Atlantic County Woman - May/June 2021

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13th Year

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

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GROUNDBREAKING NEW TECHNOLOGY FOR LASER TATTOO. Enlighten is the most advanced laser system available for safe and effective tattoo removal.

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MOTHER’S DAY. Moms have “super” powers. Mom-power goes beyond ordinary to extraordinary to nurture at every turn. Page 38

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Photo by Donna Andrews Photography.

BAYADA celebrates National Nurses Week! From everyone in our community, we thank you everyday for your strength, courage, & commitment during these difficult times. Read more about these extraordinary clinicians on pages 12 & 13.


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Is Your Cycle Normal? Submitted by Salvatore Carfagno, DO, FACOOG

Life is filled with surprises! Your period should not be one of these surprises. Heavy Menstrual Cycles

In this edition, I will be discussing the issue of heavy menstrual cycles. For most women, their menstrual cycle occurs about once every 28 to 30 days. The period may last three to seven days. The flow is described as moderate. Menses start somewhere around eleven to fourteen years old. This monthly gift will continue until fifty-one.

Unscheduled Bleeding

Bleeding outside of your normal cycle day or heavy scheduled cycles are considered abnormal. Unscheduled bleeding is vaginal bleeding at times other than your normal menses. This may be patterned or totally irregular in nature. This can be spotting to period like in flow. If the flow is excessive, it may result in anemia (low hemoglobin).

Heavy Cyclic Bleeding

Heavy cyclic bleeding (plain old heavy periods) is when a woman has regular periods with heavy flow and possibly longer duration with more bleeding days. This may be associated with cramps or pelvic pain. Pain may become severe enough and or bleeding profuse enough to change what you do on a daily basis. To be more specific, pain and/or bleeding can keep a woman from her doing her normal, everyday activities. Women may become fearful to leave their home, as they worry about bleeding through clothing in public. This can force a woman to lose work time, kid time, husband time etc. The cost of sanitary products and replacement clothing may also play a role in how this affects a person.

Evaluating Heavy Periods

In this article, I will be concentrating on heavy periods or menses. The evaluation of this problem starts with a

detailed history. The history can provide direction for selecting diagnostic testing. It can sometimes be difficult for a woman to keep an accurate record of her period. I find it helpful to use a menstrual diary. The patient is given a copy of this and asked to complete and return to the office with it. Initial lab testing includes complete blood count, thyroid hormone and a pregnancy test. An ultrasound of the pelvis will enable a noninvasive way to view the uterus and ovaries. If one is over the age of thirty-five, a tissue biopsy of the endometrium or a D&C may be needed. The pathological report will exclude diseases such as endometrial cancer or hyperplasia. If testing revels a diagnosis of benign heavy menses (hypermenorrhea) then a treatment plan can be made.

Medical and Surgical Treatment Options

Treatment options shall be separated into medical and surgical categories. Both options are designed to control cycle duration and flow. Most commonly, birth control medications are used. Combined oral contraceptives are easy to use and provide cycle control. Other contraceptives that can be used are the vaginal ring, patch or the depo provera shot. The intrauterine device containing a contraceptive medication is a good alternative. It is placed by a doctor in an office setting and provides long-term cycle control. With this alternative, about 30% of users do not get a menstrual cycle. The other 70% usually have a light spotting type of period. The patient has no need to take a pill or place a patch. Surgical options can also be considered. Endometrial ablation is the use of various devices to destroy the endometrium. These include a balloon with circulating hot water, circulating hot water, cryotherapy and electrical current. I use the balloon device or the device employing electrical current as my devices of

choice. Usually these types of procedures are performed in an outpatient surgery setting. The procedure itself lasts only several minutes. Post-op course is usually unremarkable and short. Return to activities is rapid, with very little down time. Post-op pain is usually restricted to menstrual-like cramps. The cramps can be controlled with non-steroidal medications such as Naproxen. The response to treatment is varied and highly individualized. Most patients have no further periods. The amenorrhea rate (no periods) approaches 70%. Of those that have a return of their cycle, it most commonly light in flow and/or short in duration. The benefit of this type of surgical intervention is related to the lack of medication side effects. Birth control medications do have some undesirable side effects. The most notable are decreased libido (sex drive) and weight gain. These are real issues for most women.

Advanced Care Can Help!

This is a common problem in all ages. One does not have to tolerate this problem. As a Gynecologist, I have very good treatment options to help take care of women with heavy, benign vaginal bleeding.

If there are concerns about your periods and how heavy they are, feel free to contact my office for an evaluation.

We’re With You All The Way

Old-Fashioned Care With State-Of-The-Art Technology Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life Courtyard Professional Offices 707 White Horse Pike, Suite D4 • Absecon, NJ 08201 609.272.0506 • Fax: 609.272.0607 Linwood Commons 2106 New Road, Suite D10 • Linwood, NJ 08221 609.927.2244 • Fax: 609.927.2242

PICTURED: Salvatore A. Carfagno, DO, FACOOG, Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with his beautiful family

Affliated with: AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and Shore Medical Center The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

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The County Woman Magazine


May/June 2021

The County Woman


Welcome to the May/June 2021 Issue of the Atlantic County Woman! Monmouth County Monmouth County Since 2008

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Summer Vibes

It’s been one very long year but there appears to be hope on the horizon. Besides the sun coming out, there is a return to normalcy in the air. With summer fast approaching, that old feeling of wanderlust comes with it. There is no doubt, summer 2021 promises to be better than last year. Governor Murphy has eased restrictions and as more folks become vaccinated, we can safely begin to travel again. As long as the vaccine rollout continues, our state will slowly look like those golden days of yore. Summer at the Jersey shore is hard to describe to those who have not been here. From the pristine beaches and boardwalks, to the charm of the local shops, it has something for everyone. This year might be an ideal time to try something new. Get your kids on a surfboard or start a small garden in your yard. Fun Fact: Did you know that NJ’s tomatoes have a national reputation as being the best in the country for their flavor and juiciness? They are grown on much smaller farms for the local market. Medical Professionals If you want to get away but are not ready to hop on a plane, there are Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility.................................. 2 endless ideas for day trips across the state. Take some time and explore all our Orozco Orthopaedics.................................................... 5 wonderful state has to offer! Shore Vascular & Vein Center........................................ 6 Wishing our readers, a long, lazy summer filled with BBQ’s, good friends Relievus......................................................................... 7 Allofcorrespondence should beAll addressed to: correspondence should be addressed to: and plenty fun. Certified Dermatology................................................... 8


Village Medical................................................ 16, 20, 21 The County Woman The County Woman

Best Wishes, P.O. Box 619 P.O. Box 619 Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery.............................. 17 Lauren Shover, Production Manager, & the Staff at the Atlantic Medical Imaging............................................. 18 Atlantic County Turnersville, Woman PublicationNJ 08012 Turnersville, NJ 08012 Kathy A. Banks, DMD............................................ 22, 23


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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Medical Professionals


Robotic Assisted Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Written by Fabio Orozco, MD, Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon

Robotic technology has paved the way for quicker production and efficiency in our society across all industries from cars to food, to shopping and of course healthcare. Incorporating robotics leads to reproducible results, accuracy, and enhances outcomes. Healthcare incorporates robotics in pharmaceutical production, medical equipment manufacturing, and during surgical procedures. Since the 1980s, surgical procedures have been utilizing robotics to decrease trauma to surrounding tissues, precision cuts, and smaller less invasive incisions across all specialties. Joint replacements have seen a 500% increase in the use of robotic assisted surgery from 2009 to 2013 with that number continuing to rise. Almost every joint replacement manufacturer has developed a robotic system to be used with their implants, however robotic assisted surgery still only makes up less than 25% of all joint replacement surgeries. First, let us discuss what robotic surgery is NOT. The robot does not perform the surgery. My kids would love this so I could be home more, but the truth is, the robot is a robotic arm that the surgeon guides to create the cuts in the bone for a proper fit and alignment. Joint replacement surgery is still performed by the surgeon using his experience and knowledge. The advantage of robotic surgery is it brings the best technology available today to be more precise, more accurate and more predictable. Robotics enables the surgeon to cut away only the bone needed to fit the prothesis like a glove, sparing healthy tissue. This exactness creates the least amount of trauma and decreases complications. Robotics allows surgeons to place the prosthetic components in the best possible position using exact measurements determined by a pre-operative CT Scan. This leads to the ability for many joint replacements to be fixated without the need of cement which can breakdown over time. Cementless joint replacements last much longer, potentially many decades or even one’s life expectancy. Traditionally, total knee replacement surgery planning starts with an x-ray. A template is created using these 2-D images and then the surgeon uses his skill

and experience to determine the prothesis, sizing and placement. Most of these decisions are made during surgery, with template sizes that can be trialed before the actual prothesis is placed. With robotics, much of the surgical planning is done prior to the patient even stepping foot in the operating room. A special 3-D CT scan is performed a least two weeks before surgery which is then used to determine component sizing, balancing the ligaments and realignment of the leg. During surgery, the surgeon as the opportunity to make millimeter changes during the procedure to perfectly balance the knee. Current research is consistently showing superior results with the use of robotic surgery compared to traditional instrumentation. In one such study by Bone and Joint Research in 2019, the authors found that the use of robotic assisted surgery decreased hospital stays by more than a full day. Robotic total knee replacement patients had less postoperative pain, required less pain medication, had increased flexion and quad strength sooner than traditional total knee replacement. These patients also required less physical therapy and had a quicker recovery. Robotic assisted surgery carries significant benefits for the patient and the surgeon. Robotic surgery makes the surgeon better, creates reproducible results, enhances the visual surgical field, and provides a great deal of detail prior to surgery to finalize the surgical plan. The patients benefit from robotics by having less pain, quicker recoveries, and less complications. Robotic surgery will continue to grow as more and more surgeons transition to robotic assisted surgery to enhance the patient experience.

For more information contact us: 609-300-7779.

Dr. Fabio Orozco is a board-certified hip and knee surgeon with over 15 years of experience. Dr. Orozco has helped over ten thousand people get their lives back through surgery. Dr. Orozco is an expert in robotic surgery and uses the latest less-invasive surgical techniques, including direct anterior hip replacement and quadriceps-sparing partial and total knee replacements. He serves as the Director of Orthopaedic Surgery at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Medical Professionals Medical Professionals

6 6

Medical Profe

Groundbreaking NewRemoval Technology Groundbreaking New Technology For Laser Tattoo Groundbreaking New Technology for Laser Tattoo Removal

Cost Shore Vascular & Vein Center treatmen Cost will vary depending on a number of factors including the size of ones, wit / Aesthetic Laser Shore Center Vascular & Vein Center / Aesthetic Laser Center number o the tattoo and the number of treatments needed. Keep in mind that with announces enlighten™, the ™ enlighten™, shouldnewest, anticipate requiring fewer treatmentssolution than required Numbe announces enlight en you , the mostfarcomplete newest, most complete solution People o with other lasers. You can also anticipate more complete results. However, available anywhere for available laser be remov anywhere for laser tattoo removal. since the exact number of treatments will not initially be known, we offer tattoo removal. That is be

complete tattoo removal packages. That gives you a set price in the beginning are neede and eliminates the uncertainty of not knowing the exact number of treatments of variou that will requiring ultimately needed. Ourthan staffrequired can givewith youother more information about are more anticipate farbe fewer treatments lasers. You can also know in pricing after we examine your tattoo. anticipate more complete results. However, since the exact number of treatments will Shore Vascular & Vein Center / Aesthetic Laser Center not initiallyUs be known, we offer complete tattoo removal packages. That gives you a set how com About ™ announces en light en , the newest, most complete price the beginning and eliminates uncertainty of not knowing the exact number Ourin medical director, Dr. Jeffreythe Gosin, is a Board Certified Vascular Surgeon.laser has solutionthat available anywhere laser ofHe treatments will ultimately needed. for Our staff cantattoo give youremoval. moreprocedures information tattoo rem has years of experience in be performing cosmetic vascular laser about pricing after we your tattoo.laser. Over those years, he has been asked the numb ™examine Excel using highly enthe light enacclaimed is the most V™ advanced laser system available a good id About Us byfor many patients if he could safe and effective tattoo removal. It is the world’s first examined Our medical director, Dr. laser system to combine also remove their tattoos with both picosecond and nanosecond Partial Jeffrey Gosin, is a Board Certified technology with dual V™ wavelength lasers. This allows his laser. While the Excel Due to Vascular Surgeon. He has years of individualized treatment of all colors of ink and skin types for other fact laser is best-in-class for vascular experience in performing cosmetic changed. the fastest, complete laser tattoo removal ever available. The “Pico” Difference The “Pico” Difference applications, it most is not designed vascular laser procedures using the leaving o Lasers remove tattoos by delivering high energy overbya very shorthigh period of forThe removing highly acclaimed Excel V™Other laser. Lasers remove tattoos delivering energy “Pico”tattoos. Difference Cost Over those years, hassignificant been asked time to break up ink. Inks of different types, depth can provide prior lasers alsohe had Lasers remove tattoos by delivering high energy over a very short period of time over a very shortcolors periodand of time to break up ink. Cost wi many patients if he could also to break up Therefore, ink. Inks ofhe different types, colors and depth can provide significant significant challenges to remove.Inks It has been shown duration pulses by limitations. of different types, that colorsshorter and depth can provide including remove their would tattoos withprovide his laser. challenges to remove. It has been shown that shorter duration pulses are more to remove. has beenpulses. shown are more effective in completely significant removingchallenges tattoos than longer Itduration previously not treatmen While the Excel V™ laser is besteffective in completely removing tattoos than longer duration pulses. Our new shorter duration pulses are more effectiveAin Our new enlighten™ laser canthat deliver energy at picosecond intervals. this service. requiring enlighten™ laser can deliver energy at picosecond intervals. A picosecond is for vascular applications, removing than times longer shorter durationthan in-class anticipate picosecond is one trillionth of a completely second. This is onetattoos thousand it isWhen the new enlighten™ one second. This is one thousand times shorter than prior lasers nottrillionth designedof fora removing pulses. Our new enlighten™ laser can deliver energy will not i prior lasers for tattoo removal. Picosecond, sometimes referred to as “pico,” laser became available, for finally tattoo removal. Picosecond, tattoos. Other prior lasers also had sometimes referred to as “pico,” lasers have been at picosecond intervals. A picosecond is one trillionth of a second. This is one thousand you a set lasers have been to remove tattoos more completely and with fewerto that completely changed shown to remove tattoos more completely and with fewer treatments, than with significant limitations. Therefore, times shorter than shown prior lasers for tattoo removal. Picosecond, sometimes referred exact num lasers used in the past. treatments, than in the tattoos past. more completely and with fewer things. Dr. would Gosin researched he previously not provide this as “pico,” lasers havewith beenlasers shownused to remove more info service. Flexibility theFlexibility technology, attended treatments, than with lasers used in the past. About U ™ Picosecond lasers are the most advanced tattoo removal technology light ennewest, When the new en Flexibility Picosecond lasers are the newest, most advanced tattoo removal technology conferences, and personally Our me available. Our laser enlighten™ laser combines this “pico” technology with the laser finally became available, that available. Ourlasers enlighten™ lasermost combines this “pico” technology withavailable. the consulted with experts Picosecond are the newest, advanced tattoo removal technology He has ye flexibilitychanged of boththings. 1064nmDr. and 532nm dual wavelength lasers. Never before has completely the highl Our enlighten™ laser1064nm combinesand this 532nm “pico” technology with the flexibility of both flexibility of both dual wavelength lasers. Never before from around the country who thisresearched combination of power and versatility been available. This now allows for the Gosin the technology, p 1064nm and 532nm dual Neverbeen beforeavailable. has this combination of power were involved in the very early has this combination ofwavelength power andlasers. versatility This now allows attended conferences, and personally E and the versatility been of available. now allows for the treatment of alltraditionally color tattoos and for treatment all colorThis tattoos and skin types, even the use of this remarkable new consulted with laser experts from f skin types, even the traditionally very difficult ones, with a single device. This provides very difficult ones, with a single device. This provides effective results in device.theItcountry becamewho clear that “University Quality Care at the Jersey Shore” Th around were effective results in approximately half the number of treatments of prior lasers. approximately half the number of treatments of prior lasers. this technology set of the involved in the verywould early use Number of Treatments Required and Results this remarkable new device. It Number of Treatments Required and Result new standard in laser tattoo c People often ask how long it will take to remove their tattoo, and will it be able to became clearWe thatare this technology c “University Quality Care People often ask how long it will take to remove their tattoo, and will removal. very pleased be removed completely. Laser tattoo removal typically takes multiple treatments. That would set the new standard in laser c it be able tattoo to be ink removed completely. tattoo typically takes to be the first center in the at the Jersey Shore” is because is deposited deep intoLaser the skin and removal multiple treatments are needed d tattoo removal. We are very pleased multiple That is itbecause tattoo ink is deposited deep into thesizes, entire Delaware Valley to be to reach alltreatments. of the ink and break up completely. In addition, tattoos of various l to be the first center in the entire skin are needed to reachSome all ofcolors the ink it up able to offer this cutting-edge colorsand andmultiple ages may treatments respond differently to treatment. are and morebreak difficult to D Delaware Valley to be able to offer clear completely others.tattoos Therefore, it is impossible to know the very completely. In than addition, of various sizes, colors andinages maybeginning respond technology. this cutting-edge technology. how many treatments will ultimately be needed or how completely it will be removed.than differently to treatment. Some colors are more difficult to clear completely t However,Therefore, our new enlighten™ picosecond laser has shown to be fasterhow and many more IfIfyou are experiencing others. it is impossible to know in been the very beginning you are c effective thanwill the ultimately prior lasers used for tattoo In fact, many can expect to “tattoo regret” and would like treatments be needed or removal. how completely it willpeople be removed. experiencing “tattoo obtain excellent results in half the number of treatments, or less, than with prior lasers. to have your tattoo removed However, our new enlighten™ picosecond laser has been shown to be faster JEFFREY442 S.Bethel GOSIN, MD FACS Our doctor can give you a good idea of the number of treatments that will be needed regret” andcall would or changed, us forlike a Road and more effective than the prior lasers used for tattoo removal. In fact, many after your tattoo is examined. consultation. to have your tattoo Somers Point, NJ 08244 people can expect to obtain excellent results in half the number of treatments, or Partial Tattoo Removal (609) 927-VEIN (8346) removed or changed, call 442 Bethel Road less,Due than prior lasers. Our doctor can give you afactors, good idea the number to with change in circumstances, relationships and other someofpeople desire Somers Point, NJ 08244 Forformore information, of treatments that changed. will be needed your tattoo is examined. us a consultation. to have their tattoos We canafter remove parts of tattoos, while leaving other parts Partial Tattoo Removal intact, to allow for tattoo changes. call 609-927-8346 Cost Due to change in circumstances, relationships and other factors, some people The County Woman Magazine(609) 927 VEIN www.TheCountyWoma (8346) or visit desire have their tattooson changed. can remove parts while Costtowill vary depending a numberWe of factors including theof sizetattoos, of the tattoo and the number of treatments Keep in mind that with enlighten™, you should leaving other parts intact, toneeded. allow for tattoo changes.

