The Christian Sportsman - Archives

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Climbing Legacy Mountain: A Plan to Help Other Sportsmen Develop Their Gifts

The Legacy of a Champion by Hank Hough

Dangerous Game! Face to face with a 1,500-pound Cape Buffalo

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mountain Join with other CSF members in “” as we build a strong foundation for establishing effective outdoors ministries in local churches across the nation. A fun skeet shoot is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at Wolf Creek so bring your shotguns and make sure to practice your aim! Round-trip airfare into Atlanta from most cities is very affordable. Seating for the leadership summit is limited so make sure to confirm your registration today.

Theme: Walking with God in Climbing Legacy Mountain Presentations and break-out sessions for training includes: • How to Launch a CSF Chapter in your Home Church • How to Start Your Centershot Father/Son Archery Program • How to Plan a Summer Alaska Wilderness Mission Trip • How to Host a Multi-Chapter Special Youth Challenge for your State • How to Host a CSF Father/Son Shoot-a-thon Friendraiser • How to Host Innovative Chapter Workshops & Clinics for Effective Outreach • How to Coordinate EQUIPPING Camps for the CSF X-Treme Discipling Series • How to Participate in CSF’s Alaska Founders Expeditions

Marriott Airport Atlanta 404.766.7900 Early registration $65 per person or couple.

After July 15th, Registration Fee $95 per person or couple.

Seating is limited so get your reservations in early for this premiere event for 2009!

August 21st - August 22nd August 21st 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CSF Ministry Presentation and Break Out Sessions August 22nd 8:00 am – Noon CSF Ministry Presentations and Break Out Sessions 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Fun Skeet Shoot at Wolf Creek

Call 1.770.772.6749 for more information.

contents features 12




When Buried Passions Get Rediscovered As a provider, he was above reproach. Though we didn’t have a lot of “stuff,” he worked hard to ensure that I was able to be the first in the family to attend college. Bob Reccord

Dangerous Game There I was, standing face to face with a 1,500-pound Cape Buffalo, glaring at me like I had no right to be there. Tom Munson

Dream Hunt Adventure Bound Outdoors and Legends Ranch Team Up to Give Youth the Hunt of His Life Tron Peterson

Wild Sheep Foundation Welcomes Hank and His Chocolate Lab On the show floor of the convention Hank and Monk became everyone’s best friends.



Climbing Legacy Mountain

information Fathom Alaska Stone Arts 16 Botswana 10

Tom Munson

A Little Gun History 32 Gear Review: Buck Gen-5 22

Chuck Buck


Legacy of a Champion It is Friday, September 2008 in Amarillo, Texas. A man stands before a crowd numbering in the thousands, but he is not alone. He is armed with the Word of God, and two hunting dogs Hank Hough

The four camps found on Legacy Mountain represent specific goals in the sportsman’s spiritual journey as he seeks to become a follower of Christ.

Discovering Hidden Talents There are two seasons in that part of West Africa: dry and wet, and both were extreme! Steve Ponchot


Father Knows Best

I knew what I was supposed to do, but I tried to do it on my

own terms. How many times in life have you tried to do things on your own terms? Lane Walker

departments 4 From the Publisher : Discovering Hidden Talents Richard Jordan

6 Launching Outdoors Ministries: Applying Your Talent to Outdoors Ministries Chris Marley 8 Focus ed on the Most Importnt Talents

Brian Molitor

37 38

Photo Gallery Sportsmen in Action: Men’s Conference in Atlanta

Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 3

Letter from Publisher

Discovering Hidden Talents When it comes to the great outdoors there are some sportsmen who just seem to have it all together. They do not merely go hunting or fishing but they seem to always be the ones that score the biggest and best trophies. Then there are others that are forever making plans to go hunting and fishing and yet seem to mostly come up empty handed when in the woods or on the water. In I Corinthians 12:11 the bible states that God gives his gifts to each one of us as He determines. It may take some of us a little more time to discover our hidden talents but persistence and practice will always pay off in the end. And only passion can fuel such persistence and practice.

Author | Richard Jordan

In the popular men’s book, “Wild at Heart” by John Eldridge, it states that every man has three basic passions in life: An Adventure to Live – A Battle to Fight – and a Beauty to Rescue A follower of Jesus Christ is given the “power” of the Holy Spirit to equip him for every good work as he pursues adventure, fights battles and rescues vital relationships. The Holy Spirit creates a passion that motivates us to discover our hidden talents but we must take the initiative by stepping out in faith. Then over time such persistent pursuit results in great accomplishments for the LORD. What talents or gifts from God have you discovered in your life? In our cover story, Hank Hough of Kingdom Dog Ministries finds gifts and talents that he never knew existed. When he began to apply biblical principles to his passion for training dogs for field trials, the results were probably most astonishing to Hank himself. The adventure began when God led him to pursue a rigorous speaking circuit… the black lab’s guest appearances, 4 | 1.800.722.8714, enter 44

not Hank’s. Hank often states that God is using the talent of a Labrador retriever to change the hearts and minds of the next generation through the simple demonstration of the Power of Obedience! Even comedian Jeff Foxworthy has become a student of Hank’s chocolate lab, Monk dog! Then on page 12 Bob Reccord may not have discovered a hidden talent, but he sure rediscovered a passion for hunting and fishing that had been pent up inside of a busy lifestyle with little room for father/son bonding. A deer and turkey hunt in Texas was all that it took to rekindle the passion of some fond memories from years past. Tron Peterson on page 18 relates through a heartfelt story how fifteen-year-old Nye Owens, born with cerebral palsy, discovered his passion for hunting when he harvested a dandy whitetail deer at the famous Legends Ranch in Michigan. As you read the many stories in this edition of The Christian Sportsman make sure to take time to reflect in seeking God’s plan and purpose for your life. He may desire for you to uncover a pent up passion within your heart that is waiting for you to discover. In the Book of Philippians the Apostle Paul encourages us to, “Take hold of that for which Christ Jesus has taken hold of us”. What steps of faith have you taken today to discover the true life that God has in store for you? On FIRE,

Richard Jordan

The Christian Sportsman Mission: The Christian Sportsman magazine encourages and empowers sportsmen to discover and develop a deep passion for Jesus Christ in the context of outdoor adventure. Staff Publisher — Richard Jordan Managing Editor — R.D. Bassett Contributing Editor — Steve Kroening Art Director — Dwayne Bassett Graphic Design by — Sprocket,, Inc. Marketing Director — Chris Marley Administrator — Greg Pritchard Data Management — Terry Sams Business Address: P.O. Box 500099, Atlanta, GA 30350; telephone 800.722.8714, Enter # 44. Speculative manuscripts and queries may also be sent via e-mail to: TCS magazine is not responsible for unsolicited materials that are lost, stolen or damaged. International Advisory Board Pastor Johnny Hunt Dr. Bob Reccord Dr. John Morgan Dr. Paige Patterson Evg. James Robison Team Advenures Pro Staff National Spokesman — Steve Bartkowski Guiding & Outfitting — Skipper Bettis Alaska Big Game — Jim Brenn Scholastic Shooting Sports — Dr. Bill Christy Dog Training — Joey Hancock Satire & Humor — Glynn Harris Promise Keepers — Dave Wardell Leadership Training — Bruce Witt Ducks Unlimited — Jim Young Hunting Devotionals — Tom Naumann Montana Outfitting — Bruce Smetana World Mission Projects — Dave Hall Father/Son Heritage — Brian Molitor God’s Creation — Steve Ponchot Dog Obedience — Hank Hough Outdoors Ministries—Chris Marley African Wilderness Missions—Rowan Lewis The Christian Sportsman magazine endorses the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation, a tax-exempt charitable corporation under IRS Code 501(c)3. The Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation promotes the Christian message to the outdoors community by securing and maintaining land and facilities made available to assist ministries in effective outreach. Copyright 2009 by The Christian Sportsman, Inc. All rights reserved. The use of whole or part of any material in this magazine without advance written permission is prohibited. TCS magazine is published quarterly by The Christian Sportsman, Inc., P.O. Box 500099, Atlanta, GA, 30350; telephone 800.722.8714, Enter # 44. Periodical postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia and additional mailing offices. The staff and management of TCS and the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, representations, or any other content or information presented in the magazine, whether provided by advertisers, magazine staff or contributing consultants. Except as expressly noted, neither TCS, Inc., nor the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation endorses any product advertised or described in the magazine. The views expressed in the magazine are those of the individual writers, and are not necessarily the views of the staff or management of TCS magazine, TCS, Inc., or the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation.

Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 5

Launching Outdoor Ministries Author | Chris Marley

Applying Your Talent to Outdoors Ministries Imagine a world today where you and I could discover the hidden talent that God has placed in the heart of each of us to be applied as we follow the model of Jesus?

