Shavings Volume 21 Number 3 (June 2000)

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Published bi-monthly by THE CENTER FOR WOODEN BOATS 1010 Valley Street Seattle, WA 98109-4468 ISSN 0734-0680 1992 CWB Volume XXI Number 3 June 2000

WhaddaYaWannaDo Today?


by Bob Perkins Executive Director

really happy to be around the creative energy that keeps giving CWB life.

ne of my favorite recurring moments at CWB is when a first-time visitor shakes his or her head in wonder and says "What a great place!" It happens -a lot.. There are often follow-on questions, including "How did it happen?" I know the basic story, how a bunch of off-kilter folks, led by Dick and Colleen Wagner, who were all perhaps a little too high on the Wagner's homemade moonshine produced by the still hidden in Sindbad's nether regions (you didn't know about that part, didya?), decided it would be the height, of genius to make a bunch of classic small boats available for public use as a maritime museum. I don't know the story first-hand because I wasn't there. ut I know I love running into the folks who were there and have stories about How It Came to Be (like Paul Ford's story about when too many dreamers were hanging out on one corner of the Wagner's houseboat float, talking about how great it was going to be, when the kitchen started flooding!).


Because I get to work closely with Dick, I know that his vision for what C W B should be has never really changed, even though it has expanded. I'm sort of jealous that I wasn't in Seattle to experience the creative energy that brought CWB to life. But I'm


his past year we've been doing our first major strategic planning effort. We realized that CWB has grown to the point that, unless we took the time to sort out exactly where we want to go and how we want to get there, we might easily get slogged down in the happy but difficult problem of having too many great things to do to do any of them as well as we want. One of the first steps we took was surveying staff, Board, key members and volunteers to get a sense of what we're doing right and what we can improve on. An almost universal comment was that CWB must keep its original down-to-earth, people-friendly personality even as it moves forward into a bigger and even better future. A tricky task, everyone acknowledges, but one at which we must succeed. It's no good being bigger and better if you have to deny who you are to get there. Our almost year-long process is about complete and I'm happy to report that the strategic plan we developed really does capture the goal of keeping what's best from our past as we move into an exciting future.


hat can you expect to see in and more kids coming to CWB as a regular part of their schoolwork? How about more boats and more kinds of

WhaddaYaWannaDo Today?


Twer a Good Day for a Sail


Donors, Sponsors & Advertisers






CWB Acquires an Icon of the Victoria Age






6 7

The BVIs Beckon


The Birth and Growth of CWB


Wembly Tries to Run Away to Sea - Again


The Mystique of the Boathouse


Touring Seattle's Boatyards.


Two Awards at Pacific Challenge!



A Hand-built Custom Baidarka


Calendar of Events


Preview of Festival Events



Bob tor. Well, stay tuned! You'll see all that flair and more! You want to help guarantee but

Perkins He does because Bob was

is CWB's Executive Direchis work with a theatrical not only is CWB a theater, an actor in his past l i f e .

You kelp keep this beacon alight. You'll learn all about the history of CWB and the Northwest's maritime heritage in this issue. We hope that will make you wonder how you can be a part of it all. You probably know you can - become a member and that your membership fee provides you with benefits like discounts at our gift shop and our newsletter, Shavings. But even importantly, your $30 more

membership enables us to provide our hands-on programs teaching maritime . heritage skills. It helps us maintain the boats, teach people to sail, and preserve our maritime history. If you haven't, already, please join us in passing on an appreciation for good wooden boats. If you have - Thanks! You're what keeps this beacon of our small craft heritage alight!

1010 Valley St., Seattle, WA 98109-4468 (206) 382-2628; e-mail: President Founding Director Executive Director Administrative Assistant Boatshop Manager Boatwright Dockmaster Livery Assistant Public Service Manager Volunteer Coord./SailNOW! Program Mgr. Youth Programs Manager Bookkeeper

Bill Van Vlack Dick Wagner Bob Perkins Andrea Denton Dan Potenza Mike Wagner Tom Hodgson Skyler Palmer Casey Gellermann Mindy Koblenzer Nancy Ries Chris Sanders


Summer Adventure: My First Boat



Our Steam Launch Puffin is Back!

Is That a Schooner?

it? Pitch in! Give time. Give money. Give cookies. Give us a pat on the head and tell somebody who doesn't know us that you did. It's what got us here. It's what'll get us there. And there, and there, and there and ....

The Center for Wooden Boats

Inside this Issue


boats, all well-maintained and ready for adventure? How about shared exhibits and activities with other maritime heritage organizations in the new maritime park next door? How about a whole new explosion of energy and hands-on programs at the new state park at Cama Beach?

Board of Trustees: Caren Crandell, Debra Cibene, Betsy Davis, Dave Erskine, Steve Excell, Ken Greff, Candace Jordan, Len Marklund, Dave Mullens, Ron Snyder, Bill Van Vlack, Trip Zabriskie. Shavings is a bi-monthly, publication of The Center for Wooden Boats. This special 24th Annual Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival issue was produced by Andrea Denton under the direction of Dick Wagner. The Center for Wooden Boats is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization. On the Cover: The 2000 Wooden Boat Festival poster is reproduced from a painting of one of our classic wooden rowboats by long-time CWB supporter Luke Tornatsky. Luke's work is available from the Kimzey Miller Gallery. You can find Luke at the Festival on his beautiful Seaborndesigned sloop Juna. The poster was printed by PDQ Printers/Lithographers, whose owner, Nic Marshall, contributed this issue's article about his tour of Seattle's boatshops.



by Steve Osborn he's casting to port, let go for'ard!" "Aye, aye!" With a splash, the b u o y e d cable dropped into the w a t e r and Joshua w a s u n d e r w e i g h . " W h e n you read in a b o o k that they 'slipped their cable,' that's what they did," said the mate, "and you were aboard to see it. Now, I wouldn't mind a couple of hearties giving me a hand hoisting the mains'l."


Under full sail, Joshua stood off toward Whidbey Island. She carried the first load of passengers on two days of free public sails, sponsored by the Center for Wooden Boats and held over the Mother's Day weekend. The final tally was over a hundred people, the youngest-being four months old and the oldest will never tell, many of whom had


never been aboard a boat before. Great fun was had by all.

Joshua, a close replica of the S p r a y the first vessel to be sailed around the world single-handed in the 1890's by Joshua Slocum.

ported in Oak Harbor.

ince coming to the Pacific North Ashore, children o f all ages made west, Bill has sailed extensively in model boats and, on Sunday, listened Puget Sound, the San J u a n ' s and, last to b l u e g r a s s music p l a y e d by the Bill Harpster, owner and master of year, explored the inland p a s s a g e to Center's own Tom Hodgson and his Joshua, built her with the help of Bill Alaska and back. He is active in The shipmate, Connor Price. They sailed Elliott in 1979, finished her spars, rig- Center for Wooden Boats and Joshua with us on the second trip and played ging and interior work, and began sail- has been the mothership for long disaboard, w h i c h was a nice addition. ing her in San Francisco Bay in 1982. tance rowing events of the Traditional Mom Nature cooperated with two days Joshua thoroughly explored San Fran- Small Craft Association in the San of sunny skies and light winds and even cisco Bay, the Delta and the surround- J u a n ' s and Gulf Islands. He greatly sent a gray whale by to add to the fun. ing coastal waters, taking a prominent enjoyed lending J o s h u a ' s services to the part in Master Mariner's events there. Center for the Mother's Day event. he main purpose of the public sails In 1996, the Harpsters moved to Steve Osborn is a model traditional was to acquaint people with the Camano Island where they had a l o g seaman, He knows the skills to hand, Center for Wooden Boats and give home built and Bill sailed Joshua to 'reef and steer, and to tell the stories them a taste of the sort of thing to ex- Puget Sound with the help of crew about them. The new Cama Beach pect w h e n its campus at Cama Beach Steve Osborn and Dick Wagner of the State Park is slated to open Fall2002. State Park is finally up and running. It Center for Wooden Boats. The passage For more info, contact the State Parks was also to give people an opportunity took eleven days. Joshua is now home Department at 800-233-0321. to sail on an historic vessel, the yawl



SUPPORTERS OF THE 24TH ANNUAL L A K E UNION WOODEN BOAT FESTIVAL Our thanks go out to all our donors, sponsors, advertisers, and hardworking


For 24 years, they and hundreds of boat owners, skills demonstrators, craftspeople and boat artisans have united each year to create a memorable and festive event: The Annual Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival. American Meter & Appliance Seattle, W A

Chris Glanister Seattle, WA

Northwest Outdoor Center Seattle, WA .

A r m c h a i r Sailor Seattle, WA

Hansen Yachts Seattle, WA

Northwest Seaport Seattle, WA

Berry's B B Q Seattle, WA

Harborside Restaurant Seattle, WA

Northwest Yacht B r o k e r s Assoc. • Seattle, WA

BluWater Bistro Seattle, WA

Helly Hansen - Pacific Place Seattle, WA

Crosscut Hardwoods Seattle, WA .

H o n e y ! I'm H o m e ! Catering Seattle, WA

Edensaw Woods Port Townsend, WA

Hvalsoe Boats Seattle, WA

Elliott Bay Design Group Seattle, WA

L a k e U n i o n Burger K i n g Seattle, WA

Dave Erskine Seattle, WA

L a k e U n i o n Mail Seattle, WA .

Essential Baking Company Seattle, WA

Marc Lentini Seattle, WA

Flounder Bay Boat Lumber Anacortes, WA

Nicole M a l o n e - R y a n Seattle, WA

Gasworks Park Kite Shop Seattle, WA

The D o n M c C u n e Library W o o d i n v i l l e , WA

The Gang at 48° North Seattle, WA

Jim Nason Seattle, WA

Northwest B r e w h o u s e & Grill R e d m o n d , WA North Sails Seattle, WA Olson L u m b e r Seattle, WA P D Q Printers/Lithographers Bellevue, WA Port T o w n s e n d Sails Port T o w n s e n d , WA Dolores & Richard R a n h o f e r Seattle, WA Scott Rohrer Mariner's General Insurance Seattle, WA Schattauer Sails Seattle, WA

Robert d'Arcy & J o Ann O ' C o n n o r S c h o o n e r Martha Foundation Seattle, WA Seattle D e p ' t Parks & Rec. K e n n e t h B o u n d s , Superintendent Seattle, WA Sound Sails Port T o w n s e n d , WA Tom S c h a e f f e r . Dallas,TX Luke T o r n a t s k y Seattle, WA Torrefazione C o f f e e Seattle, WA United States N a v y Seattle, WA V i k i n g C o m m u n i t y Bank Seattle, WA D i c k , Colleen, D a v i d and Mike Wagner Seattle, WA W a l k e r Bay B o a t s W o o d i n v i l l e , WA Wooden Boat Festival Port T o w n s e n d , WA

SpecialThanksto our Festival Sponsorship Crew: Gwen Anderson, Ming-Ming Edelman-Tung, Kathleen Howat,Mindy Koblenzer, Tom Scott, Steven Smith, Gene Ventura, Dick Warger, Steve White.



