Prospectus 2023-24

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2023 - 24

*Where the term 'parent' is used in this document the academy recognises that this includes any adult who has legal responsibility for the child.

3 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 21 23 25 Contents Principal’s welcome message Mission and values Our curriculum Outstanding learning at Key Stage 3 Top attainment at Key Stage 4 Our Sixth Form The City Experience Our partnership with you Pastoral care Our staff, trust and governors Applying to The City Academy, Hackney Open Evening Tuesday 26th September, 5:00 - 8:00p.m Meet the Principal, our teaching staff and students. Open Mornings
Thursday 5th & Friday 6th October Booking required, via email

A warm welcome from our Principal, Anna Sarchet

I am delighted to invite you to consider The City Academy, Hackney as your preferred choice of secondary school for your child.

At The City Academy Hackney, we are dedicated to providing all the students in our community with the best possible educational opportunities. We believe excellence is achieved through three key ingredients: clear structures, high expectations and strong relationships. Our outstanding curriculum is built around ‘The City Experience’ which places equal value on academic, creative, sporting, linguistic and personal development.

We pride ourselves on being a school which offers young people a warm and supportive environment, enabling them to meet our very high expectations. Our inspirational staff are highly skilled and committed, and we are generously supported by The City of London Academies Trust. As a result of this, our students make exceptional progress and leave our school as committed and high achieving young adults.

Academically our students go from strength to strength. Year on year, we achieve above average results at both A-level and GCSE and this year, more students than ever before went to their first choice university Our academic success is only part of the story however: our sports teams compete at regional level, our music concerts and end of year shows are renowned throughout Hackney and our students past and present advocate for their community on local national platforms.

We are an exceptional academy. We invite you to take the time to explore read our prospectus to find out more about our approach, our community and our very special ethos.


Mission and Values

Our aim is to provide an outstanding education for students in Hackney.

Our Mission

We want to develop highly qualified and skilled young adults who achieve to the best of their individual ability and embrace a desire for lifelong learning in their chosen path when they leave. We will fully equip our students to deal with the challenges of the 21st century by displaying the highest standards of professionalism and supporting them to become ethical, active citizens fully committed to supporting their local and global community.

The City Academy, Hackney offers all students an outstanding opportunity to learn and achieve in a purpose-built environment with access to the highest standards of teaching, support and challenge. We achieve those standards by promoting a working environment which pioneers innovation, professional development and the highest standards of teaching and support.

Our Values

Our success is judged by excellence in examination results, standards of behaviour, sporting and creative achievement, as well as the politeness, selfdiscipline and compassion of our students. It is important to us that students enjoy learning and feel safe and happy at school and we enable them to develop the confidence, independence and self-awareness required for their future success and well-being.

My child was offered a challenging and broad choice of subjects, which was suited to them and enjoyable.
” “
-KS3 parent

Our curriculum - enjoyable, challenging and broad

The core purpose of the academy is to facilitate students’ learning. We do this by developing a challenging curriculum delivered by supportive, expert teachers.

The City Academy, Hackney ensures all students have the essential skills to achieve in later life and opportunities to excel in every subject.

The academy provides:

A strong core curriculum that supports literacy, numeracy and oracy

A range of learning pathways which offers support and challenge the more able

Skilled and more thoughtful teaching

Additional Studies

The academy operates an extended day for all students; the libraries are open both before and after school and our staff offer a range of extra-curricular activities. This includes our compulsory Additional Studies programme of enrichment classes. The PE department also run sports clubs all year round, alongside training sessions for the academy’s competitive squads, both before and after school.

How are students supported?

We value students’ well-being, their opinions and their achievement. All students are individuals and are treated as such. Students with special educational needs and disability (SEND), those who are more able in a particular subject, and the majority of students who fit into neither of these categories all need support and challenge. All students have a tutor or Personal Adviser who meets with them regularly. Aspirational targets are discussed and agreed in partnership with parents.


Teachers demonstrate excellent subject knowledge. They use this to deepen pupils' learning effectively

-Ofsted 2023 “

Outstanding learning at Key Stage


Our students' learning and progress are at the heart of everything we do and this is evident, not only in our recent OFSTED report, but also in the academy's results.

