Edition #32

Page 1


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Team Adventures for Your Ultimate Quest

Edition 31e


A LOOK AT LIFE FROM A DEER STAND Join Us At The Dallas Prayer Breakfast PAGE 3

Join Us At the Shot Show PAGE 30

Lifelong Friendships Gary Miller page 14

Summer In The Hummer II Skipper Bettis page 16

Hunting In Cuba Dr.Paige Patterson page 22

Legend of the $125 Antler Jerry Lambert 1 page 24


The Christian Sportsman


Mission: The Christian Sportsman magazine encourages and empowers sportsmen to discover and develop a deep passion for Jesus Christ in the context of outdoor adventure.

Letter From The Publisher Friends For Life page 4

Staff Publisher — Richard Jordan Managing Editor — Jim Smith Editor — Amber Smith Marketing Director — Chris Marley Data Management — Terry Sams

Look At Life From A Deer Stand page 6

Business Address: P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156 telephone 770.335.1814

Lifelong Friendships With Unconditional Trust Gary Miller page 14 Summer In The Hummer Skipper Bettis page 16

Speculative manuscripts and queries may also be sent via e-mail to: rjordan@thechristiansportsman.com. TCS magazine is not responsible for unsolicited materials that are lost, stolen or damaged. International Advisory Board Pastor Johnny Hunt Dr. Bob Reccord Dr. John Morgan Dr. Paige Patterson Evg. James Robison Team Advenures Pro Staff National Spokesman — Steve Bartkowski Guiding & Outfitting — Skipper Bettis Alaska Big Game — Jim Brenn Scholastic Shooting Sports — Dr. Bill Christy Dog Training — Joey Hancock Leadership Training — Bruce Witt Ducks Unlimited — Jim Young Bass Fishing — David Swendseid Trophies of Grace — Scott Porter Hunting Devotionals — Tom Naumann Montana Outfitting — Bruce Smetana World Mission Projects — Dave Hall Father/Son Heritage — Brian Molitor God’s Creation — Steve Ponchot Dog Obedience — Hank Hough Outdoors Ministries—Chris Marley African Wilderness Missions—Rowan Lewis

Hunting In Cuba Dr. Paige Patterson page 22 The Legend of the $125 Antler Jerry Lambert page 24 Friendship: Iron Sharpens Iron June Hunt page 29

The Christian Sportsman magazine endorses the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation, a tax-exempt charitable corporation under IRS Code 501(c)3. The Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation promotes the Christian message to the outdoors community by securing and maintaining land and facilities made available to assist ministries in effective outreach. Copyright 2013 by The Christian Sportsman, Inc. All rights reserved. The use of whole or part of any material in this magazine without advance written permission is prohibited. TCS magazine is published quarterly by The Christian Sportsman, Inc., P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156; telephone 770.335.1814.

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The staff and management of TCS and the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, representations, or any other content or information presented in the magazine, whether provided by advertisers, magazine staff or contributing consultants. Except as expressly noted, neither TCS, Inc., nor the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation endorses any product advertised or described in the magazine. The views expressed in the magazine are those of the individual writers, and are not necessarily the views of the staff or management of TCS magazine, TCS, Inc., or the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation.

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Dallas Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfast

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Letter from Publisher

“Open Season” to Give Thanks As this edition of The Christian Sportsman brings 2013 to a close, join with me in expressing our heartfelt gratitude to God as he inspires then calls Contributing Writers who have made this year a great success. As we approach the Christmas season we have something to celebrate in reminiscing on God’s gift to the world, his Son, the Master Fisherman, who has called each us to “Drop our nets, then to come and follow him”! Our Contributing Writers for this publication have done just that in clearing their schedules for each edition when deadlines for articles are set and creative skills are engaged. Each gives of their time and resources to enrich the magazine subscriber’s reading pleasure from a wide variety of inspiring and thought-provoking articles. Many close friendships have developed among our Contributing Writers and their readers who combine their common passion around outdoors writing with their growing commitment to Jesus Christ!


We want to hear more from you, our readers, as you travel to hunt, fish, target shoot or just camp and hike across this great land of opportunity and adventure! As you draw inspiration from the many articles provided to you each month perhaps a particular article resonates with your passions and similar outdoors adventure experiences. Send us an email commenting on a given story or article. Our new column “Letters to the Editor” will launch in the new year as we continue to hear from you, our readers, about your own stories of faith, adventure, passion, family, friends, along with photographs of trophy game, fish and fowl. Perhaps you would like to dialog with the author of a particular article on a subject or even submit your own article for consideration as a Contributing Writer. (Request Contributing Writer’s Guidelines) In 2013, our theme “Building Lifelong Friendships” may have caused some readers to sensed some redundancy on the subject

but that was precisely our intention. We need to probe the depths of God’s eternal truths about lasting friendships because God passionately loves people. Sportsmen need close friends who can accompany them while pursuing game, fish or fowl. Close friends are a gift from God. If a man has several lifelong friendships then he is greatly blessed of God! Foremost in our hearts at this Christmas season of the year is the birth of Christ Jesus in a Bethlehem manger just over 2,000 years ago. This publication would not be in existence without that occurrence. Enjoy this special season of the year! I remain,

Locked & Loaded, Richard Jordan Publisher

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The Christian Sportsman magazine is thrilled to feature in this edition one of the veterans of the outdoors men’s movement across the United States. Steve Chapmen has probably spoken at more Sportsmen’s Banquets than all of the tree stands manufactured within the outdoors industry. And his original book A Look at Life from a Deer Stand has probably been studied by more sportsmen than any other outdoors book found in bookstores across America! Steve, thanks for your time today and for allowing our readers to take a look inside of your life story in order to better understand where your relentless energy and inspiration are found. I hope that it is ok for us to ask you some direct and pointed questions. Let’s get started by asking you a few “Deer Stand” questions… 1. Have you ever fallen out of a deer stand? If so, share with us briefly how it occurred. Regretfully I have a story to tell about falling out of a tree stand. It is in my book, Stories from the Deer Stand. My plan was to mount a portable stand and leave it there throughout bow season; however, I made two big mistakes. First I thought I could ascend un-tethered, which I did up to 18 feet… that was not smart, and second, I stepped too far on the backside of the stand instead of keeping my weight on the front of it. I was facing the trunk when the stand came out from under me. It was only the grace of God that prompted me to immediately reach out and hug the tree. I hugged the tree as I descended and the rock hard bark shredded the insides of my arms and the tips of my fingers. I have scars to prove that taking risks when using an elevated stand is never, ever the smart thing to do.

