March 7

Page 1


We’ll pay the tax on “our” day Celebrating International Women’s Day & changing women’s lives, one bra at a time.

thurs march 7, 2013

transit Rahul Gupta is on track with all things transit / 7

Plenty of things to do, places to go in weekly calendar / 10

inside City Hall reporter David Nickle’s opinion on The City / 4

ONLIne Blogger raves about House of Gourmet


En Garde / 5


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Canada’s first AIDS hospice turns 25

Friday March 8th, 2013


When push comes to shove

JUSTIN SKINNER A quarter of a century ago, there were few resources and little support for those living with HIV/AIDS. The illness was typically a death sentence, and fear and a lack of understanding left many on their own, shunned by friends and family alike. Casey House in downtown Toronto was a much-needed facility at the time, serving as the first HIV/AIDS hospice in Canada. While attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS have shifted, the organization’s work remains extremely valuable to this day. Casey House began as a hospice for those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, offering them dignity and compassion. The organization has now been around for 25 years, with the anniversary marking a perfect time to both look back on the difference it has made in the lives of so many and to look forward to bright next steps with an upcoming move into a new facility fronting onto Jarvis Street. “Back then, there was a massive demand for our beds,” said >>>ANNUAL, page 3

Staff photo/NICK PERRY

Lacrosse ACTION: Aaron Grayson of the Toronto Shooting Stars gets checked by Travis Hill of the Iroquois Ironmen during Canadian Lacrosse League action Sunday afternoon at the Mattamy Athletic Centre. Toronto won 9-8.

Riverdale Farm now under Stewardship

The City of Toronto is hopeful Riverdale Farm is in good hands with the selection of a Stewardship Group. The city had been seeking members for the group, who will work with city staff to enhance the farm’s programming opportunities and ensure it has a sustainable business model. While City of Toronto parks manager Sandy Straw would not divulge the names of those selected while they are still going through the orientation process, she said they are being asked to prepare bios and the team will be revealed soon. “We’re happy with the quality and diversity of applicants we had,” Straw said. “We were looking at a cross-section of skills from business skills to farm participation to local community organizing skills.” Straw noted the group should be up and running in full by the end of the month. The farm received more good news with the announcement of a $25,000 donation from the Garfield Weston Foundation.

‘Timeraiser’ hopes to secure 10,000 volunteer hours JUSTIN SKINNER Like many recent graduates, when Anil Patel left university he wanted to help out not-forprofits, but had little disposable income with which to do so. What he and many of his peers

had was lots of free time, which led Patel and some friends to start up Timeraiser. The event allows guests to bid volunteer hours to various local organizations. “We all found, coming out of university and living in Toronto, that it was sometimes easier to

find a good job than it was to find a volunteer opportunity,” he said. “We got together and said why don’t we try to organize an evening with a bunch of important causes and rather than having people bid money, which they have so little of coming out of

school, they could bid time.” The Corktown resident said the idea hit some hurdles. Some of the not-for-profits were understandably concerned that bidders might not meet their obligations. To that end, Patel and his >>>timeraiser, page 6

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Annual SnowBall fundraiser March 23

Services will increase when Casey House moves into its new Jarvis Street location >>>from page 1 Casey House CEO Stephanie Karapita. “The number of deaths has dropped dramatically, but (those with HIV/ AIDS) still need compassion.” Casey House was founded by a group of volunteers that included socially conscious journalist June Callwood, and served primarily as a palliative care facility. When the beds were full, the organization began offering more outreach, with caregivers providing home care to those in need. “Our staff started to go out to help people who wouldn’t normally have access to health care in traditional locations,” Karapita said. “There were people who were living chaotic lives, dealing with mental illness, homelessness and the stigma of being HIV positive.” While Casey House is a health care facility, it hardly meets the stereotype associated with such sites. It was designed with comfort in mind, providing spalike treatments for clients who were often isolated due to a lack of education surrounding HIV/AIDS. “We started from a base of compassionate care and that just flourished over the past 25 years,” said former Casey House board chair Sandra Cruickshanks. “We were at the forefront in terms of meeting our clients’ care requirements and we’ve evolved from being a true hospice into being a place where people can get all kinds of support.” That list of services will grow when Casey House moves into its new location with the implementation of a long-awaited day health program, hot meals

Here you had the Princess talking to people and shaking their hands when their own parents wouldn’t. – Volunteer Richard Silver

Staff photos/NICK PERRY

Marking the 25th anniversary of Casey House last Friday. Above, Sandra Cruickshanks, former board chair, Margaret McBurney, co-founder, Dr. William Bernati, co-founder, Dr. Linda Rapson, co-founder, and Stephanie Karapita, CEO. At left, supporters of Casey House at last Friday’s 25th anniversary open house.

