Parent/Carer Handbook 2018

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Parent/Carer Handbook 2018

Our partnership with parents and carers plays a crucial role in ensuring students achieve at the highest level. Often parental involvement in a child’s education reduces when they reach secondary school. We are committed to ensuring that does not happen. Regular communication with parents is incredibly important to us. Working with parents, and presenting young people with common expectations at home and at the academy, is key to our success. This booklet is therefore an essential document in helping you understand our standards and approach, so we can ensure that your child gets the most out of the opportunities we provide. Mark Malcolm Principal



Accelerated Reader Additional Studies Attendance B Behaviour Bullying C Communications Complaints procedure Confiscated items - see Uniform Consultation Week D Daily schedule Detentions - see Behaviour E Expectations Exclusions F Family-Academy Contract Finance - see ParentPay Food - see Lunch Free School Meals H Homework House system J Jewellery and hair - see Uniform L Library Lost property Lunch M Merits Music lessons O Opportunities P Parent Day ParentPay Parent Staff Association (PSA) Personal Advisers PHSCE Progress Punctuality - see Attendance

3 4 4 4 5 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 10


Reading Reports Rewards - see Merits Rules S Safety and Safeguarding SIMS SLT Surgery Special Educational Needs Staff List - see Who’s who? Student Planner T Term dates U Uniform V Values and Success W Website Wellbeing and welfare Who’s who?

17 17 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 23 23 24 24

11 12 12 12 13 13 14 13 14 15 16 16 16 17 17

* Where the term ‘parent’ is used in this document the academy recognises that this includes any adult who has legal responsibility for the child.

Accelerated Reader 4


All students in years 7, 8 and 9 are enrolled on a programme called Accelerated Reader (AR) to improve their literacy and encourage them to read for pleasure. At the start of term each student is given a target (e.g. 20 points) and earn points towards this target by reading throughout the term. Upon finishing a book, students must complete a short quiz and on passing the quiz they receive points for that book. Most books in the library have a points value based on their length and difficulty. Throughout the term, students take quizzes and check how many points they have using the library computers; they have two deadlines to meet – 50% (before half term) and 100% (usually the week before the end of term.) The dates of these deadlines will be written into student planners. Students must also keep a reading log of what they are reading and how often. These are the yellow pages in the middle of their planner which are checked regularly during English lessons. We expect and encourage students to read for at least 20 minutes a day, five days a week. Reading books for Accelerated Reader is as important as any other kind of homework. Students may be issued detentions for not reading. However, they are also rewarded with merits for excellent reading and for exceeding their target. There is an Accelerated Reader of the Week award, as well as a House Cup and a range of individual competitions and prizes to win throughout the year.

Additional Studies The academy operates an extended day for all students; the library is open both before and after school and our staff offer a range of extra-curricular activities including our Additional Studies programme of enrichment classes on a Wednesday and Thursday between 3.40 and 4.30 p.m.

Attendance Good attendance is essential if students are going to achieve their full potential. The City Academy, Hackney works with parents to ensure that we meet our attendance targets. Parents play the most significant role in ensuring that attendance and punctuality are good.

The academy asks parents to: Refrain from organising family holidays during term time. The Principal reserves the right to refuse permission for student absence during holiday time Contact the academy on the first day of absence, explaining the reason and the expected length of absence * If your child is absent for longer than 3 consecutive days medical evidence should be provided.

Write a note in your child’s planner explaining the reason for their absence Arrange medical and other appointments outside school hours where possible * If your child MUST attend an appointment during school hours, please provide an appointment card or medical note.

If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the absence line by 8.00 a.m. on 020 8525 5440 and select ’Option 1’ Rachel Halpin - Education Welfare Officer



We place a great deal of importance on developing the personal and social skills young people need in order to function well as positive citizens. The academy expects the kind of standards of behaviour that would be displayed in any professional workplace. It is our teachers’ responsibility to ensure that the academy delivers a secure environment with outstanding teaching. It is our students’ responsibility to be well presented, polite and courteous at all times, and we expect parents to uphold our rules so that every child can succeed. The academy believes that children should understand that there are always consequences associated with good and poor behaviour. With this in mind, we have a simple and consistently enforced system of rewards and sanctions to support high standards of behaviour. This encourages hard work, rewards good behaviour, and promotes success.



