Shavings Volume 21 Number 6 (December 2000)

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Published bimonthly by

Volume X X I Number 6 December 2000

The Center for Wooden Boats 1010 Valley Street Seattle, WA 98109








ISSN 0734-06S0 1992 C W B

The Center for Wooden Boats: by Dick Founding

Wagner Director

Then and Now....

T h e y called us T h e C l u b . A f t e r six years as a gypsy museum, planning, putting on workshops, seminars, s p e a k e r s , regattas and B o a t Festivals, c h o o s i n g a site, designing o u r facilities, getting the permits, and raising the m o n e y , t h e y called us T h e C l u b . T h e s e w e r e o u r p i o n e e r m e m b e r s . T h e ones w h o passionately embraced our vision and helped convince their friends, n e i g h b o r s , and decision-makers t o support us. T h e n , o n c e we had o u r o w n mailbox, p h o n e n u m b e r and building, they cheerfully volunteered and participated in the activities o f T h e C l u b .

H e r e w e w e r e taking a leadership role in hands-on history education, and the b a c k b o n e o f o u r organization blithely characterized us as a place o f social rapport. I was taken aback and s o m e w h a t o f f e n d e d . H o w could t h e y trivialize o u r role as historians and educators? But you k n o w what? T h e y were right. W e have succeeded in fulfilling o u r mission of historic preservation. I k n o w that because o f the many awards we have received for the educational impact of o u r programs. But m o r e i m p o r t a n t l y , because o f o u r o w n rigorous selfevaluation, where we measure ourselves b y the lives we have changed. A n d we have done it t h r o u g h social rapport. See T h e N AND N o w , page 6

Remedies for when the Rain Sets In.... by Bob Perkins Executive Director Sunday, N o v e m b e r 26, 2 0 0 0 T H E R A I N has s e t t l e d i n . Volunteer extraordinaire Trip Zabriskie came in today, as he does most Sundays, to skipper o u r public sail. D i d n ' t happen. But no one was s u r p r i s e d , s i n c e T H E R A I N has settled in. T h i s s u m m e r we t o o k out 60 people almost every Sunday a f t e r n o o n but n o t t o d a y b e c a u s e T H E R A I N . . . w e l l , it has definitely settled in. It's always a bit hard to take h o w quiet it gets around here alter the mad fun o f s u m m e r . Since o u r o n e and o n l y mission in life is to have people down here doing stuff with boats, this t i m e o f year always makes m e a bit m o p e y . W e do find lots of stuff to k e e p us o c c u p i e d , d o n ' t get m e w r o n g . W e even had s o m e hearty students out in today's bluster and rain sharpening t h e i r sailing skills. O U R MISSION:

( T h e fact is, if you can stand to get wet, the wind is usually better nowadays, but a lot of people don't buy that.) And t h e s t a f f a n d v o l u n t e e r s are m a d l y planning, boat-fixing, writing, fundraising, and all the o t h e r thousand things we do all year long. But it just a i n ' t as m u c h fun w i t h o u t all t h e people. W e are working on some remedies, though. Remedy 1: Get more kids down here during the school year. N a n c y is busy planning youth programs to increase o u r c o n n e c t i o n s t o s c h o o l s . Developing a curriculum to tie in with W a s h i n g t o n State learning standards, for o n e . A program to build great little dinghys with at-risk middle-schoolers, f o r another. Remedy 2: Maritime skills w o r k s h o p s . D i c k and Laurie are planning a full schedule. Remedy 3: O u r Annual A u c t i o n . Right smack in the middle o f T h e F e b r u a r y D o l d r u m s (February 24, 2 0 0 1 , to be exact) c o m e s our s w a n k y party. If y o u haven't been

in the last couple o f years, y o u owe it to y o u r s e l f to step out and see all the duded-up wharfrats. If y o u have been recently, you'll w a n t t o see o u r even more i m p r o v e d swank inside the f o r m e r Naval Reserve next door. W e ' v e also got a shiny new website so people can keep in touch with C W B from the comfort of their cozy hibernative domiciles. C h e c k it out at It was a g r e a t y e a r t h a t w e ' r e leaving behind. N e w y o u t h activities, m o r e visitors, m o r e volunteers, a new strategic plan, good-looking boats both n e w and o l d , m o r e s t u d e n t s . E v e r progressing progress at C a m a Beach. W e ' r e doing the right stuff. W e k n o w the crowds will be back with the sun. In the meantime, we'll all keep working hard, dreaming up new fun and doing as m u c h o f it as f o u l - w e a t h e r gear a l l o w s . C o m e d o w n a n d j o i n us! People is w h y w e ' r e here.

