The Carer #71 March/April 2024

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ining 47 £1.75 where sold JUL/AUG 2023 Issue 19 T H E P U B L I C A T I O N F O R N U R S I N G A N D R E S I D E N T I A L C A R E H O M E S W W W T H E C A R E R U K C O M Issue 71 W W W T H E C A R E R U K C O M INSIDE THIS ISSUE Editor's Viewpoint 2 Products and Ser vices 28 Sluice Rooms & Infection Control 33-35 Laundr y Solutions 36-37 Nurse Ca l & Falls Management 41-43 Technology & Software 43-45 Furniture and Fittings 30 Nutrition & Hydration 31 THECARERUK THECARER UK THECARERUK Accessible Bathing 32 Interactive Technology 38-40 MARCH/APRIL 2024 Lack of Government Action Leaves Social Care Struggling …As Social Care Requests Hit “Record High” Social care is under intense pressure and must be reformed after a record 2million adults asked for support last year, a report has warned and has led to calls for next government to make social care a priority after years of reform being “consistently dodged or delayed” The King s Fund Social care 360 report warns that adult social care support continues to stagnate following a lack of action to reform the sector by successive governments with local authorities seeing a surge in applications for publicly funded care over the past decade but the number receiving it has fallen Social Care 360 trends for 2022/23 show that: • Financial eligibility continues to tighten with financial thresholds for help with the costs of care not having changed since 2010/11 • The cost to local authorities of purchasing care continues to increase faster than inflation – since 2015/16 the average weekly fee for working-age adults increased from £1,400 to £1,540, the average weekly fee paid for older people increased from £670 to £840, and the average hourly rate for home care increased from £17 50 to £20 60 (in real terms – taking inflation into account) The social care workforce vacancy rate is still at its second highest-ever level despite the arrival of around 70 000 overseas workers There are approximately 19 000 fewer unpaid carers receiving direct support than in 2015/16 and 21 000 fewer people receiving respite care over the same period (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 ) Recruitment & Professional Ser vices 48-49



Peter Adams

The latest report from The Kings Fund shining a spotlight on the state of adult social care in the UK paints a stark picture of a sector under immense strain As highlighted in the Social Care 360 report while there has been a notable increase in social care applications there has been a worrying decline in the number of individuals actually receiving the care they need

This disconcerting trend underscores a systemic failure that successive governments have thus far been unable or perhaps unwilling to address It's evident that adult social care is facing unprecedented pressures with the report revealing a sector in crisis The lack of investment and meaningful reform over the years has led to a situation where the demand for care is constantly outstripping the available resources The consequences of this neglect are as industry leaders state dire impacting the quality of care provided and leaving vulnerable individuals without the support they require

As we approach a general election later this year, the issue of adult social care looms large, an "elephant in the room" that cannot be ignored any longer

Regardless of which party comes to power, they will inherit the responsibility to confront this pressing challenge head-on It s no longer acceptable to simply acknowledge reports highlighting the deficiencies in the system without taking decisive action

The next government must make adult social care a top priority committing to significant investment and comprehensive reforms Key areas such as recruitment and training must receive particular attention to ensure that the sector has the skilled workforce needed to meet the growing demand for care This requires not only financial investment but also a long-term strategy aimed at building a sustainable and resilient social care system that prioritizes the dignity and well-being of those in need

It s time for political leaders to demonstrate the courage and vision necessary to address the crisis in adult social care The welfare of some of the most vulnerable members of our society hangs in the balance and failure to act decisively is not an option The release of the Social Care 360 report should serve as a wake-up call for all stakeholders – the time for meaningful change is now

I would also take this opportunity to introduce you to our new recruitment website recruitment thecareruk com exclusively dedicated to adult social care recruitment

As a leading publication in the adult social care industry we understand the unique challenges faced by providers when it comes to recruitment That's why we've developed this specialized platform to offer a cost-effective solution for filling positions at every level within the sector

What sets us apart? Unlike generic recruitment websites, THE CARER's platform is tailored specifically to the adult social care sector This means that your job adverts won't get lost or diluted among listings from other industries such as retail, engineering, or hospitality With our targeted approach, you can rest assured that your vacancies will reach the right candidates who are passionate about making a difference in adult social care

Plus with both print and online job adverts available you can reach a diverse pool of talent across multiple channels so join us in revolutionizing the way recruitment is done in the adult social care sector Visit our website today at recruitment thecareruk com to learn more about how we can help you find the perfect candidates to join your team!


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Peter Adams


Sylvia Mawson

David Bar tlett

Guy Stephenson


Matthew Noades


Charlene Fox

Published by

Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised
The Carer is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, 3 Carlton Mount, 2 Cranborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 5BR

Lack of Government Action Leaves Social Care Struggling

As Social Care Requests Hit “Record High”


The report’s authors note that while the latest data does show a slight increase in the number of adults receiving publicly funded social care support compared to 2021/22 this upturn is likely largely due to a ‘correction’ after the extraordinary circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic

Compared to 2015/16 there are still 11% more people asking for support and 2% fewer people receiving it


Equally although the number of social care vacancies fell from the historic high of 165,000 in 2021/22 to 152,000 in 2022/23, this was driven by a sharp increase in the number of overseas staff recruited to work in adult social care

Since then, the government has announced a tightening of the rules affecting overseas care workers meaning they will not be allowed to bring dependents with them to the UK

The report argues that, if the next government wants to fix’ social care it will need to increase funding to enable care providers to attract retain and train staff and implement reforms to make the system fairer and improve quality and outcomes for the users of services and their carers


Simon Bottery Senior Fellow at The King’s Fund and lead author said: For decades social care reform has been promised by governments but consistently dodged or delayed The latest figures make clear that the sector is showing little sign of improvement, leaving thousands of people without the support they need

There are severe financial pressures on local authorities who fund adult social care, and no sign that national government will step in to help Nor is there a credible longer-term plan to recruit and retain the staff needed

‘At a time when adult social care has never faced more profound problems with record numbers of people requesting support this is surely the time for the next government, whatever colour it may be, to make social care a priority


Professor Martin Green OBE Chief Executive of Care England said: “The Spring Budget was the Government’s last chance saloon to make good on their 5-year-old promise to fix social care The findings in this report show just how urgent government action truly is “Earlier this year, Care England and the national learning disability charity Hft found that unsustainable financial and workforce pressures are forcing adult social care providers to turn down new admissions

and close services, as government grants are not reaching the people who need them most

“The sector finds itself in a worsening crisis amid the Government’s narrative of ‘record investment’ into the sector The cost of providing care is rising the needs of the population are growing and the vacancy rate in the sector is at its second highest level ever ”

“Social care has become a political football leaving care providers and local authorities alike having to make difficult decisions about how to sustain care for those in need It is unclear just how many more reports it will take to spur the Government into action but it feels like time is running out ”


Steve Veevers CEO of Hft says: “This year s report paints a stark but realistic picture of the social care sector - one that continues to be affected by high vacancy rates, limited funding and a lack of action

The King s Fund is right to highlight the intense pressure our sector is under with adult requests for social care hitting a record high of two million

Our Sector Pulse Check report produced in partnership with Care England illustrates how this is reflected in the experiences of adult social care providers In 2023 43% of adult social care providers closed a part of their organisation or handed back contracts as a result of cost pressures ”

“This undeniably has a direct impact on those who draw upon support and without clear long-term funding will likely continue forcing care providers to make more tough decisions ”

The report also revealed that the social care workforce vacancy rate is at its second highest-ever level at 9 9% with a significant 6% gap between the rate for social care and the wider unemployment rate ”

This gap evidences that the social care workforce continues to be undervalued and underappreciated despite the vital work they carry out on a daily basis ”

From our own research we know that staff pay and poor perceptions of social care as a career are the two biggest barriers to recruitment and retention in our sector

To ensure our workforce get the credit they deserve and reduce the social care vacancy rate once and for all, we would like to see a longterm funding settlement with ringfenced funding for local authorities that enables them to pay the real cost of care including a wage for the workforce that mirrors the responsibility and importance of their role We continue to support sector-wide efforts to achieve this

“It is high time that the Government, and the next, addresses these challenges and invests in our invaluable sector Providers should no longer have to shoulder the financial burden of empty promises and

funding cuts and those who need support should not have to fight for it ”


llr Kaya Comer-Schwartz adult social care spokesperson for the Local Government Association said:

This important annual report highlight the perilous state of adult social care It is disappointing and concerning that the Budget provided no new money for these under pressure services despite an increased demand for them

“We need to see further urgent investment in adult social care and a boost to the workforce to ensure the best possible care for those that draw on it


UNISON head of social care Gavin Edwards said: Care has gone into a tailspin on this government s watch A litany of broken promises and a complete absence of action best sums up ministers’ appalling neglect of the sector

“Cash-strapped local authorities have been pushed ever closer to the edge by spiralling care costs

The blame for the crisis in care lies entirely with the government Ministers have failed to ensure council funding bears any relation to the harsh economic reality

“The sector simply doesn’t have the staff to meet growing demands Care workers are quitting for better-paid jobs on the high street, leaving employers increasingly reliant on staff from overseas

The next government must make care the priority it s never been Labour has promised a national care service and crucially a fair pay agreement in care

“Raising wages in this way won t solve all the sector’s problems But it will be an important first step that employers, staff and those being supported will all be able to get behind ”


The Department of Health and Social Care said it is “fully committed” to improving the social care system adding that it had made up to £8 6 billion in additional funding available this financial year and next

A spokesperson said: Additionally we are investing up to £700 million to accelerate digital transformation and rolling out digital care records, as well as funding home adaptations to help elderly and disabled people to be more independent at home

“We are also helping to attract and retain care workers including by supporting their career development through a range of new funded training schemes and for the first time a clear career path through a new accredited qualification


Data and Privacy Considerations of Installing CCTV in Care Homes

they are trying to solve by installing CCTV For example do they suspect a problem with carers behaviour is it to address demand by families of residents or is there another need for round-the-clock monitoring? Whatever the reason, the first step is getting a clear idea of the purpose CCTV would serve

Surveillance can intrude on people s privacy, and a care home operator will need to consider the rights (and potential concerns) of staff residents and visitors who may be captured by the cameras It must balance its duty to protect the rights of its ‘data subjects’ – the individuals whose data is being collected by the data controller – against its obligation towards the safety of its residents and staff

There may be other steps that can be taken first to mitigate any challenges faced in these areas But if they do decide there is a compelling case for installing CCTV – which should be backed up by very clear

reasons – then cameras may only be necessary in certain rooms such as those inhabited by highly vulnerable residents


Once an operator has made the decision to install CCTV, they must consider their obligations to comply with data protection law

Video surveillance is covered by the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) which concerns the handling of personal data

As CCTV footage of individuals can enable an identification of individuals it will fall under the UK GDPR The care home management, as surveillance operator, will be collecting personal data and must comply with GDPR as a data controller

When starting a project like this it is important to bake privacy by design into the early stages of the planning process This means understanding your obligations as set out in the UK GDPR

A Data Protection Impact Assessment which can be supported by law firms such as ours is a good starting point to identify and minimise the data protection risks of a project This will help ensure compliance with the data processing principles of fairness accountability transparency and respect for the rights of individuals and that you are clear on your lawful basis for processing the CCTV footage

There are other things that operators must think about For example organisations must tell people they may be recorded usually by displaying clearly visible signs as well as control who can see the recordings and make sure the system is only used for the purpose it is intended for

Data subjects can also ask to see the images recorded of them under subject access requests This is not a comprehensive list and there are other things to consider

The Care Quality Commission and Information Commissioner’s Office also provide CCTV guidance and checklists on their websites to help operators in navigating their legal obligations


Robust governance systems would need to be introduced along with any new surveillance system This should include policies and procedures for how data is handled, who can access it, how long it is stored for, and what would happen in the event of a data breach Staff will need to be trained on their obligations and this training will need to be kept up to date a challenge given the existing pressures on the care sector

There may also be employment law implications – for example whether existing contract terms include allowance for staff to be brought under surveillance, and considering amends to future contracts

More practically care homes should consider the impact of this on recruitment and retention which is already a significant challenge across the sector It is likely there may be some staff opposition to this type of project, so senior managers must be prepared for how they respond

Ultimately this is a balancing act between protecting residents staff third parties and indeed the care home operator itself With much to contemplate thinking everything through carefully and making adequate preparations to ensure compliance is vital should CCTV be installed

World of Fun as Abbotts Barton Celebrates Cultural Diversity

Team members from a dozen countries have helped a Winchester care home celebrate cultural diversity Colleagues from Europe, Africa and Asia partied with residents at

Care’s Abbotts Barton on a

The fun featured music dancing

Abbotts Barton Home Manager Dee Lovewell said: Our staff are of many


and knowledge informed by their mix of backgrounds truly enriches our home and our standards of care for residents and their families

The day started with presentations from Poland and Ukraine followed by a gala display in the afternoon

“We had traditional music and dancing from Nepal and India and food from all nations to sample

“Residents toured the room looking at the displays for each country They even got up to dance with staff when we played traditional South African music

“Everyone was still buzzing from all the excitement the following day

One of those who attended George Smith said: The colours of the team s dresses were so vibrant and the styles unique

Fellow resident Mary Bulbeck said: I would be happy to do that all again next week!”

PAGE 4 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 Rise and Shine is a game which was created to encourage a fun approach to physical activity on older person’s inpatient wards and care homes Focus Games is giving away 100 copies of the game See our advert on the cover page or visit www riseandshinegame com The aim of Rise and Shine was to develop an activity so everyone has an opportunity to take part in some physical activity (when they are ready clinically and personally) to prevent Hospital Acquired Deconditioning (HAD) in a fun sociable way It is primarily aimed at older hospital inpatients and care home residents The initial idea for Rise and Shine came from international artist and sculptor Bob Olley who also designed the unique characters on each of the cards With mobility issues affecting our elderly population nationwide the solution was a card game that encourages players to move physically By engaging in this fun and social activity hospital inpatients and members of the care community can become more active Not only does this enhance their mobility but it also motivates patients to get out of bed get dressed and ultimately enhances their overall experience Developed in partnership with South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS FT and Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria Read the full case study at https://innovationlibrarynenc org uk/result/rise-and-shine-game/ 100 FREE copies of Rise and Shine for Carer Readers As campaigners increase pressure on care homes to install CCTV cameras following reported isolated incidents of abusive behaviour from staff, Heather McKay, Senior Associate at Browne Jacobson (www brownejacobson com) specialising in data protection, explains the data and privacy issues that must be considered
question of whether care home operators should seek to use surveillance technology such as CCTV cameras to help protect residents’ safety from the risk of unsafe care or treatment is one that won t go away anytime soon There have been a string of reports in the media of abusive behaviour from carers against vulnerable residents with some families setting up hidden cameras to capture incidents This type of covert surveillance poses a challenge to managers of care homes who may be looking to implement a more proactive approach to tackling the problem Campaigners continue to call for the implementation of independently monitored camera systems in communal areas and private rooms While this may assist care home operators in their ultimate goal of keeping residents safe, it also throws up a number of privacy issues WEIGHING UP PROS AND CONS OF INSTALLING CCTV IN CARE HOMES
CCTV becomes increasingly available and accessible
with the use of covert surveillance being popularised in mainstream media such as the recent Netflix drama Fool Me Once) it s crucial for a care home operator to fully consider all the potential pros and cons of installing CCTV systems It's important to understand and clearly define the problem
day of multicultural festivities
Worthy Road
include Nepal India Sri Lanka Philippines
national costumes traditional culinary
and displays highlighting differ-
regions and
Countries represented among the
at the
Togo Ghana Nigeria Morocco South Africa Ukraine
celebrate that with our residents
different nationalities and we wanted to take the
team’s experience skills
both clinical and
roles our



“As the Unfair to Care report states 77% of MPs believe that the current rate of

is unfair With more than half of the population – 53% of people – stating that they will have a

view of political parties that address the issues of low pay the report argues that we are arriving at a moment where the public and politicians are increasingly aligned in the importance of addressing the challenges faced by care

The adult social care sector is very much regarded as an after-thought so we are calling for parity with the NHS, particularly in terms of pay, conditions and career progression There should also be clear recognition of how adult social care complements and enables the NHS to succeed Steve says

Fetes fitness classes and fundraising walkabouts all boosted a care home’s year of support for a children s hospice charity Residents families, staff and friends of Colten Care s Kingfishers in New Milton Hampshire, raised £3,400 for Julia’s House through their efforts Collections were made at activities including an open garden day at the home summer and Christmas fetes a Zumba aerobic fitness programme and community events at Easter and Valentine s One resident, Mollie, even went out and about to promote the home s fundraising on personal visits to around 50 shops and businesses She said: “I asked people to support our events through vouchers or donations I was never rebuffed It was great I enjoyed it tremendously and would do it again Mollie who was accompanied on her neighbourhood calls by team member Tracy McCallum Customer Support Advisor added “I like helping people even if it s only doing something small I must have confidence in what I am supporting and this was for childcare so a good cause To round off the year of fundraising, Kingfishers held a party at which Julia’s House Community Fundraiser Amanda Gillett was presented with a cheque for £3 396 59 Speaking to an audience of residents and staff, Amanda said: “We care for children with life threatening and life limiting conditions and provide ongoing support for their families including respite “Only eight per cent of our income is government funded so for our vital services to keep running support from the local community is essential to help us to continue to provide our lifeline of care to the most vulnerable children and families in our local community “The money from Kingfishers will make a huge difference to the children and families we support A massive thank you from everyone at Julia’s House for choosing us as your charity and for all the hard work you have put in ” Care Home Residents and Staff Raise £3,400 for Children’s Hospice Charity THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 | PAGE 5 WE NOW SUPPLY A WIDE RANGE OF FURNITURE Hft Calls For Parity of the Adult Social Care Workforce with the NHS as Key to a General Election Manifesto The adult social care sector employs 1 52 million people in England a workforce larger than that of the entire NHS so it is shocking that the sector’s workers are paid nearly £8 000 a year less than their direct NHS equivalents In response to Community Integrated Care’s Unfair to Care report, launched today, Steve Veevers, CEO of learning disability charity Hft explains that the staggering 152 000 unfilled posts across England and a vacancy rate three times the average for other sectors fails to give the full picture of a complicated recruitment and retention situation in adult social care “Hft’s Sector Pulse Check report produced in partnership with Care England shows that 2022/23 saw a turnover rate of 28 3% and a vacancy rate of 9 9% only a slight improvement on 2021/22 Despite the importance of their work staff in adult social care roles are among the lowest paid workers in the entire economy That, together with poor perceptions of social care as a career, reflect a widespread sense within the sector that it does not enjoy parity of esteem with the NHS and is not afforded the same
wider society
of respect from government or across
the fact that our workforce accounts for 5 3% of the nation s economically active population means that the ‘social care vote is set to have a defining voice in this year’s general election
average pay for
care workers
more favourable

Managing Conflict In Care Settings

Conflict within the employment relationship can cause disruption growing beyond those involved and impacting the wider workforce Like a domino effect this can cascade into other areas of performance team morale and retention This is particularly difficult in a care setting, as conflict can cause severe disruption to the person being cared for and their family members Luckily, you can take steps to avoid this build-up and identify the conflict early

Conflict can be challenging to identify in the early stages as the employee can mask it Whilst you can t force employees to engage in sharing workplace feedback you can certainly take steps to manage expectations keep employees informed and identify and handle problems within the team before they escalate

The employment relationship can be complex so it is vital to get your employee relations right – particularly when considering the personal nature of a carer s role In order to set the foundations of a good employment relationship the following should be maintained:

Good communication

Proper training and guidance


Regular team meetings

Maintaining good communication with your employees is essential to ensure that the ‘person-centred’ approach for the client is maintained whilst a continued awareness of boundaries and expectations is observed Employees should be told what their role entails and given the skills to undertake their jobs to the

standard you require and expect

In a care role offering the proper training and guidance is vital as this forms the foundation for the role Having offered training and communicated your understanding of the role the employer should consider how to supervise the care team on an ongoing basis including offering honest and constructive feedback regularly along with ongoing discussions around development and support From an employee’s perspective, supervision allows one-on-one time to provide feedback, discuss any issues and access support from a supervisor if needed

Team meetings are also a good tool to minimise workplace conflict as they help with team morale and encourage engagement between colleagues to solve problems This communication ensures positive engagement with employees and allows for productivity and continued working knowledge of how the person being cared for wishes to be supported

Additionally it is important for the employer to be alert to any issues within their team and take proportionate steps to remedy them In order to do this the employer should take all steps to maintain trust and confidence in the employee

If after taking these preventative steps, the conflict leads to an irrecoverable breakdown in the working relationship the employer should be well equipped to demonstrate that they have taken the steps expected and shown good practice as an employer to defend any subsequent claim Where preventative steps are too late the team are often divided and unsettled which can detract from the role that they are employed to undertake It is important to note that sometimes the likes and dislikes of the person being cared for change along with their views and wishes so if the situation isn’t working it isn’t always reflective of the performance of the employee Nevertheless it requires resolution If left unaddressed and unidentified this can itself turn into conflict that can impact the wider environment and unpicking a longstanding conflict can be tricky – but it’s not impossible!

