Atlantic County Woman - September/October 2021

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13th Year

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families



This feature is dedicated “for all the girls”, never stop chasing your dreams.

Page 19

Pages 38 & 39

Never underestimate the power of a girl, especially a farm girl! Page 23

Page Pae34 32


When a family is faced with a serious illness, there are many decisions to make. Page 38

Pages 15 & 40

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography.

Marla Marinucci, Esq., certified by the Supreme Court of NJ as a matrimonial law attorney, is devoted to providing you with strong, passionate representation in court or at the negotiating table. Read more on pages 10 & 11.


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Cosmetic & General Dentistry


Give Your Family the Gift of a Beautiful Smile!

Welcome to our practice!

We take great pride in the dental services that we provide to our many wonderful, loyal patients. Our staff strives to create long, trusting relationships with all of the patients who are under our delicate care each and every day.

Dr. Ali Eslami graduated NYU Dental School in 1996 after initially attending University of Maryland. He then did one year of GPR Residency at UMDNJ. Dr. Eslami bought his office in 1999 and has since been practicing. He has accomplished many goals in the past 20 years, most importantly including the large sum of satisfied and loyal patients he has accumulated. He and his friendly, knowledgable staff are dedicated to all patients whom put their trust into them each and every day!

All work is performed by the Dentist himself. Dr. Eslami caters to the individual needs of each patient that entrusts him with their oral health. His practice specializes in:

• Exams, Cleanings, X-rays, Cavity Prevention, Fluoride treatments • Root Canals, Crowns, Fillings, Extractions • Cosmetic Dentistry, Implant restorations, Dentures, teeth whitening • Periodontal Treatments • Family Oriented, Child Friendly (3+) • Emergency services as needed

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A beautiful smile can change your life! Washington Township Location

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Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM in Washington Township with Dr. Eslami Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM in Linwood wth Dr. Eslami Friday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM with Dr. Eslami

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Medical Professionals


Help Protect Your Children’s Feet While Playing Sports Children and Sports All parents know that children take to sports like ducks to water. Participation in sports develops a sense of self discipline, teamwork, and recognition of the importance of a healthy body -- good habits that last a lifetime. Training Emphasis

Every child physically matures at his or her own rate, and has a different degree of athletic ability. Early training should emphasize proper technique and basic movement skills in all sports. Podiatric physicians, specialists in treating the lower extremities, say children who concentrate on a single sport at too young an age are more likely to develop injuries of the foot and ankle. Save specialization in sports for the late teens.


Whether parents like it or not, part of a child’s image revolves around footwear. For good foot health, the condition of the shoes are more important than the price tag or brand name. Podiatric physicians agree it’s often better to buy a child two $50 pairs of shoes than a single $100 pair, so the shoes can be rotated, to avoid Stuart Honick, DPm, Pt, FacFaS

Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Board Certified in Foot Surgery

Stuart Honick, DPm, Pt, FacFaS • JameS r. williamSon, DPm, aBPm • Payal Patel, DPm

Arthritis • Athlete’s Foot • Bunions • Diabetic Foot Care • Foot & Ankle Injuries Foot Surgeries • Fungal Nails • Hammertoes • Heel Pain MLS Robotic Laser Therapy • Nail Problems • Neuromas • Orthotics • Warts 392 N. White Horse Pike Suite #2 Hammonton, NJ


5401 Harding Highway Suite #5 Mays Landing, NJ


Central Square 199 New Road, Unit 47 Linwood, NJ 08221

rapid wear deterioration. Because a child’s feet are constantly growing, it is important to allow at least one finger’s width from the end of the longest toe when buying shoes.

Growing Bones and Ligaments

The immature bones of children are different from those of adults. The “growth plates” in children’s bones do not finish closing until age 15-17 in boys and 13-15 in girls. When stressed, these plates are more susceptible to injury than the tendons and ligaments that support the joints. Podiatric physicians warn repetitive overuse can cause inflammation of the growth plates. They advise parents to promote diverse physical activities for their children rather than one sport.

Injuries and Treatments

Many children suffer from mild “torsional” imbalances, commonly known as in-toeing and out-toeing. Most children outgrow these imbalances without medical treatment. However, if a child has obvious torsional imbalances, he or she may be more susceptible to injury. If that is the case, keep a close eye out for foot and ankle injuries associated with sports activity. Foot injuries commonly seen in very active children include: Ankle Sprains. In older children, stretched or torn ligaments in the ankle, known as sprains, are more common than fractures. A sprain may cause extensive swelling around the ankle just like a fracture. Immediate treatment is crucial to quick healing. A podiatric physician can provide treatment as well as recommend balancing and strengthening exercises to restore coordination quickly. Fractures. Fractures from overuse in child-athletes are commonly seen in podiatric medical offices. Growth plates are particularly susceptible to injuries, but mid-shaft fractures of the bone also occur. If a fracture is not severe, rest and immobilization may be the best treatment. More complicated injuries may require casting or surgical correction. If swelling and pain persist, see a podiatric physician. Sever’s Disease. An inflammation of a growth plate, Sever’s Disease is often felt as pain behind the heel caused by inflammation of the apophysis, a growth center where a tendon is attached to the bone. Rest, ice, and heel lifts are usually prescribed. Shin splints and stress fractures. Shin splints are microtears or inflammation of the anterior leg muscles, as our Achilles tendon pulls in the posterior region of the leg. Again, rest is most important in healing these injuries. If pain is persistent, see a podiatrist. Dr. Honick’s warm and capable manner and skilled staff makes a visit with your child a very positive and healing experience. Your family is in very competent care when the need for a podiatrist arises!



Dr. Stuart W. Honick

Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery, Board Certified in Foot Surgery

The County Woman Magazine

Dr. James R. Williamson Board Certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine

Dr. Payal Patel

Board Qualified American Board Foot and Ankle Surgery

September/October 2021

Medical Professionals Medical # Medical Professionals Professionals The Concerning Varicose Varicose Veins Veins The Most Most Common Common Questions Questions And And Answers Answers Concerning



The Most Common Questions And Answers Concerning Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are one of the most common vascular conditions affecting women...and men of all ages. Varicose veins arehave one of the mostgreatly common vascular conditions men of allpeople ages. Treatment options improved in recent years. In spiteaffecting of these women...and advancements, many Treatment optionsthat have improvedfor greatly in recent years. Inpainful, spite ofand these advancements, peopleOther mistakenly still believe treatment this problem is difficult, simply considered many “cosmetic.” mistakenly stillexperience believe that treatment this problem is difficult, and simply “cosmetic.” Other people may leg pain andfor other symptoms but theypainful, don’t realize what considered is causing their condition. This people may experience leg pain and other symptoms but they don’t realize what is causing their condition. This article will answer some common questions regarding varicose veins, the associated symptoms, and treatment. article will answeraricose some common questions regarding associated and treatment. veins are one of the most common vascular varicose How are veins, varicosethe veins and venoussymptoms, reflux diagnosed? conditions An experienced techniques, allow for vascular treatment specialist can make the diagnosis with Jeffreyaffecting S. Gosin,women...and MD, FACS men of all ages. techniques, allow for treatment theofneed for painful Treatment greatly in a WITHOUT combination a medical history, physical examination and a Jeffreyoptions S. Gosin,have MD,improved FACS WITHOUT the need for painful surgery. One of the best, most recent years. In spite of these advancements, painless vascular test called a Doppler ultrasound (also known as surgery.treatments One of thefor best, mostreflux venous many peopleare mistakenly still believe that treat- a proven venoustreatments duplex scan.) Making the correct diagnosis is essential What varicose veins? proven for venous is the Closure® Procedure. This What are varicose veins? ment for this problem is difficult, painful, and in properly treating this condition. Varicose veins are swollen veins that reflux is theinvasive Closure®procedure Procedure, minimally is Varicose veins are swollen veins that simply considered “cosmetic.” Other people can be seen through the skin. They often How now referred to as Venefit™. This performed right in the office in less are varicose veins and can be seen skin. They often minimally invasive procedure is venous reflux treated? a bulging, twisted appearance. mayhave experience legthrough pain andthe other symptoms than 30 minutes,compression with no incisions, Sometimes stockings will be sufficient to control have varicose a bulging,veins twisted appearance. performed right in theand office in less may be very minimal discomfort, excellent butSome they don’t realize what is causing theirlarge symptoms and prevent When procedures are needed, Some varicose veins may be be very large than 30 minutes, with no complications. incisions, results. and discolored. may condition. This articleOthers will answer somesmaller. current andexcellent techniques, allow for treatment WITHOUT minimaltechnology discomfort, and and can discolored. Others may smaller. They occurregarding anywhere onbe the legs, common questions varicose veins, How long is the recovery results. the need for painful surgery. One of the best, most proven treatments They canthe occur anywhere on the legs, groin area. Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS the including associated symptoms, and treatment. vein treatment? forfrom venous reflux is the Closure® Procedure, now referred to as Venefit™. including the groin area.


Whatare causes varicose What varicose veins? veins? causes varicose What Blood must flow up, againstveins? gravity, to exit andthrough return tothe theskin. heart. Varicose veins are swollen veins that canthe belegs seen Blood must flow up, against gravity, to exit the legs and return to the Our leg veins have one-way valves that assist in this process. Those valvesheart. They have a bulging, twisted appearance. Some varicose veinscan Ouroften leg veins have one-way assistininthe thiswrong process. Those valves can malfunction and leak, causingvalves bloodthat to flow direction. The blood may be very large and discolored. Others may be smaller. They can malfunction and leak, causing blood to flow in the wrong direction. The blood then pools in the legs, increasing the pressure in the veins. This is known as venous thenanywhere pools inorthe legs, the pressure the veins. Thisreflux is known occur on theincreasing legs, including the in groin area. reflux disease Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). Venous is oneasofvenous the refluxcommon disease or Chronic Venousveins. Insufficiency (CVI). Venous reflux is one of the most causes of varicose What varicose mostcauses common causes ofveins? varicose veins. Blood up, against gravity, to veins exit theand legsvenous and return to What aremust the flow symptoms of varicose reflux What are thelegsymptoms of varicose veins and venous reflux the heart. Our veins have one-way valves that assist in this process. disease? disease? Those valves can malfunction leak,reflux causing flow the People with varicose veins andand venous may blood feel leg to pain, legin heaviness, leg People with varicose veins and venous reflux may feel leg pain, leg heaviness, leg fatiguedirection. and/or leg The swelling. Itching of the skin of the legs is also a very common wrong blood then pools in the legs, increasing the pressure fatigue and/or leg swelling. Itching of the skin of the legs is also a very common may worsen symptoms. Many people notice the incomplaint. the veins.Standing This is known as venous reflux disease or will Chronic complaint. Standing may worsen symptoms. Many people will noticeVenous the appearance of bulging legs veins. However, some people will only feel discomfort Insufficiency reflux is one of the most causes appearance of(CVI). bulgingVenous legs veins. However, some people willcommon only feel discomfort but not notice any cosmetic changes. but not notice any cosmetic changes. of varicose veins. I Ithought varicose veins are aa cosmetic problem. thought varicose veins arejust just cosmetic problem. What are the symptoms of varicose veins and venous reflux disease? IsIsPeople that true? with varicose veins and venous reflux may feel leg pain, leg that true? It is important to understand that varicose veins and venous reflux are NOT It is important to understand varicoseItching veins and venous reflux are NOT heaviness, leg fatigue and/or legthat swelling. ofof the skin of the legs is necessarily simple cosmetic problems. This can be aa sign an abnormal condition necessarily simple cosmetic problems. This can be sign of an abnormal condition also a very common complaint. Standingindividuals may worsen symptoms. Many ininthe thecirculation. circulation.InInaddition additiontotopain, pain,some some individuals may may be be at at risk risk for for chronic chronic people will notice the appearance of bulging legs and veins. However, some swelling, permanent skin discoloration, open wounds even blood clots. swelling, permanent skin discoloration, open wounds and even blood clots. With With early treatment, long-term complications usually be people will onlyand feel discomfort but not notice anycan cosmetic earlydiagnosis diagnosis and treatment, long-term complications can usuallychanges. be prevented. prevented. Treatment often the benefit of aesthetics, even in cases Treatmentvaricose oftenhas hasveins theadded added benefit ofimproving improving aesthetics, cases that that I are thought are just a cosmetic problem. Is even thatintrue? not considered “cosmetic.” areItnot considered “cosmetic.” is important to understand that varicose veins and venous reflux Who varicose veins? are NOT necessarily cosmetic problems. This can be a sign of Whoisisat atrisk riskfor forsimple varicose veins? Prolonged standing or sitting on one place, family history varicose veins, and Prolongedcondition standing orinsitting on one place,In family history ofpain, varicose veins, and an abnormal the circulation. addition toof some indibeing overweight are all known risks. In addition, increasing age and pregnancy being overweight are all known risks. In addition, increasing age and pregnancy viduals may be Some at risk for chronic swelling, permanent skin discoloration, are arerisk riskfactors. factors. Somepeople peoplemay maydevelop developvaricose varicose veins veins without without having having any any of of open wounds and even blood clots. With early diagnosis and treatment, these known conditions. these known conditions. long-term complications can usually be prevented. Treatment often has How are varicose veins venous reflux diagnosed? How arebenefit varicose veinsand and venouseven reflux diagnosed? the added of improving aesthetics, in cases that aare not An experienced vascular specialist can make the diagnosis An experienced vascular specialist can make the diagnosis with with a combination combination considered “cosmetic.” ofofa amedical medicalhistory, history,physical physicalexamination examinationand andaapainless painless vascular vascular test test called called aa Doppler (also asasaavenous Who is atultrasound risk for varicose veins? Doppler ultrasound (alsoknown known venousduplex duplex scan.) scan.) Making Making the the correct correct diagnosis is essential in properly treating this condition. diagnosis is essential in properly treating thisplace, condition. Prolonged standing or sitting on one family history of varicose veins, overweight allvenous known risks. addition, increasing How are varicose veins and reflux Howand arebeing varicose veinsare and venous refluxIntreated? treated? and Sometimes compression sufficient to symptoms age pregnancy are riskstockings factors. will Some may develop varicoseand Sometimes compression stockings willbe bepeople sufficient to control control symptoms and prevent complications. When procedures are needed, current technology and prevent complications. When procedures are needed, current technology veins without having any of these known conditions.

How long is the recovery In most cases invasive individuals can This minimally procedure is performed right in the office from vein treatment? return to their usual activities within in less than 30 minutes, In of most individualswith can no incisions, minimal discomfort, a day thecases procedure. and excellent return to their results. usual activities within Is varicose vein treatment a day of the procedure. How long is the recovery from vein treatment? covered by health Is In varicose veinindividuals treatmentcan return to their usual activities within most cases insurance? a covered day of thebyprocedure. health Venous reflux disease is a medical condition. Therefore, in many cases, varicose insurance? Isvein varicose vein treatment covered by health insurance? treatment is covered by health insurance. An experienced vein treatment Venous reflux disease is a medical condition. Therefore, in many cases, varicose Venous reflux diseasespecialists is a medical condition. in many center will have insurance who will work withTherefore, your insurance company vein treatment is covered by health insurance. An experienced vein treatment to confirm coverage. cases, varicose vein treatment is covered by health insurance. An center will have insurance specialists who will work with your insurance company experienced vein treatment center will have insurance specialists who to confirm coverage. will work with your insurance company to confirm coverage.

