Shavings Volume 16 Number 4 (August 1994)

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Volume XVI Number 4 August, 1994

Published for members of the Center for Wooden Boats

The Adventures of Johan Niklasson For a number of years I have been fascinated about the American Northwest coast, the Native culture and the undestroyed nature. One day I knew I would be there. In the end of March I finally made it to Seattle. To see what I wanted to see required a vessel of my own. Before, I had been paddling long distance too much. My wrists got sore. No more paddling for me the doctor said. Here I have come up with another idea. I bought myself a second hand canoe, paddled it to the Center for Wooden Boats and asked for some help to put on a sail and outriggers. The help I got was over my wildest expectations. After about a week I was off to new adventures. I was forced to go to Bellingham for some adjustments, then I was free like the bird, rather like the whale. The first week on the sea was marvelous. Southerly winds and a lot of sun. It was hard to find a camping spot all the way to Campbell River and Prince Rupert, British Columbia, except for a small place called Wagisla, generally referred to as Bella Bella. Instead of people there are wild animals - wolves, black bears, sea lions and dolphins. With all of them 1 had encounters of less than 10 meters. I had a black bear trying to get into my tent and a pack of wolves hunting deer just outside my tent. Because my tent can have a fire inside it I think the animals didn't feel my smell because of the smoke. When I got to Prince Rupert I managed to get a lift to Rose Harbor on the southern tip of Queen Charlotte Islands. South Moresby was magical. There were signs of old Native villages everywhere and the forest contained huge old trees. Here the black bear population was very dense but I only had serious problem with one of them.

The bear didn't want to leave my tent alone even with my shouting, so I fired my rifle in the air, and the bear took off. I wanted to live as much as possible off nature. Now I am tired of eating fish and shellfish, especially shellfish, because I ate a mussel with red tide in it. I got really sick for a while. After 2-3 weeks on the Charlottes, I decided to continue on into Alaska. I considered taking a shortcut on the outside of an Island. The weather looked good so I went for it. After a while the wind started picking up. I felt a shiver down my spine. The coast was all rocks. The route didn't look very nice to me. Because of the waves I was forced to go with them. The slightest wrong angle resulted in a wave breaking into the canoe. Fortunately the canoe was filled with flotation. I wouldn't go down because of water. No, my enemy was the rocks. Suddenly a gust broke the mast and the sail ripped to pieces. The broken sail got stuck in the outrigger. I had to go up wind to get it loose. I waited for a big wave, after that I turned and pulled the sail up but I was not fast enough. The next wave broke over me. It gave me an inner jolt of fright. I said to myself that if I would survive this I would quit and go home. Luckily I didn't flop over. But the rocks were getting closer and closer. I barely made the next corner. But there it was, my last hope on the other side of the bay, a small beach. The waves were getting higher and higher the closer I got. 1 was afraid of capsizing. When I was almost there I saw a rock 20 meters off shore. I managed to get behind it and had a relatively safe landing on the beach; Otherwise I would definitely have flipped over. When I later reached civilization, 1 1

heard that there had been 50 knot winds that day. I don't think I was out in that strong wind but it sure was some bad weather. After, I sold the canoe up there and hitched back to Seattle. Now, when I am back in civilization, questions appear in my mind: What was I doing up there? Why do I put myself through these things? Well, I think there is some unexplainable force in sailors that just forces us to go out there and be devoured by the elements, not necessarily with our bodies but definitely with our souls. It gives me deep relaxation to the mind that lasts for a long time. When the feeling is gone we just have to go out there again. It is like narcotics, almost impossible to quit. The wind whispers in my ears A song of long forgotten words Telling tales of long forgotten ways It carries me on a journey And there I travel looking Looking breathlessly. - Johan Niklasson

Johan is back in his home in Sweden. He is 25, tall, lithe and was last seen at CWB looking very tanned and with his long, blond hair pulled back in a pony tail. Johan spent his childhood summers sailing and paddling in the Swedish archipelago. He learned a lot of seamanship talking with the boatmen of the islands. Johan has been studying biology and anthropology, but now his academic focus will be traditional Swedish arts and crafts. Johan is a CWB member.


