2017 Comply at Work May Newsletter

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Comply at Work Upcoming Courses


What’s the position on sun cream


Is there a quic-fix training solution


Free Training Course


Testing the water temperature


Don’t forget about workplace stress


In the spotlight


May 2017

P2 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work OUR UPCOMING TRAINING COURSES…. Ask us about our special offers: Pick n mix sessions, free seminars and discounts for retained clients. Fri 2 June 9 – 12 noon CDM Regs Awareness Training £120 + VAT pp Fri 9 June 9.30 – 12.30 FREE fully funded Personal Development workshop for 4 weeks Tues 20 June pm Manual handling and Asbestos Awareness ‘Pick and Mix session’ Wed 21 June 9 – 12 noon Fire Marshal Training £75.00 + VAT pp Thurs 29 June Emergency First Aid £85.00 + VAT pp inc buffet lunch Also, Thurs 27 July Places are limited on all these courses. Please contact us on 01204 772977 now to register your interest.

e-mail info@complyatwork.co.uk www.complyatwork.co.uk

Safety Snippets | P3

Sn Saf ip ety pe ts

Tip. In this instance you should follow the HSE’s guidance. It makes it clear that the responsibility to cover up and apply protective cream lies with the employee. However, you should encourage staff to use sun protection cream, cover up and take breaks in the shade.

P4 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

What’s the position on sun protection cream?


In the news. A report from Cancer Research indicates that there are many more cases of skin cancer now than compared with the 1970s. Does this mean you should be taking steps to protect staff who work outside? Employers don’t need to provide staff with sun protection cream. The HSE makes it clear that employees must take responsibility for their own protection. You should remind staff of the risks, tell them to cover up and to take breaks in the shade.

Source: Indicator

e-mail info@complyatwork.co.uk www.complyatwork.co.uk

Safety Snippets | P5

Bu s By ine te ss

Tip 1. Carry out a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) before booking anything and call us to discuss your specific requirements – we can design a bespoke session for your business. Although it sounds complicated, a TNA should be a very simple process. Start by looking for skills gaps, i.e. a lack of staff that can carry out risk assessments or drive plant or machinery. Once you have your list, you should then prioritise, i.e. if you know there are things that you should have done, but haven’t had someone with the skills to do it, this should be completed first.

Tip 2. Some of the subjects you may want to consider are: • risk assessments - to help your staff understand the process and to be able to carry them out • safety management - courses that deal with this subject are a useful tool for managers and supervisors and can be used as part of their development.

P6 | Business Byte

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

Is there a quick-fix training solution? You’re always receiving e-mails offering training courses which claim to cover numerous H&S subjects in one day. But are they really value for money?

There’s got to be a catch If your /e-mail address appears on any marketing list, chances are you’ve received numerous offers promising “Safety training in a day” or “Everything you need to know about safety, made simple” all for a couple of hundred pounds per delegate. On the face of it, courses such as these are very tempting as you may not need to become an expert, but do want to know a bit about everything. But are they really worth considering?

Too good to be true If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Although we’d like to say you could learn everything about health and safety management in a few hours, it’s just not possible. In fact, some of these courses try to cover so much in such a short amount of time that the message you get at the end of it can be very confusing. Tip. If you’re intending to send staff on short training courses, book them on one that covers specific workrelated subjects.

Legislation vs. practical advice

Note. Courses that provide a snapshot of legislative requirements can do more harm than good. If the attendee doesn’t really understand what’s actually required, the chances are he’s likely to want to implement control measures that might be over the top and impractical.

Business benefit Ask yourself what you want to achieve by sending your staff for training. Is it to improve their skills and help them in their career? Possibly, but your primary reason should be to provide them with the skills to improve your business.

The next step For a free checklist to help you complete a Training Needs Analysis please send an email request to info@ complyatworkco.uk. We can provide a competitive quote for all your training needs and make each session bespoke to your company and sector.

Avoid courses that focus purely on legislation. Many of these involve trainers working through a piece of legislation or the associated guidance documents and not much else. The problem with these courses is that they’re aimed more at the safety professional. They are very theoretical and don’t provide attendees with the necessary skills to implement anything meaningful to reduce the risks.

Comply at Work Training Facilities

Source: Indicator

e-mail info@complyatwork.co.uk www.complyatwork.co.uk

Business Byte | P7

Bu s By ine te ss

In summary: To prevent the growth of legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems, hot water needs to be above 50°C and cold water below 20°C. You can measure the temperature with a calibrated probe, although in some systems you’ll need to measure the pipe temperature with a surface probe instead.

P8 | Business Byte

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

Testing the water temperature You’ve been tasked with taking regular tap water temperatures as part of your routine Legionnaires’ disease prevention strategy. Why do you need to do this and are there any special methods required?