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Our talents are only hidden until they are discovered. The question remains, how do we discover our hidden talents? You may have a desire to become a bass fishing professional. You read everything you can find on catching large bass while watching all of the programs on the subject that you can find. Will that make you a talented Bass Pro? The answer to that is “no”! However, you will have a lot of information on how to bass fish along with a growing passion to become a professional bass fisherman. In order to succeed you will need to take all that you have learned then put it into practice to become proficient at the sport of bass fishing. To discover your hidden talents you first need to become passionate in gaining knowledge about the sport then apply all that you have learned. The same applies in the life of the Christian sportsman. God has given us all talents and gifts to be used for his glory. The question I ask myself; am I using my talents to serve God? Throughout my years of walking with God I have read the Bible from cover to cover several times. I have a passion for God’s Word. I attend church every week and listen to the sermons. I read many books and attend weekly bible studies. My bookshelf is full of commentaries to help me understand God’s Word. But the question persists, “Do I passionately apply this knowledge with the goal of finding my talent in fulfilling the great commission?” In the past few years God has upon my heart. The knowledge head for many years needs to move toward my heart. The mindset is

impressed a passionate desire that has been stored in my about twelve inches downward easily acquired in assuming that

CSF headquarters is currently looking for Team CSF Pro Staff Members who can write and dialogue on our interactive forums at What a great opportunity to meet new friends while building lifelong relationships with men across the nation through the technology of the internet. church activity is the goal, while gradually forsaking a genuine personal relationship with God. Curriculum is good to study in attaining knowledge so that we can better understand scripture. But we as Christians are here today because of a relationship with another person who applied their knowledge of the Savior in bringing us the Good News of salvation. Everything hinges on authentic relationships. In studying the life of Christ it becomes apparent that each object lesson taught while walking with His disciples was based on a growing relationship together. First and foremost it was Jesus’ relationship with his Heavenly Father that brought forth God’s perfect will through such profound stories commonly known as the Sermon on the Mount. God’s will is the same today as we respond to his call to walk closely in step with His Spirit. Jesus had a constant line of communication with the Father through prayer, not just self-centered prayer but intercessory prayer to do the “Will of my Father.” He taught through short parables and stories that could be easily applied by His disciples. He met them where they were and took them to where He wanted them to be while in the process building a lasting relationship with each. These twelve disciples gained the knowledge to build effective relationships enabling them to spread the gospel around the world. Imagine a world today where you and I could discover the hidden talent that God has placed in the heart of each of us to be applied as we follow the model of Jesus? We could then begin to bring meaning to the phrase in the model prayer for God’s will to be done, “On earth as it is in Heaven”. What if each of us invested more time in intercessory prayer? This priority is now becoming a reality. The staff at CSF’s headquarters has begun in earnest to focus the burden for this ministry by establishing intercessory prayer teams in every chapter across the nation in 2009. Prayer makes a difference in your life as well as the lives of

those for whom we consistently pray. We are all called to become prayer warriors. We need to meet fellow sportsmen on their terrain, out in the fields and streams. When Jesus selected his disciples He did not wait in the synagogue for the twelve to find Him, but rather walked the shores of Galilee where He knew He would find Peter, Andrew, James and John casting their nets for the big catch. He called them to become fishers of men (Matt: 8 18-19). Their response was to drop their nets and follow Him. Is Jesus calling you to leave your comfort zone and follow Him? The twelve disciples took a huge step of faith as they left the only vocation that they had ever known, commercial fishing, to follow Jesus. Can you and I step out in faith today and walk the shores of our favorite lake to find someone that we can call to become a fisher of men? We have many opportunities today to make friends through Christian fellowship with other sportsmen. CSF headquarters is currently looking for Team CSF Pro Staff Members who can write and dialogue on our interactive forums at What a great opportunity to meet new friends while building lifelong relationships with men across the nation through the technology of the internet. If you feel you may be called to become a Team CSF Pro Staff Member please contact us at info@ God wants to work in and through your life to touch other sportsmen who may be in just as much need to find “Friends through Fellowship” as you are. As we continue “Climbing Legacy Mountain” in 2009, let’s remember that we need to climb with other sportsmen of like faith and passion who bring their unique gifts and talents alongside us to encourage and equip the rest of the team with the ultimate objective of reaching the summit.

HuntingtheTruth Passionate Sportsmen Sharing Christ with Others

Join a team of sportsmen who serve the outdoors community through speaker presentations, video production, and outdoors publications while hosting youth events and reaching the physically challenged. • Presenting Great Hunting Stories through Speaking Engagements • Creating and Restoring Relationships with Jesus Christ • Participating with Outdoors Organizations to Host Youth Hunts • Sharing the Compassion of Christ with Physically Challenged Sportsmen

Contact Information: Huntin the Truth Ministries Phone 810. 614.5712 Email: Website:

Pray that God would help you to discover your hidden talent today. Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 7

Father/Son Heritage

Author | Brian D. Molitor

Focused on the Most Important Talents Okay, I have a confession to make. I spent the first 30 plus years of my life focused on the most important person in the Not on the Lord, not my parents, not my wife, not my children...just me. My early years were spent trying to discover my own hidden talents, abilities and purpose. This “me” perspective even carried over to the out-ofdoors. I was always trying to catch the biggest fish, bag the biggest buck, limit out the fastest, and so on. Oh, I enjoyed hunting and fishing with other guys, but there was a constant contest to see who could secure bragging rights, regardless of what we were trying to bag. Again, the focus was me flat on my back for a long time.

It seems like men should just grow out of this condition. Sort of like pimples, right? Not so, at least not for me. It lasted through my 20s and on into my early 30s, when I married my lovely wife. Hey, I thought marriage was a great idea. It meant that two people would now focus on the most important person in the world...remember who that was? Yup... me. You married guys know that didn’t fly too far, but it was how I thought it was supposed to work. Now, here comes my biggest confession. My “me first” mentality did not even change when my children came along. I sure loved them, but I was so committed to my work, that I had little time for them. Shortly after I was married, I launched my own business and truly enjoyed learning about marketing, sales, training and a host of other talents that I never knew I had prior to that time. Naturally, my work was stressful, so I needed time to unwind. This led me back to the woods and to Michigan’s many trout streams for some R and R. Sadly, I often went alone; perhaps hoping to regain the feeling I had years before when I would roam the fields without a care in the world. I remember many times seeing my two young sons in the rear view mirror as I drove away for “my” time in the outdoors. Of course, when I got home, I was happy to show my wife and children whatever I happened to bag. More braggin’ rights. The boys would then ask, “Hey dad, when can we go???” My answer was always the same. “Next time. You can go with me next time.” As you might guess, when “next time” came around, I had reasons to leave the 8 | 1.800.722.8714, enter 44

young ones behind again. This was the pattern for the first eight years of my marriage. As a husband and father. It was all about me. Fortunately, a wonderful thing happened that changed it all. I got sick. Yup, I ran myself to the point of exhaustion. While I had discovered many hidden talents about work, making money, hunting, fishing, and more, I failed to learn much about one very important topic...balance. This failure landed me flat on my back for a long time. God, in His infinite wisdom, allowed me to run past warning signs and wise counsel of others that suggested that I slow down. My doctor prescribed a time of rest and rebuilding which sounded great to me at the time. More focus on me...right? However, the down time was not only what the doctor ordered, but it was also what the Lord needed to get my attention off of myself and onto what was truly important in life. Like what? Like being

a good husband; being a good father; loving others; serving others; being less concerned about me and more concerned about someone else. Perhaps the greatest blessing to come from that challenging period of life was that God changed my heart toward my children. The scales fell off my eyes and I saw them as incredibly precious. This caused me to understand my sacred responsibility to raise them, teach them, train them, love them, spend time with them and focus on them...not me. During that wonderful period, I learned to mentor each child by taking them with me to the woods, streams, ball games, grocery store and wherever else I had to go. I also learned the power of a father’s words and touch to bring healing and comfort to little ones with scraped knees or bruised egos. Finally, I learned the power of prayer and actually took time to pray for my family regularly. While I still enjoyed hunting and fishing, I came to realize that it was actually more fun to see one of my children catch the big one or take the shot. Truly, God had changed my perspective and taught me to focus on the most important people in the wife, my children, and others around me. I am sure glad to have discovered those hidden talents! That’s my confession. So, let me ask you a couple questions. Is life all about you? Have you overlooked your sacred duty to care for your spouse, your children, and others? If so, maybe its time to make a few changes. There is greatness hidden inside of you. Brian Molitor can be reached at or call 877-Malachi

Team Adventures for your Ultimate Quest

Start Your

Personal Magaz ine Ministry Today!

CSF’s new Gift Subscription Magazine Ministry now enhances your direct involvement in the lives of fellow sportsmen as a ministry supporter who wants other sportsmen to discover a new life in Christ. • Utilize CSF’s professional magazine subscriptions to fulfill the Great Commission • Deliver each edition directly to the doorstep of fellow sportsmen who need the gospel message • Become a positive influence to encourage family members and friends to accept Christ • Connect with the passions of sportsmen who like hunting, fishing and target shooting • Support the goals and ideals of Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship SUPPORT LEVELS Gift Magazine Subscriptions: Founder • Life and Supporting Member 36 subscriptions, 24 subscriptions, and 12 subscriptions 3 Ways to Join in Support of CSF and to Launch your Own Personal Magazine Ministry: Fill out the membership form found at the centerfold of the magazine or call CSF headquarters at 770-7726749 to join as a Support Level member. You can also go online at and use your credit/debit card.

Your personal phone call of encouragement or even extending an invitation to attend a CSF event could very well become the decisive point in a fellow sportsman’s acceptance of Christ as Savior and Lord.

Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 9

Fathom Alaska Stone Arts “God’s hidden talents, evident in all of creation, are mind-boggling. God blesses each of us with hidden talents that he uses to affect the lives of people around us.” ~FATHOM Buried in southeast Alaska are the most beautiful marble deposits in the world. Since the foundation of the earth, this newly discovered and untapped resource has been waiting for the right exposure to reveal the beauty of God’s creative handiwork. Fathom Alaska Stone Arts, located in Ketchikan, Alaska, is premiered by artisan Jon Fathom using the hundreds of colors and types of Alaskan stone in his numerous works of sculpture. Specializing in wildlife carvings, Fathom brings the beauty of Alaskan stone to life using diamond blade power tools for sculpting and fine sandpaper for polishing. At the age of 27, Jon Fathom is Alaska’s very own modern day Michelangelo. “This great work was started on a prayer when I was 21 years of age and responding to God’s call on my life. I asked God to show me a good way to make money, help people, remain connected to my home in Alaska, while living a full life that God intended. The LORD answered with a vision and opened many doors of opportunity for success.” Since God’s distinct call upon his life, Fathom

has continued to create a variety of art work that is represented onboard Princess Cruise lines and in other select galleries in Alaska. Fathom’s sculpture in the Northwest is in high demand and booming. His first Fathom Alaska Stone Arts Gallery will be open in May 2009, in downtown Ketchikan where Fathom’s summer special will feature thousand pound marble bears! Alaska has some of the most amazing animals found in the world. They serve as Fathom’s inspiration and focal point. Each piece of stone is unique, and each carving is truly one of a kind. This fact alone makes the art special. There is no other artwork in the world quite like Fathom’s work! “I guarantee two things with my sculptures: the artwork will never scratch, break, or chip as a result of people touching it; and it will get more attention than any other art piece in the room. If you placed a Chihuly, a Picasso, and a Fathom in a room and then let three kids enter, the kids would first to the Fathom sculpture and try to climb on it. The art not only draws a person’s eye, but

