The Carer #47 Winter 2020

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Music Therapy – Bringing Moments Of Joy To People Living With Dementia W W W. T H E C A R E R U K . C O M INSIDE




Hygiene & Technology and Infection Control Nurse Call Pages 26-27


where sold

Pages 28-35

Issue 47

Bathrooms and Washrooms

Furniture and Fittings

Laundry Solutions

Pages 36-37

Pages 38-39

Page 40

Music Therapy Page 41

See Page 41

Professional, Training & Recruitment

Care Insurance Pages 44-47

Pages 42-44

Migration Recommendations Would ‘Shut the Door’ to Care Workers Industry Warns

Britain will miss out on ‘desperately needed’ care workers after Brexit social care leaders have said because the Migration Advisory Committee’s (MAC) recommendation to government to lower the salary threshold for non-British workers does not far enough. In a report for the government exploring on how to implement ministers’ proposals for a points-based immigration system to replace free movement from the European Economic Area (EEA), the independent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) admitted its proposals would hit social care, but added that the sector’s problems were entrenched in low pay and not immigration policy. The committee recommends: • Retain existing Tier 2 (general) of the current points-based system for medium to highly skilled individuals with a job offer. • Modify Tier 1 (exceptional talent), a work route based on no job offer. • Use points system for qualifications, age, having studied in the UK and priority areas such as science, technology, engineering and maths. There would also be

a requirement to track data of individuals coming across using this route. • Lower the Tier 2 salary threshold from £30,000 to £25,600 to encompass 'medium-skilled' roles as well as skilled. • Lower the salary threshold for new entrants to £17,920. • Pro-rata salary thresholds for part-time workers after becoming a parent. • A full review of the shortage occupation list (SOL). • Removal of the Tier 2 cap and the resident labour market test (RLMT). • Pause to proposed increased settlement and subsequent review to assess how it works now and any possible changes. • No regional variation of salary thresholds but a separate pilot visa for remote areas of the country which could attract lower salary thresholds. The MAC review said the current Tier 1 visa “does not work well”. “The skills bar for entry is set too high, targeted at those at the very top of their field, and is too risk averse,” the report says. “The numbers admitted fall far short of the cap.”

Instead, the government should create system whereby migrants who score highly on a points system are pooled, from which there is a monthly draw, with a cap on the total number admitted each month. The committee criticised the UK’s current convoluted immigration system where EU workers can come in without a job offer or a particular skill under freedom of movement rules, while people from the rest of the world must seek one of several different visas. It said the UK’s post-Brexit system should allow entry to workers from all over the world with skills that are in demand, but also take into account many of them would not earn enough to meet the current salary test. The report said: “Many stakeholders would prefer there to be no salary thresholds beyond the minimum wage.” However the committee believed the threshold stopped the undercutting of the labour market, ensured migrants made a net positive contribution to the public finances, and made sure migration policy

supported the “ambition to make the UK a high wage, high skill, high productivity economy”. The MAC said its proposals would benefit the UK economy, but warned there could be a rise in pressures in social care because of a shortage of low-skilled workers. “We remain concerned about the situation in social care, but the root cause of the problems there is the failure to offer competitive terms and conditions,” said the report. Care leaders have expressed concerns that the workforce shortages, particularly in social care will only get worse. Simon Bottery, Senior Fellow at The King’s Fund, said: ‘One in six staff working in adult social care in England have a non-British nationality. These workers are crucial for the viability of social care services, which are struggling to cope with approximately 122,000 vacancies at any one time.

(Continued on page 3...)


VIEWPOINT Welcome to Winter edition of The Carer. I am writing this on the day we leave the European Union, commonly referred to as “Brexit”. It is safe to say it is going to be a very interesting year for the country, and the adult social care sector in particular. Aside from funding of course, which presents the greatest challenge, our front-page story highlights another great challenge - staffing!. Editor Earlier this month I was contacted by the BBC to take part in a phone-in on the issue of local care providers and the impact that Brexit will potentially have on staff, who are EU citizens and what issues they face in getting settled status. Who would know better than me than those at the coalface - care providers. So, I contacted providers who receive our publication to get some insight. It is clearly a challenge. Jackie Snape Chief Executive of Disability Action Yorkshire said, “Recruitment in the social care sector is very close to crisis point. There are just not enough people wanting to do the kind of work that we rely on every day to ensure that the most vulnerable people in our society are cared for.” “As a small charity, operating in a reasonably wealthy town, nearly 25% of our workforce, in lower paid social care roles, are from the EEA. We struggle to recruit new staff, partly due to the economic demographic of the town, partly due to huge competition and mainly due to the fact that we, like every other provider just can’t afford to pay what these staff are worth. To say that we are scared about the future is not an over exaggeration.” Simon JA Lloyd MBE Home Manager Chestnut View Care Home said, “We have not yet encountered any issues at all with staffing in my Home as a result of Brexit and we do not envisage any issues with salary in the transition. There may be a lack of applications from within the EU over the next few weeks, as we depart the European Union but at this stage it is supposition.” Kat Whitemoss Marketing & Fundraising Manager Parkhaven Trust said, “At Parkhaven Trust we are in the fortunate position to be able to fill 90% of our job vacancies with a local workforce. The existing staff we have that are originally from Europe have taken up residency here in the North West. Brexit is not likely to directly be an issue for us, however should the pool of workers be reduced and competition for existing workers increases, the use of agencies is likely to increase. We are not as directly dependent on agency workers as many other care providers. “The most significant issue with the points system is that most carers won’t have the higher academic skills or achieve the salary requirements to meet the thresholds. Any points system needs to reflect local need based on the number of vacancies rather than a Whitehall determined measure. Mark Worden, HR Manager at Parkhaven Trust”. Although I cannot comment on other industries/sectors, adult social care is an area that, in my opinion, needs special treatment. The sector faces the challenges of increasing demand and workforce shortage. The proposed reduction is welcome, but as industry, observers say, it does not go far enough. I truly think the Government has to bite the bullet on its immigration policies to ensure adult social care is sustainable. We are exhibiting at the South West Care Exhibition in Exeter on March 12th and at the Dementia Care and Nursing Home Expo at the NEC in March 17 and 18 so please do pay us a visit - we welcome your views and feedback!

Peter Adams

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Migration Recommendations Would ‘Shut the Door’ to Care Workers Industry Warns (...Continued from front cover.) ‘By prioritising higher-paid workers, the Migration Advisory Committee recommendations for a pointsbased visa system would effectively shut the door to thousands of people who are desperately needed to shore up the social care workforce. In doing so, the committee has batted the social care staffing problem back to government, challenging the government to improve care worker pay and conditions so more home-grown staff are attracted to the roles. ‘However, the immediate reality is that the average hourly pay for care workers is below the rate paid in most supermarkets. The committee’s challenge risks being a triumph of hope over reality unless the government provides an immediate social care funding boost and a comprehensive plan for sustainable staffing, and the Prime Minster delivers on his commitment to “fix social care once and for all”.’ Deborah Alsina MBE, Chief Executive of Independent Age, said, “The social care sector is already under immense pressure, and heavily reliant on workers from overseas. Anything that creates a further barrier to recruiting and retaining that workforce will only make that worse. We urgently need the Government to develop and implement a comprehensive workforce strategy for social care, to ensure we can deliver a social care system fit for purpose in the future. This must be developed in tandem with the workforce strategy for the NHS. “The Chair of the Migration Advisory Committee has said that some difficult trade-offs are unavoidable, but it’s essential that social care providers are given assurances that any new system does not come at the cost of

poorer care for the older people and families who currently depend on it. “We want to see any new immigration system include a route for those workers from overseas to avoid creating additional strain across our stretched NHS and care systems. Danny Mortimer, co-convenor of the Cavendish Coalition and chief executive of NHS Employers, which is part of the NHS Confederation, said: “We welcome the Migration Advisory Committee’s recommendation to lower the salary threshold but are concerned that it does not go far enough to address the workforce crisis in social care despite recognition of the problem. “If social care is unable to recruit from overseas, the sector will simply not be able to meet the growth in demand, leading to significant implications for the health and wealth of the nation. “Both the NHS and social care carry more than 100,000 vacancies respectively in England and our ageing population with complex needs means record demand for services and care will increase. “Brexit provides an opportunity for the government to re-set the UK’s approach to immigration. The focus on an Australian-style, points-based system offers scope to tackle workforce challenges, which could complement domestic supply efforts. We are confident that the NHS is firmly in the Government’s considerations but need an equal if not greater acknowledgement of the requirements for overseas colleagues to work in social care. “The coalition has had a very constructive dialogue with the Home Office and we will continue to ask the Home Secretary to go further than MAC in providing support to the social care workforce.”

Research to Enhance Care Home Residents’ Quality of Life The University of Hertfordshire is leading a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded four-year study to improve how researchers, health and social care services can use existing data to improve the care and quality of life for care home residents, families and staff. Over £2.2 million has been awarded for the study – Developing research resources and minimum data set for care homes’ adoption and use – which will address the need to develop robust systems that support how all the different services and individuals (e.g. care staff, NHS professionals, family, regulators, social services) work together for residents’ benefit. The study will review how current health and social care systems work, what “good” looks like, explore the evidence on how to integrate data and test what a minimum dataset would need to be the key resource for all those working in and for care homes. The findings have the potential to deliver a step-change in how we understand the needs of the care home population. This could be a resource that supports the provision of high quality care across the country. Claire Goodman, Professor of Health Care Research, NIHR Senior Investigator at the University of Hertfordshire and the lead investigator commented: “We rely on care homes to provide care and support to some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Care homes are valued partners to the NHS providing almost all our long-term care for frail older people. A more consistent approach is needed to support integrated working and ensure that planning for future needs of residents is based on the best evidence. By bringing

together existing data systems, creating a minimum data set and further researching care home residents’ needs, we can make recommendations likely to improve residents’ quality of life.” Claire Goodman continued: “Long-term continuing care for older people is principally provided by care homes, with approximately 420,000 people in England and Wales living in a care home. Residents and staff rely on the NHS for medical care and the role of social care is gaining recognition as an essential part of care provision for this ageing population. This underlines the need to develop reciprocal systems of working between the NHS and care homes. Our aim is to create new ways of working and doing research in and with care homes, so that the outputs benefit not only the researchers, but also the residents.” Dr James Pickett, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Society’s, which is partnering with NIHR on the project, said: “We are delighted to be partners in this important project. The study will tackle a major unmet need and provide a greater understanding of how the care system as a whole can ensure people with dementia in care homes receive the best quality care.” “Around 70% of people in care homes are living with dementia, so this study has the potential to change the lives of many thousands of people. There is a data revolution underway in healthcare and it’s vital that social care doesn’t get left behind. We know that dementia devastates lives, which is why projects such as this are so vital.”

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Don’t Undervalue Our National Treasures By Mario Kreft MBE, Chair of Care Forum Wales

The people who work in care homes and domiciliary care companies are national treasures and they need to be appreciated as such. Instead, the social care sector and in particular independent providers have traditionally been viewed as a Cinderella service, something that is somehow separate from the NHS rather than being incorporated as an essential part of an integrated health and social care regime in Wales. The truth is that social care has all too often been seen as a cost rather than something that has great value to society and as a force for good that binds our communities together.

That is one of the underlying reasons why social care is in crisis. It is only in very recent times that this has been understood and indeed there are some very encouraging signs but we have a great deal of ground to make up for past mistakes. The upshot is that care homes and domiciliary care companies have been chronically underfunded for decades while the workforce has been chronically undervalued. It’s a situation that has been made worse because we have rapidly growing number of people whose needs are ever more acute. Fact one; over the next 20 years the over 85 year old population is going to double. Fact two: the number of beds available in social care is diminishing because care homes are closing across Wales. Fact three: it is increasingly difficult to recruit and retain staff. Things are bad now. But be prepared for them to get a lot worse unless urgent action is taken to sort it out. At the same time, very few individuals or organisations are investing in building new care homes. They are the exception and not the rule. That’s down to the mathematics of social care which are depressingly straightforward and this also resulted in low pay for many working on the front line when we should instead be investing in them. The fees paid by local authorities and health boards

are largely predicated on keeping pay at low levels, often on paying no more than the statutory minimum wage. The social care workforce is largely made up of women and I do believe there is an element of discrimination here, not by any individual or any particular organisation but by society as a whole. It’s a nonsense to say that social care is a low skill occupation. It is the opposite of that. You may not need an Ology from university but you do need some really important qualities and skills. To be a great care practitioner you need things like a high level of emotional intelligence, kindness and compassion. Sadly, as yet, an economic tag has not been put on these qualities. Social care is also an economic powerhouse which contributes more than £2 billion a year to the Welsh economy and employs six per cent of the Welsh workforce. We set up the Wales Care Awards to recognise the wonderful work that they do and the so-called Oscars of social care are now in their 17th year. There are signs now that the tide of public opinion is turning and the value of social care has, to their great credit, been recognised by the Welsh Government who have included the sector as one of the four main pillars of the Welsh foundation economy. It’s completely changed the dynamic. The recognition of social care as being important to the foundation economy was a game-changer. We can’t export social care in the same way that we export widgets and other goods. That changing narrative now needs to feed into the

calculations of local authorities and health boards when determining the fees they pay for social care, especially as the services they provide underpin the NHS and help it keep functioning. I am deeply concerned that unless we really change our focus, unless we really value the service in a different way, we are going to see a continuing downward spiral in social care, with the inexorable rise in demand and the fall in the number of available beds. At the same time, the recruitment and retention of staff is a growing problem. Threre is something seriously wrong when you can earn more stacking supermarket shelves than you can for looking after vulnerable people in a care home or in their own homes. Essentially, it all boils down to equality and fairness – the basic traits that the Welsh nation is famous for. We need to ensure that older people, people with disabilities and special needs have the best possible quality of life. But it’s not going to happen just because we wish it to be so. To make this a reality we need to ensure that the procurement process for social care is fair and transparent and that the fees set across Wales enable us to do the right thing by the people who work in the sector and the people for whom they provide care. That means establishing and following a realistic tool kit to calculate fair fees so that care homes and domiciliary care companies are financially viable so they can pay staff what they truly deserve. Instead of being predicated on paying the minimum wage, the pay formula adopted by local authorities and health boards should be based on paying the voluntary living wage. That should be the baseline for all social care workers in Wales. We cannot continue undervaluing our national treasures.

Ageing Population: Does The ‘Old Age’ Threshold Need To Be Reconsidered? Reaching age 65 has traditionally been cited as the start of becoming older due to it previously being the official retirement age and milestone to draw the State Pension. However, with the population living and working longer than ever before it needs to be considered whether what’s officially known as ‘old age’ should now start later in life. The balance of age is tipping more towards older people from a median age of 34 years in 1950 to 40 years in 20181. Therefore health and social care services need to be developed and properly equipped to deal with an ageing population. Gavin Bashar, UK Managing Director of of Connected Care and Health Solutions Tunstall Healthcare, discusses what needs to be done to ensure high quality social care is available to enable people to live fulfilling and meaningful lives as they grow older, and the important role assistive technology plays in achieving this.


“Advances in health and social care have led to the population living longer and healthier lives. In 2018, a man aged 65 still had just over one fifth of his life left and a woman still had a third2, therefore we must reconsider what is now classed as the start of ‘old age’.

“It’s also important to remember that although a growing ageing population has multiple benefits including contributing to the economy for longer and being able to spend more time with friends and family, it can also have an adverse effect on demand and funding for health and social care services.”


“With 65 first being adopted as the official age of retirement and national pension program in 19th century Germany3, it’s no surprise that this has long been considered the benchmark for old age. However there is now no longer an official retirement age and the State Pension age is rising. “The government needs to consider how to meet the needs of an older population in the workplace, with support from employers, and what is required after work to ensure a successful and happy retirement. With many people saving for a pension early in life, connected care and assistive technology should also be considered to ensure people are aware of what is available and the benefits it offers themselves and loved ones in later life.”


“There are numerous examples of innovations in the social care system, such as the development of Integrated Care Systems. These innovations aim to deliver high-quality social care which has closer links to health and is better equipped to deal with the expanding and ageing population. “However, many of these innovations are at a micro level, and more needs to be done to bring this to scale so the number of people benefitting from social innovation increases. Assistive technology can benefit the older population in a number of ways from enabling people with dementia to stay at home for longer, to giving care home residents greater independence.”


“Cuts to funding and other financial pressures can make it difficult for organisations and commissioners to continue developing innovations while also maintaining high quality services. Yet it’s never been more important to fund health and social care services so that older people can live healthy and independent lives for longer. “With the population living longer, the government has launched its Grand Challenge missions, including the ageing society, as part of the Industrial Strategy5. Support has been pledged to ensure that people can enjoy at least five extra healthy, independent years of life by 2035. With funding playing a key role in ensuring this aim becomes a reality, £98 million of investment has been announced through the Healthy Ageing Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund and over £130 million of investment has been secured to support healthcare innovation. “Assistive technology and connected care needs to be considered as a key facilitator of innovations and consistent care delivery. Technology-based solutions and services allow new, more efficient and effective models for health & care management, without increasing the need for greater funding. Assistive technology and connected care also facilitate person-centred care which is crucial if we are to continue seeing an improvement in the long term health of our population and reducing pressures on the healthcare system by enabling people to live at home safely for longer.” “In conclusion, although the population is living healthier for longer, it’s important to consider at an early age what is needed to ensure appropriate and high quality care is available to all, to provide a foundation for integrated and person-centred care which can adapt as our needs change.” For more information, please visit:


Jeremy Hunt: NHS Cash Boost 'Not Enough Without Increased Social Care Spending' Increasing spending on the NHS is not enough without investing in a long-term plan for the social care system, says former health secretary Jeremy Hunt. Speaking during the second reading of the NHS Funding Bill, Mr Hunt said he failed to negotiate a fiveyear funding settlement for social care at the same time as he helped secure one for the NHS. Mr Hunt told MPs: “It is absolutely true that if we don’t have an equivalent five-year funding plan for social care, then this won’t be enough money for the NHS. This is because of a total interdependence of the health and social care systems. “This is not about finding money, important though it is, to stop people having to sell their homes if they get dementia. “This is about the core money available to local authorities to spend on their responsibilities in adult social care. “I tried to negotiate a five-year deal for social care at the same time as the NHS funding deal that we’re negotiating today. I failed. “But I’m delighted that I have a successor with enormously strong persuasion skills and indeed great contacts in the Treasury and I have absolutely no doubt that he will secure a fantastic deal for adult social care.” He added that the Government’s spending proposals would put the UK near the top of developed countries in

terms of health spending. He added: “We are heading towards being amongst the top quartile of spenders amongst developed countries as a proportion of our GDP on health and that is a very significant increase.” In response, Deborah Alsina MBE, Chief Executive of Independent Age, said: “We welcome Jeremy Hunt making the link between a robust social care system and reduced pressures on the NHS. Social care is in urgent need of reform and has been for many years. “The consensus the Government seeks has already been built around the principle of care free at the point of use. It’s supported by the public too – our survey found that 78% of adults in England would support the introduction of free personal care for all older people who need it, and 74% would be willing to pay more to fund it. “It’s essential that the merits of free personal care, which would ensure that older people received help with daily tasks such as getting out of bed, dressing and washing, are properly considered as party of cross-party talks. Until significant reforms are made, older people will continue to suffer: being forced to stay in hospital for longer; living with unmet care needs; and often having to sell their home before they choose to. The government needs to remember that it’s these individuals who bear the brunt of its inability to make a decision.”


