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Total recently rebranded as TotalEnergies signalling its intention to become a broad energy company
TotalEnergies - the journey to carbon neutrality Total recently rebranded as TotalEnergies signalling its intention to become a broad energy company. Across all areas of the business there is a strong focus on sustainability and the new brand anchors its climate ambition to its identity. In fact, since 2016 the company has been taking steps to integrate the climate challenge into its strategy. Having set the ambition to get to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, TotalEnergies is undergoing a major transformation to fulfil its ambition to provide energy that is more affordable, reliable and clean.
Emissions The first part of this ambition is for TotalEnergies to become carbonneutral in its own greenhouse gas emissions from its own production facilities. It will do this by lowering direct emissions by improving energy efficiency, eliminating routine flaring, electrifying processes and reducing methane emissions. To address the residual emissions the company is developing carbon sinks, such as nature-based solutions, by investing in forests, as well as
34 OCTOBER 2021
carbon capture and storage. The second part of the ambition for 2050 requires the firm to jointly achieve neutrality with customers by working with them to reduce their direct emissions. TotalEnergies plan to contribute actively to its customers’ choices and provide them with lower-carbon energy products, and, depending on changes in their consumption patterns, help them use less energy and choose energy sources with lower carbon intensity.
Products The company is gradually reducing the average carbon content of its mix of energy products. To that end, it is taking decisive steps to ensure that gas and renewable energies figure more prominently. It is expanding its presence along the entire gas value chain, notably in the LNG market.