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also draws his hand to feel and touch. People cannot walk by without feeling the stone. That’s the attention an artistic piece should get from people. A Fathom piece simply draws people to it. And God is the master when it comes to drawing people in.” “It’s 10:42 PM on Sunday, March 8th, 2009, as I am writing the comments for this article and hearing my old fishing friend and sales manager, Chad Walter, yell up to the office “Fathom, there’s a whale out here!” We were just whale watching off his back deck on this cloudless night with a 3/4 full moon. If you haven’t been able to come to Alaska yet, make it a priority. It truly is God’s country; The Last Frontier.” ~FATHOM

Author |

Alaska has some of the finest stone found in the world. “God’s creativity is seen in all of nature, and clearly visible with this unique stone. We have hundreds of colors and types of marble right here in S.E. Alaska, which is the best stone for scultpure.” Hand picking marble from Alaska’s remote areas has minute or no impact on the environment. World renowned artisan Jon Fathom specializes in Alaska’s amazing wildlife sculpting small to giant stone arts. Fathom’s works are smooth and relaxing to touch; carved to be the center of attention for art in a home or business. “Enjoy.” ~FATHOM Alaska Stone Arts


125 Main Street Ketchikan AK 99901 Ward Cove, AK 99901 Tel # (425) 591-5095 Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 11

Author | Bob Reccord


REDISCOVERED As a provider, he was above reproach. Though we didn’t have a lot of “stuff,” he worked hard to ensure that I was able to be the first in the family to attend college. Though our house was small, it was always warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The crisp predawn December Georgia air made me glad I was alive and enjoying the blessing of heading toward the woods with my bow. Nestled in the frosty morning tree line, like welcoming arms wrapping around me, I reveled in the call of the owl, the honking of geese gliding into a perfect touch down, and a distant coyote’s howl. As I quietly waited for the dawn to make its long awaited entrance, I caught myself thinking back to another set of crisp mornings, this time in Texas, the week prior. Then I had been perched in an enclosed deer stand on my friend’s south Texas acreage. Orange and purple hues were creeping like fingers over the eastern horizon. In the shadows, deer could be vaguely seen moving in the distance….

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cautious and hesitant, wondering if their forward steps would be safe ones or vulnerable ones. And my inner being was screaming, “Oh man, how I love this! I was born to do this.” But if that is so, why had I only found myself loving it in the last ten years?!? I had grown up as an only child in southern Indiana. Both parents had been raised in southern Illinois during the Great Depression, and neither had been able to finish high school. Coming from totally opposite backgrounds, they were, in many ways, “the odd couple”. Knowing the fear of having too much month at the end of the money, it was understandable that my dad worked two jobs—toiling in the construction trades during the week, and

running to a small family-owned Illinois farm most weekends to be a “weekend farmer.” It was those weekends that I remember taking my BB gun and hitting the fields. I learned how to treat guns with respect and to value the experience of the hunt. I spent hours in the woods, working on my aim, striving to move with stealth, studying the habits of wildlife. The biggest thrills were when dad would pull out the .22 rifle and work with me on my shots. That was the big leagues!! The handful of times he took me rabbit or quail hunting with the 12-guage were beyond words! I remember my first rabbit… a crowning achievement fit for a king! And that’s how I felt…King of the World!!

Photo credit FLW

I will take to the grave the memory of the next year when we returned to my friend’s ranch, and hadn’t been there two hours when Bryan brought down an amazing 10-point Author |buck. But those times were a rarity. Most of my hunting and fishing wasn’t with dad. He was working too hard and was too busy. I respect that. It is from his example that I got a work ethic that has served me very well. As a provider, he was above reproach. Though we didn’t have a lot of “stuff,” he worked hard to ensure that I was able to be the first in the family to attend college. Though our house was small, it was always warm in the winter and cool in the summer. While my dad didn’t have time for vacations he worked hard to allow me to go to camps and church youth trips. But time with him…just me and dad…was hard to come by. Frankly, I’m not sure he ever realized how important it was to me to have time alone with him. If the truth be told, I assumed he wasn’t that interested in spending that time with me. So, I buried the love to hunt and fish…and somewhere along the way, it lost its allure, and the thrill was gone. Life went on. I had my own kids, two

girls and a boy. I found myself working hard to provide for the family, fulfilling my obligations at work, traveling to exercise my gift as a speaker, etc. It was like Harry Chapin’s song “Cat’s In the Cradle.” When my son expressed interest in hunting while we lived in Virginia, I found myself too busy to break away! In the same way I had missed some great experiences with my dad, I see now that I missed some incredible experiences with my son.

when Bryan brought down an amazing 10-point buck. I have never been more juiced with any animal I have harvested or fish I have caught, than when I saw my son get such a prize! I’ve often wondered, “What took me so long to get priorities in proper order?”

Thankfully, about ten years ago I rediscovered my love for the outdoors, through an invitation by a friend to come hunt on his Texas ranch. I harvested a deer and two turkeys! My thrill registered off the Richter scale!! And I was hooked once again with the zeal I had experienced as a kid. But this time I wasn’t going to experience it alone. My son would be a part of it any time he desired.

So, how about you? Do you have a son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter who’s hoping that you want to spend time with them? Are you investing in the next generation and their love for the outdoors? Are you teaching them the rules of fair chase? Do they know the thrill of pulling in that fighting fish because they learned it at your side? Have you sat at the base of a tree with your hearts racing, calling in that Tom…together? Has the pounding of wings shot through you like electricity as you and your child acquired the target of the flushing covey or rising pheasant?

I will take to the grave the memory of the next year when we returned to my friend’s ranch, and hadn’t been there two hours

If this is you—GREAT JOB! If not— why not start now. Remember, it’s not too late to live a life that matters!

Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 13

Author | Tom Munson

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o Dangerous


There I was, standing face to face with a 1,500-pound Cape Buffalo, glaring at me like I had no right to be there. And maybe I didn’t. After all, I’ve only been hunting for a few years now. I’ve been successful on a few hunting trips in North America for Caribou, Elk and Whitetail deer. But most hunters who have been in the woods for 20 years or more have never had the chance to go to Africa to hunt the much-feared Cape Buffalo. So how did I get myself into this face-off with an animal that has won its fair share of these encounters? In my role as Director of Sales and Marketing for Trijicon, I had been invited by Craig Boddington to join him on a safari in Botswana. Trijicon is a sponsor of Craig’s Tracks Across Africa television show on the Outdoor Channel. Craig is one of the most prolific and successful American safari hunters alive today. He was there to hunt African Elephant and I would be going after one of the few Cape Buffalos to be taken at this concession. These days, the Botswana government has put severe restrictions on hunting. Even though the animals are plentiful and are much better managed by the professional hunters, the government has put a stop to the hunting of almost all types of cats, as well as restricting hunting to just two buffalo per concession. So my job was to take one of those buffalo for this year. My guide McDonald, a

would be Willie well-respected and

experienced PH (professional hunter) from Zimbabwe. Willie had hunted this particular concession many times and successfully tracked many buffalo here. Because of my inexperience, I would rely completely on Willie and the trackers to find the buffalo and keep me alive while doing it. Since I am writing this article, you can guess they were successful at the latter and from the opening sentence of this article, you can see that they were successful on the former as well. But, would I be able to close the deal? We had come upon buffalo every day of my hunt, but it was never easy. The terrain in this area of Botswana, about 100 miles northeast of Maun, is flat and the bush is thick. We could only see about 15 yards ahead of us for most of the time we were hunting. Fifteen yards between me and the beast is not a comfortable cushion, but I didn’t have much choice. Each day would we spot fresh tracks and then begin following the buffalo on foot, usually walking 5-10 miles each day. Hunting Cape Buffalo usually presents one of two scenarios; either you are tracking a herd of anywhere from 10-50 buffalo, or you are tracking a single bull, commonly referred to as a Dugga Boy, which has left the herd. Both scenarios present unique difficulties in tracking and we experienced just how tough each was.

Toward the end of the first day, we found the herd we had been tracking in a dried out pan. We thought we spotted a pretty big bull at the back of the herd. We shuffled around to get a better look. Before we knew it, the bush thinned out and we were totally exposed to the herd. We tried to remain perfectly still, but there were just too many buffalo eyes and ears and we were spotted before we could size up the big bull. On day two, we tracked a herd of buffalo to a water hole. This would be the first time I could aim my Ruger .416 Rigby mounted with a Trijicon AccuPoint (sorry for the shameless product plug but I am in marketing!) at a good-sized bull. As I was waiting for the bull to step forward so that I could get the best shot, an elephant decided that he wanted this water hole and proceeded to chase the herd away from the hole! It wouldn’t be until the afternoon of day five that I would finally be confronted with the bull who would look at me as if to say, “It’s you or me, Tom!” On the afternoon of the fifth day, we had been walking for several hours following a herd of buffalo. Suddenly, the trackers reacted to something they saw off to the right of our group. I had no idea we were anywhere near the herd, but I’m sure our trackers knew we were close. Once Willie, our PH, Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 15

Botwsana Basic Info: Botswana is a multiparty, politically stable democratic country, currently governed by the Botswana Democratic Party under the leadership of President Festus Mogae. The population is about 1.5 million. The official language is English and the national language is Setswana. Botswana is approximately 360,000 sq. miles., and has vast areas (nearly 17%) set aside for responsible wildlife utilization. It is a semi-arid land with an average annual rainfall as high as 17 inches in the mid-east, but as low as 9 inches in the Kalahari Desert. The rainy, or green season, is from November to March. Climate: Temperatures vary a great deal. March and April are warm, while May, June and July are usually cold (41ºF) at night and mild to warm (73ºF) during the day. August and September are warmer, but windy. Daytime temperatures during the green season can get extremely hot, reaching temperatures of well over 104ºF. Hunting Season: The hunting season begins early in April and ends mid-September each year. Outfitter: Johan Calitz Safaris (www. large hunting areas throughout Botswana, but this hunt was in the Chobe area in northern Botswana. Game available in Botswana: Cape Buffalo, Lechwe, Sable, Crocodile, Hippo, Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Cheetah, Hyena, Tsessebe, Sitatunga, Gemsbuck, Kudu, Eland Springbuck, Red Hartebeest, Steenbok, Duiker, Warthog, Wildebeest, Zebra, Impala, Bushbuck, Waterbuck, and Giraffe.

had sized up the situation, he called me forward for the shot. As I came forward, they were putting up the shooting sticks. I had my first look at the target as I was bringing my gun up onto the sticks. Now, I don’t know why, but I was not prepared for the bull to be staring straight at me. I had watched the Boddington On Buffalo video several times, which should have prepared me well for taking the shot. But for reasons beyond my understanding, I assumed I would have a nice broadside shot with plenty of time to take dead aim. This most certainly was not what I was being presented. This bull was not cooperating! The first shot hit him hard in the chest, mid-high and left, but it rocked him back, after which the bull immediately fell forward on his haunches. He stayed down for about 5 seconds, long enough for Willie to assume that first shot was a fatal one. I followed up with two more shots and somewhere between the second and third shot, the bull decided he’d better get outta there. By the reaction to that first shot, we assumed we would find our quest 50 to 100 yards from our shot.

