Issue 17 / November 2013
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Dearest readers,
اعزاءنا القراء
Delicious is one of those words that you can savor on the edge of your tongue. It's a word that evokes a sensory longing to touch, to see, to hear and, of course, to taste. In our 'Delicious' issue this is exactly the kind of experience we want you to live through our pages. Every single feature and page in this issue is dedicated to the raw, handmade, meticulously crafted, and variously 'delicious' talents and concepts that fill Kuwait in a number of beautiful and promising ways. Violin-makers, calligraphers, nutritionists, and yummy food galore are but a few of the sensory journeys we want to take you on November in theCITY!
نحن سعداء بلقاءنا بكم في كل شهر متمنين ان ننال علي اعجابكم .. ورضاكم في سعينا دائما نحو التميز واالختالف ففي هذا الشهر جمعنا لكم نخبة من هواة الطبخ وعشاقه ليقدموا لكم كما استضفنا خبيرة التغذية الرائعه غنيمه الريس، وصفاتهم المميزه استضفنا الخطاط، وبما اننا نري بان الفن ذو قيمة رائعه في المجتمع.. الماهر جاسم النصراهلل ليستوضح معنا جمال فنه وابداعه بالخط وصانع .. الكمان هيثم الغريب و ألننا نحب كل من يسكن بلدنا الحبيب الكويت و نشجع من يبدع فيه سنعرفكم على مصممة األزياء التونسية الجميلة جيهان بن جازية و المزيد من المفاجآت لكم في هذا العدد متمنين لكم رحلة إيجابية مع صفحات . مجلتكم ذا سيتي
Sincerely, Khaled Al-Qahtani
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Fawaz Zain @hi_all
Reasonable care is taken to ensure that theCITY Magazine articles and other information in the magazine are up-to-date and as accurate as possible as of the time of publication. No responsibility can be taken by theCITY Magazine for any errors or omissions contained herein. Furthermore, responsibility for any losses, damages or distress resulting from adherence to any information made available through this magazine is not the responsibility of theCITY Magazine. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theCITY Magazine.
Drawing the Line / page 98 Jihene / page 80
theVISIT / page 56
Spotlights On:
Food for Thought / page 20
When Did You Know? / page 12
Crème de la Crème / page 48
10 Playing the Martyr
34 Old Is Gold
96 Kitchen Style 98 Drawing the Line 102 They Live Where They Love 106 theCity Kids
12 When Did You Know? 16 Social Media 18 A Self Made Name
WELLNESS 20 Food for Thought 24 Hollywood Smile 26 Body Miracles by Rawan 31 الســـــــر 32 Mind the Gap
37 Ali Asks: Hunch Gourmet Popcorn 38 44 48 56 62 66 70 76
Chef's Choice Brilliant Dates Crème de la Crème theVISIT Dallah Anmar is Cooking Fine Living The Big Chill
BEAUTY & FASHION 80 Jihene Ben Jazia 84 Status Symbols
theVIBE 112 Wataniya Telecom 114 Fun Run 116 Zain 118 Nuqat 2013
Dalal Al-Janaie @marsvenuskuwait @marsvenuskuwait
Playing the Martyr Winter has finally arrived and the cool crisp air is truly exhilarating. That said, at the end of the day we all long for the warmth of our homes and families, but for some, this warmth no longer exists. After many years of marriage, some may find themselves in a cold relationship, sad and unsatisfied. What happened? Where did the years go? Where did all the sacrifices go? As a relationship coach, one of the major problems I’ve seen marriages and relationships face is when one of the partners takes on the role of the martyr. A martyr is someone who employs selfsacrifice and victimization as a way of avoiding an active role in their marriage and avoiding responsibility for their own life. Oddly enough, the martyr is prepared to take responsibility for everyone else's life except their own. Martyrs are invariably unhappy and unfulfilled because they deny their own needs for the sake of others. They view life as a struggle, and themselves as a bastion of righteousness in an ungrateful world. The Creation of a Martyr The martyr is typically, but not always, played by the wife. She may have seen her mother take on a similar role with her father and the family as a whole, or she may feel like she deserves this role as a reflection of her low self-esteem. As a child, a martyr has always been burdened excessively with responsibilities. They were forced to sacrifice their childhood fun and leisure by looking after siblings, and generally behaving like
a responsible adult from an early age. This makes most individuals serious and resolute beyond their years and also reinforces the conviction that they should live by serving and catering to the needs of others, even if it means repressing their own needs. Everyone comes before them and it is never their turn. As the martyr grows into adulthood, they usually choose to care for and help others while sacrificing his or her own needs. These kinds of people have an attraction to those whom they feel requires their help. They are usually attracted to those who are selfish and intolerant because those people compliment their roles well. Their objective in life is to show others how to be good. The martyr surrenders to abuse hoping to appeal to the conscience of the abuser. Martyrs consider themselves as examples of how a good and selfless person should behave. They honestly believe they are models of virtue and that their goodness will eventually "rub off" on others if they try hard enough. When this doesn't work, martyrs usually resort to making the spouse feel guilty through nagging and passive-aggressive behavior. Taking a Toll on the Marriage Don’t mistake martyrs for the victims of a marriage. This kind of person has played the destructive role by choosing not to take on any responsibility in the relationship. By maintaining the peace and appeasing the spouse’s every want and desire, the martyr has chosen to allow others to abuse him or her. A martyr passively accepts verbal abuse, physical abuse, criticism, disrespect just because they think it’s a part of the virtuous package of ‘self-less’ love. Over time, the martyr’s skin wears thin and they will begin to believe that their spouse will not change their ways. As a defense mechanism, martyrs usually change their approach and choose to address their dissatisfaction with whining, nagging, and complaining to friends and family, but rarely do we see the martyr taking on a positive, active role in the creation of his or her own life goals. This behavior allows the martyr’s partner to take on the role of the aggressor and the taker. After many years of this dysfunction, the spouse may ends up feeling bored and even guilty for his/ her behavior. Once this stage is reached, it’s only a matter of time until either party terminates the marriage.
Are You Playing a Martyr or the Victim? Think back to your daily interactions with your spouse. Let’s begin with a few questions for all you married folks out there: • Do you feel uncomfortable with your partner’s actions but do not call him/her out on it? • Have you chosen to play along or, worse yet, believe that you deserve the abuse? • Do you sacrifice your personality, dreams, ambitions, or self esteem in the name of love? • Do you believe that your happiness is dependent on your spouse? • Do you believe your spouse is better than you? • Do you whine or nag about your spouse but never speak up? • Do you resort to passive aggressive behavior? • Did you answer yes to any of the above questions? If you did, please read on. How to Stop Playing the Martyr If you found yourself portraying characteristics of the martyr, I am proud of you for stepping up and acknowledging that you may have a challenge that needs to be addressed. First and foremost, start by understanding where and why you have chosen to not take responsibility for your life. The more responsibility you take, the more satisfying your life will become. Secondly, stand up for yourself. Allowing abusive behavior will not make it magically stop. If you do not voice your dissatisfaction in your partner’s behavior towards you, your partner may harbor under the misapprehension that you are ok with this treatment. You are not married to a mind reader. You can voice your dissatisfaction without a fight or face to face confrontation. Thirdly, I am here to warn you that allowing your partber to abuse you will eventually cause him to feel and truly believe that you are not the amazing, strong person you have been striving to be all along. What will happen is that your partner will simply dump you for a person who values his or her self enough to not allow anyone to abuse them. Respect is a result of what you tolerate and do not tolerate. You are in control of how much people respect you, in the end of the day. Keep that in mind. Dearest readers, I hope this month’s article has shed some light on an important subject. Take care of yourself and your marriage. The article was inspired by Carolyn Bushong’s book, “The 7 Dumbest Relationship Mistakes Smart People Make.”
تضحية و فداء نتيجته التهلكة فغالبية الناس في نهاية يومهم يرجعون إلى بيوتهم حيث الدفء و المحبة ،و لكن هناك الكثيرون ممن يفتقد هذا الشعور .فهم يشعرون بالتعاسة و الحزن مع اإلحساس بعدم الرغبة بالرجوع إلى البيت. و هم يستغربون مما آلت إليه أوضاعهم رغم كثرة تضحياتهم و سعيهم إلنجاح زواجهم. و كوني مدربة حياة فإني أرى أن أكبر مشكلة تعيق الحياة الزوجية هي حين يأخذ أحد الطرفين من األزواج دور الضحية .فهنا نجد الزوج أو الزوجة قد قرر أن يكون فدائيا و يضحي بنفسه عن طريق إنكار ذاته و احتياجاته النفسية ،و بالتالي عدم تحمل مسئولية المحافظة على كرامته أمام تعسف الطرف اآلخر .لذلك فإن هؤالء األزواج الضحايا غالبا ما يشعرون بنقص في حياتهم يحرمهم من السعادة ،و يرون أنفسهم بأنهم على صح و أن شركاء ال يقدرون تضحياتهم. تقمص دور الضحية-: إن تقمص دور الضحية ناتج من اإلعتقاد الخاطىء بأن اإلنسان عندما يكون طيب و هين النفس و ال يعترض أو يحتج على من يخطىء بحقه فسوف يجبر اآلخرين على احترامه و محبته و تقديره .و كثيرا ما تأخذ الزوجة هذا الدور لحرصها على استمرارية الزواج .و هذه الحالة قد تكون إما نتيجة لتقليدها لدور أمها في عالقتها بوالدها ،أو بسبب عدم ثقتها بنفسها والعتقادها بأنها ال تستحق اإلحترام و التقدير من الزوج .كما أن الزوجة الضحية تؤمن منذ صغرها بوجوب تحملها مسئولية العناية بإخوانها الصغار ،و إنكار ذاتها و احتياجاتها إلسعادهم .و يزداد لديها أهمية هذا الدور عندما تكبر ،فنراها تنجذب في عالقاتها اإلجتماعية نحو األشخاص المتطلبون و اللحوحون و خصوصا الذين 11
يتصفون باإلنانية و عدم القدرة على التحمل و الصبر. غالبا ما تكون الزوجة الضحية مستسلمة استسالما كامال لسوء معاملة زوجها .فهي تضحي بنفسها من أجل ارضاءه و تؤمن بأن طيبتها الزائدة في إنكار احتياجاتها و تقديم زوجها عليها هو العمل الصح و الذي يجب على جميع النساء القيام به إلنجاح عالقاتهم الزوجية .فالزوجة الضحية تعتقد بأن زوجها سوف يستوعب في نهاية األمر عظم تضحياتها ،و بالتالي ستحصل على التقدير و العرفان الذي تستحقه. و لكن عندما تطول مدة عدم تقدير جهود ها تبدء نفسيتها بالتأثر .فتلجأ إلى أسلوب التذمر و العدائية السلبية في التعامل مع زوجها كأن تتعمد القيام باألخطاء و تتجاهل احتياجات زوجها و ذلك لتشعره بالذنب من سوء معاملته لها. أرجو أن ال تنخدعوا بهذه الفئة من األشخاص الذين يلعبون دور الضحية ،فلهم دور كبير في تدهور عالقتهم الزوجية .فهم لم يحاولوا أن ينتصروا هم لكرامتهم المهدرة ،ولم يتحملوا المسؤلية نحو ذاتهم و احتياجاتهم النفسية .فالزوجة الضحية هي التي رضت للزوج بأن ينتهك كرامتها و أن يسىء معاملتها سواء كان باأللفاظ النابية أو بالضرب أو بالنقد الالذع أو بعدم اإلحترام .ثم لجأت إلى أسلوب التذمر و الشكوى ألصدقائها و أهلها دون أن تحاول تصحيح وضعها فعليا بالنقاش الفعال مع زوجها .و عندما تصل األمور لهذا الحد قد يشعر الزوج بالملل من هذه العالقة و قد يشعر بالذنب و هنا قد يشعر بأن الحل هو اإلنفصال. من منكم متقمص بدور الضحية؟ أرجو أن تفكروا بتصرفاتكم اليومية مع شريك حياتكم
باإلجابة على األسئلة التالية-: هل تضحون بكرامتكم و أحالمكم و طموحاتكم من أجل الحب؟ هل تعتتقدون بأن سعادتكم مبنية على سعادة شريك حياتكم؟ هل تعتقدون بأن شريك حياتكم أفضل منكم؟ هل تتشكون من شريك حياتكم لآلخرين ؟ أم تتحدثون معه عن األمور التي تضايقكم؟ هل تستخدمون أسلوبا سلبيا في تعاملكم مع شريك حياتكم؟ هل تشعرون بعدم اإلرتياح في عالقتكم الزوجية؟ إذا كانت إحدى إجاباتكم بنعم فاعلموا بأنكم قد اخترتم أخذ دور الضحية بإرادتكم؟ كيف تتوقفين عن أخذ دور الضحية ؟ أوال ،أنا أشكر شجاعتك باإلعتراف بأنك قد أخذتي دور الضحية بإرادتك .و هنا عليك
تحليل األمور التي
تتصرفين بها كزوجة ضحية .و تذكري بأنك حين تأخذين على عاتقك مسؤلية حماية نفسك ضد أي تعسف من الزوج فسوف تشعرين بالرضاء عن حياتك. ثانيا ،عليك أن تدافعي عن نفسك ضد أي إساءة قد تبدر من الزوج سواء كانت ضرب أو سب أو قلة احترام. فعندما ترضين بإساءة معاملته لك فإنه سيتمادى و لن يتوقف لحد معين من اإلهانات .فاإلنسان ال يستطيع قراءة أفكار غيره .فإن لم تتحدثي مع زوجك عن األمور التي تزعجك و تضايقك فقد يظن بأنكي راضية عليه. ثالثا ،أحذركم بأنه في حالة استمرار الزوج بسوء المعاملة لك فإن األمور ستتطور إلى األسوأ و سوف تجعل الزوج يشعر بأن زوجته انسانة غير قوية و ليست رائعة و سوف يبحث عن زوجة أخرى لها قيمة و تقدر نفسها و ال ترضى باإلهانة. أعزائي القراء،في حالة رغبتكم بالقراءة أكثر حول هذا الموضوع فيمكنكم الرجوع إلى كتاب عنوانه " أكثر 7أخطاء شائعة يعملها األشخاص األذكياء " للمؤلفة كارولين باشونج.
ost moments that make up our lives are unremarkable. We embark on our daily routines and our demanding schedules, merely clocking the hours away, never to be recalled again. But, for all of us, there are those moments that touch and shape our lives in the most definitive and earth shattering of ways. Like the precise moment when you knew, in the deepest recesses of your soul, that you had discovered your calling. When the path to your most passionate of ambitions was revealed to you. We asked Haitham Al-Ghareeb, a somewhat obscure and aptly masterful Kuwaiti violin-maker, when and how he happened upon that one moment. The moment he discovered that working with wood, strings, and their transcendental product—the violin— was his life's calling.
