Issue 15 / September 2013
from Kuwait to the world!
The Monthly Key to Your City
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from Kuwaitis to the world!
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،أعزائي القراء
Dearest readers, Kuwait is an exceptional place. It’s home to talent, to culture, and to potential energy beyond compare. As you return to work, or to school, or to the sometimes hectic, sometimes
أتمنى أن تكونوا قد استمتعتم بإجازتكم الصيفية وبعطلة عيد قمنا في هذا العدد، الفطر وقضيتموها مع أعز المقربين لكم بتحضير الكثير من المقاالت و المقابالت المميزة ونحن كلنا أمل
humdrum routine of daily life, we at theCITY definitely want
بأن المادة المطروحة في هذا العدد ستشجعكم بالعودة إلى
you to feel this pulse of movement and energy through our
جديدنا في هذا العدد صفحة الشيف. روتين العمل بإيجابية
pages this September. We want you inspired. We want you
كما سنتعرف بشكل أكبر على روان التي، زياد العبيد المميزة
motivated. We want you moved to action, to creativity, and to
.ستأخذكم في رحالت لتحقيق معجزات من نوع آخر
the full embodiment of all that you are. That is why, in the September issue, we’ve featured some of the most influential and talented voices within Kuwait (and the globe!), and who make a profound contribution to Kuwait’s identity and inspire us to reach the greatest heights of our own potential as we return back to routine. Here’s to a fresh season, a fresh you, and a fresh theCITY!
Sincerely, Khaled Al-Qahtani
باختصار قررنا في عددنا هذا إلهامكم من خالل مقاالت تركز على نفخر كثيرا ً بأنهم ضمن صفحاتنا أتمنى أن
أشخاص ومشاريع
تقضوا أوقات ممتعة معنا في هذا العدد وتكون بداية موسم لنصبح كلنا أعضاء فعالين في
،جديد مليء بالنشاط واإلنجازات .بناء المجتمع
theCITY من مجلتكم مجلة٢٠١٣ بكل حب نقدم لكم عدد سبتمبر أطيب التمنيات لنا الرشيد
Burj Jassim Al-Soor St. Mezzanine
+ 965 2296 0666
Asma Al-Mulla
Dalal Al-Janaie
Hisham Al-Sumaiew
Mohammed Al-Rasheed
Dana Al-Tuwarish
Jumana Al-Awadhi
Maha Al-Qandi
Areej Hamadah
Farah Al-Humaidhi
Jadel & Jawa Al-Awadhi
Nouf & Shabari Al-Qahtani
Ali Al-Khudari
Fadhila Al-Madouh
Jenny Wright
Nouf Al-Jassim
Bashayer Al-Osaimi
Hind Al-Nahedh
Khalil Al-Hamar
Noor Al-Nafisi
Anmar AlAldarmi
Khaled Al-Qahtani
Lana Al-Resheed Managing Director
Shaza Ayesh Phill Wright
Rawan Elabd
Yousef Al-Neemah
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Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
Published and Distributed By:
GREAT KUWAIT MEDIA FOR ADVERTISING & PUBLISHING For General Enquiries: For Advertising, contact: 22390518 - 65558679
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Statement of Copyright: theCITY™ is owned and published by GREAT KUWAIT MEDIA. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Ž the CITY logo is owned by GREAT KUWAIT MEDIA. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any format without the written consent of the publisher.
Yasmeen Ayesh
Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
Hamad Al-Ghunaimi
Reasonable care is taken to ensure that theCITY Magazine articles and other information in the magazine are up-to-date and as accurate as possible as of the time of publication. No responsibility can be taken by theCITY Magazine for any errors or omissions contained herein. Furthermore, responsibility for any losses, damages or distress resulting from adherence to any information made available through this magazine is not the responsibility of theCITY Magazine. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theCITY Magazine.
Fatma Al Qaderi / page 114
Amirah Alshaalan / page 106
Spotlights On:
Esra'a Fadhel / page 102
Mryiiam Says / page 110
Shahad Bishara / page 88
Mustafa Seven / page 82 theVISIT / page 38
Sager Al-Yaseen / page 92
What’s In: LIFE 14 حصاد ثمرة اإلبداع 16 Salma Hajjaj 20 Stop the Aging! 22 My Top 10 Storage Ideas! 25 Old Is Gold 26 Life after Fun in the Sun 28 They Live Where they Love 32 Muzen 38 theVISIT
WELLNESS 44 Your Teeth 46 Fine Living 50 The Stand Out Gym 52 Body Miracles by Rawan 57 أهمية التربية الغذائية
58 Dream Water
Animal Kingdom 62 One Against Animal Cruelty
Food 65 قصة الكوكيز 66 Anmar is Cooking 70 Working With Your Own Menu 72 Backerei Wolf 76 Chef's Choice
88 Shahad Bishara 92 Sager Al-Yaseen 98 Maha Al-Asaker
BEAUTY & FASHION 102 106 110 114
Esra'a Fadhel Amirah Alshaalan Mryiiam Says Fatma Al Qaderi
ART & Culture
118 Qabaq 120 Gadgets
80 theCITY KIDS 82 Mustafa Seven 86 Ahead of Our Time
theVIBE 123
Harrods 11
30 anniversary Ramadan Program th
The company remains socially focused and community dedicated Just like every year, Zain was very proud to have had the chance to make a difference in people’s lives all through the Holy Month of Ramadan. For Zain, rising up with the whole community begins with focusing on executing programs that carry humanitarian approaches and serves those who need support the most. Zain has consciously set out to put society and its people at the centre of its business right from its founding, over 30 years ago. The company’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategy impacts on everything that the company does, from performing to serve the community best, to the success and pioneering stage it reached today which made Zain the leading telecommunications company in Kuwait. Zain’s 2013 Ramadan program has required immense dedication by the company’s staff and volunteers. The program essentially involved the art of giving, sharing, and lending a helping hand to the less advantaged people. Initially, before the start of Ramadan, Zain distributed 2000 “Machla” boxes to needy families to provide them with essentials in preparation for the Holy Month. During the Holy month, Zain organized a Ramadan Iftar for Mubarak Hospital’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to share the blessings of the Holy Month of Ramadan with their staff in recognition of the tremendous efforts they are exerting during the Holy Month. The Iftar was held with the presence of the EMS staff and Zain’s Corporate Communications and Relations team whom attended the Iftar gathering as a gesture of gratitude and appreciation to their efforts.
The company was keen to celebrate Girgai’an with Al-Amal club for children suffering from cancer and blood disorders. The celebration was attended by a large number of Zain volunteers, members of the Women Cultural Association, as well as by popular actress Muna Shadad. The Girgai’an celebrations extended to involve the company’s employees volunteering to conduct visits to the children’s units in hospitals to share the joys of Girgai’an with them. Employees used this special time of the year to distribute gifts and celebrate the occasion in a family atmosphere full of joy and happiness. The visits involved Ibn Sina, Amiri, NBK, Farwaniya, Al Razi, Zain, and Jahra hospitals. Taking the lead, Zain stressed the importance of sharing the blessings of Ramadan by being in full swing with volunteers who organized visits to orphans, special needs, and elderly care centers. Enthusiasm, love, and smiles were witnessed from and to people in vulnerable situations in the care centers. Moving on, Zain’s Ramadan Iftar for the Salmiya and Hawalli fire departments was conducted to share the blessings of the Holy Month of Ramadan with firefighters in recognition of the tremendous efforts they are exerting during the Holy Month. The Iftar was held with the presence of the departments’ firefighters and key Zain officials whom attended the Iftar gathering as a gesture of gratitude and appreciation to those noble firefighters. Zain concluded the month by revealing that a total of 60,000 meals were distributed throughout Ramadan to the underprivileged at dedicated Jleib Al Shyoukh, Khaitan, and Al
Jahra district tents. In addition to these many public community programs, Zain also held its annual Ramadan Ghabga for staff at the newly built Jumeirah Hotel to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Zain’s founding as the first telecommunications company in the region, with the company showcasing its history with photos and devices that date back to the mid-1980s. During the event Omar Al Omar, CEO of Zain Kuwait congratulated staff for their impressive list of recent achievements achieved over the past year, which included: Successful participation in the introduction of Mobile Number Portability in Kuwait, with early indications showing Zain Kuwait to be a net benefactor of its introduction; the impressive nationwide 4G LTE rollout and strong uptake by many customers; the addition of over 230,000 customers over the past 12 months; and the generation of the highest net profit across the Group of eight operations. At the Ghabga, the company also took the opportunity to recognize individuals both from within its own ranks as well as externally, who had helped shape it over its 30 years of operation. The company recognized staff members with distinguished careers within the company, awarding special gifts to all those who have served 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years, expressing its appreciation for all their years of dedicated service. Osama Abu Sido, was singled out as the longest serving member of Zain Kuwait staff, having been with the company an incredible 27 years 13
من اختيار المناهج التعيسة و عدم قدرته على السؤال بشكل يكفل
من تعزيز الحوار واإلنصات والتوبيخ بطريقة تناسب سن وتفكير هذا
له حريته بالتفكير والخيال وعدم وجود بيئة المرح واللعب واستخدام
الولد يأتي الضرب الذي يكون أسوأ ما نقدمه ألبنائنا.
أكثر وسائل قتل اإلبداع...لألسف. توصلت مجموعة من الدراسات العلمية التي تتعلق في موضوع اإلبداع والتي تم ذكرها في ومنها دراسة "يليزهيرمان" و"هوارد ينغولد" في كتابهما (اإلبداع األمثل) ودراسة أخرى للباحثين "تريزا أمابيل"و"ستان كريسكويتش" في كتابهما (الموهبة واإلبداع,صبحي تيسير )1992,والتي لخصتها وتوصلت فيها الى نتيجه وهي:
هي مسألة ممارسة وتمارين للحصول على اإلبداع. يتسائل البعض كيف أسترد هذه المهارة واإلجابة هي أن تتخيلوا أنكم تريدون تقوية عضلة الساق فماذا عساكم فاعلين؟! واإلجابة التي ستخرج من أفواهكم أنكم ستقومون ببعض التمارين الخاصة لهذه العضلة وسؤال بعض المختصين عن أفضل طرق التمارين وكيفية القيام بها .كذلك فيما يتعلق في موضوع اإلبداع وتطوير
بشكل أو بآخر البعض يقوم بقتل اإلبداع سواء بعلم أو غير علم
قدراتكم اإلبداعية كقدرة الخيال والتركيب والدمج والتفكير اإلبداعي
باألطفال عن طريق تقليل من شأنهم باستخدام كلمات مثل (انت
بشكل عام يمكن ذالك عن طريق القراءة وحل األلغاز الخاصة التي من
غبي-ماذا عساك أن تكون في المستقبل-لست أفضل من غيرك)
شأنها أن تطور القدرات العقلية مثل قدرة التحليل وقدر اإلستنتاج
ومن هذاه الكلمات المنحطة لألسف وليت األمر يقف عند ذاك,وتبدأ
وقدرة الخيال وغيرها من القدرات العقلية,وكذلك يمكن اإلستفادة
البرمجة السلبية التي تبدأ في اإلتكال على الخادمة أو المربية أو
من هذا الموضوع عن طريق حضور الدورات التدريبية الخاصة بموضوع
األبوين أو المدرس الخصوصي أو المدرسة وأختيار حياته وطريقة
اإلبداع والتفكير اإلبتكاري.
تناسبه,ويأتي أيظا دور البرمجة في أن راي الكبير هو الصحيح
وفي النهاية موضوع اإلبداع هو من المواضيع الكبيره والمتجدده
عيشه في الصغر بالطريق التي تناسبنا ال الطريقة الصحيحة التي وأما أنت ورأيك فال يلزمنا فهنا نقتل ثقته بنفسه ونحجر من روح المبادرة لديه فكيف عساه أن يكون عندما اليسمع وينصت له
والجميلة وهذه المقاله هي نقطة في بحر علم اإلبداع الذي له قوانينه وخطواته ومبادئه.و اليسعني إال أن اذكر بأن اإلبداع هو
أقرب الناس وهم والديه,وكذلك السحرية سواء في المدرسة ام في
شيء موجود عمق كل إنسان ولكن كما أن هناك تمارين لكل مهارة
البيت من الطفل سواء على أفكاره أو أسألته أو تطلعاته وغيرها مما
نتعلمها فكذلك اإلبداع له تمارينه وأسسه وقواعده ,ولعل لي لكم
يدور في خاطره,وأيضا يدخل العنف في الغاء وتشنج اإلبداع فبدال
وفقات ومحطات أخرى مع هذا العلم الرائع.
Yousef Al-Neemah
حصاد ثمرة اإلبداع بعد التحية واإلشتياق والدعاء لقراء مجلة ذا سيتي األعزاء وإلى فريق العمل الرائع الذي يعمل على إيصال هذه الرسالة القيمة. أما بعد... موضوع اإلبداع هو وقفتنا لهذا العدد.فموضوع اإلبداع بالذات هو بمثابة اإلبن الخاص والعزيز على قلبي كما كان يوسف الصديق عليه السالم أحب إلى يعقوب عليه السالم كما قال تعالىِ (( :إ ْذ َقا ُلوا
ص َبةٌ )). وس ُ ب ِإ َلىٰ َأ ِب َ ن ُع ْ ح ُّ ح ُ ينا مِ َّنا َو َن ْ ف َو َأ ُخ ُ وه َأ َ َل ُي ُ
اإلبداع و أسسه وقوانينه موضوع لم يأخذ أهميته بالشكل المنشود والمطلوب لدى أبناء وطني العزيز الكويت الذين ال أنكر جهودهم ولمساتهم التي رغم كل الصعوبات والتحديات سواء على المستوى النفسي أو المادي فهم يسعون إلى تحقيق أهدافهم وطموحهم لتحقيق الرضى الداخلي وتحقيق سعادتهم بالعطاء واإلنجاز.ولكني أرى أن قليال من األسس والقواعد العلمية العميقة ستأخذ بنا من الكويت إلى العالمية كما فعل القليل أبنائنا. من عدل الله سبحانه وتعالى أنه خلق البشر بقدرات متفاوته ومتقاربه,وكل إنسان له مجاله الخاص في هذه الحياة التي لو عرفه وركز فيه وطور مهاراته سيتميز فيه ويبدع أشد اإلبداع ,ولحديث "إعملوا,فكل ميسر لما خلق له". المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم: ٌ وال أخفيكم أمرا أني أجد من الناس في لقائي معهم في الدورات التي أدربها أو في اإلستشارات التي أقدمها يملكون طاقة غير 15
((وفِ ي َأنْ ُف ِ س ُك ْم عادية ومن اإلبداع ولكنهم يجهلونها في أنفسهم َ ۚ َأ َف َل ُت ْب ِ ون)) فتوصلت إلى حقيقة وهي أن السؤال ليس :هل ص ُر َ نحن مبدعين أم ال؟ ولكن السؤال :أين ذهبت هذه الطاقة و كيف
أستخرج طاقة اإلبداع المكبوته في عمق الذات؟
من المتهم في خطف طاقة اإلبداع؟ تبدأ الحكاية منذ الصغر عندما تكون طاقة اإلبداع في أشدها,وتبدأ بالتناقص بشكل مخيف وغريب,وفي الحقيقة ليس أبداع عادي ولكن على درجة عالية من اإلبداع وهذا ماتشير إليه إحدا الدراسات األمريكية التي أشار إليها الدكتور طارق السويدان في اصدار (اختبر درجة ابداعك) وتشير الدراسة الى أن نسبة اإلبداع في األبناء اصحاب: 5سنوات نسبة اإلبداع %90 7سنوات نسبة اإلبداع %10 8سنوات نسبة اإلبداع %2 45سنة نسبة اإلبداع %2 لعلنا نندهش من هذه النسبة وانخفاضها الكبير بين اطفال 5 سنوات واطفال 7سنوات,والسؤال الذي يخطر في عقولنا هو لماذا هذا اإلنحدار الكبير؟ وسوف نفاجئ عندما نعلم ان السبب الرئيسي هو دخولهم المدرسة ((المدارس العادية)) التي يفاجئ الطفل في بيئة قاتله لإلبداع ابتداء
Photographer: Khadeija Al-Shimmiri
Salma Hajjaj This issue is all about getting back into the swing of work and re-embracing routine back into our lifestyles. We want you energized, inspired, and more motivated than ever once you’ve returned from your vacations! And we’ve got just the expert. Salma Hajjaj is the HR Director at Gulf Bank and is a well-seasoned professional in the art of employee motivation, workplace dynamics, and creating the perfect environment for a happy, productive professional setting. We couldn’t pass up the chance to bring you this exclusive interview with one of Kuwait’s top HR gurus on how to get the kick back into your step in time for the start of the work year! 17
"It’s in how you view the world. You’re approach towards anything in life is all in your attitude. This is true for anything in life and not just work." What do you think is the secret to an efficient, happy work place? A happy work place comes from an environment of trust and credibility. If people at work feel that they can trust their management, colleagues and those around them they will be happy to come to work. Having said that, from an individual’s perspective; a positive attitude can make any place happy. It’s in how you view the world. You’re approach towards anything in life is all in your attitude. This is true for anything in life and not just work.
