36 minute read
KCM Africa
Everyday thousands of people are being saved in Africa
One of the reasons Brother Kenneth and Sister Gloria Copeland have seen the results they have in their lives and ministry is because when they realized what the Word of God would do, they immersed themselves in it. They turned off the radio and television, put down the newspaper, and spent nearly every waking moment either reading the Word, listening to tapes on the Word, talking about the Word, thinking about the Word and eventually this had a powerful effect on them. It began to revolutionize everything about their life and their ministry. And it began to turn failure into success, that is what the Word can do for every person who is serious about living a life surrendered to God. In consistency lies the power.
Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been in Africa for almost 40 years helping people grow in their walk with the Lord. God called Brother Copeland to take the Word of God from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle. And with the help of our Partners and Friends across Africa, we are getting it done! Over these years both the continent and our ministry have undergone many changes, and God receives all the glory. His faithfulness has made all the difference in many nations of Africa and KCM’s ministry to thousands upon thousands of people in those nations.
In July 2009, Christine Blumstein stepped into the leadership position as Managing Director of KCM Africa with her feet firmly planted in the foundational mission of KCM and with these words from the Lord ringing in her ears: Teach My people that My Word works. All they have to do is always walk by faith in love, not just some of the time. “The past 10 years I have learned to take Him at His Word, and He has come through not just once, but every time. It has been the greatest years in the history of KCM Africa, as we basked in the Father’s amazing Great Grace upon this office and our lives. We rejoice because we see lives changed, and more souls coming into the kingdom of God. As we sow, we have received more finances to get the work completed. The fact that we cannot out-give God is such a reality to us as a staff we soon realized we are no longer simply surviving—we are thriving!”
“Monthly we as the African Office sow 20% or more of our income into other ministries. I must make mention, that most people believe that we receive financial support from the States, not so. Brother Copeland believes that we have all been given the same measure of faith. We are grateful for our local Partners; I believe that we have the best Partners and together we are making a difference in AFRICA!”
Through the dedication of anointed staff members, KCM Africa has reached goal after goal in connecting with the people of sub-Saharan Africa and ministering the good news of Jesus to the people of the region. These faithful staff members are humbled and thankful for all the Lord has accomplished through them.
“For us and all of KCM, we have found that technology, especially social media, is an amazing tool at our disposal to reach the world and teach them that Jesus is Lord.” On our website kcm.org.za, the Victory broadcast page and the Victory magazine are the most visited. VICTORY TV and Radio reach hundreds of thousands of viewers and listeners all across Africa through many partner television and radio stations.
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our everyday reality of how we do things across all aspects of our lives. Governments across the world have had to implement movement restricting measures in response to this pandemic. This has had the effect of shifting our everyday reality; how we communicate, relate to each other, and do business has been considerably altered. We have not been immune to these shifting realities. We as a ministry are faced with the new reality of intensifying the use of technology to reach and communicate with our Partners and Friends while obeying various restrictive lockdown measures.
These digitals innovations have been a blessing to us, we are considered a media ministry, therefore we were only inconvenienced for a week since the start of the lockdown time whilst we were busy setting up staff at their various homes. Must admit that we miss personal interaction with our Partners, during these times when social distancing is a priority, but this too shall pass.
For nearly 40 years, with integrity based on the Word of God, Kenneth and Gloria have ministered to their Partners and Friends who make their home in Sub-Sahara Africa. The response to our message and ministry
is growing daily and people’s lives are being changed by the power of the preaching of the uncompromised Word of God.
God is raising pastors in every nation of Africa to bring His children to maturity in their faith. In 2009, KCM Africa launched Pastor Connect—a pastoral ministry we knew would make a difference in the lives of so many people who are being added to the Church every day.
Pastor Connect has grown from 205 Partner pastors in 2009 to 1,080 currently. They receive encouragement from guest speakers, board members and other Partners. This is the kind of partnership they need to lead their people into victorious lives in Christ Jesus. The meetings have been held in Johannesburg, South Africa, and, because we have received so many requests from other locations, we are now making plans to meet with them in five other provinces.