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So we began following the blood trail 100 yards, 200…500….1000 yards and still no sight or sound of the injured bull. We would follow the beast for 90 minutes with only the blood trail and some tracks to indicate that he was anywhere near us. By now, it was getting dark and the angry bull would surely have the upper hand, so we called it a night and marked our spot, hoping to find him not too far away the next morning. I had been told that the Cape Buffalo is one of the toughest animals on the planet, but I would soon find out just how tough. Willie knew exactly what he was up against and decided to enlist the help of another PH with another weapon to defend against what was most certainly a very angry bull. We picked up the tracks and blood trail from where we left off and started tracking again; 30 minutes…60 minutes…90….2 hours and the bull was still alive and moving away from us (which was a good thing). It would be 3 hours before we would get our first sight of our goal since I took the shot the day prior. As my PHs went around a bush and I went through the middle of it, a shot rang out! When I

came out of the bush, the bull was lying dead right in front of us. Our PH had taken a shot at the first sight of him but later realized he was already dead. Upon later inspection, we would learn that my first shot was a fatal lung shot, and yet the mortally wounded beast would run 3 miles and live 16 hours! These animals are truly unbelievably hearty. As much as I tried to prepare for this hunt, I realize that I was not ready for the amount of effort it would take to win this battle and just how tough my adversary would be. In like manner, many of us men will go relatively unprepared for a dangerous game, battling our unseen spiritual enemy, Satan and his minion. But this is no game! It’s very real and very dangerous. No matter how prepared you think you are, you will need to be even more prepared. Jesus’ disciples learned this the hard way. In Matthew 17, the disciples were unable to rid a possessed

man of the demon that invaded his soul, yet the evil spirit came out immediately at Jesus’ rebuke. The disciples were completely baffled. “Why could we not cast it out?” they asked. They thought that the time they had with the Master had prepared them well. They even had His direct permission and charge to do this exact work (Matt. 10:1). Wasn’t that enough for every demon to obey them? Heck, just moments before the disciple’s failure to remove the demon in Matthew 17, a few of the disciples had experienced a truly amazing spiritual event, the transfiguration of Jesus. They were privileged to see Jesus, Moses and Elijah with spiritual eyes. Peter, James and John must have been the most perplexed at their lack of power over this demon. But Jesus tells them that they just weren’t prepared enough, in spite of their confidence. “But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matt. 17:21)

They had not been relying on God’s power but their own. Isn’t that just like us? Every day, we find ourselves relying Authorstrength, | on our own our own smarts, our own energy to accomplish what God wants to accomplish in our lives. We become self-reliant and we cut short our preparations for the battle, thinking we have everything under control. Then, all of the sudden, just like when I was confronted by my buffalo, we are not prepared to do it right. So, let my Cape Buffalo experience be a lesson for us all to be prepared for the fight. Be very familiar with the Word of Truth, allow the scriptures to remind you of God’s righteousness every day, pray hard and pray in the power of the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 6:13-20) If we do, we’ll have a fighting chance to win the battle, in Jesus name!


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Author | Tron Peterson

Dream Hunt

Adventure Bound Outdoors and Legends Ranch Team Up to Give Youth the Hunt of His Life Fifteen-year-old Nye Owens never would have dreamed that some day he would be hunting at the famous Legends Ranch. Nor would he have dreamed of the incredible buck he would harvest on this hunt. Nye was born with cerebral palsy caused by water on his brain. In spite of this, Nye has a strong faith and a joy for life that is contagious to all who meet him.

as Chuck McAlister, the host of Adventure Bound Outdoors, came to speak at the church where Nye’s father pastors. Chuck quickly developed a close relationship with Nye. He was inspired by his faith and courage despite the difficulties Nye had faced in his life. Knowing that Nye dreamed about being on a hunting show, Chuck McAlister, along with ABO

owner Chuck Myers, started making the necessary phone calls to secure a hunt at the Legends Ranch. The Legends Ranch, known for it’s incredible hospitality and monster bucks, is one of Americas premier trophy whitetail hunting destinations. Operated by the Bettis family, the ranch has hosted many famous people over the years but is best known for its compassion to others.

I recently had the privilege of meeting Nye and his father Ken Owens on a whitetail hunt at the Legends Ranch in Northern Michigan. The opportunity for me to film the hunt opened up after my good friend, Roger Patton, a videographer, was unable to film the hunt. It was a special hunt that many people and organizations had made possible. One of those organizations was Adventure Bound Outdoors television show. Nye had watched and recorded nearly every episode of Adventure Bound Outdoors and loved the exciting hunts as well as the spiritual content the show offered. He would tell his dad, “Some day I would love to go on a hunt like that and be on a television show.” That dream would materialize Colby Bettis, Ken Owens and Nye

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the hour and a half ride to the Legends Ranch. Once at the ranch we were greeted by the friendly staff at Legends and | lodge. It was unlike given a tourAuthor of the any lodge I had ever seen. A large dining area with a huge rock fireplace awaited us. We were then shown to our rooms in the Africa wing of the lodge. Morning would come early as the anticipation of the hunt dominated our thoughts. We awoke the next morning to the smell of Chef Lawrence’s omelets cooking and the sounds of excited hunters getting ready for the morning’s hunt.

Tron Peterson, Chuck McCallister, Nye Owens and Nye’s Dad Ken

We would be hunting with guide Colby Bettis in an area that he knew held some big bucks. The temperature was around 8 degrees and the 3-½ feet of snow would make the walk a little difficult. Nye had just had two brackets removed from his hips a few days prior to the hunt due to corrective hip surgery, and it was a miracle that he was able to walk at all. The deep snow proved to be too much for Nye to walk through, so he settled for a piggyback ride from guide Colby. Making it to our stand about a half hour before it got light, we settled into the box blind. As the moonlit sky gave way to the first rays of light we started to see some mature bucks coming out into the field. One in particular caught Nye’s eye. It was a big 10-point with a huge body. Nye could hardly control his excitement as the big buck offered him a perfect broadside shot. He put the crosshairs of the Trijicon scope right behind the shoulder and pulled the trigger. It was a perfect shot and earned him the nickname Dead Eye Nye.

Each year Legends hosts a youth hunt for hunters with disabilities as well as a memorial hunt for disabled veterans in honor of a good friend of Skipper Bettis, Billy Ray Parnell, who gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he was killed during the Vietnam War. The arrangements were finally made for Nye, his father Ken, Adventure Bound Outdoors show host Chuck McAlister, and me to fly into Michigan for the hunt. I had heard so much about Nye that I was excited to finally have the opportunity to meet him. 20 | 1.800.722.8714, enter 44

Bad weather conditions in Atlanta delayed Nye’s flight for several hours. The conditions in Michigan weren’t much better. Northern Michigan had just received 3 ½ feet of snow, and the temperature forecast was below freezing each day. Nye’s flight finally arrived, and we were greeted by a very excited fifteenyear-old and his father. This was Nye’s first time to fly in an airplane and would also be his first time to hunt in the snow. Grabbing our gear, we made our way outside the airport to where our driver, Colby Bettis, was waiting to take us on

After an emotional hug from his dad and a phone call back home to his family, it was time to go see his magnificent buck. We exited the blind and made our way toward Nye’s deer. Once there, we reflected on the events of the last few days. We were thankful for those at Adventure Bound Outdoors--Chuck Myers, Chuck McAlister and Roger Patton, as well as the Bettis family and staff at Legends Ranch who made this hunt possible. Most of all, we thanked God for allowing Nye to experience the hunt of a lifetime with his dad.

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Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 21

Author | Name

A Little

Gun History

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in:

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent

Germany established gun control in 1938, and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others, who were unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million ‘educated ‘ people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

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Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)! In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns! It will never happen here? I bet the Aussies said that too! While Australian figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has climbed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals are now guaranteed that their prey is unarmed. There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above, prove it. You won ‘ t see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens. Take note my fellow Americans, before it’s too late! The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind him of this history lesson.

With Guns...........We Are ‘Citizens’. Without Them........We Are ‘Subjects’. During W.W.II the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED! Note: Admiral Yamamoto who crafted the attack on Pearl Harbor had attended Harvard U 1919-1921 & was Naval Attaché to the U.S. 1925-28. Most of our Navy was destroyed at Pearl Harbor and our Army had been deprived of funding and was ill prepared to defend the country. It was reported that when asked why Japan did not follow up the Pearl Harbor attack with an invasion of the U.S. Mainland, his reply was that he had lived in the U.S. and knew that almost all households had guns.

