°C for at least ten minutes. However, wash cycles which are neither hot enough nor long enough will not be able to fully destroy the potentially infectious bacteria. What processes can care home laundry operators employ to guarantee thermal disinfection? While some sites continue to outsource their laundry, doing so risks linen being exposed to a number of different contaminants, above and beyond those found between the four walls of the care home. Crucially, operators do not have full control of the transportation process,
so in all honesty can have no guarantee that outsourced laundry is cleaned to the required standards. As such, all care homes should employ an on-premises laundry, to ensure that all linen is washed in line with infection control laundry guidelines. Avoiding recontamination of freshly washed laundry is also essential for preventing infection. One of the safest ways to achieve this is to employ a barrier washing system, which ensures that items are loaded from one side of the machine when dirty and unloaded from a separate, clean side when the wash cycle is complete. This eliminates the need for operators to re-enter an unhygienic environment and, consequently, minimises the risk of linen being re-contaminated once it has been cleaned. However, operators can also gain further piece of mind by employing tools that can validate the wash temperatures of each cycle. Electrolux Professional’s Temp°Check is one such process validation tool which enables operators to check that full thermal disinfection has taken place, and can store Validation Reports for up to 1,000 cycles. Not only does this ensure care homes can comply with HTM 01-04 guidance, but it also means that operators can ensure their processes and equipment are running as efficiently and possible. Ultimately, laundry practice for care and social care sites can be make or break when it comes to preventing infection. Given the high volume of potential contaminants likely to find their way into linen, failing to achieve full thermal disinfection could easily pave the way for future outbreaks. For more information, please visit:
Castlemeadow Care Chooses Girbau Laundry HeAltHcAre deSign Awards 2017 finalist, castlemeadow care supports its residents with expertise, sympathy and respect for their dignity – as if they were a family member. Since 1999 the family-owned business has been helping the people of norfolk and beyond to make the most of later life. New build care home, St John’s House offers a new style of premium luxury care in Norwich. It was designed and built with the passion and belief in creating a place where people can feel at home, receive exceptional care and experience a great quality of life. Attention to detail and providing an exceptional care service is at the core of St John’s House. The home has 60 generous sized en-suite premium rooms that offer stunning views over the home’s landscaped gardens. Each bedroom has been created using bespoke furnishings and offer the luxurious feel of a 5-star boutique hotel, combined with the relaxed feeling of a spacious and welcoming country home. Residents can enjoy all the facilities this home has to offer including Carters Coffee Shop, The Palm Restaurant, Library, Savoy Hair Salon, The Bridge Club games room, Hamptons Lounge and Residents’ shop offering a selection of toiletries and confectionery. Within the home is a state-of-the-art dementia unit that features spacious, premium private en-suite bedrooms, along with a range of facilities designed to relax and soothe residents’ emotional well-being while evoking their memories. Facilities within this suite include a reminisce lounge, a scenic canal walk, a village store, The Oak Tree Inn restaurant, a deluxe cinema and book emporium. The design of the suite is centred around a village square theme that includes an indoor illuminated Cherry Blossom Tree
Tersus Equip
focal point. “Castlemeadow Care were introduced to Girbau four years ago at The Care Forum and we’ve been using their machines ever since, across all our care homes.” says Business Development Manager Kesh Punj. When first approached by Castlemeadow Care, a Girbau laundry consultant listened to its specialist laundry needs and provided detailed advice on laundry design and equipment choice for optimum infection control, operational efficiency and quality. The Girbau team worked closely with the main contractors for the project to ensure a smooth installation and commissioning. New staff for the laundry were also given introductory training on laundry operation and machine use. “Their customer service is excellent and their maintenance programme is comprehensive. I would highly recommend them,” Kesh Punj adds. Acting Care Home Manager, Sanda Scott is thrilled with their on premise laundry, the two Girbau HS-6013 each with a capacity of 14kg enable the housekeepers to process the bed linen, bath towels and residents’ daily laundry. The robust washers are paired with two energy efficient Girbau ED340 Gas Dryers, and a 1m GMP flatwork ironer. There is also a Norris steam ironer for finishing residents’ personal laundry. Prior to this project, Girbau also supplied replacement machines to three of the group’s other homes including The Paddocks, Lincoln House and The Mayfields care homes. Castlemeadow Care chose Girbau for: • Planned installation and laundry design service • Energy-efficient washers and dryers • Responsive service support • Girbau equipment reliability and efficiency • Dealing direct with the manufacturer For more information, visit: or Tel: 01462 427780
training and National service support to all our clients.
TERSUS EQUIP was established in 2011 and the Latin meaning is clean, neat and correct. Tersus is run by industry professionals; we are official UK distributors for the Lavamac and Primus laundry brands. We supply and support many prestigious care home operators throughout the UK. Tersus provides design, procurement, project management, installation,
We have our own unique brand of laundry trollies and systems to support all the care home operator’s laundry needs. Our expertise enables us to provide a facility that covers high risk areas, identification, handling, processing, personal identification and storage solutions for the care homes industry. Tersus offer housekeepers and laundry staff the total solution to maintaining and operating a high quality professional laundry service. For further information visit
Scandinavian Laundry Technology Without Detergents, Endorsed By WWF Has Come To UK ®
DIRO Climate friendly laundry technology without detergents, praised both by the World Wildlife Fund and the UN Network for Clean Seas.
UK-BASED start-up water filter company, Smart Water Filters Limited (SWF®) recently secured an exclusive manufacturing and distribution agreement for DIRO® - the innovative Cleantech product from a Scandinavian water filter company Scandinavian Water Technology AB (SWATAB). The product is a climate friendly laundry technology without detergent chemicals that was endorsed in May by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) for its unique features, and its positive impact on the environment. DIRO® got WWF’s award for “Climate Solver 2017”. The agreement covers the UK, Ireland and the Channel Islands. DIRO® is a filter system that is placed between the incoming cold water and washing machines, making detergents totally redundant. Tested by SWEREA IVF and has a proven cleaning effect according to the EU Ecolabel test for detergents. Allowing for reductions in energy consumption by 80 per cent on commercial washing cycles and by 40 per cent for the drying processes. Mark Higson, SWF’s managing director said: “Our vision is to promote an allergy
Do you want to reduce your CO2 footprint? Do You strive for a more detergent-free life? Free no obligation cost comparison for UK businesses verses your current laundry process. Per Hansson (pictured left) inventor of the patented DIRO® method. Here with a DIRO® system which has been installed into a care home property.
and environmentally friendly, detergent-free lifestyle in the UK. We are very pleased to announce that we have recently strengthened our relationship with SWATAB even further, by converting our previous distribution agreement in to a manufacturing and distribution agreement of the DIRO®, in order for us to specifically tailor the system for the UK market. “Beyond cost savings for consumers who no longer need to purchase detergents and softeners, DIRO’s benefits are significant. Cutting down on chemical detergents leads to lower acidification in water sources. The DIRO® system reduces energy consumption by up to 40 per cent. And the service life of machines will be longer because, with ultra clean water without detergents, no residue or limescale build up occurs.”