How would you manage difficult employees? The first thing I do with difficult employees is try to see things from their perspective. Why do they behave the way they do? Is their behavior a result of their values and beliefs, their character/mindset, or is it because of certain circumstances? If it’s the first one then are these values in line with ours as an organization? Can they be changed? If it’s their character or mindset then I would try coaching them. Coaching is an important part of managing people in general and not just the difficult ones. Find their strengths (everyone has them) and highlight them. Working with them to put things into
perspective and at the same time motivating them and overcoming obstacles is key. In many cases it’s about changing the mindset. A problem shared is a problem half solved. It’s not easy though; people can be difficult especially those with a negative attitude. I’d like to believe though that in general if you find what makes them tick; you can get through to them.
How do you inspire employees to work productively? It's important for people to enjoy their jobs if they are going to be productive. In an ideal world everyone would be passionate about what they do. Unfortunately the real life isn't like that and many times we find ourselves in jobs we may not enjoy so much. Therefore it’s important to inspire people by creating a comforting environment whereby they feel valued and important. Good communication as well as a lot of positivity can rub off on those around you.
What are some of the newest methods/techniques to help keep employees motivated and energized? Good communication and a lot of it always works well. If people feel connected and well informed they become more trusting and therefore more motivated. Energizing employees by sharing the
vision and letting them see the bigger picture is always a great method. Talking about the vision and where you are going with it and how that's going to make a difference – and demonstrating how the smaller parts come together to form the big picture and how their role will contribute to the overall success. On another note, I always encourage a healthy lifestyle through exercise and correct eating habits to keep everyone energized! More often than not, exercise is the answer to many ailments. Gulf Bank is currently doing a healthy living road show, where employees can get their blood sugar tested, their BMI measured, and if there is a diet issue, we have put together great discounts at diet centers. We have also subsidized tickets for the Q8Marathon to encourage participation. I firmly believe that a healthy body creates a healthy mind.
What is the importance in maintaining work-life balance and what is your advice? If we were to look at the big scheme of things, no matter how you look at it, family should come first. In the long run when you retire, no matter how hard you’ve worked and how many late hours you’ve put in, what will hold true at the end will be your health and family. The only way to do that
is to maintain a healthy work-life balance and set priorities. Appreciate that keeping that balance will make you more productive and successful at work. It helps you rejuvenate and allows you to refresh every day. Don’t load the work stress on your family, switch off when you get home. Otherwise the days will blend with each other and you won’t know when one day ends and the next one begins. As the CEO of Coca Cola once said in a speech, “If you imagine life as a game where you are juggling five balls in the air - work, family, health, friends and spirit and you're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four Balls Family, Health, Friends and Spirit - are made of glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it. Work efficiently during office hours and leave on time. Give the required time to your family, friends and have proper rest. Value has a value only if its value is valued.”
What would your advice be to future generation Kuwaiti’s? Kuwait is in the hands of our future generation and the founda-
tion of social and economic development is based on educating our youth. I would like to encourage our youth to find their passion in life, to set goals and then work out a roadmap on how to achieve those goals. Nelson Mandela once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Remember, knowledge is power, and learning is continuous – you never stop learning. There is so much talent out there amongst the youth and they can really make a difference if they put their minds to it. Our youth need to appreciate that success doesn’t come easy and there will be challenges. Lots of them. You just have to put them into context, learn to deal with them and move on. I have a lot of faith in their capabilities, they just have to find their passion and aim high.
@gulf_bank 19
Dalal Al-Janaie @marsvenuskuwait @marsvenuskuwait
Stop the Aging! Stop the Madness! Hello again my dear readers! September is back… can you believe it’s back to school, back from summer vacations, and back to reality, again? How quickly time runs and, in the blink of an eye, a whole year has passed! Another year and one year older—ugh. I know how you feel. For many, it takes a whole year to digest their age and by the time they are ok with it, it goes up again! So, what do we do about this problem? Fear of aging is a phobia for most women across the globe. So, if you are a little uncomfortable with aging, don’t worry, you are among thousands if not millions of other ladies battling with the same issues. There are many internal factors that contribute to the fear of aging. Let’s dig into this issue and get a better understanding of what you may actually be fearing. 1. No one will marry me. Ah, the big M. Marriage. So many women have marriage on their life agenda that delays in this event may cause havoc to their mental health. As Kuwaitis, we are accustomed to
the belief that if you are a beautiful woman, you are destined for marriage and living happily ever after with your prince charming. Am I right? So when women start to age and the beauty of youth starts to diminish, it can be very scary and depressing. A gray hair here, a wrinkle there, are all signs of a very scary horror movie about to unravel. Add on the biological clock ticking towards the all-frightening 40 along with society’s judgment towards those who haven’t caught a husband, it’s no wonder women are going insane under all this pressure. Make it stop! Ladies, I understand. The question is, are you looking at your situation realistically? The idea of a women getting married purely based on her looks is a little passé. Gone are the days of pure gender segregation. Today’s technology (Whats-app, Instagram, working together, cell phones) has added another dimension to the game of marriage whether we like it or not. Technology has added the personality factor. Today it takes much more than just a pretty face or a nice body to seal the deal. Look around you, there are many women young and old, who are getting married. I have seen many amazing women marrying their Prince Charming’s later on in their lives or remarrying and living happily ever after. Age is not the only factor, and at times, not even a deciding variable. So, calm down, breathe, and maybe it’s time to work on your personality. 2. Aging is ugly. So, what does aging look like? Wrinkles. Saggy body. Gray hair. Permanent post-baby belly. Dry skin. Weight gain. Yes, all these are true and, whether you’re ready for them or no, they are on the way. In a culture that prizes youth and dewy skin, natural changes brought by time cause many women to feel more and more invisible. Youth is beautiful—we can all agree—but it seems to have become the only form of beauty that is acceptable. Aging, which is the most natural process in the world, seems to have become taboo. The question is, what can you do about it? First and foremost, your perception about
aging can and must change. Aging does not have to be so uncomfortable. Firstly, you can look fabulous at any age. Additionally, today’s beauty products are truly miracle workers, lifting, smoothing, plumping, and doing all kinds of great things to keep you looking your best. Don’t feel guilty for wanting to look good. It’s not wrong to want to look good at 30 or 40 or 50 or 80 or even 100. Also, if you feel that more evasive steps will make you love yourself more and feel more beautiful during your aging process, then do it. It’s your body, it’s your choice, take responsibility for your life. 3. I will be bound to a horribly boring existence. When we think of old people we think of people who can’t move, can’t vacation, only sleep and are always snoozing. It’s really funny but there are many twenty-something’s that fit this category, so its not actually about biological age as much as mental age. But hold on, are you one of those people who are “waiting” for Mr. Right to arrive before you can even begin to live life? Are you waiting for your life to start after you become a Mrs.? I am sure it can be frustrating to be “saving up for later” and counting all the adventures you think you’ve missed and praying he comes sooner rather than later. Many of you daydream of all the magical places you will visit, all the decorating you will do, all the happiness you will have, etc… Ladies, I hate to break this to you: he may not arrive in time, he may hate traveling, and there’s a possibility he may never arrive at all. He might want to bring his mother along to your getaways, which is probably not as romantic as you had envisioned all those years. He may not be able to afford traveling or a luxurious lifestyle. The list goes on and on. There are no guarantees for those who wait. My advice? Go live. Go enjoy your life in the best way possible and remember that a watched pot never boils. Dearest readers, fear of aging is like any other fear: you must face it to overcome it. Good luck to you and, most importantly… stop waiting and start living! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to connect with me. 21
Farah Al-Humaidhi @piecesbyfarah @piecesbyfarah
My Top 10 Storage Ideas!
Now that we are back to our normal routine and have returned from our summer vacations, we have more stuff than we ever would have anticipated! Gifts, souvenirs, exotic items from abroad, and many more accumulated treasures. And, now that we’re back we have to deal with the inevitable, frustrating task of storage. Storage is a dilemma most of us have faced this time of year or are still facing but, with effective and clever built-ins, rescue is at hand! Because built-ins are custom-made for each space, they maximize every square inch of your home. They can turn empty, unused space into hardworking home offices, drawers, shelves, or even entertainment centers. Essentially, built-in storage units can add many square meters to your home without the need for renovations. So, in lieu of this great storage idea, here are some of my favorite ways to use built-in storage this September: 1. You can utilize your head board/bed and turn it into a complete bed and storage unit. It will contain a head board, a platform with drawers under the bed, cabinets, and plenty of drawers on the sides. Very kitschy look with plenty of storage room to boot! 2. Build shelves on unused walls (ex. walls with doors that lead to a hall way or bathroom in a kids room). Have shelves built into the ceiling, this way you can store items/boxes or books without clutter and also have a decorative wood ladder laid against the shelves when needed. This ladder can always be smartened to match the décor either by wrapping it up with fabric or by painting it! 3. Do you have an uneven/slanted ceiling that is not high enough for anyone to stand under? Is it just an empty, unused space? Fill it up with shelves and drawers if the sides are even. I prefer deep drawers when it comes to storage if the space allows, as they hold more and can be used for storing linens, towels and even boxes for more orderliness. 4. If you have niches in the walls of your living space that are wide enough to accommodate a desk, why not have a built in desk in the space? You can always have a sliding door accented with a painting or any other decorative feature which can be used to conceal the desk when
company comes over. Rather than placing the desk in dreary corner, these home offices live at the heart of the house and can liven up any work environment. 5. If your stairs are built along a wall and are wide enough, I would suggest building shelves along the wall with different sizes and heights. This staircase will get big personality with builtin shelves and interesting art objects. 6. Some of us like to have a space of our own— more like a suite within a house. Sometimes the kitchen area which usually turns messy, when not properly studied, can eventually end up looking out-of-place. An easy way out would be to have a clever bar that can be tucked into a master suite closet. And if outfitted with an espresso machine, the spot will offer the ultimate breakfast-in-bed treatment. 7. For the little ones in your life, reaching the sink can be a daily test. An inspired way to use a stool is to have it built as drawers in the skirting section (the lowest drawer on the floor) of your sink counter which can be pulled out when your kids need to brush their teeth! 8. You have a narrow kitchen that will not allow you to have a built-in Island, but you’d really love to have one if the space permitted. Allocate a space in your kitchen cabinets that can accommodate an island on wheels that can be pulled out when needed and stored away when you need that extra circulation space. Simple and space-effective! 9. Drawers are great storage ideas, but I love to have dividers in my drawers to further organize my stuff. Always have dividers to organize the different items stored regardless of whether you are using this drawer to store make up, electronics and wires, or a mix of different things. 10. Under the stairs is usually a dead, unused, and dirt collecting space. If you have kids and that space is big enough have tiny concealable desk under it, then use it! If the space doesn’t allow for enough head space fill it up with drawers and shelves or just close it off and use it as a place to store your cleaning utensils or anything else you can think of. In all cases, I definitely recommend you make some use of it before the dust starts taking over.
منو فينا ما شاف مسلسل رقيه و سبيكه بطولة حياة الفهد و سعاد عبدالله؟ منو ينسى مواقفهم الحلوه بسوق الحريم و يوميات حقيقية وصلوها لنا بطريقة كوميدية عن المرأة البسيطة اللي على قد حالها؟ بس طبع ًا مو الكل كان له نصيب رقيه و سبيكه و تثمن بيته و إستغنى .عشان جذي السوق ليما الحين موجود و نسبة ال بأس فيها من الحريم اللي يبيعون موجوده هناك. رحنا و زرنا السوق و الطريج كان سهل وايد وبدون دواعيس. خذيت شارع السوق الجديد على طول و وصلت على المواقف بالضبط. المكان حلو و مرتب بس لألسف للحين ما وزعوا البسطات بالرغم أن السوق جاهز .٪09أغلب الحريم اللي يبيعون ما كانوا موجودين ألنه للحين ماكو مكان يحطون فيه بسطاتهم .و إحنا نتمشى لقينا وحده من الحريم اللي ناطرين يستلمون بسطاتهم ،تقول أم علي إنها ما تقدر تقعد بالبيت عشان جذي إستأجرت محل بزاوية السوق لين تستلم البسطه مع أن أجار المحل 061دينار بالشهر و ما تربح إال أكثر من المبلغ بشوي .لكن ،على كالمها، أحسن من قعدة البيت من دون شغل.
األشياء اللي يبيعونها بسيطه وايد و تختص أكثر شي بالحريم
عشان جذي سموه سوق الحريم ،ألنه يحتوي على أثواب و حنه و إكسسوارات .هذا غير عن مواد التجميل و العناية بالوجه بس
صناعة صينية.
وأيض ًا بالصدفه قابلنا شخص يقال عنه 'عمدة السوق '.على حسب كالمه هو أقدم شخص موجود بالسوق بس طبع ًا مو البسطات.
عنده أكثر من محل و بضاعته كلها من الصين' .عمدة السوق' شخص محبوب وايد من الكل و سولفلنا عن السوق و شلون رواده قبل كانوا غير عن الحين .في الماضي كان كله كويتيين
بس الحين من النادر تشوفهم و يعتبر أن األجانب النسبه الغالبة
على السوق اليوم.
التمشي بالسوق ممتع وايد و مو شرط تشترون منه شي مع
إني بكل صراحة لقيت أثواب حلوة و بأسعار مغرية جداً .أتمنى
على الشهرين الجايين يكون الصيف خالص و يكون برد عشان نرجع لسوق الحريم مرة ثانية و نرجع نصوره لكم بشكله الجديد
Photographer: Hussain Shamo
By Bashayer Alosami
سوق الحريم 25
Ramez A. Sabawi
Life after Fun in the Sun
Coming back to work after enjoying your summer holidays and travelling abroad can be quite challenging, as most people in Kuwait prefer to travel to many destinations seeking nice, cool weather, relaxing and enjoying their time, more than doing anything else all year round. So, after such a long, blissful hiatus, the main challenge would definitely be in coping with the “back to work” mode. Having to deal with e-mail backlog is one of the major challenges, but that frustration can be easily resolved. To start your work year off with a fresh start it may be helpful to not look back at all of your backlogged e-mails, at least not immediately. This is because, more often than not, many of the e-mails and issues raised during your absence would have been either resolved or forgotten, and by attempting to respond to them you will likely only usher in a second wave of pointless apologies and thanks. These, in turn, will be accompanied by polite inquiries about your holiday, kicking off the tedious task of copying and pasting the same response to 30 different people and starting your year off with a drone instead of a fresh, energetic kick. You definitely need to be acquainted and comfortable with repeating your holiday story when you meet with your co-workers and colleagues again. These questions will probably include: “Where did you go? Where did you stay? How was the weather? What shopping did you do? Where did you eat?” And a long sequence of similar questions that will just keep on coming for at least a week or two. You will eventually find yourself repeating your story to 20 or more of your colleagues and friends. If you are not the talkative type, you can always just respond by saying "I'd rather not talk about it, to be honest." But, be weary! This response is only to be used with those who you think can take a joke lightly or those who you already have a strong familiarity with! You don’t want to cause awkwardness or be considered as rude, especially in the workplace. Bit by bit, these questions will soon dry up in your department, although that will probably just make way for a whole host of other repetitive, tedious questions to arise so you better get used to the process and embrace it. It is also usually the case that, no matter how long you stay on holiday, you will soon realize that nothing much has changed during your absence. Even when you may end up feeling like you’ve been away for decades, the return environment is usually consistent and hardly changes at all. This can deflate your spirits a little and make you feel less inspired to jumpstart your work as you feel like you’ve just returned to the same boring scene yet again. The secret behind coping with this transitional period of coming back to work after a long, wonderful holiday is to continue the flow of positive energy you were surrounded with on your break and to bring it back to work with you. Always bring with you the innovative and constructive new ideas you have seen and experienced during your holidays and try to implement those new ideas amongst your colleagues and friends. And my final tip? Start planning for the next holiday break immediately. This will give you the motivation and encouragement to work hard and to reach your new goals before taking-off and unwinding at a cool, relaxing location yet again. So, with all these tips in mind, welcome back to work, everyone!