Multiplication Controlling the temperature in a water system is an important control measure for preventing the growth of legionella bacteria. They are dormant below 20°C and do not survive above 60°C, but they thrive and multiply in warm water, i.e. 20°C to 45°C. Water temperatures are regarded as hygienic when cold water is kept at a temperature below 20°C and stored hot water is held at 60°C. At the tap, the temperature of hot water should be 50°C or higher (55°C in healthcare premises).

Tip 1. The legionella risk assessment should specify the taps to check and how often. Keep a record of your results in a water log book. If you would like a FREE Record sheet, please let us know and we can email one to you.

Too hot to handle

Tip 3. For hot taps without thermostatic mixing devices you should also hold a temperature probe in the flow of water, although in this case you should obtain a temperature of at least 50°C within one minute.

The risk of Legionnaires’ disease is much reduced by high temperatures. However, you must be mindful of the risks of scalding. These risks are especially high for the old, the young and disabled. Water must be hot enough to prevent the growth of the bacteria, but not so hot as to hurt users. A common way to resolve this dilemma is to fit thermostatic mixing devices. These take in hot and cold water and blend it to produce warm water at the hot tap. Tip. Never control scalding risk by turning down the temperature of stored hot water to a low level. A safe hot water temperature for a vulnerable person is, for example, 41°C. However, if you store water at this temperature you could have a death on your hands from Legionnaires’ disease.

How to measure? If you’ve been asked to measure tap water temperatures it’s likely there will be a legionella risk assessment.

Tip 2. The cold tap temperature is measured by placing a temperature probe in the water flow. You should achieve a temperature below 20°C when running the tap for no more than two minutes.

Tip 4. For thermostatic mixing devices, where possible check the temperature of the hot water on its arrival at the device, prior to mixing. To do this, access metal parts on the pipe leading to the mixer, e.g. a copper pipe underneath the sink. Measure the surface temperature of the hot pipe whilst running the hot tap for up to one minute. Note. Unfortunately, systems are not always set up for you to do this. Tip 5. You may find that a standard temperature probe is a little slow in reading the temperature from a pipe surface. An alternative is to purchase a surface temperature probe. Tip 6. Temperature measuring equipment should be calibrated. Look for devices which are sold with a calibration certificate.

Source: Indicator

e-mail info@complyatwork.co.uk www.complyatwork.co.uk

Business Byte | P9

Bu s By ine te ss P10 | Business Byte

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

Don’t forget about workplace Stress… The HSE has announced that it’s “back in the game” when it comes to work-related stress. What can you take from this?

It’s rare to hear organisations taking the HSE to task on its lack of enforcement action. However, at a conference in London a number of public organisations, including some unions, stated that the HSE should be doing more to tackle workrelated stress. They identified that only a handful of improvement notices have been issued and the subject doesn’t seem to be a priority during inspections. Note. HSE statistics for 2015/16 suggest that 45% of days lost to occupational ill health are linked to stress. The incidence rate of new cases has remained broadly flat for about a decade. The response. The HSE admitted that stress isn’t an enforcement priority. A spokesperson stated that high-risk activities, such as working with chemicals, is where inspectors are asked to focus. Despite the calls to push stress up the enforcement priority list, the HSE has stated that it has no plans to carry out proactive inspections and enforcement-led campaigns or start issuing notices and prosecuting employers.

Carrot and no stick. However, as the “back in the game” statement suggests, stress isn’t being ignored. But rather than sending inspectors out, the HSE is planning to offer businesses help and support, not threaten them with fines and other penalties. HSE psychologists, social scientists and others are working on material for the public sector and small and medium-sized businesses. What to expect? The HSE is planning to introduce new online tools, training aids, case studies, etc. as part of Helping Great Britain work well . Tip. It’s worth keeping an eye on this website, as you may find some of the tools useful - especially if you are struggling to deal with staff who are suffering with stress. http://www.hse.gov.uk/strategy/index.htm

Comply at Work also plan to host some Stress Management and Resiliance training workshops in the near future. Please get in touch to register your interest.

e-mail info@complyatwork.co.uk www.complyatwork.co.uk

Business Byte | P11

Bu s By ine te ss Accelerate Meta Change-ology© (AMC) Fully Funded (FREE) - Training Workshop Programme Personal Development ▪ Leadership & Management ▪ Think Differently