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Your membership supports the mission: CSF serves as a fellowship for sportsmen and their families to experience the love of Jesus Christ through the shared passion of the great outdoors. Author |

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Author | Hank Hough

The Legacy of a Champion

Photo Credit: Doug Laughlin of Laughlin Photo

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It is Friday, September 2008 in Amarillo, Texas. A man stands before a crowd numbering in the thousands, but he is not alone. He is armed with the Word of God, and two hunting dogs. By anyone’s standards two hunting dogs and the word of God are a strange combination, but before the event is over, literally hundreds will dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ, and 87 will not leave the church until they are baptized! What did they come to see? Kingdom Dog Ministries (KDM), a backyard-born presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ delivered by, of all things, a hunting dog


is Friday, September 2008 in Amarillo, Texas. A man stands before a crowd numbering in the thousands, but he is not alone. He is armed with the Word of God, and two hunting dogs. By anyone’s standards two hunting dogs and the word of God are a strange combination, but before the event is over, literally hundreds will dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ, and 87 will not leave the church until they are baptized! What did they come to see? Kingdom Dog Ministries (KDM), a backyard-born presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ delivered by, of all things, a hunting dog.

awareness of its birth. It began with a neighbor, then a youth group, then a church, then civic organizations, then onto public schools. Since then it has been featured in magazines and on radio and television, including the 700 Club. In 2008, KDM had the privilege of speaking at both state and national level events, and gave a total of 151 presentations across America. Their web site video is currently experiencing 3,000 to 5,000 hits per day. Today, no one is more surprised at what is happening than Hank and Jayne Hough, the founders of KDM.

In 2008, Hank Hough, an avid outdoorsman and his two hunting dog companions, Prophet and Monk, retrieved hundreds of ducks and geese from the marshlands and rice fields of Texas. That was on Saturday mornings, because on Sunday mornings they were retrieving for Jesus in a church. That’s right, they go from swamps to churches, mud flats to carpets, duck blinds to cathedrals, camo to robes, and from guns to organ music. But the mission always remains the same. It is to “Go”.... and find those that are lost, and return them to the Master.


WHAT IS KDM? KDM spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ through the teaching of biblical principals, using champion Labrador retrievers. HOW DID IT GET STARTED? It began in a duck blind and then moved to the backyard in 2003 without a name or a vision, or even the

Truth. Truth is one of the most needed messages in America today, and that truth is being delivered by some of the most unusual messengers, DOGS, Joshua 24:15 called Prophet, Romans 1:16 called Monk, and John 8:32 called Bandera. It is not about high-tech extravagance, elaborate displays, or elegant speech. It is about the SIMPLICITY of God’s timeless truths, not spoken, but revealed through live illustrations. One of the statements that ignited KDM was, “if you don’t see God in everything, you will see Him in nothing; you cannot pick and choose where God is”. It was with that statement in mind that Hank looked down at a new chocolate puppy and said, “if that is true, and if we are to glorify God with every thing we do; then how would you glorify Him with this new puppy, this dirt magnet”? That was six years ago when Hank could not even talk in front of a crowd. That new puppy became known as Monk (Isaiah 40:31), that new puppy

was the first born of KDM, he went around America by way of NBC’s 700 Club, he went around the world by way of Christian World News, that new puppy altered the direction of thousands of lives for the Lord, and Hank had said, in the comfort of his living room, “how would you glorify God with this new puppy?” Wow! When the enemy of God sent a giant with a sword to challenge his people, God did not answer with a bigger giant. He sent a country boy, a shepherd with a sling shot. Why? So that the world might see, and know of His power! Today, that same enemy appears to be challenging God’s people using high tech and multimedia. God just may be answering again with country boys, but this time He has given them dogs. Why? So that the world might see, and know of His power! WHAT ARE THE EXPECTATIONS OF KDM? KDM has a personal hope that the men of America will wake up for the sake of this country and their children, and become engaged in the battle that exists between good and evil. However, KDM is void of expectations, mentally fighting everyday to put down their own dreams and needs to be significant. KDM’s objective is to raise up men to become true champions for the Lord; prepared, eager, focused, and willing to go the distance never gone before, and yet capable of being satisfied to just faithfully sit in His presence. The current economic downturn and political instability in America has caused men to take a deeper

Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 27


When men are


by making a life changing decision to accept Jesus Christ then their

determination to encourage others will determine the direction of the rest of their lives.

look within their own hearts and to possibly discover the unchangeable truths found in God’s Word. When a young dog is ‘born again’, he no longer see you with the same eyes. He no longer just believes IN you, he BELIEVES YOU, and that is when his life changes and he becomes of value to his master. The same is true in our own lives (Rev. 12:11). When YOU know that Jesus Christ died for YOU then that is the beginning of the transformation of your life. That transformation is seen in your eagerness to tell others. It starts with telling your own family and those you love. As the power of God’s spirit grows, you will have a hunger for His Word, and the desire to tell others of this life changing power of the gospel. You are then willing to stand firm at all cost that the next generation might know of this power, this grace, this freedom, this truth. How are you personally progressing today in your own spiritual life? Not in comparison with other men, but in comparison with who God wants you to be. If God made you to be a Labrador, don’t try to be a rabbit dog, or sheep herder, or a guard dog, just be all you can be for the one that has chosen you to be His.

Photo Credit: Doug Laughlin of Laughlin Photo

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There is an old saying that when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear. Your best friend and trusty hunting dog could very well be that teacher. Is the pupil ready, or are you off wasting your life chasing things that you can’t even catch? .... Seek ye first the kingdom of God ...

WHAT ARE OTHERS SAYING ABOUT KDM? “One of the most creative evangelistic tools to emerge in current times.” “Modern day parables” “Those are not dogs, they are 21st century weapons for the Lord.” “I never thought a dog could make me cry.” “They (the dogs) were a visual window to the bible for me.” “I saw it, after 50 years of listening, I saw it.” “You may laugh, you may even cry, but somewhere in between you will unexpectedly see the bible unfold, run across the stage, lick your face, and even possibly lay at your feet.” “Don’t miss it, and don’t walk, but run to the front row.” KDM NEEDS MORE CHAMPIONS 1. We need people whose hearts have been touched by God to financially support us while we travel, train, and spread the word of God. 2. We need a larger vehicle to travel with the dogs in safety and comfort. 3. We need land and a facility for training new dogs, and additional speakers. Let’s take America back! 4. We need Veterinarians, dog food, supplies, and administrative help. 5. Most of all, we need (on your knees) praying warriors to continually pray for the direction and purpose of our personal lives and KDM. When men are transformed by making a life changing decision to accept Jesus Christ then their determination to encourage others will determine the direction of the rest of their lives. See you at the finish line. In HIS wonderful grace, Hank and THE DOGS.

Wild Sheep Foundation Welcomes Hank and his Chocolate Lab HankandhischocolateLabradorretriever,Monk,madetheirdebutatthe2009 WildSheepFoundationconventionSportsmen’sPrayerBreakfastheldattheSaltPlaza inSaltLakeCity,Utah.(Monk’sregistered nameis“Romans1:16”thatstates,“Iamnot ashamed of the gospel.”) WhowouldhaveknownthatHank’s huntingdogcouldspeakthesamelanguage as15,000wildsheephunters!OnSunday morning,February8th,2009,Hankandhis dog,Monk,werefeaturedforthekeynote addressinfrontofanaudienceofwildsheep huntersfromaroundtheworldwhowere morethaneagertohearfromtheguest speaker. GrayThornton,PresidentoftheWild SheepFoundation,wasastonishedatthe objectlessonsandpointedillustrations thattranspiredthatmorninginfrontofa veryenthusiasticcrowdontheclosingday oftheconvention.Thegrandfinalewas mostimpressive.Wordscannotdescribethe surprisethatfollowedthisclosingscene.You mustbetherepersonallytoexperiencethe full impact of the demonstration. ThetallorderofaSundaymorning presentation followed on the heels of Hank’sdogschedulingapersonalmeetingwithComedianJeffFoxworthytheday before.Jeffwantedtohavehisphotograph madetogetherwiththischampionofadog becauseherealizedthatonedayhemay wanttobefamousorbecomeaspeakerwho isinsuchdemand.Jeffwasjustveryglad thathewasscheduledthedaybeforeMonk becauseitwouldhavebeenaverydifficult acttofollow.Jeffdidnotwanttoriskbeing upstagedonceagainbytheintelligenceofa hunting dog.

HankHough’shumorwasinterspersed withaphenomenaldemonstrationonthe PowerofObedienceasthistrainedchocolate Labradorretrieverperformedwithgreat precisionandpoise.Manysportsmeninattendancemadealife-changingcommitment tofollowJesusChristwhileotherscommentedthatthemessagewouldbeexcellentfor teachingtheirsonsanddaughtersthebasics aboutGod,gunsandcountry.Inscripture youmayrememberthatGodaudiblyspoke throughBalaam’sdonkeybutnowherein thebibleisthereanyrecordofmencoming intoGod’sKingdomindirectresponseto communication from an animal. On the show floor of the convention Hank and Monk became everyone’s best friends.OneyounggirlvisitedourChristian Sportsmen’sFellowshipboothwhereMonk wouldoccasionallyfindsolitudeandafew minutesofrestbeforehisnextperformance. ShesatdownbesidethechocolateLabto discussherpassionfordogsespeciallythose wholovetobecuddled.JeffFoxworthywas initiallyintroducedtoMonkwhilewalking theaislesoftheshowfloortovisitthebooth exhibitors.However,Monkwasthereal showstopperasnearlyeveryonewanted togreethimwithastrokeonhisbeautifulchocolatecoat.Jeffwasseenpicking upsomepointersfromMonkforhisnext comedy routine. ThelongtripfromHoustontoSaltLake CitywassomewhattaxingonMonkdog butdidnotseemtoeffecthisperformance northemessageinanyway,shapeorform. ThankyouHankandMonkforawonderful timetogetherattheWildSheepFoundation convention!

To contact KDM either email Hank at or call 281-351-9094. Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 29

Climbing Legacy Mountain It is really exciting that KDM represents the average sportsman in America, a CSF member, one of our speakers, and one of our supporters. Most recently Hank Hough has become a CSF Master Sportsman and serves as a keynote speaker across the nation for chapter events ranging from FIRESIDES to Sportsmen’s Banquets & Wild Game Tastings.

A Plan to Help Other Sportsmen Develop Their Gifts “Many church events being hosted across America invite sportsmen to come together for fun, food and fellowship but they often walk away from the banquet, or outdoor extravaganza with little more than a fond memory and a determination to become a better Christian. Kingdom Dog Ministries is now inspiring God’s men to become champions for Him through ongoing involvement in outreach events throughout the year”, Hank recently commented.

“In partnering with Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship we are now encouraging church event organizers to “begin with the end in mind” by planning and preparing in advance to become intentional in discipling those who are transformed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. God gives His vision to a man, not a committee. God then transforms that leader into a true champion”, emphasized this backyard dog trainer.