2. How long have you been pursuing the art of sport hunting and what motivates you? I have been hunting since I was 13 years old. Early on the thing that kept me going back to the woods was the challenge of outsmarting the critters I was chasing. I still enjoy that challenge immensely, but later on I discovered that being a hunter/ outdoorsman could make me a better man, as well as a better husband because of what I’ve had to learn to keep things in balance when it comes to hobbies and marriage. It has also made me a better dad because I didn’t abandon my children to enjoy the outdoors, but instead included them in it. And most importantly it has made me stronger spiritually because of what I have learned about our Creator through His creation. What is your favorite game animal to pursue? It’s a toss up between the whitetail

deer and the wild turkey. At my age getting a turkey back to the truck is a lot easier than a deer, but there’s nothing like a battle of wits with a smart old buck. I just make sure I’m with another hunter when I go after deer. 3. Do you serve on the Pro-Staff of any outdoors companies or hunt with specific product brands? A few years ago I was a PS-ER with Paul Meek’s API Outdoors but at present I am not a PS-ER. Favorite gun? Has to be my 1976 Centinial addition Winchester 30:30 Bow? Mathews (Q2 compound) and Excalibur (crossbow) Camouflage? Mossy Oak Pick-up truck? My Honda Ridgeline Tractor? My 1975 Ford


4. Why do most of your books reference deer stands? The bulk of my hunting has been for whitetail, so naturally that’s where most of my stories come from. But I have included elk, bear, turkey, rabbit and squirrel stories. If I’ve chased it, it’s probably in a book. What is so special about sitting in a tree stand? I like the solitude of a deer stand. It’s a great place to mentally work through the heavy issues of life but most important to me is how many “trophies of truth” I’ve found while hunting, like what I learned one day from a rut-crazed buck about maintaining a cautious attitude when it comes to women. I basically learned: “I don’t want to chase women and get shot!” Has your wife, Annie, ever been with you while hunting from a tree stand? Not to a deer stand. However, she went squirrel hunting with me once and kept wanting to talk. I kept saying, “We have to be quiet.” She said, “I can be quiet at home.” And that was that.


5. Tell us about your family background and career as a song writer and musical performer. I grew up in a preacher’s home and had one sister. My mother played guitar and the four of us sang together in the area where we lived in West Virginia. Mom taught me to play the guitar when I was around 12 years old and then turned playing for the family over to me. I started writing songs in high school and started full time as a singer/songwriter in 1974 with a group called, “Dogwood”. Annie and I started working together in 1980 as a duo and it’s been that way ever since. Who is your best friend? I know it might sound mushy but my best friend is Annie. I tell guys if they really want to know who their best friend is, it’s who you call right after you get your biggest deer. She’s always the first to know; after I call her I will then call my friend Lindsey Williams or Don Hicks. 6. Share with our readers briefly about your musical career. I’m in my 39th year of making music on a fulltime basis. Most of it has been with Annie. What is the basic message underlying the lyrics of your song writing? Since our beginning as a duet we have focused our songs on family issues. We seek to encourage married couples, parents, widows and widowers, single again folks, and as many other topics about family life that we can address.

7. How did song writing transition your career into book writing? In the late 1980’s when we had a strong presence on Christian radio we were asked to write an article for a major Christian magazine (Charisma) on the topic of marriage. An acquisitions editor from a well established publishing company read the article and approached us about expanding our article into a book. We wrote, Married Lover/Married Friends which is still in existence and about to be released by Harvest House Publishers under a new name, I LoveYou and I Like You, Too! In 1996 I wrote solo by myself for the first time. I got the idea to write a book for hunters while at a bow hunting event in Nebraska. I kept hearing guys talk around dinner about spiritual things they had encountered while on the stand during the day. Some of them mentioned spiritual lessons that I too had encountered, and I wondered how many other hunters had experienced the same discoveries. Thus the idea for A Look at Life from a Deer Stand was born. Do you also write “Outdoors” related songs? Yes. One of the songs, for example, is called “First One.” It’s a story about a young man who goes to the deer stand with his dad and while in the woods his dad tells him that he loves him for the first time in his life. Neither of them took a shot at a deer during the hunt, but the boy talks about a bigger trophy he took home that day, hearing his dad express his love for the first time. 8. Describe the focus of some of your most popular writings and their titles? Titles like A Look at Life from a Deer Stand, A Hunter Sets his Sights, Another Look at Life From a Deer

Stand, Great Hunting Stories and the devotional version of A Look at Life From a Deer Stand, contain my answers to my favorite question as a hunter, which is “See anything?” There’s a lot more to see out there than just wild game. There are eternal truths to be discovered while enjoying God’s great outdoors. 9. Tell us about your newest book release With Dad on a Deer Stand. Harvest House Publishers asked me to consider compiling some stories I had heard from fellow hunters who had either hunted with their dads or dads who hunted with their children. Along with several of my own adventures with our two children (Nathan and Heidi), I enlisted some known names in the hunting world such as Charles Alsheimer and Paul Meeks. I also invited some nonindustry friends to submit a story. The goal of the book is to not only tell some exciting and memorable stories, but to also inspire other dads to make their own memories with their sons and daughters. 10. How can a dad effectively share wisdom and knowledge with his sons and daughters while in pursuit of outdoor adventure? Do you look for specific teachable moments? The outdoors gives men a benefit called “the distraction of action.” Most guys, if they’re anything like me, would rather “do and talk” and

not just talk. It seems that our mouths move more freely when we’re doing stuff with our kids. Once the mouth is moving it seems to pump things up from the heart and sometimes things will be said that really need to be said and things will be said that desperately need to be heard. 11. Why do you invest so much of your time in men’s ministry, especially in traveling to the many speaking engagements for Sportsmen’s Banquets & Wild Game Tastings? The story of Zacchaeus intrigues me in that he heard about Jesus and then got in a tree. I’m convinced that the opposite is true. I believe men (and women) can get in a tree and then hear about Jesus. Using the platform of hunting is simply a great way to introduce folks to Christ. And I also use the platform to show husbands how being a hunter can make them a better spouse and to remind dads how being a sportsman can make them a better father. Sometimes I feel guilty for the amount of enjoyment and satisfaction I get from being the keynote at a sportsmen’s event. 12. Why are outdoors men’s events so popular in drawing a crowd together? What has been the largest audience that you have spoken before? Sportsmen seem to love being with like-minded people. It gives us the

