Edition #33e

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Team Adventures for Your Ultimate Quest

Edition 33e





The Christian Sportsman

CONTENTS Letter From The Publisher Richard Jordan - page 4 Friendship Bonding John Kuhn Bleimaler - page 6 When God Writes the Story Jamie Murphy - page 10 Equipping Sportsmen - Decision Making June Hunt - page 14 Trophies of Grace Richard Jordan - page 16 Phil Robertson Shares Some Candor And Some Humor - page 20 2014 David Livingstone Award page 30 Hunter Education page 36 True North Chapter Ken Reeder - page 38 One Million New Hunters NSSF Press Release - page 40 Product Review Matthews Arrow Web Quiver - page 42

2014 Shot Show Bill Brassard - page 44

OUR ADVERTISERS Trijicon Mathews


Speculative manuscripts and queries may also be sent via e-mail to: rjordan@thechristiansportsman.com. TCS magazine is not responsible for unsolicited materials that are lost, stolen or damaged. International Advisory Board Pastor Johnny Hunt Dr. Bob Reccord Dr. John Morgan Dr. Paige Patterson Evg. James Robison Team Advenures Pro Staff National Spokesman — Steve Bartkowski Guiding & Outfitting — Skipper Bettis Alaska Big Game — Jim Brenn Scholastic Shooting Sports — Dr. Bill Christy Leadership Training — Bruce Witt Fly Fishing — Jim Young Trophies of Grace — Scott Porter Montana Outfitting — Bruce Smetana World Mission Projects — Dave Hall Dog Obedience — Hank Hough Outdoors Ministries — Chris Marley African Wilderness Missions — Rowan Lewis Big Game Hunting — Bob Reccord Father & Son — Paige Patterson Men’s Ministry — Edgar Pierce Bass Fishing — Hank Parker Stories from the Field — Jamie Murphy Duck Hunting — Darin Sakas Veterinarian Care — Justin Payne Michigan Whitetails — Jerry Lambert Alaska Subsistence — Brian Heaphy Alaska Adventure — Dave Lemaire Bow Hunting — Larry Baker Outdoor Truths — Gary Miller


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Business Address: P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156 telephone 770.335.1814

Copyright 2013 by The Christian Sportsman, Inc. All rights reserved. The use of whole or part of any material in this magazine without advance written permission is prohibited. TCS magazine is published quarterly by The Christian Sportsman, Inc., P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156; telephone 770.335.1814.


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Staff Publisher — Richard Jordan Managing Editor — Jim Smith Editor — Amber Smith Marketing Director — Chris Marley Data Management — Terry Sams

The Christian Sportsman magazine endorses the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation, a tax-exempt charitable corporation under IRS Code 501(c)3. The Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation promotes the Christian message to the outdoors community by securing and maintaining land and facilities made available to assist ministries in effective outreach.

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Mission: The Christian Sportsman magazine encourages and empowers sportsmen to discover and develop a deep passion for Jesus Christ in the context of outdoor adventure.

The staff and management of TCS and the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, representations, or any other content or information presented in the magazine, whether provided by advertisers, magazine staff or contributing consultants. Except as expressly noted, neither TCS, Inc., nor the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation endorses any product advertised or described in the magazine. The views expressed in the magazine are those of the individual writers, and are not necessarily the views of the staff or management of TCS magazine, TCS, Inc., or the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation.

Trophies of Grace 2014

Join with other sportsmen in “Climbing Legacy Mountain” as we build a strong foundation for establishing effective outdoors ministries in local churches across the nation. A fun skeet shoot is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at Wolf Creek so bring your shotguns (or rent a loaner) and make sure to practice your aim! Round trip airfare into Atlanta from most cities is very affordable. Seating for the Leadership Summit is limited so make sure to confirm your registration today!

Theme: Trophies of Grace Presentations and break-out sessions for training includes:

Airport Marriot Atlanta, Georgia

• • • • • • •

How to Launch an outdoors ministry in your Home Church How to Start your Centershot father/Son Archery Program How to Plan a Fall Alaska Wilderness Missions Trip How to Host a Multi-Chapter Special Youth Challenge for your State How to Host a Father/Son Shoot-a-thon Friendraiser How to Host Innovative Chapter Workshops & Clinics for Effective Outreach How to Coordinate EQUIPPING Camps for the CSF X-Treme Discipling Series

Early Registration $65

FRIDAY 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CSF Ministry Presentations

After April 1st $95


8:00 am - Noon* CSF Ministry Presentations

Includes lodging & meals.

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Fun Clay Target Shoot

* BBQ Lunch and Special Guest Speaker

Seating is limited so make your reservations early for this premiere event for 2014.

Call 770.772.6749 for more information.



Grace in Unchartered Waters As you launch out into the deep during the new year perhaps you now find yourself in unchartered waters where you have never before traveled. Another year older and another year of practical life experiences are now credited to your account. You may be hopeful that you have acquired more knowledge and deeper wisdom in the application of skills in the art of living life well. However, God’s grace is our sufficiency! Our staff and contributing writers of The Christian Sportsman have now successfully transitioned to an all new online digital edition which has proven to be a monumental task when considered in the context of a monthly magazine now distributed international to potentially millions of readers. While traveling through each season of life God desires that we walk with him in the coolness of the day rather than draw from our own meager resources. The Bible goes so far as to state that we are incapable of accomplishing anything through our own strength. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 (NIV) Change happens through the dynamics of life! Consider the impact of job loss from corporate downsizing, wayward teenagers, computer technology complications,


marital problems, tragic illnesses or even death of a close friend, etc. It sometimes seems that the only thing constant in life is change! And yet even a crusty old commercial fisherman like Peter fulfilled God’s plan for his life when he resolved that change was not only inevitable but in his best interests. On at least two occasions in the Bible Peter set out on fishing trips to apply his learned skills as an accomplished angler but returned to the docks empty handed. Both times he was confronted by a carpenter named Jesus whom he had assumed lacked the professional skills to navigate a successful fishing charter on the high seas of Galilee. On each occasion Jesus instructed him on how to cast his fishing net to bring in a bountiful harvest. 4 When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Lk 5:4 (NKJV) The concept of GRACE was introduced when Jesus, the Christ sent from our Heavenly Father, established the new covenant based on his sacrificial death, burial and resurrection from the dead forgiving all men of their sin and bringing the restoration of new life. No longer were we under the Old Covenant in the futile attempt to adhere to a set of rules, regulations and laws to prove to our Creator that we had faith in His promises. A new and better

covenant based on the gift of grace was established. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph 2:8-9 (NIV) In this edition of The Christian Sportsman we read about Phil Robertson, The Duck Commander, who has become a definite change agent even beyond the outdoors community in reasserting the tradition biblical values through his straight talk in speaking to our culture. His message is clear regarding cohesiveness in the family structure, clean and intriguing television entertainment and the triumph of good over evil in the politically correct arena of the liberal media. Other timely articles address faith, family and important foundational truths relating to the sportsmen’s outdoors experience. As you launch out into the unchartered waters of 2014, by all means set your goals and commit them to the Lord, then trust in His provision, the gift of His empowering presence of grace.

Richard Jordan Publisher

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by John Kuhn Bleimaier

Some of my best friends are folks with whom I shoot sporting clays at the range or who turn out with me afield on a crisp fall morning. These enjoyable leisure time activities would lose much of their charm in the absence of good fellows with whom to share the pleasure. • As we shoot a station during a round of sporting clays, the presence of our companions allows us to refine our technique. • A little friendly competition adds substantial pleasure to the sensation of breaking clay targets. • We learn from each other and encourage one another. • By the same token, bird hunting by yourself can be a lonely pursuit, whereas hunting with a friend makes for a pleasant sociable experience, regardless of how many birds find their way into your game pouch. • The chances of success are greater when two or more hunters walk up a field of corn stubble or take on a covert. • Shooting and hunting can be friendly activities cementing pleasurable relationships between individuals. Now real friendship is based on shared values. There would be no satisfaction in competing with a shooter who cheated or disregarded the rules of sporting clays. By the same token, the challenges of the chase would be

transitory if our companions wantonly disregarded hunting regulations and bag limits. • My shotgun friends are, by and large, Christian sportsmen. • We try to live up to an ideal derived from the Good Book. • In all of life’s pursuits, the old adage holds, “birds of a feather flock together. For those whom we encounter at the range or in the field who do not yet know Jesus as their Savior, exposure to the meaning of friendship may well provide us with the opportunity to witness for Christ. The Great Commission applies most particularly to us, sportsmen and outdoorsmen. After all, we are called upon to become fishers of men. Let’s explain to others the true significance of Christian friendship. • We teach best when we teach by example. The good fellowship demonstrated by Christian friends should set a shining example for others. • The honest and ethical approach to sport and hunt shows forth. We Christian sportsmen must be a people zealous of good works, even though we secure our salvation through faith and by grace. Of course it is also every believer’s duty to witness directly for Christ, not merely by example. However, in a secular, mass media driven

society, many people feel uncomfortable talking about God and morality. Nevertheless, a group of Christian friends should be able to overcome their reluctance to speak about the Lord together. • Remember the old saw, “there is strength in numbers.” • While an individual may be shy about introducing Jesus into a conversation around the lunch table or by the fireside, a group of Christian friends should feel no such constraint. Man is a social creature and friendship is at the core of our human society. Friendship makes cooperation possible and through cooperation progress is attained. This is fundamental to the history of our civilization. However, we must never forget that what makes friendship and cooperation possible is morality. • Without moral rules of conduct life would be a war of all against all. • Morality enshrines the concepts of honesty and fidelity. • Morality ensures that people do not look upon one another exclusively as sex objects or sexual competitors. Our morality derives from our understanding of what is right and what is wrong. In a Christian society these determinations are derived from the Bible.