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They Live Where They
Joumana Soufi is her own personal brand. She’s a social media butterfly with a successful fashion blog to her name, a thriving consultancy business, and an upcoming angle in Kuwait’s style direction market that brings both an air of decadence, warmth, and conceptual depth that is unique to Joumana and her creative vision. Born and bred in Kuwait, Joumana enjoys a pleasant life surrounded by her family, her passion, and a well-placed sense of security and belonging in the one place she has ever called home: Kuwait.
theCITY would like to thank the following for promotional consideration: 29 29
Joumana: Dress: Edge Boutique Jewellery: Edge Boutique Makeup: F. Naqi Institute
Where are you from?
I was born in Kuwait, and still here since.
stay true to their culture and traditions, the newer generation is more open, hard working, and creative, with amazing entrepreneurial skills. It is very inspiring to see what the youth are constantly bringing to the table and changing in all fields, all while being respectful to the culture and community traditions.
What do you do?
How much of an impact has Kuwait had on your life?
That's not easy to pin down. I come from a marketing and public relations background. However, I'm a fashion and beauty blogger, a social media consultant, and a stylist/creative director.
All the impact. My day to day routine, my personality, likes & dislikes are all very influenced by the local culture. It's where I grew up, so it's only natural that it would be the main ingredient in the mixture of who I am.
Latakia, Syria.
When did you come to Kuwait?
Why did you choose Kuwait as your home? My grandparents chose to come to Kuwait many years ago, so both my parents grew up here and decided to stay in Kuwait when they met and married. To me, Kuwait was not a choice, it was and still is my natural place. My family, my childhood, my teenage years, school & university, working years, and my marriage & baby all began and grew out of Kuwait. It was all here. To me, this is home. It is my comfort zone. I know it in and out, and I wouldn't prefer any other place over it.
What do you love most about Kuwait? Life is still kind of simple here. Kuwait is easy and very convenient for a family. It’s also a very safe and secure place. My parents and siblings are here, as well as my friends, my network, my memories and experiences. Kuwait is the central station of my memory lane.
What have you gained from Kuwait and given Kuwait? When you spend your life in a place you develop a sense of belonging and you stop looking at what you gain and what you give. You go with the flow and let life happen. It's a bittersweet; good & bad; positive & negative; all blended together kind of feeling—and I love it! While I continue to live and experience on this land, I also continue giving my life, my youth, my knowledge, and working to achieve more, and give more.
What does Kuwait mean to you on a personal level? They say home is where the heart is, and for me, Kuwait is everything a home is.
What do you think of the Kuwaiti lifestyle and culture?
What words would you like to say to Kuwait if you could?
The Kuwaiti lifestyle is in a constant changing mode; while people
May it always be safe, happy, and blessed.
Joumana: Attire: Carolina Herrera Jewellery: Edge Boutique Makeup: F. Naqi Institute Baby Yousef: Attire: Paul Smith Photographer: Hussain Shamo 31
Muzen A Trip to Yemen's Dar Al-Rahmah 33
Photographer: Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
hysically and emotionally abused as a child and homeless by the age of six, Sabah is a Yemeni child who lived the first few years of her life with a mentally ill father and an abusive uncle.
Perceptive as she was, Sabah understood the meaning of life early-on. She understood that she had to sweat in vain to earn her lunch. She understood that finding a new home was essential. She understood that she had to find her own way in this life, unaided and unguarded. And she understood that, for someone like her, life could only be faced alone. Fortunately for Sabah, this was not the life she was destined to lead; nor was her jaded understanding of life meant to last. A relative took pity on her and sent her to the first orphanage in Yemen for girls, Al Rahma Foundation for Human Development, and there Sabah found hope for perhaps the first time in her young life.
donations; it continuously struggles to make ends meet. We see twoyear-old girls wearing clothes twice their size, eight year olds in ragged clothing, and teenagers in clothes they’ve outgrown years ago; not to mention that some have no games, toys, or any entertainment outlet to help quell their troubled souls and give them some joy, excitement, and relaxation in the face of their otherwise tragic circumstances. Muzen is a group of Kuwaiti volunteers who are working to provide inspiring survivors like Sabah and her friends with a better life. And, due to these true, applied efforts, Muzen has facilitated many ways for others to help out as well. Online transfers make it possible and easy to donate at any time and from anywhere. Clothes and toys can be shipped via Muzen and distributed to the children who need them. And most recently, Muzen has also launched a sponsor-a-child program to help aid these children along and support their daily, essential life needs.
With extensive care, patience, and unconditional love at Dar Al Rahma, Sabah adjusted to her new life. Her once fearful eyes now gleam with wit and intelligence. Her once pain-ridden face now glows with happiness. At Dar AlRahma, Sabah found hundreds of girls who came from similar backgrounds as she did and built a special bond with them that only the similarly wounded and the similarly strong could build. Some of these girls were survivors of abuse, hunger, extreme poverty, and more—but what they all shared was an intrepid hope and outlook to the future despite the hardship and the struggle.
During Eid, Muzen had a very successful “Eidiya” campaign, where they intended to give each child KD 1 as Eidiya. Thanks to all those who participated and donated, Muzen met its target by six-fold and the children were the very picture of happiness! theCITY magazine’s Head of Photography, Abdulrahman Al Yousef, was there to witness the children’s indescribable joy when they received their “eidiya” and he was overjoyed to witness their reaction and to help give back even a tiny bit of support and relief to these struggling innocents. The children were simply euphoric at these shows of attention, love, and care which they have not been accustomed to for most of their life.
Under the care of Dar Al Rahma, Sabah and her friends are being raised in the most remarkable manner. They have a meticulously planned schedule every day which helps nurture every aspect of their minds, bodies, and souls. With their time divided between school, reading the Qur’an, chores, activities, and rest, the children have little time to dwell on their struggles and misfortune and instead open their minds to greener pastures and larger opportunities that await them if they apply themselves.
But the work is not done here and there is still plenty more that can be done and must be done. Sabah and her friends are in dire need for anything we can spare, be it clothes we’ve outgrown, toys our kids have abandoned, or financial support. The simplest acts of kindness go a long way at Dar Al Rahma, where lives are redefined, and futures recreated. Be a part of the change and help draw a smile on the face of those have little left to smile about.
Despite the fact that Dar Al Rahma cares for 1,019 orphans, each child is given special attention and individual care. Each child is evaluated based on behavior, attitude, cleanliness, participation, and academic performance, and is accordingly treated. Unfortunately, Dar Al Rahma is completely dependent on sporadic
1,019 CHILDREN 35
Ali Al-Khudari @ALIALKHUDARI @alialkhudari
The Protégés “An eye-opening, and heart-warming experience.”
Mentors Alia Al-Qimlass
The Protégés is a one-of-a-kind youth program designed to open minds, change perceptions and promote self-awareness through workshops, travel and unique experiences carefully designed by a team of skilled mentors.
Executive Coordinator 36
Yarub Bourahmah: A constant experience of igniting passion, awareness and self-actualization. Shamlan Al-Bahar: The reason for eternal happiness. Rana Al-Khaled: My family, where I wish my better part prevails
all the time.
Mishari Al-Mufarreh: The essence of personal transformation! لتكن.. بين زحام الكلمات لوصفكم كلمة أمل: عبدالعزيز اللوغاني ! آراكم هناك...هذه الكلمة دائما محل لقاؤنا
Counselors Altaf Al-Mudhayan: A place filled with potential, a place that Hadeel Al-Anezi: A once in a lifetime experience. Forever in my heart! makes you wants to be better. Hessa Al-Maian: Discovering myself in a journey of 21,000 steps Eman Al-Rashied: The people who give me hope. To be the best per day & it turned out to be amazing. version of yourself, you've got to be around by the best. Ahmed Al-Enezi: it is beyond the expected from any experiNadine: The best days of my life with the best people that became ence. family because of their greatness and compassion. Razan Al-Sarraf: Definitely the most unexpectedly life changMaryam Al-Omani: A place where I found a part of myself and ing experience yet. opened the doors to different perspectives. Jena Al-Awadhi: Unexpected, inspiring, & life changing! Fatema Al-Najjar: An unforgettable experience that exceeded
Fahad Al-Basri: In the past five years, I’ve never had an experience as life altering as this. I have learned things in many diverse aspects of life.
Abdulaziz Al-Marzouq: My journey in life started when I got accepted in the protégés. I couldn’t ask for more!
Thuraya Al-Otaibi: There’s no way to describe the protégés; you’re gonna have to see for yourself! Ali Al-Khudari: You will do things you never thought you’d ever do. It really is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Omar Al-Qahtani: An experience of self-discovery unavailable anywhere else.
Yasser Al-Amir: A place to teach yiu the way to develop self-
all of my expectations.
Lamia Al-Loughani: An eye opening experience, journey and an everlasting memory that I value with all my heart.
Maryam Shehab: A lifetime experience that I will never forget. I have learnt a lot out of this program. I hope everybody applies to this program for a change.
Aziz Al-Mutawa: A well-crafted journey through our potential. Myriam H. Qutop: The light that will keep leading me to the right path with a huge smile on my face. Unforgettable journey!
Noura Al-Qassar: A journey I never thought could exist. A memory I shall keep in my heart for the rest of my life. A team made of several hearts, with one beat. Dalal Al-Basry: A dream come true. New life; new days; new feelings; a whole new side to the world! Aseel Al-Suaileek:
Fosterer of ambitious, passionate people who seek ambitious change in their life.
Zahraa Al-Herz: Inspiration is a moment! Make the most of it and share it with the world.
Mariam Al-Abdulghafour: Speechless. Bader Al-Fahad: Inspiring. Rataj Al-Hasawi: Turning point in my life.
To contact Instagram: @theproteges Twitter: @the_proteges Website: 37
THE VISIT B y N o o r A l - afisi
1. Tell our readers a little more about Kuwait Trail Ride and the services it offers. Kuwait Trail Ride is a unique and fun activity newly offered in Kuwait. We offer western style (cowboy) horseback riding for adults and children, with the help of some leaders and helpers for customers who are new to riding. We offer trail rides for groups in an assigned place and time and we also offer private rides for groups of adults and children. We can also deliver horses to a specific area at a specific time if requested. Helmets and riding chaps are also available to our customers if they need them.
2. Where did your idea to start a trail ride service come from? The idea came to me in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on a spring break holiday that I took there. I had a chance to experience the amazingly fun and beautiful trail rides offered on the beach and I thought of how this would be perfect for Kuwait too! So I imported the concept to Kuwait with my family and friends at the beginning.
3. Where do you bring the horses in from and what is your selection process like? All of our horses are located in our farm in Wafra. And the process of horse selection is essentially built on three important points: • The health condition of the horse • Level of friendliness and riding ease • Cleanliness and overall fitness level
4. Do you breed some of the horses yourself or are they all bought? We started breeding our horses in 1995 when our farm had just started. Almost all of our horses were born on our farm. However, buying is always fun—especially if you fall in love with a horse and build a special connection with them.
5. Do you offer any packages or special trail themes? We offer different riding packages based on time and location. And our offered riding theme is the “cowboy” theme.
6. What occasions or celebrations do you think work best with Kuwait Trail Rides? In my opinion, I think the winter and cold weather would be the best time to ride in Kuwait. The beach is also a great place for when the weather is warmer. Birthday surprises and couples photoshoots have been very successful occasions for horse riding in the past.
7. Does a rider have to have prior experience or training before using your services? No, because I offer and teach simple, important riding techniques to all riders. And we don’t allow unskilled, new riders to go faster while riding the horses for safety reasons. In case the riders are a little scared or unsure, our leaders and helpers will make sure to firmly hold the horses and walk along the trail as well.
8. What are your prices or your hourly rates for rides? Our prices are based on the duration time and the horse itself: • 30 min 15kd • 1 hour 20kd • 2 hours 35kd • 3 hours 50kd We also charge a delivery fee based on the number of horses in case the horses need to be delivered to a specific location. Otherwise, delivery charges will not apply.
9. How have you found the response from customers so far? Customers are really liking the idea and the concept as a whole. Since Kuwait doesn’t really have lots of outdoor activities with groups, the trail ride is a great option for people looking to do something different in the open air.
10. Do you provide horse riding training as well? I do not offer training lessons because, basically, proper riding techniques need a longer time to teach and a proper riding school based on classes and different kinds of training is essential to get a real horse riding education. At this point, offering training lessons is virtually impossble. However, I do hope to start taking steps in that direction in the near future.
11. Where can customers find you or contact you to book a trail ride? Customers can find our page in Instagram and Twitter at @555Horse, and to book a ride you also can contact 555-HORSE(46773). The name of 555horse was inspired by the concept of the 1-800 numbers in the United States.
Photographer: Abdulrhman Al-Yousef 41
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Dr. Ala'a Shahrouri General Practitioner Bayan Dental Center @bayandentalkw @Bayandental
Your Teeth, Your Routine! There are very few things that most people do every single day. It’s like a routine for them. In this small category falls things like eating, sleeping, and yes, breathing. So it is amazing that for everyone, tooth brushing falls into this category as well. Why, might you ask, has tooth brushing gained such importance across the globe- so much so thatsome of our earliest memories include our tooth brushing rituals since childhood? Because of the dreaded cavities. No one wants cavities when they visit the dentist. Dentists are dedicated to protecting and improving oral health while providing safe dental treatment. First of all, by going for regular dental check ups, you are better able to maintain and care for your teeth and gums. By performing such routine examinations, many larger future dental problems are prevented. For example, by having a dental cleaning, your teeth not only look and feel better, but are less likely to cause gum recession and/or inflammation down the line. Also, by having a small tooth cavity filled today, you potentially prevent tooth loss or painful root canal in the future.
What is a dental filling? A dental filling is a type of restorative dentistry treatment used to repair minimal tooth fractures, tooth decay or otherwise damaged surfaces of the teeth. Dental filling materials, which include composite, porcelain, and silver amalgam, may be used to even out tooth surfaces for better biting or chewing. Enamel loss is a common component of tooth decay, and may result in tooth sensitivity. In many cases,
tooth sensitivity caused by enamel loss will be significantly improved or completely eliminated once an appropriate dental filling material is placed. After you’ve received a filling, take good care of it. Follow a regular oral health routine of twice daily of tooth brushing (preferably with fluoride toothpaste) and daily flossing. In the blossoming world of cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening reigns supreme. Universally valued by men and women alike, whitening or bleaching treatments are available to satisfy every budget, time frame and temperament. Teeth whitening has become so popular that it seems like everyone is doing it. If you want to obtain a bright and white smile, teeth whitening may be just what you are looking for. Not only is teeth whitening effective, it can also drastically change your smile and improve your self-esteem at the same time. Here at Bayan Dental, there are different teeth whitening methods to choose from. First is the Zoom Whitening. The Zoom Whitening System, sometimes called Zoom Laser teeth whitening, is a powerful in-office whitening system. Zoom is one of the most powerful and effective in-office teeth whitening procedures. If you are looking for a safe, effective, and powerful in-office tooth bleaching, this is one. Another is the Opalescence Home Bleaching method. The Opalescence PF15 home-whitening system contains 15% carbamide peroxide, the active ingredient that is recognized as an oral antiseptic and safe for bleaching. 45
Fine Living with Asma Al-Mulla
Al-Hamra Thermae Gym Living a fine life also means living a relaxed, stress free life and, when it comes to luxurious serenity, what other option is there than a state of the art five star gym and spa! Al-Hamra Thermae gym is Kuwait’s best find when looking for a top of the line, luxurious place to clear our minds and work out.
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Located in the heart of Kuwait’s highest sky scraper and most prestigious business tower, Al-Hamra Tower, Al-Hamra Thermae gym has opened its doors to its exclusive, VIP clients in February 2013 with plenty to offer in the way of both relaxation and fitness. The two floor gym includes a spa and a pool and is equipped with the newest technology found in the entire Middle East region. The first floor is all about cardio machines, including the first anti gravity treadmill in Kuwait. These treadmills are used to train astronauts and are said to burn double the calories a normal treadmill burns. This not only guarantees a strong workout but a highly exclusive, one-of-a-kind experience as well. If floating doesn't interest you, you can still find a line of normal treadmills but, in the same vein of exclusive, innovative luxury, these treadmills are internet connected to Google Earth which means you can now enjoy walking/jogging in any place you like around the world. You can take in the sights and burn some calories while you’re at it too! The gym also offers the latest trend in cycling fitness classes: spinning classes. But these are not any spinning classes. Similar to the treadmill, the spinner wears a helmet which is also connected to Google Earth so they can virtually cycle through any location around the world to help both pass the time and get fit in a fun, interactive way.
