The Center for Wooden Boats 2013 Program Catalog

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The CenTer for Wooden BoaTs 2013 evenTs, Classes, Workshops + More

1 Where MaritiMe history CoMes alive through DireCt experienCe

a h oy t h e r e ! WelCoMe


The CenTer for Wooden BoaTs!

The Center for Wooden Boats makes a difference! We are a hands-on maritime museum where every visitor has opportunities to participate in heritage experiences. CWB is a laboratory of learning using hands and minds. You can pick up oars and row a traditional boat, pick up the helm and sail a traditional boat, pick up the tools and build a replica traditional boat. Our staff and volunteers are here to help you learn heritage skills that can be used for a lifetime; for some, learning these skills is a life-changing experience. This is a do-touch museum. Come to CWB wearing jeans and sweatshirt. You will leave with calluses on your hands, shavings in your hair, maritime skills in your brain and pride of what you have achieved. Welcome to our Program Catalogue and its infinite opportunities for education and entertainment you will always remember.

Dick Wagner Founding Director




BeCoMe a MeMBer or volunteer


registration poliCies


events + Boat rentals


CWB at CaMa BeaCh state park


aDult + FaMily sailing


skills unDerWay + nW seaport prograMs


CalenDar oF events


WooDWorking sailMaking + BoatBuilDing


FaMily + youth BoatBuilDing


youth sailing


FielD trips


out oF sChool + youth DevelopMent


restaurants + aMenities




The Center for Wooden Boats is an oasis in the middle of Seattle. You’re minutes from the city center, but you feel miles away. Our location at Cama Beach is a step back in time to a simpler way of life. Visit for a day or a week, rent a boat and be prepared to relax.

aBout CWB aBouT The CenTer for Wooden BoaTs In 1957 a friend presented architect Dick Wagner with a dilapidated wooden kayak. While learning how to recanvas the kayak, Wagner noticed that all of the reference books dated back to the 1890s. This convinced him that wooden boat building was a fast-fading art; preserving this art become a life-long passion for Dick and his wife, Colleen. Their growing collection of traditional wooden craft led to the establishment of The Center for Wooden Boats. They believed that the purpose of their collection was education and that the most effective means of education would be direct experience. CWB became a hands-on maritime museum where the exhibits were put in the water and the public was encouraged to use them. All of CWB’s programs and events are designed to provide public benefit. There is no admission cost to stroll the docks, enter the buildings, look at the displays, learn from interpretive materials, take CastOFF! rides in historical vessels or enroll in a heritage skills workshop. There are scholarships available for every youth program, and adult volunteers earn one hour of free boat use for each three hours volunteered. So, pick up an oar and go for a row. Enroll in a workshop and open your mind to the skills and experiences enjoyed by mariners throughout the centuries. Pick up a tool and caulk a seam or fasten a plank. You’re bound to find something that catches your attention when you’re on our docks or in our boats. We hope you’ll join us in reconnecting with the physical world and preserving traditions and skills that have survived through the ages. Explore this catalogue and call or visit us online to enroll in one, or several, of our popular offerings. You’re in for a treat. Welcome Aboard.

aBouT our MulTiple loCaTions In 2008, CWB opened a second location at Cama Beach State Park on Camano Island, where we work closely with Washington State Parks to provide activities for visitors who visit Cama Beach State Park for a day, night or week. Activities include workshops, toy boat building, boat and crab pot rentals, and much more. In this publication you’ll find information about programs and events located at Cama Beach. On pages eight and nine you’ll find detailed information about Cama Beach. In 2011, CWB opened the North Lake Union Workshop and Warehouse near Gas Works Park. This facility hosts some of our boat restoration projects and provides storage space for some of the vessels in our collection too fragile to be placed in the water. It is occasionally open to the public for tours, exhibits and demonstrations. See our website for more information about accessing the North Lake Union Workshop and Warehouse.

all phoTographs in This puBliCaTion Were or CWB sTaff, unless oTherWise noTed. Cover phoTograph

Taken By

Taken By

dale Johnson.

MiTCh reiniTz, dale Johnson 3



MeMBer of The CenTer for Wooden BoaTs

Become a Member of The Center for Wooden Boats and receive discounts on workshops and classes, invitations to members-only events and issues of our newsletter, Shavings. You also will enjoy knowing that you’re supporting a community-based organization providing valuable programming such as our youth outreach programs, adult skills workshops and historical boat restoration projects. Here are a few of the valuable benefits of membership at CWB: Regular issues of CWB’s newsletter, Shavings Discounted prices on maritime workshops and on-the-water classes (see member prices listed throughout this catalogue) 10% off purchases in CWB Gift Shops Discounted prices on boat rentals from our Livery of traditional small craft Invitations to members-only events Discounts at selected local retail stores and restaurants (see list at Special benefits at Cama Beach State Park Check our website at for regular updates and the latest news. We encourage you to enjoy the benefits of CWB membership. You’ll save money and help a valued community treasure at the same time!




The warm welcome you feel every time you visit CWB is generated by our most valuable asset: the corps of more than 800 volunteers of all ages who lend their skills! Whether they are explaining what type of hardware to use on a 1926 R-boat or the best place to drop anchor in the San Juans, volunteers bring our mission to life. The time and talents of our volunteers are something The Center for Wooden Boats appreciates just as much as any monetary gift. Volunteer positions include visitor services, Livery, sailing instruction, boat restoration, special events, building maintenance, Boathouse crew, gardening and administrative support. If you believe in our mission, we can find a way to utilize your skills! For more information, visit or email

serviCe learning



Service learning creates unparalleled opportunities to explore and realize a high standard of academic achievement, intercultural empathy and lifelong social action. We encourage students ages 10 and older to learn new skills, experience the satisfaction of meaningful work and discover the joy of sharing their passion with others, while fulfilling school requirements. For more information, visit or email


“CWB is an oasis of calm, charm and historical interest with something for all ages. In addition to beautifully restored boats and a variety of exhibits, you can go out on the water by renting a rowboat, sailboat or pedalboat. CWB is run by volunteers who are friendly and welcoming and make this very special place.” - Visitor and Sailing Student

Enroll in a Workshop Workshops and Classes at The Center for Wooden Boats allow you to step back in time and learn skills that have been practiced for generations. From woodworking to small boat handling, there’s always something new to learn. Visit our website to learn more:

regisTraTion poliCies Courses are filled on a first-come, first-served basis so we recommend early registration. For the latest listings and additional course information, please check our website at The Center for Wooden Boats keeps class size small to promote quality instruction and experience. If a program is full, you can put your name on a wait list. We will contact you if a space opens up.

TuiTion Full payment for course fees under $500 is required with your application. For courses costing more than $500, we ask you to deposit one-half of the total costs with your application; the remainder is due by the day the class begins. Tuition is on a per-person basis, unless otherwise noted, and includes a one-time $15 nonrefundable administration fee.

“pay WhaT you Can” - finanCial assisTanCe for youTh We list suggested prices for our youth programs and simply ask that you pay what you can. The cost of each class is reflected in its suggested price; however, financial assistance is available. Please contact us at to request a discounted price. If you are in a position to pay more than the suggested price, any additional funds will contribute directly to making youth programs more widely accessible.

CaMa CaBins To promote access to its programs at Cama Beach, CWB accepts cabin bookings for workshop students on behalf of Washington State Parks (WSP). Once CWB confirms the cabin booking, then responsibility for the rental is between the renter and WSP. CWB advises participants who plan to rent cabins to familiarize themselves with WSP park rules and registration policies by visiting

CanCellaTion poliCy Cancellations received 30 or more days before course start will receive a full refund minus the $15 administration fee. Cancellations received less than 30 days before course start will not receive a refund, but your tuition can be credited toward other courses later in the same year. In case of emergency or insufficient number of registrations, CWB reserves the right to cancel a course and refund the participants in full. Because of this policy, we strongly urge you to buy refundable airline tickets or flight insurance. CWB will not be responsible for any loss on non-refundable airline tickets.

Course deTails Upon receipt of payment, The Center for Wooden Boats will provide participants with relevant course information, including itinerary, materials list, suggested tools list, clothing list, accommodations, directions and other pertinent information. Please read the information carefully before coming to class. Materials costs are included in course fees unless otherwise noted in the course description. We supply tools needed for courses, but encourage students to bring their own for certain courses.

risk All of our courses involve some level of risk. Participants must assume full responsibility for their own safety and must provide their own health and accident insurance.You will be required to sign a liability waiver before the course begins.

Call 206-382-2628 or visiT for addiTional inforMaTion.

experienCe hisTory! CWB offers interactive exhibits and life-long learning programs designed to preserve maritime history, but more importantly, to pass maritime skills on to future generations. Most of our boats can be rented or used by our visitors, volunteers and members because we don’t believe our artifacts should be kept in glass cases!


At t e n d A n e v e n t year-round fun


CWB in seaTTle

There’s something for everyone at The Center for Wooden Boats! Throughout the year, there are special events ranging from regattas to recurring family activities. See the full calendar at, or go to pages 16 and 17.