Accessing impartial advice and guidance to prevent escalation of a workplace conflict can often be the most effective route to resolution It is recommended that employers and employees when in this situation obtain some professional advice to discuss the options available to them

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Government Announces £20 Million Boost For Adult Social Care

People in adult social care and unpaid carers will benefit from a 20 million boost to fund innovative projects across the country as the government continues to deliver on its vision for social care reform

The Accelerating Reform Fund will expand community-based care models such as Shared Lives a service that matches people aged 16 and above with approved carers

Under this scheme people move in with their Shared Lives carer on a short- or long-term basis, giving people with care needs more freedom and autonomy and allowing them to live more independently in the community Short-term care through Shared Lives also supports unpaid carers by providing them with more flexibility and breaks

This week Minister Whately visited a Shared Lives home in Oxfordshire There the minister met and spoke with the Shared Lives carer and the three people who live with them in the home on a shortand long-term basis Minister Whately heard how Shared Lives is providing newfound freedom security and comfort

Minister for Social Care Helen Whately said: “Were sticking to our plan to deliver ambitious social care reforms that will ensure everyone gets the care they need and help even more people to live independently ”

Alongside our workforce reforms were supporting the sector by backing innovations which will make our care system fit for the future and provide vital support to our selfless unpaid carers

I ve seen first-hand how Shared Lives helps people who need care and Im delighted this funding will scale up support and make an even bigger difference for more people across the country

The funding will also develop innovations and digital tools focused on identifying and supporting unpaid carers For example:

Local authorities in Coventry and Warwickshire will expand a digital carers self-help tool to equip carers with the ability to identify local support and access bespoke information to support their own wellbeing

Local authorities in West Yorkshire will use the funding to connect hospitality tourism and leisure businesses with unpaid carers so they can donate holidays and experiences to carers to recognise their invaluable contribution to society

In Southwest London the funding will scale up approaches for identifying unpaid carers such as through hospital discharge programmes and referring them to carers networks

The Accelerating Reform Fund provides a total of 42 6 million over 2023/24 and 2024/25 to support innovation and initiatives in adult social care services across the country, focused on developing and scaling sustainable and effective types of support for people with care


20 million is being allocated to lead local authorities covering all 42 Integrated Care Systems, which deliver adult social care services and will work with a range of partners including the NHS care providers voluntary and community groups 20 million is the first tranche of funding for 2023/24 The second tranche of the Accelerating Reform Fund 22 6 million will be allocated in 2024/25

Kathryn Smith, Chief Executive Officer of the Social Care Institute of Excellence said: Were excited about the opportunities offered by the Accelerating Reform Fund which is uniquely focused on innovation in social care Whether digital innovation or new ways to deliver support local people who draw on care and the millions of amazing unpaid carers delivering care around the clock stand to benefit significantly from the Fund

Its great to see the range of projects now emerging from local authorities working in partnership all over the country Were determined to support local leaders to find ways to overcome obstacles to innovation to improve lives

Kirsty McHugh Carers Trust CEO said: Carers Trust is pleased to








the Department of Health and Social Care on the Accelerating Reform Fund We look forward to seeing the positive impact this investment will make to unpaid carers
have worked closely with
continue to work with DHSC to ensure the ARF has a lasting and sustained positive impact on the ground both for local carer services and the carers they support
organisations in our Network
delivering these funded projects via their specialist support
We welcome the ARFs
wider transformation of social care
unpaid carers get the support they
know that many of the local carer
are closely
with or
ambition to be one part of the
that is needed
Accelerating Reform Fund
the governments 10-year vision for adult social care which focuses on three objectives:
live independent lives;
have choice control and support to
receive outstanding quality and tailored care and support;
adult social care fair and accessible
People find
now made available up to 8 6 billion additional funding over this financial year and next to support adult social care and discharge This includes up to 3 2 billion of additional funding over 2023/24 and 5 4 billion of additional funding in 2024/25 The government has also earmarked £327 million for the Better Care Fund which empowers local authorities to provide advice support short breaks and respite services for unpaid carers THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 | PAGE 7

Prospective MPs Urged to Back

New National Care Ser vice

General election candidates from all parties are being asked to support the creation of a new national care service in England

Trade union UNISON which currently has 1 3 million members wants to see a new service based on high quality care and a fairly rewarded workforce and while these changes are not expected happen overnight the union believes the reforms would put an end to 15-minute home care visits long waits for care packages

UNISON says too many people across the country cannot access the social care they desperately need because the current system is broken

A national care service would also mean the quality of care is of the same high standard no matter where in the country it was being provided, says UNISON Wages would also be boosted with a new fair pay agreement lifting care jobs off minimum wage rates and standardising salaries across England

This would allow care companies to start filling the huge 152,000 vacancies hole in the sector’s workforce, says UNISON

A national care service would also assist families trying to find out more about the level of care provision on offer

The union says that trying to navigate the current system to secure any kind of support can be confusing complicated and extremely stressful Labour has already pledged to create a national care service and a new fair pay agreement for care work-

government Shadow

Now the

secretary Wes Streeting was the first politician to show his support by signing UNISON s

is calling on every candidate who has been selected to stand in English parliamentary

seats at the next general election to sign up too

UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: “Social care is broken The current fragmented and privatised system is unfit to meet the needs of everyone who needs support But a better way is possible

Care workers are the beating heart of a system that should be able to look after everyone s loved ones with compassion and kindness But without the cash or sufficient staff the sector is struggling to deliver putting unbearable pressure on the NHS and families

“If the country is to have a care service of which it can be truly proud, care workers must be valued, recognised and rewarded as the skilled professionals they are

“That requires radical change Too many families are suffering because they can t access the support they need and because care isn t seen as the priority it should be by the current government

It s in everyone s best interest no matter how old they are that England has a national care service That s why it s so important for all the country s parliamentary candidates to publicly pledge their support

Supporting the call social care provider organisation the Independent Care Group (ICG) says its longstanding call for a National Care Service, with a mixed market of private sector and not-for-profit social care provision, is central to its own manifesto for the General Election

ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “We have long campaigned for a National Care Service and support UNISON s call to get all prospective MPs behind the idea

The current system isn t working social care is in crisis with 1 6m people going without care 152 000 vacancies in the sector and providers closing or handing back delivery contracts

“A National Care Service supported by proper funding is the minimum we should be looking for from our politicians as they put together their manifestos for the General Election ”

Keeping Busy” – The Secret To A Long Life According To 103-Year-Old Resident

A 103-year-old Woolmer Green care home resident has revealed her secret to living a long and happy life Marjorie Broadhurst from Care UK s Knebworth on London Road marked her 103rd birthday on 11th February Reflecting on her many happy years Marjorie shared that her motto for life is seeing my family grow as well as keeping busy in her younger years To mark the big day Marjorie s family joined her friends at the home for a special celebration and the team decorated the home with balloons and banners The home’s talented Head Chef also baked Marjorie a birthday cake Commenting on the occasion, Marjorie said “I enjoyed spending time with my family – I loved all the gifts cards flowers and chocolates I


Daniel Grab, Home Manager at Knebworth, added: “Marjorie is a muchloved resident here at Knebworth and we all had a wonderful time celebrating her special day

We work hard to support residents to lead fulfilling lives and marking special occasions and birthdays plays a huge part in this We love any excuse to celebrate the amazing people living here at Knebworth and Marjorie s birthday was no exception Everyone had a wonderful time toasting Marjorie’s birthday and listening to her share memories from her long, happy life

“We’re all incredibly privileged to have Marjorie as part of the Knebworth family – happy birthday!

and low wages for staff
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End Of Life Care: Supporting Staff Through the Emotional Impacts of Grief

Working in end of life care is one of the most challenging, but also one of the most rewarding careers Hospice staff often develop strong relationships with the patients they care for getting to know what is important to them and helping them have the death they want

One of the biggest challenges hospice staff face is the grief that comes with losing a patient and having the strength and resilience to continue supporting other patients and their families

It is crucial that end of life care providers have the correct processes in place to support their staff as well as making sure new recruits are prepared for the challenges and rewards that end of life care brings


The most valuable asset a hospice has is its peoplethose who work and volunteer to support patients and their families, forming relationships with them and providing the best care possible

understands and has experienced the same emotions It is a common belief among hospice staff that caring for patients is an honour and a privilege and this feeling amongst colleagues can help staff to maintain compassion and the desire to continue doing the very best for other patients

Tackling misconceptions and recruitment issues

There are currently many misconceptions about working in hospice care - there is a big focus on the challenges but the rewards are often overlooked

To tackle this and encourage more people to consider a career in palliative care hospices need to do more to raise awareness of what they actually offer Many people see hospices purely as a place to die but in reality they offer so much more than this

Speaking to people who already work in hospice care can be insightful in helping others to recognise that we not only help people to die well but also support them to live well with their condition by planning ahead living a fulfilled life and enjoying time with people experiencing similar circumstances

That s why staff testimonials and case studies are such an important part of the recruitment process helping to showcase the benefits of a role in end of life care and why it is such a fulfilling and worthwhile career

Inviting people to get first-hand experience in a hospice care environment can help to tackle misconceptions too At Beaumond House we encourage students to undertake work experience and placements with us as well as inviting student nurses and paramedics to spend time with our staff both in the hospice and in the community We hold open days and events at the hospice so people interested in working in end of life care can see what a hospice is truly like


ensuring their symptoms are well managed or helping families have difficult conversations

It is incredibly important to follow someone s wishes at the end of life offering dignified care where people have choices and are in control of planning the care they receive For hospice staff, helping people have the death they want is paramount - whether this is dying in their place

Following the death of a patient, hospice staff are often comforted by the knowledge that they did their very best to help that person live well until they died Whilst it is vital that hospice staff have access to dedicated grief and loss support from their employer and colleagues having feedback from the family of patients can play a big part in helping staff to deal with their loss

Protecting your most valuable assets

Grief can have a huge emotional impact on hospice staff, and people at management level need to have the ability to recognise when it is affecting someone in the care team Each of us has a different way of coping with death and dying, so there should be a variety of ways to offer support and guidance to those who may need it

At Beaumond House we are a small organisation so it is often easier for us to see when someone is struggling and we encourage people to come forward and seek the support they need For example we hold after-death groups to provide a space for staff to talk about how they feel and more formally evaluate the areas where we can improve and provide better care

Many hospice staff also see great value in talking to their colleagues as it helps to talk to someone who

For staff working in end of life care for the first time it can be a scary and daunting experience to begin with Dealing with such a sensitive and emotional subject can leave people worrying about saying the wrong thing and upsetting a patient - or even not knowing what to say at all

Palliative care training helps staff to learn about the process of dying how to manage symptoms and the emotional and spiritual support that patients and their families need at such a difficult time

One of the best ways to provide this training is by allowing new staff to observe experienced colleagues, as well as providing specific communication training It is important to have clear, concise communication and to listen precisely to what patients’ wishes are, ensuring you clarify what has been said

New hospice staff should be informed about the support available to them following the death of a patient Experiencing this for the first time is inevitably very difficult, but teaching them how to balance loss alongside ways to express their emotions and feelings will help them develop a healthy response to death and dying

Although it can be difficult the rewards of working in a hospice setting far outweigh the challenges It provides a huge sense of purpose to enable communities to live well and die well and to provide personalised care for patients and their families when every moment matters

and Terry from The Parrett Community Shed for the first Beauchamp House Men’s Shed session, which

Chantal said “Through conversations with Chris to learn about his personal interests and hobbies, we heard how much he enjoyed being part of The Parrett Community Shed We wanted to start our own and were so pleased at the response we got from the other men who were excited to join in The first meeting was such a huge success as the residents were chatting singing telling jokes and having a laugh



She added: “One of our newest residents has been unsure about leaving his room and socialising with others since moving in so it was heartwarming to see that he was one of the first to arrive for the Men’s Shed meeting and made some new friends

Chris, the resident who helped to create the Men’s Shed, said: “It was so nice to get together with the other residents and lovely to

Health and Safety Matters

PAGE 10 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 The National Association for Safety and Health in Care Services (NASHiCS) focuses on all Health and Safety matters affecting the social care sector The association has gone from strength to strength since its inception and has a growing membership across many care providers and organisations covering the UK Keeping up to date regarding Health and Safety matters is vital The more you know the more you can plan and the more you plan, the less you are susceptible in turbulent times to both internal and external risks Through the association you can Network with colleagues responsible for Health and Safety share your own ‘best practice’ experiences and hear how others have overcome challenges Source dedicated events on health and safety in the sector and participate in national and local Networkers Conferences Seminars in-person or virtual webinars Advertise job vacancies and benefit from favourable member offers and rates from suppliers of goods, services and equipment Receive regular update emails covering latest developments and safety alerts/news; while giving access to current information links on key safety topics; and monthly our highly praised e-News Matters covered range from fire safety, training, infection control, lone working, falls prevention first aid to stress legionella case law regulation people moving people and mock courts to mention just a few See our website for information on past, as well as future events – www nashics org We have developed national links with other organisations government bodies regulators and enforcement agencies Our aim is to promote and improve safety and health in care practice by providing a sharing and networking forum for debate and discussion Joining NASHiCS is a great and easy way to keep informed and aware Health and Safety is an essential element in the workplace and matters to everyone involved with social care now and in the future Find out more – administrator@nashics org www nashics org 07840 160 030
A care home in Taunton has launched its own Men’s Shed to encourage residents to get together and join in conversation The residents at Beauchamp House care home, based on Village Road in Hatch Beauchamp have created the club to boost the opportunities for male residents to socialise together Chantal, the home’s Activities Lead was assisted by Roy
will meet monthly
It was inspired by resident Chris who was previously a member of The Parrett Community Shed before moving to Beauchamp House care home He spoke to the other residents at the care home about how much joy he got out of being part of the community project, who were keen to form their own club onsite
see Roy and Terry again I’ve enjoyed being part of a Men’s Shed again ” Another resident Colin said: I really enjoyed it as it was nice to do something different at the Men’s Shed ” There are around 900 Men’s Sheds across the UK which promote wellbeing and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation while the members use their practical skills to build, fix and restore items Terry from The Parrett Community Shed said: We were pleased to be invited to help launch the Beauchamp House Men’s Shed following the success of our own group It was lovely to see Chris again and to see the residents happily working on wooden flower planters Over the coming months we have lots of ideas for them including making some outdoor flower planters and bird boxes which they can put up in the home’s garden ” Taunton Care Home Launches Its Own Men’s Shed To Share Skills And Encourage Conversation

Most Care Homes Closed by Industr y Regulator are Run for-Profit Research Reveals

Almost all care homes forced to close by industry regulator the Care Quality Commission in England are run on a for-profit basis new analysis has revealed

The results led by researchers at the University of Oxford, funded by the Nuffield Foundation and published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity raise questions about the role of the private sector in exacerbating the care sector s ongoing crisis

The study assessed the number of care homes which had been forced to close by the independent regulator of health and social care in England the Care Quality Commission (CQC) This found that almost all involuntary closures since 2011 occurred in for-profit care homes: 804 out of 816 closures This translates into one in 30 for-profit care homes having been closed involuntarily by the CQC during this time

Co-author Dr Benjamin Goodair (Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford) said: Social care services in England are on a knife-edge of a crisis: underfunded understaffed and struggling to supply the quality of care deserved by the most vulnerable people in society However this new data challenges the assumption that these pressures can be eased by outsourcing more social care to the for-profit sector Instead, what is needed is a comprehensive assessment of the impact of for-profit provision on the quality and sustainability of adult social care in England ’

An involuntary closure is typically a last resort for care homes that have put their residents at risk or whose care services have continuously failed to meet industry standards However, 52 of the homes which had been forced to close had been rated as good during their last CQC inspection According to the researchers, this suggests that these homes posed urgent safety concerns with residents at acute risk of harm The researchers estimate that up to 20 000 residents were forced to relocate urgently due to enforced care home closures since 2011

The results are particularly concerning given the

increasing dominance of for-profit care homes in the sector according to the CQC data, in September 2023 more than 85% of all care homes in England were operated by for-profit providers; in 2011 the figure was 78%

Lead author Dr Anders Bach-Mortensen

(Associate Professor at Roskilde University and senior researcher at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford) said:

‘Involuntary closures are currently absent from the debate on outsourced care Although these are rare events enforced closures typically involve serious regulation and safety breaches that can inflict substantial costs to both the local authority and residents in need of relocation But most importantly the neglect leading up to an enforced and acute closure can be traumatic and harmful for residents To protect care users going forward it should be a priority to investigate if there are systematic reasons for why these enforcements occur almost exclusively in private for-profit provision

The new results reinforce the findings of previous studies which found that care homes operating on a for-profit basis tend to deliver poorer care than third and public sector providers

The analysis was based on data on enforced closures requested from the CQC and from the publicly available CQC data repository Registered charities council and NHS Trust care homes were considered as ‘not-for-profit’ or public, whilst all private companies partnerships and individual providers without a charity number were considered as for profit

The UK is currently in the grip of a ‘care crisis’ with public funding failing to keep pace with rising needs, a situation worsened by the continuing cost of living crisis and rises in inflation The CQC itself has raised concerns that the lack of a sustainable funding plan poses a serious risk to the sector and its most vulnerable residents In Scotland proposals to establish a ‘National Care Service’ – with adult social care overseen by regional boards rather than local authorities- have been pushed back to 2028-29

THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 | PAGE 11 Website Phone 0800 577 0026 Email Care Plans starting from £25 per month See us on Stand M25 at Care Show Excel 24th & 25th April

Fixing The Social Care Staff Crisis: Hiring From Overseas Has A Part To Play

As a sector we ve always had challenges around hiring and the additional challenge of how then to keep good people Pressures in the shape of Brexit Covid-19 and the cost-of-living crisis have all had an effect on the sector and have contributed to the 152 000 vacancies - a 9 9% vacancy rate - and a turnover of 28 3%

Behind the stats are the human stories Every day millions of people rely on this care to support them and their loved ones and talented people face barriers to joining or staying in our sector – a sector that’s essential to the national purse contributing £50 3 billion to the UK economy As leaders its clear that the tried and tested ways of working aren’t fit for purpose anymore We need to start thinking beyond what we’ve done in the past so we can welcome more people into the sector and support them to stay One option, we re seeing more people turn to, is to recruit more overseas workers and thanks to a government fund this is now easier to do


In February 2022 the Government added care workers to the Shortage Occupation List That means nurses and carers from EU and non-EU countries can come to the UK if they meet certain criteria including: they have a job offer from a licenced sponsor they’ll earn £20 480 or more they’re 18 or over and have some experience of working in a care environment they can speak English well enough to do their job

As an employer you’ll need to apply for a sponsor licence from the Home Office which can take around eight weeks (though you can pay to fast-track it) The employer will have to pay a number of fees to sponsor a skilled worker visa, including the sponsor licence application fee It is also a good idea to consult a lawyer experienced in immigration matters when considering a skilled worker sponsorship license This can help ensure that you have a smooth and successful process, minimise the risk of unnecessary complications and help keep you up to date with any changes or updates to regulations For most

Meet Industr y Experts at CleanEx 2024

of us in this sector this is new to us so bringing in expert external advice is a must Being able to hire from abroad is one thing but the admin and logistics can be complex and time consuming So the Government has also set up a £15 million fund to support adult social care providers with things like finding overseas candidates applying for visas and helping people settle

The uptake has been significant From March 2022 to March 2023 around 70 000 people arrived in the UK and took up direct care provider roles up from 20 000 the year before The number of registered nurses with a nonEU nationality has risen from 20% to 26% in the same period And at Homes Together we are already benefiting from the scheme


Our 13 properties are home to more than 80 adults who rely on us for daily care We ve struggled to fill gaps in our team locally which has put pressure on our workforce - and made it harder for us to grow and support more adults

In 2023 we got a sponsor licence to recruit from overseas Since then we ve been able to welcome care workers from the Philippines on a three-year visa – so we can fill staff gaps support our teams and keep on giving people excellent care We ve been able to make the new recruits feel at home from day one with training homes to live in and colleagues ready to help them integrate into the local communities


Let s be clear, while this has been a huge positive it isn’t the miracle cure for all our sector’s recruitment woes We also need to double our efforts to drum up enthusiasm in the UK for social care work – and create conditions that help people stay in their chosen career For example attracting more people under 25 would help to really improve things At the moment just 8% of workers in our sector are under 25 - compared to 12% of the overall UK workforce Which means we re missing out on new ideas greater diversity and growing the UK talent pool for the long-term Work s underway to address this and other issues For example Skills for Care are working with

It s only by combining these home-grown initiatives with hiring talent from abroad that our sector will be able to bring down that vacancy rate and give people the careers and the care they so deserve

We look forward to seeing you there!