Theory 13 Photographer : Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
needed an instrument, so I made an instrument. That was pretty much the start of my unknowing journey down the path of violin making. In 2000, I was desperately looking for a decent violin to buy because I had recently become interested in learning how to play violin, especially since I was already an avid Oud player. At the time, the Kuwaiti music market was quite poorly stocked in violins and, despite doing some extensive research and retail hunting, I could not find a single violin that was suitable enough to play reasonably well. The best I could find in Kuwait was either an extremely cheap, poorly-made Chinese violin, or broken, out-of-order violins that were only used for lessons.
If I wanted a violin I would have to create one for myself. Thrilled and anxious at the thought of this new creative project of which I knew very little, I was fairly certain that I could at least create something similar to a violin in exterior structure and form, especially given the fact that my father and his fathers before him had a long-lived history of dealing with wood and building ships with their own bare hands and, later, building magnificent ship models. So, anyhow, the process was underway. I would begin building my own violin. I purchased a piece of local wood from Shuwaikh
here in Kuwait. I used the most humble of tools as I had no intention of pursuing violinmaking as a life-long craft at the time, and my only guide was an old, broken violin that I had been given as a gift by my old friend, Omar Al-Essa. I would just look at this old, worn down instrument and try to duplicate the forms and curves onto my own violin—I didn’t even possess the right measurement tools at the time! After battling with the less than perfect local wood quality and with my incomplete toolset I ended up with an instrument that looked somewhat like a violin. It was a sight to behold, but the most beautiful part was the sound it made. Listening to the sound that creaked out of this structure that I had created, no matter how imperfect, was beyond enthralling! However, the sheer level and mass of my mistakes and errors in making this first violin were, of course, undeniable. Upon discovering this newfound love for the craft, I wasted no time researching and learning about the process of violin-making, after which proceeded my purchase of the right tools and importing the right kind of wood necessary for the making of a properly functioning violin. I soon realized that this whole project was going to be more costly and time-consuming that I had originally bargained for but it was
work that my hands had found an immediate home in and a knowledge whose history and practice I studied with passion and resilience like I had never done before. Upon the completion of my second violin, my feelings could barely contain themselves. Sure, this violin was not without error but— oh, but!—it made a most beautiful sound. But it was a sound that, at the time, I did not have the knowledge nor the experience to decipher or to understand. So I took my beloved creation to one of Kuwait’s most welltrained musical ears and esteemed violinists, Mr. Abuallah Al-Dhulaie. He gave it the onceover and played delicately for a few minutes; and his reaction was all but priceless. He was mesmerized by it. When I informed him that this was my own creation, he was absolutely shocked—even more so when he found out it was my first truly serious effort in violinmaking! He asked me if I was interested in selling it and, from that point on, I knew that I had something special at hand. I knew that he wasn’t simply spewing compliments and niceties at me out of social courtesy. I knew that my work and my hands had created something truly meaningful to someone. To this day, that first modest violin is Mr. Abduallah Al-Dhulaie’s most used, favorite violin of all. And I couldn’t be prouder. 15
Hind Al-Nahedh @Hindrelations
How to Leverage Trending Topics for Social Media Success Avoiding trends is a great way to keep our closet free of outdated clothes. Avoiding trends on social media, though, is a huge mistake. Social media trends give us instant stats that we can use to for fine tuning, content ideas that will get noticed now, and even links and social recommendations that help our brand clim b to to the top of the pile. Twitter, Google+, and Facebook all use trending information, though how they use it and what they offer us is different. Trends And What’s Hot On Google+ Google+ began adding trends in late 2011. Trends are only visible on Google+ after we do a search, and they are not related to our search. They will appear in the right side bar. Google+ offers a way to track trending topics. It seems strange that Google+ has buried trending topics by keeping them off of the main page making them available only after
we look for something. There is potential in Google+, though, as with all things connected to Google, that what is trending on Google search itself might eventually integrate with how Google+ features trending topics. Right now, we can use Google Trends to see what’s hot in Google search at any given moment. Google+ profiles offer individual users the option to include What’s Hot in their feed. Users can control how much of this they see by going to their What’s Hot page using navigation in the left sidebar, and adjusting settings. They could turn it off entirely if they wanted to. That end-user control, mixed with a bit of mystery, makes What’s Hot a bit of a Wild West; Google doesn’t tell us how they determine what makes it on the list. At face value, it features posts that are getting a lot of shares, comments, and +1's. While we can’t control our content to the extent that we make it viral, we can increase the likelihood of getting shares, comments, and +1's by using a strong
visual element, strong written content, and working to increase the number of people who have us in their circles. Trending Topics on Twitter Twitter has shown trending topics for a while, and offers them some customization. Users can choose if they want worldwide trends, United States trends, or even trends specific to a list of selected cities. Twitter trending topics can be customized by geographic location. Twitter’s trending topics are constantly changing, and provide real-time information on what Twitter users are talking about now. However, they don’t show what people are necessarily looking for, only what is being tweeted. Because Twitter bases the trends on a very simple “most talked about” basis, the trends can sometimes be gamed. Justin Bieber, anyone?
Facebook Groups The News Feed By Topic Facebook groups posts in user’s news feeds by topic. Whether or not the posts are tagged, Facebook collects them under one roof and presents like-posts in one grouping: You may notice some of your News Feed stories are now grouped together by topic. We want to show you the most relevant and interesting information, and this test is designed to show you trends among what your friends are saying. Any time multiple friends or pages in the user’s news feed post on the same topic, they are collected into a grouping of collapsible content, a kind of story. This story will read “[Friend's name] and [X] other friends posted about [page name].” The name of the Page will be linked automatically.
for this to happen, and it keeps mention of our brand on the news feed longer. It also shows a user that several friends have talked about our brand, which builds trust. If we’re active with our brand on Facebook and can get users to share our posts, there is a good possibility that we can help create a story around our content and gain more fans for our page. Making The Most Of Trends From a content-creation standpoint, we can see what people are talking about and either join in the conversations and possibly be added to additional circles, or we can create content ourselves and find new audiences as people find us through trending topics. Facebook, Google+ and Twitter work with trends differently, and though Google+ offers us the least amount of control
Facebook will group content in the news feed by topic or by link.
as content creators, we can still use these same techniques to some extent for each of them.
While Facebook likely did this to help organize an otherwise cluttered feed, it really gave brands a great opportunity. For free, our link is provided through the natural conversation on Facebook. We don’t have to do anything
Plan Ahead Plan ahead, and think of upcoming events (holidays, different occasions etc.) that we can post content about. If breaking news — local, national, or world — happens, get in on the
conversation at the ground floor. Find a way to connect our page to the trend, and both start a conversation while getting in on it. Planning ahead is probably the best way to take advantage of what trends have to offer. Trend Watch Using the tools Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ provide, watch the trends regularly. Look for topics that we can weigh in on, topics that can connect to our brand or might be of interest to our fans and followers. Tag Accordingly Use hashtags and other key words so we are included in trends. Make sure we give our posts every chance of being included and found by an audience eager to find out what’s happening right now on a specific topic. Think how each social media system uses and looks for trends, and create content accordingly. Understand how trends work for Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, and use that to our advantage. For once, siding with the popular kids might be OK :0) Hope you benefit from our monthly Post , & always remember to engage online . Twitter 17
Doha Al-Mutawa
A Self Made Name
Because of change, people adapt, learn, and succeed... When I was little, my dream was to become a power-puff girl. I wanted to save the world from evil and make it a better place. As I got older I realized that education is the first step to a better place. I still remember my first day at university. I wanted to look professional. I carried a huge file—it was too big for me. and much bigger than the items I had inside it. But I didn’t care. I was so happy that I wasn’t wearing a backpack anymore. I hung my ID card around my neck, which was not exactly the most fashionable accessory to wear... but I was proud of it! I am proud of my educational journey. Not only did I complete my bachelor in 3.5 years, but I was also given the opportunity to become a peer tutor. My students made me feel like I can really make this world a better place by using my education to help others. I want to nurture people’s minds; it’s the first step to change. When you want to reach a goal, work for it and exert a lot of effort to reach it. You won’t really feel the sense of achievement if you get grades through wasta or social connections. The actual act of earning your grades is of supreme importance, and will help you monitor your progress and strive to improve. It’s also a great motivation for the desire to learn and the desire to accomplish something on your own. Receiving an "A" grade because you have a privilege is not only unfair to others, but also to yourself. You may not realize it, but you are destroying your future. By taking these shortcuts, you can only benefit in
the short-run, by improving your GPA, getting a scholarship or whatever. However, in the long-run, you will simply not be able to advance or make a real contribution because you will not be able to make use of this privilege everywhere you go. You can't just sit there and ask for success. You must have the will, know the way, and take the steps. Think of it this way: it's like climbing a ladder. You are on the first step now, and nobody but yourself can get you up to that second step. You must lift yourself and step up on your own. That’s the way it has to be with every step until you reach the very top. But then again, what is the top? There is no limit to your success... My parents are my prime motivators. My mother is my best friend and she is with me every day, and along every step of the way. Like a diamond, she makes my life sparkle and my heart filled with motivated passion. She always says that I am a winner. She makes me believe that I can overcome any challenge at anytime. My loving father, my hero, has always told me to do my best and God will do the rest. His wisdom always keeps me going and gives me strength during tough times. Last February, I joined the MBA program, and I will go on to do my PhD. Only one professor has ever truly inspired me, the youngest Ph.D. holder in Kuwait... my sister, Dr.Fajer Al-Mutawa. My parents have taught us that education can take us anywhere because, in the end, your family name doesn’t make you; you make your family name! 19
Food for Thought Just in case you didn't get the
memo: food is a big deal. What you
eat, where it comes from, how it affects your body and all the other basic yet essential questions that a lot of us, surprisingly, don't know enough about are exactly the kinds of questions that define the difference between a healthy organic meal that your body will love you for or a colossal, digestive land mine that will send you down a spiral of regret. Thankfully, we've got the young, renowned, alarmingly well-read, certified nutritionist Ghanima Al-Rayyes (otherwise of @gcalories Instagram fame) to answer all those tough, puzzling, and absolutely necessary questions that will help us all navigate the long road towards a truly nutritious, deliciously healthy lifestyle.
20 21
The ideal diet would be to choose right, vary, make it colorful, and give your body what it needs.
Photographer : Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
When did food spark your interest? Well, to be honest, it hit me during my first year in college when I took an introductory course on nutrition as an undeclared major. What does the word 'organic' really mean? Well, in terms of food or agricultural products, organic means foods that have been produced through approved methods, and any food grown or made without the conventional pesticides, fertilizers and chemicals and containing almost the same nutritional value. In your opinion, what is the ideal diet? It’s a lifestyle. Making healthy food choices that we can live with on a regular basis. There really is no meaningful value in going on a diet plan for a few weeks if we can’t sustain it. So the ideal diet would be to choose right, vary, make it colorful, and give your body what it needs. What do you think needs to change in the Kuwaiti food industry? Food industries should promote healthier food options, instead of brain washing the public with junk food. We need more restricted regulations for misleading labeling and checking the claims instead of confusing customers. For instance, a false claim that some companies have used to deceive consumers is the concept of “cholesterol free” vegetable oil. Vegetable oil in general does not contain cholesterol since it only comes from animal sources and partially hydrogenated fats. It’s a somewhat misleading premise of healthy food.
Do you think people in Kuwait think enough about what they eat?
what is in their food and have the right to choose between GMOs and organic products.
Yes! But they lack the knowledge, and the professional guidance. Especially so in Kuwait, the society thrives on misleading nutritional claims and the “magic” pill that makes everything disappear in a minute.
Why do we over-eat?