chance to swap the tales of adventures we have had and we get to eat while doing it. We also enjoy winning prizes that support our passion for the sport and we love hearing well-told stories from other experienced sportsmen who are there to speak, especially if they contain some emotion with it that we recognize. As for the largest group I’ve keynoted for, one of the largest was at a church in Chattanooga, TN. There were around 1,600 men and boys there. It was an amazingly “well oiled” event. A couple of other larger crowds I recall were in Louisville, Kentucky and near Charlotte, North Carolina where there were close to 1,500 hunters in attendance. I enjoy the big events but I enjoy the smaller ones just as much. 13. What are some of the issues that men persistently struggle with today? How has outdoors ministry been a place of encouragement for men? A great number of men are under the constant strain of stress, from struggling to make a decent living, to battling the emotions that come from feeling unaccomplished with their lives. That’s why we need to, as Christ did, break away and “go to the mountain” and find encouragement. And that’s where the outdoors can be such a blessing. I feel sorry for guys who don’t have an interest like hunting and fishing where at least for a few hours we can go and quietly regroup mentally, emotionally and

Luke 6:12-13 Jesus Chooses the Twelve Apostles 12 One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night. 13 At daybreak he called together all of his disciples and chose twelve of them to be apostles.


spiritually and where we can enjoy the “distraction of the action” involved in the challenge of the fair chase. Tapping into men’s love and appreciation for the “release” of the outdoors and using it as a way to remind them of the “good stuff” (as Keney Chesney sang about) is nothing less than a gift God has given the church and related ministries to help reach out to men. 14. In general, does the average church in America effectively reach men in their community with the gospel message? Why or why not? We are reaching a few but most of us would agree that it’s never enough. One reason for falling short in our outreach might be that we are conditioned to think that befriending men who are not churched is a nono. While associating closely with non-believers has its inherent spiritual dangers, we should be confident enough in our personal relationship with Christ to be able to connect with men who are not churched. Potential converts to Christ are somewhat like the deer we hunt. They’re not going to come into our houses, we have to go out there and hunt for them. 15. It seems that every time that we talk over the phone together you are on your tractor while taking care of your farm property. Share with our readers what a typical day looks like in your home life. I weep for men who don’t have a tractor. I’m smiling, but seriously, I feel very masculine when I have my blue1975 Ford tractor under me. I don’t plow or grow crops with it. All I do is mow four acres with it, but I do it often because Annie doesn’t like grass that looks shaggy. So I mow for love! Plus, we were married in 1975 and having a ’75 model Ford tractor is extra meaningful (and romantic) to me.


As for a typical day at our house when we’re not traveling, at 62 years old the regimen is… wake up, go to the bathroom, get out of bed. Actually, that’s a joke… right now. We really do get up early and most days we go walk, even in the winter. Annie does three miles and I do four. We often listen to the scriptures with our iPhone apps while we walk, and when we get back to the house we like talking about something we heard that was inspiring. We spend the next hour or two answering emails, filling online orders, and other office stuff. Then I’m usually writing either on a book or writing songs until late afternoon. On some of those days we might be entertaining our grandkids (four doe and one buck). 16. Are you a follower of Jesus Christ? If so, do you conduct yourself differently as a sportsman when together in the dove fields or hunting lodge? Please explain.

I am grateful to report that since 1974 I have been a follower of Christ. I grew up in the home of a preacher and knew about the man, Christ Jesus, and I knew how to talk and act like one of His followers but it wasn’t until January 1974 that I made a conscious decision to let Him be Lord of my life. And yes, I am mindful of my “ambassadorship” as a Christian when I’m around other sportsmen, and because men can sometimes be crass creatures it requires some deliberate action to maintain a level of wholesomeness that is pleasing to God especially when it comes to conversation. I will admit that I’ve always wondered what the disciples were like around a campfire. Did Jesus have to constantly pull them back from being overly engaged in levity? After all, they were a bunch of men, many of whom liked to fish and they did spend a lot of time outdoors!

17. What are your heartfelt passions in life, then elaborate on your greatest passion. I heard a fellow say that if you have more than three priorities in life then you have none at all. So I try to keep my passions to three and I’ll give them in reverse order of importance. I want to be a husband and dad who shows kindness and tenderness yet at the same time shows courage enough to stand for the truth no matter what the cost. In my work I want to be a man who plows only the field God has given me and not be concerned about someone else’s field, its size or its yield. And my greatest desire spiritually is that I want it to be said about me when it’s my turn to leave the woods of life and enter the fields of eternity, “He finished well.” If I can accomplish those three things, I will have lived a full life. 18. Tell us about any wild game recipe cookbooks that you would recommend to our readers. Do you have any cooking skills? What is your favorite wild game meat for the dinner table? Funny you should ask. Earlier this year Harvest House Publishers released a cookbook that Annie and I compiled called, The Hunter’s Cookbook. It is filled with recipes that Annie uses (I don’t cook, grill, or boil water) as well as recipes from our friends. All of the recipes are for wild game and include deer, elk, rabbit, squirrel, bear, alligator, antelope, and there are fish recipes as well. My favorite wild game meat is elk cooked in Annie’s Famous Chili recipe. There’s something about elk that is exceptionally tasty, especially if it has the residual taste of my arrow in it! My favorite fish is salmon, preferably my daughter’s recipe or smoked.