Building Showboat by Hank


unday, March 19, the sun shone


on the dock of the Center for Wooden Boats for the first time in a week. Twenty or so people were there to witness the miracle, casting long afternoon shadows across a table of champagne and hors d'oeuvres and l o o k i n g at an unpainted 13' skiff perched on the midsection of the dock. Tom Scott played sea chanties on his concertina while members of the group tried to think of nautical things to say about the skiff. All I could think of was to ask, "Are you sure she'll float?" A few minutes passed. Dick Wagner, the Founding Director of the Center for Wooden Boats, gave a general speech congratulating the builders. Eric-the-H-is-silent-Hvalsoe, the instructor of the builders, gave a 'slightly more pointed speech about how more boats like this ought to be built at the Center. And then some champagne was poured on her, and Showboat was in the water, bobbing like a cork, her fair lines rising fore and aft like a sea otter with nothing to do but bob in the sun. It must have been a good moment because everybody cheered, but, I was a little sad because it meant the end of nine action-filled and utterly absorbing days of boat-building. On March 11, having left the tail end of a Montana winter, I joined six

other men at the Center's workshop to learn from Eric-the-H-is-silentHvalsoe how to build a lapstrake boat from scratch. I had met Eric and one of the other students, Rich Schwartz, at the previous week's lofting workshop at CWB, but the rest were strangers. It turned out to be a good bunch to work long hours with.

of Seattle-based Hvalsoe Design. Showboat is an Acme skiff. A number of years ago, a derelict skiff came to the attention of the CWB because it was of a design no one around the

here were a couple of striking Boeing engineers, Rich and J i m K a m i s c h k e ; their strike's end conveniently coincided with the launch of Showboat, Sean Bull and Dan Potenza both work at the Center and knew more than the rest of us by a long shot about boat building, but neither had ever built a lapstrake boat. Andrew Eigenrauch, an ex-anthropologist, had taken time off from a local boat-building school to attend this workshop because his school didn't offer photo ®2000, Richard J. Schwartz a similar course. And Jeremiah Planked and framed, the Acme skiff awaits the finish details, including inwale, guard and Spradlin, a Microsoft software rowlock pads. From l-r: Hank Harrington, Andrew Eigenrauch, Eric Hvalsoe and Dan Potenza. engineer, was following a fondness for boats acquired from his father. Our instructor, Eric, CWB had ever seen. All that identi- had an idea in m i d - c o n s t r u c t i o n : was one of probably two people in fied it was a plate saying "Acme" on it. notch the oak keel to accommodate a the world who actually make a living Plans were drawn from the boat, and long strip of purpleheart, which was from building small wooden boats, the singularly unoriginal name stuck. liberated from the gillnetter construcand. he had been doing it for more After we were introduced to the boat tion site. The purpleheart would give than twenty years as the proprietor plans and to each other on the first day, the Acme a bomb-proof skid plate on "Acme" was practically the last even which to run aground. remotely n o r m a l English word we Although I guess I helped with heard for nine days. From then on, it other things, the lowly part that I was all "mold lofting," "strongback," played in the creation of the boat's "station lines," "keelson," "rabbet," backbone and that I remember the and dozens of other words invented in past centuries to deal with boat best was tilting the plate on the band anatomy when Britain ruled the seas. saw from below as Rich Schwartz called out the angles from above while ric had enlarged the plans of the he ran through the extremely precious 1½ Acme from the scale of blueprints " slab of transom mahogany. The to full size (mold lofting) on mylar sheets several years earlier for a work- tension of creating the rolling bevel on the transom was so great that Rich shop that he had given in Holland. It spent the next couple of days conwas this mold lofting that he spread gratulating himself on pulling off this out for us on the first day. Even with feat of c o o r d i n a t i o n . I inhaled a an intensive two-day workshop on lifetime's worth of mahogany saw"Lofting As If It Mattered" recently be- dust. hind me, looking at those lines, I rey the third day, the skeleton was ally wasn't able to tell what a pretty completely assembled—the molds vessel Showboat was destined to become, but at least I was assured by the cut and beveled, the backbone aslines that she would exist in three di- sembled and fastened, and the keelson beveled to the "middle line." The mensions. idea with the keelson was to create a The first couple of days didn't yield perfect seat for the garboard, the first anything that looked much like a boat. plank on either side of the backbone. All mold bones, no flesh, it was an I guess that if we hadn't done a good imaginary boat except for the wonder- job, Showboat w o u l d have quickly ful stretch of wood running along the sunk on Sunday; but since every one top, as the saying goes, from stem to of the nine planks to follow down stern-—the stem, forefoot, keel, keelson, each side was going to be derived from skeg, and transom (I told you normal the shape and p l a c e m e n t of the English dropped out of use). This line garboard, the boat's beauty originated of real, boat materialized at the top, and from this fit of garboard to backbone. not the bottom because the boat was If the human face gets most of its being built and, therefore, had to be imagined upside down, like it was dead. character from its nose, then this was Showboat's nose job. Although everyNoah built his entire ark, slavishly one had a part in this process, Andrew following God's instructions, out of Eigenrauch's perfectionism and dexgopherwood. Eric could have told God terity with chisels kept Showboat's





that using just one kind of wood, especially gopherwood, for a boat was a bad idea. The Acme's stiff spine was planned to run from Honduran mahogany to white oak and then back to mahogany at the transom, but Eric

nose from screwing up its face. Watching him, Eric admiringly suggested out of Andrew's hearing that he might be better "suited to making violins than boats. traight edges had long ago dropped out of the process, replaced by battens. But to cut the garboard so it would fit, we had to learn to spile. Spiling is such a sensible process, once you get the idea, but it struck me at the time as absolutely wondrous. Given that most of nature abhors a straight line, it seems quite clear to me now that nature spiles routinely, but I never knew that. Through most of the workshop, Eric was content to let us fumble a bit, but when it came to spiling, he laid down the law, and the law was: NO E D G E SETTING. So we didn't.


It was as the first garboard came out of the steambox that J e r e m i a h Spradlin began to distinguish himself as man of action and authority. Every morning J e r e m i a h creaked into the workshop with heavy logger boots and leather jacket; maybe this is how all Microsoft engineers dress. Anyway, w h e n he came stomping in with a steaming piece of cedar p l a n k i n g , hollering, as we were told to do, "Hot plank!", one moved aside for him smartly. With the garboards on, the gains cut, and the laps beveled to prepare for the next plank, by the fourth day, it looked like we might reach the end of the process without problems. But then Dick Wagner came into the workshop with a stranger in tow. This guy

turned out to be the advance man for a film crew who wanted to use the workshop as a set. The problem was that the workshop was filled with our boat—and us. Eric negotiated for us. We took a vote on whether we wanted Hollywood around. At this stage most of us were still under the impression that this was a feature-length urban epic in production. Eric consulted more with Dick, the advance man, and his "heavy" sidekick—the can-do guy of the crew. By now it had become clear that the film was, in fact, a thirty-second commercial for La Quinta Inns. A part in the production as a character actor was promised to Sean Bull. My choice would have been Bud Ricketts, who was working on the gillnetter, but came in to watch us from time to time. Bud belts his trousers with hand-braided rope. Another vote was taken. In the end, only Jack, Dan Potenza's dog, got a part (for $50 a day), and the film was shot over a couple of days from 6 to 8:30 a.m., before we b e g a n work. Though anti-climactic, the shoot provided enough excitement to yield a name for our boat—Showboat. eanwhile, the p l a n k i n g progressed, three meticulously faired planks per side per day, spiling on alternate sides of the boat, until, at last, the boat was ready to be flipped off the jig and set right side up. Early in the workshop, Eric had introduced us to all the wood we would- be using, but he spoke with special reverence for the cedar. The 14-foot, ten and twelve-inch planks we used had grain : as straight as


High Line wheat fields. To Northwest Native A m e r i c a n s like the Haida people, the cedar was the "tree of life." In a way, it was a shame to be ripping into, such p e r f e c t material, the dominant tree species in much Northwest grizzly bear habitat and the ancient stuff of canoes, baskets, nets, clothing, and medicine; but, as Eric said, building Showboat is about as noble a use as our culture can put cedar to. While the cedar planks were being spiled, cut, and fastened, the quarter knees, thwart knees, breasthook, frame stock, and seat risers were also being milled. So; on the seventh day when we should have been resting, we were ready to bend in the oak frames. U n q u e s tionably, this was the most dramatic episode in the process—and the noisiest. Setting steaming f r a m e s with clench nails to each plank turned us all from skilled marine car-

penters into Nibelungs. Even Jack, the dog, who seemed to thrive on shop mayhem, retreated from the sound of hammering. Occasionally, I took a break from the action to work on shaping a seat riser out of Honduran maSee SHOWBOAT, page 17

photo © 2000, Richard J. Schwartz. The dreaded garboard is now fastened to the backbone and the class has laid down the starboard first broad, which is being fastened, while still pondering the set of the port one. From l-r: Sean Bull, Jeremiah. Spradlin, Dan Potenza, Jim Kamischke, Eric Hvalsoe and Andrew Eigenrauch.



Our Steam Launch Puffin is Back!

partment of Parks, at the old Sand Point Naval Base on Lake Washington.

There a total makeover was done by the Steam Team, coordinated by Larry Johnson. The volunteers besides Johnson were Charlie Nuss, Carlton Roos, Mike Wagner, and Doug Weeks. On May 1, Mike Wagner became a u f f i n , our 21'6" launch, is back. CWB staff boatwright and continued working full time on Puffin. She was Built in 1906 by the Truscott Boat launched on May 30 and on May 31, Co. of St. Joseph, Michigan, she is an Leroy Meitzner installed the engine, a important part of our working CastOff single cylinder Semple on loan from fleet. Frank Hogan. CastOff vessels are those that are We are pleased to see Puffin looktoo complex to be livery boats. They vary from our gig Dan to our six-meter ing sharp from bright paint and varErica. They give free half-hour rides nish. But we are even more pleased to on Lake Union, with interpretation of know she will soon be giving free rides the vessel and highlights of the historic and introducing our visitors to the magic of steaming. sites on the lake. Puffin's 30-minute cruises deplete her fuel ration (a shopping bag of firewood) but not the hot passion of her fans who have been charmed by their direct experience. History is alive within the long After all, in a 21-foot steamboat, evsleek lines of our treasured new exhibit. eryone is in the engine room. We recently were donated an 18-foot aintenance has been ongoing Thames River Wherry, built by T. through donations and the labor Cooper & Sons of Shrewsbury, Enof the Steam Team. Last year a new gland in the late 19th century. She now code boiler was installed, built by the sits on display in the CWB Library and skilled crew of Everett Engineering. is seen by all who visit as much more While waiting for the boiler, Puffin sat than just a boat. She is an icon of the in her trailer and suffered badly from Victorian Age of Britain. both finish and wood deterioration. By the late 1900s, large populations In early April, Puffin was trailered of young people were drawn to the citto a shop we leased from Seattle De- ies of Britain to work in the factories



by Arlene


The. steam launch Puffin waits quietly at the CWB docks for passengers to take on free rides around Lake Union.

