April 18

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thurs april 18, 2013

inside Crane ceremony kicks off drive for pledges and participants for Meagan’s Walk / 3

the city

David Nickle believes we’re paying for transit underfunding / 4


Our community calendar is filled with lots of things to do this week / 5


Rolling a classic cigar / 12

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‘Projexity’ helps build city from grassroots



JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com Fed up with jumping through hoops to get projects approved, a group of Toronto residents have devised a way to streamline the process through crowd sourcing. The group has created an online platform called Projexity that seeks design ideas and funding for projects geared toward improving communities. Founded by brothers and Forest Hill residents Nicolas and Jonathan Koff and downtown Toronto resident Marisa Bernstein, Projexity aims to see projects through from conception to completion. “I’m a landscape and urban designer and Nicolas is an architect and after working for a few years in Toronto, we’ve seen the pitfalls of the planning and design process,” Bernstein said. “We thought something needed to be done.” Bernstein noted there is a lack of transparency throughout the planning and design process and a lack of guidance that throws up huge obstacles for residents looking to improve their communities. Projexity looks to clear those obstacles by crowd sourcing >>>projexity, page 8


Tyrone MacLean-Wilson mans the camera as Abu Miah, left, and Nazmul Miah tape a video for Regent Park Focus. Together with Youth Media Arts Centre, Regent Park Focus is looking to start Regent Park Community TV.

Regent Park Community TV needs funding JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com Regent Park’s ongoing revitalization has seen the community welcome a new grocery store, a bank and plenty of other firsts. Now, the downtown neighbourhood is coming closer to introducing its own television station.

Regent Park Focus and Youth Media Arts Centre is looking to start up Regent Park Community TV, a one-stop venue where residents can learn of upcoming events and those outside the community can gain some new insight and a greater understanding of the oft-maligned area. Youth at Regent Park Focus have produced videos in the

past, many of which have been uploaded to YouTube. The creation of a television station would bring those videos and other information out to a wider audience. “We felt more people needed to see our material, especially people in the Regent Park community,” said Regent Park Focus director Adonis Huggins. “It will all be youth-created content, so

we’re trying to engage young people to look at issues affecting our community and society.” Huggins said one of the key areas of focus will be breaking down stereotypes. Some paint Regent Park as an unsafe neighbourhood where crime and violence are rampant. “We just want to put Regent Park on the map,” said Regent >>>youth, page 9

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CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013 |



Crane ceremony leads up to Meagan’s Walk May 11

JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com What began as a tragedy for the Bebenek family has become a symbol of hope for children living with brain tumours. Meagan Bebenek died due to an inoperable brain tumour on June 17, 2001 and in the years since, her mother Denise and other supporters have hosted Meagan’s Walk, a fundraising campaign that has raised some $2.7 million for pediatric brain tumour research. A special ceremony for this year’s walk – the 12th annual such event – was held at SickKids Hospital on Wednesday, April 10. Students from Meagan’s former school Our Lady of Sorrows and other Catholic schools dropped off thousands of origami cranes to symbolize hope. The crane ceremony has become a tradition, officially kicking off the drive to get more participants and pledges for Meagan’s Walk. “Twelve years ago, a very

While there is still a Meagan anywhere, we will continue to fight.


Students from Our Lady of Sorrows sing as thousands of origami cranes are dropped off at The Hospital for Sick Children last Wednesday in the lead-up to Meagan’s Walk.

special moment happened at Our Lady of Sorrows when thousands of cranes were presented to Meagan,” Denise Bebenek said. “I believe that

first crane ceremony was where the seed was planted for Meagan’s Walk.” The leisurely five-kilometre walk will bring participants

from Fort York to SickKids, where they will join in a big hug around the hospital to show support for the children being treated inside.

– Holly Norris

The walk began as a community-led initiative and has since grown to where it brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. “There is more happening in labs now in Toronto, across the country and around the world because everyone’s rolling up their sleeves and helping out with Meagan’s Walk,” Bebenek said. The April 10 crane ceremony at SickKids saw piles of origami cranes piled on a table as people shared what Meagan’s Walk means to them. SickKids ambassador Tobin Haas, 13, has undergone several treatments at the downtown children’s hospital for a brain tumour that kept recurring. He knows first-hand the difficulties children face when living with cancer. “For six weeks, while other children went to school, I

went to radiation treatment every day,” he said. “I was glad to be at SickKids because they have the best and nicest doctors.” Holly Norris of De La Salle College noted her cousin was diagnosed with a brain tumour seven years ago, which drove home the importance of events such as Meagan’s Walk. She pointed out Meagan’s story is all too common, repeating the theme that while Bebenek has become the symbol associated with Meagan’s Walk, there are countless ‘Meagans’ out there battling brain tumours. “It’s easy to stick our heads in the sand rather than tackling the feat of conquering something that seems unconquerable,” she said. “While there is still Meagan anywhere, we will continue to fight.” Meagan’s Walk will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 11, with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m.