Just like we do with all our KCM worldwide ministry outlets, we have partnered with other ministries in Africa to join our anointings to help people of the African nations increase in their place in the family of God. Every day we receive testimonies of how God is advancing His kingdom in Africa through the connections of His THE KENNETH COPELAND MINISTRIES AFRICAN OFFICE BASED IN SOUTH When it feels like AFRICA IS A LONG WAY FROM EAGLE the enemy is winning, MOUNTAIN LAKE IN FORT WORTH, TEXAS, lead me to the strong AND YET THE AUTHORITY AND MINISTRY tower. Let me find OF GOD’S SERVANTS—THE PROPHETIC refuge and victory in AND APOSTOLIC MINISTRY OF KENNETH You, Lord.” AND GLORIA COPELAND—ARE ALIVE AND WELL IN OUR PART OF THE WORLD”. “I am daily reminded that this world does not have the answers that are needed for people! these times—but God
The growing Body of Christ in Africa does. Nothing about this time and will require the equipping of strong season has caught Him off guard church leaders. Through pastoral or taken Him by surprise. We can connections and our partnership with trust Him. He alone has the answers other evangelistic ministries, KCM we need. He alone can provide the Africa is doing what the Lord has stability we long for and the grace we called us to do to grow the Church— require. But it takes intentionality on taking believers from the milk of the our part.” Word to the meat of the Word, and Love rules supreme in the AFRICAN from religion to reality. “I desire above office and prayer is the foundation of all that Africa’s Partners and Friends our everyday success. You are covered know the heart of the staff that serves by our prayers, as we begin every day them from the KCM ministry office in lifting you to the Lord. Love is our South Africa,” she says. “I have found driving force when we pray for you myself meditating constantly on because we believe that love changes David’s words in recent weeks. They everything! Our hearts rejoice with have become a prayer that my heart you when we hear about your echoes.” breakthroughs, when we hear how “When all is shifting and shaking, God has come through and how you lead me to the Rock. Let me find were not moved no matter what the stability in You, Lord. world brought your way. The love of When my mind is foggy and my Christ compels us to do what we do. heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the From our hearts, we join Kenneth and One who is higher—to the One who Gloria Copeland and KCM worldwide, sits enthroned above it all. Let me find when we say God loves you, we love solace and wisdom in You, Lord. you and JESUS IS LORD! VICTORY
By Claudene Sebolai
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb, a reward” (Psalm 127:3)
According to an article published in the Sunday Independent news, recent stats show that a child goes missing in South Africa every five hours. What a scary reality. Six days after the publication of this article, video footage emerged on social media showing a man jumping over a low fence at a dinner in Johannesburg, where two women and a four-year-old girl sat at the table. As the man rushed toward the girl, another patron was seen rising from where he was seated and lunging at the man, tackling him to the ground. The women were able to cut the little girl out of the attacker’s grasp and carry her away. The 24-year-old suspect has since been arrested for the incident. He was charged with assault as the young girl was injured during the ordeal.
This is the context within which children are raised today. Our children may never have the privilege we had growing up, playing outside from dusk to dawn, and creating beautiful memories that can be passed down generations. Growing up, we did not have much and weren’t technologically inclined, such as our children are today, but we had one thing that can never be taken from us. A community of parents offered support for each other. In those days, the village indeed raised the child. Family life has changed immensely since then, and today many are parenting without family or even friends nearby.
The African Proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child,” suggests that parenting is a shared responsibility, a communal affair. Sadly even this sense of community has been taken from us. It is not as if there aren’t any neighbours or family members that can help, but parents are too scared to trust their children with anyone. Rightly so, since, in most cases, the perpetrators of child molestation, rape, and murder are close family and friends.
As we have recently celebrated Heritage Day and went out of our way to make it a memorable occasion, so too must we start celebrating our dear children who are a heritage from the Lord. Through Jesus, we can see that God has a soft spot for children. He is gentle and kind to them and passionate about protecting them from harm. Jesus issued a stern warning when He said, “And whoever receives one little child like this in my name receives Me. If anyone causes one of these little ones – who believe in me – to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea” (Matt. 18:6).