Behaviour (continued) What happens if students do not meet the academy’s expectations and rules? Our Behaviour Improvement Pathway sets out clear guidance regarding sanctions. Description of behaviour

Appropriate action

By whom?

Parental support

Green No behaviour concerns

Regular reports and rewards Praise postcards and positive letters home

All staff

Praise and reward

Lack of attention in class/talking in line

1. Reminder 2. Warning (name on board) 3. Detention (up to 20 minutes)

All staff

Discuss with child

Not working to targets or potential

Contact tutor and home


Meet with staff to agree action

Missing homework

20 minute detention


Ensure homework is completed

Incorrect uniform/PE kit including hair, make-up or jewellery

Send home to change/Reflection Room/ 20 minute detention

All staff

Ensure your child is in correct uniform

Incorrect equipment/planner not signed

20 minute detention

Teacher/ Tutor

Ensure your child has the correct equipment

Late to school (x1)

20 minute detention

EWO/ Reception

Ensure your child is ready to arrive on time


Note required


Note explaining absence in diary

Continued rule breaking in class

1 hour subject detention/subject report

Subject Leader

Discuss your child’s behaviour

Consistent lack of engagement

Meeting with parent + action plan


Discuss with staff + agree action

Consistent under-achievement

Meeting with parent + action plan


Discuss action and expectations

Late to school twice in a half term (x2)

1 hour House detention

Head of House

Repeated absence

Referred to Education Welfare Officer

Meet with Education Welfare Office (EWO) + agree action

Possession of food/phone/jewellery etc.

Confiscated until end of term + 1 hour detention

All staff

Discuss + collect at end of term

Missing a 20 minute detention

1 hour House/Subject detention

Behaviour Team

Serious breaches of academy rules such as: defiance, physical contact, name-calling etc.

Withdrawal + up to 2 hour detention + urgent meeting with parent


Meet with staff to agree action Support for restorative plan Ensure child adheres to plan and academy rules

MIssing a 1 hour detention

2 hour after school detention

Behaviour Team

Parents informed

3+ detentions in 1 half term


HOH/ Behaviour

Discuss action and expectations

Late to school three times in a term (x3)

2 hour after school detention


Agree action with EWO

Persistent absence/lateness

As above + fixed penalty notices considered


Agree action with EWO

Yellow (recorded event log)

Amber (aggregated event log)

Red (aggregated event log)

Severe (aggregated or 1 event) Missing a 2 hour detention (1)

Severe level sanctions can only be determined by the Principal/Vice Principal in line with DfE guidance

Constant disruption: persistent rule breaking or defiance (1-5)

The range of sanctions considered are shown in brackets against the behavioural concern

Bullying: emotional, physical, racial, sexual, homophobic, verbal, cyber (1-5)

Parents are informed and engaged in pastoral/restorative plans in all cases except permanent exclusion

Inappropriate sexualised conduct (1-5)

Pastoral/restorative plans will only be considered if there is a degree of contrition, honesty and willingness to apologise.

Fighting (2-5) Abusive/threatening behaviour (2-5) Damage to property or theft (3-5) Drug/alcohol use (4,5) Violence or assault (4,5) Drug dealing (5) Offensive weapons (5)

1. Reflection Room + meeting with parents to reset expectations 2. Reflection Room + 2 hour detention. Parents will come to collect their child, discuss the reason for the detention and agree an action plan for behavioural improvement 3. Excluded for 3 days + meeting with parents to reset expectations 4. Excluded for 16 days (to be heard by Governors) + meeting with parents to set a Pastoral Support Plan 5. Permanent exclusion and/or managed move to another school

