29 minute read
Be Intentional
By: Dominique Adonis
“I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into His abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfil and wants me to discover. I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however, I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory prize through the anointing of Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14, The Passion Translation
It has been said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And while I can appreciate this quote and the motivation behind it, I feel the need to clarify that the matter of heaven and hell is not determined by intentions but by faith (Eph. 2:8-9), so there’s that! And that being intentional is more than just the wishy-washy desire to do or see something come to fruition. Being intentional speaks of taking deliberate action towards a desired end or goal.
We all crave significance, we want our lives to matter and that’s because God created us on purpose, for a purpose. You can say that God was intentional when He knit you together in your mother’s womb. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” – Psalm 139:13 NIV
Your eye color, hair texture all the way to your ethnicity, and gender were carefully planned. There are no mistakes with God. To your parents, you might have been a mistake, but you were in the mind of God long before He created you. “Before I shaped you in the womb I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations—that’s what I had in mind for you.” – Jeremiah 1:5 The Message
God works all things, including your life, according to His purpose and purpose is a powerful thing. Dr. Myles Munroe said, “where purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.” Allow me to add.. “where purpose is unknown or ignored, abuse is inevitable.” Purpose determines the function of a thing. A crystal vase cannot be used as a cricket bat, it will break because it was not created for that purpose. And so we sit with broken, hearts, minds, and lives because we or someone else operated outside of purpose. The awareness and revelation of purpose will cause us to be intentional, about time, relationships, resources, and opportunities.
An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance.” – John C. Maxwell. A passionate prayer life doesn’t just happen, healthy habits can’t fall from the sky. A successful career and credibility will not happen overnight and marriage is hard work. All of life’s most important aspects demand intentionality. God has given us His Holy Spirit to empower us, however, we must be intentional about doing our part.
“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” – Eph. 1:18-19
Seeing the bigger picture helps makes sense of the pixel that is your life. When we can see and understand it, the distortion of frustration and discouragement gets moved from mountain status to challenges that can be faced and overcome. Ask God to help you see the bigger picture as revealed in God’s word and watch God put your life into perspective. Nothing like proper perspective to catapult you from where you are to where God calls you to.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Rom. 8:28
Not knowing your purpose is not detrimental. Unfortunately, it trips us up every time. We literally get paralyzed thinking about how we don’t know our purpose. The truth is… understanding God’s purpose is our handle on understanding and accepting ours. Because when we know and understand the purposes of God we can trust His ways and His heart. Walk in God’s purposes and watch Him entrust Him with the details of your specific purpose.
“Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.” – Prov. 4:26
It’s a mess out here as we compare the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of our own lives with the picture-perfect lives others are posting on their social media platforms. Don’t get it twisted we cannot compare apples to grapes. The truth of the matter is that comparison is the thief of joy. Who has God called YOU to be? What has God blessed YOU with? What is God calling YOU to do? Therein lies your superpower. Once you’ve mapped out YOU.. you can be strategic in your lane.
“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” – Rom. 8:11
Philippians 3:12-14 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 Psalm 141:3 Proverbs 21:5 Galatians 5:16 Romans 12:2 1 Timothy 4:8
• Which key areas in your life require you to be more intentional? • What small changes you can make to ensure that you’re more intentional and consistent in doing so?
Nothing defeats the purpose of the life God has called us to like self-effort and its cousin, self-reliance. Do not make the mistakes I’ve made in this area, it is time-consuming, heartbreaking and an expensive lesson to learn, literally. Please learn from my mistake and take the steps needed to fully rely on the power made available to you through surrendering your life to God’s Holy Spirit.
Over the years, if there is a phrase that we have heard over and over again it’s “my child can’t play sport”. When asking parents why they think this is the case, it normally comes down to one of two options. Either the parent does not consider themselves sporty and therefore classifies their child in the same boat or they say something like “my child just doesn’t like sport”. SO WHY AREN’T MORE KIDS PLAYING SPORT?