enlighten™ is the most advanced laser system enavailable lighten™for is the most advanced safe and effective laser system available for safe and tattoo removal. It is the effective tattoo removal. It is the world’s world’s first laser system first laser system to combine bothto combine both picosecond and picosecond and nanosecond technology withwith dual wavelength lasers. Thislasers. allows nanosecond technology dual wavelength individualized treatment of all colors of This allows individualized treatment of all colors of ink ink and skin types for the fastest, most and skin types for the fastest, most complete laser tattoo complete laser tattoo removal ever removal ever available. available.

The County Woman Magazine

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

May/June 2021

Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine


May/June 2021

Medical Professionals


Hello Spring! We Are All Ready To Spend Some Time Outdoors! 1. Women who tan indoors before the age of 30 are 6 times more likely to get melanoma – the deadliest form of skin cancer. 2. Dermatologists recommend eating a healthy diet (not sun exposure) to obtain vitamin D. If you are not getting enough vitamin D, supplements are the safe alternative. 3. Not using or quitting indoor tanning can reduce your risk of skin cancer. It’s a fact that your body can repair some of the damage with UV avoidance. 4. Tanning (indoor or outdoor) causes wrinkles, loss of skin firmness, brown spots and changes in the skin texture or “leathery skin.” No 30-year-old wants to look 50! 5. Self-tanners or spray tanning can afford you a tan look all year around without the risks of skin cancer, wrinkles, and premature aging. Applied correctly, self-tanners look natural without orange skin or splotches.

By Lisa Ledden As we enjoy the outdoors and the warmer weather please be safe when it comes to sun exposure.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the US. One in five Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. Always protect yourself with a broad spectrum sunscreen, SPF 30 or higher, re-apply every 80 – 90 minutes or after swimming/sweating, wear sun protective clothing including large brim hats and sunglasses, and seek shade. There are two types of sunscreen to help protect from UV rays. It is important to understand the difference between physical vs chemical sunscreen filter so you can select the best sun protection. *The active ingredients in a mineral sunscreen are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Mineral sunscreen ingredients form a barrier on the skin that helps reflect UV rays. These are effective against both UVA and UVB rays. *The active ingredients in chemical sunscreens include oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, oxtocrylene, homosalate and octinoxiate. Chemical sunscreens penetrate the skin to absorb UV rays. The U. S. FDA has approved both physical/mineral sunscreen and chemical sunscreen deeming them safe and effective. Scientific evidence supports the benefits of using sunscreen to minimize short-term and long-term damage to the skin from the sun’s rays. Claims that sunscreen ingredients are toxic or a hazard to human health have not been proven. If you are concerned about certain sunscreen ingredients, you can select a formula that contains different active ingredients. Mineral sunscreens are not absorbed by the skin, but rather work as a barrier to the harmful UV waves. As long as your sunscreen is broad-spectrum, water-resistant and has an SPF 30 or higher, it can effectively protect you from the sun.

Certified Dermatology Specializing in General and Cosmetic Dermatology 732-456-7777 (Main) 609-940-3100 (Office) 599 Shore Road, Suite 202, Somers Point, NJ

Please be safe in the sun and try to enjoy summer 2021! And don’t forget to schedule your annual skin cancer screening!

To schedule a consultation, call me at 609-940-3100.

Lisa M Ledden, MSN, APN-C Nurse Practitioner

Happy Father’s Day “Who’s my hero? That’s a great question... Well, I think my dad is my hero, because he’s someone I look up to every day.”

Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate the joys of having a father. There is simply no way we can ever really thank our father for all he has done for us. On June 20th, strive to make Father’s Day absolutely hassle free for your father and take the responsibilities on yourself for a day. Pamper him a little on this special day of his just as he pampers you all the year round. Give him a warm hug and a big kiss as you wish him a Happy Father’s Day!

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Financial Management


Reaching The Destination “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” – Susan Sontag As of March 16th the date of my preparing this article, New Jersey continues to strongly discourage all non-essential interstate travel. Hopefully very soon COVID risks will wind down with many of us looking forward to traveling long distances to be with family and once again bond with one another. We may not all look forward to getting on an airplane, or car, or train, but we generally look forward to what’s at the end of that day of travel: The destination. Many times, the destination where family gathers is around a member of the family such as a parent or grandparent, and it is difficult to justify the travel expense otherwise. Some of the time, the expense of travel limits some family members from participating, and so a parent or grandparent may help subsidize that cost. Is there a way to make it easier to reach that destination using a trust? Yes. A trust may be created with a travel provision to provide that the funds could only be utilized for travel by the beneficiaries. Here’s a fictionalized example: Jeanette’s parents came to America when she was a child. The family kept in close touch with their European relatives, and two of Jeannette’s children settled there. To facilitate family reunions, one year Jeannette announced that she would provide $25,000 every year to help defray travel expenses. Some years the get-together was in the U.S., some years in Europe, but each year the $25,000 would cover the transatlantic airfares plus incidental expenses for the extended family. The reunions became so important to the family that Jeanette built them into her estate plan. At her death an irrevocable trust was created with the express purpose of funding family travels. Though it was one part of the overall plan, this additional provision would ensure that this tradition continues for many years to come.

Why not just give them the money, and let them decide? The largest reason to favor a trust over a direct gift is to direct the inheritance toward creating a specific experience or memories, and there are many ways travel can be a factor. Your impact would continue though the experiences directly tied to your wishes. Such experiences could include creating the opportunity for children to connect with their heritage or religion, study abroad, or even promote doing philanthropic work in another country. Another great use of leaving inheritance for travel could be to provide for travel expenses if the family members are separated into different states or countries, designating a way to have family reunions, relieving the burden of paying for flights and tension that comes with it. Perhaps your beneficiaries are workaholics, and you want to make sure they reduce their anxiety levels and take a break so you designate places you’ve been inspired by —such as the Grand Canyon— and a fund that encourages them to share in that experience. Can the trust designate the use of funds toward other goals? That depends entirely on the values of the trust creator, and what is set forth in the terms of the trust. Trusts are created so that the desires and values of the creator are repeated. Most trusts don’t have restrictions placed on them at all, but some suggest the funds can only be used for specific purposes to ensure they create positive change for the beneficiaries. This wouldn’t have to be travel — more conventional examples include categories such as education, or a purchase of a home. There are a variety of imaginative and appealing ways that one might be able to provide for one’s heirs. We can provide some ideas to achieve different goals, and would be happy to discuss how a trust could help in co-ordination with your estate planning attorney.

Hoping we can all travel soon! Ira J. Brower Founder

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The County Woman Magazine

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May/June 2021


Health & Wellness

The Hansen Foundation’s Solid Roots Program

Transforming Humanity, One Person at a Time, One Day at a Time Written by Lisa Whitley, PMP – Executive Director

Elle knew 30 days of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment would not be enough to end the cycle of her eight-year battle with alcoholism. “I may have detoxed and started on my road to recovery,” she said recently, “but I had no idea how to live a life without alcohol.” Elle’s story is not uncommon for many women, particularly those of middle age. She never drank at work or during the day, but that evening cocktail eased the stress of her career and her recent traumatic divorce. Seamlessly, that anticipated drink turned into two cocktails, and then three and so on. “It caught up with me,” Elle explained, as the pull of one more drink became harder to resist. “I felt guilty when I wanted more, but I wasn’t able to reason with my mind to stop.” The feelings of guilt turned into shame as the drinking grew into large volumes of alcohol, consumed alone each evening until she passed out. This pattern grew into an eight-year existence for Elle.

People coming from active addiction can have limited skills to be employable such as work ethic, professional communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills. Many individuals with Briana Bee, Enlightened Farm Director and Elle SUD do not know how to be reliable to a job, commit to a deadline, follow a set of directions, or be dependable in their job performance. “We help provide these vital life skills that have been lost or never developed because of addiction,” Briana explains.

At $250 per week, the Solid Roots program is typically supported by loved ones, and through fundraising for scholarship support. Employed by The Hansen Foundation, residents become Solid Roots employees, required to work 20 hours per week at The Enlightened Farm. The “When I finished treatment, I felt better but I was scared, knowing cost includes housing fees with living expense money, providing the a 30-day program would not be enough time to reset my patterns. I needed a supportive environment to live in and learn how to emotionally individual with an opportunity to successfully transition into posttreatment life. The duration is approximately 4-6 weeks and is assessed and physically recover.” on an individual basis. Upon completion, individuals graduate from the Elle entered The Hansen Foundation’s “Solid Roots” program, program and move on to fulltime employment. a transitional skill-building program for those new to recovery Elle believes the Solid Roots program was an essential component who are living in recovery housing. Solid Roots helps individuals of her continued sobriety. “Briana, Jacalyn and the Enlightened Farm gain employment and life skills training at our Enlightened Farm. team were consistent in their program lessons, giving weekly assessments Enlightened Farm, under the Hansen Foundation and led by Farm and benchmarks to meet. After being employed for years, I felt I had Director Briana Bee, is a 400-acre farm that nourishes people through very little to learn. I was wrong! This program really broke down the organic farming, horticulture therapy, and skill programs. Briana and areas I needed to work on personally and professionally,” Elle shared. her team understand how the regenerative process of nature mirrors the “And everyone was so nurturing through the process. I felt incredibly regenerative healing process of individuals recovering from addiction. supported and loved.”

MORE ABOUT THE HANSEN FOUNDATION The Hansen Foundation transforms lives - helping ALL people become healthier and happier. I will be sharing more about the life-changing work we are doing in future issues. For more information about The Hansen Foundation, please visit us at or reach me directly at Lisa Whitley, Executive Director, at

The Hansen Foundation, Inc.

4 East Jimmie Leeds Road, Suite 3 | Galloway, NJ 08205 Mobile : 609-968-3873 | Main: 609-270-4443 | Tax ID #31-1667973 |

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

w w

LheawD’Amato Law Firm

#17 Legal Professionals


ited Civil ne YouMy Love MayRights?! Have Autism?

Murdered Tiffany Valiante? Giving Back Who To Our Community

he MRI shows that there are no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your nkle. You go back to physical therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. place to live, in the moment. Mythink denialthat house crumbling You would youcame should be able to recover Written By money for your pain and down Allnot of your thePaul kids Valiante family. Lawsuits were filed in the Superior Court of New Jersey Atlantic shortly D’A mato , Esq . drunk. Your uffering, right? The thereafter. collision was fault.R.The other driver was County: Law Division under Docket #’s ATL-L-1590-16, ATL-L-787-17, were playing together and the extent of ds were in the car. Thankfully, they were not injured, but you were off your feet for ATL-L-1411-17, ATL-L-1672-18, ATL-L-1840-19. You can see for yourself the Massi’s delay truly hit me. My nephews, ne month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. Complaints by logging onto Jerard and Caprio, who are aboutInnine August of 2015 I received a phone nfortunately you have elected the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy. Our office filed an application which was heard by the Court on October months younger than Massi, werecall playing g from a local woman who told 30, 2020 where we brought to the attention of the Court that the NJTPD our fracture was not and it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture with this red displaced box that had a yellow d me about the tragic death of Tiffany had evidence in its possession as well as a DNA Card taken from Tiffany’s ealed and theholes MRIofwas negative for any additional with various shapes. Inside the injuries. You cannot recover Valiante. I was advised that the police body. When I inquired of the NJTPD whether any of the evidence that it money for boxyour werepain toysand in suffering. the shape of the holes. had acquired had been tested to see if Tiffany’s DNA was present (one of had declared that Tiffany had taken The idea was for the child to put the shape those pieces of evidence being an ax) their response was that they had enough herthe life. This woman said: “could you please help the What through should Iown do? appropriate hole. evidence to conclude it was suicide; therefore did not perform the DNA testing. family?” I spoke to a Deputy Attorney General and advised that the family would pay for I’ll never that moment. Unfortunately, I haveforget seen scenarios like thisMassi many times. Don’t let this happen to After that telephone conversation I thought to the DNA testing. Our office had contacted Dr. Julie Children’s Holiday had been in therapy for Party two months ou! IfThe you have selected Limited myself that the I would get the files of the local police Heinig of DDC DNA Diagnostics Center located on the shape usually a as magician, games, ight toworking Sue,includes call yourputting auto insurance department well as the into Statethe Medical Examiner’s in Fairfield, Ohio. When my office contacted the right hole and there Jerard, nine pizza, sweets, pictures with Santa Office. I and would then provide the family with the ompany immediately askwas them Attorney General’s Office to advise that the family younger thanthat Massi, with daughter Paul, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and documentation proved had and months lots gifts. ofplaying thethat their was prepared to go forward with the testing I was ondchange yourof policy to Members the NO this toy with ease. It just seemed like such in fact committed suicide. This is when the journey Rocco, 3-years-old sey advised that the NJTPD would no longer allow AtlanticAuto County Bar policies Association imitation. insurance silly began. and easy game for Jerard, but yet for t and athe the testing. Due to the intervention of a Deputy Atlantic County Superior an be confusing if first you’re not sure he so My review of all of the records leadthat. me to Massi had to actually work to be able to do Attorney General that understood the plight of t Court staff love to watch the chaos there to was no legal foundation upon hat coverage conclude you have that and want the family we were able to obtain a Court Order whichschedule the NJTPD couldgifts, have concluded that asabout the students unwrap their lk it, please an office providing for the transfer of the evidence to the WhatTiffany do you do if someone younight loveof may have Autism? or committed suicide. On the July 12, and the excitement every time a new private laboratory for testing. As of the writing of sit and I will reviewchild your you policy When love iscould diagnosed delay or neurological 2015aTiffany Valiante not be with founda developmental by either this article we are waiting for the test results. gift The children are ith youis atrevealed. noofcharge. condition Autism, it can be Her asovery scary, herlike parents at 9:23 p.m. folks hadlonely been time for the family. Alex and I had so The family retained the services of Dr. appreciative andwith their smiles andoffuture, many talking questions about ouroutside family’s and while Tiffany their home beforewe are blessed to have many friends Donald Jasen who was a former Medical Examiner laughter fill everyone’s with going inside the house for a couple of seconds to and family that love usheart dearly and were it was hard to find anybody For over 40 years, the D’Amato Law Firmincredibly has beensupportive, representing people for the then Atlantic County Medical Examiner’s return to walk with Tiffany across street to her happiness andtruly gratitude. be we able who could relate toTo what werethe going through. Office. You can read his reports that are part of the who have cousin’s been injured. If you have beenSteve seriously injured in a motor graduation party. When and Dianne cannot thank FACES 4 season Autism enough, as well as all of the therapists and teachers to makeIthe children’s holiday public record. Dr. Jasen concluded that the cause came out of the house Tiffany was not there. Later vehicle collision or by a defective product, or if you have been in a situaof death of Tiffany Valiante is still undetermined. in Massi’s life who have helped him become the fabulous little guy he is today. He has so specialthat is truly the greatest gift I night the family learned the tragic news that A traditional autopsy was not performed, a rape kit grown in leaps bounds and while II am will always struggle to keep up both or of there my colleagues could ever tionany where your civiland rights violated, canafraid help. heWe had been an were “accident” involving Tiffany and pride ourselves was not utilized on the body and there was no suicide note. Our investigation academically and socially, canroom see theTrain pieces of the puzzle fitting together easier and easier receive. The excitement in Ithe an unscheduled NJT Commuter coming to Atlantic City. The impact revealed that Tiffany was not suffering from depression. She had received a in assisting thoseprogress in our area or excited elsewhere who are in need of profesthe point years and five about future. was than milesafrom the his Valiante home and had occurred on the that asday takes youless back toam being full scholarship to college to play volley ball. She was excited about her future. her NJTand traineffective tracks running though Galloway Township. sional, caring legal representation.



kid, and reminds you of the magic of the holiday season.