Bullying The academy encourages all students to challenge bullying. Students should report incidents, inside and outside the academy, to a member of staff, who will tackle it promptly and sensitively. Bullying is defined as repeated, deliberate and hurtful behaviour that can take many different forms including: Emotional - unfriendly, excluding, tormenting or taking property Physical - pushing, hitting or any form of violence Racial - racial taunting, graffiti or gesturing Sexual - unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments Homophobic - focusing on, or as a result of, sexuality Verbal - name-calling, sarcasm, rumour-spreading, teasing Cyber - activity online, videos, photos, SMS, phone or social media If you have any concerns, please contact your child’s tutor or Head of House in the first instance.



The academy uses various forms of communication to ensure that you are kept informed about your child’s progress and upcoming events. We regularly contact parents by telephone (both landline and mobile), post, text message and email, as well as making information available on our website, on SIMS and ParentPay. Examples include: Post - important letters, praise postcards, event reply slips Telephone/mobile - calls from teachers, emergencies, detentions, general enquiries Text message - absence notifications, same-day detentions, reminders Email - SIMS registration, event invitations, surveys Online - website, Twitter, SIMS, ParentPay, The City Times It is vital to safeguarding that we have accurate contact information for all our students’ parents. Therefore, we ask that you regularly check that your contact details - listed on SIMS - are up-to-date, and that you inform the academy of any changes. Nathalie Heatherington - Marketing and Communications Officer



Complaints procedure It is the academy’s intention that you and your child experience the highest quality of service, educational provision and communication. If you have any concerns about our quality of provision please follow the agreed complaints procedure. Please contact reception who will put you in touch with the relevant member of staff and provide you with their contact telephone number or email address. The academy expects all staff to return calls and emails promptly. Correspondence, statements and records of complaints are considered confidential. If you have any concerns about a particular subject or lesson, please contact your child’s subject teacher or Subject Leader. Please read the full complaints procedure on the Hackney Learning Trust website: Complaint heard by staff member Ensure complaints coordinator informed of outcome Issue not resolved Complaint heard by Principal Acknowledge receipt of complaint Write to complainant with outcome of investigation Ensure complaints coordinator informed of outcome Issue not resolved Governors’ complaints panel meeting arranged Issue letter inviting complainant to meeting Issue letter confirming panel discussion Ensure complaints coordinator informed of outcome

Issue resolved

Consultation Week


Consultation Week gives parents a chance to meet with their child’s Personal Adviser/ Tutor to discuss their levels and progress, and set practical targets to support their learning across the curriculum. Students will always have a target level they should be working towards, recorded in the front of their exercise books. Targets set by their Personal Advisers are recorded both in your child’s planner and on SIMS - which is also the best place to track your child’s progress, attendance, rewards and sanctions. Parents must attend the two Consultation Week appointments per academic year with their child’s Personal Adviser/ Tutor. Personal Advisers/ Tutors should always be the first point of contact for parents. There are no Additional Studies classes during Consultation Week as appointments are scheduled between 3.40 and 5.30pm.

Daily Schedule - also see Additional Studies All students should be in school for morning line up by 8.40 am. Library opens 7.30 am Breakfast Club 7.45 am All students on site 8.40 am Period 1 8.45 am Period 2 9.40 am Break 10.35 am Period 3 10.55 am Key Stage 3 lunch / Key Stage 4 period 4 11.50 am Key Stage 3 period 4 / Key Stage 4 lunch 12.45 pm Recess 1.30 pm Period 5 1.40 pm Period 6 2.35 pm End of day (Mon/Tues/Fri) / Recess (Weds/Thurs) 3.30 pm Additional Studies (Weds/Thurs) until 4.30 pm Extra-curricular activities/sports until 5.30 pm Library closes 6.30 pm



Expectations - also see Rules Students are expected to: Follow the rules at all times Work hard to make progress every day Be polite and responsible Take responsibility for their behaviour Respect each others’ race, culture, gender and sexual orientation Look after the building and environment Be prepared for learning with the correct uniform and equipment Attend the academy on time every day


Students must not: Be defiant to any member of staff Bring in or use anything dangerous or illegal Threaten, bully, fight, be violent or abusive Damage academy property or steal Bring in valuable items, phones, electronic devices, make-up, food and drink etc. Be late for lessons or take time off school, if at all possible

Exclusions - also see Behaviour The academy makes every effort to ensure that the learning environment meets the needs of all students taking into account their individual needs and circumstances. However, if it is considered that a student’s behaviour in the academy or community is unacceptable the Principal reserves the right to remove privileges and to exclude students either internally or externally from their peers or the academy as a whole.