Visit VISIT • The The Venefit Closure Procedure Procedure • Microphlebectomy

• Sclerotherapy for treatment of spider veins • Excel V Vascular Laser for treatment of spider veins and unsightly facial veins • IAC Accredited Noninvasive Vascular Laboratory on site • Enlighten(TM) Laser Tattoo Removal

442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

May/June2019 2016 September/October 2021 September/October

All correspondence should beAll addressed to: correspondence should be addre

Manager’s Note The County Woman The County5Woman Welcome to the Fall Issue of the Atlantic County Woman! P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012

“I can smell Autumn dancing in the breeze. The sweet child of pumpkin and crisp sunburnt leaves.” - Unknown Welcome to fall and one of my favorite seasons. It was a Summer full of some uncertain times, however, the sunny weekends and the Jersey Shore made it feel a little calmer. As the sizzling season of summer draws to a close, we look forward to many different exciting events. On September 6th, we celebrate Labor Day to honor the achievements of American workers. Children will also start the beginning of the school year and shortly after is National Grandparents Day on September 12th. Our theme this issue is, “Girls Rule.” I am sure Lauren, pictured with her family, we can all conjure up a few inspiring women in our and her two goats Butter & Biscuit lives, whether it’s a sister, friend, or your own Mother. Women have had to take on so much more this past year and were (often times) in a state of limbo. We should never underestimate what we can do when put to the test. The first few weeks in October is usually peak “leaf-watching” time – a great time for an Autumn getaway with family or friends. I know in my family; we love to enjoy a long weekend away camping with a bonfire and some hot chocolate. The Jersey Shore also offers a ton of Fall activities as the landscape bursts into a breathtaking scene that you can only catch in our beautiful Garden State. It’s only a matter of time until the smell of pumpkin chai fills the air. Best to you and yours! Laren Shover, Production Manager, and the Staff at the Atlantic County Woman Publication.

P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012


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The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproductions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be published by the 15th of every other month. Representations by CW Media Group, LLC, COPYRIGHT 2008.

Contents Cosmetic & General Dentistry

Legal Professionals

Women’s History

Medical Professionals

Hospice Care

Theatre & Entertainment


Family Portraits & Headshots

Linwood Family Dentistry.............................................. 2 Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick....................................... 3 Shore Vascular & Vein Center........................................ 4 Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility.................................. 6 Atlantic Medical Imaging............................................... 7 Certified Dermatology................................................... 8 Relievus....................................................................... 14 Village Medical............................................................ 17 Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery, PC........................ 19 Kathy A. Banks, DMD...................................... 26, 27, 28

Health & Wellness

Enlightened Solutions.................................................... 9 Body in Balance Physical Therapy.............................. 18 A Mindful Renewal...................................................... 20 Hummingbird Yoga...................................................... 20 Nina Radcliff, MD........................................................ 21 Hypnosis for Women............................................. 24, 25

Featured on the Cover

Russell & Marinucci............................................... 10, 11

Business & Finance

Copiers Plus, Inc......................................................... 12

D’Amato Law Firm....................................................... 13 Journey Hospice................................................... 15, 40 Charles Meusburger, MD............................................. 17

Financial Management

Garden State Trust Company................................ 22, 23

2020 Olympics...................................................... 38, 39 Atlantic City Ballet....................................................... 41 Donna Andrews Photography..................................... 43

Community.................................................. 31, 42

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month................................ 29

Fabulous Food

Cutting Board Creations, LLC..................................... 30

Men’s Clothing

Lou Marchiano for Men............................................... 32

Fashion & Beauty

The Bra Boudoir.......................................................... 32

Travel Agency

Vagabond Travel Agency............................................. 33

Pet Services

Funny Farm Rescue.................................................... 34

Women of Atlantic County............. 36, 37

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021


MMedical edical Professionals Professionals Medical P rofessionals

You’re Pregnant!!! Any Questions?

3 3

Is Your Cycle Normal?

Submitted by Salvatore Carfagno, DO, FACOO Well, now you Submitted by Salvatore Carfagno,are DO, FACOOG pregnant, with that positive Life is filled with surprises! sign there, your mind Your period should not beis filled one with millions of these surprises. of questions. But that is ok; Heavy Menstrual Cycles your health care In this edition, I will be discussing the issue of heavy provider will be menstrual cycles. For most women, their menstrual more than happy cycle occurs about once every 28 to 30 Theany period todays. answer may last three to seven days. The flowquestions is described thatas moderate. Menses start somewhere around eleven to you may have. fourteen years old. This monthly gift They will continue until really have fifty-one. heard most of Unscheduled Bleeding them before. Bleeding outside of your normal cycle day or heavy scheduled cycles consideredasked abnormal. Here are the mostarefrequently questions by the Unscheduled bleeding is vaginal bleeding at times new mom’s who come into our office. other is than menses. Thisdo may be patterned What theyour first normal thing that I should when I see that or totally irregular in nature. This can be spotting to positive pregnancy test? period like in flow. If the flow is excessive, it may result The best thing to do is to call and schedule your first in anemia (low hemoglobin). appointment with your OB/Gyn. Setting up your first Heavyappointment Cyclic Bleeding prenatal quickly insures that you will be Heavythe cyclic oldand heavy periods) is getting carebleeding you need(plain for you your baby. On whenfirst a woman periods heavy your visit tohas ourregular office you will with be given theflow timeand possibly duration with moremight bleeding to ask all longer of the questions that you havedays. withThis may be associated with cramps or re-enforce pelvic pain.the Pain may patience and reassurance. We will become severe enough all andofor bleeding profuse enough importance of keeping your appointments with to change what you do on a daily basis. To be more us. specific, painanticipated and/or bleeding can of keep a woman from What is the schedule prenatal visits? herFor doing normal, everyday activities. Women a lowher risk, normal progressing pregnancy youmay becomeanticipate fearful toaleave their home, as theyasworry about should visit schedule typically follows: bleeding4-28: through in public. This canweeks) force a *Weeks One clothing visit per month (every four *Weeks visits perkid month woman28-36: to loseTwo work time, time, husband time etc. *Weeks visit per The cost36-delivery: of sanitaryOne products andweek replacement clothing Some women a chronic may also play awith role in how thismedical affects condition a person. or a “high risk” pregnancy should anticipate more frequent Evaluating Heavy Periods visits as directed thebeprovider, these additional visits In this article, Ibywill concentrating on heavy periods or menses. The evaluation of this problem starts with a

will help to better monitor both mom and baby. Keeping your prenatal appointments is the primary thing that you can do to help insure an uneventful detailed history. The history can provide pregnancy and delivery. direction for selecting diagnostic testing. What are some of the things that will happen at my It can sometimes be difficult for a woman first prenatal care visit? to keep an accurate record of her period. I Your first prenatal visit in our office will consist find it helpful to use a menstrual diary. The primarily of getting to know you and your partner, this patient is given a copy of this and asked to will include getting as much of your family medical complete and return to the office with it. history as you can provide. A complete physical Initial lab testing includes complete blood including a pelvic exam will be performed by the count, thyroid hormone and a pregnancy provider. Vaginal cultures to insure no evidence of test. An ultrasound of the pelvis will enable infection is present will always be done. Your questions a noninvasive way to view the uterus and will be answered; you will be given a prescription for ovaries. If one is over the age of thirty-five, a prenatal vitamins as well as orders for a complete tissue biopsy of the endometrium or a D&C prenatal blood panel and an obstetrical ultrasound. We may be needed. The pathological report will realize that the most important question you have is, exclude diseases such as endometrial cancer or “when will I have my baby.” An estimated date of hyperplasia. If testing revels a diagnosis of benign heavy delivery (EDD) will be given to you. The excitement menses (hypermenorrhea) then a treatment plan can be and the countdown to this wonderful time now begins. made. What are some important things that I should know Medical and Surgical Treatment Options about my pregnancy? Treatment shall be separated medicalisand One of theoptions most important things tointo remember to surgical categories. Both options are designed to control keep all of your scheduled prenatal appointments. cycle duration and flow. Most Monitoring your well being andcommonly, the growthbirth and control well medications are used. Combined oral contraceptives are being of your baby on a regular routine basis is the best easy to use and provide cycle control. Other way to establish that your pregnancy is progressing contraceptives that can used are vaginalIfring, safely. Do not drink anybeamount ofthe alcohol. you do patch or the depo provera shot. The intrauterine device smoke, now is the time to quit. Illegal drug use can have containing a contraceptive medication is a good a catastrophic outcome for your baby. If these habits are It isyou, placed by let a doctor in an office aalternative. difficulty for please the provider knowsetting so that and provides long-term cycle control. With information and help can be given to you. this alternative, about 30% of users nottake get aduring menstrual Are there any medications that do I can cycle. The other 70% usually have a light spotting type pregnancy that are safe? ofItperiod. The patient has no need to take a pill or is best to assume that no medications should beplace a patch. Surgical optionshowever, can also there be considered. taken during pregnancy; are times when Endometrial ablation is the use of various to you may have no other option. In this casedevices make that destroy the endometrium. These include a balloon with call to our office and we will be sure to have a provider circulating hot water, circulating hot water, cryotherapy give you the best advice for you and your baby. There andcertain electrical current. Ithat use can the balloon device or taken the are medications definitely not be device employing electrical current as my devices of

in the first three months (12 weeks) of pregnancy. It is best to let our providers make these decisions for you. What to do if you are unfortunate in experiencing nausea, vomiting, or hyperemesis? This is probably one of the most prevalent symptoms of early pregnancy. Keep in mind that your body is changing in many ways, your hormones are raging with all of the demands of this new life forming and it is the reason for these symptoms. Although it is called, “morning sickness”, it can last all throughout the day for some women. In most cases it lasts just a few weeks and by your second trimester it subsides and is gone. These symptoms, however to you, do not mean that in choice. Usually thesedistressful types of procedures are performed anything is wrong withsetting. your baby. Some of the bestlasts only an outpatient surgery The procedure itself remedies for the symptoms of morning sickness are to: and several minutes. Post-op course is usually unremarkable l. Eat more meals. short. Return tosmall activities is rapid, with very little down Avoid greasy, orrestricted spicy foods. time.2.Post-op pain is fried usually to menstrual-like 3. Avoid lying down a meal.with non-steroidal cramps. The cramps can beafter controlled 4. Keeping or cereal nearby to snack on medications suchdry as crackers Naproxen. can also help with theseissymptoms. The response to treatment varied and highly In severe cases,Most therepatients are medications that canperiods. be takenThe to individualized. have no further alleviate this distress; we suggest trying amenorrhea rate (no however, periods) approaches 70%. Of those that non-medication first. have a return of therapies their cycle, it most commonly light in flow We realize there will The be many more questions your and/or shortthat in duration. benefit of this type ofassurgical pregnancy progresses. best thing to do is to write them intervention is related The to the lack of medication side effects. down bring them with do youhave on your office visit. Birth and control medications somenext undesirable side Writing themmost down insuresarethat you willlibido not forget your and effects. The notable decreased (sex drive) important questions andreal leave thefor office without all of your weight gain. These are issues most women. answers. We are alwaysCan happy to answer any questions that Advanced Care Help! you may have and all of the staff is very This is a common problem in all ages.educated One doesand nothappy have to take this time with you. Be comfortable in knowing to tolerate this problem. As a Gynecologist, I have very that good iftreatment you have options a question we will ourofbest to getwith yourheavy, answer to help takedocare women asbenign quickly as possible vaginal bleeding. You have positive pregnancy test in yourperiods hand, now If therethe are concerns about your isand the time to pick up the phone and schedule your first how heavy they are, feel free to contact prenatal visit with us.

my office for an evaluation.

We’re With You All The Way We’re With You All The Way Old-Fashioned Care With State-Of-The-Art Technology

Old-Fashioned Care With State-Of-The-Art Technology Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life

Courtyard Professional Offices Courtyard Offices NJ 08201 707 White Horse Pike,Professional Suite D4 • Absecon, 707 White609.272.0506 Horse Pike,•Suite D4 • Absecon, NJ 08201 Fax: 609.272.0607 609.272.0506 609.272.0607 Linwood• Fax: Commons Linwood Commons 2106 New Road, Suite D10 • Linwood, NJ 08221 2106 New Road, Suite D10 • Linwood, NJ 08221 609.927.2244 • Fax: 609.927.2242 609.927.2244 • Fax: 609.927.2242 Affliated with: Affliated with: AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and Shore Medical Center AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and Shore Medical Center SALVATORE A. CARFAGNO, DO, FACOOG PICTURED: Salvatore A. Carfagno, DO, FACOOG,

Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rachel CNM, MSN withGrencavich, his beautiful family The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2017 September/October May/June 2021 2017

Medical Professionals


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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Medical Professionals


Are You Tired Of Acne Or “Maskne” By Lisa Ledden

“Maskne” is the term used to describe the type of acne caused by wearing a face mask ( also known as acne mechanica ). The mask traps oil, sweat, and bacteria beneath it. Many of us have noticed these type of break outs since COVID -19. Affecting nearly 80% of those in their teens to thirties, acne is the most common skin disease in the United States. It’s a frustrating disease because of how persistent it can be and how it can affect one’s appearance.

Simple skin care tips-

-Simplify your skin care routine – use a fragrance fee cleanser and avoid scrubs or mechanical exfoliants -Use a mineral based sunscreen daily that is soothing to your skin -Consider a cotton or satin mask and launder it regularly - Schedule a consultation to see if topical treatment, laser treatment or other prescription medication may be indicated.

Certified Dermatology

Our practice offers Neoclear laser treatment for acne breakouts.

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The energy from the laser heats the tissue resulting in less sebum (oil gland) output, suppression of inflammation and destruction of the bacterial colony.

Acne Laser Therapy is a highly effective and safe way to treat acne without having to experience side effects commonly associated with traditional treatments. NeoClear provides a gentle, effective and sanitary in office treatment – the hand piece does even not come into contact with the skin.