Local Dementia-Friendly Pub Lunches Launched Sunrise of Bagshot is celebrating after supporting the launch of local dementia-friendly pub lunches. Melanie Grigg, Director of Community Relations at Sunrise of Bagshot, is the Chairman of the Dementia Action Alliance in Bagshot, Windlesham and Lightwater, who have developed the new initiative. The Alliance uses the Sunrise dining principles at their lunches to offer a calm and welcoming environment to those living with memory loss and make menus clear and simple, with pictures if required.

The lunches are open to everyone from the local area and provide an ideal opportunity for families impacted by dementia to meet. Melanie Grigg, Director of Community Relations at Sunrise of Bagshot, said: “We are thrilled to have launched such a fantastic dementia-friendly initiative for the local area. Those living with dementia, as well as friends, family and neighbours across the local community are all welcome enjoy a positive and welcoming space, as well as delicious food of course!

York House Resident June Becomes Barmaid For A Day! York House care home has started make cocktails as she’s never had a new initiative called the wishing box that opportunity before. – where residents can tell us their At first we the home was “scratchdreams so that they can try and make them come true. The home wants to ensure that residents have memorable and uplifting experiences whilst in their care, giving them experiences they’ll never forget is part and parcel of their care. That first wish belonged to June, she wanted the chance to be a barmaid for a day and learn how to

ing heads” on how to make this happen, but thanks to the generosity of The Cosy Club in Norwich (Bar/restaurant) they were able to make June’s dream come true. They allowed June to do a shift behind the bar, teaching her how to make a selection of drinks on their cocktail menu from Daiquiri’s to Espresso Martini’s; providing the space, time, equipment and ingredients completely free of charge. June got to taste the fruits of her labor which she enjoyed immensely.

We've got you covered Over 10 years of providing Care Support, Line Management, Management support, Troubleshooting and Quality Assurance.


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How Hearing Loss Increases Loneliness and Social Isolation When experiencing hearing loss, social situations quickly switch from being enjoyable to daunting as research collated by The Hearing Care Partnership (THCP) shows people who have hearing loss often feel lonely and are likely to skip social occasions as they no longer feel they can join conversations. With more than half of UK affected with Hearing loss, around 40% say they have to repeat themselves or raise their voice in order to be heard (57%) according to research by MED-EL. Further data also shows 52% of Brits have a close family member that struggles with loss of hearing. To tackle the feelings of loneliness and encourage families to stay connected loved ones with hearing impairments, Head Audiologist at THCP Melanie Gregory delves into the effects of social isolation and what can be done to prevent this from happening. Hearing loss can develop into loneliness, as those

with hearing loss begin to stay at home rather than risk a social situation where they will inevitably miss out on snippets of conversation or even miss-hear and fear they’ll say the wrong thing. People who have hearing loss may find that crowded environments with background noise are the most difficult places to hear speech, and those who were quite outgoing can quickly become more insular.

People with hearing loss are also more at risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Hearing has been identified as the most significant modifiable risk factor for dementia ahead of hypertension and obesity. Research from Action on Hearing Loss shows those who were obese had a 66% increased risk of suffering hearing loss for mid-frequency sounds than healthy-weight adults.


Our eyes and ears work together to help us stay balanced and steady on your feet. However, if one of those senses is impaired, our chances of falling increases. Research suggests that the less you can hear, the less you move. Known as cognitive load, this is when so much attention and brain energy is spent on trying to hear, leaving the brain with less energy overall. With better hearing results, people are more likely to do more, feel more confident, stay physically active and are less prone to developing chronic health conditions

For someone suffering moderate hearing loss, it’s three times as likely to experience depression and five times more likely if you have a severe hearing loss. Becoming more isolated, seeing less of our friends and not doing the things we love can lead to mental health issues like depression. ONS research shows it has a measurable impact on your overall health, equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.



such as diabetes, stroke and cognitive decline. It’s never too late to make changes to the way you live. Combining having regular hearing tests every year, here are three tips to get you started and avoid slipping into social isolation. Stay active: Just 30 minutes of activity a day can help promote mobility and health in later life. A brisk winter walk is highly recommended. Eat healthily: Choose a healthy Mediterranean diet packed with fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, low salt and sugar content, and not too much meat. Stay connected: Do things that give you joy and meaning, whether that’s playing tennis, taking up photography, or visiting places you love. All of these things help you to feel more positive. By looking after our eyes and ears, we can be ready for whatever comes our way — seeing things more clearly. Hearing and being heard. And enjoy more of the people and things that we love.

Safety of Employees in Challenging Environments By Tessa Robinson, Solicitor and Employment Law expert at Furley Page hold. This will act as evidence that the employer has complied with its health and safety obligations. Care homes have a duty to record and report specific incidents under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013. Near misses, incidents and accidents should be reported by staff, and recorded and investigated by the care home. The investigation should be full and carried out with the aim of understanding the root causes DUTY OF CARE of the incident to prevent it from occurring As a starting point, all employers owe their again. Resulting action may include revising employees a duty of care. As a result, an risk assessments and training. employer must take reasonable steps to proIf an employee has been injured, the risk vide a safe workplace and a safe system of assessments and training provided to an work. The obligation on the employer is there employee will be crucial. The investigation will to ‘provide and monitor, so far as is reasonably identify whether the correct risks and prevenpracticable, a working environment which is tion strategies were identified by the employer, reasonably suitable for the performance by the EMPLOYEE DUTIES The duties towards health and safety do not, as well as identifying whether or not the employees of their contractual duties’. employee acted reasonably and followed any however, solely rest with the employer. Challenging patients in care homes may relevant policies/training. Employees are under implied duties to obey demonstrate a wide variety of both physical An employer should consider whether they lawful and reasonable orders, and to exercise and behavioural problems which care staff have an insurance policy which may cover any reasonable care and skill in their role. must deal with on a daily basis, and so sick leave / compensation for an employee. If Employees must therefore act within the employers must ensure the environment is the injury results in long term sickness, then it policies, procedures and training they have safe for its employees, and that they are received by the employer, as these have been may be appropriate for an employer to send equipped to deal with these issues. the employee to occupational health in order put in place to protect both employees and RISK ASSESSMENTS patients. If they fail to do so, it may lead to dis- to receive advice on any reasonable adjustEmployers must therefore carry out both ments that could be made to their role to faciligeneral (care home-wide), and specific (patient ciplinary action being taken against them. A tate their return to work. further consequence is that an employee or or task specific), risk assessments. These patient may not be covered by an employer’s assessments will identify potential issues and Tessa Robinson is an experienced employinsurance policies in the event of an accident the reasonable steps which should be put in ment law solicitor with leading South East law taking place. place to protect the health and safety of the firm Furley Page. For more information about employee. It is, however, important to note that RECORDS AND REPORTING the Furley Page’s employment law services Records should be kept of all risk assessan employer does not have to cater for every please contact Tessa Robinson tar@furleyments and training that is completed by staff. single possible eventuality that could occur / 01634 828277 or visit with patients. Rather, they should identify risks This includes general qualifications they may Working with challenging patients in the care sector can raise potentially tricky issues regarding the obligations of both the employer and its employees. Many obligations are “implied” into the contract of employment.

and take reasonable steps to prevent these occurring. What is reasonable will depend on a variety of factors, including budget, staff available, the qualification levels of staff, and the likelihood of a risk occurring. Employers are not expected to cater for every eventuality if the risk is minimal. Risk assessments should identify areas of training that an employer may need to provide its employees. This will ensure the employees are equipped with the correct skills and equipment for the risks they face. The Health and Safety Executive guidance for Managing Health and Safety in Care Homes specifies a methodology of “Plan, Do, Check and Act” which guides businesses to provide a balance between health and safety risks for staff, and the needs and requirements of patients.


Researchers Begin Groundbreaking Evidence-Finding Study in Adult Social Care Researchers led by the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC) are launching a new Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)-funded project which will support the adult social care sector to innovate. The study, which is a collaboration between research and practice partners, is the first of its kind, looking at the entire process of innovation in adult social care: from the point when new ideas are created to the way they are implemented and spread. The project brings together the LSE, Care England, Islington Council, King’s College London, Kingston University London, Local Government Association (Care and Health Improvement Programme), Social Finance, Thurrock Council, Turning Point and the University of York. Dr Juliette Malley, who leads the project, commented, “It’s really exciting work… there are lots of promising innovations happening in adult social care, but we don’t know what makes some of them go on to become part of mainstream practice while others fall by the wayside.” The five-year study will uncover new evidence about what helps adult social care innovations to be developed, scaled-up and spread. Based on this, the project will produce a series of recommendations for future decision-making, planning and implementation of innovations across the adult social care sector.

Researchers will work closely with social care service users, carers, care providers and local authorities throughout the project. These diverse experiences from across the sector will inform the research at every stage. In the first stage of the study, workshops and discussions with stakeholders will help researchers to understand more about how innovation in adult social care is currently perceived. Together they will design a series of case studies to explore the process of innovation. In the second phase of the study, the research team will analyse the case studies to understand more about the conditions which enable innovations to spread, and to identify how innovation can be supported with changes to policy and infrastructure. A national survey in the final phase of the project will be sent to local authorities and social care organisations. This will test the findings from the case studies, and build an understanding of the situation in different parts of the country, including organisations’ capacity to innovate. Dr Malley said, “We want this study to start us on a road towards an infrastructure that will allow effective, affordable, and equitable innovations to flourish in adult social care. It would be great to see promising innovations spread more widely as a consequence of this study.”

Burma Veteran ‘Lucky to Survive WW2’ Celebrates 101st Birthday at Royal Star & Garter An Army veteran who says it was ‘pure luck’ that he survived the Second World War has celebrated his 101st birthday. Geoff Smith spent the day with family, friends and other residents at Royal Star & Garter in High Wycombe on Friday 20 December. He was one of the first residents to move into the Home, which provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia, when it opened in April 2019. Balloons marking the special occasion decorated the Home, while staff and residents sang Happy Birthday to Geoff and presented him with personalised birthday cards. He said: “The balloons are great. I knew the staff would make something of a fuss to celebrate,

but this is far more enjoyable than I anticipated.” Geoff joined the war effort in 1940, at the age of 21, signing up to the Army and serving in the Royal Corps of Signals. He trained local troops in India before moving to Burma. During this period Geoff, who rose to the rank of sergeant, lost close friends in the fight against enemy forces. Recalling one such incident, he told Royal Star & Garter: “We lived in tents, and I usually slept in a tent with the other sergeants. But I also had my own 40-pound tent. One night I was in my 40-pounder and a Japanese aircraft dropped bombs across our site. One of them hit the other tent, and all my fellow sergeants were killed that night. I was the only survivor simply because on that night I thought I’ll sleep in my own 40pounder.”

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Nine in Ten Over 55 Say UK Government Needs to Rethink Social Care 93% of those aged over 55 believe the government needs to seriously rethink how it manages and funds social care for older people in the UK, according to new research from Audley Group. This only drops slightly to 87% when looking at all of those over 18. Audley Group also found that eight in ten (82%) do not think the resources are in place to support a growing older population – a stark reminder of the worries facing those looking ahead to the future. The same proportion (82%) also believe the UK’s attitudes towards care of those in later life need to change. The number of over 75s is predicted to double in the next 30 years1, giving new urgency to act now. Yet 88% of over 55s believe there isn’t the provisions in place to support this growing elderly population. Only a quarter (29%) of over 55s are comfortable that they are financially prepared for their future care needs, with three in five (61%) saying they worry about how they will fund future social care if they need it.

Crucially when discussing their confidence in the government, only a third (32%) trust that the state will provide for them financially if they have care needs in later life. Nick Sanderson, Audley Group CEO, commented: “Social care is an issue which has plagued British politics in recent years and it’s clear that it’s a pressing concern for the majority of people. Inaction from the government and ever-increasing delays on the social care green paper has meant that the public have lost trust that a suitable solution will be offered. Boris Johnson has publicly committed to solving the social care crisis, and we need to see his words put into action and genuine change implemented. A first step here is removing the need for people to go to hospital and in turn cutting the strain on the social care system. A holistic approach which brings together housing, social care and health will be what makes the difference here and will place more trust in people that they will get the support they need, when they need it.”

Ageing LGBT People Invisible and Marginalised In Social and Care Settings A recent paper by the University of Hertfordshire reveals that there is an urgent need to recognise and address the unique care needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people – a diverse new ageing population who carry with them a legacy of past stigma and discrimination. Older people are now the largest group requiring end-of-life care. To be living with a life-limiting condition, to be dying or bereaved can be socially excluding experiences and research is now identifying additional layers of exclusion that LGBT people may face at these times. The article – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans Aging in a U.K. Context: Critical Observations of Recent Research Literature – found that older LGBT people’s histories and pathways have profound influences on their well-being and access to support towards and at the end of life. Kathryn Almack, Professor of Health, Young People and Family Lives at the University of Hertfordshire, is a leading expert in this field and recently provided evidence to the Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into Health and Social Care and LGBT communities to help

pave the way for equitable service provision that addresses core principles of dignity and respect for all. Professor Almack said: “Despite recent socio-legal shifts, older LGBT people are still often an invisible and marginalised population in care settings and their life-stories and relationships are frequently overlooked by care providers. These issues need to be addressed to ensure equitable access to care services for all in old age.” “While there is evidence of good practice in addressing the health and social care needs of older LGBT people, this tends to be led by committed individuals and needs embedding more firmly across health and social care provision as well as in undergraduate and postregistration curriculums. A key finding in our research was that forms of discrimination are not always overt but may include more subtle and sometimes unintentional forms of discrimination that are less easy to challenge”. The past decade has seen the development of in-depth evidence which has not only added to academic knowledge but has helped shape policy and practice to develop services that are

culturally responsive and accessible to older LGBT people. It takes account of LGBT older people’s lived experience including the broader social and historical context of inequality and oppression through which older LGBT people have lived. The oldest generations of LGBT people have lived through times when social attitudes were less tolerant; legislation criminalised gay men and enforced social sanctions on LGBT people. Despite this growing body of knowledge, residential care has been identified as a potential site of discrimination and exclusion emanating from both staff and residents. As such, LGBT people feel unable to disclose important aspects of their life at a time of heightened vulnerability. This has led to further issues at end of life, for example, LGBT people may delay seeking treatment until disease is at an advanced stage due to previous experiences of discrimination by health-care providers. Other issues include a potential lack of support networks, and their loss and grief not being fully acknowledged.

All Bets are On and the Going is Good for Hospitality Expo 2020! 26 and 27 April 2020, Ascot Racecourse

Hospitality Expo is gathering pace and MEG Events, the same team that are behind the successful CleanEx, LADAs and the Hotel Housekeeping Honours – the Triple H awards – are on course to deliver a fantastic first ever show. Hospitality Expo is a new exhibition taking the place of the UKHA Shared Knowledge Day. It will be held at the prestigious Ascot Racecourse. It will run side by side with the established CleanEx show dedicated to laundry and textile care. Visitors and exhibitors alike, can visit two trade shows in one. Hospitality Expo is aimed at procurement managers, general managers and housekeepers from hotels and care homes across the country. Attendees will benefit from meeting with exhibitors at Hospitality Expo as

well as take part in workshops and hear from industry experts in panel discussions aimed at the housekeeping industry. There will also be live product demonstrations taking place across the two days. Free Entry. Free Parking. Prize Draws. Competitions. You can now register your place to attend Hospitality Expo and CleanEx 2020. Just visit the Hospitality Expo page at and simply click on ‘Attend the event’ and enter some basic information to secure your place. Entry to the event is free and there’s plenty of free parking. All attendees on Monday 27 April will receive free tea, coffee and wine and will be entered in to prize draw. All UKHA members will also receive free lunch on producing their UKHA membership badge.


