10 minute read
The Importance of women in society
by Derrick Grobbelaar
As South Africans, we celebrate women’s month during August, with 9 August being Women’s day. These celebrations may vary. To some, it is just another public holiday, meaning we can do what we feel like doing when we feel like doing it. To others, it is a day to attend some political or other meetings where speeches are made about women, their rights, challenges, achievements, and the abuse of women that is so evident in our country. Yet to others, it is a day filled with all the responsibilities of any other day.
Throughout history, women have played a vital role in society. Since the earliest days, we read how God has used women in various ways. Some of the roles they played could be described as not generally associated with women. Some would describe it as roles more suitable for men.
One such old testament example we find in Judges 4 Deborah’s story. She was both a prophetess and was judging Israel at the time. Not one of these roles was usually associated with women at the time. Israel was suffering at the hands of the Canaanites due to their disobedience. When they called on the Lord, He used Deborah. What Deborah did, was very uncommon for women to do at the time. This lady summoned Barak, one of the military leaders, to go and attack the Canaanites. He was unwilling to go without Deborah going with him. She agreed. Can you imagine an army warrior hesitant to go to war without women accompanying him?
Barak’s weakness of faith caused another woman to step on the scene. She is a lot less famous than Deborah. In fact, besides her name appearing in four verses of Judges 4 and two more times in Judges 6, we see nothing else of this woman called Jael. While Barak was pursuing the Canaanite army, Sisera, the commanding officer of the Canaanite army, was fleeing by

foot. On his way, Jael, what we would call an ordinary woman, called him to her tent. While he was sleeping, Jael killed this suppressor of Israel by driving a peg into his skull. The result of this heroic act being Israel delivered form Canaanite oppression. In the New Testament, we read about various women such as Dorcas and others, whose names were not even mentioned, who played vital roles in their communities. We also read that women supported Jesus’s ministry in various ways.
The presence and influence of women are pretty evident throughout our communities. Today it is nothing different. God is still using women in various roles in society. These roles include prominent roles in politics, science, engineering, and business, to name but a few. These women I would call the Deborahs of the Old testament. Those who are known, recognized, and celebrated. We thank God for every one of them.
Our communities are, however, filled with Jael’s. These are the infamous women silently going about their business every day. These are the women you will not read about in the newspaper. You will not see them on television. They may not even have a personal blog, but they are making a massive difference in the lives of millions daily. They are encouraging, healing, supporting, learning, and comforting as only women can.
These are the unsung heroes of the day. You will find them not only in various roles in our communities, serving our communities. You will find them caring for the sick and needy with their own resources. You will also find a few at home taking care of their own, and sometimes even other children.
These women are the anchor and most significant supporters and inspiration of some of the world’s most powerful and influential men. You will rarely read about them. You rarely hear anybody singing their praise, but these women keep households, communities, and countries going.
Many men struggle to acknowledge the fact that we need women. We need them in many ways. Let us all recognize their immeasurable value to this world.
May all woman realize their worth and contribution to our world. Whether you are the Deborah or the Jael, God values you highly, so He paid for you with His blood.


Since she was a child, Caroline has pursued her passion as an artist. With a paintbrush in her hand, she painted the walls, her legs, and her sister as she grew up because she was raised by an artist mother who always had art supplies close at hand.
Her artistic talent was discovered at a young age. She recognizes that it is a gift from God and that it is to be used to glorify Him. Her prayer is that God will use her art to help people encounter Him and be ministered to by Him. Art is powerful and it speaks in ways that cross boundaries where words and language fall short.
Caroline is awestruck by the magnificence of God’s creation in nature. He is the ultimate Artist and has no rival. His magnificent canvases span the heavens, displaying brilliant colour and beauty that no one can match. The same hands created the tiniest little flowers and creatures with the most intricate detail—so small that we easily overlook them. Her inspiration comes when she sees the way sunlight illuminates leaves...or fields
of wildflowers dance in the wind. In these moments, time seems to stand still. She savours the moment and then communicates it via her art as a form of worship.
Her primary focus is portraiture and landscape, although she also paints a wide variety of other topics in realistic oil paint. She relishes the task of upholding the high bar set by realism. As a professional artist, she accepts commissions and ships worldwide. Caroline got the idea for Curious Creations after what she saw during her morning walks around Cape Town during the 2020 pandemic, and after reading a book about the industrious Proverbs 31 woman who “does something with what is in your hands right now.” The collection now includes approximately 100 hand-illustrated designs that are unique, fun, and quirky. There is something for every heart and occasion, from pastel-toned proteas to skateboarding bulldogs and giraffes with scarves!
Birthdays and life should be celebrated and cherished. It’s the aim of each card to bring a spark of joy into someone’s life.
For more information visit www.carolineart.co.za