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The County Woman Magazine

Lisa M Ledden, MSN, APN-C Nurse Practitioner September/October 2021

Health & Wellness


The Hansen Foundation’s Recovery Housing Housing Recovery….One Person at a Time, One Day at a Time Lisa Whitley, PMP – Executive Director The Ying Yang of this duo creates a balanced dualism that is essential to their life saving work…..helping people heal from substance use disorder (SUD). The complementary opposite forces of Terri Burns, Director of Operations, and Melissa Loupos, Assistant Director of Serenity Housing at the Hansen Foundation, creates the ideal team to run the Recovery Housing program. The Hansen Foundation Residences, called Serenity Houses, provide a structured, affordable, long-term, family-like atmosphere for people to learn how to LIVE after enduring the depths of addiction. Living in recovery housing is truly a time of learning new life skills and having the right kind of support is essential to sustained recovery.…. enter Terri and Melissa. Each one has travelled their own road of addiction and know first-hand the challenges of sustaining Recovery. Terri, a high energy personality that has a spirited approach to everything, is in longterm recovery since 1997 and has worked in the field of addiction since 1999. She started using substances before the age of 12. As a young teenager she was allowed to drink alcohol at home and by her mid-teens this “norm” led to increased alcohol and drug abuse. By her mid-twenties Terri finally reached a point at which she knew if she didn’t stop using substances she would die. Terri entered the addiction profession by coincidence while living in Recovery housing after her own treatment. A housemate invited her to take a temporary job at a youth advocate program. It was a job that became a profession; one that has led her to co-founding Enlightened Solutions Treatment center, her current position with the Foundation, and numerous leadership positions with organizations that determine standards and best practices for Recovery housing in the State of New Jersey. Quiet but strongly persuasive, Melissa had a much different journey to addiction. Although plagued with severe anxiety as a child and teen, Melissa was a model child. She was captain of the track team, a good student, and had wonderful friends. Her close

family was thrilled when she entered Villanova where she chose to major in business. College partying introduced her to a new way to control her anxiety, something that was increasing as the college work intensified. It was during this time Melissa lost her grandmother and aunt, both of which she was close to. As the alcohol consumption increased, the ability to manage it all diminished. She left college and proceeded to enter a cycle of drinking and prescription drug use 24 hours a day. By 21, she had endured 12 detoxes, numerous Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), and three inpatient treatment centers. She entered the Hansen Foundation’s Serenity Recovery House in 2013 after treatment. After several years of Recovery, Melissa was offered a position by Terri to work in housing while pursuing her BSW from Rutgers. Each one brings a dedication and passion to the job. As a team, they work with each resident on an individual basis. “No two people are alike and it is our role to go the extra mile for everyone that walks through our doors,” says Loupos. Their philosophy is to know the individual, understand their strengths and struggles and identify the ways to best support them. “Whether it be facing legal issues, regaining a driver’s license, getting custody of their children back or simply learning how to do laundry, food shop, cook and clean, our staff helps people,” says Terry. Terri and Melissa are not only fiercely committed to their staff but also to each other and their mission to help people heal. Terri says that her work with the Hansen Foundation has “been an amazing journey of watching people get their lives back.” Melissa’s favorite quote sums it best, “You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people. You can’t save the people if you don’t serve the people.” Dr. Cornel West.

MORE ABOUT THE HANSEN FOUNDATION The Hansen Foundation transforms lives—helping ALL people become healthier and happier. To learn more about Terri Burns, Director of Operations, and Melissa Loupos, Assistant Director of Serenity Housing and to support the life-changing work we are doing at The Hansen Foundation, please visit us at or reach me directly at

The Hansen Foundation, Inc.

4 East Jimmie Leeds Road, Suite 3 | Galloway, NJ 08205 Mobile : 609-968-3873 | Main: 609-270-4443 | Tax ID #31-1667973 |


Making the Most of Fall Harvest, Compliments of Chef Steph Autumn Vegetable Medley with Rosemary and Nutmeg

Serves 6

9 ounce(s) fennel bulb with stalks 2 cup(s) butternut squash cut into 1/2 cubes 1 1/2 cup(s) parsnip cut into 1 inch thick slices 1 1/2 cup(s) carrot cut into 1 inch thick slices 1 tablespoon(s) olive oil 1 1/2 teaspoon(s) rosemary, fresh chopped 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt 1/4 teaspoon(s) pepper 1 dash(es) nutmeg freshly grated 1/3 cup(s) Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 425°. Trim tough outer leaves from fennel. Cut fennel bulb in half lengt wise; discard core. Cut each half into three wedges. Combine fennel, squash, and next 7 ingredients (through nutmeg) in a large shallow roasting pan coated with cooking spray. Bake at 425° for 35 minutes or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. Sprinkle vegetable mixture with cheese, if desired, just before serving.

The County Woman Magazine

Recipe by: Cutting Board Creations

September/October 2021

Legal Professionals


The Answer is: Mediation By Marla Marinucci, Esq., MBA As I write this article, we are about a year and a half into this pandemic and by all accounts, it seems inevitable that mask mandates may, unfortunately, be a thing once again. Another round of shutdowns could also be looming on the horizon. What previously appeared to be a step in the right direction at the beginning of the pandemic, as there seemed to be a trend of separated/ divorced parents working better together to co-parent since the schools and daycares were closed and children still needed to be cared for and supervised; to now, more than a year later, where the coronavirus is being used more as a shield and excuse to prevent one parent’s parenting time by the other party for usually no other reason than: just because. Additionally, the various stimulus checks that have been issued by the U.S. Government have created such pandemonium for family lawyers, resulting in this family lawyer being busier than ever. Truth be told, however, it is not the kind of “busy” that is desired, but it has definitely taught me a very important lesson. If anything, this pandemic has made it crystal clear that resolving your family law dispute via alternate dispute resolution (ADR) makes way more sense than the so-called traditional way, which involves: 1) Filing a complaint for divorce (or other similar application); 2) Waiting with excitement for the notification that your soon-to-be ex has been served with the summons and complaint by a sheriff’s officer or other process server (and finding out just how surprised and mad they were to learn you filed for divorce); 3) Waiting for your day in court because you are absolutely certain that the court will chastise your horrible soon to be ex-spouse and admonish them for being a terrible spouse and parent, and that because of this, they must immediately move out of the house that you share; pay all your bills; pay your attorney’s fees plus an additional retainer for your lawyer; and pay additional support to you, as well as monetary sanctions for being such an awful human being. Newsflash: That Never Happens. As much as people think that their day in court will bring them some huge victory because they sincerely believe that once a judge hears their story, that judge will rule 101% in their favor; and 101% against the other party: this is not reality. While judges are there to serve the public and make decisions based on facts and the law, they are overloaded with multiple cases at the same time. I was recently

before a local judge who mentioned during the hearing that at that time, he was handling 500 cases. You don’t have to be a judge or even a lawyer to know that is just crazy. This is where mediation comes in: • Imagine having control over your schedule and not being held to dates set by the Court. • Imagine having control over how fast or slow you want your matter to proceed. • Imagine having consecutive days of mediation/arbitration instead of going to trial where you may have a few sporadic days of trial in the course of 6 months or more. • Imagine saving substantial amounts of money on attorney’s fees. Opting for mediation, for example, instead of litigation has these, and many more benefits. ADR, such as mediation, is very common in most every other county in New Jersey, especially the northern ones, and is eventually finding its place in Cape May and Atlantic Counties. Without a doubt, mediation will eventually become the norm, and not the exception. Mediation is the use of a third party neutral (an experienced family lawyer) who reviews information from the parties and makes a recommendation to help the parties settle. It is an extremely effective way for cases to reach settlement without the need to ever go to court. The process itself is informal and very flexible; there are no rules of evidence or witnesses; it is a confidential process; and it is generally quick and far less costly than the litigation route. Most importantly, it not only gives parties the greatest control over their settlement, it preserves their relationships whereas litigation can get very ugly and more often than not, relationships are forever destroyed. I am a formally trained mediator and arbitrator. I am currently in the process of transitioning my law practice where I will eventually spend the majority of my time as a mediator or arbitrator of family law disputes and less time in the courtroom. All these years of litigation for me, and many of my colleagues as well, has taught me that litigation should be the last resort. If anything, for the sake of your children and preserving your relationship with your child’s other parent, consider this alternative to litigation. I promise you, you won’t regret it.

For more information, please contact my firm.

Today’s Families Face Many Challenges...

We’re Here to Help Your Family Through Them. Divorce • Alimony • Custody • Child Support • Marital Settlement Agreements Emancipation • Post-Judgment Modifications • Prenuptial Agreements • Appeals Mediation & Arbitration



117 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226 • CALL: (609) 398-1900 Fax: (609) 398-7292 • Email: Marla Marinucci, Esq., MBA

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney

Marla Marinucci, Esq., MBA, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. She has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. Her primary focus is Family law matters. She received a B.A. in French from Rutgers Camden; received her law degree from Rutgers School of Law Camden; and recently graduated with her M.B.A. from Rutgers Camden School of Business

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Featured On The Cover


Meet Marla Marinucci, Esq., MBA ACW: How has the pandemic affected your business? Are you seeing more conflicts among your clientele? MM: Without a doubt, there has been more conflict and it continues to increase the longer this pandemic endures. After a few months of lockdown, everyone was coming out of the woodwork wanting to get divorced. It’s a lot easier to stay married when one or both of you have jobs, errands to run, places to go, etc. But when you are both home with your children with nowhere to go, arguments can happen more frequently. When the stimulus checks started to arrive, the conflict escalated tenfold as parents fought over who should get what, especially the portion earmarked for the children. Now that there are Help Wanted signs everywhere and businesses not opening due to staff shortages, the excuse that one party cannot find a job and therefore cannot pay support, doesn’t hold weight like it did last spring, and basically the rest of 2020. The most recent conflicts are parental disputes about whether or not to get the children vaccinated. Next week it will likely be something else. ACW: What advice would you give to someone before getting married and “merging” financials? MM: Two words: Prenuptial Agreement. Prenups are the most underutilized contracts. (Tip: Don’t wait until two weeks before the wedding to contact an attorney for a prenup. A minimum of six to eight months prior to the wedding date is recommended.) ACW: How has remote learning and attitudes about Covid impacted your clientele? MM: Remote learning has been quite a challenge for all parents, myself included. The problems I see the most are issues with the technology as it relates to logging on for class and the learning curve that goes with the technological aspects of it. Something we see quite often has been one or both parents’ inability to figure out how to upload assignments, resulting in the blame game and accusations of incompetence from the other parent. As far as high school-aged kids, remote learning resulted

in plummeting grades; bad attitudes, and an overall lack of interest in all things school. Another unfortunate scenario is where one parent was initially fearful of the pandemic and insisted the children remain at home; but then change course suddenly because it benefits them (not the children) in a custody battle, that the children to return to in-person learning. It’s very unfortunate when parents put themselves and what they want before considering the best interests of their children. No doubt this pandemic has brought out peoples’ true colors. ACW: What does a typical day in the life look like for you? MM: Since Covid, there has been no such thing as “typical.” For the past year, most days have involved jeans, flip flops and sometimes a quasi-professional top if I had virtual court scheduled. It remains unknown if another shutdown is on the horizon, or if things will continue to open up, making it even more difficult to define my “typical” day. Otherwise, I generally work 4-5 days per week in the office and work out at least four days per week to maintain my sanity. ACW: What are some secrets are to a “successful divorce?” MM: Just as there are successful marriages, there is such a thing as a successful divorce. This takes both parties’ cooperation and most importantly, emotional intelligence. I think it’s important to realize that a divorce is the equivalent of loss: the loss of a marriage, and it can be extremely traumatizing. The impact can be minimized, and every attempt should be made by both parties to do so when there are children involved. Sadly, some people get so wrapped up in wanting to hurt their soon-to-be ex that they don’t realize the collateral damage inflicted upon their children by these behaviors. The more children see their parents get along, the less of an impact the divorce will have on them. I speak from personal experience.

The County Woman Magazine

(609) 398-1900 September/October 2021

Business & Finance


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TWO GREAT LOCATIONS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY INCLUDING OCEAN AND MONMOUTH COUNTIES TheMagazine County Woman Magazine The County Woman The TheCounty County WomanMagazine Magazine Commerical Equipment Showroom & Woman

March/April 2017 September/October November/December September/October2019 2019


w w

LheawD’Amato Law Firm

#17 Legal Professionals


ited Civil ne YouMy Love MayRights?! Have Autism?

MeetTothe Law Firm Philosophy Giving Back OurD’Amato Community

he MRI shows that there are no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your nkle. You go back to physical therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. place to live, in the moment. Mythink denialthat house crumbling You would youcame should be able to recover Written By money for your pain and contemplating putting a window in our shared wall so that I down shortly Allnot of your theAlexa kids Barrera Esq. Your uffering, right? The thereafter. collision was fault.D’A Themato other driver was ,drunk. can see her beautiful face at all times. playing together and extent of ds werewere in the car. Thankfully, theythe were not injured, but you were off your feet for Massi’s delay truly hit me. My nephews, Paul’s paralegal, Rose Scogno, started working with Paul ne month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. Jerard and Caprio, who are about nine when she was 19 years old. As the oldest of three daughters, nfortunately you have elected the LimitedWe Rightare to Suethrilled on your auto policy. to insurance be able to months younger than Massi, were playing g I challenged my parents’ rules and authority as a teenager our fracture was not and it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture with this red displaced box that had a yellow d introduce you to the attorneys ealed and theholes MRIofwas negative for any additional and Rose was there to assure my parents that if they let me with various shapes. Inside the injuries. You cannot recover at the D’Amato Law Firm. Thank money for boxyour werepain toysand in suffering. the shape of the holes. live, I’d make a great adult. It is so amazing that I have had The idea was for the child to put you the shape for indulging me with a the opportunity to learn from her when I was working at What through shouldthe I do? appropriate hole. more personal perspective of how our days are the Law Firm as a teenager doing the filing, a college student I’ll never that moment. Unfortunately, I haveforget seen scenarios like thisMassi many times. Don’t let this happen to answering the phones and doing dictation, a law student spent: Children’s Holiday had been in the therapy for Party two months ou! IfThe you have selected Limited writing briefs and then as a “baby attorney”, as she used to the shape into the usually a magician, games, ight toworking Sue,includes call on yourputting auto insurance right hole and there Jerard, nine Lawyers pizza, sweets, pictures with Santa call me, when I left Atlantic County Counsel and joined the ompany immediately and askwas them months younger than Massi, playing with Paul, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and policy As you and lots gifts. thefather, Paul R. D’Amato, and I Law firm more than 20 years ago. ondchange yourof to Members thecan NO see,ofmy this toy with ease. It just seemed like such Rocco, 3-years-old sey AtlanticAuto County Bar policies Association are insurance partners at the Firm. When he called and asked that imitation. In life there are certain people you share everything with silly and easy game for Jerard, but yet for t and athe Atlantic County Superior an be confusing so if you’re not sure the firm Iwork wastonervous we would argue or he and say “you can’t live without” them. At the office, Susan MassiIhejoin had to actually be able tothat do that. t Court staff love to watch the chaos hat coverage would you havebe anddisappointed want to in me. Thankfully I can say that we Eisenlohr, is that person. Susan is so incredibly smart and as the students unwrap their gifts, lk about it, please schedule an office other you in ways onlyhave dreamed. He is an Whatcomplement do you do ifeach someone loveI may Autism? or excitement every time a new with a developmental delay or neurological remembers everything about our clients and their cases. We sitand andthe I will review your you policy When a child love is diagnosed amazing mentor and so it is truly a blessing that I get to learn both have a child on the Autism Spectrum so we share many gift children ith youis atrevealed. no charge. condition likeThe Autism, it canare be a very scary, lonely time for the family. Alex and I had so from AND give a hug every day. personal heart aches, accomplishments and aspirations. God appreciative andhim their andhim many questions aboutsmiles our family’s future, and while we are blessed to have many friends years, The of Stephen M.incredibly Van Natten’s life,itDr. Shellymarie laughter fill everyone’s heart with truly blessed me and our clients when he brought Susan to and family thatlove loveD’Amato us dearly and were supportive, was hard to find anybody For over 40 the Law Firm has been representing people Magan, lured the Shore and I have since happiness andtruly gratitude. To betowe able who could relate tohim what wereJersey going through. the Firm. who have been injured. If you have been seriously injured in a motor cannot thank FACES 4 season Autism as well as all the therapists and teachers to makeIthe children’s holiday gained a brother. He has aenough, masterful way ofofsharing his ideas Laura Pastore and Danielle Montonaro are our legal vehicle collision or by a defective product, or if you have been in a situain Massi’s life who have helped him become the fabulous little guy he is today. He has so specialand is truly the greatest gift I insight with our team and clients. I am so thankful that secretaries. Sandi and I had the pleasure of knowing them grown in leaps and bounds and while II am afraid heWe willpride always struggle to keep up both or of he my colleagues could ever tionany where your civil rights were violated, can help. ourselves leftand Pennsylvania andthethe security of being of the topand easier before they came to the Law Firm in their prior careers as academically socially, canroom see pieces of the puzzle fittingone together easier receive. The excitement in Ithe in assisting thoseprogress in our area or excited elsewhere whoand arefound in needaofhome profes-here at the in Leigh County the Prosecutors years and nail technicians. When we had two openings in our office it that asday takes you back toam being a about his future. her D’Amato Lawlegal Firmrepresentation. and a passion for helping those that are was a no brainer to bring these incredibly talented, beautiful sional, caring and effective



kid, and reminds you of the magic of the holiday season.