I’ve seen people come in and thought ‘they’re not going to last a week,’ but then a month later, they’re dancing out the door. – Client Bruce Lippett

and more. Richard Silver, who volunteered at Casey House in its early days, first became involved when he began losing friends to complications stemming from HIV/ AIDS. “I had friends in the hospital and when I went to see them, I would have to (wear a) gown, wear gloves, cover my face,” he said. “Another friend of mine was at Casey House and he

was treated so well and his family was treated well. It’s great at making people feel comfortable and it has such a warm atmosphere.” While Casey House is tucked away on a quiet street in downtown Toronto, its impact has been noted around the world. It has hosted visits from the late Diana, Princess of Wales and Elizabeth Taylor, and those visits helped shift attitudes toward those living with HIV/

AIDS. “Princess Di came to visit and when she walked in, she met a person in a wheelchair and knelt down to chat at his level and hold his hand,” Silver said. “At the time, it wasn’t the fashion to do that. Here you had the Princess talking to people and shaking their hands when their own parents wouldn’t.” Casey House client Bruce Lippett spent over three

weeks in hospital due to complications due to HIV/ AIDS, after which he came to Casey House to recuperate. He said the difference between hospital care and the care he received at Casey House was night and day. “The food’s great, the care’s great, you get your own personal nurse every day,” he said. “The doctors here are amazing and they really listen to you. You’re an indi-

vidual case; you’re a person and not just a number.” As medical options have improved with the advent of antiretroviral drugs and other treatments, the prognosis for those diagnosed with HIV/ AIDS has improved greatly. While there is still no cure, the illness can be managed more easily, meaning a stay at Casey House now gives clients a chance to relax and focus on getting better instead of awaiting their death. The care clients receive while at Casey House certainly makes a world of difference. “I’ve seen people come in and thought ‘they’re not going to last the week,’ but then a month later, they’re dancing out the door,” Lippett said. The organization’s 25th anniversary marks a bittersweet anniversary. “We’d rather not still have to be here, but as long as the need’s there, we’ll be there,” Karapita said. Casey House’s annual SnowBall fundraiser is set to take place on Saturday, March 23. The funds raised will go toward the organization’s programming, with other funding coming from the Ministry of Health. For more information about Casey House, its services, history and the SnowBall fundraiser, visit


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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013


CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013 |



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Planning better roundtables


he city’s Chief Planner, Jennifer Keesmaat, hosted the first in a series of roundtables Feb. 26 where residents could speak to her, and 12 city building experts, about the city’s future. What a brilliant idea, our view especially when City Hall often feels like a place where residents More locations are not heard. The city is facing many chalwell worth the lenges – chief among them, transit. However, there are many additional cost others on the horizon as we move toward building a truly world-class city with an ever-increasing population. Those very challenges should be seen as great opportunities, and Keesmaat’s roundtables will, hopefully, help harness them. The first roundtable discussed the concept of designing and creating public spaces, in the hope of enhancing the public realm. The roundtable discussed partnerships between the city and its agencies, private developers, and BIAs. On Tuesday, the topic was ‘The Resilient City’ – a discussion on how to achieve a vibrant, strong and resilient city. As things change – demographics, environment degradation, income, access to healthy food, infrastructure, etc. – how does a city stay resilient? All praise aside, there is a glaring issue: these roundtables take place at City Hall between 9 a.m. and noon – which limits this process from the get-go. Most people work during those hours. If the city is truly interested in public engagement, the roundtables should be open to more Torontonians by having one session during the day, another one at night – and perhaps across the city. It is this point that is most important when considering the April 2 topic: ‘The Next Generation Suburbs’. Discussing the suburbs during the day at City Hall seems short-sighted. And, the idea of calling anywhere outside the old city of Toronto a ‘suburb’ also breeds a disconnect across the city. It definitely doesn’t ‘build’ a common direction. Every neighbourhood has its own unique needs. The needs of downtown Toronto are not the same as those in north Etobicoke, central North York or south Scarborough. They aren’t even the same in the old city of Toronto - each neighbourhood is distinct. We realize opening the roundtables may be more costly, but this is a cost well worth absorbing in order to engage the entire city – especially if the promise of these roundtables is to produce, according to the city’s website, a “series of actions that will identify immediate steps and set the stage for future initiatives.”

Write us The City Centre Mirror welcomes letters of 400 words or less. All submissions must include name, address and a daytime telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Copyright in letters remains with the author but the publisher and affiliates may freely reproduce them in print, electronic or other forms. Letters can be sent to letters@, or mailed to The City Centre Mirror, 175 Gordon Baker Rd. Toronto, ON, M2H 0A2.



Telefilm on Layton packs emotional punch Lottery can fund transit david nickle

In a few days, those of us so inclined will have an opportunity to relive the summer of 2011 – when Jack Layton, the first New Democrat federal Opposition leader and almost prototypical progressive Toronto politician, succumbed to cancer. It was emotionally wrenching then; and watching the new telefilm Jack, it is nearly as wrenching now. The film, which was screened for the family, supporters and some media earlier this week, airs Sunday night, March 10, on CBC. Jack is far from perfect — it paints an at-points absurdly sunny picture of the very political life that Jack Layton and Olivia Chow led together, and for a biopic offers frustratingly few clues about the things that contributed to Layton’s politics and political drive. As my companion at the screening pointed out, there’s no “rosebud” moment in Jack. With that said: The telefilm packs an emotional punch. Much of that can be credited

the city to the eerily-accurate impersonations by Rick Roberts as Layton, and Sook-Yin Lee as Olivia Chow. For those of us who’ve spent time with Layton and Chow, watching the couple’s last months and earlier days re-enacted so uncannily is extraordinarily and unexpectedly moving. It will be curious to see how the film is received by viewers outside the bubble of Toronto, and national politics. Because like it or not — Jack is more than a film about a politician. Coming less than two years after Layton’s death, when Layton’s successor Thomas Mulcair is aiming to be prime minister in 2015, and Olivia Chow is likely considering a run for mayor in Toronto a year earlier, Jack is something of a rallying call for progressively-inclined voters. This, of course, is an extension of what Layton clearly

intended when he handed off his death-bed letter to Chow, and the rest of the country, with that stirring call toward optimism and love and kindness. It is also an extension of his detailed instructions, delivered earlier in that same letter, telling his party how best to mobilize in the months following his death. Layton was a politician to the core – even in his final moments. It’s tempting to be cynical on that basis and dismiss Jack as nothing more than an exercise in publicly-funded NDP propaganda. It would be easier to do that if the sometimes hokey idealism depicted in the film weren’t so accurate a reflection of how it manifested in the real lives of Layton and Chow; if the story of a generally decent, earnest and publicly-motivated political couple who finally won and then lost again, weren’t the story we’d all lived through just two years past.