The second floor of Al-Hamra Thermae is where all the fun is. From stretching areas to the studio (where all the classes take place), AlHamra Thermae gym provides the latest and most exclusive, custommade services imaginable. For example, all their weight machinery is costume made exclusively for the gym and its clientele to help members work out as efficiently as possible. Al-Hamra Thermae gym offers various classes in their studio for their members including Anti-Gravity Yoga where they can relax and separate their minds from the weight of gravity and drift off into blissful, rejuvenating states of body and mind. They also offer Therapy Yoga, dancing and aerobics classes. After covering the indoor areas of the gym we stepped out to the outdoor track, and what a track it was! The one kilometer track is located outdoors on the second floor of the gym right above the cinema at the center of Al-Hamra Tower. With a million dollar view (as the saying goes), the track is located right above the shopping center of the Al-Hamra Tower, in the open air overlooking Kuwait City’s glorious skyline with another view of the vertical Al-Hamra Tower to be seen from above the running track. Also on the rooftop is the indoor luxury swimming pool area which is decorated with marvelous golden mosaic and gold water fountains— definitely an ideal location to take a happy, energizing dip after a long
Photographer: Khadeija Al-Shimmiri day’s work. And for those who’d like to relax and unwind, the available Jacuzzi is also a great option. It’s worth mentioning that the water used in the pool is treated with the O’zone instead of treating it with chemical chloride. This means the water is healthier for the hair and skin and adds a much higher hygiene level than chloride water. There is also a newly added ventilation system in the pool area which is actually a medical-grade ventilator. This is the same air conditioning system that is usually used for ICU units in hospitals that helps remove humidity and kills germs.
This amazing gym left me in awe and, from the point of view of an experienced, self-proclaimed fitness fanatic, it definitely gets an A+ in my book. I would love to personally thank Al-Qabandi family for having us in Al-Hamra Thermae and for sharing with us what is truly one of the most prestigious gyms in all Kuwait, providing us with more beautiful ways of fine living.
With all these innovative, one-of-a-kind benefits, Al-Hamra Thermae offers so much more to its exclusive members. Only members of the gym get to sport the “key” bracelet which unlocks pretty much everything from the elevator to the lockers. This means that non-members cannot go up to the gym without assistants which gives it a very private atmosphere and an air of both exclusivity and security. All Al-Hamra Thermae members can have private sessions with their personal trainers located in the P.S. reception area and can also consult with a celebrity nutritionist who is working with the gym to provide a nutritional eating plan and dietary guidance. And as if these services and benefits weren’t already enough, Al-Hamra Therma also allows members to book the swimming pool and outdoor track area in advance for private events.
@alhamra_thermae 49
Phill Wright @pvcapital @Creating_Chaos
The Stand Out Gym I recently wrote an article aimed at personal trainers to help them stand out in fitness. Whilst there was a degree of elaboration in my answer, it boiled down to 5 things: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Believe in yourself Make sure your brand matches your product Give first Be yourself Continually review and get feedback
So, how does a gym stand out in fitness? Well, the above 5 pointers still apply but we need to revisit them and think perhaps slightly different.
1. It’s absolutely critical that staff believe in the gym, what it stands for
and what it aims to achieve. If you end up employing staff that simply turn up, do their shift and then leave without passion and excitement then you are allowing the gym’s success to just slip through your fingers. With my background in education, I’m extremely passionate on staff being properly trained. Certification is just a simple way that your staff can stand out above other gyms. Having visited Kuwait, I know that many gyms simply employ people who spend time in the gym and perhaps some experience in helping others but no real qualifications in fitness. By having staff certified and truly living and breathing the values of the gym, your members will feed off this enthusiasm and truly buy into the concept. If you have these types of members, they will champion your business and create a much more powerful word of mouth mechanism. It all starts with passionate staff so how can you achieve this? There’s many ways but to name a few:
• Being very selective with who you employ by having a clear and structured application / interview process • Having regular training and huddles to engage staff, keep them focussed and on a developmental journey • Letting staff become more involved by contributing with ideas and responsibility • Paying them accordingly and reward excellence
2. Having a brand that matches the product is critical. Confusion or inaccuracies just make life difficult. A clear brand shows honesty, integrity, professionalism and is much more easily understood which, the importance of which cannot be underestimated. How do you create a clear brand? Understanding your values and staying true to these has to be a fundamental step. These values should not just influence but dictate your decisions. If a piece of equipment or the latest software for your systems doesn’t sit with your brand values then get rid of it. Having a great designer or graphics person helps and also reviewing your brand regularly. Brands can evolve, some more than others but it’s important that your corporate image stays updated as the company moves on. 3. Give first! I’d say generally speaking, gyms aren’t too bad at this but they could be a lot better. There has never been as much competition in the market place as there is today and gaining the trust of customers is essential if you want them to become long term customers. Giving a trial session is ok but what else could you give to potential customers that phone through or step through the front door? It should be memorable, something that sticks in their mind. What are you prepared to give that could entice people into believing that you are the perfect gym for them? Maybe the question should be put another way - what is the lifelong value of a long term customer to you? How much is it worth to your business to have another customer? 4. There is a cross-over between this and my first point. Believing in the product is the first step but staying true to and being the product is the other. I’ll give an example. One of the first gyms I worked in explored more revenue streams than I thought were possible for a gym. In fairness, the overheads for the building rent and bills etc shot up and I think the owners response was more desperate than strategic. The owner decided to start letting out space to all different types of practices and services. Within weeks there were sunbeds, beauty therapists, nail technicians as well as lots of weird and wonderful products being retailed from reception. Now, had this gym been a spa or a health club, it may have been absolutely a great move to diversify like this but it was exclusively an exercise gym. The membership was built on the notion of a sole site built for being active and that’s what the members believed in. Once all these new types of services started appearing, it dramatically changed the face and the feel of the place and to no great surprise, members started leaving and over just a few months, member numbers dramatically shot down. Fortunately, the owner was able to respond and revive this but it highlights the point, stay true to your brand and be what you are. 5. I guess this is just standard business practice and in no other industry is it more important. The fitness industry is a fast paced industry that is often driven by trends. Gyms often change their timetables more often than football teams change their strips. Always strive to get feedback from your customers. The reality is that, as your customers, they pay your wages and in effect are your boss so they need to be taken seriously. Feedback should always be appreciated, considered and where necessary, acted upon. 51
ey ladies! First of all, I have to say how happy I am to be part of Kuwait’s biggest and brightest magazine family: theCITY family! I've been excited to let you all know about the amazing lifestyles you can lead and the various tools we can all use to help us live more relaxing and healthy lives right here in Kuwait. In Body Miracles you will find interesting articles and interviews in every issue of theCITY to teach you more about Kuwait’s hidden treasures and that will bring you closer to a happier, cleaner, fitter, more organically adjusted lifestyle than ever before! From health, to fitness, to beauty, and to makeup—I want to show you how your body can do miraculous things and give you the most natural, beautiful results if you just give it the push it needs and the care it deserves. In my first edition of Body Miracles, I decided to interview and feature a new sporting location in Kuwait because, as I’m sure many of us know, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. And, because Body Miracles is a page dedicated to the body in it’s entirety—both interior and exterior—I knew that The Yoga Center Kuwait would be the perfect place to start my first visit!
@yogacenterkw 53
Give us a brief introduction about your Yoga Center and its aim. The Yoga Center Kuwait was created on the idea of bringing awareness to the Kuwaiti community by integrating the yoga lifestyle into everyday life. Yoga is a powerful tool to create balance physically, mentally and spiritually. Building this awareness through its varying components; breathing, posture, control of surroundings and a continuing education in making better choices in our many dimensions of wellbeing
Why did you decide to start a sporting business as opposed to another kind of business? We, the founders, are part of the community and we realize the issues and problems that effect the current lifestyle are stressful and fast paced. Another issue is the lack of movement and exercise. The Yoga Center seeks to improve our life in order to develop a better way to deal with these issues through regular practice of yoga.
Why should ladies choose yoga or think of including yoga in their exercise routine? The benefits of yoga provide both instant gratification and lasting transformation. Yoga is not just working out, it’s about a healthy lifestyle. Yoga poses, deep breathing and meditation practices help foster an inner shift from day to day chaos, work related stress and well being issues.
In what ways do you think yoga benefits women—mentally, physically, and emotionally? Yoga can teach us to accept each other’s differences, find balance, spread love, deal with our concerns peacefully, understand our body and listen to it to avoid injuries and stress. Furthermore, it allows us the opportunity to adapt to change and build inner strength.
How often should women attend classes and how long does it take for the classes to take effect? Ideally, a daily yoga practice will bring profound results in all areas of our lives. For those who are new to yoga, we recommend a regular practice of minimum 2 - 3 times a week. Choosing classes that are focusing on breathing techniques, different yoga poses and relaxation will help women to feel stronger and more balanced in many areas of their daily life within 6 - 8 weeks.
Some ladies say, ’I'm not flexible—can I do yoga?’ What do you advise these reluctant women? Yes! Those ladies are the perfect candidate for yoga. Many people think that they need to be flexible to do or to begin yoga, but that’s a little bit like thinking that you need to be able to swim in order to take swimming lessons. Come as you are and you will find that yoga practice will help you become more flexible.
Any type of special food/dietary requirements necessary for yoga? We believe that it is a personal decision for people to choose what kind of food they want for themselves. However, it is worth taking into account that a healthy balance of food choices goes well with all kinds of activities in our daily life. But we always advise no heavy meals 2 hours before practicing yoga and consuming enough water before and after classes will help the body to better detoxify.
What are your larger goals and visions for the future of yoga in Kuwait? Our vision is to make The Yoga Center a place for woman to express themselves, to be free, relax, and take time out of their busy life through regular practice to strengthen their mind, body and soul. It is in our future plan and goals to educate, create awareness and build a yoga community that provides self motivation and finding an inner balance.
Photographer: Yasmeen Ayesh 55
Joy Beyond a Cup Of Coffee
+965 9767 6470 56
Jumana Al-Awadhi @organickuwait @welovekuwait
أهمية التربية الغذائية االتربية الغذائية جزء مهم من تربيتنا الطفالنا .فمثل ما ان نعلمهم
محتويات ما تشترونه من الجمعية بحرص و دقة و تجنب أي
ان ال يكذبوا و احترام الكبير يجب علينا تعليمهم و تثقيفهم عن
مواد صناعية.
التغذية الصحيحة و االسالمية ايضا و الصيام ثقافة و يجب ان يشرح و يدرس بطريقة علمية وال نستخف بعقل الطفل.فالطفل يستاهل و يستحق المعلومة الصحيحة و الوقت و االهتمام فيجب ان نبني قاعدة سليمة لمستقبله و عاداته الغذائية. تركيزي على التربية الغذائية يآتي من ايماني انه ال يوجد شيء اهم من جودة و نوعية الغذاء الذي نقدمه الطفالنا! فنموهم و صحتهم و سعادتهم تعتمد عليه! منذ اول صف درسته قبل والدة ابني بسنوات و حتى يومنا هذا هناك نقاط معينة لم و لن تتغير في المنهج الذي ادرسه ،و مع اني اخصص من وقتي لتدريس الطبخ الصحي للطفل و العائلة هنا في امريكا ،لكن سوف اشارككم بعض العوامل: •اهمية ان
تكون خضرواتنا مزروعة بطريقة عضوية و من غير
اساليب الزراعة الحديثة مثل المبيدات و االسمدة المعالجة كيميائيا. •عدم استخدام السكر او اعتماد الحلويات حتى لو كانت بدون سكر ابيض كغذاء يومي او حتى اسبوعي ( فاالفضل عدم تقديمه لالطفال من البداية حتى ال يتعودوا على المذاق الحلو و يتعودوا طلبه على حساب وجباتهم االساسية). •عدم استخدام المعلبات و االغذية المحفوظة او المثلجة و قراءة 57
•االستمتاع بالطبخ و جعله وقت العائلة يتعرف الطفل على غذاءة و شكله قبل و بعد الطبخ! بل و اشراكه بعملية اعداد الطعام و تعريفه على اسماء الخضار و الوانها و اشكالها. •تناول الوجبات الرئيسية على طاولة واحدة و بنفس الوقت ،و استغالل هذا الوقت للتحدث عن الطعام شكله و لونه و رائحته و كم هو لذيذ و مفيد لنا حتى يتعلم الطفل حسن اختيار اكله بالمستقبل كما انه وقت مناسب ليحصل االطفال على انتباه الجميع و التباهي بمعلوماته و ما يعرفه عن طعامه. •الذهاب الى مزرعة و التعرف على طريقة زراعة و حصاد الخضار كثيرا ما تحبب االطفال باكلها ،فاستخدام كلمات االعجاب لوصف عملية الزراعة و الوان الخضار
يقرب الطفل من الطبيعة و يوسع مداركه.
كما يمكنكم زراعة بعض الخضار في المنزل و سيتعلق اطفالكم بها! •عدم استخدام الزيوت المهدرجة ،االمتناع عن القلي .و شراء افضل و اغلى انواع الزيوت على االطالق ( عصرة باردة)! •عدم المغاالة باستخدام البهارات ،فتعودين الطفل على حب و تقدير المذاق الحقيقي و الطبيعي للطعام! الغذاء الجيد مهم جدا الطفالنا ،و االهم ان يستمتعوا به.
Imagine this. You’re suffering from jet-lag after a long vacation. You can’t resynchronize your biological clock after nothing but 3 months in the sun. You’re strung out on a hectic workweek once the weekend finally arrives. These are all very likely situations for many of us this time of year, and that is exactly where Dream Water comes in to help you relax, unwind, and refresh back into your daily routine. Dreamwaterq8
+965 6601 1670 Photographer: Khadeija Al-Shimmiri 59
Where did the idea of Dream Water come from? As a college student in 2005, Vincent Porpiglia had trouble sleeping. He tried over-the-counter medications as well as prescription drugs, but he was wary of dependency. Making the intuitive leap from counting sheep to great sleep, Vincent created Dream Water, a 2.5oz, safe and effective sleep shot that helps you sleep naturally to wake refreshed. He wanted to help people live more meaningful, successful, and energy filled lives by providing them with a great night’s sleep.
Who should drink Dream Water? Any adult that would like to achieve a better night’s sleep is a perfect fit for Dream Water. Since Dream Water isn’t made with harsh chemicals or strong drugs, virtually everyone can benefit from it without the risk of side effects or risk of dependency.
How does Dream Water help us fall asleep? Dream Water is made with 3 key ingredients (Melatonin, GABA, and -5HTP) that work together to give you the perfect night’s sleep. Melatonin regulates the body’s internal clock inducing drowsiness, GABA helps reduce anxiety and promotes relaxation, and -5HTP, an amino acid, helps improve the quality of sleep. What are the active ingredients of Dream Water? Melatonin, GABA, and -5HTP
Is Dream Water addictive? Because Dream Water is entirely supplemental, with no harsh chemicals or drugs, you can sleep easy knowing that you will not get addicted. Are there any long term side effects when drinking Dream Water? There are no known side effects of Dream Water.
Can I drink Dream Water every night? We encourage our dreamers to integrate Dream Water into their nightly sleep routine. Just like your other healthy “before bed” habits, reaching for your nightly Dream Water will ensure you have a great night’s sleep and the energy to take on all of your tomorrows!
How is Dream Water different from other sleeping aids? First of all, Dream Water is a lightly flavored shot of water versus what is traditionally a pill form for most other sleep aids. Dream Water isn’t made with harsh chemicals or strong drugs as many other sleep aids are. Ultimately, Dream Water is a safe, natural alternative to the current over-the-counter or pharmaceutical sleep aids. Best of all, we available entirely over-the-counter,serving up great night’s sleep with no prescription required!
Why did you select Kuwait as the 1st country outside the USA to offer Dream Water? We generate so much interest from international retailers, distributors and end-consumers on a daily basis. As we continue to manage and react to these inquiries, the “stars” aligned for us to get serious about bringing Dream Water to the Middle East. With a strong economy, a well-developed retail landscape and a consumer base that likes American-made products, Kuwait was a logical market to start our Middle Eastern efforts.
How do you assess the performance of Dream Water in the Kuwaiti market so far? Kuwait has proven to be a great starting point for Dream Water’s launch into the Middle East. We have a great local partner in Beauty Care Kuwait and have seen a tremendous response from direct consumer feedback and a very positive response through our social media platforms. We are very excited for our continued growth in Kuwait and throughout the rest of the Middle East.