TO provide a community center where maritime history comes alive and our small craft heritage is preserved and passed along to future generations.



Modified Cash Basis

Modified Cash Basis

September 30, 2 0 0 0

For the year ended September 30, 2 0 0 0



C u r r e n t Assets Savings




Designated Projects




project Checking

Endowment Reserve


Wagner Scholarship Fund


Grants pledged




Prepaid expenses (taxes)


T o t a l C u r r e n t Assets


P a r k and Museum P r o p e r t y




L I A B I L I T I E S & FUND B A L A N C E S C u r r e n t Liabilities Deferred grant revenue


Line o f credit


Payroll payable


Payroll tax liability

Donations Operations Instruction Special Events Other

$515,306 100,892 87,790 140,527 13,245

Total Revenue


Expenses Donations






Special Events Personnel

65,721 337,250









Total Expenses Excess of Revenue over Expenses

$620,642 $237,118


T o t a l C u r r e n t Liabilities


Fund Balances Operating Fund


Maritime Park Fund


Net Income


T o t a l Fund B a l a n c e s T O T A L L I A B I L I T I E S & FUND B A L A N C E S

Thank You to Our Supporters C W B has many long-time supporters. W i t h o u t t h e m , our efforts would be slowed or made impossible due t o expense o r lack of resources. A big T h a n k Y o u t o the f o l l o w i n g - just a few o f those


w h o helped make the past year such a success.


In-kind Donors Seaview East Marina

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Caren Crandell Betsy Davis David Dolson Dave Erskine Steve Excell George Galpin Ken Greff Chip Hoins

David Kennedy Stephen Kinnaman Len Marklund Pike Powers Bill Van Vlack Chipps Whipple Trip Zabriskie

Laurie Leak Tim Mcintosh Brad Rice Nancy Ries Chris Sanders

Intersound Investments Marine Servicenter N W Yacht Brokers N W M a r i n e Trade Association Davis W r i g h t T r e m a i n e L L P Businesses and F o u n d a t i o n s Port T o w n s e n d Sails Y o u t h Adventure, Inc.

STAFF Dick Wagner Bob Perkins Casey Gellermann Andrea Kinnaman Mindy Koblenzer

Flounder Bay Lumber

Founding Director Executive Director Public Services Manager Development Manager SailNOW!Program & Volunteer Coordinator Office Manager Dockmaster Boatwright & Shop Manager Youth Programs Manager Bookkeeper

T h e Hamalainen C h a r i t a b l e T r u s t T h e Hagedorn F o u n d a t i o n R i c h a r d A . (Ricky) R u d i n e M e m o r i a l E n d o w m e n t F u n d The Chisholm Foundation The O a k m e a d F o u n d a t i o n Cape F l a t t e r y C o r p o r a t i o n Glaser F o u n d a t i o n K i n g C o u n t y Cultural Resources Business M e m b e r s Sparling, Inc.

2 Shavings

Kids on Water by Nancy Ries Youth Programs


F r o m t h e b u s t l i n g c r o w d s o f the Festival to the frosty footsteps on the docks this morning, I have now witnessed the cycle of the seasons on the waters of Lake Union. While the docks still ring with the sound of hammers in small hands building toy boats, the crowds have dwindled and all but one or two boats rest quietly under their boat covers. Running the youth programs at C W B this past year has been fun and challenging. Kids have been coming down the docks pretty steadily for school tours, umiak rides and toy boat building as well as multi-day programs such as Summer in the City and All Aboard. Some of the highlights from this past year include:

The Pacific Challenge In May, two C W B teams participated in t h i s t w o - d a y s a i l i n g , r o w i n g and marlinspike seamanship event, bringing home the prize for "Best Small Boat Overall" and " T h e Sportsmanship Award."