Dave Nickle is the Mirror’s city hall reporter. His column runs every Thursday.

Re: ‘Smarter commuting could save TTC money,’ Special Report, Feb. 28. I have enjoyed all the articles on transit. I have one suggestion for funding that I haven’t heard anyone talk about before. In order to help fund the development of the initial infrastructure and construction, why not develop a special lottery. If there is money to win, then people will buy tickets. It might be a good way to raise some funds instead of always relying on raising taxes, fees and road tolls. I also support the Toronto casino bid as another way to fund transit, but I do not have faith that our council will vote for it. They are too worried amount a slight increase in gambling addiction that will be so insignificant in the scheme of things. Rick Jackson

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5 | CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013


en garde

INTRO TO ART OF FENCING: Above, Students learn basic fencing skills during an introductory lesson to the sport with My Fencing Club Sunday afternoon. Left, Francesco Lo Presti takes part in an introductory lesson. Staff photos/NICK PERRY


March break carnival at casa loma Toronto’s historic Casa Loma will take a step back in time when it hosts an old-fashioned carnival throughout March break. Guests to the castle will be greeted by a ringmaster who will welcome them to a fantastic world filled with acrobats, clowns, jugglers, living statues, carnival games, a fortune teller and more. The event will run from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday, March 11 through Saturday, March 16. Tickets are $20.55 for adults, $11.30 for children and $14.65 for youths and seniors.


Arts mentorship FOR Regent Park Youth

Looking to inspire Regent

CITY CENTRE in brief Park youth in the arts, Daniels Spectrum is offering a new six-month arts mentorship program. Geared toward artists 14 to 24, the program will connect youth with professional artists to offer insight into the industry and help link the youngsters with the Toronto arts scene. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. Friday with applicants asked to download an application from and either drop it off in person at 585 Dundas St. E. or email it to seema@


Parts of york St. closed for 10 months

For roughly 10 months a part of York Street will be closed to facilitate work on the PATH pedestrian tunnel network. The work is taking place alongside the Union Station Revitalization and will

improve pedestrian access to and from Union. Northbound traffic will be diverted from York Street onto University Avenue, and an existing closure of the northbound curb-side lane on University ended when York was shut down March 3. Local access to York Street will be available through an eastbound lane on Wellington Street.


Various Items needed for women and girls

St. Alban’s Boys and Girls Club is collecting clothing, toiletries, baby supplies and other goods for women and children in advance of International Women’s Day. People are invited to make donations at the club’s location at 843 Palmerston Ave. until Friday, March 8. The club will sort the goods and donate them to a local women’s shelter.

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CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013 |



Former Power Ranger now behind camera JUSTIN SKINNER While filmmaker Matt Sadowski’s early shorts were notably dark, his first feature will be decidedly lighter fare. Sadowski, who lives in the Bathurst Street and St. Clair Avenue area, is currently working on the feature, titled The Next Morning. He is making the film with help from a grant from Telefilm Canada, as he was one of eight inaugural beneficiaries of Telefilm’s Micro-Budget Production Program. “A lot of my short films and plays were a lot darker – my very first short film was about a 10-year-old heroin addict – so it was definitely different pitching a romantic comedy,” he said. The Next Morning follows a nebbish protagonist who has a whirlwind romance with a girl who wants to find a one-of-a-kind love, leading the filmmaker to liken it to Before Sunrise if it had been written by Woody Allen. “It’s one of those micro-relationships that happen over 24 hours,” he said. “It’s also set in Toronto and kind of serves as a love letter to the city.”

Matt Sadowski

The story is loosely based on his own experiences. He recalled having a brief, but passionate romance in 2004 in which he almost came to believe the girl with which he had become involved was destined to be the girl he was going to marry. As with most torrid romances, however, things began to dissolve almost as quickly as they started. That, coupled with a bout of isolation while he was working as an actor overseas, prompted him to write the screenplay. “I was cast in Power Rangers and flown to New Zealand,” he said. “When I was down there, away from my friends and family, I decided I had time to write.” He thought at first the screenplay

was too personal, but found people related to the story and enjoyed the script. He worked as an actor under the name Matt Austin until he started a family, at which point he found both his passions and his schedule made directing a more appealing option. His work as an actor certainly helped him with his directing career. “For sure, I (annoyed) a lot of the directors I worked with because of all the questions I asked – ‘why are you doing this? Why aren’t you putting this camera over there?’ but I think everything I did helped make me a better director,” he said. While he is working on The Next Morning, Sadowski is also touring with his short film S is for Bird, which depicts a crotchety bowling alley employee who softens thanks to the hiring of a pretty new employee and by meeting a precocious child. “It’s kind of the short film I knew I had to make if I was going to make The Next Morning because it was less dark,” he said. The world premiere of S is for Bird takes place Sat. March 23 at 3:45 p.m. at the Royal Cinema. For more info visit


‘Timeraiser’ set for March 22, 7 p.m. at Wychwood Barns >>>from page 1 friends decided to reward those who did with art from local artists. “We had credibility issues there at first, too, because artists are always asked to donate their art for free to various causes,” he said. “We raised money through corporate sponsors and paid the artists market value for their work.” Patel said the ability to support local artists was part and parcel of the concept. “We really wanted to get behind the arts community because so many artists are living below the poverty level,” he said. Over the past 10 years, Timeraiser has helped link thousands of people up with charities that coincide with their own interests and put more than $650,000 in the hands of artists. “It’s worked out so well that we have 30 non-profits that have been at almost every Timeraiser,” he said. “The attendees (at the events) get to meet with the non-profits in a room and learn about what they do, and then when the bidding starts, they get to offer up their time to the ones they choose.”