CasToff! free puBliC sail sundays, 2pM, year-round Explore classic boats and enjoy the cityscape from Lake Union every Sunday on our free public boat rides. Sign-ups must be made in person and begin at 10 am at the CWB Boathouse. Arrive early, spots fill quickly!

pond BoaT sailing saTurdays & sundays, april - noveMBer

The R-Class Pirate Model Fleet at CWB is comprised of 39” free-sailing pond boats designed in 1927 by Seattle yacht designer Ted Geary. Come sail a piece of history!

exhiBiT opening: fish on! deCeMBer 29, 2012 Fish On! focuses on the first half of the 20th century, the heyday of recreational salmon fishing, and the numerous boathouses and Puget Sound resorts that supported the activity. Featuring indoor and outdoor exhibits, kids’ activities and hands-on educational opportunities through fall 2013.


By The


lake union Wooden BoaT fesTival July 4-7 Held at CWB, the Historic Ships Wharf, and Lake Union Park, our FREE family festival offers boat rides, toy boat building, visiting vessels, music, a beer garden, and much more. The classic Quick & Daring 24hour boatbuilding contest and race now has a new companion: The Cordless Challenge. Participants should email to get started. General registration for vessels and vendors opens in April. ALL wooden vessels, small and large, are invited to apply! Learn more at:

norM BlanChard W.o.o.d regaTTa sepTeMBer 28-29 The 14th Annual Norm Blanchard Wooden Open & One Design Regatta features fun racing on Lake Union. Open to ALL wooden sailboats - from El Toros to large racer cruisers. New this year is the ability to obtain pledges and raise money for CWB’s Youth Programs. Register at:

MarCh 23, 5pM-9pM

BreakfasT for BoaTs

CWB’s 37th Annual Auction and Dinner Celebration with games, silent and live auctions, a costume contest and delicious dinner. Information and ticketing options:

oCToBer 3

MeMBer day & annual MeeTing april 27 Free rides, free rentals, lots of fun! Our thanks to you for being a CWB Member. Free activities for Members run 10am-4pm; Annual Meeting is held from 4-5pm.

3rd Annual Breakfast for Boats at REI. Hear life-changing stories, learn to tie a new knot and enjoy breakfast with the Seattle business community while supporting CWB. RSVP:

holiday CeleBraTion & ChrisTMas ships send-off noveMBer 29-30 Join CWB, MOHAI and partners of the Lake Union Park Working Group for hands-on activities, hot drinks, and holiday cheer!

3 r d f r i d ay s p e a k e r s e r i e s : 6

CWB invites speakers of wit and experience to give talks about their adventures or special knowledge once per month. These talks are free and open to the public and take place on the third Friday of each month at 7pm. Support is provided by Three Sheets Northwest.

R e n t a B o at aBouT The CWB BoaT livery Livery is the traditional name for boat rentals. Seattle has a long history of active liveries; they were oases in the city, with attractive stick-and-shingle buildings, landscaped uplands, clear water and dust-free air. Seattle’s main boat liveries were at Madison Park, Leschi Park, Rainier Beach, Greenlake and Jensen’s Grove on Lake Union. The boats were classic little yachts, tricked out with glistening coats of varnish. Sailing one was a relaxing escape from the bustling factories and offices of the city. At CWB we are proud to share our assortment of traditional rowboats and sailboats with the community – where we continue to provide an oasis in the middle of the city. Our Livery at Cama Beach is a delightful way to enjoy open-water sailing and rowing, and to commune with the saltwater and wildlife native to Puget Sound. See the following page to learn about the Cama Beach Livery. To learn more about our boats visit or pick up one of our “Boats at CWB” brochures.

renTing BoaTs froM CWB Choose from a variety of beautiful sail and row boats available to rent by the hour. Those who want to go sailing must first complete a brief checkout sail. Before using our sailboats, a checkout sail with a CWB sailing instructor must be arranged in advance. Checkouts last 30-45 minutes and cost $15 for members ($20 for non members). The purpose of a checkout is to ensure sailors have the skills necessary to safely and comfortably handle our sailboats. During the checkout, we will be able to answer any questions you have about the boat you have chosen. A checkout is not a sailing lesson. To schedule an appointment, please contact CWB’s front desk at 206-382-2628 or visit

livery passes Enjoy unlimited sailing both on Lake Union and at CWB’s saltwater site at Cama Beach. Sneak down for a lunchtime sail on a Beetle Cat, enjoy a summer sunset sail on Saratoga Passage or spend your Sundays sampling sailboats, all with one great pass!

Fairweather Pass

Die-harD Pass

(lake union or CaMa BeaCh)

(lake union only) one year of unliMiTed BoaT use. $550 MeMBers $625 non-MeMBers

unliMiTed BoaT use froM May 1 - oCToBer 1. $400 MeMBers $450 non-MeMBers

2013 livery hours (in seaTTle) oCToBer 2012 Through april 26

sepTeMBer 10 - sepTeMBer 29

saTurday and sunday, 12:30 pM To 5 pM Tuesday - friday 12:30pM - 5 pM, By

Tuesday-sunday, 12:30 pM – 7 pM

appoinTMenT only

oCToBer 1 - april 2014

april 27 - sepTeMBer 8

saTurday and sunday, 12:30 pM To 5 pM Tuesday - friday 12:30pM - 5 pM, By ap-

Tuesday-sunday, 12:30 pM - 8 pM

poinTMenT only

s T e e r i n g W i T h y o u r B o dy W e i g h T : Along with using the sails and rudder to steer the boat, body weight also plays an important part in advanced boathandling. Moving your body weight to leeward and forward will help you head up, moving your body weight to windward and aft will help you bear off.


C W B AT C A M A B E A C H S TAT E P A R K aBouT CWB aT CaMa BeaCh sTaTe park Boathouses and beach resorts once lined the shores of Puget Sound. Countless people from all walks of life took to the water to fish, catch crab and explore hidden beaches. Visitors from across the region enjoyed an intimate connection with the marine environment through these boathouse operations. CWB, in partnership with Washington State Parks, WSU Beach Watchers and other grassroots organizations, is breathing new life into the Cama Beach Resort - mixing maritime heritage, environmental stewardship and good old-fashioned fun. Puget Sound is waiting and The Center for Wooden Boats at Cama Beach is your ticket to adventure. Climb aboard our sail, row, paddle-powered or motor boats and enjoy fishing, crabbing, sailing, whale watching, bird watching, sightseeing or just plain messing about. See you at the Beach!

CaBin renTals


CaMa BeaCh

Be a part of it all! CWB holds a block of cabin reservations so it usually is possible to stay in one of the Cama cabins while you attend a workshop. For more information about Cama Beach’s range of 33 rustic cabins visit or email to book your workshop/cabin package. The Boatman’s Cabin at Cama Beach is available to CWB Members. It is a standard deluxe cabin with three double beds and one single, plus electric heat, a bathroom and simple kitchen facilities. Bring a camp stove or use the park’s charcoal grills or fire pits to do your cooking - and don’t forget your own linens or sleeping bags!

sailing lessons Ready to challenge yourself? Sign up for Sail-I-Can, Pel-i-Can!, a three-day intensive sailing course. This condensed and personalized version of CWB’s SailNOW! accommodates two students and can be arranged to fit your schedule. Cama Beach Boathouse also offers introductory half-day sailing lessons for $300. Full-day introductory lessons with overnight cabin lodging are available for $500. Schedule these lessons in advance by contacting

CaMa BeaCh livery Wooden rowboats, outboard-powered craft, sailboats and kayaks are available to rent seven days a week May through September and off-season as weather permits. Any time of year it’s a good idea to confirm hours of operation and weather conditions on Saratoga Passage by calling 360-387-9361 or emailing

Workshops CWB employs experienced and talented boatwrights and our region’s best instructors to pass along their age-old skills through hands-on workshops designed for people of all skill levels. Experience the craft, whether in general woodworking or building the boat of your dreams! See the Boatbuilding & Woodworking pages for details on the Cama skills workshops.

CraBBing and fishing Experience the joy and challenge of harvesting your dinner from the waters of Saratoga Passage. During crab and fishing season, CWB provides crabpot rentals and boat rental specials. Don’t miss Saratoga Passage’s world-class blackmouth Chinook fishing season in November and December! Fishing passes are required except on free fishing days.

f o r C u r r e n T r aT e s : 8

Call, email or check out our website address to learn about the Cama Beach Livery schedule, sailing lessons, crabbing and fishing opportunities.

C W B AT C A M A B E A C H S TAT E P A R K evenTs aT CWB aT CaMa BeaCh sTaTe park

Toy BoaT Building

youTh fishing derBy

saTurdays, year-round

saTurday, June 8

Kids and their parents gather at Cama Beach Boathouse Saturdays at 10 am to build small model sailboats from pre-cut wood blocks, with cloth sails, string railings, bottlecaps and custom paint jobs. A donation to offset supplies costs is always appreciated.

A fun family fishing derby for kids 16 and under, coinciding with Washington State’s free fishing day, National Get Outdoors Day, World Oceans Day, and the opening of a permanent exhibit at Cama Beach Boathouse, documenting the history of Puget Sound boathouses and fishing resorts.