CWB Acquires an Icon of the Victorian Era


and office involved with expanding industrialization. Most cities were on rivers and estuaries. The new labor force, looking for escape from the grit and drudgery of their neighborhoods and work environments, took trains to the waterside and rented a boat - their yacht for the day. The 19th-century wherries evolved from water taxis used on the rivers for over 300 years. The livery boats were sleek, easily rowed craft built with high quality materials and craftsmanship.

Men donned candy-striped blazers, white trousers and straw boaters or cricket caps. Women wore long white dresses belted at the waist and fruit salad hats, and carried parasols. Idyllic scenes of young people in flocks of wherries, rowing or rafted up and drifting, have become an indelible part of the social history of Britain. Our Thames River Wherry was donated by Patrick R. Robins.

Is That a Schooner? ot only is that a schooner but there's a whole row of them! This N year there will be a great representa-

challenging but the basic ingredient is that it is fun.

It is a "No Entry Fee" event. We tion at the Lake Union Wooden Boat recognize the financial and physical Festival of schooners that participate commitment that it takes -to keep these each year in the Captain Raynaud International Schooner Race (CRISR). vessels alive, so we honor, that commitment by making this a free event for The race was started in 1998 by participating schooners. the Schooner Martha Foundation. It e invite you to come by and visit was developed out of the desire to the schooners during- the Lake sail in the company of not only other Union Wooden Boat Festival. The folschooners ,but in the company of lowing schooncrs are just a few of the the many schooners that are inparticipants of CRISR who will be atvolved in youth sail training. This year, four schooners will have train- tending the show this year: Barlovento ees on board; Martha, Alcyone, Re- (who is the winner of CRISR two years



and Passing


This year's CRISR will start July 16, 2000 in Bedwell Harbour, B.C., and will head north to Thormanby Island. The race will end at Four Winds ~ Westward Ho Camp on Orcas Island. This will be a seven-day event; three to four days of racing and the remaining days just cruising in each other's company.

in a row now), Red Jacket, Martha, Tillicum I, and Tropic Star. The tug Katahdin who has been our commit-

tee vessel each year will also be attending the show. Make sure you go by and visit this beautifully restored 100-yearold tug.

The trophy for this event is a museum-quality model of Martha made of brass and copper by David Berg. It will be on display during the festival inside e raft the up Naval eachReserve eveningBuilding and potso be sure luck together. We will have our to go and see it. Martha is the oldest traditional salmon BBQ (we have sailing schooner in the state of Washadded oysters on the half shell this year) ington and the flagship for this event. at the camp along with the If you are a student between the presentation of the awards. This year we have even added a Marimba Band. ages of 12-18 there are still some spaces available on Martha and Alcyone durThe CRISR is becoming one of the ing CRISR. Please inquire on board more popular events for classic yachts. Martha during the festival for costs and The racing is not only exciting and applications or call (206) 310-8573.


On June 8, the CWB docks were lined with spectators avidly watching as nine classic wooden sloops sped back and forth between the docks. Yes, b e t w e e n the d o c k s , because these classics are only, a meter long! The regatta was held for the model

makers of Alternative School No. 1. Over the past six months, students in Jonathan Stevens' home room have built eight sailing models to the 1927 plans of Ted Geary. They are 39" replicas of CWB's R-Class sloop Pirate with slight modifications to the keel and rudder. Prizes were presented by

Mr. Norm Blanchard, donor of the perpetual "Pirate Cup." The highlight of the event was the announcement of three internships awarded to the three top model makers. These internships are sponsored by the w o m e n ' s group and the cookbook

The British Virgin Islands Beckon: Sailors, Heed Their Call by Dick

committee at Seattle Yacht Club. The three r e c i p i e n t s are N e v i n R o o t , D j a e r i k R u d o l p h - P e c k and S a r a h G a l v i n . They, w i l l d i s p l a y a n d demonstrate their boats at this year's Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival. • We hope to expand the program in future years and hold the regattas on an annual basis.


Hey Mon! I'm ready to cruise any time in the British Virgin Islands. The clear sapphire-colored w a t e r s , the w a r m sun, the white sand beaches are part of the attraction, but it gets better. The 36 Islands are cleverly coordinated with the prevailing winds, so you can sail back and forth between islands, almost always on a reach. But that's not all. Many of the BVI's have been overlooked by big flashy hotels and the other tourist impedimenta. Their old

world charm and natural beauties of the flora and fauna still exist, but for how long, who knows.

off. The islands have a wide variety of comfy but not glitzy accommodations from beachside to mountaintop.

So the point of all this is to get down there now. It just can't get better.

It seems that the BVI's are waiting for we of the one-bare-foot on tiller, and one hand on the gin and tonic ilk.

The most frequently visited are Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Beef Island, Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Peter, Mosquito and Guana Islands. There is a large fleet of charter vessels in BVI, just waiting for experienced sailors to cast

If you want more info, check in with CWB member Molly Sumption at Caribbean Concepts, (206) 575-0907 or (800) 777-0907. Tell her Dick sent you.

Pirate named to National Registry On J u n e 2, T h e C e n t e r f o r Wooden Boat's R-class sloop Pirate was named to The National Register of Historic Landmarks. The only vessel nominated at the session, she was a shoo-in thanks largely to the excellent submission written by Larry Johnson and researched by Pirate volunteers Paul Marlow and Scott Rohrer. This, is the first time a boat belonging to CWB has been so honored. With this designation, additional funding sources for the Pirate restoration are n o w available.





oating and sailing in particular began early for me, primarily as a result of some good fortune and with the help of some mighty kind, although probably misguided, family members.


My grandfather, who died three years before I was born, helped my p a r e n t s buy a big old house overlooking Huntington Harbor on Long Island Sound. It was during the tail end of the Depression and money was very scarce but Grandpa who had come to America during the previous century had saved enough to be able to give my folks a down payment on a house during a time when there were very few b u y e r s and many, many houses available. After a new heating system, a roof and many other needed repairs, there wasn't anything left over for such luxuries as boats. Plus, by the time I was born, WWII had begun and that curtailed most all activities for our growing family. For some reason, which will always remain a mystery to me, both my Mom and Dad virtually forbade me from playing anywhere near the road - which had perhaps 2 or 3 cars passing each day - but gave me free rein to the beach, the mud flats, the winter ice, the tides, clams, barnacles, eels, blue crabs and human characters beyond imagination. Before turning 5, I had a,

detailed knowledge of every inch of that beach from the shipyard on the south to the yacht club on the north a distance of perhaps a ½ mile in each direction. Flotsam and mud were my childhood companions. A pottery building had apparently collapsed sometime in a prior age and that stretch of beach, next to the shipyard, was prime digging country. There was no greater thrill, after endless days of scratching


First Boat

He had it on a half-submerged float and aside from the engine which would never start after countless tries, the floats leaked, the fabric needed patching and the seats were missing. But "Dnookmorton"- (which approximates the sound of his name) was undaunted. He worked tirelessly on his project for months on end. He truly believed that even though he wasn't fit to join up with his buddies and fight in the war, he could do his part by getting that plane working and patrol Huntington

It was by a long stretch of the imagination, a sailboat. and digging through untold cubic yards of broken pieces, to finally be able to show up for dinner (usually late) with a jug — all in one piece — from the "Brown Bros. Pottery" cradled in my arms.

Harbor protecting his neighbors from marauding Nazi subs.

Finally one day, as I held out the throttle and '"Dnookmorton" spun the propeller, a gigantic coughing roar began which scared every seagull into the he human "characters" were com- air for miles in all directions. Somemon in our town — many lived how, that old engine had come to life! solitary lives in old, unheated houses Surely knowing that it might never or shacks. I got to know several of happen again, wasting no time, and them as I grew up and they were, for hesitating only long enough to push the most part, harmless. Sometime me off the wooden crate (which served shortly after I turned three, I became as the only seat) and onto the floor, he enthralled with a "project" of one of vaulted into the plane, fiddled with the the harmless ones who lived in a clam controls for maybe 10 seconds or so shack in the woods, perched over the his pre-flight check list was mighty beach about halfway to the yacht club. short— and with an even greater roarEach day I would include a visit to his ing of engine, drove the plane off the place — always certain to take a drink float, into the wafer and eventually into of "fresh spring water" which flowed the air. miraculously from a pipe protruding from a seawall along the way. My inMy view wasn't very good, my fear terest was not in the character himself, factor undeveloped and conversation who was barely intelligible when he more than impossible, but somehow I spoke at all, but in his project which, managed to get off the floor and, hangwonder of wonders, was a seaplane! ing on to something, upright. It wasn't exactly the wild blue yonder, just a Seaplanes were something only few kind of square circles over the harseen, in magazines, never "in person."


bor, but it changed my life. o, I didn't fall in love with fly ing. At dinner that evening when the usual round-the-table question of "what did you do today" got around to me, all I said was — "The swans looked so small from up there." I should explain that although, everyone else in the general area of the harbor had known that "Dnookmorton" had finally gotten his plane to fly, my two brothers had been several miles away at the Junior High School. My dad was in the city and my mom, who kept close tabs on me, was almost completely deaf and therefore missed both the sound effects and the glorious flight. The careful grilling w h i c h f o l l o w e d my nonsensical statement about the swans eventually produced the salient facts and' Dad visited our local flying ace — no more flights for me the result.