Take Action - Make the Breakthrough Now! You can have the best product, service and techniques in the world - but without the right Life Skills, Mental Resilience and a powerful Personal Development philosophy nothing works. In a changing world and an uncertain economy, your own Self-improvement and Mental Resilience will have a direct effect on your life, career, personal success or business. You can now benefit from 100% Fully Funded – training and 1-2-1 guided support to help you make your positive breakthrough and work towards getting the results you really want. “Success is 80% Psychology and 20% Mechanics” – Tony Robbins The Accelerated Meta Change-ology© (AMC) training workshop programme has been designed to help you create your own personal blueprint. You will learn new skills and new ways of thinking so that you can develop a success strategy and achieve your number one priority/goals. Accelerated Meta Change-ology© is a framework blueprint that utilises elements Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Personal Development, Mental Resilience, Emotional Intelligence and Subconscious re-programming - to help accelerate awareness, confidence, motivation, creativity and personal growth. AMC© Training will include:             

Developing a powerful Personal Development philosophy to keep you on track Understand Self-awareness and understand other people Understand your thoughts and develop a winning mind-set Create positive beliefs, habits and behaviours Overcome limiting beliefs Become a Creative Thinker and Problem Solver Develop Rapport & Communication Skills (including self-communication) Develop Effective Strategies Build Confidence and Self-belief Emotional Intelligence skills Become more Motivated Create and achieve Goals Make a Paradigm change

….and much more AMC© Training Workshops (maximum 12 people)  4 x 4 hour workshops run over 4 consecutive weeks  Guided learning (post workshop), exercises, workbook and 1-2-1 support

P12 | Business Byte

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

How can this AMC© training benefit and why is this important? Each of us has around 70,000 thoughts every day. Often these same old thoughts recur, creating a negative loop at a subconscious level and we often find that one day is similar to the last. However, when you learn to change and control your thinking, you can gain clarity, become more focused, make better decisions and begin to produce the results you desire. “No problem can be solved by the same level of consciousness that created it.” - Albert Einstein The AMC© training workshop programme is designed to support businesses (employers/employees) who are committed to selfdevelopment, upskilling and making positive change. Graham Stuart will complete the Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and ILM paperwork, prior to your training funding being allocated and your place/s being confirmed. Were & When (Bolton and Greater Manchester) The training location is: Compliance House, 5 Mason Street, Horwich, Bolton, BL6 5QP, Greater Manchester (easy access off J6, M61) The 4 x half day training workshop programme will be run over 4 consecutive weeks on the mornings of 9th , 16th, 23rd, and 30th June in 2017. Places are in demand and previous workshops have been extremely successful. If you are interested in taking advantage of this training opportunity act now to avoid disappointment. What is Involved: Because the knowledge and skills you will gain builds up in layers, it is imperative that you are 100% commitment and can attend all of the 4 x 4 hour half day training workshops. Places will be strictly limited to 10-12 people per workshop programme. What is the Cost? Selected businesses/owners/employees) will be 100% fully funded through the European Social Fund and Skills Funding Agency. This is based on attending all 4 workshop dates allocated to you. Should funding be allocated and you then miss any of the four workshops a “no show” fee (£200) will be charged to cover the cost room hire, training, loss of funding penalty and other expenses. What to do Next Reserve your place immediately and arrange your face to face meeting to complete the application process. Remember, Personal Development is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, and the most important investments in time you could ever make in your own success. To find out more and to check on availability, dates etc, please contact Graham Stuart now on: 07870 222771 or visit www.imperivesolutions.co.uk

Source: Indicator

e-mail info@complyatwork.co.uk www.complyatwork.co.uk

Business Byte | P13

Comply at Work

in the spotlight Congratulations to our Clients this month who have achieved the following accreditations: HCP NorthWest Ltd - CHAS JCW Group – SMAS Ascot Doors Ltd – SMAS Ultra Cleaning Services - CHAS Collins Building Solutions SMAS as Principal Contractor HCS Cleaning Services Ltd , Bolton - CHAS We would also like to welcome several new retained clients on board: Carrs Pasties, Bolton Nationwide Site Support Services Ltd, Manchester A Thompson Electrical Ltd, Bolton CP Decorators Ltd, Bolton Changing Glazing and Locks Ltd, Bolton Groundline Engineering Ltd, Nottingham Insolito Group, Manchester Some of our other client work this month includes: Health and Safety risk assessment and fire risk assessment for Insolito Restaurant, Manchester Monthly Site inspections for Atmsotherm Ltd , Salford GP Practice assessments in Bolton for Zenith Lawyers Assistance with Achilles Audit for a retained client DSE assessments at Leverhulme Primary School, Bolton DSE coaching and training for a large firm of solicitors

Our Highlights! We have designed and are delivering a half day course on the imprtonace or risk assessment and method statements on site for opertives, and received excellent feedback. Our monthly Emergency First Aid course still proves to be as porular as ever and are filling quickly. We are assisting our food sector clients with Food Safety Consultancy and Training We continue to travel far and wide if our clients require it. This month we have visited Southampton to undertake first aid and fire marshal training, and have undrtaken a fire risk assessment there .

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