19. Do you or have you had any mentors in your life and how have they helped you personally and within your career? Tell us about your father’s influence in your life. My dad would be the first and greatest mentor I’ve had. He is 86 years old, loves the Lord with every fiber of his being, and is without question one of the best men God ever made. As a pastor, dad was at home who he was at church and he was at church who he was at home. There was not an ounce of fakery in his life. I’ve had other men who have been influential in my life. Guys like Bob Hughey in Nashville who loved me in 1974 when I showed up lost as the proverbial goose. And there was a man named Larry who taught me life-changing insights like, “When you mess up, don’t beg God for forgiveness…thank Him for it instead, get up and go on.” I’ve lived by that admonition for nearly forty years! It’s amazing how the truth in one short sentence can last so long. Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Kenneth Bledsoe, a man who attended the church where my dad was pastor. Kenneth was the sportsman who introduced me to hunting when I was 13 years old. He had no idea that he was welcoming me to a community that I would one day be privileged to serve as an encourager through writing and music. 20. Changes seem to be taking place in our American culture almost daily especially as it relates to social issues directly impacting the family. What is your take on the spiritual

state of the heart and soul of our nation? Just recently, while walking and listening to the Gospel of John, I finally figured something out that has been bugging me for years. I kept asking, “Why do people hate God? Why do they not want Him in their lives and at the helm of our nation?” Then I heard verses 18-20 of John 3 and in the middle of the text is the answer I was looking for. The passage says: He that believes on him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. (emphasis mine) It dawned on me that collectively our nation is moving away from God because in far too many lives their deeds are evil and they prefer darkness over light. While there is a remnant of those who pursue righteousness, far too many Americans don’t want to face the truth, whose name is Jesus, and be reproved for their preference for evil. The only answer is to win as many as possible to Christ and use every means possible to accomplish that goal. God will use each one of us to reach the lost. He’ll even use people like you and me to reach out to sportsmen who are hunting for truth. 21. If you could change the direction of our churches in the United States today, what specific steps would you recommend? What role does God’s grace play in the Christian sportsmen’s daily life?


I would encourage church leadership to actively start teaching their members to prepare for a time when we might have to give up our buildings and meet in homes. Also, people need to be taught the value of giving without a tax break. And we need to take another look at the concept of tolerance as it pertains to being politically correct. When Peter and John were told not to use the name of Jesus after healing the man on their way up to the temple, they were bold enough to defy the order. On a daily basis, understanding God’s unlimited grace is the key to living at peace with ourselves and with others. Believing that He is not mad at us is paramount to trusting Him. A friend and songwriter, Kenny Johnson, has

one of the most comforting lines I’ve ever heard in a song he wrote called, “Playing Baseball with Jesus.” The line says, “He’s not trying to get me out, He’s trying to get me home!” When people live without the assurance of the hope of Christ they can be selfish, heartless, stubborn and downright mean. Why? Because they live in fear, unsure about their future. I want to embrace God’s grace because without it, I’m no fun to be around. 22. If you could pass on one biblical truth to our reading audience what would that be? It’s actually a trio of truths that I would want to pass on to your audience, and I put them in a song

lyric. The song is called, “Countin’ On Him” and it has its roots in John 3:16, Romans 8:28 and Psalm 33:46: “I’ve been walking this narrow way, long enough to know there’s gonna’ be some days when I find myself worrying and doubting, but that’s when I start counting… One…God loves me this I know Two…He’s always in control Three…I can trust Him, even when I don’t know where He’s leading me He’s my dependable friend, and I’m counting on Him!”

Steve Chapman and his wife, Annie Chapman, are award-winning musicians who take their message of Christ-centered family to fans all over North America. Steve’s enthusiasm for Jesus, family, hunting, and humor shine in his books, including A Look at Life from a Deer Stand (nearly 300,000 copies sold), The Hunter’s Cookbook (with Annie Chapman), and Great Hunting Stories. Steve is available for speaking engagement and can be reached at: website

Check out Steve and Annie’s many books today by clicking here: Books



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Edition 30e

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Lifelong Friendships with Unconditional Trust

By Gary Miller

The definition of “unconditional”

trained your favorite birddog

will we wear’ for the idolaters

is “without conditions or

might be, sometimes they have

eagerly seek all these things, and

limitations,” and the definition

their own ideas as to how the

your heavenly Father knows that

of “trust” is “reliance on another

hunt should go.

you need them. But seek first

person or entity,” therefore;

What about unconditional trust in

the Kingdom of God and His

unconditional trust becomes a matter of faith. Especially if we consider the fact that there are conditions and limitations to most of the things that we place our trust in. We have faith that the camo tree stand we are sitting in will hold us securely in position. We have faith that when we pull the trigger our firearm will function as designed, and we have faith that our bird dog will always retrieve on command when in the field. But can we trust these things unconditionally? We all know that there are limitations in each of these situations. The tree stand has weight restrictions that if not followed could cause it to malfunction, and as many of you may have experienced, a firearm action can become jammed. And no matter how well


the U.S. economy, our health, or our relationships? We know that each of these have conditions. Our economy is dependent on many things, our physical fitness is oftentimes dictated by our decision to live healthy, and unfortunately, when considering

righteousness and all these things will be provided for you.” What about our health? Revelation 21: 4 tells us, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will exist no longer; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer, because the previous things have

the current state of affairs within

passed away.”

our culture, we are almost forced

How can we put trust back in

to become overly cautious in

our nation? 2 Chronicles 7:14

building relationships with those

lays it out for us: “If my people

who are not within our circle of

who are called by My name

influence. We have a tendency

humble themselves, pray, and

to put our trust in some things

seek My face, and turn from their

that are pretty uncertain, don’t

evil ways, then I will hear from

we? But the Word of God has

heaven, forgive their sin and heal

much to say about unconditional

their land.” So now the question

trust. Can we trust our economy

becomes, “Do we trust in the

unconditionally? God says in

Word of God, unconditionally?”

Matthew 6: 31-33: “So don’t

I oftentimes need to be reminded

worry saying, ‘What will we eat?’

of these things. I need to be

or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What

reminded that based on the

Word of God, I can trust in our economy; God owns the cattle on a thousand hills! I need to be reminded that there is a cure for all disease, and I need not fear. Fear will only cause us to remain distant from the opportunity to build relationships with those outside our circle of influence. Jesus said, “Fear not, I am with you to the very end.� Through Christ I can trust all things unconditionally, providing that I put Him first in all things. So, do you trust Him enough to trust Him unconditionally?