The law as found in the Old Testament has been spiritually superseded by the New Covenant of Jesus as found in the New Testament. Nevertheless, the Ten Commandments and the morality articulated in the five books of Moses form the basis of our concept of righteousness. As a Christian we receive the gift of Jesus Christ’s righteousness by grace through faith • Today the proponents of godless secularism would have us believe that right and wrong are utilitarian concepts. • Utility is itself nothing more than a value judgment. • If the determination of what is utile were to be divorced from morality it would be purely the subjective decree of a tyrant. In 21st Century society, friendship is harder to come by for most people than it was in times gone by. In a world dominated by television and electronic media, personal interaction is diminished. Folks who use to socialize with neighbors, workmates, and relatives, now spend hours of leisure time alone in front of an electronic screen. But television dramas, video games, the internet, and even the History Channel, are no substitute for the companionship and affection of human friendship. • Media entertainments cannot help you when you are in need. • Your computer will


never get to know you, appreciate your strengths, or help you overcome your weaknesses. • Only friendship is capable of engendering real warmth. • The friendships we develop shooting sporting clays or hunting game are the genuine article, worthy of being cherished. In our day and time, an immoral social order seems to almost encourage unnatural life styles based on sodomy or same sex marriage. This makes normal male bonding more difficult. Where some people of the same gender

look upon one another as potential sex objects, a healthy person seeking out conventional friendship can feel awkward. That’s where the fellowship of Christian sportsmen comes in. With shared Christian faith and morality, close friendships are possible, even inevitable. It’s a win-win situation at the range and in the field!


Or call 770.772.6749



When God Writes the Story

By Jamie Murphy

“Did I get her?!” my 9-yearold son, Barrett, asked. He has just shot at his first deer, a doe, on some land we were hunting in South Carolina. You could see the excitement in his eyes. Which is why it broke my heart to say, “No, son, I’m sorry. I think that was a clean miss.” You could see the brokenness in his face. And as much as he hurt, his dad was hurting even more. He had missed cleanly. We verified it with a thorough search for blood, hair, and a completed a grid search of the area. A few weeks later found us in a ladder stand in our home state. Just before shooting time ended I spotted a spike buck working our way. Barrett got ready, and the deer made his way to within mere feet of the bottom of the stand. He was unable to shoot until the deer began to walk off and got about twenty yards from the stand. Another miss, confirmed again with a search for blood, hair, and by completing another grid search. Again, my heart was broken for him. He seemed to take this miss better; I did not. A couple of weeks later, we were in the same ladder stand on a cold December morning. There was hardly any wind, the temperature was a crisp 28 degrees, and there was a light covering of snow on the ground. We spotted two does walking behind us at about fifty yards. Barrett was finally able to get into position, and when they stopped, I whispered, “Shoot the biggest one. Take your time. Squeeze the

trigger.” BOOM! When the smoke of the muzzleloader cleared, we spotted the two does trotting off, and I was

right. You’re breaking this kid’s heart; he’s going to get frustrated and give up.” Yes, I was a bit angry at God; I just


hopeful he had connected. But our hopes sank when they both stopped, and began feeding. By the time I was able to reload the muzzleloader, they had trotted off. At this point, I am beyond heartbroken for him; I’m frustrated as well. He had been a real trooper on all of our hunts, followed all instructions I had ever given him, was using a firearm I knew was sighted in (he was shooting open sights), never complained about any difficulties we experienced on a hunt (unpleasant weather, walking long distances, sitting for hours on end) and yet had missed three consecutive deer. I confess, at this point I’m praying, “Lord, this isn’t

did not see the rationale as to why He would do this to Barrett. I could not see Barrett’s face after we both realized he had missed the doe; he was turned away from me and looking in the direction in which they ran. After missing the doe, I said to him, trying to comfort him, “Are you okay?” I’ll never forget his reply. He turned around, smiling, and said, “I’m fine. I’m used to missing now. This has been a great morning. That was cool.” In the midst of my criticizing God, I had failed to see how God was building my son’s character (and reveal-


ing mine!). He was learning to take joy in the experience, to appreciate the outdoors, to relish spending time with his dad, and to thank God for deer that are missed (and not wounded). From that first miss in South Carolina, God had been building his character and teaching him priorities, lessons he could not have likely learned if he had experienced instant success. James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing (NASB).” I do not want to minimize the context of this Scripture. James was writing to people who were going through great persecution for their faith, not people who could not seem to make a shot on a deer. The principle is the same, however; God builds our character through the trials of life. We are called to know this, trust Him, and endure. That’s what was happening with Barrett. God was shaping Him, while He was still young and pliable. In my selfishness, I had been unable to see the work God was doing in Barrett’s heart and life. The stories God writes in our lives, are full of grace. Just fifteen minutes after he missed the doe, and after God had so clearly spoken to me about my selfishness, and revealed to me the work He had done in my son, Barrett


spotted a small-six pointer working his way through the woods. Barrett’s three misses led me to believe he had been missing high, so when he got into position, I said, “Aim for the heart. If you miss high, you’ll still double-lung him.” At the shot the deer bolted. “Missed again, I think,” Barrett said in a ho-hum manner (I think he just assumed that was the norm for him). “I don’t know,” I said, “That deer acted a little different when he ran off. I’d say you may have hit him. Let’s give him a few minutes, and we’ll go look.” We waited a few minutes and then climbed down to look for blood. There was none where the deer was standing, but as was our custom, we began walking in the direction in which the deer ran. All of a sudden, Barrett said, “Dad, blood!” Sure enough, there was a small speck of blood on the ground (thank God for snow and young eyes!). We decided right then to kneel and pray for the deer to either be dead, or that it would reveal itself to have been a non-fatal wound. I instructed Barrett to stay put, and look for more blood in that area, while I walked around a little more. Within just a few minutes he yelled, “Dad, more blood! Lots of it!” Now my hopes began to rise. A few moments later, I walked up on his deer, dead, about 70 yards from where it was standing when he shot it. Sure enough, a high, double-lung hit. “Barrett, you got him. Come see your first deer.” He came

running through the woods (I was carrying the gun), and ran up to the deer. He didn’t know what to say. We knelt again, and through tears, thanked God for the deer He had given us, and for being the God Who writes the story of our lives better than we ever could. Jamie Murphy resides in Greenwood, IN. He is an average outdoorsman, but strives to be an above average follower of Christ, husband, father, and pastor (in that order). His son Barrett, has killed 3 more deer since his first deer, and spent many more days in the field with his dad.

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FYI: Christiansportsman.com Launched in 1995 as a non-profit membership organization now with over 22,000 members and 350 chapters started in local church communities in 38 states and three other continents. You can become a member today. Click here to become a member.