During our first few years on the planet, all our learning starts through movement. Young kids love to go outside and play, so why are so many children giving up playing sport at a young age? Our suggestion is because they are not introduced to sport/play in the appropriate way for their physical development and for them to grow a love for sport and play. Without this love for sport/play, it becomes something they have to do and not something they want to do. SO WHAT’S THE BEST APPROACH TO MAKE SURE OUR KIDS WANT TO PLAY?

When I was growing up, I wanted to be a famous cricket player. I was told by everyone around me that the sooner I can do my 10 000 hours, the better. The “10 000 hour rule” suggests that in order to become good at a single sport, you needed to practice at least 10 000 hours to become professional. But that was 20 years ago…
Since then, science has come a long way. Although it seems quite obvious that if you want to get better at something you need to practice, it’s not about how much you practice but more about the quality of that practice. Kids who pick a single sport from a young age often get burnout of the sport and give it up after a few years (as they have lost their joy to play the sport). Evidence suggests that there is little proof that specializing in a single sport early on in life will give you any more chance of becoming the best in the world. Sampling a variety of sports and growing as an athlete is the way to go, if we want more kids playing sport for longer. THE SPORTS HUB PROGRAM
Using the Long Term Player Development model found in the South African Sports for life plan first released by SASCOC in 2012, the Sports Hub program was designed by its founder Henk Oosthuizen. The program uses the sport sampling approach (also known as multi-sport approach) to make sure that every child can play sport. By making sure that a child achieves their age and stage specific physical development goals, the program helps children stay active for life. This happens whether the child wants to pursue sporting excellence, or simply wants to play sport to remain active and live a healthy lifestyle. The program takes children from Play ready (focusing on the fundamental movement skills) to Sports and then Match Ready (equipping kids to learn sport skills and play the matches of the sports that are popular in South Africa). EVERY CHILD IS IMPORTANT
We realise that each child is different that if we want more kids to continue playing sport for the rest of their lives, we need to make sure that each child gets individualised attention. That’s why the Sports Hub program promises parents that their children will be in a group of no bigger than 10 kids (to one coach). Sports Hub coaches coach sport
specific skills which is important but learning attributes like winning and losing are also a priority of the program. Sports Hub coaches are qualified/trained and are a massive part of why the program has been such a success. These coaches love kids and get the best out of our program by making it the highlight of the kids week. HOW DID WE GET HERE?
In June 2014, Sports Hub started at a small school in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town. The goal was to become the best foundation phase sports program in the world, that young girls and boys would love. Since then, the program has spread like wildfire, with more than 70 schools, 2000 kids and 14 franchises around the country all choosing Sports Hub to help unlock the sporting potential of the kids at their school. The team of Franchise Owners and Coaches are out in the sun doing what they love every day, as the program reaches more and more children every day. ADVICE FOR PARENTS
Let’s get more kids playing and loving sport again! Putting pressure on your young kids to win when they are young and not allowing them to find their own joy in sport isn’t helping. Encourage them to try as much as possible and find out for themselves which sport they enjoy (which won’t necessarily be the one you enjoyed!) Do your research on the activity which you are signing them up for, making sure that it is in the best interests of their physical development and that it’s something which will help them grow a lifelong love for sport and play.

Sports Hub has Franchises for sale all around South Africa! To join the fastest growing Foundation Phase Sports Program in SA, please make contact with us!


Interviewed by: Claudene Sebolai
Ok, we are Jade and Ashwin Marcus. Two God-loving people with bubbly personalities. One a bit more bubbly than the other, we will not mention names.
Yes, we were both brought up in ministry however, I (Jade) have a bit of both worlds.My parents were both estate agents whilst being leaders in the Lord’s church. Ashwin’s parents had been full-time for the last forty years after his dad had decided to leave his job as an almost train driver to follow the call of God upon his life. So yeah, we were both brought up in ministry.