To participate or make a donation, visit www.meaganswalk.com

Mount Kilimanjaro expedition a fundraiser in support of national stem cell bank JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com Though his plans of scaling Mount Kilimanjaro may be an ambitious challenge, midtown Toronto resident Jaime Stein is taking on the difficult task to help others facing an even steeper climb. Stein is taking part in Canadian Blood Services’ #Climb4Cord climb to raise funds for For All Canadians, an initiative that aims to establish a National Public Cord Blood Bank. That bank will see stem cells from the umbilical cords of newborns used to help those battling a variety of illnesses. The Mount Pleasant Road and Eglinton Avenue area resident has worked at Canadian Blood Services for years following his father’s death. “I lost my dad to leukemia in 2006 and at the time, he was waiting to get a bone

I lost my dad to leukemia in 2006 and at the time, he was waiting to get a bone marrow transplant. – Jaime Stein

marrow transplant,” Stein said. “( The National Public Cord Blood Bank) is a way to help Canadians and save lives. There are at least 1,000 people waiting for a stem cell transplant and that’s 1,000 people too many.” Canada is currently the only G8 country without a national public umbilical cord bank, which Stein feels is ridiculous given the nation’s size and diversity. With a public umbilical cord bank, it would be far easier to find matches for those needing bone marrow or peripheral

blood donations. When the blood bank is up and running – there is currently a three-year program underway to see it established – those with life-threatening illnesses will have access to stem cells from a variety of donors, a necessity in a country as diverse as Canada. The climb will certainly come with its share of difficulties. While Stein is an avid hiker and has hiked in the Yukon, the 19,341-foot trek up Kilimanjaro will pose a unique challenge between the physical exertion and the thin air. “A friend of mine loaned me the book Into Thin Air, which made me a little nervous,” he said. “From what I’ve heard, the last few hours take a lot of mental effort.” As part of his preparations, Stein is taking weekly hikes through Toronto and inviting other hikers to suggest

routes on his website (www. jaimestein.wordpress.com) and join him on his walks. Stein said he hopes to raise $10,000 for his climb, which will go toward Canadian Blood Services’ overall goal of raising $12.5 million. In reaching out to people, he has been touched by the stories he has heard. “People I haven’t heard from in a while have been making nice donations and then I hear stories where I learn how so many people were impacted by leukemia,” he said. Stein and a team of more than 20 hikers will arrive in Tanzania in early August and embark on a seven-day climb up Mount Kilimanjaro, followed by a two-day descent. For more information or to make a donation, visit www. jaimestein.wordpress.com/ climb4cord



In preparation for an early August attempt to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, in order to raise funds and publicity for the creation of a national umbilical cord bank, Jaime Stein is embarking on weekly Toronto-area hikes.

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013


CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013 |



The City Centre Mirror is published every Thursday at 175 Gordon Baker Rd., Toronto, ON, M2H 0A2, by Metroland Media Toronto, a Division of Metroland Media Group Ltd.


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Limiting casino debate a bad move


his week Mayor Rob Ford rolled snake eyes – twice.

First, he allotted only one day for public deputations on the controversial report by city manager Joe Pennachetti on the pros and cons of building a casino in Toronto. Second, Monday marked another attempt to stifle debate with Ford limiting deputations to three minutes from the customary five. This is not the time to limit discussion on a topic of such great importance to Torontonians. Deciding to build a casino in Toronto is not a NIMBY issue, not solely an economic issue and not just a societal issue. It is all of these, and limiting debate is a bad play on the part of the mayor and his executive committee. The very tenet of Pennachetti’s report is to weigh the pros and cons of building a casino in the city. A casino will not solve the city’s ills, but limiting deputations will never highlight the pros or the cons. With more than 200 people registered to speak, it’s apparour view ent Torontonians have something to say. Public should Ford has limited debate on issues before – the service-cuts be heard on deputations from 2011 were important issue cut to two minutes per deputation. Issues that attract an increase in public interest need more debate – not less. To lessen presentation time is also to lessen a speaker’s ability to state their case – whatever that may be. And on a contentious issue like this – however painful it may be to those listening – it’s even more important for those making deputations to have the ability to state their case. Many speakers were against a casino in the downtown core. But there were also voices who support a casino – like representatives from Woodbine racetrack, who are open to expanding their facilities in north Etobicoke. Unfortunately, a location downtown – Exhibition Place or the Metro Toronto Convention Centre – seems ideal for those willing to build a casino. Councillors and the mayor were elected to do the will of the people. Unfortunately, this is not what’s happening here. It would appear those in North York, Etobicoke, Scarborough and areas north of Bloor Street don’t mind building a casino in downtown Toronto – they are the mayor’s base, not those who live in the core. It’s unfortunate this debate is another failed attempt by the Ford administration to hear from the public on a topic that has polarized the city.

Write us The City Centre Mirror welcomes letters of 400 words or less. All submissions must include name, address and a daytime telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Copyright in letters remains with the author but the publisher and affiliates may freely reproduce them in print, electronic or other forms. Letters can be sent to letters@ insidetoronto.com, or mailed to The City Centre Mirror, 175 Gordon Baker Rd. Toronto, ON, M2H 0A2.



Paying the price for underfunding transit Panda bear The Toronto Region Board of Trade weighed in, and then came Metrolinx. Next week, councillors will begin to talk about a made-inToronto plan to raise the tens of billions of dollars it will take to cover the costs of public transit expansion. Both the business group and the provincial transit agency have proposed a range of revenue tools as they’re called, for public transit. Toronto’s recommendations are narrower. For the first wave of Big Move transit expansion plans, city staff are recommending four possible ways to pay for transit: dedicated development charges, an additional fuel tax, parking levies and sales tax. The politically dicier options of road tolls and a vehicle registration tax reintroduction would show up in later years. Reaction from Mayor Rob Ford was swift and unequivocal following Tuesday’s release of the recommendations. He wouldn’t support any

david nickle the city of them. Public works and infrastructure committee chair Denzil Minnan-Wong came up with a similar, and on-thesurface-of-it more nuanced position: he told reporters the public should know how much they’re paying for public transit expansion per family, and government should tidy up the way it finances big infrastructure projects, before anyone considers charging any more taxes for anything. On the other side of the political spectrum, ParkdaleHigh Park Councillor and Ford critic Gord Perks bemoaned the fact the recommendations excluded income taxes, which are more progressive than the pay-as-you-go options like road tolls and fuel taxes. At least Perks has made it clear he’ll support the measures in the end. That’s something the mayor

and the guy who heads the committee in charge of the roads haven’t indicated. To sum it up: This, Toronto, is why we can’t have nice things. The reality is that for some time now, things haven’t been very nice at all when it comes to getting around the city. Gridlock on the roads is paralyzing; public transit, particularly the subway system, is suffocatingly overcrowded; and the reason for this is simply enough that it is all underfunded, and has been for decades. Or to put it less kindly: we have been underfunding it for decades. We elected politicians on the promise of reduced and frozen taxes and the elimination of small fees and charges, on the willfully-ignorant assumption we might maintain or even increase the services we need and want. Collectively, we have been fools.