DIRO can reduce energy consumption by 80 percent on commercial washing cycles and by 40 percent for drying processes.
Reduce your carbon footprint and processing times.
Protect the health of your employees and end users.
Dramatically cut washing and drying costs
Increase the lifetime of your washing machines and dryers.
DIRO® is tested according to the requirements of the EU-Eco Label tests for laundry detergents.
+44 (0)1234 889743
The patented method of operation is divided into three main sections.
“The Cost Of Pressure Ulcers To The NHS Are Estimated To Be £1.4 – £2.2 Billion Annually, Making Pressure Ulcers The Single Most Costly Chronic Wound To The NHS” PRESSURE CARE is a daily and increasing challenge for healthcare professionals when caring for bedbound and immobile patients. As NHS budgets are hit by austerity measures and the cost of pressure care continually increases, experts in the field are seeking solutions to improve healing rates and the patient experience. In simple terms, pressure sores develop when a large amount of pressure is applied to an area of skin over a short period of time. The extra pressure disrupts the blood flow and the affected skin becomes starved of oxygen and nutrients, which causes it to break down and ulcers begin to form. Most affected are those aged over 75 as their skin becomes thinner and frailer. Even though there have been improvements in pressure ulcer/bed sore prevention across many UK care facilities, pressure ulcers continue to affect approximately 20% of all patients in hospitals, nursing homes and residential homes.
Preventing ulcers developing will significantly improve all care for vulnerable patients, both for the patient themselves and the care provider. Successfully preventing pressure sores is far more cost effective and less of a strain on resources than allowing them to develop. It is estimated that each developed pressure ulcer adds additional costs of care of over £4,000. They are the single most costly chronic wound to our National Health Service, costing £1.4-2.1 billion every year. Over 180,000 patients develop a pressure sore in hospitals each year, putting a significant strain on NHS & care resources. Pressure ulcers in older patients are associated with a fivefold increase in mortality, and in-hospital mortality in this group is 25% to 33% (Grey, 2006). Pressure ulcers can result in longer lengths of stay in hospitals. One study found that adult patients who develop pressure ulcers had an extended stay of over 4 days (Graves, 2005). Another study found patients over 75 years of age, who develop a pressure ulcer in hospital, had a 10 day longer stay (Theisen, 2012). The cost of treating a pressure ulcer varies from £1,214 to £14,108; costs increase with severity because the time to heal is longer and the likelihood of complications are higher in severe cases (Dealey, Posnett, Walker 2012) Research presented by the NHS’s ‘Stop the Pressure’ campaign suggests
APEX Medical - Care For A Healthy Life APEX Medical provides advanced pressure area care mattresses, electric profiling beds and moving and handling equipment to the Acute and Community sectors. We believe that good quality reliable products should be available to all care settings. Through extensive research and development our range of products have been produced to fit all the needs of care organisations throughout the world.
that a staggering 95% of all pressure ulcers can be avoided with effective patient care. SSKin: 5 simple steps The SSKIN acronym shows five actionable steps that greatly assist the prevention of pressure ulcers. The five letters stand for: Surface: Ensure the surfaces supporting you patient offer sufficient pressure relief Skin inspection: Early inspection enables early detection which is when ulcers are the easiest to treat Keep your patients moving: Regular body movement assists blood flow and redistributes pressure Incontinence/moisture: A clean and dry patient is less likely to develop pressure ulcers Nutrition/hydration: The right diet and plenty of fluids keep the patient’s skin healthy For further details on pressure care and patient handling see advertisers on this feature.
We have a wide range of competitively priced products specially designed for the care home and community market place. APEX offers one of the most advanced decontamination services in Europe, and can service and test all makes of pressure area care and moving and handling equipment. APEX also offer fully accredited clinical and product training to all our customers and end users. Visit us on our stand at The Care Show to discuss your requirements further to see how we can help you, and to have a look at some of our innovative products.
Most Popular Positioning and Pressure Care Products ALTHOUGH NHS policy is to encourage prevention and early stage intervention rather than eventual hospitalisation the Clinical Commissioning bodies have to decide priorities with limited funds. Adult social care teams visiting care and nursing homes and individuals at home will make recommendations for the care homes and families responsible for care, MEDORIS recommends micro-beads within a soft outer cover in cushions for better pressure care positioning in beds and chairs and for some special disabilities with, for example, multiple sclerosis and brain injury. The MEDORIS products in most demand are in the adjacent photos. m112 Finger Separator Palm Protector: One of four hand grips to prevent skin damage in a contracted hand where fingers are bent towards the hand and nails may cut into the skin of the palm. m230 t-roll Support: Provides comfort, support and
positioning for the lower limbs whilst aiding with posture when in a lying position and helps to control spasticity. m195 ‘dogbone’ and m198 Super ‘dogbone’: Contoured for neck and head support in bed, chair or recliner, and helping to relax the vertebrae. Can also be used for limb separation. m108 Knee and Ankle Separator: To separate limbs in danger of pressure sores and providing support for knees and ankles. Naturally aligns knees with pelvis. m096 roll Pillow: For sleeping in a “nest”, stopping rolling out of bed or falling sideways in a wheelchair. m057 16-chamber ‘Universal’ cushion: Used for comfort seating in a chair or recliner or for leg support. m134 Arm Support and lap cushion: Designed to cradle the affected arm and hand in the ideal position especially in cases of stroke. Can also be used as a pillow or limb separator and as a lap cushion to support arms. Contact Medoris on 0333 207 9515 or visit
“If you were not so far away I would come and give you a hug…” nOt tOO many of us get this offer in our jobs. we all receive calls from potential customers wrestling on their own with a family member with a disability, perhaps in a care home, where every visit results in a reminder of the difficulties faced or where products other than medOriS have failed to solve the problem. So it is nice to get a thank you. The headline quote is from a Scottish customer who had purchased for her husband a MEDORIS All-in-One and it worked….!!!