How long are you married, do you have children and what are their names and ages?
We will be married for forteen years, this year on December 27th . Blessed with two beautiful girls Mphumelele aged ten and Siphokazi aged seven. HOW DID YOU MEET?
We both grew up in Pentecostal circles, so I knew of Ashwin. I knew about his dad’s church and attended church conferences where I saw him. He may not have seen me (chuckling). As a young girl, I attended conferences called “Saamtrek” and saw a young kid (Ashwin) preaching. I remember wondering, “What type of youngster wants to be like the “groot pastoor”?” Later, when we met, we were instantly attracted to each other. From day one, I knew he was dedicated to God and His people. I knew if I married him, I’d have to do the same.
At the time of our marriage, I was a student of arts and drama, while Ashwin worked in marketing and construction. After we were married, we moved to Saldanha Bay, where we were assistant pastors and started a church. We juggled the call to ministry as we navigated, feeling we could do both as we listened to God and did our own thing because we were young and had no intention of being in full-time ministry. But we couldn’t do both. We lost our home,
two cars, and employment in my field closed. We understood we were going against God’s will.
God was telling us we weren’t listening to Him. God wanted us because we weren’t sold out. His instructions were to serve the people. So, after losing the house, cars, suffering a miscarriage, and being newlywed, we accepted the
call to Saldanha Bay. While there, Ashwin was still in construction and continuing his own business activities, and God wasn’t happy since He called us for Him, His purposes, and His plan. A prophet and friend told me she dreamed of Ashwin preaching in a dry, strange region as the people approached closer. Before the dream ended, she saw Ashwin preaching to masses.
On January 25, 2012, while I was seven months pregnant with our first child, we attended a conference in Cape Town. The preacher summoned us from the back. He predicted something will happen in a few days, which worried me as a 7-monthpregnant woman. He stated it will transform our life. Knees were weak. On the 27th, two days later we were on a flight to Transkei. Accepting the call was easy but frightening. Ten years later we can confidently say that God was in it. Today we still happily doing ministry in Transkei. By God’s grace, help and sustenance! DO YOU ENGAGE IN ON A DAILY BASIS?
Due to the small size of the Dutywa community, the church is active in many, if not all, activities. We provide spiritual care to the nearby schools and the local prison. Our church offers small groups for counselling purposes, midweek services and we do feeding schemes. By the grace of
God, our church is prepared to assist those affected by natural disasters in our town, whether it be clothing or food. God has enabled us. Our church is making inroads in the town of Dutywa. HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH CONFLICT?

We maintain our neutrality. We try to bring all sides together to understand their perspectives. We know this is God’s church and must be open to new experiences to win people. By God’s grace, we’ve handled a lot of conflict in the last decade and won people over. That, I believe, is God’s heart in the midst of conflict. I live by the principle that we must love both God and people. They complement each other. Prayer and God’s Word help us resolve conflict. HOW DO YOU MAINTAIN YOUR EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL WELL-BEING?
The first step is to acknowledge that God’s church is not ours, so that there are no sleepless nights. He has died and resurrected for the church. It is His duty; we are only stewards of the Lord’s church. We spend time alone as individuals as well. I (Jade) spend time alone with my thoughts and the Bible in prayer. My husband also does this. As a pair, we share time together. We communicate in order to gain each other’s input and ideas. Occasionally, we also spend
time away with our children to recharge. We sometimes rejuvenate with our kids. Working with different personalities will induce fatigue. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVOURITE AND LEAST FAVOURITE EXPERIENCES IN MINISTRY?
We love watching God transform the lives of those who were once hopeless and irreparable. We have witnessed Him improve the lives of others. This is extremely gratifying and invaluable to us as ministers. Losing individuals along the path of leadership is our least favourite experience. Even if you desire to retain them with all of your heart, strength, and power. We are aware that seasons change and that individuals move on to new pastures.