Run Date: March 7, 2013 - Brick Mattress - Metroland/Bloor West Villager/Annex Guardian (10.375” x 5.71” ) Full Colour -


While participants bid a specific number of hours, many stay involved with the non-profits they choose to support well beyond their pledged commitments. 45 events With 45 Timeraiser events already having taken place in 12 cities across Canada, Patel and the rest of the Timeraiser team hope the upcoming 10th anniversary event sets a new standard. Hopes are that the event, which will take place at Wychwood Barns at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 22, will bring in 10,000 volunteer hours for the 30 participating non-profits and invest $23,000 in the careers of artists. Non-profits taking part in the event include Delisle Youth Services, Ronald McDonald House, the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research, Meal Exchange, Sistering and more, ensuring there is something to meet everyone’s interests. For more information on the upcoming event, visit




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7 | CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013


TTC signal upgrades to close subway and Strachan House.

contraflow bike lanes approved Davenport MPP Jonah Schein, who had been seeking clarification from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, said he received confirmation contraflow lanes are a go. The lanes allow cyclists to travel in both directions on some one-way streets. But work couldn’t continue until the province confirmed the lanes were legal as the provincial Highway and Traffic Act prohibits two-way travel down a one-way road.

free gas for smarter commuting Not-for-profit group Summerhill Impact is looking for Toronto participants for its vehicle measurement program and is hoping free gas is an incentive to sign up.

ttc wins award for victoria park reno The TTC announced it has received the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ 2013 Sustainable Communities Award for its eco-friendly renovation work at Victoria Park station, which was completed in 2011. The station now has a new bus bay, a green roof and more windows creating opportunities for natural lighting. Chair Karen Stintz accepted the award at the TTC’s board meeting last week. Rahul Gupta is the Mirror’s transit reporter. His column runs every Thursday. Reach him on Twitter: @TOinTRANSIT


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Artwork will soon adorn a retaining wall near the temporary Strachan Avenue realignment. Strachan Illustrated: A Showcase of Community Art will showcase work by artists on the temporary wall lining the venue, north of East Liberty Street. Contributors include students from Niagara Street Junior Public School, Liberty Village BIA


Shuttle is a one-month program where people have their driving patterns monitored for the first two weeks. Following that, they are given an additional two weeks to reduce their driving amount by 10 per cent. Everyone who completes the program gets a free gas card. For details, contact www.


art to be displayed on hoarding walls

rahul gupta


Parts of the Yonge University Spadina subway line will be closed on weekends for the next three weeks as work continues on the TTC’s signaling system upgrades. On the weekends of March 9, 16 and 23 there will be no train service between St. George and Union stations. To compensate, the TTC will run shuttle buses and more streetcar service on the Dundas 505 line. The work is part of the TTC’s switch to an automatic train control system set to debut around 2016.



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CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013 |


Frank Leo


Custom built Classic Victorian inspired all brick 4 bdrm homes in south Etobicoke. Incredible imported high end finishes thru-out, state of the art automation system. Definitely a must see located just minutes to the airport or downtown Toronto from $868,000 to $888,000!!


Prestigious executive 5+2 bdrm 2 storey, gorgeous stone & brick exterior, professionally landscaped lot, backing onto Conservation lands, absolutely a must see, beautifully finished thru-out, Jatoba hardwood & granite flrs, custom kitchen inground pool, & much more for $1,990,000 Call to view!!


Gorgeous Property 90’ x 143’ lot backing onto the Humber River & situated on quiet dead end street. Custom built 2 storey with addition & walkout bsmnt. Fabulous layout, granite countertop & floors, 5+1 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, finished basement with second kitchen ideal for entertaining or nanny suite, w/o to professionally landscaped lot with inground salt water pool, patio, deck, & spectacular ravine views. Meticulously well maintained property offered at only $1,699,900!!


Fabulous design, great curb appeal, Large 4 bdrm with 4 washrooms, finished basement. Stunning classic combination of hardwood, marble & ceramic floors, high ceilings, skylight, Oak stairs, family size kitchen with breakfast area, granite countertop, centre island, stainless steel appliances & many extras for $888,800!!

BROKER Sponsor of

Children’s Miracle Network & Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation


Spectacular totally renovated 2 storey! Modern kitchen with granite counter top, gleaming hardwood floors, gorgeous bathrooms, finished basement. New roof, windows & deck, 2 car Carport parking, stone & brick exterior, high demand Trinity Bellwoods area, walk to shops, restaurants, 24 hrs street car and much more only $875,000!!


Gorgeous Aspen Ridge Baltic Model. 4 bdrm Brick & Stone exterior interlock driveway, thousands spent on upgrades, cathedral ceiling, gleaming hardwood flrs, gas fireplace, main floor den, wrought iron railing, upgraded s/s appliances, master bdrm retreat, 5 pce ensuite, professionally landscaped, inground sprinklers, fabulous curb appeal only $827,900!!


#1 in West and Central Toronto combined by units of listings sold for all Companies of all Brokers & Sales Representatives 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012 according to a study of MLS data prepared by an independent auditor of real estate statistics.