Family - Academy Contract


The academy will ensure that: •

We provide a safe and supportive environment for students to enjoy learning and achieve their full potential

Students have the best possible education by providing a suitable curriculum and individual support

We set challenging targets for students to aspire to and review them regularly

We provide regular reports of students’ progress for parents

We contact home to praise and reward students’ success

We contact home if there are concerns about a student’s behaviour, effort or attendance

We contact home immediately if students are to be detained for more than 30 minutes after the end of the academy day

We provide opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress with teachers and other professionals.

Parents will ensure that: •

Their child attends every day, on time, unless they are ill

Their child wears the correct uniform to, at, and on the way home from the academy

Their child has the correct learning equipment needed for the day including PE kit

They support the academy’s policies on behaviour and uniform including a) up to 30 minute detentions without notice and b) same day severe incident after-school detentions until 5.30pm once informed

They provide a suitable environment for their child to work at home

Their child completes their homework on time and to the highest standard

They attend consultation appointments and Parent Days to discuss their child’s progress and any other meetings arranged with their consent

They encourage their child to try a broad range of additional activities from those on offer

They read and sign their child’s Student Planner every week

Their contact details are up-to-date and they let reception know if their details change

Students will ensure that they: •

Work hard and expect to learn in every lesson and additional activity

Attend regularly, arrive on time, wearing the correct uniform and with the correct equipment

Follow the academy’s rules at all times

Complete all homework to the highest standard and hand it in on time

Treat all adults and students with respect and stand up in class if the Principal or an unknown adult or visitor enters the room

Be polite at all times and open the door to let an adult through first

Respect the academy building and equipment and leave rooms tidy after using them

Take letters and messages home and deliver them to their parents or carers

Keep their Student Planner up-to-date with homework and targets and show it to academy staff if requested

Free School Meals - also see ParentPay Do you know if you are eligible for Free School Meals? All students at the academy benefit from a hot meal every day as part of our Family Dining service; this includes students eligible for Free School Meals. To apply, please contact The Hackney Learning Trust or download an application form from their website. Alternatively, if you need any help with your application, please do not hesitate to contact our Finance department who will also send you additional information regarding paying for your child’s meals via standing order.





In years 7, 8 and 9 homework is set weekly in English, maths, science and languages, and every other week in all other subjects. In years 10 and 11 homework is set weekly for all subjects except PHSCE which is set every other week. Students record all of their homework in their planner, and in most cases homework is completed in the back of their exercise books.

House system Heads of House are responsible for pastoral care at the academy and for having an overview of their students’ education including their attainment, welfare and behaviour. Students are grouped into four Houses with a Head of House and Deputy Head of House for each, and elected student House Captains. The House system is used to motivate students to achieve, through a range of House-related activities and competitions, from reading to sport. The academy operates vertical tutor groups. This means that tutor groups include a mix of ages. In schools that use this system tutors have much more contact with individual students and there are fewer instances of bullying as students create friendships across and between year groups.



The academy has two fully-staffed libraries: the Lee library for Key Stage 3, Turing library and ICT suite for Key Stage 4. Both libraries offer a wide range of resources including: fiction books; non-fiction books; magazines, newspapers and journals; PC/ Mac computers for use during break, lunch and after school to complete homework. Students are expected to have a reading book with them at all times, as part of their essential equipment. They may borrow most library books for a month at a time, and we encourage students to read at home as well as during school hours.