Participants in the 1994 Ed Clark Classic Yacht Race, July 3 Name Aura B-27 Dorade Fremont Rose Fresto Iwalani Laurie Ann Makai Maltese Falcon Minuet Myrica Nautilus Raindance Seawind Shangai Lil Ultima Wayfarer Yankee Clipper

CWB began sponsoring a wooden yacht racing event in 1991 as part of our Wooden Boat Festival and part of the Wooden Yacht Racing Association's series. We called it the Lake Union Classic Yacht Race. Awards were given for the first three places on corrected time, and there is a permanent trophy for the honor of finishing first. This award is a half model, made by Norm Blanchard, of the Seaborn designed sloop NEOGA II. This year the same race has a new name and award. We now call it the Ed Clark Classic Yacht Race. There is a new permanent trophy at CWB for 1st Place, corrected time. The trophy is a half model of Ed Clark's favorite boat, the Star. It was made by Paul Henry, and sponsored by the friends and family of Ed Clark. Ed, who passed away in 1993, was one of CWB's finest volunteers. He was a great sailor, and he loved to spend countless hours at CWB teaching others. Ed's teaching method was charm, wit, and unfaltering patience. Ed loved to race, and he approached it the same way he taught sailing — as a shared problem solving exercise, where good humor and fair play were the first priority. It seemed appropriate to remember Ed Clark each year at our Classic Yacht Race and to remember the standards of volunteerism, sailing and racing that Ed exemplified. Please come and see the permanent trophies at CWB's Boathouse.

Len 33' 26' 60' 18' 38' 26' 20' 26' 42' 28' 30' 35' 35' 33' 31' 24' 16' 30'

Rig Sloop Sloop Yawl Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Yawl Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop

Owner Designer Year Garden Ward Fay 1948 Blanchard Bart Simons 1948 Olin Stevens Mike Douglas 1932 Geary Daniel Traub 1935 Roedde/Halliday Paul Henry 1948 Blanchard CWB 1952 Herreshoff Clay Freeman 1980 Seaborn Ed Hicks 1958 Jim Tupper/Roger Iida 1947 Monk Unknown "Woody" Unknown Buchanan Lin Folsom 1963 Ben Seaborn Bill Van Vlack 1941 Sean McGregor 1935 Berg Garden CWB 1947 Al Mason Chris Mohs 1970 Fazekas George Fazekas 1988 Proctor Haralson 1960 Herreshoff CWB 1938

Nautilus 1. Maltese Falcon 2. Nautilus 3. Yankee Clipper

First to Finish Overall


To A l l 1994 Wooden Boat Festival Water Taxi Volunteers As "person in charge" of the water taxi this year, I want to take the time to personally thank all the hard working volunteers who helped make the water taxi at the 1994 Wooden Boat Festival the great success that it was. The work you all put in (from dock help to boat skippers and everything in between) helped the Center For Wooden Boats give a lot of people the wonderful experience of "wooden boating" first hand. Along with the standard fleet of rowboats (whose skippers had the hardest job), this year we offered sailboats. The wind was with us and the sailboats turned out to be a great draw. We gave a lot of folks their first sailboat ride ever and even got a few signed up for lessons. The classic Hacker Craft Nostalgia hooked those power enthusiasts into a boat ride. Long lines were waiting for a ride in Nostalgia. It takes a lot of patience to work with the public as you all did, and you all did a great job. Thank you again for your hard work, and I hope to work with you again next year. Sincerely,

Chuck Edwards


QUICK & DARING Please don't ask me what's the best boat that can be built in one day. That is like asking the meaning of life. Or maybe it is the meaning of life. At any rate, our Quick and Daring Contest was another example of "chac'un a son bateau." This year, the judging still favored speed of construction, few tools, cheap materials, showmanship, originality, and esthetic appeal. But a bit more importance was given to performance under both human and wind power. And a new category of design worth keeping was added. The last two items were meant to encourage entrants to think of Quick and Daring as a laboratory for new ideas of hull shape, materials and construction techniques that may be purchased at tomorrow's boat dealers. One other change this year was the generous sponsorship of Q&D by Kayak Lakeside Grill. If you would like to thank them, they are in the A G C building at 1200 Westlake N . , right down the lake from CWB. The eight entries were: JIBBERISH - Scott Durkee and John Lang. A classic V — bottom pram with long fore and aft deck, daggerboard and aft mounted mast. This boat took 6 hours to build. Its' sail and row performance was 2nd best. It was cheapest to build and 3rd in tool weight. BOB, Mark Bennett and Sean Connelly. This was the most traditional looking boat and the fastest performer. The design was a near clone of the Rhodes' design Penguin: upright stem, arc bottom. The team took their time building it right - 16 hours. A good portion of that time went into the 20' laminated, tapered mast. Their idea was to build a keeper. Their cost of materials and tool weight were the highest. After the show, Mark confidently sailed BOB off into the sunset. TIKI was the brainchild of two set designers- Carol Dean and Bob Boehler. They built a round bottom, displacement keel vessel, reminiscent of the elegant 18th century English plank on edge cutters. TIKI had a sawn plywood stem and keel. The frames were sawn plywood with bamboo longitudinals, covered with layers of muslin and layers of paint. The sails and hull were adorned with