What would you like to see more of on our food labels? First, we need more governmental supervision to assess the current food labels out there. Secondly, we need to follow the food labeling guidelines in order to fulfill the standard regulations. For example, in Kuwait a well-known juice company uses the same nutrition label in all their juice packaging ignoring the variations in nutritional values. Are genetically modified organisms (GMO) necessarily bad food? Well, genetically modified organisms/food are a big, controversial matter right now, but they’re not necessarily bad. Many GMOs are being used to help with the food production for growing populations around the world, extending the shelf-life of fresh produce and improving the nutritional value of foods. For instance, improving fruits, nuts, and vegetables with higher levels of “phenolics” which is a type of antioxidant that helps in fighting cancer. Also, “golden rice,” which is modified rice that contains an addition of vitamin A to prevent malnourished countries from suffering, is made possible through the use of GMOs. In any case, food labeling should be mandatory because consumers have the right to know
Over eating is an endless road. Everyone has his or her own trigger. It can range from extreme happiness to major depression. We blame it on the weather, the time of the month, exhaustion, stress, family problems, boredom, and the biggest bullet is our social gatherings. Every gathering is like a food competition and the best host is the one who stuffs their guests most. How can we learn to eat better? Seeking professionals, getting more involved in nutrition campaigns and, most importantly, educating our selves by reading from reliable sources, as nutrition really is an on-going field. Are there any specific foods you recommend for a healthy diet? Every individual has their own nutritional needs but what I recommend generally is more fruits & vegetables, whole grains, avoid refined grains (white bread, rice and pasta), cutting down on red meats and, most of all, sugary and fatty foods. How do you see the future of nutrition and health in Kuwait? I see a bright future in Kuwait since the nutrition working force has dramatically increased in these last few years and is already causing a huge impact on the society. Whether it is working on an individual basis or within larger collaborations with professionals, Kuwait is taking good steps in raising health awareness. 23
Dr Mubarak Al Saeed
Orthodontist Jahra branch - Bayan Dental Center @bayandentalkw @Bayandental
Achieving the
To create a younger looking smile, the top front two teeth (central incisors) should be 0.5 to 1mm longer than the lateral incisors (fig 2).
“Hollywood Smile� with Your
(Fig 4)
(Fig 1)
Natural Teeth Recent studies have shown that a smile influences social attractiveness and builds relationships. It has also been proven that unattractive teeth prevent otherwise qualified candidates from acquiring jobs or promotions. In addition to the social benefits there are several health benefits of smiling such as relieving stress, boosting the immune system, releasing endorphins, and making a person look younger. However, to reap all the benefits of smiling, people want to be confident when showing their teeth and gum. The infamous "Hollywood smile" is what they all seek to obtain.
(Fig 2)
Smile Width: With a narrow smile, a buccal corridor (black triangle) is created which is a dark space between the back teeth and the corner of the lip, visible upon smiling. A wider smile allows one to note the ideal progression from the front teeth all the way to the back teeth, which is more attractive (fig 3). However, with braces we should be careful not to completely eliminate these black triangles, as it will give the illusion that the teeth are not natural.
(Fig 5)
Inter-incisal angles: Small triangular spaces between the tips of the teeth. These angles should get progressively larger as we move backwards in the dentition (fig 6).
(Fig 6)
The "Hollywood smile" is a social term that proves how optimal smile aesthetics is an important issue in modern society, making it a principle objective of orthodontic treatment. Do we presume that all Hollywood celebrities have veneers or crowns? That is definitely not the case, since a good number of them maintain natural teeth which have been enhanced by braces and whitened by bleaching. One of the many examples is "Pretty Woman's" Julia Roberts. Below, is one of the cases I treated with braces and serves as an example of the amazing transformation achieved by braces only. Analyze the case and determine if you already have the "Hollywood smile" or how braces and whitening can transform your natural teeth to the smile of your dreams.
Gum Line: The gum line connects the highest points of the gum levels of the upper teeth. This height must be symmetrical on both sides of the mouth. Women should reveal more gum when smiling; approximately 2mm, compared to around 1mm in men. Excessive exposure of the gum is unattractive and on the other spectrum, revealing no gum at all is a sign of aging.
Smile Line: The line that passes along the edges of your upper teeth (incisors) should follow the curvature of the lower lip when you smile (Fig 1).
Tooth axis: The main axis of the tooth inclines backwards from tip to gum. This inclination increases from the incisors to the canines (fig 4).
Contact point: The space where anterior (front) teeth appear to contact each other. An aesthetic relationship, called the 50-40-30% rule, exists between the front teeth describing the amount of tooth structure in contact with the adjacent tooth (fig 5).
Midline: The midpoint between the upper and lower incisors should coincide with each other and with the midline of the face.
(Fig 3)
Healthy gums: Gum/gingival tissue should exhibit a light pink color and a firm texture and demonstrate no swellings or bleeding.
* These are the before and after pictures of the above examples where i achieved with braces all the ideal smile characteristics. 25
26 Photographer : Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
هي أكثر األمور التي تشغل بالنا كسيدات؟ الشعر هو أحد أكثر األمور أهمية .كلنا نطمح ألن يكون صحيًا وقويًا وذو بريق طبيعي جذاب .صحة الشعر ليست فقط مسألة شكلية فحسب، بل لها آثار على الصحة وفوائد عديدة للجسم .في (بودي ميريكلز) من هذا العدد سأطلعكم على طرق متنوعة لتعطي الشعر بريقًا صحيًا من دون إرهاق الشعر والبصيالت. في عيادة كلينيك تعرفت على معلومات عن كيمياء الجسم الحيوية على مستوى البصيالت ،وتحدثت مع عدد من األطباء واالختصاصيين عن طرق للمحافظة على صحة الشعر و ا لجسم . 27
Hair& Makeup: @Nailstationkw Bag: @Threads Necklace: @Closet7 Dress: Aqaq from @fabs_boutique
*ما الفرق بين تحليل الشعر والدم: الشعر يعتبر مؤشر اقوى من الدم ،الن الدم عبارة عن وسيلة نقل ويجب ان يظل مستقرا طوال اليوم .اما الشعر ثابت ،بمجرد ان تتحد العناصر مع القالب البروتيني في الشعر يظل ثابت لالبد وال يتغير .وهذا يعطي النسبه الحقيقيه لترسبات المعادن في الجسم .وايضا يعطي نسبه المعادن في الجسم للثالث شهور السابقه ،وهذا ما يحتاجه الممارس الطبي لتشخيص الحاله ولمعرفه اسباب المشاكل الصحيه التي تعاني منها الحاله في الوقت الحالي والمشاكل الصحيه المعرضه لها مستقبال. تنظيم المعادن هو ما نعتمد عليه لعمل نظام غذائي النزال الوزن .ما يهمنا هو معرفه سبب السمنة ،وذلك عن طريق تحليل المعادن من الشعر .عند معرفه السبب باستطاعتنا ان نعمل نظام غذائي ينزل الوزن مع الحفاظ على الصحة. زيادة الوزن لها عدة اسباب ،فهي ال تقتصر فقط على السعرات الحرارية .من اسباب زيادة الوزن بسهولة وصعوبه نزول الوزن هو بطئ عملية االيض .تحليل الشعر يبين اسباب بطئ عمليه االيض وذلك عن طريق خلل المعادن وعالقتها مع المعادن االخرى .فعند تنظيم المعادن نقوم باسراع عملية االيض وينزل الوزن طبيعي دون اللجوء لالنظمة الغذائية القليله السعرات ،التي تؤدي احيانا الى قله الطاقه والخمول. زياده الصوديوم ايضا تؤدي الى احتباس الماء في الجسم وبالتالي زيادة الوزن .يمكن التخلص من مشكلة احتباس الماء بتقليل الملح في الوجبات وممارسة الرياضة. في كلينيك هدفنا هو نظام غذائي يحافظ على الصحة اوال ثم الوزن.
تحليل الشعر من الخدمات التي نقدمها في عيادة كلينيك .يتميز تحليل الشعر بالدقة في اعطاء المعلومات عن المشاكل الصحيه التي تعاني منها الحاله .فهو يبين اسباب المشاكل الصحية واالمراض المعرض لها مستقبال .تحليل الشعر يكشف عن مستوى ٣٨معدن في الجسم ويكشف عن السموم المتراكمة .اي خلل بالمعادن بزياده او نقصان يؤدي الى عده مشاكل صحية ومنها مشاكل نفسية ومشاكل جلدية. تحليل الشعر يحدد المستوى الحقيقي للمعادن ،ويحدد نسبه السموم في الجسم .فهو يظهر العناصر في الجسم بالزيادة او النقصان ،و يبين المشاكل الصحية المعرضه لها الحاله مستقبال.بعد وصول النتيجه نقوم باعداد نظام غذائي لتنظيم خلل المعادن سواء بزياده او نقصان المعادن .مثال اذا كانت نسبه الكالسيوم عاليه والمغنيسيوم منخفض ،نعطي الحاله نظام لزيادة المغنيسيوم وتقليل الكالسيوم ،وهذا النظام يكون مؤقت لمدة ثالث شهور .وبعد الثالث شهور يعمل التحليل من جديد لمعرفه التغييرات التي حدثت بعد النظام. *تعليمات تحليل المعادن من الشعر: نقص عينة الشعر من مؤخرة الرأس قريب من االذناليمنى واليسرى وبمنتصف الراس باالسفل ،على ان يكون الشعر اقرب لفروة الرأس ويفضل من ٥اماكن متفرقه. نأخذ الخصله الطويلة ونقص ٢.٥سم من الشعر االقربلفروة الراس ونتخلص من الباقي. يوضع الشعر بظرف ويكتب عليه البيانات (االسم-العمر-تاريخ الميالد-الجنس-تاريخ جمع العينه-الشعر مصبوغ او وضع عليه حناء). 29
Fall Winter 2013
Salhiya Complex GF Tel: 22442297
Arraya Complex Tel: 22997724
Follow us on instagram to find out more about our newest designers' collections. @blackboushiya
Nouf & Shabari Al-Qahtani @dwaa_kwt
الســـــــر في تساقط الشعر من الطبيعي ان يفقد الشخص ما بين 100الى 150شعرة رأس في اليوم .وإن تعدى عدد الشعرات المفقودة ذلك ،يعتبر االمر غير طبيعي ويدل على حالة مرضيه ,أفضل طريقة لتقييم درجة التساقط ،هي ان يضع الشخص يده في شعره ويمشطه او يسحبه بشكل خفيف لخمس مرات .فإن خرجت معه كمية كبيرة من الشعر ،بما يعادل عشر شعرات او اكثر في كل مرة، فذلك يعادل فقدان 50شعرة وأكثر ،وهو امر غير طبيعي لتشخيص أسباب تساقط الشعر يجب عمل التحاليل التاليه : CBC Iron Stores Zinc Level TFT العالج بعد إجراء الفحوصات: توجد منتجات كثيرة في االسواق تختلف من حيث نسب العناصر التي تحتويها ،كما تختلف منتجات الرجال عن تلك للنساء فبعد معرفة نتائج التحايل هنا يمكن تحديد العالج المناسب ولكن بشكل عام مجموعة فيتامينات Bمفيدة للشعر :فيتامين B6 و Folic Acidو فيتامين B12وهذه األنواع الثالثه أساسيه لتكوين كريات الدم الحمراء. في الجمال (الكوالجين) مادة الكوالجين توجد في صور مختلفة في الجسم 31
وهي المادة التي يعتمد عليها نسيج االنسجة الضامة في الجسم وتدخل في تركيب معظم االنسجة في الجسم مما يصل بين األوتار واألربطة والمفاصل والعضالت ،والشعر والجلد واالعضاء الحيوية .وبروتين الكوالجين ينتج في جميع أنحاء الجسم إلعطائه القوة والدعم من االلياف القوية ،وربط أعضاء الجسم معا مثل الغراء. الكوالجين هو البروتين األكثر وفرة بشكل طبيعي في الجسم ،و يشكل ٪ 30من الجسم بأكمله و 75 ٪من جلدنا وإلى جانب العديد من خصائصه البنيوية ،الكوالجين هو المسؤول عن اإلصالح والنمو في معظم أنسجة الجسم لمعرفة نسبة مخزون الكوالجين بالجسم و نسبة امتصاصه وتجنب أي ردة فعل غير مرغوبه للجسم يجب عمل الفحص األتي: COL اختلفت األراء ..وتباينت المعلومات..حول حقيقة إمكانية تعويض الجسم عن الكوالجين المفقود( إما بشكل صناعي أو طبيعي ) ,وأصبح الكل يتسابق في ذلك ,سوف أعرض هنا ما أستجد من هذه المعلومات واآلراء والمنتجات تعويض الجسم بالكوالجين الصناعي ( بشكل خارجي أو داخلي) : حقن الكوالجين( تعويض خارجي) الثيرماج 1-
الثيرماج هوجهاز موجات راديو عند تع ّرض الجسم له يقوم بتنشيط الكوالجين الطبيعي الموجود في الجسم ولكن يضعف نتيجة السن والشمس والضعف واإلرهاق فجهازالثيرماج ُيعيد حيوية الكوالجين، وبالتالي ُيعيد حيوية ونضارة الجلد والجسموالبشرة. ( تعويض داخلي )2- وهو اقرب إلى القنبلة التي فجرها برنامج أوبر في عالم التجميل كانت الحلقة عبارة عن عادات الجمال في مختلف الدول..وعرض تقرير عن سر جمال بشرة اليابانيات.. منذ 3 حيث ذكرت المرأة انها تستخدم الكوالجين ُ سنوات وبشكل يومي حتى اصبح جزء ال يتجزأ من روتينها اليومي ,والحظت تحسن في بشرتها والتي أصبحت مصقولة كالخزف الصيني تختلف المنتجات و شركات المصنعه للكوالجين حسب نوع الكوالجين ولكن الكوالجين المستخرج من السمك وزنه الجزيئي منخفض فيمتصه الجسم بسهولة وبسرعة ومنخفض السعرات الحرارية هو األفضل بالنسبه لألنواع األخرى
Dr. Saud A. Al-Anezi @q8braces @q8braces
A gap between the front teeth was once considered a sign of beauty in the Arabian Peninsula so much so that poets wrote praising verses for ladies with gaps between their front teeth. In our modern society, this is certainly not the case. It is evident that dental awareness has increased dramatically in Kuwait recently and indeed worldwide. This is reflected by the rise in the number of dental clinics and centers. Going back to our subject of gaps between front teeth, this is now considered unacceptable by most social standards of beauty, for both males and females. This topic was studied extensively in the dentistry world, and the conclusion was that there is rarely health or functional problems with gaps between front teeth. It can be argued that, people who brush their teeth properly and used dental floss/interdental brushes, should not have any problems with the gaps in their front teeth. That means any dental intervention to manage this problem is largely based on aesthetics and is most concerned with appearance rather than with functional problems in the teeth themselves. Management of such a problem is decided after a thorough examination by the dentist and after taking all the essential diagnostic tools such as the appropriate x-rays, to ensure there are no hidden dangers or sensitivities to consider. There are categorically two lines of treatment that can be used in this scenario: either to shut the spaces through orthodontic treatment (dental braces) or close them
through are sevdental mateof the method cal facor and the rewhether sibility advanample, braces, hav-
aesthetic restorations and there eral types of those. For instance, veneers i.e. a thin layer of a special rial that is placed over the surface tooth. The decision as to which to approach is based on many clinitors like the size of the gap, the colthe condition of the front teeth, lation of the teeth to the jaw (i.e. they stick out or not) and the posof an overbite. Each approach has tages and disadvantages. For exif the decision was made to have this might take longer time than ing veneers. On the other hand, if
the decision was made to have veneers done, then some other teeth problems, like extruding teeth, cannot be solved with veneers and will remain sticking out after the treatment. In conclusion, the patient and the dentist must decide in unison which approach is best for each individual and thoroughly discuss the pros and cons of each approach. Finally, regardless of which method was used to close the gaps, taking daily care of your teeth through a consistent brushing routine at least twice daily and flossing minimally once a day (preferably at night) is essential to maintaining the treatment outcome and to give you a long-lasting, gap-free smile. 33
OLD IS GOLD By Bashayer Alosami
uwaiti cuisine is rich with a variety of delicious staples, one of which is 'achaar,' sliced vegetables that are pickled in vinegar and a blend of spices. This is the best accompaniment for rice, especially when served with fish.