Discovering a Discipling Track to Follow Hundreds of churches in the United States host Wild Game Dinners which are sometimes referred to as “Beast Feast”. Hank Hough has traveled to many states and served as a keynote speaker in a variety of denominational churches of all sizes. Hank states that he can immediately tell if a church is intentional in presenting the gospel after asking a few simple questions about their discipling plan for new believers.

Oftentimes the event organizers, even with the best of intentions, do not present the very excellence that Christ Jesus so deserves. Men often default to mediocre planning and preparation because men inherently wait on the next guy to volunteer rather than step up to the plate with a servant attitude. It is easy to give God our leftovers when we fail to plan or make adequate preparations for an event or project. But our planning and preparation can go even deeper. Why not implement a plan of action for your outdoors men’s ministry to schedule annual outreach events and projects that are carefully designed to encourage long term spiritual development in the life of every sportsman associated with your church fellowship. CSF uses a very simple metaphor of “Climbing Legacy Mountain” to communicate essential lifelong goals in becoming a follower of Jesus Christ then passing the Christian heritage down to the next generation.

A discipling track to follow

1 Outreach Events Base Camp (Come & See) John 1:37-39

2 X-Treme Discipling Equipping Camp (Come & Grow) 1 Peter 2:2a



Lifelong Kingdom Service Seasoned Sportsman Plan Assault Camp Guide Camp (Come & Mentor) (Come & Serve) John 21:15-19 Luke 5:10-11

The four camps found on Legacy Mountain represent specific goals in the sportsman’s spiritual journey as he seeks to become a follower of Christ. Hank stated, “A team of men within a local church can very easily launch a chapter made up of Charter Members who understand the importance of God’s call upon a leader to become a true champion. Seasoned Sportsmen can come together to promote “Fellowship with Purpose”… a lot of fun, food and fellowship where sportsmen are invited to come and see how God can transform the lives of sportsmen. God will then raise up other champions to follow the Chapter Director’s lead. This first step in “Climbing Legacy Mountain” is revolutionary for men who have few friends and yet long to know the One who spoke all of creation into existence.” Hank further relates, “The second most important step in “Climbing Legacy Mountain” is a faith step for sportsmen who are longing to learn more about the Bible and God’s unconditional plan for their lives. It just seems that a follower of Jesus Christ comes alive when he begins to apply

the Christian disciplines of prayer, bible reading, group study and service together within the chapter.” “It has been fantastic to see lives changed through the power of the gospel of Christ but it is even more exciting to learn a few months later that those same sportsmen are walking closely with the LORD. The dedication of a team of men who are intentional in fulfilling the Great Commission among sportsmen is a rare occurrence. I am thankful to God that He is allowing Kingdom Dog Ministries to be a part of what he is doing in the lives of sportsmen within the church during these last days to make disciples of all men”, Hough concluded.

The second most important step in “Climbing Legacy Mountain” is a faith step for sportsmen who are longing to learn more about the Bible and God’s unconditional plan for their lives.

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Buck Gen-5

Skinner Gives New Meaning to Family Tradition Elegant but practical hunting knife, designed by Josh Buck, the 5th Buck Generation POST FALLS, IDAHO Ever since Hoyt Buck created his first knife as a teenage apprentice blacksmith in Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1902, the legend of Buck Knives has grown. Hoyt’s determination to make a better, more reliable knife, coupled with firm dedication to his Christian faith, formed the solid foundation on which this great American company was built, and they have continued to build on it by maintaining those basic convictions. Each of the succeeding generations -- Al, Chuck and CJ -- has made lasting contributions to the growth of the company, always with their focus

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on solid, reliable tools. Now, the fifth generation, Josh Buck, has made his mark at the young age of 21 years. Challenged by his father, who had complete trust in his son’s abilities, Josh began designing a new compact skinner. At the time, Josh who had worked in many roles as a teenager, was still an apprentice and not a full-time employee, but that seemed to generate within him even more determination to create something very special. After all, he is the fifth generation, and those family traditions were deeply entrenched in him. Beyond that, young Josh knew he could prove that his father’s trust in him was not

misplaced. Josh spent hours and hours designing and refining his basic idea, always knowing he could make it just a little better. And he was never reluctant to seek advice and counsel from those around him with far more experience. Finally, he was satisfied and proudly showed his father CJ and his grandfather Chuck the prototype. From there it became a piece of Buck history. The Buck Gen-5 Skinner was born. Every year Buck Knives custom craftsmen create a new collection of Limited Edition works of art that whet the appetite of true knife aficionados.

continued on page 38

Added to an impressive assortment of 15 models, the one that stood out from all the others was Josh’s creation, called the Gen-5 Skinner. The Limited Edition Gen-5 was an elegant skinner that embodied many of the elements you may have seen from his greatgrandfather, Al Buck. Josh had been working in various roles at Buck since he was a teenager. His very first design effort demonstrated that he has a true flair for knifemaking and is sure to proudly continue the Buck legend. In his innovative design, Josh took out much of the bulk you find in a typical skinner, yet it delivers the function without the weight. Josh sensed a growing trend toward more compact hunting knives, and proved to be right on target. The 3” blade on the Limited Edition, made of 154CM steel, is mirror-polished and personally signed by Josh. Overall, the Gen-5 is 7-7/8” and weighs 4.5 oz. The eye-catching handle is made of rare snakewood, with a lustrous brass guard. Even the brown leather sheath has been custom designed. Only 500 were produced, each serialized and packed in a handsome Buck Limited Edition box, with a Certificate of Authenticity. But that was really just the beginning of the success story of Josh Buck’s Gen-5. It proved so popular as a Limited Edition model, the Buck Knives Gen-5 Skinner has now joined the wide range of production knives in the Buck catalog. Now the Gen-5 fills the need for a sturdy, compact knife with an elegant skinning blade for hunters everywhere, not just the serious collectors. There are two models available, at two price-point levels. Both have the same 3” skinning blade, but with different steels. The higher-priced Model

005RW, with checkered rosewood handle, brass guard and wet-molded leather sheath, is made of 154 CM stainless steel, heat-treated to Rc 59-61 for maximum hardness, sharpenability and corrosion resistance. The

Josh, C.J. and Chuck

005GY, with charcoal wood handle, nickel-silver guard and heavy-duty nylon sheath, uses 420HC steel with an Rc 58 Rockwell hardness. Both ergonomic handles have tririvet construction to solidly anchor the full-tang bade. These production models have essentially the same specs as the Limited Edition. The modified skinning blade is 3” long, the overall length is 7-7/8” and they weigh a little less at 4.2 oz. Blades are finished with Buck’s advanced Edge2xTM technology, which makes them sharper out of the box, hold an edge longer and easier to re-sharpen. As part of Buck’s American Commitment they are made in the U.S.A. And are backed by Buck’s unconditional Forever Warranty. MSRPs: 005GY, $88; 005RW, $140. And so Josh Buck has established his name in the long line of Buck knifemakers. His great-great-grandfather Hoyt made the first Buck knife 106 years ago and set the standards that have guided the others. His greatgrandfather Al took the company into its modern era as a corporation

and was the man behind the famous 110 Folding Hunter, which literally revolutionized the knife business. His grandfather Chuck led the firm to its greatest growth and to a new manufacturing level, and is still very active as Chairman of the Board and travels extensively to represent the company to customers in stores and to Christian groups where he shares his beliefs. His father CJ, President of Buck today, is the leader who engineered their move from California to Post Falls, Idaho, and instituted new, more efficient manufacturing techniques, enabling them to fulfill their American Commitment. (See below). It has been said that Buck Knives and the Buck family history represent a true slice of Americana, and this certainly is part of their proud heritage. But with the Buck family, dating back to the amazing creativity of the teenage Hoyt more than 100 years ago, it goes beyond that. It has been and continues to be their deep and abiding Christian faith, their loyalty to family and extended family, their dedication to true craftsmanship, and their commitment to producing innovative and reliable tools, and then backing it with the reliability of their reputation. An American Commitment For many loyal Buck customers, the Made in the U.S.A. stamp on our blades is just as important as the Buck logo beside it. As a fourth generation American company, we understand that. And because both of these symbols of pride mean as much to us as they do to the people who use our knives, Buck has always maintained the goal of providing superior products at fair value, trying to keep products in the USA. This year, we are proud to say that we have taken the first step toward achieving that goal by moving production of the 759 Metro, previously imported, back to our factory in Post Falls, Idaho, where the majority of our knives are still made. Because Buck is committed to importing products only when absolutely necessary, and not simply because we can, the 759 Metro might be the first of our knives to regain the Made in the U.S.A. Stamp -- but it definitely won’t be the last. --Charles T. Buck, Chairman CJ Buck, President

Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 33

Author | Steve Ponchot

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Discovering Hidden There are two seasons in that part of West Africa: dry and wet, and both were extreme! Growing up in West Africa, the son of missionaries, there were no fences to keep us from exploring in every direction from our hilltop “home.” We could explore just about everywhere we wanted. Our only limit was how far we could walk or bike and return by dinner. We had endless opportunities to explore, discover, and to enjoy Creation to its fullest. It may sound strange, but growing up in a boarding school in West Africa provided a wonderful balance between security and freedom! Did I say boarding school? Yes, and I was all of six years old when I was taken to stay for a few months. Usually, my parents lived about four or five hours away and visited at least once per term (There were three terms). They, along with other missionaries, made that very difficult decision to give us a good education, keeping up with schools in the States. We were also given the gift of friends our age. I cannot thank my parents enough! The core, the nub that pulled out new talents, was real because we somehow knew that our imaginations were important – there were no telephones, TV, videos, not even a radio to call our own! Music was heard only when we sang, and the only electricity we had was started at 4:30, and ran until 10:00 pm when it was shut down. There are two seasons in that part of West Africa: dry and wet, and both were extreme! During the dry season all moisture seemed gone. Everything was

brown. Even a tiny breeze tossed up dust. Some trees remained green but dust covered everything. If we saw oncoming traffic on the dirt roads, we hurriedly tried to close every window before reaching the dust plume behind the oncoming vehicle, even though the temperature was above 100! It is truly hard to express how dry it really was! Rainy season was as extreme as dry season. I remember it raining for three weeks without stopping, though at times only lightly! The country averaged well more than 100 inches of rain per year, and all that fell during rainy season, a bit longer than dry season. I say this only to explain our activities. During the dry season we could walk or ride our bikes, exploring for quite some distance. Since the grass and everything else was brown, it was much easier to see our way ahead. We made our biggest explorations, including climbing three peaks on the mountain across town. We got dirty but it was a wonderful part of the year because we could be outside, and it seemed we always were. Then came the rain. At the worst we were more limited, but there were still many possibilities. Many, including me, received plastic models from “home,” and we used as many pieces as possible, especially the ones left over. We shared and used the extra parts to design new kinds of vehicles or other machines. Little was wasted.

