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Volume 51, Issue 2



Who won the coins for a cure competiton? find out on page 3

for more homecoming pictures go to page 6

Who is the attendence clerk? find out on page 7

Commodores freak out for Pink Out by La’Keirra Owens

Commodores throw pink powder into the air just as the football players run out onto the field in celebration of breast cancer awareness month

Dores claim District Title

The Lafayette Commodores held their annual Pink Out game against the Senatobia Warriors which began with Senior Night on October 21, 2016 at William L. Buford Stadium. Senior Night is where seniors are recognized in the following activities :band, JROTC, football, or cheerleading. The Commodores started off with a rocky start against the Warriors. Neither team scored at all throughout the first half. During the third quarter, Senatobia scored, putting the score at 7-0. At the end of the game the score was 17-14 putting

the Commodores on top as district champions. They will close out the regular season Friday the 28 of October at Byhalia High School. For the Pink Out game the Commodore Cruiser staff collected money from first periods and even sold a shirt which was created by the local chapter of the sorority Zeta Tau Alpha. With all of the different fund raisers the Commodores raised $600 which was matched by local cellular provider CSpire.

FFA takes it to Nationals

by Destiny Mooneyham

Meredith McCurdy Rhodes and her student officers of FFA took a road trip to Indianapolis, Indiana from October 18th to the 21st. This trip consisted of fun moments as well as serious moments. The fun things including the trip there and back, while the serious things were the competition that they were currently there for. “It was only going to take us eight hours to get there, but it ended up taking us thirteen hours due to two blow outs. We got to see Chris Young and Cole Swindell. And we stayed up all night laugh-

ing over dumb stuff,” Gracie Tidwell, a sophomore at Lafayette High School, said. Mccurdy’s students had placed first in State when competing in Job Interview and Chapter Display, which qualified them to compete in Nationals. “Chapter Display is an award application that chapters can fill out based on the programs that they do throughout the year. In that, there are several specifics that they have to have. They have to have a healthy program, community service projects, pro-

grams where students are learning about life skills, such as record keeping and work experience. Job Interview is when students are interviewed and have to submit an application and a resume. They have to do a handwritten follow-up, a phone interview, an email follow-up, and multiple interviews with multiple people,” McCurdy said. At Nationals, Abbigail Johnson, a sophomore at LHS, ranked top 15 in the nation of talent performers. Tidwell says that there were people from all around the United States

at Nationals for them to meet. In Chapter Display, their score was a 93 out of 100. LHS alumna, Edi Kent placed top 30 in Job Interview. “It is one experience that I will never forget and I encourage everyone to join FFA,” Tidwell said.

Pictured above top row from left to right: Alyssa Camfield, Treyton Odom, Walker Westbrook, JonVictor Arbuckle, Destiny Wilson. Bottom Row left to right: Gracie Tidwell and Brook Savage. Not Pictured: Abby Johnson

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