Tiffany’s medical records had no indication whatsoever of any mental disorder.

services to the Valiante family have been developmentally “pro bono.” Our law firm has a Tiffany was a healthy young woman. A reward has been posted by the family: If youMythink your child may be delayed or have been fortunate that retired members of law enforcement from the FBI, New nt Ifneurological you wouldcondition like to learn more about thefamily Young Lawyers like Autism, call your physician or see no one has come forward with any information. You would think that if State Police and local police departments have reviewed the files and have somebody out there knew that Tiffany was contemplating suicide they would t DivisionJersey CALL NOW FOR A FREE or find outneurologist. how you can contribute to theAutism Children’s a developmental Reach out to FACES online at all concluded that there is insufficient documentation to rule4Tiffany’s death a have come forward. There are so many unanswered questions about Tiffany’s Holidaysuicide. Party, please visit our website at or like or call Isabelle Mosca at (609) 412-3750. death. CONSULTATION: 609.926.3300

our Facebook page “ACBA Young Lawyers Division.” An angel came into my life by the name of Louise Houseman. She had



heard of our law firm’s efforts in trying to determine what happened to Tiffany and she offered her services free of charge. Louise was a Certified Medical Investigator that had worked in the Atlantic County Medical Examiner’s Office. Louise wrote an extensive report that is part of the public record that could be found if you access any of the litigation that we have filed on behalf of the


The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in representing those who have been seriously injured in construction, products liability and motor vehicle collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the country with a primary focus on representing victims injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence.

Over the years when our office has been questioned about Tiffany’s death I have to remind those inquisitive minds that the train involved was UNSCHEDULED!!! We have certain working theories about what happened that night. We are confident that the truth will come out. It is only a question of when.

Paul R. D’Amato Certified Civil Trial Attorney

Alexa D’Amato Barrera

Paul R. D’Amato, Esquire Member NJ Bar

Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esquire Member NJ & PA Bar

Stephen M. Van Natten, Esquire

Member NJ & PA Bar Counsellor at Law The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice inNJ representing those who have been seriously injured in construction, products liability and motor vehicle collisions. The firm and PA BAR The handles D’Amatocases Law throughout Firm focusesthe their practice inMember country with a primary focus on representing victims injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence. Paul R. D’Amato representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R.Civil D’Amato Certified Trial Attorney in construction, liability Suite and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney 2900products Fire Road, 200 • Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 • 2900 Fire Road, Alexa D’Amato Barrera collisions. The firm handles cases throughout theSuite 200 Counsellor at Law countryEgg with aHarbor primary focusTownship, on representing victims New Jersey 08234 Alexa D’Amato Barrera injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Member NJ and PA BAR The County Woman Magazine May/June 2021 P: 609-926-3300 Counsellor at Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence.

P: 609-926-3300 • F: 609-926-3883

StephenNJM. Van Esq. Member and PA Natten, BAR

Featured On The Cover


During the upcoming Summer holidays, enjoy one-on-one care in the comfort of home

WITH BAYADA HOME HEALTH CARE With a broad range of services and a team of professionals who are committed to keeping adults and seniors safe at home, BAYADA offers: • Experienced and trained nurses who care for a wide range of conditions, including medically complex needs • Home health aides to assist with personal care such as bathing, grooming, meal preparation, and light housekeeping • Physical therapists to restore mobility, occupational therapists to improve the ability to perform everyday activities, and speech language pathologists to help voice, cognition, and swallowing • Compassionate hospice care to support your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional needs • Thoroughly screened health care professionals • A variety of payment options, including Medicare • Clinical support 24 hours, 7 days

Call 609-926-4600.


Caponata~Compliments of Chef Steph 3/4 cup olive oil 1 large eggplant (about 2 lbs) cut into bite size pieces 6 medium zucchini (about 2 lbs) cut into bit size pieces 1/2lb mushrooms, thinly sliced 1 1/2 cups onion, chopped 1 cup celery, sliced

1 garlic clove minced 1/2 cup red wine vinegar 1/4 cup capers, drained 2 T sugar 3 large tomatoes, cut into bite size chunks 4 1/2 oz pimento stuffed olives, drain & cut in half

In a large saucepan over high heat, cook eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, onions, celery and garlic in the oil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the vinegar, capers, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 10 minutes or until vegetables are fork tender. Stir in tomatoes and olives and bring to a boil over high heat. Spoon mixture into a bowl, cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours or until well chilled. Recipe by: Cutting Board Creations

The County Woman Magazine

Serves-12 May/June 2021


Featured On The Cover


Meet The Wonderful Clinicians From BAYADA Leanne Caterino, RN

Alice Cushmac, BSN, RN

Angel Graham-Konov, PT, DPT

Leanne Caterino, RN didn’t always want to be a nurse. She began her professional career as a 3rd grade teacher after receiving her BSEd from Temple University. But while teaching 8- and 9-year-olds their multiplication tables can certainly be challenging, Leanne was looking for something more. She went back to Temple, earned her BSN and began work as a staff RN in Surgical/Neuroscience Intensive Care, one of the most high-pressure environments in any hospital. From there, she went to work as a Home Health Care RN and Joined BAYADA almost four years ago. She finds nursing tremendously fulfilling, because working as part of an amazing team of professionals, she gets to assist people through their most challenging and vulnerable times. And now as a Clinical Manager she faces even more challenges incorporating business responsibilities into her already-full, job description of dedicated RN. Leanne enjoys traveling, writing, and being out in nature, especially at the beach. However, When not Nursing, Leanne spends most of her free time with her, precious son Jacob.

Alice Cushmac, BSN, RN, always felt called to be a nurse. Her mother was a nurse, and Alice remembers as a child, looking through her mother’s nursing and medical textbooks wanting to understand what nursing was. Today, she is Director of Hospice at BAYADA. Alice joined BAYADA as Director of Hospice and has been there about five months. Before that she worked in Long Term Care for 23 years, beginning her career as an LPN in 1998. Wanting to grow in her career, she went back to school and earned her RN and an Associate Degree in Nursing in 2011. Subsequently, she was awarded her BSN from Grand Canyon University in 2017. Hospice care is a very special calling requiring a deep reservoir of sensitivity and empathy. The team is with patients and their families at the most difficult time of their lives, That may be why Alice feels that the most rewarding part of her job is the comforting impact she and her team can bring to the lives, not only of their patients, but also of their loved ones.. When she’s not supervising here team at BAYADA, Alice loves the beach. She also loves traveling with her wonderful and supportive husband, Ed. They also love games and are enthusiastic competitors with family and friends at disc golf, cornhole, and horseshoes. Alice and Ed have two beautiful, married daughters, Ashley and Christine and one gorgeous granddaughter, Abigail. An avid reader, Alice especially loves books on positivity and spirituality — essential, one would think, to hospice care.

Angel Graham-Konov, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, loves seeing tears. She loves the tears of joy that accompany the smiles as her rehabilitation patients realize they can regain function and get their lives back after serious injury or illness. She loves being part of the recovery process watching people’s faces light up full of wonder and gratitude as they take those first, tentative steps toward regaining their independence. Steps many of them thought would never be possible. For Angel, these are the most amazing rewards of being a Physical Therapist. After earning her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Stockton University, Angel began work as a Physical Therapist in different settings including outpatient, acute care, subacute rehab, long term care and home health. In January 2016, she joined BAYADA as a per diem Physical Therapist. A year-anda-half later she was able to transition to full-time in July 2017. Just five months after that she was promoted to Rehabilitation Manager, with responsibilities including staff support, quality assurance, education, budgeting and staffing just to name a few. She believes the best thing about her job is meeting amazing patients, helping them believe in themselves, and making a difference in their lives. In addition to her work as a Physical Therapist, Angel has been a volunteer religious education teacher in her parish for years. But her family is her ROCK. Husband, Steve, daughter, Jessica-Joy, and son, Alex are all very supportive and understanding of her busy schedule. But she is rarely too busy to run around following Alex’s basketball practices and games.

Kelly Hynes, RN

Kimberly Walk, RN

Clinical Manager LV Office

Director NAH Office

Rehabilitation Manager LV Office

the upcoming Summer holidays, enjoy on-one care in the comfort of home


Clinical AC Office to keeping Manager Officeof professionals ge of Clinical services and aLVteam whoManager are committed When asked what drew her Like offers: many nurses, Amanda safe at home, BAYADA to a career in nursing, BAYADA

Clinical Manager AC Office

BAYADA Clinical Manager Kimberly Walk first experienced Helterbran, RN thanks her Clinical Manager Kelly Hynes, the joy of helping others soon after mother for inspiring her to • Experienced and trained nurses who care for a wide range RN, didn’t hesitate with her graduating from high school. “I become a nurse. response.complex “Helping people at became a nursing assistant at a of are conditions, including medically needs Her earliest memories of their most vulnerable time is a local nursing home and discovered the positive impact her mother privilege, said Kelly, who joined I had a gift for taking care of the the nurse made others. It health aides to assist with •of Home personal care such as BAYADA in July, 2017. “It’s elderly and sick,” she said. “I knew stuck with her. She always that feeling of belonging that I wanted to continue that care in a bathing, and light wanted a fast-paced, rewarding grooming, meal preparation, connects us to each other and a new and challenging way as a nurse. career that made a difference in housekeeping shared purpose.” I had the opportunity to witness people’s lives. A graduate of Our Lady of the difference nurses make in the Amanda recently joined Lourdes Schoolto of Nursing in Camden, NJ, Kellyoccupational drew on her lives of their patients and knew immediately that’s what I wanted to therapists restore mobility, BAYADA a Clinical Manager, and in the short• timePhysical she’s unlimited supply of compassion when she worked with dementia do.” been with the company (since February 2021) she has seen therapists to hospice improve ability to perform everyday and patientsthe as a nursing supervisor at United Methodist Kimberly has been making a positive difference with her patients how their values differ from lots of other organizations. She Homes at the Shore. for 13 years, first as a nurse providing direct care, and says that BAYADA isn’t just a job, it feels like a family. Before activities, and speech language pathologists to helpatnowBAYADA voice, She fondly recalls caring for one of her patients, an elderly as a clinical manager. In her current role she draws on her discovering the familial feeling to BAYADA, Amanda was an gentleman whose daughter worked for BAYADA at the time. leadership skills to provide clinical supervision and oversight for a RN in a hospital emergency department, by definition the cognition, and swallowing “Little did I know I was being interviewed for a BAYADA number of patients and their nursing care teams. fast-paced epicenter of the healthcare universe. She earned her position years prior to even realizing it!” she shared. Kimberly’s experience also includes working as a nurse at the degree in Applied Science at Ocean County College in Toms • Compassionate care to support your physical, Indeed,hospice when the clinical manager position at BAYADA Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation. She earned her LPN from River, New Jersey. When she’s not focused on patients, clients became available, was the perfect needs fit. Now, she uses her Cape May County Technical School and an Associates in Science of and the responsibilities of being a Clinical Manager,mental, Amanda spiritual, andKelly emotional expertise to supervise home nursing care for patients with a wide Nursing from Excelsior College in Albany, NY. loves to travel. She is an eager explorer and is always seeking range of complex medical conditions. Thanks to her skills and the When she is not working, it’s a good bet you’ll find her rooting new adventures. And when it is safe to travel again, she plans to • Thoroughly screened professionals nurses who proudly health work on hercare team, these patients can remain on her two teenage boys who are active in sports or spending time make up for lost time. But she feels she owes the lion’s share of in the comfort of home with their families, and where they want outdoors with her husband or girlfriends. her success to her mother, who in Amanda’s words “… provided • InAthevariety of payment options, including Medicare “We have the genuine opportunity to make a beautiful and to be. an amazing image of what a powerful woman is.” near When she is not working she enjoys spending time with her positive impact on someone’s life, and that is something I consider a future, Amanda will marry her amazing fiancé, Bill, who she mini dachshunds, Moss and 7 Norman, privilege and a joy,” she said. “I love what I do and I always have.” describes as her rock. He has been very supportive her • ofClinical support 24 hours, dayswho she refers to as her ‘salty little weiners’. She is also grateful to be loved by her best career and by her side through everything. They plan to travel, friend Justin Nomland. discover and have adventures together.

Call 609-926-4600.


The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Medical Professionals


Help Protect Your Children’s Feet While Playing Sports Children and Sports

All parents know that children take to sports like ducks to water. Participation in sports develops a sense of self discipline, teamwork, and recognition of the importance of a healthy body -- good habits that last a lifetime. Training Emphasis

Every child physically matures at his or her own rate, and has a different degree of athletic ability. Early training should emphasize proper technique and basic movement skills in all sports. Podiatric physicians, specialists in treating the lower extremities, say children who concentrate on a single sport at too young an age are more likely to develop injuries of the foot and ankle. Save specialization in sports for the late teens.


Whether parents like it or not, part of a child’s image revolves around footwear. For good foot health, the condition of the shoes are more important than the price tag or brand name. Podiatric physicians agree it’s often better to buy a child two $50 pairs of shoes than a single $100 pair, so the shoes can be rotated, to avoid rapid wear deterioration. Because a child’s feet are constantly growing, it is important to allow at least one finger’s width from the end of the longest toe when buying shoes. Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M., P.T. Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Board Certified In Foot Surgery

4 Arthritis 4 Athlete’s Foot 4 Bunions 4 Diabetic Foot Care 4 Foot & Ankle Injuries 4 Foot Surgeries 4 Fungal Nails

4 Hammertoes 4 Heel Pain 4 MLS Robotic

392 N. White Horse Pike Suite # 2 Hammonton, NJ

4 Nail Problems 4 Neuromas 4 Orthotics 4 Warts

5401 Harding Highway Suite # 5 Mays Landing, NJ

Laser Therapy


Growing Bones and Ligaments

The immature bones of children are different from those of adults. The “growth plates” in children’s bones do not finish closing until age 15-17 in boys and 13-15 in girls. When stressed, these plates are more susceptible to injury than the tendons and ligaments that support the joints. Podiatric physicians warn repetitive overuse can cause inflammation of the growth plates. They advise parents to promote diverse physical activities for their children rather than one sport.