Helen Towers - Learning Resources Manager

Lost property All lost property goes to reception. Labelled uniform is returned to students; any unlabelled items are kept for one full term before being given to the second hand uniform shop run by our Parent Staff Association, or donated to charity. Other identifiable items can be reclaimed from reception. Please ensure your child’s uniform is clearly labelled.

Lunch - also see ParentPay and Free School Meals All students are seated formally at tables for lunch as part of our Family Dining service, and we expect all students to eat the healthy meal provided by the academy. There are vegetables, salads and fresh bread accompanying the meal, followed by a dessert or fresh fruit. Students are not allowed to bring in their own packed lunch from home, snacks, sweets or crisps. If a student brings in anything forbidden by the academy, items are confiscated and they receive a detention. Meals cost ÂŁ2.30 per day, unless you are eligible for Free School Meals, and are paid for via direct debit which is organised during the Year 6 Transition Day. Breakfast is offered from 7.45 - 8.15 am, this provides an opportunity for students to prepare themselves physically for learning by eating a healthy breakfast and to ensure that they are punctual. Sample lunch menus can be found on our website.


Merits 14


All students can earn merits as well as weekly and termly awards for good behaviour, excellent effort or attainment, attendance, or reading. These merits then translate into prizes for individual achievements as well as awards for top attaining Houses, tutor groups and year groups. Achievements are celebrated in assemblies and communicated home via positive postcards and The City Times. The academy empowers polite, conscientious, disciplined and successful students who want to achieve. All members of the community know they are valued and can work, learn, and teach without inappropriate disruption. Students must respect one another, respect the property of others and the environment, and follow the academy rules.

Music lessons Instrumental music lessons are made available to students of all ages at the academy. Our team of peripatetic teachers offer lessons for a wide range of modern and classical instruments including piano, woodwind, strings, brass, guitar, bass, drums and vocals. In addition, all students in year 7 receive free musical instrument tuition, and many of these students are also awarded scholarships to continue this free tuition beyond year 7.



Students at The City Academy, Hackney are taught in an environment that promotes academic, creative, sporting, linguistic, and personal achievement: this is the ‘City Experience’. Academic - we will not compromise on students achieving exceptional levels of academic progress. We are rigorous in our teaching whilst ensuring that we engage students’ interest and inspire them to achieve the highest academic standards. Behaviour is exceptional, classrooms are focussed and students are required to complete their classwork, and the regular homework we set them, to the best of their ability.

Creative - creative learning experiences are promoted across all subjects and the creative subjects themselves are highly regarded in our school. Every student has access to a wide range of creative opportunities through the formal curriculum, Additional Studies, trips, concerts and productions. In addition, every student in year 7 is given access to free musical instrument tuition. Sporting - our commitment to healthy lifestyles means that we encourage wide participation in sports and fitness. We have regular fixtures for all sports teams ranging from football to netball, taekwondo to trampolining. Students take pride in representing the academy and the academy takes pride in nurturing their individual talents and collective success. Linguistic - speaking another language is an invaluable life skill in the 21st century. For that reason every child is expected to study at least one foreign language and they are all given the opportunity to travel to Spain or France as part of their studies; these trips are subsidised by our joint sponsor, The City of London Corporation, widening access to an enriching education. Personal - we believe that academic success and the wider personal development of students go hand in hand. Any school should play a vital role in allowing students to develop a range of wider personal attributes which will help them to succeed in later life. The academy places a great deal of importance on politeness, kindness, responsibility and respect. We promote these values through our high expectations.