Back in the old days, housewives prepared this concoction in big clay jars and kept on rooftops until it is pickled. Nowadays, however, there is a shortcut to this, though the results aren’t quite the same: the vegetables are cooked and then marinated in the pickling brine. The ingredients are the same for both recipes. You want to get tomatoes that are cut into chunks, cauliflowers, whole garlic cloves, eggplants cut into cubes, chill pepper, and whatever other vegetable you prefer. Some people add diced carrots and cucumbers, too. This is how you prepare achaar the old way: You want to wash these vegetables throughly and dry them well, then cover them with a cloth and keep them outdoors in the very hot weather to dry. It’s best to keep them for days, if possible. After that, add this to the pickling brine. You want to put vinegar and mix it with coriander seeds, salt, black pepper, red chill flakes, and angelica seeds. Mix the vegetables with the brining mixture and keep it in a tightly closed jar for at least a month, preferably outside the house on the rooftop so it can cook with the heat of the sun. You can keep it for longer or shorter, depending on how it tastes after you test it. The new method is as follows: bring your vegetables and put them in a large pot of boiling water until they soften. Drain, add them to the pickling liquid and you’re ready to go. The flavour develops much better with the original method since it takes its time to melt into the brine, but that’s just my personal opinion. Both methods are relatively easy and I hope you do try them one day. Let me know how your achaar tastes once you make it! 35 Photographer : Hussain Shamou Creative Director : Zainab Bahman
Photographer : Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
Ali Asks: Hunch Gourmet Popcorn من هو بدر عصام الطاحوس ؟ شاب كويتي حاصل على بكلريوس تمويل من كلية العلوم اإلدارية جامعة الكويت عام ،٢٠١٢شريك في شركة " "Kuwait Exhibitionsللمعارض والمؤتمرات والتي قامت بمشروع "ملتقى بصمتي كويتية" على مدى عامين على التوالي ٢٠٠٩و ،٢٠١٠شريك في شركة مطعم " "Stringsوالمتوقع إفتتاحه نهاية عام ،٢٠١٣صاحب فكرة لعبة " "Kuwait Dealوالتي أطلقت في منتصف عام ،٢٠١٢٢وأخيرا مؤسس مشروع "�Hunch Gourmet Pop "cornفي عام .٢٠١٣ كيف بدأ كل شيء في هانتش جورميه بوبكورن ؟ و من أين أتت الفكرة ؟ بدأت بتنفيذ الفكرة في شهر أكتوبر من عام ٢٠١١حيث بدأت في تأسيس المؤسسة واستخراج التراخيص لها، ولكن أتت الفكرة قبلها بفترة من بعد دراسة أحد الوكاالت العالمية في الفشار أو "النفيش" في السوق اإلماراتي العالمي وانعكاسه على مدى إقبال الزائر الكويتي خاصة والخليجي عامة في منتجات هذه الوكالة .فكانت أول خطوة هي مخاطبة هذه الوكالة لسببين ،األول وهو لسمعة هذي الوكالة في الخليج واالقبال الواضح عليها. والسبب الثالي هو إختصار المسافة بعدم بدء مشروع جديد بالكامل من الصفر. لم أجد إهتمام من هذه الوكالة آنذاك للتوسع و لفتح فرع لها في الكويت ،مما دفعني أكثر لشق طريقي وخلق اسم جديد في عالم منتجات الفشار بمستوى عالمي وبطريقه متكاملة ومعتمده تليق بأي سوق عالمي ممكن أن أقدم عليه. كيف ترى السوق الكويتي و المنافسه ؟ و دخولك السوق بعد عدد من المنافسين في نفس القطاع ؟ السوق الكويتي ممتاز ويستوعب الكثير من المنافسين خاصة أن الشعب الكويتي له إقبال كبير على المنتجات 37
الغذائية مهما كثر عددها أو إختلفت أنواعها ،ودخولي أساسا كان قبل أغلبية المنافسين ومثلما ذكرت من قبل كان التأسيس في عام ٢٠١١لكن لألسف اإلجراءات الحكومية وعقبات أخرى أخرت كثيرا إنطالقة المشروع.. والحمد هلل أكيد "كل تأخيره فيها خيره". ما هي المعوقات التي واجهتك بالنسبه لمشروع صغير ؟ المعوقات التي أثرت كثيرا في المشروع أعتقد هي معوقات متكررة مر عليها الكثير من المبادرين وأصحاب المشاريع المتوسطة والصغيرة ،وهي تتركز في اإلجراءات الحكومية المعقدة والمطولة والتي تستلزم أحيانا لدفع "الرشوة" ألخذ شيء أساسا هو حقك ولكن ال حياة لمن تنادي ،وأخص قطاعين في كالمي وهما البلدية والشؤون. أما المعوقات اإلدارية كانت في استخراج "خلطة" خاصة ومعتمدة لهانتش جورميه بوبكورن لكل النكهات التي نقدمها والتي كنا نحرص أن تختلف تماما عن باقي المنافسين والحرص الشديد على أن تكون طبيعية وصحية وال تحتوي على مواد حافظة أو صناعية ،وهلل الحمد أتممنا هذا الشيء وأصبحت من األمور التي تميزنا بين المنافسين. كلمنا أكثر عن هانتش جورميه بوبكورن و األنواع التي تقدمها ؟ هانتش جورميه بوبكورن هو محل لبيع الفشار الفاخر " "Gourmet Popcornوالذي يختلف تماما عن الفشار العادي المتوفر في الجمعيات ودور السينما في الكويت، االختالف يكون من حيث الحجم والفوائد الغذائية وطريقة التحضير. نقوم دائما بعمل الفشار بنظام الـ " "Hot Air Popper وهو عبارة عن نظام يتيح لنا عمل الفشار عن طريق الهواء الساخن. والمميز والصحي أيضا في الموضوع أننا ال نستخدم أي نوع من أنواع الدهون أو الزيوت لصنع الفشار. يقدم هانتش جورميه بوبكورن ٦نكهات مختلفه وهي :اليت ،الجبن ،الجبن الحار ،الكاراميل ،الكاراميل مع الكاجو ،والكاراميل مع اللوز. وهناك المزيد من النكهات القادمة إن شاء اهلل والتي أعلنا واحدة منها وهي "ريد ڤيلڤت" والتي ستكون األول من نوعها على المستوى المحلي. قمنا بتسمية الفشار المالح بالـ "اليت" ألننا إعتمدناه من قبل بعض أخصائيين التغذية في الكويت لعدم وجود الزويت فيها وإضافة الملح الصحي "اليت سولت" والتي تجعلها بال شك وجبة صحية مليئة الفوائد الغذائية. سبب تسميتك هذا االسم؟ و اختيار شخصيات أدبية معروفه في المحل ؟ تعني كلمة هانتش في اللغة اإلنجليزية الشعور الداخلي
الذي ينتاب الشخص قبل الوصول لفكرة عظيمة أو مميزة، والبعض يسميه الحدس. قمنا بعمل المحل على هيئة مكتبة صغيرة ،حيث قللنا فيها اإلضائة ومألنا فيها األرفف ،ولكن وضعنا فيها العلب التي يختارها الزبون بدال من الكتب ،وجعلنا شخصيات كبيرة في علم األدب والروايات مثل النكهات التي نقدمها، على سبيل المثال جعلنا "شيكسبير" يمثل نكهة الكاراميل ،حيث وضعت صورته في "المينيو" وهو حامل العلبة المملوئة بالكاراميل دليل على إعتزازة بالشيء اللذي أوصله إلنجازه وهو "هانتش" ولكن ليس الحدس، بل الفشار! ما هو مستقبل هانتش جورميه بوبكورن و ما هي الخطط ؟ وهلل الحمد كانت البداية ناجحة وتبشر بالخير ،مما يعطينا الدافع لإلنتشار والتوسع على المستوى المحلي والعالمي. هناك خطط خمسية وعشرية للمشروع ولكن نفضل أن نفاجأكم بها إن شاء اهلل. كيف يمكن التواصل معكم و الطلب ؟ يقع محلنا في منطقة شرق بالقرب من دوار بهبهاني، ولكن دائما نفضل للزبون إستخدام برنامج "Google "Mapsللشرح التفصيلي عن مكان المحل. يفتح المحل في الفترة الصباحية من الساعة ٩إلى الساعة ١ والفترة المسائية من الساعة ٦إلى ١٠ ويتم توصيل الطلبات في الفترتين الصباحية والمسائية عن طريق االتصال على ٢٢٤٦٦٤٢٢ وللمزيد من العملومات والتفاصيل عن منتجاتنا ولالستفسارات التواصل معنا عن طريق مواقع التواصل االجتماعي "تويتر" و"انستاجرام" @HunchPopcorn نشكر لك اتاحت الفرصه ،و نتمنى لكم التوفيق . الشكر موصول ألخي علي الخضري ولمجلة ذي سيتي وإلتاحتكم الفرصة للشاب الكويتي للتعريف عن إنجازاتهم ومشاريعهم واألخذ بيدهم دائما إلى األمام والدور اإلعالمي اإليجابي الواضح الذي تقدمونه لينصب بمصلحة الشباب الطموح ،ومنها لألعلى وتمنياتي لكم بدوام التوفيق والنجاح.
utabak Zubaidi, Murabyan, and rice as far as the eye can see! You know I'm talking about Kuwaiti food; the nearest and dearest of foods to my heart. In our November issue, our 'Delicious' issue, I couldn't think of a better cuisine than our very own to try out and I had the pleasure of trying the authentic, mouthwateringly delicious local Kuwaiti food business: Al-Dirwaza.
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40 Photographer : Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
The restaurant I tried out this month was AlDirwaza which I believe is run by the same catering company which brought us Banquet in our last issue, Kuwait Hotels Company. Since I’m a very big fan of seafood and since it’s one of the staples of Kuwaiti dinning and Kuwaiti history, I figured that the best way to judge the quality of a Kuwaiti food restaurant was through their seafood selection. For that reason, I tried out two of their biggest seafood dishes, the Murabeyan (which is a combination of shrimp, rice, and dill) and Mutabak Zubaidi. At the beginning, when I removed the cover off the Murabeyan the aroma filled the room and overwhelmed my mind and my senses with memories. It looked and smelled like home. The rice was exactly the way I like it: tender and cooked to deliciousness. It’s got a tenderness that melts into your taste buds with the first mouthful. The only negative point in the dish
was that the shrimp might have been a little overcooked, but the whole dish was still very enjoyable. The Murabeyan came with two gravy selections: Dakous and Dakous Sobar (AKA tamarind). The gravies gave the rice and the shrimp a tanginess that helped the two ingredients complement each other and, to me, adding the chili (Ma’boch) gave it that little kick that kept the taste buds fired up. And, finally, the master of ceremonies! The main event: the Mutabak Zubaidi. Well, let me just say it this way: in my mind, Mutabak Zubaidi is Kuwait’s favorite dish. It is so essentially and organically Kuwaiti. Growing up eating this kind of food leaves me with a warm, special feeling of homeliness. It’s the taste of memories and moments in those old family gatherings in your grandparent’s house. It may sound ridiculous: but it tasted like love and family. The rice was
cooked in the same way I was used to growing up, and the fish was seasoned with just the right amount of spices that only a true Kuwaiti touch could perfect. The minute I got the first whiff of that zubaidi from a distance I was overwhelmed. I was, in fact, speechless. As far as desserts go, I was offered Sab Al-Gafsha and Saffron Muhalabiya. The Sab Al-Gafsha was, unfortunately, disappointing in comparison to everything else in this beautiful Kuwaiti spread. It was overcooked, dry, and drenched with sugar syrup. Not my cup of tea at all. The Saffron Muhalabiya on the other hand was a sight to behold! One of the highlights of what was already a pretty great feast. The taste was modest but striking. The amount of sugar was balanced and just right. It was cooked in the style of a flan so the method struck me immediately. Perfectly sweet down to the last bite! A great closer to a great meal. 41
Authentic Kuwaiti Cuisine @aldirwaza +965 2226 6560
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@Dasman_dates If there's one delicacy, one food item, in the entire repertoire of strictly Arab and Islamic foods that defines the history, the culture, and the illustrious unity of all that we are, it would be the date. So we couldn't pass up our Delicious issue without bringing you Brilliant Dates, one of Kuwait's most innovative, elegant, and not to mention yummy businesses that focuses entirely and gloriously on nothing but the delicate, revered palm fruit itself: the date. 45
Photographer : Hussain Shamou Creative Director : Zainab Bahman
Tell us more about yourself and about Dasman Dates. Dasman Brilliant Dates is a Kuwait based company that is proud to offer a luxury package of dates and coffee sweets for gatherings, weddings and corporate occasions—or any special events! We specialize in delivering high quality and unique presentations in our gift boxes that imbue a true sense of luxury and the finest quality of dates and nuts in terms of taste, color, and size. What is it about Dasman Dates that makes it special and stand out? What makes Dasman Dates a leading dates producer is our commitment to quality and our ability to consistently develop high quality products. This enables us to ensure that our products are delivered to our valued customers in the freshest and highest standard of quality inside elegant boxes that have been designed by one of the most professional designers in the region. Dasman Dates’ team has a passion to bring fresh dates, a sense of Arabian hospitality, and to extend a wide range of flavor combinations to suit the various tastes and lifestyles of our valued customers.