CLIENT’S CORNER! Dear Frank Leo, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your efforts with regards to the sale of our home. As I’m sure you are aware buying and /or selling a home can be an exciting time but also a time of anxiety and stress. I can honestly say that you eliminated the anxiety and stress issues. You have a lovely sense of humour, you maintained a very professional demeanor and yet made us feel comfortable and at ease. I would certainly recommend your services to friends and family. I would like to thank you for the certificate it was a nice last touch and a welcome surprise for us as well as your package with road maps, pens etc. You went the full nine yards and made us feel like winners. Thank you also for including our daughter Gabriela in the whole process. It made quite an impression on her. Who knows she may be working for you one day! Once again, we extend our thanks and appreciation for all you’ve done. Thanks again, Paul and Maryanne and Gabriela

WEST REALTY INC., Brokerage Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated


Large detached 4 bdrm 2 storey, finished basement, huge 50’ x 199’ lot! Located close to all conveniences, quick access to Hwys, many upgrades thru-out, Well maintained home Must be seen for $799,900!!


Stunning Heathwood built 4 bdrm 2 storey, huge principal rooms, Impressive family size kitchen, granite countertops, under cabinet lighting, s.s appl. double oven, main flrs. den, family room, & laundry rm, spacious Living & dining room master suite with 2 large w/i closets, 5 pc. ensuite, garage access door, the list goes on and on for this Milton Beauty! Only $799,900!!


Rare 5 bdrm 2 storey on a beautiful lot. Just steps to Gametwood Park along the Etobicoke boarder. Gorgeous family rm with w/o to private fenced lot 20’x40’, inground pool. Huge bedrooms and principal rooms, renovated baths, fabulous country kitchen with s.s appliances and breakfast area, large finished basement 2nd kitchen & 2 bedrooms, gleaming hardwood flrs. and much more. $719,000


Gorgeous custom built 2 stry, gleaming hardwood floor, open concept layout, granite countertop in large renovated family size kitchen, stainless steel appliances, w/o to large deck, oak staircase, spacious bdrms, renovated bath, separate entrance to finished bsmnt, ideal for in-law suite or entertaining, double garage/workshop with hydro, cable & phone, great location. SOLD FAST FOR TOP $$$!!


Gorgeous totally renovated 4+1 bedroom 2 storey, new kitchen, dark stained cabinets, s/s. appl., new bathrooms, new windows, roof, furnace, central air, and many upgrades. Shows spotless!! Finished basement, large yard, detached double garage, plenty of parking, located close to all conveniences, just minutes to downtown Toronto. SOLD FAST FOR TOP $$$!!


Totally renovated 4+1bdrm 2 storey, on a premium ravine lot overlookingtheHumberRiver,over$155Kspentonupgrades, custom kitchen,B/I appliances,Corian countertops,gleaming hardwood flrs., professionally finished basement with w/o, ideal for entertaining or in-law suite, 2 gas fireplaces, 4 baths, 4 w/o, deck, pattern concrete patio, and many extras for only $699,900!!


Executive 4+2 bedroom detached 2 storey with walkout basement. Backs onto greenbelt and is situated on a premium lot. 9ft ceilings, fabulous open concept layout, gas fireplace, fabulous family sized kitchen, s/s appliances, w/o deck. Separate entrance to finished basement ideal for in-law suite. Mavis & Steeles location only $629,900. Must be Seen!!

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Incredible luxury condo, great location close to Vaughan Mills shopping centre, Canada’s Wonderland, restaurants, and all conveniences. Fabulous gated community, 24hr concierge, Fantastic facilities, spacious 2 bdrm condo, stainless steel appl. Granite countertop, gleaming ceramic & hardwood flrs thru-out. A must see for $619,900!!


Large 4+1bdrm 2 storey in Sandlewood / Richvale area! Family size kitchen, marble floors & counter tops, centre island, combined living and dining room, family room with fireplace, laminate floors, large master bedroom, 4 pc ensuite & w/o closet, finished basement rec. room, located close to all conveniences for $469,000!!


Fabulous luxury condo, great location, 1+1 bdrm, updated kitchen, S. S. Appliances, granite countertop, undermount sink, upgraded ceramic, gleaming hardwood flrs, large combined living and dining rm, W/0 to balcony with view of the creek & courtyard, 24 hr concierge, and fantastic facilities for only $349,900!!




Attention builders, rarely offered 53’x 100’ building lot in Long Branch south of Lakeshore Blvd, lot value only, sold as is, build your dream home, great location close to all conveniences just minutes to downtown Toronto for only $598,000!!

Situated on a premium 52’ lot, double door entry, hardwood floor, 2 skylights, w/o to deck & patio, separate side entrance to finished basement ideal for entertaining or in-law suite, renovated gorgeous bathrooms, Jacuzzi soaker tub, separate shower, double garage & drive, walk to William Osler Hospital & Humber College only $529,900!!




Immaculate detached 3bdrm sidesplit, on a premium 53’ lot, mature tree lined street, fabulous Kennedy & Lawrence area. Spacious open concept living room, formal dining room, finished basement, ideal for entertaining, + workshop/possible 4thbdrm, beautiful landscaped lot, detached garage, long private drive, and many extras. SOLD FAST FOR TOP $$$!!


Renovated 3bdrm 2stry freehold co-op , open concept living and dining room, gleaming hardwood floors, beautiful modern kitchen, finished basement, two full baths, great location close to all conveniences for only $310,000!!

PREMIUM 50’ X 110’ LOT!!

