Shavings Volume 18a Number 1 (February 1997)

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Published bimonthly for The Center for Wooden Boats 1010 Valley Street Seattle, WA 98109

Volume XVIII Number 1 February, 1997 ISSN 0734-0680 1992, CWB

THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORTS Executive Director Bob Perkins presented a "Slate of the Center" report at the November CWB membership meeting. For all those who didn't get to the meeting, here's what he had to say: The Center for Wooden Boats is a work in progress. A voyage. It is my hope that we will never reach port. Even though the Center has been around for 20 years we're still learning new things and improving old things. The point at which we drop anchor will be the point at which we feel we have nothing left to explore, nothing new to put our hands and imaginations to. Our goal is to continue our journey wherever our imaginations take us, realizing that, in order to sail safely and wisely, we need to keep our ship tuned and our crew happy. So, apart from that metaphor, what are we really up to? My current primary goal is to insure that everything we're doing is as sound as it can be. Our boat is in good shape: we continue to operate in the black, our programs attract more and more people of all ages and abilities, we have an excellent paid staff and lots of dedicated volunteers. We're feeling some creaks and groans, though, because we're trying to do so much. This year we have taken several actions to address our biggest needs. Staff: We are presently operating with the largest paid staff the Center has ever had. Obviously, this presents both opportunities and challenges. The biggest challenge is the increase in personnel costs. We feel, though, that the benefits outweigh this cost, as long as we're financially realistic. For the first time we now have a paid livery person in Meg Trzaskoma. Meg has done a marvelous job, training livery volunteers, maintaining rigging, serving as back-up to Dierk Yochim in directing volunteers to boat maintenance jobs, teaching sailing and acting as one of CWB's most visible goodwill ambassadors. A grant from the Discuren Foundation has enabled us to hire John Brennan as our Youth Program Coordinator. We see programs for

youth of all ages and experiences as our most exciting area for development. At present, our youth programs include sail instruction for high-risk and "normal-risk" kids, boat maintenance through schools and the Big Brother program, school tours and toy boat building events. We hope to add boat building intensives for school groups during spring break and traveling exhibits to go directly into schools. Margaret Huchting joined us as Public Service Manager in March (having been selected from 180 applicants!) and has been blasting along ever since. She has been instrumental in bringing organization to our volunteer program, professionalizing many of our other efforts, improving the income from Boathouse rental, managing retail merchandise and generally giving us a bit of extra style. Dierk Yochim has been managing the Boatshop since I moved out. The array of skills he brings are serving us well: boatbuilding, sailmaking, sailing, exhibit building. We discovered the latter talent when Dierk built a beautiful exhibit for the Secretary of State's Olympia office.

AUCTION TIME One of the most anticipated events of the CWB year is just days away! It's our annual fundraising Auction, coming up Saturday March 1, at Yale Street Landing (1001 Fairview N., just a few blocks east of CWB). The doors open at 6:30 p.m. Between the sumptuous buffet from the topnotch chefs at Baci and the Auction action led by Sandy Bradley, it promises to be an evening to remember. On the Auction tables, you'll find everything from unique getaways to a variety of goods and services (both nautical and non-nautical) to a baby grand piano - all certain to inspire some spirited bidding action. Tickets for the fun-filled evening are on sale now. Individual tickets are $35 or you can save by buying yours in groups of four or more at $30 each. Order your tickets today by calling CWB at (206) 382-2628. See you at the Auction. 1

Sean Kennedy replaced Roger Coulter when Roger went back to school. Sean's primary responsibilities are bookkeeping and coordinating sail instruction. We hope to use his library experience in organizing our library of books and making them more accessible. In September Tyson Trudel came on as our first ever apprentice. Tyson's primary goal is to work with youth through maritime skills programs so CWB is the perfect fit. He has been assisting Dierk and taking the lead in working with a group from Bush School to restore one of our Beetle Cats. Dick Wagner and I complete the paid staff. Dick, of course, needs no introduction. Essentially, I'm responsible for managing the dayto-day affairs, freeing Dick to do fundraising and programming. We work together and with the Board to do long-range planning. Our unpaid staff is as important a factor in our success as the paid staff. We rely on volunteers to maintain the boats, teach sailing, host our reception desk, type, work with kids and maintain the plants. We have been holding monthly orientations and roundtables to improve communication and plug in new volunteers. Site and Facilities: The Center is bulging inside our waterway. It is a challenge to use our space in the most effective way. The most significant use is for our boats. With our increase in sailing instruction and livery use have come problems associated with any high-traffic area. We have redesigned the dock arrangement north of the Boathouse to create as wide a channel as possible. Other adjustments will need to be made as the weather warms up and activity increases. As a resident of South Lake Union we are involved in whatever plans are made for this area. We are also connected, either by geography or mission to other maritime organizations who have an interest in this area. We will continue to identify our needs, to work cooperatively with the neighbors and to lobby for our interests. Boats: Our boat collection is our raison d'etre. We are constantly reviewing the fleet, thinking about what boats belong, what boats

