September 27

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MOVING SALE! thurs sept 27, 2012



people will rush ahead of you like itʼs the last subway train on earth


Transit riders complain about the rude ride on the TTC, courtesy of other passengers



The City Centre Mirror - A Metroland Community Newspaper


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CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


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Neuroendocrine cancer survivor now helps others JUSTIN SKINNER Bedford Park area resident Maureen Coleman has had a long and tough battle with a difficult-to-detect cancer. Now, she is dedicated to ensuring others dealing with the same cancer have an easier battle ahead of them. Coleman was diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer though, as is the case with so many with this illness, it took years of misdiagnoses to get it right. “Neuroendocrine cancer doesn’t appear on any list of cancers, or it’s just now beginning to appear,” she said. “It’s always been folded into other cancers – gastrointestinal, endocrine and others.” To help raise awareness about this silent killer,

Coleman helped found and now serves as president of the Carcinoid-NeuroEndocrine Tumour Society of Canada (CNETS). The group aims to raise awareness of the disease, with many doctors unaware of its existence or quick to diagnose patients with other, better-known illnesses. “Too many doctors are not trained to identify it,” Coleman said. “When they’re in medical school, they’re trained to think ‘if you hear hoofbeats, don’t think it’s a zebra; think it’s a horse.’ Well, we’re the zebras and we need doctors to think outside the box a little.” The disease gained some attention when doctors learned that Apple CEO Steve Jobs died from it. Coleman noted, however, that even

File photo/COURTESY

Carcinoid-NeuroEndocrine Tumour Society Canada (CNETS Canada) supporters will once again participate in a walk to help raise funds and awareness. The walk kicks off Sunday, 2 p.m. at 3130 Yonge St.

Jobs was misdiagnosed, with doctors believing he had pancreatic cancer until it was too late. The bump in recognition for neuroendocrine tumours

was short-lived. “People still think he had pancreatic cancer,” Coleman said of Jobs, who had neuroendocrine tumours in his pancreas. “It’s frustrating

because people keep (diagnosing) the wrong cancer.” Coleman herself first started showing symptoms around 1980, when her face started flushing. She was given beta blockers, which stalled the symptoms, but it was not until some 20 years later that her physician finally sent her for an abdominal ultrasound that led to the right diagnosis. He r s t o r y i s a l l t o o common, partly due to cancer of the neuroendocrine cells can crop up in any number of locations. “It’s often mistaken for colon cancer, stomach cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, you name it,” Coleman said. “Part of the problem is that the Canadian Cancer Society identifies cancer based on its sites of

origin, and this has many sites of origin.” Even now, some doctors misdiagnose neuroendocrine tumours as being benign, which allows them to spread and metastasize. To help combat the misinformation, CNETS holds information workshops and prints booklets for both patients and health care professionals to help spread the word. Those booklets are available on the group’s website ( A small group of neuroendocrine survivors and their loved ones will also take part in a walk on Sunday, Sept. 30 to help raise funds and awareness. The walk is open to all, with the group meeting at 3130 Yonge Street at 2 p.m.

Celebrities ‘rally’ for SickKids through arts and crafts event JUSTIN SKINNER


espite being visited by plenty of celebrities, patients and families in SickKids Hospital’s Sears Cancer Clinic were the real stars at a special event on Saturday, Sept. 22. Patients were paid visits by Kurt Russell, Lou Ferrigno, William Baldwin and others, touring them around the cancer clinic and taking part in some arts and crafts. The event was part of the Rally for Kids with Cancer fundraiser, an initiative that has brought in more than $10 million for the hospital over the past five years. Rally for Kids with Cancer, which is run by event management company Solutions With Impact, allows fundraisers to take a spin in an exotic car with a celebrity navigator. On Saturday, those fund-

raisers and stars dropped by to see how their efforts are helping. “We’ve been really fortunate to be partnered with Rally for Kids with Cancer,” said SickKids spokesperson Ryan Baillie. “The money mainly goes to research, but we’ve also gotten a $1-million gift for our Research and Learning Tower which is being built on Elm Street.” Long-time Rally for Kids with Cancer supporter Jim Williams said he was thrilled to be able to contribute, noting that his love of exotic cars was secondary to the difference he could make in the lives of children living with cancer. “I’ve been fortunate enough in my life to have done pretty well for myself and I wanted to give back,” he said. “I have a passion for cars, so (Rally for Kids with Cancer) has two things going for it.” While the fundraising drivers had to raise a mini-