Fabulous 4+1bdrm detached bungalow on a quiet crescent, renovated kitchen, renovated bathroom, large open concept living and dining rm, finished basement ideal for entertaining or possible in-law suite, long private drive large double car port and many extras!! SOLD FAST FOR TOP $$$!!


Prime Kingsway / Edenbridge neighbourhood. Fabulous layout, 1+1 bedroom suite, open concept living and dining rm, w/o to private balcony / terrace, thousands spent on upgrades, granite countertop, breakfast bar, high ceilings, steps to transit, Humbertown Plaza, & amenities only $308,900!!

Fabulous 3bdrm detached 2 storey, beautifully finished thruout, gleaming hardwood flrs, spacious open concept layout, finished bsmnt, with 2nd kitchen, large rec rm, professionally landscaped lot, custom deck, pond, interlock, French curbs, wrought iron gate, and many extras located close to park, school, Vaughan Mills, must be seen for $529,900!!


Prime South Etobicoke opportunity, great land value for 25’ x 133’ lot, build your dream home, great location, close to all conveniences, just minutes to downtown Toronto for only $438,000!!


Spacious 2 bedroom corner suite, thousands spent on upgrades, gorgeous upgraded kitchen, open concept living and dining room, gleaming hrdwd flrs, W/O to large balcony, ensuite laundry, 24 hr security, great location close to Islington Subway, Islington Village, restaurants, shops, schools and much more just minutes to downtown Toronto or the airport, shows amazing, for only $299,900!!



Rare opportunity! 2 bdrm, 2 full washrooms, main floor unit, located close to Humber College, Woodbine Centre, & Etobicoke General Hospital. Well maintained & managed building, ensuite laundry, 2 parking spots, Concierge and many amenities for only $243,900!!

2790 sq ft classic custom built 2 storey all brick semi detached luxury homes. Located in the Long Branch area, Newly built, select your luxurious finishes PreConstruction price $698,000 Detached Luxury homes Pre Construction prices $798,000


Fully Renovated 2bdrm unit, gorgeous open concept layout, gleaming hardwood floors, w/o to balcony, renovated gourmet kitchen with centre island & granite countertops, renovated bath rm, exquisite attention to detail, shows 10+++. Great central location close to all conveniences, ensuite laundry and locker plus many extras for only $199,900!!








Beyond The Sea Star Tower! Brand new stunning Horizon Model, 2+1bdrm, approx. 1000 sq ft plus balcony, & terrace 395 sq ft. Fabulous open concept design, gleaming hardwood flrs, bright floor to ceiling windows, amazing views, Incredible price for only $499,900!!


Excellent location near Airport Rd. and William Parkway, close to all major Hwys, 900 sq ft of office space & 2300+ sq ft of Industrial space, previously used for garment manufacturing, zoning allows for mixed use, clean office area with reception and board room, must be seen $415,000!!


Impressive 2 bdrm condo townhouse, absolutely immaculate home, nicely renovated. Large Bleached Oak kitchen, spacious open concept living and dining room, with w/o to large balcony, great lower level suite for only $269,900!!


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SEE MORE PHOTOS : w w w. G e t L e o . c o m Not intended to solicit persons under contract. *Certain Conditions May Apply. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.

Copyright© 2009 Frank Leo

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013



community calendar


this week

looking ahead

w Thursday, March 7

w Thursday, March 14

SNAP! 2013 WHEN: 5:30 to 11:30 p.m. WHERE: Andrew Richard Designs, 571 Adelaide St. E. CONTACT: www. COST: Tickets are $100 SNAP! is the AIDS Committee of Toronto’s (ACT) annual photographic fundraiser featuring a live auction of curated photography, a silent auction and photo competition.

happening in

Scottish Country Beginner Classes WHEN: 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. WHERE: St. Leonard’s Anglican Church, 25 Wanless Ave. CONTACT: Sue Anne Brice, 416-266-5423 Thursdays until March 14.

w Saturday, March 9

Women Supporting Women WHEN: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. WHERE: Park Hyatt Toronto, 4 Avenue Rd. CONTACT: 647-669-2714, www. COST: $10 Shop Local is an initiative created to establish a genuine sense of camaraderie amongst women spreading love through their individual local businesses.

w Sunday, March 10 Classical Nouveau

Used book sale WHEN: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today until Saturday WHERE: Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge St. CONTACT: Winnie Williams, 416-397-5948 There are more than 10,000 items selling over three days WHEN: 7 to 10 p.m. WHERE: Trinity St. Paul’s United Church, 427 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: Ashley O’Connor, 416-364-1455 COST: $20 A program of lyrical artsongs, reflective interludes and elegant dance episodes offering a “time-out” from the fast pace of your every day.

Central Eglinton Community Centre, 160 Eglinton Ave. East CONTACT: Nancy Lyon, 416-392-0511 COST: $145 Daily camp of games, arts and crafts, music, outings and fun for children five to 12.

w Monday, March 11

Thyroid therapy free health talk WHEN: 7 to 8 p.m. WHERE: Deer Park Library, 40 St. Clair Ave. E. CONTACT: Kate Whimster, 416-393-7657 The “master gland” of the body, your thyroid influences both body and mind. Learn how to understand thyroid testing and treatment options to support thyroid health.