David Nickle is The Mirror’s city hall reporter. His column runs every Thursday.

rental more important than military personal, equipment I think it’s good the federal government is considering pay cuts to our military personnel serving combat duty in Afghanistan. The savings will help pay the $10 million needed for panda bear rental. Perhaps in the future, lower hazardous duty pay will help deter young adults from pursuing military service. With fewer soldiers in the field, there will be more money to help pay for the F-35 fighter jet that can’t fly in cold weather. David Dull

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city centre

w Friday, April 19

Healthy Living Fair WHEN: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. WHERE: Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie St. Event geared to those 55 plus includes an art exhibit by residents of Christie Gardens, presentations, service providers, demonstrations, food sampling and seminars and a performance by Christie Chorale.

happening in

Forest Hill Art Club show and sale WHEN: 6 to 8 p.m. WHERE: Forest Hill Art Club Studio, 666 Eglinton Ave. W. CONTACT: Mel, 416-783-5388 COST: Free Forest Hill Art Club show and sale of members work runs April 19 to 21. Hours include an opening reception Friday from 6 to 8 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Call Mel at 416-783-5388. Community Tree Planting Festival WHEN: noon to 5 p.m. WHERE: Alexandra Park, 275 Bathurst St. Friends of Alexandra Park hosts a Community Tree Planting Festival Friday (to prepare soil) and Sat-

looking ahead w Sunday, April 28

Gluten-free garage WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. WHERE: Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie St. Take part in the gluten-free garage. Cost, $10 for adults and free for kids 12 and under. Proceeds from ticket sales will go to the Canadian Celiac Association.

Check out our complete online community calendar by visiting www.citycentremirror.com. Read weeks of listings from your neighbourhood as well as events from across Toronto.

urday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to tend the soil, plant trees and assemble and paint picnic tables. Volunteers are asked to bring their own equipment. Some will be provided.

w Saturday, April 20

Toronto Cat Rescue Adoptathon WHEN: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: Pet Valu, 2578 Yonge St. CONTACT: Alison Finkelstein, 416-538-8592 Adoption fee will be $175 for kittens under six months, $100 for cats more than six months and $250 if adopting two kittens, payable by cash. Spring rummage sale WHEN: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. WHERE:

Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. CONTACT: Maxine Henry, 416590-1008 COST: Free Donations of clothing, household items, games, puzzles and more accepted.

w Sunday, April 21

Children’s Day Festival WHEN: 2 to 5 p.m. WHERE: Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen St. W. CONTACT: Meral Altinada, meralaltinada@yahoo.com Hosted by the Turkish Society of Canada, children representing the cultural mosaic of Toronto will come together to perform their national dances and share their folk music. There are also activities such as

clowns, face painting, popcorn and cotton candy stations, magic show and balloon sculpting, where children have the opportunity to interact with each other.

w Sunday, April 21

Flash Mob - World Partnership Walk Toronto WHEN: 2 to 4 p.m. WHERE: 30 Eastern Ave. CONTACT: Shirl Gilani, www.facebook.com/ events/333611113428191 The Toronto World Partnership Walk team is planning a flash mob dance to raise awareness about International Development and the walk itself.

w Monday, April 22

New Music 101 series WHEN: 7 to 8 p.m. WHERE: Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge St. CONTACT: 416-393-7131 COST: Free Members of the Toronto New Music Alliance presents the third annual series.

w Tuesday, April 23

Taking control of your migraine WHEN: 6 to 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Women’s College Hospital, 76 Grenville St. CONTACT: Dana Gray, 416-323-6323, ext. 3702, dana. gray@wchospital.ca This is a free lecture with a question and answer period. Seating is limited

so please RSVP to Dana Gray.

w Thursday, April 25

Fairlawn Avenue United Church Annual Book Sale WHEN: 6 to 9 p.m. WHERE: Fairlawn Avenue United Church, 28 Fairlawn Ave. CONTACT: 416-787-6927, fairlawnchurch.ca/booksale Huge selection of gently used books, music and videos today, Friday from noon to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free admission.

w Friday, April 26

National Dance Week Folk Dance Event WHEN: 8 to 11 p.m. WHERE: University of Toronto Schools, 371 Bloor St. W. (at Spadina) CONTACT: Helen Winkler, www. ofda.ca COST: $5 International Folk Dance evening with instruction.

get listed!

The City Centre Mirror wants your community listings Sign up online at citycentremirror.com to submit your events (click the Sign Up link in the top right corner of the page).