Prayer of protection for our children
Father, we thank you for our precious children who are a heritage from you, a blessing and a reward. Protect our dear children physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Watch over our children in every area of their life and keep harm far away from them. Protect them from violence, paedophiles, kidnappers, and accidents. Walk with them Father, and never leave their sides. Our children are the future leaders of our nation. Be our child’s refuge and fortress, the One in whom they can and should put their trust. Thank you for Your hand of protection and Your blessing over our kids, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
A whopping birthday blessing to you. I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2). You are like a tree planted by rivers of water, your leaves shall not wither (Psalm 1:3). Keep Flourishing! From: Priviledge M Mahoya (Lenasia, Gauteng)
How great is our God! A very happy birthday TCLM From: Portia Manuel (CPT)
Father we glory in Your grace! We honor You for Your faithfulness through it all! From: Kyle Johnson (CPT)
May the Lord enlarge its territory and increase its sphere of influence. From glory to glory and grace to grace. From: Claudene Sebolai (Managing Editor)
By Dominique Adonis
I consider myself blessed to be able to live out my calling which is to love God and love people. I do this through “being” and “entering in”. Being a wife, being a mother, leader, pastor, business woman, friend. And so on. And yet all these roles are not my identity. My identity is wrapped up in this one fact, that I am a child of God. Ubuntu says, “I am because we are.” And doesn’t this give us a glimpse into God’s framework for society? To be all that He has called us to be within the context community.
I’m in your reading space today to encourage and challenge you, especially for where we find ourselves not only as individuals but as a community, nation, and especially a generation. Who we are in this moment matters! To us and everyone, we’re connected to, because everything we do flows from who we are, not who we feel we are, or who others have labelled us to be. But who God has called us to be, as individuals and collectively. If we are going to make any change in the generation we’re living in, it may start with one, but it will take all of us.
This crisis has been an eye-opener to the disparity in our nation and the real pandemic we have to face. The introduction of masks, hand sanitizers, and social distancing is child’s play compared to the in-house pandemic South Africa faces. If only we would shut down the economy, put measures in place, and aggressively deal with the blatant slaughter of women, men and children with GBV, poverty, corruption and moral decay. And to add insult to injury, there are people in our world who advocate that pedophilia be classified as a sexual orientation. Our world is broken. And yet this is the very reason why Jesus entered in.
How do we navigate these challenges, especially as young people? It has been said of this generation that we are the “fatherless generation” and I want to disagree. Yes, fatherlessness is a real problem in our generation, however I believe this generation has a Father, and they just haven’t met Him yet. But what about you and I who are children of God? What should our response be to all of this be? We have a role to play.
Critique Magazine posted an article “Because Father’s Matter” and stated, “We can hardly expect postmoderns to take seriously our good news that God can be their Father if we are unwilling to enter their fatherlessness with the same intimacy with which Christ entered our world.”
With the end of 2020 in sight, instead of getting caught up in the frenzy, I want to encourage you to “enter into” the brokenness of others like Christ entered the world. Here are a few things we must consider when entering in (Phil. 2:6-11). Firstly let’s drop the sense of entitlement. The world, this life, and no one owe us anything. Like Jesus, although He was fully God, He did not use His divinity as an advantage instead He made himself nothing taking on the nature of a servant. Our strength is not for views, likes, or followers, our strength is for service. Let’s enter in ready
to serve. Secondly, let’s normalize humility. It is counter-cultural, but it’s a kingdom protocol. In the Kingdom of God, down means up. Not a very popular teaching but as young people, it is a game-changer. When we humble ourselves, God will elevate us for His purpose and glory. And lastly, use your platform to reflect your Heavenly Father. What was Jesus’ purpose for being born in a manger? To reflect the Father and point others to Him. What is your platform? Use it to be a reflection and representation of God our Father, not just for this season but let it be the mission of your life. So come, let us enter into our world as Jesus did, and let’s find others who are doing the same. Let us be a reflection of the Father (Heb. 1: 3) and the manifestation of His word (Jn. 1: 14) wherever we find ourselves.