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Be the one to make a difference Definition of the group: One is a non-profit volunteer group that was established in 2011 by Mariam Al-Kharafi. The group revolves around charity and environmental activities. The purpose of the group is to enhance the true meaning of volunteer work in our society targeting the youth, and to establish national unity. Their motto is, ‘be the one to make a difference.’ The reason the group is called One is because they embrace all their members into one loving, cohesive unit. Not only through volunteer activities, but also by participating in ways that build positive character and fill their spare time with entertaining activities which aim to create a strong bound with each and every one of them. The concept of being one emerged out of this idea of unity and shared experience. It very much feels like being part of One family.
Forms of animal abuse in Kuwait • Unhumanitarian treatment of animals in the Friday Market. A lot of these animals are being neglected and eventually die due to hunger, thirst, and overexposure to the hot sun all day long • Dog fights had started out as a means of gambling on which a bet would be placed on the winning dog for money. These fights are achieved by starving the dogs for days and then releasing them on one another in a fight to the death. • The importation of non-domestic, wild animals. This is a practice which is not only dangerous for the animal but also for the owners themselves as risks of sudden, lethal attacks from such animals can get extremely high. Not to mention, of course, that most of the animals die shortly after living in a different environment than they are accustomed to. • The savage torture of animals for the sake of enjoyment. This is usually a very strong indicator of a psychopathic personality disorder/ antisocial personality disorder that needs to be identified immediately among parents and families and not tolerated by any means, both for the sake of the innocent animal’s life and for the mental health of the person in question.
‘One Against Animal Cruelty’ campaign In solidarity against the shooting of stray dogs in Kuwait and other forms of prevalent animal abuse, we will be taking a stand in 360 on the 26th, 27th, and 28th (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) of September
from 4pm to 11pm and collect signatures and comments (petitions) regarding enforcing a law that prosecutes animal offenders as well submitting to psychological analysis or psychiatric treatment. We will be directing these petitions to the National Council and pressuring them by highlighting the crimes that are committed against animals in Kuwait and show the society’s formidable stand against such brutal acts, as evidenced by their support in participating in signing the petition.
How can you support this cause? Simply attend 360 on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of September from 4pm to 11pm and stand up for these animals who cannot stand for themselves and give them a voice by signing the petition. Follow @Onekuwait_ on Instagram for updates.
How can you be a One member? You can fill in the application on our website or contact 69998306. 63
Hamad Bouqammaz @makzarah
قصة الكوكيز في البداية احب ابارك لكم بحلول عيد الفطر المبارزك أعاده الله
على الجميع بالخير واليمن والبركات.
ولحسن حظ جميع محبين الكوكيز أن الشوكوال لم تذوب
وتختلط في الزبدة كما كانت تتوقع .ماحدث هو
كل مرة أتناول فيها الكوكيز وأستلذ بطعمها الشهي أدعو بالخير
مشكلة بذلك الكوكيز كبيرة من الكاكاو بداخل الكوكيز المخبوزة ً الذي نعرفه اليوم ومن ثم قامت روث ببيع وصفتها التي أحبها
عالميا و أين اتت هذه الفكره و من اين أتى هذا الحلى المنتشر ً من هو هذا الشخص الذي اخترع هذه الوصفه الرائعه لتخرج لنا في
لمدى الحياة ومازالت وصفة روث السحرية تطبع على أكياس قطع
للشخص الذي ابتكر هذه الوصفة الرائعةز لذلك قررت أن أعرفكم من
هذه الصوره اللذيذه .اول ظهور للكوكيز كان في القرن السابع في
بالد الفرس بعد انتشار استخدام السكر في المنطقه وانتشر الكوكيز
في اوربا عبر المسلمين في اسبانيا بالد االندلسز وفي القرن الرابع
عشر اصبح الكوكيز منتشرا عند جميع طبقات المجتمع في اوربا
وانتشر بعدها عالمي ًا وظهرت للكوكيز انواع ,ومن اشهر هذه االنواع نوع اسمه جمبل وهو كوكيز قاسي القوام ومصنوع من المكسرات
و المحليات و الماء .بعدها وصل الكوكيز للواليات المتحده في القرن السابع عشر ومن الواليات المتحده اخترعوا انواع جديده مثل الماكارون وبسكوت الزنجبيل و الجمبل ولم تكن طريقة خلط الزبده
مع السكر معروفه اال بالقرن الثامن عشر.
في عام ٠٣٩١وعن طريق الصدفة ,نعم الصدفه ,اكتشفت الكوكيز الحديثه حيث كان الكوكيز يحضر كامال إما من السكر أو الشوكوالته. تغير هذا كله عندما قررت روث قريفز ويكفيلد وهي مالكة مطعم
مشهور واسمه توول هاوس إن في بلدة وايتمان والتي تقع في
والية ماساتشوشتش األمريكية أن تنصع كوكيز الشوكوال لم يكن
لدى روث كاكاو كافي لعمل الكوكيز فقررت أن تضيف قطع صغيرة من الشوكوالتة نصف محالة من ماركة نستليه ( )eltseNإلى الزبدة
آملة أن تذوب الشوكوال لتشكل خليطا ممزوجا مع الزبدة ولكن ما ً 65
الناس إلى شركة نستليه مقابل أن تمدها الشركة برقائق الكوكيز
الشوكوال الذي تنتجه شركة نستليه والتي تستخدم في عمل كوكيز
الشوكوالتة تحت أسم كوكيز شوكوال نستليه توول هاوس األصلية.
is Cooking
Photographer: Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
Yireesh Emnahnah is one of my favorite dishes ever. Growing up I loved enjoying it with my family, now that I've grown up, I enjoy seeing my family enjoy what I've cooked. This recipe has been passed down from my great-grandmother to my grandmother, down to my mother and now to me. 67 Photographer: Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
Ingredients: 2 kilos of lamb meat cut into medium pieces 1 kilo of Yireesh 6 onions 1 mashed garlic 10 mashed tomatoes 1 box of tomato paste Salt 4 teaspoons of powdered: black pepper, cardamon, coriander, cinnamon, turmeric.
Method: • Brown onion, garlic and powdered spices. • Add the mashed tomato. • Add the meat as well as the tomato paste and cook for 15 minutes. • Add water and let it boil until the meat is cooked and add salt. • Wash the Yireesh and stir it in a frying pan until it is dry. • Reduce the broth to almost half and add the Yireesh. • When cooked, add a mixture of saffron, cardamon and rose water. • Brown slices of onion and use to garnish. Enjoy!
٢كيلو لحم خروف قطع متوسطة كيلو جريش
٦حبات بصل كبيرة رأس ثوم مطحوÅن
١٠حبات طماط مفروم
علبة معجون طماط ملح
٤مالعق صغيرة مطحونه من: فلفل اسود ،هيل ،كزبرة ،دارسين، كركم
١يحمس البصل والثوم والبهارات
-٢يضاف الطماط المفروم ويقلب لفترة -٣يضاف اللحم ومعجون الطماط ويقلب لمدة ربع ساعة
-٤يغطى بكمية كبAيرة من الماء ويطبخ حتى يستوي اللحم ثم يضاف الملح حسب الرغبة
-٥يغسل الجريش ثم ينشف في المقالة -٦يضاف الى اللحم ويجب ان تكون كمية المرق قليلة حتى ال يذوب الجريش
-٧بعد االستواء يرش السطح بخليط ماء الورد والزعفران والهيل
-٨تحمر كمية من شرائح البصل في الزيت ويزين الطبق بها قبل التقديم بالعافية! 69
Jenny Wright @pvcapital @Creating_Chaos
Working with Your Menu Gone are the days where you can survive by simply throwing together a few dishes onto a list and calling it a menu. With consumers being offered more choice than ever before, it’s critical that your menu is put together with careful consideration, reflects the preferences of your target market, tastes fantastic and ultimately stands out above your competitors. Well, as I support restaurants and food operators in putting together menus that are truly fantastic, I thought I’d throw a few ideas at you to help get you started:
How to develop a menu? The development of a good menu that will stand out and survive the test of time is critical. Here are some steps that should be considered in the developmental stage: • Needs and desires of customers - should form a substantial chunk of your market research • Capabilities of chefs - this is important and may identify areas where additional training is necessary. Remember, work on the basis that the menu is a major component of the identity of the restaurant. If your chef(s) were to leave tomorrow, could you still operate and be confident that you can continue to provide the same level? • Consistency - are your recipes, preparations, methods of cooking systemised and recorded so that any new chef could re-create to the standard you want • Pricing - does your pricing match your demographic, offer value for money and make a profit without out-pricing yourself? • Nutritional analysis - are you being transparent with customers about nutritional information? Customers are more in-tune and want to know basic information such as calorie content, protein, fat and carbohydrate content etc. This is a legal requirement in
many countries and, bearing in mind the global obesity epidemic, a way for restaurants to be open, honest and develop trust as well as accurate in their marketing ie. they could back up statements that suggest food is healthy with factual evidence • Competition - It is important to be aware of the local competition and what they are serving in terms of price, quality and style. This may help you decide to offer something different while, at the same time, being competitive on price and quality • Current trends- While traditional dishes are always popular, regular diners may want to be inspired by something new. Are your customers likely to want to try cutting edge food? University towns are often open to new influences, while areas with a large elderly population – such as seaside towns – may prefer food that is more familiar and comforting • Space and equipment in the kitchen - There is no point putting dishes on the menu that the kitchen won’t be able to cope with, because there is a shortage of steamers, salamanders or some other vital piece of equipment. Only include items that the kitchen can comfortably produce • Supplies - Only include dishes on the menu whose ingredients you know will be readily available in the necessary quantities. This will ensure you avoid disappointing your customers • Food allergies - The most common food allergies are to milk, eggs, fish, shellfish and nuts, so these items should always be identified on the menu. Waiting staff should be aware of the ingredients present in every dish, so that they can answer any questions put by customers • Style - A menu should have integrity, so stick to what you know wand produce it to the best of your ability. Don’t adopt a style, without fully researching and understanding it, just because it’s fashionable – someone will always catch you out • Good nutritional balance - The Food Standards Agency’s Eat Well campaign is a good guideline to think about when ensuring a nutritionally well-balanced menu. This suggests that, for healthy living, our diets should consist of 1/3 fruit and vegetables, 1/3 carbohydrates such as pasta, rice or potatoes, 1/6 dairy products and 1/6 proteins and fats (unsaturated where possible). While a chef will not want to be tied down to these figures for every dish, the advice is worth considering in the overall balance of a menu • Special dietary requirements - Don’t forget to include options for vegetarians and be prepared for special requests, for instance, for dairy-free or wheat-free dishes. • Variety of cooking techniques - Offer dishes cooked in different styles, whether they be roasted, grilled or steamed.
• Less is more - You are likely to win more customers by offering a concise menu of well-executed, simple dishes, rather than providing a menu with an extensive list of complicated items that you are not able to cook consistently well on a regular basis.
• Knows which ingredients go together to taste good within your style of cuisine
• Will bring a nutritional balance to the overall menu
What would a chef and nutritionist bring to your restaurant?
• Experience of catering for individuals and large numbers – i.e. what works and what doesn’t
• Can offer guidance on food allergies / intolerances and meals to cater for different nutritional requirements
• Will support you in recording your systems and processes to ensure that your quality of service is not affected irrespective of staff retention
• Will help develop the transparency of your menu and ultimately the trust customers have with your restaurant
Having the combined skill sets of a chef and a nutritionist would help your business not only support you through the comprehensive points above, it would bring additional benefits from experts dedicated to giving you the best preparation in setting up or re-defining your menu and restaurant:
• Will know the capability of staff and identify necessary training
• Will provide efficient systems for preparation and cooking methods to ensure the quality remains when catering for large numbers
• Can help provide healthy alternatives/options
• Will help the customer understand your menu more effectively and be better abled to make informed choices 71
In these hectic times and busy workweeks getting in a healthy, easy diet is more difficult and more crucial than ever. As you get back into the swing of work and routine, we thought we’d introduce you to just what you need in those rushed mornings to work and back to school: Backerei Woolf, a new German bakery that wants to bring Kuwait healthy, yummy, and convenient pastries in a brand new way. 73
Photographer: Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
Introduce us and our readers to your delightful bakery. Our Bakery Wolf is a German Kuwaiti project bringing German bakery products to Kuwait. We only buy natural ingredients locally and our German master baker bakes it according to old German recipes. Our customers can watch him working from the sitting space in our shop and in front of the cashier as well.
We heard there was a story behind Bakery Wolf. Tell us about it! As our manager suffers from allergies to chemicals herself we thought about bringing something not only new, but also healthy and tasty at the same time to this beautiful country. Bread, cakes, snacks and cookies without food additives can be tasty. If you have quality ingredients, you don't need flavorings, flavor enhancers, and food coloring. And as we bake things fresh every day we also don't need preservatives. In addition to that, we want to cater to the needs of the growing number of sufferers from coeliac diseases, who need gluten free bread and pastries.
What are some the quality details and ingredients in Bakery Wolf? Why is it healthy and who is it intended for? We only use whole wheat and rye flour or white flour; no baking mixes; real Australian butter; no hydrogenated fats; and fresh fruits and vegetables for the juices and sandwiches. It is healthy because you feel that your stomach is full without overeating, which is achievable when you avoid food chemicals. Some of our customers have actually told us that, after a few weeks of buying our products, they’ve lost as much as eight kilos. We don't produce especially for diet customers, but losing weight seems to be a side effect of eating our breads.
What are some of the healthiest items on your menu? For breads we have sourdough rye breads, whole wheat breads, white, brown and gluten free toasts. Our cakes include traditional
German cheese cake, apple cake, carrot cake, blueberry cake, almonds butter cake, and plum cake. When it comes to sweets and smears, we have jam and nutella cookies, butter croissants with cheese, nutella, and almonds paste. Other great items on our menu are baguettes, whole wheat and normal bagels, pizzas, white and brown rolls, German Brezeln, sweet rolls, muffins with coconut. For quick, healthy snacks we’ve got glutten free chocolate and nuts. Our salad sandwiches selection begins with turkey, cheese, halloum and pesto, egg, and German Stollen. And finally, you can also find fresh juices and deuit salads on our menu. We hope to introduce spelt products in the near future inshallah.
Who is your main customer-base? Because Kuwait is such a cosmopolitan place, we consider our customer base to be diverse and unified. So, Germans, Kuwaitis, Americans, French people, and, really, international customers of all origins are our target customers.
What plans and ambitions do you have for the future? At Bakery Wolf, we want to serve as a meeting point for all generations and sectors of society. Young and old, Kuwaitis and Non Kuwaitis, who would not only like to buy or order something for their home, but who also like enjoy a relaxing cup of coffee or organic tea inside the bakery or outside on our sitting space with complimentary WIFI, of course.
Any useful health tips and ideas for our readers? Enjoy tasty food without counting calories or dull diets. You can still keep your body in shape if you eat natural foods that taste good and avoid all chemicals.
+965 2232 2323 75
76 Photographer: Hussain Shamo
Kuwait’s eating scene is nothing if not booming. From boutique restaurants, to mega franchises, to local burger joints as far as the eye can see—the level of entrepreneurship and raw talent going into Kuwait’s local restaurant market is rapid and undeniable. But with the growing number of dining experiences we have here it can be difficult to decide on a worthy choice and even more difficult to know what criteria is most important when judging a restaurant menu. This is where Chef Ziad Al-Obaid comes in. Speaking with a wealth of experience and vast culinary knowledge, Chef Ziad enjoys a reputable name as one Kuwait’s brightest, rising stars in the restaurant world. Having already headed a number of local and international restaurants—he is currently Head Chef at the Breakfast Club—Chef Ziad is your main guide to navigating Kuwait’s endlessly diverse eating sphere from top to bottom. Every month he’ll visit a new restaurant, explore a new cuisine, and share his valuable insight on why the Chef’s Choice is the best choice! 77
Chef's Verdict ATMOSPHERE: 7/10 SERVICE: 6.5/10 FOOD: 7/10 OVERALL: 7/10
I was invited to review the newly opened restaurant Do Re Mi Lounge located in the KBT tower in the center of Kuwait City. Finding the tower itself was pretty easy but the parking situation was a serious problem. There were no clear signs to direct costumers to the parking lots so I had to make do and park in an empty space behind the tower. The lounge is located in the tower's lobby with some pretty comfortable seating that’s quite suitable for group studies or even business meetings. The place was super quite at when I had arrived. The staff was very welcoming and friendly. After choosing a place to sit the menu was introduced to me. It consisted of a variety of juices, salads, sandwiches, pasta, and a breakfast menu. The start was with The Orchestra cocktail which consisted of a blend of mango, orange, and pineapple juice. It was very tasty and fresh. The other choice of juice was The Violin which consisted of a blend of cranberry and apple juice. I found it very refreshing and I absolutely recommend it as a summer drink.
be quite dry. At the end of my experience I had the chance to chat with the owner of Do Re Mi, Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Hathran, and I gave him my comments about the restaurant. As I understood from him the lounge has just launched and, naturally, it still needs some work on the music and menu. So, all in all, here’s my overall conclusion. The Do Re Mi lounge is suitable for a meeting or a quick bite on your lunch break. As far as atmosphere and ambiance go, I’d give it a 7/10. However, when the music really connects, this would probably jump up to a 10/10. The service was just alright so I give it a 6.5/10. The food was good for the most part but, as I said, it lacked a few additions and details here and there so it gets a 7/10 in my book. Round all these categories together and, overall, Do Re Mi gets an average score of 7/10 which is very encouraging and certainly recommended for any up and coming establishment with such a new, lively concept like Do Re Mi.