All Aboard The umiak got new skin with the help of five youth, boatwright Dierk Yochim and the staff at Seattle Mental Health. And then...

4-H Umiak Overnight Both umiaks were faster than ever with the new set of paddles made by the Dirty Dozen 4-H club of Tacoma. See the last issue of Shavings for the full story of our umiak adventure to Bainbridge Island.

Orion Center Kids from the O r i o n Y o u t h Shelter (just up the street) were on the water twice a week this past summer. Many thanks to

John Lewis and David Dolson for making that possible.

Summer in the City O u r five-day-long m a r i t i m e skills program was once again a success this year with three lull sessions. Ditty bags, rowing races and sailing!

Thank You! I want to thank all of the volunteers who have been helping with C W B ' s youth p r o g r a m s f r o m t o y b o a t b u i l d i n g to Summer in the City. We would not be able to get all these kids on the water without you! Y O U T H

Alternative School #1 The launching of the Pirate models was one of the highlights of the year and C W B gained three hard-working shop interns from the program: Sarah Galvin, Djaerik Rudolph-Peck and Nevin Root.



With the rainy season in full swing, it is apparent that our stock of foul weather gear is inadequate! If anyone would like to donate pants or jackets (with hoods, preferably), it would be greatly appreciated. "There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. " Thanks!

What's up for the coming year? We are working on developing partnerships in the school system to develop school year programs for middle to high schoolers. As a first step, I will be w o r k i n g with two teachers from S c r i b e r L a k e H i g h S c h o o l to develop a semester-long c u r r i c u l u m based on m a r i t i m e education. O u r All Aboard program will be expanding from a summer program to a school-based program. This winter we will build a 7-foot pram with a group of students from Meany Middle School. The boat, which will make a very nice tender for a larger boat, will be put up for auction at our annual event in February. We will continue to develop our Adventure Bound overnight expeditioning program aboard the Admirable and r e - i n t r o d u c e t h e Schooner Adventuress into our summer program.

Shavings, 3

ALL ABOUT O U R BOATS: by Bob Perkins Executive Director

Past and Future

N o glass cases. I love that about us. O k a y , we have one, but it's small. What we do have are about a hundred great little boats, most of which are bobbing away on the stuff they were made for. That's the way we like it. This was a noteworthy year for our m e r r y fleet. A m o n g o t h e r t h i n g s , we relaunched our stunning sailing Gillnetter, we added a new Woodshole Spritsail boat, courtesy of generous donor Mike Foley and the Seattle W o o d Construction Center's boatbuilding program, new Sharpie Colleen Wagner is almost done and glorious R-Boat Pirate is ours and under restoration. Staff and volunteers worked over almost every boat we own in one way or another. Good for us. T h e thing is, nobody's satisfied. Why? Because while many of our boats look as good as they've ever looked, they don't all look as good as they're going to look. We wouldn't do well as spin doctors; this is cards-on-the-table stuff. The fact is many of our boats aren't in the kind of shape they need to be in. B u t w e ' v e c o m m i t t e d ourselves to getting them that way. Flow's it going to happen? There's a good reason why our boats don't look as good as they should: We let people use them and use them they do. I'd be willing to bet that some of our boats are t h e m o s t used b o a t s in t h e s t a t e o f Washington. Use a boat, use anything, and it'll get wear and tear. So that's a good reason and one we'll never change. But if we're going to have these great boats to use we need to improve the ways we take care of them. At our annual meeting we talked about our plan: 1) E x p a n d o u r r e s o u r c e s : get m o r e manpower and more money. Utilize volunteer labor as much as we can; hire it when we have to. 2) U s e o u r c u r r e n t r e s o u r c e s w i s e l y : restructure our shop program to give talented staff boatwright Brad Rice time t o w o r k his m a g i c ; s c h e d u l e in volunteers and provide real training; beginners will start in the livery helping new Dockmaster T i m Mcintosh to do basic boat maintenance. 3) Be willing to make hard calls: Most of us have rarely met a wooden boat we didn't love or at least like. But we've got to get used to the fact that, given what 4 Shavings