CaMa CoBWeB Clean saTurday, MarCh 30 Join volunteers and Cama friends who love boats and museums to sweep out the cobwebs and dust off the exhibits. It’s a great way to see what CWB at Cama Beach is all about. To sign up, email Be sure to ask about spending the weekend in a Cama cabin.

spagheTTi soCial saTurday, april 20 It’s time to come out of hibernation and climb aboard for a fun evening with friends old and new at Cama Beach State Park’s new conference lodge, Cama Center. Tour CWB’s Cama Beach Boathouse and take a peek inside one of the park’s refurbished 1930s cabins. Or book one and spend the weekend! A spaghetti dinner, beer and wine, games, and a silent auction complete this festive gathering. More information online at

MoTher’s day Weekend saTurday sail saTurday, May 11 CWB celebrates moms and grandmoms by giving them and their admirers free rides aboard our small craft or aboard a visiting historic tall ship. Book a cabin and enjoy Camano Island’s annual artists’ studio tour on the same weekend!



sail CaM’ isle laBor day Weekend The Center for Wooden Boats invites proud owners of wood boats to sail, row, motor or tow them to the park for landside displays during a second annual regatta for Pelican, Laser, El Toro or other small boats – wood or not – for two days of buoy racing on Saratoga Passage. Email to register.

haunTed BooaThouse saTurday, oCToBer 26 Cama Beach State Park hosts an annual daytime Harvest Festival with pumpkin carving, “veggie” car races, crafts and treats, followed by The Center For Wooden Boats’ Haunted BOOathouse in the evening. Spend the weekend, decorate your cabin and meet some old salts and friendly pirates!

your evenT aT CaMa! Cama Beach State Park’s famous Boathouse on the shores of Saratoga Passage is a unique indoor/outdoor wedding, event or party venue. Email for rate information and to schedule a tour.

CWB MeMBership:

Did you realize that your CWB membership applies at both of our locations, and there are many perks available only to members? One of those perks is access to the Boatman’s Cabin at Cama Beach State Park! Email for details.


A D U LT + f A m i Ly S A i L i N G sailnoW! learn To sail


CWB sailing insTruCTors

This is the signature CWB learn-to-sail program for adults and families. Students learn basic boat handling skills that are the foundation for a lifetime of sailing. Each session starts with Shore School, a two-hour class where sail theory and terminology are explained. After Shore School, a series of six on-the-water lessons develop individual skills toward sailing solo. Lessons are taught by dedicated, trained volunteer instructors in CWB’s fleet of classic Blanchard Junior Knockabouts. On-the-water lessons are available Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to noon and 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. Evening lessons are available 6 pm to 8 pm (Tuesday-Thursday) April 9 - September 5. Students choose available lesson dates and times that work for their personal schedules. Lessons are coordinated individually via email or phone prior to Shore School. Shore School is the first Saturday of each session from 10 am to noon. session 1: January 5 - feBruary 9 session 2: feBruary 9 - MarCh 16 session 3: MarCh 16 - april 20 * session 4: april 20 - May 25 * session 5: May 25 - June 29 session 6: July 13 - augusT 17 session 7: augusT 17 - sepTeMBer 22 session 8: oCToBer 5 – noveMBer 2 ** session 9: noveMBer 2 – deCeMBer 1 **

$340 MeMBers $400 non-MeMBers


off-season speCial: $200 MeMBers & non-MeMBers - January, feBruary, MarCh & noveMBer

youTh ages 16 -18 May Take sailnoW! for $190 When regisTering WiTh TWo adulTs.

*no lessons on MarCh 23 or april 27. **sessions 8 & 9 are four-Week sessions.

“This was a great experience. The instructor was patient and helpful and taught in a way that required us to think about what we were doing, not just doing what he asked.” – Ann H. SailNOW! student

geT zapped! learn-To-sail inTensive


CWB sailing sTaff

An intensive three-day sailing course for two people. This condensed and personalized version of the SailNOW! program is scheduled to fit your needs in a combination of three four-hour lessons. It’s a perfect way for couples, friends, parent-child duos and out-of-town guests to learn to sail in a short amount of time. Lessons are sailed in Blanchard Jr. Knockabouts and Lightnings. Online scheduling is available at or, for custom dates, email dates and times to Mindy Ross at at least two weeks in advance availaBle: april - noveMBer

$680 MeMBers $800 non-MeMBers (CosT for TWo sTudenTs)

BlanChard Junior knoCkaBouTs 10

Our SailNOW! program is taught in Blanchard Junior Knockabouts (BJK’s), a daysailing sloop designed by Norm Blanchard at the north end of Lake Union in the 1930s. Some of these boats were owned by families, but most were used for livery operations on Lake Washington. CWB’s seven BJK’s represent the last remaining fleet of these vessels, which are terrific teaching boats.

A D U LT + f A m i Ly S A i L i N G sailMore! inTerMediaTe sailing


CWB sailing insTruCTors

SailMORE! is intermediate sailing and a great way to learn to sail the wide variety of boats in CWB’s Livery fleet while improving your boat handling skills. Focus will be on the unique attributes of gaff rig Beetle Cats, racing sloops, sprit and lug rigs. Racing sloops include a Geary 18, San Francisco Bay Mercury and Lightning. Sprit rigs will be our Woods Hole Spritsail Plover, Hvalsoe 13 and Hvalsoe 15. New in 2013, we will be teaching in lug rigs: the Caledonia Yawl, Sid Skiff and San Francisco Bay Pelican. Learn to properly rig and sail each design. Extra attention will be given to docking and short tacking up the channel. Prerequisite: CWB checkout 6 pM - 8 pM Thursday and 10aM - noon saTurday & sunday

$130 MeMBers $150 non-MeMBers

gaff rigs

spriT rigs

session 1: May 2, 4 & 5 session 2: May 30, June 1 & 2 session 3: June 27, 29 & 30 session 4: augusT 8, 10 & 11 session 5: sepTeMBer 5, 7 & 8

session 1: May 16, 18 & 19 session 2: June 13, 15 & 16 session 3: July 25, 27 & 28 session 4: augusT 22, 24 & 25


raCing sloops session 1: May 9, 11 & 12 session 2: June 6, 8 & 9 session 3: July 18, 20 & 21 session 4: augusT 15, 17 & 18 session 5: sepTeMBer 14, 15 & 21 (Weekend only 10aM - noon)

lug rigs

session 1: May 23, 25 & 26 session 2: June 20, 22 & 23 session 3: augusT 1, 3 & 4 session 4: augusT 29, 31 & sepTeMBer 1

one-on-one sailing lessons


CWB sailing insTruCTors

For beginner sailors with sporadic schedules or those who would like to refresh their boat handling skills, we offer One-on-One sailing lessons. Work individually with an instructor to help identify skills to focus on and improve your sailing. Lessons are available by appointment in many of the classic vessels maintained by CWB. Livery checkouts are complimentary as part of each lesson. Not sure if you want to learn to sail, but want to go for a sail to see what it’s like? This can be a great introductory experience! Online scheduling is available at or email $50 per hour MeMBers $60 per hour non-MeMBers $15 per hour for addiTional sTudenT in The BoaT


speCial off-season MeMBer raTe: $35 per hour for January - april and noveMBer - deCeMBer

“My primary motivation to learn to sail is to pick an activity to do with my daughter. There are a lot of things that you teach your children or that they teach you and this is something that we can learn together.” -Will M., Get Zapped! graduate


a D u lt + F a M i ly s a i l i n g naTural hisTory for The salish sailor neW!


deep green Wilderness

Sail for a day onboard the 1934 classic wooden yawl Orion and adventure Puget Sound while learning about the Salish Sea!

The Salish Sea (Puget Sound, Strait of Juan de Fuca and Strait of Georgia) is the perfect cruising ground for sailors interested in natural history. Learn about common marine birds and mammals of this area, how to properly identify them in the field, the ecosystem in which they live, and discover some key spots for cruising and boat-based wildlife viewing. Hoist sails, trim sheets and take a turn at the helm while spending a fun-filled day learning about the environment. The class is led by Captain Kevin Campion who has spent the last decade in and around the Salish Sea, performing scientific research and teaching marine biology, and is the founder of Deep Green Wilderness. Departs from Shilshole Marina in Ballard. May 18 June 15 oCToBer 12 10 aM - 4 pM (saTurday)

$120 MeMBers $160 non-MeMBers (CosT per day)

