The Flames of Alertness

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Frank M. Wanderer

THE FLAMES OF ALERTNESS Discover the Power of Consciousness!

(c) 2014 Frank M. Wanderer, Ervin K. Kery Author: Frank M. Wanderer Editor: Ervin K. Kery All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronical or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission writing from the publisher.

ISBN-13: 978-1502748331 ISBN-10: 1502748339

This book will only reach you, if a tiny flame of Alertness is burning in you. This awakening, small flame will be fanned up into a huge, blazing torch in you, and that torch will devour the accustomed, isolated world around you and place you back into the Oneness, which is your natural state of existence.

CONTENTS FOREWORD ...................................................... 10 Alertness........................................................... 13 What Does it Mean to be Alert?....... 13 The Dimensions of Alertness............ 13 Presence ........................................... 15 You Live in a Dream World............................... 15 You are Asleep.................................. 15 You Imagine a Whole World Around Yourself............................................. 16 You are not Present.......................... 17 You Live in a Separate World ........... 18 The Reasons of Your Sleep ............... 20 Longing for Freedom ........................ 20 Be Alert!............................................................ 23 The Notion of the Illusionary Self..... 23

An Unchanging Factor ...................... 24 The Signs of Awakening.................... 26 Exit from Your Personal History ....... 28 The Ability to See.............................. 31 Meditate!.......................................................... 33 Active Meditation............................. 33 The Nature of Real Meditation......... 34 Consolidate Your Attention!............................. 36 To be and to Do Nothing Else........... 36 The Idea of Action ............................ 37 Attention Consolidated .................... 38 The Object of Attention.................... 39 Do not Meditate! Exist! .................................... 41 The Survival Instinct of the Illusionary Self.................................................... 41 At the Border.................................... 43 Through the Border .......................... 44

Submerged into the Quiet of �I am� 46 Recognize the Operations of the Mind! ........... 48 The Power of the Conditioned Mind 48 In-Depth Programming of the Mind. 50 Closing the Gates.............................. 51 Find Yourself! ................................................... 54 The Image is Being Cleared Up......... 54 Your Last Assignment ....................... 55 Self-Research.................................... 57 The End of Self-Research.................. 58 The Intensity of Being....................... 59 About the Author ............................................. 62 Frank M. Wanderer .................................. 62

FOREWORD This book deals with things that cannot be easily transferred through words, as these things are not comprehensible from words alone. The words here are, nevertheless, tools that I intend to use, as they are permeated with the power of Existence, the power of Alertness. The power of these words remain hidden from you, if you approach them with the logical and rational operational methods of the Mind. But if you are reading the book slowly, and allow its contents to reach beyond the Mind’s hunger for curiosities and novelties, and you focus your attention not on the specific meaning of the words, but on the force field behind them instead, you will find, that Fire, Light and Power radiate from the words. This is the power that nourishes that small flame of Alertness in you, fanning it up into a large, blazing bonfire. Experiencing the contents of the book in this way will wake you up, it will bring you Alertness and will keep you very wide - 10 -

awake. It will wake you up from your dream that you at present regard as your personal history, your life. This awakening does not serve the development of your spiritual Ego; on the contrary: it is meant to destroy the Ego, thus depriving you of your sense of personal identity, breaking through the operations of the Mind conditioned into you. The rising fire of Alertness activates the ability to See. This capability of Sight, which I also refer to as the Power of Sight, will lead you beyond the Mind, it will lead you out of the small confines of your prison cell, created by your identification with thoughts and emotions. It will lead you out to the open spaces of Consciousness. The capability of Sight does not mean the extension of the physical abilities of your eyes. It means that you will be empowered with the ability to intuitively understand and see things, you will acquire real intelligence. The capability of Sight cannot, however, be acquired through longing for it, through effort or practice. It will emerge once you have discovered the desire in yourself to

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recognize the immortal creature living in you. This creature now looks at itself as somebody who is subject to all kinds of limitations and conditions. At this moment you begin to experience the power of that desire, that is what has made you a Seeker, that is what has given this booklet into your hands, and that is what will fan the tiny flame into a burning fire. The awakening of that desire is what will lead you to Alertness, from which your oldnew Self is going to emerge like a phoenix. Let us finally warn you again not to allow the categorizing and analytical approach of your mind to disturb you in the process of reading the book. Instead, read in quiet tranquility with an open heart and an open mind, so that words may come to life in you. Do not attempt to obtain the knowledge outlined below; let it mature into experience in yourself, since it is only personal experience is able to increase your greatest treasure: Alertness. Frank M. Wanderer

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Alertness What Does it Mean to be Alert? When the notion of Alertness is mentioned at a conversation, people often tend to confuse it with being awake. Alertness is, however, not identical with being awake, since being awake is only one dimension of Alertness. It is the outermost dimension of Alertness, its surface only. Three dimensions of Alertness may be identified.

