2 minute read
Charlotte Jewish Teens Can Do Something About the Headlines
June 2024
By Rabbi Ya’aqov Walker, Co-Director Club Z Charlotte
Since the leadup to Passover, Anti-Israel activists have coordinated intimidation campaigns in public spaces, airports, and more than 30 college campuses. These protests, occurring during our season of freedom, have left many Jewish students feeling vulnerable and targeted. The rise in antisemitic incidents has raised concerns about safety and free expression for Jewish students.
As the campus unrest continues, Club Z Charlotte remains committed to ensuring that Jewish teens, regardless of affiliation, can have the self-knowledge and self-defense skills to turn the tide. By advocating for their rights in high school and fostering a sense of pride in their heritage, our alumni have gone on to build allies of all faiths at UNC Charlotte, UNC Chapel Hill, and Duke Univeristy to refute anti-Israel proposals and propaganda. How do we do it? We use our Jewish Students Bill of Rights as a way to unite our voices at school and in city hall:
1. Free Expression of Jewish Identity: Jewish students should feel confident expressing their heritage, culture, and connection to Israel without fear of reprisal or discrimination.
2. A Fair Education: Club Z advocates for an education that includes accurate information about Israel, its history, and its contributions to the world. Students deserve a balanced perspective that fosters critical thinking.
3.A Safe Learning Environment: Campuses must actively combat antisemitism and create an inclusive atmosphere where all students feel secure. Club Z encourages schools to address incidents promptly and effectively.
4.Comprehensive Definition of Antisemitism: To combat hatred effectively, students need a clear understanding of what constitutes antisemitism. Club Z promotes education about the various forms of prejudice and discrimination.
5.Fair Protections: Jewish students should have the same rights and protections as their peers. Club Z encourages schools to adopt policies that safeguard Jewish students from discrimination and harassment. Through seminars, trips, guest lectures, conferences, and hands-on activism, we empower nearly 200 high schoolers across the U.S. to embrace their Jewish identity and advocate effectively. You are not alone. Visit www.ClubZ.org or email Charlotte@ClubZ.org to learn more about how we can help your family and your congregation.