TCAH Prospectus 2013/14

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Prospectus 2013/14

Contents A message from the Principal


Our mission, vision and values


Transition from primary school & pastoral care


Our partnership with parents


Student voice


Our staff, sponsors and governors


Teaching and learning


Key Stage 3 results


The academy day


Applying to The City Academy, Hackney


Open evening Thursday 12 September 2013, 4.30 - 8 p.m. Meet the Principal, teaching staff and students. Find out more about the academy and our aims, and view our award winning building. Please visit the Events page on our website for further information.

* Where the term ‘parent’ is used in this prospectus, the academy recognises that this includes any adult who has legal responsibility for the child.

Prospectus 2013/14

A message from the Principal I am delighted to invite you to consider The City Academy, Hackney as your preferred choice of secondary school for your child. Since opening in 2009 we have achieved two ‘Outstanding’ grades from Ofsted (January 2011 and January 2012). We were judged to be ‘Outstanding’ in every category and Ofsted were so impressed that they are promoting our work as best practice across the country in a forthcoming, national publication. This recognition, while welcome, is of course only a judgement on our work. The most important thing is the actual achievements of our students. In this regard I am proud to say that our first reported Key Stage 3 results in 2012 were among the best of any school, or Academy, in Hackney. They are also well above national averages, and truly exceptional in terms of the progress our students have made. We are therefore a unique 11-18 school with extremely high expectations of personal conduct but which also promotes independent thinking by providing creative and engaging learning experiences.

We are a centre of excellence in every respect. We expect students to work hard and to show dedication and commitment to The Academy’s rules. In return, The City Academy, Hackney provides an excellent education in terms of examination success, sporting achievement and creative opportunities. There is also a real emphasis on personal skills, and the development of values that all young people need to be successful in life. By creating the right expectations and commitment to learning we ensure that students have the best possible opportunity to achieve in later life. Our motto: Values and Success. We believe that you will be impressed by the outstanding educational experiences we can offer, and would urge you to visit the academy to find out more. Mark Emmerson Principal

Teaching is skilled, creative and of consistently high quality so that students’ progress is rapid. Ofsted 2012

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Our facilities We have an inspirational building designed by award-winning architects - winning the Hackney Design Awards 2010. Our students were involved in the design process and the building incorporates lots of their ideas about space and colour. Our classrooms hold no more than 24 students, ensuring small teaching groups. We have a range of specialist educational facilities including: theatre with a professional sound and lighting system sports hall, fitness suite and dance studio


open-plan art rooms with creative facilities such as kilns and printing presses design and technology workshops, fitted with both traditional and modern engineering equipment

multi-use games area including AstroTurf well equipped library and resource centre

cutting-edge ICT provision including both Apple and PC suites.

industry standard teaching kitchen

hi-tech science labs equipped for practical, experimental learning.

Prospectus 2013/14

Our mission, vision and values What is special about The City Academy, Hackney? The City Academy, Hackney will offer all students an outstanding opportunity to learn and achieve in a purpose-built environment with access to the highest standards of teaching, support and challenge. Our specialism of Business and Financial Services encourages excellence and professionalism.

Our mission: to develop highly qualified and skilled young adults who achieve to the best of their ability, display the highest standards of professionalism and are ethical, active citizens fully committed to supporting their local and global community.

Our values


lead by example

Students at The City Academy, Hackney are valued and rewarded for hard work, politeness, self discipline, ambition, resilience, fairness and compassion. We foster in students a desire to learn throughout life, developing teamwork, leadership, problem solving skills and teach the value of difference in disability, gender, culture, race and sexual orientation.

work together respect individuals dedication to learning and achievement commitment to communities honesty, openness and fairness

... and success Our success is judged by excellence in examination results, standards of behaviour, sporting and creative achievement as well as commitment to our communities. It is important to us that students enjoy learning and feel safe and happy at The City Academy, Hackney and we enable them to develop the confidence, independence and self-awareness required for their future success and well-being. We expect all students to progress four levels between primary school and GCSEs. This will result in every student succeeding in their GCSEs at grades A*- C (including English and maths), and the majority achieving the English Baccalaureate (5 A*- Cs in English, maths, science, a language and history/geography). We expect all students to behave in a way that supports their (and others’) learning. Our teaching is creative, exciting and rigorous and our students learn through active participation, practical application, group activity, individual investigation and hard work.