Then the starter arrived which was a Greek Salad and which, unfortunately, lacked dressing and feta cheese. As far as the main dishes go, my choices were the Pesto Chicken Grilled Sandwich and the Piano Pasta with chicken. The sandwich was made up of homemade pesto sauce, grilled chicken, cheddar cheese and grilled chicken. Taste-wise it was fairly good but the salad within the salad lacked some texture. The Piano Pasta however was delicious! Perfectly seasoned and filled with flavor—this one is a definite must-try! To finish off, I tried the Pistachio Blueberry Cake with Lavender Cream. To be honest, I did not enjoy it very much. I found it to
@doremilounge 79
80 @latifamadouh
By Latifa Madouh
the 81
Mustafa Seven
Mustafa Seven is a photographic empire. His work is prolific yet intimate; soft-hearted yet striking; expansive yet unique. With an impressive portfolio of that ranges from the abstract to the commercially stylized, Mustafa has garnered a positive reputation and a massive following that expands beyond his proud Turkish roots and spans the globe. We at theCITY had the pleasure of exclusively interviewing this modern-day world dweller and globally recognized photography extraordinaire to learn more from him on what it takes to turn imagery into artistry. 82 @mustafaseven 83 Photographer: Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
Who is Mustafa Seven? What a hard question! Aren’t we all looking for the same answer since the beginning of time? Who am I? What am I doing here? I am joking, of course! It’s hard for me to express myself but let me try shortly. I am a passionate photographer, street lover, and mostly a humanist. I was born in 1974 in Sivas, Turkey then I met with the big metropolis when I was 2 years old. Since that moment I felt that my destiny was written in Istanbul.
When and how did your love for photography start and develop? Since I was a kid, I've been really curious about humanity and its life cycle. I've always loved being on the streets and observing people. It is an eternal source of diversity that pulls me in. While I was in University I had a Zenit Camera, which I had started shooting my surroundings with. After I graduated I worked for 17 years in almost all the national newspapers as a photojournalist and photo editor. I opened my own studio, G.I.F, 5 years ago at which I continue my work. That’s pretty much my story but what really lies underneath is my passion and curiosity for humans and the streets.
if we take the case in a technical way, being a good observer, having personal relations, photographic reflexes, work discipline are quite essential.
What is your working process like? Actually I need to confess that I am really messy but I can create my own method in this mess. Generally I am full of excitement and really love to follow up and finish several projects at the same time. This could seem like a bit chaotic from outside but I think this makes me much more creative and fresh. Long story short: I surrender to the flow of life, and this is my working process.
Who/what would you most like to photograph that you’ve never had a chance to? I couldn’t answer your question by reducing it to “who/what” because reducing this to one subject would be a betrayal to photography. Photography is an excitement that trails you and follows you wherever you go. The main idea is to surrender yourself to this adventure. Trust it and follow it. It will tell you “who or what” to photograph.
What makes someone a good photographer?
How do you interact with your subjects in order to capture their true selves?
For me it would not be correct to reduce this into a single formula. But
Generally before starting a project I go through a long research pe-
riod. I write down the captions and make little notes under them. Wherever I travel to I first meet with the local people and spend time with them before taking out my camera. I am trying to include myself in their lives by being a guest in their house and at their table. It is after that exchange and only once I feel and deeply believe that I am one of them that I can start shooting. Instead of trying to be included into their lives with gigantic cameras and lenses this method turns me into an invisible man. If you can’t relate and coexist with them you are nothing but a weird stranger that distracts them and makes them uncomfortable. If you want to put out a great work and reflect the truth you have to be able to be an invisible man.
What message are you trying to get across in your work? I really don’t have huge and high aims like that. I am sure you expect me to give you some kind of philosophical answer, but I just don’t have any. I benefit from photography's universal language. My aim is to create instruments and portals that people could dream through. As I witnessed several times, I listened to many different stories from many different people who had looked at the same work that I shot. Hearing all these stories makes me feel excited and feeds me at the same time. Imagine a world without imagination—how boring would that world be? As long as I can achieve this sense of imaginative scope in my work, I feel like I’ve reached my goal.
What are the most important elements of a great shot? If we ignore the basic technical principles of photography, for me what makes a photo great is feeling the sincerity in it. A technically perfect photograph that is absent from sincerity will not be as successful.
What are some common mistakes that beginner photographers make? I'm not the one who can point out mistakes but I can make some recommendations. They need to remember that the camera is just a machine, and instead of pointing it to everything they see around, they should be more selective in what they are shooting. It is very important to pick a subject and focus on that, know what they will photograph before going out on the street, and to shoot alone rather than with groups.
What makes a photograph art? In all honesty I don't have the answer to that. I believe that it is an illusion. I cannot claim that my photographs are art, if the viewers think so of course I cannot reject that 85
Ahead of Our Time By: Mai Al-Khalifa
aking up with a smile and a warm morning greeting to partners; a kiss on the forehead of little ones and a big hug to the parents is how we do it every day. Obedient daughters, loving sisters, brilliant wives, caring mothers, and dedicated employees are women. Their roles in achieving and advancing the objectives of a nation’s prosperity and economical sustainability cannot be over-emphasized. Successful women in business is a topic that has enticed me along with many others, and has given everyone reason to reconsider the real abilities of females keep up with and take care of countless responsibilities every day. I am overwhelmed and honored to have this opportunity and to write this monthly feature about women who have succeeded and have made it to the top in the GCC. Every day, I discover more about their accomplishments both within their professional and personal lives and, every day, I am more certain that these strong, preserving ladies are true role models of both national and regional pride. A few months ago I defended my MBA thesis which revolved around the successful and remarkable women in Bahrain’s private sector; titled: "Contributing Factors to Businesswomen’s Success: An Exploratory Study in Bahrain." The research was an exploratory study about a topic I longed to explore and learn more from for quite some time now as it inspired me to keep up the hard work and just forget about limitations because, the reality is, no actual limits exist. A prosperous future relates well to knowledgeable and cultured women. Women have been and still are filling a significant role in the development of societies as well as the overall growth and prosperity of entire nations. For instance, the old-fashioned idea of a traditional role for women as housewives and stay-home mothers has expanded to include out of home employments in virtually all fields as a result of enhanced education and a shortage of labor in many developing countries, including the GCC. Changes in women’s roles and their social perception was a by-product of an influx of women into the main stream labor market; the revolution of the women’s movement and the civil rights movement, which propelled women into non-traditional roles; and the explosion in the number of
women who have joined the workforce and who have established an entrepreneurial presence particularly over the last two decades. Yet, long before these advancements and growths had begun to occur, women were always aware of their abilities, as I have studied and have been told about the history of women in Bahrain. Bahraini women have been working hard in various fields since many, many decades ago, doing such things as agriculture and thoroughly looking after crop plantation from start to finish: from planting the first seeds to selling the harvests to market sellers and consumers. Women used to sew and embroider beautiful clothes and turn it into luxurious dresses and thoubs—not a far cry from today’s booming fashion talents in the GCC. Women used to bake and prepare delicious meals made with love and passion for not only their families, but to also distribute around the neighborhood at large and to sell to others within the area. Women were also pioneers in local female and maternity healthcare long before the arrival and the advancements of modern medicine had arrived to this part of the world. In addition, there were women who would travel door-to-door carrying goods and utensils to sell to others. This was a job inherited from former women in their families and passed down along generations of women. Towards the dawn of Bahrain’s advancement era, women in Bahrain joined the police force as officers and guardians; they also worked as nurses and teachers in 1940s when education flourished in the country and people became aware of the formal need for these jobs. The people of Bahrain respected that women were willing to work just as hard as their male counterparts and were supporting their families' income. Moreover, many women also ran successful businesses which they inherited from spouses or parent and, through the direction and management of these women, many of these local business are still holding up in the present day and are still more booming than ever. So, the reality is that many women have made it to the top and were the pioneers in various fields within their country’s road to stability and advancement since the earliest historical ages. These heroic females who painted our glorious past are the role models of the creative, inspired women who are coming up in the GCC today.
88 Photographer: Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
Shahad Bishara For generations, art has been a cultural identifier. If you want to find the heart and soul of any community, emerging art is perhaps the most honest and direct path you can take. And there is no better tour guide to take you down Kuwait’s cultural and artistic journey than Visual Therapy founder and curator, Shahad Bishara. She talks to us about her passion for art, her ambitious plans, and how she sees Kuwaiti art today! @Visualtherapy 89
Give us and our readers a little insight on yourself and what you do. I’m a 31-year-old art aficionado, born and raised in Kuwait. I graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Art, came back and started Visual Therapy. Soon after, I began working at Dar Al Funoon. My life pretty much revolves around art in an extremely rewarding way. I can’t imagine doing anything else!
What sparked your interest in being an art curator and in the local art scene? I would have to say it started during University. Studying art and its history made me appreciate it in a profound way which lead me to pursue an internship at a local gallery in San Diego. I learned a lot about the process of putting together an art show, and it really intrigued me. After University, I started Visual Therapy and the process of selecting and writing the content became a sort of “curatorial” process. It was my job at Dar Al Funoon gallery that ultimately led me to pursue curating as a career. Discovering new work is such a thrill. Being able to bring it all together in a conceptualized show, however, is the ultimate reward.
What is Visual Therapy and what does it hope to achieve? Visual Therapy consists of a group of projects that come together to form a creative force in art and design. The aim is to educate, inspire, and expose talents in all creative fields. It’s made up of the blog, online shop, design studio, and gallery. The blog is the online complement to the platform, in which I post daily art news and happenings. The online shop, which will be launching very soon, will sell original art, prints, graffiti supplies and merchandise. The shop will also showcase Visual Therapy’s artist t-shirt series. Our latest collaboration is with Iranian artist A1one, who is considered to be one of the pioneers of the street art movement in Tehran. Visual Therapy also offers unique creative services, such as graphic design, through the design studio. The gallery is basically a space that is curated and designed by Visual Therapy, which features art and design exhibitions and events. We’ll be popping up in different locations around Kuwait until we settle on a permanent home.
Your recent ‘Not Just a Pop’ show was a huge success and exposed a lot of worthy talent. What was your specific aim and idea behind this show? My goal was to create an event that would introduce Visual Therapy to the community, while at the same time expose local and international talents. I wanted to create a fun art show that moved away from the for-
malities of a typical art exhibition. It was really important to me to present art that the younger generation can relate to and afford. Through these exhibitions, I want to change the perception of art in Kuwait and raise the standards of artistic expression by introducing unique talents.
What do you think is the artist’s role in society? The artists main role in society should be to create art that engages and inspires. I feel that artists also have a social responsibility to cultivate an appreciation for the arts within society. I’m a huge advocate of public art, and think it’s great way for artists to give back to the community and create an understanding for art. Not only to does it transform and beautify our public spaces, but also creates a sense of place and unity within the community.
In what ways do you think local art can expose the hidden, unheard stories and experiences of people in Kuwait? You can tell a lot about the development of a society and its culture through the type of art being created. It could expose history, traditions, and even the dark side of a nation. I still see many local artists who use traditional “Kuwaiti” themes in their art, although some have chosen to go for a more contemporary approach. On the other hand, there’s local art that portrays the struggles of our country, such as the conditions of migrant workers and social problems. It’s nice to see that there is a contrast in local artistic expression. It’s healthy, and I think we are moving in the right direction.
Do you think that entirely original artwork is possible in today’s globalized world? Globalization has a huge affect on local culture. On a daily basis I see people emulating fashion, food, music, and even art trends. With all these influences it’s hard to imagine originality in art. Everything is built from the past somehow. Originality simply becomes how innovative you can be. Having that ability to turn something ordinary and into something completely extraordinary.
Is there a work of art you find particularly inspiring? I’m really drawn to works from a school of art called the Mission School art movement that came out of the San Francisco Bay Area during the early nineties. They were a group of really inspiring artists whose work was influenced by folk art, graffiti, and comics. It had a very urban bohemian vibe to it. Some of my favorite artists came from that movement, and there’s actually a great movie about them called Beautiful Losers. It’s probably one of my favorite art movies out there, and definitely a must see for any art lover.
Attire: Concept 4 91
92 Photographer: Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
Sager Al-Yaseen
In Kuwait, graphic designers come a dime a dozen. It seems like, nowadays, graphic design has become a local and regional vocation and mode of expression among many of the younger generations. And in the age of trend culture and the 24-hour social media cycle, it takes a lot for local graphic designers to truly stand out and identify a unique, original aesthetic quality for themselves. Enter Sager Al-Yaseen: a Kuwaiti graphic designer who is sharp, lighthearted, daring, and anything but conventional. @sageralyaseen 93
Maha Al-Asaker
Whether churning out stunning commercial work for international brands and publications or showing off her artistic, conceptualized skills, Maha Al-Asaker is one of the most in-demand, electric talents in Kuwait’s photography sphere today. Here at theCITY we had the chance to meet and talk to this rising Kuwaiti artist and photography star, up close, personal, and like never before. @mahaalasaker
+965 55853310 99
“ I want to take the photograph from being something solid and dead to something that has a vibration to it. I want you to see something there beyond the photo. ” How and why did you choose photography as your medium? It’s just the way my life has always been. I think my life has been more about trial and error. I just like to try things. That’s pretty much how I fell into photography. It’s a long story but it’s the only way I can tell it. When I was in high school I was all about art: painting, drawing, and every other art class thing. Then I went to university and I studied industrial engineering. That was very, very different. Then I graduated and I worked in investment. That was also very new and very different. I worked in investment for three years and, at first, it was really exciting but then I started to get bored, as I’m known to do. I wanted to do something different yet again. So I decided to do a part-time MBA. During that time I lost my dad and this was right when I was doing my thesis. I was just a mess. I was filled with so many emotions and had so much work to do. It was one of the most difficult times of my life but I got through it and I graduated with distinction. But when I finished I learned a lesson—I would never do or study something that I didn’t truly love just because I was bored. So I focused on something I’ve loved since high school: art. I went home and, once again, wanted to try something new but this time artistic. My sister, who was also a photographer, suggested I try taking pictures one day and the rest is history!
And why did photography stick with you more than your other life ventures? I think it’s because photography is about exploring, so it doesn’t get old. I really like to explore. That’s why I like to be around some children. They honestly teach me new ways to explore and to look at everything as a chance for adventure. They saw ‘Wow!’ at everything they see. When we get older we don’t do that. And also, in the beginning, it really helped me to deal with my emotions like nothing else could. Grieving is very difficult and it can be a long, mysterious process especially if it’s someone like your dad. So, in a way, I’m attached to photography emotionally and mentally more than anything.
In what way has photography helped you re-discover Kuwait? In every way! There are so many places and kinds of people that I didn’t even know existed in Kuwait before I started taking pictures. And it’s not just Kuwait. It helped me re-discover the world. I’ve met thousands of people from so many different backgrounds and different stories. I really like this kind of interaction that photography gives me.
100 Photographer: Hussain Shamo
Your first meaningful experience with a camera? I have a photograph hanging in my home that I named ‘Shy.’ I took it in Kuwait National Museum where they had all these wax figures on display, and there was a lady among them wearing a traditional Kuwaiti thoub and abaya. Something about her drew me to her. She represented something. Women now are not as shy as they used to be or were expected to be. A long time ago that was a great value for a woman. And even though she looked hidden and truly shy, something about her was seductive. She looked like she wanted to speak—like she had a soul within the wax.
Any favorite locations? When I started I joined some clubs in Kuwait like the Kuwait Science Club and they used to arrange group photography days that gave us access to special, hidden places. And one day they took us to a location that I had been dying to go to ever since I was in high school: Mishref Palace. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was summer; it was hot; it was so exciting! I was recently looking at the pictures I took there and I still haven’t posted them online or shared them. That was a great day and still one of my favorite places.