If victims you think yourhand childofmay be delayed developmentally at the negligence instead of violence. or have a and passionate women to the Firm. It has been tremendous

nt Ifneurological you wouldcondition like to learn more about thefamily Young Lawyers like Autism, call your physician or see t DivisionOther or findMembers out how you can contribute to the Children’s Of The Team

watching them grow and learn to love the law like we do. CALL NOW FOR a developmental neurologist. ReachA outFREE to FACES 4 Autism online atThey love the work we do here, working with the clients and Holiday Party, please website My mom and Paul’s wife, Sandi D’Amato, is our officeor like orvisit call our Isabelle Moscaat (609) 412-3750. battling with adjusters. We are truly blessed to have them as CONSULTATION: 609.926.3300 our Facebook “ACBA Young Lawyers Division.” She has been working at the Firm since me and part of our team. my sisters, Ava Cocchi and Ashley Staller, were in school full Many people can say they like going to work. I LOVE time, over 35 years now. Her office is right next to mine so I d MY TEAM and it is an honor to serve our clients with each Visit get to hug her and hear her voice every day. I am seriously and every one of them!


The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in representing those who have been seriously injured in construction, products liability and motor vehicle collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the country with a primary focus on representing victims injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence.

Paul R. D’Amato Certified Civil Trial Attorney

Alexa D’Amato Barrera

Paul R. D’Amato, Esquire Member NJ Bar

Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esquire Member NJ & PA Bar

Stephen M. Van Natten, Esquire

Member NJ & PA Bar Counsellor at Law The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice inNJ representing those who have been seriously injured in construction, products liability and motor vehicle collisions. The firm and PA BAR The handles D’Amatocases Law throughout Firm focusesthe their practice inMember country with a primary focus on representing victims injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence. Paul R. D’Amato representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R.Civil D’Amato Certified Trial Attorney in construction, liability Suite and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney 2900products Fire Road, 200 • Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 • 2900 Fire Road, Alexa D’Amato Barrera collisions. The firm handles cases throughout theSuite 200 Counsellor at Law countryEgg with aHarbor primary focusTownship, on representing victims New Jersey 08234 Alexa D’Amato Barrera injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Member NJ and PA BAR The County Woman Magazine September/October 2021 P: 609-926-3300 Counsellor at Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence.

P: 609-926-3300 • F: 609-926-3883

StephenNJM. Van Esq. Member and PA Natten, BAR


Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Hospice Care



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Volunteer with Journey Hospice. Call (609) 760-6073 for more information.

National Grandparent’s Day

National Grandparent’s Day Sunday, September 12th

Throughout our history, grandparents have guided their children and grandchildren through trial and triumph. For many of us, our grandparents were among our earliest teachers and caregivers. They have added immeasurably to the strength of our families, and with compassion and wisdom, they have enriched our lives with the stories of those who came before us. On National Grandparent’s Day, we give thanks to those who helped raise us and pay tribute to a generation that still inspires us toward brighter horizons.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021


Medical Professionals

High Blood Pressure – Facts You Should Know High blood pressure is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease. Blood pressure is determined both by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure. You can have high blood pressure (hypertension) for years without any symptoms. Even without symptoms, damage to blood vessels and your heart continues and can be detected. Uncontrolled high blood pressure increases your risk of serious health problems, including heart attack and stroke. High blood pressure generally develops over many years, and it affects nearly everyone eventually. Fortunately, high blood pressure can be easily detected. And once you know you have high blood pressure, you can work with your doctor to control it. Symptoms Most people with high blood pressure have no signs or symptoms, even if blood pressure readings reach dangerously high levels. A few people with high blood pressure may have headaches, shortness of breath or nosebleeds, but these signs and symptoms aren’t specific and usually don’t occur until high blood pressure has reached a severe or life-threatening stage. Causes There are two types of high blood pressure. Primary (essential) hypertension For most adults, there’s no identifiable cause of high blood pressure. This type of high blood pressure, called primary (essential) hypertension, tends to develop gradually over many years. Secondary hypertension Some people have high blood pressure caused by an underlying condition. This type of high blood pressure, called secondary hypertension, tends to appear suddenly and cause higher blood pressure than does primary hypertension. Various conditions and medications can lead to secondary hypertension, including: • Obstructive sleep apnea • Kidney problems • Adrenal gland tumors • Thyroid problems • Certain defects you’re born with (congenital) in blood vessels • Certain medications, such as birth control pills, cold remedies, decongestants, over-the-counter pain relievers and some prescription drugs • Illegal drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to complications including heart attack or stroke, aneurysm, heart failure, weakened and narrowed blood vessels in your kidneys, metabolic syndrome, trouble with memory or understanding, and/or dementia. Make sure to have your blood pressure checked regularly. By living a healthy lifestyle, you can help keep your blood pressure in a healthy range and lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. A healthy lifestyle includes: • Eating a healthy diet. • Maintaining a healthy weight. • Getting enough physical activity. • Not smoking. • Limiting alcohol use. Blood pressure tip: Get more potassium Want to lower your blood pressure? Consume less sodium and more potassium. Sodium increases your blood pressure. Potassium can minimize the damage by lessening the effects of sodium on blood pressure. Many fruits and vegetables are good sources of potassium, including bananas, strawberries, cantaloupe, spinach, peas and tomatoes. Source: American College of Cardiology: 2017 Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults.

Barbara Greenling, NP

Barbara Greenling’s care for individuals is as strong today as it was when she began her career in 1979. She loves to encourage, teach and guide individuals on their health journeys. Teaching the next generation is vitally important to her, as they will carry on the legacy of taking care of others. Committed to her own personal growth and development as well, Barbara’s medical interests include diabetes, endocrinology, thyroid issues and working with the LGBTQ+ community. She treats adults, performing adult physical exams and Medicare annual wellness visits. Barbara earned her undergraduate degree in nursing from Thomas Edison State College (now University) in Trenton, NJ. She completed her master’s of science in nursing (MSN) from Ball State University in Muncie, IN. She obtained her doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree from Chatham University in Pittsburgh. Barbara also holds a diploma in nursing from the St. Francis Medical Center School of Nursing in Trenton, NJ. When she’s not seeing patients, Barbara enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, family and friends. She also likes baking, golfing and gardening.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

17 Psychiatry The Brain And Your Ovary – “Friends With Benefits Or Sleeping With The Enemy?” By Charles E. Meusburger, MD, FASAM The relationship with the master organ and its ambivalent ally is both an intimate and an intricate liaison over the reproductive life span. On the one hand estradiol – a prominent ovarian hormone, is instrumental in creating and maintaining all the feminine attributes in many gender specific ways including it functions as a protective mechanism against cardiovascular disease and even to some extent against dementia. It can also be an influence upon such things as postpartum depression, anxiety, psychosis, and post luteal phase dysphoria – i.e. PMS; perimenopausal and post menopausal phases of intrusion and mood and physiological torment; hence friend or foe? Perhaps it’s a timing issue. Did you think that women enjoyed a monopoly on estradiol/estrogen? It seems that they were willing to share a little and so men make some as well –although far less. Both male and female brains also produce small amounts of the hormone, so it’s not an ovarian exclusive precious commodity. However, for the purposes of this article, our focus will be on the ovary and how its hormones impact the female brain. STRUCTURAL BRAIN CHANGES Women observed prior, during and after menopause show significant brain changes (adopted from a study cited by Pauline Maki, PhD, Professor of psychiatry and psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago). According to Maki, these changes occur “primarily two years before to two years following the last menstrual period.” Among the brain changes that occur as the ovarian function ages is the impact on memory. In particular, there is a decline in memory or episodes of where the memory seems to be worse at some times than others. It’s kind of like the memory is going in and out of capacity, similar to the ebb and flow of a tide. So what is happening? The changes are occurring within ‘white matter.’ White matter contains ‘myelin’ which is a

protective coating for the neurons, or nerve cells that helps the speed of how we process information. The changes in ‘white matter’ are referred to in the literature as “little strokes;” very, very tiny strokes. There are several scientific studies underway in an effort to better understand the mechanisms that cause these little strokes. One study suggests there is a correlation between hot flashes and memory in that “the more hot flashes, the worse their memory. Maki relates a study that showed the more hot flashes a woman had, the more ischemic changes were found in those women. Further, “when they accumulate, these little strokes do affect our thinking.” Therefore, the question postulated by this finding is: “If you treat hot clashes, can you avoid these white matter changes?” The answer thus far is unclear.

Brain changes also affect mood swings, temper outbursts, depression, feeling sad, bad, lost in morass, and just feeling plain pissed off in the midst of a hormonal cyclone! As the cyclone builds upon itself, sleep is affected because mood is low, anxiety kicks in because of despondence over how your memory is being impacted. As things worsen, you may want to find some relief. How about a drink of wine, or two or three? Now the situation is escalated because your sleep and memory are further in decline and your stress is on the incline. The cycle of disturbances caused by the aging ovary, hormones and subsequent brain changes

are deeply distressing. However, the psychiatric impact of menopause is NOT ABNORMAL…it is completely normal. Some studies have shown an association between women’s personality traits and ovarian hormones. Anxiety was strongly correlated with progesterone levels among different women. Impulsivity was often reported as having a strong correlation with estradial2 levels (PLOS ONE: How ovarian hormones influence the dopamine pathway; August 13, 2020). The severity of the impact of ovarian hormones may vary greatly among women. In some cases the cumulative occurrences of hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety and depression leave a woman feeling completely overwhelmed. And though it is not a topic for this paper, premenstrual syndrome has been used as a criminal defense in some cases. It has not fared well in the United States, however has been used in supporting diminished capacity in Great Britain (review: J Forensic Science 2002 Sep;47(5):1083-9. Laura L. Downs. TREATMENT The treatment of ovarian hormonal function is not within the purview of psychiatry. However, psychiatrists can render treatment of psychiatric disorders caused by the sequelae of ovarian hormonal dysfunction. Treatment can assist in quelling the clinical symptoms of anxiety, depression, mood disorders and other disorders triggered by ovarian hormones. Treatment for ovarian hormonal dysfunction includes psychopharmacological methods, including additional SSRI or SNRI antidepressant doses for 10 days pre menses monthly for a child bearing woman suffering with PMS; cognitive behavioral therapies, and in some cases even grief counseling may be helpful. Brain stimulation and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) remain options in more severe or resistant situations. OB/GYN or endocrine treatment may include Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), both synthetic and expensive bio-identical hormones. the risks-benefits of these must be weighed very carefully prior to their use.

Don’t suffer alone ...

Charles E. Meusburger, MD • Call 609.484.0770 or visit 3069 English Creek Ave., Ste. 225 • EHT, NJ 08234

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

18 #

Health Health & Wellness

Jersey Shore Pharmacy

Customizing Medications From Juniors to Seniors to Pets Pain Management

Jay Greco, RPh

Owner, Jersey Shore Pharmacy

We specialize in making topical pain cream formulations (both prescription and over the counter). These creams incorporate many different medications in a propietary base that penetrates the skin directly to the painful area. The advantages of topical pain management are: Less side effects, no addiction and the creams can be applied where you need them.

Jay has been a pharmacist since 1992, after graduating from Northeastern University in Boston, MA. He moved to the Jersey Shore and then worked at Thrift Drug in Tuckerton, NJ. After working for several different chains and small independent pharmacies he decided to open his first pharmacy in Barnegat in 1999. After selling the franchise in 2007, Jay now owns and operates his own private retail pharmacy in Barnegat, NJ with his own compounding lab on site. Jay is a member of IACP, PCCA, NCPA, and NJPhA. Jay is an active member in the community and lives locally. He is a Board of Directors member at Coastal Volunteers In Medicine, which is a free clinic located at 239 South Main Street in Barnegat, NJ. Jay & his partners also run Jersey Shore Pharmacies, one specializing in compounding and the other specializing in long-term-care facilities.

Hormone Replacement for Men & Women Hormone replacement involves treating menopausal symptoms (women), andropause (men) and thyroid deficiency just to name a few. Hormones can be made into many different dosage forms including creams, troches, injections and oral drops or capsules.


Since veterinarians treat animals as small as a mouse and as large as an elephant, the dose of medications vary greatly. With compounding, we can create a dosage form that treats the issue at hand and if necessary, make it taste great! We also specialize in veterinary flavoring so that your pet will not know it is getting medication. We have over 30 flavors to choose from!

580 North Main St., Barnegat, NJ 08005 P: (609) 660-1111


Podiatrists treat many different issues on a daily basis. Some examples of issues that compounding may help would include: wart treatment, painful feet, sweaty feet, callouses and nail fungus infections.

Wound Care/Scar Care

Wound care can sometimes be helped greatly with compounding. We can incorporate antibiotics, steroids and medications that promote tissue growth into a gel that is applied topically. For scars, there are new products on the market that greatly reduce or eliminate scars appearance and/or color.

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We have everything you need for a healthier tomorrow! TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The

May/June 2021 2019 September/October

Medical Professionals


Paonessa Colon And Rectal Surgery Practice Announces A New Location For Our Manahawkin Office Nina Paonessa, DO, FACOS Highly Skilled. Thorough. Passionate. Committed. Time and time again, patients of Nina Paonessa, D.O., F.A.C.O.S., a fellowship trained colorectal surgeon, describe her with these words. It’s no wonder that droves of people from Ocean and Monmouth Counties and beyond are seeking out Dr. Paonessa for their colorectal care. The only female colorectal surgeon in the area, Dr. Paonessa is known for her expertise and patientcentered care. She has quickly established herself as the area’s “go to” colorectal surgeon. Her private practice, is now pleased to announce the opening of a second office location in Manahawkin, NJ to better serve her patients. The office is conveniently located at 1301 Route 72 West, Suite 240 in the Health Village Building with ample parking. This office provides easy access for patients in Southern Ocean County. Simply call the main office number: 732-282-1500 to make an appointment. Dr. Paonessa specializes in the evaluation and treatment of patients with colon and rectal conditions/diseases and frequently performs laparoscopic surgery for her patients. She also offers conservative and minimally invasive treatment options for many common anorectal disorders. Many of the treatments can be performed right in the office and are painless. Dr. Paonessa frequently explains to her patients that “just because I am a surgeon, doesn’t mean everyone needs a surgery. There are other options I can offer you.” Dr. Paonessa has been named Proctologist of the Year by the American College of Osteopathic Proctologists, awarded the Patient’s Choice Award and the Compassionate Doctor’s Award by for 13 consecutive years, and is on the HealthGrades Honor Roll. Who should make an appointment with Dr. Paonessa? People experiencing conditions or diseases including rectal pain or bleeding, colorectal cancer, fecal incontinence/pelvic floor disorders, hemorrhoidal disease, polyps, fissures, rectal prolapse, pilonidal disease, rectocele, or inflammatory bowel disease. How can patients best prepare for the first appointment? Patients will be asked to provide a medical history, which is carefully reviewed in conjunction with a comprehensive examination. Dr. Paonessa will review all previous records and x-rays. Based on this, your medical history, consultation with your other doctors, and careful evaluation, she will provide a diagnosis and recommend the best medical approach. Dr. Paonessa believes in integrated healthcare and will coordinate with all of your physicians throughout the entire process to ensure the most thorough care possible. What is Dr. Paonessa’s philosophy on patient care? As a solo-practitioner, Dr. Paonessa believes in patient-centered care and a personalized approach. Her staff knows all of their patients by name, and they are dedicated to maintaining the integrity and dignity of their patients. All of the examination rooms are very private and they strive to make all of their patients comfortable at all times. Although medical conditions related to the colon and rectum can be an awkward topic, it is an important issue that can’t be ignored. Dr. Paonessa is sensitive to her patients’ concerns and dedicates her full attention to everyone she treats. Once a diagnosis and surgical recommendation is made to a patient, Dr. Paonessa and her staff handle the preparation arrangements. By the time the patient leaves the office, he/she will have everything required to take the next steps towards his/her surgery. If he/she needs to see a cardiologist or urologist or needs to get an x-ray or test, the office will coordinate those appointments. Dr. Paonessa is dedicated to supporting her patients through the entire colorectal surgery process so they are never overwhelmed.