Ashwin’s is 1 Corinthians 15 v 58: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,

for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. Jade’s is 2 Chronicles 20 v 20: And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THE CHURCH TODAY?
We believe that the role and relevance of the church are being minimized. Covid has led individuals to assume that they do not need the church or a pastor, while Hebrews 10:25 states that we must not overlook the meeting of the saints. Possibly, you can survive without the church, but it is highly doubtful because man cannot exist alone on an island. We require one another for survival. The church is the only institution that can provide us with hope for the future, today. YOU ARE PASTORING A HEALTHY AND VIBRANT CHURCH IN THE EASTERN CAPE . WHAT DIFFICULTIES DID LANGUAGE AND CULTURE POSE TO YOUR WORK AND HOW DID YOU NAVIGATE THESE CHALLENGES?
A challenge. Early ministry was difficult. But we’ve let the people teach us and vice versa. Today, interpreters make talking, preaching, and witnessing easier. It was difficult with the interpreter at first since we weren’t sure whether they were delivering the message as we said it, but we’ve learned to trust them. The children are fluent in isiXhosa and have been teaching us. My 1-year5-month-old started combining isiXhosa and English. I’d pray to the Lord to help me comprehend what she wanted. The culture differs. People are still entrenched in their ways and customs, but by God’s help we’ve learned how to instil Jesus’ culture. FROM WHERE YOU STARTED TO WHERE YOU ARE NOW, HOW HAS THE CHURCH CHANGED?
The church has grown. We’re a multiracial church, so everyone can feel its beauty. Collectively, not alone, we succeed. Worship services are multilingual. We sing in Xhosa, Afrikaans, and English. We allow the freedom of the spirit and welcome all nations. We serve Ghanaians, Nigerians, Zimbabweans, Congolese, Ugandans, etc. They feel free at our church. You can express yourself in your own language. God allowed us to do it and worked through us. WHAT WERE THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE PANDEMIC ON THE CHURCH AND HOW DO YOU NAVIGATE THE DIFFICULTIES THAT COVID-19 MAY HAVE CAUSED?
We’ve buried several members since the pandemic began. We had to be hands-on when individuals were afraid to open their doors. My spouse buried nonchurch members occasionally. He helped families when no one else would and made Jesus renowned during the pandemic. God’s grace saved us. We keep the vision alive despite difficulties. Our church and community have been supportive. HOW WOULD YOU ENCOURAGE MINISTERS THAT ARE EXHAUSTED AND FEEL LIKE THROWING IN THE TOWEL? ESPECIALLY IN THE POST COVID 19 CONTEXT
It is not easy, but we may say to our friends and colleagues in the many offices, titles, and churches: remember the journey. Always in my thoughts is the song, “When I remember what the Lord has done, I will never go back.” This nourishes us and keeps us going because the path ahead is shorter than the one, we’ve already travelled; maintain the promise. If God has stated it, it will be done. God’s calling is irrevocable. He has placed a calling on our lives as ministers, pastors, and church leaders. This cannot be consumed on the worst or the best of days. It endures forever. Seek out sound advice and positive counsel. You can succeed if you surround yourself with people who will inspire you to persist. Keep covered. Sit at the feet of wisdom and understanding and remain faithful to the call. It is something that God has imposed on us. He who called us is trustworthy. I usually recommend pausing but not stopping. It is acceptable to take a break for a breath of fresh air, but whatever you do, do not delay. Don’t stop!