The triangle seems to be a very prominent shape for you, it’s your logo and it’s a gesture of yours. Why is the triangle so special? The triangle is sharp and to the point—like me. It also holds my initials inside it. Plus, the triangle represents a lot of things in photography. One of the first things you learn is the ISO, shutter, and F-Stop triangle. Another thing is the way the triangular prism emits colors from white light which is a beautiful, hopeful thought. So it’s perfect for me because it represents who I am, what I do, and what I value. It’s not a Masonic symbol or anything like that. It was designed by local graphic designer, Bader Bouariki.
How do you give your pictures that living, breathing, moving quality? I’m very happy to hear you say that! Because that’s always the point I want to reach with my photographs. I want to take the photograph from being something solid and dead to something that has a vibration to it. I want you to see something there beyond the photo. How does that happen? I’m not so sure! I like psychology. I like to understand people. I like to observe people’s behaviors and to try to see what makes them radiate from afar. You know, we’re humans so it’s also about communication and exchanging thoughts. I just talk to people and try to get them comfortable in their own private zones.
How would you like to be remembered? As a smiling, positive person. That’s how my father, who is my hero, is remembered today and that’s how I want others to think of me too. 101
Esra'a Fadhel Luscious silks, lively patterns, flowing gowns, and impeccable taste‌ head designer at Sassy Dresses, Essr’a AlFadhel, invites theCITY magazine to take an exclusive look into her beautifully styled life and her booming talent for chic, fashionable creations. @sassydresses 103
Tell us a little about yourself and about Sassy Dresses.
What makes your new line unique and different from your previous work?
I am Esra’a Fadhel, from Kuwait, married to a wonderful man, a daughter of great parents, and a radiologic specialist working in Amiri Hospital. Just someone very passionate about my life!
What makes Sassy Dresses unique is that I honestly choose my items very carefully so that everybody, of all tastes, will love them and appreciate them.
When and how did your path in the fashion design world start? I have been crazy about fashion and shopping since I was a little girl. My first inspiration in the fashion design world was the amazing Elie Saab. I was almost 14 years old when he started to get famous around the world, and I was very mesmerized by his work. Since then I knew that I was in love with fabrics and with designing—all I ever wanted to be was a huge designer someday. At the beginning I was very afraid to start, because, clearly, Kuwait has been exploding with designers over the last ten years, and I didn’t want to be like everyone else. It took me years to have the power and the courage to take those first steps in the fashion world, but my husband was the first one who encouraged me to start so he was, and still is, my motivation. The first choice I actually made was not designing it was selling fashionable items which I brought exclusively from abroad. I thought this was a good way to introduce people to my taste in fashion. The first time I actually designed something was in 2011.
Do you have a creative process for coming up with new designs? Whenever I design an item, I try to create something that almost everyone will like in one way or another. That’s the mindset at which I start my process. The idea is always to present something that will unite people’s senses and give them a sense of worth whomever and wherever they are.
What inspires you or sparks your creativity? I am most inspired by happiness. The happiness of those I love and the happiness of the world around me fill me with inner joy and happiness. I can do my best work and think most creatively when I am at my happiest.
So, naturally, I take time before I put out something. It’s not just about the finance for Sassy Dresses, it’s about creating something special, and I think that’s what really makes Sassy Dresses stand out.
What do you want your customers to feel when wearing Sassy Dresses designs? My goal is to put out something that girls really deserve. Something that makes them feel happy about themselves, and truly makes them feel pretty from inside out.
What do you think are the main elements of a good, beautiful design? Honestly, the only real thing about designing and the most important elements to remember are love and passion. You have to really love it and, if you do, that passion will show.
Do you have a store where our readers get their hands on your work? Well, I had a boutique in Shuwaikh but soon enough I hope to reveal my new place. 105 Photographer: Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
Bringing both an air of charming fantasy and luxurious delicacy to whatever she touches, few people know how to put on a classier, more unique event and ambiance like Concierge cadeaux et fleurs. Immersing us in her flowery, mystical world of beautiful talent, we bring you the creator and bonafide dream girl behind Concierge, Amirah Al-Sha’lan. @conciergekw
Amirah Alshaalan 107
Tell us about Concierge—what services does it provide and what does it aim to do? At Concierge cadeaux et fleurs, we create events, themes, flower arrangements, and gifts ideas to our growing clientele. Concierge mainly provides the right advice in picking the right gift for our busy clientele who strive to impress their loved ones with a unique gift or event. They either don't have the time to do it, or they simply like the hassle-free service that we provide. The aim of Concierge is to study the occasion, devise the event concept, plan the logistics, and coordinate the technical aspects before and during the event. We simply handle each and every detail from invitations to ambiance to managing the flow of the event.
How did you get your start as an event planner? I’ve always been the one to manage events for my family and friends. My unique ideas, attention to detail, and organizational skills have contributed to the success of each event. Basically, my career in event planning began through word of mouth. I was recommended by family and friends to put events or parties together.
To build experience, I started planning a lot of small events on my own for friends and co-workers, for example a friend’s baby shower or an office party. At the same time, I was learning and assisting in bigger events and weddings. Eventually, I decided to combine my passion for event planning and my entrepreneurial spirit to establish my own business, Concierge cadeaux et fleurs. I went to the United Kingdom to attend specialized courses to further build my skills. I enrolled in 2 interesting courses in the UK. One was a course with the gift wrapping guru Jane Means and the other was a flower arrangement course that I attended at the Covent garden Academy of Flowers. In addition to attending courses, I constantly try to keep myself updated about new trends and themes related to event planning. My inspiration for choosing textures, colors, designs and shapes comes from Sarah Haywood, Mindy Weiss and Preston Bailey to name a few. I admire Jo Gartin's attention to detail as I also feel that small details make a big impact.
What do you like about event planning? Event planning is like putting together a puzzle. They all start with small pieces in the form of a task, checklist and time-line. On the day of the event, all the pieces come together and it’s an amazing feeling. I love the fact that I have the opportunity to be a part of the special moments in people's lives.
What’s the key to throwing a fabulous event? Many people talk about dreams, but only a few can make them happen. At Concierge, we have the ability to do that. To be an event planner, you need to get nitty-gritty with the details. Choosing the right venue, music, and lights helps to establish the mood and ambience. Furthermore, you need to have an eye for creativity, negotiation and interpersonal skills. Tact, multitasking abilities, and the ability stay calm under stress and pressure without pulling your hair out are also essential in this line of work. All of these are key ingredients to a fabulous party.
What is the coolest event you have ever attended, and why? "The Taste of Dubai" which is a food & music festival held at Dubai Media City was the coolest event. There was a lot of attention to detail. There was a wonderful atmosphere and something for everyone. A variety of different food, music, and cultures all rolled into one fantastic event. In addition, I attended the New Years Eve Event that was held in Times Square, New York City. Although there were many people, the event was very well organized. There were many facilities nearby.
Why do you think social media has become so important in the event planning world? Well, it’s free, and it reaches millions. Sure, technology gives us a lot of shortcuts to make our job as event planners easier. We need social media to get the word out about our upcoming events. The more you combine social media and event marketing throughout the planning and execution process, the more successful each event will be.
What advice do you have for aspiring event planners? You must love or have a passion for this field and grow a thick skin. You will come across many personalities, and you must meet them all with a smile. Another crucial tip is don’t forget to enjoy the process. Organizing an event can be overwhelming and stressful, but try to relax. At the same time, don't be afraid to push your creative boundaries—it's fun to experiment. Moreover, having backup plans in place and making sure all vendors are working extra hard as a team is extremely important. And finally: prioritize! Any event can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be.
Photographer: Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
MRYIIAM SAYS Each one of us has our own interpretation of fashion. According to Coco, she herself represented fashion. We are living in a world that is being updated second-bysend, where social networks are our second homes, having conversations through twitter, whatsapp, and emails. Life is flying by so fast that we don't have time to talk about who or what we really are. mryiiam
110 111
o, before I go into the fast-paced world of style, glam, and the endless whirlwind of fashion, I’m sure you’ve all got a simple question in mind: Who is Mryiiam?
Mryiiam is a Kuwaiti girl, an Interior Design graduate continuing her B. A. in Architecture in jolly England. Studying and living abroad has presented me with difficulties in trying to represent who I am to the world, especially as an Arab female. As a female, my interests are pretty predictable. For a lot of girls, one of the first things to consider when moving someplace new would be the shopping environment. I remember the first two things I Googled before moving to England: the nearest Starbucks cafe, and the nearest shopping center. And this is where my own revolution began. I can only describe it as a collision between art and fashion. I remember entering one of my first studio classes and hearing all the comments about how bright my outfit looked, or how polished my nails were. I stood out between all those gray raincoats here and there and people definitely noticed. During the following weeks of my Architecture studio sessions and lectures, my influences got wider, and they started to influence the way I dress. Materials of different buildings and their color schemes started to play a huge role in the way I put
my outfits together. One day I was struggling with a concept idea for a project and, puzzled by my situation, one of my colleagues looked at me strangely and told me “I have never seen you in the same outfit twice. You have a huge passion for art and fashion, use it in your designs!” I smiled widely, and did the exact opposite. I used architecture with fashion. While dressing up and compiling my outfits every day, the quotes and thoughts of world-famous architects were my own fashion guides. Lesson #1: Less Is More. The less you put into your outfit the more bold it will look. I know that sounds like an oxymoron but, trust me, this is one of the most essential rules in both fashion and architecture. If you’re thinking of wearing a really strong color, try to tone it down with some neutrals and make sure the accessories are less. This will help show the boldness in the color while also making for great contrast. Don’t just say who you are. Show who you are. Until next time, Mryiiam 113
Photographer: Hussain Shamo
Fatma Al Qaderi As she rises to notable fame and recognition in Kuwait,’I WISH’ star Fatma Al-Qadeeri has a lot of ambitious ideas, daring plans, and creative energy to share. The brains and the beauty behind the wildly exciting and super successful Red Carpet Hair Show, Fatma is speaking to theCITY exclusively about how she came up with this inspired idea and what other cool plans she has in store! @fatma_alqadeeri 115
Tell us a little about yourself and the Red Carpet Hair Show. From my beginnings after I graduated from university with a Mass Comm. major, I had a dream to startww my own PR agency. But I never got the chance to establish this agency since I joined the private sector and started working there. I learned a lot but it took up 80% of my day. After I completed my time on the ‘I WISH’ TV show, I said to myself, “this is the right time to do it!” However, this time I want it to be related to fashion and beauty. Kuwaiti girls are so up to date regarding these matters and, sometimes, they actually do travel just to have a new hair color or to have a new look. I've chosen The Red Carpet Hair Show to be my first step in this field, where local beauty salons and interested people in this field can learn the new techniques in hair coloring, cutting, and up-dos from world known professionals.
How did you come across Ersin Camsari? Well, being the traveling addict that I am, I literally get a new hair color and hair cut everywhere I go. I had heard a lot about Ersin Camsari’s Beauty and Hair Academy during my visit to Istanbul, so I visited his salon back in 2011 and, since then, I became a regular customer of his. Ersin Camsari himself is so professional and talented and he’s a regular participant in the international Hair Shows held in Italy and throughout Europe.
Why did you think Ersin Camsari was worth bringing to Kuwait? Ersin Camsari has a lot of regular customers from the GCC and the Middle East, and I noticed this immediately whenever I visited his salon. That’s actually what happened to me: I traveled to Istanbul last March just to have a new hairstyle and look for the ‘I WISH’ finale show. This was when the idea hit me to have him visit Kuwait so he can teach his unique techniques and spread them throughout Kuwait. Kuwaiti women have recently become very interested in Turkish hands and Ersin has his own Academy in Istanbul specialized in hair and beauty, so he was perfect.
How did you come up with the concept of the Red Carpet Hair Show? I've always wanted to do something new and the concept truly is very new to Kuwait. But it is actually a very well known idea in Europe as many beauty salons participate and compete in front of judges. They also sometimes do this as a regular hair show to help set off and introduce new hair trends around the region. Recently in Kuwait we had a pleasant number of fashion shows so why not to have the first hair show! When I presented this idea to 52Degrees Company the welcomed it right away and they jumped onboard as my media partner, and I pretty much started from there!
What were the overall goals and achievements of the Red Carpet Hair Show? The main goals are to share new trends in hair coloring, cutting and styling in Kuwait; teaching new techniques to people interested in this field; and to build a good relation between hair salons and centers where they can gather for 3 days just to learn and see how international hair dressers perform. For me, The Red Carpet Hair Show was a great platform to help set a new standard in the regional beauty field in which Kuwait could possibly be a beauty landmark in the Middle East one day.
How did you find the reaction of the audience and the participants? Although it was hard to organize such an event, the feedback made it all worth it! The Red Carpet Hair Show took a lot of efforts to set-up the concept, find sponsors, arranging the venue and the international communications with Ersin Camsari. We had meetings everyday for a whole month just to set the schedules, to prepare a list of the tools needed, and implement the ideas in the exact ways we wanted. The feedback was amazing and most of the participants asked me to do it again. Also Ersin Camsari himself found Kuwait a great place to share his passion with the fashionable Kuwaiti women so he welcomed the idea to set another hair show or take part in a similar event.
Planning any other fabulous events on the horizon? There are some new event ideas in the beauty and fashion field, but I'm still in the planning stage and I hope to finalize it before the New Year inshallah. And of course I would love to share it with theCity and to have your great team be a part of it!
116 @qabaq @qabaq
The New BMW -4Series
BMW has finally revealed the all-new 2014 4-Series Coupe; the fourth generation BMW sport mid-size Coupe. This new 4-Series replaces the 3-Series Coupe that we have long gotten used to. Now however, we don’t have to get confused about whether the 3-Series is a Coupe or Sedan. BMW wants to differentiate between their coupe models and their sedans. Moreover, this gives the popular Coupe version a higher class name than the sedan which represents its greater technical differentiation from the BMW 3-Series. The new BMW 4-Series Coupe now has its own stand-alone design and higher specifications. It is visibly larger in width and wheelbase than the outgoing BMW 3 Series Coupe, and its dynamically stretched coupe silhouette sits considerably lower to the road. This, together with its BMW-typical short overhangs, long bonnet and set-back passenger compartment with flowing roofline, gives the BMW 4 Series Coupe a sporty visual appearance. The front has a striking and aggressive design with large air intake and twin circular headlights complementing the new signature BMW double-kidney grille. Another unique elements are the Air Breathers, posi-
tioned rearwards of the front wheel arches to reduce drag in this area. The interior of the BMW 4 Series Coupe presents a stylish fusion of sporting allure and exclusivity. All the controls central to driving are arranged ergonomically around the driver and give him or her optimum access to all functions. High-grade material combinations and unbeatable finish quality accentuate the premium ambience of the new BMW 4 Series Coupe. Customers can choose from three equipment combinations and an M Sport package as alternatives to standard specification. The Sport Line, Modern Line and Luxury Line packages allow visible individualisation of the car’s exterior and interior appearance. The new BMW 4 Series Coupe also has a longer wheelbase, wider track and lower ride height than the BMW 3 Series Coupe it replaces. Its lower suspension brings the car’s centre of gravity down to below 500 millimetres, giving it the lowest centre of gravity of any car in the current BMW model line-up. As a result, the new BMW 4 Series Coupe is one of the sportiest series-produced cars in the BMW range and sets new dynamic standards in the segment.
The sporting two-door model will be available from launch powered by the following engines: the six-cylinder in-line petrol engine in the BMW 435i Coupe, the four-cylinder petrol unit for the BMW 428i Coupe and the four-cylinder diesel for the BMW 420d Coupe. All the engines work using the latest BMW TwinPower Turbo technology and produce power ranging from 184 hp to 306 hp. The power from the engines is sent to the rear wheels via a six-speed manual gearbox as standard. BMW will also fit all the engine variants – as an option – with an eight-speed Sports automatic gearbox, which allows the driver to change gear manually as well using shift paddles on the steering wheel. The two petrol-engine model variants can be specified from launch, as an option, with the BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system.
In conjunction with the optional automatic transmission, the BMW 4 Series Coupe now also features a coasting mode for the first time. Another innovation is the Proactive Driving Assistant.
The BMW 4 Series Coupe also has many new technological features, such as the Auto Start Stop function, Brake Energy Regeneration, Optimum Shift Indicator and on-demand operation of ancillary units, do their bit to ensure it impresses with low fuel consumption and emissions, too. Indeed, ECO PRO mode gives the car the potential to cut fuel use by as much as 20 per cent.
As far as infotainment is concerned, extremely efficient interface technology enables the integration of smartphones and numerous Bluetooth office functions.