I didn't miss the flying — my recollection and sensation, other than the swans, was something akin to having been stuffed into an empty oil drum with a live lion and shaken for 15 minutes. What this episode did produce was a realization by my parents that allowing me to wander the beaches from dawn to dusk each day could just possibly get me into trouble of some sort.

amer T

pursuits were on the agenda and the most appropriate was, of course, to get me a boat. Through the combined efforts of my mom — canvas, needle and thread, my dad — woodworking tools and the skills to use them and my uncle - forced to come h o m e f r o m the w a r early - w h o provided the essential materials, my first boat was created. If it had a name, it is lost to posterity. It was, by a long stretch of the imagination, a sailboat. Perhaps six, maybe seven feet long. Built almost entirely of plywood. A See FIRST BOAT, page 9

FIRST BOAT, continued from page


double-ender, but not on the lines of w h a t you m i g h t i m a g i n e — it had d o u b l e square ends. There w a s an airtight decked over compartment at each end with a mast step in one of them, thus denoting the bow. The mast projected about five feet above the deck and sported a loose-footed sail, the luff of which was sewn into a long sock-like tube to be pulled over the mast. There was a grommet at the clew with a 6' length of manila line neatly eye-spliced in and a similarly neat back splice on the other end. My gear consisted of a double-ended paddle which had a two-fold purpose - rudder and alternate propulsion, a real sponge and a b a i l i n g c a n . M i s s i n g w a s a centerboard of any type and a life preserver. The centerboard was omitted either in hope that I might not t r a v e l as far o n c e I c a m e t o the realization that I would have to paddle home upwind or maybe it was just an economy measure. y dad h a d a canoe rigged for sailing with lee-boards, so the k n o w l e d g e and m e t h o d of u p w i n d sailing was certainly available to them. Just why my little boat didn't sport leeboards still puzzles me but it's possible that they realized that even the slightest heeling would have put me in the water and without a life preserver that could have proven fatal. The logic involved in this scheme may be elusive.


Life preservers in those days were either made of stiff natural cork somewhat like wearing a ,vest full of

two-by-fours - or they were m a d e of canvas filled with kapok. I don't know what the properties of kapok were but I do know why I went sailing and b o a t i n g all t h e t i m e I l i v e d on Huntington Harbor without wearing a life preserver filled with the stuff. e, the five of us who made up our family, had just come back from a rare summer ride in the car - it had been raining for hours and the sun had just broken out to m a k e the day hot and sticky. Everyone was looking forward to a cool swim. My mom and two brothers went inside to change, my dad was putting the car away and I simply tore through the h o u s e shedding clothes and pulling on my bathing suit as I ran. J u s t before she took her hearing aid off, prior to putting on her bathing suit, M o m y e l l e d f o r me to put on my l i f e preserver which was h a n g i n g on the clothes line - soaking wet. Rules are rules so I struggled into the thing, never recognizing that it had, during the rainstorm, become heavier than I.


The tide was extra high and the water was halfway up on our seawall, perhaps three feet deep. Seeing this, I raced down the hill & took a mighty leap as far out as possible - and didn't come up. I pushed off the bottom enough to break the surface once, screamed and went under again. My next conscious sensations were stomach pain, a rough log under my belly, lots of throwing up in the grass and looking around to see family and neighbors standing around crying.

D a d w a s m o r e t h a n c a p a b l e at "artificial respiration'' - rolling the "victim" over a log was state of the art at the time — crude, but it worked. The miracle was how my mother — stone deaf without her hearing aid ~ sensed or heard my one scream and hauled me out onto the bank so my Dad could work his magic. No permanent scars or damage; and in the innocence of the time, the l e s s o n l e a r n e d w a s no m o r e l i f e preservers. I wasn't keen on swimming for awhile and my folks took their time re-indoctrinating me. Lots of sessions in a freshwater lake did the trick. Before the summer was over and after hours of patient lessons from Dad I was able to swim unaided across the harbor and back - maybe ¾ of a mile - and that was the end of it, I was p r o n o u n c e d safe. There followed days and weeks of downwind sailing and upwind paddling. Maybe two times a year the w i n d w o u l d haul around at just the right moment and I could sail both ways. he


cut across the sound. M a n y b o a t s f o l l o w e d over the years: fish boats, rowboats, deep keel sloops, schooners, even a freighter and a little time on a square rigger, but, of course, if you haven't messed around, learning as you go, in a tiny, cranky little sailboat on a friendly, peaceful lake or harbor Well, as I learned all over again recently, while sailing the proper little craft at the Center for Wooden Boats on Lake Union in Seattle, it's never too late. Try it — nothing, nothing at all, can beat it.

Chip Hoins is a CWB Board member and an experienced mariner. He is retired now, but based on his experiences he looks at the s a f e t y issues of boating with a hard, but twinkling, eye. He adds that he most definitely does not advocate sailing or even walking on a dock without wearing a l i f e preserver, as they are now much more comfortable to wear and, they work!

original rules were the same as

the earlier ones for the beach - the yacht club to the north and the shipyard to the south - no farther. But some days were just too nice to stay so confined. There were tugs and barges to visit just past the shipyard and if you sailed all the way to the h a r b o r ' s mouth, beached the boat on a sand spit, climbed up the beach and. looked really hard, you could see Connecti-



The Birth and by Dick Founding

Wagner Director

olleen, as usual, recognized the symptoms, while I gritted my teeth and denied them. There was too much work to do and I simply couldn't spare the time to deal with what I called an occupational hazard.


She was referring to the massive infusion of people hanging out at our floating home/office and information center of our business, The Old Boathouse. Since 1968, we had rented traditional wood rowing and sailing boats and taught sailing. We also repaired and maintained our fleet of 20 boats in a little shed under the Aurora Bridge.

people the chance to experience them before they became a faded m e m o r y . People came to rent out boats and were reluctant to leave. They lingered to talk about boat stuff until it was time for lunch or dinner, where the conversation continued. And a good portion of the visitors who stayed for lunch or dinner came too far or stayed too late, so they bunked over on the couch or floor. Colleen told me 77 times or more, let's get these souls organized. Instead of m a r a t h o n d i s c u s s i o n s , set up monthly evening meetings, with agendas. So, finally having run out of ex-

High was an epiphany. That's when I fell in love with learning, through the gracious guidance of the teacher, Miss Edith Thompson. Something similar happened that evening in February. I looked over the crowd packed shoulder to shoulder in the L-shaped space of our living and dining room. I saw faces looking for a signal to act. So I blurted out something I never knew was inside me. I said "Hi everyone. Why don't we organize a living small craft museum?" There was that three seconds of silence. I panicked: Colleen had on a g o o f y smile. T h e n the crowd erupted with support and I started breathing again. The Old Boathouse had suddenly transformed from a ma and pa classic boat rental to a museum with educational goals.

n 1979, we added two regattas to our annual events schedule. They were Spring and Fall meets at Gasworks Park. We towed Old Boathouse floats over for moorings. A feature w a s potluck dinners, with competition for the best main course. It was then we discovered how sacred good food is to traditional boat folks. One regatta had chili for the main course, and the Washington State Chile champ took second place. Even today, a stranger might stumble into a CWB event and feel we were really a gourmet club, with charming little boats arranged as decor.


1979 was the year we published a Boatbuilder's Directory and the monographs: The Poulsbo Boat and The Davis Boats. We also then chose Waterway 4 for our future home, after considering four other potential sites. Waterway 4 ven though the Old Boathouse was a former asphalt plant, and looked continued for four more years, we it. It was a textbook picture of abused now regarded it as part of the strategic and desolate land. We felt this was an plan of the museum - a sort of long- opportunity to both create a new wave term market testing program. Lots of m u s e u m and show a new way to reideas came pouring out. It was another store a piece of unused g o v e r n m e n t long night at the Old Boathouse. property. It was decided that what one saw 1980 was the year the Old of the Old B o a t h o u s e was what one would get of the museum - opportu- Boathouse closed down. CWB chose nities to see and try out a variety of its Director, drawings of our site plan, traditional boats, plus instruction in b u i l d i n g p l a n , e l e v a t i o n s a n d heritage skills from knot work to boat p e r s p e c t i v e s w e r e c o m p l e t e d and building; speakers, demonstrations and submitted to the city, and we had our special events. It would be a place of first fundraising event. It was a party collections, preservation, fun, adven- in the Aquarium, with a brass and woodwind quartet. ture and intellectual challenges.


photo by Marty Loken The colorful cluster of classic boats around Dick and Colleen's houseboat. Yes, you had to sail into that channel - and don't let the boom hit those pilings!

That was the Titanic Boat Shop — our cuses, I called for a "meeting" on the wholly owned subsidiary, third Friday of February, 1976. e b e g a n the Old B o a t h o u s e be cause we saw the traditional w o o d e n b o a t spiralling t o w a r d s extinction, and we wanted to give

W 10


We invited 20 of the most notorious free loaders and 40 s h o w e d up. And that's how CWB was born. An epiphany. My first day in 7th grade General Science at Pierpont Junior

We planned the first wooden Boat Festival as our final exam in market testing. If we built it, would they come? It was at the Naval Reserve Base on the 3-day July 4th weekend in 1977. We invited all the classic wooden boats in Puget Sound to come and advertised it to the public as a free event to see a diverse collection of boats and talk to o w n e r s , b u i l d e r s a n d e x p e r t s on heritage skills. It worked! About 5,000 people came. We asked for donations to pay for the event insurance: $1000. We c o l l e c t e d $ 2 0 0 0 and p l a n n i n g immediately began for the next and better Boat Festival! Our Third Friday meetings continued, with speakers on maritime history, boatbuilding careers, v o y a g e s , how to. start a m a r i t i m e museum and how to raise funds. n 1978, we received our IRS nonprofit 501 (c)3 status and started a membership drive and publication of our n e w s l e t t e r Shavings. Our first workshop programs began, with classes including casting, forging, caulking, planking, lofting and knotwork. Workshops were held all over town, wherever we could find free or cheap spaces. We were a moveable museum, going where the people were.


1981 began final site and building planning and our first capital campaign. We received a $40,000 grant from the Oakmead Foundation which f u n d e d the B o a t s h o p , t o o l s and p u r c h a s e d and restored ten boats for the rental fleet. The Seattle Foundation gave a $5,000 grant, which paid for half the materials for the Pavilion. Through special events, e a r n i n g s , a n d an a p p e a l to o u r members and local corporations another $95,000 was raised. In 1983, we received a Shoreline D e v e l o p m e n t permit and m o v e d the Boatshop, floats and our rental fleet to t h e s i t e . We b e g a n w o r k s h o p instruction at the Boathouse and began our first rental and sailing instruction programs. Our first staff (half-time) was hired: Caren Crandell, now a CWB Board member. etween 1984 and 1987, many facili


ties w e r e b u i l t , i n c l u d i n g the Pavilion, the Oar House, more floats and the ramp. T h e parking lot was paved. T h e Pavilion was built by d o n a t e d l a b o r of the Seattle Community College Carpentry and Boatbuilding schools. Except for the

shingle roof done by volunteers Dennis a n d Carol B r o d e r s o n , w h o h a t e s heights, and the gillnetter w i n d v a n e donated by Bart Kister, w h o before only made w i n d v a n e s depicting the leaves of Indiana trees.

