1 minute read

Why I am Catholic

By Tom Miller

happening and developed a love for the Mass. Today, the many young altar servers I see at St. Joseph in West St. Paul reflect the same experience I had. What a tremendous blessing to participate in Mass as an altar server. I hope all parents encourage their children to experience the Lord while serving at Mass.


Today I serve and share the Lord in many ways: Knights of Columbus, Teams of Our Lady and as an extraordinary minister of holy Communion at St. Joseph. As a eucharistic minister, I receive the opportunity to personally share Christ with every person who comes to receive Communion. And I receive the opportunity to share Christ with a smile, reflecting the joy in my heart that these people want to receive Christ. How great is that?

Why am I Catholic? Joy, a solid foundation in my life, and a relationship with Christ that comes through the holy Catholic Church. I have been blessed to serve others and to share this with others.

Miller, 61, is a parishioner of St. Joseph in West St. Paul. He and his wife, Cathy, spend time with their grandkids, children and siblings whenever possible. Miller enjoys his career at St. Paul Regional Water Services and stays active in parish events, hunting and making wine.

“Why I am Catholic” is an ongoing series in The Catholic Spirit. Want to share why you are Catholic? Submit your story in 300-500 words to CatholiCSpirit@arChSpm org with subject line “Why I am Catholic.”

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