Injuries and Treatments

Many children suffer from mild “torsional” imbalances, commonly known as in-toeing and out-toeing. Most children outgrow these imbalances without medical treatment. However, if a child has obvious torsional imbalances, he or she may be more susceptible to injury. If that is the case, keep a close eye out for foot and ankle injuries associated with sports activity. Foot injuries commonly seen in very active children include: Ankle Sprains. In older children, stretched or torn ligaments in the ankle, known as sprains, are more common than fractures. A sprain may cause extensive swelling around the ankle just like a fracture. Immediate treatment is crucial to quick healing. A podiatric physician can provide treatment as well as recommend balancing and strengthening exercises to restore coordination quickly. Fractures. Fractures from overuse in child-athletes are commonly seen in podiatric medical offices. Growth plates are particularly susceptible to injuries, but mid-shaft fractures of the bone also occur. If a fracture is not severe, rest and immobilization may be the best treatment. More complicated injuries may require casting or surgical correction. If swelling and pain persist, see a podiatric physician. Sever’s Disease. An inflammation of a growth plate, Sever’s Disease is often felt as pain behind the heel caused by inflammation of the apophysis, a growth center where a tendon is attached to the bone. Rest, ice, and heel lifts are usually prescribed. Shin splints and stress fractures. Shin splints are microtears or inflammation of the anterior leg muscles, as our Achilles tendon pulls in the posterior region of the leg. Again, rest is most important in healing these injuries. If pain is persistent, see a podiatrist. Dr. Honick’s warm and capable manner and skilled staff makes a visit with your child a very positive and healing experience. Your family is in very competent care when the need for a podiatrist arises!

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 609-704-9001 or visit


Dr. Stuart W. Honick

Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery, Board Certified in Foot Surgery

Dr. James R. Williamson

Board Certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021


Medical Professionals

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Spring Into Action!

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Have you stopped gardening Invest in yourwalking, healthshopping, with Body in and exercising because of previous falls or a fear of falling? Balance Rehabilitation to help you

gain Has your daily routinginchanged due to confidence accomplishing COVID-19? Has quarantine left you feeling your daily activities. weaker and less steady on your feet?

Spring Into Action

Invest in your health by letting Body in êŽêŎàĉŔĉĦĀ˘ßêàÚŔê˘Ĭÿ˘ŋŎêŷĉĬšŔ˘ÿÃğğŔ˘ĬŎ˘Ã˘ÿêÃŎ˘Ĭÿ˘ Balance Rehabilitation help you to gain ÿÃğğĉĦĀʮ Ãğğ˘šŔ˘ÃŜ˘ʹʓʍʖʺ˘ʐʓʒʿʕʑʖʖ˘ŜĬ˘ŔàĆêæšğê˘Ã˘ ÃğÃĦàê˘ÃĦæ˘ ŜŎêĦĀŜƢêŷÃğšÃŜĉĬĦʧ˘ ŋêĦæ˘ÃĦ˘ĆĬš confidence in your everyday activities.

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Call us @in609-365-8499 haveBody a Balance Invest your healthtowith in &Balance Strength evaluation. Spend houryou with Rehabilitation toan help usgain and confidence we will provide with a program in you accomplishing to get youyour backdaily to what you love to do! activities. ešŎ˘ŔŜÃƋ˘ÃĦæ˘ŜĆêŎÃŋĉŔŜŔ˘ĆÃŷê˘Ŏêàêĉŷêæ˘ßĬŜƢæĬŔêŔ˘Ĭÿ˘ŜĆê˘ e¯E#ʿʎʖ˘ŷÃààĉĦê˘ÃĦæ˘ĬšŎ˘ÿÃàĉğĉŜž˘ĆÃŔ˘êŽŋÃĦæêæ˘ŜĬ˘ ĥÃĉĦŜÃĉĦ˘ŔÃÿê˘ŔĬàĉÃğ˘æĉŔŜÃĦàĉĦĀ˘ÿĬŎ˘Ãğğ˘Ĭÿ˘ĬšŎ˘ŋÃŜĉêĦŜŔ˘ÃĦæ˘àğÃŔŔêŔʧ˘ 314 Central Avenue • Linwood, NJ 08221

609.365.8499 Ãğğ˘šŔ˘ÃŜ˘ʹʓʍʖʺ˘ʐʓʒʿʕʑʖʖ˘ŜĬ˘ŔàĆêæšğê˘Ã˘ ÃğÃĦàê˘ÃĦæ˘ ŜŎêĦĀŜƢêŷÃğšÃŜĉĬĦʧ˘ ŋêĦæ˘ÃĦ˘ĆĬšŎ˘ŸĉŜƢ Ã˘ŜĆêŎÃŋĉŔŜʨ˘ÃğğĬŸĉĦĀ˘ŜĆêĥ˘ŜĬ˘àŎêÃŜê˘Ã˘ŋğÃĦ˘ÿĬŎ˘žĬš˘ŜĬ˘ĀêŜ˘ßÃàĜ˘ŜĬ˘æĬĉĦĀ˘ŸĆÃŜ˘žĬš˘ğĬŷê˘ŜĬ˘æĬʬ

Happy Father’s Day “Who’s my hero? That’s a great question... Well, I think my dad is my hero, because he’s someone I look up to every day.”

Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate the joys of having a father. There is simply no way we can ever really thank our father for all he has done for us. On June 20th, strive to make Father’s Day absolutely hassle free for your father and take the responsibilities on yourself for a day. Pamper him a little on this special day of his just as he pampers you all the year round. Give him a warm hug and a big kiss as you wish him a Happy Father’s Day!

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Medical Professionals


Reliance Medical Group Has Joined Village Medical Primary Care Our experienced and compassionate team provides full-service primary care, including routine care, treatment for illness and injury, and management of chronic conditions. At Village Medical, we offer the right care, when and where you need it. You can be seen by a primary care provider in one of our clinics, via a virtual visit, or in your home. We’re here for you: • Virtual visits (video appointments from home) • Same-day appointments available • Comprehensive, team-based approach • Referrals to specialists Wellness Your primary care provider is your partner in your health – and not just when you’re sick. From prevention to goal setting and education, having a long-term relationship with your physician is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Our services include annual wellness checkups, women’s health services, weight loss counseling, vaccinations and smoking cessation programs, among other resources. Chronic care If you’re living with a chronic condition, consistent and personalized care is essential. We can help manage a broad range of long-term diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and endocrine disorders. At Village Medical, we take a comprehensive approach, using education and lifestyle changes in conjunction with medications and other therapies – and ensure seamless information sharing between clinical staff, doctors and care managers – to help our patients live their healthiest lives.

Specialty care Rare and chronic conditions require specific care and attention. Our highly trained staff are equipped to provide comprehensive care for certain conditions, and can provide referrals to specialists. Specialists have advanced education and training in specific areas of medicine, and can provide diagnostic tests and treatments in their areas of expertise. Same-day appointments No one schedules an illness or injury – so sometimes you need to see your doctor today. Whether flu season hits or you twist your ankle jogging, our clinics reserve same-day appointments for nonemergency illness and injury so you can see one of our doctors for streamlined, communicative care. Clinic, in-home and virtual visits We want to provide you with care wherever you are. We offer appointments in our many clinics, as well as at-home house calls and online virtual visits. No matter where you are, Village Medical ensures you’re connected to care. Diagnostic testing Diagnostic tests help give you answers about your health. Our on-site facilities offer quick and easy access to a range of necessary tests, including bloodwork, urinalysis, bone density, spirometry and EKGs, among others – helping us diagnose and treat patients as quickly as possible. Illness and injuries We can diagnose and treat most common illnesses, conditions and minor injuries. From ear infections, asthma and digestive issues to sprains and strains – we’re equipped to help you get back to feeling like yourself.

Reliance Medicalof Group, a member Reliance Medical Group, a member Village Medical of Village Medical Primary Care,New is Now Accepting New Patients Throughout Primary Care, isof Now Accepting Patients Throughout Reliance Medical Group, a member Village Medical AtlanticThroughout County. Atlantic County. Primary Care, is Now Accepting New Patients Atlantic County. We’re bringing high-tech, high-touch care to patients. Our doctors We’re bringing high-tech, high-touch care to patients. Our doctors Galloway Township Galloway Township

oway Township

Mays Landing

Egg Harbor Township

partner with you to understand your needs and work with andhigh-touch staff partner with you staff to understand your needs and work with We’re bringing high-tech, care to and patients. Our doctors just on treatment, also education you—not just on treatment, but also education preventive care. and preventive care. and staff partner with you to understand youryou—not needs and work with andbut you—not just on treatment, but also education and preventive care. All Village Medical clinics within All Village Medical clinics within your community are your community are connected. You can see a doctor atthe any location without the connected. Youcommunity can see a doctor at any location without All Village Medical clinics within your are need to records transfer your medical records between clinics. to transfer medical clinics. connected. You can seeneed a doctor at anyyour location without the between need to transfer your medical records between clinics. Pleasantville



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Village Somers Point

mers Point

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© 2021 Village Medical

© 2021 Village Medical

© 2021 Village Medical

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Medical Professionals Hemorrhoids: The Bottom Line Nina Paonessa, DO, FACOS

Did you know we are born with hemorrhoidal tissue, it’s a part of our anatomy? Hemorrhoidal tissue lies within the anal canal and perianal area and consists of blood vessels, connective tissue, and a small amount of muscle. Hemorrhoids are described as varicose veins of the anus and rectum because they are enlarged, bulging blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum. The only time we actually feel hemorrhoids is when they become enlarged or symptomatic. Dr. Paonessa likes to use the analogy: “We all have teeth, but we all don’t have cavities.” Likewise, we all have hemorrhoids, but we all don’t have symptomatic hemorrhoids. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Both can have different symptoms and often different treatments. Internal (inside) hemorrhoids form in the anus beneath a lining called mucosa, which is not sensitive to touch, pain, stretch or temperature. As such, internal hemorrhoids are commonly associated with painless bleeding and protrusion during bowel movements. It is only when the hemorrhoid completely prolapses from the opening of the anus and cannot be pushed back inside that it becomes severely painful. Internal hemorrhoids are classified in four grades: Grade One: The hemorrhoid is not protruding from the opening of the anus (no prolapse). Grade Two: The hemorrhoid protrudes from the anus but it goes back in on its own. Grade Three: The hemorrhoid protrudes and requires the patient to push it back inside the anus. Grade Four: The hemorrhoid cannot be placed back into the anus by the patient. This is often very painful. External (outside) hemorrhoids form around the anus and are covered by very sensitive skin. The most common complaints associated with external hemorrhoids are occasional swelling, pressure or discomfort. When a hemorrhoid is symptomatic, it becomes a bluish-colored, painful lump outside the anus. If the external hemorrhoid develops a clot (thrombosis), it becomes a hard, painful lump. When the pressure becomes elevated, it can cause the thrombosed hemorrhoid to break down the overlying skin, and the clot begins to leak out. Even after the hemorrhoid has healed, some patients complain about soft tissue outside the anus called an anal skin tag. An anal skin tag is the residual effects from the thrombosed external hemorrhoid. A skin tag may hinder a patient’s ability to clean after a bowel movement. Although there is no treatment for anal skin tags, they can be removed if hygiene becomes an issue for the patient. There are several factors that can cause hemorrhoids, although the exact cause is unknown. Upright posture, alone, increases pressure on the rectal veins and can cause them to bulge. Additional factors include aging, chronic constipation or diarrhea, straining during pregnancy, heredity, straining during bowel movements, overuse of laxatives or enemas, and extended periods of time on the toilet (i.e., reading). Here are some symptoms you should be aware of to determine if you may have a hemorrhoid problem: if you are having bleeding during bowel movements, itching in the anal area, pain, sensitive lumps or prolapsing during bowel movements. If you do experience any of the symptoms, do not treat with over-the-counter medication. Call and make an appointment with your doctor. It is very important to understand that NOT all rectal bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids. As such, it is crucial to seek consultation with a specialist such as a colon and rectal surgeon to be sure that the rectal bleeding is not caused by a serious disease such as anal or colorectal cancer. How hemorrhoids are treated depends on how severe the condition is. If the symptoms are mild, your doctor may simply have you increase your fiber intake in your diet (i.e., fruits, vegetables, breads and cereals) or by adding an oral fiber supplement. It is recommended that you consume 20-35 grams of fiber per day. It is very important to make sure that you drink 8-10 glasses per day of water. Other beverages that contain


caffeine or alcohol will dehydrate you, so try to decrease your intake of those beverages. These measures help to create a soft, formed stool, thereby eliminating excessive straining during bowel movements. This, in turn, will decrease the pressure on the hemorrhoids. The use of warm water soaks (sitz baths) will also provide relief. There are several outpatient treatments that may be performed in the office to help treat symptomatic hemorrhoids. These include rubber band ligation, infrared photocoagulation, and sclerotherapy. All of these procedures are painless. Dr. Paonessa’s procedure of choice in the office is sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy involves an injection of a chemical irritant into the hemorrhoid, which causes scarring and shrinkage of the blood vessels present within the hemorrhoidal tissues. This procedure is painless and has few, if any, complications. Sclerotherapy is safe for patients on blood thinners. As with any procedure, you will need to discuss this with your physician. External hemorrhoids may also be treated on an outpatient basis as well. Excision of the hemorrhoidal tissue can be performed. The hemorrhoid will be injected with a numbing agent, and excising of the hemorrhoid along with all blood clots (thrombus) is done. In this case the entire external hemorrhoid is removed, not lanced, so as to avoid any residual skin tag once healed. This procedure provides instant pain relief for those patients suffering from severe pain. Often hemorrhoids that are not thrombosed can be treated with dietary change and sitz baths. There are other procedures that can be done on an outpatient basis at surgery centers or hospitals. These include traditional hemorrhoidectomy, transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD), and stapled hemorrhoidectomy. As with any surgery, you will need to have your physician evaluate your condition and see what the best option for you is. With advances in local anesthetic and surgical technique, hemorrhoidectomy is not the painful procedure it had been associated with in the past. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms or conditions discussed, please contact Paonessa Colon and Rectal Surgery to make an appointment with Dr. Paonessa. Dr. Paonessa is well trained in all aspects of hemorrhoid management and surgery. In fact, she is the co-editor of the textbook Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoids, 2nd edition, and authored three of the chapters within this textbook.

Colon and Rectal Surgery

Board Certified in General Surgery and Proctology • laparoscopic surgery • abdominal/pelvic surgery • fecal incontinence • endoanal/rectal ultrasound • anorectal surgery

603 Higgins Avenue Brielle, NJ 08730

The County Woman Magazine

• pelvic floor disorders • office proctology • anorectal manometry/ physiology

1364 Route 72, Suite 5 Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Phone: (732) 282-1500 • Fax: (732) Office Hours: M-F 9AM to 5PM

292-9600 May/June 2021


Medical Professionals

Multitasking is hard. Making it easier for you, is our priority. Our 15 convenient locations offer a variety of early morning, extended evening and weekend hours that fit your busy schedule. At Atlantic Medical Imaging, we provide you with safe, convenient access to the most advanced diagnostic imaging technology available, while maintaining the excellent service and care you expect. Our board-certified radiologists and our highly skilled staff remain firmly committed to providing you with the most accurate and timely exam results. To schedule an appointment, please CALL (609) 677-XRAY (9729).

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Health & Wellness


A Mindful Journey To Well-Being We have all experienced some type of personal struggle over the last year and while challenges are never fun, there is beauty and growth on the other side. Gina M. Peccia, MA, LPC, LLC

Gina M.Peccia, MA, LPC, LLC 2021 New Road, Suite 12B Linwood, NJ 08221

(609) 204-9940 Begin the journey to a brand new you!

As a Licensed Counselor and Certified Mindful Coach, Gina M. Peccia guides her clients on that journey and helps them achieve their goals.

“Whatever your personal struggle entails, my clinical experience or mindful coaching will help you make the changes to become more successful in your endeavors,” she says. Her practice as a Mindful coach is an active process which helps her clients identify their purpose and mission in life and then guide them on their journey to a more positive state of mind. Mindfulness is defined as a non-judgmental way of paying attention to the present moment. Whether you are stuck in a difficult life transition or dealing with anxiety and depression, Gina has the tools to help move you through those muddy waters. She adds, “So much of the time it is our negative and habitual thinking that can lead to chronic depression and debilitating anxiety.”

Her 15+ years of experience in private practice, agency, and hospital service has allowed her to garner new ways to cope and improve her clients overall outlook on life.