Summer in the Hummer Part II

Summer in the Hummer 2 By Skipper Bettis (part 2)


God blessed us with safe travel, getting to meet many interesting folks, and the enjoyment of His beautiful creation. 17

Traveling north bound to the Arctic from the US‐Canadian border can be difficult at times… Trey and his crew sailed right on through the checkpoint, but Dave and I in the Hummer did not fare as well. Unfortunately for us, the shake down was on. The agent in the border crossing lane asked us a hundred questions which I guess we did not answer to his satisfaction, so he sent us inside to another agent and she asked us the same hundred questions once again. They then ripped the Hummer apart, checked all of our underwear, and finally figured out that we had nothing to hide and let us go on our merry way. From Vancouver we went north on Hwy 1 up the Frazier Valley. It was a beautiful drive following the Frazier River. The narrowest part of the river is called Hell’s Gate, where the river is pushed through a narrow canyon about 300 ft wide. No large boats could go past this part on the Frazier until 1882 when a company


hired over 500 Chinese workers to pull a paddle wheel boat, named the Skuzzy, past this spot in the river. After that point civilization quickly moved north, developing the cattle country of Williams Lake, Quesnel, and Kamloops. We also passed through Smithers, BC which is the jumping off place for most of the big game outfitters in northern BC all the way up to the Yukon border. Once into the Yukon and the Alaskan Hwy at Watson Lake, we saw the Sign Post Forest. In 1975 when we came through, there were only a few posts with 30 or so signs put there by travelers going north to Alaska; this time there were hundreds. Out of Watson Lake the plan was to take Hwy 4 north and try to catch the Porcupine Caribou herd traveling towards the Arctic. But a big rain took out the Ross River Ferry the day before we got there, so instead we took the Alaskan Hwy to Whitehorse and then cut north

on Hwy 2, better known as the Klondike Hwy to Dawson City, Yukon. In 1897, this route to the gold fields made Dawson City famous. The city has been completely preserved as a national historic site and still has dirt streets, board sidewalks, and diamond tooth gerties. As you know, all gold towns had a gambling hall, a saloon, and dancing girls. If you ever saw the movie “Paint Your Wagon” with Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood, that is what Dawson City looks like. You definitely step back in time there. We couldn’t make the Klondike Loop without seeing and traveling the top of the World Highway. The road is gravel like most roads in the north, and it winds across mountain ridges which gave us top of the world views as it took us to the International Border Crossing of Yukon, Canada and Alaska, US. We saw moose, caribou, bears, and of course the town of Chicken, Alaska. Gold miners

still work the creeks looking for that big strike. We picked up Hwy 4 on up to Fairbanks, which is the last town where you can get service, supplies and equipment before the push to the Arctic. Last minute vehicle checks are a must before going any farther. We left Fairbanks on Elliott Hwy going to Dalton Hwy, better known as the Haul Road, to Deadhorse - Prudhoe Bay Alaska. This road is one of Alaska’s most remote, dangerous and challenging roads. It is about 1,000 miles of gravel round trip and follows the Tans-Alaska Pipeline over the Arctic Circle through the Brooks Range and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. We saw wolves, dall sheep, mountain goats and caribou. By the time we got into Deadhorse two days later we had a busted windshield and had seen several bad wrecks. Deadhorse is an amazing feat of man. The oilfield never stops working- 24 hours a day, 7 days

a week. People work 14 days on and 14 days off, and the companies work tirelessly to protect the environment. It was truly a place to see at the top of the world. With time to spare one must see the Kenai Peninsula, so we headed off through Denali Park and the interior of Alaska. The Kenai Peninsula is by far the most beautiful part of Alaska. We visited a friend’s commercial fishing site and went fishing in Seward. We caught halibut, lingcod and king salmon. Soldotna is right in the middle of all this great scenery, fishing and wildlife. Soldotna is also where the CSF Alaska Wilderness Missions take place. You can go on a great mission trip and experience all of what the Kenai has to offer. The last thing on our list to see before we left Alaska was the Brown Bears. The Russian River is one of the hot spots to see them fishing, which was just 20 miles from Soldotna

on the Sterling Hwy. When the Salmon are spawning you can see bears by following the trails along the river. We were lucky enough to find them fishing in the afternoon along the trail that goes to the Upper Russian Lake. What a sight to see! Those bears definitely topped off our 40-day “Summer in the Hummer” trip. God blessed us with safe travel, getting to meet many interesting folks, and the enjoyment of His beautiful creation. It was a great trip and I would recommend everyone to take it. I am truly a blessed man, undeserving but grateful. Colby Bettis Legends Ranch 2022 West 14 Mile Road Bitely, MI 49309 www.legendsranch.com 231.745.8000 Office 386.801.3134 Mobile


Your membership supports the mission: CSF serves as a fellowship for sportsmen and their families to experience the love of Jesus Christ through the shared passion of the great outdoors.

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Personal Magazine Ministry 36 Magazine Gift Subscriptions sent to family and friends $83.33/month for five years or $5,000 12 Gauge Shotgun


Paige Patterson


Cuba? As I hunt deer I am always aware of how much trust I put in those who I don’t even know. I think about this as I follow lighted tracks down a path I’ve never been, and as I ascend a 20 foot high ladder-stand I trust that my guide has adequately secured it to the tree. As I throw a strap around the same tree that is hooked to my safety harness, I trust that if I should fall it would catch me and keep me from injury or death. I also trust that my guide has done his due diligence and placed me in an area that has the potential for a good harvest. If any of these are shrouded with doubt, the process slows, the cost increases, and more importantly, relationships are compromised. When we think about some of the most vital relationships that most of us have, the list is rather short: husband and wife, employer and employee, parent and child, friend and friend, God and us. What we need to notice about each one of these relationships is that


without trust, the relationship is unhealthy. If a husband cannot trust his wife or a wife cannot trust her husband, the relationship is unhealthy. If an employee cannot trust her employer or vice versa,

the relationship is unhealthy. The same is true for the parent/child relationship, and especially for our relationship with God. Can I trust God and can God trust me? Now where does this all fit into building life-long friendships? I hope you already see the answer: in order for us to build life-long friendships, we must understand that trust is not only vital, but without it these friendships are impossible. We know that trust doesn’t just happen overnight, right? Well, sort of. Trust is a choice, and

most choices do happen at one specific time. Sure, trust is built on consistent data, but real trust is not given in increments, it is actually given in full, by a conscience decision to trust. Let me explain… On the day I got married, I made a conscience decision to trust my wife, fully and completely. We had dated for some time and I had built up knowledge of her and her of me, and we fell in love. But on that one day when I said “I do,” I did not say to her, “I will begin to give you small increments of my trust.” No, I chose to trust her completely. Without that trust our relationship would have been unhealthy. What about my relationship with God? Yes, I had heard about His love, and about Him giving His Son for my sins, but when I chose to become a follower of Jesus Christ I made a conscience decision to trust Him. After all, if I trust God with my own soul and eternity, shouldn’t I also trust Him with things of less importance, like my protection and provision? Now I know at times we all struggle with these and we want to take back

process than through the activities and hobbies that I enjoy, namely hunting and fishing.