don't belong and what boats probably belong but are beyond our ability to maintain. The most obvious boats in the "belong" category are those that are classic designs and are appropriate to the kind of heavy use we give them. We hope to increase the number of boats in the 16'-20' range that are suited to our livery and sail classes. We also hope to add one power boat suitable for giving tours of Lake Union to small groups. Boats that don't belong are ones that are too big or too difficult for use by the average sailor or that are redundant. For instance, while Lightnings are well-suited to livery and sail training, we have several and won't be adding any more to the collection.

The Board of Trustees is always looking for recommendations of people to serve on the Board. There are nomination forms available and a description of the process. At present there is a need for people with fundraising and marketing skills. For more information about any of these needs, contact Margaret Huchting, me, any other member of the paid staff or any other reasonably alert-looking member who can probably direct you to someone who can get you the information you need.

Some boats are either too big or too much of a maintenance liability to justify keeping them, even though we might wish that we could. "Big" boats (generally those over 20') require a lot of thought. We're still dreaming, though, so who knows what sort of inventive maritime programs we'll build that can also generate income!

And so on: To wrap up. It is such an honor to be working at CWB. It is an exciting place to be, to help happen and watch as the magic continues to work. CWB was built on the dreams of many who didn't know that a place like this could never work. That can-do attitude has brought us this far and will continue to carry us forward.

What we need: At volunteer orientations we always say, "If you've got a skill we can probably use it!" We do so much here that there is almost no skill that can't be put to good use. I'm often in awe of the talent, expertise and energy that our volunteers bring. Its so gratifying to see! Some special areas of need are: front desk reception, typing and computer skills including graphic

As we grow, we're also having to get a bit more organized and professional in order to keep on top of everything and to insure that we offer the widest public the best service and the best experience that we can. My goal is to hide a slick operation behind a cozy exterior. Everything that we can be won't happen overnight. But then again, our goal is to never drop anchor!

design, artwork, library skills, woodworking, landscaping, engine repair, rigging, sewing, marketing, bookkeeping—see? Everything!

SAIL FOR HOPE Mother Nature provided sunshine and gentle breezes on December 1, 1996, for The Center for Wooden Boat's first annual Sail for Hope, an event commemorating World Aids Day. Our mission was simple: to offer an interactive experience in a welcoming environment for both children and adults affected by HIV/AIDS. A dedicated team of volunteers was the backbone of Sail for Hope. Lorca Fitschen and Greg Stach led a group of energetic and inquisitive kids from Rise n' Shine in toy boatbuilding and a ride aboard the CWB's 26' Umiak, built by the All Aboard students this past summer. Members of the Bailey-Boushay House, a local AIDS Hospice, bundled up with Dennis Palmer and Marc Lentini for an inspirational sail aboard the Seawind, CWB's Garden-designed, Blanchardbuilt 33' sloop. Everyone's thoughts were with the late Jim Handley, our saltiest volunteer and Bailey-Boushay House champion. Thanks to our caring volunteers who focused their warmth and attention on our visitors, the event was all the more special. A special thank you to Will Brushkana at the AIDS Prevention Project for his help in uniting non-profits from all over the Seattle area for this worthwhile cause. - Margaret Huchting

Livery Notes:

HOW TO USE SPRING LINES Those of you who have been down to sail since November have probably (hopefully!) noticed a few extra lines tying up the sailboats to the docks. Many of you have asked me what's up with these extra strings, so I thought I'd write a little something to answer your questions. Spring lines are dock lines which prevent the boat from sliding forward or back along the dock. Putting spring lines on a boat will insure that the vessel will not bang against other boats on the dock. Spring lines also keep the boat parallel to the dock to prevent chaffing on the forward and stern quarters. A forward-leading spring line runs from the stern cleat forward to the dock and prevents the boat from sliding aft. An aft-leading spring line leads from the bow cleat aft to the dock and prevents the boat from sliding forward. Ideally, a boat should be tied up with four lines: a bow line, a forward leading spring, an aft lead-


ing spring, and a stern line (see diagram). The bow and stern lines keep the boat to the dock, and the spring lines prevent it from sliding forward or back into the other boats tied to the dock and from chaffing unnecessarily on the dock. Because, during winter months, our floats are exposed to north winds which can cause potentially damaging swells, all boats at CWB need to be tied up with the bow facing north and at least a forward-leading spring line. (We are protected from south storms by the uplands high bank.) When you are rigging the spring lines, make sure they run clear, i.e. outside the shrouds. Your help in making sure the boats get tied up correctly will insure that the collection survives the storms of winter in Seattle. If you have any questions about this whole spring line business, just come on down and ask Me, Sean, Tyson or Dierk. We'd be happy to show you how it all works. - Boat Honcho Meg