12 passengers MaxiMuM

a D u lt + F a M i ly s a i l i n g raCenoW! one-design raCing series




Fun racing in classic wooden boats! RaceNOW! is an opportunity for intermediate skippers and novice crew to learn the fundamentals of sailboat racing. Each evening includes racing strategy, tactics and the basics of the racing rules. Sailing in teams of three per boat, we head out in our fleet of Blanchard Jr. Knockabouts for weekly races to improve your sailing performance. Sign up with friends, family, co-workers or meet new people. Prerequisite: CWB checkout for skippers, basic understanding of sail theory for crew July 19, 26 & augusT 2, 9, 16 & 23 6 - 9 pM (fridays)



skiPPer: $250 MeMBers $300 non-MeMBers

Crew: $190 MeMBers $240 non-MeMBers

5 skippers MaxiMuM

10 CreW MaxiMuM



CwB sailing instruCtors

We offer sailing excursions on Lake Union for your community, school or business group (6-15 people) aboard our classic wooden boats. Have fun with friends and family while learning maritime heritage and skills. To schedule an hour or an afternoon sail training in one of our CastOFF! Public Sail boats, contact Available Tuesday- Saturday. $120 MeMBers or eduCaTional organizaTions $175 non-MeMBers (per hour per BoaT)

s k i l l s u n D e r W ay geT your CapTain’s liCense


CWB & us MariTiMe aCadeMy

If you have always wanted to get your captain’s license but shudder at the thought of all those tests, this is the class for you. Captain Jeff Sanders teaches what you need to know, administers the tests in class, then walks you through the official paperwork so, upon completion, you’ll be ready to go to the Coast Guard and get your license. Classes are at night, three times a week for eight weeks. For information, visit The first night is free for interested folks who would like to find out about the licensing process and how to put together their sea time.

photo: helen verCoe


CapTain Jeff sanders

20 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

session 1: MarCh 25 - May 16 6:30 pM - 9:30 pM (Monday, Wednesday & Thursday) session 2: sepTeMBer 18 - noveMBer 14 6:30 pM - 9:30 pM (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) $1,150 MeMBers $1,275 non-neMBers

dead reCkoning: an inTroduCTion To ClassiCal navigaTion


k aTey noonan

photo: Matti Mattila

Have you ever wondered how nautical navigation was performed before Loran, radar and GPS became commonplace? Ever wondered what they mean by “boxing” or “swinging” the compass? Join us as we explore non-electronic means of accurately travelling by boat from one place to another. At the end of the class students will be able to box the compass to 32 points, know the basic use and methods of classical navigation, know the basics of Deviation and Variation as they relate to chart navigation and be able to chart a basic course heading from CWB to Gas Works Park. session 1: april 20 session 2: augusT 17 session 3: oCToBer 19 10 aM - 1 pM (saTurday) $40 MeMBers $50 non-MeMBers

5% OFF

any underwater inspection & bottom cleaning!

10 sTudenTs MaxiMuM


video included!

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N o r t h w e s t s e a p o r t pa r t N e r p r o g r a m s TugBoaT experienCe


TugBoaT Arthur Foss

Ever wanted to stay onboard a tugboat? Experience life aboard the 1889 Arthur Foss and learn about tugboats from the inside out. Whether staying one night for an authentic Seattle experience or living aboard during a workshop class, the Arthur provides both accommodations and a slice of Puget Sound maritime history. All participants receive a tour from engine room to wheelhouse and may take advantage of standard tugboat crew amenities, including flush toilets, hot showers, heat and bed linens. Plan on bringing meals, a heavy blanket and other necessities. Choose between crew (two bunks per room) and officer berths (single bed with desk). It’s a great way to learn about one of the oldest tugboats on the West Coast. daTes availaBle: May 3 - oCToBer 13 $70 per nighT offiCer’s CaBins $40 per nighT CreW aCCoModaTions $385 per nighT for full ship, 9 BerThs ToTal (6 CreW/3 offiCer CaBins, all ages) 30% disCounT for CWB prograM sTudenTs

diesel engine Theory


adrian lipp

Join the engineers and get your hands dirty while fixing the Arthur Foss’ 700 horsepower diesel engine. This 78-year-old engine uses the same principles as modern diesels, but the parts are MUCH bigger and easier to work on. The 2013 session focuses on overhauling cylinder one; participants will inspect previous repair work, pull the cylinder head and piston (18” in diameter!) and perform repairs under the supervision of experienced diesel mechanics. No prior engine experience necessary. Cost includes daily lunch. Call norThWesT seaporT aT 206-447-9800 for Class daTes 8:30 pM - 5 pM sCheduled over five ConseCuTive saTurdays

8 sTudenTs MaxiMuM age: 14+

$295 CWB & norThWesT seaporT MeMBers $335 non-MeMBers

nW seaporT ChanTey sings

TugBoaT sToryTiMe

Sea Chanteys are work songs and fo’c’s’le ditties with great choruses that connect our present day maritime traditions and lore to those of the past. Come and lead a song of the sea or just join in on the chorus. Chanteys and sea songs are easy to learn and fun to sing for adults and children alike. A different songleader each month keeps the music rolling. Held on the second Friday of every month. FREE!

Tugboat Storytime provides an engaging environment for younger children to enjoy maritime literature and boats. This is an opportunity to listen to stories and sing songs onboard one of the oldest tugboats afloat.

nW seaporT MariTiMe ConCerTs Northwest Seaport hosts occasional Maritime Concerts featuring the best maritime music from the Northwest and beyond. Maritime music includes sea chanteys (work songs), forebitters (leisure songs) and tunes from the diverse countries and cultures of mariners themselves. For locations and more information, check out the music pages at or phone 206-447-9800.

Storytime happens at 11 am the second and fourth Thursdays of every month aboard the historic Arthur Foss, a 123-year-old tugboat moored at Lake Union Park. ages 1 To 8 free!



W ooden B oaTs

J une 8

a Pril 19

Third friday speaker: Ken Greff on the 101’ B.B. Crowninshield schooner Adventuress, celebrating her 100th birthday in 2013.

F eBruary 15

valenTine’s day: give your sweetie the gift of a romantic row (gift certificates available for a raincheck).

F eBruary 14

volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle

F eBruary 9


MarTin luTher king, Jr. day (CWB Closed)

J anuary 21

m ay 17

MoTher’s day

m ay 12

volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle

m ay 11

MoTher’s day saTurday sail aT CWB CaMa. This annual event features free boat rides, toy boat building, and hands-on activities for the whole family.

m ay 11

opening day of BoaTing season

m ay 4


CWB suMMer hours Begin: 10aM8pM Tuesday-sunday.

a Pril 27 MeMBer day aT CWB slu. Free rides, free rentals, lots of fun! Our thanks to you for being a CWB Member.

J anuary 18

CaMa spagheTTi soCial, held at the Cama Center and CWB Cama. More info:

a Pril 20

Third friday speaker: Nancy Everds and Peter Mann, “Birds of the Salish Sea”.

volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB

a ugust 10


volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle

J uly 13

Mariners’ nighT aT The Mariners

J uly 8

lake union Wooden BoaT fesTival aT CWB slu and lake union park. Our FREE family festival offers boat rides, toy boat building, visiting vessels, music, and much more. More info:

J uly 4 – J uly 7


Third friday speaker: Ron Burke, editor of Sea Chest, the well-known publication of the Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society.

J une 21

volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle

J une 8

CaMa youTh fishing derBy and the premiere of long-term exhibit on Cama Beach, one of the last remaining historic fishing resorts on Puget Sound

a Pril 13 volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle



Third friday speaker: Doug Adkins on the history of the Olin Stephens, racing yacht Dorade, winner of the 1931 Fastnet and the Transatlantic races.

volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle

J anuary 12


exhiBiT opening: fish on! A history of recreational fishing boathouses & resorts on Puget Sound opens today.

D eCemBer 29, 2012




Thanksgiving day. CWB is Closed.

n ovemBer 28

Third friday speaker

n ovemBer 15

veTeran’s day. CWB is Closed.

n ovemBer 11

volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle

n ovemBer 9


haunTed BooaThouse aT CaMa BeaCh

o CtoBer 31

Third friday speaker

o CtoBer 18

volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle

o CtoBer 12

WorkBoaT shoW on The hisToriC ships Wharf, presenTed By nW seaporT (

o CtoBer 5

3rd annual BreakfasT for BoaTs aT rei. Hear life-changing stories, learn to tie a new knot, and enjoy a delicious breakfast with the Seattle business community while supporting CWB. More info:

o CtoBer 3


2 013 C a le n Da r o F e v e nts

T he C enTer

Heading out on the lake? Call ahead for boxed lunch’s to-go

~Rotating seasonal menu using local products whenever possible~

~Serving local, grass-fed, antibiotic and hormone-free steaks and burgers~

~Happy Hour 7 days a week~

~Open for Breakfast, Lunch, Happy Hour, and Dinner~

Walking distance from The Center for Wooden Boats

211 Dexter Ave. N. 206.694.0070

Emerald Grill

easTer sunday. CWB is open, and CasToff!, our free Sunday boat ride program, will be running.

m arCh 31

CaMa CoBWeB Clean. Contact for more info.

m arCh 30

CWB’s 37Th annual auCTion and dinner CeleBraTion, held at the Seattle Design Center. More info and tickets:

m arCh 23

Third friday speaker: Wendy Joseph, “Tales of the Merchant Marine”.

m arCh 15

volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle

m arCh 9


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Martha in 2013! (206) 310-8573

Sail on Schooner

MeMorial day. CWB is open!

m ay 27

lake union sWeep

m ay 18

Third friday speaker: Wendy Hinman, “Tightwads on the Loose: a Seven-Year Pacific Odyssey”.

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norM BlanChard W.o.o.d. regaTTa and youTh prograM fundraiser aT CWB slu

s ePtemBer 28 – 29

Third friday speaker

s ePtemBer 20

volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle

s ePtemBer 14

laBor day. CWB is open!

s ePtemBer 2


sail CaM’isle aT CWB CaMa. Sailboat racing and small boat showcase. Contact for more info.

a ugust 31 – s ePtemBer 2

BoaThouse in seaTTle

n ovemBer 29-30

ChrisTMas day. CWB is Closed.