Are You Looking For Pressure Care Equipment Servicing? lOOK nO further than Pressure care Services – we offer first class pressure equipment repairs for your, care homes or hospitals throughout the UK and europe. As the authorized UK repair agency for Carilex, we are a renowned and trusted name in the pressure care industry. Our family-run company has attained a successful track record for dependability and high quality repairs through our dedication to your needs. Protect your patients with Pressure Care Services When your pressure care equipment suddenly stops working, it can cause significant anxiety and discomfort for the vulnerable people in your care. Help protect your patients by arranging an emergency breakdown repair or regular maintenance checks of your equipment with Pressure Care Services.
Our technicians have many years of experience in the industry behind them and are skilled with all makes and models of pressure care equipment. We can provide you with a service or repair that is both efficient and effective, helping to keep your patients happy and healthy. Services tailored around your needs To keep any disruption to your schedule and patients to a minimum, we can service all of the equipment at your property while you wait. We work to strict health and safety standards to ensure the highest quality of repair for all of your equipment. Whether you’d like to arrange a periodic check-up or just need a one-off repair, you can rely on the experts at Pressure Care Services to deliver the results you need. To speak to one of our friendly Sussex technicians today or to arrange your emergency breakdown repair, give us a call on 0132 374 3300.
C & S Seating Positioning Equipment c & S Seating are proud to be the national supplier of 24 hour postural management and control products for over 25 years. Initially developed by the Company founders and a consultant specialist physiotherapist, using on-going feedback from health care professionals we now have a wide selection of positioning equipment available to purchase either directly from our website, or by phone or email. We assemble and supply 9 different sizes of TRolls and Log Rolls (ranging from paediatric to adult) along with small and large Alternative Positioning Supports and Leg/Knee Supports. Our new popular Soft Knit range of covers in a variety of colours provide a softer alternative that can be fitted easily over our standard waterproof rolls, which are both
Flex-lift / 130 THE FLEX-LIFT is the perfect, versatile mobile lifter for the traveller. The Flex-lift can be carried in two bags with wheels weighing only 15,5 kg & 16,8 kg, and fits perfectly into the boot of a car. The low weight and the storage bags makes it possible for one person to
removable and machine washable. Ask our friendly sales team about our inflatable TRolls that are designed for short term use and ideal for holidays and aqua therapy aid. The inflatables also prove a valuable tool for Physio’s and OTS during the assessment process. All fabrics meet the UK Flammability standards and carry a CE mark. Members of the BHTA, ISO 9001 registered and we are happy to provide individual care provider quotations. It is recommended you seek professional advice to select the correct product depending on your needs. Contact us on 01424 853331 or to request a brochure and pricelist, to speak to an advisor or place an order. transport the hoist almost anywhere. The Flex-lift can be folded and dismantled in two pieces without the use of any tools. Because the Flex-lift folds to a width of only 22.5 cm (9”), it makes it easy to store when not in use. The lifting capacity of the Flex-lift is 130 kg (20.7 st.), which is plenty for most purposes. It can lift from the floor and has a lifting range of 116 cm (46”). The Flex-lift has a rechargeable 24-volt battery, which will give 25 – 30 lifting cycles. See the advert on page 13 for further details.
Services for the Less Able
Our Service has been built to provide our clients in both nursing Home and Private home locations, with a service second to none. So should the need arise for you to call upon us for our specialised service you can be sure that the service we provide will be carried out quickly and efficiently, giving full customer satisfaction and peace of mind. S & T Services is a small group of Engineers who are all factory trained, as well as their expert knowledge and experience in servicing and repairing products from leading Manufacturers of Specialist Bathing and
Lifting equipment such as Chiltern Invadex, Arjo, Huntleigh, BHM, Invacare, Reval, Oxford, Sunrise Medical and Parker Baths. With access to several manufacturers’, we are able to advise & recommend equipment most suitable to the individual needs for both the resident & carer! We are also able to source both new & refurbished equipment such as baths, hoists, beds, wheelchairs and other equipment associated with special needs with warranties at competitive prices. For further information call 01386 765877, email: or visit
Accro Services AccrO ServiceS is an established company providing scheduled servicing and maintenance support for medical devices, pressure care products and patient lifting equipment within the healthcare sector. we assist hospitals, nursing homes and other care groups nationwide. Our network of engineers enables us to support nursing and care home operators, to provide a consistent level of scheduled maintenance and a rapid response to equipment breakdowns. Engineers are trained to a high standard through inhouse training and specific product training provided by
equipment manufacturers. Accro Services is dedicated to providing an honest customer service, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free maintenance program and breakdown support all year round. Our service includes: • Scheduled Servicing of medical devices and equipment • LOLER Testing of lifting equipment • Pressure Care Mattress decontamination • Equipment spares and repairs Telephone: 01243865855 Email: Website: LinkedIn: Or see the advert on this page for details.
New Botanical Print by Skopos LAUNCHING AT this year’s Care Show, the new exquisite botanical print from Skopos is an exploration of woodland plants and flowers. Flores Silvestri is an elegant hand-drawn collection, brought to life on a linen-look base cloth. Echoing traditional recording methods, the collection flourishes with fine detailed outlines, flowerpressed silhouettes and a combination of rich colour and line illustration. The collection will be shown on Stand I58 (alongside Muraspec wallcoverings) on a selection of different FR base cloths and also on furniture, printed on our FR waterproof antimicrobial fabric, per-
fect for Care Home environments. With a choice of 7 new designs and 10 base cloths, this collection is suited perfectly to Independent hotels, Care and Leisure projects. Designs include a woodland mix, flower press design, textured check and a fern. Skopos is an ISO9001 accredited company and has over 40 year’s specialist experience in the design and manufacture of high performance FR contract fabrics for the care, hospitality, cruise and leisure sectors. Please note that the collection shown left is our Lowanna Print collection. Visit for further details.