Casa Loma Carnival WHEN: 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. WHERE: Casa Loma, 1 Austin Terrace CONTACT: , 647-725-0707, manderson@ COST: Adults $20.55, children $11.30 and youth/senior $14.65 Step back in time and embrace the nostalgia of an old-fashioned carnival. Casa Loma offers a different event each day during March Break.

w Monday, March 11

March Break Day Camp at Central Eglinton Community Centre WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. WHERE:

w Wednesday, March 13

Ben McNally Travellers’ Series WHEN: 7:30 to 9 p.m. WHERE: Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay W. CONTACT: 416-973-4000 COST: $10/free for supporters, students and youth This event features authors sharing



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CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013 |








their tales of travel. Young Working Professionals with MS self-help group WHEN: 7 to 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Lawrence/Yonge area CONTACT: Lynn Laccohee, 416-967-3032 Working professionals (20 to 40) with multiple sclerosis get together for information sharing and emotional and social support. Meeting location provided after registration.

w Saturday, March 16

Shakesbeer WHEN: 6:30 to 8 p.m. WHERE: Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie St. CONTACT: COST: $35 This “pop-up” theatre tavern harkens the informality of Elizabethan theatergoing audience and creates an atmosphere of conviviality, community, and fun. Plus there’s beer. Participating brewers to be announced. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged will be performed in 87 minutes.

w Saturday, March 16

Voices Chamber Choir presents: “Light in Darkness” WHEN: 8 to 10 p.m. WHERE: St. Thomas’s Anglican Church, 383 Huron St. CONTACT: Ron Cheung, 416-519-0528, www.voiceschoir. com COST: $20 adults, $15 students/ seniors



up to

On high mileage Toyota vehicles Parts & Service Discount on all Toyota vehicles applies to maintenance & repairs over 100,000km*

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Voices, a 20-voice mixed chamber choir based in Toronto, will present a choral concert featuring music of the Lenten season.

w Sunday, March 17

The 2013 St. John’s Rehab Foundation five-km Run/Walk WHEN: 9 a.m. to 12 noon WHERE: Steam Whistle Brewing - The Roundhouse, 255 Bremner Blvd. CONTACT: 416-224-6945, www.stjohnsrehab. com/foundation COST: $35 registration fee; if you raise $150 plus, the fee is waived The 5K brings together former patients, staff, runners and walkers from all backgrounds to raise money for St. John’s Rehab patients.

w Sunday, March 17

TeamHD run WHEN: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. WHERE: Steam Whistle, 255 Bremner Blvd. CONTACT: COST: $40 TeamHD is running in the Achilles St. Patrick’s Day Run as a charitable team. Sign-up to participate in as a TeamHD member and recruit sponsors to pledge you. Help the group raise funds to support the Huntington Society of Canada.


Email your events to letters@






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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013

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CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013 |



Taking street-involved women onto the catwalk JUSTIN SKINNER Many women involved in the sex trade feel they have little opportunity to express themselves creatively. Thanks to a special event hosted by All Saints Church-Community Centre and Street Health, that is about to change. The two organizations are hosting Out of the Shadows, a fashion show featuring nine current or former sex trade workers as models. The women worked with Ryerson University fashion students to help create their own outfits, and renowned fashion consultant Wayne Clark also lent advice. Norma Jean Neal, who left

the sex trade 18 months ago after working most of her adult life as an exotic dancer, said she hopes the event will help open the public’s eyes. “Hopefully, they see we’re just like anybody else and what we do is a job like any other job,” she said. “We’re still women, still people with bills, children and relationships.” Neal noted a huge stigma remains around sex work, with even social workers often unable to fully relate and offer the understanding needed. “A lot of women feel we can’t be honest, even with social workers or our own families because of the stigma attached to the work,” she said. “It’s unfortunate, but women in the sex trade are still treated

very, very badly.” Neal also hopes Out of the Shadows highlights the importance of social programs to help women who are involved in or leaving the sex trade. She noted programming from Street Health has helped her move on from exotic dancing and that many women benefit from harm reduction and training programs. Out of the Shadows event chair Amanda Robertson said the event fits in with Street Health’s mandate of giving women a safe space where they can express themselves. “We work with women in a non-judgmental way so they feel comfortable coming to us no matter where they are in

THE EMERALD ASH BORER (EAB) is killing ash trees throughout Ontario. Help protect our trees!

EAB has been detected in southern Ontario. The following counties are in the regulated area: Essex (1), Chatham-Kent (2), Lambton (3), Middlesex (4), Elgin (5), Huron (6), Perth (7), Oxford (8), Norfolk (9), Wellington (10), Waterloo (11), Brant (12), Haldimand (13), Hamilton (14), Niagara (15), Halton (16), Peel (17), Toronto (18), York (19), and Durham (20).

EAB regulated area in southern Ontario

their lives,” she said. “This is an opportunity for us to provide something creative and empowering for women.” Robertson noted when the two organizations put out a call for auditions downtown, they wound up with more women who wanted to get involved than there were spots to fill. “We got other women involved in the event in different ways because so many women were enthusiastic about being part of the event,” she said. Each woman was paired with her own Ryerson student, who designed garments to reflect the women’s unique personalities, as well as a mentor to guide them through the process. Out of the Shadows takes place at 8 p.m. Friday, March 8. Proceeds from the event


Some of the sex trade workers who participated in a fashion show organized by All Saints Church-Community Centre and Street Health. Working with Ryerson University fashion students, the aim of the show was to dispel stereotypes surrounding sex trade workers.

will go toward programming to support women in at-risk communities and situations.


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EAB is a destructive insect that spreads to new areas when infested wood is moved. By federal regulation, anyone moving ash tree materials or firewood out of these 20 counties without written permission from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency may be fined or prosecuted.