CAMA BEACH: A REMARKABLE PARTNERSHIP For a long time we have reported on Cama Beach, Camano Island, a future State Park and future CWB second campus. We have written about our summer youth education programs there and repair of the Cama Beach resort buildings, as well as our long-term plans for that site. Through the generosity of the owners, Asko and Karen Hamalainen and Gary and Sandra Worthington ("the family"), lots of wonderful things have happened. The family funded our site repairs this past year, which resulted in a rebuilt Machine Shop, Boatshop and Boatkeeper's Cabin. More unique was the family's funding of a Master Plan. This was remarkable because the plan was done as a partnership with the family, the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, the staff of the Department of Parks and Recreation, The Center for Wooden Boats and Friends of Camano Island Parks. And even more notable, this is the first Master Plan that was undertaken before a State Park property was purchased. After two design workshops, two public meetings and one-and-a-half years, the Master Plan was accepted by the Parks and Recreation Commission at their meeting January 24 in Olympia. The Commission authorized the Department of Parks to implement the Plan, which had received the staffs "Determination of NonSignificance" (meaning that the environmental effects shown in the plan are minor and non-significant). Appreciation of the generosity and vision and commitment of the family was expressed by the Commission and by the Director of the Department of Parks. Purchase of the property from the family is virtually complete and the Department of Parks is now requesting development funds from the State Legislature and other government agencies. Officials have indicated that Cama Beach is the top priority of State Parks this year. The preamble of the Master Plan is this Cama Beach Vision Statement: Cama Beach State Park is a large, mostly undisturbed forest with an extensive beachfront on an inside passage in Puget Sound. The park preserves a rich diversity of plants and animals on the beach and tidelands and in the forest upland. The forest extends away from the saltwater to encompass an isolated small lake and wetland area. Located on the west shore of Camano Island, Washington, the park is a secluded, peaceful haven, in sharp contrast to the urban growth in the Puget Sound basin. Cama Beach State Park offers both a footprint of the past, with its rustic beachfront facilities, and the potential for a well-directed step into a future that combines contemporary park

and educational facilities with its historic landscape. This step serves contemporary public needs and reflects an enduring appreciation for the park's diverse natural and cultural resources.

marine resources may be considered for a marine preserve.

To achieve this vision, State Parks is guided by these tenets:

Private vehicular traffic within the park is minimized. Alternative types of circulation within the park and access to it, which may include marine access facilities, are explored.

Development and operation of the park emphasizes stewardship of its land and water resources. Recycling of wastes is demonstrated and practiced.

Park access and circulation is consistent with the Island County Comprehensive Trails Plan, the Cascadia Marine Trail system and other regional recreational and circulation plans.

Development and operation of the park retain the character-defining features of the historic site.

Cama Beach State Park provides opportunities for the public that complement opportunities available at Camano Island State Park. - Dick Wagner

The history of the fishing resort is interpreted and incorporated into the rehabilitation and maintenance of resort facilities. The Center for Wooden Boats, a direct experience maritime museum, recreates the historic boat livery at Cama Beach, in which the public can try out traditional wooden boats at affordable rates. CWB also provides instruction in the whole spectrum of maritime heritage skills, from boat building to sailing the old classics. The programs include people who are young and not so young and who have a wide range of abilities. A preservation plan directs rehabilitation, protection and/or removal of resort buildings and landscape features consistent with the U.S. Department of the Interior guidelines. Ecologically sound land use governs the design and extent of day use and overnight facilities. Public health, safety and Americans with Disabilities Act standards guide development of all park facilities. Day use and overnight facilities meet both local community and statewide needs for access and accommodations. The park's outstanding educational qualities are available to individuals and groups of varied ages through development of educational and interpretive features, including an environmental learning and conference center and trails. An environmental learning and conference center, developed to reflect master plan guidelines, is operated by a nonprofit organization, the state, or a combination or both. Opportunities to enhance revenue and oftset capital and maintenance costs are explored and implemented where appropriate to the integrity of the historic property and park vision. Efforts are made to provide a portion of the park's resources for recreational shellfish harvesting as well as beach combing; remaining 3

(A Cama Beach site plan, as it appeared in the Cama Beach State Park Master Plan Study, is shown on page 5. The plan shows existing buildings, facilities and trails. For further information on Cama Beach, contact Dick Wagner.)