Offering Virtual and In-person appointmen ts

She adds, “I am well-versed in helping my clients meet their goals and propel them toward change so they can become effective in all their endeavors.” Gina’s interest in mindfulness began several years ago and she credits author and mindfulness expert Jon Kabat Zinn for awakening her passion. It’s about being fully awake in our lives and living each moment with intention and gratitude. Because she has been through her own fair share of challenging life transitions, Gina has that rare ability to empathize with others suffering in similar circumstances. Her passion for helping her clients become who they were meant to be and build their own self-confidence brings her a sense of true joy.

Call (609) 204-9940 for a free strategy session, to discover your individual needs!

Testimonial “Working with Gina has been a very satisfying and empowering experience. During a time of transition and change, she was able to assist me in identifying a goal and break it down into attainable steps…I highly recommend Gina because she is professional, caring and supportive.” - Beth L.

Men’s Clothing

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Medical Professionals


Reliance Medical Group Has Joined Village Medical Primary Care

It’s a new name for the same quality care you’ve come to trust from our doctors and staff. We’re bringing high-tech, high-touch care to patients. Our doctors and staff partner with you to understand your needs and work with you — not just on treatment, but also education and preventive care.

Gabriela Marigliano, PA Village Medical Primary Care

Walk-ins welcome Same-day appointments available Virtual visits Extended hours offered at some locations

Clinic Locations: Atlantic City Egg Harbor Township Galloway Northfield

Pleasantville Somers Point Mays Landing

For more information visit locations/new-jersey

Physician assistant Gabriela Marigliano is dedicated to her patients’ health and wellbeing. In practice since 2020, she treats infants, children, teens and adults, performing well child exams, adult physical exams and Medicare annual wellness visits. Gabriela earned her undergraduate degree in health science at Stockton University in Galloway Township, NJ. She attended physician assistant school and completed her master’s degree at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia where she serves as a clinical preceptor for students in PA school. In her free time, Gabriela enjoys hiking, kayaking, camping, traveling and experiencing new cultures. For more information, visit new-jersey.

© 2021 Village Medical

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Medical Professionals


Take Charge of Your Health There’s no doubt about it: We’re living in an age of convenience, where people expect to receive services with very little hassle and in a decent amount of time. This applies to the healthcare world as well. With primary care being the foundation of our healthcare system and critical to improved health overall, it should be readily accessible. In an effort to streamline their services, Village Medical (formerly Reliance Medical Group) has reimagined primary care and will now bring convenient, quality care into communities throughout New Jersey and across the country, with multiple locations right here in Atlantic County. Village Medical offers a physician-led primary care delivery model that is uniquely comprehensive, personalized and convenient. Since 2019, Village Medical has been rapidly expanding nationwide. Village Medical provides quality comprehensive primary care for their patients, with a welcoming atmosphere and an experienced team of providers who put patients first. At Village Medical, walk-ins are welcome and same-day

appointments are available. They offer virtual visits and in-home care to assist disabled, elderly or homebound patients who are physically unable to visit a clinic in person. If a patient happens to need to see a physician while traveling, they can look for a nearby Village Medical location and feel confident knowing they’ll receive the same high level of care with seamless continuity, because all Village Medical locations share the same medical records system. Primary care addresses all facets of health that contribute to a person’s wellbeing, and is typically the very first point of care. Primary care providers build relationships based on trust, and develop strong doctorpatient bonds. These days, patients desire more from providers than just decent care. Getting primary care should be easy — it should be personal, accessible and convenient. Village Medical has answered the call, and provides quality care throughout Atlantic County and New Jersey. Taking charge of your health just got a whole lot easier.

Schedule your appointment with us today!

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Medical Professionals


Tired of Your Ugly and Failing Dental Bridges? Fed Up with Your Dentures? Kathy A. Banks, DMD Board Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

Your Expert in the Face, Mouth and Jaws 249 S. Main Street Barnegat , NJ Specialty Lic #4070

609-488-2325 Office Hours: 8 AM - 5 PM (Mon. - Fri.)

• Bone Grafting •Dental Implants • General and Intravenous Anesthesia • Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

Are Your Teeth a Constant Source of Pain and Embarrassment?

You Don’t Have To Live Like This Anymore!

Revitalize® Your Life Dr. Kathy A. Banks is one of the most experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Ocean County providing dental implant surgical services. With Revitalize®, or “all-onfour” treatment, old dentures, missing teeth and failing dental restorations are replaced with new teeth that are connected to dental implants at the same time the dental implants are placed into the jaws, giving patients immediate results.

A RECENT SUCCESS Diane was suffering. She was sick and tired of the pain and embarrassment of loose dentures and messy denture adhesives. Her dentures seemed to control her life. In one day, Diane’s life was changed. Now Diane is pain free, with secure and beautiful upper and lower teeth. No more dentures! No more adhesives! Diane can now chew and smile with confidence.

Diane’s result

(dentistry by Dr. V. Felici)

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals


If You Have Been Told You Are Not A Candidate For Dental Implants:

Put Your Best Face Forward SEE DR. BANKS! Dr. Kathy A. Banks is Ocean County’s most experienced Oral and

Often, patients are told that they are not candidates for dental implants because they Maxillofacial Surgeon injectable facial “don’t have enough bone” or their “sinus in is toodelivering low.”

fillers and rejuvenation products.

Both conditions are correctable problems in almost all patients, according to Dr. Banks. When the gum ridge where teeth are missing is too thin to place a dental implant, bone grafting can be performed to correct the problem. What that means is that a bone replacement product, or even the patient’s own bone, can be placed into the deficient area, stabilized, and allowed to heal. Following healing, dental implants can be placed into that area and then restored with porcelain teeth. This procedure is called “ridge augmentation” and can be accomplished in both the top and bottom jaws. When teeth are missing, the sinus that lies above the top jaw will expand downward into the ridge and cause bone loss in the gum ridge. This is a correctable problem as well, according to Dr. Banks. “A Sub-Antral Sinus Augmentation – commonly called a ‘Sinus Lift Procedure’ – can be performed, sometimes even at the time of implant placement. This procedure increases the amount of bone in the area where we would like to place a dental implant. Again, a bone replacement product or even the patient’s own bone can be used.” A common misconception is that the bone is placed into the sinus. In reality, the sinus membrane is actually lifted up (hence to name “sinus lift”) back to where it should be, and the bone graft material is placed under the sinus membrane, restoring the gum ridge and the sinus contour together in one procedure. Dr. Banks incorporates state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures, such as 3D cone beam CT scanning of the face and jaws, to evaluate her patients for bone grafting procedures. “That way, I can accurately diagnose the magnitude of the bone loss in the area where we would like to place implants and the quality of the patient’s bone ridge in that area, and pre-plan the surgery to ensure the best possible outcome.” She also prepares and uses advanced biologic into grafting procedures such as L-PRF Ultra XC plus® to reduce the appearance of the nasolabial Dr. Banks’ experience with Botox® began in thematerials mid 1990’s while working injections of Juvederm with patients with various temporomandibular joint problems. “In those days, folds (marionette (Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin) which are made right in the office at the time of surgery. lines) around the mouth and nose are the most common services

Botox® was not really given for cosmetic purposes, but to relax the tight chewing sought by patients. The newest Allergan® product, Vollure XC®, is a versatile And finally, there is a preconceived notion that these procedures are painful procedures. “There muscles to provide relief for patients with certain TMJ problems”, she says. formulation that adds subtle volume for the correction of moderate to severe facial are surgicaladvances part of inthe bone grafting process,” sheand says. “We offer to Dr. Banks, this second generation dermal filler has Fastmultiple forward toanesthesia the presentoptions day, withfor thethe significant nonsurgical wrinkles folds. According intravenous andsurgical sedation, nitrousareoxide and local anesthesia” that all her patients treatments forgeneral esthetic anesthesia facial concerns, modalities now considered for trulyso unique qualities, making can it a very effective product with results lasting about some practitioners to be the “last resort” for treating the ageing face. eighteen months in many patients. be treated comfortably. Dr. Banks is part of a team of oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists who In addition to Botox® and the entire line up of Allergan® dermal fillers, Dr. “Of course, I’m making it sound easy but these procedures are technicallyBanks demanding and take years conceived and delivered a series of State Board of Dentistry approved educational offers treatments with Kybella®, a revolutionary product for treatment of of practice to gain the proper expertise. onlydelivery want your bone grafting procedures performed a courses for other practitioners on the safe andYou effective of injectable submental fullness. “Thisbyproduct is really amazing. It contains a powerful plant well-trained, oral and maxillofacial surgeon.” pharmacologic ABOMS-certified agents. derived substance that breaks down fat cells, and they are gone for good!, she states. Dr. Banks provides Botox® treatments, as well as a whole array of Allergan® The treatments are given in a series of three to five sessions and the results are brand injectable fillers. A combination of these products can produce a lifting permanent. “This product has completely replaced surgical liposuction in the area and smoothing appearance of the face. According to Dr. Banks, The upper under the chin”, says Dr. Banks. facial rejuvenation procedure using Boxox® alone or in combination with Voluma If you look in the mirror, and see that you appear tired, or wrinkled, make XC® to correct lost volume in the maxillofacial region of the cheeks, Volbella an appointment with Dr. Banks to see what these products can do for you. Its XC® to plump the lips and reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, summer! Time to put your best face forward!

For more information, call 609-488-2325 or visit

Kathy A. Banks, DMD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Your Expert in the Face, Mouth and Jaws 249 S. Main Street Barnegat , NJ Specialty Lic #4070

609-488-2325 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

8 AM - 5 PM (Mon. - Fri.) Bone Grafting • Dental Implants General and Intravenous Anesthesia Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

November/December 2017 May/June 2021

Health & Wellness Best Possible Life

24 Heidi Farber

How can we live our best possible life? This is not an original concept. Indeed, this question has been posed for millennia. Whether from a Western perspective or an Eastern point of view, creating a good life has been a central theme for all societies as well as religions. This is not a single unchanging entity but a conversation over time reflecting an ever-evolving world. Cultures have morphed to become relevant with “modern times.” Yet our human responses to life’s difficulties remain the same. We still have anxieties, losses, disappointments, failures, and woes. People want to suffer less and hope to gain instead some sense of ease and equanimity. The resolution requires a change in consciousness that will restore our fundamental sense of connection to ourselves, Nature, and all beings. What tools can we use to help us creatively cope with change and impermanence, and reaffirm meaning and value? When we are dissatisfied with aspects of our own time and culture, we seek out alternative practices and beliefs of another. Some of them can be adapted or reinterpreted if they are to be embraced. As religious traditions evolve, traditionalists strive to maintain fundamental ideas that may no longer be relevant or meaningful. But innovators try to adapt them to meet the needs of the moment. This is how religions survive over many centuries. For example, Buddhism has developed alongside other yoga practices as it was transmitted from India to China and Japan. The history of this religion has been interpreted, reinvented and revised through different lenses. The challenge we face in the West is how to make Buddhist practice authentically our own. What gives us a sense of well-being in difficult times? Cultivating a set of moral virtues like compassion, truthfulness, courage and wisdom fosters happiness. But there are no perfect states of joy. This is a never-ending process without a final destination. We are all subject to misfortune and are not immune to suffering. However, we can still pursue happiness and live meaningful lives. Being wise and discerning, kind and loving will keep us on the path to a better life. We do this not just for self but for all of humanity. That is the goal

of yoga, which is to make our desires consonant with our higher selves. It is neither perfect nor permanent but reflects an aspiration to connect with others and end up in a better place. We must see the interdependence of the journey of the individual and the journey of society in which the individual lives. Personal transformation is interwoven with societal transformation. We embrace the world together as part of practice. It is our responsibility to form relationships to support, guide and influence others in wholesome ways. We are all agents of understanding, beginning with the mind and heart. We co-create the universe. All phenomena are interdependent. When we see this interdependence, we experience ourselves as connected, brave and deeply empathetic. This transformed view makes all the difference in the world. There is no separation between self and other, and my life exists only because of others. It is the power of others, the power beyond myself that sustains my entire existence. Nothing exists separate from other things in the universe. When we awaken to our togetherness with others, our experiences give rise to gratitude, which ultimately expresses itself as joy. Now ask: “What do I really want from practice? What is my best possible life?”

Hummingbird Yoga

Heidi Farber •Certified Kripalu Teacher • Teacher Training Central Square #19 • 199 New Road • Linwood, NJ 08221

ph. (609) 927.8010 • cell (609) 442.3487

Fashion & Beauty The Right Fit Do you have a drawer full of bras that are either uncomfortable or the fit is just unflattering? You are not alone, there are tons of women of all ages sstruggling with the same problem! At The Bra Boudoir we are here to help you with all of your lingerie needs. We specialize in bra fittings, where we take the time to not only find out what size fits you best but what style bras fit best on your body. After all there are over 20 different style categories of bras and 100s of different sizes that exist in the bra world. Not only are there huge variations on the bras that are available to buy but our body and breast shapes are all different as well. Each one of us is unique but equally perfect just like a snowflake. During your fitting, we listen to your concerns, we ask you what you do not like about your bras and what you are looking for. Then we will choose different size and style bras that we think will work best for you

and assist you with trying them on until we find your perfect fit. Your concerns, happiness and comfort with your lingerie are important to us, so If you have had a bra fitting elsewhere and the experience left you with bras that are still uncomfortable in one way or another. I encourage you to give The Bra Boudoir a chance. We book our bra fittings by appointment to ensure you a comfortable and private fitting experience where you will get all of the time and attention without distractions from other customers. You can book your bra fitting, shape wear fitting, or lingerie styling for free on our website or by calling us at 609-829-2867.

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The County Woman Magazine

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May/June 2021

Legal Professionals


The 3 C’s: Covid, Custody & Co-Parenting By Marla Marinucci, Esq.

Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers® Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney

No doubt these are unprecedented times. Between the Covid-19 pandemic, the upcoming election, recent crazy weather events (a tornado touched down in Ocean City a few days ago), and a slew of other strange events, it has been difficult to find a silver lining in anything recently. I have always tried to find at least one positive aspect in everything, regardless of how negative a situation is. For example, as family law attorneys, something we have been wanting for years has been the ability to file documents electronically. Other courts and divisions have had electronic filing for many years, but not in the family part. Thanks to the pandemic, we now have electronic filing, and it is awesome. It has made life so much easier, and for the most part has had the effect of expediting things. Additionally, while I was initially not a big fan of having court appearances done via Zoom or other digital platform, I cannot imagine ever going back to having all in-person court hearings and am enjoying not paying $10 to park every time I have court in Atlantic City. I also cannot remember the last time I wore a suit, which has been another huge plus. Granted, in no way do I believe that this pandemic has been a good thing. The point I am trying to make is that out of bad, can come good. Let’s talk about custody and the effects Covid-19 is having on coparenting. Take, for example, the Governor’s order to close all schools starting in mid-March. I was so thrilled to learn of many situations of parents (divorced or just not together anymore) who successfully, and without court intervention, co-parented with each other to modify parenting time in light of the new normal: remote learning. In nearly every case of this kind that I heard about where the parents worked things out themselves, the noncustodial parent’s time increased substantially. No doubt there were plenty of cases that had the opposite result whereby one party used the pandemic as a shield in an attempt to prevent the other party from having any parenting time at all. However, I found that such a tactic was immediately shut down by the Court absent certain unique circumstances that warranted a suspension of parenting time to one party.

There are many cases that, due to distance (i.e., the parents reside in different states far apart), one parent is not able to enjoy much parenting time during the school year because it’s either too expensive (requires plane tickets) or there are not enough school breaks to warrant parenting time beyond Christmas break, spring break, and the summer. Even if an agreement states that one party is entitled to all three-day weekends during the school year, that is hardly enough time for anyone, nor is it fair to the child, because if it involves flying, there will be substantial time spent in the airport on two of the three days, and it’s just plain exhausting. With Covid-19 and the advent of remote learning, now is the time for the non-custodial parent, who rarely gets to see their child/children during the school year due to geography, to enjoy more parenting time. This applies to parents who live near each other as well. From what I have gleaned online, most school districts nationwide are offering a few different options for the 2020-2021 school year, including a hybrid schedule that involves a combination of in-person learning and remote learning, as well as an all-remote-learning option. As of the time of this writing, it appears possible that the Governor in New Jersey could once again order that schools in New Jersey close again out of safety precautions for the staff and the students. Assuming there are no parental fitness issues involved, and the pre-pandemic parenting schedule was determined based on each party’s work schedules at the time, and of course the child actually attending school, if one or both parents are now working from home, AND your child’s school is either one that involves two or three days of remote learning and two or three days of in-person learning, or all-remote learning, now is the time to flex those atrophied co-parenting muscles and take advantage of these unprecedented times. It is the child’s right to spend as much time as possible with both parents. More often than not, one parent spends far too much time and energy limiting the other parent’s time with the child for reasons that have nothing to do with the safety of the child, and for the most part are founded in spitefulness. Remote learning can be done anywhere, near and far. A child who lives with Mom and attends school in New Jersey and whose school has implemented an all-remote learning plan can follow that same plan with Dad, who lives in California, and with whom the child may not spend a lot of time due to distance and school. Temporarily modifying a parenting plan does not require a court order provided both parties agree. This is what co-parenting is all about.