we do, we can't be too starry-eyed about how many boats we can actually take care of. So we're going to sometimes have to find other homes for boats we'd like to keep. It's like marrying off your kids, but we have to make the workload match the workers. That's the plan. Can you help? Here's how: give time or give money. Time: volunteer. Schedule yourself in. If you've got good skills already, come see Brad and see how he can use you. If you don't have skills but have a will to work, see T i m and he can get you started. M o n e y : until we live in a

perfect world, money makes a difference in the amount of stuff we can do, whether it's for buying bending oak or hiring talented help. If you like, you can even restrict any gift you make to Boat Maintenance and that's what we'll use it for. Ten dollars buys a can of varnish. Thirty-thousand (more or less) buys us a boatwright. And all stops in between. We love boats. We think we're pretty good at using boats to provide real public service. A n d w e ' r e going to do it even better. Especially if you help us.

Our Adult Sailing Programs Sail On by Mindy Koblenzer SailNow! Program Manager T h e m i s s i o n of o u r adult sailing program is to introduce the public to and

educate them about seamanship, small craft

heritage and the craft of sail. More than 250 adults participated in sailing lessons this past year and many continue their sailing on their own in our Livery program. S a i l N O W ! and O n e - O n - O n e lessons run year round, with over 1,500 hours of instruction offered this year. In order to accomplish our mission, C W B relies on a

talented crew of over 60 volunteer sail instructors. Volunteer instructors entering the sail instruction program participate in five hours of C W B training. Complementing this training, this year and next C W B is able to offer its instructors U S S A I L I N G Level 1 Sail I n s t r u c t o r c e r t i f i c a t i o n c o u r s e s . As the p r o g r a m continues to grow in its popularity and reputation, we are continually thankful to our volunteers, interested students and forgiving boats.

Volunteers Fuel Our Accomplishments by Mindy Volunteer

Koblenzer Coordinator

Volunteers help to provide, organize and accomplish great programs at C W B . General C W B Orientations are conducted to welcome newvolunteers every other weekend. Livery, Front Desk and Sail Instructor Training is offered for individuals and families to assist in our daily operations. As we begin to add volunteer hours for 2000, we are likely to see numbers topping those of 1999, during which over 16,000 hours were completed by 531 volunteers. As a complement to our volunteer corps, C W B is glad to work with state and city departments in our Community Service Program, logging over 500 hours of site and facility maintenance. Programs made possible by volunteers: √ Tradewinds 2000 Annual Auction √ Norm Blanchard W O O D Regatta √ T o y Boat Building and Youth Tours √ Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival √ C W B at Cama Beach activities √ Bailey-Boushay House Sailing √ Front Desk visitor services √ Summer in the City √ Cast Off! - Free public boat rides

by Betsy Davis Board President

√ All Aboard √ Spring Cruise √ Boat Maintenance √ Livery √ Sail Away Challenge √ SailNOW! Program √ One-On-One Sail Instruction √ Meet Captain Christmas √ Annual Frostbite Regatta

Reflections from the President

Credit goes to those who've built and maintained the Center over the years, Hi there. As your newly-elected Board because it's really from that base of success p r e s i d e n t , I w a n t e d t o o f f e r a few that we were asked to participate in the reflections about the year we're closing and development of two new parks. the one that lies before us. As with all growth, I expect plenty In an organization built and nurtured of growing pains and challenges ahead, but by so many members over the last 20 years, the bottom line is quite exciting - the I am definitely a new kid on the block. I Center will serve an even broader part of joined the board two years ago for many the community. reasons, but of course the biggest one is We have much to look forward to in the boats. I love them. I love being in them. the coming year. Stewardship of o u r I love looking at them. (In fact, I'm in c o l l e c t i o n is a k e y v a l u e f o r o u r s c h o o l at S e a t t l e C e n t r a l ' s M a r i n e organization, and we want to do a better Carpentry program attempting to learn j o b of demonstrating it. We'll also be how to build them.) launching o u r three-year major-gifts campaign to help us fund the expansion O u r programs during 2000 hold so resulting from our new partnerships with many highlights for me. A n individual the city and the state. We'll update our child's j o y in building a t o y boat, an s t r a t e g i c p l a n and e n s u r e that i t ' s individual teen's sense of accomplishment implemented. Active committees will when they learn how to steer the boat, an support our impressive staff in carrying adult's pride in learning how to sail. out our ambitious plans for the future. As I step into the role of President, I am very aware of two exciting partnerships I am delighted to say that in addition that are underway and will expand the to p r o v i d i n g great p r o g r a m s t o t h e reach of our programs in the future. We community, we ended the year financially are p a r t n e r i n g w i t h t h e S t a t e o f in the black and we continue to strengthen Washington in creating the new Cama our operations. During 2000, we upgraded Beach State Park on Camano Island and our financial accounting system, also partnering with the City of Seattle via developed a comprehensive strategic plan, the Maritime Heritage Foundation at the developed new ways to track our activities new South Lake U n i o n Park next door. and created a database of information and 2001