Arhum Noor, 4, left, and Jeana Johnson, 7, do some painting Saturday during the Hospital for Sick Children’s ‘Rally for Sick Kids’ event.

mum of $25,000 to participate, some raised over half a million dollars apiece. “Every year, it’s gotten bigger and I think we’ll be over $3 million this year,” Williams said. “For a small

group of people, the event raises a lot of money.” The celebrities and drivers participated in a scavenger hunt and gala affair last week. On Saturday, they joined

SickKids patients in writing their fears on canvases and then spraying those fears with paint to obliterate them. Some of the kids also took the celebrities through

the Sears Cancer Clinic to give the stars a glimpse into a day in their lives. “It’s the kids that are the celebrities today,” Baillie said. For 14-year-old Tessa Smith, having movie and TV stars, athletes and other famous folk tour the clinic was a special thrill. She was particularly impressed when Kurt Russell paid her a visit. “It’s just been a cool scene,” she said. “Celebrities have everything and it’s nice for them to come here and show that they care so much. They just talk to you and get to know you.” The celebrities learned about the hospital’s bravery bead program and about chemotherapy treatments, and joined in for syringe painting, an arts activity that helps take some of the fear out of treatment. For more information on Rally for Kids with Cancer, visit

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012

CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


Opinion Ian Proudfoot Marg Middleton Peter Haggert Antoine Tedesco Warren Elder Jamie Munoz

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The City Centre Mirror is published every Thursday at 175 Gordon Baker Rd., Toronto, ON M2H 0A2, by Toronto Community News, a Division of Metroland Media Group Ltd.

Rider rudeness not acceptable on the TTC T

aking transit in this city is not easy at the best of the times. Long trips and a crowded system are a daily challenge for many, so we shouldn’t be surprised incidents of rudeness and bad behaviour by other passengers are becoming a growing concern for many transit users. Part of this is simply a reflection of the society we live in. We see rudeness everywhere. People are always in a hurry, be it while driving or trying to get on a subway train. They put themselves first and care nothing for the people around them. In our special report in today’s paper we look at the Rude Rides experienced by a number of TTC riders. Clearly, there are a lot of issues out there. Riders told us of having to deal with intoxicated, swearing our view passengers; being pushed aside by those charging the doors TTC should of trains and streetcars; being bumped by backpacks; or of not make rudeness being able to sit down due to people sprawling over several a priority seats. And don’t even get them started on the loud cellphone conversations shared with every other passenger. Riders are dealing with this stuff everyday, but it doesn’t appear as if they’ll be getting help any time soon from the TTC itself. “We have a number of areas of concern, but customer behaviour isn’t even in our Top 10. It’s not what we focus on,” Chris Upfold, the TTC’s chief customer care officer, told us for this week’s story. The focus for the TTC is on serving its riders by running on time, and having polite and helpful employees. If the riders cannot behave or have bad manners, the TTC’s position is that it is not up to its employees to scold them. “I would argue the obligation of the operator is no greater than anybody else on that vehicle,” said Uphold when it comes to dealing with a rude passenger. We disagree. TTC passengers have a right to expect a ride free from obnoxious behaviour. We know most riders are courteous and respectful, but it only takes a few to leave a lasting impression, get already stressed passengers upset and lead to unfair perceptions of a TTC ride. Other countries promote courtesy on their transit systems with public awareness campaigns. The TTC should do the same. A campaign that makes people think about their behaviour and the impact it has on other passengers is much needed and should be a priority. Toronto Community News is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. The Mirror is a member of the Ontario Press Council. Visit newsroom

Write us The City Centre Mirror welcomes letters of 400 words or less. All submissions must include name, address and a daytime telephone number for verification purposes.