that trust, but isn’t this when the relationship becomes unhealthy? Just as Joshua put a choice before the children of Israel: “Choose, this day, whom you will serve,” we must also decide today if we will choose to trust God. There is no in-between for the relationship to be healthy. You have a lot of data, but there comes a time when you must make a simple but hard choice. There comes a time when you need to go all in; no increments, no withholdings, no trepidation. If two guys have become life-long friends, it’s because at some point both have gone “all in” when it comes to trust. As a Christian, I am called to invest in the lives of other men, and some of these investments have led to life-long friendships. But in order for this to happen I had to model trust, in fact, I had to make myself vulnerable as I offered my trust. I had to leave myself open to be taken advantage of, I had to risk physical loss, and I had to be willing to trust without knowing if it would be reciprocated. If I am to be the mature Christian man that God wants me to be, this is what I must do. I must be willing to bring someone into my life and by my actions say, “you can trust me.” I know of no better way to begin this

Since men learn better through activity, I have found this the perfect way, and these the perfect places, to say to them in a way they may not even recognize: I am offering you trust. This means that sometimes friendship and the trust that accompanies it is one-sided. I think this is pictured perfectly in Jesus.

He was known as a friend of sinners but not necessarily as the sinner’s friend. He willingly offered Himself as someone who could be trusted and who would accept them as they were. But in order for a mutual, life-long friendship to be realized, the sinner must also say to Jesus:

have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:1114) It was as if Jesus said, “I told you that I am your friend because you can trust me, but since you are now doing what I commanded you to do I can trust you too. So now, not only will I be your friend, you will be mine as well.”

No relationship between two friends can be healthy if trust is not there. All it takes is one guy, preferably a mature Christian, who will invite a friend to the hunting lodge and be the one to make sure the path is well marked and the stand is safe and well placed; and by doing so convey a message that he can be a trusted friend.

“You can trust me as well and I will be your friend.” This is why after a period of time with His disciples Jesus could say to them, “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I


The Legend of the $125 Antler by Jerry Lambert


While tracking a story that I submitted to Christian Sportsman magazine, I received an invitation from editor, Richard Jordan, to join him and leaders from the Michigan Christian Sportsman Fellowship chapters at the famous Legends Ranch located in Bitely, Michigan, for a leadership retreat. The cost was $125 which would include seminar, meals, lodging and a shed antler hunt with the legendary ranch owner, Skipper Bettis. Skipper was transplanted to Michigan from Texas and he definitely looked more Cowboy than Plowboy. Mr. Bettis manages the 3,000 acre fenced enclosure in scenic northern Michigan along with his son, Colby, and both of them stand tall in their boots and are straight shooters when you ask them for their opinion on any given subject. Skipper has been included in many of the pioneering whitetail video productions including the King of the North series narrated by Curt Gowdy. The seminar attendants included a group of sixteen men who all shared common ground through their combined love for God and his majestic outdoors. The food was excellent and Chef Lawrence prepared the absolute finest venison steak that I have ever eaten. Even though the seminar itself was informative and the food and lodging grand, you could feel the excitement among the

men as they eagerly anticipated the shed antler hunt on this gifted land. The opportunity to roam in the home of true whitetail Giants was quite a thrill and these men, myself included, were almost giddy in anticipation, just like children in a chocolate factory. The two Bettis men trucked all

call, the thumb area. We kept spacing at about fifty yards and soon saw impressive rubs on trees as big as our thighs. You can’t help but mentally picture the monster bucks that could leave such impressive sign. About fifteen minutes into our search, my fellow hunter stated, “I found one,” and held

of us to what they called the north pasture, and we were as eager as bird-dogs to set out on the hunt. Skipper addressed our group and told us that the hunt would have an additional bonus because he was placing a $125 bounty on antlers from a particular 200 class buck that had rutted hard and was looking mighty thin at the end of the season. They wanted proof that this big buck had lived on. They were obviously hoping not to find a skull with the big antlers attached. Skipper gave us the lay of the land and then quickly set us free. I started by walking through a mature pine forest with a man from what we Michigan people

up a 4-point shed. As the words rolled out of his mouth, I saw some serious white bone at the base of a tree trunk. I picked up an absolute giant of a shed. The antler had fallen off of the deer’s right side and carried thick mass and 12 incredible points. This was fun! My fellow searcher came up to me and displayed mutual admiration at this great find. As we talked, the legend himself, Skipper Bettis, walked up with his walking stick. Skipper took a quick look at the antler and very matter of factly stated, “That could be him.” I was so intrigued with finding such an impressive trophy that I hadn’t even considered that this


could be the cash prize winner. Skipper told us that there were plenty more to find and pointed us in different directions. For the next half-hour, I walked by myself and didn’t find another antler. I knew that there were searchers to my right by the high number of deer that flushed from that direction. To my left, Skipper reappeared. I took this opportunity to introduce myself as an outdoor writer and ask this renowned game manager his opinion on what Michigan

could do to improve the deer herd within our state. Without pulling any punches he gave me his assessment. After about twenty minutes of conversation I thanked Skipper for his time and let him continue on with his search. I then returned to an area near my first find and started searching another pine forest. Looking to my right, I saw a pile of bone. A heavy set had fallen from a 10-pointer and the antlers were stacked together. I mow had in my possession three giant

sheds. As I return to the trucks, I came across two guys, one of whom was Colby Bettis. When Colby saw what I am carrying, he smiled and said, “You found it.” How cool is that? I am had a blast and my costs were covered by finding the 12-point antler. We were the last ones back to the truck and out of the fifty or sixty antlers found, I had the three biggest. Many of the other guys gathered around and snapped pictures of me holding the giant sheds. We whitetail fanatics are a unique breed. For the ride back to the lodge, I sat in Skipper’s truck conversing about the taboo subjects of religion and politics. Since we were in agreement on these two topics, it was no big deal. When we stopped, Skipper pealed out $125 in cash and made good on his promise. I know what you are wondering, and the answer is, “no.” We did not get to keep the sheds. For a whitetail enthusiast like myself, what more could I ask for on a mid-April weekend? Outstanding food, good company and an antler hunt with the legend from Legends Ranch. Total cost for this fabulous weekend, $0. Fun factor; priceless.