photos for our boats collection. We also upgraded our website. T a k e a look - It's at When I visited a dozen maritime museums this last Fall with staffer Mindy Koblenzer, one thing that stood out for me is how much of the Center's success comes from the depth of commitment of its volunteers. O u r volunteers keep the place so very alive, and fulfill the promise that both the "means and the ends" of our work serve the spirit of community. Needless to say, I look forward to the year ahead. I'm very happy to hear from you about any ideas or concerns you might have. Contact me via email at or leave a message in m y in-box in the C W B office. You'll also see me there a lot for board and committee meetings, so please feel free to introduce yourself. I hope you'll be an active part of the year ahead. P.S. I hope you'll consider supporting C W B financially during the year ahead. There are so many exciting programs and such a strong staff in place to help make t h e m happen. Each financial donation will be well stewarded and will have a high impact. T h a n k you!

Shavings 5

News of Cama Beach by Dick Wagner Founding Director This year has seen much progress on our new site at Cama Beach State Park. Although the Park will not be open until Fall 2002, our Camano region boatbuilding class is now finishing a skiff and wherry. Both will be part of our Cama Beach livery fleet. A nice story on this class was provided in the N o v e m b e r 14Stanwood—Camano News (my favorite Camano newspaper). T h e w h e r r y has been named Muriel in h o n o r o f Muriel R i s k , the o w n e r and manager of Cama Beach Resort from 19341989. Her father, Leroy Stradley, built the resort from 1932-1934. V o l u n t e e r s have s h o r e d up t h e Boathouse trusses with temporary walls, in preparation for refastening with bolts, to better withstand the winter storms. T h e lumber for the shoring was milled at Cama Beach from some trees toppled by slides at the north end of the beach. O t h e r v o l u n t e e r tasks include r e s e a r c h i n g C a m a n o Islands h i s t o r i c shoresideresort sites, 17 of which have already been identified. T h e s e will be incorporated in the future historic boat t o u r s . A l s o , a t e a m is p l a n n i n g t h e rehabilitation of a 1930s launch donated to T H E N AND

Now, from page 1

People have come to C W B for a wide range of reasons. Some to study the boats and try them out, to just go for a spin in a classic boat, to take a maritime heritage skill class, t o t o u r C W B f o r its p l e a s a n t environment, to participate in a program as a last ditch effort to learn how to learn, for a cheap date. T h e y all found an historic experience and often an epiphany greater than we promised and greater than they expected. It's the people thing. T h e people they met as instructors, staff, volunteers and teammates that made their visit a learning experience in a club environment. C W B has become both a nexus of maritime heritage and a community center. There was an image in our minds when we first dared to think of creating a museum where visitors could play with the exhibits. It was T h e Old Boathouse, our houseboat livery of traditional pulling and sailing boats. Cozily nestled amidst houseboats, it had a community presence. Then there were our two lifejacket-clad boys, raising hell and 6 Shavings

C W B b y Ida Bee McDonald. The vessel, in the McDonald family for over 60 years, is in good condition, including the Arnolt engine. We plan to use this classic launch as part of our historic tours fleet. Planning is underway for restoration of some of the original Cama Beach boats through a grant from the H a m a l a i n e n Foundation. In mid-November, a spike appeared in the smooth slope of Cama Beach planning. T h e passage of several initiatives led the Governor's office to ask all agencies to plan f o r a four percent r e d u c t i o n o f t h e i r budgets. The State Park Commission, meeting on November 20, unanimously agreed to not delay Cama Beach. It was, and still is, their number one priority. T h e State Parks Commission and the Legislature have shown great faith in Cama