Call my office at 609-398-1900 for a consultation.

Today’s Families Face Many Challenges...

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117 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226 • CALL: (609) 398-1900 Fax: (609) 398-7292 • Email: Marla Marinucci, Esq.

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney

Marla Marinucci, Esq., is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. She has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. Her primary focus is Family law matters. She received a B.A. in French from Rutgers Camden, and received her law degree from Rutgers School of Law- Camden.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

FabulousFFood Fabulous ood Fabulous Food

26 54

Springing into Fresh Vegetables Crazy for Comfort Food Celebrating In –The Great Outdoors Holiday Giving Foodie Style

As we come into the spring season and (hopefully) shake off the end of winter doldrums, we are starting to think more Nowproduce that the temperatures are thegrocery rise, the The ith holidays are here! This is start my favorite time of despite about the fresh that will to pop upon in year, our the holidays approaching, thoughts naturally days of road trips weekend excursions are the While cold weather that comes with this festive season. Cold stores. been able and to get all through turnwe’ve to food, friends and“fresh” family.produce Here are weather leaves us craving comfort foods and nothing says comfort back. We itching get back outside, the winter, it won’t beare longall until thingstogrown locally will some healthy alternatives to and themore abundance of of like a great casserole followed by cookies maybe even a cup while (Think air travel may not be on your radar start to beand available. about those wonderful greens and cookies that are always around this time of year. Better hotasparagus!) chocolate! Casseroles are notorious forhave being heavy, but small quite yet, there are plenty of other options, Jersey That means that you’ll the chance to eat options for can youmake andthem great for gift-giving as well! changes lighter and healthier while still providing especially if you haveitems the that camping meals prepared with lots of fresh haven’tbug. had to travel the comfort that weeven crave at this time of thing, year. Apple Camping, or “glamping” if that your doesn’t mean that you are Healthy Walnut Muffins –isMakes long distances to get toallyour plate. Here are a12few dishes Chefstuck Steph with Cutting Board Creations is happy to You prepare other with hamburgers, hot dogs and baked beans. can these enjoy and a delicious 2 cupsinspire flour you. Don’t have the time or the desire to do all this might delicious, healthy meals just for when thewith demands your schedule prevent meal courtesy of your grillyou or campfire just a of little preparation ahead of 1 tspyou baking soda yourself? Contact Steph withwasCutting Board Creations and time. from being ableChef to do so. Stephanie professionally trained at the Culinary 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon she’llBusiness do allAcademy, the work for you.Personal Simply heat and eat! is a Certified Chef, a Certified Food Safety Manager, 1/4 tsp ground and Finalist for ginger the USPCA Personal Chef of the Year. For more information on our services allspice or Gift Certificates, references, and fees, contact Cutting Board VEGETABLE 1/4 tsp ground Creations, LLCnutmeg today. 1/4 tsp ground FRITTATA 1/4 tspI salt wish each of you a wonderful– Serves holiday4-6season and 2 eggs Breakfast for dinner? Yup! In theplus very2 Tbest forjuice the coming year. 1 cup apple this dish a colorful selection of vegetables pair with protein rich concentrate, frozen and thawed SHRIMP AND SCALLOPS WITH – Serves 4-6 eggs for PASTA a hearty meal. Add a salad, 2/3 cup buttermilk A low-fat pasta dish studded with seafood and vegetables and lots of flavor. or perhaps a quinoa or brown rice 2 T oat 3/4 bran cup chicken broth, low sodium side, and you are ready to go! Feel 1/2 cup onion, chopped 2 small Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and chopped free to1/2 mixcup up the vegetables based on what you like and what’s available. Just make red bell pepper, chopped 1/3 cup walnuts, chopped sure to2 cut themcloves, into pieces of a similar size so that they all cook consistently. garlic minced Granny Smith apple, peeled cored and cut into 12 thin 8 oz fresh scallops, cut in half if •1 small 2T butter forlarge garnish too •slices, 1 onion, chopped 8 oz shrimp, shelled andsliced deveined • Preheat 1 small zucchini, thinly oven to 375 degrees. Prepare muffin pan by spraying or lining with 2 roma tomatoes, seeded and chopped ZESTY MARINATED papers. •12 1muffin cup mushroom, slicedlowfat STEAK – Serves 4-6 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 2 pound steak – London broil, flank, porterhouse together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg and • Mix 1 large redsteak bellGreek pepper, diced 1/2 cup 3 Tplain sauce yogurt, lowfat salt in a medium bowl. • 1 cup asparagus, cut into small pieces 1/4 cup basil, slivered 1 ½fresh T lemon juice together eggs,dried T dry wine • Mix ¼2tsp thyme, 1 Twhite olive oilapple juice and buttermilk in a large bowl. Stir the flour into1the egg mixture until the dry (you ingredients are just 3 cups pasta, cooked and drained (whole grain ormoistened, high tsp sugar •mixture 6-8 large eggs, lightly beaten can also use eggfiber pasta, ornot Gluten free) being careful to overmix. Gently stir in the diced apples and nuts. Mix together the marinade ingredients and pour over steak. Refrigerate substitute or a mixture of eggs and egg whites, as desired) 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, lowfat, shredded Spoon batter into the prepared filling cupshigh, about 2/3 full. at least 4 hours. Preheat thepans, grill to medium allowing the Garnish steak to • 2T parmesan cheese 2 T parmesan, grated


# #

eggs are runny. Put into a preheated 375 degree oven for 5 minutes to finish cooking. Let rest in pan for a few minutes before slicing and serving. (Leftovers are really great for lunch the the seafood next day!) Drain and vegetables into a large bowl and mix with the tomatoes. RATATOUILLE FOILthePACKETS - Serves 4 wine and any In a food processor, combine cottage cheese, yogurt, basil,


APumpkin grilled spin on Bread the classic French dish – so “fancy” and delicious! seasonings you’d like to add. Add this to the bowl. 2 Add cups flour the pasta and mozzarella cheese to the bowl and mix everything together 1/3 cup olive oil thoroughly. Transfer to a 2 ½ qt casserole dish that has been lightly sprayed. tsp cinnamon 22garlic cloves, minced Sprinkle parmesan cheese over - Serves 4 the top and bake, uncovered, for 20-30 minutes ¼ 1 tsp tsporegano baking soda Barley is paired with fresh until hot and bubbly. ¼ tsptsp thyme 1/4 baking powderspring vegetables and seed chicken in this ¼ tsp fennel 1/2 tsp salt 1tasty onion, thinly sliced LOW FAT GINGER WHITE CHOCOLATE CHUNK soup. Again, feel free to mix 1medium 1/2cups sugar 1up eggplant, into ½ inch slices the vegetables basedcut on your COOKIES – About 30 1preferences. small zucchini, thinly sliced 3/4 cup vegetable oil Don’t like barley? Use So cookies aren’t necessarily healthy, but in this recipe apple butter replaces 1rice, bell pepper, diced 3red large eggs pasta or farro instead, just ¾ pound roma tomato, butter provides anothersliced layer of flavor to a spice cookie that tastes so 1 cup tspand vanilla adjust the cooking appropriately. ½ fresh basil,time shredded

wonderful this time of year. 1 tablespoon olive cups shredded fresh pumpkin Whisk together the olive oil,oil minced garlic, dried oregano, dried thyme 2 •3cups flour • 1/2 cup onion, finely fennel seeds soda in a pumpkin small bowl. seeds 1tsp cup toasted 2and baking chopped Cut sheets of heavy duty foil large enough to hold all the vegetables. 1/2 tsp4 salt Preheat oven toon350 degrees. Prepare pans.foil This recipe will make thecup vegetables thefinely center of each aluminum square. Start with the one 1Layer T1/2 ground ginger •large celery, chopped loaf, or you can make multiple smaller ones. then thecinnamon onion, zucchini, tomato, and bell pepper. 2eggplant, ground • tsp 2 garlic clove Sift flour, cinnamon, baking baking together. Pour the olive oil mixture over top ofsoda, the veggies andpowder top withand freshsalt basil. 1/2 tspthe ground cloves •Seal 6 cups chicken broth, low-fat, reduced sodium the edges ofbowl, themace foilmix to make packets. In atsp separate the sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla. 1/4 ground 12 chicken breast, boneless, skinless, into • Preheat your grill to medium heatfold andin place the foil packets seamcut sidepumpkin Combine both mixtures and the on shredded pumpkin and 1/4 tspounce ground nutmeg up. Close grill and cook for about 15 minutes. Carefully cubes 3/4 cupWhen apple seeds. allbutter are incorporated, pour into packets – there will be some steam. 1/2 cup brown sugar • 1/3 cup pearl barley Bake one large loaf for 30 minutes or until cooked throughout. (Smaller 1•loaves large egg 1 15will oz. diced tomatoes take less time, so check!) Cool for 15 minutes in the pan. 1/4 cup molasses •Remove 1 cup(s) asparagus trimmed and diagonally and put loaf on a cooling rack to cool completely. sliced 1/4 inch 1 tsp vanilla extract As your Personal Chef, I can help you enjoy delicious meals at • 1cup cupsugar peas(get a coarse grain such as demerara) 1/3 Giving a gift? Wrap tightly and put intoora chopping pretty basket home atas your favorite campsite. No shopping for or box. 1/2or cup fresh basil leaf - torn 1• cup white chocolate chips or chunks Give with small decorative plates and a pretty knife. If this is for a coffee • Preheat 1totablespoon orange zest you worry the work donewith in your home paper. – ingredients ovenabout. to 350All degrees. Line 2is pans parchment lover, why not give with coffee and coffee mugs. Heat oil inthelarge saucepan heat;cinnamon, add onioncloves, and celery Combine baking over soda,medium salt, supplies ginger, maceand andcook, stirring, purchased that flour, day, equipment and for your customized until beginning to soften, 2-4 minutes. Grate or finely chop 1 clove garlic; add to the pan nutmeg; set aside. menu all stirring, come with me. Your kitchen is left clean and your andBeat cook, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add broth, chicken and the apple butter and sugar until fluffy. Add in the egg, molasses andbarley; vanilla,bring to a gentle Cover and cook over low heat until chicken through and refrigerator is stocked when I’m done. AsGive a certified Safety thetheFood Gift of isacooked Personal beating well.simmer. barley is tender. This may take up to 30 minutes depending on the type of barley Stir in theI follow flour mixture until mixed.for Add thesafety chips and stir again toseason! evenly you are Manager, strict guidelines food andholiday sanitation Chef this using. distribute. with yourthe health safetyaddbeing of utmost importance. When barleyand is done, the tomatoes and juice,certificates asparagus and peas. Our gift areReturn to

Shape into 1-inch balls and roll in the sugar to lightly coat. Place the balls on simmer. Cover and cook over low heat until always the asparagus is tender - 5 minutes. approach room temperature while the steak is heating. Remove the steak from with an 1apple slice. a welcome surprise Melt T butter in a large, oven safe, nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add vegetables the cookie sheet, leaving about 2 inches between. the marinade and grill, turning once, until the desired degree of doneness is Preheat the oven to 350 Coarsely chop the remaining garlic clove. Gather basil, orange zest and garlic and until lightly golden anddegrees. cooked through, about 25 minutes. Transfer andBake thyme. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 8-10 minutes, or until the vegetables are Bake for 8-10 minutes or until browned. Let cool on pan for a few minutes and make a unique gift too. Inrack areached. large over medium heat, add the broth, onion, pepper and garlic sprinkle over soup. to a wire to saucepan cool completely. cooked through. before transferring to a rack to cool completely. and cook for 3 minutes, uncovered. Add the scallops and shrimp, stir and cook In a medium bowl, combine the eggs and cheese. Set aside. 2 minutesamore or until themuffins shrimp and are just barely cooked through. Giving gift? ascallops pretty lined with a cloth Melt theas remaining 1 TPlace of butter in theinskillet with basket the vegetables, turning to coat the For more information, call 609-841-8567 napkin. Tie cinnamon sticks around a decorative andthe include a jar of vegetables thoroughly. Turn the heat on the pan down tospoon low. Pour egg mixture over Visit For more information, call 609-841-8567 or or visitvisit preserves. the vegetables and cook without stirring, for 10-15 minutes or until only the top of the

For more information, call 609-841-8567 or visit Stephanie Hopkins

Cutting Board


Certified Personal Chef

(609) 841-8567 LLC

Personal Chef Service

“In your kitchen for a dayYour dinner worries melt away!”

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Stephanie was professionally Steph with Cutting Board Chef Stephanie was Stephanie was trained at the Culinary Business Creations is happy to prepare these professionally trained at the professionally trained at the and Academy, other delicious, healthy meals is a Certified Culinary Business Academy, Culinary Business Academy, just for you when theademands Personal Chef, Certifiedof Food is schedule a Certified Personal Chef, is a Certified Personal Chef, your prevent you from Safety Manager, and Finalist Certified Food Safety aa Certified Food Safety being do so. Personal Stephanie forable the to USPCA Chef Manager, and Finalist for the was professionally trained at the Manager, and Finalist for the of the Year in 2012 and 2013. USPCA Personal Chef Culinary Business Academy, is of a the USPCA Personal Chef of Services are provided on the a first Certified Personal Chef, a Certified Year in 2012 and 2013. Year. Forfirst more information come, served basis and FoodFor Safety Manager, and Finalist more information there are no contracts –ofever! onthe our services or Gift for USPCA Personal Chef on our services or Gift For more information on our Certificates, references, and the Year. For more information on Certificates, references, and services or Gift Certificates, our services or GiftCutting Certificates, fees, contact Board fees, contact Cutting references, and fees, references, and fees, contact Board Creations, LLC today. Stephanie Hopkins Stephanie Hopkins Creations, LLC today! BoardCutting Creations, LLC today. contact Board Stephanie StephanieHopkins Hopkins Cutting Certified Personal Chef Certified Personal Chef Certified CertifiedPersonal PersonalChef Chef Creations, LLC today. The Woman Magazine Magazine TheCounty County Woman Magazine

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018 November/December May/June2019 2021 November/December 2016

Business & Finance


Let Copiers Plus Create A Program Custom Made For Your Business Needs 25 23 & Finance

&Finance Are you overwhelmed by trying to decide on which multifunction printer is right Managed Print Services Managed Print Services for your business? rom Copiers Plus allows you

& Finance y

Business &&Finance Business Finance Business & F inance


25 23

Service Is Our Specialty

o take control of your print Have the experts at Copiers Plus nvironment, save money and guide you through your choices. oost productivity by leveraging Business & Finance # HP (Hewlett Packard) he power of the #1 and FMAudit, The Lanier Exceptional Equipment And Support MPS Solution in the market printers offer print, copy, multifunction oday. fax, and Founded Call Copiers Plus 1986, Copies Plus takes pride in serving Optimize scan, Print Output Managed Print Services as South Jersey’s premier equipment company to speak to aoffice knowledgeable Monitor today and ask Managed Print Services with over 30 years of experience servicing clients just from Copiers Plus allows you like you. Our continued is the result of a total Automaticrepresentative Supply Replenishment about theirsuccess all-inclusive to take control of your print commitment to a customer satisfaction and loyal environment, save money and Audit customers who refer Copiers Plus to others. We are boost productivity by leveraging programs which cover everything from the grateful for their continued support and look forward to the power of FMAudit, the #1 Proactive Maintenance MPS Solution in the market building new relationships well into the future.

Founded in 1986, Copies Plus takes pride in serving as South Jersey’s premier office equipment company with over 30 years of experience servicing clients just like you. Our continued success is the result of a total commitment to a customer satisfaction and loyal customers who refer Copiers Plus to others. We are grateful for their continued support and look forward to building new relationships well into the future.