CWB WOOD REGATTA The 1996 Wooden Open One Design (WOOD) Regatta was a great success - good winds and a great turnout. And probably no one enjoyed it more than the first-time racers. One of them, Beverly Marshall, a Sail NOW! graduate and CWB volunteer, took the time to share her experience. September 27 and 28, 1996: Great day, sunny weather up to 70 degrees. Judy Schwan, Ken McMillen and I chose our boat anticipating being at the helm, racing. This will be a first time experience for me having to know the course and the flags. Meg and Dick were each taking a Beetle Cat. Though we would have liked to race in their group, we settled on a Blanchard Jr. At the skippers' meeting Vern Velez maps our course: from the red nun north to the green navigation can by Gasworks and then south to the two orange buoys by Chandler's Cove. Groups A and B will go twice around the course, staying out of the speed lanes. Group C (the smaller boats) will go only once around but must circumnavigate the speed lanes once before heading down the lake, thereby creating a little loop within their bigger loop. As we head out the wind is dying, so the committee boat raises the postponement flag, red and white stripes, for a 10-minute wait.

Judy takes the helm first as we watch for our flags with some confusion. We see the white and blue for the Group A and then their red flag, which is our five-minute flag. We miss the noflag period of one minute so when we see the red flag we are not sure whether or not togo.We see a couple boats from our group go across so Judy follows suit. We are safely across. (I first met Judy during sailing lessons at CWB and we've had some great boating times since then, taking intermediate lessons at Seattle Sailing Association, joining Seattle Women's Sailing Association, taking a couple of excursions to the San Juans through SWSA, and volunteering at CWB at the July Boat Festival and the '95 WOOD Regatta. Judy now enjoys teaching new students at the Center.) She heads upwind, tacking and reading the course very well, observing the other boats tacking from the east side of the lake. We deduce that, yes, this is how we are to avoid the speed lanes, one of those things you discover along the course by watching the others. The wind is picking up as we round the west side of the speed lanes. We head to the green can where we will jibe, then it's my turn at the helm. I start out on a beam reach following Harvey Nobe in the Friendship sloop Amie with her tanbark sails. This is especially fun for me being in my first race along with Harvey who, two summers earlier, was my main instructor

when I was in Sail NOW!. I managed to sail with Harvey a few Tuesday evenings in a row and enjoyed his sense of humor and easy style of teaching. We round the two south buoys and head upwind again. We are behind Harvey and we decide to try a starboard tack away from Harvey's course, but we loose wind on that tack. We go back to port tack and pick up speed. Following the headers and lifts north, we soon pull ahead of Harvey in his gaff-rigged boat. We need to return to starboard tack to make it around the west side of the speed lane. Maneuvering past a motor boat we are still leading. When we tack back to make it around the cans, we make it past the first one, but can't pinch by the second one. We fall off and loose some headway going into this tack by not bringing it all the way through. I'm heading too close to the wind for a few seconds. Finally we get the momentum back by falling off but, by then, Harvey passes us by quite a few boat lengths. I discover part of the excitement of racing is also one of the hazards. Losing track of what our boat needed to be doing for a few seconds while eying the other racers left us in their dust. I head to the green marker and Judy takes over running downwind. Ken does the last leg to cross the finish line. Now that the wind is blowing very nicely, Vern calls a second race of once around the

You just never know who or what you're going to find on a Lake Union regatta course, but (from left to right) the Friendship sloop, Flying Dutchman, El Toro and Pelican all managed to make room for this unique "entry" in the WOOD Regatta. - Beverly Marshall photo 4

course. This time we will start with the bigger boats of Group A. I want to do the start. I tack east to west and back as we cross the line. We are too close to the committee boat, just squeezing by past their anchor line. Next time, as Ken suggested, we can try a running start down the middle of the start line. The main thing that I learned from vying for starting positions in tight quarters is that the boat on port tack must give way to the starboard boats. This is something one doesn't practice much during lessons but knowing right-of-way rules is a must for racing! Harvey tacks early and heads all the way west, out of our field of vision for awhile. Judy makes some nice upwind tacks and heads for the west side of the yellow cans marking the speed zone. Harvey is falling in behind us, but we seemed to have gained on him since the start. Judy tacks towards the cans behind the Argosy tourist boat; she manages to just pinch past the second can so we make it this time without having an extra tack. She heads toward the Gasworks mark and rounds the mark closely to make it past a power boat. My turn at the helm again. We are heading downwind with Harvey behind us. If we trim the sails carefully we may maintain our lead. As we head to the last buoy, suddenly there is a drop of the wind and to our starboard side there is a cluster of the small Clancys trying to round the mark but going nowhere fast. Our best chance is to swing wide to port and then round the mark so we don't get trapped in a pool of no wind. We manage to avoid the gaggle of small boats making it slowly around and then we pick up speed to sail the finish. My first race. What fun! There seemed to be two races happening, the final one with the results of the handicap listings of who won and then the "real time" race on the lake. Until racing with the other boats in our division, I hadn't realized that the Blanchard Juniors are overall a much slower boat than for example the Lightnings and Mercurys and especially the mighty Thunderbirds.