See the advert below for further details

excitement is building
care industry – looks to set records when the doors open at
encompasses every facet of the industry and since
inception in 2012 the biennial event has grown enormously New equipment launched machinery demonstrations – in fact everything from detergents to large washers dryers to bed linen can be seen and compared This exhibition includes the biggest names in the sector alongside newer entrants keen to show off their ingenuity and showcase products This year sustainability and products which save time and energy are expected to draw a wide audience CleanEx 2024 like its successful predecessors attracts visitors from across the UK and the rest of the world Virtually all attendees have buyer power within their organisation and are looking to make the most of this valuable opportunity Organiser Mark Gleed says: I am very excited for the sixth edition of CleanEx and know from the massive interest that the 2024 exhibition is going to see deals done and create talking points in the years to come We can t wait –and neither can those attending as exhibitors or visitors It s very easy to register for Cleanex 2024 Just go to https://cleanex ecreg uk/ where you can download an information pack Ascot Racecourse the prestigious venue is ideally placed for visitors It s close to Ascot train station and just a short distance from central London and major road networks linking the rest of the UK
as CleanEx2024 – the only UK exhibition dedicated to the laundry and textile
on Sunday, 28 April and Monday 29 April CleanEx
the Government and social care employers to develop apprenticeships and other projects to attract younger people into carer roles
Jones, chief executive at care group Homes Together (www homestogether co uk), on why it ’s vital to make the most of an international talent pool
David Ashton-

Lords Voices Concerns on Impact of Health and Social Care Visa Restriction

A cross-party House of Lords scrutiny committee has raised concerns over restrictions to health and social care visas

The changes which came into force on 11 March include prohibiting health and care workers bringing dependants to the UK and narrowing visa eligibility from all posts in the care sector to only those where the sponsor is registered with the CQC

The Committee has called on the Government to provide more information about the effect of these changes which took effect in February 2024

The report comes after the Committee considered the Home Office’s latest Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (HC 556) (the Statement)

The changes remove the provision for most dependants to accompany or join workers coming to the UK to work in the health and care sectors

The Statement also narrows the range of jobs in England for which migrant workers can be sponsored, reducing it from all posts in the care sector to only those where the sponsor is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The Home Office told the Committee that the measures banning dependants from joining migrant workers would reduce the number of dependants coming to the UK by 120,000 per year but would have no effect on the numbers of workers themselves

The reasons provided by the Department to support this assertion included the fact that there was already a high level of global labour supply; that workers were seeking to come to the UK without their depen-

dants; and that there was a reduction in demand because of the CQC policy change However no evidence was provided by the Department in support of these claims

In addition the Home Office did not conduct a consultation before introducing these changes The lack of such a step meant that any benefits from gathering the views of those in the care sector and the general public as to the potential impact of the changes was lost

The Statement also includes a separate set of policies that alters the schemes that allow those fleeing the war in Ukraine to enter the UK These changes also suffered from poor supporting material meaning that explanations of the policy its context or its rationale were inadequate or unconvincing

Baroness Randerson Member of the Secondary Legislation

Scrutiny Committee said:

“We recognise that these changes are intended to address concerns about levels of legal migration However, there is alarm among social care providers about the impact of these changes: the care sector is already struggling to recruit sufficient workers and is worried these measures could make things worse

“The Government says that the dependant ban will not reduce the number of immigrant workers but it has not provided evidence to back this up This means it is impossible for Parliament to assess the effects of the changes properly and the

is also left in the dark

Whenever the Government lays legislation which has the potential to affect the effectiveness of a sector and has real world consequences for the public at large it must provide information on the impact This is a principle the Government has accepted but does not always observe in practice and we are writing to the Home Office to ask for further details

We will continue to highlight examples where departments fall short of their obligations to provide information to Parliament and the public thereby hindering our ability to effectively scrutinise secondary legislation”

Residents and staff at Fremington Manor in Barnstaple took part in a host of activities to mark a national campaign promoting dignity for care home residents The care home based on Manor Close in Fremington encouraged the team and residents within the home to wear red for Dignity Action Day, which is run by the Dignity in Care campaign Residents at Fremington Manor were treated to a coffee morning, pamper sessions and following a ‘Dignity Lunch , they enjoyed ice creams with a host of sauces and sprinkles Later in the day the residents were encouraged to share their thoughts on what dignity means to them with each example being written onto a paper leaf hung on a decorative Dignity Tree Being able to be independent and Knocking before entering my room were just a few of the suggestions made by the residents Examples suggested by the staff included Giving the respect you would want for yourself and your family Making sure people feel respected and that they have given consent to care’ and ‘Making sure people are covered during care The Fremington Manor team were encouraged to sign up to the campaign’s Dignity Champion initiative which sees participants agree to uphold the 10 ‘Dignity Do’s These include agreeing to support others with the same respect as they would give to their family, treating each person as an individual, enabling people to make their own choices, and helping people to maintain their own confidence and positive selfesteem Nelson Lima Home Manager at Fremington Manor said: Our team really got behind Dignity Action Day as it s a campaign that has a huge amount of synergy with the values we hold at the care home for the benefit of the residents in our care Their health happiness and wellbeing is the most important thing to us as we provide the highest quality of care and support to the residents and will always look to do this with the utmost respect and dignity
Action Day Marked By Residents and Staff

The Importance of Plants and Green Spaces In Healthcare

In a 1990 Japanese study the authors discovered that simply looking at plants altered brain wave (EEG) patterns While observing plants, people also expressed less fear anger sadness and stress along with lower blood pressure, a slower heart rate and lowered muscular tension SEEING PLANTS THROUGH THE WINDOW SPEEDS RECOVERY AND LOWERS PAIN

In another 1984 hospital-based study, when patients could see plants and trees through the hospital windows they had a shorter hospital stay and needed less pain relief


In a 2021 Chinese study, the physiological and psychological responses of a group of young adults ages 22-28 visiting green spaces were recorded The Perceived Restorative Score (this measures being away from it all’) showed significant improvements in autonomic nerve function with less sweat gland activity reduced respiratory sensation and improved blood circulation The investigators emphasised the importance of visiting green spaces They recommended increasing the richness of plant species and water landscapes as a means of aiding stress recovery


The Mental Health Foundation has commented on the fascinating link between access to green space such as fields forests parks and gardens and a reduced risk of mental health problems improved mood and increased life satisfaction ’

Deprived areas where there is little greenery or access to green space tend to have higher levels of men-

Elgar Court Care Home in Malvern, is providing a much-needed refreshment pit stop for all local emergency services with their “Take A Break” campaign At any time of the day hard-working emergency workers can call into the care home to get a hot or cold drink and a tasty bite to eat either to have at the Care home or, to take away with them if time is tight

The home said it is delighted to be able to offer this service to “our wonderful” emergency crews

tal ill-health Indeed a 2021 systematic review suggests that those from lower socioeconomic groups benefit more from access to green spaces than those who are more advantaged


Trees and forests play a protective role in human health as they remove environmental pollution through their leaves A single maple tree removes 48 lb (22 kg) of particulates and 100 lb (45 kg) of carbon per year from the atmosphere It also removes toxic metals nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide There may be a link between dementia and exposure to environmental pollutants such as exhaust fumes


In a 2019 study 41 older people with an average age of 76 6 years were enrolled in a project to spend 20 minutes a day building a vegetable garden This involved digging planting, fertilising, and watering Blood samples were taken before and after the project There was a significant increase in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) after performing the gardening activity BDNF is important for brain function and memory PDGF is important for blood vessel formation and growth A 2016 meta-analysis of 22 case-control studies published since 2001, concluded a positive association between gardening and a wide range of health outcomes

It’s been estimated that a 10% increase in physical exercise would prevent 6000 deaths per year Doing more physical exercise is linked to a reduction in diagnoses of dementia mental health problems cardiovascular disease and cancer This does not need to be high-intensity exercise Gardening is a very realistic option to get people outdoors and moving more Gardening combines physical activity with being outdoors increases exposure to natural sunlight and can be a social activity Being outside in the sun has the benefit of lowering blood pressure and increasing levels of vitamin D


Investing in a garden in your care establishment can do wonders for your residents In some projects residents have been involved in planning digging and planting as well as setting up bird feeders for example Doing this may not be high on your priority list but we know that making the most of your outdoor space will do wonders for your resident s quality of life and well-being

- Are you making the most of your plants and green spaces?

- How could you improve exposure to plants and trees and the outdoor spaces for your residents?

PAGE 14 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 Westland Horticulture home to brands such as Big Tom Boost, Resolva, Unwins, and Kent & Stowe, is excited to announce the New Horizon Fund that will support community garden projects across the UK and Ireland in 2024 Is your local care home s outdoor space in need of some love and care to help ensure its accessible to all? At Westland we believe everyone deserves to get closer to nature and a thriving garden has a vast array of physical and therapeutic benefits, whatever your level of mobility From awakening the senses of touch sight and smell with an abundance of thriving plants and flowers, to simply sitting in the fresh air surrounded by beauty and wildlife everyone deserves to enjoy an outdoor space The New Horizon Fund aims to create a greener future for all and will support community garden projects from schools allotments hospices and care homes across the UK and Ireland The funding will comprise of a collection of gardening essentials from Westland from compost seeds tools plant feed and much more to the value of £1,000 or Euro equivalent Each prize bundle will be individually created based on the project s needs to help them transform their space HOW TO GET YOUR LOCAL CARE HOME INVOLVED If your local care home could benefit from receiving a donation from Westland s New Horizon Fund to help its outdoor space thrive nominate them at www gardenhealth com/new-horizon-fund There will be multiple prize draws throughout the year in March June and September with at least five bundles being awarded at each stage so there s plenty of opportunities for your local care home to be gifted a bundle The sooner you enter the better chance you have The final closing date will be 1st September 2024 HELP WESTLAND GROW THE FUND Growing media, which includes composts, is the No 1 consumed gardening product With every bag sold of Westland’s New Horizon peat free compost, the fund grows and grows Every time you buy a bag of New Horizon you ll know you’re contributing to community projects that will greatly benefit from an improved outdoor space NEW HORIZON PEAT FREE ORGANIC ALL PLANT COMPOST Success in gardening all starts with compost and with Westland s New Horizon compost you can be sure it is great for the garden, and great for the planet Our relentless pursuit of excellence in ingredients, processes and quality has resulted in our most environmentally friendly and highest performance compost range ever It provides everything plants require for optimal growth and health The New Horizon compost is our most sustainable variety and is the leading sustainable brand in our growing media category It s naturally peat free it s 100% sustainably sourced and helps all plants and nature thrive New Horizon has been specially created to be the perfect blend for vegetables fruits and flowers The ingredients start to nourish plants immediately and continue to feed for up to 6 weeks Win A Gardening Bundle For Your Local Care Home Or Hospice With Westland There s no doubt that exposure to plants and green spaces has health benefits for people of all ages Even just looking at green spaces can improve health and being outside in a garden space allows we humans to connect with nature Medical research has been accumulating to show this is indeed the case Take a look at some of these surprising findingsLOOKING AT PLANTS ALTERS BRAIN WAVES AND LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE
to thank them for all that they do To launch this campaign the home had the pleasure of entertaining our Malvern Community Policing team, Becky, Dave and Kevin, with hearing and seeing demonstrations of their policing toolkit – handcuffs body cameras smart water tagging sprays, Tasers and batons! And of course reassured that these are not needed with the good folk of Malvern! However Maria Griffiths Elgar Court’s Activities Co-ordinator felt what it s like being on the wrong side of the law when she tried on the handcuffs! Luckily PC Dave had his keys and safely handed our beloved Maria back to the residents! Sarah Cadwallader General Manager for Elgar Court Care Home said: “We all know how hard our emergency services work and how much our Malvern community rely on them We wanted to say thank you for all that they do, and this is our way of giving back We want our local emergency services to know they are always welcome here at Elgar Court Care Home Emergency Ser vices Invited To Take A Break At Care Home

Think Before You Thicken


– 75% of people experiencing a variety of symptoms These can range from difficulty containing or moving food and drink around in the mouth, to food or drink entering the airway (aspiration) which can be associated with pneumonia and, potentially, death

A common management option for people with difficulty swallowing drinks is the use of thickener These are usually gum or starch based and may be in powder or gel form The reason for their use is that if the drink is thicker it travels more slowly through the mouth and throat giving the person more time to trigger a swallow reducing the chance of it entering the open airway

Due to widespread concern about the overuse of thickened fluids the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) has created a position paper looking at the potential benefits and burdens of using thickener

There are two key benefits The first is that thickened fluids reduce drinks entering the airway and this is important as food or drink in

to chest infections and pneumonia The second



as aspiration pneumonia dehy-

or death Research has also found potential burdens associated with thickened drinks including thirst, dehydration, reduced quality of life, altered bowel movements, increased risk of respiratory tract infections if thickened drinks were aspirated and they may affect how some medications are adsorbed Most people prefer not having thickened fluids

In essence the research has left many uncertain about the role of thickened fluids in the management of swallowing difficulties

The RCSLT position paper highlights that thickened fluids are still a management option for people with swallowing difficulties However it also stresses the importance of a person-centred approach to its use Thickened fluids may be the most appropriate option for some people but the decision to use them should only be made after a thorough eating, drinking and swallowing assessment has been carried out by a dysphagia trained clinician – usually a speech and language therapist (SLT) Interventions to manage eating drinking and swallowing difficulties are wide-ranging and it is often a complex decision-making process with the person their family and care team to decide the most appropriate management plan This can include having smaller sips through specialist cups; changes to the positioning of the body and head during swallowing; or rehabilitation plans to improve swallowing

The RCSLT recommends that people on thickened fluids have long term follow-up appointments because of the potential burdens of treatment

As care providers you should consider your service users and their potential swallowing needs Running through the following checklist will help you to do this:

Is the person on thickened fluids and experiencing the potential burdens listed above?

If someone is having swallowing difficulties what steps have I taken to enable them to swallow more effectively? For example are they in an appropriate position; are they receiving regular good oral hygiene have I tried them with different cups to avoid tipping their head back?

• Does this person need to be seen by a dysphagia trained practitioner?

How can I communicate to my team that thickened fluids are not the only option to manage swallowing difficulties?

How can I advocate for my service users to have timely access to eating drinking and swallowing assessments?

The RCSLT has produced a useful information leaflet for people other than SLTs on the potential benefits and burdens of thickened fluids along with recommendations for usage As Swallowing Awareness Day (#SwallowAware2024) is fast approaching on the 13 March we encourage you to “think before you thicken ” and carefully consider people s swallowing needs and how they can be best supported

Care Home Stars Nicole And Sioned Hailed As Role Models

career they feel passionate about

course which included a week’s work experience at Pendine s Bryn Seiont Newydd in Caernarfon which specialises in dementia care Nicole has


s Trust scheme has been inspiring and reminds us all that social care is a rewarding career where you can develop and progress

They ve been nurtured given great training and are doing an excellent job They came here on work experience and found a great

“It’s lovely to see young people flourishing and being so fulfilled ” Bryn Seiont Newydd manager Sandra Evans said Sioned and Nicole had “slotted perfectly” into the day-to-day life of the care home from the day they started

“We are very proud of both Sioned and Nicole The residents at Bryn Seiont Newydd have benefited from the efforts they have made to make the best of their careers They are excellent workers and as time has gone by, they have really blossomed and put in the effort to be promoted to the posts they hold here today

Pendine Park owner Mario Kreft MBE added the company are committed to supporting people of all ages coming to work in care and support the Prince s Trust and the ‘truth about youth’ project

Mr Kreft said: Of those taking part in The Prince s Trust scheme we have conversion rate of more than 50 per cent into employment and Nicole and Sioned are shining examples of what you can achieve They re great role models

We are very proud of the training and personal development programmes we have created It is something we have been doing for more than 20 years so we can provide high quality care, with the emphasis on the long-term wellbeing of our residents and staff

M-Resourcing are delighted to announce the appointment of Dan Ashenden to lead our M-Resourcing service with effect from 1 December 2023

M-Resourcing offers a multi-faceted approach to solving complexresourcing problems facing the care sector Whether you facespiralling staffing costs and pressures, or simply require a newapproach to managing this critical area for your organisation, ourcomprehensive resourcing solution reduces costs brings controland allows you to plan for the future with confidence

We knowfrom talking to our clients that managing their resourcing costs isstill a key priority and this important appointment underlines ourcontinuing commitment to the sector Christoph Marr CEO of Marr Procurement Dan is a highly-capable leader and has incredibly valuable experiencefrom his years in the care sector managing and delivering complex temporary labour

agency programmes We areexcited to bring that experience to our clients ”

Dan spent 6 years at Priory Group During my rewarding six-year tenure at Priory, I had the privilege of beingappointed as the inaugural UK Agency Manager where I honed my skills in enhancing their PSL offering Thisexperience has provided invaluable insights into the principles of effective temporary agency management reduction and control Now, as the Head of M-Resourcing at Marr Procurement I aim to leverage this knowledge tointroduce innovative strategies for temp agency reduction to benefit our clients My goal is to ensure the

delivery ofa cost-effective and compliant offering, especially in the face of increasing sector costs With a rising demand andour commitment to fairness, our offering at Marr Procurement is poised to become even more beneficial Marr Procurement is a professional procurement organisation serving the care sector and founded on the values ofIntegrity Fairness and Quality In everything we do we believe in doing things better ensuring fairness for clientsand suppliers alike and always doing the right thing Marr Procurement was set up in 2008 and has since servedmore than 50 care clients in delivering savings through sourcing over £1bn of spend Christoph Marr CEO Marr Procurement: At Marr Procurement we believe in seeking to level the playing field forclients ensuring they have equal access to the best procurement services and outcomes This is what drives us everyday in serving our clients The team I have built are each highly capable leaders in their speciality but importantly,they all share a common belief in fairness and transparency This means they are always seeking the right solutionfor our clients where trust is at the forefront Dan is a great fit for our business and for our clients and I amdelighted to welcome him to the team ” Find out more at www marrprocurement com/m-resourcing/ Marr Procurement: Continuing to Invest In Resourcing Solutions for the Care Sector Introducing Dan Ashenden our new head of M-Resourcing Two young women from Gwynedd have been hailed as role models” after rising through the ranks to top jobs at a care home Nicole Davies 27 and Sioned Jones 26 signed up with the Step into Care programme which was run by the Pendine Park organisation in partnership with the Prince s Trust nearly eight years ago and have never looked back They completed a three-week
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NHS Disrepair Casts a Sector-wide Spotlight on Care Facilities and Provision

A recent Freedom of Information Act request by the BBC found disrepair in NHS buildings Reported examples include parts of a ceiling collapsing in a clinical area and temperatures in an operating theatre reaching 29 degrees Celsius because of a broken air conditioning unit Other issues were also highlighted such as leaked sewage in a waiting area growth of green algae in a hydrotherapy pool and power being lost in an operating theatre

These examples were drawn from information provided by 86 NHS trusts which had responded from a total of 210 that had been contacted A key concern for all care providers is that disrepair and maintenance issues are impacting care provision According to NHS data the care of more than 2 600 acute hospital patients was disrupted last year by estates and infrastructure failures

Any instances of compromised patient care and people being put at risk by poorly maintained facilities can quickly cast a spotlight on the entire care sector Private care providers should take heed of this, especially now as organisations contend with potentially unsafe buildings caused by the historic use of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)


Fundamental standards outlined by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) cover the requirement for care providers to deliver person-centred care that meets the needs and preferences of people Alongside this standards also specify that individuals should not be given unsafe care or treatment or be put at risk of harm that could be avoided

The role – and expectation – of premises and equipment is also made clear by the CQC Its standards emphasise the need for places of care and treatment and equipment to be clean suitable and looked after properly The standards are a regulatory requirement under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and at the very minimum can be used by care providers as a check list for implementing and reviewing best practice

Regular inspections and testing of premises and equipment can help care providers to maintain satisfactory and savoury conditions for people This can be supported and formalised by policies that outline practical measures for the day-to-day running of premises It’s advisable that this approach covers processes for quickly identifying any problems with facilities and triggering rapid responses to mitigate the impact on care provision and recipients of care

Not all issues of disrepair and equipment failings can be fixed straight away Generally speaking this is understood by the Regulator and demonstrating how any problems will be quickly isolated to minimise possible risks of harm can help to avoid compliance failures Policies and plans can also outline acceptable periods of time for remediation of problems and short-term emergency measures further helping to fulfil regulatory requirements that relate to ‘premises and equipment and safe care and treatment


are a stark reminder for all care providers about the importance of maintaining satisfactory

Looking beyond the regulations that specifically cover safety and facilities care providers need to be mindful about how disrepair and maintenance issues impact upon care regulations covering ‘dignity and respect and person-centred care This is particularly pertinent as the presence of RAAC in structures can leave buildings unusable until deemed safe If this limits access to facilities disrupts routines and service provision or means that recipients of care must be moved it may compromise whether people are receiving the levels of care they actually need

As well as being safe and effective care provision must be compassionate and high-quality There may be instances where disrupted routines or moving people from familiar settings causes stress Similarly delays to treatment or uncertainly about when services are being provided may lead to anxiety

Levels of stress and anxiety can occur among both people in care as well as staff which risks further impeding levels of care provision It’s important that organisations are considering scenarios where premises and equipment may be inaccessible and have contingencies in place for minimising the potential impact on the people in their care

Widespread reports of the risks of RAAC and high-profile cases of disrepair whether in the public or private sector are likely to intensify the focus on the condition and quality of care facilities It may be prudent for providers to take proactive steps to review how person-centred their facilities and services are and ensure that they have the policies and practices in place to continually put people first despite any change in circumstances This could help to meet regulatory requirements and avoid complaints and claims while also enhancing the quality of care provision

The National Association Of Care Catering Launches Its Care Chef Of The Year 2024

experiences as part of quality care entrants are challenged to create an appealing and delicious two-course menu (main and dessert) appropriate for people in a care setting The combined food cost for both courses should be no more than £4 50 per head based on three portions and it must be nutritionally balanced The menu must also feature at least one product from Unilever Food Solutions sector-relevant catering range2

All paper entries will be judged by a professional judging panel and the successful chefs that make it through to the next stage will compete at the regional heats in June 2024 Here they will have 90 minutes to produce their dishes and demonstrate their skill set and knowledge under the watchful eyes of the competition judges The judges will be looking for clear nutritional understanding of the foods they are using and how they benefit the needs of their clientele plus culinary flair through flavours menu balance execution, presentation, and hygiene best practice

From their first operational centre in Hampton Hill Lura Care will be in a position to provide dental services to centres located in London, South East and part of East England

Lura Care, a company specialising in dental care services for care homes and day centres has opened its first operational centre in the United Kingdom in Hampton Hill London Their objective is to break the mobility barrier to care for dependent people or people with mobility problems who due to their condition cannot access the oral health services they need

Lura Care has developed an innovative model of mobile dental services that adapts to the specific needs of its patients whereby its specialised and highly skilled teams carry out the treatments on-site to avoid inconvenient transfers to clinics wherever possible

The highest-scoring competitors from each regional heat plus wild cards selected by the judges will compete for the title NACC Care Chef of the Year 2024 at the national finals on Tuesday 1st October at Loughborough College

Neel Radia National Chair of the NACC said I always look forward to this competition as it is one of the best opportunities of highlighting the fantastic skills of the innovative and creative chefs who find such job satisfaction working within the care sector It is also an inspiration to others who may be thinking of embarking on a worthwhile career in care catering

“Great dining experiences are at the heart of everything we do so there is no better occasion to showcase our talented chefs from around the country

“The competition will again be overseen by the amazing head judge, Steve Munkley, who provides constructive feedback after each regional heat That alone such be enough to encourage everyone to enter and celebrate the culinary excellence the care sector offers I wish anyone who enters the best of luck ”

Mr Paul Galpin Master of the Worshipful Company of Cooks said Once again the Worshipful Company of Cooks is proud to sponsor and be associated with the NACC competition For more than 500 years we have been involved in the world of cookery; initially being responsible for standards of catering and hygiene in the City of London and more recently closely engaged, through our support for competitions such as this one in encouraging chefs to achieve high standards that they can then take back into their workplace We are heartened to witness the year on year raising of standards and skills by the competitors

To all competitors we send our best wishes and we look forward to being able to host the winner at our annual Prize Winners’ Lunch when you will be able to sit back and enjoy the results of someone else’s hard work Good luck!”