Key Stage 3 covers year 7 to year 9. Students study an engaging programme that covers all National Curriculum subjects.

This includes:



Design & Technology



Targets and progress

French or Spanish









In line with our vision for the academy, we continue to raise standards and aspirations with an expectation that all students make equal progress towards their challenging targets. The higher the starting point, the higher the target.

When students join the academy we take their KS2 scaled score in English and Maths and convert this to a GCSE grade. In the example below a KS2 scaled score of 100 equates to a GCSE grade of 1.

All students are expected to make one grade of progress per year. They review progress towards their targets for each subject every half term.

4 Target GCSE grade 6 Y9 KS2 scaled score 100 = GCSE 1 2 End of year target 3 Y7 Y8 5 Y10 Y11

Top attainment at Key Stage 4

In Key Stage 4 (years 10 and 11) students study for their GCSEs. Most students will study all the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) subjects - English, maths, science, geography or history and French or Spanish. They must also choose two additional subjects for their GCSE programme. This ensures students have a range of well-regarded qualifications to enable them to take the next step in their education.

2023 exam results

Our 2023 GCSE results bucked national trends: our students achieved above average outcomes in all national measures. This exemplifies our ongoing pursuit of excellence and represents the hard work and dedication of both our teachers and students.

56% of students achieved grade 5 or more in both English and Maths

76% English 9-5, with 87% achieving 9-4

58% maths 9-5, with 74% achieving 9-4

23% achieved 5 or more grades 7-9

Please see the table below to give a sense of how the academy's results compare with national figures:


In the 6th form, the use of assessment is especially helpful...This contributes to students' excellent progress through the curriculum.

-Ofsted 2023

” “ 12

Sixth Form - fostering independence & high expectations

The City Academy, Hackney is a seven year journey from year 7 to Sixth Form. The aim of our Sixth Form is to develop young learners into independent, studious and professional young adults. The Sixth Form is based on the same core values that characterise the work of the academy as a whole.

The holistic education we offer, and the standards we deliver are not the only reasons for choosing The City Academy, Hackney. We have established links with Russell Group universities such as Imperial College for STEM tuition and have a dedicated Oxbridge Coordinator, who acts as an academic mentor to potential Oxbridge students in KS4/KS5. Our close association with financial services firm KPMG provides opportunities including subject mentoring. Our membership of City of London Academies Trust allows us access to access to unique facilities and work experience opportunities. Our dedicated University Support Programme and partnership with The Access Project are designed to help students prepare for university and guide them through the application process. Our hand-picked, experienced Personal Advisers will support, guide, mentor and provide the help and intervention required for students to achieve the best possible grades in their chosen A levels.

In the Sixth Form, our commitment to excellence extends to our enrichment offer, where we provide an extensive sports, arts and community enrichment programme certified through the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.

Outstanding results at Key Stage 5 in 2023

Our A Level students at The City Academy, Hackney gained the best ever publicly sat results this year. This is evidence of the hard work of our students and dedication of our staff. Our students have achieved:

33% of grades A*/A

60% of students achieved A*-B in all of their subjects

10 % of students achieved A*-A in all their subjects

97% year 13 students went on to university or a degree level apprenticeship with KPMG, the BBC, Bloomberg or BT.

The quality of teaching at the academy is outstanding. Lessons are interesting and always informative and clear.
” “ 15
-KS3 academy student

The school has high standards and expectations, but it genuinely prioritises building positive relationships with students.

-Current academy teacher

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TheCityExperience-opportunitiesto enjoyandachieve

Students at The City Academy, Hackney are taught in an environment that promotes academic, creative, sporting, linguistic and personal achievement: this is ‘The City Experience’.

Academic-wedonotcompromiseonstudentsachievingexceptionallevelsofacademic progress.Wearerigorousinourteachingwhilstensuringthatweengagestudents’ interestandsupportthemtomakethemostpossibleprogress.Behaviourisexceptional, classroomsarefocusedandstudentsarerequiredtocompletetheirclasswork,andthe regularhomeworkwesetthem,tothebestoftheirability.