Is a referral required in order to make an appointment? Although Dr. Paonessa gets many referrals from primary care physicians and other specialists, many patients schedule appointments on their own, without a referral, if they are experiencing any symptoms of the conditions listed above. What insurance plans are accepted? While most insurance plans are accepted, it’s best to check with your insurance company. Feel free to call Dr. Paonessa’s office at (732) 282-1500 for assistance. What happens if it’s determined that surgery is recommended? Following the initial examination, Dr. Paonessa will arrange for a consultation with the patient and their family members, as she feels it is important for every patient to have a strong support system when he/she is facing a difficult medical issue. Dr. Paonessa will explain the surgery in detail and draw a diagram to help the patient understand exactly what the surgery will entail. What is the post-surgical recuperation like? While this is contingent upon the type of procedure, Dr. Paonessa’s goal is for every patient to return to his/ her previous level of functioning. Dr. Paonessa remains closely connected with her patients throughout the entire post-surgical process, including cancer patients, to conduct regular check-ups and post-surgical testing according to the guidelines of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons and the National Cancer Institute.

PATIENT TESTIMONIAL As an 80 year old man that spent years working in the medical field, I can say without hesitation that I have never met a more dedicated doctor in my entire life. Dr. Paonessa is an outstanding surgeon and she literally saved my life when I was diagnosed with colon cancer. She even called me at home on a weekend after I was discharged to see how I was doing. She is a loving and caring person and if I had to undergo surgery again, Dr. Paonessa is the doctor I would choose. – Gordon F.

Colon and Rectal Surgery

Board Certified in General Surgery and Proctology • laparoscopic surgery • abdominal/pelvic surgery • fecal incontinence • endoanal/rectal ultrasound • anorectal surgery

603 Higgins Avenue Brielle, NJ 08730

The County Woman Magazine

• pelvic floor disorders • office proctology • anorectal manometry/ physiology

1301 Route 72 West, Suite 240 Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Phone: (732) 282-1500 • Fax: (732) Office Hours: M-F 9AM to 5PM

292-9600 September/October 2021

Health & Wellness


A Mindful Journey To Well-Being We have all experienced some type of personal struggle over the last year and while challenges are never fun, there is beauty and growth on the other side. As a Licensed Counselor and Certified Mindful Coach, Gina M. Peccia guides her clients on that journey and helps them achieve their goals.

Gina M. Peccia, MA, LPC, LLC

“Whatever your personal struggle entails, my clinical experience or mindful coaching will help you make the changes to become more successful in your endeavors,” she says. Her practice as a Mindful coach is an active process which helps her clients identify their purpose and mission in life and then guide them on their journey to a more positive state of mind. Mindfulness is defined as a non-judgmental way of paying attention to the present moment. Whether you are stuck in a difficult life transition or dealing with anxiety and depression, Gina has the tools to help move you through those muddy waters. She adds, “So much of the time it is our negative and habitual thinking that can lead to chronic depression and debilitating anxiety.”

Gina M.Peccia, MA, LPC, LLC 2021 New Road, Suite 12B Linwood, NJ 08221

(609) 204-9940 Begin the journey to a brand new you!

Her 15+ years of experience in private practice, agency, and hospital service has allowed her to garner new ways to cope and improve her clients overall outlook on life.

Offering Virtual and In-person appointmen ts

She adds, “I am well-versed in helping my clients meet their goals and propel them toward change so they can become effective in all their endeavors.” Gina’s interest in mindfulness began several years ago and she credits author and mindfulness expert Jon Kabat Zinn for awakening her passion. It’s about being fully awake in our lives and living each moment with intention and gratitude. Because she has been through her own fair share of challenging life transitions, Gina has that rare ability to empathize with others suffering in similar circumstances. Her passion for helping her clients become who they were meant to be and build their own self-confidence brings her a sense of true joy.

Call (609) 204-9940 for a free strategy session, to discover your individual needs!

Testimonial “Working with Gina has been a very satisfying and empowering experience. During a time of transition and change, she was able to assist me in identifying a goal and break it down into attainable steps…I highly recommend Gina because she is professional, caring and supportive.” - Beth L.

Health & Wellness

Beyond Right and Wrong Heidi Farber Judgments about right and wrong are irresistible. We love to pick sides. That’s why Zen

masters warned about becoming a person of right or wrong! Yoga is an ethical, moral practice. All religions are based on reference to fixed principles. These are generalizations. Commandments and codes of conduct dictate our behavior. Buddhists call them precepts. Do not steal, do not kill, do not lie are indistinguishable from other philosophical systems. Buddha also taught an 8-Folded Path to enlightenment which included right view, right speech, right action and right livelihood. Like all ethical systems, they were derived from an exhaustive observation of life. However, for Zen Buddhists, an ethical precept is a question to be held up in the light of circumstance. It is an inquiry rather than an answer to a situation. It’s not so much trying to figure out what to do, as it is an expression of the heart’s core. When we live from the level of the heart and trust what needs to be done, then we are living a moral life. What is needed here in this moment? What am I to do in this particular instance? Practice becomes an exploration where there are no signposts. The path of yoga is the present moment, a field beyond right and wrong. Maybe there are no answers, just an open heart and an open hand. Knowing that you do not know anything at all is part of the path of practice. One does not accumulate bits or facts like evidence upon which to base a judgement. One does not form an impression

of what one sees or hears. No choice is encompassing or conclusive. Our behavior is one of continual adaptation and adjustment. Your ethical response is always new. Even if you adhere strictly to the precept, you may still do irreparable harm. You most surely will make mistakes as you move through this challenging life. However, you can pick yourself up and begin again with compassion and loving kindness. Be wise and discerning in each moment. That is the best that you can do. Give yourself permission to be fallible. Being human means to be vulnerable and fall down at times. Out of our human error, love will take root. The poem by Yehuda Amichai “The Place Where We Are Right” expresses this thought perfectly: From the place where we are right, Flowers will never grow

Hummingbird Yoga

Heidi Farber •Certified Kripalu Teacher • Teacher Training Central Square #19 • 199 New Road • Linwood, NJ 08221

ph. (609) 927.8010 • cell (609) 442.3487

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Health & Wellness


Vitamin D – Right Amount is Essential to Your Health are generally subtle. You may not notice them easily, even if they are having a significant negative effect on your quality of life. Signs and symptoms of deficiency include: frequent infections; fatigue/ tiredness; bone loss; bone/back pain; depression; hair loss; and impaired wound healing.

Diseases and Conditions Linked to Vitamin D Deficiencies:

Research is revealing more about the importance of Vitamin D in protecting you against a host of health problems. With that note, Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common and most people are unaware of it.

Dr. Nina’s What You Need To Know: About Vitamin D

Actually a hormone, Vitamin D receptors are found in every tissue in our body! While there is still much we do not know, what we do know is that it is so important, our bodies are capable of making it by itself.

Sources include:

• Vitamin Rich D-Foods: It is found naturally in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Because there are a limited number of foods that contain sufficient amounts of this fat-soluble vitamin, it makes it difficult to get enough from your diet alone. • Fortified foods: This means that Vitamin D is added to these items--it is not originally found in the food (like milk, cereal, orange juice, and yogurt). • Supplements: Come in either a prescription form or an over-the-counter version. • Safe Sun Exposure: Direct sunlight converts a chemical in our skin into an active form of Vitamin D. A surprising fact is that people get most of their Vitamin D from the sun.

• Obesity. Research has shown that carrying excess weight in your abdominal area is associated with lower levels of Vitamin D, compared to normal waist lines. At this time, it is unclear if having a deficiency causes you to gain weight, or if having the extra weight lowers your body’s Vitamin D levels. • Heart Disease. The ‘sunshine vitamin’ has been shown to preserve heart health. A leading study out of the University of Copenhagen found that those with low levels of Vitamin D (versus the optimal level) were 64% more likely to have a heart attack. • Bone Health. Vitamin D helps to maintain skeletal calcium balance by promoting calcium absorption. Children who lack Vitamin D can develop a condition called rickets, which causes bone weakness, bowed legs, and other skeletal deformities, such as stooped posture. A deficiency can also lead to bone weakening, osteoporosis. And, studies show that calcium and Vitamin D together can build stronger bones in women after menopause. • Depression and Mood. During the winter months when the days are shorter and there is less sunlight, we may experience depressive symptoms. It is believed that drops in Vitamin D levels are the reason.

Getting the right amount?

Many people assume they’re getting enough but, unfortunately, Vitamin D deficiency is still a widespread problem. • Get some safe sun. Experts state that just a few minutes of sunlight each day to the face, neck, hands, and arms is all that is necessary to get your adequate dose of Vitamin D. There are several variables: how much pigment you have in your skin, distance from the equator and the time of day. If your skin is darker in tone, you live further from the equator, or only catch the sun after it rises or right before it sets, you may need a longer period of sun exposure. Additionally, there is good reason to be worried that sun exposure can increase risk for skin cancer. And, sun protection procedures (e.g., sunblock, sun avoidance) decrease sun hitting our skin and Vitamin D conversion. It is important to find a healthy balance, as some sun exposure is important for health. • Increase consumption of fatty fish and foods fortified with Vitamin D.

Who’s at risk for a Vitamin D Deficiency?

Because the majority of this vitamin comes from safe sun exposure, those that live north of the equator, live in heavily air polluted areas that block the sun’s rays, remain indoors often, and have darker skin (melatonin pigmentation can block the sun’s rays) are at risk of being deficient. Other common risk factors for Vitamin D deficiency include being elderly, overweight or obese and not consuming Vitamin D-rich or fortified foods. Additionally, if you have had obesity surgery, you may not be able to properly absorb Vitamin D rich foods and oral supplements.

How to know if you have low levels?

Routine checks of Vitamin D levels are not currently recommended. However, your healthcare provider may want to check your level if you have risk factors or certain medical conditions. Mild Vitamin D deficiency is not necessarily associated with any symptoms. In fact, most people don’t realize that they are deficient, because the symptoms

Nina Radcliff, M.D.,

is a practicing physician and a Board Certified Anesthesiologist. Often called upon by media to speak to medical health topics impacting our lives today, Dr. Nina is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wide preventative measures.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional. Dr. Nina has used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it may not apply to you and your symptoms. Always consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Financial Management


Logins And Passwords……Oh My! I use an application on my iPhone to store all of my logins and passwords. Recently I was adding yet another new entry and decided to count the number of entries I had saved so far. To my amazement, I had more than 120 (many work related) logins and passwords! I imagine that many of you also have a list of passwords the length of your arm as well. There is an overriding question with so many passwords, namely how can my heirs access my digital assets that are password protected? In September 2017, the Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, was enacted into New Jersey law. In general, the Act provides executors, trustees, guardians, and power of attorney holders (“fiduciaries”) the ability to access and control “digital assets” belonging to decedents, beneficiaries and wards. Going “digital” may improve efficiency, access, storage, and ease of sharing but at death, those benefits disappear. For an estate’s executor and its beneficiaries, going digital can have the opposite effect, making assets more difficult to access or even entirely inaccessible and lost. “Digital assets” encompass all electronically stored information, not just what’s on one’s computer. An estate plan today should include a digital inventory of assets such as:

Passwords for access to computers, phones, or tablets and user account passwords may be required so your executor or heirs can have your pictures, videos, writing, or other personal content. Don’t assume they can acquire this easily from providers either. For example, Facebook will not provide access to a member’s account to their family upon death, instead giving the family the option of closing the page or leaving it up as a memorial. The law addresses questions such as: • As an executor, how do I obtain access to the decedent’s electronic communications? • If I am a trustee, does a custodian of a digital account have to provide me access? • Once I obtain access, am I treated as an “authorized user” under the law? Our suggestion when reviewing your estate planning documents is to be sure that your Power of Attorney, Will and/or Trust addresses your digital assets. We have a printable version of our handout entitled “Your Digital Estate” by visiting

• Passwords for devices, files, email, and social media accounts. • Passwords for financial information, accounts, and digital tax records. • Domain names, Web pages, Blogs, and other virtual property • Subscription services that would need to be cancelled or adjusted.

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Garden State Trust Company To learn how we can focus on you and your family, contact Sean Rice today.

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September/October 2021

Financial Management




Garden State Trust Company is proud to announce the opening of our new headquarters in Monmouth County. We are excited to expand our focused, responsive and personalized service to our Monmouth County community. Let us show you how a Locally Based Independent Trust Company can work with you to achieve peace of mind for you and your family for generations. Garden State Trust Company offers • Individualized Investment Management • Trustee Services including expertise in special needs trusts • Estate settlement services. Please call us at (732) 255-5000 to arrange a complimentary Will and Retirement Plan Review with our experienced team. In-person and virtual meetings are available.

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Health & Wellness


Easing The Challenges Of Cancer With Hypnosis And Coaching

Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080

Hypnosis is often used as an adjunct to traditional cancer care to help create an overall sense of wellbeing and comfort. Having cancer can be life-changing, but it doesn’t have to be life-diminishing. The combination of hypnosis and coaching can significantly help individuals deal with the many aspects of their condition, and assist them in embracing life. For many people, a diagnosis of cancer brings about feelings of fear, stress, and helplessness. It raises a lot of questions… What will happen to me? What doctor / hospital should I choose? What treatment should I select? How will my family cope? What might the financial toll be? Hypnosis and coaching can help ease the physical and emotional effects of cancer. It has been described as “the most potent non-pharmacological relaxant known to science.” Entering a hypnotic state creates feelings of calm and well-being. The more it’s practiced, the more positive the results. The National Institutes of Health, along with other major research and educational institutions, have demonstrated its ability to help patients by:

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.