For more information on the NACC Care Chef of the Year 2024 competition and to download the entry form go to https://www thenacc co uk/events/nacc-care-chef-of-the-year-2024

The company, who are registered with the Care Quality Commission, also carry out free, no-obligation initial assessments on-site to evaluate the oral health condition of residents and their dental care needs as well as training activities in care homes to help promote preventative health and healthy habits As a social impact company Lura Care is committed to advancing towards the Sustainable Development

Goals by promoting of good health and well-being (SDG 3) the reduction of inequalities (SDG 10) and the impulse of partnerships to achieve goals (SDG 17), as well as fighting the phenomenon of ageism that relegates millions of older people and restricts their rights to enjoy a full life with an optimal quality of life With this objective the company offers flexible and interest-free financing options for treatments so that no person is left without the care they need for financial reasons and reinvests a portion of the revenue back into the centres through bonuses to help improve their services

Founded in Barcelona, Spain, and also at present in Italy, Lura Care has provided their services to more than 1 000 care homes and day centres and has attended to more than 100,000 patients since the company was founded in 2015 From their first operational centre in Hampton Hill they will be in a position to provide dental services to centres located in London, South East and part of East England

Lura Care is registered with the Care

Quality Commission For more information about the company please visit www luracare co uk See the advert on the facing page for details
Kella Bowers, a partner and head of social care at Forbes Solicitors (, looks at why reports of disrepair in NHS buildings
Lura Care Launches its Mobile Dental Care Ser vices for Care Homes and Day Centres The National Association of Care Catering’s (NACC) Care Chef of the Year 2024 competition has opened for entries officially starting this year s search for the best chef working in the care sector
prestigious competition has been celebrating the culinary talent across the care sector for 24 years Open to all chefs and cooks working in care settings it recognises showcases and celebrates their sector-specific knowledge skills and flair The deadline for entries is Monday 6th May 2024
NACC Care Chef of the Year 2024 competition is once again kindly supported by Unilever Food Solutions as the main sponsor and event sponsor The Worshipful Company of Cooks Focusing on the importance of food, nutrition and positive mealtime

The Road to Outstanding Care

At Bupa Care Services providing Outstanding care to our residents is always our goal At each of our 120+ care homes and retirement villages our people work tirelessly to provide the best quality care for residents

To achieve an Outstanding CQC rating it requires continuous innovation 24/7 commitment and strong teamwork which together create magic! I always think you can feel an Outstanding home as soon as you walk through the door – there’s a wonderful warmth and buzz So how can we help our homes achieve this?


Providing Outstanding care to our residents starts with supporting our people to be at their best Careers in our sector can be hugely rewarding but they also need wellrounded support Caring for people s mental and physical health through tailor-made benefits schemes should be a priority, as well as supporting their financial health with schemes like transport loans early access to wages or financial advice

Setting Outstanding culture comes from the top It’s important to empower every person at the home whatever their role to deliver Outstanding care This means encouraging people to come forward with their ideas and a can do attitude to implementing new initiatives These don t need to be complicated every interaction with a resident can unlock something special Once the team starts to see the impact of Outstanding care on the residents the momentum builds

It s also important to reward people for delivering Outstanding care This can be vouchers, treats or parties to monthly awards that recognise individuals or whole teams for their Outstanding experiences A simple thank you in recognition of great work also goes a long way


When creating an Outstanding environment, delivering person-centred care, supporting independence and honouring choice should be the aim

This means getting to know our residents like friends and family and working closely with their loved ones to uncover their passions, history, life and personality outside of the home

Every day I hear wonderful examples of our people helping our residents live full lives This might be taking them to the pub garden centre or café to enjoy activities they ve always loved to creating a shoe shop for a resident who used to work in one organising a birthday message from Ed Sheeran for a super fan or becoming a Defra-registered home to keep pigs so that a lifelong farmer feels at home


At Bupa we re undergoing an ambitious digital transformation driven by our people They told us that they wanted to spend their time caring By replacing time-consuming paperwork with digital notes that can be updated on the go, we’re freeing them up to deliver Outstanding care

Adoption of digital tools for care planning compliance and assurance underpins our ability to provide Outstanding care Technology gives us information about a resident s history medication or interests at the tap of a button and helps us communicate with relatives health professionals safeguarding and local authorities swiftly and easily It makes us agile in how we provide care, adapt to change and gather data so we can predict future needs

It also supports us in evidencing our Outstanding care to our regulators when it comes to inspections and to share learnings with our colleagues so that we can all improve

Sharing the caring

Once teams are in an Outstanding mindset they are constantly on the lookout for new ideas Again, technology can support with this On our intranet our 10 000 people share ideas and best practice and learn from each other It s wonderful to see them inspiring each other and it helps us all provide high quality care and experiences for our residents whichever home they re in

Sharing best practice more widely is also a key part of achieving an Outstanding rating, through contributing to scientific research And when it comes to inspections sharing learnings across homes can be really helpful so that everyone can benefit and consider where improvements could be made

Ultimately an Outstanding CQC rating is entirely reachable by working together to provide Outstanding care every day By helping our residents to live their best lives, our people thrive in their careers too

“I’ve Worked In Care For 20 Years - It's A Great Career Choice For The Younger Generation"

the different ways we can support our residents to live their lives to the fullest and getting to know them - everyone has a story to tell


job very much! I love exploring

Susie says When looking for care work many years ago there were a few points I kept in my mind to help me decide on the right role Obvious things like the working hours and the salary but questions like Will I feel confident to give the care required?’ and ‘Are there any training opportunities?’ were also important ”

“I would highly recommend a career in care to the younger generation – it’s such an important and rewarding sector and there are plenty of different opportunities to suit a range of people and skill sets ”

“After work experience in a daycare centre for the elderly I knew care was the job for me ”

Daryl James is a Care Assistant at Lime Trees in Shrewsbury After studying health and social care in college Daryl began working in care homes at the age of 18

I felt drawn to the care sector because it s so interesting Each resident has different needs, which you need to meet accordingly It means you’re constantly learning and your mind is always stimulated - no two days are the same!” Daryl says

“It’s important for people looking at a career in care to be good communicators to be patient and to be willing to learn adapt and have an open mind These people can really thrive in care work

Daryl suggests If you re thinking about working in care take the time to research and decide which areas of care interest you the most and consider how a path into these areas may look For example you may be able to take a course or do some work experience to help you develop the relevant skills “I didn’t set out for a career in care - now there’s nowhere else I’d want to be ” Prior to working as Front of House Manager at Newfield Lodge in Castleford Sasha Chappell was a PA for a global healthcare company Coming from a corporate world admin and customer service is my background and I use these skills daily in my current role with Ideal Carehomes

The customer service element of my role at Newfield Lodge is extremely different in comparison with other sectors At times you can be dealing with very sensitive situations and having compassion understanding and empathy for residents and their families is hugely important ”

“If you re prepared to work hard a career in care is for you It is an extremely rewarding sector and you leave feeling like you have achieved something at the end of the day Be prepared to fall in love with your work! You will be welcomed into a family that feels like your second home rather than a workplace




around and you’ll see plenty of companies offering to get the right suppliers for your business What we bring to the table is a friendly personal approach rooted in proven experience and expertise We don’t just deal in services – we build connections between people At Added Value Enterprises, we’re a committed team with a passion for connecting businesses with the right suppliers Partner with us, and we ll seek out the best options for your business in a dynamic and crowded marketplace We’ll also review your existing supply chain gaining you immediate savings and new efficiencies as well as supporting you with PURCHASING SOLUTIONS FOR HEALTHCARE
care organisations have a lot on their plate, without a supply chain review getting in the way We collaborate with social care organisations and care homes across the country, taking care of the time-consuming details and achieving the good value they deserve With a robust, ethical, highly traceable supply chain, we deliver expert food, beverage and non-food purchasing solutions that save time and money That means more time to focus on what matters like supporting patient wellbeing with exceptional quality produce Let’s achieve new efficiencies today
care organisations choose us as their partner because we know the requirements of this challenging field We deliver a lean robust supply chain that works for your patients and people In a busy market we cut through the obscurity and complicated lapartner to find the deals that matter to you achieving the quality you deserve at a price you didn’t know were possible How s that for a healthy supply chain? Sustainable Sourcing for Social Care organisations and Care homes We know how important sourcing is to social care organisations and care homes You need to know where your food, beverages and non-food are coming from but that often means paying more than you should At AVE, we don’t believe there should ever be a choice between ethics and value We offer sustainable sourcing that is good for the planet and your bottom line TAILORED RECIPE PORTFOLIO With direct access to our supply chain benefitting from instant cost savings our tailored recipe portfolio solution allows you to submit your recipespartner to input into our database We can review your menu and check for compliance against appropriate industry criteria providing you with fully costed menus nutritionally analysed dishes and bespoke recipe books Managed Menu Solution Our managed menu solution provides you with a complete menu solution inclusive of compliance check nutrition improvement recommendations and commercial opportunities with optional access to our online ordering portal maximising savings potential recipe portfolio solution allows you to submit your recipes to using your menu and check for compliance against appropriate industry criteria, 03330 705975 | www a-v-e com | solutions@a-v-e com
Value Enterprises - Sustainable Solutions for Social Care With around 16 700 care homes across the UK there are many care home job opportunities for the younger generation to explore For National Careers Week (4th - 9th March) staff from Ideal Carehomes have been sharing their experiences and advice for anyone considering a career in care “Creating activities that bring our residents out of their shells and leave them beaming with joy is all I could ask for ” Susie Carman Lifestyle Manager at Ebor Court in York plans and delivers regular trips and activities for the home s residents to enjoy I realised my love for care while volunteering in a local care home when I was in sixth form After leaving education I had various other roles throughout my working life up until about twenty years ago when I came back into the care sector ” Susie explains “I had always realised the importance of residents being stimulated and active while living in a care home but when I first started out in the early 1980s activities were not an option in most homes Thankfully that is not the case now and the care sector has changed its views on activity provision for the better My current role is probably the most varied I have had throughout my 42 years in the workforce and I enjoy my

Sustainable solutions for Social Care.

Social care organisations have a lot on their plate, without a supply chain review getting in the way We collaborate with social care organisations and care homes across the country, taking care of the time-consuming details, and achieving the good value they deserve

With a robust, ethical, highly traceable supply chain, we deliver expert food, beverage, and non-food purchasing solutions that save time and money That means more time to focus on what matters, like supporting patient wellbeing with exceptional quality produce

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We know how important sourcing is to social care organisations and care homes You need to know where your food, beverages and non-food are coming from, but that often means paying more than you should

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Mental Health Patients Are Being Failed

As They Leave Care, Warns Ombudsman

lighted a range of issues around mental health care including inappropriate transfers and aftercare Six years on and the same failings around transfers and aftercare are still happening putting patients at risk

Ombudsman Rob Behrens said

The overwhelming majority of professionals in mental health services are hard-working and demonstrate their commitment and care on a daily basis However, the stories in our report show the human tragedies that happen when mistakes are made and how important it is for people to speak up and make complaints so that they don’t happen again

Delaying the transfer of someone out of hospital can cause harm but so can inappropriately discharging people too soon Too often the focus is on transferring patients out of inpatient services quickly No doubt this is at least partly due to the huge strain the NHS and mental health services are under But the priority must always be patient safety We know that unsafe transfers can have devastating consequences such as patients being stuck in a re-admission cycle and tragically suicide

and failures in their care

It highlights six cases involving failures in the planning, communication, or care of a person with a mental health condition being transferred from inpatient services or emergency departments back into the community

In 2018, PHSO published Maintaining Momentum: driving improvements in mental health care, which high-

We need to see a holistic joined-up person-centred approach Crucially patients their families and carers must be listened to and involved with decision-making

Mental health patients are among the most vulnerable in our society and I urge the Government to act on the recommendations in this report to keep them safe and prevent these same failures from happening again The lack of progress on the Mental Health Act is deeply disappointing we must see that strengthened and prioritised ”

Chartwell House Brings Generations Together On World Book Day

As the world celebrated the joy of reading on World Book Day Chartwell House by Boutique Care Homes opened its doors to a heartwarming gathering of young and old alike Nestled in the picturesque town of Broadstairs Thanet this charming community hub welcomed visitors from near and far for a day of storytelling laughter and shared camaraderie

Ahead of the event the community rallied together to collect over 100 children’s books from generous donors in the area, ensuring that children who walked through the door would have a literary adventure awaiting them

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the heartfelt exchanges between residents and their young visitors From sharing favourite stories to colouring in bookmarks together each moment was imbued with the magic of connection and shared experience Resident Gerald with a twinkle in his eye captivated the audience with tales from his beloved book Just William imparting wisdom and laughter in equal measure

Amidst the laughter and chatter the Chartwell House team added an extra touch of whimsy with their colourful costumes transforming into beloved book characters that delighted both young and old alike

From the mischievous antics of Where s Wally to the timeless elegance of Mary Poppins each costume was a testament to the enduring magic of storytelling

Another highlight of the day was when Jude Coveney Admissions Manager guided the children on a literary adventure through the pages of The Wonky Donkey Resident Patricia Sansby brimming with joy remarked “I thought it was a really special day!” Indeed World Book Day at Chartwell House was more than just an event – it was a celebration of community, connection, and the timeless joy of reading

As the day drew to a close and the children bid farewell, their hearts full of stories and their minds ablaze with imagination, the spirit of World Book Day lingered on at Chartwell House In a world where stories have the power to unite us all this annual celebration serves as a poignant reminder of the magic that lies within the pages of a good book and the bonds that connect us across generations

Diane Collins Home Manager of Chartwell House said: Today was about more than just books It was about fostering connections nurturing imaginations and celebrating the beauty of shared moments We are grateful to everyone who made this day possible and look forward to many more adventures in the pages that lie ahead

The safety of mental health patients is being put at risk when they leave inpatient services, leading to a continuous revolving door of care and discharge England s Health Ombudsman has warned In a new report that examines issues in transferring people with poor mental health out of inpatient and emergency care, the Ombudsman has called on the Government to take urgent action, including strengthening and bringing forward reforms to the Mental Health Act The Ombudsman found a range of issues such as families not being updated or informed about a patient s discharge from hospital care poor record keeping lack of communication and joint working between the multiple teams caring for a patient • failings in assessing requests to leave hospital This can lead to poorer outcomes for that patient including increased risk of suicide Without proper support in the community, people can become stuck in a revolving door in and out of inpatient services The report comes after the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) analysed over 100 cases involving people with a mental health condition

“Brilliant Response” as Care Operators Sign Up to Care Workers’ Charter

see other councils across London following suit However councils can t do it all by themselves, and greater investment in social care is required from central government A National Care Service would mean the quality of care is of the same high standard no matter where in the country it was being provided ”

The council is making good progress towards their commitment of having 100 per cent of care homes compliant with the charter by 2026

Out of 16 care homes in Southwark the six that have signed up are:

Bluegrove Greenhive Rosecourt and Waterside which are all run by Agincare

• Camberwell Lodge which is run by Country Court

Tower Bridge which is run by HC-One

work directly for the council or not

Cllr Evelyn Akoto Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing said: “We have been delighted by the brilliant response to our residential care charter so far The council cannot drive up standards of care alone So we are very proud of the amazing progress made so far thanks to everyone working together From the teams at all the six care homes signed up to the charter and their providers to council officers local partners and UNISON The people who look after our older loved ones do invaluable work on behalf of us all It is only right that they are better paid and better supported to provide the high quality care that residents deserve UNISON London regional secretary Jo Galloway said: “Southwark Council is setting a great example in adopting this residential care charter and committing to improving the working conditions of those in social care This will encourage dedicated staff to stay in their jobs benefitting local residents who will experience a better quality of care We hope to

Raina Summerson Chief Executive at Agincare said We are proud to be an early adopter of Southwark Council s Residential Care Charter as part of the transfer of care teams at the four care homes we operate in the borough The charter outlies the high standards of person-centred care that our care home residents can expect from our trained professional teams In return Agincare will continuously support and develop its team members to work towards their goals and aspirations for a long and successful career We continue to work closely with Southwark Council for a shared common goal that will improve the lives of care home residents and the people that support them

Jake Rollin, Director of Commissioned Care and Commercial Support at HC-One said: The social care workforce play such a vital role in supporting residents and their families We applaud Southwark

Care Home Resident’s Wish To Relive Her Teaching Days Made A Reality

H.W.Pickrell Ltd Best prices paid all ages & condition Large stock of new & used accessible minibuses Gardiners Lane North, Crays Hill, Billericay, Essex, CM11 2XE Mobile: 07860 894 331 • email: Telephone: (01268) 521033 Freephone: 0800 917 7943 www euroser vice-uk com sales@euroser vice-uk com Visit the website at www.euroser to see the full range Manufactured in the UK PROVIDING PRACTICAL AND ST YLISH TROLLEYS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS Watch your resident's eyes light up when the beautiful tea trolley arrives! Euroser vice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell personal care products to residents How about a delicious snack/pastr y trolley or even a drinks trolley for that afternoon tipple? Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents! Euroser vice trolleys are an attractive and practical alternative to clinical aluminium trolleys given that antibacter al spray can be used freely to sanitise them Get in touch with our friendly, experienced sales team THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 | PAGE 23 Six care homes run by Agincare Country Court Care Homes and HCOne have signed up to a new charter designed to improve workers’ rights Six care homes have signed up to the council s residential care charter This means better working terms and conditions for around 500 care home staff (75 per cent of all those working in Southwark) They care for over 400 residents across the six homes (roughly 86 per cent of all those living in care homes in Southwark) The charter is the product of close working between the council and trade union UNISON It lays out what council expects for safe and high quality care This goes above and beyond the standards set by the Care Quality Commission It s the first of its kind in that it applies for all care home staff of providers who have signed up regardless of whether they
Council s Residential Care Charter as a meaningful and successful initiative that helps to give the care workforce the recognition they deserve and ulti-
positively contribute to the experience of care home residents in Southwark ” Lauren Gordon Home Manager at Camberwell Lodge Care & Nursing Home of Country Court Care Homes said: We are delighted and proud to be one of the first care and nursing homes in the borough to sign up Our staff teams are at the heart of our care homes and Country Court are always keen to demonstrate how much we value everyone who works in our home The team at Camberwell Lodge is over 120 staff strong and includes carers nurses the wellbeing team chefs maintenance front of house and housekeeping They will all benefit from our promise to uphold the ethical care requirements of the charter including paying the London Living Wage paid handovers permanent contracts and free training Our commitment to the charter further reinforces our pledge to put the safety and wellbeing of residents first ” Improvements under the charter include: • all care home staff being paid at least the London living wage all staff receiving occupational sick pay instead of statutory sick pay all staff being paid extra for unsocial hours (e g nights weekends bank holidays) zero hour contracts not being used in place of permanent contracts unless requested by staff • training must be free and carried out in work time families and friends will be involved at least annually in the care planning of the residents • residents and their families can expect to have meetings with their care home providers at least four times a year to discuss any issues they want to raise
A resident at a care home in Stroud was delighted to don her teaching hat once again after more than 30 years away from the blackboard When the team at Care UK s Scarlet House on Westward Road learned that 94-year-old retired-teacher Marian Holding was keen to relive her career they were determined to make it happen Marian qualified as a teacher in the 1950s and started her career at Vaughan Primary School in West Harrow where she worked for many years Throughout her career she worked in a number of schools in the area eventually becoming a deputy headteacher but her main passion remained in teaching children to read The team at Scarlet House arranged for Marian to visit St Matthew s School where she was able to meet some of the children and teachers and enjoyed an afternoon with some of the current year six pupils The visit prompted Marian to share fond memories with Marian saying: I loved my job – I never wanted to do anything else as a career! Suzannah Tullett Home Manager at Scarlet House added Marian loved her time working as a teacher so the team decided to surprise her with a trip back to school “Marian had a wonderful time meeting some of the current students and teachers and loved spending time reading with the pupils “I d like to extend a big thank you to the team and students at St Matthew’s School for welcoming Marian and to the team here at Scarlet House for organising such a meaningful day for everyone involved!