HOW I BUILT MY FIRST BOAT I've always loved being around the places (CWB's first on the list!) where wooden boats are created, restored and maintained. The aroma of freshly-cut wood, the acrid tang of varnish, the roughness of sandpaper, the satin smoothness of a faired hull, the abstract sculpture of shavings curling from a plane all can put me into sensory overload.

struction is Iapstrake (although there is an option for a plywood bottom that will appeal to cartoppers), the materials are traditional (cedar, white pine, spruce, oak, fir, mahogany; copper rivets and bronze or stainless fastenings; pine tar, kerosene and linseed oil) but Rich also makes sensible concessions to maintenance (caulking compound and dacron line).

But, despite that, my volunteer days at CWB have never been spent in the shop. My craftsmanship has been utilized putting words on paper, not planks on frames. I've never built a boat - or at least never until a rainy night in December when Rich Kolin and I "built" a 12-foot skiff in my living room.

Rich begins with the basics: what tools you'll need, how to use them, how to care for them. He lists not only materials, but also where to find them. He begins chapters with "boat jargon" definitions (visual and verbal) that are as clear and precise as his drawings and continues with easy-to-follow directions for each stage of the building process. And when the boat is built, don't worry about the oars or the sailing rig; the instructions for crafting those items are in the book too.

OK, we didn't exactly come out with a tangible object capable of being propelled across water. But after reading Rich's new book, Traditional Boatbuilding Made Easy: a 12 foot skiff for oar and sail (WoodenBoat Books, $19.95, 85 pp.), I know I can build a boat any time I want to. All I need are the materials and a place to build; the knowledge and guidance are all in Rich's book. Those who have taken one of Rich's boatbuilding workshops at CWB know he is a patient, meticulous teacher - qualities that are reflected in Traditional Boatbuilding Made Easy. Rich addresses the book to first-timers but it also contains much that will appeal to those with more boatbuilding experience. Especially helpful are the perspective drawings, something not seen often enough in how-to instructions. The boat that is the book's subject is Heidi, designed for and built in Rich's 1994 workshop at CWB (check out the cover photo for some familiar faces and a well-known location) and now residing at CWB's Cama Beach facility. The con-

On Sunday, it was also fun sailing the course in a reversed format from the previous day, this time leaving the marks to the port side. We managed to create some small duels with boats within our division. It was a great feeling when our boat seemed to be in a groove when on a beam reach we managed to slip right past a couple of the boats that we had been trailing. One of those moments in time where everything slides into place and you're off on a wonderful ride. On the second day we managed to be first across the start line at the beginning of the second race. I felt that we won something, we won the start! It was a short-lived advantage; in just two boat lengths the entire pack began to pass us We joined the pack wing-onwing, running with the wind towards Gasworks, heading for a happy end to a great weekend. Beverly Marshall 5

Did I enjoy building a boat with Rich? You bet I did! And so will you. And now I've got to go get the sawdust out of my rug before my landlord stops by. - Judie Romeo

WE'D LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU After 20 years of toy boat building supervised by several hundred CWB volunteers who helped thousands of youngsters - and notso-young-sters - turn out even more thousands of boats, there must be some truly interesting stories out there. Have you ever built a toy boat or boats (we know folks who have toy boat collections) through the auspices of The Center for Wooden Boats? Maybe it was at our annual Wooden Boat Festival. Maybe it was at an off-site event such as the Kingdome Boat Show or Waterfront Days. Has that experience somehow enriched or changed your life? Have you since gone on to design and/or build other boats, even full-size boats? We'd like to hear your story - and see photos if you have any. This year, at the 21st annual Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival, we'd like to recognize some of these experiences which "all started with the building of a toy boat." We plan to do this through a display of stories and photos about where toy boat building can lead. Obviously, we can't put this display together without help from the people who built the boats. If you're one of those - or even a former toy boat volunteer with a story to tell - please contact Dick Wagner, (206) 382-2628, by March 31 or send your story to Dick at CWB, 1010 Valley St., Seattle WA 98109, by the same date. - Victor Eskenazi

