The Commodore Cruiser WelcomeBack2016 Issue

Page 1

August 2016

Volume 51, Special Issue




Greetings from Principal Glenn Kitchens Hello Commodores and WELCOME to the 2016-2017 school year here at LHS. The beginning of a new school year is always an exciting time as we meet new friends and teachers, renew old acquantinces, hear all the news from our exciting summer events, and settle into a new course schedule for the coming year. With that comes the first big social and athletic events of the year and those events are always a fun time for everyone. If you are not already involved in any of our organizations here at LHS, consider getting involved in one or more groups and build new relationships with Commodores you may not already know. I have found that all Commodores bring a unique perspective to our shared conversations and tasks so get out there and be a part a part of something new. I challenge you to make this your best school year on record by making good decisions, following through with your commitments, offering assistance wherever you notice a need, ask for asistance when you can use a hand, being respectful in every situation and as always by remembering that not everybody can be, but everybody wants to be a Commodore. Make a choice to live the Commodore life and everyday should be a great one! Go Dores!

Pokemon go?

by Mary Kate Newman “McAlister’s sent me a $30 gift card because of Pokemon Go.”

like the old show, the objective of the game is to catch pokemon and train them to fight

Sydney Johnson, a junior at Lafayette High School, has gotten caught up in the new and famous game created by Niantic called Pokemon Go. The game uses real life locations as places to find and train pokemon. In the game,

other creatures.This game uses GPS signals to show where you are and where to find other pokemon and “gyms” to train them. Places such as Ole Miss campus, The square, and William Faulkner’s grave are home to many

pokemon according to Johnson’s findings. It all started in McAlister’s. Johnson had heard of the app w h e n it first came out at the beginning of July and decided to try it out. She was with friend, Sara Sanders, when all of the sudden a pokemon had appeared outside of McAlister’s on the patio. Of course, it was late when this happened so the patio door was locked. Johnson de-

cided to go up to one of the employees about this problem. “Hey there’s a pokemon out on the patio and the doors locked so can you go

After this Sanders tweeted “Just asked the lady at McAlister’s to open the patio because there was a pokemon outside.” Soon af-

catch it for me?” The woman went out and caught it for her of course.

ter McAlister’s main twitter account asked if she “catch em?” There were an ex-

change of tweets between McAlisters and Sanders when later on Mcalister’s asked them to dm(direct message) them. Johnson and Sanders asked McAlister’s for free tea until level 20 Mcalister’s replied and said for them to send their address and they would send them gift cards to McAlister’s for their next Pokemon hunt. Johnson has said it was the highlight of her summer and the gift card has already been spent.

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