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Decision Making Discerning the Will of God Everyone is confronted with countless decisions throughout life. Many decisions are of little significance, but some may change your life forever. Sometimes just deciding what to eat for lunch seems difficult, but decisions that have weighty consequences can cause you grave concern. Take a step of faith and trust God. He does not play “hide and seek” as you try to discover His will. The more intimately you draw near to the heart of God, the more clearly you begin to know the will of God. And as you sincerely begin to place His desires above your own desires, He is faithful to point the way. Wise decisions are made by discerning the will of God, and God delights in revealing His will to those willing to do His will. “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:22) Key Verses to Memorize “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing


you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:1–2) Key Passage to Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1–12 Obstacles to Great Decisions? Common reasons for having clouds of confusion engulfing your decision-making process include . . . 1. Not having pure motives: “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” (James 4:3) 2. Not surrendering your will: “Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” (Matthew 26:39) 3. Not seeking God’s will through His Word: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105) 4. Not repenting of known sin in my life: “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” (Psalm 66:18)

5. Not praying continually and earnestly: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5) 6. Not expecting God to answer: “When he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord.” (James 1:6–7) 7. Not patiently waiting for God’s timing: “After waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.” (Hebrews 6:15) 8. Not willing to suffer for the glory of Christ: “Since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.” (1 Peter 4:1–2)

Where we are in life today is a result of many decisions, some good, some bad. Making better decisions is not just a skill we need to master, but also teach our children.

What Decisions Are Pleasing to God? God blesses . . .

1. Decisions that He initiates: “I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.” (Proverbs 4:11) 2. Decisions that line up with His Word:

“Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end.” (Psalm 119:33)

3. Decisions that accomplish His :

“It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)

or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

5. Decisions that result in giving Him glory:

“Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

6. Decisions that show OBEDIENCE.:

“Whether you eat or drink

7. Decisions that promote justice, kindness, and humility: “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) 8. Decisions that reflect His character;

4. Decisions that depend on His strength: “ I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)

10. Decisions that consider the interests of others:

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12)

“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4)

11. Decisions that are bathed in prayer: “Pray continually.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 12. Decisions that communicate your desire and need to have a closer relationship with Christ Your Personal Lord & Savior:

“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4)

9. Decisions that come from faith:

“Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

For more information: Click here: Hope for the Heart Check out the monthly Biblical Counseling Institute which is available online. Together . . . Changing Minds. Changing Hearts. Changing Lives.


Trophies of Grace

Dallas Safari Club Annual Convention Brings New Perspective on God’s Creation


What a great experience it was to participate in the 2014 Dallas Safari Club convention and view the many majestic trophy mounts on display, not only fashioned by some of the world’s foremost experts in taxidermy, but also presented in the booths of guides & outfitters who travel the many game-rich continents known for such sport hunting. And sportsmen are very passionate in their pursuit of harvesting trophy animals and displaying their works of art on the walls of their homes. The display of such unique species of animal varieties is almost overwhelming when trying to remember their specific names. But the true highlight in attending outdoors shows and conventions is the opportunity to renew the many life long friendships which have devel-

oped among fellow sportsmen over the years who have become Trophies of God’s Grace! Probably the best known animal species are found in South Africa’s wildlife wonders known as the Big Five ... elephant, rhino, lion, leopard, and buffalo. Other major game animals are the giraffe, hippo, cheetah, kudu, wildebeest, zebra and antelope. With well over 200 species of indigenous mammals, many are found on land but some in the surrounding salt waters such as the blue whale which can grow to over 100 feet in length. The abundance of over 2,000 fish species comprise 16% of the world’s total. One of the reptiles which has become a symbol of Africa is the crocodile which still rules the river and estuary, lakes and

pools, exacting occasional toll on human life. The Kruger National Park alone has well over 10,000 elephants and 20,000 buffaloes - in 1920 there were an estimated 150 elephants left in the whole of Africa. The science of wildlife biology has revolutionized our world in repopulating and properly managing our once strained environment. What an awesome plan of stewardship is found in the concept of sustained utilization. Man has been entrusted with the practice of conservation management by the God of all creation, our Heavenly Father. The Bible states, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruit-



ful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’ “Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them”, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall upon all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything’.” (Gen. 1:27-28, Gen 9:1-3 NIV) Man is the only animal species created in God’s very own image and for the purpose of


reflecting His glory! Unique in species the human being was designed with the capacity for receiving then displaying God’s Spirit. God’s Empowering Presence goes before us and His grace is always previous to our response. God desires that man worship and serve Him rather than his creation, known as Gaia worship (exalting Mother Earth), on the one hand, to the opposite extreme of trying to codify our relationship with our Creator into laws, rules and regulations known as religion which can even lead Christ followers into the deception of legalism. Followers of Christ have been set free from the bondage of the law.

God’s Son, was sent to live among us for the purpose of saving man from sin, completely! As Savior of the world He became the perfect sacrifice for man’s sin. This provision removes the consequences and penalty of sin completely. We become the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! Does man still sin? Absolutely! All have sinned and fall short of the God’s glory. That’s why we need a Savior who daily saves us out of our troubles ... all past, present and future sins. It is by grace through faith in Christ that I am saved then sanctified. “Just as you have received Christ Jesus so walk in Him”,

Enter God’s abundant grace which introduced the new covenant to an exasperated world when Jesus Christ,

While attending the Dallas Safari Club convention one such variety of the human species and long time friend

as a leader in CSF is named Bruce Smetana, a somewhat rough-hewed personality who is probably the finest guide & outfitter available! He guides hunters to remote places from Tajikistan and Russia to Alaska and the Yukon Territories. Known as a Man’s Man, Bruce has become God’s Man! Bruce continues to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ’s Lordship as a Trophy of Grace, even though he states that he is “just barely legal” as a trophy species. Other great examples of God’s abundant grace could be cited but suffice it to say that our Heavenly Father continues to use the hounds of heaven to locate then unveil a host of his trophies who are walking by grace through faith. If you ever have the opportu-

nity to attend a similar show hosted by a conservation organization then please consider sending to the Managing Editor of The Christian Sportsman your article about God’s creative handiwork found in his people as they pursue trophy game animals. __________________________ While in Dallas for the Dallas Safari Club convention big game hunters and their fiends joined together on Friday morning for the annual Dallas Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfast where Dr. Paige Patterson served as the keynote Master Sportsman. His adventure travels have taken him to 126 countries where he has shared his Christian faith with heads of state such as Menachem Begin and Yasser Arafat. He shared many of the hunting

stories from those countries from close calls with male lions to shooting trophies in Alaska and South America. The 2013 recipient of the David Livingstone Award, Dr. Patterson is another Trophy of God’s Grace! The editors of The Christian Sportsman magazine encourage you to join such conservation groups as Dallas Safari Club. Check out their web site http://biggame.org


Phil Robertson

Phil Robertson Shares Some Candor and Humor


What a privilege it is for the staff of The Christian Sportsman magazine to interview the one and only Duck Commander! Your reputation precedes you not only in great television footage that intrigues duck hunters across the nation but also as expressed by many within the outdoors community who have heard you speak during numerous “Sportsmen’s Banquets & Wild Game Tastings”. The new reality television show, “Duck Dynasty” has exceeded everyone’s expectations now into the forth season and labeled the most watched reality show on television. As someone who speaks straight forward and to the heart of the matter, your communication through candor and accompanying humor seem rare in a world where so many leaders compromise their standards for commercial gain or popularity. God has certainly provided to you a prominent platform to present your stories of faith in Jesus Christ to a very broad audience. Please know that many outdoorsmen are standing with you in prayer and appreciate your unwavering commitment as a Christian sportsman. Thank you for allowing us to ask you some questions that may give the readers of the magazine better insight into the man called “The Duck Commander”! CS: When do the ducks start flying down in Louisiana?

DC: Well, the duck season officially opens during the third week of November. And I am pumping water even as

the real reason behind the success of your business? DC: We keep getting questions from the media.


we speak because Louisiana has become a part of the drought now going on in Texas. However, we do better when it is dry so that the ducks do not scatter so much. Whoever has water wins! CS: How many acres do you have at your place near Monroe? DC: About 800 acres. I can be in the duck blind traveling by four wheeler in about 15 minutes. CS: I know that you are a blessed man because I have spoken to your wife and daughter-in-law… What is

They look at the TV show and ask, “How in the world did all of them cats with the long beards get those good looking women! Divine intervention, my man! The Proverbs state, “A good wife, who can find!” Regarding God’s creation of women, contrary to the women’s lib movement who tries to equate submissiveness to weakness, Kay shows her strength through submissiveness. Some fail to understand the principle of submissiveness that is found in the Bible. Follow this illustration; As a Christian God gives me strength when someone falsely accuses or does


some heinous crime and my response is not to retaliate by cursing them out or coming to blows but rather to simply forgive them for whatever they have done and walk away without any bitterness. That is strength. The same principle applies to submissive women and loving husbands. I thought prior to becoming a Christian that showing love for my wife would steal some of my manhood. That’s how far along in maturity I was. The Bible is right when the Apostle Peter stated, “She was submissive to her husband and she called him her master”. Some women in this country hear that Bible verse then just begin to grind their teeth. However, the opposite is true, submissive women are the most powerful people in America. Mrs. Kay is the exact representation of the Proverbs 31 wife; a woman of noble character, The LORD blessed me mightily with her. CS: The Proverbs also state, “Blessed be the man whose quiver is full of children”. I know that you have an expanding family consisting of a faithful wife, four boys, nineteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Are you experiencing God’s blessings in your life! DC: Few men in America take my advice when addressing sportsmen during wild game banquets. I tell them, “Ya’ll wonder why my wife, Mrs. Kay, picks my ducks when I bring them in from the field.