Jerry Lambert’s Trophy White Tales is available at Amazon.com




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al l s p e c i fi c at i o n s ar e a p p r o x i m at e M ATHE W S I N C . C O M

Equipping Christian Sportsmen with God’s Truth for Today’s Problems by June Hunt

Friendship... Iron Sharpens Iron One who makes good friends is rich indeed. “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17). We all need friends with whom we can share our joys and our sorrows, our fun times, and our times of deepest heartache. Yet the development and continuation of a friendship requires effort. A close friendship requires solid communication, a sense of openness and trust, and mutual respect. The way we conduct our friendships will determine whether those friendships help or hurt us.

“So long as we love we serve.

Key Verse to Memorize

No man is useless while he is a friend.”

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is

born for adversity.” (Proverbs 17:17)

—Robert Louis Stevenson

Key Passage to Read, Reread and Reflect

Dont’s of Friendship**

Philippians 2:1–10

(2 Timothy 1:7)

Do’s of Friendship* Do . . . Recognize that you need wise friends. (Proverbs 13:20)

Do . . . Look for others in need of a friend. (Philippians


Do . . . Ask God for a faithful friend. (1 John 5:14) Do . . . Be approachable by smiling at others. (Proverbs 15:13)

Do . . . Speak to others by name. (John 10:3) Do . . . Listen attentively. (Ecclesiastes 3:7) Do . . . Give genuine encouragement. (Proverbs 16:21) Do . . . Ask open-ended questions. (Proverbs 20:5) Do . . . Help others share their feelings. (Proverbs 27:9) Do . . . Look for the kernel of truth in your criticism. (Proverbs 27:17) * For this section, see McGinnis, The Friendship Factor, 71, 109–12, 123–4; White and White, Friends & Friendship, 88; White and White, How to Make Friends, 18; Conway, Making Real Friends in a Phony World, 39–40, 88–127, 163–71; Inrig, Quality Friendship, 24; Marie Chapian, Growing Closer (Old Tappan, N. J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1986), 160, 163.

Don’t wait for others to reach out to you. Don’t share just facts . . . share your feelings. (Psalm 51:6)

Don’t expect everyone to like you. (Proverbs 15:18) Don’t focus on your interests, but ask about the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3) Don’t be quick to voice your own opinions. (Proverbs 18:2)

Don’t harbor unforgiveness over offenses. (Proverbs 17:9)

Don’t share negative information about others. (Proverbs 16:28) Don’t look to a friend to be your source for love, for significance, and for security. (Philippians 4:9)

Don’t let your friend take the place that the Lord alone should have. (Exodus 20:3) ** For this section, see White and White, Friends & Friendship, 61; White and White, How to Make Friends, 14, 21; McGinnis, The Friendship Factor, 42, 68, 113, 114, 155; Conway, Making Real Friends in a Phony World, 40, 70, 71, 75–76, 124–6; Chapian, Growing Closer, 52–53, 59.

For more information: Click here: Hope for the Heart Check out the monthly Biblical Counseling Institute which is available online. Together . . . Changing Minds. Changing Hearts. Changing Lives.



2014 SHOT SHOW Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfast Sands Expo Convention Center

Keynote Master Sportsman Rick Dickson Co-Founder - Outdoor Channel

Thursday, January 16th, 2014, at 7:00 am Join sportsmen from around the U.S. and abroad for CSF’s 16th annual event for a Season of Prayer for our nation and the outdoors industry leaders who provide products and services to the sportsman and his family. Breakfast Registration - ONLY $50.00 Table of ten (10) Sponsorship: GOLD $1,000 • SILVER $750 • BRONZE $500

Table Sponsors - Please Order by Calling 770.772.6749 “Will Call” Booth # L342

Great Fellowship - Good Food - Silent Auction Online Registration: www.christiansportsman.com 30

Is Your Name in God’s Record Book of Life?

“I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3:3) Did you know that you can have your name permanently recorded in God’s book of life today?

HERE’S HOW: A) Admit that you need him - Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23a: “For the wages of sin is death...”, B) Believe that Jesus died to save you - Romans 6:23b “...but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” C) Confess Jesus as your Savior and Lord by turning from your sin and calling on his name - Romans 10:9-10: “That if you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:13: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 3:19: “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out...” Our response is to receive Jesus Christ.

Does this prayer say what you want to say to God? Dear God, I believe that your son died for my sins and ask your forgiveness. I receive Jesus Christ now as my personal Savior and invite him to be the Lord of my life from this day forward. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Please contact us about your eternal decision: csf@christiansportsman.com CSF, P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156




Or call 770.772.6749



Order Your Chapter Chartering Package Today!

Launch an effective outdoors ministry today by chartering your own church-based chapter of Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship! Individual Charter Membership Kit includes: For a suggested minimum contribution of

All this for only


1. Charter Sportsmen’s Cap 2. Window Decal 3. Magazine Subscription 4. F.I.R.E. Publications

5. Camouflaged Bible 6. CSF Pocket Knife 7. Exclusive web content

Just as Jesus modeled leadership by investing time with ordinary men in establishing the first century church, today’s leaders can also encourage and empower others to serve with a lifestyle of passion. Become a core member in your outdoors ministry in your church community by launching a CSF Chapter. Your local church can order a Chapter Chartering Package to receive essential tools for launching an effective outdoors ministry. The Package will include 12 Charter Membership kits for twelve men who have been called to serve by joining your chapter. Each Charter Membership is valued at $74.50 if ordered individually!

