Meditate with Chris Long on page 10 March 2016
What’s the “F” word? page 8 & 9
Prom Prep, page 4
Volume 50, Issue 5
Commodore Cruiser
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE LAFAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER @DORESCRUISER _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dores’ Decision by Audrey Tapp
A new president will be elected later this year. The Republican convention will take place July 18-21, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio and the Democratic convention will be held the following week in Philadelphia, Penn. Here are the final five candidates and who would be in the White House if Lafayette High School voted today.
Ted Cruz
John Kasich
Republican candidate Donald Trump continues to lead the 2016 Presidential Election by an large amount of votes. Trump is an American businessman, politician, television actor, and what most people know him by, a Republican candidate. Trump was born on June 14, 1946 (69) in Queens, New York. Trump has partaken in three marriages and has five children. Trump attended Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for his education.
Republican candidate Ted Cruz runs in second place in the 2016 Presidential Election. Cruz may be in second place now, but he undeniably still has the potential to become the Republican’s 2016 winner. Cruz was born on December 22, 1970 (45) in Calgary, Canada. Cruz has two children with his only wife Heidi Cruz. Cruz received his education from Harvard Law School, and Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.
Current governor of Ohio, first elected in 2010 and relected in 2014, and current candidate in the 2016 Presidential Election, John Kasich presently runs third in this years election. Kasich was born on May 13, 1952 (63) in Mckees Rocks, Penn. Kasich has engages in two marriages and has two children. Kasich attended Ohio State University. Kasich is currently the governor of Ohio and previously performed as a U.S. Representative (1983-2001) and an Ohio State Senator (1979-1983).
Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders Democrat
Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton currently hold the winning nominations by many votes. Clinton is currently the Secretary of State and a democratic candidate in the 2016 Presidential Election. Clinton was born on October 26, 1947 (69) in Chicago, Ill. Clinton has one child with her spouse Bill Clinton. Clinton attended Yale Law School for her education. Clinton has also received numerous awards.
Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders is an American politician and the junior United States senator from Vermont. Sanders is a current participant in the 2016 Presidential Election. Sanders was born on September 8, 1941 (74) in Brooklyn, New York. Sanders has partaken in two marriages and has no children.
32% 29% 4% 17% 18%