New Products from Elstead Lighting ESTABLISHED UK manufacturers since 1969 and distributors of more than 2,500 uniquely designed products, Elstead provides beautiful and unusual decorative lighting solutions for high class hospitality installations.
Freephone: 0800 917 7943
Renowned for traditional and transitional fittings, Elstead still designs and manufactures in Alton, Hampshire as well as distributing a number of well-known USA Brands including: Feiss, Hinkley, Quoizel and Kichler. (All USA branded products are manufactured under license and modified to meet all CE certification requirements). Elstead Lighting will release 300 new products in their supplement catalogue for Summer 2017. This includes a large expansion on their
current bathroom lighting offering, as well as beautiful and sophisticated interior collections, perfectly suited for bedrooms and living spaces. The new collection features more LED fittings than ever before, blending energy efficient technology with decorative style. All fittings not already LED could also take retrofit LED lamps – great for keeping down the cost of energy bills. To see the full collection visit our website: or our 9000 ft2 showroom in Alton, Hampshire where there are more than 2,500 lighting products on permanent display. To request a new supplement and/or current 2016/17 master catalogue contact using ref: (Carer Summer17)
Another Smart Product Range by Consort Claudgen! PM200
PO 300
BZ 006
CONSORT CLAUDGEN has introduced an improved range of slimline low surface temperature fan heaters with intelligent fan control. Each PLSTi heater is equipped with intelligent fan control which detects the temperature in the environment and automatically adjusts its fan speed to quickly achieve a warm airflow temperature. This allows the heater to immediately blow hot air, even when initially powered on in a very cold room, for
the user’s comfort. Enhanced with one of the latest low energy consumption EC motors, these smart heaters also operate on a very low noise level, are more durable with a strengthened grille and splash proof. The PLSTi heaters comply with NHS Estates Health Guidance Notes with a maximum surface temperature of 43oC, making them perfect for environments with vulnerable people such as children and elderly residents. For more information, email:, tel: 01646 692172 or fax: 01646 695195.
Delabie's Tilting Mirror Euroservice Trolley Manufacturers With Long, Ergonomic Lever TO COMPLEMENT its wide selection of grab bars, shower seats and accessories, DELABIE has added a new, tilting mirror to its offering of products designed for people with reduced mobility. This new, ergonomic and stylish mirror is easy to install. ergonomics and safety An adapted product must be easy to use and handle. DELABIE’s tilting mirror has a long handle so that people in wheelchairs or in a seated position can easily reach the lever and adjust the mirror as required. For additional comfort, it is possible to tilt the mirror up to 20 degrees. The lever design is ergonomic, adapting perfectly to the shape of the hand. For maximum user
safety, the mirror is made from toughened 6mm safety glass with rounded corners. easy to install The mirror is very quick and easy to install via a simple clip system. To prevent theft, a major concern in public places, the mirror features has an antitheft device. design DELABIE’s tilting mirror has a sleek design, composed of only the essentials: the mirror and its lever. It is also available with a tab handle in three finishes: bright polished chrome, satin finish chrome and white Nylon to coordinate with any style or type of material. For further information, please visit
Beautifully Designed | Professionally Made | Carefully Installed At renrAy we have been producing high quality healthcare and medical furniture for 50 years and are one of the UK’s largest and leading suppliers to the healthcare sector. whether you require just a fast efficient delivery of quality furniture or a full turnkey installation and fitting service, we have the experience and resources to handle your project. We understand that you are purchasing healthcare furniture that is fit for purpose, stylish and will continue to perform well into the future, which is why we design and build our furniture with you in mind. • Manufacturing high quality furniture since 1966
• UK and European design and manufacturing operations • Largest in-house turnkey operator in the UK • In house logistics with weekly delivery service to mainland UK and Ireland • Experienced uniformed drivers and installation teams • Free room placement unpacking and packaging removal • Furniture and furnishings compliant to approved British Standards • 5 year warranties on curtains, frames and bedroom furniture If you would like a free consultation or advice from one of our highly trained consultants, please call: 01606 593 456 or visit Come and see us at The Care Show, NEC Birmingham on Stand F50.
witH Over 35 years of experience in the sale and manufacture of wooden trolleys for the catering trade, euroservice trolley manufacturers have now acquired a worldwide reputation and still offer an extensive /comprehensive range of top quality wooden trolleys manufactured in the UK.
Top quality is a priority in the production of all of our products and Euroservice are specialists in the manufacture of sturdy and beautiful looking trolleys which will grace any environment from the small privately owned restaurant to the splendid 3 to 5 star hotels, resorts and Residential homes. Thanks to a careful marketing strategy and recommendations, the UK manufactured Euroservice range of trolleys have become the first choice for trolleys in many catering establishments. Reliable and appealing trolleys are always needed in catering establishments and Euroservice trolleys are sure to contribute to the smooth running of any operation and will enhance
the level of service through their sheer visual appeal. The fast growing range of UK manufactured Euroservice trolleys is now well known in the catering and nursing care industry in the UK and exported to many other countries including Australia, South Africa, the Middle East , the Caribbean , Scandinavia and other European countries. The increasingly popular bespoke service enables you to design your own trolley with the added bonus of our expert advice, if needed. However, if your needs are more immediate we can provide standard models in record time. Standard virtually off the shelf models include the mini bar trolley, the sweet trolley, the cheese trolley, the drinks trolley, the flambé trolley, waiters station and dumbwaiters as well as room service wooden trays. Euroservice’s excellence in the manufacture of wooden trolleys is backed by a personal, efficient and friendly service second to none. We are always busy researching the needs of the market and launch new ranges according to market demands. Whatever your needs you can be assured that Euroservice can cater for them and we look forward to your call. Freephone: 0800 917 7943
Staying Safe With Key Safes EACH WEEK there are stories of cost strains facing the NHS and health providers due to the aging population and budget cuts, but a company in West Yorkshire is providing a simple service to overcome this burden. Be Safe Key Safes, which is located in Leeds, provides a service to vulnerable members of society by simply fitting a lockable key safe on the exterior of homes to ensure routine and emergency care can be administered without restrictions. Recommended through a network of care workers, and police the company allows a means of access to homes safely and efficiently. Paul Wilton, owner of the company, commented: “My background is in the police force and I’ve also worked in care and security so I have a strong understanding of the needs of those who I come
into contact with each day. “Through recommendations I visit homes to fit key safes to those who are now unable to take care of themselves and I mainly work with elderly or immobile people.” The company mainly supplies The Key Safe Company’s leading Supra C500, which is recommended by the police and has passed vigorous tests. Trusted by two million UK householders, the leading product the Supra C500 key safe is used by the majority of local authorities, is accredited by ‘Secured by Design’ and is tested to the same security standards as a domestic front door. For more information, visit: or for more information on Be Safe Key Safes visit: See us on Stand F100 at The Care Show, NEC Birmingham.