One in Seven of the Older Population Have Unmet Care Needs Age UK has unveiled shocking new research showing that the number of older people in England with some level of unmet need now stands at 1.5 million. This means one in seven (15%) of the entire 65+ population are struggling without the help they depend on to carry out essential everyday tasks such as getting out of bed, going to the toilet, washing and getting dressed. 1.5 million is already an astonishingly high figure but the Charity warns that the situation could get even worse: it estimates that by 2030 there could be 2.1 million older people who don’t get the care and support they need, if the current approach to funding and providing care remains as it is today. In its manifesto Age UK calls on the next Government to secure the immediate future of care through investing at least £8 billion over the next two years, as others have already recommended, including the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee whose membership includes two former Chancellors of the Exchequer. [Insert link to report] Age UK also wants a new, much improved national care system to come into force, with the following features: • The risk of developing a need for care is pooled on a compulsory whole (adult) population basis, funded through taxation. • If you need care it is free at the point of use. • There is an independent, standardised national eligibility threshold and

assessment process for accessing care. • Eligibility for care is set at a ‘moderate’ level to enable those in need of community and preventative support to get it. • The care and support needs of sick and disabled adults of working age are included as well as those of older people. • More support is given to unpaid carers, including help to juggle work and care and more generous welfare benefits. • Care quality is improved by investing in the care workforce. Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK said: “It is shameful that one a half million older people are living with some degree of unmet need for care, equivalent to one in seven of our entire older population. For the last few years these figures have been getting worse as governments dither over how to overhaul a system of care that everyone agrees is no longer fit for purpose. Some older people are fortunate and receive good care from committed staff which makes a huge difference to their lives, but far too many are going without the support they need to live decently and with dignity. “If governments continue to refuse to act then our research suggests that by 2030 more than two million older people in need of care could be left fending for themselves. If you are facing a

Champion Chef Creates Recipes to Put Runny Eggs Back on the Menu Reigning NACC Care Chef of the Year, Martin McKee, has created five Lion egg recipe videos to celebrate the return of runny eggs to care home menus. A change in Food Standards Agency advice means vulnerable groups, including care home residents, can eat runny, or even raw, eggs, as long as they are produced to British Lion standards. Previously, care homes had to restrict their use of eggs, or at least the way they were served, but they can now make the most of this nutritious, versatile and costeffective food. All of the recipes have been tailored to meet the specific nutritional needs of residents, whether they are undernourished or suffer from dementia or dysphagia. The dishes include a smoked haddock and chive brioche eggs benedict (undernutrition); a croque madame (undernutrition); a black pudding scotch egg with tomato chutney (dementia); a salmon, pea and Swiss cheese quiche (dementia); and a white chocolate coconut mousse with mango gel (dysphagia). All recipes can be found on Martin says, “I always choose British Lion to ensure that the eggs I cook are safe for my residents. With recent Food Standards Agency advice allowing runny yolks to make

a return to our menus, as long as they are produced to British Lion standards, looking for the Red Lion stamp is a must. “It’s been a joy being able to serve familiar runny egg meals again, and the residents are loving it too. These nutritional powerhouses provide an easy way to include key vitamins and minerals in my residents’ diets. They are probably the most used ingredient in my kitchen and by far the most requested for made-to-order meals.”

WHY EGGS? The perfect protein

Protein is an essential nutrient for all of us and for older people it remains important to eat enough high quality protein every day. Appetite and therefore food intake can decrease as people get older, and this means that many older people do not eat enough protein. Evidence suggests that older people with a reduced food intake will need to eat a greater proportion of protein compared with the amount of energy (calories) that they consume. Low protein intake in older people is associated with both undernutrition and sarcopenia (a reduction in muscle size and strength), both of which can have implications for health and quality of life. Research also shows that protein intake amongst older people is often only sufficient at their main meal and is particularly low at breakfast, making it even more important to include eggs on the menu throughout the day.

Nature’s multivitamin

As well as containing high quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids, there are a number of other key nutrients found in eggs that may benefit the health of older people. These include vitamin D, B vitamins, selenium, iodine and choline.

Lifting the limits

One of the most common questions from residents, staff and relatives is whether you should restrict the number of eggs you eat due to their cholesterol content. The good news is that there are no restrictions on the number of eggs you can eat. All major UK heart and health advisory groups now agree that the dietary cholesterol they contain does not increase the risk of heart disease in most healthy people.

Why British Lion eggs

The Lion Code of Practice covers the entire production chain, incorporating food safety controls above those in current UK and EU legislation, including: • Hens and eggs guaranteed British • Hens vaccinated against Salmonella • Full traceability of hens, eggs and feed • Stringent feed controls • Increased hygiene controls and Salmonella testing • Cool chain starting on the farm • Freshness guarantee – best-before date stamped on the shell • Independently audited to the ISO 17065 standard See the advert on page 25 for further information.

decline in your ability to do everyday things it’s hard enough if you have friends and family to help, but if you are on your own as many are then the outlook is not only depressing but frightening.” “Care is a fundamental service on which millions of us depend and it is high time the Government took decisive action to stabilise existing provision and create a much better national system for the future. Age UK wants a new approach which makes care free at the point of use, like the NHS, because we’ve all paid into a shared national pot over our lifetimes in exchange for the reassurance of knowing we’ll get support later on in life if we need it. Not having to worry about struggling alone, or being forced to sell your home to fund sky high bills if at some point in your life you begin to need care, is a huge prize that would benefit us all.” As well as social care, Age UK’s manifesto highlights other issues that affect older people, the most in need especially, including poverty, ageism, unfit and insecure housing, loneliness and poor health. The Charity sets out a raft of policies with a view to ensuring that every older person can enjoy the dignified, secure and fulfilling later life we all want for ourselves and those we love.


Prime Minister Pledges, ‘Social Care Rescue Plan’ In his first television interview since the election Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted it could take until the end of the year to come up with a plan to solve social care and up to another five years before anything is implemented. Speaking on BBC Breakfast yesterday (January 14) the PM said solving social care had been ‘shirked by governments for about 30 years’ but that his government would deal with it. The Conservative Party’s manifesto had promised a plan for “cross-party” talks on how to fund care for the elderly in the long term, and also promised an extra £1 billion per year for care budgets- a figure experts say falls well short of what is needed. However, the Prime Minister said his election victory would allow him to produce a plan within the next 12 months – although the changes would not come into effect until 2025. The Independent Care Group (ICG) says it is dismayed at Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s admission in a BBC interview that it could take a full parliament to deliver action on social care. The Group’s Chair, Mike Padgham said: “This is a huge disappointment after all the promises to tackle social care that were made when Mr Johnson took over as Prime Minister and during the General Election campaign. “To hear that social care could be fobbed off for up to another five years is a kick in the teeth for the 1.5m people who can’t get the care they need today. “The social care sector deserves better and tackling this crisis should be the Government’s number one

domestic priority. “If we are forced to wait up to five more years then more providers will close and even more people will start going without care.” Mr Johnson said a plan would be brought forward this year but admitted it could take up to 2025 to have it implemented. Mr Padgham said the Government had to put quick measures in place to tackle the social care crisis now. “We don’t need any more plans, documents or proposals, we need action,” he said. “For a start, the Government could alleviate some of the financial pressure on care providers by making social care zero-rated for VAT. “If the Government can consider intervening to aid the airline Flybe by cutting air passenger duty on domestic flights then it can consider helping social care providers too.” Vic Rayner, National Care Forum executive director, added: ‘There is a consensus that our current social care system is in urgent need of reform. It is imperative that the government moves forward on this agenda. The time to act is now. Social care matters to us all. ‘We are calling on the Conservatives to make a step change in their approach by becoming the government of social care: a government that recognises the importance of social care in allowing people to live full, healthy and independent lives; the need for an immediate 3-5 year funding settlement as part of a long-term funding solution and a long-term vision for social care shaped by those who use it now, and in the future.’

Tea Parties, Webinars and Focus Days See Nutrition and Hydration Week’s Legacy Grows to a Year-Round Event Nutrition and Hydration Week 2020 (16 – 22 March) is the ninth year the event has taken place. The week provides a platform for everyone involved in providing nutrition and hydration care across health and social care to demonstrate and promote their good practices. The week reaches beyond health and social care sectors. In 2019 the National Fire Brigade Union, rail and water businesses and industry companies took part, which is amazing and only shows how important nutrition and hydration is to us all. These people deliver these good practices every day of the year and the week’s strap line reflects their passion, innovation and drive to enhance the wellbeing of those they care for. The week has grown from humble beginnings. Last year out Twitter @NHWeek reached over 10 million accounts, our Facebook followers grew by over 20% in the four weeks leading up to and over the week. Social media is predominately how we monitor our impacts. Hundreds of organisations and establishments, including hospitals, care homes and domiciliary care, across the UK take part in the week. But, the week reaches further afield with events taking place in nations large and small from Australia to Canada The week is a celebration, and an opportunity to raise to awareness, of nutrition and hydration so there are no restrictions or specific themes for what should happen throughout the week. We do offer some suggestions

through the themes of the day (below) to help to inspiration people.

Nutrition and Hydration Week themes of the day

Monday - Breakfasts Tuesday - Suppers Wednesday - Afternoon Tea — Global Afternoon Tea Party Thursday - Hydration Friday – Fruit or Fish Saturday - Smoothies Sunday - Sundaes The hydration theme on Thursday is very popular so we will be having one standalone focus day for 2020 – 18 June 2020 Thirsty Thursday. Caroline Lecko stated: “Nutrition and Hydration Week has been a catalyst to create a social movement to support and encourage positive change in the provision of nutrition and hydration wherever it takes place. The importance of good nutrition and hydration for us all can’t be underestimated – it is essential in supporting and maintaining good health and wellbeing.” Further details of the legacy that Nutrition and Hydration Week is building across health and social care can be found at

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How Technology Is Providing The Foundations For Carers To Deliver Compassionate And High Quality Care Everyone in the UK has a right to expect safe, compassionate and effective care. But a perfect storm has been brewing for some time. Largely created by economic cuts, frontline care workers have been doing more with less for some time now. With demand for services continuing to rise, many providers are struggling to cope. The crisis has led some in the NHS to conclude that “the sector needs a long-term plan and significant investment”. However, against this challenging backdrop, there are some providers who are showing themselves to be role models for efficiency and productivity - while at the same time maintaining the highest standards of care. Take Premier Care, a domiciliary care agency operating in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire, for example. Rated as ‘good’ by the CQC, it’s a relatively small organisation, but it’s one that is punching well above its weight. With just 350 staff, Premier Care collectively provides 6,000 hours of care each week to its 660 clients. Astonishingly, that equates to around 11,000 visits each week. The question is how has it become so efficient without ever needing to compromise on high quality care? “The answer,” says Charlotte Lumley, the agency’s Head of Community Innovation, “lies in technology.” Charlotte, who has worked in the care sector for 16 years in a variety of senior managerial positions, joined Premier Care eight months ago. During that time, she’s managed both private sector companies and local authority providers. The one common theme that stands out,” she says, “is that technology is an enabler, that can drive improvement and efficiency.” But there’s the rub. Charlotte says that before technology can begin to solve problems, “you first have to know what they are”. Therefore, before deciding to introduce a new system, Premier Care’s managerial team spent many hours collecting feedback from registered managers and the carers themselves. Charlotte says, “Staff are our most important resource. Any new system

we employ must enable carers to provide an even greater level of care to clients than before. Secondly, it must provide answers to help us solve our greatest challenges, which revolve around recruitment, retention and ensuring compliance,” she adds. Take a domiciliary care worker’s compliance responsibilities, for instance. There are thousands of policies, procedures and protocols, all of which are constantly being updated, that they must stay on top of. The greatest challenge, therefore, for small-to-medium-sized providers (SMEs) like Premier Care, who do not have access to a large policy writing team, lies in accessing and implementing the right content necessary to deliver exceptional care. Premier Care’s senior management team has solved the problem by partnering with Quality Compliance Systems (QCS) one of the UK’s largest content management providers. Says Charlotte, “It was an easy decision to make to be honest. Not only does QCS spend thousands of hours writing policies, it’s team immediately notifies us when an area of regulation changes. We’re sent the updated policy which means we never have to worry about compliance. That’s incredibly important to us, as are the additional expert insights provided by QCS around policy and procedure...” Charlotte highlights complicated procedures such as Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) feeding, for instance. She says that QCS’s “belt and braces approach” has helped staff to approach these daunting tasks with renewed confidence. She explains, “It’s not that QCS provides the actual PEG training. It does ensure a high level of quality assurance and gives our carers peace of mind that the procedures being employed are the right ones and are upto-date. It also provides a comprehensive suite of post-training documents, plus a step-by-step training guide, which really helps to reinforce staff knowledge...” Secondly, in a sector where client’s needs are as complex as they are varied, Charlotte notes that sometimes “there’s not always a policy that covers Premier Care’s exact requirements”. “Whenever this happens,” she says, “we just call QCS’s policy team and they write us a new policy and procedure.”

Adveco Delivers A Wider Choice For Care Home Heating & Hot Water Hot water and heating specialist Adveco, adds 10 new high-efficiency wall-mounted models to its popular MD condensing boiler range, with rated heat outputs of 15, 24, 34 and 60 kW address a range of heating and hot water applications for care homes which will typically demonstrate high demands throughout the year. The compact wall-mounted variants of the MD offer the same high-quality patented titanium stabilised stainless-steel heat exchanger construction for exceptional strength and corrosion resistance, ensuring greater longevity. All the MD boilers feature efficient pre-mix burner technology to help control operational costs and significantly reduce NOX and CO emissions. The MD15, MD24 and MD34 have two variants to accommodate either central heating only or DHW via an indirect water

heater. A third variant of the MD24 and MD34 includes an integrated Plate Heat Exchanger for instantaneous DHW. The 60kW heat output MD60, available with or without an integrated system pump, is designed to meet the demands of commercial central heating. Unlike many wall-mounted boilers, the compact MD offers integrated run/fault signal for connection to a BMS system. With 0-10 V input on the MD, a BMS system incorporating interior/exterior sensors can deliver automated heating control. Easy to manage and perfect for smaller residential and non-residential care facilities, the range is supported by a seven-year parts and labour warranty when boilers are commissioned by Adveco for complete peace of mind.

But Charlotte, who worked for Helping Hands Homecare before joining Premier Care, says that what sets QCS apart, is the flexibility it affords carers and managers. She explains, “We work with three different local authorities, each of which employs its own safeguarding policy. By using QCS’s technology we can create different policies and procedures for each local area, safe in the knowledge that the information that we rely on is correct and up-todate.” Other benefits of the technology are the enhanced “accessibility and scalability” that the technology gives to carers. Charlotte explains, “The QCS system works particularly well in domiciliary care because staff are often on their own and working in remote areas. If they have a policy query while out on a visit, they can easily refer to the QCS app. On the app, our carers love the fact that the policies have been re-written using easyto-understand language, and are broken down into easily digestible chunks. This saves them a lot of time as it means they can focus on the relevant part of a particular policy or procedure - as and when they need to.” Finally, with Premier Care expanding its reach into South Yorkshire, Charlotte adds that the QCS’s compliance management system has proved invaluable when bidding for new contracts. She says, “QCS forms an active part of the bidding process and it’s playing a key role in growing the business. When we’re writing tenders, for example, we’re often asked to provide specific information regarding protocol. For example, a typical question might be ‘what does our medication policy look like?’ She continues, “Local authorities also want to be sure that we're meeting legal frameworks and staff are well-versed in policies and procedure. QCS also provides us with an invaluable source of information and expert opinion, which makes our tender stronger. That saves us time because the information we need for tender writing is easily accessible.” And the future? With further cuts expected, if used correctly, Premier Care is living proof that technology can help domiciliary care staff to deliver outstanding and compassionate care. It also offers a gateway to increased efficiency and productivity, which Charlotte thinks “could, in the long run, prove the best defence against a culture of deep and damaging cuts”.

C & S Seating Postural Management C & S Seating has been providing postural control equipment to hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and medical equipment services nationwide since 1991. With 9 different sizes of T-Rolls and Log Rolls in a removable and machine washable, waterproof Titex or Soft Knit material. These rolls are used to control posture and position of the body in either supine or side lying. Our Knee & Leg support wedges are available in 2 sizes. C & S Seating is the sole manufacturer of the Alternative Positioning Support (APS) system. Ideal when more control of the abducted lower limb is required (See photo) which has removable

side cushions and middle pommel; this is available in small or large. Our popular range of Soft Knit covers in a choice of 5 vibrant colours provide a softer alternative that fit easily over our standard waterproof rolls. It is recommended you seek professional advice to select the correct product depending on your needs. Contact us on 01424 853331 or visit us at to request or download a brochure, pricelist or order form, request an individualised quotation, speak to an advisor or to place an order. See the advert below.


The Carer’s Newest Unsung Hero is… ...Debbie Day! Once again, it was a very difficult task for the team here at The Carer to pick a winner of our Unsung Hero competition. Christmas is a wonderful time of year for families but it also involves dedicated staff in the adult social care sector working during the festive period. So we here at The Carer were delighted to spread a little 'Christmas Cheer'. In an industry which often finds itself under the most intense scrutiny, we celebrate those hard-working people who go that extra mile, often in emotive, pressurised and challenging circumstances. We were absolutely overwhelmed with the response to our latest Unsung Hero competition - an accolade we have been delighted and proud to award these past few years. No-frills glitz or glamour, simply a small gesture on our part, recognising

the hard work, compassion, commitment and dedication those working in the industry possess! So here at The Carer are delighted to announce that The Christmas 2019 Carer Unsung Hero is Debbie Day, end of life lead at Cedars Care Home, which is part of the Canford Healthcare Group in Southend-on-Sea. Spokesperson Vicky Cronton said “We’re immensely proud of Debbie who won The Palliative Care/End of Life Award at the 2019 Great East of England Care Awards – for the second time! This difficult and responsible role involves the planning and co-ordination of end-of-lifecare, ensuring that residents’ final wishes are upheld, supporting their families and communicating with medical professionals. Debbie has been instrumental in Cedars Care Home being accredited as part of the National Gold Standards Framework, which sets out the required standard of care for people nearing the end of their life. In the judges’ view, Debbie “demonstrated real person-centred care, putting her service users’ wishes first. She is kind, caring and compassionate and gives over and beyond in her role. We all need a Debbie!!” Worthy winner Debbie can now look forward to a wonderful two-night break for two in a selection of luxury hotels throughout the UK! And, it gives us great pleasure to recognise the hard

The Alzheimer’s Show 2020, Olympia London The UK’s leading event for dementia runs on on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th June 2020 at Olympia London. The two-day conference and exhibition showcases the latest information, advice, products and services for healthcare professionals and the public helping those with Alzheimer’s and dementia. A full conference programme features leading experts and professionals in three separate theatres, as well as daily question time sessions, panel debates, Q&A’s, practical activity workshops, professional advice clinics, interactive dementia experiences and a wide range of dementia and care exhibitors.