Listen, if you marry your wife before she reaches the age of twenty she will pick your ducks for you. If you wait until after they are twenty then they will pick your pockets! Marry them during their teenage years and you will be a lot better off!” CS: Please share with the readers your personal story. Where do you consider home and why is family so important to you? DC: I was born and raised in Louisiana in Caddo Parrish which is just above Shreveport over on the Red River. We were raised in the proverbial log cabin which was just recently renovated. My mamma’s cousin built the cabin by himself with an old cross-cut saw and ax. Ma and Pa raised seven kids from that humble abode with no running water, no bath tub or commode and with only one fireplace. As I look back on my roots as a child, it was like living a lifestyle from the 1850’s. We had an old milk cow for milk and butter and killed our own hogs for food. I went on to West Caddo High School then to college at Louisiana Tech where I was awarded a football scholarship playing four years as the quarterback right ahead of the renowned Terry Bradshaw. Ultimately, he went after the $bucks$ and I went after the ducks. Even though I played in line ahead of Bradshaw and could have stayed another year, I knew that football was

taking up too much of my time preventing me from getting back down in the woods. I had rather hunt ducks, then and now, than become a professional football player. The rest is history. I think Bradshaw has done well but everything has sure worked out on my end. I was not converted to Christ until I was twenty-eight then taught school for a few years. I have been a commode hugging drunk with the worst of them during the time of the sixties when I was still in college. I was immoral, smoked dope, got drunk, run, ripped, and fought. The sad news is that I did not even know what the gospel of Jesus was! I owned a beer joint at the time and recall a fella that come rolling by one day with a bible in his hand. I said, ‘Are you some kind of preacher?’ Then I started reaming him out so our first meeting together did not go too well. But as it turned out my wife, Mrs. Kay, kept urging me to get my life straight with God. CS: Why is family so important to the success of your career as the Duck Commander? DC: It was about that time that I told Kay about my desire to start the duck thing as I held up a handmade duck call. I had commissioned a local craftsman to produce a call using my own uniquely designed plan. I said to my wife, ‘You see this duck call? Find us a place to live where we can operate

I know that Jesus came to this earth over 2,000 years ago and died for my sins, was buried in a tomb and raised from the dead three days later, went back to heaven and now sits down at the right hand of His Father.

a business down on the river so that I can give up teaching school and start a new family venture. I had completed my undergraduate degree at Louisiana Tech then went back to get my Masters Degree in night school so I was ready to put my education into practice. My wife and I agreed that we would fish the river with hook nets and could probably make more family income than as a school teacher. This arrangement also would allow us to get the duck call operation working as a sideline business. When the income from the duck call business exceeds our fishing income then we can rack the nets and focus our efforts on the new venture. She said, ‘Let’s go for it!’ The rest is history. The bottom line is that my life was turned around through faith in Jesus Christ. With the duck calling operation growing year after year, we found great success in distributing our product through Wal-Mart stores. The first year we generated $8,000.00, then the second year $13,000.00 and the third year exceeded over twenty thousand in sales. That was back in the early seventies but even today our sales continue to expand. So now

Willie-Boy runs the business, Jase handles the duck calls, and Jepthna does all the filming and editing of our video productions. As a family business Kay and I decided to give the full operation over to our boys and told them to go with it, just send us a little check every month. CS: Tell us about your growing family. How have you applied Christ’s teaching? DC: I refer to my wife as Mrs. Kay referencing my endearment to her. Everyone else calls her ‘Mrs. Kay’ so I do as well. Alan is the preacher and the oldest of my sons who is married to Lisa. Then you have Jase who is married to Missy. Then there is Willie and Korie along with Jeptha and Jessica. If you just look around at the disintegration of families in the United States you can easily see the problem. Jesus admonished us to accept his teaching; one man with one woman for life, husbands love your wife, wives be submissive to your husband, take care of one another and everything will work out. Fear God, love your family members and your neighbors, and in our case hunt ducks. That has pretty much been the

policy from the get-go. CS: Where did the name “Duck Commander” originate? DC: One of my buddies, Big Al Boling, who is now passed on, once a confirmed atheist, told me that I ought to build a duck call and give it the name “Duck Commander”. It seemed to have a ring to it so that is what we called it. Anyway, I came to Jesus and Al did not at the time so we departed friendship. He continued to drink whiskey out of a bottle and acting the fool. He would ask me on occasion, ‘When are you going to get over this religious kick so you and I can go on about our beer drinking?’ I made the statement to him, ‘Boling, if you can tell me where we came from and if there is a possibility for men to live beyond the grave, if you can explain those two questions to me then I will go down the road with you.’ He was perplexed by my comments so after twelve years and his observance of the change God had made in my own life he came to a crossroad. He called me up one evening and asked me to visit him in Arkansas. I preached the Good News about Jesus to him with



his response to become a follower. Three months later he fell dead. So he cut it pretty thin, my man. CS: Why have you identified your outdoors passions so closely to duck hunting when there are so many other pursuits in the hunting and fishing community? DC: I can clearly remember that my uncles and my dad would come in to the house when I was young and holler, “The flight is on!” They were referencing the special time of the year when the ducks were moving south for the winter. After hearing those words the women would break and run in preparation to get tubs and all their duck cleaning stuff together. I also remember sleeping on duck


feathers my entire childhood, not the store bought kind but the feathers that were left over after cleaning ducks for the family meal. The wing feathers were discarded but the soft ones became part of our mattresses. I grew up smelling mallard ducks because they were part of my pillow and mattresses. Somewhere in there I just got closely attached to ducks. So I have been after them ever since. CS: Tell us about the success of your TV show? DC: Concerning the television show, we were the first to make DVD waterfowl videos. The only product on the market during the time that we started the duck call operation was Wide World of Sports with Curt Gowdy

guiding Ted Williams on an occasional duck hunt in Stuttgart, Arkansas. So I made the statement to my family, “I wonder why people do not make videos while shooting ducks then make mini-duck movies. They would laugh at my ideas and tell me that it would never work. I said, ‘Why won’t people watch that?’ Well, after building the first video we are now producing number twenty after operating for ten years. The viewership from the DVDs has now prompted television production companies to show up and want to put us on network television. They were interested because unlike so many others our family prays together, worships together, has meals together just like we always have. It’s about grandma and


grandpa and all our children and grandchildren together as a traditional functioning family. We still have big family meals together. They told us that our family lifestyle is rare in today’s American culture. CS: How did your television show get started and who was the driving force to get it off the ground? DC: The producers of Duck Dynasty on A&E came to us after they viewed one of our videos. I suspect that at one of their meetings someone came to the conclusion, “You know, Bob, we can market that bunch.” It was Benelli Firearms that put us on the Outdoor Channel. At the time we were doing all of our own in-house filming, editing and duplicating then would

distribute the product to the big box stores across the nation. CS: What is your personal mission in life in the areas of business, family, church, and as a U.S. citizen? DC: Look, my mission is a simple one. I have never owned a watch nor have I ever purchased one. I was asked, “How in the world do you tell time?” I would say that it is just after dark then we wait a while into the dead of night with it becoming just before daylight and eventually daylight. Then sun up and so on occurs. Of course, they all laugh but I am serious. I do not own a cell phone and have never turned on a computer in my life of sixty five years. I have only occasionally

glanced at some scenes from episodes of our video production when my sons ask me to review our hunts. I am pleased to announced that I have never owned a suit. My mission before I began following Christ was different but now I know that Jesus came to this earth over 2,000 years ago and died for my sins, was buried in a tomb and raised from the dead three days later, went back to heaven and now sits down at the right hand of His Father. I often wonder how I ever missed that! The ongoing work of the Holy Spirit of God is the only reason I now know the truth. I started out my Christian life by just telling some lost soul about Jesus who was invited by Kay into our home but now that I



have begun this duck thing, I just take my Bible with me wherever I go. The crowds just keep getting bigger and bigger. I have no idea how all this really works but I do know that my personal mission is to glorify God, love God and love my neighbor. I am trying to get the Good News to others so that when they stand before God they cannot wonder, “Why didn’t somebody tell me about Jesus”. It is incumbent upon me to share Christ if I really love my neighbor which is part of the greatest commandment in the Bible. My mission is to show people that I love them. This year we have spoken in about 40 sportsmen’s banquets coast to coast, east to west, north to south, some not really church functions but rather just outdoors events. When I


break out my Bible some men will get up and leave, which is ok because they do not have to stay. I have found that the lion share of the audience is always respectful, thankful and often mentions that we need the gospel presented more often. I share with them the Good News … that if you are dead in your sins and have not come to Jesus then here is the gospel, take it or leave it, it’s free. This is how God is showing you that He loves you. I finish my talk then move on down the road. My mission cannot be separated from duck hunting so I still want to be a Godly man in the duck blind, when traveling with my buddies and especially around family members. My mission is to just get as many people into the Kingdom as I can as God works through my life.

