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Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick
Manager’s Note Welcome to the Winter Issue of the Atlantic County Woman!
The leaves are changing their hue and the air is getting crisp. Is it November already? It’s hard to believe the holidays are upon us! Many of our professionals offer fantastic ways to look and feel your best during the holiday season. I hope you’ll heed their advice as you read their articles. Fall is also the perfect time to shop locally for your holiday gifts-there are so many businesses offering quality products and services for you and your family members this season. Reflecting on the past year, I am incredibly fortunate to work with an amazing team of talents writers, graphic designers and photographers. Many days, I am blessed with emails, voicemails, and personal conversations with readers who have benefited from the information we’ve published. Additionally, it has become a pleasure to work
Lauren, pictured with her family. with and promote the professionals featured in the Atlantic County Woman Publication and the significant educational impact they make on the readers of the publication. Many times, the articles are critical to the reader’s personal health and wellness!
On behalf of the staff at the Atlantic County Woman Publication, we wish you a safe and joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year! Warmest Regards, Lauren Shover, Production Manager
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woman An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families
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Medical Professionals
Advanced Care Ob/Gyn.............................................. 2 Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick......................................4 Shore Vascular & Vein Center...................................6, 7 Kathy A. Banks, DMD.................................................15 Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery .............................17 Atlantic Medical Imaging............................................18 Relievus......................................................................27
Cosmetic & General Dentistry
Linwood Family Dentistry.............................................3
Financial Management
Garden State Trust Company.......................................8
Health & Wellness
Enlightened Solutions...................................................9 A Mindful Renewal......................................................23 Hummingbird Yoga.....................................................23 Hypnosis for Women..................................................30 Nina Radcliff, MD .......................................................35
Psychiatry Featured on the Cover
Certified Dermatology ....................................11, 12, 13
Legal Professionals
D’Amato Law Firm......................................................16 Russell & Marinucci....................................................22
Men’s Clothing
Lou Marchiano for Men..............................................19
Fashion & Beauty
The Bra Boudoir.........................................................19
Travel Agency
Vagabond Travel Agency............................................24
Pet Services
Funny Farm Rescue ...................................................25
Fabulous Food
Cutting Board Creations.............................................26
Women of Atlantic County............32, 33
Business & Finance
Copiers Plus...............................................................34
Theatre & Entertainment
Atlantic City Ballet......................................................38
Family Portraits & Headshots
Donna Andrews Photography....................................39
Community.........................21, 28, 29, 31, 36, 37
Plantar fasciitis is a major cause of pain in the heel. If you have heel pain because of plantar fasciitis, you’ll do just about anything to ease the nagging pain. When the plantar fascia, the band of tissue that runs from your heel to the bottom of your toes, becomes inflamed, simple activities like walking become painful.
At Go Feet, we offer many solutions to help relieve the pain and discomfort of plantar fasciitis, including custom orthotics to improve your foot mechanics. Here’s how this simple insert can make a world of difference when it comes to your pain.

Stuart Honick, DPm, Pt, FacFaS Podiatric Medicine & Surgery
Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Board Certified in Foot Surgery
Stuart Honick, DPm, Pt, FacFaS • JameS r. williamSon, DPm, aBPm • Payal Patel, DPm Arthritis • Athlete’s Foot • Bunions • Diabetic Foot Care • Foot & Ankle Injuries Foot Surgeries • Fungal Nails • Hammertoes • Heel Pain MLS Robotic Laser Therapy • Nail Problems • Neuromas • Orthotics • Warts
392 N. White Horse Pike Suite #2 Hammonton, NJ 609.704.9001
5401 Harding Highway Suite #5 Mays Landing, NJ 609.625.5400
Central Square 199 New Road, Unit 47 Linwood, NJ 08221 609.904.0900
Can Orthotics Help My Plantar Fasciitis?
About Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis usually results when you’ve put a lot of stress on your feet. Runners, those who stand for most of the day, or people carrying a lot of extra weight are susceptible. Plantar fasciitis is sharp and most severe when you first wake up in the morning or stand up after a long period of sitting. The condition can interfere with daily activity as well as with fun activities, like jogging, hiking, and playing with your kids.
The heel pain is the result of microtears, tissue degeneration, and inflammation. Stretching and rest from excessive stress on the plantar fascia help offer relief, but healing takes time.
How Orthotics Can Help
Your foot’s mechanics when you walk or stand have an influence on plantar fasciitis. If you have excessively high or low arches, you’re more prone to the condition. These arch conditions cause misalignments in your gait, which, over time, create dysfunction in your foot’s biomechanics.
Orthotics can help restore optimal mechanics to relieve stress on the plantar fascia and thus, with time, reduce irritation and pain.
Over-the-counter orthotics aren’t going to be effective in treating your plantar fasciitis, however. At Go Feet, we create orthotics that fit the exact measurements of your foot and account for the particular irregularities in your heel.
A well-made custom orthotic redistributes the pressure placed on your foot, so your heel takes less stress and prevents the formation of heel spurs, bunions, and plantar fasciitis.
Other Treatments For Plantar Fasciitis
Orthotics alone are not a magic cure. They are part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes physical therapy stretching exercises and pain
medications. 2
Stretching exercises are particularly helpful as they improve the flexibility and stamina of the plantar fascia and surrounding tissue. Plus, the exercises work to increase blood flow, which helps reduce inflammation and promotes healing.
These exercises focus not only on the heel itself, but areas like your Achilles tendon and calf muscles. When surrounding muscles are tight or dysfunctional, they force more stress onto your plantar fascia, contributing to inflammation.
If you suffer symptoms that suggest plantar fasciitis, make an appointment at Go Feet for an evaluation and treatment. Many people ignore the symptoms and then the condition sets in for months or even years. Early intervention improves the chances that you’ll see a quicker resolution.
Call one of our three locations today, or use the online tool to schedule.