• Reducing stress and improving clarity • Minimizing the side effects of treatments • Enhancing the ability to manage discomfort • Releasing the fear of procedures, treatments, and surgery • Promoting a sense of empowerment and well-being In one study of 200 women undergoing breast cancer surgery, researchers found that pre-surgery

Hypnosis For Women ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release

hypnosis reduced the amount of anesthesia required during the procedure, post-surgical pain, and the overall time and cost of the procedure. Patients reported less emotional upheaval, nausea, and fatigue afterward. During meetings with a certified hypnocounselor, the client has the opportunity to share her concerns, and discuss goals and expectations with regard to her sessions. She will be gently guided into a hypnotic state, which creates feelings of relaxation and wellbeing, and a variety of techniques are used to further promote positive feelings and a sense of optimism. Through the use of reinforcement recordings, selfhypnosis, and centering breaths, the client furthers her own ability to feel better. Practitioners also help with pain management by using an array of techniques that train the subconscious mind to avoid anticipatory pain and alter the perception of pain. For some people, the side effects of treatments are difficult to handle. As a person becomes proficient in entering a state of hypnotic relaxation, physical comfort tends to increase; and hypnotic suggestions make the treatments more tolerable and able to be viewed without fear. Hypnosis is an efficient, holistic, and empowering modality. It works optimally for people who truly want to change, believe that with the right tools and techniques they are capable of creating change, and understand they need to be a partner in the process.

For a brief No-Charge Phone Screening Consult, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence

Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Business Spotlight


Meet Hypnosis For Women Director, Rhoda Kopy CW: What are the most popular reasons people come to see you?

Rhoda: My clients are people dealing with ordinary life issues who have made a courageous decision to get unstuck, feel better about themselves, and move forward with their lives. Using this technique allows them to release the barriers that have been holding them back. Among the most common issues that bring people to my office are stress management, sleep quality, smoking cessation, weight management, pain relief, and life balance. People also come to release fears – like fear of flying, driving, public speaking, enclosed spaces, and socializing, to name a few. Enhancing performance (sports / academic) and building self-confidence are also areas that many people choose to work on.

CW: Can you explain how this technique works physically and mentally?

Pictured L-R: Annemarie Schreiber, Rhoda Kopy & Dr. Kathy A. Banks

Rhoda Kopy has always been fascinated with the inner workings of the mind, specifically with factors that influence behavior. As a young girl, she was shy, overweight, and terribly self-conscious. As she matured she began reading motivational books and started applying what she learned. She says, “I pushed myself to venture out of my comfort zone and embrace life more fully.” After college, Rhoda was drawn to helping others access their innate strengths, and provide them with techniques to help them move forward. She credits her positions in community health education and coaching with affording her that opportunity. CW: What attracted you to this line of work?

Rhoda: About 18 years ago, I saw a hypnosis professional to help manage a nighttime eating issue. I was so intrigued with the results and the process that I completed a training program in Advanced Clinical Hypnosis, at a state-licensed school. Between my prior positions and academic background in health sciences and biomedical communications, I felt I had a solid foundation for a career as a consulting hypnotist and wellness coach. I’m delighted to say that I’ve become the mentor I wish I’d had – and it’s been an amazing, fulfilling journey.

Rhoda: After completing an intake process to understand challenges and goals, I gently guide the client into a state of hypnotic relaxation, which is very much like a daydreaming or pre-sleep state. The subconscious mind is then more accessible and receptive – the imagination more powerful. The logical, often limiting mind, moves to the background. Clients can more easily sense, feel, imagine, and accept what’s being suggested – which is always consistent with their stated goals. A variety of different tools and techniques are used to release barriers and spur success. Physically, muscle tension decreases, blood pressure and pulse rate decrease, and brain wave activity slows down. Sessions are both relaxing and empowering, and clients leave each meeting with the sense that they are indeed capable of accomplishing their goals.

CW: How often do clients come back to see you? What is the recommendation?

Rhoda: People come to my office because they want to change something that’s been problematic to them for a long while. While this is an efficient modality, it requires reinforcement and repetition to neutralize negative patterns and instill smarter, healthier ones. I suggest that clients commit to at least three hypnosis sessions. Three to six sessions are effective for most people, although much depends on the client and her level of motivation and involvement in the process. This is a comprehensive approach; and each client is taught centering techniques, provided with one or several recordings for reinforcement, and is instructed in self-hypnosis.I always encourage clients to continue to practice what they’ve learned, in order to help them stay centered and effectively deal with challenges.

CW: What kind of personality does hypnosis work best for?

Rhoda: This works optimally for a person who is motivated to change and who has thought about the benefits of making that change. Someone who understands that this is a process and is willing to be a partner in the process is an ideal candidate. My first phone discussion with a potential client allows me to determine if she’s a good candidate. I want this to be a rewarding experience for every person who uses my services. .

732-270-0080 •

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021


Medical Professionals

Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery In Dr. Banks’Medical Office:Profess It’s More Than Just Wisdom Teeth #

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, can be troublesome and painful if there is not enough space for the teeth to completely erupt into the mouth into a useful position. Wisdom teeth that have not surfaced out of the bone through the gums into the mouth are called impacted teeth and usually will need to be removed to prevent gum disease and other types of infections and cysts from forming. Sometimes other teeth do not erupt into Kathy A. Banks, DMD the mouth properly, and this is generally noted when a child is in what we call the “mixed dentition” phase (when there are some baby teeth and some adult teeth). Impacted teeth can occur anywhere in the mouth: incisors, canine teeth, bicuspids and molars. In most cases, once the child is under the care of an orthodontist, Dr. Banks will assess the position of the tooth in the jaw precisely with a cone beam CT scan in the office, and will show the patients and the parents where the tooth is and determine whether it is possible to move the tooth with orthodontic traction or whether the tooth is so badly positioned in the jaw that it must be removed. If the impacted tooth is a candidate to be moved orthodontically, Dr. Banks will discuss and plan a procedure to expose the tooth crown and to bond a special orthodontic bracket with an attachment for the orthodontist to use to move the tooth into its correct position. These procedures are performed in the office with the comfort of sedation anesthesia. If the unerupted or impacted tooth cannot be moved orthodontically, then Dr. Banks will discuss and plan a surgery to remove the unerupted or impacted tooth, and together with the orthodontist, Dr. Banks will discuss options for future tooth replacement. Extra teeth: Some patient have extra teeth, called supernumerary teeth. These can occur anywhere in the mouth and usually need to be removed, especially when the presence of the extra tooth is impeding the eruption or causing damage to the other teeth. The supernumerary tooth could be impacted, as in the case of a mesiodens, an extra tooth that forms in between the two upper front teeth. If the supernumerary tooth is impacted, Dr. Banks will assess the position of the supernumerary tooth in the jaws with a cone beam CT scan in the office, so that surgical removal can be discussed and planned. Dr. Banks removes supernumerary teeth in the office setting or the operating room, depending on the difficulty of the procedure. Some patients have congenitally missing teeth; that is when all the teeth don’t develop. This condition is also called partial agenesis of teeth.

Upper lateral incisors and lower second bicuspids are common areas for this condition to occur, but it can occur in any area of the mouth. In some cases, the primary tooth, if present, will be retained until the patient matures and facial bone growth is complete. At this stage, using a cone beam CT for guidance, Dr. Banks will coordinate with the dentist and orthodontist, and a plan will be formulated to remove the primary tooth and place an implant restoration in the area to replace the tooth. In all these situations, Dr. Banks will coordinate care with your orthodontist and your general dentist to ensure the optimal outcome and experience. As a Board-Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and board certified by the National Dental Board of Anesthesiology, Dr. Banks is your surgical expert in conditions of the face, mouth and jaws.

Call Dr. Banks Today! 609-488-2325 •

Kathy A. Banks, DMD

Board Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

• Bone Grafting • Dental Implants • General and Intravenous Anesthesia • Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

Specialty Lic #4070

Your Expert in the Face, Mouth & Jaws 609.488.2325

249 S. Main Street • Barnegat , NJ • 8am - 5pm Mon. - Fri.

The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021 www.TheCountyWoma

Medical Professionals


Meet Oral Surgeon, Dr. Kathy Banks conditions involving the face, mouth, teeth and Dr. Kathy Banks is considered jaws on patients of all ages. I am also trained a valued leader in her field of and licensed to provide sedation and general Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery anesthesia. I provide surgical care in my office among her peers. In 2017, she as well as in the hospital setting. Because of took the helm of the Oral and this wide scope of practice, every day presents unique challenges in patient care. This is Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation especially rewarding for me and one of the Board of Trustees, the nation’s only many reasons I love what I do. foundation strictly dedicated to funding research, innovation, and CW: What does a typical day look like for you? educational endeavors limited to Dr. Banks: There are no “typical days” but we improving patient care within the schedule surgery and consultations in the office specialty of oral and maxillofacial Monday through Friday. Most patients come to surgery. The Foundation raises our office for the special care and concern we have for our patients. I am also on-call for two funds and grants an average Kathy A. Banks, DMD hospitals, so things can be hectic at times. of $750,000 per year to worthy programs. Dr. Banks serves on CW: How has the pandemic changed many boards and continues to the way you work and your office protocols? educate herself in this constantly evolving field. Dr. Banks: As for our infection control and PPE procedures, what we already were doing superseded the official recommendations. She remains enthusiastic about continuing We added n-95 mask protection to our PPE, instituted practices education and also teaches comprehensive that would allow for social distancing; and included air purification courses for dental hygienists and assistants. systems to our units. We included temperature and travel screening Her expertise ranges from dental implant surgery, wisdom tooth removal, soft tissue and bone injuries to the facial and jaw region, and TMJ conditions and pathology. However, she says the best feature of her office is the staff. “Our friendly, competent and knowledgeable staff make our patients feel extremely comfortable upon their arrival,” she adds. They actively try and make each visit as positive as possible under the circumstances. She says, “We understand that the prospect of needing surgery often evokes unpleasant feelings of anxiety but we make every effort to try and alleviate your fears. CW: What attracted you to this line of work, specifically oral surgery? Dr. Banks: The dental specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery bridges the gap between medicine and dentistry; treating most

for staff and patients, as well as encourage vaccination.

CW: How do you calm a nervous patient? Dr. Banks: We understand the prospect of needing oral surgery can evoke unpleasant feelings of anxiety and trepidation. My well trained and friendly staff will put you or your loved one at ease, and we also offer sedation and general anesthesia for patients of all ages, in a safe and clean setting. CW: What is the most satisfying part of your job? Dr. Banks: I love every challenge that comes my way, whether it’s a frightened child needing teeth removed, or a patient in pain with a jaw or facial fracture. Sometimes our patients who need implant surgery or wisdom teeth removed can be quite anxious as well. My reward comes when my patient is happy, healthy, and healed.

249 S. Main Street •Barnegat , NJ • Specialty Lic #4070

609-488-2325 •

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021


Medical Professionals

Put Your Best Face Forward

# most experienced Oral and Dr. Kathy A. Banks is Ocean County’s Medical Professi Maxillofacial Surgeon in delivering injectable facial fillers and rejuvenation products.

Dr. Banks’ experience with Botox® began in the mid 1990’s while working with patients with various temporomandibular joint problems. “In those days, Botox® was not really given for cosmetic purposes, but to relax the tight chewing muscles to provide relief for patients with certain TMJ problems”, she says. Fast forward to the present day, with the significant advances in nonsurgical treatments for esthetic facial concerns, surgical modalities are now considered for some practitioners to be the “last resort” for treating the ageing face. Dr. Banks is part of a team of oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists who conceived and delivered a series of State Board of Dentistry approved educational courses for other practitioners on the safe and effective delivery of injectable pharmacologic agents. Dr. Banks provides Botox® treatments, as well as a whole array of Allergan® brand injectable fillers. A combination of these products can produce a lifting and smoothing appearance of the face. According to Dr. Banks, The upper facial rejuvenation procedure using Boxox® alone or in combination with Voluma XC® to correct lost volume in the maxillofacial region of the cheeks, Volbella XC® to plump the lips and reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, injections of Juvederm Ultra XC plus® to reduce the appearance of the nasolabial folds (marionette lines) around the mouth and nose are the most common services sought by patients. The newest Allergan® product, Vollure XC®, is a versatile formulation that adds subtle volume for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. According to Dr. Banks, this second generation dermal filler has truly unique qualities, making it a very effective product with results lasting about eighteen months in many patients. In addition to Botox® and the entire line up of Allergan® dermal fillers, Dr. Banks offers treatments with Kybella®, a revolutionary product for treatment of submental fullness. “This product is really amazing. It contains a powerful plant derived substance that breaks down fat cells, and they are gone for good!, she states. The treatments are given in a series of three to five sessions and the results

are permanent. “This product has completely replaced surgical liposuction in the area under the chin”, says Dr. Banks. If you look in the mirror, and see that you appear tired, or wrinkled, make an appointment with Dr. Banks to see what these products can do for you. Its summer! Time to put your best face forward!

Kathy A. Banks, DMD

Board Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

• Bone Grafting • Dental Implants • General and Intravenous Anesthesia • Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

Specialty Lic #4070

Your Expert in the Face, Mouth & Jaws 609.488.2325

249 S. Main Street • Barnegat , NJ • 8am - 5pm Mon. - Fri.

The County Woman Magazine Woman Magazine The County

September/October 2021 www.TheCountyWoman

Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Have You Had Your Annual Mammogram?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), also referred to in America as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer. NBCAM wa\s founded in 1985 as a partnership between the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries (now part of AstraZeneca, producer of several anti-breast cancer drugs). The aim of the NBCAM from the start has been to promote mammography as the most effective weapon in the fight against breast cancer. In 1993 Evelyn Lauder, Senior Corporate Vice President of the Estée Lauder Companies founded The Breast Cancer Research Foundation and established the pink ribbon as its symbol, though this was not the first time the ribbon was used to symbolize breast cancer. In the fall of 1991, the Susan G. Komen Foundation had handed out pink ribbons to participants in its New York City race for breast cancer survivors. A variety of events around the world are organized in October, including walks and runs, and the pink illumination of landmark buildings. In the United States, the National Football League promotes breast cancer awareness by incorporating pink on and off the field, and comic strip artists use pink on one day in October. (1) What are the key statistics about breast cancer? Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. About 1 in 8 (12%) women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. The American Cancer Society’s estimates for breast cancer in the United States for 2021 are: • About 281,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women. • About 49,290 new cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) will be diagnosed (DCIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer). • About 43,600 women will die from breast cancer After increasing for more than 2 decades, female breast cancer incidence rates began decreasing in 2000, then dropped by about 7% from 2002 to 2003. This large decrease was thought to be due to the decline in use of hormone therapy after menopause that occurred after the results of the Women’s Health Initiative were

published in 2002. This study linked the use of hormone therapy to an increased risk of breast cancer and heart diseases. Incidence rates have been stable in recent years. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, exceeded only by lung cancer. The chance that breast cancer will be responsible for a woman’s death is about 1 in 36 (about 3%). Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1989, with larger decreases in women younger than 50. These decreases are believed to be the result of earlier detection through screening and increased awareness, as well as improved treatment. At this time there are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. (This includes women still being treated and those who have completed treatment.) (3) How can National Breast Cancer Awareness Month make a difference? We can use this opportunity to spread the word about steps women can take to detect breast cancer early. Take action to increase awareness about breast cancer and breast cancer screenings. • Ask doctors and nurses to speak to women about the importance of getting screened for breast cancer. • Encourage women ages 40 to 49 to talk with their doctors about when to start getting mammograms. • Organize an event to talk with women ages 50 to 74 in your community about getting mammograms every 2 years. • Display posters about breast cancer screening in your organization’s break room. • Ask health professionals from your local hospital or clinic to share information about mammograms and early detection with your employees or members. • Distribute materials about breast cancer screening at a local health fair. • Partner with local women’s organizations, community groups, and senior centers to reach women ages 40 and older with important information on breast cancer screening. • Host a breast cancer walk with your organization’s members. (2) Sources: (1) Wikipedia: Awareness_Month (2) American Cancer Society: detailedguide/breast-cancer-key-statistics (3) Susan G. Komen Foundation: UnderstandingBreastCancer.html