We aim to: provide a high quality education for students in Hackney and pioneer educational innovation offer a curriculum that is enjoyable, challenging and relevant enable students to fulfil their potential and participate fully in society raise standards and aspirations for young people build partnerships between local cultural organisations, business and educational communities


The City Academy, Hackney Values and Success

Pastoral care

The academy’s core values which emphasise achievement, enjoyment and respect are also having a positive impact on students’ lives.

Ofsted 2011

Primary transition

Vertical tutor groups

Our aim is to make the transition from primary to secondary education as smooth as possible for students and parents.

The academy operates vertical tutor groups. This means that tutor groups include a mix of ages. In schools that use this system, tutors have much more contact with individual students and there are fewer instances of bullying as students create friendships across and between year groups.

Students offered a place will be invited to the academy with their parent(s) in Year 6 to have an individual meeting with a member of staff, discuss expectations and answer any questions they may have. This meeting ensures we have the early parental support that is crucial to a child’s academic success. In addition to this we offer a full transition day, when students offered a place are invited to the academy in Year 6 to practice our routines first hand with their peers.

House system Heads of House are responsible for pastoral care at the academy and for having an overview of students’ education including their attainment, welfare and behaviour. Students are grouped into four Houses with a Head of House for each and elected student House Captain. The House system is used to motivate students to achieve, through a range of House related activities and competitions, from reading to sport. There is also a House Surgery box where students can fill in a slip and request a meeting with their Head of House if they have any issues or concerns they want to discuss. 6

We also have a very strict behaviour and anti-bullying policy, and place a great deal of importance on developing the personal and social skills young people need to function well as positive citizens.

Behaviour and attendance The academy expects the kind of standards of behaviour that would be displayed in any professional workplace. For example, we expect students to be on time for school and to have excellent attendance. It is our teachers’ responsibility to ensure that the academy delivers a secure environment with outstanding teaching. It is our students’ responsibility to be well presented, polite and courteous at all times, and we expect parents to uphold our rules so that every child can succeed. The academy believes that children should understand that there are always consequences associated with good and poor behaviour. With this in mind, we have a simple and consistently enforced system of rewards and sanctions to support high standards of behaviour. This encourages hard work, rewards good behaviour and promotes success.


The City Academy, Hackney Values and Success

Our partnership with parents and carers Often, parental involvement in a child’s education reduces when they reach secondary school. At The City Academy, Hackney, we are committed to ensuring that does not happen. A key factor in the academic and personal success of young people is their parents’ engagement in their education and the communication by the school of successes and challenges, and what can be done to help at an early stage.

Communication Regular communication with parents is incredibly important to us. As well as newsletters for students and parents, we offer an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s personal adviser in the first half term at the school as well as at the scheduled parents’ meetings later in the year. In addition, we run a series of special target-setting meetings throughout the year. An assessment of each child’s progress is made every term and sent to parents. Parents are also able to check their child’s attendance and behaviour online through a secure network, details of which will be communicated during the induction process. Our Senior Leadership Team holds a weekly surgery for parents to drop in with any pressing issues.

Advice and support We understand the challenges and responsibilities of being an effective parent, particularly when a child becomes a teenager. At the academy we know that many parents, in similar situations, have benefited from talking to one another about how best to support a young person through the difficult transition from child to adult. We have a strong Parent Staff Association (PSA) which helps communication by making the school even more accessible to parents. The 8

PSA hold open meetings every half term as well as organising a range of annual events including ‘taster lessons’ for parents; which show how teaching is done at the academy, a family dining lunch, and a Q&A welcome evening for parents and staff. Most recently, the PSA has launched a second hand uniform shop to further support the needs of our families. Our staff can also provide advice, help and support with any aspect of your child’s academic and personal development.