As a business woman, a mother, sister, daughter and friend in an ever changing global climate, may that be socially, economically or simply general life – we all have that one scripture verse that we cling to. We embrace our preferred verse with all our might in times of joy and trouble and of course every moment in between.
I have the privilege of serving on a few international boards – some in a global advisory capacity and others as an active director. I have also had the immense honour of speaking on platforms across the globe on a multitude of weighty (but very relevant) topics. At times, I am invited as a panelist/ speaker, a plethora of times, praise God, as the Chief Guest Speaker representing our home country, South Africa, tackling issues such as the United Nations Policy Implementation Challenges and Opportunities; World Researchers Summit 2022, International Women’s Day, United Nations: Women, Gender and Development as it relates to the UN SDG 5, Women in Mining -SA, Businessuite Women on Twitter Spaces to name but a few. The talks continue this month of July 2022, again I am blessed to represent South Africa as the Chief speaker on two pertinent topics.
As grand as all of this may sound – the question I always ask myself is: “How do I action effectively and efficiently, simultaneously acknowledging that in ALL things the glory belongs to GOD - Alone!
How do we go up against a secular world, especially in business and not lose our way? How do we hold fast to our Christian beliefs and operate from a space of sound biblical truth and sound theology?
Yes - these questions beg an answer!
In my opinion it is becoming increasingly more difficult. Fact! As Paul Washer so aptly states: “The lost world is not so much gospel hardened as it is gospel ignorant because many of those who proclaim the gospel are also ignorant of its most basic truths”.
Should the current way of the world surprise us as Christian Men and Women in business? – Absolutely NOT!
We are assured in Matthew 24:13 – “But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”
We are certainly living in an era unparalleled, where adversity is rife, human apathy is at its highest. The diversion from living a righteous, holy and pure life is fading against the backdrop of an exploitative world view garnished through social media, main stream music (we could confidently add current-day main stream Christian music), literature, education, economy, modern family structure, gender mis-
identity and the likes.
I am under no disillusion that I have the solutions to any of the above – I might have a few recommendations but that is a far stretch from an actual solution that serves our people – God’s people.
My conscience is stirred as I ponder these thoughts deeply. Often finding myself thinking of ways to implement Kingdom Principles in my everyday walk and in business. I have been graciously granted platforms to influence people around the world in very many countries through my words and speech.
Are all of us serving God as we should?
I am then reminded of the sobering piece of scripture – Matthew 25:29 “For to everyone who has more will be given, and he will have in abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away”.
I always ensure that I end my talks, coaching sessions, counselling sessions and business meetings on a positive note. This is intentional and deliberate! May we effect change for generations to come.
May we walk in the path of truth – standing steadfast in the surety of my favorite bible verse: “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and bring you to the place I have prepared for you.”
Indeed, we are pre-destined to a place and space already prepared for each one of us.
What a PROMISE from our GOD of Glory!
Article written by: Dr (hc) Yolanda Petersen


My hope is that we use our God-given talents, skills and abilities and prove to be faithful in what has been allotted to us. May the grace bestowed and entrusted upon each one of us increase and multiply to the advancement of the Gods Kingdom.
May we be cognisant of the SEASON GOD has us in! May we trust that God can do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever envisage. Understanding that there are covenantal terms attached to God’s blessing. Blessings HE so lavishly longs to bestow on those who love HIM and follow His commands.
As Christian Women in Business, in life and in motherhood requires nonconformity. Going against the grain of the patterns of this world is our saving grace. Growing daily in Christian value and virtue is key. Acute awareness of our constant need for transformation and the renewal of our minds, grants us the peace the world so desperately seeks.
I am too of the opinion that sound discipleship in the modern day church is needed.