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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013


CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013 |


arts & entertainment

Did you hear the news? Mezzo-soprano Aria Tesolin


By Popular Demand, We have opened




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releases her second album JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com


hough she made a name for herself as a talented but precocious mezzo-soprano, downtown Toronto resident Aria Tesolin is moving further into the pop world. Tesolin recently released her second album, Ascension, seven years after she released the album Baby Soprano, which turned her into a radio and online sensation. While Baby Soprano was operatic, Ascension veers more toward classic pop alternative, blending her classical influences with a modern electronic sound. “This album’s a logical progression with my music because I’ve been writing a lot more,” she said. “It’s kind of pop classical meets pop alternative.” Tesolin first fell in love with opera at the age of eight when her mother took her to a performance of Carmen. She left the theatre determined to learn to sing the song ‘Habanera’ and began taking lessons to hone her voice. CLASSICAL TRAINING While her musical style has evolved, she continues to receive classical training. “I’ve been improving my voice over the years and I’ve found that opera training helps with any kind of vocals,” she said. Her switch in focus has helped her gain exposure to new audiences. Baby Soprano saw 10 tracks chart on the iTunes Digital Top 100, with tracks played on more than 800 radio stations in 21 countries. She has had more than seven million views on YouTube and has performed with the Canadian Tenors. With Ascension, she has broadened her appeal from fans of classical music to reach out to younger audiences. “A lot of the music I’ve done in the past has


Nineteen-year-old mezzo-soprano Aria Tesolin’s second album, Ascension, was released earlier this month.

appealed to an older base, but a lot of my recent fans are 16 to 25,” she said. “I think there’s a big connection with younger people who are starting to listen to my music more because I’m young.” She also noted, while her voice retains an operatic edge, it is not so operatic as to turn off younger listeners. “If you look at Amy Lee from (alternative band) Evanescence, she has a very classical voice,” she said. As Tesolin has honed her voice, she has also improved her songwriting chops. While her vocal inspirations include Maria Callas and Andrea Bocelli, lyrically, she is drawn to everyone from Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan to Radiohead and Elliott Smith. “My songs are often very personal, but they’re also inspired by other people’s experiences when I hear an interesting story,” she said. While Ascension highlights Tesolin’s songwriting skills on 10 original tracks, it also includes remixes of her two top singles, ‘Dolce’

I think there’s a big connection with younger people ... because I’m young – Aria Tesolin

and ‘The Key’. Tesolin spent a year studying political science at the University of Toronto, but quickly learned that was not for her. “I thought ‘what am I doing here? I should be doing music,’” she said. “(Political science) was interesting, but it wasn’t what I wanted to do.” Tesolin spent some time living in the Kensington Market area and has recently moved to the Yonge and Bloor streets area. “I grew up in Mississauga for years, but I’ve always been a city girl and even when I lived out there, I spent a lot of time downtown,” she said. For more information on Aria Tesolin or to listen to or download Ascension, visit www.ariatesolin.com




















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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013



CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013 |



Projexity looking to help Scadding Court’s Market 707 Photo/COURTESY

Projexity founders Marisa Bernstein, left, Nicolas Koff and Jonathan Koff.

>>>from page 1 funding and design proposals while taking care of approvals at the city level if necessary. “People need more of a say and more of a way to promote projects they really care about,” Bernstein said. Nicolas Koff said they had discussed the project for some time, but the idea was driven home while they were at a festival in Niagara Falls. “We were in old town Niagara Falls at this festival and there was almost nobody there,” he said. “We realized they didn’t have any way to get any visibility and to make things happen in a community, you need to have visibility.” Launched earlier this month, Projexity is already working toward bringing about an expansion to Scadding Court’s Market 707. The organization is also working on a project to devise

a master plan for a large urban high school in Philadelphia, where Bernstein and Nicolas Koff attended university. The process allows anyone to propose a project for their community, after which an online funding campaign will be set up to collect microdonations from individual donors. For some projects, people will also be invited to offer their volunteer services to help build specific projects. Design competition Should funding targets be reached, Projexity will host a design competition to solicit design ideas, which will then be voted on by the public. “It’s a way to gather support from local people and people around the world online and through social media,” Koff said. “It shows how simple things can be if we work

toward them together.” Throughout the funding and design processes, Projexity staff will ask whether those posting the project need help obtaining the necessary city approvals. While Projexity’s most visible impact will be on the streets, the organization will also provide a boon to up-andcoming designers. Every step of the way, visitors to the Projexity website will be able to see where projects stand in terms of funding and approvals. “It’s hard if you’re a young designer to get your ideas and your work out there,” Bernstein said. “This opens it up so anyone who submits a design project has a chance and it streamlines the whole process and makes it more visible.”


For more information on Projexity, visit www.projexity. com

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9 | CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013


Youth to steer programming of one-stop Regent Park venue

– Tresvonne Wilson

Local youth will steer the programming, and Regent Park Focus is training youth from the area to ensure they have the necessary skills to make it a success. Youth Iman Zein has learned to write a script, create a storyboard, use a camera and edit film through Regent Park Focus and is looking forward to sharing her own stories and experiences. “We’ll be able to reach out to a bigger audience,” she said of the possibilities of Regent Park Community TV.

For more information on the project, or for a link to the donation page, visit www.regentparkfocus.com


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It could show other communities around Toronto that this can be done and can really help give people a voice.

Regent Park Focus is currently seeking funding to help get the project off the ground, looking for corporate sponsors and private donors. Tresvonne Wilson, who has worked on several media projects through Regent Park Focus, said the creation of a Regent Park television station could serve as a template for other communities. “I hope to see it blow up and influence other communities,” he said. “It could show other communities around Toronto that this can be done and can really help give people a voice.” The concept needs help getting off the ground. As of April 16, the initiative was roughly $10,000 short of meeting its $12,000 goal with just over 18 days left to make up the shortfall.


>>>from page 1 Park Focus youth board member William Khan. “Usually, people view Regent Park as a really violent place, but we want to show that we’re creative and we’re a really great community.” The channel will also offer information on everything from the ongoing Regent Park Redevelopment to community events and could even be used to announce birthdays and milestones being celebrated by local residents. While the initial plan calls for a one-hour program on Rogers Cable 10 that would showcase Regent Park to all of Toronto, there are also ambitions to set something up just for the community. “We’re looking at RP60, which would be a closedcircuit channel only available in the Regent Park area,” Huggins said. “For that, we could set it up as a text and graphicsbased news channel.”