Second, having dates as a dessert is a great alternative for those who like sweets but are perhaps a little more weight conscious. Dates are wonderful fruits with numerous essential nutrients such as calcium, amino acids, sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, and magnesium that highly benefit the body. They are also wonderful sources of dietary fiber. Dates also help in fighting constipation, intestinal disorders, weight gain, heart problems, sexual weakness, diarrhea, and abdominal cancer. Dates also facilitate in a mother’s delivery process by strengthening the uterus muscles, enabling it to dilate in a smooth manner for delivery. Dates not only ease the delivery process but they are also important for breastfeeding after delivery. They enrich the mother’s milk by providing it with nutrients beneficial for the baby’s health. Breaking fast with eating dates helps us to avoid overeating of the food after the fast, when the body absorbs the nutritional value of the dates the feeling of hunger gets pacified. It really seemed like a great option as a confection that not only tastes great, reflects our culture, and has a lot of room for variety— but also as a thoroughly healthy food with plenty of benefits to the body!
Why did you decide to make dates your key ingredient in every dessert?
What are the different varieties of date treats that Dasman Dates offers?
First, the idea behind making dates our main ingredient came along when the owner of Dasman Dates made our signature stuffed dates for a family gathering and a few weddings. Everyone was so impressed by the taste and presentation of the simple yet decadent delights. In 2008, we decided to establish our shop, which is specialized in dates and delicious gourmet food. Today, we are happy to hear from our customers that they are pleased and beyond satisfied with our products and services.
There are approximately 600 varieties of dates in the world today. Kholas, with its sweet, chewy, raisin-like flesh is the most famous and delicious of all the dates and we offer it in abundance at Dasman Dates. We are specialized with two types of dates
stuffed with finest nuts: Kholas filled with almond, and Rhutab (which is softer and more moist than fully-ripened tamr dates) filled with walnuts and a special yummy recipe. Our cheese pie is also one of our bestseller items in the shop and which is simply a thing that melts in your mouth. The date cake with toffee that Dasman Dates offers is also an exotic flavor infusion that blends different influences from various cultures and brings them together in a taste you won’t soon forget! What are the services that you provide for your customers? Dasman Dates offers special box arrangements on demand, which can be branded for corporate or personal gifts. Each box can be customized to reflect your logo or brand and can be filled with your choice of gourmet products. Dasman Dates is a great gift for personal occasions like weddings, anniversaries and birthdays. We are constantly developing our products in response to changing gift trends and the tastes of our valued customers. How have you found the response from customers so far? Among our many prestigious customers, we are honored to serve leading retailers, specialty food stores, and many of the leading corporations in the region. Our customers are really happy and we can say that some people are addicted to the Dasman Dates taste.
What is one quality you would like everyone to know and associate with Dasman Dates? Dasman Dates truly is the most perfect place to find the most delicious taste experience of dates and coffee sweets in Kuwait. We're working hard to develop our products and services in order to form a true brand of world-class dates within the region. Our commitment to high standards that promote the hospitality of the Arabian Heritage is what continually drives us to excel in our service, our products, and our overall presentation of a local and global delicacy that reflects our respected culture and our innovative spirit. 47
Crème de 48
hefs, cooks, restauranteurs, and all the above. Kuwait is nothing if not a melting pot of booming culinary talents of various tastes, paths, and wildly delicious concepts—and we've brought you the crème de la crème of the bunch! From Cordon Bleu expertise to homegrown ambitions, we brought together some of Kuwait's brightest and most promising culinary talents to exclusively share with you their most delicious and inspired recipes!
la Crème 49
Photographer : Hussain Shamou Creative Director : Zainab Bahman
Squid Ink Linguine with Shrimp, Scallops & Black Truffle Oil Ingredients: 1 lb. squid ink linguine pasta 4 pcs. of jumbo shrimp, peeled and deveined 4 pcs. of medium size scallops 1/2 cup chicken stock 1/4 cup heavy cream 2 tbsp. butter 2 tsp crushed red pepper Juice of 1 whole lemon 4 cloves garlic, sliced 2-3 tbsp. olive oil Chopped cilantro for garnish Black Truffle oil Preparations: • Boil water in a pot. Cook the pasta to al dente (no more than 2 minutes). • In a large pan, over medium fire, heat the olive oil and add the crushed red pepper then the garlic and cook for a minute. • Add the chicken stock and turn the heat up to high. • Follow the lemon juice then the heavy cream. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. • Add the shrimp and scallops, cover the pot and cook for a minute or two just until the shrimp turns pink. Salt and pepper to taste. • Toss the pasta with the sauce. The pasta will absorb all the flavor and the sauce. • Serve the pasta on a plate, drizzle with black truffle oil but don’t overwhelm it. Garnish with cilantro and serve.
Apple Crumble Ingredients:
For the crumble:
3 green apples peeled and sliced
In another bowl mix together:
1/4 of brown sugar
140 grams of all purpose flour
Lay the apples in a medium baking dish then add a layer of the crumble mixture.
1/4 tsp of lemon zest
3 tbsp of oats
1 tbsp of lemon juice
2 tsp of crushed Almond
Bake the apple crumble at 180c for 15-20 minutes.
Pinch of salt
Pinch of salt
Serve it with vanilla ice-cream
1/2 tsp of corn starch
1/2 tbsp of brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder
1/4 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 ml of vanilla essence
Cut 40 grams of chilled butter into cubes
1/4 tsp of nutmeg In a medium bowl mix all the ingredients together and set aside.
Add the cubed butter to the dry ingredients and rub it with your fingers till you have coarse crumbs. 51
Coconut Chili Chicken Ingredients:
Coconut milk
Sweet chili sauce
Brown sugar
• Put the mixture in a pan for 5 minutes, add coconut milk and sweet chili sauce
Fish sauce
Salt and pepper
• Add cilantro and serve with bread
• Marinate the chicken with salt and pepper, lemons, limes, sweet chili sauce, fish sauce, garlic, and sugar.
Sriracha Bacon Burger Ingredients:
Freshly-ground beef
Beef Bacon
Brioche (or Potato) Bun
Cheddar Cheese
Soy sauce
Sriracha Sauce
Pepper & Butter
• Combine the ground beef, soy sauce, Sriracha, and the pepper. Form the mixture into 120 grams beef balls. Cover them and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. • Place cast iron skillet over medium-high heat, place the beef balls into the hot pan
then press flat with a very sturdy spatula into the shape of a patty, season with pepper and salt. Cook for approximately 2-minutes per side, add the cheese and your burgers are done. Pace the bacon on the grill for 2-3 minutes. • While the burgers are cooking, in a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise with Sriracha. Lightly toast the buns on the grill with butter during the last minute of cooking time. • Assemble your burger, spread the Mayo-sriracha mixture on both halves of each bun. Stack a burger patty, bacon, and lettuce.
@fahadalibrahim 53
Stuffed Mushrooms Ingredients:
• Carve the mushroom from the inside, but only a little bit.
Mushrooms Green Coriander (finely cut) White Onions (finely cut) Salt and Black Pepper Chicken Magi Cubes Kraft Soft Cheese
• Remove the bottom bit and blend it (you only have to do it for the bottom part). • Mix it using a frying pan with white onions, salt, black pepper and magi cubes.Then add the coriander that is finely cut. • After the color changes, add the bottom part of the mushroom that is blended and mix it till the water comes out (from the mushrooms).
Thick Cream (gaimar)
• Add thick cream and kraft soft cheese and Parmesan cheese (Parmesan cheese is optional).
Parmesan Cheese (optional)
• Put the mixer in the carved mushroom and then put it in the oven that is already turned on for not more than 30 minutes.
Molten Cake Ingredients:
1/2 cup of chocolate chips
• Preheat the oven to 400 degrees
1/2 cup of chocolate chip milk
• - Place the butter in 12 cupcake molds in a baking tray
1/2 cup of butter
• - Place the flour in the molds and then flip it until all the extra falls off
3 eggs
• - Scatter some cocoa powder inside each mold
4 egg yolks
• - In each mold place the butter and the chocolate chips and heat in the oven at High for about a minute (turn it over twice every 30 seconds). Set aside for 5 minutes to cool down.
8 ounces of brownie mix 3 spoons of cocoa powder
• - In a large bowl, beat the eggs and the egg yolks at a very fast pace for about 5 minutes until the solution starts turning clear. • - Add the brownie mix and mix with a wooden spoon. • - Add the melted chocolate and the chocolate chip milk, then add mixture to cupcake molds.
• - Bake in oven at 400 degrees between 5 to 10 minutes, until the edges of the molds around the middle are soft. • - Set aside for 2 minutes to cool down. • - Using a knife, cut around the border of the molds and flip each cake on a plate. • - Lightly spray some castor sugar on the final plating for presentation. 55
By Noor Al-Nafisi By many of us, the pizza is usually considered a pretty simple, no-frills, no expertise necessary kind of food. Easy to create, easy to cook, easy to eat, right? Well, if you're talking about Kuwait's only authentic Napolitano pizzeria, Solo PN, you'd better think again! I had the chance to talk to cofounder and passionate pizza-lover/certified Napolitano pizza-maker, Amr Al-Refai, about what it truly takes to create a real, fresh, Italian pizza and why Solo PN is wthe only place you can find it in Kuwait! 57
Tell us a little about yourself and about Solo PN. My name is Amr Al-Refai, graduated with a BA in Finance in 2007. I worked for an investment company for 4 years until I decided to finally take the plunge and open Solo PN. Solo PN is Kuwait’s only authentic, fully-equipped, Napulitana pizzeria that provides a true Italian experience. When did your passion for pizza-making begin? It started in 2000, when I made my first visit to Italy and tasted a pizza that was entirely different than any pizza in Kuwait. It was the Napulitana pizza. I was so mesmerized that I made several visits to Naples, the home of pizza, and learned more about the process. In 2004, I brought my first wood-fire oven to Kuwait because it was the only way to make a Napulitana pizza. In 2007 I went back to Naples to interview and learn more from local pizzeria owners, where I ended up working part-time. In 2008, I met someone in front of Da Michele, an antique pizzeria in Rome and he told about his own pizzeria in Rome and offered me work there and enrolled me in a local pizza festival, where I learned how to serve pizza. In 2011 I finally made the plunge and used the authentic Napulitana, wood-fire oven in my backyard to open Solo PN.
own basil organically. Our method of preparation and the oven we use is right from the heart of Naples. We’re actually certified from the international Vera Pizza Napulitana Association— we’re the 353rd authentic Napulitana pizzeria in the world. What's your favorite kind of pizza? Napulitana margarita. Classic and simple. What do you think is the special quality that makes people come to Solo PN? We don’t overdo our pizzas. We’re about simplicity. We respect the customer’s experience and their need for authentic culture, both Kuwaiti and Italian. So we try to give them the best of both worlds and to make them truly appreciate their dining experience. How do you continue to come up with new and exciting pizza recipes? We experiment with ingredients and come up with different flavors in the process. If we like it we introduce it to our customers and see their take on it. We also come up with new recipes according to the produce that is in season because that is when you come up with the freshest tastes.
How do you maintain quality in Solo PN?
Do you think Kuwait appreciates authentic, cultural cuisine?
The dough we use for our pizzas is naturally fermented for at least 24 hours and the cheese is imported weekly from Italy along with our Italian ‘San Marzano’ tomato sauce. We grow our
Yes, but I think we lack education about cultural cuisine in some cuisines. We have trouble differentiating between authentic food and the knock-offs.
Photographer : Hussain Shamou Creative Director : Zainab Bahman How do you prepare your chefs and your kitchen for Napolitan pizza-making? To be honest, the most important element is passion. If they’re willing to learn and if they love the process then they will work sincerely and make good pizzas. I also make sure that everyone in the staff understands the history and the technique of the Napulitana pizza. It all shows in the pizza in the end because it’s entirely hand-made. What makes a Napolitan pizza different than any other pizza found in Kuwait? There are no real pizzas in Kuwait. Only pizza bread with cheese and toppings. Apart from the dough, the oven, the authentic process, we serve originality and the history of Naples on a plate. We’re bringing Naples to Kuwait in a way that has never been done before.
@solopn 59
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Photographer : Ahmad Al-Qattan Photographer : Hussain Shamou
@dallahkuwait 63
t takes a special touch to take something common and overdone and turn it into something unique and surprising again. In Kuwait, dessert businesses come a dime a dozen but Faisal Al-Jasser and Saqer Al-Rushaid are trailblazers. Dallah reimagines everything about traditional Kuwaiti desserts and gives them a new, deliciously innovative twist while still retaining all the heart and the soul of its local, unique origin like you've never seen before.