New for 2020, the Virtual Dementia Tour will be delivering their complete training session involving a 8 minute simulation followed by a 75 minute debrief giving visitors the opportunity to fully understand the behaviour and needs of people living with dementia. Spaces are limited and should be booked in advance. The Alzheimer’s Show is an unmissable event for those wanting to learn from leading experts, share ideas and information with fellow professionals and develop a better understanding of dementia. For further information and to book tickets

work of Karen Minteh, a registered manager with Disability Action Yorkshire at 34 Claro Road in Harrowgate: Chief Executive Jackie Snape says “ The reason I am nominating Karen is that registered managers are very often overlooked for these kind of awards, yet they often (and definitely in Karen’s case) work long hours to ensure that the people in their care have the best possible outcomes in life.34 Claro Road is a happy, dynamic, environment – and this is thanks to Karen. She has not been without her challenges – in common with the rest of the sector staff recruitment has been incredibly difficult over the past two years, this led to a CQC rating of ‘requires improvement’ as at the time of inspection a number of staff were off sick and even the agencies could not provide anyone. As well as making all of the improvements required and doing this to a standard over and above what was expected, Karen has taken the positives from that report and held them up to staff as an accolade to their hard work.” Abner Saclayan, of Canford Chase Dorset, with Home Manager Charlotte Wilson along with residents June Carpenter and Tom Storey. Our second runner-up is Abner Saclayan part of the care team at Canford Chase Dorset, which is part of the Colten Care Group. Home manager Charlotte Wilson says: “ Abner has

visit Tickets cost £17.50 online, £25 on the door. The full Virtual Dementia Tour costs £45 and includes entry to the show.

Inter-Generational Approach Provides Secret To Happy Stirlingshire Care Home In Partnership with Ontex Global At Falls of Dochart care home in Stirlingshire, an inter-generational and fun approach to care has been a positive for the community. Previously a hotel, it became a care home in 1995 and a registered charity in 2002. On Friday 1st November 2019, the Falls of Dochart Care Home ran one of its regular Community Tea Parties to bring together different community groups including the village nursery, the school and Connect (an organisation supporting people in the community with issues such as mental health and isolation). Care Home Manager Mandy Hay, comments, “Our residents come from the local area and are likely to know the staff, which helps to create a real family atmosphere. Our residents are also very active in the local community for example going on walks, visiting the nursery and attending exercise classes in the local hotel.

We often have visitors from the local school coming to the care home and vice versa, for example we recently held a World War 2 day, and this inter-generational approach really works. The home is run by 10 volunteers on a Board of Directors and it really is a case of being run by the community, for the community. We are also fortunate enough to partner with Ontex Global and the training and support they provide is highly beneficial to our residents, helping them actively participate in the activities we run” Ontex nurse advisor commented, “We started working with The Falls of Dochart Nursing Home 3 years ago when we took on the NHS contract for supplying continence care products to Nursing Homes across Scotland. This is an extremely wellrun Care Home, with lovely staff who really make a difference to the lives of their residents.” See the advert on page 5.

the real gift of love which he regularly demonstrates through his amazing pastoral care. Abner will think nothing of using his rostered days off to accompany residents who have no close family or friends to appointments and events. Abner is a keen musician and sees the benefits of music for our residents. Last year he solely planned and arranged a Staff Christmas Concert for both residents and their families to enjoy. He encouraged some of our frailest ladies and gents to take turns in singing solos which brought many of us to tears. One particular resident, with many complex needs, found himself singing along with a smile on his face despite at times struggling to form a single word.” We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who put forward nominations we had a wonderful response and it was very difficult indeed to pick an outright winner, it may sound tired old cliché but it is not meant to be, when we say, that in our eyes “every nomination was a winner” and we are just sorry we cannot give an award to everybody! Watch out for further details of our Summer “Unsung Hero” with the same great prize of a luxury break for two people in the choice of hotels throughout the UK!


Creating Calm with Dementia Care Design By Russell Pillar, Head of Care Interiors at Spearhead If you were tasked with designing the perfect, dementia friendly, care home, what would you incorporate in your design? Whether from research, training or personal experience, we all have ideas about the ideal calming environment for those living with dementia. When it comes to colour schemes, blue is commonly thought of as a calming colour. Studies have shown, however, that using the same colour throughout the entire home deprives residents of essential stimulation and can increase aggressive behaviour. This suggests that a variety of carefully chosen colours throughout the home will do more to create a relaxed atmosphere than endless blue walls. We also know that warm colours (i.e. reds, oranges and yellows) encourage socialisation and cool colours (purple, greens and blues etc.) encourage concentration. Individual residents will also have their own preferences; no resident will feel happy with a bedroom painted a colour they despise. Different colours, and different shades of the same colour, can be used to create contrast and encourage desired independent behaviour. Cooper, Mohide and Gilbert (1989) painted staff-only doors to match walls and resident use doors to contrast with walls, resulting in a decrease in residents entering staff only areas. Choosing a floor colour that contrasts with your doors can also help your residents navigate interpedently It is fairly well known that dark coloured mats should be avoided as they can be interpreted as holes by those living with dementia; the same theory applies to heavily patterned flooring, which can have a similar effect Adequate lighting is essential to any dementia friendly design as it will help compensate for sight loss. Designs should maximise natural light and position artificial light in appropriate areas such as reading nooks. Installing extra power sockets in rooms can also allow you to easily increase lighting as a resident’s sight deteriorates. Although few are regularly in the position to make permanent changes

to their home, furniture and finishings offer temporary changes that make a home more dementia friendly. Furniture that is specifically designed for the care environment often includes rounded corners for improved safety and large cut out handles that reveal the contents of drawers and cupboards. These provide a line-of-sight prompt to residents, aiding independence. What’s more, suppliers are now offering ranges such as Furnishe, which delivers packages of care specific furniture within 7 days, allowing you to refurbish with minimal confusing disruption. For those who struggle with movement, skis on the base of dining chairs are an important safety feature for both residents and staff. Choosing a design with optional skids means that you can create an elegant dining room that doesn’t draw undue attention to those who need additional help. Extra-strong ceramic crockery rather than plastic helps retain a sense of dignity, and a range of colours to contrast with meals can combat the reduced food intake that often occurs alongside visual impairment. Other finishings that can be the difference between a house and a home are memory boxes. As well as bringing joy to the resident, they can provide staff with clues about each resident’s life that can help with care. Attaching these boxes to the outside of bedroom doors has also been suggested to aid navigation around the home, reducing the likelihood of confusion. One feature often seen in dementia care is the colour red, which has been the go-to contrast colour since the Boston red plate study. However, red may not always be the most appropriate option. As was recently pointed out at a training session for Spearhead staff, red for toilets could trigger negative memories. Other colours can be equally contrasting and free of negative connotations; Spearhead now stock bathroom aids in blue to provide a neutral contrast option. It may be, however, that none of your residents have ever been panicked by a red toilet seat. The reality is that there is no such thing as a perfect home when it comes to dementia care because the needs of those living with dementia are varied and individual. Both dementia design and dementia care require an adaptable approach that looks at an individual’s needs, creating the environment that makes that one resident’s space their home.

Be Part of The Biggest Care Industry Event in The South West EXHIBIT : The Southwest Care Exhibition 2020 is your gateway to showcase your product or service to key decision makers within the sector. Stands range from 2 x 2 upwards, with flexible shell schemes to meet client requirements. Lights and electric included. Visit our website at to download a brochure or make a booking. Or call our friendly team on 01209 205100. “This was a great event! Thank you to those who stopped to talk with us and we look forward to working with you.” – Dwayne Cook the Head of Projects, Spearhead SPONSOR : Get your brand in front of the key decision makers in the care industry. Be seen supporting and championing the very best in INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY and SIGNPOSTING. Our team will help you find innovative ways to deliv-

er your marketing message to the right audience. View our sponsorship packages at or call our team on 01209 205100. “The CLH Team had the chance to catch up with lots of the CLH suppliers & network with lots of important people from the care sector!” – CLH Healthcare ATTEND : Meet business owners and chief executives. See innovative products and services in action for the first time. Network and celebrate this amazing sector with other like-minded people. Visit to register for your free ticket. ‘Wow what a great event, we now have a demo booked for a new care management system, new insurance brokers and booked a new trainer in for next week! Huge thanks!’ – Maids Care CIC’ See the advert below for details

Health Conditions Can Lead to Loneliness in the Elderly, Report Finds Loneliness is a growing problem in the UK’s elderly population, but it can often be exacerbated by poor health and mobility. A combined report from the British Geriatrics Society and the Royal College of Psychiatrists has called on the NHS to improve identification of a number of health conditions. These include dementia, frailty, incontinence and chronic pain, as they can all lead to a loss of independence and therefore contribute to loneliness. Not leaving the house because of these issues can mean fewer social interactions and that some elderly people will not see another person all day. Loneliness has been identified as a public health risk that should not be ignored and can promote frailty further. It’s thought that its impact on the mortality rate is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Professor Tahir Masud, president of the British Geriatrics Society, said: “There is much that all of society – from government right through to community groups and individuals – can do to better support older people. “While we may remain proud that people are living longer lives, this alone is not sufficient. We must also ensure that they have a good quality of life and that they are enabled to live

fulfilling and happy lives into their later years.” The Position Statement on loneliness and isolation published by the British Geriatrics Society and the Royal College of Psychiatrists includes two calls to action. The first is for an improved process of identifying older people who are feeling lonely. Secondly, it wants chronic pain, visual impairment, incontinence, foot health, malnutrition and oral health all to be treated promptly and properly. These conditions are known to be contributing factors in many loneliness cases and therefore cause for concern. Dr Amanda Thompsell, chair of the Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, added: “Loneliness is fast becoming a public health pandemic. The government must increase the number of specialists in health and care working with older people so health issues that can limit independence and contribute to loneliness are identified early and addressed quickly. “The report defines loneliness as ‘an emotional state’ and describes the subjective sense of ‘lacking affection, closeness and social interaction with others’. The combination of mental illness and loneliness forms a vicious circle.”

Maintaining Fire Safety with Safelincs As the average age increases so do the number of people who have some form of mobility impairment. It is estimated that 4 million people use mobility aids in the UK. Residents in care and nursing homes are often provided with equipment to aid their mobility but is that all you have to do? What about other barriers that can prevent a resident walking independently around the care home? Self-closing fire doors are essential in maintaining fire safety, creating a barrier against the spread of fire and they are a legal requirement after all, but what is the day to day impact on residents in care settings? Heavy self-closing fire doors can become an issue for frail residents and those using mobility aids, as they struggle to open the fire door. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loss of independence and self-worth, which can contribute to poor mental health. Fire doors often close

quickly once opened and may injure residents who have not been able to move fast enough before the door slams behind them. The closing action of fire doors is also often noisy, which can disturb sleep and relaxation for residents whose rooms are close by. Fitting your fire doors with devices such as Dorgard fire door retainers or a Freedor SmartSound wireless door closer will allow you to hold open fire doors legally while maintaining your fire safety requirements. On ‘hearing’ your fire alarm the Dorgard and Freedor will automatically close the fire door, preventing the spread of fire. Fitting them to your existing fire doors could not be easier. Wireless and battery operated they can be fitted to existing fire doors in minutes. Contact Safelincs to find out more tel: 08006126537or visit See the advert on page 22.

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UK Dementia Diagnoses Increases 40% In Five Years Rates of dementia diagnosis in some parts of the UK have seen the more than doubled in five years according analysis of NHS data shows. A push to increase diagnosis rates as well as an ageing population were behind the increase, experts NHS England said it was a priority to diagnose dementia earlier so people could receive correct treatment. Across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the number of people on the register has risen by 40% to around 508,000. Scottish health officials estimate there are a further

90,000 people living with dementia north of the border. According to statistics from Alzheimer’s Disease international someone in the world develops dementia every 3 seconds. There were an estimated 46.8 million people worldwide living with dementia in 2015 and this number is believed to be close to 50 million people in 2017. This number will almost double every 20 years, reaching 75 million in 2030 and 131.5 million in 2050. Commenting of the news Rachel Thompson, Consultant Admiral Nurse at Dementia UK, said: “These figures reflect the increased roles of memory

services and GPs in giving people earlier diagnoses of dementia, in addition to more understanding amongst the public of the signs and symptoms to look out for – these can include loss of communication and memory as well as changes in behaviour. An early diagnosis gives people access to the support they need and helps them plan and prepare for the future. “However families need tailored and specialist support following a diagnosis, particularly when dementia affects people in different ways and with its varying rates of progression. In a climate of stretched services and where there is a widening gulf between the health and social care systems, many families are not getting this urgently needed support. Dementia specialist Admiral Nurses can

Dementia Care & Nursing Home Expo THINGS NOT TO MISS Over the previous decade, the workforce has grown at half the rate of the 2000s, despite the population increasing over 15% in the same period. The next few years will prove to be a critical time for the social care industry. In order to offer effective, personcentered care for every person in the UK that needs it, the social care workforce needs to grow exponentially - to match the future demand for services. Events that promote sustainability throughout the industry are vital for its future and the Dementia, Care and Nursing Home Expo leads the way as the UK’s most dynamic social care event dedicated to inspiring business growth and a sustainable social care model. The event will take place on the 17th & 18th of March 2020 at the NEC, Birmingham and gives you, the visitor, the knowledge required to be able to embrace the changes that will allow you to continue providing the highest level of care possible. Join 5,000 other social care business owners, senior management teams and local councils at the show by registering yourself for a free ticket at

The Dementia, Care and Nursing Home Expo prides itself on the content it offers its visitors. One of the highlights is the fascinating Virtual Dementia Tour; the only scientifically proven method of giving someone a true to life experience of what dementia might be like. How can we ever truly empathise with someone living with dementia, if we cannot experience the condition? The Virtual Dementia Tour gives visitors the experience of empathy, of understanding what those living with dementia feel day to day. The tool is a unique perspective that gives social care professionals visiting the exhibition a greater understanding of dementia, and what they can do to improve their residents’ lives. Another feature of the show is the CQC Inspector Hub. The CQC will be running the two-day inspector hub, a one stop shop that provides an opportunity to receive one-to-one advice from CQC inspectors and registration inspectors. You will need to pre-book your appointment on the Dementia, Care and Nursing Home Expo website in order to guarantee seeing the CQC professionals, so make sure you do it as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Finally, a new feature for the 2020 Dementia, Care and Nursing Home Expo is the Activities Arena. In association with NAPA, live demonstrations from activities providers will run throughout both days in the Activities Arena. Explore a range of interactive activities that are not only proven to maintain and improve your residents health and mental wellbeing, but also fun initiatives ready for you to try out yourself and introduce into your care home!

Yorkshire Care Equipment Bring Faster, Safer Falls Assistance Device To The North Since 2016, Yorkshire Care Equipment have been supplying the Raizer emergency lifting chair to care homes, hospitals, emergency services, and private residences across Scotland and Northern England. After selling more Raizers in 2019 than ever before, the healthcare aid specialists have now launched the Raizer II – an updated version of the innovative lifting device with new features to support both the user and carer after a fall. These improvements are based on feedback from thousands of healthcare professionals around the world who have tried and tested the Raizer first-hand. Steve Ellis, Yorkshire Care Equipment’s Raizer Specialist, said: “We sold hundreds of Raizer lifting devices last year, it’s an incredibly popular piece of kit. Anyone that’s tried it is impressed by how quickly and easily you can get someone back on their feet after a fall. But, like with any product that offers a completely new solution to a problem, eventually, you start to spot ways it could be made even better. We work closely with our Raizer customers – asking for feedback and checking in on how they get on with the chair over time – and a couple of suggestions kept coming up. Users wanted to be able to

adjust the seatbelt and they didn’t want to have to colour-match parts for assembly. We were able to pass this feedback on to the manufacturers, and other dealerships did the same. It’s this open conversation between us, end-users and the manufacturer that has led to the Raizer II. I think it’s better than ever!” Just like the original, the Raizer II only needs one person to operate it. The new features and enhancements are designed to improve the ease of use, speed, and safety for single-handed care. Colour-coded back rest and leg pieces have been replaced with universal parts that fit onto either side of the seat unit. Sound indicators were also added so the operator can instantly tell when the device is correctly assembled. The seat belt is no longer attached to the seat unit. It can be positioned at any point along the backrest to give the user support where they need it. For extra torso stability, you can now add up to three seatbelts. After use, the seat belt can be fully removed for washing. This is ideal for hospital wards where infection control is a top priority. All parts of the Raizer II offer IP52 ingress protection. Falls are the largest cause of emergency hospital admissions in older people and one in three people aged 65+ fall at least once a year. Continuing to improve fall assistance devices is key for protecting older people and reducing the cost of falls on the healthcare service. For further information visit

play a key role in educating, supporting and advising health and social care professionals as well as families on one of the greatest health issues of our time.” Prof Sube Banerjee, from Plymouth University’s Faculty of Health, said there had been a target by NHS England to increase diagnoses. “Ten years ago, only a third of people with dementia were diagnosed, and when they were it was late in the illness when it was too late to help them make choices about treatment.” He said he believed a target diagnosis rate of 67% set in the National Dementia Strategy had now “been achieved”.

Finally, the Dementia Care & Nursing Home Expo Awards will be making a return for our 2020 show. These awards help recognise and praise the cutting edge products, services and expertise currently available in the sector. There are four awards up for grabs, given to the companies with the most original, cost-effective products or services. Tickets to the Dementia, Care and Nursing Home Expo are free, so register for yours now at


Call for “Social Care Change” - Care England Ahead of the 2020 Budget, Care England, the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care, has called for social care to be at the heart of the new Government. Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says: "The Prime Minister has been vocal in his support for finding a long term sustainable solution for adult social care. Care England is keen to help breach the necessary consensus to pave the way for such essential action. "The first step is the recognition that social care is intrinsically linked with the NHS; the main input in the delivery of adult social care services is labour yet the failure of successive governments to fund appropriately the increases to the National Living Wage has impinged upon social care providers’ ability to reward their most valuable resource; the workforce”. The social care sector employs approximately 1.6 million people, more than the NHS, thus being a hugely important part of local economies and communities. Staff costs account on average for about half of total running costs for adult social care providers. Increases in the National Living Wage although welcomed by providers as a means to reward their hard working staff ironically have at times exacerbated the workforce crisis that currently persists in the adult social care sector. An increasing proportion of the workforce is now paid at or around that minimum level and the pay differential

between care workers with less than 1 year of experience and those with more than 20 years of experience has reduced to just £0.15 an hour. Martin Green continues: “We need to have parity of esteem between the NHS and social care. In terms of workforce this means better pay. The latest NHS pay deal entitled ‘Agenda For Change’ only serves to further emphasise the lack of parity in the funds allocated the health and social care sectors respectively. Social care providers simply do not have the funding to match such increases given the chronic underfunding which persists in the sector. Good and fair wages remain a lynchpin in the future sustainability of the adult social care sector. It is incumbent upon Government to ensure that such increases in the National Minimum and Living Wage are reflected in the fees paid to care providers who are supporting some of society’s most vulnerable people”. Set to be introduced from April 2020 the National Living Wage (NLW) will increase by 6.2% to £8.72 per hour whilst the National Minimum Wage for younger workers, 21-24 year olds, will increase from 6.5% from £7.70 to £8.20 per hour. For workers aged 18 and below there will be a 4.6% increase from £4.35 to £4.55 per hour and apprentices will see their wages rise from 6.4% from £3.90 to £4.15 per hour. Furthermore the Chancellor will seek to expand the reach of the NLW to cover workers aged 23 and over from April 2021 and to those aged 21 and over within five years.