D eCemBer 25

volunTeer orienTaTion - CWB BoaThouse in seaTTle

D eCemBer 14


holiday CeleBraTion and ChrisTMas ships send-off. Join CWB, MOHAI and partners of the Lake Union Park Working Group for hands-on activities, hot drinks, and holiday cheer!

Gener al WoodWorkinG Beginning WoodWorking


saM laher

This class is for all you people with a hankering to make something out of wood. First you’ll learn how to use basic hand and power tools safely as you turn large hunks of wood into usefulsized pieces. With that mastered, you’ll move on to basic joinery, laminating, fastening and finishing. The instructor will impart the techniques that will have you ready and able to take on your own woodworking projects and heading for the lumber store. session 1: april 23, 25, 30 & May 2 session 2: sepTeMBer 24 & 26, oCToBer 1 & 3 6 pM - 9 pM (Tuesdays & Thursdays)

$160 MeMBers $200 non-MeMBers 6 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

WoMen’s WoodWorking


laCey Carnahan

Ladies! Have you always wanted to learn woodworking but never had the time or the encouragement? Join Lacey Carnahan for four sessions on the wonderful ways of woodworking. In addition to learning how to use hand and power tools safely, this workshop will cover basic joinery, laminating, fastening and finishing techniques. Walk away with the knowledge and confidence to embark on your own woodworking projects. Tell your sisters, girlfriends, mothers and daughters to sign up! session 1: May 7, 9, 14 & 16 session 2: sepTeMBer 10, 12, 17 & 19 6 pM - 9 pM (Tuesdays & Thursdays)

$230 MeMBers $290 non-MeMBers 6 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

varnishing An IntroductIon

WiTh to

dave ThaCker

BrIghtwork repAIr & MAIntenAnce

This two-day seminar will start with the basics of bright finishing and take novices step-bystep through the process of varnishing bare or previously-finished wood, with an emphasis on practicality. This class is aimed at those taking an active role in maintaining their vessels who always have been mystified by the finicky nature of varnish and the myriad myths surrounding it. Learn how to repair and rehabilitate varnished surfaces that have been damaged by wear and tear or neglect. This workshop also will cover stripping old finishes and preparing bare wood for sealing and new varnish. Other topics include choosing sealers and finishes, efficient use of the many grades of masking tapes, abrasives and sanding blocks, edge tools and other tricks of the trade that will help produce a professional finish. On both days, demonstrations will be presented by the instructor and students will be able to hone their newly-acquired skills on work pieces. session 1: april 27 - 28 session 2: May 18 - 19 session 2: noveMBer 2 & 3 9 aM - 3 pM (saTurday & sunday) $160 MeMBers $200 non-MeMBers


6 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

S a i l m a k i n g + B o at B u i l d i n g inTroduCTion To sailMaking




krisTofer day

We will talk about the “hows and whys” of sail building, see and handle several examples and discuss the pros and cons of various design techniques. We’ll discuss sail theory and tuning from a sailmaker’s perspective, including how to get the best performance out of any vessel. We’ll try to understand the stresses and strains that are put to the cloth and the preventative measures that can be taken to keep the sails fresh. Despite that ounce of prevention, repairs are inevitable. Try your hand at one of several common fixes we’ve discussed in the workshop. Practice on one of our sails or get up and running on your own from home. Learn to sew by hand and machine, evaluate and plan preventative maintenance or repairs and know when to throw in the towel. You’ll finish this course excited to dust off your old sewing machine, patch up and improve your suit of sails and tune your boat for the coming season. Don’t have a boat of your own and still interested in working on sails? Another option is to sign on with our volunteer crew of sailmakers at CWB for continued maintenance of our fleet. session 1: January 26 & 27 session 2: oCToBer 12 & 13 10 aM - 4 pM (saTurday & sunday)

$160 MeMBers $200 non-MeMBers

sailMaking: drafTing, design, CuTTing and ConsTruCTion

6 sTudenTs MaxiMuM


krisTofer day

Learn the esoteric art and engineering of sail design and construction as we guide you through a hands-on course detailing the techniques and considerations of building a new sail. Learn to sew by machine and to do the fine handwork that produces a working part of maritime history and timeless marine propulsion. Then choose to either work at building a sail for one of CWB’s fleet or take home a sampling of your new skills in a hand-made Sailrite ditty bag or duffel, equally useful on deck, the dock or at the market. Leave with a foundation of knowledge preparing you to lay out and build a sail – or at least with a good deal more knowledge about how sails work and fit together and perhaps with a tote bag of your own as well. session 1: feBruary 23 - 24 session 2: oCToBer 26 - 27 10 aM - 4 pM (saTurday & sunday)

$160 MeMBers $200 non-MeMBers

6 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

Sailmaking at CWB supported by Sailrite.



eriC hvalsoe

Lofting is a vital tool, typically the first step in building a new boat. It is a fascinating mental exercise in three-dimensional management and layering. We will discuss construction details, set-up and building molds for the real thing. Newcomers, put on your thinking caps! Veterans may even learn a trick or two. Reading about lofting is not enough; you’ve got to do it! session 1: June 1 & 2 session 2: oCToBer 5 & 6 10 aM - 5 pM (saTurday & sunday)

$200 MeMBers $250 non-MeMBers

8 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

“I loved every second of the class. Just getting to understand what a table of offsets really was and how it is used to drive the final shape and dimensions of a hull form was exciting!” -Lofting Workshop Participant


B O AT B U I L D I N G sTiTCh and glue BoaTBuilding inTroduCTory


saM devlin

and advanCed Modern plyWood BoaTBuilding TeChniques suiTaBle for heavy- duTy BoaTs .

Sam Devlin says Stitch and Glue construction can produce beautiful small or large boats, even for boatbuilders with tight budgets and without a whole lot of experience. Sam should know; he’s been designing and building beauties for 35 years. Using discussions and demonstration, he’ll teach you how to build a Stitch and Glue boat using 1/4-scale models. The Stitch and Glue method is quicker and easier than traditional plank-on-frame or cold-molded construction and requires only the simplest lofting and tools. You don’t need advanced skills to build a very nicely crafted model; Sam’s hope is that when you see how simple and easy Stitch and Glue construction is (even in scale) you will be inspired to undertake a larger, full-size project. Under Sam’s guidance, you will pick up the skills, methods and techniques that can make your projects more successful, whether they are backyard or boatshop endeavors. The class will include a field trip to Sam’s business, Devlin Designing Boatbuilders, in Olympia. Students will get an up-close look at the construction of the full-size Stitch and Glue boats Sam’s shop is famous for. april 15 - 19 9 aM - 5 pM (Monday - friday)

$550 MeMBers $625 non-MeMBers

k ayak Building: aleuT ikyak (Baidarka)

8 sTudenTs MaxiMuM


Corey freedMan

The Aleut Ikyak, also widely known as the Baidarka, has been used for thousands of years as the primary method of transportation in the Aleutian Islands. It is the acme of Arctic Native design. Build your own boat, designed to fit your skill level and body type. The boats are built primarily of yellow and red cedar with all joinery pegged and lashed – no metal fastenings or glues. You do not need woodworking experience; just come equipped with enthusiasm! session 1: april 6 - 14 aT CaMa BeaCh (CaMa CaBin reservaTions availaBle) session 2: June 29 - July 7 session 3: sepTeMBer 21 - 29 9 aM - 5 pM (saTurday Through sunday, nine days)

Build your oWn kaholo sTand-up paddleBoard

$1,200 MeMBers $1,400 non-MeMBers 4 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

WiTh g eoff kerr & Cheseapeake lighT CrafT

In this six-day class, build your own beautiful wooden stand-up paddleboard! Developed over many years, the Kaholo SUPs by Chesapeake Light Craft are light and fast. Boatbuilder, author and paddler Geoff Kerr leads this class. The fast-paced week starts by gluing up okoume marine plywood hull panels. Next, boards are assembled using the stitch-and-glue process. Reinforcement is added in the form of epoxy and fiberglass. In the final days, you will customize your own board with flourishes of your own devising, under Geoff’s careful direction. You get a memorable week at The Center for Wooden Boats and a custom wooden SUP that competes with fancy carbon fiber boards and will last for a generation. Choose from a 12’6” or 14’ board. neW!

