1 minute read

Little girl lived in castle, obeyed God

This month, I want to dedicate my column to all children, especially the little ones among us who suffer from protracted and painful illnesses. This one is just for you.

It’s not often that the Church recognizes the special sanctity of young children. But the Church was so moved by the witness of one little French girl that they made her a venerable, one recognized for having practiced the virtues to a heroic degree. Her name is Anne de Guigné.


Born in 1911, Anne grew up in a castle that overlooked a beautiful lake in southeastern France. Her parents were well-educated, and their faith was the center of family life. Anne, the eldest of four siblings, was strong willed, creative and precocious. For example, when she was very little, she fell seriously ill, and when the doctor tried to examine her, she threw a fit. She declared, “Take your hat and go!” This kind of behavior was not uncommon in her early life, earning her the

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