Tell us a little more about yourselves and about Dallah. We are Faisal Al-Jassar and Saqer Al Rushaid. We are two very ambitious business guys and huge admirers of culinary experiments and food science. Saqer: Dallah’s idea came about as something surprisingly unplanned and unexpected. We first had a couple of food concepts and ideas in mind and we heard about a small kiosk that was up for sale in Kaifan Co-op so we decided to create a little, bonus concept besides the other main concepts that were also in the works.
Faisal: As the menu and recipe creator, as well as the main cook, I started out with a very basic and embarrassing menu on paper but one day an idea struck me which made me scrap everything that I had previously planned and made me build something exciting and challenging. The idea was a fusion Kuwaiti dessert concept that blends local flavors with global ones using only the finest ingredients and the best executed recipes possible. How did you get your start in the culinary world? Faisal: Three years ago, a friend and I started a one of a kind blog specialized in reviewing res-
taurants around the world in a very detailed and knowledgeable way. That blog was called "eB6ainiya." That was our first experience in the culinary world. Why did you think that a dessert business was the right fit for you? What made us get into the dessert business was the lack of high quality, highly executed desserts on the market, which have the ability to blend both a sense of homemade goodness along with the accessibility of a commercial shop. We waited for someone to step up, take charge and do it but no one did so we decided to do it ourselves!
We provide a modern take on local flavors, improve them, and take a huge risk by infusing some of those local desserts with other global ingredients. These risky yet exciting elements of Dallah are what allows us to stand out from any other similar competition.
How do you give your traditional Kuwaiti desserts a new, unique flare? We believe that making any dessert—Kuwaiti or not—is based on a calculated measurement of fresh, quality ingredients paired with recipe that we create and adjust until we perfect and make our own. At Dallah, we took an oath that we will always do it that way for everything we serve starting from day one. What about Dallah is different than other dessert businesses in the market? We provide a modern take on local flavors, improve them, and take a huge risk by infusing
some of those local desserts with other global ingredients. These risky yet exciting elements of Dallah are what allows us to stand out from any other similar competition. Of course, making such bold statements can be a huge risk and result in a tiring process but it's worth it once you start to taste success. How do you come up with your recipes and new dessert creations? Faisal: I always try to find ways to harness inspiration on what dessert to create next for Dallah, but its definitely a challenging task. How to create a new dessert that can be as good as or better than what we already have? Which
local ingredient can go well with a global one and end up creating a new dessert that no one did or tasted before? Along the way I’ve realized that the best method was not to complicate things. Less is more. What are the values you prize most in the creation and service process at Dallah? Saqer: Customer satisfaction. Simple as that. Any advice for the aspiring dessert and pastry business owners of Kuwait? Always look for the freshest and best raw ingredients to use for your desserts. It makes a huge difference in everything you create. 65
Cooking @anmariscooking
66 67 Photographer: Latifa Madouh
like updating my recipes, and what I enjoy most of all is when I add a Kuwaiti twist to a Western recipe. One of my favorite recipes ever is this deliciously light and creamy Kuwaiti inspired White Chocolate Cheesecake with a soft Rahash and Coconut Topping. Doesn't that sound good? Why don't you follow my mousse-like recipe and give it a try?
White Chocolate Chessecake with Soft Rahash and Coconut Topping Recipe: Ingredients: 140 g of ground digestive crumbs 55 g of softened butter 1 tbsp of almond extract 170 g of white chocolate 400g cream cheese 1/2 cup of caster sugar 180g of yogurt 1 tsp of vanilla extract 3 large eggs, seperated Rahash- amount is based on your personal preference Shredded coconut 1 small box of thick cream
Method: 1- Grease your cake pan and in a seperate bowl mix your digestive crumbs, softened butter and almond extract until well incorporated then press into the bottom of your pan. Chill for 30 minutes after wrapping the base and sides with foil. 2- Preheat your oven to 180 degrees celcius. In a heatproof bowl set over simmering water, melt your white chocolate & cool. 3- Meanwhile, beat the cream cheese until soft, add the sugar and yogurt followed by the vanilla extract. Beat in the egg yolks one at a time, until smooth then fold in the cooled white chocolate. 4- In a seperate bowl electrically whisk your egg whites until they form soft peaks. Add it to the cream cheese mixture using a spatula. 5- Pour the mixture over cooled biscuit base. 6- Pour some boiling water into a roasting tin, add your foiled cheesecake and bake for 50 minutes. Cool for at least 4 hours in the fridge. 7- In a pan over medium-heat add your chosen amount of Rahash and thick cream. Mix until melted and smooth. Then add your desired amount of shredded coconut and mix until incorporated. 8- Top your cooled cheesecake with the Rahash and some shredded coconut or white chocolate. 69
Fine Living with Asma Al-Mulla
uwait is, for all intents and purposes, already a pretty luxurious place to live. In our small yet beloved home of comfort and lavish accessibility finding a truly exceptional dining experience to match our affleunt sensibilities is perhaps the best way to round off a luxe night out on the town. So as we look for more sophisticated, fine places to nourish our bodies and satisfy our classy palettes, Eight is always the first location that comes to mind. @eightkw
70 71 Photographer : Ahmed Al-Qattan
Eight restaurant is a newly opened, extremely decadent, high-standard restaurant catering to the needs of all the luxury hunters and the fine diners like us. Located in the heart of Kuwait city, Eight makes perfect use of its atmospheric location and a well-tuned sense of elegant surroundings and decor choice. The pulse of Kuwait City's energy and happy bustle makes the place crackle with the glitz and glamour of all it's stylish customers who frequent Eight quite often. With an outdoor area that I can only call absolutely exquisite, the opposite view on-looking towards one
of Kuwait’s most prestigious towers is the very scene of urban, hip decadence. The towering skyline and the enamoring lights of the surrounding cityscape along with a gentle fall breeze is enough to set the mood perfectly for a night of exceptional company and even more exceptional dining. The indoor vibe at Eight is entirely different but still does not fail to impress in the slightest. Dim lighting and the surrounding buzz of cozy conversations all around you, heighten the experience of exclusivity and comfort which Eight offers to it's always classy clientele.
The decor is nothing short of opulent. The colors are invitingly cool and deluxe in their grand tones and textures. Hardwood floors, Italian marble tables, and crocodile-print leather seats are but a few of the accents that take the diner back to the golden era of glamour and glitz which we only wish we knew. Before you even have a chance to glance at the menu, you know you are about to experience a five-star night at Eight. After being seated graciously at a corner table I had an optimum view of the cozy indoor decor and the airy, fantastic outdoor setting of the restaurant without
even trying. Eight has made it so that all the tables are wonderfully and evenly distributed to allow all seated diners to enjoy an exceptional view from each and every single angle. Looking through the rich gold menu, I was honestly at a loss as to what I should pick from the magnificent variety of dishes available. The choices were savory just by the mere way they were presented on paper! With the availability of lamb, beef, fish, and so many vegetarian dishes, all enchantingly named and lavishly designed, choosing from this menu was no easy battle! The kind waiters at the restaurant helped me with suggestions and special dishes to try and I don't regret their recommendations in the slightest.The presentation of the food was so perfect and could only be described as royalessqe. I was so eager to try everything I could! From colorful plates to the delicate portions served, the food was superb both in presentation and flavor. The combination of smart, new flavors and traditional scents which Eight has implemented into their menu creates a trendy, modernized experience for luxury dining which is still true to Kuwait and our own brand of cultured sensibilities. Mixing the hip-contemporary trend with a plushy atmosphere, Eight definitely set the standards high for all future fine dining restauranteurs. With a great location, a royal service, and sumptuous food, Eight gets five stars on my Fine Living radar. Definitely an experience I can get used to. A personal thank you goes to the cofounder Mr. Ahmad AlMudhaf for his hospitable, impressive services and for offering Kuwait this unparalleled, fine dining experience in the heart of our beautiful city! 73
@1minimany + 965 9723 6939, 94413325
ميني اند ماني .هي ثمرة جهد سنوات بدات المفكرة في البيت بين االهل و االصدقاء و بعزيمه واصرار ما لبثت ان دخلت اكثز بيوت الكويت الحبيبه بنكهات نالت رضى زبائنها الكرام اصحاب الذوق الرفيع .فن بشهادة الذواقه مناهل العتيبي 75
t's November and winter is fast approaching! But, before you trade in your beach sandals for fur boots; your lemonade for hot cocoa, we're bringing you one last taste of summer before the big chill. Welcome to Frost Gelato, an authentic Italian gelato concept, born in the heart of Arizona, and brought right here to Kuwait by Haitham Al-Ghunaim. 77
Tell us a little about yourself and about Frost. I am Haitham Al-Ghunaim, an architect by profession but not practicing. Worked as an architect with Kuwait University for many of their projects, and now running my family business for the past five years. Frost started 8.5 years ago in Tucson, Arizona by two University of Arizona graduates right out of college. Their goal was to duplicate the same authentic Italian Gelato experience that you would get in Italy but in the U.S. The first challenge was to secure the likes of a master gelato chef. Frost found Nazario Melphionda from Bologna, Italy. He has been creating Gelato for more than 20 years before joining Frost. Nazario, along with the founders, created all of their own recipes and made their gelato fresh on a daily basis and right on site in each of their locations through importing the majority of the raw ingredients from Italy. Shortly after opening their first location, Frost expanded to multiple locations in Tucson. In 2010, Frost started franchising domestically in the U.S. and on the 1st of November, 2013, they opened their first international and Middle East location in Kuwait, and have plans to expand throughout the region in the next few years. Frost is currently in Albuquerque, Chicago, Phoenix, Tucson and Kuwait, more stores in cities opening in 2014. Frost has received
Mint Chocolate Chip
many awards over the years, but most noticeably being voted the Best Ice-Cream/Gelato in the U.S. How did you first get involved in gelato making? I have always loved Gelato since my childhood, and enjoyed it during my travels abroad with my family. My favorite Gelato flavor is Pistachio. It was very hard to find good Pistachioflavored Gelato until I bumped into Frost by coincidence in 2011, in Tucson. Then my love affair with Frost Gelato started. What are the flavors and assortments offered at Frost? We have more than 100 flavors, but we display only 38 flavors every day ranging from gelatos to sorbets, done freshly in the store. Do you make the gelato on the premises or are they imported? Tell us about the process! The only things imported are the raw ingredients that are imported from Italy, and the rest all bought fresh locally every day. What is your favorite gelato flavor? Pistachio! Without a doubt. What separates Frost from the other gelato makers in the market? Frost Gelato combines the expertise of Ital-
ian Gelato making with the excellence of an American management. It’s a new approach to gelato marketing in Kuwait that focuses on authenticity and quality above anything else. How do you come up with new and exciting gelato flavors? It depends on how each of the owners and myself like a certain flavor or desert. If we taste a new kind of fruit or nut that is good for the season during our travels we usually try to incorporate it in our new flavors. What new innovations can we expect from Frost in the future? We are going to create three new flavors every month that can be displayed. Our best selling flavors like Seasalt Caramel, Pistachio, Hail, Coconut, Lemon Sorbet, Strawberry Sorbet and Pineapple will always be there because they are staples and favorites for our customers. We also sell our signature gelato and sorbetbased drink that is created to enhance the joy of having a gelato any way you want it.
@frostkwt + 965 222 01112
Piece of Caramel
Photographer : Abdulrhman Al-Yousef Photographer : Hussain Shamou 79
ihene Ben Jazia
Long flowing silks and culturally inspired adornments; global modernity meets local influences; craftsmanship complemented by individuality. These are the defining elements that make up the lustrous beauty of an ATYPIK kaftan and their inspired Tunisian born, Kuwaiti based designer, Jihene Ben Jazia. 81 Photographer : Abdulrhman Al-Yousef
When and how did you start your journey in the fashion world? My journey began in childhood. My passion was to make clothes for myself and to customize the ones I would get from the market. I loved strolling through souks that sold handicrafts and hand made artisanal clothes; being in such an environment made me feel like Alice in Wonderland. Very little has changed since then! Do you have a special process for coming up with your creations? It takes me a very long time to think about the upcoming collection and to design it. Generally speaking, designing goes handin-hand with the research of the materials and fabric. That stage of the process takes the longest amount of time. What do you think is the ATYPIK trademark, one-of-a-kind design touch or quality? Both. Actually the brand name is inspired
from the French word "atypique" which means unusual, different, unique... And this is why Atypik is distinguished by its cuts and the quality of its products, which are handmade. We love to get feedback from our customers, many of whom have contacted us to say how thrilled they are with our kaftans and handbags. Where do you bring in the luxorious fabrics and textiles for your kaftans? I have different suppliers. Some are based in Tunisia, others are in Kuwait and I make special orders from Iran, India, and other countries. How do you blend new, modern style with traditional clothing like the kaftan? When I imagine a kaftan I imagine a piece that I personally would wear, and that I can see my friends wearing. We are modern women with a funky sense of style, who also love our culture and its rich heritage. That's the kind of woman Atypik is inspired by.
I am driven by the desire to contribute to the evolution of the kaftan, from a traditional costume into a stylish, modern outfit you can wear anywhere. How do you balance life between being a successful designer and loving mother? I try my best not to let my work interfere with quality time with my husband and children; family always comes first. I am usually there to read a story before the children go to bed and to help with their homework after school... These are moments I don't allow myself to miss! During peak times it can be a challenge, but I try to give my children the time and attention they deserve and to be there for them. I am so grateful to my husband, who is very supportive of me and is truly a hands-on dad. If it wasn't for him, I don't know how I would manage!