We began looking for more space to expand our programs of livery, sailing instruction and workshops. In 1991, the Board and the State Parks Commission agreed that CWB would open a second campus at a new state

from Governor Gardner and Mayor Rice. he Event Award was given to us in 1991 from the Association of King County Historical Organizations for the Lake Union Wooden Boat Festivals 1987-1990.


In 1994, we received the Community Sailing Award from the United States Sailing Association and the Outstanding Community Service A w a r d from the Center for Career Alternatives. T h e Washington State Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation gave us their Outstanding Achievement in Historic Preservation A w a r d in 1995. The citation emphasized our effective programs in involving at-risk youth.

In 1999, we received the Excellence in Educational Outreach from Pacific Challenge and Award of Appreciation from Footloose Disabled Sailing Association. And, every year in Seattle's Best Places, we are rated tops as a great place for a date. he awards are a reminder of what we have accomplished, but their glitter will never match the smiles and h u g s f r o m the t h o u s a n d s of our participants. Or the participants who just can't bear to leave the place where they learned so much and had so much fun.


It's gone the full circle. The Old B o a t h o u s e and its pack of sea dog s u p p o r t e r s grew i n t o a h a n d s - o n museum that is growing into a resource for all ages, abilities and cultures. It's Our 20th Annual Boat Festival exciting education, it's fun, and it's r e c e i v e d the K i n g C o u n t y E v e n t a d v e n t u r o u s . M a y b e w e ' r e on to Producers Award in 1997 for Best. something. Special Event, Budget under $25,000.

May 1983 - CWB's first building, the Boathouse, being towed by MV Arro to home base on Waterway 4. 1987 was the big push to build the Boathouse. Because our shoreline Development Permit had a five year sunset, it has to be completed in 1988. Final d r a w i n g s were made. A capital campaign began. Fundraising was through a membership campaign and grants from 12 foundations. Construction began in July 1988 and we received the occupancy permit on the last working day of December 1988. (Hint During the holiday season, most building inspectors are on vacation. Plan ahead on completion of your structure, or suffer anxiety.)

park on Cama B e a c h on C a m a n o Island.

n 1992, CWB offered the "Sail A w a y Challenge." This was our first outreach e f f o r t . It is a program to provide sailing instruction to physically disabled people. That year we also hosted a conference on at-risk youth and maritime heritage skills. Through that conference CWB began "All Aboard," a sailing and boatbuilding instruction program for at-risk youth. Other community outreach followed and have become ongoing programs, including sailing instruction for homeless teenagers, he landscaping part of the Capisailing excursions for people with tal Development was completed in AIDS, and Involving All Neighbors, a 1987, through a grant from the Com- volunteer program designed to include mittee of 33. (Hint, great topsoil was people with developmental disabilities. obtained free from a nearby cemetery. They dig there a lot!) In 1992, the City graciously offered to let us use the site rent-free, because From 1988 -1999, C W B continued of our many community-benefit ting to expand its programs. SailNow! was free programs. invented by Vern Velez in 1989, and ur efforts have been recognized he ran it as a f u l l - t i m e v o l u n t e e r and we've received numerous cithrough 1996. The standing record for a full-time volunteer, though, is held tations of appreciation. The Seattle Deby Horace Ingram, who ran our Livery sign Commission, in 1989, gave us from 1984-1996. No kidding! When their N e i g h b o r h o o d D e s i g n s that we instituted the Volunteer of the Year Work Award, for our ". ..picnic shelter, Award in 1991, guess who received the docks floating workshop, museum and most votes? Horace kept working boathouse, and because the project enb e c a u s e we kept b r i b i n g h i m w i t h courages, historic preservation, cultural b o a t s , b o o k s , t o o l s , s o m e l o v e l y and recreational use." b e v e r a g e s and a c o n s t a n t f l o w of We received the "Most Valuable quality chocolate. Of course, the fact that we all loved him didn't hurt. Our Partner Award" in 1990, for outstandvolunteer program blossomed with the ing commitment to public education coaching efforts of our growing staff.




A quiet morning at CWB, with pulling boats, Gunning dory and Woods Hole Spritsail at ease, and Horace Ingram checking them out.



Wembly Tries to Run Away to Sea—Again By Chas.


he word went around the group of regulars in the CWB Library: Wembly, the world's most famous ex-sailor, had purchased another boat. Grandma Lottie's phrase, "It's bound to end in tears," could have been invented for Wembly's excursions into boat ownership. Wembly's Dream virtually dissolved beneath his feet, Wembly's Dream II had an in-built construction flaw rare even in fiberglass craft, and Wembly's Dream III was destroyed at her maiden launching by a runaway Zodiac. Though exact figures were unavailable, Harrison estimated that Wembly's boat-owning had cost him approximately $25.225225 a minute. Roughly. This is generally judged as extreme, even by wooden boating standards.


But what really put the breeze in the conversational stu'ns'ls was the

rumor that Wembly's Dream IV was Captain Bulstrode's ketch, Ancient Mariner; known far and wide along the waterfront as The Whited Sepulchre. Umberto Maccione, Wembly's favorite boatwright, ordered an Alfa Romeo convertible on the strength of it. s weeks lengthened into months, Wembly sightings began to filter into the Library. Wembly was seen at the ship chandler's and at the bank. He was observed at the lumber yard and at the bank. He was spotted at the marina and at the bank. He was glimpsed at the marine electronics store and at the bank. He was observed at the paint store and at the bank. "There seems to be a theme emerging," said Harrison.


Then, suddenly, Wembly appeared at his accustomed place at the end of C Dock. He was dressed as always in

his much-darned Guernsey sweater, salt-stained captain's hat, and tarstreaked duck trousers. He was doing fancy knot work and smoking a pipe. There was no boat in evidence. As the youngest member of the Library Committee, I was sent to make inquiry. "What have you been Wemb?" I asked.


"Boat racing," said Wembly, pulling a long bight of rope through a loop. "I haven't seen you out on Saturdays," I said. "Oh, not out on the water," he replied. "I've been involved in a race between my boat and my savings, my credit cards, my second mortgage, my 401 (k) and my guaranteed line of credit. My boat won. I think I came within

about $70 of beating it, but it won. They say the two happiest moments in a boat owner's life are when he buys his boat and when, he sells it. I have been able to experience both of them without wasting any time sailing." ell, with your previous experience..." I began to say, when Wembly interrupted.


"Popular notions to the contrary, experience is virtually useless in helping you avoid mistakes," he said, and I pulled up a nearby fender to sit on. Wembly's stories are like the sun: they rise on the eastern horizon, travel across the sky and sink into the West. It takes some time. "In my case, the true utility of experience is in improving my appreciation of the process, once I'm well on my way to making the mistake again. Experience lets me know where I am in the mistake, what stage I've reached, and what's likely to come up next. It's a little like my liberal education: it isn't particularly useful, but there's no denying it makes me a better person. I have developed a nuanced appreciation of the way a specific mistake's unique characteristics add body, depth, and richness to the basic mistake structure, See WEMBLY RUNS, page 13



W E M B L Y RUNS, continued from page 12 the way a vintner savors the oakiness in young burgundy. It may be cold comfort, but this is a form of connoisseur ship denied to the rich and successful. "With mistakes you've made often enough, your experience can look like prescience to someone who is in the exciting process of making the mistake for the first time. Fiona, one of my women friends, has reached that point in her relationships. " 'How are you and Tom (or Dick or Harry) doing these days,' I ask and she replies, 'Oh we're in that euphoric phase of being totally involved with each other. I imagine that in the next two weeks I'll find out about the Concurrent Girlfriend.' When I asked Fiona why she persisted in getting involved with inappropriate lovers, she explained that if she didn't have inappropriate lovers, she wouldn't have any lovers at all. She has elevated mistakes into a lifestyle. ctually, she's responding to the


truly attractive quality of mistakes—their familiarity. When I'm succeeding, there's really no road map. Every day is a new day. I can't predict the outcome of my next step. It can be darn stressful. It can get exhausting. I could suffer Burn Out. "If, on the other hand, I'm making a mistake, things are much m o r e predictable. This is why mistaken

notions or mistaken ideas have such a long shelf life. They're not worth much, but at least they're not a complete unknown. They also have a built-in protective factor, like sunblocker. Some are 10s, some 15s, some even 30s. If I don't prevail, nobody's going to hold it against me. After all, you're not supposed to succeed with a mistake.

of tsooris. With it in hand, you wouldn't have to be making the mistake for the third or fourth time before you could get a handle on where you were. It's really amazing that some academician hasn't created this Baedecker's of blunders already. It's one of those profoundly simple concepts that exist along the sidestreets of thought, like a bank waiting to be robbed."

bight of rope through the loop and giving it a tug. "It was like the first and last time I went salmon fishing. I got a terrific bite on my third cast. I fought that fish for nearly 15 minutes. I was having a great time until I found out it was the propeller of the trolling motor." © Chas. Dowd, 2000

Chas. Dowd and his wife, Deb, have left "Some French comedian the wake of their Piscatagua River determined that there are only about did learn one thing though," he said. Wherry, Lady Deb, in every gunkhole 250 actual jokes in the world. New and estuary of Puget Sound. But now "There's a similarity between dotjokes are just these old formulae, Chas. and Wembly take voyages to places com millionaires and dot-com stocks. tricked out in new clothes , or fitted with a new cast of players. The wagon There's always a bigger fool out there far beyond Puget Sound, and, we believe, universe. becomes a car, the telegram becomes a somewhere. I didn't lose anywhere even beyond our near as much money this time." call on a cell phone, but the punchline "It was kind of fun there for a is still funny for the same reason. It makes you wonder if there's a set while," he continued,, feeding another number of mistakes—being prematurely correct, getting involved in a project headed by someone with three names, walking toward the new management intern instead of away-—just as there is a set number of jokes. It would take a long, long time to make all 250 mistakes—let's just take 250 as a possible number—so it's quite conceivable that the brevity of human life has concealed the limited number of mistakes available.


"Someone could do humankind a great service by cataloging the 250 mistakes humans can make. Imagine compiling an encyclopedia of error, a dictionarydumbstuff", a thesaurus



The M y s t i q u eoftheB o a t h o u s e : by Dick Founding

Wagner Director

n the 1850s and 60s, the first Puget Sound settlers were struggling for existence on their hard scrabble stump farms. At the same time, the East Coast was well into the industrial revolution. While the Puget Sound immigrants were carving out a flat spot of bottomland with sweat and muscle, their relatives back east were enjoying


the advantages of factory-made products, steam railroads and steamships.

writing of their concern for preserving the last remaining natural beauties of our land.