New Guides To Supercharge Your Care Home Management Is continued customer satisfaction important to you? homes written by and for those working in the care Could your communications with residents and their loved homes sector. ones be improved? Does your care home's website need UK consumer law is among the best in the world, but to be brought into the 2020's? If you this also means that it can be complicated answered yes to any of those questions, and in-depth. Care home regulations are no then you will be pleased to learn about a exception, and you may be overwhelmed series of free expert guides for care home by it all. These guides make it simple and managers and owners. straightforward so that you can avoid the The Chartered Trading Standards regulatory pitfalls and improve your busiInstitute (CTSI) in partnership with the ness for the good of you and your residents. Department for Business, Energy & The guides are hosted on Business Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has launched a Companion, a government-backed website series of guides for the care home induscontaining a wealth of in-depth knowledge try. These guides provide you with specialon every element of consumer protection ist advice on fair trading practices, written by industry experts in every sector. complaints procedures, communications Download your free guides at: methods and website layouts for care

Could You Win the £1000 Cosyfeet OT Award? The Cosyfeet Occupational Therapy Award 2020 is now open for entries. This £1000 award will be presented to an OT student or qualified OT planning a special project that will develop their professional knowledge and skills while benefitting others. Applications are invited for projects including voluntary work, placements, research or other initiatives. The winning entry will demonstrate how the entrant’s chosen project is of value to their clients whilst advancing their

own professional development. This award is designed to assist with costs associated with the applicant’s selected project, which could include expenses for equipment, travel or living. Projects may take place in the UK or abroad. Cosyfeet specialises in extra roomy footwear, socks and hosiery for people with extra wide or swollen feet. The company’s goal is to help keep people mobile for as long as possible by providing good footwear to fit

swollen and misshapen feet in comfort. If you would like to apply for the Cosyfeet Occupational Therapy Award, visit for further information and to enter online before the closing date of April 24th, 2020. The winner will be requested to submit a report and photographs about their project, and to feature in Cosyfeet publicity relating to the award or see the advert on page 11.



Delivering Outcomes for People with Dementia in a Culture of Continuous Quality Improvement By Rosemary Hurtley MSc Dip RCOT FRSA, Director & Consultant Occupational Therapist What are the things that matter most to residents in care homes and how do we ensure that people living with dementia have a voice? This was the question we here at 360 Forward set out to address when developing the 360 Standard Framework (360SF) for a care culture demonstrating dignity and compassion involving residents, relatives and staff. Using two MSc degrees from the University of Surrey we set out to create a tool that helps to provide the basis for a sustainable culture that is demonstrably person centred. It was a privilege to work with Patricia Duff OBE, a nurse adviser to a large charity operating care homes, with a distinguished nursing education and quality improvement background. The combined professions of nursing and Occupational Therapy are ideal for creating an outcomes-based continuous quality improvement tool that give people who are seldom heard a voice. The 360 Standard Framework (360 SF) for resident centred care homes and home care, provides a systematic approach to finding out whether services providing health and social care demonstrate achievement of the 6C’s as laid out in Compassion in Practice (DH 2012) and dignity. The 360 SF measures person-centred behaviours, giving team’s insight into their strengths and actions they can take to further improve their alignment with the 6 Cs. A tool for continuous improvement, measures the quality of care from the perspective of the person. The care home population often comprises the oldest and frailest members of our society and their safety and wellbeing are critical elements of care and support that need to be quality assured. This means that more than ever, health and social care practitioners including nurses and care workers, along-with service managers and professional leaders need to acquire the necessary levels of expert knowledge, skills and behaviours that deliver good

person-centred outcomes within the scope of legitimate practice. We set out to create a practical “affirming” tool that engages people with moderate dementia, as part of a whole systems approach to quality improvement in delivering resident centred outcomes. This focuses on people functioning at the Planned and Exploratory Levels (Pool J 2011). It involves a method for asking the right fundamental questions related to a person’s quality of life experience and how they feel about their care; one that gives them more influence and involvement in their daily living choices. Using evidence-based topics we found a systematic way for care providers to know how the people feel about their quality of life. how they feel about • the relationships around them • care and support • the activities and daily life • the food and dining • how they feel about their sense of comfort and security Involving residents in continuous quality improvement provides people with dementia more influence and involvement in their care planning. The use of pictures with targeted questions helps gives people with moderate dementia an opportunity to be heard and provide meaningful feedback. Importantly, we know carers and staff need additional knowledge and feedback about what makes the person with dementia thrive. The tool is based on the Talking Mats research* which, as a visual framework is a ‘low tech’ evidence-based communication tool that uses pictures developed at Stirling University. A couple of years ago I spoke at a Hospice conference about empathy and person-centred validation courses we run to support relationship centred care. I met a dementia specialist visiting from Denmark. Mette was keen to develop a way of engaging people with dementia in finding out broad ranging personal experiences of care that we could also use in Denmark, and design cards that are easy to engage with for this specific purpose. Using the

Talking Mats™ method, along with the already identified the topics, we worked on adapting and finding the right designer to create bespoke cards for use in European cultures. After some time creating a self-learning pack together, we now have a teaching film to help staff engage meaningfully with clients for use both in a home or care home setting using guided questions with cards to explore feelings. I have enjoyed working with my Danish colleague and our specialist team including occupational therapy specialist Julia Pitkin in the UK. A national Dementia conference in Copenhagen precipitated links to a new Dementia village being set up on an island nearby. I was subsequently invited back to share how to set the culture from the beginning, based on what matters most to people who need care, their families and the staff delivering it the basis of the ‘Relationship Triangle’ or ‘triad’. It is frequently assumed that the person with dementia cannot answer questions. Observation rather than listening is frequently the preferred method of mapping quality care. This is all good, but there are people who fall between the cracks, who could do more if given the right approach and conditions. As a former trustee of the Relatives & Residents Association for many years we heard many stories of people who felt excluded as staff did not have the right tools for their role. Increasing job satisfaction from connecting meaningfully and helping someone feel understood and listened to is worth its weight in gold. Many people at the moderate stages of dementia can relate well if they are given the right verbal and visual prompts demonstrated in the toolkit. The right prompts help INVOLVEMENT which was so important for my own mother when she was in a care home. This meant she could tell us what she wanted so we could adapt her care accordingly. The enjoyment of using pictures with words to supplement or replace conversation is simple and effective way of engaging people. For further details (07905 88 43 45)

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ensure minimal effort on the part of the care-giver. As with all Oxford products, injury reduction, fall prevention and ergonomic principles were fundamental considerations during the Up’s development. The Up is a manual stand-aid and seated transfer device, Perfect positioning of both the swingdesigned to support safe and efficient patient transfers and away seat pads and knee support help rehabilitation. Suitable for clients who require some assistance ensure optimum patient positioning. when standing but are able to participate in the process, the Up Adjustable legs and a contoured base can play a supportive role in patient rehabilitation and independallow improved access for the patient and ence. promote better posture and ease of use. Manufactured from aluminium and weighing just 22.5kg, the Contact Joerns Healthcare for more Up is among the lightest and most nimble in its category; but information on 0844 811 1156, send don’t be fooled, a maximum safe working load of 200kg (31st) an email to or visit also places it among the elite. High-grade castors offer or see the advert standing manoeuvrability across a range of floor surfaces and on page 16.

Looking for a pretty, easy to put on dress? Then take a look at our NEW stock of the bestselling Richmond Wrap-Over Ladies Dress in navy spot which has recently arrived into our warehouse. This pretty Richmond Wrap-Over Dress opens easily at the back and is ideal for easy toileting, disabled or wheelchair customers. The practical dress opens to the waist at the front giving plenty of room to put over the head and insert arms. It has a pretty collar and the high neckline is extremely flattering. The back of the dress has an overlap going from the shoulder blades to the hem. This not only makes assisted toiling quick and easy but means when the front buttons are open, there is plenty of room to slip the dress over the

head and pull comfortable down. The ladies Richmond Short Sleeve wrap-over dress is ideal for everyday wear or special occasions. •Length: 44" •Fabric: 13% Cotton, 87% Polyester •Easy machine wash, quick dry and minimum ironing required. •Available in all sizes 8 - 26 in variety of colours including navy spot. Do take a look at our full ladies dress range which have been specifically adapted for ladies with special dressing needs. Perfect for easy independent dressing and assisted dressing. For more information on Adaptawear’s Product Range please visit Carer readers please quote TC141 for 10% discount off your first order. See the advert on page 7 for details.

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HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Haigh Engineering Based on continued great customer feedback, Haigh Engineering Ltd are pleased to announce the roll-out of an all inclusive waste disposal system proposition, including flexible payment options, that takes the headaches away from the running of your sluice-room waste disposal equipment. The benefits of disposing of resident waste directly, whether that be incontinence waste products or medical pulp items containing human waste, are well established bringing not only a step change in cross infection risk but also making the working environment much more pleasant for carers. This all-inclusive proposition that covers both the Incomaster and Quattro macerators from Haigh makes

these benefits more accessible to customers, both from a financing perspective but also as the risks associated with maintenance and repairs rest with the manufacturer for as long as the customer requires. Haigh are able to bring this concept to customers due to the combination of the high reliability levels that the Incomaster and Quattro macerators achieve combined with the responsiveness of the UK nationwide team of engineers that are on hand to respond promptly to issues that arise on client sites. For more information on how the all-inclusive waste disposal systems from Haigh can bring peace of mind to your site please contact the team on 01989 763131 or

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry. Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers, and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies, including hand hygiene, cleaning, training and the adoption of new technologies, to tackle the problem. As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market, including antimicrobial technology. Angloplas’ range of dispensers

are produced in the world’s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas. This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product, reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella, Salmonella and mould by up to 99.99%. For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags. You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to and clicking Hospital, Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code.

CareZips Incontinence Dignity Trousers ™

CareZips™ are adaptive trousers that protect the dignity of incontinent people, whilst helping the carers improve standards of care. Fitted with unique 3-zip fastening system, the CareZips™ make changing of incontinence diapers more dignified and comfortable for the patients and easier and faster for the caregivers. CareZips™ feature 3 strategically positioned zips, 2 of which run from the waist to the knees on both sides of the body. The 3rd zip goes from the inside of one knee all the way up and down to the inside of the other

knee, thus entirely opening the trousers at the crotch, when needed. The 3-zip system enables access to the abdomen and crotch for fast and easy diaper changes without the

The Benefits of Spillsafe Every year, thousands of working hours are lost to the sanitisation of furniture which ultimately can never be completely sanitised. This can feel like a losing battle to “beat the bugs” as any attempt to truly clean soiled furniture will inevitably only be scratching the surface. The true challenge lies inside the chair, a haven for contamination, but therein lies the problem. How do you clean the inside of a chair that has been soiled? The simple answer is “you don’t”. There is no way to truly clean a chair that has been soiled as liquids will find their way into every part of your furniture, absorbed by wood and languishing in foam and fabric. So, what is the solution to sanitising your furniture? Simply, you stop anything from ever reaching the interior. The truest way of maintaining hygeine is to prevent unsanitary situations from ever reaching the areas that cannot be easily cleaned.

need to undress the patient or pull the CareZips™ trousers down. CareZips™ are unisex and available in 7 sizes for good fit. CareZips™ fabric is soft and wrinkle resistant with stretch for extra comfort. Washable and non-iron, the CareZips™ are perfect for daily use. When worn over hip protectors, such as HipSaver QuickChange, HipSaver OpenBottom or HipSaver EasyFit, the CareZips™ help to prevent fall-related hip fractures. CareZips™ Trousers improve lives of vulnerable people and help their carers! Contact Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866 -

Investing in hygienic barriers today not only saves time and money, but ensures the protection demanded by those who need it most. This was our maxim here at SpillSafe when developing our patentpending cassette system – Why allow the uncleanable to become unsanitary in the first place? Matthew Holmes, Director of SpillSafe Ltd. See the advert on page 9 for further details or contact Spillsafe Ltd on 0330 088 4851 or


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL New Skincare And Incontinence Leaflet A new ‘Skincare management in incontinence’ leaflet is available from Thornton & Ross Pharmaceuticals – manufacturers of Zerolon® Barrier Cream. Accredited by the Association for Continence Advice (ACA), the leaflet is designed as a quick guide for all health professionals involved with continence care. Including recommendations from NICE, the leaflet also outlines factors to consider when selecting a barrier cream and advice on helping prevent incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD).

Zerolon® Barrier Cream is the latest addition to the Zeroderma emollients and barrier creams range, specially formulated to prevent irritation from bodily fluids including urine, faeces and exudate. To receive a free copy of the ‘Skincare management in incontinence’ leaflet, please email: 01484 842217

Expert Water Sampling Services Throughout The UK Chiltern Water & Environment was established in 1991 by Robert Hunt after gaining 25 years' experience as an operational and analytical scientist in the water supply industry. The company gained engineering and further management knowledge when David Hunt joined in 2012. Since then, other water industry professionals have added to the breadth of knowledge and experience within the company. We have always provided high-quality consultancy, testing and remedial services in a professional but personable manner. Our steady growth has reflected our clients' trust in our services. Our current clients include large housing associations, pharmaceutical companies and facilities management companies, as well as individual landlords and small businesses. We ensure all our customers

receive the same level of care and attention to detail. Duty Holders of all commercial and public building premises are legally required to assess the risk from legionella to anyone using the water systems and put in place legionella control measures if required. The HSE has produced ACoP L8 and HSG274 as guidance for Duty Holders obligations. We have clients throughout the South East, London and the Midlands, and carry out water tests nationally and internationally. We currently provide regular water sampling and testing for over 500 sites. Tel: 01844 347678 Email:

We Know What Clean Really Means Cleaning and hygiene is essential in the care sector. Poor hygiene is not only a turn off for residents and their families alike, but bacterial contamination can also cause serious illness and result in a visit from the environmental health officer, possible prosecution and shut down of your business. It pays to make cleaning and hygiene your top priority. With a range of over three-thousand products and distribution partners in over 90 countries, Hillbrush is the largest UK manufacturer of brushware and hygienic cleaning tools, selling to a global customer base. Setting the benchmark for quality and innovation, the mission for continuous development and outstanding serv-

ice is as prominent now as it was when the company was founded in 1922. Hillbrush is at the forefront of technology-led cleaning equipment and has developed the most advanced hygienic cleaning tools available. Our Anti-Microbial cleaning tools are designed to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria, fungi and moulds. Our products are designed in such a way that bacteria can't survive on the surface. Our hygienic range of products are Biomaster protected and have been developed to minimise microbial cross-contamination risks. For further information, visit or call +44 (0)1747 860494

AfterClean InstaClear and AfterClean ContinuFresh The vast majority cleaning companies deliver a good service, however, is the customer always aware of this? The net result of a great clean is the restoration of the space back to its original condition. Whilst this should be enough on its own, sometimes the customer will need reassurance that the area has been cleaned effectively. They will achieve this with the help of AfterClean products. AfterClean InstaClear achieves this by immediately and permanently neutralising odours – odours that often linger after an area has been cleaned. By combining natural, renewable and sustainable plant extracts to

form a harmless neutral molecule, it eliminates all bad odours. All it requires is a quick spray of the area. AfterClean ContinuFresh delivers a long-lasting fragrance on demand after the standard clean has been completed. By releasing millions of microscopic biodegradable capsules the ‘just cleaned’ fresh fragrance is prolonged. The key benefit of this new technolo-

With almost 30 years of experience, CWE can help you provide safe water systems for your care home, including: • Water sampling • Legionella compliance • Asset inspection – tanks, calorifiers etc. • Remedial works • Swimming and spa pool testing

gy (patent pending) is that it works harder when clients are present. Any movement will disturb and rupture some of the capsules releasing the carefully selected fragrances. This confirms to the client that their area has just been freshly cleaned. The untouched capsules quietly remain intact, waiting for the next client to generate an audit trail of superior cleaning. Application for both products is simple via a standard, refillable, trigger spray or a fogging machine for larger areas. It is the final stage of a great clean – neutralising odours and delivering a fresh audit trail and customer satisfaction. To find out more contact or call 01934 244 160 or see the advert on page 19.

Come a nd visit us D1053 a t the 202 on Stand 0D Care & N ursing E ementia, xpo at th NEC in e Birming h am on 17-18 M arch 202 0

Tel: 01844 347678 Email:



Evolving Technologies in staff and residents having better, calmer days. The technology can be used to determine patterns in night time activity and, when coupled with the power of Care Management Apps, provide a better understanding of a residents needs and, therefore, enable more dynamic and relevant care plans to be deployed. This coming March, Courtney Thorne are exhibiting at the Dementia Care and Nursing Expo 2020 at the NEC, 9Srand D666). The show offers a fantastic opportunity for visiting Care Home managers and owners to explore and try out these emerging technologies. Only by talking to the manufacturers about how these sorts of solutions can be deployed will they learn about the benefits to their residents, coupled with the cost and time savings that are available. We look forward to seeing you!

