The Cruiser Volume 54 Issue 1

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Photos by Samantha Rayburn


School spirit has taken an interesting turn in the first month of this school year. Students are more hyped than ever and are showing increased participation in spirit days. Our Associated Student Section is now known for its energy during games and even has its own Twitter page. As for the pep rallies… let’s just say there has been a massive improvement. The lively LHS Associated Student Section is scoring points in the hearts of fans while the teams dominate on the field. The “‘ship” offers entertainment of its own with students taking over the cheers and yelling their spirited chants between plays. When the Commodores make great plays or score, the ‘ship brings out the Rally Scooter. The Rally Scooter is a big part of game spirit and adds to the student section liveliness. “It was actually mine and Hayden Hopper’s idea-our love child. We found a kids scooter behind the dugout at the baseball field. It was Friday night, and we went to Walmart first. Then we went home and we made it in about four hours. It was about $10 worth of material,” said senior Ben Harper.

At the volleyball games, the fun to dress up and have spirit. I’m student section belts the national on the dance team so I’m obligated to anthem showing pride in their country dress up, and I absolutely don’t mind it and lifting spirits in the crowd. Though at all.” there are some very active juniors, This year’s pep-rallies have seniors are largely credited with the seen an amazing improvement. The massive shift in school spirit and lead students are much more lively and the student view them as section each “It’s definitely poppin’ here opportunities game. to unite at Lafayette. I mean we the whole “Everybody school. Many got Oxford people in our wants to students still student section,” said come out believe that and be a the pepJacob Crawford part of the rallies are ‘ship,” said our weakBen Harper. spot in spirit and that they could still The spirit days have seen be improved. more participation this year. The halls “I believe they could be are filled with spirited outfits each enhanced,” Harper said, “I like Friday. the fact that the whole school The rise in participation is pulls together, the freshman and largely due to the popularity of the sophomores could do more though.” spirit day themes chosen by the cheer The athletic performances on team. Many sports teams are also the field could also be a factor in the requiring their players to participate. rising spirit with Commodore Football “I think it’s important to show going 4-2 overall so far this season. school spirit [and] that not only am I The only two lost games were 13-14 here to learn and make good grades West Point and 25-27 Oxford. These but I’m here to have a good time,” said two very close losses have lit fires in senior Laurie Branch,“It’s always super hearts of Commodore fans to come

Page 2 A new grading software is introduced to LCSD

Page 3 Turnage answers some question about his All-American honor

out and support their team. Every game sees an increase in turn out and spirit in the Commodore stands. Whatever the reason, school spirit has definitely increased this year aboard the ‘ship, and it is expected to continue to rise.

Photo by Emme Brown

Ben Harper holds up the Rally Scooter during the homecoming peprally last year.

Page 4 New drama teacher brings new life to the program

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