whimsical and colorful scenes of fantasy sea life. Since TIKI's hull was narrow and deep, water ballast was assumed to provide stability, with the deep keelson as the ballast baffle. TIKI was tied for tops in originality and showmanship, 2nd in esthetics and 3rd in speed of construction. Unfortunately there was a little oopsy when the sails were raised and TIKI went tippy. The ballast forget to stay where it was supposed to and sails and keel exchanged positions about half way around the course.

washed up on the same beach. LOG JAM was the fastest to build and required the least tool weight. Sonotubes must be pricey because the material cost was third highest. LOG JAM showed structural problems during the parade to launching, in which the two hulls moved independently. Things didn't get better when the vessel was afloat, and before the race was completed the hull and outrigger were sailing on different courses.

QUARTER INCH JACK was a carefully built V — bottom catamaran by Paul Kuranco and Bill Miller. It had an attractive sheer and cleverly designed twin keels canted 30o, similar to the inland lakes scow centerboards. JACK rated about the middle in all the judging categories. Paul and Bill went about their business from beginning design to successfully rounding the course, quietly and with no sweat. KELL-SEA, Bob and Paul Perkins was an open pram with a long skeg, side mounted daggerboard and gaff catboat rig. It was the 2nd cheapest to build and 2nd lightest tool weight. It was the 2nd slowest to build and sailed the course, but slowly. KELL-SEA finished about midway in all the other categories. The project that would have got high grades if there was a "less-is-more" category: LOG JAM, Stefan Kristianson and Bill Murray. This was a catamaran with 18" diameter cardboard sono-tube (form for concrete post) for the hull and 12" diameter for the outrigger. The ends were plugged with plywood and sealant. The hulls were secured with gnarled driftwood tree limbs, fastened by lashings. The spars apparently 4

PONDEROSA PINE, Paul Sorenson and Mike Pethe. This was a flat bottom, slab sided canoe with low aspect dipping lug rig. It was originally designed as a 16' vessel, but due to the cost of clear 1x12 pine for the sides, the team opted to make it a 12' vessel without widening the 3'beam. PONDEROSA was 3rd fastest in building time, and about down the middle in all other categories except performance. The crew could simply not keep the boat upright. Out of frustration, Paul Sorenson, fully clothed and really

soaked, swam the fastest fifty yard butterfly I've ever seen. The judges wondered why the crew didn't tow PONDEROSA around the course, as the human powered portion of the race - they might have won. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION brought in their design at the last moment of the deadline, which might explain its name. Brad Rice and Catherine Trzybinski built it, to Brad's design. It was a sleek, lean, classic skiff with V — bottom and transom. In order to get the job done quickly, the SPONTANEOUS team used lightweight longitudinal stringers over sawn bulkheads, covered with aircraft fabric. This was similar to TIKI except the interior was unlike any boat I've ever seen or dreamed of. It was filled with a sort of sleeping bag stuffing and covered with the same aircraft fabric as the hull. The fabric, inside and out, were shrunk to a wrinkle free fit with heat gun. The interior became a boat shaped mattress. Hmm ~ Think about the name again. Anyway, Brad and Catherine embarked on SPONTANEOUS wearing pajamas and brought a variety of stuffed animals to enjoy the ride. SPONTANEOUS might well have won the sailing and rowing performance, but lacking adequate bracing, the long narrow hull flexed like a snake. The jib was set upside-down initially, which also lost some racing time. She tied for first in showmanship, third in racing and esthetics, and fourth in building time. Three boats did not finish the course and were penalized. The awards were: 1. JIBBERISH 2. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION 3. QUARTER INCH JACK 4. KELL-SEA 4. BOB 5. LOG JAM 6. TIKI 7. PONDEROSA PINE The Best Q & D judged by the People's Choice was BOB, by a majority of one, with TIKI and SPONTANEOUS tied for second. Once again, the spectacle of building the boats, the builders trading comments with the visitors, and the sailing race was one of the most enjoyable elements of the Wooden Boat Festival. Without the imagination and confidence of the participants and sponsorship of Kayak Grill, it wouldn't have happened. - Dick Wagner.