Calendar of Events THE OCCASIONAL CAFE 7 p.m. every other Thursday CWB Boathouse The Occasional Cafe is a unique, new activity at CWB: a radio concert series in association with the Puget Sound Guitar Workshop. The first hour of each two-hour concert will be broadcast live from CWB on KBCS-FM, 91.3. Admission is $8, under 14 or over 65, $6 (tickets at the door). The concerts continue every other Thursday through May, all beginning at 7 p.m. at CWB. Scheduled performers are: February 20, Taylor Jay and Doug Bright, upbeat swing, and (performer change) Joe Weihe, crooner and songcrafter; March 6, Cyd Smith, Ruthie Dornfeld and Nova Devonie, blurb-defying originals, fiddle, accordion, guitar and voice, and Rick Ruskin, finger-style guitar wizard; March 20, William Pint and Felicia Dale, maritime songs, and Louis Killen, English songs and ballads; April 3, Rebel Voices, political harmonizers, and Tom Rawson, cheery and political singalongs; (date correction) April 17, Hank Bradley and Cathie Whitesides, old-timey globetrotters, and Molly Tenenbaum, old-timey banjo virtuoso; May 1, David Roth, witty and compelling songwriter, and Leah Kaufman, originals with humor and heart; May 15, Telynor, Celtic and beyond songs and tunes, and Tania Opland and Mike Freeman, folk minstrelsy, and May 29, Tracy Spring, heartfelt and dynamic songwriter, and Greg Scott, original songs of love and more. CWB THIRD FRIDAY SPEAKER SERIES 8 p.m. CWB Boathouse Each month CWB finds a speaker of wit and experience to talk about his or her special knowledge. It is also an opportunity for CWB members to meet one another and the staff. Refreshments served (donations to cover costs are appreciated). February 21,1997 CWB THIRD FRIDAY SPEAKER SERIES 8 p.m. CWB Boathouse "Famous Square Riggers; Maritime Museums and English Barges" will be the topic. Chas Dowd, seaman, literati and raconteur will give slide talk on some of his experiences knocking around waterfronts from the Duwamish, U.S., to the Thames, U.K. Chas has a sharp eye for good boats and an encyclopedic memory of maritime history. February 22 and 23,1997 ANNUAL BOOK SALE 10 a.m. - 5p.m. CWB Boathouse An astonishing range of books is found at this sale from history to how-to, fact to fiction. Sales benefit CWB and the Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society. Book donations are welcome; drop them off at CWB between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Friday, February 21, or call Colleen Wagner, (206)282-0985. 6

March 1,1997 ANNUAL CWB AUCTION 6:30p.m. Yale Street Landing The goodies have been assembled - everything from unique weekend getaways to a baby grand piano - so be sure to reserve your tickets now. They're $35 per person ($30 per person if you buy four or more at the same time) for an evening of spirited auction action with Sandy Bradley of "Potluck" fame as Auctioneer and a sumptuous hors d'oeuvres buffet prepared by the master chefs at Baci. The money raised goes to support CWB's important educational programs, to maintain our fleet of historic small craft and to help us provide special programs for the diverse population of our community. Don't get left out of the fun. Call CWB, (206) 382-2628, to order your tickets now! March 8,1997 TOUR OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER MARITIME MUSEUM, ASTORIA OREGON Fee: $35/$40 plus lunch An all day trip in a P.O.S.H. bus to the historic town of Astoria. We will visit world class museum and learn the intriguing maritime heritage of the Columbia River region. The newest exhibit, "Exploradores," examines the littleknown era of Spanish control of the Northwest. Limited to 47. "March 21,1997 CWB THIRD FRIDAY SPEAKER, SERIES 8 p.m. CWB Boathouse Ron Render, a long-time traditional wooden boat aficionado, will give a slide talk on various types he has seen at the early Mystic Seaport Small Craft weekends, at the 1995 Wooden Boat Show in Southwest Harbor, Maine, at regattas on San Diego Bay and at the 1996 Classic Wooden Boat Festival in Victoria, B.C. April 27, 1997 SPRING CRUISE Noon -8p.m.; Participants' meeting at 1 p.m. The spring cruise is an annual time capsule adventure. This year we'll explore the year of 1897. Seattle is turned upside down when the steamer Portland arrives with a bunch of miners just down from the Klondike and a ton of gold dust. Down in Humbolt Bay, California, the 165' schooner Wawona has just been launched to carry Douglas Fir timbers from the mills of the Northwest to all ports on the Pacific Ocean. Prizes for costumes and best potluck supper culinary delight. Registration for use of one of our boats is $5 - or bring your own. May 17 & 18, 1997 STEAMBOAT MEET 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWB north floats Call me Puffin. I am a steamboat. I get lots of oil squirted on all my joints. It smells funny,

but I like it. My owner keeps feeding me with wood, coal or oil. Yummy! My owner sometimes taps my gauges that show how much steam pressure I have. That tickles. My owner is happy to talk all about my pistons, boiler and stuff like that. It sort of embarrasses me, but my owner really is proud of me and he likes others to know about it. I let my owner toot my whistle because we both love the sound and it is a great stress reliever for both of us. We want you to come down and take free rides on me and my cousins. We will let you toot the whistle, too. July 4-6,1997 21ST ANNUAL LAKE UNION WOODEN BOAT FESTIVAL The annual panorama of about 150 wooden boats, maritime skills demonstrations, boat rides, the Quick & Daring boat building contest, Toy Boat Building, the Ed Clark Memorial Yacht Race and lots of warmth, fun, friendship and shared know-how. Suggested donation at the gate: $3 individuals, $5 families, and $1 seniors and students.