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

FabulousFFood Fabulous ood Fabulous Food

30 54

Springing into Fresh Vegetables Foodsfor FitComfort for a Queen Crazy Food

# #

Holiday Giving – Foodie Style

eggs are runny. Put into a preheated 375 degree oven for 5 minutes to finish cooking. As we come into the spring season and (hopefully) shake off Let rest in pan for a few minutes before slicing and serving. (Leftovers are really great for the end of winter doldrums, we are starting to think more lunch the the seafood next day!) When I learned that the focus of this issue was “Girls Rule”, I immediately thought of Queen Elizabeth Both mom Drain and vegetables into a large bowl andII.mix withmy the tomatoes. Theith holidays are here! This is my favorite time of year, despite about the fresh produce that will start to pop up in our grocery the holidays approaching, and my husband were born and raised thoughts in England,naturally so the monarchy has always been a part of my life. As the longest In a food processor, combine the cottage cheese, yogurt, basil, wine andruling any the cold weather thathistory, comes with this festive season. Cold stores. While we’ve been able to get “fresh” produce all through SPRING CHICKEN Pumpkin Bread monarch in British she knows a thing or two about “ruling” and truth be told, pretty turn to food, friends and family. Here are seasoningsthe you’d like to add. Addshe’s this toathe bowl. healthy eater as well! weather leaves us comfort foods and nothing says the winter, itmost won’t becraving long until things grown more locally will For the part, shealternatives follows a low carbohydrate diet,comfort and loves2fresh fish and as well asbowl chocolate and a nightcap! cups flour Add the pasta andmangos, mozzarella cheese to the and mix everything together some healthy to the abundance of of AND BARLEY like a great casserole followed by cookies and maybe even a cup start Missing to be available. about Can’t those serve wonderful greens and from her (Think diet? Garlic. it to her - ever. Perhaps her love of simple foods has attributed to her longevity. thoroughly. Transfer to a 2 ½ qt casserole dish that has been lightly sprayed. 2 tsp cinnamon cookies that areCasseroles always around this time of year. Better hotasparagus!) chocolate! are notorious forhave being heavy, but small Jersey That means that you’ll the chance to eat Sprinkle parmesan cheese over top and bake, skillet uncovered, for 20-30high minutes - sauce: Serves 4oilthe SOUP baking soda You don’t have toand live like a queenfor to eat like one. As a as Personal Chef, my focus 1 tsp To make the Heat in large nonstick over medium heat. Add options for can you great gift-giving well! changes make them lighter and healthier while still providing Barley is paired with fresh spring until hot and bubbly. meals prepared with lots of fresh items that haven’t had to travel has always been on healthy eating and meeting the dietary needs of each client. As a onion; sautébaking 7 minutes, stirring frequently. Add mango, tomato, ginger and garlic; 1/4 tsp powder the comfort that we crave at thisHere time of year. vegetables and chicken in this Certified Personal Chef and ofplate. Cutting Board Creations, I take that care of cook minutes. Healthy Apple Walnut Muffins – Makes long distances to get toallowner your are a12fewLLC, dishes 1/2 5tsp salt Stir in remaining ingredients; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and Chef Steph with Cutting Board Creations is happy to prepare these and other FAT GINGER WHITE CHOCOLATE CHUNK all the menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and clean up of simmer 20 minutes. tasty soup. Again, feel free to mix 2 cups flour might inspire you.meals Don’t have the timedemands orpackaging the desire to do allyour this LOW 1 1/2cups delicious, healthy justsmells for you when your schedule prevent meals, leaving a kitchen that great andthe a refrigeratoroffull of delicious dinners. up Preheat ovensugar to based 400 degrees. the vegetables on yourBake fish, uncovered, for 12-15 minutes or until fish 1 tsp baking soda yourself? Contact Chef Steph Creations and COOKIES – About 30a fork. Top fish with sauce. you being toindoyour so. Stephanie professionally trained the Culinary 3/4 cup vegetable oil All thefrom cooking isable done home,with andwas I Cutting bring all theBoard supplies andatequipment flakes easily when with preferences. Don’ttested like barley? Use So cookies aren’t necessarily healthy, but in this recipe apple butter replaces 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon she’ll do to allAcademy, the work for you.Personal Simply heat and needed prepare your customized witheat! me. Meals ready Business is apre-approved, Certified Chef, amenu Certified Food Safetyare Manager, 3 large eggs rice, pasta or farro instead, just butter provides another layer of flavor to a spice cookie that tastes so heat and eatforwithin minutes. As a certified SafetyFor Manager, I follow strict 1/4 totsp ground ginger and Finalist the USPCA Personal Chef ofFood the Year. more information FLOURLESS 1 tspand vanilla adjust the cooking time appropriately. guidelines for food safety and sanitation with your health and safety being of utmost wonderful this time of year. on our services or Gift Certificates, references, and fees, contact Cutting Board VEGETABLE 1/4 tsp ground allspice •3cups 1 tablespoon cups shreddedolive freshoil pumpkin CHOCOLATE importance. Using a Personal Chef won’t break the royal bank either – add up what 2 flour Creations, LLCnutmeg today. 1/4 you tsp ground • 1/2 cup onion, finely cup toasted pumpkin seeds spend on meals out or to go as well as the groceries you purchased with the best FRITTATA 21tsp baking soda CHAI CAKE 1/4 intentions, tspI salt ended of up throwing 1/2chopped tsp salt wishbuteach you a away. wonderful– Serves holiday4-6season and oven to 350 degrees. Prepare pans. This recipe will make one 8Preheat Servings 1–• T ground ginger 2 eggs 1/2 cup celery, finely chopped Breakfast for dinner? Yup! In ½ cup strongly brewed large loaf, or you can make multiple smaller ones. the very best for the coming year. 2 tsp ground cinnamon ROASTED FISH 1 cup plus 2 T apple juice • Masala 2 garlic clove this dish a colorful selection of Chai Tea Sift flour, cinnamon, 1/2 tspthe ground cloves baking soda, baking powder and salt together. • 6 cups chicken low-fat, reduced vegetables pair with protein rich concentrate, frozen and thawed ¾ cup sugar FILLETS WITH In atsp separate bowl, mixbroth, the sugar, vegetable oil, eggssodium and vanilla. 1/4 ground mace SHRIMP AND SCALLOPS WITH PASTA – Serves 4-6 18 oz bittersweet eggs for a hearty meal. Add a salad, • 12 ounce chicken breast, boneless, skinless, cut into 2/3 cup buttermilk Combine both mixtures and fold in the shredded pumpkin and pumpkin 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg A low-fat pasta MANGO dish studded with seafood and vegetables and lotsorofbrown flavor.rice CHUNKY chocolate, chopped or perhaps a quinoa cubes 3/4 cupWhen appleallbutter seeds. are incorporated, pour into pans. 2 T oat 3/4 bran cup chicken broth, low sodium or1/3 chips side, and you are ready to go! Feel 1/2 cup brown sugar • cup pearl barley Bake one large loaf for 30 minutes or until cooked throughout. (Smaller GINGER SAUCE 1/2 cup onion, chopped 2 small Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and chopped 1 large cup butter, cut into free to mix up the vegetables based on what you like and what’s available. Just make 1 egg • 1 15 oz. diced tomatoes loaves will take less time, so check!) Cool for 15 minutes in the pan. Serves 4 1/2 cup red bell pepper, chopped 1/3 cup walnuts, chopped 1T portions 1/4 cup molasses sure 4to26cut into pieces of a similar size so that they all cook consistently. oz.them firm white fish garlic cloves, minced • 1 cup(s) asparagus trimmed and diagonally Remove and put loaf on a cooling rack to cool completely. sliced 1/4 inch eggsvanilla extract Granny Smith apple, peeled cored and cut into 12 thin 16 tsp 8fillets, oz fresh suchscallops, as Red cut in half if •1 small 2T butter • 1cup cupsugar peas(get a coarse grain such as demerara) 1/3 forlarge garnish too Snapper or Mahi Mahi as atogift? Wrap tightly and put into a pretty basket or box. •slices, 1 onion, chopped •Giving Preheat ovenfresh 300 basil degrees (F). Grease a 10-inch round cake pan. 1/2 cup leaf - torn 1 cup white chocolate chips or chunks 8tablespoon(s) oz shrimp, shelled deveined olive oilandsliced with small decorative plates and a pretty knife. If this is for completely a coffee •Give Combine tea and sugar in a small saucepan. Heat, stirring, until sugar • Preheat 11small zucchini, thinly oven to 375 degrees. Prepare muffin pan by spraying or lining with 1 tablespoon zest Preheat oven to 350 orange degrees. Line 2 pans with parchment paper.Microwave at 50% romared tomatoes, 22cup(s) onion seeded and chopped dissolves. In a microwave safe bowl, combine chocolate and butter. lover, why not give with coffee and coffee mugs. papers. •12 1muffin cup mushroom, sliced Heat oil inthelarge saucepan over medium heat;cinnamon, add onion and celery and 1/2 cup cottage(you cheese, finely chopped can lowfat Combine flour, baking soda, ginger, andcook, stirring, power until melted, stirring every 45salt, seconds. Be careful withcloves, timingmace as chocolate together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg and • Mix 1 large red bell pepper, diced until beginning to soften, 2-4 minutes. Grate or finely chop 1 clove garlic; add to the pan 1/2 cup plain Greek lowfat substitute shallots foryogurt, a nutmeg; heated inset theaside. microwave can burn very quickly. salt in a medium bowl. and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add broth, chicken and • 1 cup asparagus, cut into small pieces 1/4 cup fresh basil, slivered lighter flavor) butter and sugarbeat until Addteaininto the the egg,melted molasses andbarley; vanilla,bring Beat Withthe an apple electric mixer, slowly thefluffy. sugared chocolate together eggs,dried apple juice and buttermilk in a large bowl. Stir the flour to a gentle simmer. Cover and cook over lowGive heat until chicken through and T dry white wine cup(s) mango peeled and cubed • Mix ¼22tsp thyme, thetheGift of isacooked Personal beating mixture.well. Add the eggs, one at a time while mixing. barley is tender. This may take up to 30 minutes depending on the type of barley mixture into the egg mixture until the dry ingredients are just moistened, 3 cups pasta, cooked and drained (whole grain or high fiber 1 cup(s) Roma tomato chopped • 6-8 large eggs, lightly beaten (you can also use egg Stir Pourinthe prepared place thethe pan in aand larger andtofillevenly the largeryou are thebatter flour into mixture until pan. mixed. Add chips stirpan again Chef this holiday season! pasta,toornot Gluten free) 3 tablespoon(s) ginger root minced using. being careful overmix. Gently stir in the diced apples and nuts. pan with water to half up the round pan’s sides. Be careful not to splash water into the substitute or a mixture of eggs and egg whites, as desired) distribute. cup mozzarella cheese, lowfat, shredded 21/2 tablespoon(s) garlic minced (not for the queen!) When the barley is done, add the tomatoes and gift juice, asparagus and peas. Return to Our areon Spoon batter into the prepared pans, filling cups about 2/3 full. Garnish cake batter. Shape into 1-inch balls and roll in the sugar to lightlycertificates coat. Place the balls • 21/2 T parmesan cheese lime juice fresh 2 Tcup(s) parmesan, grated simmer. Cover and cook over low heat until the asparagus is tender - 5 minutes.


with an apple slice. Bake pans nestled together in preheated oven fora45 minutes. Chill the cake always welcome surprise cookieboth sheet, leaving about 2 inches between. Melt T butter in a large, oven safe, nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add vegetables the 1/41Preheat cup(s) orange juice the oven to 350 degrees. Coarsely the remaining garlicUnmold clove. Gather basil, orange zest garlic in the pan forchop 6-8 hours or overnight. the cake by dipping the and bottom of and the Bake until lightly golden and cooked through, about 25 minutes. Transfer and thyme. Cook,dry stirring occasionally, for 8-10 minutes, or until the vegetables are Bake for 8-10 minutes or until browned. Let on panaforunique a few minutes andcool giftServe too. 1/4 In cup(s) sherry a large saucepan over medium heat, add the broth, onion, pepper and garlic cold pan over in hot water for 15 seconds, then invert themake pan onto a serving tray. sprinkle soup. to a wire rack to cool completely. cooked through. before transferring to a rack to cool completely. 3and tablespoon(s) brownuncovered. sugar Add the scallops and shrimp, stir and cook immediately or cover and refrigerate the remainder. cook for 3 minutes, In3atablespoon(s) medium bowl, combine the eggs and cheese. Set aside. white vinegar 2 minutes more or until the shrimp and scallops are just barely cooked through. Giving a gift? muffins a pretty lined with a cloth Melt theas remaining 1 TPlace of butter in theinskillet with basket the vegetables, turning to coat the For more information, call 609-841-8567 napkin. Tie cinnamon sticks around a decorative spoon and include a jar of vegetables thoroughly. Turn the heat on the pan down to low. Pour the egg mixture over Visit For more information, call 609-841-8567 or For more information, call 609-841-8567 or or visit preserves. visit the vegetables and cook without stirring, for 10-15 minutes or until only the top of the

Stephanie Hopkins

Cutting Board


Certified Personal Chef

(609) 841-8567 LLC

Personal Chef Service

“In your kitchen for a dayYour dinner worries melt away!”

Celebrating 16 YYears Celebrating 18 of 13 Celebrating Years of Celebrating12 15 Years ears of Delighting our Clients! Delighting Our Clients! Delightingour ourClients! Clients! Delighting

Stephanie was professionally Steph with Cutting Board Chef Stephanie was Stephanie was trained at the Culinary Business Creations is happy to prepare these professionally trained at the professionally trained at the and Academy, other delicious, healthy meals is a Certified Culinary Business Academy, Culinary Business Academy, just for you when theademands Personal Chef, Certifiedof Food is schedule a Certified Personal Chef, is a Certified Personal Chef, your prevent you from Safety Manager, and Finalist Certified Food Safety aa Certified Food Safety being do so. Personal Stephanie forable the to USPCA Chef Manager, and Finalist for the was professionally trained at the Manager, and Finalist for the of the Year in 2012 and 2013. USPCA Personal Chef Culinary Business Academy, is of a the USPCA Personal Chef of Services are provided on the a first Certified Personal Chef, a Certified Year in 2012 and 2013. Year. Forfirst more information come, served basis and FoodFor Safety Manager, and Finalist more information there are no contracts –ofever! onthe our services or Gift for USPCA Personal Chef on our services or Gift For more information on our Certificates, references, and the Year. For more information on Certificates, references, and services or Gift Certificates, our services or GiftCutting Certificates, fees, contact Board fees, contact Cutting references, and fees, references, and fees, contact Board Creations, LLC today. Stephanie Hopkins Stephanie Hopkins Creations, LLC today! BoardCutting Creations, LLC today. contact Board Stephanie StephanieHopkins Hopkins Cutting Certified Personal Chef Certified Personal Chef Certified CertifiedPersonal PersonalChef Chef Creations, LLC today. The Woman Magazine Magazine TheCounty County Woman Magazine

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September/October 2021

Fashion & Beauty


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Men’s Clothes

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021


“Create Lasting Memories” River Cruising: An Extraordinary “Create Lasting Memories” Travel Taking With A Packing More fun, more memories! PartIt of raising a family You: is making memories that

55 63

33 Experience Primer

your children will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. Today’s opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical to travel as a family are as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve iver cruising may bebooked the hottest cruising tion. From warm paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river A sample of some withRomantic your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. experience. cruises have been operating for decades.