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CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013 |


Frank Leo



Incredible Royal York/Edenbridge 5bdrm 2 storey at beautifully landscaped 100’ x 210’ ravine lot. Resort-like terraced back garden, waterfall pond, gazebo and in-ground pool. Gorgeous 2 storey foyer, fabulous gourmet kitchen, main floor billiard room w/English style bar, Stunning 2 storey family rm with huge custom library wall and ladder rail. Spacious large lower level rec. rm with w/o absolutely a must see $2,599,900!!

Prestigious executive 5+2 bdrm 2 storey, gorgeous stone & brick exterior, professionally landscaped lot, backing onto Conservation lands, absolutely a must see, beautifully finished thru-out, Jatoba hardwood & granite flrs, custom kitchen inground pool, & much more for $1,990,000!!

ASHBURY VICTORIA Custom built Classic Victorian inspired all brick 4 bdrm homes in south Etobicoke. Incredible imported high end finishes thru-out, state of the art automation system. Definitely a must see located just minutes to the airport or downtown Toronto from $868,000.

Spectacular totally renovated 2 storey! Modern kitchen with granite counter top, gleaming hardwood floors, gorgeous bathrooms, finished basement. New roof, windows & deck, 2 car Carport parking, stone & brick exterior, high demand Trinity Bellwoods area, walk to shops, restaurants, 24 hrs street car and much more only $829,000!!



Gorgeous Property 90’ x 143’ lot backing onto the Humber River & situated on quiet dead end street. Custom built 2 storey with addition & walkout bsmnt. Fabulous layout, granite countertop & floors, 5+1 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, finished basement with second kitchen ideal for entertaining or nanny suite, w/o to professionally landscaped lot with inground salt water pool, patio, deck, & spectacular ravine views. Meticulously well maintained property offered at only $1,699,900!!


Large detached 4 bdrm 2 storey, finished basement, huge 50’ x 199’ lot! Located close to all conveniences, quick access to Hwys, many upgrades thru-out, Well maintained home Must be seen for $799,900!!

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Stunning Heathwood built 4 bdrm 2 storey, huge principal rooms, Impressive family size kitchen, granite countertops, under cabinet lighting, s.s appl. double oven, main flrs. den, family room, & laundry rm, spacious Living & dining room master suite with 2 large w/i closets, 5 pc. ensuite, garage access door, the list goes on and on for this Milton Beauty! Only $799,900!!

#1 in West and Central Toronto combined by units of listings sold for all Companies of all Brokers & Sales Representatives 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 according to a study of MLS data prepared by an independent auditor of real estate statistics.


Huge Oakdale Village home, across from park & play ground, approx. 4530 sq ft, high ceilings, large fenced pie shaped lot, gleaming ceramic & hardwood flrs, family size kitchen, granite countertops, Spacious open concept living & dining rm, fabulous family rm w/fireplace, 5wshrms, double garage & drive plus many extras for $799,900!!


Spectacular custom executive 3+1bdrm 2 storey, brick & stone exterior, opulent open concept layout, high coffered ceilings, gleaming hardwood floors, magnificent gourmet kitchen, stainless steel appliances, marble countertop, breakfast bar, & fireplace. Magnificent master bdrm, ensuite w/ soaker tub, glass shower + spa, W/I closet, & sitting area, Sept. entrance to finished bsmnt in-law suite must be seen for $749,900!!

HE R AN OTLD SO ISLINGTON/ LANGSTAFF 276’ FRONTAGE!! Detached bungalow on approx. 1 acre lot, backing onto the Humber River, fabulous opportunity, Unique property, great location, close to all conveniences, super value for only $699,900!!


Rare 5 bdrm 2 storey on a beautiful lot. Just steps to Gametwood Park along the Etobicoke boarder. Gorgeous family rm with w/o to private fenced lot 20’x40’, inground pool. Huge bedrooms and principal rooms, renovated baths, fabulous country kitchen with s.s appliances and breakfast area, large finished basement 2nd kitchen & 2 bedrooms, gleaming hardwood flrs. and much more. $699,000

DUFFERIN & STEELES!! Spacious 4bdrm 2 storey, well layed out, upgraded kitchen, granite countertop, 4 bathroom, finished basement with 2nd kitchen,large lot,professionally landscaped, interlock drive, great location. Sold Fast for Top $$$!!

THE VICTORIAN! 2790 sq ft classic custom built 2 storey all brick semi detached luxury homes. Located in the Long Branch area, Newly built, select your luxurious finishes PreConstruction price $698,000 Detached Luxury homes Pre Construction prices $798,000

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Incredible luxury condo, great location close to Vaughan Mills shopping centre,Canada’sWonderland,restaurants, and all conveniences. Fabulous gated community, 24hr concierge, Fantastic facilities, spacious 2 bdrm condo, stainless steel appl.Granite countertop,gleaming ceramic & hardwood flrs thru-out. A must see for $619,900!!


Attention builders, rarely offered 53’x 100’ building lot in Long Branch south of Lakeshore Blvd, lot value only, sold as is, build your dream home, great location close to all conveniences just minutes to downtown Toronto for only $598,000!!


Wonderful fully renovated 3+1bdrm 2 Storey, large private fenced lot, fabulous south Eotobicoke location next to Sherway Gardens. Gourmet kitchen, marble floors, s.s. appliances, separate entrance to finished basement, great potential for in-law suite, large double drive with detached garage, crown moulding, skylight, pot lights, any many extras for only $539,000!!