Marine Skills Workshops All year 'round LEARN TO "SAIL NOW!" Fee: $150 per person (includes a one-year CWB membership) 11 a. m to 1 p.m. or 1:30p.m to 3:30p.m. Saturday & Sunday Instructors: Volunteers Students will learn to sail classic boats in one session of classroom work and as many sessions of hands-on instruction as necessary in our small boats, no more than three students per instructor. Students will graduate when able to sail a variety of keel, centerboard, sloop and catboats by instinct. You may begin any Saturday, space permitting. Please call ahead for reservations. For the student who is only free on weekdays, or prefers to one-on-one instruction, we continue to offer individual lessons ($20/hour) on weekdays. Call for an appointment. February 22 - March 1, 1997 (Saturday - Sunday) LAPSTRAKE WORKSHOP Fee: $550/$575 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m CWB Boathouse Instructor: Eric Hvalsoe Lapstrake construction utilizes overlapping planks in the great tradition of the Viking long boats. It is one of the best ways to build a dinghy or tender. Students will build a favorite pulling boat, the 15' Acme. This will be a replica of an 1890's Seattle livery boat, which is in our collection. The instructor, a nationally recognized boatbuilder, has led dozens of CWB workshops. Note: *indicates new event or date change

Basic woodworking skills are required. Limited to 7 students.' March 7, 8 and 9, 1997 (Friday - Sunday) MARINE CABINET MAKING WORKSHOP Fee: $100/$115 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. CWB Boathouse Instructor: Craig Kirkby The purpose of the class is to expose the students to the intricacies of marine cabinetry. The plan to be used is of a cabinet that is fit into a curved wall space on the interior of a boat. Students will use the plan to draw a more specific design in the design phase of the course. Students will work in pairs to build their own cabinet designed specifically to introduce them to yacht joinery. Rabbets, dadoes, tenons, raised panels, plugs and sea rails all will be a part of the design. March 9, 1997 STRIP PLANKED KAYAK SEMINAR Fee: $25/$30 9 a.m. to 3 p.m CWB Boathouse Instructor: Prof. Paul Ford Strip planking is a hybrid technology. Thin 1/4" strips of wood are edge-glued to form the hull shape. Then the planks are encased in fiberglass for strength and waterproofing. The result is a strong, rigid, light "sandwich" construction. This is the only class at the Center that discusses extensive use of fiberglass. The instructor is experienced in strip building and effectively provides students with the technical information needed - in a seminar session - to enable them to build their own kayak using the strip planked method. Limited to 20. March 29-30, 1997 (Saturday - Sunday) OAR MAKING WORKSHOP Fee: $100/$125 9 a.m. to 5 p.m CWB Boatshop Instructor: Rich Kolin A good set of oars makes all the difference. Rich Kolin will instruct students in traditional oar making techniques, making 8' spoons, straight oars and a variety of handle styles and leathers. The first morning will be lecture instruction on design physics and construction techniques; the rest of the weekend students will team up to make a set of oars for the CWB livery. Rich sells these oars for about $200 a set. Limited to 10. April 14-19 and April 21-26, 1997 (two separate classes, each Monday-Saturday) MAINE GUIDE CANOE WORKSHOP Fee: $500-$550 8:30 a.m - 5 p.m each day CWB Boatshop Instructor: Jerry Stelmok Students will build a classic canvas-onwood canoe. Jerry Stelmok of Maine is the premier builder of this type of canoe, has written the definitive book on canvas and wood canoe building and has taught several classes on the subject. Students must have woodworking experience. Limited to 6. 7