Government Falls Short Of Promise To Fix Care Crisis Report Reveals

remains unconvinced whether government knows if it is achieving value for money from this additional funding and seeks assurance that funding for market sustainability and improvement has not instead ended up increasing profit margins for some providers

The PAC s inquiry challenged the Government on whether there would ever be a multi-year funding settlement that will allow local authorities to set out long-term programs to achieve the fundamental transformations needed in this sector Given it has a 10-year vision for adult social care reform the report urges the DHSC to set out how it will ensure more stable funding, and what it can do to give local authorities greater certainty to plan in the long-term

Dame Meg Hillier MP Chair of the Committee said:

“Years of fragmented funding and the absence of a clear roadmap has brought the adult social care sector to its knees Waiting lists are rising the sector is short tens of thousands of essential staff and local authority finances are being placed under an unsustainable amount of pressure

The decision to dedicate a single chapter in the Adult Social Care Reform White Paper to the social care workforce does not do justice to the level of work that will be required and feels to us like a bit of a cop-out While an NHS-style workforce strategy for social care may not be feasible the DHSC must set out how it will how it provide leadership across the sector to identify and address workforce challenges

local authorities supported more than one million people with care needs at a cost of £23 7 billion As at Autumn 2023 there were almost half a million people awaiting attention on their case and £2 7bn in additional funding was allocated in 2022 in response to emerging pressures However, the PAC

Whilst we welcome the increase in funding we fear this will do little to address the key challenges faced by the sector in the absence of a well-funded multi-year strategy A 10-year vision is all well and good but this alone is not enough to bring about the fundamental changes this sector so desperately needs ”

A Hampshire care home made a resident s heartfelt wish come true with a surprise opportunity to play the harp again for the first time in more than 60 years

Georgina Chesters a former member of the National Youth Orchestra said she was ‘absolutely astounded’ when a professional harpist arrived at Colten Care s Woodpeckers in Brockenhurst as a special birthday treat Liane Hopkins not only performed herself but brought along two traditional lever harps one big one smaller so Georgina could play too

Residents and staff, accompanied by Georgina’s visiting daughter Emma and granddaughter Eleanor watched as Liane spoke with the delighted 89year-old and invited her to pick one to try out

All eyes were on Georgina as gently and with a huge smile on her face she settled into position held one of the harps and began to let her fingers pluck and run across strings for the first time since her teenage years

It was the first time that Emma a piano teacher had actually seen her mother play the harp even though she knew it was a big part of Georgina’s youth

Georgina said I was absolutely astounded by this surprise It was amazing I loved every minute of it Sian Harris, Companionship Team member, said: “Georgina has often spoken of her time as a harpist playing as part of the NYO

She has shared many stories including how she once left her harp on a railway platform and how she was too scared to tell her father but luckily it was returned in one piece

Over time she unfortunately stopped playing and has told us she ended up selling her harp to pay for a car

In all the time Georgina has spoken about playing the harp she has always said that she could never do it again as it’s so hard on your hands, but in January, as part of a reminiscing activity she actually said her wish was to play again even just one last time That was it I hit the ground running to make this wish come true ”

almost 16 years

As the General Manager of the Nursing and Residential Dementia care home she strives to inspire and support those she is working with and is passionate about mentoring and training which Mel says ‘reinforces the team s skills and ensures we are able to deliver the best possible person and relationship centred care ’

Since joining the home Mel has spearheaded various developments within the home including new Dementia Awareness Training and improvements to the home s two dementia communities which now boast Montessorithemed engagement areas throughout which appeal to residents’ individual strengths to encourage creativity independence and individuality

Through sharing her

While the rest of the home was sworn to secrecy Sian searched through social media for a harpist to come and visit, adding: “I thought it would be like finding a needle in a haystack so I was surprised when more than 30 people from all over Hampshire and as far afield as Somerset offered their services to come and play From that list I picked Liane Our staff and some of the residents knew about this special surprise for Georgina and everyone kept it a secret You could see by the smile on Georgina s face how much she was enjoying and appreciating it She was absolutely thrilled and overwhelmed when Liane invited her to play too She had tears in her eyes when we told her we had been planning that all along

Georgina tried both harps After half a century of not touching one it was a very moving moment when she started playing It sounded lovely, amazing ”

Born in Cardiff and now based in Romsey as a performer and teacher Liane has a repertoire ranging across all styles of music

She played to her Woodpeckers audience in the intimate relaxed setting of the home s lounge for more than an hour, performing pieces such as Somewhere Over the Rainbow, I Vow to Thee My Country and the Irish classic Danny Boy

The instruments she brought were a large lever Salvi Ana harp and a smaller lap harp made by Derwent Harps

Liane said: When I saw the home s plea for a local harpist to help fulfil a wish I messaged straight away offering my help Playing gives me so much joy and I love being able to pass on that joy of hearing and playing to others Woodpeckers are truly amazing by fulfilling people s wishes

“When I arrived, seeing Georgina’s face light up with surprise was amazing It was such a pleasure listening to her stories of when she played the harp and also hearing the questions the other residents were asking both Georgina and myself

Government is falling short on its promise to “fix the crisis in social care” as chronic understaffing rising waiting lists and patchwork funding place sustained pressure on local authorities In a report published today the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) calls for stronger leadership long-term financial support and a clear workforce strategy to address key shortfalls in the adult social care sector In 2021, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) set out a 10-year vision for adult social care In the same year the Government committed £5 4 billion funding over three years on top of existing budgets to reform adult social care However, in April 2023 plans for system reform were revised, scaling back shortterm plans to £729 million over the period 2022-23 to 2024-25 Worryingly Government has no roadmap for achieving its vision or any targets or milestones beyond 2025 with nothing meaningful in place to demonstrate progress Workforce vacancies in the sector which employs around 1 6m people exceeded 152 000 in March 2023 a vacancy rate of almost 10% The PAC fears the workforce plan set out to address this shortfall is woefully insufficient to the scale of the task The DHSC s future reliance on overseas staff raises significant questions of the impact of proposed visa restrictions and risks of exploitation The demand for adult social care services in rural areas is of particular concern to the PAC as it is set to rise against a backdrop of chronic understaffing in these communities In 2022-23
Mel Powell General Manager at Park View Care Centre in Ashford is training to run the London Marathon for Children with Cancer UK Mel joined the RCH Family in August of 2023 As a qualified nurse Mel has worked in Health and Social Care for
Marathon journey Mel hopes to continue to foster the person-centred and family-orientated atmosphere at the heart of the home and beyond by also supporting local charities and dementia groups Residents staff families and loved ones at the Nursing and Residential Dementia home are following Mel’s Marathon training journey with a blog in the home s newsletter there are also a number of fund-raising events being held at the home before the big day on Sunday 21st April Mel has been a member of a local running club known as South Kent Harriers for some years and completed several Marathons including ones in Cyprus Lanzarote and Malta as well as Marathons in England However Mel has never been successful in securing a space in the London Marathon until this year Securing a charity place running for Children with Cancer UK Charity a cause close to her heart, Mel revealed the journey will be a whole family affair I will be running alongside my husband son and daughter as well as several other members of my family we ll get through it together ’ On the day residents and the team are planning on holding a party to follow Mel s run not only by watching the live Television coverage but also via the app using their Digital Rainbow Tablet, a large interactive screen which can be mobilised around so everyone can get involved and feel part of Mel s Marathon Ashford Care Home Manager Running London Marathon For Children’s Cancer Charity Carers Pull Strings To Make Wish Come True For Ex-Harpist Georgina, 89

Registrations Now Open for Care Home Open Week 2024

Registrations are now open for Care Home Open Week (CHOW) 2024 which takes place from 24-30 June

The event will also repeat the Great British Care Cycle Relay covering 300 miles from Manchester to London Cyclists stop at care services along the way Each leg of the relay is around 20 miles and cyclists can complete as many legs as they wish

Registrations are open via the Championing Social Care website

The aim is to shine a positive light on the work of the care sector by encouraging homes to open their doors to the public, VIPs and local decision-makers

In 2023 over 5 000 care services registered to take part in Care Home Open Week That s around a third of the total number of homes in the country More than 150

Class Of 2023 Graduate From The Barchester Chef Academy

With expert guidance from Barchester s Hospitality Development and Standards Manager Mervyn Knights 20 talented head chefs –the Class of 2023 – have just completed a year’s training and graduated from the Barchester Chef Academy

The Academy is the brainchild of Knights who joined Barchester 21 years ago as a Kitchen Assistant and worked his way up through the ranks to head chef and then to his current position as part of the team overseeing hospitality training across the whole of Barchester Along with the rest of the hospitality team it is Mervyn s job to ensure that the food being produced in all of Barchester’s 258 care homes and private hospitals for residents and patients meets Barchester s very high standards in terms of quality taste nutrition and presentation and that dishes are being prepared to the exact requirements of our individual residents

The Barchester Chef Academy helps chefs to both hone their skills and learn new ones, covering many different modules including cooking for residents living with dementia budgeting balancing flavours minimising wastage, presentation skills and so much more The 20 chefs who completed this year s course were full of praise for all they had learned; the chance to perfect new techniques and recipes share hints

and tips, to network and make new contacts and to expand their skill set Back in their divisions these chefs will help to train the hospitality teams in their sister homes

Speaking about the Academy s success Mervyn Knights commented: I am absolutely delighted at how well the Academy has been received by everyone who attended the course, it has been such a positive experience for all involved We have already started work with the Academy’s new Class of 2024 who are really enjoying the programme so far and who I know will go on to achieve great things

Dr Pete Calveley, CEO of Barchester Healthcare added “I am a huge fan of the Academy not least because I have had the pleasure of sampling some of the fantastic dishes produced by our talented chefs I am impressed by the high standard of cooking and by how beautifully everything is presented I am incredibly proud of all of the chefs that took part in the Academy this year, I know they produce wonderful food for our residents and patients cooked to their individual preferences every single day I am also exceptionally proud of Mervyn and all that he has achieved with the Academy it is a brilliant initiative and one that I know will go from strength to strength under his leadership

The Care Show London Conference Programme Is Now Live

co uk/thecarer for further information

Opeque can assist in reducing energy bills complying with legislation, managing health and safety and achieving a sustainable operation Over years Opeque has worked with various industry sectors from tyre manufacturing to laundries schools to hotels and hospitals to care homes optimising their manufacturing procedures and facilities management Applying industrial engineering principles, we address productivity resource efficiency, quality control, health and safety and asset management bringing people utilities equipment and buildings together to realise product excellence We have worked with many care homes to provide laundry services and water hygiene and it is from these close relationships that we believe we can further assist your CARE HOME to reduce operating costs Call or Email NOW: 07831 873355, email admin@opeque com or visit www opeque com See the advert on page 6 for details PAGE 26 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024
Members of Parliament visited homes during the week and the event had support from Government ministers and the Royal Family This year, the organisers plan to make it an even bigger event, encouraging an even broader range of care services to take part 2023 saw also saw the inaugural Great British Care Cycle Relay which took place in the same week as Care Home Open Week The Relay invites volunteers to join a cycle relay that will run from Manchester to London via stops in North Wales stopping at care services along the way to highlight how social care services are at the heart of communities up and down the country Each leg of the relay will be around 20 miles in length and cyclists can join the relay for as many legs as they wish Both events will begin with high profile launch events on 24th June Venues and additional details will be announced soon Mitesh Dhanak Chair of the Care Home Open Week Committee commented: “Care Home Open Week is a unique opportunity for the care sector to showcase the amazing work that it does for people Care services are at the heart of their communities and it’s a brilliant way of engaging with local communities and for us to raise the profile of care services across society I m thrilled too, that we will be running in tandem with the Great British Cycle Relay once again It really highlights the volunteer commitment that underpins our ethos as a sector
The wait is over as the Care Show London conference programme is now live! Join us this 24-25 April at ExCeL London for the biggest celebration of care in the nation's capital Come and hear from 100+ speakers to further your education explore 150+ suppliers and network with other professionals in the sector The conference programme is delivered by expert speakers across six dedicated theatres allowing you to plan your day effortlessly, so you can focus on getting all the knowledge in: www careshowlondon co uk/conference-programme-2024 At Care Show London, you will hear success stories that will help you in your care journey gain a better understanding of what the upcoming election means for social care, and find insights into hiring and retaining staff With a strong emphasis on celebrating the voice of care and focusing on positive information takeaways this event will equip you with everything you need to achieve your 2024 goals ahead of time We can t wait to see you and the whole care community this spring and work together towards a better future for social care Visit www careshowlondon
Reduce Your Operating Costs!!

Swift Response Ltd

Grades 2 3 and 4 the


fully inflate and deflate around the pressure sore in dynamic alternating mode This action mimics residents’ natural sleep movements to optimise the flow of blood and air to the affected area The integral foam mattress can be stowed underneath the cells, if needed for Grades 3 and 4 to create a full mattress system with maximum therapeutic hyperaemia

Additional features include: ‘Auto Weight’ which automatically weighs the patient and adjusts pressure accordingly removing the need for manual intervention; Auto Upright which automatically optimises pressure when the patient is sitting up; and Auto Firm which adjusts the system to static maximum inflation to allow for nursing and care procedures Importantly there are no external pumps hanging from the bed that can hinder carers and an ultra-rapid CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) valve readies the mattress for chest compressions To discover more about the Integra-Mat please visit: https://store blueleafcare com/product/pr766266integra-mat-auto-dynamic-mattress-system

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Consort Claudgen s innovation in the electric heating industry takes another leap forward by introducing Wi-Fienabled heaters to their low surface temperature (LST) range These cutting-edge heaters offer unparalleled convenience and efficiency The heaters connect directly to WiFi enabling users to control heating through the digital control panel on the heater or via the Consort Connect app With a comprehensive 7-day timer, which allows 24 individual heating periods per day, and features such as a lock function, open window detection, and custom automation, users can tailor their heating needs to their preferences Adding to the ease of use, users can view the energy consumption statistics of all connected heaters providing insights into usage patterns and potential savings The LST heaters with Wi-Fi and occupancy sensors have a self-learning control ability They utilise in-built occupancy sensors to detect and learn a user s weekly presence in a room creating an intuitive heating schedule When the space is unoccupied the heater conserves energy by switching to a setback temperature or frost protection mode BIM (Building Information Modelling) objects for the heaters are available for download from Consort’s website 01646 692172 | sales@consortepl com | www consortepl com See the advert on page 7 Consort Claudgen Introduces Wi-Fi Enabled Heaters to LST Range Swift Response Ltd is leading the way in the heating industry across England and Wales offering bespoke care plans tailored to meet the needs of both commercial and domestic clients Central to Swift Response s ethos is providing a 'worry-free maintenance experience marked by reliability and affordability with prices starting from a modest £25 per month The firm is celebrated for its cost-effective solutions designed to ease the financial strain on its clientele This approach not only renders essential heating services more accessible to a wider audience but also offers peace of mind to customers reassured by the transparency of costs Swift Response sets itself apart with a commitment to personalised service Acknowledging the distinct needs of each customer Swift Response delivers tailor-made solutions that ensure maximum heating efficiency and comfort This personalised touch not only enhances the customer experience but also ensures more and efficient problem resolution by offering individual account managers for commercial clients In essence Swift Response is redefining heating maintenance across England and Wales with its clientfocused plans By combining affordable pricing starting at £25 per month a pledge to hassle-free service and a customised approach to customer care Swift Response guarantees its clients a warm comfortable environment free from the usual worries associated with heating maintenance and repair Website www swiftresponseltd co uk Phone number 0800 577 0026 Email swiftresponseltd@gmail com See page 11
MOWOOT II - a revolutionary non-invasive solution to chronic constipation Developed by doctors and other healthcare professionals the MOWOOT II mechanically performs gentle abdominal massage that speeds up intestinal transit in people suffering w ic constipation Clinically proven effective sa ing and easy to apply the MOW Abdominal Massage Therapy Sy relieves troublesome constipatio the sufferers the freedom and enjoyment of a healthy life Comfortable when used the MOWOOT II treats and manages chronic constipation in people with spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease Gentle abdominal massage with MOWOOT II helps the menopausal and post-menopausal women and the older and elderly people experiencing idiopathic chronic constipation In clinical studies the MOWOOT II was found to increase evacuation frequency soften stools improve regularity reduce gasses and bloating and relieve abdominal discomfort Just 10 to 20 minutes per day of relaxing abdominal massage therapy with the MOWOOT II produces evident improvement Significant results are experienced few days after the first treatment Regular usage of the MOWOOT II ensures lasting relief and better quality of life MOWOOT II for simple, safe and effective relief from chronic constipation! Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866 –nfo@win-health com - www win-health com See the adverts on page 3 and the front cover C&S Seating Ltd C&S Seating Ltd have provided postural control equipment to residential homes hospices medical equipment services and NHS trust hospitals nationw de since 1991 With 9 different sizes of T-Rolls and Log Rolls in a removable and machine washable Waterproof Titex or Soft Knit material These rolls are used to control posture and position of the body in either supine or side lying Our Knee & Leg support wedges are available in 2 sizes C&S Seating Ltd is the sole manufacturer of the Alternative Positioning Support – also available in two sizes, which has removable side cushions and middle pommel for when more control of the abducted lower limb is required Our popular and vibrant range of Soft Knit covers in a choice of 5 colours, provide a softer alternative ideal for the colder seasons and are designed to fit snug over our waterproof rolls for maximum protection and comfort Contact us on 01424 853331 or visit www cands-seating co uk to request or download a brochure pricelist or order form request an individualised quotation speak to an advisor or to place an order See the advert on page 6 MOWOOT II for Constipation-Free Life The range exclusive to Grahame Gardner incorporates cutting-edge technology Micro-Fresh® to help keep healthcare workers safe whilst maintaining unrivalled comfort The garment fabric which is 65 per cent polyester and 35 per cent cotton is incorporated with innovative Micro-fresh® technology at point of manufacture The antimicrobial technology not only kills 99 9 per cent of bacteria beyond 50 washes but is also proven to reduce the spread of human coronavirus by 99 2 per cent With wash resistant antibacterial protection Micro-Fresh® also boasts odour prevention providing longer lasting freshness for the wearer The scrubs are hypoallergenic gentle on skin and vegan friendly The exclusive scrubs are available in two fits – unisex and female – the scrub top is available in six colourways Oasis Navy Eau de Nil Bottle Smoke Grey and Blue 18 each with a classic contrasting white trim the trousers are available in core colours Navy Bottle and Black Grahame Gardner also offer all six scrub colours in their Made to Order range with a bespoke choice of trim colour The scrub top design features multiple pockets including two waterproof chest pockets and a wearers right hand hip pocket which also has a pen divide and an elastic loop for a clip-on hand sanitiser The trousers have a drawstring waist and also side and a back pockets The range is exclusively available to purchase here: www grahamegardner co uk/healthcare/ microfresh-scrubs html www grahamegardner co uk info@grahamegardner co uk See the advert on page 5 for further details Exclusive Antimicrobial Scrub Technology by Grahame Gardner and Micro-Fresh® SecuriCare For over 30 years SecuriCare has been supporting Care organisations and the people they care for by providing consultancy and training to help prevent and manage behaviours that challenge service delivery Our training is a blend of online and classroom-based sessions that provides a bespoke person-centred approach focused on reducing incidents of challenging behaviour and the use of restrictive interventions SecuriCare is a British Institute of Learning Disabilities-Association of Certified Training (BILD-ACT) Approved Restraint Reduction training provider; an Institute of Conflict Management (ICM) Quality Award Centre; and an ISO 9001 2015 Certified Organisation Our training programmes are developed following an extensive training needs analysis to ensure we fully meet your organisation s training needs SecuriCare also offers training to manage incidents that require clinical holding to assist with administering care and medical interventions The SecuriCare Soft Mitt System provides a safe and secure alternative to prolonged physical intervention and can also help prevent self-harm SecuriCare now offers a Franchise opportunity to those working in care As a SecuriCare Franchisee you will be your own boss and we will provide you with the training mentoring and resources to enable you to deliver the SecuriCare product range You will be fully supported in your career as an expert trainer in this exciting and rewarding area of work For more information or to discuss your training needs please contact us for a free and no-obligation training need analysis: E: trainers@securicare com T: 01904 492 442 W: www securicare com or see page 7 for details Watch your resident s eyes light up when the trolley arrives! Euroservice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell personal care products to residents How about a delicious snack/pastry trolley or even a drinks trolley for that afternoon tipple? Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents! Visit the website at www euroservice-uk com to see the full range Or see the advert on page 23 Ser ve in Style with Euroser vice Trolleys Blueleaf Care Launches the Integra-Mat Mattress to Alleviate and Prevent All Grades of Pressure Sores Blueleaf Care the nationwide business that helps care homes deliver better outcomes has launched a new pressure care mattress suitable for all pressure sores, from Grades 1 to 4, and can be used as a static or a fully dynamic alternating therapy mattress for high-quality care The Integra-Mat, which is available to care homes exclusively through Blueleaf Care and augments the company s existing Universal Therapy System (UTS) is a therapeutic support system which provides the best in comfort function efficiency and clinical excellence in line with best practice guidelines Described as a hybrid step-up step-down mattress system the Integra-Mat can be used as a static mattress or it can be stepped-up to support the active prevention or treatment of painful pressure sores and ensure residents who do experience them remain as comfortable as possible Over 700 000 people in the UK suffer from pressure sores almost all of which (95%) are avoidable with the right care and equipment For residents requiring Grade 1 pressure care the air mattress fully inflates in static mode with the foam mattress on the top surface under the cover; for
air pockets
Dignified Dining Make sure everyone is looking stylish dignified and elegant at mealtimes Care Designs smart range of adult clothing protectors incorporate the waterproofing functionality of a bib but with the style of fashionable clothing accessories They are soft-feel highly absorbent, waterproof, quick drying and are available in a wide range of colours Our Tabard Style Adult Bibs with pockets are made with our professional grade PRO80TM fabric which is strong long-lasting waterproof and washable up to 60OC Get 15% off now by using code CARDESIGNS15 at our web-shop check-out! (Offer ends 1st June) Website: www bibetta com E-mail: enquiries@bibetta com Tel: 01223 840236 See the advert on page 13 PAGE 28 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024

Local Authorities Spending “Unsustainable”

Two-Thirds Of Their Budgets On Care Ser vices

to compensate for rising costs and demand

Per-person spend on children’s services for the 37 councils in county areas has virtually doubled in the last decade – going from £88 per head in 2013/14 to £171 per person in 2023/24: a 93% increase This is higher than any other council type and the England average increase of 77%

Per-person spend on adult social care for the 37 councils in county areas which the CCN represents has increased by 50% over the last decade: going from £237 per person in 2013/14 to £357 per person in 2023/24 Taken together county and unitary councils are spending £202 more per person on these two care services as they were a decade ago

The 37 councils in England s county areas have on average budgeted to spend 69% of their entire budgets on just adult social care and children s services rising to 76% for some councils This average represents an increase from 63% a decade ago

where budgets are not protected will see a real terms reduction in funding from 2025/26 The CCN argues that councils will not be able to withstand another bout of funding reductions without fundamentally undermining the financial solvency of even the most well-run and efficient councils

The CCN is also warning that with demand showing no signs of abating there needs to be an honest discussion ahead of the general election with all main political parties as to what councils can be expected to deliver if local government is to face a further funding squeeze

The ten-year analysis of budgets reveals:

For councils across all of England with social care responsibilities both children s services and adult social care now consume 65% of a local authority s entire budget on average up from 57% in 2014 Taken together councils on average are spending £212 per head more on these services combined compared to a decade before

• Children’s services have witnessed the most dramatic rise in per person expenditure: from £120 per head in 2014 to £212 in 2024, a 77% rise With spending per person on adult social care also rising over the same period from £252 to £372, these two services alone account for 85% of the entire increase in per head spending on all council services Councils are spending significantly more on children’s services and adult social care because demand and costs have mushroomed between 2014 and 2024 with councils spending less on all other services as a consequence Alongside this government grant funding has largely been focused on those care services and there has been the introduction of social care council tax precept However these measures have been insufficient

Looking ahead with demand and costs projected to rise in both children’s and adults care services the proportion of councils’ budgets for all other services – including those that are highly valued and used by the majority of an area’s population – will continue to be squeezed The number of children in care has reached a record high, whilst the number of over 65s has risen 20% over the past decade

Alongside a discussion on what councils can reasonably be expected to deliver, the CCN is also calling on the next government to set out a comprehensive set of reforms which if implemented successfully could help address demand and costs in children’s services This includes reform of the marketplace in children’s services and a cap set on what private provide providers can charge for residential placements for children in care

Cllr Roger Gough CCN Spokesperson for Children s Services said:

This data brings to life the difficult decisions we all had to face when putting together our budgets this winter: what is left after spend for care services is factored in? These services are some of the most important we provide – they change peoples lives and they protect the most vulnerable in our society – but the fact remains they are not used by the majority of the population

“With more than two-thirds of the average county local authority’s budget now spent on just children’s services and adult social care, rising to three quarters in some areas, there is simply less and less each year for us to spend on highly valued services such as libraries, road repairs, and street lighting

“This month’s Budget confirmed that the public finances remain extremely tight Therefore we need to have an honest discussion with all main political parties as we head into the general election

In a fitting tribute this International Women's Day CHD Living a family-owned care group honoured the extraordinary women on its senior leadership team This celebration not only acknowledges their individual and collective contributions but also highlights the organisation s commitment to nurturing and advancing women s careers within the care sector