We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Copyright in letters remains with the author but the publisher and affiliates may freely reproduce them in print,

electronic or other forms. Letters can be sent to, or mailed to The City Centre Mirror, 175 Gordon Baker Rd. Toronto, ON, M2H 0A2.

Re: ‘Community housing report stands chance of success,’ The City, Sept. 20. I agree with David Nickle’s observations that the report titled “Putting People First” will in all likelihood be accepted by council. However, I do not agree with his quite obvious disdain for our mayor and his attempts to turn the tide in Toronto. Yes, Ford continues to blunder along with a great number of either poor or misdirected attempts at controlling the middle and the left on city council. One of his largest blunders, after Karen Stintz of course, was to appoint Councillor Ana Bailao to head up the housing task force. It was incredibly obvious to even an inexperienced observer, such as myself, that the decision would come back to haunt him. I do not fault our mayor for this, simply his advisors and the leftists on council who are constantly pushing him to compromise and gain a consensus. Leaders do not gain a consensus, they lead. Clifford J. Layne

Media not there to be friends with politicians It has come to this: two hours of simian chestthumping radio on a Sunday afternoon by the mayor and his brother has become the official response to questions and criticism in Toronto. As I write this Tuesday morning, my fellow scribes are reeling from a tirade from our Ford and his immediate family: we have been branded “pathological liars,” embarrassments to our city and as “a bunch of pricks,” by Councillor Doug Ford as he fled questions following a Monday budget committee meeting. T h e o u t b u r s t s a re a response to a spate of bad press for the Ford brothers. Reports have alleged the mayor used city resources to help with his high school football coaching duties, in violation of council’s code of conduct. In the summer,


david nickle

Ford met with city staff to urge them to repair potholes in front of his family’s business, in advance of a 50th anniversary celebration. He justified it by explaining if those repairs weren’t done, someone might have twisted an ankle and sued. And it all comes in the context of a pending decision by Ontario Chief Justice Charles Hackland on a conflict of interest matter that could see Ford removed from office. Vaguely obscene invective is probably not the best response to all those allegations, but it’s certainly understandable.

And it’s not without precedent. Former mayor Mel Lastman once publicly threatened to have then-television reporter Adam Vaughan killed because he believed Vaughan was responsible for leaking a story about his wife to the satirical political magazine Frank. Mayor David Miller was a bit more sophisticated about it. He avoided death threats, but he had a way of eviscerating reporters who dared to ask ill-informed or too-pointed questions that stung deep. As a journalist covering this beat, I’ve been on the frosty end of freeze-outs by politicians who haven’t appreciated stories I’ve written about them. Sometimes, I’ve been called names. Sometimes I’ve been simply told the story has hurt their feelings. But it’s all an occupational

hazard. The fact is that none of us in the media are here to be friends to the politicians we cover. As far as the Ford brothers go, the fact is Rob, at least, is in trouble. Details have emerged that call into question his political character as he’s presented it to voters. Where now is the harsh critic of councillors who feather their nests with public money, the everyman who vows to ensure residents get fair treatment from city bureaucrats, when he’s accused of using his office budget for football and encouraging staff to put his own family’s needs ahead of others? Absent good, comprehensible answers to those questions, the Fords’ response is to pose their own, rhetorical question: How dare any of us pose such disrespectful questions in the first place?