Other highlights in the new BMW 4 Series Coupe is the new generation of BMW ConnectedDrive featuring a new generation of the Navigation System Professional, which offers extra capability, sharper graphics and 3D elements for the map display, the full-colour BMW Head-Up Display, Driving Assistant Plus, which warns the driver of a potential collision with a pedestrian, the intelligent, glare-free LED High Beam Assistant, Active Protection with Attentiveness Assistant and the latest development stage of the Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go function.
The latter now also offer the driver the services of a dictation function with full speech recognition. Source: 119
Khalil Al-Hamar @khalilalhamar
Gadgets WHAT’S COMING UP WITH iOS7 Apple iOS 7 has undergone a complete change. Now with a creative, unique interface design of the whole operating system. This is the second UI Design change Apple has had since 2007. Apple will release their first official version to the users the. The key features of the new Apple iOS 7: • Complete UI overhaul with adaptive colors and system-wide changes • Back swipe gesture • New system icons and folders, animated icons available • System-wide parallax effect • Dynamic wallpapers • Control Center with toggles, multimedia controls and shortcuts • Updated Notification Center with three tabs • All apps multitasking with new card interface • Updated Safari browser with unified search filed • iTunes radio AirDrop file sharing • Inclinometer within the Compass app • Camera filters with live preview and new square mode • New Photos app with better photo organization, picture editing • Weather app with live weather animations • Updated Maps with Night mode and Turn-by-Turn walking directions New Siri interface, new supported commands, new voices • Contact Blacklist FaceTime audio • Activation lock Automatic app update • Cellular data usage breakdown
Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom brings together a smartphone and a compact camera to form one hybrid device for casual photographers. Switching features is available by capturing your photos through the camera or calling directly through the phone. You can share your photos/videos directly through the helpful 3G/WiFi feature. This is definitely the preferred handy gadget for photographers, journalists, social media staff and bloggers. Main Specifications:
HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PERFECT PC? Always think and write down your wants and needs from the PC you are thinking of getting before making the final purchase. You have to ask yourself some relevant questions before you buy: 1. Am I using the PC for home, personal work, or the office? 2. How many hours will I be using the PC daily? 3. What are the main features on my PC? 4. Will I need a desktop PC or a laptop? What are the recommend features? 1. High processor 2. High RAM (4GB/8GB) 3. 500GB+ Hard-Drive 4. Built-in WiFi& Bluetooth 5. CD Drive 6. HD Graphics 7. Reasonable Size 8. Light to carry
Internal memory: 8 GB
Dual Core 1.5 GHz 3.5mm jack
Display: 540×960 pixels
Weight: 208g
Android Jelly Bean v4.2.2
WiFi& 3G
Camera: 16 Megapixels
Google Maps
Adobe Reader
QR Reader
Adobe Photoshop Touch
the VIBE Diving Reaches New Depth The Oris Aquis Depth Gauge Renowned for producing specialist diving watches, Oris is proud to introduce the new Oris Aquis Depth Gauge. At the forefront of mechanical watch innovation, Oris has harnessed its knowledge, expertise and craftsmanship to produce the first divers watch which measures depth by allowing water to enter the timepiece. Revolutionising the world of professional diving, where safety and protection are paramount, Oris' engineers have applied the Boyle Mariotte Law to the patented Oris Aquis Depth Gauge. The special sapphire crystal, 50% thicker than an average top glass, features a channel milled into the side which runs anticlockwise round the dial, stopping between one and two o'clock. At 12 o'clock, a hole leads to this channel. Expertly crafted, the join between the crystal and the case is sealed by a rubber gasket. On descent, the air inside the channel is compressed by the surrounding water pressure, allowing water to enter through the hole at 12 o’clock. The edge, in light grey and dark grey, differentiates between water and compressed air on the scale around the outside of the dial, indicating depth while descending or ascending. Diver safety is crucial, and Oris' innovative depth gauge ensures accurate depth measurement. The indicator benefits from no inertia, not delaying the accurate and actual depth indication –particularly useful in decompression breaks in lesser depths. The stainless steel case showcases an instrument look design, featuring a unidirectional revolving top ring, with black ceramic inlay. Water-resistant to 500m the Oris Aquis Depth Gauge marks a technical breakthrough in depth measurement, seting a new standard in diving watches.
L’OCCITANE Launches New Repairing Complex With Essential Oils NEW REPAIRING COMPLEX Specially formulated to treat dry, weakened and brittle hair, the new repairing hair care ritual from L’OCCITANE helps repair, strengthen and protect the hair fiber.
ANTI-BREAKAGE PATENT PENDING In 2013, the L’OCCITANE laboratories are registering a new ‘anti-breakage’ patent. A repairing formula made with angelica that combines five precisely dosed essential oils with a blend of plant-based restructuring amino acids This new repairing complex leaves hair soft and light, repaired from roots to tips.
ريعه ألطفال سوريا وأقيم بأشهر قاعات هارودز أول عرض أزياء عالمي تنظمه سيدة أعمال قطرية في لندن •لندن تشهد أول عرض أزياء عالمي تنظمه سيدة أعمال قطرية
وذوو الخبرة لقب أفضل منظمة معارض عربية وخليجية في تنظيم
•ابنة قطر نجحت في تنظيم عرض عالمي لترفع اسم بلدها عاليا
عروض األزياء العالمية ،وذلك بعد نجاحها في تنظيم أول عرض
•حضر العرض أميرات وكبار الشخصيات ..وحرم السفير القطري أول الحضور
•ابرز العارضات اللواتي قدمن األزياء الخليجية والعربية ملكات جمال انجلترا 2007و 2008و 2011
•تنظيم العرض أصبح حديث لندن والصحافة واإلشادات سببها روعة التنظيم
•آل إسحاق أول قطرية تحمل "العنابي"إلى العالمية عبر تنظيم عرض أزياء عالمي
•مس انجلترا 2013سفيرة للعرض ونجم عرب آيدول محمد طاهر غنى لقطر
•أقيم عرض األزياء بقاعة جورجيان إحدى أشهر قاعات العرض في هارودز
لندن: أثارت الجهود المميزة لسيدة األعمال القطرية فاطمة عبد العزيز آل
إسحاق الدهشة واإلعجاب ،ومنحها مصممو المعارض المعروفون 123
أزياء عالمي في العاصمة البريطانية لندن والذي احتضنته قاعة جورجيان الشهيرة في متاجر هارودز. وأصبحت " القطرية " فاطمة عبد العزيز أل إسحاق حديث الصحافة العربية واألجنبية التي تابعت العرض ،والذي حصد نجاحا وإقباال واسعين ،السيما وأنها أول خليجية تنظم مثل هذا العرض العالمي فضال عن أنها التجربة األولى لـ "آل إسحاق " خارج بلدها قطر ،والتي تعد خطوتها األولى لالنطالق نحو العالمية في تنظيم المعارض .
الثقة الكبيرة ولثقتها الكبيرة اختارت سيدة األعمال القطرية فاطمة عبد العزيز آل إسحاق "لندن" مكانا لتنظيم الفعالية حيث أشرفت وتابعت كل صغيرة وكبيرة في تنظيم هذا العرض العالمي الذي أطلقت عليه اسم ( .)The Fوشارك في عرض األزياء نخبة من المصممات والمصممين العالميين والعرب والخليجيين ،وحضره كبار موظفي السلك الدبلوماسي وشخصيات رفيعة المستوى في لندن وشخصيات اجتماعية وثقافية وفنية خليجية وعربية وأجنبية.
the VIBE MAMAS AND PAPAS Introduces new Maternity wear for Fall This season, Mamas and Papas have taken inspiration from have created their new collections drawing inspiration from the lifestyles of busy mums-to-be. The collection is all about functional fashion that looks great and works well, from the school run right through to a dinner date. From easy-to-wear pieces that can be layered through the Autumnal weather, to Stylish colour block tops and spot jeggings to keep mums looking on-trend, as well as elegant dresses and jewelled tops for some evening sparkle, Mamas and Papas has your Autumn maternity wardrobe covered. The brand introduces a new range, ‘School Run’ that consists of unstructured and easy to wear pieces to throw on for busy mornings, to ensure that mums-to be look stylish with minimal effort. Relaxed knitwear is teamed with skinny jodhpurs and the collections Italian fabric hooded cape coat finishes the look. ‘Lunch out’ is another story in the Fall collection that has catwalk inspired geometric prints and a fresh take on colour blocking, creating a stylish look for sociable mums-to-be. Day dresses in shift shapes and oversized shirts to team with our spot jeggings ensure that on-trend maternity dressing is easy. Sophisticated separates and dresses for the working mum-to-be are also on offer under the line ‘Work it’. A monochrome palette and simple silhouettes create a timeless and minimal look. The ankle grazer trouser is a staple for any work wardrobe and is complimented by the satin lined blazer and a neat collared shirt or blouse to complete the look. Glam It’ offers an eclectic mix of prints inspired by the arts and crafts movement in a rich autumnal colour palette, which create glamorous styling for expectant mums. Jewelled pieces and metallic threads add a touch of sparkle for an evening look.
COACH MEN’S FALL 2013 Coach Men’s takes its collection to an even higher level this fall with new designs incorporating bold color, fresh materials, graphic patterns and more functionality than ever before.From statement pieces to timeless essentials, the Men’s Fall 2013 collection offers an even greater breadth of possibilities for the Coach man’s business and casual needs. The Bleecker Collection, as always inspired by a casual and rugged yet refined lifestyle, is updated this fall with handsome combinations of smooth, textured and pebbled leathers paired with suede and nubuck. These mixed materials further elevate the season’s designs with subtle tones and texture, giving the assortment a distinctly luxurious, expensive feel. The Bleecker Harness Field Bag in Black/Mahogany is the new everyday business essential, offering a defined yet relaxed feel with heritage bridle-leather details for style.
MOUAWAD Introduces the grande ellipse accessories The Mouawad Grande Ellipse Accessories collection hits Mouawad boutiques in the UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The new line of contemporary and sophisticated accessories for men has been designed and crafted by Mouawad to complement the Grande Ellipse Watch collection which is now exclusively available at Mouawad stores. “Only a few months after the launch of the first collection of watches bearing the Mouawad name—The Grande Ellipse—we are now introducing a range of handsome accessories to accompany these distinctive chronographs. Mouawad’s gentlemen customers can now visit our boutiques not only to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones, but also to select the appropriate accessory to personalize their style. The Grande Ellipse Accessories and Watch collection proffer a distinctive, sophisticated and coordinated style for the modern and elegant gentleman,” said Alain Mouawad, Co-Guardian of the Mouawad Watch Division.
HARRY WINSTON Premier Feathers
Harry Winston has raised the principle of sublimating feminine beauty to the rank of an art form. The Premier Feathers Collection admirably embodies this aspiration to transcend aesthetics in appealing to the senses and to emotions. The latest creations in what has become an iconic collection are once again touched by the grace of the unique skill exercised by Nelly Saunier. A gifted master plumassière, or feather artist, she is endowed with masterful and delicate expertise that enables her to tame feathers in such a way that they obey her creative purpose. As delicate as its raw material, this art is practiced by a rare breed of craftspersons who continue to perpetuate this ancestral ornamental art. Loyal to its vocation, Harry Winston wished to express itself in a unique register where poetry and sensuality merge to form an inseparable whole. 125
Sep READS Where’d You Go Bernadette: A Novel By Maria Semple Bernadette Fox is notorious. To her Microsoft-guru husband, she's a fearlessly opinionated partner; to fellow private-school mothers in Seattle, she's a disgrace; to design mavens, she's a revolutionary architect, and to 15-year-old Bee, she is a best friend and, simply, Mom.
The Light Between Oceans By M. L. Stedman After four harrowing years on the Western Front, Tom Sherbourne returns to Australia and takes a job as the lighthouse keeper on Janus Rock, nearly half a day’s journey from the coast. To this isolated island, where the supply boat comes once a season, Tom brings a young, bold, and loving wife, Isabel. Years later, after two miscarriages and one stillbirth, the grieving Isabel hears a baby’s cries on the wind.
The Pecan Man By Cassie Dandridge Selleck In the summer of 1976, recently widowed and childless, Ora Lee Beckworth hires a homeless old black man to mow her lawn. The neighborhood children call him the Pee-can Man; their mothers call them inside whenever he appears. When the police chief’s son is found stabbed to death near his camp, the man Ora knows as Eddie is arrested and charged with murder. Twenty-five years later, Ora sets out to tell the truth about the Pecan Man.
Me Before You By Jojo Moyes A love story for this generation, Me Before You brings to life two people who couldn’t have less in common—a heartbreakingly romantic novel that asks, What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart?
The Language of Flowers By Vanessa Diffenbaug The Victorian language of flowers was used to convey romantic expressions: honeysuckle for devotion, asters for patience, and red roses for love. But for Victoria Jones, it’s been more useful in communicating mistrust and solitude. After a childhood spent in the foster-care system, she is unable to get close to anybody, and her only connection to the world is through flowers and their meanings.
The Art of Hearing Heartbeats By Jan-Phillip Sendker A poignant and inspirational love story set in Burma, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats spans the decades between the 1950s and the present. When a successful New York lawyer suddenly disappears without a trace, neither his wife nor his daughter Julia has any idea where he might be… until they find a love letter he wrote many years ago, to a Burmese woman they have never heard of.
Tell The Wolves I’m Home By Carol Rifka Brunt
The Kitchen House
1987. There’s only one person who has ever truly understood fourteen-year-old June Elbus, and that’s her uncle, the renowned painter Finn Weiss. Shy at school and distant from her older sister, June can only be herself in Finn’s company; he is her godfather, confidant, and best friend. So when he dies, far too young, of a mysterious illness her mother can barely speak about, June’s world is turned upside down.
By Kathleen Grissom
Source :
Orphaned while onboard ship from Ireland, seven-yearold Lavinia arrives on the steps of a tobacco plantation where she is to live and work with the slaves of the kitchen house. Under the care of Belle, the master's illegitimate daughter, Lavinia becomes deeply bonded to her adopted family, though she is set apart from them by her white skin.
HOROSCOPES ARIES (March 21 - April 20)
LIBRA (September 24 - October 23)
TAURUS (April 21 - MAY 21)
SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22)
The variety in your social life may have reached the bedlam state and you should take time to sort things out and do away with the unnecessary dates on your calendar so that you can enjoy the truly important ones. Give a thought to spending time with an older person who cares deeply for you.
Be careful not to assume the worst about a close friend or lover, particularly if someone comes to you bearing tales. If the charge is serious, face up to it and ask for an explanation — but don’t convict before the defense has a chance to speak. Absolute honesty in a work situation is vital.
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)
SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21)
A major purchase you have been planning should perhaps be delayed for a short while until you get some definite information on a promised promotion or pay raise. Consider becoming involved in some community project which could utilize your talents and yield personal pleasure.
If at all possible, plan to get away for a few days in the near future so you can re-think some longmade plans for the future. A change in direction now might be difficult — and even painful — but not as much as it could be later. Give up on a romantic project that has been hanging fire.
Remember that it takes acorns and a lot of time and patience to make a shady oak tree, and that seeds planted now may take a long time to come to fruition. Avoid making enemies over minor matters, even if you feel you are right. An interesting evening could develop from what seems to be a very boring affair.
Be satisfied with getting the job done, even if the credit is claimed by people of little real ability. Wise observers will know who is responsible and arguments over a credit line could prove harmful. Financial matters should be handled promptly and advice should be sought from an older.
CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
CAPRICION (December 22 - January 20)
Your ability to expend energy over and above your normal expected share is a rare gift — but you should be cautious of doing so much that you endanger your health. As the season begins to move more definitely into the cooler period, you should be careful of exposure and drafts.
A change of direction or profession is not impossible for you at this point. It is not advisable to throw away years of preparation on a lark — but remaining in a situation because it is easy is not the best move either. Seek advice from a person who has faced a similar situation.
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Use that recently acquired bit of “found” money in ways that will bring personal pleasure. Saving is a good habit — but you also need to indulge yourself once in a while, in order to keep the creative juices flowing. Don’t go off the deep end over a new love interest.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 23) Family illness or an accident could mar your plans for a long-planned outing or vacation. Keep your money in your sock instead of throwing it away on projects which will not do much for your personal pleasure or your long-range improvement.
AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19)
Your love life may be in for an exciting, if bumpy, period during which there could be some exhilarating highs — and a few deep depressions. If you hang on for the entire ride, however, you will probably be glad that you did. Career choices could be many at this time.
PISCES (February 20 - March 20)
Your business life could become inescapably involved with your private life, bringing a good deal of frustration and even unhappiness — unless you follow a strict rule about fraternization in the office. Keep your head down in any family arguments and avoid direct confrontations. Source : 127
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