CHD Living s senior leadership team predominantly composed of women with decades of service showcases the dynamic career trajectories possible within the organisation These leaders exemplify loyalty innovation and compassion helping to drive CHD Living’s success

Nazira Hasham CEO and Founding Partner of CHD Living reflects on the organisation's journey and its vibrant culture of supporting women: "For over forty years, we have been committed to empowering women to excel and lead Our leadership team, made up of seven strong, independent females, many of whom began their careers in frontline positions, are a shining example of our dedication to professional development and equality Their journeys with CHD Living underscores the limitless opportunities for growth and the significant impact women can make in the care sector On this International Women s Day we celebrated their achievements and reaffirm our responsibility to fostering an inclusive and encouraging environment for all in our CHD family

Nazira s own story is one of resilience and pioneering spirit Migrating from Uganda as a refugee she transitioned from a pharmaceutical career to co-found CHD Living driven by a profound respect for elder care ingrained in her from a young age Over the years her expansive role ranging from direct care provision to strategic oversight reflects her unwavering commitment and passion for care – the very essence of what CHD Living stands for

Within the heart of the care group, there are many stories of growth and success, especially for the women who have shaped its legacy Each of them brings forth their unique narrative Becs Page's 15-year tenure at CHD Living exemplifies progression and opportunity Starting her journey as a Care Supervisor, Becs now heads up the quality assurance and compliance department, a role critical to maintaining the high standards of care CHD Living is known for Her story, from conducting audits to mentoring team members illustrates not just the scope of development at CHD Living but also the personal fulfilment it brings Becs advice to all the women out there Don t be defined by other people; you define yourself

Helen Aitchison who has worked with the organisation for over a decade has progressed through a

number of roles She is now part of the senior leadership team as Head of Communications and Transformation which is testament not only to Helen s hard work but CHD Living s ability to recognise and nurture talent Helen shared: I wouldn t say the organisation supports women differently to men but they re most certainly inclusive Senior management in the care sector is still heavily male dominated however CHD Living stands apart from this with a higher proportion of females sitting at senior management and board level This isn t something that has been purposefully structured it s happened organically and that is what is so special about this organisation ”

Nicole Fitzsimons went from Support Worker to Group Branch Manager for care at home She shared: “I have been provided with many openings throughout my career I have progressed through six roles within my 10 years at CHD Living and wouldn't be where I am today without the team here I have grown professionally and personally ”

Rebecca Connolly made a transition from the care at home sector and became Regional Manager for CHD Living's southern care homes She said "The organisation gave me the opportunity to take on a new role from home care to care homes I was guided through the entire transition and I receive regular training as well I ve even been able to start my Level 7 qualification in leadership and business

Tracy Lazell Regional Manager has a career in care and support spanning 33 years – starting out as a carer and working her way up to management and now one of CHD Living s Regional Manager s Highlighting the career of Shaleeza Hasham Commercial Director and a member of the founding family her story is a beacon of innovation and leadership Having officially worked at CHD Living for 15 years Shaleeza s journey from providing administrative and marketing and communications support to steering the organisation’s commercial strategies, demonstrates the breadth of opportunities at CHD Living Her achievements, including spearheading the Adopt a Grandparent charity and receiving numerous industry accolades, reflect CHD Living’s pioneering outlook and devotion to community service

Shaleeza said: “Working at CHD Living extends far beyond just a job – it is a lifestyle We are responsible for the wellbeing of so many people, our team members, our residents and their families and I

love that our core values are centred around family values Every day is fun and every day is different ” Nazira Hasham added: I could not be prouder of our team members and we are incredibly grateful to have such inspirational individuals working with us I encourage all women to follow their hearts Break the glass ceiling and don t listen to anyone who tells you that you can t do something
Councils are spending over £200 per person more on children’s services and adult social care compared to a decade ago with these two services alone now consuming two-thirds of the average local authority’s budget new analysis shows Council leaders say that a combination of increased demand and rising costs mean spend on these two care services has mushroomed over the last decade squeezing the funding they have for the hundreds of other services they deliver such as libraries road repairs street lighting and parks maintenance The analysis by Pixel Financial Management (Pixel) for the County Councils Network (CCN) shows that per person spending on children s services has risen most dramatically rising 77% over the past decade and consuming almost a quarter (23%) of all council expenditure – up from less than one fifth (18%) in 2014 Spending on adult social care has risen by 48% per person over the same period For the 37 upper-tier councils in county areas who are members of the CCN per-person spend children’s services has doubled since 2013-14 whilst per-head spend on adult social care has increased 50% For those councils, these two services combined account for up to three quarters of some councils’ entire budgets On average, they account for 69% of an average county authority s budget, up from 63% a decade ago Earlier this month it was announced in the Budget that government departments
on what councils can reasonably be expected to deliver in a climate where substantive extra funds are unlikely and both demand and costs are set to rise In tandem with this the next government should also undertake an ambitious reform programme to drive down costs in children s services and social care leaving no stone unturned Care Group, CHD Living, Celebrates the Trailblazing Women of its Senior Leadership Team Revd Canon Tim Alban Jones, the Vice Dean of Peterborough Cathedral, has visited Barchester’s Longueville Care Home, in Orton, to do a talk on the history of Peterborough Cathedral The Rev Tim Jones accepted our invitation to talk to residents of the home for an informal talk about the history of the Cathedral that residents enjoyed as well as showing our residents images on the projector General Manager Krzysztof Krzysztofiak said: It was lovely to have Revd Canon Tim Alban Jones here for the day The residents were delighted that he was able to visit us We all had a wonderful day and we hope that he will come to see us again soon! Revd Canon Tim Alban Jones Visit To Longueville Court Care Home
Adding to the family of impervious contract upholstery solutions from Skopos Encanto provides a burst of colour and texture into commercial spaces Marrying the key attributes: antimicrobial impervious soil and stain resist the 3 designs offer amazing performance without compromising on style Following in the footsteps of Chamonix Moritz and most recently Chamonix Deuxième the choice within the collection is designed to compliment a range of different interior choices With 38 new Skus each design works beautifully alone or in combination to create simple contemporary and stylish contract furniture pieces The fractured herringbone Onda injects a familiar yet unique texture alongside a flexible small-scale check and our familiar Cuba linen design The palette provides pops of colour or a choice of classical neutrals The three designs are provided are Halogen-free, Oeke-tex 100 compliant, with Crib 5 Flame Retardant backing with 50 000 Martindale rubs offering a beautiful choice for any contract interiors whether office education care or highend hospitality and cruise interiors Along with many other Skopos upholstery fabrics this collection comes under the Skopos Protect+ banner Perfect for flagship interiors with colours that compliment Skopos drapery and bedding designs view the full palette on-line and order a shade-card The collection meets the requirements for Flame Retardancy standards across the UK and Europe, and meets IMO standards with the added benefit of the MED wheelmark, confirming suitability for marine/cruise-line interiors Available immediately, with short lead-times for larger order quantities, Skopos are pleased to add this collection into their Accents range For a copy of our Encanto shade-card pls contact our customer service team sales@skopos co uk or for free samples of our collections visit our website: skoposfabrics com Skopos are looking to become a Carbon Neutral organisation in 2023 working towards PAS2060 status as part of our drive towards a more sustainable future For further information please visit our website Skopos is an ISO9001 accredited company and has more than 50 years specialist experience in the design and manufacture of high-performance FR contract fabrics for the hosp tality sector Images show Marmotte Magenta and Slalom Olive/ Orelle Elm provided by Barons Furniture PAGE 30 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 FURNITURE AND FITTINGS Firstlight Products are award winning market leaders in contemporary, classical and contract lighting We have over 40 years of experience in the lighting industry supplying both UK and overseas customers We pride ourselves in our comprehensive range of products for both Interior and Exterior use Our lighting products are of the very latest designs and can help your Care Home look attractive and up to date The importance of selecting the correct lighting solution is greatly underappreciated It is so important to consider the correct items as this can help create warmth and coziness Selecting incorrectly and areas can be cold and clinical Our lighting categories include decorative ranges ceiling fittings wall lights table & floor bathroom spotlights track and an extensive range of outdoor We have lighting solutions for bedrooms bathrooms open living areas as well as garden and outdoor security We have friendly Technical support available at the end of the telephone or email to help with any questions or queries you may have on the products in our range In 2022 we were awarded for our Quality Assurance processes by the Lighting Industry Association which allows customers complete confidence when selecting their products You can view Firstlight s entire range at our comprehensive website which includes product specification sheets of every product to help you select and choose your preferred option For more information about Firstlight and how we can help you please call one of our team on 01908 310221 or email flp@firstlight-products co uk Our comprehensive website can be found at www firstlight-products co uk Please see our advertisement on page 9 Firstlight Have the Lighting Range to Help Illuminate Your Care Home with Style Encanto and Cuba – Fabrics for Well-designed Contract Interiors Mr Trax Curtain & Blind Solutions aims to provide a first class service across a wide range of products and bespoke fittings thanks to its two decades of experience with many previous clients in the care sector Mr Trax has a range of NHS compliant fabrics for use in care homes including ‘blackout They can supply and fit a wide range of flame retardant curtains and blinds in various fabrics to be made to your sizes and fitted using heavy duty fittings and rails Curtains can normally be made and installed within four weeks and blinds in two weeks Fire retardant blinds on heavy weight systems are readily available and can be manually controlled or electrically operated They also have antimicrobial options as well all at varying prices all normally available in two-three weeks Faster times are available on some products The company is affiliated with Checkatrade where you can see customer reviews including this recent comment: Douglas did a fantastic job fitting our shutters and curtain rail He even fitted an extra rail for us which we had bought ourselves! Friendly and efficient service plus great looking results Very pleasedwould definitely recommend! Based in Hailsham East Sussex and owned and run by Doug and Carol Coe the firm also provides a number of corded and motorised options for blinds as well as curtains and offers a comprehensive range of shutters Doug says: “We stock two ranges of silent gliss corded curtain tracks and two ranges of silent gliss uncorded curtain tracks the fitted prices for which are available on this website All of the aluminium silent gliss tracks stock can be shaped and fitted into bay windows, as can some of the poles We also have ready access to many more ranges of both tracks and poles, most of which we can get in one working day “To read more of what our customers say about us please do look us up on Checkatrade: checkatrade com/mrtrax Call now to speak to one of our team on 0800 3345114 or 07968 242004 email us at: doug@mrtrax co uk Mr Trax Curtain & Blind Solutions
THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 | PAGE 31 NUTRITION & HYDRATION Nutrition and Hydration Week was earlier this month Food procurement experts allmanhall s dietitian Tess Warnes shares a menu of ideas for year-round inspiration BREAKFAST: Including protein in breakfast can help our increased protein requirements as we get older: Pancakes (add protein powder to the mix) with fruit Greek yoghurt and flaked almonds Porridge topped with Greek yoghurt chia seeds and berries Tofu scrambled on toast Breakfast burrito wrap with beans egg avocado SNACKS: Especially if appetite is generally low, make things available throughout the day to encourage consumption of a wider range of nutrients Nutritious snack ideas could include • Cheese scones Cheese and crackers Hummus with pitta bread Peanut better on toast Avocado on oat cakes Savoury muffins Greek yoghurt with fruit Dried fru t and nuts Including more fruit is important to increase fibre and prevent constipation as well as contributing important nutrients in the diet Fruit kebabs are another fun snack! DRINKS: Mild dehydration can impact balance concentration and energy levels Longer term dehydration can lead to urinary tract infections renal disease and kidney stones As we get older we might not recognise the thirst in the same way To encourage residents to drink more: Use a drinks trolley giving plenty of choice • Encourage keeping a bottle or cup nearby All fluids count including those containing caffeine • Smoothies are great for increasing nutrients as well as fluid Try adding ingredients to boost energy and protein such as Greek yoghurt Remember that fluid can be taken through foods with higher water level contents such as fruit & vegetables Read my blog to find out more about hydration allmanhall are proud partners of the NACC and award-winning experts when it comes to food procurement and consultative support Find out more https://allmanhall co uk Food Procurement Experts, allmanhall are Supporting Nutrition and Hydration in Care Homes SUPPLYING PREMIUM COFFEE MACHINES & PRODUCTS WWW.MOORCOFFEE.CO.UK 01409 231166 MOOR COFFEE LTD One Touch Machines for Ease of Use Moor Coffee Ltd. Our Independent coffee company specialises in coffee machines coffee beans brewing equipment throughout the UK With over 25 years experience in the beverage vending industry We understand that choosing a new coffee machines can be difficult - bean to cup - instant machine what is right for you? That is where our dedicated team can offer help & advice with our knowledge gained by our time in the industry we can guide you to finding the right solution for your care home enabling you to supply quality drinks for your clients visitors and staff Machine accessories can be added to create a complete model and once you have chosen your machine we will deliver install and train you and your staff After-sales support is taken seriously so we provide you with a comprehensive back-up service with regular customer contact a range of point-of-sale material and a fully equipped service department We can offer a range of purchase options Call us now on 01409 231166 or visit www moorcoffee co uk PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING

Triton has unveiled its new Omnicare Digital solution designed for safer showering in level access bathrooms

Expanding its industryleading collection of Omnicare electric care showers, the latest launch from Britain’s leading shower manufacturer has Bluetooth compatibility enabling it to automatically pair with a Whale Instant Match pump evacuating wastewater from showers where gravity cannot do so Ideal for both new build and retrofit applications the product joins Triton s existing Omnicare Omnicare Ultra and Omnicare Design products to form a complete range of inclusive thermostatic showering solutions


ACCESSIBLE BATHING Get Your Bathroom Ready For When You Return From Hospital After a stay in hospital it s wonderful to hear the words you can go home But if your physical needs have changed it s important that you can live at home safely and without any struggle This might mean organising equipment or renovations before you come home At AHM Installations we are used to installing bathrooms for people coming home from hospital Here s our guide to getting it right: Take note of what the professionals say A doctor nurse or occupational therapist may recommend what activities you need help with For example if you need a walking frame or wheelchair as your bathroom supplier we d need to know what size it is Know the difference between independent and assisted bathing If your goal is to remain independent we d need to know whether you can sit down and stand up unaided and how your mobility is likely to change over time If a carer is going to help then products such as bath-lifts may need to be considered Ask a fam ly member or close fr end to help Take the pressure off and involve someone you trust in making the decisions Use a bathroom company you can trust Some companies focus on selling bathroom products without understanding your needs At AHM our priority is quality of life – we think there’s no point having a product unless it makes things safer and easier for you You’re welcome to call us on 0800 731 6495 just for advice – there s always someone at the end of the phone We offer a Price Match Guarantee and discounts for military veterans
with innovative features the Omnicare Digital switches off instantly if power to the pump is cut for any reason preventing flooding Quiet in operation the unit controls the pump s speed based on flow rates so gulley suction noise is minimised With a small footprint, the pump can be installed in various locations, including bathrooms, airing cupboards and other accessible locations –making it easier and faster for contractors to fit and maintain A 7m pairing distance through Bluetooth wireless technology also offers flexibility for the pump to be sited outside the bathroom area For more information about Triton s Omnicare range please visit: www tritonshowers co uk/care-showers Contact details: Call: 02476 324 776 Email: specification@tritonshowers co uk
Omnicare Digital Shower for Level Access
No obligation Site Survey • 5 year Parts & Labour Warranty* (*Machines need to be serviced by a Meiko approved Service Partner) • No obligation Sluice Room Design
Purchase options available ◦ Outright Purchase ◦ Klarna Pay
Lease options
Fully comprehensive packages
Try before you buy available (experience the Meiko equipment in your facility before you commit) Call 24 Hours 03452 999 999 CONTACT US FOR MORE DETAILS

Offer chemical plans that cut the cost of bedpan washer/scale inhibitor and macerator disinfectant by up to 15%

Maintain all sluice machines not just their own models – cutting the cost of callouts and reducing the time spent waiting for engineers

Give you full visibility of the condition and requirements of all your sluice room assets 24/7 with a unique online portal This also reduces time spent on CQC compliance


Decades of experience tell us that the true cost of a machine breakdown averages £633 (assuming

SLUICE ROOMS & INFECTION CONTROL PAGE 34 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 CUT COSTS WITH A STRATEGIC APPROACH Sluice rooms are the front line defence against infections (HCAIs) in care homes But buying the right sluice equipment and getting optimum performance from it requires a strategic approach Balancing sluice room performance and costs should never mean compromising – not when safety is at stake There is also the matter of CQC ratings Refurbishing sluice rooms replacing machines or creating new facilities should be part of an all-encompassing strategy that maximises machine reliability and minimises expenditure That means factoring in costs for the whole operational life of the equipment not just the initial purchase price and ad hoc repairs Think about the lifetime cost of running each machine This strategic approach means working with a world-class manufacturer – such as DDC Dolphin – that can: Recommend the best bedpan washer disinfectors and medical pulp macerators for your requirements Customise machine software to reduce energy consumption and improve performance Offer complete sluice room builds and refurbishments, including hospital-grade flooring and wall cladding –replacing older materials that could pose an infection risk Provide robust 304 and 316 stainless steel sluice room furniture for easier cleaning and improved hygiene Cut the cost of repairs (and fix machines faster) with planned preventative maintenance Proper servicing extends machine life saving money Reduce energy bills by preventing limescale build-up in machines – 1 mm of limescale can increase energy
by 11%
there is no service contract in place) This average cost is based on: call out charge £217 labour £116/hour parts £300 With proper planned preventative maintenance delivered through a pre-agreed service contract the cost of a sluice machine breakdown can be cut to just £347 – a 45% reduction in cost And the machine will be fixed faster – within 24 hours rather than 72 hours That’s a crucial consideration because the objective is to maximise uptime so the machine can do what it does best – protecting everyone in the care home and wider community from infections Use of scale inhibitor and proper servicing/maintenance will extend the operational life of the machine A well maintained bedpan washer disinfector will last much longer – at least 10 years – compared with around seven years for a machine that has been serviced less regularly And the poorly maintained machine will inevitably have had more breakdowns Both these factors will have a substantial impact on a machine s whole of life costs Contact DDC Dolphin for more information 01202 731555, info@ddcdolphin com, www ddcdolphin com How To Maximise Sluice Room Performance And ROI With over 30 years of experience, CWE can help you provide safe water systems for your care home, including: • Water sampling • Legionella compliance • Asset inspection – tanks, calorifiers etc • Remedial works • Swimming and spa pool testing Tel: 01844 347678 Email: Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies including hand hygiene cleaning training and the adoption of new technologies to tackle the problem As a result a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market including antimicrobial technology Angloplas range of dispensers are produced in the world s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product, reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli Legionella, Salmonella and mould by up to 99 99% For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to www angloplas co uk Chiltern Water & Environment was established in 1991 by Robert Hunt after gaining 25 years' experience as an operational and analytical scientist in the water supply industry The company gained engineering and further management knowledge when David Hunt joined in 2012 Since then other water industry professionals have added to the breadth of knowledge and experience within the company We have always provided high-quality consultancy, testing and remedial services in a professional but personable manner Our steady growth has reflected our clients trust in our services Our current clients include large housing associations pharmaceutical companies and facilities management companies as well as individual landlords and small businesses We ensure all our customers receive the same level of care and attention to detail Duty Holders of all commercial and public building premises are legally required to assess the risk from legionella to anyone using the water systems and put in place legionella control measures if required The HSE has produced ACoP L8 and HSG274 as guidance for Duty Holders obligations We have clients throughout the South East, London and the Midlands and carry out water tests nationally and internationally We currently provide regular water sampling and testing for over 500 sites Tel: 01844 347678 Email: info@chilternwater co uk www chilternwater co uk Expert Water Sampling Ser vices Throughout The UK Why Using A Machine To Clean Bedpans Is Better Than Manual Cleaning The greater the number of tasks you carry out by hand the higher the risk of contamination with germs From moving a bedpan emptying it and storing it everything argues in favour of machine cleaning for bedpans wherever they are used Risks of contamination – a direct comparison The risk of contamination is present wherever a bedpan is handled whether that is during its transport emptying or storage The greater the number of tasks that are carried out by hand the higher the risk Not so with a bedpan washer-disinfector from MEIKO! The machine empties the contents of the bedpan automatically hygienically and safely into the appliance only after you close the door This is important because bodily fluids carry high levels of infectious substances so it requires an extreme level of care and attention and the highest safety standards in disposing of them BEDPAN WASHER-DISINFECTORS Packed with tremendously powerful technology MEIKO washerdisinfectors aim to eliminate the risk of infections stemming from hospital dirty utility rooms Advantages Patented cutting-edge technology provides the guaranteed hygiene standards that patients expect No steam can escape from the machine so care staff have the reassurance of a safe working environment Fast cleaning and disinfection process thanks to short wash cycles (built-in steam generator/water tank) Maximum flexibility due to freely selectable A0 value (60 600 3,000) and multifunctional holder concept Efficient reprocessing thanks to multi-purpose racks and holders for different care utensils Safer and more hygienic thanks to air drying and cooling with filtered air and disinfection of all the water-carrying lines in the system to prevent recontamination Responsible management of the disinfection process is easy thanks to the temperature sensors and data analysis by the control software Meiko washer-disinfectors are available from 24 NRG Group with multiple purchase options and the chance to try before you buy For details see the advert on the previous page or visit www 24nrggroup com
Commercial Kitchen and Laundry Solutions (CKLS) are one of the UK s leading suppliers of commercial kitchen and laundry equipment Whether you are a small sized residential home or large scale nursing home group CKLS has the expertise and equipment you need to keep your operations running smoothly At CKLS we understand that the success of your business depends on the quality of the equipment you use That s why we ve made it our mission to provide businesses across the UK with the highest quality commercial laundry and kitchen equipment available We work with only the best manufacturers in the industry to ensure that our customers get the most reliable and efficient equipment possible Our commitment to our customers doesn't end with the sale of our equipment At CKLS we know that maintenance and repairs are crucial to keeping your equipment functioning at its best That's why we offer a full range of maintenance and repair services to our customers, including emergency repair services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week We believe that our success as a company is measured by the success of our customers That s why we re constantly striving to provide better products and services to help our customers achieve their goals We re proud to say that our commitment to excellence has earned us a reputation as the go-to provider of commercial laundry and kitchen equipment in the UK So if you re looking for reliable high-quality commercial laundry and kitchen equipment, look no further than CKLS With our extensive range of products and services we're confident that we can help you find the right equipment to meet your needs and keep your business running smoothly for years to come Visit our website www ckls co uk contact by phone on 01200 411914 or email at sales@ckls co uk See the advert on page 22 Commercial Kitchen and Laundr y Solutions (CKLS) In the demanding environment of any care home the reliability and efficiency of laundry appliances is paramount Yet all too often care homes find themselves grappling with the challenges of appliance repair and maintenance resorting to thirdparty engineers and facing costly and disruptive downtime Forbes Professional recognises these challenges and is proud to offer solutions that revolutionise laundry management for care homes In addition to rental solutions Forbes offers reactive service contracts to care homes whose existing machines breakdown This grants care operators swift access to a nationwide network of qualified engineers when the in-situ laundry equipment is not beyond economical repair or due an imminent upgrade Forbes Professional s multi-award winning service support enables care homes to rest assured knowing that any issues with their laundry appliances will be promptly addressed by expert technicians With sustainability and client satisfaction at the core of their operation Forbes are always committed to prolonging product life span and minimising downtime and disruption to daily operations When the time comes to upgrade existing laundry equipment Forbes rental solution includes a same/next day engineer response at no extra cost for the duration of the contract Aside from the logistical benefits a key advantage in renting Miele’s highly efficient and reliable commercial laundry appliances from Forbes is the elimination of costly upfront capital outlay Avoiding substantial investments in purchasing equipment enables care homes to allocate their resources more efficiently focusing on delivering exceptional care to residents Whether choosing Forbes Professional for a maintenance contract or a rental solution care homes can optimise their laundry management processes and enhance operational efficiency With their commitment to reliability performance and customer satisfaction Forbes is proud to support care homes in delivering excellence in care while ensuring a seamless and hassle-free laundry experience www forbespro co uk info@forbes-professional co uk 0345 070 2335 Transform Laundr y Management Within Your Care Home with Forbes Professional Chester based Laundry professionals Lavamac Ltd official distributor of Lavamac industrial laundry equipment has received the prestigious Bronze Sustaibnability award in recognition of their policies and procedures based commitment to maintain a sustainable business for ourselves or customers and the environment The three main points Lavamac have been recognised for are: 1 Air source heat pump dryers connected load 3kw as opposed to 30Kw for a 16kg electric dryer and 25-30 kw for Gas clean efficient and saving the planet available from £10995 fully refurb shed to £16995 00 new both with 24 months parts and labour warranty and the option to extend and cost effective annual premium ? 2 Refurbished Equipment we completely rebuild any current model of Primus Lavamac or Ipso washers , dryers and ironers I full ground up restoration leaves these machines as good ( if not better than ) New ! sold rented of leased these machines are between 40-50% of cost of their new equivalent with a warranty as new 24 months parts and labour ( see attached literature on our product range ) 3 Intelligent washings machines ( In conjunction with our partners www countrywidehealthcare co uk ) we can potentially reduce chemical usage by up to 35% and labour by 30 % A delighted Jeremy Hartigan CEO of Lavamac Ltd said: I am extremely proud to announce that Lavamac have been awarded a prestigious Bronze Sustainability Award by the UK Groundworks Trust This award demonstrates our commitment to promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility within the sector This award is renowned for honouring businesses that demonstrate exceptional dedication and innovation and we are thrilled to be recognised for our resolute focus on offering sustainable products and services while raising awareness about the importance of environmental concerns within the sector See the advert on this page for further information on Lavamac Laundr y Specialists Lavamac Receive Sustainability Award PAGE 36 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS

Recreo VR headsets help improve the mental and social wellbeing of those you support with person-centered VR experiences Our fully managed service is a fun and exciting way to personalise care enhance activities and improve the quality of life of your residents

Our service has been designed for the care sector with

ories which are inspired by real experiences and are full of vibrant colours

Also a couple of our residents really enjoy tackling more challenging jigsaws I’m so impressed with how brilliantly they complete them; I certainly couldn t do as well as they do added Chelsey

“Puzzles are a very good pastime for our residents as they can improve mental speed and thought processes – and they are also a positive activity for improving short-term memory They can, of course be an individual activity but they are also a great group activity which creates opportunities for engaging with others chatting and conversations and making friends Daniel continued

Other benefits of puzzles include helping relaxation as by immersing yourself in a puzzle it can serve as an exercise in mindfulness and help to relieve stress For the elderly in particular the act of picking up puzzle pieces turning them over and fitting them together can sometimes but quite a challenge However puzzles are a great way to exercise the small muscles in fingers and eyes

“One of our residents told me that jigsaws can be traced back to the 18th Century when European map makers put their maps on to wood and cut them into small pieces They did this to create learning tools to teach geography – so really interactive puzzles have been around for quite a few hundred years Daniel continued I really do learn something new from our residents every day

“Our interactive Tiny Tablet is another example of our commitment to provide exceptional standards of quality care through person-centred care as all our residents can join in and take part in the group activities or use it on their own It’s up to them – they can do what they want to do when they want to do it ” Chelsey concluded For more information on the Tiny Tablet see the advert on the facing page

Care Home’s Residents Are Definitely Not Clue -Less
To Their Daily Puzzles At Friend of the Elderly s Colchester-based residential care home New Copford Place residents have been celebrating this year’s National Puzzle Day by talking about and engaging with their favourite traditional and application puzzles Whether it’s number puzzles word searches Scrabble matching and memory puzzles or giant classic Jigsaws, residents enjoy a range of daily brain teasers Puzzles are part of New Copford Place s wide and varied daily activities “We tailor all our activities to meet each individual’s likes preferences hobbies and interests and puzzles are a firm favourite said Daniel Sabau the Registered Manager at New Copford Place Our residents thoroughly enjoy all types of puzzles; whether they are played in groups individually on our large electronic interactive Tiny Tablet or sat comfortably around a table there s always some puzzling puzzle mystery taking place ” New Copford Place s interactive activity Tiny Tablet enables residents to enjoy experience and benefit from a wide catalogue of engaging applications It is a large easy to use device with a touchscreen not too dissimilar to an iPad or smart phone but on a much larger scale The ‘Tiny Tablet’ is fully mobile and accessible and can be moved to a standing upright position or turned flat into a table top style “For National Puzzle Day we thought it would be fun to find out our residents’ top three all time favourite puzzles added Chelsey Leather New Copford Place s Activities Coordinator
residents decided that they had more than a top three Their favourites – in no particular order –
Word Searches Scrabble Number Puzzles Matching Puzzles and Memory Puzzles Chelsey continued “When it comes to a classic traditional jigsaw some of our residents enjoy doing the Relish Jigsaws which have been created for those living with dementia They are designed to stimulate minds and evoke happy mem-
Never A Cross-Word At New Copford Place
a chat the
an intuitive app which does not use controllers or difficult operating systems Our library of incredible experiences means there will be something for everyone! The headsets even work offline which is brilliant for domiciliary care and for those rooms where wifi doesn t reach VR is an impactful activity and can be really effective during one-to-ones in group sessions alongside themed activities, and in reminiscence sessions for people living with dementia Our headsets and experiences have been co-designed with people living with dementia and Alzheimer s Society and have been shown to improve wellbeing and help recall memories All headsets come with our full support and training to help integrate VR into your everyday care plans and activities For more information or to schedule a demonstration, contact us at info@recreovr co uk or give us a call at 01482 526940 Visit our website at www recreovr co uk to discover the possibilities that Recreo VR can unlock for your care facility Recreo VR - Bringing a Change of Scener y to Care INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY PAGE 38 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024

Can AI Ease Loneliness for Adults in Care?

By 2030 one in six people in the world will be aged over 60 (including me!) The WHO now outlines loneliness as a key risk factor for the wellbeing of people in later life As a potential solution we’re increasingly seeing AI companions championed for being virtual friends who will listen and talk to individuals With loneliness and feelings of isolation rife amongst the elderly and vulnerable it begs the question: could AI chatbots be beneficial in care?

In short we would argue no Here s why


Complex issues such as loneliness cannot be solved by technology alone AI chatbots may seem like a promising solution but they cannot replace the human element of companionship and care that is so essential especially for those who are vulnerable and have complex needs Carers play a vital role in providing not only basic physical care but also emotional support and understanding This is especially important for individuals with disabilities who may feel isolated due to their condition or those with cognitive challenges and degenerative conditions such as Dementia

Chatbots are not suitable for everyone And in such cases human empathy is necessary to interpret the needs and communicate effectively with the patient

Empower carers and patients through technologies

The use of technologies such as AI in care must be evaluated to ensure it complements and enhances human connection rather than replacing it This means there must be careful consideration when proposing how to fit technology into the roles of those who may be the people patients see and talk to most as well as how it can be used to make the care journey better for patients

Although chatbots cannot replace human carers a combined approach of AI and other technologies can help care providers and facilitators

For example currently a typical caring schedule often includes three in-person visits per day for each patient However, due to time constraints, caregivers may have to rush these visits In this case, we would argue, that

technology can be used to allow carers to perform a more thorough in-person visit and follow up with two video check-ins based on the patient's needs (these video care calls can even of course be instigated from overseas)

Remote intelligent monitoring and predictive analytics can also be used by carers to capture an accurate overall picture of a patient s well-being to design better care programmes in advance rather than spending too much time during an in-person appointment on data capture

As well as improving patient-centricity, AI has the potential to streamline services for care facilitators by taking on mundane tasks and freeing up the caregiver's time and talent for creativity and innovation For example the administrative work involved in the daily operation of care providers and facilitators AI can handle emails user inquiries and information requests enabling users to access information quickly so management can focus on solving more complex issues efficiently


Ultimately the current care system is dealing with legacy and complex technology which has held back much-needed innovation While AI can be a potential solution many care providers see AI as a cost-cutting solution without first addressing the underlying issue of an inadequate care model

Digital transformation within the care sector should instead prioritise the needs of patients and carers rather than simply implementing technology for the sake of it Technology should add value to the care journey for example making it safer by vetting carers ID and training documents with banking-standard technology or reducing the time carers spend doing admin so they can focus on their vocation Similarly it should enable patients to access care easily and quickly so that they aren t stuck in the hospital and have better care outcomes


The successful implementation of AI in the care sector requires careful consideration of how it can meet the needs of patients And for that reason it’s not an effective way of combatting the loneliness of people in care AI cannot replace the crucial interpersonal relationships between carers and patients that build trust safety and companionship

However it can help ensure carers have more time to put the needs of patients at the heart of their work The key to successful AI implementation in the care sector is putting the patient first

Care UK s luxurious new Oat Hill Mews care home in Leicestershire gets the latest in Smart TV and digital signage technology from Boltonbased TVC Technology Solutions in time for its recent opening Oat Hill Mews is a stunning new development by Care UK offering the best in assisted living on-site care health and wellbeing for residents

Designed as a showcase of Care UK s portfolio the Market Harborough venue boasts luxury accommodation an on-site hair and beauty salon a dedicated café an on-site cinema multiple lounges and a fully equipped bar

To complete this high-tech luxury venue Care UK asked long-term audio visual and domestic appliance supplier partner TVC Technology Solutions to furnish the luxurious bedrooms resident common areas and cafes with the latest in Smart TV technology Maintaining the cutting-

edge theme Care UK wanted the latest in digital signage throughout the main areas enabling them to show various guest information restaurant menus and entertainment schedules

With Oat Hill Mews officially opening at the start of 2024 the complete AV and digital signage systems were specified installed and tested well in advance Early visitors have already been impressed by the neat hightech and luxurious feel of Oat Hill Mews from the reception area with its HD digital signage to every bedroom featuring a 43in Smart TV on either articulating or swivel wall brackets to provide the best viewing experience to its residents

Heading up the TV-technology TVC specified its own-brand Mitchell & Brown Smart TVs in 43in screen size for every room These fully featured Freeview Play catch-up TVs with all of the apps for streaming services such as Netflix Amazon Prime Disney+ and Apple TV offer Full HD picture quality and are backed by Mitchell & Brown’s UK-based customer help desk A key factor for Care UK in specifying Mitchell & Brown TVs was the brands famous seven-year warranty on every model in its range which has enabled it to become Britain s favourite UK TV brand

In the reception area, alongside a large Smart TV screen, TVC provided an industry-leading commercial digital signage media player with MySign content management software The system can be managed by staff at Oat Hill Mews to show a host of information including where residents are situated for their incoming guests display upcoming trips and events on-site staff and activities or simply display local weather and current events from around the world

MySign s cloud-based software has the functionality for members of staff at Oat Hill Mews and remotely from Care UK s main offices to easily schedule modify or update the content with minimal fuss As a default time-based templates provide information on meal times current and five-day weather forecasts

Comments TVC s Andy Greaves Sales Director With a longstanding relationship spanning over 15 years with Care UK the association trusts us to

supply install and maintain a whole host of audio and visual solutions alongside small domestic appliances and white goods in both new build properties and their existing homes Oat Hill Mews is a stand-out luxury care home venue that boasts cutting-edge Smart TV technology for residents alongside the very latest in flexible digital signage in the reception area We are very proud to be a trusted supplier and partner to Care UK with Oat Hill Mews giving us the opportunity to deliver a classleading AV solution for the care home sector ” Oat Hill Mews celebrated its official opening earlier this year with Care UK inviting prospective customers to come along and sample the live entertainment try out the chef’s menus take a tour of the facilities and join in a range of activities For more information on Care UK www careuk com For more information on TVC Technology Solutions: https://tvc uk com/ https://tvc uk com/case-studies/care-uk-oat-hill-mews/ Care UK’s Latest Care Home Opens in Style Thanks to TVC Technology Solutions PAGE 40 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY Lovett Care Introduces Alfred – The New Robotic Team Member at their Flagship Home - Fairfax Manor Growing Northwest care provider Lovett Care (www lovettcare co uk) has collaborated with Bear Robotics and introduced Servi+ to their new home in Harrogate The innovative robot helps support residents with maintaining independence and providing an additional “team member” in a fun and interactive environment Alfred, as named by the home, can be seen weaving his way through the home s Orangery or Dining areas where residents and team members can return cups and plates back to another part of the home or even send a cup of tea to a bedroom Recent visitors to the home have received a demonstration of this cutting-edge technology and the home has shared the benefits of how this will enhance resident s time in the home Chief Operating Officer Debbie Baker said “As a forward-thinking organisation we remain committed to continuously enhancing our services through the adoption of innovative technologies that improve the quality of care and support for our residents” Head of Sales Emea for Bear Robotics, Malachy Ryan said We understand the importance of helping care home residents live their lives to the fullest That is why we have worked so hard in developing smart solutions to enhance the quality of communal senior living experiences a Servi + is our state-of-the-art foodservice solution to help make any dining experience exceptional Fairfax Manor in Harrogate acquired from Angela Swift Developments in 2023 and will shortly be open to new residents The home has been thoughtfully designed to offer an exceptional living environment with a range of outstanding facilities The newly recruited team are in place ready to warmly welcome new residents Lovett Care also has homes under construction in St Helen s South Manchester and Kent With the growing demand for quality elderly care these will all be welcome additions to their local communities For further information visit www lovettcare co uk or www bearrobotics ai

Stay Safe with Smart Wireless Nurse Call In the post pandemic world we have all seen the effects of supply chain problems with the invasion of Ukraine and other alarming global factors ever increasing costs of living and other more local issues which have driven up the rate of inflation over the last few years The impact of this meant that most manufacturers of electronic products had to increase their prices as costs spiralled This, of course, has impacted the end user The most dramatic impact has been on the Care Industry An industry that has lacked the support it desperately needs in these trying times Courtney Thorne at the same time took a strategic decision to take a close look at our core products right down to component level the objective being to make us less vulnerable to future global supply chain issues and to reduce the cost of each product with the amin of ensuring that we deliver the same high quality product at a cost protected price We had to ensure that this would happen without jeopardising the superb levels of support we provide to our valued customer base This ground up review involved all departments from Research and Development right through to the Field Service team (and everything inbetween) This in-depth collaboration took time as we had to ensure that each and every element was refined, perfected and tested to our (and our customers) rigorous requirements Whilst many organisations have limited-time or end of product line offers, we are very pleased to announce a price reduction on our core Connect and Connect Health Nurse Call system ranges With flexible terms full integration with Care Apps celebrated service delivery and the most reliable and robust solution now at a new lower price there has never been a better time to talk to us about a new nurse call system For more information email us at: info@c-t co uk or see the advert on this page
NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 | PAGE 41 Blaucomm s Nurse Call Messaging Service (NMS) is the market leading solution to remove the dependency on noisy nurse call panels and pagers through its intelligent software which delivers the alerts straight to the care staff who need them Care homes are rapidly introducing smartphones for digital care planning and eMar - now, the same devices can be used to receive the nurse call alerts they need for the residents under their care Furthermore Blaucomm NMS is deeply linked into Person Centred Software MCM so call bell data is linked straight to care plans This unlocks a huge benefit to care homes to enhance the staff performance with how they accept and respond to residents, which ultimately promotes better response times and visibility for management to audit their performance The best part is that Blaucomm NMS links into your existing nurse call system - we work with all major brands such as Aidcall ARM Courtney Thorne C-TEC ENS Intercall Medicare, SAS and TeleAlarm Care operators are constantly recognising Blaucomm NMS for its reliability and dependability to their care operations, which is why we’ve been chosen time and time again over other solutions Head of IT Trudi Harrow at WCS Care had this to say about Blaucomm NMS: We find Blaucomm is a genuinely fantastic company with a reliable product We would highly recommend this to anybody who wants to replace expensive pagers and silence those annoyingly loud nurse call screens!” To find out more about Blaucomm NMS visit www blaucomm co uk/healthcare See the advert on the front cover for more details Blaucomm Ltd - Telecommunications & Networks PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING

Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions

Medpage Advanced Domestic and Commercial Fall Prevention Systems

NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING Fall Savers® are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years FALL SAVERS ® WIRELESS MONITOR Eliminate all cables with our new generation falls management solutions! Upgrade your falls programme with the latest technology from Fall Savers® The NEW Fall Savers® Wireless eliminates the cord between the monitor and sensor pad This results in less work for nursing staff improved safety for patients and reduced wear and tear on sensor pads Wireless advantages include the ability to use one monitor with two sensor pads simultaneously and support for many new wireless devices BENEFITS INCLUDE: Safer for patients less work for staff Bed and chair pads available One monitor works with two sensor pads Integrates with most nurse call systems A variety of options including: Call button Pager Floor sensor mat Wireless door/window exit alerts TREADNOUGHT ®FLOOR SENSOR PAD The TreadNought® Floor Sensor Pad is built to last with a durable construction that far out lasts the competition Our anti-bacterial floor sensor pad is compatible with most nurse call systems or can be used with a portable pager to sound an alert when a person steps on to the sensor pad Caregivers typically place the sensor pad at the bedside, in a doorway or other locations to monitor persons at risk for falls or wandering An optional anti-slip mesh reduces the potential for slippage on hard surface floors FEATURES INCLUDE: Connects directly to most nurse call systems High Quality anti-bacterial Floor Sensor Pad Large Size Pad: Measures (L) 91cm x (H) 61cm Options (sold separately) Anti-slip mesh for hard surface floors See the advert on this page for further details or visit www fallsavers co uk
Medpage Limited has manufactured care aid technologies for 40 years and our brand is widely used in hospitals and commercial care establishments We supply fall prevention and detection systems to suit most requirements to ensure patient safety and regulation compliance We are a major contributor and supplier of equipment to the hospital patient discharge project, where Assistive Technology items are issued to aid independent living and keep people safer at home We offer expert technical advice support and product guidance for customers unsure of their requirements Our reputation for delivering quality services quality products competitive pricing and our passionate commitment to developing new and improved technologies is acknowledged by the majority of Local Authorities in the UK Our latest fall prevention system based around our MPCSA11 sensor controller was successfully tested in Cardiff Royal Infirmary Enfield and Barnet NHS Potters Bar Edgeware and is now adopted and implemented as part of their falls management programmes The CSA11WBCK system is unique in that it allows a patient with mobility to freely transfer from bed to chair and into a monitored area such as the washroom, without causing an alarm so long as the patient is detected by a sensor, bed chair or movement If the patient fails to return to their bed or chair the alarm outputs become active alerting radio pagers nurse call trigger or dispersed alarm dialler To find out more about Medpage fall prevention systems visit www easylinkuk co uk Professional-wandering-falls
Technology has made people more connected with the world around them and the revolution in assistive care devices has made it possible for the elderly to spend their last years in a comfortable and familiar environment These devices have also made it easier for home carers to provide quality care for their loved ones while managing their own lives They allow you to care for your elderly whether they are travelling in the city for errands, staying alone at home or staying in the same home as you They are also helping nursing homes provide better care for them with discrete monitoring and quick responses to emergencies If you re looking for these kinds of assistive care devices for your loved ones or nursing home Frequency Precision produce some of the best systems available to help you with elderly care and mobility monitoring ranging from bed chair and floor sensor mats through fall monitoring and GPS tracking to fully integrated nurse call plug or wireless systems Phone: 01837 810590 Email: contact@frequencyprecision com Website www frequencyprecision com Frequency Precision - Sensors and Pressure Mats to Monitor Those in Care NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE For over two decades, Advanced has supported care organisations with innovative software which makes a vital contribution to managing workflows, managing costs and achieving regulatory compliance OUR SUITE OF SOLUTIONS We provide a suite of software solutions for care organisations in residential domiciliary and supported living settings including: • Care Business Management: A comprehensive toolkit that equips you to manage your care business anytime anywhere ensuring smooth and efficient operations Financial Management: Streamline your financial processes with tools designed to simplify the complexities of care finances, making it straightforward and stress-free People Management: From recruitment to retaining valuable staff our solutions make managing your team not just easier but more effective Governance and Risk Management Stay ahead of the curve with our integrated software, ensuring compliance in your operations and effective risk management Workforce Management: Maximise your team s potential through intelligent rota and shift planning ensuring the right people are in the right places at the right times OUR PROMISE TO YOU When you choose Advanced you're not just selecting a software provider; you re partnering with someone who genuinely cares about your success Here s what sets us apart: • Customer-Centric Approach: We build our software with your needs at the heart From the design to deployment your success is our priority Simplicity and Clarity: Our tools are intuitive and user-friendly, designed to bring clarity and efficiency to your operations without the confusion of complex jargon • Empowerment and Support Beyond offering solutions we re here to support you every step of the way with robust customer service and resources to help you get the most out of our products Designed for You Our suite of products is tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges of residential domiciliary providers supported living or any other type of care We offer not just tools, but solutions that bring real, measurable change to your organisation For more information to arrange a call or demonstration visit www oneadvanced com See the advert on the back cover of this issue Powering the World of Care THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 | PAGE 43