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JUSTIN SKINNER For the 10th straight year, the Abilities Arts Festival is shining a light on the artistic and cultural contributions of artists with disabilities. The festival highlights some of the best and brightest among those with disabilities in the film, photography and other artistic fields. Abilities Arts Festival photography and board member Steve Kean noted the festival has grown in leaps and bounds since it was first conceived in 2003. “It’s grown from a little oneweek festival with one major event to something that goes on for almost a month,” he said. “We have professional development and a record number of talented artists.” As a photographer with spina bifida, Kean said the festival is crucial not only in terms of giving participating artists exposure, but also in terms of helping them forge successful careers. Even though he has been plying his trade for nearly

Artist Kathy Toth, who will participate in the Abilities Arts Festival, with one of her photographs.

two decades, Kean noted all artists have moments of self-doubt. “The Abilities Arts Festival really helped me recognize myself as an artist,” he said. “The self-esteem you get is so valuable.” Kean, an Annex resident, has run photography master classes for artists with disabilities through the festival, sharing the lessons he has learned throughout his

career. “I have physical barriers in terms of getting close to some subjects or sometimes getting the right perspective on a subject, but you find ways to work around those,” he said. Some of his work will be shown as part of the Abilities Arts Festival’s Nuit Blanche exhibit, Queen Street Cartography. The exhibit will look at life

Seniors & Caregivers Town Hall dŚŽƵƐĂŶĚƐ ŽĨ ƌĂŵƉƚŽŶ ƐĞŶŝŽƌƐ ĚŽ ŶŽƚ ŚĂǀĞ ĂĐĐĞƐƐ ƚŽ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ŚŽŵĞ ĐĂƌĞ͘ dŚĞ ǁĂŝƚůŝƐƚ ĨŽƌ ĐĂƌĞ ŝƐ ĞdžƉĞĐƚĞĚ ƚŽ ĚŽƵďůĞ͘ ^Ž ǁŚLJ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ 'ŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚ ŽĨ KŶƚĂƌŝŽ ĐƵƫŶŐ ĨƵŶĚŝŶŐ ƚŽ Ă ůŽĐĂů ŶŽŶͲƉƌŽĮƚ ŚŽŵĞ ĐĂƌĞ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƌ ƌĞƐƉĞĐƚĞĚ ĨŽƌ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĐĂƌĞ͍ īĞĐƟǀĞ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϭ͕ ϮϬϭϮ͕ ŵĂŶLJ ƌĂŵƉƚŽŶ ƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚƐ ǁŝůů ůŽƐĞ ƚŚĞ ĐĂƌĞŐŝǀĞƌ ƚŚĞLJ ĚĞƉĞŶĚ ŽŶ͘ WůĞĂƐĞ ũŽŝŶ ƚŚĞ Quality Care Alliance at an ŽƉĞŶ ĨŽƌƵŵ ƚŽ ĚŝƐĐƵƐƐ ŚŽŵĞ ĐĂƌĞ ŝŶ ŽƵƌ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ͕ ĂŶĚ ŚŽǁ ƐĞŶŝŽƌƐ ĐĂŶ ĐŽŶƟŶƵĞ ƚŽ ƌĞĐĞŝǀĞ ŚŝŐŚͲƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĐĂƌĞ͘ Date: Friday, September 28, 2012 Time: 7pm - 9pm (refreshments served) >ŽĐĂƟŽŶ͗ >ŽĂĨĞƌ͛Ɛ >ĂŬĞ ZĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶ ĞŶƚƌĞ ϯϬ >ŽĂĨĞƌ͛Ɛ >ĂŬĞ >ĂŶĞ͕ ƌĂŵƉƚŽŶ ;<ĞŶŶĞĚLJ ZŽĂĚ Θ ^ĂŶĚĂůǁŽŽĚ WĂƌŬǁĂLJͿ