Regarding my mission as a citizen of this nation, if you desire to please God then you will become a good citizen. So I am just trying to represent God well and the United States well while I am at it. CS: Tell us about your relationship with your wife. How involved is she with you in the television show, ministry opportunities and managing the affairs of your business? DC: She had a business card made to respond to people who ask who she is. It reads, “Kaye Robertson, Phil’s Personal Assistant”. She is with me everywhere I go. Listen, I would not leave home without Mrs. Kay, my duck calls and my Bible, which are my three traveling companions. We get on the


jets and here we go across the country together. She is also the very best, top of the heap, greatest cook on the face of the earth. You talk about a woman that can fix wild game! We are talking homemade pies, biscuits and cornbread! CS: What are your most favorite recipes for duck and how do you prepare the recipes? DC: If you want to fix a meal quickly then it takes a little preparation. Breast them first then grill them with some jalapeno pepper and Philadelphia Cream Cheese in between the two breasts wrapped in bacon strips marinated in a little Italian seasoned dressing along with some Duck Commander special spices. You baste them with a little honey right toward the end while cooking

for three or four minutes on each side. That’s the quick way. I am “old school” so we cook the ducks whole along with dressing to make duck gumbo which is one of the finest meals made from a duck. When done the duck meat cannot even be seen in the gumbo. Long style, you start cooking the gumbo at daylight for eight or ten hours then eat it that evening. It is probably better the next day. CS: So do you folks like cornbread and buttermilk with diced up Vidalia onions mixed in? DC: What are you talking about, man! We even throw in some bacon bits and crackling. CS: How has the outdoors community changed over the past 10-20 years in a positive

way and a negative way? DC: I think it has changed in a positive way. The many references made on television to being a man of Christian faith are now a lot more acceptable and popular. After traveling across the nation and speaking to literally thousands of sportsmen I have come to the conclusion that Christian sportsmen are doing the lion’s share of the hunting and fishing in America. I never put the two together until I started traveling so much. In other words, Godly people are killing game animals and catching fish then bringing them home to eat. Those who do not understand conservation management are the ones who continue to harp on the misconception of harming ‘Bambi”. The bottom line is that sportsmen who attend church constitute


the largest segment of the outdoors community. What I have discovered about the American hunter is that he is way more Godly than I initially thought. I do not really socialize with the ungodly so I am not exposed to any negative side of the outdoors community. CS: Who most inspires you as a leader? Why? Do you have any heroes? DC: My heroes are Abraham for his faith, Noah for his obedience, Job for his perseverance, David for his heart, Elijah for his power, and John the Baptist for his mission. Those are my heroes along with George Washington who said the world cannot be governed without God and the Bible. Washington as the father of our country was a Godly man through and through. John Adams wanted his sons to revere nothing but religion, and he meant Christianity, morality and freedom. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence to show that we have been endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which is what duck hunting is … just pursuing happiness. People misuse the term revere. I revere Jesus and Him only. Men as leaders can be loved as brothers in Christ. I honor them and respect them but it is God and Him alone that I revere. Jesus never made a mistake. I have


never had a question about any topic that He could not answer. Not one. He is called the WORD by the Apostle John. The Word became flesh. He is the Word on everything. When it comes to leadership he addresses everything: wives, husbands, taxes, marriage, love, hate, salvation, damnation. He is the final Word on everything. CS: Are you a follower of Jesus Christ? Please explain DC: I follow Jesus and I will follow Him to the death! Look, every rotten filthy thing that I have ever done has been removed. Guaranteed, He promised that I will one day be raised from the dead based on his own resurrection. If He had only removed my sin and nothing else without taking care of our eventual grave burial then what good would it do to follow Him? He not only showed us that He had the power to take away our sins but I will also rise from the dead just as He did after three days in the grave. Dead flesh can be energized and live again. Once I understood that, I concluded that there was no turning back. There is no downside to following Jesus. I try to explain to some atheists, “You are one day going to die and be placed six feet in the ground as will I do the same. If there is no God both you and I are going to remain in the grave. We are never coming back. However, if the Bible is true and Jesus

was indeed raised from the dead as all the eyewitnesses recorded, then I live and you don’t. You cannot win. If there is no God then we all lose. If there is a God then you still lose under this scenario. “Man, I just do not understand the upside of your argument as an atheist.” We do not have a chance without Christ. CS: Knowing that you have lived in Louisiana all your life I assume that you have eaten your share of crawfish? What about swamp rat (Nutria)? If so, what are some of your favorite recipes? DC: Listen, I have eaten crawfish cooked every way known to man. When we start catching them we eat them every day just about until they quit running. We usually catch a bunch of them in Northern Louisiana beginning in April then May and June. In July the water starts getting hot so they then go back in the ground. All we do is keep catching them while trying new recipes. We set a little pyramid net with three funnels in it and a piece of fish for bait in the middle set out in the same basic location where we duck hunt. I have eaten beaver and nutria (swamp rat). You would not believe what is placed before me to eat at some of the game banquets where I speak. I have tried a little bit of everything. We have some wonderful recipes. In fact we have just come out with a couple of great wild game recipe cook

People misuse the term revere. I revere Jesus and Him only. Men as leaders can be loved as brothers in Christ. I honor them and respect them but it is God and Him alone that I revere. Jesus never made a mistake. I have never had a question about any topic that He could not answer. Not one.

books. Check out our Duck Commander web site to get more information. CS: During the Golden Moose Awards hosted by the Outdoor Channel each year at the Shot Show have you and your team ever won any awards for notable television production? If so, please tell us about your favorite awards and what they mean to you. DC: My boys sure think that the awards are cool that have been won over the last few years and I sure appreciate the awards given to us by the Outdoor Channel. We had no idea that we were going to win anything. CS: What is your favorite shotgun? Camouflage pattern? Duck call? Pickup truck? DC: Of course Benelli is our favorite shotgun. Real Tree is my favorite camouflaged pattern all the way because it blends in with everything. I am partial to the duck calls that we build. You may not win a calling contest but there is a real good chance that you can call in a duck with one. I am a Chevrolet man. Silverado, the finest truck on the road. CS: Have you ever been wild

boar hunting with a knife? If so, where and when? DC: Yes we did and it was filmed for the A&E network with Willieboy moving in for the kill. The dogs grabbed the hog then I grabbed the hog, so me and the dog had the hog while Willie rolled in there with a knife to finish him off. I was so tuckered out after running around chasing that hog, I decided that I had much rather duck hunt! We have a lot of wild boar in Louisiana but we have eliminated most of all of them on our property. We do not want to get them things started again. Even though they are a nuisance they do eat pretty good. When one shows up on our 800 acres then he dies quick! CS: If you could give other Christian sportsmen some sage advice resulting from your personal life experiences what would you emphasize to them? DC: Without hesitation I would encourage them to love God, love their neighbor then stay in the woods and on the water. Hunting and fishing keeps kids out of trouble. There was a juvenile court judge who before sentencing young boys would ask them if their daddy has ever taken them hunting or fishing. Not one in over five

years stated that their father had taken them into the out of doors. My conclusion from that unscientific survey is that we fathers need to take our kids out into God’s creation. Such time together keeps them occupied and out of trouble in a clean wholesome environment whether chasing a squirrel or catching an old crappie. Around here Mrs. Kay takes our grandchildren out chasing butterflies, lizards and frogs found all along the river. CS: Thank you, Phil, for the many great insights into your life and for helping your fans and future fans to better understand the Duck Commander as one of the greatest leaders within the outdoors community. Please keep us informed on your life, family, ministry and television show through future articles to be included in The Christian Sportsman magazine. LORD bless you today!