April 24, 1994 Oh, what a marvelous day to wake up the morning and turn back the hands of time. A chance to take a cruise, a spring cruise, to learn and discover the history of Lake Union in the 1930s. It was a cool, yet crisp, day when many of us gathered to enjoy CWB's annual Spring Cruise, a historical trip around the Lake. We split up into several boats and were on our way along the shoreline. We were able to recognize many of the existing buildings such as: City Light Plant, Lake Union Dry Dock, and Blanchard Boat Company. However, many of the sites had been changed, lost, or forgotten, But today was a day to imagine and remember the way the lake was in the 1930s. While touring the lake in the Blanchard 33, we were told story after story of the businesses that existed and the interest, beliefs and problems that faced the different industries. At the end of the trip I had a different perception of Lake Union, an insight into the history of my surroundings. A beautiful 5

day, a day of awakening, to a deeper understanding of Lake Union: 1930. Tonya Keel Hamman Tonya & Jerry Hamman are CWB members, wooden boat junkies, & live aboard their 59', 1936 William Hand designed motor sailer.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Every 3rd Friday CWB THIRD FRIDAY SPEAKER SERIES 8 p.m. C W B Boathouse Each month CWB finds a speaker of wit and experience to talk about his or her special knowledge. It is also an opportunity for CWB members to meet one another and the staff. This is the only time members can speak out about C W B shortfalls they w i l l , however, be violently ignored. Theories of Universal Unity will be thoroughly investigated during intermissions. Refreshments served. September 17 (Friday) CWB THIRD FRIDAY SPEAKER THE SHIP WRECKS OF PUGET SOUND 8:00 p.m. CWB Boathouse Kent Barnard is an experienced deep sea diver who has founded A R G O N A U T , a non-profit society to find and document historic wrecks in Puget Sound. Kent will give us a slide talk about some of his interesting finds, including SS TRADER, the oldest wreck in Puget Sound, the SS GOVERNOR, which he discovered in 1985, and his current work on the SS S A M P S O N . October 2 (Sunday) WOODIE ONE-DESIGN REGATTA This race is open to all wooden boats. Three or more of a class w i l l have a fleet race, two w i l l have a match-race and all single entries w i l l race in an "open" class. There w i l l also be a gaffers class if enough enter. Registration is due by September 25, 1994. Contact the Center for Wooden Boats for Registration Packet. Pot Luck dinner will be held following the race. $ 5 CWB Member Registration $15 Non Member Registration October 21 (Friday) THIRD FRIDAY SPEAKER SUMMERS AT THE POLES 8:00 p.m. CWB Boathouse Captain Lawson W. Brigham, Commanding Officer of the Coast Guard icebreaker P O L A R SEA has completed several cruises to the Arctic and Antarctic. Captain Brigham will give a history of the P O L A R SEA and its

mission and a slide talk on the recent expeditions of the P O L A R SEA. Capt. Brigham is a CWB member and long time H-12 1/2 sailor November 18, 1994 (Friday) THIRD FRIDAY SPEAKER W O R L D CRUISING WITH T O M & C A R O L BEARD 8:00 p.m. CWB Boathouse Tom is a retired US Navy and Coast Guard pilot. Tom and Carol have done extended cruising the past 10 years, and covered about 130,000 miles. They will give a slide talk on their most recent cruise, which took them 1 1/2 times around the world, visiting 35 countries. January 20,1994 (Friday) THIRD FRIDAY SPEAKER SERIES M A P S OF THE A N C I E N T SEA KINGS 8:00 p.m. CWB Boathouse Professor Richard Warren teaches the history of technology at MIT. Warren has done extensive research about the accurate charts of parts of Greenland, Antarctica and South America that existed before Columbus. He w i l l give a slide talk on the possible origins of a culture that had the technical ability to voyage and chart 10,000 years ago. A n d they didn't come from Mars.

MARINE SKILLS WORKSHOPS A l l year 'round (Classes Every Day in the Summer!) L E A R N TO "SAIL N O W ! " Fee: $125 per person (includes a one-year CWB membership) 11 &/or 1:30 Saturday &/or Sunday Students w i l l learn to sail classic boats in one session of classroom work and four (or more) sessions of hands-on instruction in our small boats, no more than three students per instructor. Students will graduate when able to sail a variety of keel, centerboard, sloop and catboats by instinct. You may begin any Saturday, space permitting. Please call ahead for reservations. For the student who is only free on weekdays, or prefers to have one-on-one instruction, we continue to offer individual lessons ($20) on Weekdays. Call for an appointment.