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Beautifully renovated from top to bottom 3+1bdrm detached 2 storey! Separate entrance to in-law suite, large principal rms, gleaming laminate floors, huge private backyard with 12’ x 12’ deck, parking for 2 cars, great central location, close to TTC, schools, park, Go station, just minutes to downtown Toronto for only $529,000!!


Large 4+1bdrm 2 storey in Sandlewood / Richvale area! Family size kitchen, marble floors & counter tops, centre island, combined living and dining room, family room with fireplace, laminate floors, large master bedroom, 4 pc ensuite & w/o closet, finished basement rec. room, located close to all conveniences for $469,000!!



Impressive 3bdrm home situated on a quiet street, in prime Markland Wood area. Thousands spent on upgrades, updated roof & windows,renovated kitchen,granite countertop,Separate side entrance to finished basement. Ideal for entertaining or for in-law suite, large rec room, 2nd kitchen and many extras included. Great location close to all conveniences. SOLD IN 1 WK FOR 101% OF ASKING!!!


Detached renovated 2 storey, thousands spent on upgrades, 3 separate apartments, well maintained property 169’ deep lot, 2 separate meters, new roof, windows, doors, deck, eves trough, garage with private drive and many extras $449,900 or 5% down plus $1,955 per month. If your paying rent your paying too much!



Situated on a premium 52’ lot, double door entry, hardwood floor, 2 skylights, w/o to deck & patio, separate side entrance to finished basement ideal for entertaining or in-law suite, renovated gorgeous bathrooms, Jacuzzi soaker tub, separate shower, double garage & drive, walk to William Osler Hospital & Humber College only $519,900!!

DUFFERIN & EGLINTON!! Impressive renovated 2+1bdrm bungalow with separate entrance to finished basement, great potential for in-law suite, gleaming hardwood floors, new appliances and many extras included, great central location for only $444,900!!

Detached brick & stone bungalow situated on a premium 50’ lot, originally a 4bdrm, converted to a 3bdrm with large master and full ensuite, modern family size kitchen with walkout, open concept living & dining rm, huge picture window, stone fireplace, separate entrance to basement, large rec. rm, garage, long private drive, and many extras, great location close to all conveniences!! SOLD IN 1 WK FOR 120% OF ASKING!!!


Great potential to build your dream home near the Lake, fabulous south Etobicoke location, close to all conveniences, view of the lake at the end of the street, long 132’lot, Super Value, located close to all conveniences for $428,000!!

93’ FRONTAGE!! Premium lot in the Keele / Lawrence area, detached 3bdrm bungalow, garage, private drive, large backyard, separate entrance to finished basement, fabulous neighborhood must be seen only $499,900!


Excellent location near Airport Rd. and William Parkway, close to all major Hwys, 900 sq ft of office space & 2300+ sq ft of Industrial space, previously used for garment manufacturing, zoning allows for mixed use, clean office area with reception and board room, must be seen $415,000!!


Backing onto ravine, gorgeous décor, formal dining room, open concept living room, family size kitchen s.s. appliances walkout to deck overlooking ravine large patio, magnificent master with full ensuite soaker Jacuzzi tub, plus fabulous finished basement!! Sold Fast for Top $$$!!




Prime South Etobicoke opportunity, great land value for 25’ x 133’ lot, build your dream home, great location, close to all conveniences, just minutes to downtown Toronto for only $398,000!!

Totally renovated showpiece, large 1475 sq ft, 3bdrm suite, gorgeous south views, new custom gourmet kitchen, Quartz counters, S.S. Appl., Travertine Floors, new washrooms gleaming hardwood thru-out, beautiful natural stone finish on walls, must be seen, many extras included, great building and location for $335,000!!

Gorgeous Maple Condo completely upgraded through out, fabulous gourmet kitchen with granite countertop, top of the line s. s. appliances, spacious living and dining rm, gleaming hardwood floors, large master bedroom with ensuite and W/I closet, ensuite laundry, great amenities and many extras included, located close to all conveniences for only $309,900!!


MILLGATE MANOR CONDO!! Fantastic 2+1 corner unit in high demand Burnhamthorpe & Mill Rd. area, large combined living & dining rm, w/o to balcony, 2wshrms, den, ensuite laundry, central air conditioning, and many extras, well managed building, & amenities for only $269,000!!

BLOOR & DIXIE CONDO!! Wonderful 2bdrm unit, spacious combined living and dining rm, w/o to enclosed balcony, fabulous south view, 2 washrooms, large master bedroom, with ensuite, parking spot, ensuite locker, and many extras for only $169,900!!


Renovated 3bdrm 2stry freehold co-op, open concept living and dining room, gleaming hardwood floors, beautiful modern kitchen, finished basement, two full baths, great location close to all conveniences for only $299,900!!


Soaring 17’ ceilings & windows, unobstructed sunny west views, custom blinds, fabulous master bedroom retreat combined with den overlooking 1st floor, open concept main level, Herringbone hardwood, kitchen island, fireplace, amazing suite, incredible value, rooftop terrace, fabulous facilities located minutes to downtown Toronto. Sold for Top $$$!!!

Immaculate 3bdrm 2stry, corner townhouse unit, with 2 balconies. Fabulous layout with large living area, updated kitchen and baths, stainless steel appliances, spacious master bedroom with walkout to balcony. Gleaming hardwood floors, plus many extras, parking, huge storage, ensuite laundry and much more for only $288,000!!








Gorgeous 1+1bdrm condo, thousands spent on upgrades. Modern kitchen with tumbled stone backsplash, and sparkling marble floor. Spacious combined living and dining room, gleaming plank hardwood flrs, crown moulding, and polished porcelain in foyer. Large master bedroom overlooking ravine, and many extras included, located close to all conveniences for only $149,900!!