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The “Rec Building,” a covered cement slab with two smaller rooms, allowed us to play without getting wet for the most part, and we played basketball, ping pong, even skating. In the evenings I used sit on the front porch to watching huge thunderstorms with lightning dancing over the mountains across town. I loved it! How did we benefit from all this? Every night our housefather would read from a Bible story book, telling us many stories that entered our minds, even if subconsciously. We also memorized many Bible verses. Our teachers set up competitions making it a fair but true challenge for each of us. It was fun because of the challenge, the competition, and any prizes have been forgotten; yet the verses remain. The Bible knowledge developed during those growing up years was more, in many ways, than my years at a Christian college. We also learned of the power of imagination. To develop unknown talents we challenged ourselves, as well. I learned that two sisters were oil painting and wondered if I could join them. Graciously they gave me a small canvas and some brushes, along with paint. Watching them work developed an eye and interest in art I may never have known. Also, because I could sing I was placed with two other girls to form a trio. We sang on many occasions. Because of my inclinations with music I took piano and trumpet lessons, as well. Had I grown up in the States I doubt

Alaska Wilderness Missions Trips An Invitation for CSF Chapter Leaders to Plan Your 2009 Chapter Leader Exploratory Trips

The core, the nub that pulled out new talents, was real because we somehow knew that our imaginations were important – there were no telephones, TV, videos, not even a radio to call our own! I would have developed along any of these lines. You can add to that leadership development, responsibility, and wholesome fun. All of this was true because we were left to our imaginations in a secure environment.

Skilled and unskilled crews work as a team

What does this mean? To me it means that TV, actually the power of the media as a whole, is robbing our country in many ways. Instead of reflecting what we are doing, they are directing us in actions and activities. Just a few words in the right newspaper or movie can take our country into a financial panic, whether it is real or not. Remember, the media is after one thing only: Money! Also, as an illustration, since musicians are so revered these days, many are trying to climb in; and may very well be missing what they do best. I dabbled in many, many “pies,” growing up, learning first that I really like pie, but also that I was good at some things and not so good in others. That was also true for most of my friends growing up. We were under strict discipline. It was essential if three adults were to manage up to 45 youngsters. The lines were made very clear, and consequences were meted out appropriately. Though we thought we hated it at the time, in truth it allowed us to focus on what was good and right. Finally, talent is only placed in us. It is not always highly visible, and it can always be made better. It may be a great idea to turn off the “tube,” and try something. We dare sit on our laurels. That would be the third man in Jesus’ “parable of the Talents.” (Matt. 25) There is always more, and it is in finding it that gives us a zest for life. “Man finds it hard to get what he wants, because he does not want the best; God finds it hard to give, because He would give the best, and man will not take it.” —George MacDonald in George MacDonald, An Anthology (130), edited by C. S. Lewis. Christianity Today, Vol. 30, no. 18.

Father/Son (Daughter) Short-Term Mission Projects.

Alaska Father/Son Youth Camp on the Kenai Peninsula — June/September Trips Join other chapter leaders to experience the true Alaska adventure while constructing cabins, fishing for halibut or salmon and pursuing the legendary trophy black bear and other game animals. Travel, Lodging and Meals $1,800 Call today at 770.772.6749 for scheduling your exploratory trip to Alaska’s “Last Frontier”, then plan future trips with other chapter members as part of your annual outreach agenda. Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 35

Church Leaders!

Author | Hank Hough Order Your Chapter Chartering Package Today!

Launch an effective outdoors ministry today by chartering your own church-based chapter of Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship! Just as Jesus modeled leadership by investing time with ordinary men in establishing the first century church, today’s leaders can also encourage and empower others to serve with a lifestyle of passion. Become a core member in your outdoors ministry in your church community by launching a CSF Chapter. Your local church can order a Chapter Chartering Package to receive essential tools for launching an effective outdoors ministry. The Package will include 12 Charter Membership kits for twelve men who have been called to serve by joining your chapter. Each Charter Membership is valued at $74.50 if ordered individually! (See centerfold for registering additional Charter members).

Get Started Today! Individual Charter Membership Kit includes: For a suggested minimum contribution of


1.CharterSportsmen’sCap 2. Window Decal 3. Magazine Subscription 4. F.I.R.E. Publications

5. Camouflaged Bible 6. Mini-Buck Pocket Knife 7. Membership Card 8. Exclusive web content


CSF Headquarters today at 770.772.6749 to order your Chapter Chartering Package and join as a CSF Charter Member 36 | 1.800.722.8714, enter 44

Chapter Chartering PACKAGE includes: • Twelve Charter Membership Kits •YourownChapterWebsiteforPersonalizedMember Communication •QuarterlyShipmentofFiftyCopiesofTheChristian Sportsman magazine • Directors Resource Notebook •ChapterMinistryPlanningTemplateforCustomization •DigitalFilesforDesigningCSFLogoSportswearand Promotional Materials •RegionalDirectorAssistanceinPlanningYourAnnual Outreach Agenda •RegistrationforChapterDirectortoParticipateinthe CSF National Leadership Summit *BonusCSFDisplayBannerforEventPromotion * Bonus Book: The Perfect Leader, by Ken Boa

TCS Photo Gallery

The Christian Sportsman— ALl Rights Reserved.

This buck scored 248. He has 21 points, an inside spread of 32 inches and an outside spread of 34 inches. He is only 4 years old.

Ron Hefner & family during the Canton Pignic – Seven Thunders BBQ (GA)


Bruce Jackson with trophy Striped Bass (GA)


Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 37

Sportsmen in Action


15th Annual Men’s


Men’s Conference in Atlanta Draws over 12,000 in Search for Answers After a huge sirloin steak dinner on Friday evening, the teaching focused on the topic, “Temptation Island”. During the economic uncertainty and political turmoil being experienced across the nation, men are searching for answers to bring meaning and perspective to their family, career and personal relationships. Many lives were impacted for eternity during a fun and festive two-day event held over two consecutive weekends. A great work was accomplished in the lives and hearts of men. What a wonderful forum for starting our CSF chapter outreach schedule for 2009! After a huge sirloin steak dinner on Friday evening, the teaching focused on the topic, “Temptation Island”. Attendees were challenged to draw strength from trusting Jesus Christ as they walk through the mounting trials and difficulties of life. The Book of James provided the back drop of pointed scripture to provide the anchor many needed while entering the uncharted waters of the new year. First Woodstock CSF Chapter was privileged to host several workshops designed to help sportsmen launch a chapter-based outdoors men’s

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ministry within their home church. The equipping sessions introduced new members to CSF and provided a platform for leaders of existing chapters to share some success stories. John Robison from a chapter in Thomasville, GA started the sessions by sharing some fresh stories of sportsmen receiving Christ as Savior and Lord during one of their recent chapter outreach events.

Thousands of men from over 38 states attended the First Baptist Church of Woodstock 15th Annual Men’s Conference led by Pastor Johnny Hunt, the newly elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Hunt also serves on the International Advisory Board of Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship and as a founding member of the organization.

Barry Singer who serves as the Chapter Director was joined by Jeff Riggs and his team of chapter members who served BBQ and worked the booth that displayed game and fish trophies. Men from hundreds of churches were eager to learn of CSF chapter events and projects, ranging from an annual deep sea fishing trip held in Destin, Florida, to Father/ Son Centershot Archery and our regularly scheduled Hunter Education Classes. The chapter also hosted an afternoon lunch immediately following the conference, prepared by Ron Hefner of Seven Thunders BBQ. New chapter member Steve Dycus brought his entire family to enjoy some of Ron’s award winning Bar-B-Q ribs that recently debuted at the local Kansas City Sanctioned PIGNIC held each year just north of Atlanta. The Fundraising event was part of the chapter’s plan to help fund vital services that the chapter provides to the church community. Barry Singer stated, “Our chapter has purchased a Troy Bilt log splitter so that men can assist families who need wood fuel for furnaces to get through the

winter months when utility prices are skyrocketing.” “Another critical chapter expense is to purchase and maintain our Genesis archery equipment for Centershot, scheduled in the Spring and Fall of each year,” Barry continued. “We include a Silent Auction during our fall Sportsmen’s Banquet & Wild Game Tasting which is mostly funded by encouraging men to sponsor a table to invite their family members and neighbors,” he concluded. Many men have already launched their local CSF chapter and are on the road to hosting their first Sportsmen’s Banquet & Wild Game Tasting. CSF chapters do not compete for members but rather work together to encourage new chapters within each local church fellowship. Multi-chapter projects include “Outdoors Extravaganzas” and mission group trips to Alaska. Other church communities are now promoting their own Annual Men’s Conference modeled after this very successful weekend event. Men come seeking answers, then travel back home, encouraged and empowered by the dynamic teaching, great fellowship and anointing from the Holy Spirit. A renewed heart and mind will encourage men to face life’s many challenges while walking with God in the coolness of each day!

Many churches desiring to launch an effective outdoors ministry have contacted CSF Headquarters wanting to start a chapter for the purpose of engaging sportsmen within their local community. As a resource team for the local church since 1994, CSF has discovered events and projects that are proven in establishing effective men’s ministry. Men are looking for “Fellowship with Purpose” Visit to learn more about stating a CSF Chapter in your church.

Many men have already launched their local CSF chapter and are on the road to hosting their first Sportsmen’s Banquet & Wild Game Tasting.