What inspires you to come up with new designs? Everything around me. The heritage of my country, Tunisia, and of different countries I have visited. Everything I have seen and experienced has influenced me and informed my world view. Nothing expresses this better than my creations for Atypik. I also take inspiration from the catwalks to add a contemporary flavour to classic garments, like my signature kaftans. Give us a sneak peak of the future of ATYPIK! What future innovations do you have in store? This season, Atypik will be more modern and edgy. Our new collection has been designed to satisfy the fashion cravings of women of all different ages!
@jihene_atypik 83
In a social media world and the game of hashtags and mentions, you can forget about your regular celebrity culture. Our modern day innovators, creators, and change-makers are people who exude star power simply by being their authentic selves. This November, theCITY joined forces with H&M's rawly essential and magnetic collaboration with Isabel Marant modeled by the guys and girls who are taking Kuwait's social networks by storm and who, in their own skins and selves, are towering above all the regular, glossed up status symbols.
@snippkhayal Download Khayal app Load AR button or view Augmented Reality Point the phone at the whole page Watch behind the scenes video of this photoshoot!
Creative Director: Joumana Soufi Photographer: Jalil Marvin Wardrobe: Isabel Marant Pour H&M Accessories: Isabel Marant Pour H&M Hair: Aziza 'Zizi' Skaff / Blush Hair & Beauty Makeup: Shaikha Al Shaya & Sabeeka Al Fuzai / Makeup Room AR Video: Khayal Application
STONE COLD COOL Xeina Al Musallam Stylist/Creative Art Director @Kuzmoz Mohammed Al Mohanna Illustrator @Malmhna
THE ELECTRIC Deema Decaux Interior Designer @Deemadecaux
PUNK ATTITUDE Hala Abu Al Hasan Blogger/Fashion Designer @Dudette_7D
AHEAD OF THE CURVE Hannah Dulaimi Fashion Designer @Stylenscones
TALL TALES Mona Dulaimi Makeup Artist @Monadbeauty
STRONG BUILD Abdullah Al Khudhair Fashion Designer @Alkudhair
TAKE IT TO THE TOP Dana Al Tuwairsh Social Media Personality @Daneeda_t
OUT OF SITE Fatima Al Momen Architect @Falmomen
DOUBLE TAKE Mohammed Al Rasheed Blogger/Entrepreneur @Fried_Junk
OBJETS D'ART Laila Abdullah Actress @Lailaabdallah
Farah Al-Humaidhi @piecesbyfarah @piecesbyfarah
Kitchen Style Kitchens have always been an essential centerpeice of our homes. For convenience’s sake, the kitchen is usually bordering the dining room, although in medieval times it was often on a different floor level altogether. However, in most contemporary spaces in which an open layout concept is in demand, we often see the two spaces combined to give the gathering a more sinuous, organic atmosphere of homeliness. It is believed that during the last few years the dining room has fallen out of favor with many home-dwellers, who prefer to have their everyday meals in the dining area of an open kitchen, as opposed to a ceremonially distinct, separate room. But, given its growing and diversified importance, irrespective of an open layout concept or a distinct space, the kitchen area should not only maintain an aesthetic value to the home-dweller but also ensure its functionality in the midst of all these domestic changes. Here are some ways you can design your kitchen without compromising on both aesthetic value nor fully diverse usability: 1. Know your own personal style and be bold eniugh to push the boundary. It is not necessary to match the colors of two areas or rooms within the house or even to go for an all-white, traditional kitchen look. Tempting as an allwhite ensemble might be, as it does create a
cohesive environment, it is worth trying to mix it up a little and expressing your own taste and personality through some interesting color combinations that you think best represent you. 2. Analyze your cooking style. If you are lefthanded and the dishwasher is placed on the right side of the sink, you will have a tough time while standing at the sink and loading the dishwasher. Keep these little personal tidbits in mind—a simple placement can have tremendous impact on the functionality of the space. 3. Appliances should be located near the frequent point of use. If you actually use your microwave to cook, then it should be front and center in the kitchen area. Meanwhile, if you simply use the microwave to reheat food or make popcorn, consider placing it in a base cabinet and out of sight. Appliances should be placed conveniently around the kitchen based on the frequency of their usage to promote both organization and ease of use. 4. How often do you entertain? If it’s a usual occurance at your household try to make your kitchen as functional as possible to help you handle the crowds and the large gathering demands swiftly and without any fuss. A great idea would be placing a dining table in the kitchen which extends the work space for the cook. This can bring both the chef and the guests together to enjoy the preparation of the food, all whilst relishing each other’s company in the meantime. 5. The concept of a work triangle works great with one cook but with multiple cooks in the kitchen the arrangement can be very uncomfortable. Setting up work stations will make the kitchen more effective and allow for more free passage around the area, espeically if you have multiple cooks in the kitchen on a regular basis. Each station can also be anchored by an appliance or function with storage and space requirements suitable to each respective cook. After all, having ample work space is pivotal to a functional kitchen design. 6. It can be tempting to furnish your kitchen just as you see in all those glossy magazine pages,
all while dreaming about an airy, white, marble filled space of your own. While those pages in the magazines can indeed be quite exquisite, if you’d like to mimic this idea ensure that you choose materials that are durable and sustainable. Materials such as marbles might look great in pictures but, being porous, it can also absorb stains over a long period of time and so it needs constant maintenance and very high levels of supervision to make sure it doesn’t stain, which is not unlikely in a kitchen. Stainless steel also looks great in photos too but it scratches easily too. 7. While selecting appliances for your kitchen try to remember that usabilty and funcitionality are more important than aesthetic value and luxurious editions in this case. Try not to select the most expensive appliances but popular brands instead so they can be serviced if need be. It’s a good idea to purchase an extended warranty for your peace of mind as well. 8. The kitchen is one space where different types of goods and products are used frequently and it is very essential that each type of merchandise have its own space. There is nothing better than having a clean and clutterfree kitchen, espically when you have a big task at hand like a large gathering or a family dinner. So having storage options is not just important but infact mandatory in a kitchen space. Storage solution like hidden drawers, pull out pantries, and pull out corner solutions can make your kitchen easier to use and will be a good long-term investment. 9.If you’re thinking of integrating the dining space into the kitchen, using similar colors or common elements in both areas allows the whole space to feel connected and open. 10.With an open concept layout, one way to create a division between the kitchen and the dining room is to add a modern table in between the spaces. Introduce a unique chair to the mix around your table like a wicker chair for a comfortable spot to linger with a cup of coffee for that extra homey, Zen vibe of continuity and relaxation. 97
Drawing @j_alnasrallah
the Line A
rabic calligraphy is perhaps one of the world's fewest calligraphic art forms that thrives on the soulfulness and the grace of the calligrapher himself. It is a skill that is based on both a deep understanding and mastering of technique and a personal journey of spiritual meditation. In Kuwait, Jassim Al-Nassrallah is a calligrapher whose masterful hand at the architecture of lines and curves is perhaps only bested by his emotional attachment to the supple flow and the rhythmic cadence that transforms typography into artistry. 99
When and how did you start your journey down the calligraphy road? In the name of Allah and the peace and blessings of his highest creation, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Hallowed is the name of He who taught by the pen, and taught man that which he knew not. My fascination and attachment to calligraphy started at 7 years old, and my older brother had a big hand in helping me learn the basics and the techniques of this beautiful art-form and he taught me how to hold the calligraphy pen and use it with ease. This fascination really evolved when I started to study the specifics of the Turkish methodology in 2003 so that I could get a better handle on the Arabic calligraphy technique, which I learned under the skilled hands of Mr. Ayman Hassan and Mr. Jassim Al-Mi’raj, who are both avid students of the renowned Turkish calligrapher, Dawoud Biktash. In your opinion, what is the most crucial element of beautiful calligraphy: imagination or technique? There’s no doubt that the true measure of any striking and well-executed calligraphy piece is the calligrapher’s handle on the sinuous, timehonored technique and the calligrapher’s understanding of the basic, specific principles which govern the creation of all the different letters and all the various forms of calligraphy. Imagination is perhaps not as
strong an element in comparison but it does play a meaningful part. In the end, the imaginative philosophy of the calligrapher to piece the letters together in a way that conceptually represents the sentence and beautifies it’s meaning in a visual way is what separates the calligraphic art-form from every other art-form. Do you believe that there is a place or a market for the kinds of antiquated, classical art-forms like calligraphy in today’s modern world? What is the secret? Well, the classical, traditional forms of calligraphy are still in demand and sought after in the market especially by those who are experts in the field. These are the people who use and visualize calligraphy in relation to its first, original use: the inscription and the beautification of the hallowed words of Allah, recited in The Holy Qur’an. Arabic calligraphy also has the added attribute of being a sacramental art-form—an artform whose beauty is inherent in it’s divine association to Islam and the Qur’an—so it is not exactly an art-form upon which opinions of aesthetics and quality greatly vary or are as open to interpretation. But for the sake of the continuity of any existing art-from it is always important to try and find new ways to re-conceptualize it’s use and it’s forms in order to both accommodate and reflect the tastes of the present moment. However, the classical and traditional forms are always the essential key to unlocking the innovations of both the present and the past. What is your favorite aspect of creating calligraphy? Definitely the innovation and the creativity that is necessary to reinvent and recapture a well-respected, classical form like Arabic calligraphy. Trying to remain innovative while paying homage to an art form with strict guidelines and technical principles can be challenging but extremely rewarding once you pull it off. It’s one of those rare opportunities in which the only way for you to flourish creatively is to master and confine yourself within the bare essentials, which apply to all calligraphy. What makes Arabic calligraphy stand out and differentiate itself among other languages and other calligraphy styles? There is an architectural foundation that must be learned, understood, and perfectly executed when it comes to the formation of every single letter in the Arabic language. For this reason, every line, every rhythmic cadence, takes on it’s own meaning and carries it’s own weight in Arabic calligraphy. Arabic calligraphy is the art of spiritual architecture manifesting in a visual, written form. What is your favorite calligraphic style? ‘Al-Thulth.’ It is the most complex and difficult of the calligraphic styles
Photographer : Mishary Alomairy
that I’ve learnt thus far and I thrive on the challenges that it presents me, both creatively and technically. What is the reason behind your obsession with the Arabic letter ‘waw’ (" )"وand why is it so important to you? The letter ‘waw’ (" )"وin the Arabic language is the only letter that is used individually, in unison, and as a linking element in sentence structures. It also has strong connotations in the Soufi philosophy. ‘Waw’ is the birth, the reigning capital, and the connecting bloodline of every sentence in the Arabic language. This is an avid interest of not just myself, but of every influential Arabic calligrapher the world over. It is an ancient and revered appreciation for a single letter that unifies and individualizes an entire language. The ‘waw’ is the barometer by which a calligrapher’s handle on the methodology, the technique, and the creative depth of his/her vision is measured. Tell us about your upcoming ventures and plans in the calligraphy world! I’m going to start giving intense learning courses in Islamic art in general, and Arabic calligraphy specifically in the near future inshallah. 101
They Live Yaser Al-Siksik Where They 103 Photographer : Mishary Alomairy
n the wild, few things are predictable and orderly. That is why it takes a special eye and a devoted patience to capture a single, fleeting moment of grace or strength in wildlife photography. In the pictures of Yaser Al-Siksik that grace and strength of the roaring wild is only accented by his overwhelmingly strong technique and depth of vision. Yaser is a proud resident of Kuwait who has contributed to this gracious land in a number of beautiful ways and shares his talents with us in theCITY!
Where are you from? I am from Jordan.
What do you love most about Kuwaitis?
When did you come to Kuwait? I came back to Kuwait in September of 2009.
Their hospitality and their generosity is a very nice and common trait to be found among the Kuwaiti community.
What do you do? I am a Creative Director in an advertising agency as well as a Wildlife Photographer. Why did you choose Kuwait as your home? Kuwait is my home! My family lived here for more than 40 years and I lived the first 9 years of my childhood here before my family moved to Abu Dhabi because of my father's work.
What do you think of the Kuwaiti lifestyle and culture? It’s interesting and unique! The old Kuwaitis have built a unique historical culture that gives Kuwait a distinct identity and flavor of it’s own, and the young Kuwaitis mix this special, respected culture with modern style and fresh outlooks to create an amazing lifestyle filled with both tradition and innovation!
How much of an impact has Kuwait had on your life? It has definitely changed my life for the better, that’s for sure! What have you gained from Kuwait and given Kuwait? I gained more knowledge and have developed myself immensely while in Kuwait. Kuwait has given me many opportunities to learn and grow both as a professional and as a person. I am one of the team members who started the hugely
successful Proud To Be Kuwaiti (P2BK) campaign. And I am currently organizing the biggest sports and health event in Kuwait, TORCH. I’m giving Kuwait all my energy and love and it has rewarded me kindly. What does Kuwait mean to you on a personal level? It is my second home! I feel absolutely comfortable and at peace here. What words would you like to say to Kuwait if you could? I love you Kuwait and I am extremely proud of you!
@yaseralsiksik 105
By Latifa Madouh
the 107
By Hisham
or November, I got my hands on the new Ferrari F12 Berlinetta with 730bhp and a KD120,000 price tag. If those numbers alone don't bowl you over, let's talk about all the other ways that the F12 is set to blow our minds with power, structure, and endless performance punches! By Hisham
108 109 Photographer : Ebrahim Alawadi
And now the most important question: how does this beast drive? Well, in short: like a dream.
The F12 also got upgraded to the latest perks and whistles of Ferrari’s boastful repertoire. Its got the new adaptive magnetorheological dampers (SCM-E), which react much more quickly, improved carbonceramic brakes and, as always, the traction and stability systems have all seen huge improvements in control and speed.