Parent Day


Parent Day gives parents the opportunity to meet with individual teachers to talk about their child’s progress in specific subjects. Meetings start from lunchtime and run through until 8pm which allows parents to plan around other commitments. Appointment dates and times will be posted to you in advance. Your child must attend with you (in full uniform, with their planner) or it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. We encourage our parents to attend all these meetings to discuss their child’s progress. There are no lessons on Parent Days and the academy is closed to all other students


ParentPay 16

ParentPay is used to pay for lunch, snacks, music lessons, trips, tickets, and books. Part of our cashless system, ParentPay removes the possibility of loss or theft of money from students. Parents credit money to their child’s account online via the website with a credit/debit card or at a PayPoint outlet with a PayPoint card. ParentPay login details and instructions will be sent to you along with a request slip for a PayPoint card. Any questions on how to use the system can be answered by our Finance department. Please note - students who wish to attend paid-for recreational trips, e.g. the ski trip, may not be allocated a place if they have an outstanding debt on their Parent Pay account. All outstanding debts should be paid, and payments kept up-to-date before a student is allocated a place on a trip where a payment is required. This does not affect essential educational trips. Asad Mahmood - Finance Manager

Parent Staff Association (PSA) The Parent Staff Association (PSA) aims to build strong links between home and school, enabling parents to be part of our school community. The group host a range of events including: parent lunches - at which you can try our family dining service; Subject Evenings so parents can experience life in the classroom first hand; discussion evenings and quizzes. All parents are welcome to attend the termly meetings to discuss any issues they may have, all of which is fed back to the Senior Leadership Team. Please contact admin@ if you are interested. The PSA have also set up a second hand uniform shop, offering donated items in good saleable condition.

Personal Advisers All students have a Personal Adviser who meets with them regularly in larger groups and one-to-one. Aspirational targets are discussed and agreed in conjunction with parents.

PHSCE Students learn how to maximise their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing through a programme of physical, health, social and citizenship education (PHSCE). Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) is now compulsory due to government legislation.

Progress We expect all students to progress five grades between primary school and GCSEs. This will result in every student succeeding in their GCSEs at grades 9 - 5 (including English and maths), and the majority achieving the English Baccalaureate (five 9 - 5 grades in English, maths, science, a language and history/geography).

Reading for pleasure: how to help


Set a good example: let your child know that you value books and make sure that they see you reading Don’t stop reading with your child: some children love being read to, even when they have become fluent readers themselves Make time to read: set some time aside for reading at home Talk about reading: share your views about books you have enjoyed Don’t just read books: encourage your child to read in different formats magazines, newspapers, comics, online, etc. Encourage them to use the local library: there are lots of free resources available which can support your child’s out-of-school reading Students should have a reading book with them at all times as part of their essential equipment.

Reports - also see SIMS We regularly provide our parents with information and data to ensure they are informed of their child’s progress. Parents are regularly given feedback from every subject; progress reports are compiled five times a year, posted home at the end of each half term and available online via your personalised SIMS account.



Rules - also see Expectations 10 general rules of conduct. All students must: 1. Be polite and respectful at all times 2. Wear the correct uniform at all times including travelling to and from the academy 3. Travel to and from the academy quickly, courteously and quietly (students should return home and change out of their uniform within 20 minutes of being dismissed) 4. Talk, not shout 5. Walk, not run. Walk on the left in corridors, in silence 6. Respect the reception and other public areas 7. Stand when the Principal or visitors enter the class 8. Refrain from congregating outside the academy gates at the end of the school day 9. Refrain from bringing food, sweets or gum into school 10. Put litter in the bins provided 10 classroom rules. All students must: 1. Arrive on time and line up in single file (the first person will hold the door open for the others) 2. Enter quietly and stand behind their desks before being asked to sit 3. Sit where the teacher asks and place any completed homework on the desk. There should be no coats or bags on the desk 4. Listen carefully, in silence, when the teacher is talking 5. Put their hand up if they need to ask, or answer, a question, and wait to be asked to speak 6. Complete all work to the best of their ability 7. Write their homework in their planner 8. When the teacher tells them - pack up and stand quietly behind their chair 9. Hold the door for others to leave the lesson when asked 10. Read a book in silence when waiting for a teacher.