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in the city through the lens of living with a disability and will include photography, music, live performances and more in Queen Street storefronts and on the notably wheelchair-inaccessible Queen streetcar. It will feature pieces from students in Abilities Arts Festival master classes. “My goal is just that people enjoy the work,” Kean said. “It’s hard to stand out in a

group show, and there are some great pieces there.” Fellow Queen Street Cartography exhibitor Kathy Toth said the festival helps showcase the fact that artists with disabilities should be identified as artists rather than through their disabilities and is happy to see these individuals getting some exposure. “There seems to be a complete lack of people with

disabilities in the arts,” she said. Toth was diagnosed with a learning disability when she was younger, but has not let that slow her progression as an artist. She has worked as an architecture photographer and now does freelance work for events. The midtown resident is one of countless artists who deal with invisible disabilities. “I have a friend with schizophrenia who’s an artist and I had no idea,” she said. “It’s society’s concept of having a disability; we tend to think of physical disabilities.” The two artists will be among many Abilities Arts Festival participants showcasing their work from 7 p.m. to midnight along Queen Street, with the event’s headquarters at 49 McCaul St. The festival continues until Oct. 11. For more information on the Abilities Arts Festival, visit www.abilitiesartsfestival. org For more information on Nuit Blanche, visit our website at

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012

Abilities Arts Festival includes Nuit Blanche exhibit

CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


Special Report


Transit users speak out against bad behaviour RAHUL GUPTA


he woman who spoke so loudly during her phone conversation her words could be heard in excruciating detail all the way from the back of the streetcar. The patron who charged the closing subway doors without a care for anyone around him. The time when a fight nearly broke out over a seat during rush hour. When it comes to rude behaviour on the TTC, nearly every rider, it seems, has a story. Some say they tolerate inconsiderate behaviour because it’s not worth getting into a potential altercation. Others have spoken up on behalf of fellow patrons being subjected to rudeness. Amanda Hiebert recalls a time on board a Parkdale bus when an extremely intoxicated patron spewed non-stop profanities in front of small children and their parents during the heart of rush hour. “She was cussing like she invented swear words,” said Hiebert. “I turned around and said, ‘Can you clean up your mouth?’” For intervening, Hiebert says she received a fresh volley of abuse from the inebriated woman, who finally decamped the bus a few stops later. “I’m not one of those people who can just sit there and say nothing,” she said. Most patrons who spoke with The Mirror said the TTC should act more proactively to deal with rude riders, whether that means an awareness campaign or directing staff to intervene. “If there was an ad campaign with some kind of statistic or something, it might strike a chord with me,” said

Rudeness: a sign of the times Many passengers ignore priority seating notices


Staff photo/Nick Perry

TTC chief customer service officer Chris Upfold calls rudeness on the transit system a ‘societal’ issue.

Hassan Ibrahim, a passenger on the 501 Queen streetcar last week. “It’s happening in their stations, on their vehicles,” said commuter Sunny Wong, waiting for a bus at Victoria Park and Sheppard Avenue. “There should be standards for whenever you take the TTC.” a closer But while look the TTC Inside does make Toronto announcements related to transit etiquette, such as asking riders to remove their large knapsacks during rush hour, spokesperson Chris Upfold said there are no plans to deal with the issue much more than that. “We have a number of areas of concern, but customer behaviour isn’t even in our Top 10. It’s not what we focus on,” said Upfold, the TTC’s chief customer care officer. “Rudeness is not something that catches my attention as being high.” Upfold, who was hired

by the TTC to improve customer care, said the transit agency’s employees shouldn’t be required to improve what he termed a “societal” issue. “I would argue the obligation of the operator is no greater than anybody else on that vehicle,” said Upfold. He said riders should alter their travel patterns and the times they travel in order to reduce potential disputes. “Let’s say you travel at 8:30 a.m. and it’s tough to find a seat. Leave 15 minutes earlier and there’s a better chance you’re getting on the train,” said Upfold. Transit agencies in other cities have taken steps to reduce rude behaviour by riders. For the last seven years, New York City subway riders face a $50 ticket, and in some cases can even be arrested, for sitting “improperly” on a seat or taking up more than one seat. More recently, the Paris, France rapid transit authority RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) launched a publicity campaign tar-