Creative -Creativelearning experiences are promoted across all subjects and the creative subjects themselves are highly regarded in our school. Every student has access to a wide range of creative opportunities through the formal curriculum, Additional Studies, trips, concerts and productions. In addition, every student in year 7 is given access to free musical instrument tuition.

Sporting-ourcommitmenttohealthylifestylesmeansthatweencouragewideparticipation insportsandfitness.Wehaveregularfixturesforallsportsteamsrangingfromfootballto netballtobasketball.Studentstakeprideinrepresentingtheacademyandtheacademy takesprideinnurturingtheirindividualtalentsandcollectivesuccess.

Linguistic-speaking another language is an invaluable life skill in the 21st century, globalised economy. For that reason every child is expected to study at least one foreign language and they are all given the opportunity to travel to Spain or France as part of their studies. These trips are subsidised by The City of London Corporation, ensuring as many students as possible can access these opportunities.

Personal - webelievethatacademicsuccessandthewiderpersonaldevelopmentof studentsgohandinhand.Anyschoolshouldplaya vitalroleinsupportingstudentsto developarangeofwiderpersonalattributeswhichwillhelp themtosucceedinlaterlife. Theacademyplacesagreatdealofimportanceonpoliteness,kindness,responsibilityand respect.Wepromotethesevaluesthroughourhighexpectations.


Our partnership -

Often parental involvement in a child’s education reduces when they reach secondary school. We are committed to ensuring that does not happen. Regular communication with parents is incredibly important to us.


The academy regularly provides parents with information to ensure they are informed of their child’s progress: reports are compiled three times a year. The academy does its utmost to support parental engagement. You can expect regular updates via the PAM Parent app, as well as post such as praise postcards.


Every year we host parent days where you have the opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and discuss their progress. In key years you will also be invited to a consultation evening with your child where you will meet with your child’s tutor or personal advisor to discuss their targets and wellbeing.


We understand the challenges parents face while supporting their child’s education and we know that parents have benefited from talking to one another. The academy has a well-established Parent Staff Association (PSA)whose primary aim is to support communication between parents and the academy, and between parents themselves. The PSA hold open meetings every half term and also run a range of events including taster classes and social events, as well as running a second hand uniform shop

parents and carers play a crucial role in ensuring students achieve at the highest level

Pastoral Care

Primary Transition

Our aim is to make the transition from primary to secondary education as smooth as possible. Students offered a place are invited to the academy with their parent/carer(s) to have an individual meeting with a member of staff, discuss expectations and answer any questions they may have. This meeting ensures we have the early parental support that is crucial to a child’s academic success. In addition to this we offer a summer school at the end of August and a full transition day, at which students learn more about life at the academy with their peers.

Tutor Groups

Students have tutor time every Monday morning. Tutors check on their progress, monitor their planners, give notices and lead discussions on the theme of the week. They keep an eye on levels of organisation, punctuality and attendance. Your child’s tutor is your first point of contact for any questions or concerns you may have.

House System

The House System is used to motivate students to achieve. There is a range of house activities and competitions, from reading to sport.

Behaviour and Expectations

The academy expects the standards of behaviour that would be displayed in any professional workplace. It is our students’ responsibility to be well presented, polite and courteous at all times, and we expect parents to uphold our rules so that every child can succeed.

We believe that children should understand that there are always consequences associated with good and poor behaviour. With this in mind, we have a simple and consistently enforced system of rewards and sanctions and a strict behaviour policy to support high standards of behaviour. This encourages hard work, rewards good behaviour and promotes success.


Steve Goodman, Chair of Governors

‘September 2020 saw The City Academy, Hackney become a full member of City of London Academies Trust (COLAT). This move strengthens a relationship with City of London Corporation that has been in place since the academy’s foundation in 2009.

We share many common aims and values with COLAT including the belief in:

• high expectations, aspirations, excellence and a belief that all can succeed

• combining creativity, innovation and enterprise, alongside tradition and continuity

• developing people who are confident, resilient, compassionate and democratic

We continue to maintain our long standing relationship with KPMG and this, coupled with our relationship with the City of London Corporation, provides our students with a wealth of support and work-related learning opportunities.