Behaviour Smart is a behaviour support and incident recording system that produces accurate incident reports and smart behaviour plans that improve behaviour and consistency



5 Cavendish Road Sheffield S11 9BH 07498219287

www behavioursmart co uk

Behaviour Smart

As a Behaviour Consultant I was frustrated with the inefficiency of behaviour incident recording in schools, children s homes and care settings The data collected was often filed away rarely analysed and only revisited in case of allegations Existing systems were not designed to improve behaviour

This led me to conceive Behaviour Smart a system designed to enhance behaviour management

However the high cost of software development deterred me Despite my wife s encouragement and discussions about re-mortgaging the house taking loans or seeking investors I decided against it

My wife believed in Behaviour Smart but in 2019 she unfortunately passed away from cancer She requested that I use the life insurance money to develop Behaviour Smart Honouring her wish I proceeded with the project

Behaviour Smart works by encouraging staff to

PASS supports over 1 000 care providers every day giving them access to market leading care management tools hand in hand with unlimited 24/7/365 support from our dedicated and friendly PASS team Assured by NHS Transformation Directorate PASS provides a secure platform that allows you to plan record and evidence the care you deliver The only assured solution built specifically for the home care sector, it provides comprehensive real-time functionality and allows you to share progress against outcomes with customisable, exportable reports


To meet the wider needs of the PASS community All-in-one PASS has recently been launched bringing advanced rostering functionality to our established digital care planning platform As a result advanced staff scheduling payroll and invoicing functionality is now seamlessly linked with care planning and reporting reducing the technical complexity risk and overhead associated with integrating two separate systems

As a result PASS now provides an all-in-one

reflect on incidents through structured reports It features a dedicated post-incident learning page which is based on extensive research to improve outcomes for individuals and staff It records not just the de-escalation techniques used, but also their effectiveness This data is exported to a welldesigned behaviour plan, or ‘Smart Plan Our customers have experienced significant reductions in behaviour incidents, with some reporting over an 80% reduction after using Behaviour Smart for just one year Dean Cotton, Director, Behaviour Smart info@behavioursmart co uk www behavioursmart co uk

Intelligent | Efficient | Safe
haviour Smart Ltd
Get your FREE trial or book a demo!
suite of digital care management tools available from a single platform designed to: Save you time Increase the efficiency of your teams Improve the quality of care Deliver better outcomes INTEGRATED HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Our commitment to the continual evolution of PASS is further illustrated by the addition of GP Connect The first product of its type to offer this feature PASS is still one of only a handful of digital care management solutions to have completed this NHS Digital integration and is the only one offering it to the home care market PASS GP Connect provides authorised social care staff with realtime access to their client s GP records It makes medical information available when and where it is needed leading to improvements in both care safety and outcomes Visibility of allergies vaccinations and medications especially useful for clients unable to reliably share their personal information Using medical information to inform care planning Ensuring that the right medication is delivered to the right person in the timeliest manner In one case this allowed the administration of antibiotics on a Friday evening aiding the service user s swift recovery from infection Available to all PASS users at no additional cost PASS GP Connect is significantly more efficient than waiting for a GP response It’s also a positive step forward on the path to the DHSC s goal for widespread digitally enabled care and is in full alignment with their ambition for joined up care for everyone Get in touch www everylifetechnologies com hello@everylifetechnoloiges com
Pass Profile 2023

Cloud Doing Good: Award Winning Care Accounting Software for Care Homes

Like it or not, financial accounting is crucial to the operations of your care home Without accurate reports, you cannot make proper forecasts, build accurate budgets, get paid on time by multiple funders and keep bed occupancy at optimal levels

Unfortunately, many care homes don’t have the time or budget to invest in powerful, care home accounting software This results in a vicious cycle where financial teams are so busy running manual tasks that they cannot take the time to improve their accounting systems, only to find each year they are farther and farther behind the technology their care home will need in order to thrive in the long term

Cloud Doing Good, a licensed partner of Oracle NetSuite, is here to stop that vicious cycle We believe care homes should have access to enterprise-level software without ballooning their budgets, so we donate the base software with up to three users to qualifying non-profit care homes

Why Care Home Accounting is So Complex

You know better than anyone that care home management is complex, and we know better than anyone that care home accounting gets complicated fast Balancing income for each resident from Councils, private sources, and family members requires detailed billing practices Add on top of that multiple legal entities, multiple care homes, the need for timely occupancy tracking and your finance team quickly becomes bogged down in repetitive, manual, and frustrating work

To make it worse, most accounting software are designed for slick enterprises (and priced for slick enterprise budgets) That leaves too many care home finance teams battling spreadsheets and duplicate reports to accomplish basic care home accounting tasks

How Cloud Doing Good Makes It Simple

Cloud Doing Good partners with care homes to

implement Oracle NetSuite’s enterprise-grade accounting software at as low a price as possible Here’s how Cloud Doing Good simplifies your care home’s accounting:

Single Source of Truth

Pull all your financial data into a single platform Even with multiple legal entities, multiple care homes, complex billing structures, bed occupancy tracking, resident admissions and departures and additional unique needs, our system aggregates all the pieces of information into a single repository

Robust Reporting

Whether you need to get an overview of last year’s spending or forecast income, you can run the necessary reports in a matter of clicks This makes it simpler for your team to build forecasts, track spending, track bed occupancy and the financial implications in real time, and manage billing and collecting resident payments easily

Implemented By Experienced Accountants

When it comes to your financial systems, you need financial experts not call centre IT to set you up for success After all, with cloud software the IT should be pre-built and proven With pre-built base software, we

match our experienced system accountants with your project to make sure it reflects your accounts, your finances, and your people So you get not just powerful accounting software, but confident end users within as little as 15 chargeable days From the start of the project through your first month’s ends, you will have a team of system accountants on call to walk you through doing the day job on the new system

Donated to Qualifying Care Homes

Cloud Doing Good’s mission is to bring streamlined accounting management to organisations that deserve it, so we keep it simple For qualifying non-profit care homes, we donate the base Oracle NetSuite software, including up to 3 users and unlimited UK entities This way, you can upgrade to enterprise-level accounting management without ballooning your budget

Keeping Your Data and Care Home Secure with Oracle NetSuite

When you partner with Cloud Doing Good, you get access Oracle NetSuite’s award-winning accounting management software 25+ years of investment and trusted by over 1 million users, Oracle NetSuite safeguards your data in a cloud network with the latest security protocols and automatic updates to protect against breaches We’ll also integrate the platform into your existing data security structure for smooth, uninterrupted, and safe operations as needed This way, you can focus on your care and let us worry about cybersecurity Don’t risk your data and care home on a solution running small numbers of customers: Oracle NetSuite is powering 38,000+ organisations

Find Out If You Qualify

We stand ready to simplify your care home’s accounting. Reach out to discuss your needs:

Iain Goldmann, Director

Mobile: 447404354865


www linkedin com/in/iaingoldmann/


Curam Forges New Partnership with Doctify to Advance

Patient-centric Feedback in the UK Care Market

Curam (www curamcare com) the largest care worker marketplace and home-care technology platform in the UK today announces a strategic partnership with Doctify (www doctify com/uk) the leading global platform for patient reviews of health and social care, to power enhanced trust and transparency in the UK care sector through patient verified reviews when choosing carers

The partnership will address the critical need to improve patient experiences where only 14% of households are satisfied with care services

Providing more choice confidence and quality of care for patients and their families is therefore essential – and that s exactly the goal of the Curam and Doctify partnership

Doctify gives patients quick access to genuine independent and verified reviews of carers to find the best carer to suit their needs for at-home care These are anonymised based on the experiences of other patients and cover aspects such as the quality of specialists their services and treatments

Patients can then click through to Curam to connect with the carers with the expertise and availability that they need in real time Not only does this ensure that patients have complete control over their carer

also able to earn around 50% more than they would in traditional care agencies Patrick Wallace director of Curam said The cornerstone of care is the patient But the UK’s care sector currently doesn’t reflect that, with the demand for fast high-quality care far outweighing the supply We re on a mission to transform care into a sector that’s truly patient-centric and offers more rewarding careers for carers too With our partnership with Doctify we are providing even more transparency and confidence to patients and their families that they are receiving quality personalised care ”

Patient experience expectations continue to rise in the care sector The sector must prioritise trust and transparency by putting the patient at the centre We work with 32 000 healthcare providers to achieve this and are

to join forces with Curam Through our partnership, we ensure that



to meaningful feedback strengthening their understand-

needs and improving their experiences while patients can find

degree and developed a bespoke solution that delivers simplicity and ease of use coupled with speed, flexibility and accuracy – all in one outstanding application package

SFIncS r/3 - A Fee Income System especially for Residential and Nursing Care Homes Designed to deliver simplicity and ease of use coupled with speed flexibility and accuracy SFIncS r/3 (Simple Fee Income System release 3) has a proven track record of over 12 years in use Originally developed and prototyped as an MS Access database, since 2017 SFIncS r/3 has lived entirely on the cloud so is available 24/7 from anywhere in the world As a completely bespoke package, born of necessity and collaboration between seasoned software consultants with ties to the care industry, SFIncS r/3 offers innovations and capabilities not found in any other system Separation of sponsor and service user responsibilities permits unlimited sponsor/service user relationships and as any number of charge codes may be defined this allows complete flexibility of service user/sponsor /charge code definition Its unique continuous billing function is the most efficient means possible of defining recurring charges (an entry is only required when a change occurs) and both an ad hoc charge function and a cashbox module are available for incidental expenses (either or both can be used) Use of the balance forward accounting principle (which makes unnecessary invoice matching a thing of the past - though invoicing is included) plus super quick receipts entry using just six clicks makes SFIncS r/3 almost effortless to use Paula who owns and operates Monkstone House Residential Home in Porthcawl testifies to it s incredible prowess: “With 41 partly private and partly sponsored service users some of whom are multiply funded it takes me only 30 to 40 minutes per week to keep both my accounts and fee income up to date! More importantly I never need to worry about underpaid or overpaid fees - everything is always spot on And the invoices and statements produced let me present the polished and professional image I need SFIncS r/3 integrates easily with any accounting package, can be used by any type of care home and by single or multiple home operators alike For more information email benjones@intracare co SFIncS r/3 - A Fee Income System Especially for Residential and Nursing Care Homes Better by Design: A Fee Income System especially for Residential and Nursing Care Homes SFIncS r/3 is the ultimate fee income management and control system • Unlimited sponsor and charge code assignments allow complete flexibility of service user billing profiles • Perfect for all types of care homes - Nursing, Residential, Mixed, Specialist Unique continuous billing functionality provides the most efficient charge definition possible Only charge start points need to be maintained and all sponsor charges for each service user (including historic) are shown on just one screen Completely flexible invoicing Invoice any sponsor at any time for any charges for any service user for any period of time • Super fast receipt entry including Six clicks copy functionality • Balance forward accounting means you can forget laborious invoice matching • Ad hoc charges functionality • Cashbox module included Works for multiple or single home operators • Integrates with any accounting system • Plus all the reports, views and graphs you’ll ever need In use for over 12 years • Free training and help with system set up Historic data loading option available (charges may apply)
30 day free trial For a demo, free trial or for further information please email or visit We've analysed every aspect of fee income processing to the nth
the opportunity to form consistent trusting relationships but Curam’s self-employed carers are
carers they feel confident in said
Contact client@curamcare com or 01387 730 766
VP Business Development at Doctify

New Qualification To Boost Care Sector

A new accredited qualification for care workers will help to improve perceptions of the sector and will boost retention

That s the opinion of a Lesley O Connor Head of Strategic Development at Realise a leading training provider which offers numerous qualifications in the sector

Lesley welcomed the Government s £75m investment to help people progress in their Heath & Social Care careers

The Government recently set out plans for a new accredited qualification and a national career structure for the adult social care workforce

It says the qualification will benefit around 37 000 workers within the sector while the defined career pathway will help people plan their future progression

But Lesley said while the funding package would make adult social care a more attractive proposition, it would likely only make a small differ-

ence to the 152 000 vacancies within the sector

This Government investment to add accreditation to the Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate is very welcome and it will give the qualification additional value said Lesley

A clearly defined career pathway is also something I have championed for a long time and it offers people a clear route to progress their careers

It will also help to improve perceptions of adult social care as a whole People still think of adult social care as looking after old people and everything that goes with that but the opportunities are far more varied including helping young people with disabilities and assisting with treatment and recovery from addiction

“I hope it will encourage school leavers to consider adult social care as a viable skilled career with progression opportunities rather than a stopgap It will undoubtedly help to raise the profile of the sector and will give people with limited qualifications the chance to build their skills

“It’s well-known that people stay longer at places where training is available ” People in adult social care jobs will be able to enrol on the new Level 2

Adult Social Care Certificate qualification between June this year and March 2025

There will be other training initiatives available, including a new digital leadership qualification to help managers in the sector with the implementation of technology

But Lesley warned that this funding must be followed up with decisive Government action to plug the gap in care sector vacancies

She said “There is a bigger conversation to be had at a time when there are 152 000 vacancies within adult social care It is predicted we will need 440 000 care workers by 2035

“While this is a good starting point the Government must pledge future funding to support the long-term sustainability of the sector to attract many more people into roles at all levels If decisive action is not taken soon we could be facing unimaginable consequences over the next decade

Valuing the current workforce and giving them opportunities to upskill is important but ultimately pay and conditions need to improve to attract new blood into the sector rather than going into retail or hospitality

Realise is one of the country s leading training providers working with more than 1 000 employers and more than 10 000 learners a year throughout apprenticeships and adult education courses

For more information visit https://bit ly/realisetraining

will also complete reviews and ensure their policies and procedures remain up to date This way a provider not only ensures they remain compliant; they also benefit from best practice policies and procedures that provide a solid foundation for safe working practices and – ultimately – protect and support service users and staff

Ben Erskine – Director at W&P Compliance & Training www wandptraining co uk | Tel: 01305 767104 See the advert on page 2 for further information

At The Health & Safety Group, we understand that the process of getting your care workers through their Care Certification can be pretty demanding So we ve made it our mission is to make the training process as flexible and accessible as possible without increasing your costs or sacrificing the quality of our courses

We recognise that some prefer traditional classroom learning for the benefits of immediate instructor feedback hands-on skills practice and connecting with likeminded professionals

However if committing to fixed schedules and locations proves difficult staff may favour the unmatched flexibility of e-learning Our online courses allow caregivers to learn at their own pace, fitting training around their commitments while benefitting from rich multimedia resources

However you learn HSG offers the best of both worlds With classroom courses available nationwide 6 days a week we provide exceptional accessibility for face-to-face

The delivery of safe care is the paramount responsibility of social care providers Central to achieving this is the governance framework adopted by service providers And at the core of this framework are policies and procedures These enable the provider to comply – and evidence compliance – with relevant legislation and regulations as well as facilitating best practices supporting business needs and assisting in recognising and managing risks Providers have a legal duty of care to the people they employ Policies and procedures should provide clear guidelines to staff on how the organisation operates as well as informing them of best practices and processes to be followed Policies should be reviewed annually as a minimum to ensure they are still fit for purpose and align with legal and regulatory requirements They should be reviewed not only by employees of the business but also by experts in various subject matters (e g infection control or medicines management) For many small- to medium-sized providers there may not be the in-house skills knowledge and experience to complete such a robust annual review Many choose instead to purchase their policies and procedures from a reputable provider like W&P Compliance & Training who
Excellence Through Training: The Health & Safety Group’s Commitment to Exceptional Care Policies and Procedures Within Social Care
training Our dedicated e-learning platform ensures flexibility enhanced by our Training Team s support for any queries From Medical Administration to Safeguarding Adults or Catheter Care, all courses are crafted by industry experts, ensuring that training prepares staff for real-world situations using practical skills Our Care Certificate Training Course designed specifically for care workers healthcare assistants and social care support workers is just one of our high-impact training courses available both face-to-face and online through our e-learning platform Mapped to the ‘Skills for Care’ Care Certificate standards this course equips caregivers with the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of their roles empowering them to deliver comprehensive compassionate care Get in touch with me today at beth@hsg-group com to learn more about our training options We re committed to tailoring training to your needs so you can focus on delivering outstanding care!
Care recruiting is currently challenging So why is CVMinder ATS a great choice for Care Providers? Stuart Haddow MD suggests that its Ambassador Customers make the biggest difference Ambassadors include senior HR leaders from the Care sector “They have proven to be great at overcoming recruiting headwinds says Stuart CVMinder s Ambassador Customers also guide CVMinder product improvement programme Using that great guidance delivers a competitive advantage for all CVMinder Care customers Jack Morgan of Local Solutions agrees “CVMinder has made the process as smooth and as streamlined as possible That’s is critical when recruiting in a demanding sector like care It gives us central control of everything and the management information we generate from CVMinder has helped to improve our recruiting approach Without CVMinder our recruiting costs would be much higher and good candidates would be lost in the administration clutter Donna Newell of The Kent Autistic Trust says “CVMinder ensures that we are being responsive to applicants and the demands of our managers Having a one stop shop means that we can post and update jobs at the touch of a button Receiving all applications online and using filter questions enables our recruiters to shortlist batches of applicants swiftly ” T: 01634 202 101 E: enquiries@cvminder co uk W: cvminder co uk/care Recruiting Success with CVMinder ATS JJ Recruitment has the large database of well qualified applicants with experience in the health-care industry, such as health care assistants, senior carers, and nurses from overseas We also have an expert team of solicitors for the necessary legal proceedings and advices WHY JJ? We have very minimal processing fees We assist you to get a sponsorship license Qualified and experienced candidates from overseas Tel: 01704 808227 www jjcarerecruitment co uk admin@jjrecruitment co uk In Dire Need Of Experienced Health Care Assistant, Senior Carer Or A Nurse? Global assists clients throughout the U K who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objectives of purchase, development and refinance We have organised over £1 8bn for clients in the past 30 years providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt ease cashflow and develop businesses further From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size we assist at every stage of your business expansion Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way so we hope you will allow us to be of assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements, I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements Call us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at enquiries@globalbusinessfinance net Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance RECRUITMENT & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PAGE 48 | THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING
Quality Care Group, the largest independent Insurance Broker to the Care Sector proudly announces its victory in the prestigious National Insurance Awards 2024 The gala event held at the illustrious London Marriott Hotel in Grosvenor Square Mayfair London saw Quality Care Group clinch the coveted title of 'Commercial Lines Specialist Broker of the Year ' The National Insurance Awards recognise excellence and innovation within the insurance industry, celebrating outstanding achievements and contributions across various categories Quality Care Group s win in the Commercial Lines Specialist Broker of the Year category underscores its unwavering commitment to delivering bespoke insurance solutions and unparalleled service to the Care Sector Upon receiving the award, Managing Director Darren Pollard expressed his gratitude and pride, stating, "We are thrilled and honoured to be recognised as the Commercial Lines Specialist Broker of the Year at the National Insurance Awards 2024 This prestigious accolade is a testament to our team s dedication expertise, and relentless pursuit of excellence in serving the unique needs of the Care Sector " Quality Care Group has established itself as a trailblazer in the insurance industry renowned for its innovative insurance and wider business solutions, client-centric approach, and commitment to superior customer service The company s comprehensive range of services tailored specifically for the Care Sector has set new standards of excellence and earned the trust of clients nationwide As the largest independent Insurance Broker to the Care Sector Quality Care Group continues to lead the way in providing tailored insurance solutions proactive risk management strategies and unparalleled support to care businesses across the UK For further information on Quality Care Group visit www qcaregroup co uk How you can help your clients pay for care? Lifetimemortgages info is a trading style of The Later L fe Lending Network which is an Appointed Representat ve of The Right Mortgage Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Registered in England and Wales no 09832887 Registered address 70 St Johns Close Knowle Solihull West Midlands B93 0NH If they are over 55 and a homeowner then a lifetime mortgage might be the answer to paying for care It can release cash from their homes and use it to pay for care They could have extra visits or services they can’t presently afford, or install stair-lifts, hoists, wet-rooms etc to make life easier Ideally suited to domicillary care but can be used to fund the needs of one party living in care Best of all clients keep ownership of their home What’s in it for you? More money! More services, longer care periods To find out if it could work for you contact: 07789 885611 or e-mail money@lifetimemortgages info Quality Care Group Triumphs at National Insurance Awards 2024 RECRUITMENT & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THE CARER | MAR/APR 2024 | PAGE 49 RECRUITMENT.THECARERUK.COM ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO FILL YOUR VACANCY? WE CAN HELP! MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO PEOPLE'S LIVES WITH A CAREER IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE WELCOME TO THE NEW CARER RECRUITMENT WEBSITE USER-FRIENDLY AFFORDABLE FAST & EFFICIENT Introducing The Carer Recruitment Your Premier Destination for A dult Social Care Hiring Solutions! We are thrilled to announce the launch of THE CARER Recruitment, the latest addition to our growing portfolio! As the leading UK residential and nursing care/adult social care publication, we understand the pressing need for effective recruitment solutions in the face of ongoing challenges within the sector WHY THE CARER RECRUITMENT? Unparalleled Reach: THE CARER stands as the UK’s popular and must read adult social care publication boasting a vast offline and online readership With our new recruitment platform, we extend our reach even further, ensuring your vacancies are seen by a targeted audience consistently across print digital, website, and social media channels Tailored Solutions Say goodbye to recruitment headaches! Our userfriendly platform offers cost-effective solutions tailored to meet your hiring needs Whether you're a small care home or a large healthcare organization we ve got you covered Seamless Interaction: At THE CARER, we pride ourselves on our exceptional relationship with our readership With THE CARER Recruitment expect seamless interaction and support throughout the hiring process ensuring a smooth and efficient recruitment journey for both employers and candidates alike In the face of the ongoing crisis in adult social care recruitment The Carer offers a streamlined and cost effective solution to meet your staffing needs Join us in revolutionizing the way you hire in the adult social care sector! Visit our website now to learn more and get started Together let s shape the future of adult social care recruitment! Warm regards, The Carer Team recruitment thecareruk com

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