CHAPTER CHARTER PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Twelve Charter Membership Kits • Facebook Website for Personalized Member Communication • Box of Fifty of the Printed Edition of The Christian Sportsman magazine plus the NEW digital editions • Directors Resource Notebook • Chapter Ministry Planning Template for Customization • Digital Files for Designing CSF Logo Sportswear and Promotional Materials • Regional Director Assistance in Planning Your Annual Outreach Agenda • Registration for Chapter Director to Participate in the CSF National Leadership Summit * Bonus CSF Display Banner for Event Promotion * Bonus Book: The Perfect Leader, by Ken Boa

Contact CSF Headquarters today at 770.772.6749 to order your Chapter Chartering Package and join as a CSF Charter Member

www.christiansportsman.com 33


34 call 770.772.6749 Or

Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship

Needs Your Help in Casting the Net!

Social Media Integration IN LIFE THERE ARE THREE TYPES OF PEOPLE: Those that “make things happen”, “watch what happens”, and those that wonder, “what just happened”. And no one wants to get caught in this last category! “Sometimes it’s very challenging to adapt to change, especially when it comes to the unfamiliar technology accelerators that are now driving our outdoor communities. Over the past few months several cutting edge applications have been developed for web surfers using computers, smart phones, ipods, etc. Efficiency helps in finding success when living in an over-communicated culture” — Richard Jordan, CSF President Each strand of the “web” leads to another line of communication. The World-Wide-Web (www) connects us all together. But within the web there are great ways to inform and entertain like Flikr for sharing photographs or Youtube for sharing video experiences. Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship’s (CSF) goal is to keep you inform so that lifelong friendships can be built with other like-minded sportsmen!

Consider “the web” as more of a net, a fisherman’s net. Jesus stated: “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:19) Call CSF headquarters with your questions, to obtain links, or for technical assistance at 770.772.6749


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Send Your Church Mission Group to Alaska! Wild Gourmet Alaska Smoked Salmon Church Group Friendraiser Campaign 100% of Net Proceeds Invested in Alaska Wilderness Missions



CSF needs your help in …Bringing Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth! Finally, a very simple and streamlined approach to funding your father/son mission trip to Alaska has arrived! How does it work? Enter Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship with a fourteen year proven success record in accommodating church groups in planning, preparation and participation for the purpose of helping sportsmen and their family members travel to Alaska on a mission/construction trip. What is the plan?

The answer … Wild Gourmet Alaskan Smoked Salmon! That’s right! Delivered directly to your church address securely packaged and preserved to require minimum handling with excellent potential in funding your entire mission project. Who do we send to Alaska? Imagine … A dad and his son sharing this mission trip opportunity with friends, neighbors and extended family members who would like to support their vision by purchasing a packaged quantity of the absolute best smoked salmon on the face of the earth.

Great for seasonal gifts! A personal letter from your church’s Alaska Mission team inserted into each box shares the vision for … Bringing Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth! Adventure to a Higher Level!

* Suggested Contribution $59.90 per Sampler Gift Package (Delivered) Wild Gourmet Alaska Smoked Salmon Coho (Silver) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Chinook (King) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Sockeye (Reds) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Pacific (Pinks) Salmon Filet ¼ lb.


Leaving a Legacy Through Estate Planning Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization. The foundation is supported by the prayers and generosity of Christian sportsmen and corporate sponsors. One way that you can ensure that outreach to sportsmen continues is to consider including the foundation in your estate plan.

If you are interested in establishing a charitable gift annuity for the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation, please contact Richard Jordan at 770.335.1814 or speak with your estate planning attorney. Your financial support has helped launch over 350 church based chapters across the nation since 1994 to impact thousands of sportsmen for eternity, along their sons and daughters.

CSF Camouflaged

SPORTSMEN’S BIBLE Some sportsmen have used the CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible while in the tree stand deer hunting and believe that this edition of God’s Word is an invaluable tool for a successful season. Whether the action seems slow or you just want to take a moment to reflect in seeking inspiration from a favorite scripture reference, this small pocket bible is just right for the active Christian sportsman who takes his deer hunting seriously. The CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible makes a great gift for family members and friends. Stock up today so that you will be, “Ready in season and out of season” to give an account for the hope that you have within you!

770.772.6749 or www.christiansportsman.com 38

Trophies of Grace 2014

Join with other sportsmen in “Climbing Legacy Mountain” as we build a strong foundation for establishing effective outdoors ministries in local churches across the nation. A fun skeet shoot is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at Wolf Creek so bring your shotguns (or rent a loaner) and make sure to practice your aim! Round trip airfare into Atlanta from most cities is very affordable. Seating for the Leadership Summit is limited so make sure to confirm your registration today!

Theme: Trophies of Grace Presentations and break-out sessions for training includes:

Airport Marriot Atlanta, Georgia

• • • • • • •

How to Launch an outdoors ministry in your Home Church How to Start your Centershot father/Son Archery Program How to Plan a Fall Alaska Wilderness Missions Trip How to Host a Multi-Chapter Special Youth Challenge for your State How to Host a Father/Son Shoot-a-thon Friendraiser How to Host Innovative Chapter Workshops & Clinics for Effective Outreach How to Coordinate EQUIPPING Camps for the CSF X-Treme Discipling Series

Early Registration $65

FRIDAY 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CSF Ministry Presentations

After April 1st $95


8:00 am - Noon* CSF Ministry Presentations

Includes lodging & meals.

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Fun Clay Target Shoot

* BBQ Lunch and Special Guest Speaker

Seating is limited so make your reservations early for this premiere event for 2014.

Call 770.772.6749 for more information.




www.BowHuntAmerica.com 41


Alaska Wilderness Missions TEAM CSF

Ken Boa Pistol Shooting

Richie’s Rock Climbing Hunting Truck

Send us your images for consideration to be included in our Photo Gallery info@christiansportsman.com


Steve Olmstead and Richard Jordan - AK

Thomas ZImmerman Ready to Fish the Alaska Rivers

Paul Deciechi assists Connor and McKenzie Buchan in peeling logs AK



Click Here for your Complimentary CSF Membership and your FREE The Christian Sportsman magazine! Thanks to our National Sponsors you can receive every digital edition featuring articles about sportsmen who combine their Christian faith with great hunting, fishing and target shooting adventures. Each edition is chocked full of human interest stories around sportsmen and their families along with great insights about adventure destinations motivated by the passion to live for Jesus Christ! Please take the time to TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF while you are registering for the magazine. Contact us today to begin receiving your FREE magazine subscription! www.christiansportsman.com • or call 770.772.6749

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