$1,650 July 9 - 14 8 sTudenTs MaxiMuM (TuiTion & MaTerials) 8 aM - 5 pM (Tuesday - sunday) regisTer WiTh Cheseapeake lighT CrafT WWW.ClCBoaTs.CoM or Call 410-267-0137

“The overall experience was invaluable for me. I knew many of the bits and pieces, but Dave put them all together, with “hands-on” examples. I can now tackle my boat without fear or qualms.” 20

- Workshop Participant

B O AT B U I L D I N G half Model Making


Joe green

Traditionally, boats were designed from half models. From a carved hull form, lines were drawn and scaled up to create full-size patterns. Time will be spent laminating wood, sharpening hand tools and working with chisels, gouges, spokeshaves and hand planes to craft your own threedimensional model. Students will mount their half models on boards, ready for display! session 1: May 11 - 12 session 2: oCToBer 12 - 13 10 aM - 5 pM (saTurday & sunday)

$260 MeMBers $300 non-MeMBers 6 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

Caulking for Beginners


Joe green

The secret to a dry bilge isn’t always expert craftsmanship; it is what lies between the planks. For thousands of years, boatbuilders have used cotton and hemp to caulk the seams of their ships. In this class we will explore the different techniques of traditional caulking. This workshop is for boat owners who want to do their own repairs or the shipwright who replaces planks and wants to caulk them with confidence. Joe will explain and demonstrate the techniques of examining a boat to determine the extent of repair and caulking required. It’s hands-on; if you have irons and a mallet, bring them along. session 1: april 20 session 2: May 18 session 3: July 20 session 4: augusT 17

10 aM - noon (saTurday) $30 MeMBers $40 non-MeMBers 10 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

oar Making


Joe green

Good oars are hard to find in the market! This two-day workshop provides a hands-on introduction to the craft of oar making. Learn the value of balanced oars, various blade patterns, how to choose suitable wood, how to figure the right length of oars and how to make leather oar collars. Students will lay out and build their own pair of flat-blade oars. Learn how to sharpen and use drawknives, spokeshaves and hand planes and some good techniques for shaping and finishing wood. Take home one finished oar and one partly-finished to work on after the class. session 1: July 27 - 28 session 2: oCToBer 26 - 27 9:30 aM - 5 pM (saTurday & sunday)

B.y.o.B. (Bring your oWn BoaT)

$290 MeMBers $350 non-MeMBers 6 sTudenTs MaxiMuM


Joe green & guesT shipWrighTs

Got a boat kicking around in your backyard that you’ve been meaning to get to but just don’t know where to start? How about a boat you tore into and found more than you bargained for? This class is designed for do-it-yourselfers who need a jump-start on their projects. Bring your trailerable wooden boat (up to 20’) and get valuable time with professional shipwrights. You will get advice on how to begin the restoration, make repairs and move your project forward. Participants will come away from this class with a better understanding of boats, marine products and professional restoration techniques. B.Y.O.B. Great as a gift! Help that special someone get their boat out of your driveway! session 1: april 20 session 2: May 18 session 3: July 20 session 4: augusT 17

W h aT

is a

1 pM - 5 pM (saTurday) $60 MeMBers $80 non-MeMBers

s p o k e s h av e ?

A spokeshave is a tool used to shape and smooth wooden rods and shafts such as wheel spokes, chair legs, bows and arrows. In boatbuilding, it’s used to carve paddles and oars. Students in our oarmaking class learn to use one!


F a m i ly B O aT B U i l D i N G faMily BoaTBuilding: el Toro


CWB sTaff

This classic event gives families, friends or coworkers the opportunity to work together to develop new skills, create lasting memories and build a boat they can take home at the end of the Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival. neW!

The El Toro was originally conceived as a small boat that would work as both a youth trainer and a small yacht tender. The El Toro is a versatile small boat which can be sailed by one or two kids or an adult and a child. It was designed in the 1940s during “bull sessions” at the Richmond Yacht Club near San Francisco. The basic boat is a great craft to learn on and you can add performance features too as your skills increase. The El Toro is an excellent introduction to basic boatbuilding. In four eight-hour sessions, you will build your own boat from a pre-cut kit. At the end of the class your El Toro will be ready for final painting and finishing. There are several options for building: BuilD the Fleet: This option is suited for those families that would like to build a boat but aren’t sure what they would do with it when it is completed. The solution: Help CWB build its fleet of El Toro Sailing Dinghies and have all of the fun of building the boat at half the cost. You get to build and name an El Toro that will be a part of CWB’s youth sailing fleet for many years to come. Your family also will get free use of your boat or another just like it in CWB’s weekend El Toro livery for one year after your boats completion. $500 MeMBers/$600 non-MeMBers Bare Boat: If you already own a rig or if you want to enjoy your new boat as a rowboat for a while, choose this option. You can build a bare boat now and build the mast, sail, rudder and daggerboard later. You will build a complete El Toro hull with daggerboard trunk and mast step ready for you to row now or complete at your convenience. $900 MeMBers/$1,000 non-MeMBers sail-away: Have you always wanted your own small boat to enjoy as family? Pick this option and you will leave the class with an El Toro sailing dinghy that is ready for paint with everything required for you to finish it off as a superb small sailing dingy. $1,400 MeMBers/$1,500 non-MeMBers

June 29 & July 4 - 7 9 aM To 5 pM (saTurday & Thursday - sunday)

faMily BoaTBuilding: “fooTy”

ages 8+

Pond boat sailing is an excellent family activity and building a pond boat is a great way to get started. One or two members will work together, first learning what makes a sailboat perform and then building their own “Footy” pond boat. The Footy is a type of pond boat designed to fit in a box that is 12” tall, 12” long and 6” wide; the measurement is hull to deck, stem to stern, not including mast, bowsprit and part of the rudder. Any boat that fits in the box can register with the Footy Class and become the part of the largest free-sailing Footy fleet in the country, receive an official number and race against other Footys. At the end of the class, students will take home a finished, free-sailing (no radio control) Footy. neW!

There will be a race in the model boat pond in Lake Union Park as part of CWB’s Norm Blanchard Regatta September 28-29. For more information about Footys, visit sepTeMBer 14 & 21 10 aM To 4 pM (saTurdays)

$225 MeMBers $275 non-MeMBers

8 BoaTs MaxiMuM

“The overall experience was invaluable for me. I knew many of the bits and pieces, but Dave put them all together, with “hands-on” examples. I can now tackle my boat without fear or qualms.” 22

- Workshop Participant

Y O U T H B O AT B U I L D I N G WoodWorking



ages 8 - 16

Do you like using tools? Do you want to learn more about cutting and shaping wood, while making something that is both pretty and functional? Join us for woodworking for kids and you will learn how to use hand tools such as drills and saws to build a tool/storage box that you can keep for yourself or give to a friend or family member. July 15 - 19 2 pM To 5 pM (Monday To friday)

$200 suggesTed priCe 8 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

quiCk & daring

ages 10 – 16

Could you design and build a boat in five days? Could you do it with a couple of sheets of plywood and whatever else you can find? Would you be bold enough to try your creation on Lake Union? In this version of the popular Quick & Daring boatbuilding competition from the Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival, students will learn the basic principles of vessel design and construction, work in teams to build a boat from strange, wondrous and random materials and then sail and row their boats. No experience necessary. July 22 - 26 9 aM To 1 pM (Monday To friday)

$200 suggesTed priCe 16 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

Build a “fooTy” pond BoaT

ages 8 -1 6

Want to build your own pond boat? Here’s your chance. Learn what makes a sailboat perform and build your own pond boat. The Footy is a type of pond boat designed to fit in a box 12” tall, 12” long and 6” wide. Any boat that fits in the box can register with the Footy Class and become the part of the largest free-sailing Footy fleet in the country, receive an official number and race against other Footys. Students will take home a finished free-sailing (no radio control) Footy at the end of the week. There will be a race in the model boat pond in Lake Union Park on the last day. No experience necessary. For more information about Footys visit July 29 - augusT 2 10 aM To 2 pM (Monday To friday)

$200 suggesTed priCe 8 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

youTh k ayak Building

ages 11 - 16

Students will build their own fully-decked stitch and glue kayaks. At the end of the week major construction will be finished but the completion of some detail work may be required at home. Students will learn basic woodworking and contemporary boat construction techniques. No experience necessary. augusT 12 - 16 9 aM To 5 pM (Monday To friday)

$800 suggesTed priCe 8 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

naTive sTyle paddle Carving

ages 9 - 16

Are you interested in Native culture? Would you like to have a traditional cedar paddle to hang on your wall or use in your own canoe? Join us for Native Paddle Carving and you will work alongside Native carvers to carve your own traditional cedar paddle. augusT 26 - 30 10aM To 1 pM (Monday To friday)


$200 suggesTed priCe 8 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

a f u l l d ay o f i T !

If you’re looking for a full day of activities for your child, we understand! This year we’ve structured our programs to provide day-long classes and half-day classes. Combine a boatbuilding class with a sailing class and you’ve just created your own day-long program! See the next page for ideas about which classes pair well together.


YO U T H S A I L I N G CWB Youth Sailing explores maritime heritage and skills in a dynamic hands-on environment on Lake Union. Knot tying, team building, rigging and dockside demonstrations are preparation for on-the-water sailing drills and activities. Our talented and dedicated Youth Sail Instructors are trained US Sailing instructors and are First Aid and CPR Certified.