Partnerships and community involvement The City Academy, Hackney already works closely with local primary and secondary schools and develops links with other academies and businesses on a national and international level. As we grow, we are developing more and more links with local businesses, for example through our relationship with the East London Business Alliance. The aim is to raise the standards of achievement of all students and to broaden the opportunities for success in the future worlds of work and higher education. We seek to establish strong local links by making our building available to community groups, for example family learning classes in partnership with Hackney Learning Trust as well as recreational groups who use our sports facilities.

A message from the Chair of the Parent Staff Association The City Academy, Hackney has a deserved reputation for the excellence of its teaching, its calm atmosphere and the sure progress of its students. From the very first day it is obvious to new parents and carers that every student is expected to do well and will be supported and encouraged. Both in and out of lessons, the staff have developed a great range of interesting and creative opportunities, allowing children to flourish in their own individual way. Joining the academy is a big step after primary school and there are many new challenges, both for the child and the family. A key difference between primary and secondary schools is that the ordinary daily contact between parents and teachers decreases, as the children grow more independent. The City Academy, Hackney therefore gives great importance to the relationship between school and parent and has excellent communication strategies. The school is very clear about its own philosophy, and sets firm rules, but it is also skilled at listening to parents’ concerns. The City Academy, Hackney is a superb school that is making a huge difference to the community. Stephen Webster Chair of the Parent Staff Association 9

Prospectus 2013/14

Student voice The City Academy, Hackney is committed to enabling students to play a part in the leadership, development and day to day running of the academy. Students’ self-esteem and confidence to voice their opinions constructively are built through the opportunities we provide.

Student lesson observations All students have the opportunity to be involved in appointing new teachers by giving structured feedback on a lesson. This feedback is part of the recruitment panel’s decisionmaking process when appointing teachers.

Uniform Student Council At The City Academy, Hackney student voice is expressed and listened to through elected Student Council representatives who meet every half term and attend Governor and Senior Leadership Team meetings. They also carry out sample lesson observations, test lunch menus, as well as represent the academy at important events.

House Captains House captains and Sports House Captains are also elected and are given various responsibilities related to their roles, for example leading House assemblies, speaking at awards evenings and organising teams for House competitions.

Students are ambassadors for the academy and Hackney. As part of our commitment to the outward display of professional standards, students wear their uniform with pride. Respect for their uniform sends a very positive message to the local community; gives students a sense of belonging and prepares them for life after education, when they will be expected to dress professionally.

Competitive sports Our commitment to healthy lifestyles means that we encourage wide participation in sport and fitness programmes. We have regular fixtures for all sports teams ranging from football to netball, taekwondo to trampolining. Students take pride in representing the academy and the academy takes pride in nurturing their individual talents and collective success.

Students have good social skills and enjoy working collaboratively. They are confident, eager to contribute to lessons and show good initiative and personal responsibility.

Ofsted 2011

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A message from our Chair of Governors The governors are very proud of the academy and what it has achieved since it opened. With our purpose-built facilities, dedicated and experienced team of staff, and a rich and varied curriculum, our students are able to make great progress. We are very fortunate to have two very complementary sponsoring partners, professional services firm KPMG and The City of London Corporation. KPMG shares its expertise in financial services and core business skills by engaging its workforce in long term volunteering projects and collaborations. The City of London Corporation has a reputation for excellence in education and the academy is taking full advantage of this and the links it offers. Employees from both sponsors also volunteer as Personal Advisers to our students, meeting them regularly to provide individual support. 14

Recent initiatives range from the Access Projecta one-to-one tutoring programme to help raise attainment in specific subject areas - to creative collaborations with the Barbican and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. We value our partnership with the academy, Hackney schools and the wider community. We hope that you will come to the academy on our open evening to see our facilities and meet our students and staff for yourselves. Dawn Elliott Chair of Governors

Prospectus 2013/14

Our staff, sponsors and governors A clear vision from the outset coupled with the enthusiasm and determination of our staff have been fundamental to the development of the academy. Staff share a strong commitment to the ethos and values that support our success.