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Leaving a Legacy Through Estate Planning Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization. The foundation is supported by the prayers and generosity of Christian sportsmen and corporate sponsors. One way that you can ensure that outreach to sportsmen continues is to consider including the foundation in your estate plan. If you are interested in establishing a chari-

table gift annuity for the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation, please contact Richard Jordan at 770.335.1814 or speak with your estate planning attorney. Your financial support has helped launch over 200 church based chapters across the nation since 1994 to impact thousands of sportsmen for eternity, along their sons and daughters.

CSFCamouflaged Sportsmen’sBible Some sportsmen have used the CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible while in the tree stand deer hunting and believe that this edition of God’s Word is an invaluable tool for a successful season. Whether the action seems slow or you just want to take a moment to reflect in seeking inspiration from a favorite scripture reference, this small pocket bible is just right for the active Christian sportsman who takes his deer hunting seriously. The CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible makes a great gift for family members and friends. Stock up today so that you will be, “Ready in season and out of season” to give an account for the hope that you have within you!

770.772.6749 or www. 40 | 1.800.722.8714, enter 44

Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 41

Author | Lane Walker

Father Knows Best The turkey clucked once and looked around. I was devastated, I watched as the huge gobbler sprinted off into the timber.

Turkey hunting has always been a Spring rite of passage for our family. My dad took me hunting at a very young age which helped me develop a real passion for hunting longbeards. I am blessed to have an earthly father that has an unparalleled passion and love for the outdoors. I learned to trust my dad at a very young age, especially when it had anything to do with hunting. My

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dad would tell me where and when to sit in a certain spot and sure enough it would almost always work. Trust didn’t come just by my dad saying it, he proved it to me on a regular basis. One thing my dad would always talk about before every season is the finer points of shooting. Every year right before turkey season started I heard the same thing. Dad always said, “Always put that bead

at the base of the gobbler’s neck, don’t aim for the head.” Great advice, in fact, I followed it for over 15 years without missing a single turkey. But experience and knowledge is meaningless unless you use it, unless you trust it. Knowing how to do something and doing it are two different things. I had to learn a lesson about trust the hard way and it involved

an encounter with a record book mammoth gobbler. The opening morning of turkey season couldn’t have been more perfect. The sun started to paint the landscape a beautiful brazen orange while gobblers were sounding off in all directions. I said a little prayer thanking God for such a majestic sight and for all the beautiful Spring sounds. The incredible beauty of the morning had me reflecting on the Lord’s handiwork. I do this often when I am in the woods. But on this particular opening day, nothing would go as planned, at least how I had planned. I watched as three different gobblers flew down and joined a flock of about twenty birds about 200 yards from my ground blind. One big longbeard let out a thunder gobble in my direction just before he flew down, almost like he was telling me who was boss. About a half hour later, I looked up and there was the huge tom walking ten yards from my ground blind. Everything was perfect; the giant was walking away from me and had no idea of the danger that sat perched right behind him. I remember smiling and thinking how perfect everything was and how nice this big boy would look in my house.

around. I was devastated, I watched as the huge gobbler sprinted off into the timber. I missed that bird at 10 yards and he was a majestic trophy. The turkey was so close, my pattern didn’t open and my shot had missed his head by an inch. I was heartbroken. My dad came running up and it hurt even worse. He had instructed me and taught me over years and years of hunting action, why didn’t I trust his advice?

choose when to trust God’s word. When times get crazy or monster gobblers are in our sights, it’s comforting to know that God has a perfect plan. The bible tells us in Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.” What a comforting thought and blessing that verse is. Even in rough times, the Lord knows our hearts and if we trust Him, He will always provide for us.

I knew what I was supposed to do, but I tried to do it on my own terms. How many times in life have you tried to do things on your own terms? I had the trust in my father’s words, but for someone reason I tried doing it on my own and it didn’t work.

God’s word is never failing and the more trust I give to my Savior, the better my life seems to be.

Just like in life, we can’t pick or

I was amazed at the size of the bird. He had a paintbrush for a beard that dragged on the ground like an old farm plow. It was the biggest turkey I have ever seen; the beard was easily over 13 inches long and the bird was pushing 30 pounds. This was my chance. I knew this was my opportunity to kill a record book turkey. His head had a majestic glow, with beautiful shades of red and blue.

I pulled my gun up just as calm as can be as he picked his head up. Then a thought ran through my mind and I told myself, “That gobbler’s got the biggest head I have ever seen, I don’t need to shoot it in the neck. I’m going to aim right at his head.” I pulled up and fired. The turkey clucked once and looked Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 43

Is Your Name in God’s Record Book of Life?

“I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3:3) Did you know that you can have your name permanently recorded in God’s book of life today?

HERE’S HOW: A) Admit that you need him - Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23a: “For the wages of sin is death...”, B) Believe that Jesus died to save you - Romans 6:23b “...but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” C) Confess Jesus as your Savior and Lord by turning from your sin and calling on his name - Romans 10:9-10: “That if you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:13: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 3:19: “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out...” Our response is to receive Jesus Christ.

Does this prayer say what you want to say to God? Dear God, I believe that your son died for my sins and ask your forgiveness. I receive Jesus Christ now as my personal Savior and invite him to be the Lord of my life from this day forward. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Please contact us about your eternal decision: CSF, P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156 44 | 1.800.722.8714, enter 44

Services and products classified section OUTFITTERS & GUIDES


Alaska World Class Adventures Black and Grizzly Bear/Moose/Dall Sheep/Caribou David Bridges- Licensed Professional Guide and Experienced Bush-Pilot Phone: 907-452-8680 Fax: 907-452-6778 Email: Parkwood Inn & Suites – Extended Stay Property 204 trees on 2 ½ acres in Anchorage 907.563.3590 Comer & Associates – Own, manage and broker hotels Commercial and Residential Professionals 907.440.9000

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Preserve and enjoy your favorite outdoor pictures by having them mounted on wood with an epoxy finish. A great way to remember those special times. Call Jim Leben at 478-456-2978 or e-mail for more information or to order. RESOURCES

Lost Lakes Outfitters — Idaho Backcountry Guided Elk, Bear and Mountain Lion Hunts Summer Pack/Fishing Trips High Success Rate! 1-866-LST-LAKE, email us at:

Share Your Faith With Others To secure copies of the CSF Sportsmen’s Bibles contact: CSF, P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156 or call 770.772.6749 Quantity discounts available.

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Cavner & Julian Inc. Alaska Peninsula Brown Bear Hunt

Submit Classified Ad to: Ad Copy to: The Christian Sportsman: Classified AD Dept. P.O. Box 500099, Atlanta, GA 30350 Rates: $9 per word/Subject to editorial review

Lindholm’s Lodge Ak. Peninsula-Chignik Lake Phone: (907) 696-4037 E-mail: Website:

Career Opportunities – The Christian Sportsman Field Representatives needed for magazine distribution to church communities across the United States. Email:

Crossheart Outfitters L.L.C. Trophy Quality hunts in Montana for Elk, Mule Deer, Whitetail, Antelope, Black Bear, Mountain Lion, Buffalo, Bighorn Sheep - Conducting hunts for all species of Sheep in Asia and Mexico. 22yrs. experience Bruce Smetana (O) 406-549-8812 (M) 406-544-4783 WETHERBEES LODGE & GUIDE SERVICE Alaska’s best Halibut and Coho Salmon fishing located on Prince of Wales Island at Coffman Cove call 907-329-2266, Student intern’s being interviewed for Summer Season 2009

Fly fisherman and outdoors enthusiast Rod Johnson serves up story after story in this thought provoking and insightful devotional book. This set of creative writings is an effective tool to be used each morning for the purpose of “connecting” with our Heavenly Father in the context of His Great Outdoors. Formatted with great questions at the end of each adventure story, Rod takes you on a spiritual journey of hunting, fishing and target shooting sure to thrill young and old alike. Suggested Minimum Contribution Only $14.99

Great Falls Taxidermy Specializes in Custom Life-size Mounts and Wildlife Bronzes, Great Falls, Montana. Contact: Mark Smart 406-761-3586 Faunafrika Safari Outfitters- Southern Africa Phone: 27(147)66 0111,

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Great for small group CSF BASE Camps or family devotions!

CSFCamouflaged Sportsmen’sBible Some sportsmen have used the CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible while in the tree stand deer hunting and believe that this edition of God’s Word is an invaluable tool for a successful season. Whether the action seems slow or you just want to take a moment to reflect in seeking inspiration from a favorite scripture reference, this small pocket bible is just right for the active Christian sportsman who takes his deer hunting seriously. The CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible makes a great gift for family members and friends. Stock up today so that you will be, “Ready in season and out of season” to give an account for the hope that you have within you!

770.772.6749 or www.

Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 45

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Father/Son Clay Target Shoot-a-thon Support CSF Chapter Projects including our Special Youth Challenge In 2010, CSF Host Chapters are inviting area churches to participate in a fun clay target shoot where fathers and their sons (or daughters) attempt a set number of targets to raise funding for youth projects. Contact CSF Headquarters to find out more about events scheduled in your area. You can either: 1. Participate as a father/son team or 2. Choose to sponsor a father/son team. Your sponsorship of a father/son (daughter) team will encourage young sportsmen to help serve the needs of others while providing an event forum for fathers to pass the Christian heritage down to the next generation of sportsmen. The Shoot-a-thon event is based upon sponsor pledges made to team members who attempt a set number of targets during an annual fun target shooting Friendraiser event. Incentive awards and prize drawings are provided by CSF chapters to encourage maximum participation. Local community news outlets will feature father/son teams in the positive light of young sportsmen learning gun safety and marksmanship skills while promoting Special Youth Challenge events across the nation. Since 1998, over 150 physically challenged teenagers have experienced a Lifetime Dream Experience weekend in six states. * Grand Draw Prize “CSF Signature Series Shotgun” Minimum team requirements apply (see rules)

CSF Special Youth Challenge at Legends Ranch in Michigan where over 100 physically challenged teenagers have experienced a lifetime dream experience

Alaska Wilderness Missions Father/Son (Daughter) Youth Camps for experiencing God’s Great Outdoors while pursuing outdoor adventures.

For More Information Please Call 770.772.6749 Today!

Sportsmen’s Prayer Line 1.800.772.6115 | 47

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