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25 23

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Document Management Solutions

A customized document management solution from Copiers Plus will allow your organization to transition into a 21st century digital workflow. • Store • Manage • Search • Collaborate • Secure

The County Woman Magazine The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

Purchasing Alliances

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“Service is our Specialty”

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935 West Avenue Ocean City, NJ 08226 Office: 609-398-7676

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March/April 2017 November/December September/October2019 2019

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Copiers Plus proudly partners Large Format Print Equipment A large format printer from Copiers Plus will extend your in-house production with some of the country’s capabilities by producing large blueprints, design plans, technical documents and right from the convenience of your office. remier GPOs and Purchasingmore • Reduce print cycle time Get documents in the field faster Alliances to bring cost savings• and efficiencies to government agencies, educational • Eliminate production delays nstitutions,TWO non-profits, healthcare providers and faith-based organizations.NEW JERSEY INCLUDING OCEAN AND MONMOUTH COUNTIES • Produce multiple designs quickly and accurately GREAT LOCATONS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN Service, Support & Supplies

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Robert Matthews

For more info contact: Robert Matthews

For more info contact Robert Matthews at 609-645-7587 or 609-645-7587 •

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May/June 2021

Hospice Care



Right Time When a family is faced with a serious illness, there are many decisions to make.

Let us help you determine when the time is right. Call today.

As your loved one’s illness progresses, you may decide they need symptom management through palliative care or it’s time to consider hospice care.

• Personalized Compassionate Care

Our compassionate team provides comfort and quality of life in either the patient’s home, a hospital, or a nursing care facility.

• Holistic Therapy

Our Services include: • 24/7 Nurse Access • Grief Counseling

P: 609-380-4302 E:

• Spiritual Care

• Specialized Professionals

Serving Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem Counties.

• Volunteer Services • Medical Equipment & Supplies

A faith-based non-profit established in 1904.

Volunteer with Journey Hospice. Call (609) 760-6073 for more information.

Genovese Counseling Services

Health & Wellness We Are Partners In Healing

Christine Genovese, LPC

Psychotherapist • Brainspotting Practitioner 125 E. Main Street, Suite 6 • Tuckerton, NJ 08087 553 New Road, Suite E • Somers Point, NJ 08244

609 568-6299


Christine Genovese works with educators and other adults experiencing grief, anxiety and major life change. We are partners in healing.

Being invited into another person’s space to help them heal is an honor and a privilege. Seeking counseling is actually selfeducation, and learning about grief, anxiety and major life change, is a partnership. The focus of this practice is structured to support all adults including educational professionals who are experiencing stress, grief, anxiety, depression and major life change. Working through life changing experiences, no matter how great or small, can be difficult especially when navigating

The County Woman Magazine

multiple situations at once. I am here to listen, validate what you are experiencing, discuss possible solutions, and hold space with you. Having worked in an agency setting as well as the school system has allowed me to develop a wide variety of methods for reaching people who are hurting or simply want to sort things out. Through the use of a pointer and a strong relationship, Christine and the client use the natural gaze to incorporate Brainspotting into the therapeutic session.

May/June 2021



Veteran to Veteran Volunteering Journey Hospice is searching for Veterans to volunteer and serve fellow veterans’ as they face their end-of-life journey. We are looking for veterans, both men and women of any branch of service, who would enjoy spending time sharing experiences, speaking about historical events, participating in veteran-related recognition, and assisting veterans’ families with information and support. Veteran volunteers receive training by Journey Hospice to ensure they are familiar with each patient’s end-of-life needs and interests. We share ways in which they can help patients revive and recapture positive memories and pass them on to their families. Assistance Veteran Volunteers can provide include: • Visit or call Veteran hospice patients, reminisce by sharing stories, experiences, photos and historical events • Read, listen to music or play cards with patients • Share information with families that may include eligible veteran benefits, ceremonial traditions, or emotional veteran-related support • Attend or plan activities celebrating veteran holidays and events • Educate veterans’ groups about hospice services by speaking at their meetings • Help replace lost military medals by contacting appropriate agencies

Veteran volunteers are not only an essential component in the delivery of end-of-life care for those who have served our nation, but also to families who may find comfort in sharing their loved ones similar experiences with volunteers.

What it Means to the Veteran Hospice Patient

Our Veteran patients appreciate the camaraderie of those who have shared similar experiences, even if during a different time or location. It fills them with a sense of pride and a feeling of comfort and calmness – thus enhancing their quality of life. They are thankful for the way Veteran volunteers are able to empathize with them on a level that the Journey Hospice team and their family and friends may be unable to.

The Benefits of Being a Hospice Veteran Volunteer

Being a Veteran volunteer for Journey Hospice can be the most rewarding experience of your life and give you a deeper sense of community. Our volunteers have expressed the pride they feel by giving back to others. They enjoy the flexibility of choosing the number of hours they complete each month and the ways in which they can provide their assistance. We provide mileage reimbursement for any travel incurred when visiting patients. If you would like to be a Journey Hospice Veteran volunteer, please contact us at (609) 380-4302 or email Those interested in volunteering will need to submit a volunteer application, submit to the proper screenings, and complete volunteer training.

P: 609-380-4302 • E.: Serving Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem Counties.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021



MAY DAY – FESTIVAL OR FEAR By Charles E. Meusburger, MD, FASAM May Day is a quasi-idiomatic term that has two very paradoxical meanings.sFirst, it is the title given to a medieval ritual steeped in history and folklore, mostly in European cultures, to celebrate the arrival of spring. It actually has its roots in astronomy; it falls between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. May Day is one of the Celtic “cross quarter days” which was calculated to celebrate all the solstices and equinoxes of the year. As was the case with early celebrations, May Day was associated with not just the heavens and the stars, but mostly the earth. The renewal of spring meant the tangible beginnings of renewed life, agricultural growth, livestock replenishment and renewed hope in nature’s way with abundance and the joys of being alive and well. It’s a celebration of love and prosperity as well. The May Pole, as an example of spring repetitive rituals, is covered in spring flowers with long, brightly colored ribbons as the celebrants dance and sing all around it. A May Day Queen is often selected and given a crown of flowers. It’s a time of hope, optimism, fertility, rejuvenation and love. By stark contrast, Mayday is also a term utilized to convey distress of a serious and imminent nature. The origin of this international distress call was from Frederick S. Mockford in the early 1920s. He was a senior radio officer at Croydon Airport in England. He was asked to come up with a phrase that pilots and ground staff would easily understand in an emergency. Frederick was responsible for flights from Paris; therefore Mayday is the phonetic equivalent of the French – m’aider – which loosely translated means ‘come and help me.’ The International Radiograph Convention of Washington, D.C. adopted Mayday as the official voice call for distress needs in 1927; the Morse Code equivalent, SOS, was also utilized. As May and spring simultaneously arrive, which ‘Mayday vs. May Day’ do we recall, celebrate or

avoid as best as possible this year? The two uses of the almost same phrase are paradoxical but still both utilized. Our May of 2021 represents a time of great choice. We have reasons and opportunities to be hopeful and more enthusiastic; and then again, not so much. Which Mayday/May Day will be supported now and why; by how many? It will significantly influence the collective mental status of the community, the individual and even the planet. All human experience is eventually known and felt by the entire human race thanks to global communications, global trends and the reach and velocity of electronic data exchanges. A planet on fire with ever-encroaching and crippling climate changes due to progressive global warming that threatens the extinction of all life; civil and racial upheavals inching closer to civil wars; economic challenges and disparities; increasing nuclear proliferation threats; the militarization of space, terrorism of all shapes and sizes—everywhere; and of course a global scourge that assassinates many of all ages continues to erode human resilience and trust, even when vaccines and therapies are arriving; time for a Mayday or May Day? Vexing choice. Do we invest in hope and positive influences or in fear and increasing need for even greater control? COVID is sneaky, omnipresent and indiscriminate. Regardless of whether you are afflicted and survive it, its effects may persist. The degree and number of COVID comorbidities is incredible and ever increasing. Residual issues continue to persist and expand for many, including those with milder cases. The number-one comorbid issue is depression, which has many contributing factors. These are primarily two: isolation and loss. We as humans have no innate equipment to manage either one. As these persist, the longer the duration and the likelihood for mounting psychic pain to ensue, the more a potentially malignant form of depression grabs hold and steals the joyous reasons for the ‘other May Day.’ Substance abuse and other forms of selfharm, including harm to others, can readily take root and ‘blossom’ as well; not the sort of spring

blossoming to celebrate. Most people, when asked about what time of year is usually attached to the highest number of suicides, almost always answer, “the winter— especially around the holidays.” The actual answer is early to mid spring. It is an annual fact that is powerfully compounded by the current intrusive and lingering issues of this spring. The reason postulated for this is that in winter, most everyone is somewhat slow and perhaps a bit down. In spring, however, many bubble up and feel better, happier, more energetic, alive and hopeful. For those whose depression continues into spring and now feel even more isolated in despair and During the COVID-19 pandemic, prevalence of depression symptoms in the U.S. has risen across the board. Share of Americans reporting depression symptoms Before the pandemic hit After the pandemic hit Mild 16.2% 24.6% Moderate 5.7% 14.8% Moderately severe 2.1% 7.9% Severe 0.7% 5.1% Chart: Elijah Wolfson for TIME. Source: JAMA Get the data Created with Datawrapper

Charles E. Meusburger, MD • Call 609.484.0770 or visit 3069 English Creek Ave., Ste. 225 • EHT, NJ 08234

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Psychiatry hopelessness, the absence of being part of a greater whole ofttimes precipitates a desire to exit the pain and aloneness; many times without a Mayday of their own. According to a publication by Well Being Trust, 2020, COVID-19 has and continues to wreak havoc on our nation’s deaths of despair. The following abstract from World Trust 2020 states: “SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) is having an unprecedented impact on the world. No one alive can recall any infection or worldwide event of such magnitude and scale. Along with the tens of thousands of deaths in the United States from the virus, COVID-19 overlays the growing epidemic of deaths of despair threatening to make an already significant problem even worse (Case and Deaton, 2017). A preventable surge of avoidable deaths from drugs, alcohol, and suicide is ahead of us if the country does not begin to invest in solutions that can help heal the nation’s isolation, pain, and suffering”

In order to assist in tipping the pendulum toward a hopeful and refreshing May Day dichotomy, treatment comes into play. However, there are an insufficient number of qualified, experienced professionals to do this important role. The needs have exponentially expanded. Depression, all forms of anxiety, PTSD, exacerbations of preexisting disorders as well as ‘de ‘novo’ emergence of new ones, substance abuse, aggressive, desperate and impulsive highrisk behaviors, and suicidality are all rising unrelentingly. Treatments of course, vary greatly depending on the needs, access, desire for treatment itself and finances. They range from the most restrictive to outpatient 1:1 therapies and groups. Psychopharmacology, ECT, TMS, EMDR and other interventions are often needed. Cognitive behavioral, dialectical behavioral, trauma and grief therapies are used as treatment regimens. Various forms of substance use treatment modalities and medically assisted treatments are available.


Suicide prevention and crisis services as necessary can be applied. This timely application of what is indicated to treat clinical needs is essential. The assessment, triaging to what level and form of care, and the delivery of that care require well-trained and experienced mental health professionals. Professionals, too, ofttimes need care from all the above. Leadership and vision are also needed to support the eventual individual choice— beginning this spring—as to which ‘May Day or Mayday’ is selected. The difference in that choice can readily be life-threatening vs. life-saving. Please choose well and invest wisely. You don’t have to do it in isolation.

Don’t suffer alone ...


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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Health & Wellness


Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.

When Stepping Back Into Life Scares You Our world is gradually expanding. More people have been inoculated against Covid, businesses are reopening or increasing capacity, people are connecting in person, and many are beginning to feel better about travel. Wonderful changes – right? Not necessarily for everyone. Being isolated during the pandemic and having to adjust routines was stress-filled for many of us. But for some, being home felt safe, maybe too safe. There are people who felt comfortable with the isolation - and who found relief in not having to personally interact with others, not having to drive, or to fly on business trips. Home became a safe haven, and they no longer had to step outside their comfort zone. Now there was a valid excuse to not face their already existing fears. For some, being home so much also led to an increase in unhealthy behaviors, like junk food eating, inactivity, more smoking or vaping, etc. And now the excuses are gradually fading. Consider making this your time to deal with what’s been holding you back - and to boldly jump into life. Give yourself permission to finally get “unstuck,” and set yourself free. Regardless of how long you’ve been struggling with a particular fear or negative pattern, you are capable – with the right tools and techniques – of making the changes you choose to make, such as . . . • Increasing your comfort in social and business situations • Communicating confidently, clearly and effectively • Driving on busy roadways or over bridges • Flying • Getting on a healthier lifestyle path • Releasing negative habits - like smoking, vaping, junk food eating, inactivity • Building your motivation and becoming a “do-er,” instead of a procrastinator Those fears and habits are established and reinforced through the subconscious mind; therefore, much of the

Hypnosis For Women ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release

solution lies within that part of the mind. And that is precisely why hypnosis is an effective way of releasing fears and negative patterns. Using hypnosis and coaching can transport you from knowing what steps to take, to actually taking those steps. This approach is based on neuroscience – the study of how the mind works. Research in neuroscience has taught us that the brain is capable of rewiring itself for as long as you’re alive, which means you are always capable of changing. By accessing your subconscious mind, fears and negative patterns are much easier to neutralize, and positive patterns can be embedded. An important side benefit of this approach is that it bolsters your ability to relax. Hypnosis is an efficient, holistic, and empowering modality. It works wonderfully for people who truly want to change, believe that with the right tools and techniques they are capable of changing, and who understand they need to be a partner in the process.

For a Free Phone Consultation, call me at 732270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being. Covid safety precautions are in place. Virtual and in-person sessions are available.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence

Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Health & Wellness


Mother’s Day Moms have “super” powers. Mom-power goes beyond ordinary to extraordinary to nurture at every turn. How about those supreme abilities for keeping all the plates spinning of life’s daily demands while patiently engaging in the moment with us? Or, the divine relief that overflows in everything from kissing our boo-boos to the 6th sense of “just knowing” what we need to giving “the” wisdom and insight for processing the dynamics of life? Oh, how about “those” powers to speak with their eyes … and supersonic hearing!! They are superhuman – our superheroes. That’s a lot of responsibility. Thus, it is no surprise that many mothers will put taking care of their own health on the back burner.

Dr. Nina’s What You Need To Know

About Health Screenings Every Woman Should Undergo

What? A fasting blood sample is drawn. We are considered normal if less than 100 mg/dL; Prediabetic if 100-125 mg/dL; and Diabetic if greater than 125 mg/dL. When? Anyone

older than age 45 should be screened. However, if you have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 25, hypertension, sedentary lifestyle, polycystic ovary syndrome, gestational diabetes, a personal history of heart disease or close relatives with diabetes, screening should be performed earlier, regardless of age.

How often? Every 3 years. If there are risk factors, your doctor may recommend more frequently.

BLOOD PRESSURE DENTAL CHECKUP Why? Increased blood pressure can elevate your risk for heart disease, stroke and Why? Many problems—cavities, gum disease, oral cancer—may not be obvious

kidney damage. Early detection allows for lifestyle changes and medications that can decrease disease burden. Symptoms of increased blood pressure are usually not obvious, until the damage has been done.

What? Involves placing a cuff around your biceps and inflating it, followed by

slowly deflating the cuff. A single high reading does not necessarily mean you have hypertension. Your health care provider will likely want to repeat the measurement at the end of a visit, or have you check it at home or at a pharmacy.

When? Age 20 years How often? Every 2 years if it is below 120/80 mm Hg. When higher, your health care provider will likely want to check it more often.

BONE DENSITY SCREENING Why? To diagnose osteoporosis or bone weakness and try to slow down the progression, before breaking a bone.

What? A bone density test uses X-rays to measure how many grams of calcium and other bone minerals are packed into a segment of bone. The bones that are most commonly tested are in the spine, hip and forearm. Although you must lie still, there is no pain or discomfort involved.

until they enter advanced stages. A dentist can spot a problem before it becomes a BIG problem. Additionally, research shows that dental issues can increase your risk of heart disease.

What? Cleaning tartar, plaque, or stains; polishing with a rotating rubber

cup or brush; X-rays on some visits; and an examination. Even if you maintain excellent oral hygiene (brushing, flossing), you still need to see your dentist.