As our pioneer ancestors were over-whelmed by the convoluted fjords, steep mountains and dense forests of Puget Sound, people back home were bemoaning the loss of the American wilderness. Men like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Thoreau, John Muir and Oliver Wendell Holmes were

In 1864, President Lincoln signed a bill creating our first national park at Yosemite. Only 72 years earlier, in 1792, Capt. George Vancouver surveyed the Northwest and declared most of Puget Sound to be "useless land" because of the steep hills and cheek by jowl trees. Vancouver, in his official capacity as flag bearer for England's King George, named an area of islands, deep channels and snowcapped mountains of our region Desolation Sound. Now a popular yacht rendezvous and B.C. provincial park, Vancouver was right for his time.


It was a tremendous challenge for a settler to cope with this land and hack out a self-sufficient farm. It must have been even more difficult while thinking of friends and relatives enjoying the amenities of the rapidly urbanizing east. These pioneers were foregoing the pleasures of leisure hours available to people in the towns they left behind when they moved to the wilderness.

The Leschi Boathouse, 1909. The Seattle boat liveries were in full bloom, with magical boathouses at the ends of the trolley lines to Elliott Bay, Lake Washington and Green Lake.

It took about 40 years for the people of the Puget Sound country to work their way out of their wilderness existence and into a world of factory whistles, store-bought clothes, land developers and taxes. Along with these dubious benefits came time to relax a bit, and the beginning of a recreational life style. One unique aspect of this was the advent of the Puget Sound boathouses. he early day boathouses were


places to escape from the drudgery of mill and shop. The buildings of the 1880s and 90s were fanciful designs, with towers, turned posts, Victorian filigree and colorful pennants. The livery rowboats and canoes were the finest types available. They were the yachts of the working man. The development of Puget Sound's earliest industries brought more people who needed land, which in turn brought the land developers. These entrepreneurs bought undeveloped


land from the pioneers, and in order to get new settlers to their subdivisions, built cable car lines, and then built recreational parks at the termini of their lines. Competition to sell lots was keen, so these developments were invariably created at attractive coves on Puget Sound or on Lake Washington. Here the public found a fantasy land. Imagine our P u g e t Sound waterfront parks as privately owned, and competing for the recreational hours of the public. So it was 100 years ago. T h e parks featured dancing pavilions, formal gardens, picnic areas, sports fields and swimming. Leschi Park even had a zoo. But the focus was always on the boathouse. " W h a t a pleasant way to spend a Sunday. Take a trolley to Leschi, Madison, Madrona, Rainier Beach or Green Lake in Seattle and relax in an easy pulling boat or canoe with a picnic lunch, a parasol and your best friend. Lean back on the cushions and let the boat drift while the strains of a J o h n Phillips Sousa march w a f t e d across the water. The day could well end with dancing in the pavilion (admission free, dancing five cents.) The early boathouses were metaphors of the good life of 100 years ago. But things were changing fast. 1903 brought the first mass-produced bicycle (Columbian) and the Model T Ford. The. choices of spare time activities were increasing geometrically. For those who liked boats, the new rage was the small internal combustion engine. With one of the slim, low freeboard 20-foot launches then available, powered by a 3 h.p. makeand-break engine, a family could take a camping trip all around the Sound and be h o m e i n a week. The boathouses and their fancy skiffs had lost their special mystique by 1910, and fell on hard times. However, they began to enjoy a renaissance about 1930. Sport fishing had become a popular recreation, and the Depression meant making every penny count. For a small rental fee, one could take the family out on the Sound for a day, and probably catch a couple

Puget Sounds' Boat Liveries of meals. In those, days, 40- to 50p o u n d salmon w e r e c o m m o n in Shilshole Bay, Elliott Bay, the Tacoma N a r r o w s , off Point N o Point and Possession Point. Boathouses near those locations were in greater demand than ever. B o a t shops were busy producing good, seaworthy wooden boats to meet the demand. The boathouses were popular because they gave g o o d value for the available recreational dollar, and they, together with summer camps and the fishing clubs, provided a market for the local boat builders. dams & Reinell in M a r y s v i l l e


o p e r a t e d w i t h a large crew, producing all the boats used by Ray's Boathouse, among others. Their 12and a half-foot lapstrake "Pal" model (1935, $95) was the exclusive boat of the Port Angeles Salmon Club. B & B Boats of Marysville was a s p i n o f f f r o m A d a m s and Reinell. When Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reed were planning a boat rental at Shilshole Bay in 1938, Ray Lichtenberger of Ray's Boathouse got a bit upset. He had always been the only boathouse at Shilshole. Ray told Adams & Reinell they would get no more orders from him if they sold any boats to Reed. So a couple of workers quit Reinell and founded their own shop, taking care of Reed's orders among others. In 1932, Ronald Young of Poulsbo began building a model for the rental business. This boat became so well known and admired, we now simply call it the Poulsbo Boat. Young built 25 the first y e a r for a r e s o r t at Hansville, and took an interest in the resort in lieu of payment. In Mukilteo, the L o s v a r family designed and built their own boats, beginning in the early 1900s with a lapstrake rowboat. By the 1920s they had developed a distinctive, seaworthy and h a n d s o m e model that we now know as the Mukilteo Boat H e n r y Foss, son of t h e dynasty founders, Andrew and approached the H.A. Long Boat in O l y m p i a in 1935, looking

Foss Thea, Shop for a

good-looking, easy-rowing boat for his rental operation at Salmon Beach on the Tacoma Narrows. Long came up with a 12-foot lapstrake design and built 25 of them for Foss the first year. Long also built rental boats for other liveries in those years, including the once famous resort of Harry Truman on Spirit Lake on Mount St. Helens. These boats were still there and in good condition the day the mountain blewits top in May 1980. The Grandy boat shop in Seattle built an attractive and burdensome 14foot rowboat that became a popular item with the boathouses of Rainier Beach and Green Lake. The Seattle Parks Dept. bought these boats in the 1930s for their lifeguards. The Willits Bros., Floyd C. and Earl C., of Day Island in Tacoma, were able to survive the D e p r e s s i o n by selling their exquisite double-planked cedar canoes to liveries and summer camps, including the University of Washington's canoe house, which had a large fleet of Willits in the 1930s.

In 1935, H.A. Long got an order for 25 of their fine 12-foot lapstrake pulling boats. They were for the Foss Tug Company's Tacoma Narrows Boat Livery.

and more. We will never see those fleets again.

They are benchmarks of successful design and craftsmanship.

T h e last 20 y e a r s have seen a marked increase in Puget S o u n d prosperity, and a concurrent decline in the fortunes of the boat liveries as more hrough the grim economic days people have been able to buy boats of their own. The legacy of the Boathouse of the 1930s, many quality boats era are the several excellent boat types were being built and sold for the low that were developed because of the budget public to enjoy. Immediately patronage of the boathouses — the after World War II, an even greater Poulsbo Boat, the Mukilteo Boat, the demand developed, the catalyst being Hank Long rowboat, the Willits canoe, the development of salmon derbies. the Grandy rowboat and the Adams Puget Sound was still underfished, and & Reinell boats. These are boats that the folks who were finally free of worked, functionally and aesthetically. wartime restrictions and grueling work schedules had a strong urge to get out onto the water again. Prizes o f f e r e d by the various salmon derbies were m o r e than generous, and attracted huge crowds of fishermen. The 1946 Seattle Times derby provided several lucky fishermen w i t h new Dodge convertibles, and m a n y m o r e went h o m e w i t h new E v i n r u d e outboard motors. Ray's Boathouse started with 20 boats in 1917, and by 1950, needed 250 boats to handle the demand.

Our boathouse heritage includes the hard working, m e n and women who ran the rentals, every day, from dawn to dark, constantly repairing and maintaining their fleets, and offering k n o w l e d g e a b l e advice to their customers. But perhaps of most value is the insight these operations give into the way the people of Puget Sound f o u n d r e l a x a t i o n , r o m a n c e , and perhaps a fat salmon in a good wooden boat.


On derby days in Seattle, Elliott Bay was literally covered with boats from Ray's, Lloyd's, Reed's, Haury's

Shavings 15

Touring Seattle's Boatyards By Nic Marshall erreschoff, Hodgson Brothers, Lowell's Boat House, Nevin's Shipyard, Hall Broth ers, Moran, Prothro, and Blanchard. The names echo from coast, to coast. These are boat builders whose reputations linger even today. While many of these names live on only in history or through their well-remembered boats, others continue to uphold the tradition of fine wooden boat building and reconstruction.


As a child I grew up on the Willamette River watching the sternwheelers, the work boats and the pleasure craft share the river. These experiences created a life-long love of wooden boats. My wife and I have spent many glorious summers with our children aboard our ex-commercial fish boat the

Ethel M. Not content with that, our interest in w o o d e n boat building has lured us to annual vacations on the East Coast. Here we have spent countless hours meandering down country roads, in search of shipyards past and present. At times, that has ended in the sad realization that these names, so present in our mind's eye, are slipping away. Nevin's Shipyard is now the site of an elementary school, Harvey Gamage is settling into the sea and Lowell's Boat House has become a museum. Along with this loss has been the pleasure of spending time with people such as Halsey Herreschoff and attendance at the annual Wooden Boat Festival as it has traveled from South West Harbor, Maine to Mystic Seaport, Newport, Rhode Island and St. Michaels, Maryland. That certainly does not exclude the wonderful Wooden Boat Festivals at CWB, Victoria and Port Townsend.

of a log into a Native A m e r i c a n canoe. T h e significance of the selection of the right log for this vessel as well as its design and the b u i l d i n g techniques were enlightening to many of us, I'm sure. The respect Robert has for his canoe as well as his native culture was beautifully shared. There is no doubt in my mind that you should take a trip to the Center to watch and e n g a g e Robert in a conversation about his project. This is an ideal family stop if you have children s t u d y i n g Washington State or U.S. History. This boat builder and the beauty of his canoe will mesmerize them.