geting rude patrons of the Metro. Phil Wood, who retired recently from the London Underground where he was manager of operational analysis, said the rudeness of patrons riding the subway was never considered much of a problem, though laws targeting certain behaviours have proved effective. He said Underground workers are directed not to get into confrontations with transit users, and instead are to alert the transport police responsible for patrolling the system’s 402 kilometres of track. He recalled a regulation adopted by British lawmakers a couple of years ago that made it illegal for riders to travel the Underground with open containers of alcohol. “It’s more of a perception issue, really, and they made a rule

that put people at ease,” said Wood, who was in Toronto last week. Upfold said the TTC is set to examine the findings from a study that examined nearly 5,000 rider complaints in hopes of offering better service. But he said rudeness on the TTC, just as it exists in other places in the city, would remain a reality, “TTC is part of society,” he said. “The problems we face are the same as what society faces.” Valentino Assenza, who commutes to work downtown from the Beach via the TTC, said while he’d like to see steps taken to address the issue of rudeness, he was unsure how it should proceed. “It’s hard to legislate courtesy,” he said. “How we go about enforcing this, I don’t really know.”

ON THE COVER: Transit user Valentino Assenza says he is exasperated with the lack of respect passengers on the TTC have for each other. (Photo by Nick Perry) TWITTER: Read tweets from transit users pinpointing their pet peeves about impolite TTC passengers;, search keyword: TTC_Rude_Riders

he next time you see Kevin Chung on a TTC vehicle, he’ll be standing. Chung takes transit every day to get downtown where he works as a currencies trader, and he said he’s shocked by how many of his able-bodied fellow commuters decline to give up their seats to elderly, disabled or pregnant riders. “I don’t usually go for a seat if I don’t have to,” said Chung from the Eglinton station bus depot where he was waiting on the 51 Leaside bus. “I think it’s common sense to give your seat to someone who needs it.” That such inconsiderate behaviour from fellow commuters still occurs occasionally is a surprise to Chung. “Good Samaritans will sometimes tell people to move, but you still see random people turning their head away when someone who could use a seat gets on,” said Chung, shaking his head. He would like to see the TTC randomly patrol the subway and enforce prioritized seating standards. “It would help make people aware there is a designated area, that there is a sign here,” he said of prioritized seating. Currently, the TTC doesn’t require able-bodied riders to vacate priority seating, but suggests doing so on a volunteer basis. Commuter Ekta Bromley’s main annoyance is the presence of riders wearing large bags and blocking her way. But she resists the urge to get too upset about the issue. “I don’t have even five seconds of time to waste on these annoyances, said Bromley at Eglinton station. Bromley, who also frequently takes York Region Transit (YRT), said she’d like the TTC to look to YRT for inspiration when it comes crafting awareness campaigns related to commuter behaviour. “They just have more signs and such,” she said. – Rahul Gupta



LOBLAWS GREAT FOOD HOSTS CAR WASH FOR OUT OF THE COLD PROGRAM On Saturday, Loblaws Great Food’s department manager, Philip Tanjutco, lent a helping hand at the store’s first Interfaith Out of the Cold Car Wash fundraiser. Proceeds will help provide safe refuge, hospitality and emergency shelter for community member in need. The car wash took place at Loblaws Great Food’s location at 3501 Yonge St., and raised over $1,000.00 for the Out of the Cold program.

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CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


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SEE MORE PHOTOS : Not intended to solicit persons under contract. *Certain Conditions May Apply. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.

Copyright© 2009 Frank Leo

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012



CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


Arts & Entertainment

Artist turning heads at AGO JUSTIN SKINNER With an uncanny eye for detail and a meticulous style, Toronto artist Evan Penny is turning heads at the Art Gallery of Ontario. Re Figured, a collection of Penny’s larger-than-life, ultra-realistic sculptures focusing largely on faces, marks the artist’s first exhibit at the AGO. Judging from the reactions of patrons, it will be the first of many. Penny, who lives in the TrinityBellwoods area and works primarily out of a studio in the Dupont and Bathurst streets area, has been creating this genre of life-like sculptures out of silicon, aluminum and real hair for over a decade. “I always worked figuratively, but the question was ‘how does one become a figurative sculptor who engages contemporary concerns?’” he said. While the sculptures vary in size, their attention to detail is impeccable – no surprise when each piece