When? As children. Yes, as children. But don’t fret; it’s better late than never. How often? On average, twice a year. This varies depending on the risk

of dental disease. Smokers, diabetics, people with current gum disease or with a chronic illness may need to see their dentist more frequently. Additionally, talk with your doctor to discuss breast, colon, and cervical cancer screenings. Women, too often, put their own health on the backburner caring for others. Please join me this Mother’s Day in taking a pledge to lovingly remind the amazing women in our lives that their health needs to be at the top of their long list of things-to-do.

When? 65 years of age or older. Screening may be recommended earlier if there are risk factors for osteoporosis such as a fracture from normal activity, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic kidney disease, early menopause, history of breast cancer, significant loss of height, smoking, family history of osteoporosis, use of steroid medications for more than one month, use of thyroid hormone replacement or increased alcohol consumption.

How often? Every 2 years. However, it may be appropriate to wait longer. Discuss with your health care provider to determine what is best for you.

FASTING BLOOD SUGAR Why? Symptoms of diabetes and pre-diabetes come on slowly and may not

be obvious. Diabetes can cause numerous issues including blindness, heart attacks, stroke, nerve damage and kidney failure. Early detection and appropriate management can decrease the chance of having these complications.

Nina Radcliff, M.D.,

is a practicing physician and a Board Certified Anesthesiologist. Often called upon by media to speak to medical health topics impacting our lives today, Dr. Nina is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wide preventative measures.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional. Dr. Nina has used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it may not apply to you and your symptoms. Always consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Women’s History


“Let’s Play Ball!” With Alyssa Nakken

What a difference a year makes in our lives. The spring of 2020 was a tumultuous time of fear, isolation and the unknown. We felt deprived of many things, and as the world was on lockdown, so was “America’s favorite pastime” – BASEBALL. Now here we are a full year later, and the world has done an amazing job at adapting to our new lives of constant change. It is going to be an exciting summer, and the prospect of watching our favorite baseball teams come alive again is invigorating! What makes this year most exciting is that the Major League Baseball organization has a new addition to its coaches lineup. Who, you ask? Please allow me to present the first female full-time Major League Baseball assistant coach in history. Such an amazing, exciting time for women in sports.

Alyssa Nakken was born on July 13, 1990 and grew up in Woodland, California. Alyssa was the only girl with two older brothers born to Robert and Gayle Nakken. Alyssa had an interest in the sport at the early age of 5, playing t-ball for her hometown team. Alyssa is a natural in all sports, and it is noted that she played volleyball, basketball and softball at Woodland High School. Alyssa attended Sacramento State University, where she majored in Psychology. During her time at Sacramento State, Alyssa also played first base on the softball team. She was not just a player but also the team captain and was the four-time “Academic All-American.” What is the significance of an Academic All-American? It is a student who excels not only with their academic performance but also their athletic performance. This is a very difficult achievement for a college student to establish a balance between sports, academic demands and social life in college. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology degree, Alyssa furthered her academic studies with a master’s degree in sports management from the University of San Francisco in 2015. Alyssa began to develop her professional career skills after her master’s program by gaining experience in a multitude of roles that included athletic marketing at California State University; a financial planner with Northwestern Mutual; personal softball instructor at Woodland Girls Fastpitch; ticket associate with the Oakland Raiders; and community manager at DIAKADI. All of Alyssa’s roles enabled her to gain experience and confidence before her operations position, in which she was responsible for the team’s health and wellness with the San Francisco Giants. It was toward the end of 2019, and Alyssa was contemplating her long-term plan with the Giants, and there had recently been some changes in the organization. Enter new manager Gabe Kapler. Alyssa made the bold and courageous decision to schedule a lunch with some of the team executives to discuss her future goals with the team. Before long, and unbeknownst to Alyssa, she was interviewing for a position that would be life-changing. In January of 2020 Alyssa would be making history by being offered the assistant coach position for a Major League Baseball team. Sadly, the news was overshadowed by a pandemic. However, Alyssa embraced her new role and

used every opportunity to learn, prepare and train during the shutdown. Alyssa appears to thrive with new challenges and appreciates the intensity and demands of the baseball arena. I had the opportunity to watch a podcast interview with Alyssa Nakken, and she noted that she had connected with another female who made history in the NFL. They have become close and have been able to process the challenges associated with being a woman in a male-dominated sport arena. Alyssa also noted that all of the male coaches, administrative staff and players have welcomed her onto the field. Additionally, she has had other coaches mentor her in a positive and respectful manner, for which she admits she is grateful. Alyssa has a dynamic and energizing spirit. Her drive is contagious on and off the field. Upon observation from interviews with Alyssa and on-the-field footage, she has great chemistry on the field and with other sports journalists. Alyssa is quickly gaining respect from her coaching peers with her knowledge of the game and her hard work and determination to bring her team to victory. Even if Alyssa Nakken is not coaching your favorite team, she is a coach to follow. She is a fierce competitor and yet with a background in psychology and sports health and wellness, she has the knowledge and talent to effectively communicate with people and meet them on their “playing field.” In her podcast interview Alyssa shared how she had an interest in learning how to surf. Alyssa is not afraid of adventure. She reported that after attending a friend’s wedding, she got on a plane and flew to Panama, where she had planned to spend a week learning how to surf. Raised in California, she was not near the coast. Alyssa had immersed herself in the sport and for an entire week she surfed from sunrise and sunset. She made a choice to connect with nature and with a sport that has not only physical but psychological demands. Through the experience, Alyssa has become passionate about surfing and admits that she is still in the beginner phase but surfs in Pacifica every chance she can get. As a former health and wellness representative for the Giants, Alyssa has found a way to maintain some self-care through adventure and spontaneity. As we open the doors to new beginnings and new opportunities, may we remember that Alyssa Nakken has shown us to not be afraid to put yourself out there, and that life is an adventure and we need to take time to savor every opportunity and experience that comes before us. Alyssa has entered into the elite class of women coaches and has shown young girls that the future is limitless! As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” Now, “let’s play ball!”

Rita King, LCSW is a mental health clinician providing psychotherapy services to adults and children. Rita has worked with individuals with mental illness in the community mental health setting, criminal justice system and private practice setting. Rita is a “De-escalation for Individuals with Special Needs” training facilitator and has trained approximately 1,200 law enforcement professionals to date. Rita is also a CIT trained mental health professional. Rita has a strong passion for women’s history and in her free time she continues to raise awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures and community speaking engagements.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Theatre & Entertainment


Join Us For Our 2021 Virtual Season Go to Premier Subscription and Solo Passes Available 609-348-7201

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021


Women Of Atlantic County Gabriela Marigliano, PA

Mikaela Crowley, PA-C

Village Medical Primary Care

Advanced Care OB/GYN

Physician assistant Gabriela Marigliano is dedicated to her patients’ health and wellbeing. In practice since 2020, she treats infants, children, teens and adults, performing well child exams, adult physical exams and Medicare annual wellness visits. Gabriela earned her undergraduate degree in health science at Stockton University in Galloway Township, NJ. She attended physician assistant school and completed her master’s degree at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia where she serves as a clinical preceptor for students in PA school. In her free time, Gabriela enjoys hiking, kayaking, camping, traveling and experiencing new cultures. For more information, visit locations/new-jersey.

Mikaela received her bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences from Stockton University in Galloway Township in May of 2018, graduating with honors. She then went on to complete her Master’s degree in Physician Assistant Studies from Thomas Jefferson University in August of 2020, graduating number one in her class and receiving awards for academic excellence. Mikaela is board certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants and a member of the American Academy of Physician Assistants and New Jersey State Society of Physician Assistants. As a south jersey native, Mikaela is passionate about providing high quality, compassionate care to women of all ages in her community. When she is not providing care for her patients, Mikaela enjoys spending time with her family and friends, going to the beach, and playing tennis. For more information, call 609272-0506.

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Gina M. Peccia, MA, LPC A Mindful Renewal As a Certified Mindful Coach, Gina Peccia is practicing her lifelong passion: helping others in their time of need. With over 15 years of experience as a therapist working in the community mental health field, she is a wonderful example of staying true to yourself. However, before realizing where her true passion lied, she worked at a global pharmaceutical company and was an Executive Assistant to the Director of Marketing. She soon realized this was not her calling so she listened to her heart and went back to graduate school to become a therapist. After graduating, she worked in a traumatic brain injury program for adults and their families. She held a myriad of different titles in the field and finally decided to venture out to form her own private practice. Since 2012, she has been practicing independently and working with adolescents and adults suffering from mental health disorders, relationship issues, and stressors interfering with their contentment with life. Most recently, she became trained as a Certified Mindful Coach with a center in California. Learning from a Master Coach was a wonderful experience and she is now able to use what she learned to help others achieve their goals and gain balance in their own lives. She says, “Throughout all my roles, I believe in the value of mindfulness to bring peace and a sense of well-being to our daily lives.” For more information, call 609-204-9940 or visit

Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esq. Counselor at Law, D’Amato Law Firm Alexa is a Personal Injury attorney representing those injured in most types of accidents. Alexa received both the New Jersey State Bar Associations and the Atlantic County Bar Association’s Young Lawyer of the Year Award. Alexa has been recognized as a Top 40 under 40 in Atlantic County and as a top young lawyer by New Jersey Super Lawyers Rising Stars since 2008 and as a New Jersey Super Lawyer since 2013. Alexa has been a speaker and moderator for NJAJ and on the national level for AAJ. The New Jersey State Bar Association, NJESQ Magazine and the American Associate for Justice have published her writings. Alexa lives in Linwood with her husband, Alexander J. Barrera, Esquire, their three children, Paul, Massimo, and Rocco, their Goldendoodles Emme & Kelce, and two cats, Mickey and Minnie. For more information, call 609-926-3300 or visit

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021



St. Francis Counseling Service

St. Francis Counseling Service offers individual, family, couples and group therapy to all residents of southern Ocean County on a sliding scale fee based on annual household income. Survivors of sexual violence and victims of crime are eligible for grant funded services. Our staff consists of Masters level therapists specially trained in Sand Play and EMDR therapies.

St. Francis Servicio de Consejería está ofreciendo consejería centrado en el trauma para los residentes Latinos de Ocean County. Si usted ha sufrido abuso o asalto sexual y está listo para hablar, por favor llamenos para mas información. Servicios de consejería están previstos sin costo para los sobrevivientes. Locaciones seguras y confidenciales disponibles en la comunidad para mejor servir nuestros clientes.

Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates serve as 24 hour support to survivors reporting a sexual assault to any Ocean County hospital or police department. They also provide 24 hour support through our Confidential Sexual Violence Hotline at 609-494-1090.

If you are interested in joining our team, please call 609494-1554 for more information.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2021

Pet Services


A Funny Farm Adventure Pets


“Unconditional Love”

On a recent 5 Star Google Review, a visitor Gina wrote, “What can I say about the Funny Farm? My husband and I drive an hour and a half, as much as we can One of the best places in the world to learn the meaning of to go there! The best place on the face of the Earth. I’ve been going through so much stress with losing my mom and a bunch of other things, but when I go there “unconditional love” is the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary in everything melts away! The animals and Laurie and the love they have, it’s just Written by MattNJ. Reeves Mays Landing, Heaven on Earth! I get on that tree swing and just float away. I am in love and obsessed with this place! Do yourself a favor, just go!” If you’ve ever had a pet, you have a pretty good idea how much they love you and get This time of year brings so much excitement! The Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary in Mays Landing, NJ isn’t a place you excited when you come home and how sad they are when you leave. Those are the lucky ones. Not all animals are so lucky to have someone lovefamily them. and friends means will come and see sad animals behind caged walls. It’s a place where the animals are Planning adventures with your allowed to be animals and make friends with other animals and people. They are The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue are the exceptions. They have thousands even more this year than ever! It’s always fun to have of people each year who come to visit and give them the love they need. Most animals allowed to be happy and run and play. come to the farm from very difficult situations. were disabled, abused, injured, something to look forward to, Many especially something thator Everywhere you look at the Funny Farm, the animals are busy going places, unwanted. Some people simply didn’t make arrangements for their pets after they were running, playing games, flying, or just enjoying a dip in a pond or swimming pool. is safe. gone and the animals had nowhere to go. How scary that must be for these sweet animals There is just no happier place in the world for animals and the wonderful people that gave their owners so much love. The Farm &little Sanctuary is one of the TOP 10with bestaplaces to leg. visitAt less who love them. OneFunny example is a Rescue nameless black and white baby goat broken than old, he wasofinjured and was lot 600+ of pain. His future was dark. Through a No one is paid at the Funny Farm. Everyone you see is a volunteer! Anyone can witha month your family in all New Jersey! Allinofathe animals are rescues! Admission series miracles, FounderSocial of thedistancing Funny Farm Rescue, foundcome out aboutvolunteer. You can be any age. If you are under 15, just bring an adult with you. No and of parking are Laurie free! It’sZaleski, 25 acresthe outdoors! is easy. Animals this little goat’s situation and didn’t waste any time rescuing him. need to call ahead, just come on any Sunday or Tuesday between 8-4pm and you’re right up to you - it’s just a lot of fun! We made a custom splint to stabilize his leg because he couldn’t stand on it at all. Hewelcome to stay as long as you like. With 600 animals, there is always a lot of work Memories with loved ones are the things we cherish most. Ask any child or adult needed food and water brought to his mouth while he lay in a new warm bed made just for to be done. who’s beenthe to Farm the Funny Farma what their best memories are and you’ll a him. Farley Manager, 1-year-old Australian Shepard, took himlikely underneed his wing Schools in the area line up on waiting lists to get Laurie to come with her lot of time to hear all of them! Debbie De Goose follows you around welcoming you and gave him a lot of love and attention. to the farm and telling you stories. Cowboy the Donations Inspector goat will search The little goat was black and white and looked so much like a cow that he earned theanimals and read one of her many children’s books to their kids! Laurie teaches name Over the next few days, and visits to many veterinarians, Zaleski took kindness through the animals of the Funny Farm. Her latest book, “Adele, The your“Cowboy.” car for Cheerios. to him to the University ofsheep, Pennsylvania, where they turkeys, had the puppies, best equipment. Diva Chicken,” is all about being yourself and that no one is just like you. All of her You’ll see baby goats, pigs, cows, llamas, kittens, Several and thousands of dollars were spent trying to save his leg from possible nerve damage and books have an anti-bullying theme and have been shipped all over the world. even a friendly skunk! It’s the perfect place to celebrate Mothers Day, Fathers Day, amputation. Come to experience “The Funny Farm Adventure” for yourself. It will likely be andHe Memorial with your kids, and lived in Day the house so heparents, could begrandparents, cared for properly and friends receivedalike! much an adventure you’ll talk about with your family and friends for years to come! When you drive into the Funny Farm, you drive into a whole new world. The socialization with other animals and people. And because of this interaction, he has no idea he’s a goat, hefeelings thinks of he’shappiness a dog! and peace are overwhelming.



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Seven months later, not only has Cowboy’s leg healed, he has captured the hearts of people all over the globe!! He makes everyone laugh and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations Inspector.” When visitors come and donate food for the animals, they barely have time to get out of their cars when they discover Cowboy is already inside their car! He has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make you laugh and has dea he’s a goat, an unlimited supply of kisses! Everyone is his friend! Somehow he knows what was done for him and he f people all over appreciates his life now. “Donations to get out of The unconditional love that comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that comes from an animal that ou laugh and has was once in distress is nothing short of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting e for him and he to meet you and your family!! Coming to the Farm is easy but leaving your new furry friends is very difficult. tional love that comes from an animal that life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, unny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary All are waiting iends is very difficult. the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget. ect it, in nearly all cases,


Photos by Matt Reeves and Laurie Zaleski Follow on Facebook: “Funny Rescue” The Funny Farm Rescue is openusSundays and Tuesdays fromFarm 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Follow us on Facebook: The Funny Farm Rescue is open Sundays and Tuesdays from 8am-4pm at Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. “Funny Farm Rescue” There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see 6908 us! us on Facebook: to: Funny Farm There Rescue • 6908is RailRoad Mays Landing, NJ 08330. noBlvd., admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us!Follow For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: “Funny ________________________________________ For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Laurie at: laurie@funnyfarmrescue.orgFarm Rescue” Gift Amount:

ailroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. itions. Come see us! :


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