Please Please mention mentionTHE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising. D E N A TH EC 0 E T 5 M A N F O S W, D C U N O IT SH TA S IS V RE 3, A C LL A H
Forbo Announces DSDC Accredited Products AS AGE-RELATED changes and impairments can often make it more difficult for people to understand and navigate a building, Forbo Flooring Systems has partnered with The University of Stirling’s Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) to review over 1000 floor finishes; assessing their suitability for use in dementia-friendly environments. Following this, the flooring manufacturer is pleased to confirm that it now offers a selection of independently accredited products that are ideal for use in dementia supportive settings. Impairments such as sensory, mobility or cognitive (or sometimes a combination of all three) can have a serious impact on older people and those with dementia. Functioning, behaviour, independence and, ultimately, quality of life can all be compromised, but appropriately designed environments can help keep them safe from dangers, such as falls. By understanding the impact of such impairments designers, specifiers and carers can create interiors that help people feel safer and more confident in their surroundings. Recognising the need to identify products that can help achieve this aim, DSDC developed its rigorous accreditation scheme, as Chief Architect Lesley Palmer explains: “We’ve had significant demand from clients, specifiers, designers and manufacturers looking for greater clarity on dementia design principles and how they can adapt, modify and apply their products to make an environment more suitable for somebody with dementia. The accreditation scheme seeks to clarify existing information and promote the use of products that have gone through the accreditation process. We also look to support technical staff through training, to give them the knowl-
edge they need in order to advise specifiers and clients in using their products.” Forbo has worked with The University of Stirling’s DSDC for the past year to review its products – assessing and rating them in accordance with their dementia design principles. Now, specifiers and designers can choose from an extensive selection of more than 800 Forbo products that have been accredited across the Class 1a, 1b and 2 rating system. This rating system is based on the tonal contrast and pattern of products, which determines their suitability for use. Angus Fotheringhame, General Manager Benelux, UK & Ireland, at Forbo is delighted about the company’s positive step forward in supporting an ageing population: “We are experts in flooring, not in dementia design, and it’s really important to us that we understand the requirements of the end user to communicate to our clients what to use, and equally what not to use in age inclusive environments. “Our collaboration with the DSDC, the specialists in dementia design, enables us to understand the foundation of a dementia friendly environment, and offer a set of DSDC accredited products, which when used alongside appropriate interiors, can support the experience of the end user”. Although the floor is one of the largest surfaces within a building, it is vital that careful consideration is given to the specification of adjoining finishes, their performance and suitability when it comes to designing dementia-inclusive or dementia-friendly interiors. It should also be noted that the DSDC accredited product logo is only awarded on the merit of the individual product and colourway, and not the products final application. For more information please visit
Hebden Bed Range For Nursing and Residential Care Homes
FURTHER EXPANDING the range of electrically operated, fully profiling beds developed specifically for nursing and residential care homes, Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare offers five variable height nursing care beds designed around the developing requirements of this market. The Hebden beds provide a comprehensive portfolio of functions developed specifically to meet the needs of nursing and residential care home applications, complemented by an attractive domestic appearance with high quality covered wooden head and foot ends available in a range of wood colour options. Hebden beds offer versatile and practical solutions. The variable height mattress platform descends smoothly from 85cm to 27.5cm, facil-
itating client access and easing the work of the carer by reducing the need for lifting and handling. With an underbed clearance of 29cm to the underside of the frame, hoist access is not impeded. Full length integral wooden side rails are included, which can be released at both head and foot ends for safety and convenience. Hebden beds include an infinitely variable tilt function, with head down tilt from 0 - 15º and foot down tilt from 0 - 18º in line with nursing practices. The beds are easy to move, assemble and disassemble even where space for manouevre is limited, offering safe, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing options for use in nursing and residential care homes. Reader enquiries Telephone- 0845 0600 333 Website-
A New Dawn From Franklite
FrAnKlite limited have been known for their quality of product and service in the decorative lighting market for over 40 years and, over recent years, the company has built an astonishing reputation for quality led lighting. Recently, Anovocare’s Cloghran Nursing Home in Dublin asked Franklite to create a design that would incorporate as much LED as possible whilst avoiding glare problems that can be created by some poorly designed downlights. Franklite’s range of quality recessed downlights offer a modern, simple lighting scheme with clean lines and
an unobtrusive way to illuminate spaces. The chosen LED lighting for the nursing home was well positioned to provide ambient lighting and more focused task lighting. As intended, the results were magnificent and can be viewed on our website. Franklite have a team of professional and knowledgeable personnel who can demonstrate Frankled technology and discuss individual requirements. Call 01908 691818, email, visit or See the advert on page 41 for details.
New Look, New Designs By Christopher Guy Interiors cHriStOPHer gUy interiors are specialists in their field of contract furnishings and interiors, whether you need to replace tired looking chairs in your dining areas or looking at the bigger picture and refurbishing the whole building (including wall art and the little things like pictures floral arrangements) they can take care of everything with their free interior design service. Christopher Guy Interiors completed 19 New Builds by the close of 2016 and are now looking at an even greater number in 2017. There are many new fabric ranges being launched this month and
Christopher Guy have included them in their 2017 design portfolio, so all your furnishing needs will be covered in the very latest fabric designs from the UK and Europe to give your home the “Premier Look” Every piece of upholstered furniture is made in house “In Yorkshire” and delivered to you on their dedicated transport for extra piece of mind. Christopher Guy Interiors are traditionally 30% cheaper than their competitors and with extra special deals on selected products there's no better time to buy. Ring their customer care team for details Tel: 01274 660 123. See the adverts on pages 38-39.