takes months to complete. “I might be able to do six pieces in a year, but typically I’m doing multiple pieces at a time,” he said. “It’s very craft-driven, artisanal work, not the kind of thing you can do in an assembly-line manner.” The pieces include realisticlooking eyes created through a painstaking multi-step process, skin imperfections and hair and even five-o’clock shadow implanted strand-by-strand. Penny was set on his current path while working for a special effects company that catered to Hollywood movies. He was tasked with sculpting character masks and makeup for films such as Snow Falling on Cedars and K-19: The Widowmaker. While many of the sculptures in Re Figured are realistic, others are intentionally stretched or distorted and play with perspective and colour. “Some of the pieces do affect (viewers) on a physical level,” Penny said. “Some are challenging and some, like L. Faux CMYK (a piece

in which the colours are all slightly off-centre) are almost uncomfortable.” The exhibit also includes sculptures of the artist himself as both a younger and older version of himself. As much as the entire exhibit delves into issues of image, selfimage and identity, those pieces were particularly personal for Penny. “When you imagine your history and your projected history, you can’t help think about your own mortality,” he said. Re Figured is currently on display at the AGO until January 6, and Penny will be featured as the inaugural artist featured in the Art Gallery’s 1st Thursdays events, which will partner visual arts with live music and include pop-up bars and interactive arts activities. The first 1st Thursday, with tours by Penny and music by special guest Bahamas, will take place from 6:30 to 11 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 4. Admission is limited to those 19 years of age and older.


Artist Evan Penny with a sculpture of himself as an old man. Penny is currently exhibiting at the Art Gallery of Ontario until January 6.




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For many young women, the idea of one day starting a family is a dream come true. This dream often begins at a young age, playing Barbie or house with friends, like in the case of Lee-Ann Migneault. However, when smoking became part of her reality, she and her husband questioned if becoming parents as smokers made sense. Lee-Ann and her husband both smoked more than a pack of ciga-

rettes a day for 17 years, spending around $600 a month. They realized that spending money this way would not be sustainable; especially if they wanted a family. Not to mention the fact that they felt a smoking environment was no place for a child. “My husband and I needed to stop wasting money on cigarettes,” says Lee-Ann. “More importantly though, we knew that it wouldn't be fair to bring a child into a smok-

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ing household. As parents, you want to do everything you can to make sure your child is safe and happy, and if we were smoking, we wouldn't be doing that.” While their desire to start a family was stronger than their desire to smoke, quitting was proving to be very challenging. So, Lee-Ann and her husband sought support to overcome their addiction to nicotine by speaking to a doctor and creating a quit plan. “I'm proud to say that I have been smoke-free for five years now and am the mother of two beautiful young children.” Effective quit planning can help smokers prepare in advance to deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms, which can include light-headedness, restlessness, sleep disturbance, poor concentration, irritability and aggression, craving for nicotine, depression, and increased appetite. Discussing nicotine withdrawal symptoms may make a quit attempt more successful. For more information about developing an effective quit plan, speak to your doctor, pharmacist or other healthcare professional.


It’s Happening There’s No Place Like Home WHEN: 7 to 10 p.m. WHERE: National Ballet School, 400 Jarvis St. CONTACT: Hospice Toronto, 416-364-1666, www. COST: $125 Hosted by Carla Collins and featuring a performance by Eleanor McCain. Additional performances by Arash Behzadi and the gene pool boys.

n Friday, Sept. 28

We Day Toronto WHEN: 9 a.m. WHERE: Air Canada Centre, 40 Bay St. CONTACT: www. COST: free providing youth commit to one local and global issue in the school year

We Day ignites a year-long action program that educates, engages and empowers youth to become active global citizens. International activists Craig and Marc Kielburger, along with award-winning performers and global leaders, will take to the stage.

n Saturday, Sept. 29

Scotiabank Nuit Blanche WHEN: 7:03 p.m. to sunrise WHERE: various locations CONTACT: www. For one sleepless night, experience the city transformed by artists for Toronto’s seventh annual sunset-to-sunrise celebration of contemporary art. One night only. All night long. All free.