Dr. Stuart W. Honick
Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery, Board Certified in Foot Surgery Dr. James R. Williamson
Board Certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine
Dr. Payal Patel
Board Qualified American Board Foot and Ankle Surgery
Varicose Veins? Painful Swollen Legs? Help Is Available!
An Interview With Dr. Jeffrey S. Gosin...

Varicose veins and their underlying cause, known as venous reflux disease, are the most common circulatory problems that affect individuals of all ages.
These conditions are twice as common as coronary heart disease. They occur when vein valves in the legs become damaged, causing abnormal blood flow in the affected veins. Consequently, blood is allowed to pool in the lower legs. This causes a variety of physical symptoms such as leg pain, leg swelling, heaviness and fatigue, and skin itching. It can also cause the appearance of unsightly varicose and spider veins.
People who have occupations that require standing, such as casino employees, food servers, school teachers, and many other similar jobs are especially prone to these problems. In addition, people who have a family history of varicose veins, who are overweight, or who have been pregnant are at risk. It is also possible to have varicose veins without any of these risk factors.
Venous reflux disease and varicose veins become more common with age. Existing varicose veins can also become more prominent or symptomatic as individuals get older. In more severe cases, people with long standing varicose veins and chronic leg swelling can develop permanent loss of integrity and discoloration of the skin, leg wounds, and blood clots.
Hospitalization and painful vein stripping surgery are not necessary. Jeffrey Gosin, M.D., a Board Certified Vascular Surgeon with Shore Vascular & Vein Center states, “In our practice, we have been caring for individuals with vascular problems, such as varicose veins, for our entire careers. In recent years there have been fantastic advancements in the treatment of vascular disease. In many cases we can offer these state-of-theart treatments to our patients. As a result, we are able to treat most of the vein problems that people experience with minimally invasive, outpatient procedures. Many of these are performed right in the office. These procedures have the advantage of being very safe and effective. Patients usually experience minimal discomfort, are able to walk immediately following the procedures, and have fast recovery.”
One of the advancements in vein care is the Closure Procedure. This procedure treats varicose veins at their underlying source, by eliminating venous reflux. Dr. Gosin states, “The Closure Procedure has greatly improved the way that we treat patients with varicose veins and venous reflux disease. It is performed in a comfortable office setting. General anesthesia is not necessary. The whole procedure is guided by ultrasound. Therefore, incisions and sutures are not needed. That means less pain and faster recovery for our patients. The procedure takes about 20 minutes to perform and is over 95% successful in eliminating venous reflux, which
is the cause of most varicose veins. We have now performed thousands of these procedures and results have been excellent.” “One of the significant advantages to seeing a vascular surgeon for vein care is that we treat the full spectrum of vascular diseases, from routine to very complicated ones” says Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS Dr. Gosin. “We have experience with conventional open surgery, and are certainly prepared to do that when necessary. However, more and more we are able to treat our patients with minimally invasive procedures. This is especially true for varicose veins and venous reflux.” If you are suffering from the symptoms or appearance of varicose veins, or if you have leg symptoms that you think might be related to your circulation, the Board Certified Vascular Surgeon at Shore Vascular & Vein Center is available to help. Most health insurance is accepted.

TESTIMONIAL “My legs look and feel so much better! Making appointments was easy and they worked with my crazy schedule. Dr. Gosin and his staff were very understanding about my care. Highly recommend!” - K.R. The good news is that modern vein care allows for treatment of many of these problems in a far less invasive way than in the past.
Please call for a consultation or for additional information. (609) 927-VEIN (8346) or visit us at www.GetGreatLegs.com.
• The Venefit Procedure The Closure Procedure • Microphlebectomy • Sclerotherapy for treatment of spider veins • Excel V Vascular Laser for treatment of spider veins and unsightly facial veins • IAC Accredited Noninvasive Vascular
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442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244 (609) 927-VEIN (8346)