SING FOR YOUR LIFE and the Suffolk Silver Song Project THE SUFFOLK SILvER SONG PROJECT is a Big
Lottery funded project which was launched in October 2016 and is run by Pip Collings at our new hub in the South East. activities within this project We provided the Silver Song Music Box to 10 Care Homes in Suffolk (listed below). The Music Box has been loaded with over 235 originally recorded versions of popular old songs.
THE SILVER SONG MUSIC BOX system has been developed by Sing For Your Life to enable Day Care Centres, Residential Care Homes and Hospitals to provide participatory singing sessions for older people. Singing brings people together and The Silver Song Music Box provides an inclusive activity that delivers excellent cognitive stimulation therapy and an effective reminiscence experience.
We trained activity co-ordinators to run the singing sessions, which makes the intervention totally sustainable. We provided a Performing Rights Society (PRS) licence and ongoing support for each group. We also offered a follow up service for groups needing additional help. Baylham Care Centre, Needham Market Ormonde Residential Care Home, Ipswich Bethesda Eventide Home, Ipswich Oulton Park Care Centre, Oulton Broads Britten Court Care Home, Lowerstoft Pilgrim Homes, Stowmarket Davers Court, Bury St Edmunds Stowlangtoft Hall Nursing Home, Stowlangtoft Depperhaugh Care Home, Hoxen Willows Residential Home, Lawshall Beneficiaries Our project reached over 320 older people including the Care Home staff and family & friends of the residents. Some of our Care Homes
have special events, such as coffee mornings, to bring people from the community to join in the singing. It is a wonderful thing to see carers able to connect with their loved ones through song, when normal communication has gone. We have had positive feedback from all our Care Homes and are looking for more, particularly in the Thames valley area, where funding is available. Contacts:
Hampshire, Thames Valley East Anglia South West England North Wales & West Midlands All other areas
For more information call 01183 755004 or go to
Dementia Awareness Training on Its Own Will Not Improve Dementia Care DEMENTIA AWARENESS training as a single strategy will not improve dementia care in hospitals or outcomes for patients, a new study from the University of Hertfordshire, published in the online journal BMJ Open highlights.
chological, emotional and social needs. 6) Building staff confidence to address patient risk in a person-centred way that supports a person’s abilities, choices and independence can improve mobility, reduce patient distress, and increase patient and carer satisfaction
The research, funded by the Alzheimer’s Society, reviewed approaches to make hospital environments more dementia friendly. The report found that in addition to dementia awareness training, it is important for senior team members with specific expertise in dementia care to work closely with hospital staff to support the continued development of skills in this area and promote their use among patients. Greater recognition of the changes to staff roles and responsibilities when caring for patients with dementia, and a flexible approach – that can accommodate the known limitations of ward routines – is also necessary to meet the needs of patients with dementia. Changes must be endorsed by senior management, to give staff permission and confidence to adapt practices to provide good dementia care. The report also found that strategies to help staff understand behaviour that challenges them as communication of an unmet need can encourage staff to take action to help reduce distress, as well as enable patients to be more independent. Comprehensive review Researchers interviewed key stakeholders and carried out a comprehensive literature review of interventions aimed at improving hospital care for people living with dementia. The report highlights six interconnected concepts which can enable effective dementia care in hospitals: 1) Where behaviour that challenges staff is understood as communication of an unmet need – via training, information about the patient and support from experts in dementia care – staff will feel able to respond to the patient’s needs. 2) Training which promotes understanding and empathy towards people living with dementia helps staff to understand the importance of making changes to care and encourages them to take more time with people living with dementia. 3) Clinical experts who convey to staff the priorities and standards for dementia care which are endorsed by the organisation, can support staff to develop skills in dementia care and help staff feel confident in their ability to adapt care practices. 4) Supporting staff to have confidence to organise care provision around the needs of the patient was linked to responsive, person-centred care. This helped staff to recognise and address unmet needs and distress, thereby improving patient wellbeing. 5) Time constraints and staffing resources limit staff capacity to provide good dementia care. Employing staff to assess cognitive abilities, provide therapeutic activities and supervise social mealtimes can help to meet patients’ psy-
Melanie Handley, lead author of the report, from the University of Hertfordshire, said: “There is increasing recognition that hospital staff and services need to understand the complexity of caring for and treating people living with dementia. At any one time, 25% of hospital beds are used by people living with dementia, rising to a higher proportion on some wards. Healthcare outcomes for people living with dementia are variable across the country and are inequitable when compared to outcomes for people without cognitive impairments.” “Our findings suggest that training as a single strategy is not enough to influence staff to adapt the care they provide for people living with dementia, to meet their needs. Rather we have highlighted six propositions which can run alongside one another to help deliver comprehensive care and positive patient outcomes. “Importantly, managerial endorsement for staff to work flexibly within their role, utilising practices and resources that enable them to get to know the person, will help staff to recognise and address signs of distress and implement best practice in dementia care. “We also found the need for access to experts in dementia care who can advise and encourage staff to provide good care for people living with dementia. In studies where this was adopted, experts with authority were able to communicate new expectations for standards of care and changes to procedures, validating the priorities for care and legitimising staffs’ adaption of care practices accordingly.” Dr Doug Brown, Director of Research at Alzheimer’s Society, said: “Sadly we know that dementia care in hospitals in extremely variable. An Alzheimer’s Society investigation in 2016 found that only 2% of people affected by dementia felt, in their experience, that all hospital staff understood the specific needs of people with dementia. While we are actively campaigning to change this, it’s exciting to see that research we are funding is lighting the way for better care in hospitals. “The findings from this study show that better support from senior colleagues with dementia expertise can help staff to put training into practice and ultimately deliver better outcomes for people with dementia. The next step, and where this will truly make a difference for people affected by dementia, is to get hospitals across the country to commit to providing appropriate dementia training for all staff and senior dementia specialists within hospital trusts. We hope to achieve this through Dementia Action Alliance Dementia-Friendly Hospital Charter, which already has over 100 hospitals signed up.”