2014 David Livingstone Award Recipient


Presented posthumously to the late Glynn Bindon, founder of Trijicon, during the Dallas “Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfast” The legendary David Livingstone is known for his many adventures in the dark continent of Africa during the mid1800’s for over 33 years as a medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and avid hunter conservationist. His adventures led him to discover then dedicate Victoria Falls located on the Zambiezi River between Zambia and Zimbabwe to Queen Victoria. As an explorer commissioned by the British government in 1858 Livingstone was appointed H.M. consul at Quilimane for the East Coast of Africa to the south of the dominions of Zanzibar, and for the independent districts in the interior, as well as commander of an expedition to explore Eastern and Central Africa.

“If you have men who will only come if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all.” David Livingstone Glyn Bindon - 2014 Recipient (Posthumously) This legendary award given by Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship, Int’l. commemorates the life work of Dr. David Livingstone who opened many regions of central Africa to big game hunting back in the mid-1850s. Livingstone was not only an explorer and hunter conservationist but also a medical missionary who devoted many years of his life to bringing cures for decease and suffering in remote villages throughout Africa.

CSF, International continues to recognize other sportsmen of notable accomplishment who have follow in the footsteps of the man for whom the award is named. The 2014 presentation was made during the Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfast on Friday morning, January 10th, 2014, at 7:30 am to be held at Eddie Deen’s Ranch Restaurant adjacent to the convention center. Info Glyn Bindon, Trijicon Founder Glyn Bindon, founder and Chairman of the Board of Trijicon, Inc., as well as the inventor of several innovative Trijicon products, died September 2, 2003, when his small plane crashed near Palmer, Alaska. Glyn will



be missed not only for his technological genius and business acumen, but for his warmth, his dedication to fairness and honesty, and for his unquestioned integrity, as well. Glyn Bindon: The Early Years Glyn A. J. Bindon was born in 1937 in Pretoria, South Africa and he immigrated to the United States in the mid1950s where he received a degree in aeronautical engineering from Parks College in 1958. Following his graduation, Glyn worked with a small engineering company in New York state where he developed a powerful shock absorber for the tail hook of the Navy’s F-8U Crusader which allowed that aircraft to be used in aircraft carrier operations for the first time. During


the 1970s, Glyn moved to Grumman Aerospace as a Cognizant Engineer. In that capacity, he interfaced with NASA during one of the most intense periods of space exploration. He was extremely proud of a valve he designed that was used aboard the lunar module. The valve was called upon to perform far beyond the original design standards during the difficult Apollo13 mission. In the 1970s, Glyn relocated to Michigan and joined the Ford Motor Company as a product design engineer where his knowledge of fluid dynamics positioned him as a key problem solver in Navistar’s struggle with the unit injectors in its (then) new diesel engine series. The Pioneer of Self Luminous

Gunsights Glyn began developing self-illuminated sights in 1985. Probably one of his most revolutionary products was a reflection of his true inventor’s spirit when the Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG) was developed contrary to most existing optical theory. The combination of the rugged design of the ACOG, along with the integration of an effective fiber optics system, set the ACOG apart from all other rifle scopes. Then, Glyn’s discovery of the Bindon Aiming Concept (BAC) drove him to merge fiber optic illumination and magnified optics. The result was that the ACOG permitted the fastest aiming possible while still allowing a magnified view for distance discernment.

Several US Army combat units and the US Marine Corps have procured the dual illuminated BAC version of the ACOG (Model TA31F) for use in Afghanistan and Iraq, while numerous other Federal Agencies and foreign allies employ various aiming systems developed by Glyn. His products have contributed significantly to our military’s combat effectiveness. Glyn and the Bindon family have been very instrumental in supporting the success of many strategic Christian missionaries as well as supporting annual Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfasts held in conjunction with the National Shooting Sports Foundation, NRA, Ovis Convention Convention, Wild Sheep Foundation and Dallas Safari Club. We will forever be indebted to Glyn for his creative genius, his innovations and his leadership in founding Trijicon.

Silent Auction Item: David Livingstone 2015 Commemorative Bronze The limited edition bronze commemorating the life work of David Livingstone is being offered at auction during the Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfast to bring special recognition to the hunter-conservationist and outdoors adventurer for whom the award is named. David Livingstone was a Scottish Congregationalist pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and an explorer in Africa. The legendary Livingstone will be forever remembered by the comment of Henry Stanley who was sent by the New York Herald to find Livingstone in the interior of the African continent after he had been reported missing. The search ended in 1871 when Stanley met Livingstone at the town of Ujiji, on Lake Tanganyika. Stanley greeted him with the now-famous words: “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” Value: $4,995 Reserve Bid: $3,500 Large Male Lion atop a Cape Buffalo Horn mounted on a Walnut base at 24” in height Sculpted by Mark Smart Bronzes, Great Falls, MT 406.761.3586


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Hunter Education Instruction by CSF Leaders

Hunter Education Classes hosted by Church Men’s Ministries

Several states across the nation are now expanding the availability of Hunter Education courses through church outdoors ministries which began recruitment of volunteers in earnest beginning in the late 1990’s both in Georgia and North Carolina. CSF Director at Land of the Sky Chapter, Ray Crisp, was recently recognized as the Hunter Education Instructor of the year for 2012. The North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission even presented Ray with a Henry Golden Boy Rifle in appreciation for his dedication to the instruction of young aspiring hunters who are coming into the ranks of millions of outdoorsmen who are ethical sportsmen in caring for wildlife through conservation management measures. Church Outdoors Ministries are now hosting one day training courses that cover firearm safety, bow hunting, wildlife management, field care of game, responsible hunting, landowner relations, wildlife identification, and much more. Many even offer complimentary grilled hamburger lunches during the non-state mandated portion of the day where “bullet” testimonies are presented by Christian sportsmen who desire to share their story about the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In a recent course in the State of Georgia seventeen of the twenty-eight attendees indicated their commitment to follow Jesus Christ recorded on their door prize Registration Card. Most churches serve as convenient venues with well suited facilities furnished with classrooms and kitchens. A

team of dedicated volunteer Christian sportsmen can serve those in attendance through instruction, lunchtime meal and even assist in administering the concluding examination. All fifty states are part of the International Hunter Education Association (IHEA) USA which is the professional hunter education association affiliated with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies hunter education programs. The programs employ 55,000 instructors nationwide, many of whom are volunteers, that teach hunting and shooting safety and responsibilities throughout the United States. Hunter Education courses train and certify more than 650,000 students annually. Since 1949, almost 40 million students have completed hunter education courses Hunting is a safe activity, and, because of hunter education, it is even safer! Over the last 50 years hunting related injury rates have decreased dramatically, even as populations of deer, wild turkey, elk, geese, and other species of game have risen to record numbers. During the 20th century, hunters raised billions of dollars for wildlife conservation in North America and championed the cause of wildlife restoration programs. Now, in the 21st century, hunters continue to be the most effective political voice supporting legislation to protect wild things and wild places for future generations. All fifty states across the nation now require Hunter Safety Certification and church

leaders are taking the lead in serving a growing population of newcomer sportsmen. The Hunter Education Program of the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission provides free hunter education courses throughout the year in every county. More than a firearm safety course, instruction includes ethics and responsibility, conservation and wildlife management, wildlife identification, survival and first aid, specialty hunting and tree stand safety. These volunteers must be 21 years old, pass a background check and satisfy training requirements to instruct a standardized state curriculum. They follow a code of conduct and accept the responsibility to be dependable, prompt and efficient. Contact CSF Headquarters today to learn more about becoming a Hunter Education Instructor in your own state or organizing your outdoors ministry for hosting these essential state-mandated hunter education certification courses. __________________________ This new column on Outdoors Men’s Ministry is for the purpose of featuring effective ways that outdoors men’s ministry is succeeding in churches across the United States. If you would like to suggest a feature article then contact our Managing Editor Jim Smith at reachjimsmith@ gmail.com for the Contributing Editor’s Guidelines. God continues to stir in the hearts of men across this nation and around the world. God wants his men back!