I AM CHRIST’S Did you ever realize that Batman had no super power?! He was an ordinary man that dressed up in a special suit and had some really cool gadgets; he had the Batmobile, but he did not have a super power! He couldn’t fly, climb high buildings or have super strength. What he did have though…was a helper, a friend that came alongside him – Robin.
In the Old Testament there is a man you may have heard of – Moses. We know God used Moses in an incredible way to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Moses wasn’t anyone super or special; he was ordinary. In fact, many people think he may have stuttered! How was God going to use him when he had a problem talking?!
LOOK IT UP: Turn to the second book in your Bible and read Exodus 4:10-15.
When Moses tells God that he can’t talk well, did God give up on him? (No!) Did God fix Moses? (No!) What did God do? Yes, God gave Moses a helper, someone to go with him, his brother, Aaron! Batman had Robin; Moses had Aaron…and did you notice God said He would be with them too?!
You may feel like you’re just an ordinary kid with nothing special about you, but you are WRONG! God loves to choose ordinary kids just like you to do super-great, incredible things! We don’t need super human power when we have Jesus with us! When we belong to Christ, we also belong in God’s family! When we are Christ’s, we will never be alone again! THINK ABOUT: Think about some of the people God has placed in your life to help you – maybe your parents, an older brother or sister, a teacher or friend. Now think about who are you being a helper or friend to?
REMEMBER: When we have Jesus, He promises to stay with us! We are NOT alone!
PRAY: Thank God for making you just the way you are! Thank Him for giving you friends & family, but most of all for Jesus Who promises to always be with you!
For more of these lessons go to https://www.creativebiblestudy. com/kids-Bible-lessons-heroes.html
My Name is Siobhan Bronwyn Koopman I am a child of God a wife and a mom of two beautiful little boys aged 4 and 2 I hold a degree in BCom Marketing that I obtained at Boston City Campus I work for an engineering company in the south of Johannesburg where my role is as a Sales Administrator. I am also the founder and owner of Siobhan K Media a Web design and Social Media Marking company that caters to help medium to small businesses build their brand.
My journey started In grade 11. I worked at Standard Bank in their creative department as part of a school project. When I finished school, I applied to study theology however my application was rejected as my marks were not all that good. Nevertheless, I decided to study HR. I did not find it interesting and dropped out. I started working, still unsure about what I wanted to study. I have changed my mind so many times that I ended up choosing Marketing as a last resort; not something I imagined I would venture in to.
I worked and studied part time and gave birth to my first son three months after I got engaged. Not even two years later I gave birth to my second son. I remember being in labor trying to complete my assignments. As soon as my baby was born I had my books scattered all over the hospital bed trying to complete my school work. Six weeks postpartum I started my first job.
It took me six years to complete my degree. I remember going and pitching my crazy outrageous ideas to one of my marketing managers and he looked at me and said, “no it’s fine we don’t need that right now”. The utter disappointment I felt at that moment. I was turned down many times but that did not stop me from pursuing my dreams. God kept me going and gave me crazy faith! I approached my manager, unapologetically and said to him “thanks for your time but I want you to know that no matter how many times you turn me down, every time I have a crazy Idea I’m going to pitch it to you.”
The rejection led me to create my own experience. My sons started school and I noticed that they did not have a digital footprint. I approached the principal and asked her if I can do her marketing for her response was “can you create a website?” At the time I had no idea how to do it but I said yes. I started researching how to create a website and I was able to pull it off. They loved the site I created which opened the door to more clients who offered to pay for my services. As a child, I always had crazy ideas and made impossible things work well together. I remember cutting up my dad’s socks to design beautiful jackets for my doll.
As a business owner I don’t work I live on purpose. I do what I love and I love what I do! I can only thank God for giving me a crazy, innovative mind that I can use responsibly as a young woman. God has given me the gift to see the treasure in a start-up. I truly believe in the power of discovering your purpose and manifesting your potential. God’s plans for us is to prosper us and not to harm us (Jeremiah 20:11).
Father God I come to you broken, lost and a sinner. There is nothing I can do to save myself from sin or judgement to come, I need You Lord. Thank You Jesus for what You did on the cross of calvary for the world and especially for me. Thank You that You died and took my place. Father, I ask that You apply the blood of Jesus to my life, wash me with Your Word and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Today I accept Your free gift of salvation and ask that You make me your child. I understand that becoming Your child is not based on what I’ve done or who I am but based on who You are and what You have done for me. I accept Your love, sacrifice, forgiveness and healing. Come take Your place on the throne of my heart and fill me, mark me for eternity. Transform me into the likeness of Christ Jesus my Lord. Sustain me with Your power and grace and enable me to walk in Your ways all the days of my life. I lay down my old life and I take up Your new life. I am now a new creation, a child of the most High God. I give You my heart dear Lord, I commit my life to You, empower me to be and do all you have ordained for me. Amen
I am a child of God, wife to Emile Van Schalkwyk and mother of two amazing children. I am the owner of Urban Beauty Academy in Kuilsriver and recently started a new NPO that transforms the lives of men and women around SA.
I always wanted to be a beauty therapist and never desired to be anything else. My mom took special care of herself and that inspired me to practise self-care and make it a career. Fitness became part of my lifestyle from a very young age, however, my wellness journey started in 2015 when my late sister Leony was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer stage 4. During her diagnoses, I felt the desperate need to research this disease. I have found that holistic health and wellness as a lifestyle can reduce the risk of chronic disease. A few weeks after Leony lost the fight against cancer I decided to develop a wellness programme called the UBA90daywellness challenge. My inspiration for wellness, therefore, came from tragedy.
UBA is my 1st passion. I started the academy to help previously disadvantage young women to pursue their careers in beauty. UBA supported over 100 ladies to become qualified beauty therapists who are now self-employed or running very successful businesses.
UBA90day wellness challenge is a holistic wellness programme developed to support men and women to become the healthiest, most holistic version of themselves. My team and I are ready to support and guide each individual who wants to transform through dietary, fitness and mental shifts.
One cannot build a strong physical healthy body without practising mental and psychological self-care. That means you can never outtrain a poor diet. Healthy living and sustainable results, in my opinion, is when you start by renewing the mind. We focus on tools and methods to assist our members to understand that they are in control of every decision. This programme is NOT a DIET therefore if they successfully renew their minds they will be able to develop healthy habits.
Ahhaa! I get this question all the time. How do we stay motivated? It is really easy when you start understanding how the body works. You become fully embodied and content with your lifestyle. Seasons can come; nothing will stray you away from your LIFESTYLE. It is my 6th year celebrating a Christmas without all the animals on the table and I LOVE IT! I fear nothing and MISS nothing.
They can start right where they are. One day at a time. Start by eliminating processed foods and make time for God in the mornings. He will direct your path and He will guide you to the correct programme.
The dominant perception is that it is extremely expensive to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You spend twice as much on healthy food. Is that true?
A healthy lifestyle is expensive initially when you are in your transitioning phase, but soon you will realise that your environment will start changing. You will spend more quality time than quantity of time over weekends. This will add more value to your life. I always ask the question what is your life worth to you?
Matthew 6:33 Seek ye 1st the kingdom of God and His righteousness, is my absolute favourite. If I put God in the centre of my finances, marriage, business and wellness I will be successful.
“Sometimes it takes an overwhelming breakdown to have an undeniable breakthrough” Breakthrough is a 2019 American Christian drama film directed by Roxann Dawson in her film directorial debut. The film tells the story of a St. Louis teenager who slipped through an icy lake in January 2015 and was underwater for 15 minutes before resuscitative efforts were started. Although being rescued, he is in a coma, and his family must rely on their faith to get through the ordeal. Is anything too hard for God? This movie will strengthen your faith in God during these tough times as you watch the stubborn faith of a mom in the face of a seemingly impossible situation.
“For to us a child is born, to us, a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace, there will be no end.” The Nativity Story is a 2006 American biblical drama film based on the nativity of Jesus, directed by Catherine Hardwicke and starring Keisha Castle-Hughes and Oscar Isaac. A family movie to watch after Christmas lunch as a reminder that Christ is the reason for the Christmas season.