May 1-4, 1997 (Thursday - Sunday) CANOE RESTORATION Fee: $450/$500 9 a.m to 5 p.m CWB Boatshop Instructor: Bill Paine We plan to find a canoe that needs a new canvas, a few new ribs and planks and maybe even a new stem. Then we'll fix it. Everyone who has or appreciates true classic wood and canvas canoes should know how to fix them. If you have a canoe that needs fixing, maybe yours can be the class project. Limited to 4. May 10,11, 17,18, 24, 25 1997 (Saturday-Sunday, three weekends) BATEAU BUILDING WORKSHOP Fee: $500/$600 9 a.m to 5 p.m CWB Boatshop Instructor: Rich Kolin The St. Lawrence River Bateau was a forerunner of the St. Lawrence River Skiff. It is a fast, able, and strikingly beautiful boat that is ideal for Puget Sound waters. The sides of the boat are Iapstrake planked with cedar: the flat bottom is cross planked in fir or cedar. Rich Kolin designed this boat just for this class to give the beginning boat builder a chance to learn basic boatbuilding skills and techniques. *May 24, 1997 HOW TO BUY A WOODEN BOA T 1 p.m - 5 p.m. CWB Library Fee: $25/$30 Instructor: Lee Ehrheart Lee will draw on his experience as a marine surveyor, shipwright and lifetime sailor to conduct this seminar. It will include the types of wooden boats available and where they are capable of going. Participants will learn to identify the type of boat that fits their dreams, to conduct a pre-survey inspection and to evaluate their needs for interior accommodations, equipment, rigging and power plant. The seminar is designed to be of interest to those with all levels of experience. Limited to 20. *June 7,1997 LOFTING WOODEN BOATS Fee: $25/$30 10 a.m. - 5 p.m CWB Library Instructor: Joe Trumbly Joe is a living legend for his mastery of boatbuilding skills and his entertaining way of passing on his know-how. For 25 years, he was the head instructor at Tacoma's Boatbuilding School at Bates Vocational Institute. He will give a seminar, with handouts, on how to quickly and accurately translate lines and offsets. Limited to 20. "June 14-22, 1997 (Saturday - Sunday) LAPSTRAKE WORKSHOP Fee: $550/$600 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m CWB Boatshop Instructor: Eric Hvalsoe Eric, a homegrown boatbuilder from Seattle, has proven he can stand up to the best of the Downeast builders. Eric will lead seven students

through the mysteries of Iapstrake construction. The boat will be a classic design, perhaps a Whitehall, perhaps a Rangely, maybe a classic yacht tender. We will leave this choice up to Eric and the first students who sign up.

workshop. Pre — payment in full will insure your place in all other workshops. Classes with fewer than four students will be canceled or postponed.


*July 12,1997 FO'C'S'LE ARTS (FANCY KNOTWORK) WORKSHOP Fee: $100/$125 9 a.m. to 4 p.m Instructor: Dennis Armstrong Throughout history sailors have passed the long hours on ocean crossings by inventing decorative and functional knots. Before World War II, these knots adorned nearly every handle and bar aboard the big ships. The fo'c's'le arts include such fancy knots as Monkey's Fists, Turks Heads, Sennits and the Star Knot. As in all good knot classes, some basic and practical knots will be covered. Mastery of basics will lead to the construction of Monkey's Fists and Turks Heads. By the end of the first session in the morning, enough basic concepts will have been learned that in-depth studies will ensue. Other fancy work will be discussed as time allows. Limited to 10.

Each year the Center for Wooden Boats asks its members to nominate a volunteer who fits the description on the permanent trophy in our library: "In recognition of the highest qualities of volunteerism: Dedication, enthusiasm, leadership and commitment to the goals of the Center for Wooden Boats. "The Volunteer of the Year is the person who receives the most nominations for this award. In the event two or more people receive the same number of nominations, the previous Volunteers of the Year will decide which person is most deserving of the honor. All nominees will be announced and all volunteers will be honored at the Spring Cruise. The 1997 Spring Cruise will be April 27.

NOTE: Fees indicate member/non-member costs. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required with registration for all boat building workshops, with the balance payable one week prior to the

Please turn in your nomination, describing why you've chosen this person as Volunteer of the Year. All nominations are due at the Center by April 6, 1997. 8

BOATS CURRENTLY FOR SALE BY CWB Blanchard Seniors: We have two for sale. Both are 26'. Both are project boats, each needing different kinds of work. $1,200 OBO. Folkboat: Hull in good shape but needs new transom. Deck and cabin need work. Includes outboard and radar. $5,000 OBO. '32 Jensen powerboat: 1937. Wellbuilt, double diagonal plank. Hull very sound. Needs new engine. $5,000 OBO. 27' Chris Craft Constellation: No kidding. It's really 27'. Excellent condition. $6,000. Lake Oswego Boat: $1,400. Lovely double-ended rowing skiff. Good shape, a few split planks easily repaired. Rowing shell: $600. Circa 1920? Completely intact. Needs gunwales. Chamberlain Dory skiff: 13', w/ trailer. Excellent shape, needs refinishing. Includes tanbark gaff rig. $2,500. Blanchard 33 Seawind: Classic N'west cruiser. $10,000. 4-cyl. Greymarine. One of the favorite boats in our fleet but she's for sale at the right price.

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