Beginning sailing

ages 8 – 16

In this introduction to sailing, learn the basic theory and terminology of sailing to build a foundation of skills: tacking, jibing, sail trim, weight balance and capsize recovery. Practice teamwork, communication, observation and patience while sailing in teams of two in the 8’ El Toros. No experience necessary. half days: 10 aM - 1 pM session 1: June 24 - 28 session 2: July 15 - 19 session 3: July 29 - augusT 2 session 4: augusT 12 - 16 session 5: augusT 26 - 30 $185 suggesTed priCe

full days: 10 aM - 5 pM session 1: July 22 - 26 session 2: augusT 19 - 23 $350 suggesTed priCe all sessions are Monday To friday 16 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

inTerMediaTe sailing

ages 8 - 16

Learn new skills such as pointing and footing, ways to adjust sail shape, balance and trim and overboard recovery. This is the next step for those who know the basics of sailing and are ready to sail an El Toro solo. Prerequisite: Beginning Sailing or instructor permission session 1: June 24 - 28, 2 pM - 5 pM session 2: July 29 - augusT 2, 2 pM - 5 pM session 3: augusT 5 - 9, 10 aM - 1 pM session 4: augusT 12 - 16, 2 pM - 5 pM all sessions are Monday To friday

$185 suggesTed priCe 8 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

grad sChool: BeeTle CaTs

ages 10 - 16

Learn to sail the Beetle Cat, a 12’ gaff-rigged wooden boat first designed and built for youth in 1921. Sail in pairs, practice advanced upwind and downwind sailing, balance and trim, overboard recovery, steering with the sail and docking. Advanced knot tying and reefing also will be covered. Gain experience in larger boats available in our Livery year-round. Prerequisite: Two sessions of Intermediate Sailing or instructor permission

fill your day WiTh CWB prograMs: Beginning Sailing Science of Sailing Waterways Camp Youth Kayak Building Or combine... •

Beginning Sailing and Woodworking for Kids

Intermediate Sailing and Build a “Footy” Pond Boat

Grad School and Quick & Daring


session 1: May 4, 11, 18, 25, June 1 & 8 (saTurdays) session 2: July 22 - 26 session 3: augusT 5 - 9 session 4: augusT 19-23 (Monday To friday)

session 5: oCToBer 5, 12, 19, 26 and noveMBer 2 & 9 (saTurdays) $225 suggesTed priCe 6 sTudenTs MaxiMuM all sessions 2 pM - 5 pM

el Toro & BeeTle CaT raCing

ages 10 - 16

Join CWB on Saturday afternoons for a fun introduction to racing. Learn the basics of right-ofway rules, racing strategy, tactics and refine boat handling skills in preparation for a real regatta! The session ends with the Norm Blanchard W.O.O.D. Regatta September 28 - 29. Prerequisite: Intermediate Sailing for El Toro registration and Grad School for Beetle Cat registration sepTeMBer 7, 14, 21, 28 & 29 2 pM - 5 pM firsT 3 saTurdays; 10aM - 5pM lasT saTurday & sunday

$225 suggesTed priCe 8 el Toros MaxiMuM 3 BeeTle CaTs MaxiMuM

YO U T H S A I L I N G sCienCe of sailing

ages 9 - 11

Pacific Science Center (PSC) and The Center for Wooden Boats have teamed up to create a week of fun, science-filled sailing. Delve into the math and physics behind sailing and boat design. Investigate the convergence of wind, water, weather and the cause and effect of the wind in your sails and your hand on the helm. Spend your morning at PSC building model boats and conducting experiments, then walk to CWB to spend the afternoon sailing 8’ wooden El Toro prams in pairs on Lake Union. Chart your course and sail off on an adventure!

Early registration for members begins February 26, general registration begins March 1. Visit to register. Early registration recommended. Limited CWB Pay What You Can financial assistance is available; please request at the time of registration. session 1: July 15-19 session 2: augusT 5-9 session 3: augusT 26-30 TiMe: 9 aM - 5 pM (Monday - friday) 16

sTudenTs MaxiMuM

april 30: $370 MeMBers $395 non-MeMBers regisTer Before

regisTer afTer april 30: $395 MeMBers $420 non-MeMBers

WaTerWays CaMp

ages 9 – 11

This camp will take place at the beautiful new Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI), as well as at CWB in boats on Lake Union. Explore life on land and water during this exciting camp, exploring all the ways people live in, on and near the water! Each day we’ll focus on a different theme such as transportation, recreation or stewardship of our precious rivers, lakes and seas. Don’t miss the fun! neW!

Early registration for members begins February 11, general registration begins March 1. Visit to register. Financial aid available based on need, inquire at time of registration daTes: augusT 19 – 23 9 aM – 4 pM (Monday - friday)

regisTer Before


regisTer afTer april 30: $325 MeMBers $350 non-MeMBers

sTudenTs MaxiMuM

april 30: $300 MeMBers $325 non-MeMBers

sChool year el Toro sailing

ages 8 – 16

Sail during the school year! This class is open to beginner and intermediate sailors who want to get out on the water and improve their boat handling skills. Sail with friends or sail solo. sPring: May 4, 11, 18, 25, June 1 & 8 10 aM - 1 pM (saTurdays) $185 suggesTed priCe

Fall: sepTeMBer 7, 14, 21 10 aM - 1 pM (saTurdays) $150 suggesTed priCe

“Sailing classes have given my son a sense of independence, self-reliance and resourcefulness.” - Youth Sailing Parent


FIELD TRIPS Field Trips use the marine environment and classic wooden boats to engage students in the Pacific Northwest’s unique culture, history and environment. We provide hands-on educational opportunities year-round for students from pre-school through high school. Programs are aligned with state standards in history, social studies, math science and fitness. We offer pay-what-you-can options for our field trips. Refer to page 5 for details.



sChedule your field Trip:

1. Choose several programs that sound exciting to you 2. List the general age range, number of participants and chaperones. 3. Choose a few dates that would work for you. 4. Most field trips are two hours in length, are available Tuesday through Friday and scheduled from 10 am - noon or 1 pm – 3 pm. 5. E-mail or call (206) 382-2628 (Tuesday-Friday) and ask for field trips. With that info and a few conversations your class will be in our field trip calendar. Come visit us and share Lake Union with your students!

uMiaq advenTure



Umiaqs have been built by Arctic civilizations for over 5,000 years. Work together as a team to paddle one of these traditional skin canoes. Students also learn to use hand tools and build their own wooden toy boats!

Tools & Tales


3 To 8

A great way to get younger children excited about boats! Explore The Center for Wooden Boats‘ docks and listen to stories about boats, maritime culture and the environment. After story time, children get hands-on experience with traditional hand tools by building their own wooden toy boats.

The signifiCanCe of salMon

Model BoaT design



Come learn how sailboats are designed and how they work. Then build your own model boat and sail it on Lake Union Park’s model boat pond! Emphasis is placed on basic math, Physics and boat design concepts. IN THE CLASSROOM:

Supports 5th grade National Science Foundation Kit: “Models & Designs” $160 suggesTed priCe per group 30 sTudenTs MaxiMuM availaBle year round



Students investigate the important role of salmon in the Pacific Northwest in this hands-on program co-presented by MOHAI and The Center for Wooden Boats. Classes will visit both locations – including venturing out on Lake Union in an historic sailing gillnetter! To schedule this program, please visit MOHAI’s website: neW!

offered sepTeMBer – June 9 aM - 1:30 pM


(Mondays and Tuesdays) $350 per group of up To 75 sTudenTs

“I just wanted to let you know that our field trip at the Center for Wooden Boats last week got the most positive kid and parent feedback of any field trip in my last two summers here! Thanks again for a great and super fun program!” -Leigh, Child Care Director

FIELD TRIPS lake union hisTory afloaT Lake Union History Afloat offers students a unique opportunity to connect classroom learning with hands-on experience. Each grade-specific module includes a shore-based activity and a chance to paddle as a group to a related site of historical significance on Lake Union. Each program is designed to support Washington State and Seattle Public Schools, curriculum in History, Science and Art.


Choose the module below which best fits your group’s age and interest. offered sepTeMBer – June (Tuesday - friday)

$160 suggesTed priCe per group 30 sTudenTs MaxiMuM

WhaT floaTs your BoaT? - exploring BuoyanCy

g rades 2 – 3

Learn all about how boats float by exploring the concepts of buoyancy and displacement. Each student will build their own wooden toy boat and have a chance to float it, raise it and lower it in our model dry dock (a floating dock used to pull boats out of the water for maintenance). Then we’ll travel by boat on Lake Union to see full-sized boats in action and the real, working dry dock at Lake Union Dry Dock, one of the oldest businesses in Seattle, founded in 1916. IN THE CLASSROOM:

Supports National Science Foundation Kits: “Balancing & Weighing” and “Liquids & Solids”


and The

seaplanes of lake union



The very first Boeing Airplane was a seaplane built right here on Lake Union. Today, there are two active seaplane companies with flights every day that take off and land on lake. We’ll explore the history of Seattle’s timber and boatbuilding industries, which helped foster Bill Boeing’s young company and the fledgling aviation industry. Students will paddle by boat to the site of Boeing’s first airplane hangar, passing by today’s active seaplane companies. Each student also will build their own wooden propeller and explore the concepts of lift and principles of propeller design. IN THE CLASSROOM:

Supports 4th Grade Washington State History curriculum and National Science Foundation Kits: “Models & Designs”

naTive seaTTle

g rades 4 - 8

Long before the city grew up around it, Lake Union was a bustling hub of activity for Coast Salish communities and Native culture still thrives there today. Students will explore elements of Coast Salish art and design through hands-on activities and crafts, learn Salish names for sites of historical significance in Seattle and travel by umiaq to some of these sites on Lake Union. IN THE CLASSROOM:

Supports 4th grade and 8th grade Washington State History curriculum

aBouT suggesTed priCes for youTh prograMs: Many of our youth programs list suggested prices because we want to make hands-on experiences available to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay. Please refer to page 5 for “Pay What You Can” details.