True North Chapter Jan 2014 Planning

Ken Reeder, CSF National Director – Michigan

Evaluation is important for any ministry, and assessing whether or not our goals are being met is the key to the effectiveness of our True North Ministry. Our top priority has always been to follow Jesus’ command found in the Great Commission, which is to make disciples in our quest of climbing “Legacy Mountain!” As we assessed our progress along the way we had to ask ourselves the question: are we making disciples? Lasting spiritual fruit is the evidence that we are making progress toward maturity as individuals and as a ministry team of sportsmen. We came to a pivotal point of changing course in our ministry as God began to renew our minds as we discussed future plans and followed the Lord’s leading. Rather than stage larger annual events such as the Sportsmen’s Banquet and the Wild Game Tasting that we had hosted for years, we began to focus on smaller projects where men would be encouraged to invest quality time into the lives of other men in a very intentional way. In 2013, we launched our “Outdoors with Dad” events. These events for fathers and their sons (or daughters) were designed to promote fun relationship building (or rebuilding in some cases.) The design is to lead men into specific discussions and to study Jesus Christ as the One and true life-transforming agent. Fathers have been especially successful in passing the Christian heritage down to the next

generation through intentional discipleship training. We held our first “Outdoors

events or you may even want to launch a similar outreach schedule in your own community.


with Dad” event at Tannenbaum Tree Farms which featured archery, fishing, and camping with twelve dads and granddads, along with twenty-two kids. In addition to fantastic fishing, camping clinics, and Centershot archery activities, we built great friendships around the campfire while we discussed God’s Word and shared with each other how God continues to reveal Himself to us on a daily basis.

Our chapter’s monthly True North Sportsmen’s meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month. If you would like to be on the reminder list for these meetings, please contact us on our guest registration page.

Because of our great success we have scheduled several more “Outdoors with Dad” events for 2014. They are listed in our “Events Schedule” on this web page: You can register for our



Major Milestone for Families Afield—1 Million New Hunters! The future of hunting is brighter today than it was nearly a decade ago thanks to the extraordinary success of Families Afield, an innovative program that has introduced 1 million newcomers to hunting. This impressive number demonstrates that interest in hunting remains high and that what’s needed to spark a lifelong passion for hunting is a proper introduction enabled by state regulations. With success in hand, Families Afield’s call to action is this: If your state offers an apprentice hunting license, make it a point to bring a newcomer along this hunting season; or if you’ve never gone hunting before, seek out a mentor and give it a try. Launched in 2004, Families Afield was developed to increase the number of hunters to ensure a promising future for the tradition of hunting and conservation. Hunters provide the lion’s share of support for conservation through the purchases of hunting licenses and excise taxes paid on sales of firearms and ammunition. “I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to be a hunter, so my dad told me we can get this apprentice


hunting license and we can see if you like it,” said youth apprentice hunter Seth Wasilewski in a new Families Afield video that features youth and parents who have taken advantage of the program. Seth, who took his first deer that day, went on to complete his hunter education course and continues to hunt—a progression followed by so many other mentored hunters. Families Afield is a model of cooperative effort by several major organizations. The program was founded in 2004 by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, National Wild Turkey Federation and the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance. The National Rifle Association and Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation are also coalition partners in the Families Afield program. To achieve its mission, Families Afield focused on removing barriers such as age restrictions that were preventing sportsmen and women from passing hunting on to the next generation. Families Afield also encouraged states to establish an apprentice hunting license—a “try before you buy” concept that allowed

newcomers to go afield with an experienced mentor before completing a hunter education course. Cumulative sales of apprentice hunting licenses have surpassed 1 million. Today, 35 states have approved legislation making it easier for newcomers to try hunting with an experienced mentor. “I don’t know that sitting in a classroom for two or three days would have sparked the same interest [in my son] as getting out in the woods and getting experience deer hunting,” said Greg Wasilewski, Seth’s father and mentor. Added parent Andrew Wecker, who mentored his daughter and son, “If you have a parent out with a child, something good is going to happen from that, and for this family hunting has been a good thing for us.” Program organizers say adding 1 million new hunters has had a ripple effect on overall participation because having a new hunter in a family often means other family members and friends become more active hunters or are reactivated. Nearly 200,000 apprentice

Added parent Andrew Wecker, who mentored his daughter and son, “If you have a parent out with a child, something good is going to happen from that, and for this family hunting has been a good thing for us.”

licenses were sold in 2012, according to a survey of state fish and wildlife agencies commissioned by the Families Afield partners. That brings the total since 2006 to 1,006,269 apprentice hunting licenses, making Families Afield one of the most successful hunter-recruitment programs.

About NSSF® The National Shooting Sports Foundation® is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 8,000 manufacturers,

distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For more information, visit www.nssf.org.

Most apprentices are youth, but increasingly adults have taken advantage of apprentice licenses to determine if they enjoy the activity enough to complete the hunter education course required to purchase a hunting license on their own. The Families Afield partners will be celebrating this “1 million milestone” in the coming weeks by releasing key findings regarding the effectiveness of the program. As noted by the latest Families Afield video, “It took five years to reach 1 million new hunters, but with your help we can reach 2 million a whole lot faster.” Experienced hunters and those who want to try hunting should check their state’s hunting regulations for information about apprentice hunting licenses. More information about Families Afield can be found at www.FamiliesAfield.org.



MATHEWS® UNVEILS NEW ARROWWEB® CT™ QUIVER Sparta, Wisconsin – The new ArrowWeb® CT™ is Mathews®’ lightest, most compact quiver to date. The CT™, which stands for “compact,” features a reduced profile that improves bow balance while shaving excess weight. At a glance, the first thing you’ll likely notice is the new GridLock™ hood which parallels the latest technology found in Mathews®’ bow risers. The new ColorShield™ hoodinserts come in 10 distinct colors and enable shooters to match their quiver color with their other Mathews® Genuine Accessories. “Mathews® Genuine Accessories™ are designed to enhance the performance and experience of Mathews bows,” said Marketing Director, Brad Treu. “While the ArrowWeb® series are among the best selling quivers of all time, we’re never satisfied. After countless hours of R&D, we took to the drawing board with the feedback of our loyal customers in hand. Out of that has come the ArrowWeb® CT-Series™ . . . undoubtedly the best quiver our team has designed,” Treu said. The ArrowWeb® CT-Series™ Quiver will accommodate expandable or fixed blade broadheads up to 1 1/8 inch. The redesigned foam insert will keep your blades quiet and in place while the new removable BladeShield™ (included) will keep your edges sharp and fingers safe.


Other noteworthy features include the new Quick Release arrow grip, Spider Claw® quiver mount and Harmonic Damper®. We invite you to check out the Mathews® ArrowWeb® CT™ quiver in its 10 available colors at www.mathewsinc.com. For purchase, please contact your nearest Authorized Mathews Retailer. See it here.



National Shooting Sports Foundation Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade ShowTM (SHOT Show速) Attendance Soars to New Record

2014 Shot Show in Review by Bill Brassard



Since 1997 Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship has hosted the annual NSSF Shot Show “Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfast” for the purpose of bringing industry leaders together to pray for our nation’s leaders, outdoors industry, churches , families and our cherished constitutional freedoms that have served as the bedrock for freedom in the United States and around the world. Keynote CSF Master Sportsmen have included such notable personalities as Phil Robertson. Hank Parker, Chuck Buck, Bob Hodgdon, Ed Weatherby, James Robison, Steve Bartkowski, etc.


LAS VEGAS, Nev. – Attracting industry professionals from the United States and more than 100 other countries, the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade ShowTM (SHOT Show®) shattered attendance records this week, giving industry professionals good reason to believe that 2014 will be another strong year for sales of firearms, ammunition, outdoor gear and law enforcement equipment. The 36th SHOT Show ran Jan. 14 to 17 at the Sands Expo & Convention Center. Attendance figures eclipsed last year’s total by the second day of the

show and finished at more than 67,000, an increase of 5,000. “I think that really speaks to the quality of the event and the enthusiasm and passion of our industry to provide quality products for hunting, target shooting and personal and home defense,” said Chris Dolnack, senior vice president and chief marketing officer for the National Shooting Sports Foundation®. NSSF®, the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry, owns and manages the SHOT Show. The $6 billion industry has


enjoyed robust sales the last several years, fueled in part by newcomers to the shooting sports who, according to an NSSF First-time Gun Buyers Report, are younger, more female and more urban based. Newcomers have identified target shooting and personal and home protection as the top reasons for purchasing their first firearm. During the show, NSSF issued a first-of-its-kind report that confirmed the importance of the shooting sports to the U.S. economy. “Target Shooting in America: Millions of Shooters, Billions of Dollars” revealed that the

money target shooters spent in 2011 resulted in $23 billion being added to the nation’s economy and supported more than 185,000 jobs nationally. Combined data from Target Shooting in America and Hunting in America, a report released last year, shows that spending by target shooters and hunters had a total impact of more than $110 billion on the nation’s economy in 2011, supporting more than 866,000 jobs. “Communities and businesses of all sizes benefit from these activities,” said NSSF President and CEO Steve

Sanetti. “Our industry is proud to be an economic driver that has helped workers keep their jobs and support their families even during the most difficult economic times.” Manufacturers of firearms, ammunition, optics, cutlery, apparel, accessories and law enforcement equipment introduced new products and services that retailers will offer consumers during the course of the year. The past year was a challenging one for industry, which battled state and federal legislative efforts to restrict ownership of certain types of firearms. In addressing 2,000 industry



leaders at the State of the Industry Dinner, Sanetti declared, “The State of our industry is renewed. More persons are entering the recreational shooting sports than ever before. More hunters, more target shooters, more women, more diverse groups, more licensed gun owners and, as you all know, more firearms sales. “Perhaps the best news of all is that, despite tremendous increases in these numbers, violent crime with firearms has decreased dramatically during the last five years, to early 1960s levels.” Sanetti also pointed out that firearms accidents 48

account for less than one percent of all fatal accidents in the country, according to the National Safety Council.

from the show’s new “Radio Row.”