Frequent Weekends A D V A N C E D SAILING SEMINARS Fee: Variable Our Advanced Sailing Seminars are scheduled on frequent weekends all summer long. The weekend seminars are usually an overnight, and include navigation and cruising techniques. These classes are open to all graduates of Sail N O W ! and sailors with basic skills. Contact the Center for Wooden Boats to sign up for the next available seminar. September 17, 24 (Saturdays) SAIL DESIGN, M A K I N G , A N D REPAIR Fee: $175/200 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., CWB and Buchan MacLean Sails Team Instructors: Robert MacLean & Scott Rohrer Bob MacLean has one of the more successful sail lofts in Seattle. His shop also has one of the best inventories of sail cloth in the area. Scott Rohrer has extensive experience as a sailmaker and racing sailor. In the morning, the course w i l l cover the basics of sail shape, design and performance. In the afternoon, students will move to the loft, where they'll learn the secrets of sail building and repair. With any luck, we'll have the opportunity to try them out. September 17, 18, 24, & 25 (Weekends) LOFTING, JIG BUILDING, A N D PATTERNMAKING Fee: $100/$125 (free with Carvel class) 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., CWB Library and Shop Instructor: Rich Kolin The students w i l l loft a 14' Whitehall type rowboat newly designed by the instructor. They w i l l fair the lines, determine the station molds, and design and build a jig for the Carvel class to be held the first week in October. The jig w i l l be designed to allow the boat frames to be bent over it. The students will also design parts and transom bevels, the stem, and make some patterns. October 1 - 8 C A R V E L WORKSHOP Fee: $550/$600 (includes optional free lofting class see above) 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CWB Boatshop Instructor: Rich Kolin

The class will build a carvel planked dinghy of classic design, incorporating all the challenges of traditional carvel boat building. The completed boat will be launched on Sunday afternoon, October 8. Basic woodworking skills required; class limited to 7 students. October 30 - November 1 THE SALISH PEOPLE A N D THEIR SKILLS A cruise aboard "Zodiac" Leaves CWB 9:00 a.m. Fee: $325/$375 Instructors: Steve & Dorothy Philipp Two special treats in one. Live and travel aboard the 127' schooner "Zodiac" for three days and three nights while studying the history, culture and crafts of the Salish people under the tutelage of Steve and Dorothy Philipp, who have lived among the Salish for more than 60 years. No one can convey the rich lore of Salish work, play and ingenuity better than Steve and Dorothy. You'll learn native skills such as making nettle fishing lines and tule mats, cruise and anchor at places of historic and cultural interest, including a special visit to the Suquamish museum, and perhaps even be treated to Steve's mandolin mastery. All meals and workshop materials are included. Departing from and returning to CWB. Limited to 20 students.

December 10 - 15 (Saturday Thursday) BUILDING THE TRADITIONAL SKIFF Fee: $350/$400 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m., CWB Boatshop Instructor: Rich Kolin "Wooden skiffs are the flannel shirts of boats: familiar, comfortable, rarely celebrated but uncommonly useful and lasting. They are part of our culture every place where water collects deeper than your shin." During this week at CWB, Rich will take four to six students in quest of this 'feel' with the construction of the most basic, honest skiff of all. His students will craft a 12-foot rowing skiff from blueprints, and maybe an eight foot pram too if there are enough willing hands. (But prams are another story, aren't they?) The boat(s) will be from Rich's own designs, with lapstrake planking and cross-planked bottom. Rich's six-day class is a special opportunity for those seeking an introduction to boatbuilding. From sharpening your tools to launching the finished boat, oars and all, the. class takes only two thirds as long as many offered for more elaborate small-craft. Upon completion, the class will participate together in launching and then the finished skiff will go into the livery as a one of CWB's traditional exhibits.