3 REASONS FOR CARERS TO GO DIGITAL Technology moves forward at an ever-increasing pace and forward thinking Care Homes are ensuring they are keeping in step with the tech, says Barry Vacher, marketing manager at Courtney Thorne. “Quieter and calmer care homes are on the horizon and embracing various technologies can help with getting there.” Smart phone and tablet technologies are a firm fixture in our everyday lives and these are translating into the Care Home landscape. Care Management plans can be developed and improved by collating data from these technologies in extraordinarily fast ways – leaving more time for staff to focus on their jobs and not painful administerial tasks. The information managers receive ensures that they can make informed decisions and keep accurate and safe records without impacting on time spent caring for residents. Real time alerts can be delivered to mobile tech – resulting in faster response times. Meaning peace of mind for both staff and residents. It’s not just the mobile tech revolution that is having an impact on Care Homes. New developments in the field of Acoustic Monitoring are having dramatic impacts on staff and residents. Acoustic Monitoring has proven capabilities of improving the nights sleep a resident may have and freeing up time for night staff. A recent investigation into the benefits of Acoustic Monitoring has shown that the technology can result in up to 60% fewer nightly disturbances for residents and up to a 70% reduction in nightly visits by care staff. This translates to freeing up to 40% of staffs time during the night – leaving them to carry out other duties. This, in turn, can result

Technology should be celebrated rather than feared in the world of care, says Nuno Almedia founder of Nourish Care Systems, “and while some may be a little hesitant to adopt a digital approach to care, those who already have are noticing significant improvements. The CQC believes that the benefits of technology are changing the way people give and receive care. From more accurate notetaking to closer monitoring of those most vulnerable, technology has the ability to enhance not just the smooth running of care homes, but the overall quality of care being given.” “Nourish Care is challenging the common misconceptions surrounding the use of technology within care. With questions regarding safety, efficiency and overall necessity, Nourish wants to highlight just a few of the many ways technology is benefiting everyone in the care sector today...”

IT’S DATA EFFICIENT • Data security is possibly one of the biggest fears with technology. However, with the advanced systems available to the care sector today, people’s data is far safer than it would be on paper. • With everything stored in a secure place online, this allows for far more accurate care management. Papers don’t get lost, handwriting doesn’t get misread, and you’ll always have that information backed up for easy reference whenever you need it. The recording of data in this way is also allowing care professionals to monitor and analyse data in a much more advanced way, leading to better care practices and outcomes.


• A lot of people see technology as a block to real-life interactions, and many also fear that tech will take over their job roles completely one day, but this certainly isn’t the case for carers. • Technology or no technology, good quality care starts with people, but with the right training, the use of tech can make everyone’s lives even better. Carers can easily prioritize the needs of those in care in order to give their full attention to those who need it most, and the efficiency of working this way can also help to reduce stress in staff.

IT’S SIMPLE TO USE • Of course, making the switch to a digital way of life can be daunting for those who are new to it, but with technology being such a large part of our lives already, the transition within the care sector may not be as tricky as you think. Technology can enhance care management by freeing carers up from admin to spend more time doing what they do best - caring. • Everything can be recorded quicker and easier on the job, rather than needing to set aside time at the end of what are often very lengthy shifts, to complete the necessary paperwork. Once something is recorded once, this is then stored and easy to access in the future whenever it is needed. Digital information is much easier to share between care professionals such as GP surgeries and hospitals, ultimately speeding up processes and ensuring a consistent level of quality for those in care.

HOW FLEXIBLE IS YOUR NURSE CALL SYSTEM? Fitting a nurse call system can often be disruptive, time consuming and expensive; but not with Aid Call’s wireless system. Aid Call utilise wireless technology because there is no need to install cables to any of the call points and the impact is minimal, which is reassuring at a time of increased pressure on resources and environments. Wireless systems also have lower installation and operating costs over a traditional hard-wired system, as well as being quicker and easier to install. Wireless configuration offers complete flexibility and mobility, which makes our system infinitely changeable and expandable, allowing for the constant ability to deal with ever changing priorities and demands. Our system is safe, reliable and costeffective. It can be designed to suit individual requirements and needs and adapted to work within your budget. It also has a variety of features which can help to maximise staff efficiency and improve the overall quality of care offered to your clients and patients.

TOUCHSAFE PRO DISPLAY PANEL The Display Panel conveys a mass of important information at a glance. This includes call type, call location, patient name, nurse identity and call response time. Varying colour displays and alarm tones correspond to different call types to help staff to easily identify priority levels.



TECHNOLOGY AND NURSE CALL CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE... All calls will display on the panel. In the event of multiple calls, automatic system triage will display the calls in order of urgency. On multiple-panel systems the panels can be set up with zones so only calls from specific areas are displayed on the panel located within that area. See the advert on page 15 for details.

CALL AID UK At Call Aid UK we like to let our clients speak for us! “We were introduced to the PAM system a year ago and are delighted with the difference it has made since its introduction. The system is very reliable and offers a couple of sound options for day and night mode, ensuring that residents are not disturbed during quiet hours. The system notifies you as soon as movement is detected which in many cases decreases the risk of falls. Call Aid are also helpful and offer a personalised service. We have a single point of contact that ensures actions are taken quickly if required and also contact us to see how we are getting on. I cannot fault the system nor the services “ West Lodge Nursing Home Call Aid UK is an electronics design and manufacturing company specialising in providing electronic solutions to the healthcare market. We are committed to delivering innovative solutions with easy to use systems and we recognise the importance of listening to our customers’ needs. We produce systems that use the latest technology, compliment the decor and are competitively priced.

MEDPAGE Medpage Limited have manufactured quality affordable caring technologies for over 30 years. We specialise in providing bespoke design and development solutions for patient care. We were challenged recently to develop an alarm solution for a wandering resident in a care home on a

limited budget. The alarm was to operate independently from the house nurse call system and required to send notifications to the carer mobile phone with time and dated incident reports. This we did with 100% success. The alarm is now a mainstream product sold nationally. Reassurance and confidence in a supplier is paramount to a successful business relationship, especially where healthcare is concerned. You can rest assured that when you buy and use our products you are connected with a company with backbone and a passion to offer care technologies that deliver performance and quality. See the advert on page 2 for details.

Facilities Maintenance and Management Software Simple to use, easy to maintain and very affordable.

MAINTENO Whether it’s managing planned maintenance or dealing with fault repairs, Mainteno simplifies the day-to-day maintenance of almost any organisation. Mainteno also seamlessly incorporates asset management and tracking. Mainteno streamlines every aspect of the maintenance management process, saving your organisation time and money. Usability made affordable Mainteno was designed with practicality in mind. The interface is so intuitive that basic operation can be learned in minutes, and you can be a power user in one afternoon. Elegant usability usually means a hefty price tag. However, our pricing structure means that for small organisations, Mainteno can cost as little as two cups of coffee a month. No set-up fees, no lengthy contracts and a free trial, all mean that the system starts paying for itself straight away. Dr Asif Raja, Bsc MBBS Summercare Managing Director says “Facing significant challenges of ever increasing quality and compliance demands upon time and resources as well considerable economic pressures, Summercare, an award winning provider of residential care and housing related support, sought to upgrade their systems for managing the property and environmental aspects of its service delivery. After an extensive period of investigation and research Mainteno was selected as the platform of choice for the entire organization based on its ease of use, very short-term contract, quick set up and ongoing support.”


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Reporting tasks and faults Asset tracking and value reporting Invoice management Add multiple images and documents Detailed analytical reporting Dashboard reporting showing live status of all tasks Management of all planned maintenance schedules Compliance testing and inspections Traffic light detailed reporting for audit purpose Audit reporting Direct allocation of work to relevant parties Can be used for help desk Supplier performance management and reporting Warranty and insurance management Can be used on any web enabled device Link tasks to calendar Create check lists for compliance purposes Contractor Quotes and Invoice Management Contractor Login upload function 020 8798 3713

Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.


TECHNOLOGY AND NURSE CALL CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE... “The Mainteno system was the obvious choice based on it being easy to deploy and operate and with an extensive range of inbuilt processes and reports that meant we could start realizing benefits very quickly. We are confident the system will provide us with improved accessibility and communication across the organization and will improve the efficiency and quality for frontline care services.”

SOUTHERN CARE MAINTENANCE FOR YOUR NURSING EQUIPMENT NEEDS Due to customer demand, care homes can now hire hoists from Southern Care Maintenance (SCM) while they wait for their equipment to be repaired or replaced. Established in 1987, the Kent based regional maintenance company supply and maintain many popular brand names including the Oxford, Invacare and Birdie ranges. SCM is a specialist independent company offering supply, service and maintenance across two divisions - Fire Alarm and Nursing Equipment, including Nurse Call Systems. Hoists are hired by the week and whilst on hire SCM’s engineers will carry out free LOLER testing on the hired equipment and orders for replacements attract a discount. In response to their customers’ needs, the Nursing Division has steadily grown over the years and SCM now supplies, maintains and repairs a wide range of products including; Hoists and Slings, Mattresses and Pumps, Beds, Lifting Aids, Shower Trolleys and Changing Tables and Assisted Baths. SCM also works closely with local charities and this year are proud to support Strode Park Foundation.

Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

ARQUELLA RELEASES NEXT-GENERATION NURSE CALL SYSTEM The care environment can feel like running on a hamster wheel, says Ruben Timoney, chief sales officer at Arquella, only someone else is making it spin ever faster! More regulation, more evidencing of care, more data, more administration. And all this seems to make the real task of delivering excellent care feel like a secondary activity. Arquella exists to support care teams by providing digital solutions that reduce the burden of administrative tasks and increase time to provide real care. By integrating existing Nurse Call technology with the latest IoT (Internet of Things) developments, they bring together care delivery with automated data collection, providing easily accessible management information. Arquella has recently released AIDA and its associated Nurse Call system the Arquella AURA system. AIDA is their cloud-based data platform which delivers management information through a web browser. This provides information anywhere to authorised users, protected by the highest levels of data security.

Arquella AURA is the newly launched Nurse Call System, designed to integrate seamlessly with the Arquella AIDA platform. The system includes all of the usual requirements for a Nurse Call system but extends functionality through CTM (Call-to-Mobile) and Motion Points. During their research, Arquella found that CTM was the ‘most asked for’ function requested by Nurse Call users. Their ICD (Individual Care Display) provides staff with call details anywhere in the building, improving call response time and reducing unnecessary journeys to read panels. Further research indicated that being able to detect resident movement without the use of floor mats was also highly desirable. Arquella has developed the AURA Motion Point. This device uses Passive Infrared to activate calls based on resident movement. This capability has already proven invaluable in dementia environments where residents can be fearful of floor mats. Arquella’s journey is the continuous exploitation of technology to provide care teams with the tools to provide great care. They invite organisations who share their passion for care, to join them on the journey.



TECHNOLOGY AND NURSE CALL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 30... LEECARE - WE DELIVER MORE THAN SOFTWARE At Leecare, we start each day with a purpose and a mission — to help our customers be the best they can be, so your residents can experience the best possible quality of life. Leecare’s industry leading care software and EHR platform, Platium 5, improves care delivery, which makes you stronger. Deliver the highest quality of care, improve your business performance, and simplify the complex processes related to regulatory compliance. Be connected to your care network. Ensure that your team has the right information at the right time, and that the intelligence of the health record follows each resident.

“I highly recommend Leecare Solution as a one stop shop in as far as Health and Social Care Management systems go mainly because one can use any handheld, palm or desktop device seamlessly. "In my previous and current roles in Health and Social Care as a Regional Manager and Consultant respectively, I am familiar with and have used a fair number of Health and Social Care Management systems and currently support over 60 Health and Social Care service provision organisations across the UK also using different Health and Social Care Management systems, most of which are cloud based and good, but are however, in one way or another somehow limited in their robustness and interface capabilities. "Leecare Solution is one of the best Health and Social Care Management systems out there, which give you a single solution for all your clinical, medication, HR and Accounting management needs giving you an all encompassing single solution to be CQC and professionally compliant. I unreservedly recommend Leecare Solutions..” Gwin Masaka / Trend House, Dallow Rd, Luton

FUSION4CARE Still using paperbased systems to manage aspects of your care business? Yes, you might be able to manage that way, you’ve always done it that way, is there a part of you that can’t face changing, not to mention the perceived upheaval, time, investment and training required to change. The thing is, switching to Fusion is none of those things, and once you’re up and running you’ll know for sure

your data is safe and compliant whilst your business runs more efficiently. Fusion is for care providers who strive to achieve the best care and the best working practices. Capture relevant information such as resident/staff details in the most simple time efficient way. -Manage your documents to ensure that information is dealt with logically. -Avoid duplication of using handwritten timesheets that need to be manually inputted into a payroll system. -Address technological care planning obstacles. The perception that your staff are not IT literate is out of date, most people own a smart phone, so yes they are IT pros! Streamlining optimizing and automating certain internal processes will reduce delays, human error, red tape, and the complexity of certain manual administrative processes as well as relieving the stress of the inspectors visit! Fusion is for care providers who want to streamline business process, stop errors, prevent repetition and achieve “Outstanding” our clients are the proof, we have the solution. Software for care by people who care.

CARE VISION - SHAPING THE FUTURE OF CARE Care Vision offers a spectrum of solutions that will bring all your care home needs under one roof. “Only a care home manager knows just how complex and challenging care management is” says director Rishi Jawaheer. “Care Vision has been built on the principle, that simplifying means unifying: the many types of tasks and departments that share space under your one roof should also share one integrated system. From E-mar to food prep, housekeeping, health & safety, HR and family visits.” Care Vision is designed to save time whilst meeting and going beyond CQC requirements. Consulting with carers, families and professionals Rishi has created Care Vision, a solution built from the challenges of providing care and recording required information in real situations. Care vision has been designed to meet the complex needs of individuals using the service, from the perspective and skill level of carers. The quality of the record keeping satisfies the regulators. Care Vision works with providers to create a tailor-made solution that suits your service. Care notes can be entered in a few clicks at the point of service. Using icons and speech to text but also having the ability to easily edit makes this a fantastic tool for a modern-day carer. By using Care Vision, you can save up to 2-4 hours per week, per resident in staff hours. That means if you have a care home of 20 residents you can save up to 40-80 staff hours per week, 160320 staff hours per month. That’s equivalent to 1-2 fulltime staff.

LOTUS CARE TECHNOLOGY The NurseAlert pressure mat has been one of the most successful floor pressure mats due to it being non slip and carpeted which makes it feel very natural under a residents foot. Lotus Care Technology Ltd have many other fall saving devices that can give you peace of mind whilst caring for this at risk of falls.  Having many years of experience in fitting and maintaining Nurse Call Systems helps the guys at Lotus Care Technology understand that every home is different and has different needs. They can specify not only the best system for the environmental factors in the home but also take into consideration the best products that will make your carers and nurses jobs that little bit easier.




WORKFORCE SCHEDULING SOLUTIONS Workforce Scheduling Solutions deliver Electronic Time & Attendance systems worldwide, using the latest Face Recognition technology. Why should care homes move from paper to electronic time sheets The industry is under considerable financial pressures. An efficient electronic booking on/off system that will schedule, provide budgets, calculate hours worked, overtime and absence such as sickness and holiday entitlement will save Time and Money. How is time and money saved by doing things electronically? Collecting payroll information from paper timesheets can be slow, prone to errors, and very labour intensive. Staff rosters can be produced as far in advance as practical and accurate within budgeted hours. Staff book on and off-duty electronically, thus eliminating any time errors. Wage queries are virtually eliminated and immediate checks can be made without wading through reams of paper which invariably are inaccurate, misfiled or even 'lost". There are many systems on the market - Why facial recognition is important and how it works Some systems use tokens, which can be lost or left at home, requiring management involvement in the booking on/off procedure. Fingerprint systems can be beaten and Social media is awash with ways to copy fingerprints. Face recognition combined with a staff PIN is simple to use and manage using touch screen technology and web cams. Staff see their

image displayed immediately when booking on or off and confirms their identity visually. It provides the best deterrent available as it builds a greater 'image knowledge’ of each employee, a picture is worth a thousand words. Eliminates 'buddy punching' where employees can book colleagues on/off duty using someone’s tokens, swipe card or even fingerprint. How is data protected? With the correct security setup computer systems provide more data protection than paper-based records which can be easily removed or stolen. GDPR covers all data including paper records and therefore the chances of infringing the rules and incurring fines is greater with paper.

EDISON TELECOM We here at Edison Telecom Ltd have been providing specialist solutions to your call system requirements tailor-made to each customers needs for over 25 years, says director Bob Johnson. Is your current Nurse Call “legacy”, obsolete, so full of software bugs or commercially not viable for your current supplier/maintainer to maintain? We may have just the part and expertise that you are looking for to give your nurse call a further extension to life, adds Bob, “Edison will treat your nurse call with the same compassion that you give to those in your care. There will come a time when your equipment is beyond repair but Edison are experts in extending the life of obsolete systems.”




have spares, enhancements and expertise for wired and wireless systems abandoned by the original manufacturer, whoever they are.

Call us on 01252-330220 We can give most systems a new lease of life and maintain them into the future.


BATHROOMS AND WASHROOMS Dudley Industries Introduces New Washroom Dispenser Range Designed Specifically For Users Living With Dementia Dudley Industries are renowned for their high-quality stainless steel washroom equipment products and innovation. They have recently added a new collection to their range designed specifically to support those living with dementia. Dementia unfortunately presents many symptoms, one of which can be the difficultly in performing familiar tasks such as hand washing. A washroom can become a confusing and threatening environment to those with dementia. However, small adaptations in the washroom can have a hugely positive impact on the experience for both the user and care staff. Research shows that using colour can provide a visual cue to aid orientation and help support independence for every-day tasks. Specifically designed in contrasting colours using

blue and white, known to have a calming and restful effect, the washroom dispensers work inconjunction with a wall plate to help make them easily identifiable, stand out from the décor and be easy to use. Manufactured using quality stainless steel and powder coated to achieve the depth of colour required the range includes a soap dispenser, paper towel dispenser and options for toilet tissue. Styled to complement all washrooms making them suitable for: • Care Homes • Hospitals • Nursing Homes • Healthcare Facilities • Day Care Centres For more information contact the DI Team on +44 (0)1253 738311 or email

A New Bathing Range Designed To Meet Individual Needs Making sure you find the right bathroom equipment to suit the needs of your care home residents and staff can be a daunting task. However, two well-known faces in the sector have joined forces to create a new range of height adjustable and fixed height assisted baths for the care home market, which have been designed to meet the needs of each individual resident. With more than 60 years’ experience in design, manufacturing and customer service between them, Ray Metcalf and Dennis Goodes have launched a unique range of baths for the assisted bathing market. “I have enjoyed redesigning a range that specifically suits care homes, upgrading the mechanical parts and incorporating soft curves to protect delicate skin as well as being aesthetically pleasing,” explains Metcalf. “We both have the same enthusiasm

now as we had 20 years ago,” he adds. The range includes a number of baths that are either height adjustable or fixed height in a unique ‘Art Deco’ style. Each one is built by hand in the UK using traditional methods to meet the highest standards and incorporating the latest ‘one touch’ technology. “We are proud of the fact that our baths are designed and made in the UK,” says Goodes. “We are also as proud of what’s underneath the bath as what’s on top. Our ‘fit and forget’ motto is the standard we build to.” Individually tested and dispatched direct to site and ready to go, trained teams are available to install, commission and service the baths throughout mainland UK. The baths are bespoke with numerous options that can be incorporated to suit individual needs and are built to order. “Our aim is to provide a top quality product at a really good price,” says Goodes. “I design to make other peoples’ lives better,” Ray Metcalf concludes. The Assisted Bathing Company T: (Sales) +44 (0)1590 647 479 T: (Technical) +44 (0)1590 647 478 F: +44 (0)1590 610 080 See the advert on the facing page for details.