When Dick Wagner proposed the idea of a Seattle boat shops tour, my son, Peter, and I quickly registered for that event. As I learned hanging out at the two boat shops near my childhood home there is always s o m e t h i n g new to learn from these craftsmen. Whether it's a sailboat, a tug, fishing trawler, gillnetter or yacht, the opportunity to ask a shipwright how and why they're using a specific tool, technique or material is not something to miss.

ust a matter of steps away and yet a passage of possibly generations took us to the doorstep or perhaps I should say to the dock of another vessel, the venerable lady of the sea, the Martha. Robert D'Arcy shared the restoration work they are doing on the flagship of the Schooner Martha Foundation. They are lovingly retopping the starboard side. As all wooden boat owners are aware, it's usually not as simple, straight forward or limited to the obvious needs as first planned. I believe everyone on the tour would agree that the work was exquisite and would give a long and healthy new lease on life for the lovely Martha. The current work is the second phase of further extensive refitting. Robert also took the time to share with us about the role of the Schooner Martha Foundation in preserving the history of that era of wooden sailing craft.

aturday, March 25th arrived without rain and in fact n u d g e d its way into a partly sunny afternoon. Our special guest, N o r m Blanchard, joined us for the tour. The traditions and culture of wooden boat building began long before the arrival of our view of the wooden boat and so too did our tour. Our first, stop on the tour was right at the Center for Wooden Boats itself. We were immersed in the Native American culture as Robert Peele wove the tale of the traditions associated with the hewing

Our forward movement in time took us further down the lake to one of the oldest working shipyards in our area. The owners of Lake Union Drydock, Hobbie Stebbins II and III, along with Robert D'Arcy, met us on the dock and took us over to the ever popular Virginia V. The thought of losing her had certainly been of concern to many Seattleites who consider her an important sight as well as a local, historical treasure. We were invited on board and given a tour. We learned about the various



See BOATYARDS, page 17

16 Shavings

CWB Takes Two Awards atthisYear's Pacific Challenge! The Pacific Challenge is one of the most exciting events on the water for young people. Last year, The Center for Wooden Boats hosted this action-packed event that brings young people together from a r o u n d the Sound for friendly competition in traditional long boats, gigs and dories. This year the event took place on the waterfront in Anacortes. The competition includes a rowing race, mailbag toss, sailing race and sailor overboard drill, as well as knot-tying relays, and charting. Judging is based on general seamanship, teamwork and decorum (oh, and bribing the judges doesn't hurt either). Two teams traveled north to represent CWB at

this illustrious event held May 20; a six-person team on the gig Dan and a seven-person team on the Chatham Launch Anna. CWB also had representation on the judge's panel. Meg Trzaskoma and Dick Wagner took bribes in the form of flattery, flowers and food the entire weekend! fter a stunning victory in the small-boat rowing event and a rousing dance routine to The Village People's "In the Navy", the team, of Dan took home the Princess Cup, for best overall in the small boat class. Anna took the award for Sportsmanship Overall based on the decorum of our coxswain, Nick Calcott, during the knot-tying relay, and our special salute to the judges.


Despite the cold weather and showers, a good time was had by all in what was the most solid representation from the Center (2 boats!) in many years. Many thanks to the volunteers and staff who made it all possible! Special thanks to Dan Potenza, Trip Zabriskie, Louise Thorslund, Lori Higa, Sean Bull, Alan, Heather and Kristine Thorslund, The Pacific Crest Montessori School, Nick Calcott and Jamie Ianelli. Our Teams: Dan - Conner Dowling (coxswain), Sarah McClean, Jared Glick, Quinton Donling, Will Adam, Brent Rogers. Anna - Nick Calcott (coxswain), Dan Potenza, Emily Ewen, Jamie Ianelli, Heather Houdenshield, M a t t h e w Thorslund, Nancy Ries.

BOATYARDS, continued from page 16

restoration phases she was going through to put her back in Seattle's limelight, then moved on to the machine shop where her pumps and all the mechanical gear are being rebuilt. The group also had the opportunity to go up on one of the floating dry-docks where a small coastal navigator was being repaired after hitting a rock with her prop. That's something we all dread! You could almost feel the presence of the former crews building wooden Navy ships and making repairs at these same docks. I'm sure you could hear the echoes of timbers being sawed and caulking mallets rhythmically tapping as you moved down the docks by the old buildings. The high quality of craftsmanship from this yard is still seen today in yachts such as The Blue Peter. Time moves on and so did our group. Off to the U District and our next stop at the Jensen Motorboat Company. While Anchor Jensen was lowering a boat into the water, his son showed us around the shop. We were invited upstairs to the small room where the drafting and engineering work

was done. This is the location of the conception of the SloMo hydroplanes. Not only was her design given life here, but the hydro was also built in this yard. They shared about the sense of secrecy and competition that permeated the yard during the design and construction phases. Many of us well remember those days of the famous SloMo hydros. For lunch, Norm Blanchard had arranged for us to gather at the Seattle Yacht Club to share our experiences as well as to enjoy a fine meal. What a wonderful opportunity to merge the nautical history of Seattle's boat building industry with the historical significance of the gathering place of many of the owners and designers who directly benefited from this industry. We want to thank Norm for making the arrangements to eat at one of the most prestigious yacht clubs in the whole, wide world. Brad Rice's shop, The Boatwright, was the next stop on our journey. Brad showed us modern as well as traditional boat building projects he had been

working on. Along with many of Brad's interesting projects was his marvelous device known as a mast cutting jig. Last but not least was our stop at the Canal Boat Yard. We had the opportunity to look over the Friendship Sloop Amie. A former Columbia River Cannery Tender was also in the yard in obvious need of major restoration. The tour had offered our group of boating enthusiasts a delightful look at many of the significant boat yards along the Seattle shoreline. We left each location a bit more knowledgeable and a bit more in awe of these men of the sea. We hope you will join us on our next tour. Nic Marshall, is employed at PDQ Printers / Lithographers, in between important s t u f f like hanging out in wooden boat shops and cruising on his classic wooden Northwest traveler.

A Hand~Built Custom Baidarka By Casey


Life changing experiences begin when risks are taken, as they be gan for me in early February of this year when I decided to build a kayak. Since the age of sixteen it has been a dream of mine to take the plunge, so to speak. I swore to friends and family that before owning a car, I would own a boat. Well, here I am ten years later, twenty-six and car-less. But, thanks to Corey Freedman and Spirit Line Kayaks, I now possess a one-of-a-kind, hand-built Aleutian Baidarka and a sense of accomplishment that a Honda could only dream of inspiring. A windy April morning welcomed our class of four to The Center for Wooden Boats. We all had relatively

little woodworking experience, though quickly gained confidence with help from Corey and his two apprentice builders. And yet, the fact that we were neophytes with hand-tools was never seen as a hindrance to our boat building performance. The combination of class enthusiasm, a. willingness to learn and the presence of expertise created a comfortable energy that bred creative solutions. n fact, " m i s t a k e s " were seen by Corey as positive - almost as if they were meant to happen. Case in point: On the fourth day in I accidentally, though confidently, drilled several holes in my bow too close to the edge of- the wood, causing the cedar to splinter and crack. Drill in hand, I was frozen beside my boat I felt as though I had just spilt indelible black ink all over a canvas that was meant to remain white. Corey moved in for a closer look as I inhaled for the first time in over a minute. "No problem, Casey. You can use more lashings to tie up the crack.... Casey, this is NICE! You not only made your boat lighter, you made: it stronger." By the end of the day, that f l a w b e c a m e the d e f i n i n g characteristic of my boat.


As the days rolled on, we all began to bond with; our boats, and with each other. Members of the class shared tools, materials, saw horses, food, mu-

sic, conversation, and instructors. Also, intrinsic to the process of building our Baidarkas was the combined energy of our class. Once the ribs were in place in one boat, we would all focus our energy on tying them in with lashings, until the next boat was ready. And tie we did- over 400 lashings per boat. ith sore hands and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, we all finished our baidarkas, each one custom-made to fit our particular size and paddling ability. A celebratory dinner was held on the last day, in honor of the work we had done. A classmate and I decided, a few The students hold their baidarka frames. Standing, w e e k s after, the l-r: Lisa Robinson, Robert Glowitz, Casey course, to take a trip Gellermann and Pam Glowitz. Sitting, l-r: Corey up to A n a c o r t e s , Freedman and assistants Colin and Max. home base of Spirit Line Kayaks, to make our own cedar paddle). They remind me of the risks paddles. Two days later they were fin- I took in signing up for the class, the ished. The circle felt complete. life-changes brought about because of


My boat has been in the Puget Sound several times since the class. She paddles beautifully. I see her as not only an accomplishment, but also as a functional piece of art — one which I can use now and eventually pass down to the next branch on my family tree. Every time I'm out on the water I smile at the flaws (I can see the "custom" lashings under the bow fabric w h e n I



them, and above all, the essential beauty which lies in imperfection. Casey Gellermann is CWB's Public Service Manager. Besides her multi-task responsibilities, she is the only s t a f f member with a cordial relationship with our copy machine.

MARINE SKILLS WORKSHOPS LEARN TO SAILNOW! All year 'round (classes every day in the summer!) 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. or 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Monday - Thursday Fee: $250 per person (includes a one-year CWB membership) Instructors: Volunteers Students will learn to sail classic boats in one session of classroom work and as many sessions of hands-on instruction as necessary (within a fourmonth period) in our small boats, no more than two students per instructor. Students will graduate when able to sail a variety of keel, centerboard, sloop and catboats by instinct, by themselves. You may begin any Saturday, space permitting. Please call ahead for reservations. For the student who is only free on weekdays, or prefers one-on-one instruction, w e continue to offer individual lessons ($20/hour for members, $30/ hour for non-members) on weekdays by appointment.


monkey's fists, Turks heads, sennits and the star knot. A s in all good knot classes, some basic and practical knots will be covered. Mastery of the basics will lead to the construction of monkey's fists and Turk's heads. Other fancywork will be discussed as time allows. Limited to 10.

I K Y A K (ALEUTIAN-INUIT KAYAK) WORKSHOP July 15-23 (Saturday-Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWB Pavilion Fee: $900 members / $950 non-members Instructor: Corey Freedman T h e ikyak, more popularly k n o w n as a baidarka, is a different and more complicated construction than the Greenland Inuit type. Each student will build his or her own boat. Corey Freedman, owner/operator of Spirit Line Kayaks in Anacortes, is well recognized for both his expertise i n . native kayak construction and his teaching ability. Limited to 4.


July 22 (Saturday) July 12 (Wednesday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWB Boatshop 7 p.m.— 9 p.m.CWBBoathouse Fee: $80 members/$90 non-members Fee: $15 members / $20 non-members Instructor: Rich Kolin Instructor: Sean Bull Students will build and take home a Learn basic maritime working classic 9" block plane and blade, practical knots, splices and whippings, or any to use, pleasant to touch, classic as a other knotwork you prefer. Please call piece of folk art. Limited to 10. ahead with special requests. Left-handed friendly! Limited to 6.