Where, oh where, do I begin? Let’s start with the V12. The F12 is very similar size-wise to the Ferrari FF's engine but is significantly re-engineered for a more optimum level of power production which includes a higher rev and is sure to give you throttle response so quick and slick it'll send you into turbo-boost in no time. It produces an almost unbelievable 730bhp at 8250rpm (it revs to 8700rpm) and 509lb ft at 6000rpm. How's that for all you adrenaline junkies, out there? It definitely does the trick as far as I'm concerning. Imagine all that power and punch transmitted to the 315-section rear tyres via a 7-speed dual clutch transaxle and Ferrari’s E-Diff–imagine the kick in your seat as you trail off at lightening speed in this bad boy!
The famous Ferrari ‘aero-bridge’ needs no introduction, of course is readily available (if you're one of the few poor souls who is unaware of what the aero-bridge is, those are ducts which are set into the front wings and which reduces drag and improves downforce). Plus, the F12 has included active brake cooling ducts that only initiate when the discs start getting really hot, also to help reduce drag. I could go on forever about the list of highlights and perks. Ferrari has retained its signature aluminium chassis for the F12 but new materials increase stiffness and reduce weight.
The results are nothing short of gobsmackingly strong: 0-100 km/h in 3.1-seconds, 0-200 km/h in 8.5-seconds and a top speed of over 400 km/h. That's enough to put it right over the a McLaren F1 as far as acceleration goes. Around Fiorano it’s faster than an Enzo or even the ultra-extreme 599 GTO. Any self-respecting car aficionado can vouch for these results and can tell you what they mean. It means you better take shelter when this monster drives by!
The whole point behind the new F12, as far as I can judge, was to build a vehicle with mid-engined agility (and traction) but packaged in a more user-friendly way and driving accessibility. It's meant to appeal to more common drivers without compromising on muscular edge. But with a 120,000 KD price point and all the mentioned highlights, I can unequivocally assure you there is nothing common about the new Ferarri F12
Ok, so the looks are a no-brainer. The F-12 takes the cake as far as every muscle car aesthetic goes. It is unparalleled in its menacingly strong outline and structure. Hands down. No discussions necessary.
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W a t a n i y a Te l e c o m R e n e w s E x c l u s i v e P a r t n e r s h i p w i t h Ta m d e e n E n t e r t a i n m e n t C o m p a n y Eng. Fakhroo: We want to stay closer to our customers. Al Osaimi: We are looking for ways to provide our customers with engaging experiences Kuwait Nov 12, 2013: Wataniya Telecom has recently renewed its agreement with Tamdeen Entertainment Company for another year of exclusive branding partnership at the company’s entertainment venues in 360 Mall. The strategic partnership is a result of Wataniya’s continuous efforts to find creative ways to reach its customers and stay in touch with them wherever they are. Based on the exclusive agreement between both companies, Wataniya Telecom will be branding 3 venues of the Entertainment Center in 360 Mall and that includes The Bowl Room (bowling area), Freeze Club (arcades & video games), and Infunity (family entertainment center) for a period of one year starting from October, 2013 until October, 2014. Commenting on the partnership, Wataniya Telecoms’, General manager & CEO Eng. Abdulaziz Fakhroo: “We believe in fostering relationships with organizations like Tamdeen Entertainment Company because they provide creative avenues of entertainment and connectivity for young adults and families. Simultaneously, we want to stay close to our customers by being present in areas which are visited and liked by them. It will also help us in emphasizing our brand value and provide our customers with the latest updates on our services and campaigns.” Ahmad Al Osaimi, CEO of Tamdeen Entertainment also commented on the partnership. He said, “Like Wataniya, we are constantly looking for ways to provide our customers with engaging experiences. It gives us great pleasure to renew our partnership with Wataniya and we hope to continue nurturing relationships with leading and dependable companies like Wataniya for many more years to come". Tamdeen Entertainment is also a partner of Wataniya Loyal Program “Nojoom”, the first loyal program of its kind in Kuwait, where customers can redeem the points that they collect through making calls, sending SMS or using the internet with vouchers that allow them to use Tamdeen Services.
W a t a n i y a Te l e c o m Offers Exclusive benefits for Noj o o m ’s P l a t i n u m Members Wataniya Telecom has recently launched a new Platinum tier which is added to the first reward program of its kind in Kuwait “Nojoom”. This new membership tier will provide members and VIP customers with a multitude of exclusive services that are customized to suit their dynamic and ever-changing lifestyle. Platinum memb members will receive a premium membership card and exclusive privileges. Wataniya has partnered with the Kuwait Concierge, the leading company in the field of personal assistant services and airport lounges to provide Platinum members with the highest levels of personal assistance; this includes accomplishing daily tasks from arranging travel tickets and hotel bookings to event planning and reminders.
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تحت رعاية حضرة صاحب السمو امير البالد حفظه اهلل ورعاه وبرعاية الفريق عبداهلل عبدالرحمن الفارس محافظ حولي C
اقامة مجموعة شباب الخير التطوعية ماراثون رياضي تحت شعار ( ) fun runالمقام ضمن فعاليات اليوم الوطني للتضامن مع المعاقين التاسع وقد حضر الفريق عبداهلل عبدالرحمن الفارس محافظ حولي والسيده خلود العلي رئيس المكتب التنفيذي في الجمعيه الخليجيه لالعاقه / الكويت والعديد من مدارس ذوي االعاقة حيث انطلق الماراثون من بعد اشارة شوبيز نهاية بالمركز العلمي وإقامة حفل داخل المركز العلمي وقد تم تكريم الفائزين بالمراكز االولى وبدورها قامت السيده عنود العلي رئيسة المجموعة بالشكر الجزيل لكل من ساهم بنجاح هذا اليوم والشركات الراعية ووسائل االعالم على جهودهم
the VIBE
Breast Cancer Awareness
Always at the forefront of social responsibility and outreach programs, Zain hosted a beautiful, informative, and informative Breast Cancer Awareness event this year in 360 mall!
Photographer : Ahmad Al-Qattan 117
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Nuqat 2013
Lively talks, diverse subjects, and a wide array of speakers on a number of inspiring ideas and concepts that are re-shaping the way Arabs think, communicate, and develop were to be found in the Nuqat 2013 conference in the Americani Cultural Centre. 118 119
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HAMILTON JAZZMASTER FACE 2 FACE Dual existence is the ultimate magical ingredient of fairytales and fantasy movies. Hamilton watches have appeared in a wide selection of movies on this theme, ranging from The Talented Mr Ripley to Spider-Man. The Swiss made American brand treads new watchmaking ground in 2013 by applying the concept of dual identity to its latest innovation, the Hamilton Jazzmaster Face 2 Face. Avant-garde and classical embrace each other in a watch with two distinct personalities, guaranteed never to come face to face, on or off screen.
BANANA REPUBLIC HOLIDAY 2013 Varsity team colors offer bright punches in solid columns of bold hues. Simple silhouettes bring a feminine allure to her drop-waist and fit-and-flare dresses, set in palettes of cobalt to peacock blue and siren red. Sharp monochromatic separates give her a sophisticated polish. Butterscotch yellow, cherry red and deep river blue dot his outerwear. A plush olive parka with a golden yellow lining illustrates this best. Function and style meet in perfect step with youthful, military references in his work and everyday wear. Tailored trousers in gunmetal gray to a slim wool cargo pant in dark olive are set against pops of camouflage, while outerwear finds military precision with zippered pockets and quilted layers.
PATEK PHILIPPE, GENEVA Calatrava Ref. 5227 An officer and a gentleman For decades, the Calatrava – the prototype of the classic round wristwatch, including its Officer's- style variations with dust covers over the case back – has ranked among the most iconic creations of Patek Philippe. Uniting the key characteristics of this watch family, the new Calatrava Ref. 5227 now features a display back protected with a separate dust cover. The special twist: The entire hinge is on the inside of the cover, making it invisible even to the connoisseur. At Patek Philippe, designing and crafting cases has always been just as important as caliber engineering, which for most people is the essence of watchmaking. 121
November READS Furious Cool: Richard Pryor and the World That Made Him
Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship,
By David Henry
and Betrayal
Richard Pryor was arguably the single most influential performer of the second half of the twentieth century,and certainly he was the most successful black actor/comedian ever. Controversial and somewhat enigmatic in his lifetime, Pryor’s performances opened up a new world of possibilities, merging fantasy with angry reality in a way that wasn’t just new—it was heretofore unthinkable.
Anything That Moves:
Renegade Chefs, Fearless Eaters, and the Making of a New American Food Culture
By Dana Goodyear New Yorker writer Dana Goodyear combines the style of Mary Roach with the on-the-ground food savvy of Anthony Bourdain in a rollicking narrative look at the shocking extremes of the contemporary American food world. A new American cuisine is forming. Animals never before considered or long since forgotten are emerging as delicacies.
The Valley of Amazement By Amy Tan Amy Tan’s The Valley of Amazement is a sweeping, evocative epic of two women’s intertwined fates and their search for identity, that moves from the lavish parlors of Shanghai courtesans to the fog-shrouded mountains of a remote Chinese village. Spanning more than forty years and two continents, The Valley of Amazement resurrects pivotal episodes in history: from the collapse of China’s last imperial dynasty, to the rise of the Republic.
The Isle of Youth: Stories By Laura van den Berg Laura van den Berg’s gorgeous new book, The Isle of Youth, explores the lives of women mired in secrecy and deception. From a newlywed caught in an inscrutable marriage, to private eyes working a baffling case in South Florida, to a teenager who assists her magician mother and steals from the audience, the characters in these bewitching stories are at once vulnerable and dangerous, bighearted and ruthless, and they will do what it takes to survive.
By Nick Bilton Ev told Jack he had to “chill out” with the deluge of media he was doing. “It’s bad for the company,” Ev said. “It’s sending the wrong message.” Biz sat between them, watching like a spectator at a tennis match. “But I invented Twitter,” Jack said.
Rustication: A Novel By Charles Palliser A vertiginous gothic masterpiece from the best-selling author of The Quincunx. Charles Palliser’s work has been hailed as “so compulsively absorbing that reality disappears” (New York Times). Since his extraordinary debut, The Quincunx, his works have sold over one million copies worldwide. With his new novel, Rustication, he returns to the town of Thurchester, which he evoked so hauntingly in The Unburied.
At Night We Walk in Circles: A Novel By Daniel Alarcon The breakout book from a prizewinning young writer: a breathtaking, suspenseful story of one man’s obsessive search to find the truth of another man’s downfall. Nelson’s life is not turning out the way he hoped. His girlfriend is sleeping with another man, his brother has left their South American country, leaving Nelson to care for their widowed mother, and his acting career can’t seem to get off the ground.
The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism By Doris Kearns Goodwin The gap between rich and poor has never been wider . . . legislative stalemate paralyzes the country . . . corporations resist federal regulations . . . spectacular mergers produce giant companies . . . the influence of money in politics deepens . . . bombs explode in crowded streets . . . small wars proliferate far from our shores . . . a dizzying array of inventions speeds the pace of daily life.
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HOROSCOPES ARIES (March 21 - April 20)
LIBRA (September 24 - October 23)
Things aren’t exactly where you want them on the job? Practice patience. It’s OK to do the same thing over and over again; this kind of work ethic pays off in the long run. Socially, it’s time to meet new people. A Sagittarian makes a friendly overture this month. Accept.
Slow down, Libra. You’re trying too hard to do too many things – romance, work, friends, family, hobbies and downtime. There’s time for it all, but not in one day. Use this month to take time out for yourself
TAURUS (April 21 - MAY 21)
SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22)
Too much work and no play isn’t good for anyone, Taurus. Especially not for someone who’s been going at it for as long and hard as you have. Take a break. Use this month to plan a special trip – and make it a long one. There will be plenty of time for work when you return!
Romance not going your way? Things can change this month, but it’s up to you. Are you going to keep dwelling on the past, or will you look to the future for happiness? It’s your choice. Don’t know where to look? Check right under your nose. You’ll like what you see.
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - December 21)
If finances aren’t looking too good this month, it may be time to make a new plan. Take time out to budget your expenses for the month – or the year. Feeling creative? Make a flowchart, and note where unaccounted-for pennies are going. You’ll probably be surprised with the outcome.
Got the blues? Try not to give in. Focus on things that make you feel happy. It’s a great time to make efforts in health and fitness. Start a diet. Go to the gym. Maybe even look into signing up for a class. Just don’t be afraid to put yourself first this month. It’s a wise investment.
CANCER (June 22 - July 22) This is not the month to be your usual practical self. It’s a month to treat yourself right. Work stressing you out? Call in sick, and enjoy some downtime. Your romantic outlook is good for the coming weeks, but move slowly if you want to secure victories in matters of the heart.
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
You seem to be doing a lot of talking lately, Leo, and not enough listening. Wise up. A Gemini friend comes to you for career advice. You have the chance for a starring role this month behind the scenes, instead of in the spotlight, like you’re accustomed to. Don’t blow it.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 23)
Work isn’t everything. Practice telling yourself that over and over again this month. You’ll find things changing from stressful to dull often. That’s OK. Don’t forget you can make your own challenges outside the workplace. Plan things to look forward to.
CAPRICION (December 22 - January 20)
Tired of trying to please an impossible boss? Don’t. Do things as you know how, and let him/her fix the rest. And, definitely don’t take the aggravation home with you.
AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19)
It’s your own fickleness that’s driving you crazy. Figure out what you really want. Trying new things has never been hard for you. It’s sticking to them that’s your problem.
PISCES (February 20 - March 20)
Feel like you’re just going through the motions in romance? Bring your heart back into the picture. You’re hit with some serious relationship questions. Think before you answer. Honesty and sincerity are the only ways to obtain the closeness you so desire. Source : 123