Our staff


We believe the success of the academy is dependent upon providing a structured and safe environment, rich and varied curriculum, consistency in behaviour management, rules, routines, quality of teaching and learning, excellent subject knowledge and consistent assessments.

Since opening in 2009 we have achieved two ‘Outstanding’ grades from Ofsted (January 2011 and January 2012). We were judged to be ‘Outstanding’ in every category and Ofsted were so impressed that they are promoting our work as best practice across the country in a forthcoming, national publication.

Students say they greatly appreciate the way all staff support and help them, whilst Personal Advisers play a significant role in monitoring progress and wellbeing.

Please see our website to read the report in full.

Investors In People In 2011, the academy received the Investors in People Gold Award in recognition of our commitment to the wellbeing of our staff; supporting a motivated, productive and innovative workforce and working environment.

Our sponsors We have two excellent sponsors: financial services firm KPMG and the City of London Corporation, who both have first class track records in supporting education. Our shared vision is to provide a professional ethos that gives students the confidence, skills and ambition to move on to the wider worlds of higher education and work.

Sponsors provided the early vision and direction for the academy and remain fully committed to the achievement and well-being of students.

Ofsted 2012

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The City Academy, Hackney Values and Success

Teaching and learning The core purpose of the academy is to help students learn. We do this by developing comprehensive, detailed learning and teaching strategies which foster excellent academic progress.

All teachers at the academy ensure that there is: a clear focus on self-discipline, independent learning and student achievement a common approach to learning using known, effective learning strategies a strong learning culture with excellent, creative and imaginative teaching in every area of the curriculum, using ICT as a learning tool regular homework, marking and follow-up to extend and embed learning regular review and assessment of learning to improve achievement. The City Academy, Hackney ensures all students have the essential skills to achieve in later life and opportunities to excel in every subject.

The academy provides: a strong core curriculum that supports literacy and numeracy a range of learning pathways to offer support and challenge gifted and talented students links between subject areas, offering innovative and stimulating learning experiences. All students follow the national curriculum unless the academy (in consultation with students and parents) feels they would benefit from not doing so. 16

The>>academy has ‘very high standards and expectations’. It is these which have provided the impetus for excellence. Ofsted 2012

Key Stage 3 and accelerated pathways

All students follow a two-year programme in the core subjects and begin GCSEs in English, maths, biology, chemistry and physics in Year 9. Foundation subjects are taught over three years, with the majority of students completing Key Stage 3 at the end of Year 9.

Key Stage 4 curriculum All students study GCSEs in English, maths and science, and there is a wide selection of GCSE options across the remaining subjects. We also offer a range of other qualification options including AS level. The vast majority of students will follow the English Baccalaureate in Key Stage 4.

Post 16 The next stage of the school’s development is to build a strong, high-achieving sixth form where students, parents and teachers are committed to outstanding outcomes. The City Academy, Hackney will offer a broad range of academic subjects and students will

be expected to conform to the professional working environment that has been engendered since year 7.

Special needs The Academy encourages high aspirations, high motivation and high achievement for all. This vision applies equally to students with any special educational needs. Our philosophy is to include students as far as possible within the normal provision of the academy, which includes a strong teaching model and early intervention with extra teaching and individual attention for students who are having difficulty reaching the expected standards. Additional support for students is provided under the direction of the Faculty of Learning.

Our specialism The academy uses its specialist status to raise standards of achievement and the quality of

learning for all students. Our business and finance specialism enables us to promote professional behaviour and standards in all areas of the curriculum. It also enriches and extends learning by encouraging enterprise activities and other opportunities for students.


The influence of the specialisms also permeate the life of the academy through its sharp focus on reinforcing high standards of professional conduct, dress and attitudes to work. Ofsted 2011

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Prospectus 2013/14

Key Stage 3 results Our students’ learning and progress are at the heart of everything we do and this is evident, not only in our ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted report, but also in the academy’s reported Key Stage 3 results.