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We are suppliers of furnishings to the care industry and hospitality sectors and the household market.

Most of our goods are manufactured by ourselves, to a contract standard with a Crib 5 Fire Rating no cheap imports! Fast turnaround - many items dispatched within 7 days. If you need it quick, let us know! Single chair orders no problem delivered by courier or ourselves. Delivery and placement where required by one of our team. Customised options on many chairs - height, width and depth.

Call us on 01254 846539 or Email



FURNITURE AND FITTINGS Care Friendly Furnishings By Dwayne Cook, Head of Projects, Care Interiors at Spearhead

One of the most difficult parts of putting together a new range of furniture and finishings is selecting individual products to offer customers; there are hundreds of styles to choose from! We know that care homes must combine physical needs with the building’s style, whilst considering the tastes of many different stakeholders. Our ranges need to have something for everyone. Consequently, even though the ability to deliver in seven working days influenced the Furnishe range, all products were selected primarily because they meet the needs of the care home. Flexible bedroom packages are at the core of the Furnishe range, all of which are built around a furniture set including a wardrobe, dresser and bedside table. These three key products have been carefully chosen for their suitability in care environments; rounded corners help to keep your residents safe whilst contract specification ensures each piece of furniture will survive heavy use. The three items are designed as a matching set and are available in dark, medium and light woods, offering plenty of options to match with existing interior design. The same wood options are available for the optional beds and quantica chairs, which will add a sense of unity to bedrooms and greatly improve your resident’s environment. The quantica chairs themselves were also chosen because of their suitability for care environments. They feature large side wings, which will help residents remain comfortable in a seated position, and are upholstered in a wipe clean material, helping your staff keep the home clean and odour-free. There are four colour options available in the quantica chairs; all make use of

contrast to assist residents in independently navigating their rooms and tie in with the soft furnishings that are optional additions to Furnishe packages. Furnishe has four colour options to choose from, all of which have been chosen to offer gender-neutral colour schemes, and a mixture of modern and traditional themes to suit every care home. The most traditional theme is the highland fern, which uses a neutral palette of stone and soft greens with a touch of raspberry for highlight, and includes classic patterns such as small checks and stripes. The zen ochre colour scheme adds warm golden colours to a grey base, and uses foliage designs to add interest to the bedrunner and curtains. Havana teal combines light neutrals with bold teal to create a vibrant room, added to by the bright florals on the bedrunner. Finally, kashmir amethyst uses a mixture of geometric cream shapes over a base purple colour, create a room with a contemporary feel. A key focus of Furnishe is that the packages offer flexibility to care homes; providers can choose as many or as few products as they require. Some of the products are also flexible in their use, for example the bedrunners are designed to be reversible, allowing residents to choose if they would like the patterned or the plain side on display. This flexibility carries over to the dining and lounge packages, which offer chairs, coffee tables and dining room tables. As with the bedroom packages, these are available in dark and light woods so as to suit every interior, and all corners have been rounded for safety. The upholstery on all the chairs is available in classic and neutral tones, ensuring that there will be something to suit every home. Optional sliders are also available for dining room chairs. Furnishe is designed as an express service, helping you fit out and redecorate your rooms within seven working days. Despite this, you can be certain your rooms will look polished and complete, with the same high quality, care focused products that you have come to expect from Care Interiors at Spearhead. See the advert on page 4 or call 0345 180 1800 or visit

Freephone: 0800 917 7943

New Bed Design Service from Care Bed and Mattress Experts Opera Care’s new Bed Design Service allows care homes to ensure their bedrooms stand out from the crowd. Care home residents generally spend longer in their beds than the rest of society, so it’s fair to assume that when deciding where to live, the bed plays a massive role in the decision. This means when it comes to attracting new residents to your care home or facility, there’s arguably no more effective way than with an impressive bed. Opera Care’s Bed Design Service enables care homes to provide beds that meet their care requirements as well as being aesthetically pleasing for the user. The service gives care homes the ability to create their care beds in a style that compliments their interior designs

and helps create a positive living environment. Contract Sales Director, Russell Lant, said, “Making your care facility stand out from the crowd is a challenge that all care home managers face. The balance between care provision, style and cost is crucial to the success of your business. Our Bed Design Service helps to ensure your bedrooms appeal to residents and their loved ones at a cost-effective price point, without compromising on your ability to provide care.” Contact Opera Care to arrange a project consultation, considering care delivery, operational and nursing considerations, budgets, timescales and design requirements. Get started today by calling 0333 222 8584 or visit:

Rochcare Wow Residents with the Development of Their Luxurious New Care Home Pendle Brook Care Home based in Oswaldtwistle is a purpose-built facility developed to create a safe yet stimulating environment for the residents and their families. Designed by Claire Pilkington, Interior Designer at CW Design Group, the home offers a premium feel throughout. Performance was the most important consideration when designing the space however Claire was also keen to ensure no compromise was made on style. Confident in Polyflor’s ability to meet the high demands of the environment, an array of their LVT and Vinyl products were specified throughout. Putting a twist on what you would expect from a traditional care home, Pendle Brook strived to offer its residents a much more contemporary environment, like that of a luxury hotel. Polyflor’s Expona Commercial LVT range was selected for areas such as the café, dining room and onsite hairdressers which were sure to see heavy footfall and spillages. With 80 shades to choose from

the range offered great flexibility, the Tanned Cheveron Parquet design was paired with Porta Stone to create clearly defined zones. A completely different aesthetic was achieved on the 1st and 2nd floor to support those living with dementia. Home to the resident’s rooms, there was a key requirement for both high durability and slip resistance. As a safety floor designed to be both functional and beautiful, the slip resistant benefits of Polysafe Wood FX made it the obvious choice. The diverse palette offered some fantastic tonal options however Oiled Oak was

selected in order to further enhance the calming and neutral atmosphere achieved across the space. The neutral tones continued into the bathroom where the flooring made a shift to Polysafe Quattro PUR. Designed for bare foot or shod use in continually wet areas, this product is engineered to achieve a pendulum test result of 50+, offering sustainable slip resistance as well as superior underfoot comfort, making it ideal for a residential care setting of this kind. For projects with demanding functional requirements it can be challenging to achieve the desired element of design, however with the support of Polyflor this was achieved seamlessly at Pendle Brook Care Home. Further details of Polyflor’s extensive range of resilient vinyl flooring are available from Polyflor Ltd, Radcliffe New Road, Whitefield, Manchester, M45 7NR. Tel: 0161 767 1111. Fax: 0161 767 1128. Website: Email:

Add High Quality Art to Your Business with Global

When considering the refurbishment of your care home, it may be a wise move to look at some pieces of quality art to give a feeling of class and prestige to your business image. Homes can benefit aesthetically and financially from investing in quality original art. GLOBAL ART Acquisitions and Investments Ltd are based above the Antiques centre at the Bridge House Longham BH22 9AN. We have an extensive selection of unique art available for the discerning client with prestigious premises and customers. GLOBAL ART is also the home of the

world’s number 1 reformed art forger BILLY MUMFORD’S collection. Billy put £6 Million pounds worth of forgeries through the major auction houses of the world before spending 2 years at her Majesty’s pleasure in Brixton and Ford prisons. Art is now the number 1 financial asset and retains it’s value better than other asset classes so that you can appreciate your art as your art appreciates. Take time to come over and visit us Thursday to Sunday 10 till 4 and see what a fantastic selection of works we can offer, you won’t be disappointed or Telephone James Hartey on 07894555107 or visit




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GLOBAL ART For Your Refurbishment

With over 35 years of experience, Global Art Gallery offers artworks by a number of diverse artists and pieces from selected private collections from around the world.



You won't find lots of prints in expensive frames at Global just lots of original art at realistic prices.

Further information is available from James Hartey on 07894 555107 or

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LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS Fowler Revolution – Commercial Laundry and Catering Equipment Fowler UK is now backed by large PLC Photo-Me and has been rebranded to Fowler Revolution to coincide with Photo-Me’s highly successful launch of their Commercial Laundry ‘Revolution’ division'. Fowler Revolution' is expanding with plans to double the number of engineers over the next 12 months. They are investing in a new CRM systems to ensure the quality of service is always maintained. A new website has also been launched to coincide with the re-brand. Four Key services Fowler Revolution offer; 1. Laundry: Supply, Install, Service, Repair and Maintain all commercial Washers, Dryers, Sluice machines and Ironers 2. Catering: Supply, Install, Service, Repair and Maintain all commercial Catering equipment from Mixers to

Combi Ovens 3. Rental: No upfront costs. Long term solution with no bills ever! All repairs and maintenance included in the small monthly fee 4. Solutions: Servicing, Repairs, Maintenance Contracts, Duct Cleaning, TR19 Kitchen Canopy/Appliance Cleaning, CP42 Gas Checks Meet our new Northern UK Account Manager Chloe Smith: Chloe has been with the company in various roles for the past six years and has a great understanding of all areas of the business. We are pleased to announce her new appointment as Northern UK Account Manager; her main role will be guiding customers through the process of replacing commercial Laundry/Catering appliances from delivery only through to full new build installations. Tel: 01200 444430

Cash’s Labels- “The Name Behind the Name” At Cash's, we aim to capture, reinforce and communicate our clients’ brand equity through quality and innovation, from design to distribution. Cash's has a proud 165 year history of supplying branding products to the international apparel, footwear, sports and accessory industries. Today we continue to support hundreds of local designers and manufacturers as well as a strong, growing stable of major international brands through our global supply facilities. A combination of product management and consultation expertise, design, systems and inventory management and strategic offshore bulk manufacturing and distribution underpins an exceptional offer at very competitive prices.


Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

Our product range fully caters for the needs of both small and large retailers and brand owners alike comprising of woven and printed labels, woven badges, care labels, branded and promotional swing tags, garment accessories, packaging and

barcoding. Our ground breaking labelling and security technologies are also able to provide an unrivalled level of protection to our customers' brand by assisting to combat counterfeiting and grey market activity.

INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE We have manufacturing and customer service facilities located in all major apparel, footwear and accessory manufacturing centres. Our international locations include Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

ECOMMERCE Our industry leading eCommerce system is designed to reduce cost, improve efficiency and streamline supply chain management and will fully protect the integrity and accuracy of critical business data. The order entry process is very simple meaning suppliers and vendors can spend their valuable time on tasks other than ordering apparel labelling and accessories. See the advert this page for details.

Music♪ Therapy – Bringing Moments ♪Of Joy To People Living With Dementia ♫

It is no secret that the number of people living with dementia is expected to increase over the coming years and decades. Some estimates put this at more than a million people living with the condition in the UK by 2025. As a nation, we must focus on tackling the condition and improving the quality of life for those that are currently living with it. National charity Methodist Homes (MHA), which provides care, accommodation and support services for older people, is on a mission to raise awareness of the difference that music therapy can make – it pioneered the treatment in its care homes over ten years ago and is now one of the biggest employers of music therapists in the UK. The charity’s recent ‘Moments of Joy’ campaign helped to highlight some of the amazing moments of joy that music therapy sparks for individuals living in its care homes. To launch the campaign, several homes across the

Memory Tracks We all know that music has a unique access to the brain; lowering anxiety, confusion and agitation, and improving the prevailing mood. But ask yourself, when is anxiety and agitation at its most challenging? Naturally it is different for everyone, but most often those we care for feel most anxious when personal care is being provided, or when they are being hoisted, or moved, or during medical procedures. So, do we use music at these

Silent Memories

Music therapy is a well established form of treatment for patients, particularly those suffering with dementia. It can help evoke memories and create a deeper sense of coherence and communication, whilst allowing residents to communicate on a different level with care workers and family members. Here at Silent Memories we offer an innovative form of music therapy, whereby rather than playing the music out loud for all to hear, it is played through our wireless headsets directly


By Ming Hung Hsu, Chief Music Therapist at MHA

country held open group music therapy sessions, where relatives and members of the local community were able to attend and witness first-hand the effects music therapy can have on residents. A highly trained music therapist led each group session and prompted an energetic response from those attending, with residents singing, dancing and tapping their feet to the beat. Unfortunately, dementia still has no known cure. But with music therapy, in the short-term at least, we can help to reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life for those in our specialist care. That’s why MHA’s goal is for everyone living with dementia in the UK to have access to a music therapist and to be able to experience the full benefits this treatment can offer.


Music therapy sessions are about much more than the music therapist simply playing a tune on a guitar or piano for someone as a bit of a personalised sing-a-long – they are made to be as interactive and personalised as possible. Whether joining in as part of a group or having a oneto-one session, music therapists give individuals the opportunity to express themselves. The brain is engaged and stimulated in unique ways by music. Residents can exercise their motor functions and bilateral co-ordination, playing instruments such as drums and tambourines, whilst using sustained attention and working memory to sing along to songs from their younger years. The treatment plays a powerful part in alleviating symptoms of dementia such as agitation, depression and frustration, helping people to unlock ‘lost’ memories and reconnect with their loved ones when they are

unable to do so verbally. Even for those living in the most advanced stages of the condition, music therapy can have a powerful effect on their mental and emotional wellbeing. And from a clinical standpoint, it can reduce – and in some cases replace – reliance on other interventions, such as medication.


With music therapy, there’s a wider impact that goes beyond the session itself too. It can play a vital role in helping to guide ongoing care for those working in care homes. Before the music therapist starts a regular schedule of sessions with a resident, he or she will speak to family members to find out everything about them – building a picture of who they were before they came to live at the home. Staff can then use this information to tailor the care they give to each resident and to help them manage their symptoms more effectively. Once it is known which music residents engage with, staff can use this information during mealtimes, for personal care or other meaningful one-toone interactions. It enables them to provide a much more person-centered care experience, as they can build a greater con-

times, when it could really make a positive impact? The answer is very rarely, if at all. Memory Tracks has been launched to change that, an app that takes advantage of the resilient link between songs and memories, and delivers a welcome interruption to those anxious moments through the power of the right song. Memory Tracks uses what they call; SongTask-Association to link

memorable songs to care tasks and activities such as; washing, getting dressed, taking medication, or being taken to the toilet. There are dozens of options in the app, or you can create your own. Playing these memorable songs has been shown to improve recall and recognition, lower stress and agitation, and make care a simpler and happier activity. Contact details:

to the patients. All music is carefully selected by the residents, care workers, family members and our DJs. When listening to music through our headsets we have noticed a distinct increase in engagement, animation and stimulation amongst patients. Often the music seems to evoke memories and allows the residents to become completely immersed in the sessions. Using headsets allows residents to opt in or out of the sessions. The silent disco can be

taking place in a communal area and anyone not taking part won't be distracted by the activity. With a long transmission range it also allows patients with limited mobility to take part in the sessions in their own rooms. For more information on how we can help your clients recall memories and help to enhance the quality of life through the enjoyment of music please get in touch.: or 0203 727 5382 or see the advert on page 21.

nection with the individual and notice more easily when their mood changes. The impact of music therapy sessions is really felt throughout the home – it doesn’t just mean something for individuals, but positively impacts relatives, carers and the wider care home community. MHA’s carers often talk about how music therapy opens a window for a resident, allowing them to mentally reach out and connect with others. While many people aren’t yet fully aware of the benefits music therapy offers, it’s key that more is done in the care sector to highlight just how much difference it can make for those living with dementia in care homes. Only then will more people be able to access this form of therapy. It truly can inject joy and lightness into their lives and the lives of those around them. To find out more, go to or

CLICK TO REMEMBER Create Your Own Personal Musical Memory Video and Relive Memorable Events in Earlier Years As the numbers of older people affected by Dementia grows and the pressure on the Care Sector increases, it is inevitable that more and more older people will live alone or with family.


The sector is being warned to prepare for this: NICE have recently published Quality Statement QS184 which highlights the benefits of non medical interventions – gardening, pottery, music, singing etc - to stimulate memory and reduce social isolation and loneliness experienced by older people. The Silver Song Music Box system has proved very successful in group settings – care homes, dementia units, dementia cafes – but does not reach older people living at home who are lonely and socially isolated. To meet this need Sing For Your Life have developed The Musical Memory Box System.

In 195O, David, aged 18, and his fellow National Servicemen, were fighting the Communists in Korea. What he experienced and saw, both good and bad, is deeply embedded in his memory. In particular he is able to recall the close relationship he enjoyed with his comrades. David, now in his 80s, lives alone and has Dementia. His family have created a montage of photographs taken during his time in Korea, accompanied by popular music of the period to which he listened on Forces Radio. The music is a trigger which restores his memory.

This do it yourself kit has been developed to support older people who are living alone and lonely or with the family, and living with Dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and similar conditions. The Musical Memory Box System stimulates memory and cognition by combining images of memorable events - christenings, weddings, graduation ceremonies, holidays etc with the music which was popular at the time - to create a personal video. Images are photographed using a camera or mobile phone and downloaded onto an SD Card. Music and songs which were current at the time of the event are downloaded onto the SD card. The Music Box is connected to the TV with an HDMI lead and is controlled using the remote control included in the kit.

Benefits of using the Silver Song Memory Box: • The family can all take part • Stimulates and restores cognition • Improves communication • Reduces Social Isolation & Loneliness • Improves Health and Wellbeing • Encourages & Supports Family Relationships • Supports End of Life Care

Building on the success of the Silver Song Music Box which enables groups of older people to enjoy participatory singing, Sing For Your Life has developed The Silver Song Reminiscence self build system which provides cognitive stimulation for older people living at home alone or with the family.

The system costs £150 complete

BENEFITS The combination of photographs and appropriate music stimulates the release of endorphins which restore memory and comprehension thereby reducing loneliness and social isolation.