The Governing Body is made up of Governors appointed by the City of London Corporation as well as parent, staff and local community governors. It is our role to set the strategic direction for the academy, working with the Principal and Senior Leadership Team in helping to create a vibrant culture of high expectations, aspirations and overall excellence.'


Our staff, CoLAT and governors share a strong commitment to the ethos and values that support our success

A clear vision from the outset coupled with the enthusiasm and determination of our staff have been fundamental to the development and ongoing success of the academy.

Our staff

All staff help support and guide students. Tutors and Personal Advisors play a significant role in monitoring progress and wellbeing. We believe the success of the academy is dependent upon providing a structured and safe environment, a rich and varied curriculum, and consistency in behaviour management, rules, routines and quality of teaching.

City of London Academies Trust

As a member of The City of London Academies Trust (COLAT) we benefit from the support of a trust that shares our founding principles. Our strong relationship has grown since the foundation of the academy in 2009. We also continue to benefit from our ongoing association with financial services firm KPMG, who co-sponsored the academy for over 10 years.


Our most recent OFSTED inspection in March 2023 took place after an eleven year gap and therefore under a different framework. The academy was awarded "good" judgements in every category and an "outstanding" judgement in the 6th form. OFSTED praised the "calm, orderly behaviour", "ambitious curriculum" and "wide range of enrichment opportunities" amongst many other things. The full report can be read on our website or at


Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum... and have high expectations of behaviour both inside and outside the classroom.

O Offstested d 2023 “ ”

Applying to join The City Academy, Hackney

All children applying to the academy, including children with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and looked after children, will be required to take the Cognitive Ability Tests (CAT4 Level C) designed by GL Assessments. Children who do not sit the test will be considered after those who sit the test.

Applicants will be placed in one of four bands, based on their performance in the test. An equal number of children will be assigned to each band (where possible) based on the range of ability of the applicants. Each band represents approximately 25% of the applicants. Children with an EHCP identifying SEND and looked after children are included in the appropriate band. If they are unable to take the test, their band allocation will be based on their primary school teacher assessments. The academy will consider all applicants for places. Where fewer than 190 applications are received, the academy will offer places to all those who have applied.

After the admission of pupils with an EHCP where The City Academy, Hackney is named and the number of applications for admission is greater than the published capacity, applications will be considered within each band against the following criteria:

1. Children in public care

2. A child subject to a child protection plan

3. Students whose siblings currently attend the academy and will continue to do so on the date of admission

4. Up to a maximum of nine children (across all bands) resident in the City of London (if more than nine students apply, selection within fair bands to be determined by drawing lots).

5. Children of staff employed at the academy, where a member of staff has been employed for two or more years at the time at which the application is being made, and/or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage.

6. Students will then be offered places on the basis of the proximity of their home (permanent residence) to the main entrance of the academy measured in a straight line on a map or using a GIS system (proximity is measured using a straight line measurement from the main entrance of the academy to the main entrance of the child’s home).

Tie break

Random allocation undertaken by an independent body will be used as a tiebreaker in categories 2-6 above to decide who has highest priority for a place if the distance between a child’s home and The City Academy, Hackney is equidistant in any two or more cases.


Please refer to our website where you willfind a wide range of supporting material and useful information including:

• An up-to-date events calendar including Open Evenings, Open Mornings, admissions and appeals deadlines

• Guidance of how to apply for a place through Hackney Education

• News of individual student achievements, whole-school successes, photos and videos from recent events, trips, concerts and sports fixtures

• A link to school performance tables and the academy's full OFSTED report (March 2023)

• Our SEN information report detailing the academy’s provision for students with special educational or disability needs.

27 Visit us online at:

The City Academy, Hackney, Homerton Row, London, E9 6EA 020 8525 5440

Principal: Anna Sarchet

Member of City of London Academies Trust

The City Academy, Hackney is a registered charitable company.

Registered office: The City Academy, Hackney, Homerton Row, London, E9 6EA.

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