Percentage of Key Stage 3 students achieving level 5 and above compared with the National averages.





% level 5 and above

90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 National



English & Maths

In line with our vision for the academy, we aim to raise standards and aspirations through leading by example. With 89% of students reaching level 5 and above in English and maths at Key Stage 3 this year, the progress our students make is well above the national average and is truly inclusive, realising the mantra, ‘Every Child Matters’.






We are proud of the progress we have made thus far and look forward to continuing our commitment to learning and achievement as our students progress into Key Stage 4. The City Academy, Hackney is well equipped to enable our students to fulfil their potential at every level.

Staff, students and their parents and carers have all made a significant contribution to the academy’s vision and success.

Ofsted 2012

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Prospectus 2013/14

The academy day What time do lessons start? The academy operates an extended day for all students; the library is open both before and after school and our staff offer a range of extracurricular activities including our Additional Studies programme of enrichment classes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday until 4.45 p.m.

independently and extend their learning beyond the classroom. Support and extra resources are provided to help any student who falls behind.

Daily schedule Library opens

Additional Studies Our Additional Studies programme of after school classes offers our students an opportunity to explore new subject areas, participate in sports, as well as provide our older students with added support as they prepare for their exams.

Homework Homework is a key part of the academy day and we have a clear and strong approach; every student is expected to do at least one hour of homework each evening. As part of our extended day, the library is open until 6.30 p.m. allowing our students to work

Breakfast club All students on site Period 1 Period 2 Break Period 3 Period 4 KS3 lunch KS4 lunch Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Recess Additional Studies Additional activities Library closes

7.30 a.m. 7.45 a.m. 8.20 a.m. 8.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 10.50 a.m. 11.50 a.m. 12.50 p.m. 1.40 p.m. 2.40 p.m. 3.40 p.m. 3.50 p.m. 4.45 p.m. - 5 .30 p.m. 6.30 p.m. Please refer to our website by visiting where you will find a wide range of supporting material and useful information including:

an up-to-date events calendar including open evenings and admissions deadlines

guidance on how to apply for a place through Hackney Learning Trust

news of student successes and photos from recent events, trips, concerts and sports fixtures

further information for parents including details of our upcoming Parent Staff Association meetings and events.

a link to the academy’s full Ofsted report, graded Outstanding in 2011

details of our Sixth Form, opening September 2014. 21


Prospectus 2013/14

Applying to The City Academy, Hackney Applications for places at the academy will be made in accordance with Hackney Learning Trust’s co-ordinated admission arrangements. All children applying to the academy, including children with statements of Special Educational Needs and looked after children, will be required to take the GL Assessment, CATS3 Level C test. Children who do not sit the test will be considered after those who sit the test. Applicants will be placed in one of five bands, based on their performance in the test. Approximately the same number of children will be admitted in each of the five bands so that each band represents 20% of the applicants. Children with statements of SEN and looked after children are placed in a band. If they are unable to take the test, their band allocation will be based on their primary school teacher assessments. The academy will consider all applicants for places. Where fewer than 180 applications are received, the academy will offer places to all those who have applied. After the admission of pupils with statements of SEN where The City Academy, Hackney is named and the number of applications

for admission is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered within each band against the following criteria: 1. children in public care 2. students whose siblings currently attend the academy and will continue to do so on the date of admission 3. up to 9 students resident in the City of London, if more than 9 students apply, selection within fair bands to be determined by drawing lots 4. students will then be offered places on the basis of the proximity of their home (permanent residence) to the main entrance of the academy measured in a straight line on a map using a GIS system. The full admissions policy and other key information is available on the academy website at

All aspects of the academy’s work are outstanding, its vision encompassing the whole community.

Ofsted 2011

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Homerton Row, London, E9 6EA 020 8525 5440 Principal: Mark Emmerson

The City Academy, Hackney is sponsored by KPMG and the City of London Corporation. The City Academy, Hackney is a registered company. Registered in England No. 6382192 Registered office: PO Box 270, Guildhall, London, EC2P 2EJ. Registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales. Charity No. 1121963

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