The Dimensions of Alertness The surface, that is, the outermost dimension of Alertness is when the focus of attention is open the widest. Being Alert then means that now, in this very moment, with our eyes closed (or open) you pay attention to the processes of your inner world (bodily sensations, the stream of your thoughts, the shifting of your emotions), and the external - 13 -

world surrounding you (noises, scents etc. from the direct world around you). In such an instant you only focus your attention on what takes place in that very moment. From the aspect of another, deeper dimension of Alertness it is a quality of your consciousness when you cease to evaluate, qualify and control the experience affecting you at that particular moment (disregard the functions of the mind) and, at the same time, you give up all your desires to control events. You have no expectations in connection with the given moment, you accept what is taking place, without making judgments, what is wrong and what is right for you. The deepest dimension of Alertness is a state of Consciousness the most important characteristic feature of which is the presence of the observing Consciousness, the capability of Sight. In this state of the Consciousness we, as an external spectator, view what is happening inside and around us, and we do not allow these events to take us with them, to affect us deeper. There is a virtual space between you as the contemplating Consciousness and the experiences affecting you. This space

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enables you to avoid identification with your experience and to look at that experience as an external spectator. Alertness is, at the same time, Presence, which means that your are not only aware of your current actions, but you are also aware of yourself.

Presence It is only possible to talk about real Alertness when all three dimensions are present at the same time. These are inseparable features of Alertness, that together constitute the state that we hereunder describe as Alertness or Presence.

You Live in a Dream World You are Asleep Allow me to draw your attention to an apparently surprising thing. If I told you that now, when you are reading these lines, you are in fact asleep, you would certainly believe that I have gone mad. Your are awake, you are concentrating your attention to reading, and you are aware of your environment as well. You can see the furniture of your room, you can hear the call - 15 -

of the birds from the nearby forest. You are also aware of your thoughts and emotions, too. How can anyone claim that you are asleep in this very moment? Naturally, you, just as everyone else, sleep at night, and yes, sometimes you see dreams while you sleep. But now it is daytime, you are awake, so how could you see dreams?

You Imagine a Whole World Around Yourself I believe, however, that you do not only sleep at night, but also at daytime. I believe that in your present state of consciousness your greatest illusion is that you think that you are awake. I believe that in your present existence your greatest illusion is when you think that you are alert. What I see is that in your present state of consciousness you are asleep, and at present you are dreaming, and what you see and hear are all parts of your dream. Your nighttime sleep is only different from your daytime sleep in that in the night your dreams are less active. During the day you imagine a whole world around you, and you

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play an active role in that dream. Your personal history takes place in that world, and identifying with that world shapes your personal identity. At present you are dreaming that, as a part of your personal history, you are reading these lines while you identify with the role of the spiritual Seeker, and you are outraged by what you are actually reading. The question may arise in you why I claim that you are asleep and dreaming now. Well, from the state of consciousness I call Alertness I can see that you are asleep, you believe yourself to be a separate Self, you are a captive of the works of your mind.

You are not Present What is the evidence for me that you are now asleep, and as a citizen of a dreamland you dream that you are awake? First, that you are not present. To be present means that you are fully alert, attentive, and conscious in the present moment. Whatever you do, you do that fully consciously, you

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focus your entire attention on that particular activity. Or, do you feel free to declare that you are present in every moment of your life? The case with you (and with the majority of people) is that you are not awake in the sense described above. You are careless most of the time, as a large segment of your attention is bound by dealing with events of your thoughts, events of past and plans for future and your own self. Psychological time therefore displaces the moment of the present, or subordinates it to past or future. You therefore perform the overwhelming majority of your daily activities mechanically. Your attention only becomes more intensive when you meet someone or deal with something who or that you find interesting, or useful in some way. Or the opposite: the person or thing may do harm to you in some way.

You Live in a Separate World How deep you sleep may depend on how realistic you find your dreams, how much - 18 -

you identify with your identity embedded in your personal history. The less alert you are, and the deeper you submerge into your dreams, the more isolated, solitary and individualistic you will become. Every sleeper–including you–has a separate world, only those who exist in the state of Alertness have a common, shared reality. All those different and separate worlds are created by the mind, which generates the state of separateness: the Ego, which appears as the focus of our identification with our thoughts and emotions. Thus everybody has a separate identity, personal history, individual world view and methods of action. Sometimes suffering alarms you from your sleep, but then you hasten to return to it, and start a new dream, a new objective in life, new ideals, passion, ambition that confirms your connection with your identity, rooted in your personal history.

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The Reasons of Your Sleep The reason of you sleeping is that you are not alert, only awake. Only one dimension of Alertness is present in you. Although you are able to focus your attention on your internal emotions and your environment, in your present state of consciousness you are still powerfully identified with your mind and its functions. You are therefore drifting on the stormy ocean of your thoughts and emotions day by day, and the space necessary for the emergence of a contemplating Witness is missing from you. You still identify with your thoughts and emotions. These generate the dreams of the Mind, in which you live as a separate self, and try to find the ways of safely navigating your life on the stormy sea.

Longing for Freedom In this separate state of consciousness, the lack of Alertness may appear as a desire for freedom. This desire emerges from your real self, as your mind remembers its origins. This atavistic memory of the ancient past is

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the quiet attraction that will eventually take you back to Silence. This deep desire will only cease if you become alert again, that is, you will not be awake but also alert. Then the Consciousness awakens to its own existence in the human form you at present call yourself. Only giving up the struggle with the thoughts and emotions and the recognition of the futility of insisting on them will bring you the real freedom, the freedom of independence of the functions of the mind. Alertness, the awakened Consciousness, the world of internal silence are all beyond the functions of the mind. If you wish to reach beyond the identification with your thoughts and emotions, if you recognize the functions of the mind and the intensity of your identification with them loosens, you may become alert again, in the quiet, pure space of Consciousness. In this way, the third dimension of Alertness, that is, the contemplating Consciousness, appears in your life. This the original state of

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