B e a c h S t a t e P a r k as an e x a m p l e of cooperative planning between the State, the family of the resort founder, w h o gave outstanding donations to the project, and CWB. O u r role at Cama Beach is to help make the park a leader in preservation of natural and historical resources. T h r o u g h our programs, we will give visitors experiences in m a r i t i m e h e r i t a g e t h e y will long remember.

added to our fleet as well as three classic rowing as far as their tethers allowed. rowing boats built by students for our soonThat image of neighbors and energetic to-be livery at our new site at Cama Beach kids around and within a living museum State Park, Camano Island. were reference points in the planning of T h e 1926 R-class s l o o p Pirate was C W B . We envisioned a place with the honored as a National Historic Place (Place? highest educational goals, to be achieved Here's another reason for education about w i t h i n an e n v i r o n m e n t o f fun and our maritime heritage.) Pirate, after a season adventure. F o r everyone. in the sun taking passengers for rides, is now O u r p l a n n i n g has c r e a t e d a solid undergoing a major restoration by skilled foundation of learn-by-doing exhibits and and dedicated volunteers. activities. We have been slowly building We seem to have had an endless stream more challenging and effective programs o f S a i l N O W ! s t u d e n t s and cascading from our first "Shall we do it?" meeting in waterfall of kids coming for a wide range February 1976. It is exciting to think of all the achievements of 2000 based on ourof instruction including sailing, toyboat b u i l d i n g and b o a t r e s t o r a t i o n . O u r initial vision. It's even more exciting to programs are expanding because we are realize that our success has brought us to providing a need not met elsewhere. With the edge of new horizons at Lake Union the added facilities and programs envisioned and Camano Island. in o u r u p c o m i n g C a m p a i g n f o r N e w Some major restoration projects were Horizons, we will continue to serve our done in 2000, including our logo boat, the community in ways that will give them sailing gillnetter Admirable, and our 1906 enduring links to our maritime heritage steam launch Puffin. One of the 26' Umiaks, expanding not only our own horizons, but Blanche, was restored by a group of at-risk those of our community as well. And we teenagers. will always be a great place for a cheap date. T h e Woods Hole Spritsail Dewey was

Upcoming EVENTS Recurring CAST



(Free Public Sail) Every Sunday at 2 p.m. Join us a n y S u n d a y (weather permitting) for a free afternoon sail on Lake U n i o n . C u r r e n t l y , w e ' r e sailing on Admirable, a recently restored Bristol Bay gillnetter and our logo boat. Y o u might also have the chance to find out what it's like to sail Erica, our six-meter racing sloop, or Amie, a Friendship sloop. LEARN T O


11 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays Fee: $250 per person



January 7 12-4 p.m. CWB Boathouse T h e N o r t h w e s t Radio C o n t r o l l e d Ship Modelers will display and operate a wide variety of boat models, including classic Northwest tugs and fishing vessels. This will be a great public viewing and photo opportunity. FROSTBITE

January 7


Open to members and guests of members. R e g i s t r a t i o n for the Beetle Cat T e a m Championships begins at noon and the racing at 1 p.m. T h e r e will be four teams of four skippers participating in relay races and two rounds of racing. T h e entry fee is $5 per person. Teams will have costume themes, with an award for most original costume. We'll wind up the day with another of our famous potluck suppers, music and dancing if anyone has any energy left .

Learn to sail classic boats in one session of classroom w o r k and as many sessions of hands-on instruction as necessary (within a four-month period). O n l y two students per instructor. Winter classes begin on alternate Saturdays, space permitting. Fee includes the b o o k " T h e C o m p l e t e S a i l o r , " by David Seidman. We also offer individual lessons on weekdays by appointment ( $ 2 0 / h o u r for HALF M O D E L members, $ 3 0 / h o u r for non-members).