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Copyright© 2009 Frank Leo

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013




have a cigar Since 1903, the Frank Correnti Cigar factory has been rolling cigars by hand. It is one of Toronto’s oldest firms. Left, Kris Miller, a member of the family, checks a leaf. Below, from left: the Cuban leaf is sorted; Miller cuts a leaf and works on a cigar; the Cuban leaf is cut after sorting then rolled by employee Titi, who has been making cigars for more than 18 years; Miller prepares cigars for packing. For the entire online photo gallery visit us online: http://bit.ly/XPN7KS

Staff photos/IAN KELSO




CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013 |






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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013

CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013 |


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2013 FINAL SERIES The St. Michael’s Buzzers (white jerseys) and the Newmarket Hurricanes are contesting the provincial Junior A championship series, each having won three previous series. This bestof-seven series was all tied up at 2-2 going into last night’s game. Game six is Friday in Newmarket and a seventh game, if necessary, would be held Sunday, 4 p.m. at St. Mike’s. These photos are from the first game, won 1-0 by Newmarket. Above, St. Michael’s Buzzers’ David Italiano (11) on the move. At right, a bird’s eye view of the puck for St. Mike’s goalie Adrian Ignagni (31)


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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013



city centre in brief

CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013 |


Museum spotlighting Downton Abbey wspadina

Sundays at 2:30 p.m.

Spadina Museum is inviting visitors to take in Canada’s own Downton Abbey. The museum is offering tours based on the acclaimed British period drama, with visitors invited to take a walk through the museum’s family and servants’ spaces, linking Spadina Museum residents the Austin family with characters from the beloved TV show while offering insight into the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Tours will take place Thursdays, starting April 18, at 7:30 p.m. and

lecture and stargazing wAstronomy

University of Toronto astronomy and astrophysics professor Keith Vanderlinde will recount his experiences working at the South Pole Telescope during a special lecture at the school. Vanderlinde spent a winter in the South Pole gathering data from the Cosmic Microwave Background. The free lecture will be followed by a viewing of celestial objects including the moon, Jupiter,

Saturn and the Orion Nebula through U of T’s two dome telescopes. The event will take place at the Bahen Centre for Information Technology at the corner of College and St. George streets from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 20. books are 200 years overdue wReturned

Toronto Reference Library is expected to waive late fees when it welcomes some ancient tomes back to the city some 200 years late.

A delegation from Sackets Harbour, New York will “return” some books stolen from Toronto’s library during t h e Wa r o f 1812 at a special event hosted by R.H. Thompson and accompanied by music from Mike Ford. The book return will take place at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 28 and will be followed by a guided gallery tour.

wanted for pop-up Market 707 wVendors Scadding Court Community Centre’s Market 707 is searching for new applicants looking to launch a business or test market a product. The market, which features vendors operating out of shipping containers, is accepting applicants for pop-up retail opportunities. Five new containers will offer space for short periods of time, typically a month in duration. Contact Nikki Toten at 416-3920335, ext. 230 or marketplace@ scaddingcourt.org

The City of Toronto holds public consultations as one way to engage residents in the life of their city.Toronto thrives on your great ideas and actions. We invite you to get involved.

Lawrence Park Neighbourhood Investigation of Basement Flooding (Area 20) & Road Improvement Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Notice of Public Information Centre #1 You are invited to attend the first Public Information Centre (PIC) to learn about this Environmental Assessment Study, its planning process, and the information collected to date.The PIC will provide you with an opportunity to help clarify key issues of concern, objectives and opportunities. City staff and the consulting team will be present to answer questions and discuss the next steps in the process.The PIC will include an open house, a presentation at 7:00 p.m., followed by a community mapping activity that will focus on key issues and opportunities for the study.The PIC details are noted below:

Date: Monday, April 22, 2013 Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – Presentation Location: Sunny View Junior and Senior Public School 450 Blythwood Rd The Study The City ofToronto has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to address issues relating to deteriorating road conditions, traffic, pedestrian safety, drainage problems and basement flooding in the Lawrence Park neighbourhood. Measures will also be incorporated to improve storm water quality and reduce storm runoff.The map in this Notice shows the Lawrence Park Neighbourhood Study Area.

The Process

The study is being planned under the requirements set out in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) document dated

October 2000, amended in 2011.The MCEA process provides members of the public and interest groups with opportunities to provide input at key stages of the study.The study will define the problem, consider and evaluate alternative solutions, assess impacts of the preferred solutions, and identify measures to lessen any adverse impacts.

We would like to hear from you

Public consultation is an important part of this study. If you have any questions or comments, please contact: Kate Kusiak, Sr Co-ordinator, Public Consultation, City of Toronto Metro Hall, 19th Fl., 55 John St., Toronto, ON M5V 3C6 Tel: 416-392-2962, Fax: 416-392-2974, TTY: 416-338-0889 email: kkusiak@toronto.ca Project website: toronto.ca/involved/projects Issue Date: April 11, 2013

Information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.


Toronto’s executive committee supports downtown casino DAVID NICKLE dnickle@insidetoronto.com Mayor Rob Ford’s executive committee has voted 9-4 to go for a casino in downtown Toronto, and expanded gaming at the Woodbine racetrack in north Etobicoke. The vote came Tuesday after a two-day meeting, which heard from more than 100 members of the public, and showed a significant rift in the mayor’s inner circle on the issue. Four executive committee members voted no to opening the door to casino gambling in the city’s downtown: public works committee chair Denzil Minnan-Wong, Don Valley West Councillor Jaye Robinson, planning and growth management committee chair Peter Milczyn and government manage-