Understanding complexity of caring for people with dementia
Ascend Learning Solutions Ltd AScend leArning Solutions ltd is a family run independent training provider. committed to delivering enjoyable and high-quality mandatory, Accredited and Bespoke courses in house or at a venue of your choice.
Ascend Learning is committed to providing learning opportunities that will improve the confidence of your staff and in turn enhance the quality of your care provision We deliver a wide range of First Aid Courses from Refreshers, Defib Training or Paediatric plus
Safeguarding, Mental Capacity Act and Positive Behaviour support that are vital to promoting high quality care. Some of the comments from our courses have been • Loved the training found it interesting and fun • I feel more confident when doing my job • My recording skills are so much better after this course Please See our Website and Facebook page for more information or contact us Direct for a quote
ReVitalyz is Mandatory for Sunrise & Gracewell Homes WITH ACTIVITIES in care settings being recognised as an essential part of care provision, the Vitalyz Exercise team are delighted that another of the Top 20 Large Care Home Groups are now embracing the ReVitalyz Seated Physical Activity (SPA) training programme, enabling regular sessions within all their communities.
Seated Exercise Training OPEN workshops Northampton – 15th August Portsmouth - 19th September Also available in-house
Supporting QCF Qualifications ‘Activity Provision in Social Care’ L2 Award & L3 Certificate
023 9235 8285
Sunrise Senior Living and Gracewell Healthcare recognise the importance of keeping their residents as mobile as possible and one of their dementia team commented “This training is very relevant and would be appropriate for all team members to participate in that are working in the care sector.” Demonstrating their commitment to enriching resident’s lives Sunrise have now made SPA training mandatory for at least FOUR team members within each Home, ensuring continued delivery regardless of staff shortages due to holidays etc. ReVitalyz SPA training enables carers and volunteers to deliver personalised physical experiences which can maintain mobility while improving social interaction and mental stimulation. Recognised by NAPA the 4hr, practical workshops include appropriate tips, motivational techniques and practical ideas delivered at an achievable level enabling learners to deliver basic seated physical activities to their clients. 023 9235 8285
Geopace Training geOPAce trAining is the UK’s leading provider of Phlebotomy training courses delivering accredited and nationally recognised training to the highest of professional standards. All courses adhere to CHS132 – the National Occupational Standard for Phlebotomy and to Skills for Health guidelines HSC376 as well as fol-
lowing WHO guidelines. Courses are available as classroom, eLearning or Blended Learning (hybrid) and cover all levels of experience from novice through to experienced phlebotomist. Geopace Training have developed a reputation for excellence in training, delivered to a wide and varied audience of students and organisations including Colleges and Universities, Hospitals, Care Homes and GP Practices as well as individuals. Group training on-site provides a very cost effective method for staff education and CPD. For further details Tel: 01525 713377, Website: Email:
Improving Hydration for Residents and Staff: The Hydration Game AROUND 20% of people living in long term care are dehydrated. Dehydration can have serious health consequences for older people, and The Hydration Game is a training tool designed to help social care staff understand, recognise and minimise dehydration for residents and themselves. The Hydration Game helps clinical and support staff in care settings understand the problem, testing and building on their knowledge of hydration, before exploring creative solutions to improve hydration by increasing fluid intake. It can be used informally in the workplace, or as
part of more structured training programmes or workshops. Educational games make training appealing, effective and enjoyable for staff. The Hydration Game contains over 75 question, discussion and scenario cards. These are designed to deliver knowledge and stimulate conversations around the practical steps staff can take to minimise dehydration and improve resident’s wellbeing. Also included are specific questions encouraging staff to take notice of and improve their own fluid intake. One of a range of health and social care training games from educational games specialists, Focus Games Ltd. Learn more at
Bring the Outdoors in with SensoryScent Garden Corner imPrOve yOUr resident experience with this realistic and immersive garden experience. Bring the smell of summer inside. enjoy the scents of fresh cut grass and tomato plants; resurrect memories, stimulate discussions with this fun multisensory activity set. Did you know research indicates a 40% improvement in mood when exposed to a pleasing scent? A pleasant odour is evocative - engaging attention and enhancing a simulated experience as well as providing an additional way to communicate when cognition is impaired. Easy to install, SensoryScent Garden Corner, uses visual, tactile and
scented stimuli to engage people in fun conversation about gardens, gardening, favourite plants, cultivation - the scope is limited only by your imagination. Use SensoryScent Garden Corner to create a destination at the end of a corridor, or a temporary display in a lounge as the focus for a series of supervised garden-related activities such as potting plants or sharing gardening stories. Smell & Connect story cards about gardening and growing vegetables are included to help the conversation flow. Smell & Connect can help make a difference for your residents. For further information please contact or visit
Enrich Social Care with Happy Days - Ideal for all Care Service Providers HAPPy dAyS materials and resources are designed to make a difference. We want to help people live as well as possible with dementia ~ That’s why most of our products include conversation prompts and/or replica memorabilia and carer guides. Because we have carried out extensive market research, finding out what people really need, want or would enjoy, we feel certain our tried and tested materials and resources will help carers to enrich social care, create meaningful interactions, encourage a sense of fulfilment and shared enjoyment for well-being. Being ever aware of budgets, Happy Days range of memory prompts and social activities are cost and time effective. Visit our one-stop-shop or phone to order and save time searching for materi-
als. We’re often asked and delighted to come and share our ideas for nostalgic settings in residential care homes, day centres, community hubs, hospital dementia wards, doctors’ surgeries and more. We ask for a small consultancy fee, related to project size may be redeemable against any purchases made. We can offer nostalgic design services to suit your environment, themes and can work to your chosen budget, including: • 1950s Living Room Scene • The Happy Days Communications Board • Themed Memory Boxes & Suitcases • Conversation Chat Cards & Games • Assisted Living Prompts • Meaningful Wall Art & Nostalgic Displays Order line: 01253-899163 Shop online:
SSTAR Care Staff Training IN ORDER for care staff to become competent in the provision of care to a high standard, decisions about training and the level of training needs to be made. Care assistants need knowledge and skills in order to deliver care to others and the ratio between the two varies according to the topic under consideration. Skill based topics require underpinning knowledge in order for care assistants to understand how and why the skills work.