Hampshire, Thames Valley East Anglia South West England Wessex All other areas

For more information call 07709 625487 email or go to



CQC: The Prosecutor In its annual report, Care Quality Commission (CQC) confirmed the trend of increased enforcement action, which we have seen over the last two years. Not only is CQC taking action to impose conditions or propose the cancellation of the registration of services much more readily (often before allowing them any opportunity to improve under special measures), but the annual report confirms our own experience of an increase in criminal enforcement action by CQC.

By Laura Guntrip, Lester Aldridge

In 2018/19, CQC issued 2,206 enforcement actions. Most of the enforcement action comprised of ’Warning Notices’ or civil enforcement action, such as ’Notices of Proposal’ or ’Notices of Decision’ for the imposition of conditions or cancellation of registration of a service. Perhaps most notable is the continued trend increase in criminal actions, which rose almost a third (33%), to 211 during 2018/19, compared to 159 the previous year (Care Quality Commission 2018/19, pg18). This is part of a continuing trend of increasing criminal enforcement action by CQC over the last two years (including cautions, fixed penalty notices and prosecutions). In 2015, CQC took over responsibility from the HSE as lead regulator for health and safety incidents involving service users. Initially, CQC got off to slow start but is now gaining momentum. Ian Trenholm (Chief Executive of CQC) has been open with his plans to pursue more prosecutions, in order to give the public greater confidence in CQC. To achieve this, CQC hired some exmilitary and police officers, to review evidence and build cases for prosecution. It has since employed criminal barristers to work in its legal team. We are continuing to represent care providers in an increasing number of criminal investigations by CQC. This includes providing representation in interviews under caution or preparation of written responses and legal submissions to persuade CQC not to prosecute. Such matters range from failures to have a Registered Manager, failing to submit notifications to CQC or breaches of Regulation 12 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (the requirement to provide safe care and treatment). In most cases, prosecutions follow incidents where a service user has been harmed, such as scalding, a fall, self-harm by a service user and other similar circumstances. The adequacy of risk assessments and care plans is a particular area of focus. However, there is no requirement for harm to have occurred for CQC to prosecute, only that there was significant risk of avoidable harm occurring.

Increasingly, CQC is also taking a greater interest and involvement in inquests, where it may seek to rely on any failings identified by the Coroner to take other enforcement action. It is, therefore, important to ensure that both the evidence submitted to a Coroner, and staff witnesses giving evidence, are properly prepared, to limit any damage so far as possible. We are also representing an increasing number of Registered Managers who are personally facing action by CQC. It is concerning that CQC has not always been prompt in pursuing such action, against providers or managers, and we are currently dealing with cases in which CQC has apparently launched a criminal investigation a year after the event, in some circumstances after the business has ceased trading. It is important that providers ensure robust record keeping is in place and can properly evidence staff training, should the need arise. You should also try to learn from the mistakes of others, to avoid falling into the same trap. If you have received a Notice of Proposal or Notice of Decision, if CQC is carrying out a criminal investigation, if you have been invited to attend an interview under caution or if CQC is threatening or proceeding with prosecution; it is vital that you obtain expert legal advice at the earliest opportunity to ensure you are best protected. It is, also, important to ensure that any incidents are properly managed, including in respect of evidence provided to safeguarding investigations and Coroner’s inquests. Tele- 0344 967 0758 Web- Laura Guntrip leads the Healthcare Team in advising providers of adult care homes, nursing homes, supported living facilities, independent hospitals, children’s homes and schools, throughout England and Wales, on a range of issues.

Global Business Finance Global Business Finance was established over 29 years ago by the firm’s present senior partner, Mark Widdows, and since then has arranged over £1.8bn in loans for healthcare clients. The firm works exclusively in the care sector providing a very personalised service, as the firm knows every client is individual with individual requirements. Mark and his team spend time getting to know each of their clients in order that they can ensure all needs are met and the loan facility tailored to their client’s individual requirements. Global offers national coverage and with the support of email, fax,

regular telephone conversations and face to face meetings the firm are able to put together a professional and comprehensive bank application. The bank managers that Global work with are all specialist healthcare managers who have extensive knowledge within the sector and fully understand the requirements of the clients that Global introduce. With over £1.8bn in completed care home loans you should strongly consider Global Business Finance to represent you for your next loan application. Reader Enquiries - Tel: 01242 227172 Email:


PROFESSIONAL, TRAINING & RECRUITMENT Sapphire Consulting Group According to CQC, all health and care organisations must assure themselves they are implementing the data security standards and meeting their statutory obligations on data protection and data security. This comes under well-led, key line of enquiry W6: “Is appropriate and accurate information being effectively processed, challenged and acted on?” CQC inspectors will be interested in understanding how care providers assure themselves they are meeting their responsibilities to protect patient data. Providers must understand their obligations under GDPR and continue to work towards achieving and maintaining compliance. Sapphire Consulting Group work closely with numerous care homes and care staff providers in helping them to complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) and thus ensure that they meet the requirements of the GDPR and the Data Protection Act.

Sapphire Consulting Group will help you by acting as your outsourced Data Protection Officer, which care homes are legally required to have due to the amount of special category data they process. We can also write specific data protection and GDPR compliant policies and provide staff training. We can provide further support to care home managers and staff by dealing with subject access requests and data breaches. In essence, we will take care of your data so that you can take care of your clients. We can be contacted on 01726 247027 or 0203 056 8855 or email or see advert on page 11.

“Finding Care Staff Is Easy But Finding Good Care Staff Is The Hard Bit” I would suggest many of you Care Home and Domiciliary Care managers say this on a frequent basis. Established in 2006 by two senior Directors of a FTSE 100 Global Recruitment Consultancy, The Clark James Group is a recognised provider of Recruitment Consultancy Services to a number

of market places within the UK and In 2014 the Fixed Fee Recruitment Division was created to offer a more cost-effective solution to companies looking to hire talent with the Care sector being its primary focus. Now one of the leaders in its field we work with care homes and domiciliary companies across the

UK helping them to secure Health Care assistants, Managers, Nurses, Cleaners and Kitchen Staff at an affordable cost. Visit us at for more information or contact Paul on 01673 847140 / to discuss your requirements.

Umbrella Care Consultancy Over 10 years of providing Care Support, Line Management, Management support, Troubleshooting and Quality Assurance. We have experience managing Care home start ups, new services, small, large and multi site in both Learning disability, mental health and the elderly sector. I have studied Health and Social Care, Leadership and Management at L5 as well as L7 Operational and Strategic

Management, completed the AET (Award in Education and Training), Fire Safety and Fire Risk Assessment course at The Fire Service College as well as delivering training and workshops to new and existing employees for a number of years. We have experience in the design and development of Quality assurance systems, Office filing systems, Care Planning systems as well as managing CQC rated Outstanding premises. We are here to help you achieve your goals. 07964614111 See the advert on page 5.

“Training a Caring Workforce”

SecuriCare have been training in the care sector since 1995 and understand the challenges faced by owners, managers, frontline staff and service users. We provide both classroom sessions delivered by qualified, committed trainers and online learning and other resources.

We also provide a blended learning solution which maximises both classroom and online learning to provide the perfect training solution.

NEW for 2020 ONLINE or BLENDED PROGRAMME OF MANDATORY TRAINING FOR SUPPORT WORKERS COMPLIANT WITH NEW CARE CERTIFICATE FULLY MAPPED TO QCF DIPLOMAS IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE AT LEVELS 2 and 3 15 Courses from £7.50 per person! Inc 3 bonus courses: Moving & Handling (Theory), Medication Awareness (Theory) and Food Safety Contact us for more details:

T: 01904 492 442 E: Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.


PROFESSIONAL, TRAINING & RECRUITMENT Right to Work Checks There are a significant number of illegal workers in the UK today. In a post-Brexit world, no-one the attraction to try and gain illegal employment in the UK is unlikely to reduce. So, making thorough and consistent Right to Work checks on new employees and keeping appropriate records of those checks is essential. Until 1st January 2021, Right to Work checks on EU

employees aren’t changing. After that date, Right to Work compliance may become more complicated. The current dual immigration system – one for non-Europeans and another for EU citizens – looks likely to disappear and new immigration categories are being created, for example, the ‘EU settlement scheme’ which grants ‘settled’ and ‘pre-settled’ status. How can you prepare? •Run a full Right to Work audit Check you have current and up-to-date proof of Right to Work for all employees, all identity documents are still valid and you’re storing records correctly. Run any necessary follow up checks.

•Review your policies Check that offer letters and contracts explain right to work policies clearly and would support any contractual changes you might need to make based on any future changes to legislation. •Consider additional Right to Work support A growing number of organisations use electronic solutions to support Right to Work checks, regardless of the circumstances of the candidate. The TrustID Right to Work service automatically updates as legislation changes and it’s backed up 7 days a week by our expert helpdesk team. So, you don’t need to train your staff to be Right to Work experts or update them on legislative changes when the UK leaves the EU. To find out more visit our website: or give us a call: 0118 466 0822

W&P Bring New Products to the Market 2019 has been a busy year at W&P. Sales of our Policies and Procedures remain as popular as ever but its our work to develop new and exciting products that has taken up much of our time and these are now available to buy. First up is our New Learning Disability Policies and Procedures. Designed for Supported Living and Domiciliary providers that deliver CQC regulated activities to adults with learning Disabilities. These new Policies are divided into 3 sections for ease of reference: • Direct Care Policies – These relate directly to the provision of care and support • Managing Care Policies – All you need to manage the service effectively • Staffing Policies – Everything from employing, training and managing your staff Unique to W&P, there is a set of Easy Read versions for key policies such as bullying and safeguarding that can be used for both staff and service users with communication difficulties. The Easy Read Policies are available as a stand-alone set or as a bundle along with the full set. Another useful feature is we include links to useful sources of information at the end of the policy such as best practice guidance from the Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) or the British Institute for Learning Disabilities (BILD). These are a valuable source of reference should you wish to explore certain elements of your

policies in more detail. Next up, we have the NEW NonRegistered set of Policies and Procedures. Non-registered providers are those that do not provide a regulated activity as part of their service (such as personal care) and are therefore not required to register with the Care Quality Commission. These policies are suitable for Supported Living Services (without personal care), Day Centres, Lunch Clubs and other services in the Adult Social Care not required to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Like all W&P policies, they are updated three times a year and this update service is completely Free in the first year after purchase. After a year there is an optional minimal annual subscription to ensure your policies are never out of date. Finally, we have our New Staff Training Packs. We have completely revamped the range to offer better value for money in a fresh modern format. We have brought many separate titles together into one single pack to make training more efficient and cost effective. Whether you are new to social care or been around as long as us (18 years) W&P can help with all compliance, training and business-related topics to move your business towards outstanding. For more information please check our website at or use the contact us page via the menu options or email You can also call us on 01305 767104 or see the advert on page 2.

CARE INSURANCE Higos Insurance At Higos, we love different, and we understand the pressures of running a care home and that good care home provision is strongly focused on meeting individual needs. We also know you need a comprehensive insurance solution that’s as unique as your organisation and the people in your care. We recognise that when it comes to insurance, people and businesses don’t always fit into neat little boxes, so we offer a more flexible approach. While some insurers may try to sell a ‘one size fits all’ solution, we take the time to understand our customers unique quirks and idiosyncrasies before finding them a solution that’s 100% tailored to them. We are happy to review your existing lev-

els of cover without any obligation. As well as any savings we’d expect to provide, our aim is to provide you with the reassurance that only comes with a programme specifically built for you. Leaving you free to focus on running your care services and growing your business. When it comes to care provider insurance it has to be Higos! The Higos care team are at the Southwest Care Exhibition on the 12th march 2020, find us at stand 141 at the Westpoint Exeter arena. For more information visit For independent advice or a quotation call our specialist care team on 01489 559055 or email Alternatively call John Whittleston on 07834178285, email Or Andrew tanner on 07791923069, by email

Are Your Insurers Pockets Deep Enough? The care sector has been always been under supported by the insurance sector. This has led to historically higher premiums with little competition to drive down premium. The insurance market is now shifting and, with the coming of Brexit, there are changes that you should be aware of to protect your business. A little knowledge can save a lot of money and even your livelihood. I have been looking after insurance for care providers for twenty years. I have seen the market go in cycles from ‘hard’ to ‘soft’ meaning that premiums insurers request for the same exposure go up and down. During this time there has always been a select group of insurers supporting the sector. Some have exited the market (most famously, perhaps, Ecclesiastical) and some have failed such as the Liechtenstein based unrated insurer Gable. The failure of Gable was felt by many care homes. There was protection under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), but clients were contributing towards claims payments for some significant third-party injury and abuse claims. The state of the insurance market today is relatively healthy, but it is certainly a market in which risks are taken more than at any time in recent memory. Insurer failures are surprisingly common. A quick google of

Elite, Tradewise, Gefion or Alpha shows just how prevalent the problem is. So, despite the clear risks of unrated, or non-UK insurers, are many insurance brokers using them? The answer is a clear yes. Unfortunately, much like the ‘Claims Made’ issue, clients are never given the full picture at point of sale and therefore do not understand it is often a false economy and can be risking everything. A few takeaway points you should consider about Insurer’s financial health: • Unrated insurers provide you with no peace of mind that claims will be paid in full, or that the premium you have paid for cover will be returned in the event of failure • Unrated insurers don’t necessarily have audited accounts, particularly non-UK insurers. • Non-UK insurers may not provide you protection under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) • Even if you have FSCS protection from a non-UK insurer, this doesn’t protect you from large losses as you will have to contribute to losses from non-compulsory covers. • The position could well change with Brexit and legislation may change mid way through your policy year. Tel - 01452 300 888 Web


CARE INSURANCE The Importance of Insurance for Self-Employed Carers, Employers and PAs Importantly, if you directly employ a personal assistant (PA), the government regards you as an employer, and you’re legally required to have this type of insurance policy. As a carer, working in independent home employment, it’s key to make sure your client has this cover in place.


When you are a self-employed carer, a PA, you run a care business or you employ a carer independently, you’re in a position of trust and responsibility, and that means you need an insurance policy that can support you if something goes wrong. Self-employed carers usually need specialist selfemployed carer insurance, while businesses and individual employers need something slightly different. Both types of employers need to have employer’s liability insurance to make sure that they and their staff are protected if an accident or incident happens.

The specific details of your insurance policy can differ between companies, but they typically include three key elements: • public liability • employers liability • legal expenses. Public liability covers you if anyone else makes a compensation claim because they’ve been injured or if their property gets damaged. This means that if, for example, if you cause accidental damage to someone else’s property, your policy will protect you from being personally liable for these costs. Employer’s liability covers employers if your carer or PA makes a compensation claim because they’ve been injured or fall ill as a result of their work. This means that if, for example, an employee seri-

ously injures themselves while performing their role and they intend to make a claim, your policy will protect you from being liable for these costs. Legal expenses cover the potential legal costs that you might need to pay as a result of a compensation claim. Lots of insurers also offer legal support and advice, for example, through a 24-hour phone line. This type of insurance policy covers a wide range of potential scenarios, and it’s usually the smaller things that make a big difference. Policies can include cover for personal accidents, overseas work, and some, such as the self-employed carers policies from are available on a short term basis. Arran Gray, Director at ethical underwriter, SAGIC, provided some insightful examples into how these policies help individual employers and PAs. “A policyholder who is hard of hearing was left without their hearing aid after their PA had accidentally stepped on it. Fortunately, they had ‘accidental damage to property’ included in their policy. So the cost of £250 for a replacement was covered, with no additional charges incurred to them or their PA.

“A similar recent example is of a PA causing damage to their employer’s sink. The total cost for replacement, repair and labour was around £500, and this was all covered by their policy.”

WHAT SHOULD YOU LOOK OUT FOR? The most critical part of these policies is the liability and legal cover. You should ensure that your policy covers you for claims and expenses up to a minimum of £1million (higher if you are an employer and need employers liability cover by law) and has some element of legal protection. If you’re a self-employed carer, or PA, a care business or an individual employer, it’s your responsibility to ensure that you have the right insurance cover, and find the right provider for this. Make sure you read your policy wording carefully to ensure it meets your needs and so you understand how the cover works in the event of a claim. See the advert on the facing page for details.

Risk Management Considerations for Caring Professionals & Their Businesses By Claire Squire, Balens Specialist Insurance Brokers

As a business owner or individual carer / practitioner you can be held legally liable for injury, harm or financial loss alleged to have been caused to your clients, patients, other parties or loss/damage to their property. You may consider a Professional Liability Insurance Policy to give you peace of mind, should the worst occur. However, the reality is that regardless of insurance, a complaint or claim against you or your business can be stressful, time consuming and costly, with potential unexpected knock-on effects. Whilst you will never be able to completely eradicate the risk, there is much you can do to mitigate the potential of a complaint or claim: • Communication - Good quality communication (especially listening

skills) and developing a quality therapeutic relationship with clients is key. • Boundaries - Keep your boundaries; respect your client’s / patient’s autonomy and dignity. • Legislation - Ensure you and your staff comply with all relevant legislation (i.e. Health and Safety, Data Protection etc.), have good policies and procedures in place for these and evidence of training received by Team Members. • Audits and Risk Assessments – Should be reviewed regularly as part of your Health and Safety procedures. • Insurance - Professional Liability Insurance, the quality of which will only be tested at the time when it is called upon, so check the policy meets your requirements. Cover will typically include Professional Liability and Public Liability as standard, but it’s useful to consider other elements, e.g. any advice given or cover for mental anguish caused; manual or electrical equipment used as part of your profession; Loss of Reputation Cover, for repair of reputation following a complaint or claim etc.

• Policy Terms and Conditions - Ensure you and your staff are aware of and comply with all Insurance policy Terms and Conditions. • Seek help and assistance - In the unfortunate event of someone making a complaint, contact your Insurance Broker to gain their support through the process. A complaint dealt with well can be a positive experience, dealt with badly, it may lead to a more costly claim. Balens has a list of common ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ in complaint situations on our website, which may also be of assistance. Established in 1950, Balens are a fourth generation, ethical, family run Insurance Brokerage focussing on guidance, support and service. Specialists in providing insurance policies for Health and Wellbeing Professionals and related professions including Care Homes, Domiciliary Care Agencies, Supported Living Providers, Day Care Centres and Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres. Offering a wide range of insurance services for both individual and business requirements. For further details and information please visit

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