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Looking Back: Year 2001
Swimmer Maccabi Golf Tournament Results
The 14th annual Harry Swimmer Maccabi Golf Tournament (in support of Maccabi USA/Sports for Isael and the Jewish Community Center of Charlotte) was held at Raintree Country Club on April 30. A record number 122 golfers came to participate in this annual special event and to pay honor to the tournament’s host and one of the community’s most beloved and influential leaders, Mr. Harry Swimmer.
Co-sponsored by the Jewish Community Center under the expert leadership of Alan Rosenberg and David Van Glish, the tournament featured thirty foursomes (two were fivesomes) participating in a “shotgun” star on the picturesque north course.
Players played “captains choice/best ball” throughout the event. The winning team of Bob Buttermore, Gib McCall, Bob Singer, and David Van Glish posted a score of 53.6 and the third place team of Larry Farber, Mickey Gold, Brian Griffin and Scott Kellermeyer was not far off with a score of 54.2.
In addition to the record number of golfers this year, there was tremendous participation both from a sponsorship standpoint and a prize standpoint. Patron sponsors included The Hartford Insurance Company, Travelers Insurance Company, Gleiberman Shepherd-Spears & Menaker, Republic Textile Corporation, The Hearst Corporation, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Lerner & Company, Swimmer Insurance Agency and The Palm Restaurant. Hole Sponsors included Alene and Sam Strause, Alto, Benefit Design Group, David and Jeff Epstein, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sklut, Goodman Gable Gould Co./Adjusters International, iReadyWorld, Jim Montag, Lee-Nichols-Hepler Architecture, The Leon Levine Foundation, Mann Travel & Cruises, Ostrow Wholesale Company, Paul Lavitt Mills, Paddock Pools, Phil’s Deli, Phil Guller & Gerson Asrael & Raley Miller Properties. Contributors included Action Plus Sportwear, Don & Bobbie Bernstein, Sam Bernstein, Blake & Hollister (Roger Stieffel), Norman Davis, Abbey Doneger, Fastsigns, First Team Sports, Ken Golder, Golf Charlotte (Mark McNeil), Goodman & Lochary Children’s Dentistry, Shelton Gorelick, Michael Grey, Stanley Greenspon, Stuart Hennes, Mark Hollowell, Highland Mills Inc., Judson Knox, Norm & Donna Levin, Jim McCarthy, Hyman Polk, Larry Polsky, Frank Rosen, Robert Speizman, Thomas Rentals and John Willse.
Special thanks go to Phil Levine for once again providing the lunch for all the golfers, to Coca-Cola and Sunrise Assisted Living on Providence for supplying the drinks for all the golfers and volunteers, to Infiniti of Charlotte for the hold-in-one 2001 Infiniti (no winners) and tournament insurance, to Brad Anderson and all his terrific staff at Raintree Country Club for all of their hard work and cooperation to insure the success of the event (not to mention their gift certificates for golf lessons), to Miro Spanish Grille, Mama Ricotta’s, Manzetti’s, Mangiones, Firebirds Rocky Mountain Grille, Cuising Malaya and Riccio’s for their very generous donations of gift certificates, to Eric Lerner of Action Plus Sportswear for his generous donation of golf shirts and for being “Mr. Cluth” at the last minute, to Michael Grey of MGB Accessories Inc. for his generous donation of Nike sunglasses and the Ken Rothmel for his very generous donation of golf balls, golf umbrellas and expandable bag.
Our “closes to the pi” circle contest on hole #9 attracted over 100 of the golfers and helped raise additional monies for the event. Thank you to Jerry Fisher and Sam Strause for the concept and follow-up.
Many “thank yous” to the tournament volunteers for all of their time and efforts including Sheila Fisher, Bernice Roberts, Elaine Schefflin, Linda Sloan, Alene Strause, Denise Whitney and staff from Sunrise Assisted Living on Providence Road and of course the one and only Sam Strause. Also, “thanks” to tournament chairmen Alan Rosenberg and David Van Glish and committee members Jerry Fisher, Robert Gleibermann, Craig Katzman and David Swimmer for all their hard work recruiting golfers and prizes.
The day’s highlight came about six hours after it all started when last year’s honoree, Sam Strause, introduced Bob Spivack, President of Maccabi USA/Sports for Israel who spoke some heartfelt words about this year’s honoree, Harry Swimmer, and awarded him a beautiful commemorative plaque. Scott Menaker, President of the JCC, also addressed the crowd and presented another plaque honoring Harry’s tireless philanthropic efforts on behalf of the Jewish community. Congratulations to all of the golfers for coming out to support the event and to honor its “founding father,” Harry Swimmer. Mark the date down for next year, April 29, 2022, same place and time.