Safety and safeguarding


The City Academy, Hackney has an on-site security presence at all times, closed circuit television monitoring, and an electronic system for registering and welcoming visitors. Staff members man the student gates during morning entrance and afternoon exit. All visitors access the building through the front entrance and are required to wear their identification badges at all times. Sixth formers can be identified by their blue lanyards and main school students can be identified by their biometric profile and uniform. Students are supervised by qualified staff at all times on the academy site and when visiting places off-site. Kay Wood - Child Protection Lead

SIMS SIMS - a link to which can be found on our website - is a valuable online portal, providing you with useful information regarding your child’s progress including: school diary, reports, timetable, attendance, rewards and sanctions. Please log in regularly to stay up-to-date and well informed. SIMS is best used as an app, downloaded onto your mobile phone, however you can still access it via a desktop device. We must have your current email address in order to send you a SIMS Parent App registration code.

SLT Surgery If you have any questions, comments or concerns that your child’s Personal Adviser was unable to help you with, the academy runs a drop-in surgery every Thursday and Friday, 8.45 - 9.40 a.m. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will be available to discuss any issues regarding your child. No appointment is required.



Special Educational Needs The City Academy, Hackney values students’ wellbeing, their opinions and their achievement. All students are individuals and have a variety of complex needs. Students with special educational and disability needs (SEND), those who are more able in a particular subject or variety of subjects, and the majority of students who fit into neither of these categories all receive support and challenge. Selin Saban - Classroom Support Leader

Student Planner Your child’s planner is both an essential piece of equipment (which they must have with them every day) and an important means of communication between you and your child’s tutor and teachers. Homework, detentions, Consultation Week targets and reading logs are all recorded in your child’s planner. Tutors and parents can write messages for one another in the weekly comments box, and parents must sign their child’s planner each week which is checked during tutor period on Monday mornings.

Term dates


Our term dates for the academic year ahead are listed below; please continue to check the events page on our website for updates and upcoming events. Autumn term First day of term Thursday 6 September

Half term week Monday 22 October

Last day of term Friday 21 December 2018

Spring term First day of term Tuesday 8 January 2019

Half term week Monday 18 February

Last day of term Friday 5 April

Summer term First day of term Wednesday 24 April

Half term week Monday 27 May

Last day of term Friday 19 July



Students must wear correct uniform at all times. This includes on their way to, at, and on the way home from the academy. It is a symbol by which students are recognised within the community and it fosters a sense of pride for, and respect of, the learning environment. Girls’ uniform:

Boys’ uniform:

Academy blazer

Academy blazer

Academy blouse

Long-sleeved shirt

Academy skirt/trousers

Academy trousers

Academy jumper

Academy tie

Plain black ankle socks or tights

Academy jumper

Flat, plain black school shoes *

Black socks

* Kickers shoes are not permitted and shoes must not have any branding. They must be black all over, including stitching.

Plain black school shoes *

(Year 7 - 8 = white / Year 9 - 11= blue)

Girls’ PE kit:

(Year 7 - 8 = white / Year 9 - 11= blue)

Boys’ PE kit:

Academy games polo shirt

Academy rugby shirt

Academy skirt/shorts

Academy rugby shorts

Academy games socks or plain white ankle socks

Academy games socks

Red academy sweatshirt

Sport-appropriate footwear

Sport-appropriate footwear

Protective gumshield

Protective gumshield

Academy base layer (optional)

Academy base layer (optional)

Academy polo shirts (optional) ***

Academy tracksuit (optional) **

Plain white socks (optional) ***

All jewellery (including earrings) must be removed for PE. ** for use after sports clubs, fixtures, training and Additional Studies. *** optional for Year 9 - 11and summer term only for Year 7 - 8. Girls and boys Academy rucksack

Academy hat (optional, winter only)

Academy winter jacket

Extra rugby shirt or polo shirt (optional)