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To buy tickets, make a donation or learn more about the Out of the Shadows, visit

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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013

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SAM (BIG SAM) KOTZER SAM (BIG SAM) We are greatly saddened by the passing of Sam Kotzer on KOTZER March 3, 2013. He passed away

We are greatly saddened by the peacefully at Kotzer home. on Born in 3, passing of Sam March Toronto in 1925, Sam loved 2013.people He passed away peacefully and loved life. He began at home. in 1925, his Born careerinin Toronto the toy business as Sam loveda people life. He began youngand loved teenager and accomplished many thingsas a his career in the toy business during his long Sam young teenager andcareer. accomplished founded created "Samko many things and during his long career. Toy Warehouse" and was very Samgenerous founded in andgiving created to “Samko others. Toy Warehouse” was very Sam wasand a larger thangenerous life in giving to others. character, alwaysSam readywas witha alarger a smile;always he could win with thanjoke life and character, ready your The he Canadian toy your a joke andheart. a smile; could win industry success heart. The celebrated Canadianhistoy industry by inducting him into the "Toy celebrated his success Hall of Fame". He wasbya inducting past him President into the “Toy Hall CNE. of Fame” of the For . He was decades, a past Sam President of the atCNE. volunteered YMHA helping others to at For the decades, Sam volunteered healthy. He others was a key the stay YMHA helping to stay supporter of the Santa Claus healthy. He was a key supporter of Parade and through the toy the Santa Clausdonated Parade toand through warehouse, many the toy warehouse, donatedmany to many fundraisers that enabled fundraisers many schools schools that andenabled organizations to funds for totheir and raise organizations raisecauses. funds for was aSam supporter Toronto of theirSam causes. was aofsupporter Police and Firefighters through Toronto Police and Firefighters through "toy drives". Big Sam will be “toy greatly drives”. missed Big Sam greatly by will his be loving missed by hiswife loving family: wife Betty; family: Betty; children children Michael and Wendy, Howie Michael and Wendy, Howie and andand Paul,Paul, Eric Eric and Phyllis, Phyllis,Sheryl Sheryl Terry; grandchildren, and and Terry; his his grandchildren, David, David, Emma, Alex, Jake, Dylan, Emma, Alex, Jake, Dylan, Jessica, Jessica, Sean and Andrew; and Seanhisand Andrew; and(the his late) siblings, siblings, Morris Morris (the late) Doreen, Doreen, Evelyn and Evelyn Grace. and Funeral services Tuesday. Grace. Funeral services wereCall held on Benjamin’s Park Memorial Tuesday March 5th. Chapel for details.

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NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL CLAIMS against the estate of Marlyn Joan Morrison, of Toronto, Ontario who died the 25th day of January, 2012, must be filed with the Estate Trustee on or before March 30th, 2013; thereafter, distribution of the assets of the said estate will occur having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED this 28th day of February, 2013. Francesca Panacci, Estate Trustee by her Solicitors MIDDLEBRO’ & STEVENS LLP 1030 2nd Avenue East, P.O. Box 100 Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 5P1 Attn: John H. E. Middlebro’ 519-376-8730

Articles Wanted

Waste Removal


PETER’S DEPENDABLE JUNK REMOVAL From home or business, including furniture/ appliances, construction waste. Quick & careful!

& Collectibles Wanted Cash for Older: Coins, Jewelry, Military, Watches, Toys, Barbies, Silver, Gold, Records, Guitars, Old Pens, Lighters & Old Advertising etc.

25 years experience. Richard & Janet 416-431-7180 416-566-7373

Home Renovations BUILDER/ GENERAL CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL/ COMMERCIAL. Finished basements. Painting. Bathrooms. Ceramic tiles. Flat roofs. Leaking basements. Brick/chimney repairs. House additions 9 0 5 - 7 6 4 - 6 6 6 7 , 416-823-5120

CEILINGS repaired. Spray textures, plaster designs, stucco, drywall, paint. We fix them all! 416-242-8863

416-677-3818 Rock Bottom Rates! Decks & Fences

Appliance Repairs/ Installation Professional Repairs of all brands of: Refrigeration, Stoves, Dishwashers, Washers, Dryers, Air Conditioning, & Heating. Free Estimates. Warranty, Credit cards accepted. Seniors discount. 416-616-0388

Adult Personals LOCAL HOOKUPS BROWSE4FREE 1-888-628-6790 or #7878 Mobile HOT LOCAL CHAT 1-877-290-0553 Mobile: #5015 Find Your Favourite CALL NOW 1-866-732-0070 1-888-544-0199 18+


CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013 |



Burton Electric Inc. 416 419-1772

Knob and tube replacement LED Lighting Aluminum wire reconditioning Permits and inspections

Pot lights Service upgrades Breakers/Panels FREE ESTIMATES

Master Electrician * License # 7001220 * Insured



VALID UNTIL MAR. 30th, 2013

Delivery questions? Call us at:

0 ALL DECKS built in 1 day. Highest quality. Spring discount! Free design and estimates. Call Mike 416-738-7752


Moving & Storage

or Email:

APPLE MOVING and Storage. Residential/ office moving. Packing services. In business 30 years. Reliable & courteous. Insured & licensed. 416-533-4162

Flooring & Carpeting NESO FLOORING Carpet installation starting from $1.29/ sq.ft. Hardwood, laminate at low prices. 26 yrs experience. Free Estimates. Best Price! 647-400-8198

Want to get your business noticed? Call 416-798-7284 to plan your advertising campaign today!


Helleborus x hybridus, Photographer: Rob Prics

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, March 7, 2013

MARCH 15 - 24, 2013




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