ment committee chair Paul Ainslie. Mayor Ford urged his committee to support the plan, dismissing reports from the city’s Medical Officer of Health and others pointing to a suite of social problems a casino might bring to the city, including an increase in gambling addiction. “I just don’t buy these arguments — they don’t exist,” said Ford. “They might as well ban food for fat guys like me. We need the jobs — we need the convention centre. People need to have self control.” Ford maintained the plan put forward by city manager Joe Pennachetti was a good one for Toronto. He pointed out if the casino were not located in Toronto, the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation would almost certainly locate it in a

neighbouring municipality. That would complicate matters for Toronto’s other casino-like operation — Woodbine racetrack, which currently hosts 3,000 slot machines. The committee eventually endorsed the expansion of gaming at Woodbine as well as the downtown location. But there was dissent. Paul Ainslie said he’d spoken with his constituents in Scarborough East, and determined the casino would be bad for Toronto, and not deliver everything it promised. “I appreciate that there are 10,000 jobs supposed to come to a downtown casino,” he said. “I’ve got a lot of concerns about the level of income.” Other councillors heard differently. “I don’t support casinos for myself, but I was elected to

support the decisions of people in my ward,” said Scarborough Centre Councillor Michael Thompson. “When I speak to some of my constituents and I say, ‘Would you like to pay more taxes?’, they say, ‘No, I’d rather gamble.’” The committee also endorsed a number of amendments. The committee endorsed a request that the city manager

talk with the province about merging Exhibition Place with Ontario Place into a single parcel of land. The committee also approved an amendment requiring any proponent provide a minimum of 813,000 square feet of exhibition space and 234,000 square feet of meeting and ballroom space to improve the city’s attractiveness as a convention

destination, and that it should support the CNE should it be located at Exhibition Place. The committee did not approve an amendment to formally exclude the port lands from the list of available sites for a downtown casino, although the report itself strongly recommends against that location. The matter will go to Toronto Council in May.

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funding poll results wTransit Residents may slowly be warming towards supporting new transit funding, according to a poll commissioned by the Greater Toronto CivicAction Alliance. A total of 43 per cent of respondents support investing more in transit compared to 39 per cent who want current funding levels to stay the same. Also, 71 per cent of the 1,491 respondents polled by Forum Research between March 28 and April 3 also say they are “fed up” with traffic congestion, while 39 per cent think residents should contribute more to regional transit costs. GO PILOTS access wwireless

Transit users could soon have access to wireless internet service in Toronto GO stations, said a spokesperson for the regional transit agency. Mary Proc said a recently launched Wi-Fi pilot program will expand to eight train stations and three bus terminals within six months.

rahul gupta TO in TRANSIT While the exact sites remain undetermined, the final list will include at least one Toronto location. If the pilot proves successful, ad-sponsored Wi-Fi could be installed in 63 GO train stations within a year. GO is also working on providing secure Internet access on its vehicles. The service was introduced at Clarkson and Pickering stations in early April. feedback on Pape Station wSeeking

The TTC wants to speed up Pape Station renovations and is asking for public feedback on an extended spring closure. To get the work completed by September, the TTC wants riders to weigh in on either closing the station for 12 days straight or over six consecutive weekends. Another option is keeping Pape open, but that will delay completion of the renovations until December.

The station’s second exit construction, located east of Lipton Avenue, is also scheduled to be done by December. To complete an online survey, visit www.ttc.ca Commute Scarborough winSmart

Smart Commute, which promotes carpooling and other environmentally efficient transportation practices to businesses, has launched a program in the Scarborough area. According to a press release, the new program has already gained the support of several large local employers, including BMO Financial Group, Telus and University of Toronto Scarborough. The Scarborough program joins several Metrolinxsponsored Smart Commute operations in and around the Greater Toronto region. For more information on the program, please visit www. smartcommutescarborough. ca Rahul Gupta is The Mirror’s transit reporter. His column runs every Thursday. Reach him on Twitter: @TOinTRANSIT




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‘Gridlock Sam’ extols virtues of pedestrian friendly streets RAHUL GUPTA rgupta@insidetoronto.com The man who coined the term “gridlock” was in Toronto to share ideas on creating a walkable city. Sam Schwartz, an American transportation engineer based in New York City, is considered a world authority on traffic patterns. Better known as Gridlock Sam, the former taxicab driver turned transportation expert is widely credited with being the first person to employ the word gridlock as a way to describe traffic congestion. Schwartz, who also created a pedestrian plan for Chicago, extolled the virtues of walking and pedestrian-friendly streets during a presentation at Urbanspace Gallery, inside the 401 Richmond building last week. Over the course of his near 30-minute presentation, Schwartz made the case for walking, which he said “provided a sense of place”

to cities. “Streets say something about you, so Toronto as you go forward, you have an opportunity to be saying something to the world,” said Schwartz. He said when Hurricane Sandy hit New York City last fall, millions of New Yorkers found themselves without adequate transportation. The only way to get around was walking. “What was the form of transportation we had the day after Sandy when the subway was down and the bridges were out? We had walking, and that’s how people got around,” said Schwartz. “It is a resilient form of transportation.” He said transportation planners need to abandon long-held myths about traffic, such as the narrowing of road lanes will lead to more accidents. “If you can accept especially in downtown areas narrower lanes then you have

room leftover to add other things, bicycle lanes, pedestrian crossings, whatever they are,” he said. Introducing Schwartz was Toronto’s transportation services manager Stephen Buckley, responsible for $10 billion in city infrastructure, including roads, sidewalks and traffic signs. During a short speech he outlined a series of initiatives the department wants to address over the next few years. While an overall strategy is in progress, the preliminary list includes a wide range of priorities, from completing a way-finding system in time for the Pan Am games, to dealing with congestion as Metrolinx proceeds with light rail construction. Other needs are making the city safer and ensuring infrastructure remains in a state of good repair, a key challenge, said Buckley given the lack of funds available.

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CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, April 18, 2013 |




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