Jewellery, hair and make-up - No jewellery is to be worn except plain watches and one small, plain metal, discreet stud in each ear. Hair must be tied back and all hair must be worn in a style appropriate to a business environment and without shaved lines. Extreme hairstyles/colours that undermine the ethos or discipline of the academy will not be permitted, including slits in eyebrows. Only plain black hair bands are permitted. Students wearing make-up will be asked to remove it and will be sanctioned accordingly. Judgements on acceptability can only be made by staff at the academy. Students with inappropriate uniform, hair or make-up will be placed in the Reflection Room or sent home to change. Essential equipment - Students must carry a clear, transparent pencil case containing: 2 x black / blue pens

Colouring pencils

2 x pencils (HB)


Green pen (for self-assessment)





Student Planner

Pencil sharpener

Reading book

What items are not allowed at the academy? No electronic equipment (MP3 player, mobile phone, PSP, DS etc.) is to be brought into the academy. If seen, they are confiscated and only returned at the end of term. Students are also not allowed to bring in food, sweets, drink, cosmetics or money.

Uniform Shop Uniform must conform to the uniform policy and must be purchased from our supplier: Trutex, 31 Broadway Market, London, E8 4PH. In addition, our Parent Staff Association run a second hand uniform shop selling a range of items including blazers and PE kit. Second hand uniform sales often take place on the second Friday of each month and are advertised on the website.

Values and Success


The academy will offer all students an outstanding opportunity to learn and achieve in a purpose-built environment with access to the highest standards of teaching, support and challenge. Our specialism of Business and Financial Services encourages excellence and professionalism. Our values lead by example work together respect individuals

dedication to learning and achievement commitment to communities honesty, openness and fairness

Students at The City Academy, Hackney are valued and rewarded for hard work, politeness, self-discipline, ambition, resilience, fairness and compassion. We foster in students a desire to learn throughout life, developing teamwork, leadership, problem solving skills and teach the value of difference in ability, gender, culture, race and sexual orientation.



In addition to our parent consultation events, the academy also makes available a range of online services our parents can use to track their child’s progress, find out about upcoming events and pay for trips or activities. The best place to start is on our website: On our website you will also find a range of up-to-date information you and your child will need for life at The City Academy, Hackney including: curriculum information including GCSE and A level course guides a news page including our academy newspaper, The City Times an up-to-date events calendar of term dates, Parent Days and exam timetables guidance on how to use our online services such as SIMS and ParentPay our contact information and a complete staff list


Wellbeing and welfare 24

If you have any concerns about attendance, punctuality, or your child’s welfare, please contact your child’s tutor, Personal Adviser or Head of House in the first instance. If you are unable to get a satisfactory response by following the agreed procedures, please do not hesitate to contact reception to arrange a meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team or our Education Welfare Officer (EWO). Rachel Halpin - Education Welfare Officer

Who’s who? Should you need to contact a particular member of staff, please email our Administrative team ( and they will ensure your message is forwarded to the appropriate address. A complete staff list can also be found on our website. Mark Malcolm Principal Anna Sarchet Vice Principal Curriculum Kay Wood Vice Principal Teaching and Learning Andy Cottrell Vice Principal Resources David Brown Assistant Principal Director of 14 - 19 Mhairi Stewart Assistant Principal Director of Achievement Dawn Woodcock Assistant Principal Director of Learning Katie James Assistant Principal Director of Teaching Amy Britton Assistant Principal Director of Engagement Andrew Mills Nina Kuh

Head of Sixth Form Year 11 Achievement Leader

Rebecca Prosser Rachel Halpin Ahmed Mangera Kate McClennon

Head of House - Aldgate Head of House - Ludgate Head of House - Moorgate Head of House - Newgate

Notes 25

Notes 26


The City Academy, Hackney, Homerton Row, London, E9 6EA 020 8525 5440 Principal: Mark Malcolm

The City Academy, Hackney is sponsored by KPMG and the

The City Academy, Hackney is sponsored by KPMG and theCity City London Corporation. ofof London Corporation.

The City Academy, Hackney is a registered charitable company. Registered office: charitable The City Academy, Hackney is a registered company.E9 Registered The City Academy, Hackney, Homerton Row, London, 6EA. office: The City Academy, Hackney, Homerton Row, London, E9 6EA.

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