Looking into the haggadah with a difference Asufa is the name of the Israeli design collective that has published a new haggadah with remarkable artwork every year for the past decade. The process each year involves assigning about 40 designers to produce their own two-page spread based on the traditional Hebrew text. (A bilingual English-Hebrew version was published in 2015.) Some of the pages are playful—like one of a rabbinical discussion of plagues depicted as a wrestling program.
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Others are whimsical—like a grace after meals depicting John Lennon and Elvis Presley in heaven. And a few of the illustrations are meant to be provocative—like the medieval-inspired gory drawings for a section that calls for the nations persecuting Israel to be punished. David Zvi Kalman distributes the effort in North America, through the Philadelphia-based publishing house Print-O-Craft, which is named for the business that his grandfather once owned in Toronto.