O u t O f S c h O O l yO u t h p r O g r a m S Join organizations including Powerful Schools, T.O.P.S. Middle School, Environmental and Adventure School, The Overlake School, YouthCare Orion Center and El Centro de la Raza in providing students with dynamic, hands-on programs that extend learning beyond the traditional school day. CWB can work with you to design a program in which students have fun in an outdoor setting while developing self-confidence, patience, teamwork and decision-making skills. For more information and pricing details, please contact

MariTiMe inTensives - day sailing & voyaging - “fooTy” pond BoaT Building WoodWorking for kids - sChool year sailing

Messing aBouT in BoaTs for groups

grades 5 - 12

Messing About in Boats is the full CWB multi-day boatbuilding and on-the-water experience. Your group will build its own wooden rowboat or sailboat and develop basic skills in woodworking, sailing, rowing and paddling. Boatbuilding and boating are integrated with math, natural sciences, physics and other classroom lessons. Our programs promote teamwork and empower young people by building confidence through competence. Choose from a five-day or ten-day option at our Seattle or Cama Beach locations. At Cama Beach, your group has the option to stay for the duration of the program in rustic beachfront cabins. For more information and pricing details, contact Last year, students from Emerson High School, The Overlake School and Environmental and Adventure School each built a 14’ Babson Island Skiff. Come see the EAS Treehugger (the boat built by EAS) at CWB! availaBle sepTeMBer Through June

day sailing & voyages

grades 5 - 12

Explore the natural environment by water. CWB offers two- to six-hour day expeditions on Lake Union. For a more intensive experience, choose an overnight voyage on Lake Washington, across Puget Sound to Bainbridge Island or north to Saratoga Passage and the San Juan Islands. We travel by sail, kayak, longboat or umiaq canoe. Day sailing and voyages focus on leadership, teamwork and communication while having fun and gaining technical skill in sailing, rowing or paddling and can accommodate up to 30 participants. $160 suggesTed priCe per TWo hour prograM $400 suggesTed priCe per day availaBle april Through sepTeMBer

sChool year sailing

grades 5 - 12

CWB offers Beginning and Intermediate Sailing during the school year for youth organizations, school groups, afterschool programs and scouting groups. Students have fun learning an outdoor skill and develop self-confidence and decision-making skills while learning patience, observation and teamwork. Students sail in pairs and learn the fundamentals of sailing during a series of 6 three-hour lessons. If you would like to coordinate a program contact $185 suggesTed priCe availaBle May - June and sepTeMBer - oCToBer


“A young person that I worked with for the past four years was profoundly moved by the Day Sailing experience. He was empowered as a sailor which led to new-found confidence in his day-to-day life.” – Orion Center Youth Counselor

YO U T H D e v e lO p m e n T p r O g r a m s JoB skills Training


souTh lake union


CaMa BeaCh

CWB invites young adults from low-income or underserved backgrounds to be Job Skills Crew Members at our South Lake Union location. Crew members will participate in all areas of CWB’s operations. The focus of the program will be on-the-water and general seamanship skills. An emphasis will be placed on preparing students with the skills necessary for careers in the maritime industry, including helping students pursue United States Coast Guard credentials. Crew members will learn about careers in the maritime trades through field trips, guest speakers, and information sessions. They will write resumes and cover letters; learn how to job search; and practice interview skills. In addition to gaining valuable experience, a stipend is available to offset student living costs. If you have an interest in working with your hands and would like to explore maritime skills and careers, contact Tyson Trudel at or visit ages 16 – 20 appliCaTions availaBle January 1

2013 prograM runs MarCh To June 10 CreW MeMBers MaxiMuM

youTh prograM inTernships CWB is offering internship experiences for both graduate and undergraduate college students working with our Youth Program Staff to assist in the continuing development and delivery of our field trip programs. Youth program interns are required to commit 10 hours a week for two quarters or six months. CWB’s Youth program staff will work with you and your school to ensure that this is a valuable leaning experience and meets your personal, professional and academic needs. Internships begin in September and January. To inquire about Youth Program Internships, contact Youth Education Manager Tyson Trudel at

high sChool prograM assisTanT

ages 16 – 18

Spend your summer outside and gain valuable professional skills someplace fun! High School Program Assistants work directly with our wooden boats and the people who use them. Learn about traditional sail and row boats, help teach youth sailing, repair and maintain our fleet, or assist with field trips. Program Assistants receive valuable experience, training and mentorship volunteering alongside our professional staff and an opportunity to be an integral part of the CWB community. Applications are available availaBle april – sepTeMBer 20 hours per Week (MiniMuM of 3 Weeks)

aMeriCorps The Center for Wooden Boats is pleased to partner with the Washington Service Corps to provide AmeriCorps Members the opportunity to serve the broader community of Seattle and Camano Island through our Youth Programs. AmeriCorps Members have played a significant role in increasing the impact of our Youth programs on at-risk and underserved youth. Please contact us in June to find out what positions are available for the following program year. AmeriCorps terms typically start in September and end in July. Find out more about AmeriCorps online at or contact our Youth Education Manager, Tyson Trudel, Applicants must be between 18 and 25 years of age on the date of enrollment.

hoW To Tie a BoWline


LUCKY YOU! The Steamship Virginia V can seat 150 of your (206) 624-9119

guests aboard the ship! Now you can plan that big event you always wanted to, but couldn’t host aboard The Center for Wooden Boats’ Puffin. The beautiful 125-feet wooden hull Virginia V is a unique venue available for charters and dockside events. Your event aboard the ship helps to preserve her for future generations. The non-profit Steamer Virginia V Foundation relies on the generosity of businesses and individuals to maintain the 90-year old ship. Support through donations, memberships and volunteers are always welcome and appreciated. The Steamship Virginia V is owned and operated by the Steamer Virginia V Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3).

R E S TA U R A N T S + A m E N i T i E S




Av e.




Valley St.



Roy St.

Valley St.

Valley St.

Mercer St


Harrison St.

11 3



19 John St

Denny Way




slu streetcar line - to Downtown

Courtyard Marriott 925 Westlake Ave N (206) 213-0100


Trago Cocina & Lounge 701 Westlake Ave N (206) 623-2949

12 Urban City Coffee Co. 900 Broad St (866) 797-5282


Duke’s Chowderhouse 901 Fairview Ave N (206) 382-9963


13 World Sports Grille 731 Westlake Ave N (206) 223-0300


Portage Bay Cafe 391 Terry Ave N (206) 462-6400

Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria 2200 Westlake Ave, Ste 112 (206) 624-4422



Buca di Beppo 701 9th Ave N (206) 244-2288 Chandler’s Crabhouse 901 Fairview Ave N (206) 223-2722

McCormick & Schmick’s 9 Harborside Restaurant 1200 Westlake Ave N (206) 270-9052 10 Cuoco 310 Terry Ave N (206) 971-0710 11 Serious Pie 401 Westlake Avenue N (206) 436-0050

14 Seastar Restaurant & Raw Bar 2121 Terry Ave, Suite 108 (206) 462-4364 15 Daniel’s Broiler 809 Fairview Ave N (206) 621-8262 16 Flying Fish Bistro 300 Westlake Ave N (206) 728-8595




Silver Cloud Inn 1150 Fairview Ave N (206) 447-9500 Starbucks Coffee Westlake Drive-Thru 1200 Westlake Ave N (206) 216-0306 Venik Lounge & Banya 5 227 9th Ave N # A (206) 223-3734

20 Residence Inn Marriott 800 Fairview Ave N (206) 624-6000 21

Emerald Grill at the Holiday Inn 211 Dexter Ave N (206) 728-8123


Eastlake Ave. E.

Republican St.


206.621.8262 South Lake Union 809 Fairview Ave. North

Blue Moon Burgers 920 Republican St (206) 652-0400


Thomas St.

All Appetizers and Wines by the Glass $4 off All Draft and Bottled Beer $1 off Martinis and Manhattans $8 *All Appetizers half off during late night happy hour.


Aloha St .


Yale Ave. N

Live Piano Music Tuesday-Saturday



Pontius Ave. N

Serving USDA Prime Steak Exclusively!


. st

Dexter Avenue N.

d oa Br

9th Ave. N

206.223.2722 South Lake Union 901 Fairview Ave. North

Happy Hour Seven days a week from 4pm-6:30pm and 9pm-close*.



Specialty Cocktails $7 All Wines by the Glass $4 off All Draft and Bottled Beer $1 off




Join us for Chandler’s Happy Hour! 3:00pm to Close Seven Days a Week


Home of the World’s Best Dungeness Crab Cake!





w ie

. N v e 17

the Center for WooDen Boats 1010 Valley Street Seattle, WA 98109-4468

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