Outdoor Channel was once again the show’s Pinnacle-level sponsor.

Among the many awards bestowed during the show was the NSSF Ken Sedlecky Achievement Award presented to Bob Morrison, longtime industry executive and former president and CEO of Taurus. SHOT Business magazine presented NSSF’s Sanetti with the Bonnier Outdoor Group Special Achievement Award in recognition of his industry leadership during the past year.

Some of the country’s most well-known radio personalities, including Mike Gallagher and Lars Larson, broadcasted live

For the third time, NSSF hosted a charity golf event at the SHOT Show in partnership with the PGA Tour for Birdies for the

Safety was on display at the SHOT Show, with many companies showcasing the latest gun safes, cases and lockboxes. Also, NSSF’s national firearm safety education program, Project ChildSafe and its “Own It? Respect It. Secure It.” campaign, was highly visible at the show.

Brave. The event at TPC Summerlin raised more than $100,000 for military homefront groups. The SHOT Show is not just about selling and buying products. The show provides educational opportunities for firearms retailers at SHOT Show University and other seminars, and for law enforcement professionals at the Law Enforcement Education Program. The SHOT Show, which pumps more than $73 million into the Las Vegas economy, is committed to the Sands Expo & Convention Center through 2017. Next year’s SHOT Show is scheduled for Jan. 20-23, 2015. About NSSF The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to www.nssf.org.

Is Your Name in God’s Record Book of Life?

“I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3:3) Did you know that you can have your name permanently recorded in God’s book of life today?

HERE’S HOW: A) Admit that you need him - Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23a: “For the wages of sin is death...”, B) Believe that Jesus died to save you - Romans 6:23b “...but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” C) Confess Jesus as your Savior and Lord by turning from your sin and calling on his name - Romans 10:9-10: “That if you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:13: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 3:19: “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out...” Our response is to receive Jesus Christ.

Does this prayer say what you want to say to God? Dear God, I believe that your son died for my sins and ask your forgiveness. I receive Jesus Christ now as my personal Savior and invite him to be the Lord of my life from this day forward. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Please contact us about your eternal decision: csf@christiansportsman.com CSF, P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156




Or call 770.772.6749



Order Your Chapter Chartering Package Today!

Launch an effective outdoors ministry today by chartering your own church-based chapter of Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship! Individual Charter Membership Kit includes: For a suggested minimum contribution of

All this for only


1. Charter Sportsmen’s Cap 2. Window Decal 3. Magazine Subscription 4. F.I.R.E. Publications

5. Camouflaged Bible 6. CSF Pocket Knife 7. Exclusive web content

Just as Jesus modeled leadership by investing time with ordinary men in establishing the first century church, today’s leaders can also encourage and empower others to serve with a lifestyle of passion. Become a core member in your outdoors ministry in your church community by launching a CSF Chapter. Your local church can order a Chapter Chartering Package to receive essential tools for launching an effective outdoors ministry. The Package will include 12 Charter Membership kits for twelve men who have been called to serve by joining your chapter. Each Charter Membership is valued at $74.50 if ordered individually!

CHAPTER CHARTER PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Twelve Charter Membership Kits • Facebook Website for Personalized Member Communication • Box of Fifty of the Printed Edition of The Christian Sportsman magazine plus the NEW digital editions • Directors Resource Notebook • Chapter Ministry Planning Template for Customization • Digital Files for Designing CSF Logo Sportswear and Promotional Materials • Regional Director Assistance in Planning Your Annual Outreach Agenda • Registration for Chapter Director to Participate in the CSF National Leadership Summit * Bonus CSF Display Banner for Event Promotion * Bonus Book: The Perfect Leader, by Ken Boa

Contact CSF Headquarters today at 770.772.6749 to order your Chapter Chartering Package and join as a CSF Charter Member

www.christiansportsman.com 51

Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship

Needs Your Help in Casting the Net!

Social Media Integration IN LIFE THERE ARE THREE TYPES OF PEOPLE: Those that “make things happen”, “watch what happens”, and those that wonder, “what just happened”. And no one wants to get caught in this last category! “Sometimes it’s very challenging to adapt to change, especially when it comes to the unfamiliar technology accelerators that are now driving our outdoor communities. Over the past few months several cutting edge applications have been developed for web surfers using computers, smart phones, ipods, etc. Efficiency helps in finding success when living in an over-communicated culture” — Richard Jordan, CSF President Each strand of the “web” leads to another line of communication. The World-Wide-Web (www) connects us all together. But within the web there are great ways to inform and entertain like Flikr for sharing photographs or Youtube for sharing video experiences. Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship’s (CSF) goal is to keep you inform so that lifelong friendships can be built with other like-minded sportsmen!

Consider “the web” as more of a net, a fisherman’s net. Jesus stated: “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:19) Call CSF headquarters with your questions, to obtain links, or for technical assistance at 770.772.6749 52

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Send Your Church Mission Group to Alaska! Wild Gourmet Alaska Smoked Salmon Church Group Friendraiser Campaign 100% of Net Proceeds Invested in Alaska Wilderness Missions



CSF needs your help in …Bringing Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth! Finally, a very simple and streamlined approach to funding your father/son mission trip to Alaska has arrived! How does it work? Enter Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship with a fourteen year proven success record in accommodating church groups in planning, preparation and participation for the purpose of helping sportsmen and their family members travel to Alaska on a mission/construction trip. What is the plan?

The answer … Wild Gourmet Alaskan Smoked Salmon! That’s right! Delivered directly to your church address securely packaged and preserved to require minimum handling with excellent potential in funding your entire mission project. Who do we send to Alaska? Imagine … A dad and his son sharing this mission trip opportunity with friends, neighbors and extended family members who would like to support their vision by purchasing a packaged quantity of the absolute best smoked salmon on the face of the earth.

Great for seasonal gifts! A personal letter from your church’s Alaska Mission team inserted into each box shares the vision for … Bringing Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth! Adventure to a Higher Level!

* Suggested Contribution $59.90 per Sampler Gift Package (Delivered) Wild Gourmet Alaska Smoked Salmon Coho (Silver) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Chinook (King) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Sockeye (Reds) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Pacific (Pinks) Salmon Filet ¼ lb.


Leaving a Legacy Through Estate Planning Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization. The foundation is supported by the prayers and generosity of Christian sportsmen and corporate sponsors. One way that you can ensure that outreach to sportsmen continues is to consider including the foundation in your estate plan.

If you are interested in establishing a charitable gift annuity for the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation, please contact Richard Jordan at 770.335.1814 or speak with your estate planning attorney. Your financial support has helped launch over 350 church based chapters across the nation since 1994 to impact thousands of sportsmen for eternity, along their sons and daughters.

CSF Camouflaged

SPORTSMEN’S BIBLE Some sportsmen have used the CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible while in the tree stand deer hunting and believe that this edition of God’s Word is an invaluable tool for a successful season. Whether the action seems slow or you just want to take a moment to reflect in seeking inspiration from a favorite scripture reference, this small pocket bible is just right for the active Christian sportsman who takes his deer hunting seriously. The CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible makes a great gift for family members and friends. Stock up today so that you will be, “Ready in season and out of season” to give an account for the hope that you have within you!

770.772.6749 or www.christiansportsman.com 55



Click Here for your Complimentary CSF Membership and your FREE The Christian Sportsman magazine! Thanks to our National Sponsors you can receive every digital edition featuring articles about sportsmen who combine their Christian faith with great hunting, fishing and target shooting adventures. Each edition is chocked full of human interest stories around sportsmen and their families along with great insights about adventure destinations motivated by the passion to live for Jesus Christ! Please take the time to TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF while you are registering for the magazine. Contact us today to begin receiving your FREE magazine subscription! www.christiansportsman.com • or call 770.772.6749 57

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