July 29, 30 (Saturday-Sunday) FO'C'S'LE A R T S (FANCY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWB Boatshop Fee: $115 -members /$125 - nonmembers KNOTS) SEMINAR Instructor: Rich Kolin July 15 (Saturday) T h e old way of a traditional art: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. CWB Library Shape a half model of a hull and from Fee: $40 members/$45 non-members those lines scale up and build a boat. Instructor: Dennis Armstrong Countless thousands of schooners, skiffs, Throughout history, sailors have smacks and others were thus crafted. The passed away the long hours on ocean new way of this traditional art: Find a crossings by inventing decorative and boat whose lines and history are pleasing functional knots. Before World War II and capture its grace and essence by these knots adorned nearly every handle scaling down and constructing a half and bar aboard the big ships. The fo'c's'le model of the hull. In two consecutive arts include such fancy knots as

Upcoming Events THIRD FRIDAY SPEAKER SERIES 7 p.m. CWB Boathouse Each month, C W B finds a speaker of wit and experience to talk about his or her special knowledge. Admission is free.

July 21 C o r e y F r e e d m a n v i s i t s us f r o m Anacortes where he lives and runs his business, Spirit Line Kayaks. W i d e l y k n o w n for his knowledge of Aleut Indian culture and kayak construction, Corey's presentation will f o c u s on the A l e u t i a n - I n u i t ikyak, also known as the baidarka. He will take us on a u n i q u e cultural journey of u m i a k s a n d k a y a k s f r o m S i b e r i a to Greenland in " T h e H i s t o r y of the Skin Boat (4,000 BC to the present)." This is an in-depth look into the evolution, application, f o r m and f u n c t i o n of Arctic skin boats. Through slides and on-site replicas, he'll e x p l o r e the truly r e m a r k a b l e construction m e t h o d s and h o w they are applicable in today's world.

CAST OFF! Free Public Sail Every Sunday at 2 p.m. Enjoy free half hour sails on one of our classic sailboats. Our Cast O f f ! program allows visitors the chance to sail in boats that are too large or too complex to be a part of our regular livery program. Currently, we're sailing on our New Haven Sharpie, a 35-foot oyster boat. In the next few months, our steam launch Puffin and six-meter racing sloop Erica will be joining the Cast Off! program. Come down and join us any Sunday (weather-permitting) for a free afternoon sail on Lake Union. Please feel free to call us around noon on Sunday to check weather conditions.

days, Rich Kolin, a boat builder for 28 years, will teach students how to bring their favorite boat from plans to the fireplace mantle. Limited to 6 students.

MARLINSPIKE MASTERY August 9 (Wednesday) 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. CWB Boathouse Fee: $15 members / $20 non-members Instructor: Sean Bull Learn basic maritime working knots, splices and whippings, or any other knotwork you prefer. Please call ahead with special requests. Left-handed friendly! Limited to 6.

OARMAKING August 12 & 13 (Saturday & Sunday) 9 a.m. — 5 p.m. Fake Goodwin Workshop Fee: $110 members, $120 non-members Instructor: Rich Kolin Students will learn the design elements of good oars and how to build both straight blade and spoon oars. Limited to 8.

WHERRY BUILDING WORKSHOP September 16 & 17, 23 & 24, 30 & 31 (Saturdays & Sundays) 9 a.m. — 5 p.m. bake Goodwin Workshop Fee: $625 members, $675 non-members Instructor: Rich Kolin Students will build the Cama Beach Wherry. This boat will have a narrow, flat bottom and rounded lapstrake sides. It will be a seaworthy and attractive 15' rowing boat. Enrollees will receive a copy of John Gardner's Dory Book when they sign up. Limited to 7.



August 26, 27 & September 2, 3 (Saturdays & Sundays) 9 a.m. — 5 p.m. CWB Boatshop Fee: $200 members / $210 non-members Instructor: Rich Kolin Learn to design, lay out, and carve nameboards, banners or backrests for a boat or home. Before the class, students will receive both a tool list and a copy of J a y H a n n a ' s Sign Carving Handbook.

24TH ANNUAL LAKE UNION W O O D E N BOAT FESTIVAL July 1-4 (Saturday-Tuesday) 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. each day Four, count 'em, four glorious days to enjoy our annual homage to the beauty, endurance and vitality of wooden boats. All your favorite boats — from dainty dinghies to stupendous schooners - and activities (toy boats, boat rides, skills demonstrations, historic and modern day exhibits, the Quick & Daring Boatbuilding Contest and more) will be there. T h e location's the same as always, CWB and the adjacent Naval Reserve Base grounds, but it will have a different name by Festival 2000. T h e ceremony marking the transfer of the Navy Base to the City of Seattle will be at 10:30 a.m. July 1st. So this Festival will be held in the new South Lake Union Park. Mark your calendar now for this very special Festival.

Tools will be available for those without them. Limited to 8.

I K Y A K (ALEUTIAN-INUIT KAYAK) W O R K S H O P September 23 - October 1 (Saturday-Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWB Pavilion Fee: $900 members / $950 non-members Instructor: Corey Freedman The ikyak, most popularly known as a baidarka, is a different and more complicated construction than the Greenland Inuit type. Each student will build his or her own boat. Corey Freedman, owner / operator of Spirit Line Kayaks in Anacortes, is well recognized for both his expertise in native kayak construction and his teaching ability. Limited to 4.



October 7 & 8 (Saturday & Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWB Boatshop Fee: $110 members/$120 non-members Instructor: Rich Kolin Students will learn the design elements of good oars and build both straight blade and spoon oars under the guidance of instructor Rich Kolin. Limited to 8.

NATIVE AMERICAN CARVING TOOLS October 7 8 (Saturday & Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWB. Boatshop Fee: $100 members/$110 non-members Instructor: Ray Arcand Ray Arcand is an experienced wood carver and tool maker. Students will make their own native-style crooked knife and another knife preferred by local native carvers. Students will gain historic information and knowledge of the annealing, hardening and tempering processes and the fitting of blade to handle. Limited to 6. N O T E : A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to register for all boatbuilding workshops; the balance is due no later than two weeks prior to the workshop. For all other workshops, pre-payment in full reserves your place. Classes with fewer than four students may be canceled or postponed.

S U M M E R I N T H E CITY (3 SESSIONS) July 31-August 4, August 7-11; August 1418 (Monday-Friday) 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. We are again offering our exciting summer maritime program for kids age 12 and older. Summer in the City includes a combination of maritime skills - sailing, rowing and marlinspike work - as well as maritime history. The focus is on sailing skills with the goal of having students soloing by week's end. Three identical five-day sessions are available: July 31-August 4, August 7-11; August 14-18. T h e cost is $175 per student and there are only nine spaces available for each session. Register by phone - (206) 382-2628 - or in person at CWB; because of the popularity of the program in past years, no mail order registrations can be accepted.



24th Annual LakeUnion Wooden Boat Festival

Preview of Events Aleut Kayak Demonstration - Corey Freedman will have several kayaks from different Arctic regions plus Aleut Umiaks. Ask the Professional — A wide variety of short sessions on all the secrets you wanted to know about maritime stuff, including: lining off and spiling planks, steaming, oar making, restoration, painting, knots, brightwork and tool sharpening. Sessions will last about 30 minutes beginning at 1 pm every day in the CWB Boatshop. Awards Breakfast - Monday, July 3, begin your day at the Festival with a hearty breakfast for just $5. Awards for the Ed Clark Memorial Yacht Race will be announced. In the Pub Tent. Boat Books & Hand Tools - for sale in the Armory. Brig Lady Washington - A reproduction of the first American vessel to make landfall in the Northwest, in 1788. Boat Rides — Take a ride in a variety of traditional wooden rowboats, a selection of sailboats or a clutch of classic powerboats. Board at the CWB Boathouse north docks. Discovery and Other Great Ship Models — a display of about 30 outstanding models of different types, including the 14' model of Capt. Vancouver's 1792 ship of exploration, Discovery. In the Armory every day.

People's Choice Awards — Visitors are encouraged to find their favorite sail, power and "Quick & Daring" boats. Get your ballots and vote at the CWB information booth. Quick & Daring Boatbuilding Contest — Two-person teams race to see who can build a fast seaworthy boat in the shortest amount of time. Then they race them on (and sometimes under) the water. Building begins at high noon Saturday and Sunday. Racing begins Tuesday at 3:30 pm.

Schooners, Schooners, Schooners! - Step aboard these lovely pieces of maritime history: the 65' Barlovento, built in 1932 as. a wedding present to Ed Clark Classic Yacht Race — The Northwest's finest classic wooden boats Pierre Dupont III; Frank Prothero's last boat, the 65' Glory of the Seas; the 86' race here on Lake Onion Sunday afternoon for everyone to see. This is an Crowninshield Martha, built in 1907 as a luxury yacht; the 65' Red Jacket, official Wooden Yacht Racing Association event. vintage 1920; Chapelle's 45' Tropic Star, built in 1967; the 165' Wawona, builtin 1897 and under restoration, and the 127' Zodiac, which came off the ways Folk Music — A lively offering of songs and merriment for land and sea, featuring in 1924. a host of talents. A new show every hour on the hour. Music Stage. Silent Auction - Just one silent auction on Sunday afternoon, featuring a Fremont Avenue — Get a free ride from Fremont on this 65' vessel. It will plethora of goodies, including but not limited to, boat supplies and nautical carry passengers free of charge from the Center of the Universe to the Festival gear, artwork, books and more. In the Armory. and back every day. South Lake Union Park - At 10:30 am on July 1, Senator Slade Gorton, 120' 1889 Tug Arthur Foss — Built the year Washington become a state; Mayor Paul Schell and Admirals Bill Marshall and Herb Bridge will announce registered as a National Historical Monument the transfer of ownership of the Lake Union Naval Reserve Base to the City and the plans for the South Lake Union Park and Maritime Heritage Center. Haida Canoe Construction - Watch Haida carver Robert Peele turn a 600year-old 36' cedar log into a traditional Haida canoe. On the CWB lawn, July 3 Steam Power — CWB's steam launch Puffin will be giving rides every day and & 4. a stationary steam engine will be powering wood working tools on shore. Human-powered Boat Races - Every day at 11 am. Kids' Activities — CWB's talented Volunteers will show youngsters how to fold origami boats while our marlinspike experts will teach them the tricks of making Turk's head bracelets. And Aarrr, Matey! Don't forget your tattoo! Marine Gear Sale — We'll be selling some of our treasures deemed surplus. Take a look at boats, trailers and assorted maritime stuff.



Toy Boat Building — Come build a toy boat! Kids of all ages welcome. We supply the wood, glue, nails, tools, masts, sails - all the materials you need. You supply the imagination. This is one of the favorite events of the Festival. Wooden Boats — The whole reason for the Festival! Expect to see more than 100 wooden boats of all sizes in addition to our own fleet of nearly 100 small wooden boats. Vessels of all types and vintages will be in port, including sail, power, rowing and paddling boats, tugs, workboats and one-of-a-kind designs.

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