February 4 & 5 (Saturday & Sunday) LOFTING WORKSHOP Fee: $115/$125 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. CWB Boathouse Instructor: Eric Hvalsoe Students will loft a classic Davis boat from a table of offsets. This workshop w i l l enable students to read plans and understand the arcane mysteries of bevels, rabbet lines, deductions and construction drawings. This class is highly recommended as a prerequisite for our boatbuilding workshops. Limited to 6 students. February 11-19 (Saturday - Sunday) CARVEL WORKSHOP - DAVIS BOAT Fee: $550/$600 8:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. CWB Boatshop Instructor: Eric Hvalsoe Students will build the classic 16' Davis Boat featured in our monograph. The Davis Boats were a double-ended Alaska fisherman's boat. 'Three generations of Tsimshian Indians built the finest little boats you can imagine in Metlakatla, Alaska". 'The boats were an immediate sensation and were largely responsible for launching a new hand-troll fishery in Southeastern Alaska... Fishermen would buy a pair of oars in Ketchikan, come to Metlakatla in the morning and say, 'John, I'd like to have a 14-foot boat, and I'd like to have it this evening.'" (Excepts from the Davis Monograph, CWB) The instructor is a nationally recognized boat builder and designer and has run dozens of CWB Workshops. Basic woodworking skills are required. Maximum 7 students. NOTE:Fees indicate member/non-member costs. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required with registration for all boat building workshops, with the balance payable one week prior to the workshop. Pre-payment in full will insure your place in all other workshops. Classes with fewer than 4 students will be canceled or postponed. COURSES WE USUALLY DURING THE YEAR


Basic Woodworking Block Plane Making Carvel Plank Boat Building Canvas Canoe Repair and Restoration Celestial Navigation Converting a Traditional Skiff to Sail Half Model Building Lapstrake Boat building 7

CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: 16' replica of Shetland Islands Sixem, lug schooner rig. Trailer included. $5000. Bill Boulton, 783-8415 British Seagull Engine model # 105 - Built for Normandy Invasion!! About 6 hp. David 522-5134 Best offer. 50' Historic ex-steam River Tug, 1889/1983. Vessel has been extensively rebuilt, including her GM Diesel main, good layout for 1-2 person live-aboard. Fully operational. $65,000 Mindi Fowler (206) 298-9900. 15' Sea Kayak 251bs. Wood Epoxy, $450 3640194 Bill 1955 14' Norseman Runabout, Oak deck, seats floor, mahogany gunwale, 50 hp Merc (rebuilt) Trailer (206) 862-8077 Rushton 15' Indian Princess Canoe, Pre 1908, Restored, Owner (216) 397-1061 Shop tools: 3 " slick $70, Kunz hollow face spokeshave $20, Stanley Round face

spokeshave $20, Stanley flat face spokeshave $20, A l l Steel bevel $15, Stanley #78 Rabbet Plane $65, Stanley Bullnosed plane $30, Bailey #5 $45, Bailey #4 Corrugated sole $55, Sergeant - Marked #407 2"x8" sole 1 5/8" iron $75. Tony Brent 7813 First Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117 (206) 783-0228. Beautiful Classic cedar strip and fiberglass 17' canoe. Contact Don Baker 883-2312. Make offer. Built by Bob Ruchy - Black Diamond. Classic Old Town Sport Boat, approximately 35 years old. Length 11 feet 9 inches. Boat kept under cover. Interior rigs and planking in good condition. Transom cracked; repairable. $1500 obo. Philip Kohl (206) 385-7467 Beautiful Classic Cedar strip and fiberglass 17' Canoe. Contact Don Baker 883-2312 Built by Bob Ruchy - Black Diamond. Make offer Retired US Army Picket Boat, 1953 Tacoma WA, Honduras Mahogany, 64 feet. Has not been converted — still military style. $49,999 Bob Burns 259-1870 8

WANTED: Information about Bristol Bay Gillnetters. Practical info on repowering, rig conversions and sound hulls for sale. Please contact: Christopher Pompel, Giant Circle, Waldron, WA 98297 Old wooden boat with cuddy cabin 20' or less to be used dry as a "play boat" for kids. Condition not important. Call Jack at (206) 322-5391 Model sailing boats sloop or Ketch styleold or new. 2 feet to 8 feet long with sails. Also would like to commission someone to build me three, seven or eight foot sail boats models. PhoneMary Jasper (808) 822-1703 or write to 2752 Nokekula Cr. Lihue, HI 96766 Boat Builder: experienced, creative, energetic, good at talking to and working with people. Send letter of experience & how you can help with feasibility study & grants leading to paid position building a small replica of Vancouver's Discovery (1790) to: Puget Sound Maritime Museum P.O. Box 9731 Seattle, WA 98109 attn: Colleen Wagner

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