Br. Dini Pascal Abanda
The book you are about to read is the most complete work to date on spiritual warfare and the kingdom of Satan. It is detailed and factual, not theory. For the first time or maybe your second time, you will learn the truth about the Dark Kingdom: its organization, methods of operation and power. It is my sincere hope that this truth will make you free and enable you to effectively engage the Dark Kingdom in spiritual combat. For too long the Church has been told by her ministers that the devil does not have any power. But then we feel the harsh wipe of reality when a child is taken from us through death or a husband leaves for another woman. We try to be spiritual giants, but the lyrics and warning song from the world drops an unforgettable melody into our minds and spirits. The devil has great power in these days in which we live. We have opened the door to him in our Churches and he has come in to sit by the cozy fire. The devil is highly organized and he has enormous plans of heartbreak and death for you and your family if you don’t know how to stop him. In this book you will learn how to stop them through spiritual warfare.
We live in a day of exciting growth, when churches are experiencing a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit and new believers are being gathered in. The challenge is clear. Christians need to be firmly grounded in the truths of scripture, so that they are equipped to give teaching and pastoral help to new believer. Perhaps the most significant words in the Bible are these by our Lord: “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
Bro Dini Pascal is a Cameroonian and a commission member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Buea Diocese of Cameroon. He has been in the renewal since 2009. He was elected the Catholic Charismatic Diocesan secretary since 2015. He has his calling in the deliverance and evangelical ministry and has been traveling nationally and internationally with the Divine message of the Kingdom. He had a degree in Biblical studies at St Augustine College Johannesburg South Africa.
Call/WhatsApp:0838941986 Email: dinipascal10@gmail.com

D I N I P A S C A L A B A N D A The violent battle for the Prayer Warriors Volume 1
Br. Dini Pascal Abanda As one studies physical warfare, it is obvious that one of the most important ingredients of victory in battle is the ability to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your enemy. Although not always possessing superior forces or armament, the winning army in a battle engagement usually possesses superior skills in the exploration of enemy forces. This includes: strengths, weaknesses, type of armament, possible strategies in warfare, etc. Is not the same true for spiritual warfare. Should we not know what are the strategies, power, types of organization of forces and other vital information about the army that our sworn enemy the devil commands? These are vital truths which the Church needs to understand if we are to wage the “good fight of faith.” The religious clichés – “Don’t worry about the devil, he doesn’t have any power; greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world; the devil doesn’t have any power unless God gives it to him” – are not sufficient for victory in these times of extreme warfare in which we live. The spiritual warfare in our day is intense – a battle against God and His representatives on the earth today, the Church. Of course, we must not forget that power, like most other things is relative. Compared to God, the devil and his kingdom do not possess great power. However, compared to mankind in the flesh, the devil is very powerful indeed. Without the presence of the sweet Holy Spirit in our lives, we would be like a finely dressed soldier without any weapons against the attack of the members of the Dark Kingdom. But thank God for the Holy Spirit! Thank God for the Lord Jesus our intercessor who is seated at the right hand of the Father and “whoever lives to make intercession” for us in the Kingdom of God. Thank God for our spiritual weapons! Thank God for the precious gifts of the Holy Spirit and prayer. The Lord has so graciously given these to us. But none of these weapons will do us any good if we are not able to recognize the schemes and attacks of the devil. What good would it do you to know what to do if you cannot recognize an attack of the devil? If you are in the ministry, you will recognize the work of the enemy not only in your own church or ministry, but also among your fellow ministers. Ministers are very distrustful of one another, jealous, and quick to find fault with what a fellow pastor (Priest) or other minister is doing instead of rejoicing that something is being done for God.

This is a problem that is recognized. We realize it is wrong and that the Lord wants unity in the Body. What is the problem? Is it jealousy? Pride? Selfish ambition? Yes, but we must realize that these are only the symptoms of the real problem. The actual problem is our failure to both see and counteract the spiritual work of the devil, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and wicked spirits in the heavenliest.