More importantly the care assistants also need to practise those skills in a safe environment whilst being monitored and guided in the practice of those skills. Knowledge based topics have a skills element in terms of putting that knowledge into practice whilst caring for others. Senior care staff need to monitor and supervise carers to ensure that the knowledge learnt is being used appropriately. See the advert on the facing page for details.
Nursing & Residential Home Specialist Agency Eddie Dribble - the best known name in the private care industry
Valuations undertaken - Nursing and Residential Homes always wanted for sale nationwide
emanuel a dribble 26 Arthur Road New Malden Surrey KT3 6LX tel/Fax 020 8942 0852
Reduced commission rates for owners replying through this advertisement Reduced commission rates for RNHA members
Sleep-Ins and The National Minimum Wage SleeP-inS HAve been a topic of controversy for some time, but the issue has become more pressing recently with escalating costs in the sector and, coupled with a new approach by Hmrc to enforce payment of the national minimum wage (nmw) for sleep-ins, the issue is causing a potential crisis for care providers. Recently an independent survey was carried out by the Voluntary Disability Organisations Disability Group (VODG), Agenda Consulting and Trowers & Hamlins LLP which provides a comprehensive overview of the likely effect on the sector of the application of the NMW to sleep-ins. A worker who is required to be on the premises and who would be disciplined if they left the workplace will be deemed to be working for the whole of their overnight shift even if they are sleeping during some, or all, of this time. This means that they are entitled to be paid the NMW (which can be the National Living Wage) for every hour that they are working. The risks of not paying the NMW for sleep-ins are that both workers and HMRC may have claims for back pay against those care providers that do not pay. Many care providers are now having to dig deep to try and finance payment of substantial arrears as a result of HMRC’s change in tack. In the survey 84% of those audited specifically in relation to sleep-ins had audits which took place in 2016 or 2017. 35% received a notice of underpayment. A quarter of the 35% were only asked to make a single year of back payments, but another quarter were asked to cover 5.3 years on average. Who will pay for the additional costs? Commissioners have only agreed to fund 14% of services at NMW rates according to the survey results. The survey asked those providers who do not pay the NMW for sleepins what the impact will be if they have to pay the NMW for these periods without extra funding. The results show that 25% of services would have to be handed back to commissioners.
A New Partnership for Carers Online inSUrAnce provider have recently announced launching carers insurance, in partnership with SAgic, the Salvation Army’s insurance company. have launched affordable, comprehensive Carers Insurance, Personal Assistant Insurance and Home Care Insurance, with a range of policies. Starting as low as £4.92 per month for Independent Carers, £5.75 per month for Employed Carers or £6.25 per month for Self Employed Carers, all of these policies provide excellent cover and are
Global Business Finance glOBAl BUSineSS Finance was established over 26 years ago by the firm’s present senior partner, mark widdows, and since then has arranged over £1.8bn in loans for healthcare clients. The firm works exclusively in the care sector providing a very personalised service, as the firm knows every client is individual with individual requirements. Mark and his team spend time getting to know each of their clients in order that they can ensure all needs are met and the loan facility tailored to their client’s individual requirements. Global offers national coverage and with the support of email, fax, regular telephone conversations and face to face meetings the firm are able to put together a professional and comprehensive bank application. The bank managers that Global work with are all specialist healthcare managers who
There is the impact on the care providers themselves too. For those not paying NMW rates 61% would need to make redundancies if they met the additional expense of paying the NMW. The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) recently considered three conjoined appeals concerning how time spent asleep during a ‘sleep-in’ shift should be treated in Focus Care Agency Ltd v Roberts, Frudd and another v The Partington Group Ltd, and Royal Mencap Society v TomlinsonBlake. The central issue was whether employees who sleep-in in order to carry out duties if required, engage in “time work” for the full duration of the sleep-in shift or whether they are working for NMW payment purposes only when they are awake to carry out any relevant duties. The EAT confirmed that a “multi-factorial evaluation” should be applied to establish whether or not the individual is working. The factors will include a consideration of the work being carried out, whether there is a contractual or statutory requirement to be present, and the immediacy of the requirement to respond to an unusual event. What measures can employers implement to reduce their risk? • Pay the NMW/NLW and take the pain. • Restructure the business to ensure that existing workers aren’t doing sleep-ins; • In certain circumstances, argue that staff are on-call rather than sleeping in, so that the time is unmeasured and can be covered by a workplace agreement, though this is potentially problematic. Since the Employment Appeal Tribunal’s (EAT’s) decision in Shannon v Rampersad (t/a Clifton House Residential Home there may be times when on-call time will only be paid when an individual is awake for the purposes of working. Here a night care assistant in a residential care home was not “working” for the purpose of calculating the NMW simply by being “on-call” in his flat on the premises (where he was not required to be all the time). Only those hours when he was “awake for the purpose of working” counted towards the NMW. The Court of Appeal is due to hear the appeal in this case next March. upgradable for a more comprehensive coverage. Policies can be purchased for teams of carers by their employers too. director, Stuart Bensusan, said of the move: ‘We’re immensely proud to be working with SAGIC, the only underwriter to give back 100% of profits to help those in need. Our Carers Insurance policies focus on providing a fair and comprehensive cover to all our customers, and we’re confident that SAGIC’s work will only further this approach”. Both Surewise and SAGIC, provide many other types of flexible insurance policies to suit people of all needs and budgets. SAGIC’s focus on ethical insurance has allowed it to give back over £2M in Gift Aid back to the Salvation Army in the last 3 years alone. For further information, please see the advert opposite. have extensive knowledge within the sector and fully understand the requirements of the clients that Global introduce. Mark Widdows, the firm’s senior partner, trained as an accountant before establishing the brokerage in 1989, other key executives are his wife, Sally-Ann, who specialised in nutrition before becoming a registered care home manager and Rupert, his son, who is also a qualified care manager and holds a degree in dementia with the leading Bradford Dementia Studies Group through Bradford University. The family own and run two care homes so fully understand all aspects and issues of care home owners which brings a unique ability to the firm to work with clients and convey their needs to the bank that is lending. With over £1.8bn in completed care home loans you should strongly consider Global Business Finance to represent you for your next loan application. See their advert in this issue on this page. Reader Enquiries - Tel: 01242 227172 Email: