20 minute read
Prayer of Salvation
The prayer of salvation/ sinner’s prayer is not a magic formula. Its meaning is deeper than reciting mere words. The Bible teaches us in Rom 10:9-10 that “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the death, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved”. In other words it is an open confession of our belief in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover this confession is the activity of the heart spilling over through the mouth. This is what the Apostle Paul means when he said “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile” Romans 1:16.
Jesus Himself says in Revelation 3:20 “Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together.” Maybe you are paging through this magazine because someone invited you to check it out or you just stumbled upon it as you surfed the internet. I do believe it is not a co-incidence. If something in this publication resonates with your spirit and inspires you do not hesitate to invite Jesus into your world as he knocks on the door of your heart. There is nothing more amazing than to fellowship with the King of kings. Below is an example of a prayer to except Jesus’ invitation to a relationship with God. You can also pray by yourself using your own words. There is no special formula as long as you pray from your heart.
Prayer: Dear Lord I believe that you died on the cross for me to save me. You did for me what I could not do for myself. From this day forward, help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you. Thank you for not giving up on me when I gave up on myself. Thank you that You know the plans You have for me, to prosper me and not to harm me. Instruct me and teach me in the way that I should go. Counsel me and watch over me. In Jesus Name Amen
Magda Kleyn, also known as Sister Kleyn, hails all the way from Petrusville, Northern Cape. She is the only sister out of twenty boys, so it’s no surprise that she’s been dubbed the ‘Iron Woman.’ Sister Kleyn always had a soft spot for helping others, even as a young girl; she dreamt of becoming a nurse. Nevertheless, she ended up doing much more than becoming the nurse she had always envisioned herself as. She takes an active role in society, and she pushes for social justice and development. Despite the fact that she grew up on the Cape Flats in a predominantly colored neighborhood, her cultural identity is a bit of a mix: “I was born to a Xhosa mother and a Sotho father but grew up on the Cape Flats. Therefore, it is very clear that God chose Sister Kleyn for a purpose that goes beyond the confines of culture, geography, society, and ethnicity.
Despite the fact that she has a certificate for the 10th grade, Magda continued her study at a higher level. During this time, she also assisted her mother on occasion when she went out to earn a living by ironing for other people. The foundation for Magda’s strong work ethic and her thought leadership is the idea that students’ education should encourage them to combine theory and practice, which will allow them to make meaningful contributions to the world in which they live.
Her six children are named Michelle, Victor, Henry, Brandon, and Calvin, and she has nine grandkids named Jude, Luke, Phoebe, Emily, Connor, Keturah, Harper, and Chelsea-Grace. In addition to being a devoted supporter of the Stormers, she is passionate about a number of other topics, including community development, substance abuse, and domestic violence, and she enjoys interior design. It is a privilege to be able to get to know Sister Kleyn on a more personal level as she opens her heart to us and gives us a peek at the woman that so many people look up to and revere. PROFESSIONAL LIFE: FROM PASSION TO PROFESSION

It makes no difference where you come from; what matters is that you have a vision for your life, that you tap into your God-given purpose, and that you maximize your potential. Magda Kleyn wears many hats and discusses her professional journey here. Hearing that Magda’s desire to become a nurse was not derailed by the fact that she only completed high school through the tenth grade is extremely motivating. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT JOB TITLE?
In addition to my role as Chief Executive Officer of Tehillah Community Collaborative, I am also an ordained Apostle, a qualified midwife, a registered marriage officer, and Chief Professional Nursing Sister. WHAT OTHER JOB TITLES HAVE YOU HAD IN YOUR CAREER?
My career in nursing lasted for a total of 47 years, during which time I rose through the ranks to become a Chief Professional Nurse. WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO PURSUE A CAREER IN THIS PARTICULAR FIELD?
Spending time working with people is something that I find to be very rewarding. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT SUCCESSES YOU’VE ATTAINED THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF YOUR CAREER?

• The Premier’s award for the Province of Western Cape Province: Adult Category • Old Mutual Sowetan Women’s Award • The Lions Club Woman of the Year Award • Ward 26 Committee Award • The Mayoral Community Award: Community Hero of the Year WHAT ASPECT OF YOUR JOB OR THE INDUSTRY DO YOU ENJOY THE MOST, AND WHY?
The ability to see the improvements that are made in the lives of the individuals I work with is by far the aspect of my profession that provides me with the greatest sense of fulfillment. WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER TO BE THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON YOU’VE LEARNED THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF YOUR CAREER?
Through the years, I’ve gained the understanding that as long as there is breath, there is always cause for hope. WHAT GUIDANCE WOULD YOU PROVIDE TO A YOUNGER INDIVIDUAL SEEKING TO ADVANCE IN THEIR CHOSEN FIELD?
NEVER, EVER GIVE UP! In the words of Joanna Gaines “Don’t quit, and don’t give up. The reward is just around the corner. And in times of doubt or times of joy, listen for that still, small voice. Know that God has been there from the beginning—and he will be there until . . . The End.”
Magda’s devotion to her ministry is commensurate with her dedication to her professional life. Evidently, she is not interested in the status quo, in settling for mediocre standards, outcomes, ideas, or vision, or in engaging in minor conflicts. She is a woman in ministry, and the service of God has been ingrained in her from the day she was born. Following is a quote from Priscilla Shirer that sums up Apostle Kleyn beautifully.
“God’s plan for you is to move you into a position of impact by infusing you with truth and employing you in prayer. You don’t need to be a genius to do it. You don’t need to learn ten-dollar words and be able to spout them with theological ease. You just need to bring your honest, transparent, available—and, let’s just say it—your fed-up, over-it, steppedon-your-last-nerve self, and be ready to become fervently relentless. All in His name.” ― Priscilla Shirer WERE YOU BROUGHT UP IN THE MINISTRY?
Yes, I did spend my childhood in a home where both of my parents worked in the ministry as they brought up my siblings and me. CAN YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CALL TO MINISTRY?
God’s words to Jeremiah (1:5) are so true: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Before I was even aware of it, I had already started living out the responsibilities of my calling. I gave my life to Christ and was baptized at Princess Vlei in Cape Town when I was 12 years old. It was an incredible experience! COULD YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES YOU TRY TO INCORPORATE INTO YOUR DAILY ROUTINE?
I don’t adhere to a specific schedule, but I do have a continuous dialogue with God. I try to point others in the direction of Jesus Christ. I am always making sure that others are aware that they should place their faith in God rather than in me. Tehillah is the name of my organization, and it literally translates to “Highest Praise to God.” I make it my mission to live up to the standards set by the name of my organization in everything that I undertake.
Magda with her grandchildren

Magda receiving the Mayoral Community Award
I am renowned for being honest and straightforward, and I approach disagreement head-on because I believe that no matter how difficult the circumstance, there is always a way to find a resolution. HOW DO YOU MAKE SURE

Left: Addressing school children and creating awareness on social ills; Right: Handing out school shoes to children.

Through my relationship with Jesus Christ and the quality time I spend with my family. Spending time with one’s family can be beneficial in a number of ways, including the development of one’s self-confidence, the formation of a deeper emotional bond between members of the family, the enhancement of one’s communication skills, improved academic performance, and fewer behavioural problems, as well as the provision of an opportunity to form memories that are based on fun, laughter, and being with one another. WHAT HAVE BEEN YOUR FAVORITE AND LEAST FAVORITE MINISTRY EXPERIENCES?
My favorite experience is watching other individuals grow into their full potential as followers of Christ. It breaks my heart to see people get hurt in churches, and seeing people abandon the call that God has placed on their lives is my least favorite thing. WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE BIBLE PASSAGES?
2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” God said it that settles it! In my opinion, people’s pasts are held against them in an unfair manner, and this is very common. ACCORDING TO YOU, WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THE CHURCH TODAY?
Churches are unable to retain members and provide spiritual guidance to individuals. After conversion, there is not always a follow-up plan in place, and as a result, some people find themselves returning to their previous lifestyles. CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT A TIME WHEN YOU HAD TO LEAD A GROUP OF PEOPLE THROUGH A DIFFICULT TRANSITION?
My work and ministry activities require me to lead individuals through times of escalating substance abuse and domestic violence on a daily basis. Not to mention the challenge of guiding individuals through the pandemic. My view is that there is a potential opportunity to be gained from each and every crisis and that both leaders and organizations are shaped by their experiences in times of hardship. PLEASE SHARE YOUR STRATEGIES FOR OVERCOMING AND AVOIDING BURNOUT.
My 26 years of experience have equipped me with the skills necessary to successfully balance my work responsibilities, my family obligations, and my other interests. I believe that when God continually reminds me of His calling on my life, it serves to both refresh and strengthen me. WHAT HAS YOUR EXPERIENCE BEEN LIKE AS A WOMAN IN MINISTRY?
It’s unfortunate that we still live in a day and age where the presence of women in ministry is still stigmatized and looked down upon. Throughout the years, there have been some modifications made to it, but it is still present. There is still the belief that women do not belong in ministry and that they should not be given the opportunity to speak up. It would appear that I am a threat to males in ministry, but the upside is that I am a mother at heart and soul, and this enables me to successfully fulfill all of my numerous tasks without giving any thought to people who don’t believe in me. WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR WOMEN, SINCE IT IS WOMEN’S MONTH?

whose you are, not only will the game itself change, but also your perspective on life in general will. The understanding of one’s identity is essential because, once obtained, it enables one to pursue one’s predetermined path with unstoppable fortitude and confidence.
In response to the suffering that I witnessed in the community in which I had spent my formative years, I established Tehillah in 1992. The dream first consisted only of a soup kitchen, but with God’s grace it grew to encompass more. Not only did I experience domestic violence as a child, but also later on in my marriage. My history reflects this. My upbringing took place in a neighborhood that is notorious for its high rate of gang activity and widespread poverty. Because of the stigma that is associated with those who are rejected not just by society in general but especially, tragically, by the church, I felt driven to establish a church of my own. Tehillah Ministries Extreme Oasis is the name of our church because we are an oasis that assists people who are going through extremely difficult situations.
Today, Tehillah Community Collaborative is composed of the following four Clusters: Social Services Cluster, Health Cluster, Educational Cluster, and Arts and Culture /Youth Cluster. The motto of the organization is “embracing change,” and Tehillah Ministries is a place that welcomes everyone, where everybody is somebody. THERE ARE ALWAYS GOING TO BE OBSTACLES IN THE WAY OF ANY VISION. WHEN YOU FIRST STARTED OUT, WHAT KINDS OF CHALLENGES DID YOU FACE, AND WHAT KINDS OF CHALLENGES DO YOU FACE NOW?
Both then and now, we are faced with a variety of challenges. However, the mentality of two groups of people, the naysayers and those who believe in the vision but don’t yet see it coming to fruition, presents the most difficult obstacle. The state of one’s finances is another significant source of discomfort. Over the course of my life, I have gained the wisdom to view obstacles as opportunities for growth and development rather than as obstacles in and of themselves. TELL US ABOUT THE WORK YOU ARE CURRENTLY DOING IN THE COMMUNITY.
We offer a 24-hour holistic communityorientated primary care service that entails: • a safe haven called House of Magda houses 140 people, currently homeless, rejected frail people who are too young for an old age home but too sick and frail to stay on the streets, • substance abuse center that can cater for 40 beds of which government funds only 9 beds a quarter but the rest is means test dependant or free as substance abuse is a major increasing concern, • 75 Homebase carers who do 6000 home visits a month, community care workers specifically work with HIV Aids and TB defaulters, • Counselling and social services, medi- mobile that delivers door-to-door prescribed medication, and currently they deliver 8000 – 9000 medication per month, and this is done by a team of 12 specialized people. • 4 community care workers who do wound care, • a church, • early childhood development which is specifically aimed at assisting the parents or guardians who are government child support grant recipients. OUR PRESIDENT DESCRIBES GBV AS A SECOND PANDEMIC. EXPLAIN HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS SUBJECT AND WHY YOU ARE AT THE FOREFRONT OF THE STRUGGLE TO END GBV.
I am a survivor of gender-based violence, and at one point in my life, because of my severe depression, the doctors told me that I will never reach the age of 35 due to all of the trauma that I was enduring; however, by the grace of God, I am at the age of 65. Another person who has triumphed over severe instances of gender-based violence is my own mother. This
problem and this evil feel especially close to home to me because I am able to empathize with the people who have been victimized by it. The unfortunate truth is that children are almost always the ones who end up bearing the brunt of the consequences of whatever action or inaction was taken. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE SUCH A WOMAN?
Break the silence and seek assistance, as it is possible for us to collaborate with both the perpetrator and the victim. If she does not
seek aid or have an intervention conducted, the children will suffer, presuming there are children involved.
Tehillah Community Collaborative No.196, 16th Avenue, Leonsdale, Elsies River, Cape Town Mobile No: 072 302 9638 Landline: 021 933 0990

Left: Feeding the community during Magda's 60th Birthday Celebrations; Right: Cake cutting with some clients at the Safe Haven

It was the most heart-breaking experience to have to tell a mother that five of her daughters were HIV positive. Also, telling a mother that her daughter, who is 12 years old, was raped by a neighbour who is still living next door to them. Especially concerning is the common practice of family members deserting elderly or mentally ill members of their family at medical facilities. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE REASONS, IN YOUR OPINION, THAT WOMEN REMAIN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS?
In the majority of abusive relationships, the abuser is also the primary source of income. The victim of domestic violence is of the opinion that she will be unable to provide for her children if she takes legal action against her abuser because doing so will result in the loss of their household’s income. Unfortunately, abused women are also stigmatized, and many of them prefer to suffer in silence rather than draw attention to their situation.
Volunteers are welcome to join us, but before they can do so, they will have to go through a screening process and follow the guidelines established by our organization. HOW CAN INDIVIDUALS SUPPORT YOUR WORK WITHIN THE COMMUNITY?
By becoming an active stakeholder, bringing their expertise to the table, and providing support in the form of both financial and in-kind contributions. We have compiled a list of requirements that is accessible to anyone who makes a request for it. WHAT WORD OR SONG IS IN YOUR SPIRIT THIS SEASON?
Echoing through my mind and heart in this season is the song: “When I remember what the Lord has done, I


I am a wife to Reuben and mom to our energetic 4-yearold daughter Maeve! I became a Christian at the age of 16 and have been following Gods plan for my life ever since. I have an Honours degree in Theology and a Master’s degree in Economics and Policy Analysis. I worked in full-time youth ministry for about 10 years and now I do my days work as an economist. I am an avid Formula 1 supporter (go Red Bull!), and love travelling. In my spare time I enjoy creative arts like painting, visual journalling and all things craft such as making clay earrings and crocheting! My other passion is playing bass guitar, mostly in a worship band, and growing my indoor jungle with more plants! My philosophy is to live life to the fullest and have fun doing so! HOW DID CURLSNCOFFEE COME ABOUT?
There is not a day in my life that goes by without my curls and coffee. I mostly drink my coffee black, but there are days that just call for a cappuccino! With that being said, my little space on the internet erupted both naturally and serendipitously. I never imagined that I would connect with so many people who love their coffee strong and their hair, natural. I created the brand on Instagram and Facebook to connect with other ‘naturalistas’ and share about my love and support for local businesses and local South African products. HOW LONG HAS CURLSNCOFFEE BEEN AROUND?
CurlsnCoffee has been around since 2017 as a lifestyle blog. Since then, the brand has evolved from a natural hair and coffee blog to a small creative and craft business. During lockdown, I started experimenting with many different crafts and teaching myself how to create new products. I love making and selling my clay earrings and crochet products online and I also host craft workshops once a month where I share my craft knowledge with other women to inspire and empower them to be more creative and potentially start their own small business. ANY HAIR ADVICE?
I always share three important tips for ‘curlfriends’ wanting to wear their hair naturally:
Use good natural hair products free of sulphates and parabens. As curly hair is naturally drier, using products that contain sulphates and parabens, tend to dry your hair out further. You want to hydrate and add moisture, moisture, moisture!
Deep condition with once a week. There are specific deep conditioners on the market, that are relatively inexpensive, apply it to your hair and leave on for 20 minutes at least. This will add protein to your hair and keep your moisturised.
Apply your products in sections after you wash your hair. My curl routine involves applying a leave-in conditioner, curl cream, a little bit of gel for definition and once my hair is mostly dry, I seal the ends with an oil. WHAT’S YOUR INSPIRATION TO FEMALES?
I hope that through the way I live my life, that I am able to inspire other women to live their authentic lives! Whether that means proudly wearing your natural hair, loving your body or following your dreams, live your life in a way that is a true reflection of who you are. And love yourself! MY FAVOURITE VERSE
John 10:10 – ‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’ (NIV)