Author Sidney Kirkpatrick talks on Edgar Cayce WHEN: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: First Unitarian Church, 175 St. Clair Ave. W. Cost, $70, $75 at door Learn how Edgar Cayce’s message of light, harmony, and self empowerment can bring love, joy and miracles into our lives and those with whom we share the journey.

n Sunday, Sept. 30

Soupalicious Toronto 2012 WHEN: noon to 5 p.m. WHERE: Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie St. CONTACT: 416-535-0240, www. COST: Advance tickets at $10 plus HST; $15 at door

Sip, slurp and savour your way through Soupalicious Toronto 2012 where the talents of local chefs and restaurants combine with the local growing power of caring farmers sharing the fruits and veggies of their labour. Soupalicious Toronto will feature more than 30 soups in one afternoon to benefit and raise awareness for Plant a Row - Grow a Row, the local food growing and sharing initiative for those in need. Tickets can be purchased in advance.

n Tuesday, Oct. 2

Older Lesbians Book Group WHEN: 1 to 3 p.m. WHERE: 519 Community Centre, 519 Church St. CONTACT: Eleanor Batchelder, 647-

235-0843, COST: Free The group will be discussing the novel This Body by Tessa McWatt. Light refreshments. Messy Church-An All Ages Event WHEN: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Manor Road United Church, 240 Manor Rd. E. CONTACT: E. Macdonald, 416483-0695, COST: Donations welcome Kids (accompanied by a guardian) are invited the first Tuesday of every month for games, crafts, storytelling, interactive worship and a communal supper.

n Submit your events

Email events to letters@insidetoronto. com

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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012

n Thursday, Sept. 27


CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


City Hall

Casa Loma should house city museum: councillors DAVID NICKLE Casa Loma could become the home of a museum of Toronto’s history and culture, if the two local councillors for Toronto’s most famous stately home get their way. St. Paul’s councillors Josh Matlow and Joe Mihevc are asking council consider using a sizeable part of the mansion at the top of Spadina Avenue for a museum as it puts out a request for proposal to find a new operator for the site. The house, originally built by Toronto businessman Sir Henry Pellatt early last century, has been both a valuable tourist attraction and a financial burden for the city since it was seized for back taxes in the 1930s. For most of the last century and the first part of the current one, the Kiwanis Club of Toronto had taken on the task of managing the building. But in 2011, the city and the Kiwanis Club parted ways

‘We can explore Toronto’s history in one of Toronto’s historic buildings – this is a lifetime opportunity. I say we move on it.’ ~ Councillor Josh Matlow as it became clear the $20 million in repairs required for the building was beyond the Kiwanis’ ability to manage. At the last Executive Committee meeting, councillors recommended putting the management of the castle out to Request for Proposals (RFP). Matlow and Mihevc want the inclusion of a museum as part of that RFP. “Not only does it make sense, it makes enormous sense,” said Matlow. “We can have a small museum

of 8,000 square feet (similar to Montreal’s city museum). What I am supportive of is moving ahead with an RFP so we can bring in a new source of revenue, a creative source of revenue. I submit that a museum would complement any other events and restaurants in the museum, and they would support operating the museum.” WELL-LOCATED The two councillors argue Casa Loma is well-located near the Dupont subway station, and adjacent to the City of Toronto Archives and the Spadina House Museum. The museum could occupy the basement and the third floor of the main building, as well as possibly the hunting lodge and guest buildings. “We can explore Toronto’s history in one of Toronto’s historic buildings – this is a lifetime opportunity,” said Matlow. “I say we move on it.”


| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012

CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


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15 | CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012



CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


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