“I’ve learned that suffering doesn’t destroy faith, it refines it” I Still Believe is a 2020 American Christian romantic drama film. It is the true-life story of Christian music star Jeremy Camp and his remarkable journey of love and loss that proves there is always hope in midst of tragedy and that faith tested is the only faith worth sharing. I still believe, is a powerful reminder that in life’s storms, true hope can be found because God is available to us, which is especially important in our suffering.
“Our limitation is God’s opportunity. When you get all the way to the end of your rope and there ain’t nothing you can do, that’s when God takes over.” The same kind of different as me is based on the inspiring true story of international art dealer Ron Hall (Greg Kinnear), who befriends a homeless man (Djimon Hounsou) in hopes of saving his struggling marriage to Debbie (Renée Zellweger), a woman whose dreams will lead all three of them on the most remarkable journey of their lives. Jon Voight plays Hall’s father, with whom he reconciles thanks to the revelations of his new life. Based on the New York Times bestseller. This story reminds us that no matter how deep the differences that separate us, just a bit of love and compassion may help us to see others’dignity
By: Dr Emmerson Eggerichs
What do you want for your marriage? Want some peace? Want to feel close? Want to feel valued? Want to experience marriage the way God intended? Then why not try some Love and Respect. A wife has one driving need, to feel loved. When that need is met, she is happy. A husband has one driving need, to feel respected. When that need is met, he is happy. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy. Love & Respect reveals why spouses react negatively to each other, and how they can deal with such conflict quickly, easily, and biblically.
By: Lysa TerKeurst
The bestselling author of the New York Times, Lysa TerKeurst, exposes her heart in the midst of shattering circumstances and teaches readers how to live confident when life might not turn out as planned. What do you do when the timing of God appears questionable, His lack of intervention hurtful, and His promises uncertain? Life often looks so very different than we hoped or expected. Some events may simply catch us off guard for a moment, but others shatter us completely. We feel disappointed and disillusioned, and we quietly start to wonder about the reality of God’s goodness. Lysa TerKeurst understands this deeply. But she’s also discovered that our disappointments can be the divine appointments our souls need to radically encounter God. In It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way, Lysa invites us into her journey of faith with vulnerability, and humor.
By: Lisa Whittle
Bible instructor Lisa Whittle, in Jesus Over Everything, offers realistic language for our common challenges, giving hope and guidance for the future. We all want to live simpler lives and to put Jesus first – and we struggle with both. While we are busy strategizing new ways to streamline our calendars and clean out our closets of the clutter, what really needs attention is what will give us long-term clarity and peace — the priority order of Jesus over everything in our lives. In Jesus Over Everything, Lisa shares eight statements of choice to help us grow in our understanding of what it means to put Jesus first amid the craziness of our days. Discover the joy of choosing; commitment over mood, real over pretty, steady over hype, holiness over freedom, service over the spotlight, and much more. Jesus Over Everything is a practical, compelling picture of what we crave yet struggle to define as we seek to give God his rightful place in our everyday lives.
By: Jennie Allen
Are your thoughts holding you captive? Jennie Allen knows what it’s like to swirl in a spiral of destructive thoughts, such as I’ll never be good enough. Other people have better lives than I do. God couldn’t really love me. But Jennie also knows we don’t have to stay stuck in toxic thinking patterns. In Get Out of Your Head, a six-session videobased Bible study. Jennie inspires and equips us to transform our emotions, our outlook, and even our circumstances by taking control of our thoughts. Our enemy is determined to get in our heads to make us feel helpless, overwhelmed, and incapable of making a difference for the kingdom of God. But when we submit our minds to Christ, the promises and goodness of God flood our lives in remarkable ways.
Anthony Mmesoma Madu, 11 years old from Lagos has obtained a scholarship to New York’s prestigious American Ballet Theatre after a video of him doing ballet in the rain surfaced on the internet.
His dedication to dance and his ability to pull stunning moves in the rain without having shoes on got the attention of social media users, including the likes of Viola Davis and Cynthis Erivo.
In the clip, Madu is seen outside his dance studio, Leap of Dance Academy, practicing on a muddy pavement that is wet from the rain. He is barefoot, in shorts and a tank top, but dances masterfully, spinning, leaping, and doing arabesques. “Ballet is my life. When I am dancing, I feel as if I am on top of the world,” he told Reuters. “Any time my mom sends me on an errand, I dance ballet before I go to that place and it makes me feel very, very happy. I so much love ballet.”