It is well known among nonChristians, that everything in the spirit realm takes precedence over the physical realm. The members of the Dark Kingdom know that everything is first birthed in the spirit world. This is because spiritual things are of a higher order than are physical things. The spirit world dominates the physical world. This is one reason the Word of God encourages us to develop our- selves spiritually and to set our mind on things above in the realm of the spirit. Whenever God calls a man or woman to a specific task or ministry, He births the ministry spiritually first. They may not even be aware in their physical body that this “birthing” has occurred, but it has already happened in the spirit world. Consequently the devil, being a spirit being, is alerted to this spiritual birth. He goes about immediately to destroy what God has established in order to make the ministry given to that person be stillborn. This principle is also reflected in Herod’s attempt to destroy the Lord Jesus at birth. Reflect on the parable our Lord told of the Sower and you will also see this truth. Our inability to understand spiritual matters and spiritual things has hindered our whole understanding of the Bible, especially the New Testament and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit now during the Church age? How many things can you list right now that are His ministry? If you don’t know, how can He be your Helper? This great truth is borne out by many scriptures. Perhaps the best one for us to consider is found in Acts. “And it came to pass, that, while Apollo’s was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain Disciples, He said unto them, ‘Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?’ And they said unto him, ‘We have not so much as Heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.’ And he said unto them, ‘Unto what then were ye baptized?’ And they said, ‘Unto John’s Baptism.’ Then said Paul, ‘John verily baptized with the baptism of Repentance, Saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.’ When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And When Paul had laid His hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spoke with tongues, and prophesied. And all the men were about twelve.” Acts 19:1-7 Paul does not find fault with the baptism of John because it was from Heaven. He says it was a baptism of repentance and in the faith of the coming Messiah. He goes on to speak of the faith of those who heard John as evidenced by their being baptized into the name of Him who would come after John, i.e., Jesus the Messiah. But Paul is not contrasting the baptism of John with that of Jesus as many have supposed. He is contrasting the baptism of repentance in water with the baptism of the Spirit or the baptism of (into) spiritual gifts. The Greek text, pneuma hagion, is nearly always translated as Holy Spirit, but it does not always refer to the Holy Spirit as we shall see later. It can also mean spiritual gifts and often does. It is evident that Paul believed in the doctrine of laying on of hands. This was considered an elementary doctrine of the early Church as evidenced in Hebrews 6:1-4. The early Church knew about and practiced the laying on of hands and Paul does so here in Acts by laying hands on these twelve men. “And when Paul laid his hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.” These were the spiritual gifts they received when Paul laid his hands upon them. These gifts came from the Holy Spirit.
The book you are about to read is the most complete work to date on spiritual warfare and the kingdom of Satan. It is detailed and factual, not theory. For the first time or maybe your second time, you will learn the truth about the Dark Kingdom: its organization, methods of operation and power. It is my sincere hope that this truth will make you free and enable you to effectively engage the Dark Kingdom in spiritual combat. For too long the Church has been told by her ministers that the devil does not have any power. But then we feel the harsh wipe of reality when a child is taken from us through death or a husband leaves for another woman. We try to be spiritual giants, but the lyrics and warning song from the world drops an unforgettable melody into our minds and spirits. The devil has great power in these days in which we live. We have opened the door to him in our Churches and he has come in to sit by the cozy fire. The devil is highly organized and he has enormous plans of heartbreak and death for you and your family if you don’t know how to stop him. In this book you will learn how to stop them through spiritual warfare.

We live in a day of exciting growth, when churches are experiencing a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit and new believers are being gathered in. The challenge is clear. Christians need to be firmly grounded in the truths of scripture, so that they are equipped to give teaching and pastoral help to new believer. Perhaps the most significant words in the Bible are these by our Lord: “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 Evangelist Dini Pascal is a Cameroonian and a commission member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Buea Diocese of Cameroon. He has been in the renewal since 2009. He was elected the Catholic Charismatic Diocesan secretary since 2015. He has his calling in the deliverance and evangelical ministry and has been traveling nationally and internationally with the Divine message of the Kingdom. He had a degree in Biblical studies at St Augustine College Johannesburg South Africa and He is the leader of Catholic Charismatic Renewal at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Brits under the Arch dioceses of Pretoria.