Maritime Skills Workshops




Every 3rd Friday 7 p.m. CWB Boathouse Each month C W B finds a speaker of wit and experience to talk about his or her special knowledge. It is also an opportunity for C W B members to meet one another and the staff. Admission is free. Refreshments s e r v e d ( d o n a t i o n s t o c o v e r c o s t s are appreciated). O u r next speaker will be January 19, 2001. FRIDAY




Every 2nd Friday 8p.m.- 10 p.m. Northwest Seaport J o i n o u r n e x t d o o r n e i g h b o r s at Northwest Seaport for an evening of music! If the weather permits, gather on board Wawona, otherwise, meet in the woodshop. A songleader will be on board to keep things moving, with opportunity for anyone to lead a song or just join in the chorus. Bring a blanket, cushions, friends and your voice. Baked goods and beverages for sale. Free admission.


February 3 & 4 (Saturday & Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Marysville Boatshop Fee: $115 members /$125 non-members In two consecutive days, Rich Kolin, an experienced boat builder, will teach students how to bring a great boat from plans to the fireplace mantle. Limited to 6. NATIVE AMERICAN



February 10 & 11 (Saturday & Sunday) 9 a.m. -5 p.m. both days, CWB Boatshop Fee. $100 members, $110 non-members Ray Arcand is an experienced wood carver and tool maker. Students will make their own native-style crooked knife and another knife preferred by local native carvers while gaining historic i n f o r m a t i o n and knowledge of the annealing, hardening and tempering processes. Limited to 6. LOFTING



February 24 (Saturday) 6 p.m. The Old Navy Armory Building, South Lake Union Park



February 17 & 18 (Saturday - Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Marysville Boatshop Fee: $115 members, $125 non-members Students will loft a classic boat from a table of offsets. This workshop will enable students to read plans and u n d e r s t a n d t h e a r c a n e mysteries of bevels, rabbet lines, deductions and c o n s t r u c t i o n drawings. T h i s class is highly r e c o m m e n d e d as a p r e r e q u i s i t e f o r o u r boatbuilding workshops. Limited to 6.

Voyage back in time to the 1930s during our Annual Fundraising Auction! This year, for the first time ever, the Auction will take place right next door. O u r well-known password "hands-on history" - will gain you admittance to this highly exclusive speakeasy. Tickets are $75 per person ($65 if purchased by January 20 or in groups of four or more) and include dinner. Don't miss this chance to enjoy an evening of fun while supporting our programs. LAKE UNION W O O D E N



June 29, 30, July 1 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) Make plans now to bring your family! See a l m o s t 150 b o a t s of all shapes and sizes. Participate in maritime skills demonstrations, help the kids build a toy boat, watch the yacht race, see the model boats, and cheer on your favorite in the ever popular Q u i c k and Daring Boatbuilding Contest.




February 24 & 25 (Saturday & Sunday) 9 a.m. -5 p.m. both days, CWB Boatshop Fee: $125 members, $135 non-members Ray Arcand will introduce students to the evolution of paddle styles and types of preferred w o o d s . T h e y w i l l t h e n use a v a r i e t y of t r a d i t i o n a l hand t o o l s t o carve t h e i r own traditional N o r t h w e s t native paddle, either single or double blade. Limited to 6. LOFTING


March 3 & 4 (Saturday & Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. both days, CWB Boatshop Fee: $115 members, $125 non-members T h e weekend will be spent lofting a 12-foot dinghy from a table of offsets. Lofting is the traditional m e t h o d of transforming the scale plans of a boat to full size molds and patterns. Through this workshop, Eric Hvalsoe will teach you how to read plans and understand the arcane mysteries of sheer, bevels, rabbet lines, deductions, and construction drawings. Limited to 6. STRIP-PLANKED



March 4 (Sunday) 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. CWB Boathouse Fee: $30 members, $35 non-members Instructor Paul Ford is experienced in strip building and effectively provides - in a seminar

Continued on page 8

Shavings 7

Workshops (continued

from page 7)

session - students with the technical information needed to enable them to build their own kayaks using the strip-planked method. Limited to 20. C A N O E







April 7 & 8, 14 & 15, 21 & 22 (Saturdays & Sundays) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Marysville Boatshop Fee: $375 members, $400 non-members Students will work with Eric Harman to build a classic canvas on wood canoe. T h e design is arguably the best all round pleasure canoe. It will be part of our Cama Beach rental fleet. Students must have woodworking experience. Limited to 6.