Cynthia Harvey, the artistic director of the ABT Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School of Dance in New York, saw the clip. “A friend who lives in the UK sent me the video,” she told the Cincinnati Enquirer. “Within a day, I was trying to find him.” She managed to track him down through his teacher. She helped him secure a full scholarship to ABT’s virtual three weeks Young Dancer Summer Workshop, as well as internet access so he can attend remote classes. Next year, he will travel to the US to train further with a scholarship from Ballet Beyond Borders.
Anthony’s parents wanted him to become a priest, but they are supportive of his dance dreams.
Now, he wants to bring the skills he has learned to others and promote ballet in the region. “I saw the need to bring a form of art that shows discipline, dedication, and commitment,” he told Reuters.
Kanye recently revealed how the idea for “JESUS Tok” came to him after watching TikTok with his daughter. He said that “as a Christian father I was disturbed by a lot of the content but I completely loved the technology,” and calling for collaboration with the App on Christian monitored version. Following the announcement, Kanye offered an excerpt from the Bible, ROMANS 8:31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?!”
US President Donald Trump has labeled it a “historic diplomatic breakthrough.” ISRAEL and the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES have agreed to “full normalization of relations,” and Israel says it will “suspend” plans to annex the West Bank. Trump announced the deal Thursday, calling it “a significant step towards building a more peaceful, secure, and prosperous Middle East.” The agreement, known as the Abraham Accord, could signal similar pacts in the future. “We are already discussing this with other nations,” Trump says, “so you will probably see others of these… now that the ice has been broken.” The UAE follows Egypt and Jordan in opening relations with Israel, though the UAE is the first to “normalize” relations. Details of the Abraham Accord According to a joint statement about the Abraham Accord, Israel and the UAE will exchange embassies and ambassadors, and they plan to “sign bilateral
agreements regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment… and other areas of mutual benefit.” The statement continues: “Opening direct ties between two of the Middle East’s most dynamic societies and advanced economies will transform the region by spurring economic growth, enhancing technological innovation, and forging closer people-to-people relations.” The breakthrough with the UAE is that it openly speaks of normalization: trade, tourism, scientific and economic cooperation. That’s an Arab first.
South Africa has just been hit by one of the largest ever data breaches after Experian, one of the country’s biggest credit bureaus was hit by a fraudster. The personal information of as many as 24 million South Africans and nearly 800 000 businesses were compromised. These records were “exposed to a suspected fraudster”. The person impersonated a client of the firm. Experian collects credit information about consumers from banks, retailers, and other parties. That means that even if you have not interacted with Experian, your personal details and financial history may have been compromised. If so, you may be very vulnerable to having your identity impersonated. “The compromise of personal information can create opportunities for criminals to impersonate you but does not guarantee access to your banking profile or accounts. However, criminals can use this information to trick you into disclosing your confidential banking details,” says Nischal Mewalall, CEO of the South African Banking Risk Centre (SABRIC).
The family of Nathaniel Julius, who had Down’s syndrome, said he had gone out to buy biscuits when he was shot dead in Johannesburg’s Eldorado Park. The officers will be charged with murder and possibly defeating the ends of justice, says the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), the police watchdog. The family said that Nathaniel was shot after not answering an officer’s questions. They added that this was because of his disability.
The police initially said Nathaniel had been caught up in a shootout between officers and local gangsters. IPID said it had decided to arrest the officers after “careful consideration of the evidence at hand”. After Nathaniel’s death on Wednesday night, 26 August, hundreds of residents took to the streets in protest on Thursday, resulting in violent clashes with police. The clashes led Cyril Ramaphosa to appeal for calm. “There is no evidence of any provocation and it is difficult to understand why live ammunition could be used in a community such as this,” Archbishop Malusi Mpumlwana, head of the South African Council of Churches, told media outside Nathaniel’s home. His death has shocked not only South Africans but also many around the world. The community has been left outraged, wanting answers and justice.