March 10 & 11, 17 & 18 (Saturdays & Sundays) 9 a. m. - 5 p. m. each day Fee: $575 member-canoe, $625 non-member-canoe This class is limited to two canoes. O n e or more owners can attend. T h e cost is based on the canoes, not the students. Eric Harman will guide you through the restoration of your canoe, which will include new canvas and frames, planks and stems. S o m e canoes might need another weekend to complete the project at an added cost of $160 per canoe.

April 14 (Saturday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Marysville Boatshop Fee: $80 members, $90 non-members Led by Rich Kolin, students will build and take home a classic 9" block plane and blade, practical to use, pleasant to touch, classic as a piece of folk art. Limited to 8.





March 10 - 18 (Saturday thru Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Marysville Boatshop Fee: $625 members, $675 non-members Students will build the Davis Boat, a 15' transom-sterned dinghy designed by J o h n Davis of Metlakatla, Alaska in the 1930s as an all-round oar and outboard powered boat for the waters of S.E. Alaska. Carvel planking means edge-to edge seams, w h i c h is a m o r e c o m p l e x than lapstrake construction. Limited to 7. L A P S T R A K E





( A L E U T I A N

K A Y A K )


April 7-15 (Saturday - Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWB Pavilion Fee: $900 members, $950 non-members T h e ikyak, most commonly known as the baidarka, is arguably the best long-range open water kayak ever designed. Instructor C o r e y Freedman is renowned for his knowledge of ikyak design and construction and his teaching style. T h e class uses few t o o l s and lots of handwork. Students will each make their own boat and receive paddling instruction. Limited to 4.


March 12 - 16 & 19 -23 (Mondays - Fridays) O A R M A K I N G 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWB Boatshop April 21 & 22 (Saturday & Sunday) Fee Week 1: $375 members, $400 non-members9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Marysville Boatshop Fee Week 2: $375 members, $400 non-members Fee: $110 members, $120 non-members Fee Both Wks: $650 members, $700 non-membersStudents will learn the design elements of W o r k with lapstrake master Eric Hvalsoe good oars and build both straight blade and to build a t r a d i t i o n a l cedar on o a k , round spoon oars under the guidance of instructor Rich bottom, lapstrake sailing dinghy, the Hvalsoe Kolin. Limited to 8. 13. Limited to 7.





April 28 & May 5 (Saturdays) 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. CWB Boathouse Fee: $30 members, $40 non-members Mike G u r l e y , avid sailor, wooden boat worshipper and professional photographer, will guide you into bringing the magic of boats into photographic images. Bring a 35 m m camera and portfolio of your photographs. F i l m is free. Limited to 9. S K I F F



May 19 - 27 (Saturday - Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Marysville Boatshop Fee: $600 members, $650 non-members R i c h K o l i n , an e x p e r i e n c e d designer, builder, and instructor will lead the class in building a classic 14' lapstrake sides, flat-bottom skiff. A copy of Kolin's b o o k on skiff building, Building Heidi, is i n c l u d e d in t h e t u i t i o n . Limited to 7. S A L M O N



July 14-22 (Saturday - Sunday) 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Marysville Boatshop Fee: $600 members/$650 non-members U n d e r the guidance of R i c h K o l i n , boatbuilder, designer and author of boatbuilding books, students will build and launch a classic Salmon Wherry. The Salmon Wherry, similar in appearance to a Swampscott dory, has been in use in New England for about 100 years. Limited to 6. N O T E : U n t i l the new C a m a Beach State P a r k opens in 2 0 0 2 , C a m a n o Island area w o r k s h o p s will be held at a s h o p at L a k e G o o d w i n ,


Marysville and Stanwood. C W B will provide a map to the site with materials sent t o students after they register. D E P O S I T : A $ 1 0 0 n o n r e f u n d a b l e d e p o s i t is required to register for all boatbuilding workshops; the balance is due no later than t w o weeks prior t o the w o r k s h o p . F o r all o t h e r w o r k s h o p s , prepayment in full reserves y o u r place. Classes with f e w e r t h a n f o u r s t u d e n t s m a y be c a n c e l e d o r postponed.

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