Professional andand you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with ready to pack your , each with its own personality, special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: Cruise lines upped their with expanded

 Six Hawaiian Islands

Honeymoon Planning  Greece TSTARRING THE “KIDS” 56 FAMILY VACATIONS ROMANCE TRAVEL 2021 63 55 T

suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices

amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places Now big ocean-going question is: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you take ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained for wonderful dining has Ocean views 70 T ravel with If you’re cruisingchef in the Caribbean 00 T ravel riverboats with focus onevery current themes. from room, WithWatersports so many new including fees and diving and waterskiing, a game room and the Ceebee Kids

restrictions the airlines have to a• turquoise The beach beautiful leading Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruisingClub. destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain ravel villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. imposed for baggage, you will have to consider leaving your entire closet River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the local for wet suits. at home from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, ravel ravel experience without the long tour bus rides. From April’s • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at the and other airlines let you board first “Create if you have noLasting carry-on bags.Memories” So was what created to be the ultimate get ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds Memories” of “Create Lasting ports or resorts. are the essentials to pack? Moreisfun, more memories! Part of raising aThe family is making memories that beaches together getaway, where everything Included and unlimited. protected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers A few years from now what Here isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that your children will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, forever. , with beautiful beaches and great A family vacation is part of those memories. (rated theand best in the Caribbean by Travel & Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving will rememberof is the total of canals, which span thousands of miles of Continental youExamples some the best opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical might help with the process. Today’s to travel as a family are as wide open as your imaginaYou’ve booked your restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT iver cruising be the hottest cruising (for certified divers).connecting North waterways, Seaparadise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. to Black Sea. may tion. From warm beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offersLine a new Themes: River Cruise awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river the things you forgot to pack. A sample of some Romantic destinations will let you next escape. BEACHES resorts are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers anddream surf of your For a week in the River Caribbean: A Europe Cruiseexperience. is one of the best ways we with your Travel • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with • Add a few more tee shirts and another pair of shorts , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing

RiverTaking Cruising: An You: Extraordinary It With A Packing Experience Primer  Barbados

R  Italy

cruises have been operating for decades. *Remember, your Vagabond* Professional andand you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street andwith the XBOXoffers play Viking cruise guests • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Virtuoso Professional ready to pack your Travel  Six Hawaiian Islands , enjoy: each with Abby” its can own personality, where in a private chapel in Florence’s counspecial activities and amenities that the entire family will Cruise lines have upped theirsuitcase. game with expanded (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour and to one of the world’s most acclaimed golf destinations, Pebble Beach, assist you in planning a vacation surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices The real beauty behind a great honeymoon, is to places amenities and intriguing itineraries ocean-going tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. Now the big question is: 2 cover-ups are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. the charming cottages nearby inland to It•choosing will be a great family vacation memory. with the mostfamous value andof added of the house. BLUFF, ANTIGUA feelsCarmel-by-the-Sea. both country-club and Then cozy atventure the same a destination that fitsvessels your as can’tpersonality reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you take Sonoma further north to “Austrian Napa for fine dining and wine-tasting with sleeves forendless evenings dining onocean the beach 1 mega-ships Pareo) touches to make your experience aforValley cruisers off&the andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort anand Alain Ducasse-trained wonderful dining has Ocean views •with Avalon Waterways Highlights” from with a(1couple. With options, the couple would If you’re cruisingchef in the Caribbean riverboats with focus on current themes. experiences. from every room, a game room and the Ceebee Kids memorable one.•diving WithWatersports so many new including fees and • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops AddMunich aand fewwaterskiing, more tee shirts and another of shorts Vienna to highlighting apair Beer theme. families Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing benefit from the extensive knowledge of Club. working ships were built with in A deluxe family Ocean view restrictions themind. airlines have The beach is beautiful leading to a turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruising destinations, like a 12-day Bordeaux , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication to our clients during after everybags vacation • Lightweight sweater,before, rain poncho, and and zippered plastic • 2 shorts and 2 tees Costa Rica imposed for baggage, you will have tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet • Tauck offers riverfor cruises with its Tauck with a Travel Professional, especially with all the River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the local for wetfamily suits. stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide kids makes a world of difference. at enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches home from now on.without Some airlines are charging carry-on now, for luxury ecotourism, Costa Rica is known for its Pura Vida From Abags haven • 3 sundresses experience the long tourof busforrides. April’s •program, Whatever you forget you can purchase on cooking board or at the Bridges including family changing protocols in past year and half. Some and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags. So what created ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS was to be the ultimate getalong both the Atlantic and Pacific, with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. lifestyle. Featuring stunning beaches tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers ports or resorts. warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler areand the essentials to pack? lessons. the top Honeymoon destinations our professionals together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. The white sand beaches Enjoy Your Travel Experience. riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Aprotected few years from now what Costa Rica is also home to multiple active volcanoes (Arenal, Poas and Here is a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! (rated the best in the Caribbean by Travel & Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving you will remember is the total and canals, which span thousands of miles of Continental Examples of some the best suggest are: might help with the process. Tenorio). Romantic activities, such asof mineral volcanic There are several brand new River cruisemassages, lines surf classes restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your Virtuoso vacation, NOT Advisor • Sunglasses (for to certified divers).connecting North Sea to BlackYour with special highlights for the kids enjoy. waterways, Sea. Vagabond Travel River Cruise Line Themes: and luxurious tented accommodations to sleep under the stars. For a full the things you forgot to pack.and Islands are about Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers surf entering the market such as through Emerald Waterways ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: •Hawaiian Packable sun and foldable beach bag hat A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, A Europe Cruisechildren. is one of the bestFor ways we • Viking River Cruises, partnership with known for over 25 years, *Remember, your Vagabond* Pura Vida experience, ask your travel professional for a property Hawaii has consistently kept its place among the best honeymoon simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise andresorts, Scenic cruises to fill can the demand. Eachguests line Virtuoso Travel Professional The gocarry-on on towith Mexican all-inclusive exciting travel to areas • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home)  Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s counand her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and open-air suites facing the rainforest. (put a1 cultural in your so you can goand right to the beach) Carole Kaiman are so popular children families. 19access. Specialty restaurants dining provide great choices. villages that traditional big ships usually can’t destinations for couples. The islands lounges offer and sensory experience days inchildren’s England Countryside, and special tour assist 3 you inand planning a vacation tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the and an evening 2Africa cover-ups It•will be a great vacation memory. withsummer the mostfamous valuevacation) andhouse. added for families, tours (Perfect for of the to help you realize your romantic dreams. unlike anything elsepurse in the US. South Just don’t forget thefamily pua (flower)Alaska on your left Vagabond Travel (1 with sleeves for evenings dining on the beach & 1next Pareo) touches to make your experience a generation Space-Ships. • Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” from Vagabond Travel’s affiliation with Virtuoso, Must Haves: ear—since it signifies you’re taken. and •fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. memorable Munich highlighting a Beer theme. Yoga pants and 2 tank tops Vienna ✿ DISNEY CRUISE were built with families A deluxe family Ocean view • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection at SPF) ships the world’s leading of luxury travel It’s a great new cruising experience! *Check outin mind. Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication toconsortia our clients before, during and after every vacation •Mid-Coast 2(with shorts andleast 2 tees 30 Napa, Sonoma and California • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist makes a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses • Facial and body moisturizer companies, allows us toat unlock incredible value, Bridges program, including family cooking Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, at Vagabond A morning drive in Big Sur along with Highway 1onoffers unparalleled views Contact Carole Kaiman Vagabond Travel no fear deck, or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. • SHOES: Flip flops, flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler lessons. •ofMake up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, amenities, and upgrades, at our partner properties Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, awith Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! Enjoy Your TravelorExperience. for our Digital Magazine the rugged California coast with amazing Redwoods framed the cruises Disney destinations vary fromagainst Caribbean Disney’s own private island cruising Europe • Pashmina Virtuoso Agency for latest information and Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. There aretravel several brand new Advisor River cruise lines hair conditioner shampoo thatsome addamazing the WoW factor. roaring Pacific. A fewand hours north you’ll come across 17for Mile home and • Sunglasses with special highlights the Drive, kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso ideas.


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September/October 2021 November/December 2016 May/June 2014 2014 November/December

Pet Services


The Power Of Pets 70 A Farm Girl “Unconditional Love”

W ritten by Matt Reeves One of the best places in the world to learn the meaning of

“unconditional love” is the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary inOne thing Laurie never noticed (at first) were the girls Never underestimate the power of girl, Mays Landing, NJ. who looked up to her as a their

especially a farm girl! role model. Some girls would If you’ve ever had a pet, you have a pretty good idea how much they love you and get

turn their Barbies into “Funny excited when you come home and how sad they are when you leave. Those are the lucky ones. Girl Power comes from incredible role models. Everyone is inspired by someone and those Farm Barbies” and they’d have an Not all animals are so lucky to have someone love them. peopleThe are also inspired by someone. It’s common that we look for role models that are a lot entire farm of little animals they animals at the Funny Farm Rescue are the exceptions. They have thousands like us or what we someday hope to become. A beginning musician may look up to a very of people each year who come to visit and give them the love they need. Most animals named after the real animals of the Funny Farm. successful or super-talented musician evensituations. if they haveMany neverwere met them in person. Roleinjured, models or Once Laurie learned she was a role model, she did exactly as she always did, nothing come to the farm from very difficult disabled, abused, give us motivation, encouragement, hope, and dreams. unwanted. Some people simply didn’t make arrangements for their pets after they were different. People all around the world fell in love with her because she is real. She cheered when gone Laurie is a role model for women girlsscary around world. life andsweet storyanimals are and Zaleski the animals had nowhere to go.and How thatthemust be Her for these an animal’s life was saved and would cry when one passed on and she shared those emotions that gave their owners so much love. simply amazing. People everywhere are taking notice at her accomplishments despite her facing with the world. Onechallenges exampleinisher a nameless little and22, white babyher goat with called, a broken leg. At less On one occasion, someone dumped 21 cats just outside the front gate. Laurie was so upset, immense life. In fact, on black February of 2022, memoir “Funny than a month old, he was injured and was in a lot of pain. His future was dark. ashe took to social media live video and told the world in no uncertain terms, that animals Farm, My Unexpected Life With 600 Rescue Animals” will be released around the globe Through by St. ts series of miracles, Laurie Zaleski, the Founder of the Funny Farm Rescue, found out about Martin’s Press. Laurie’s genuine nature and sense of humor is refreshing in this sometimes crazy should not be discarded and treated this way! this little goat’s situation didn’t anyexpectations! time rescuing him. world. Pre-sale numbers haveand already farwaste exceeded Little did she know that thousands of people around the world watched and became We made a custom splint to stabilize his leg because he couldn’t stand on it at all. He You see, Laurie’s life is extraordinary. Not only did she build one of the largest animal emotionally attached to Laurie’s frustrations, and addicted to her as a pillar of strength. People needed food and water brought to his mouth while he lay in a new warm bed made just for rescues in the northeast from literally nothing, she faced many obstacles along the way him. Farley the Farm Manager, a 1-year-old Australian Shepard, took him under his wingsent in donations to help cover the astronomical costs of fixing and getting 21 cats the food and y in including theofclosest people in her life telling her she’s crazy. Her mother rescued her vet care they so desperately needed. The world rallied around her. This was just one experience. and gave some him aoflot love and attention. from aThe terrible situation and raised her and her 3 siblings alone in the woods. She has always get little goat was black and white and looked so much like a cow that he earned theRunning a large animal rescue, there are experiences and challenges every day. y ones. loved mainly duethe to the example of her mother whoveterinarians, was an amazingZaleski role model nameanimals, “Cowboy.” Over next few days, and visitsAnne, to many took Laurie Zaleski is a woman with such selfherself. Laurie and her to him to the University of Pennsylvania, where they had the best equipment. Several determination, charisma, compassion, and love. She’s thousands of dollars were spent trying to save his leg from possible nerve damage and mother loved all animals, an incredible woman who knows how to clear her ls amputation. especially those who had mind, focus, and eliminate toxic people from her life. ess He lived in the house so he could be cared for properly and received much little or no hope. Come to the Funny Farm any Sunday or Tuesday ha socialization with other animals and people. And because of this interaction, he has no idea he’s a goat, 8-4pm year round and you’ll out he thinks he’s a dog! He notice that a huge majority of the for Seven months later, not only has Cowboy’s leg healed, he has captured the hearts of people all over ng volunteers are girls! the globe!! He makes everyone laugh and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations the Never underestimate the power Inspector.” When visitors come and donate food for the animals, they barely have time to get out of of a woman, especially when her their cars when they discover Cowboy is already inside their car! He has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make you laugh and has name is Laurie Zaleski of the Funny dea he’s a goat, an unlimited supply of kisses! Everyone is his friend! Somehow he knows what was done for him and he Farm Rescue & Sanctuary in Mays f people all over Landing, NJ. If you think you can’t appreciates his life now. “Donations to get out of The unconditional love that comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that comes from anlook animal that and do something, at Laurie ou laugh and has was once in distress is nothing short of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & again! Sanctuary are waiting think There is almost always e for him and he to meet you and your family!! Coming to the Farm is easy but leaving your new furry friends is very difficult. a way to accomplish whatever you tional love that comes from an animal that life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, unny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary All are waiting want to accomplish! Never give up! iends is very difficult. the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget. ect it, in nearly all cases,


Photos by Matt Reeves and Laurie Zaleski Follow on Facebook: “Funny Rescue” The Funny Farm Rescue is openusSundays and Tuesdays fromFarm 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Follow us on Facebook: The Funny Farm Rescue is open Sundays and Tuesdays from 8am-4pm at Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. “Funny Farm Rescue” There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see 6908 us! us on Facebook: to: Funny Farm There Rescue • 6908is RailRoad Mays Landing, NJ 08330. noBlvd., admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us!Follow For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: “Funny ________________________________________ For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Laurie at: laurie@funnyfarmrescue.orgFarm Rescue” Gift Amount:

ailroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. itions. Come see us! :


To donate to the_____________ Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

_ Zip:___________________________________

________________________________________ r generous donation!

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ March/April 2017

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation! The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

March/April 2021 2017 September/October



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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Women Of Atlantic County


Dr. Payal Patel

Eve Cortes Go Feet

Dr. Payal Patel is a New Jersey native and is very excited to join the private practice of Go Feet Podiatry, where she will be welcoming patients at office locations in Hammonton, Mays Landing, and Linwood. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts from Temple University in biology and completed her podiatric medical degree at Temple University. She has completed her three-year surgical residency at Virtua Health in South Jersey. Dr. Patel is board qualified with the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. She treats all ailments of the foot and ankle including simple and complex deformities, conservative and surgical intervention of traumatic injuries, forefoot and rearfoot reconstruction, minimally invasive surgery, ankle arthroscopy, diabetic limb salvage, wound care, and sports medicine. Dr. Patel has attended multiple conferences and workshops to keep her skills cutting edge. Dr. Patel enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling and interior designing. For more information, call 609-704-9001.

Laurie Zaleski

Crossroad For Angels Ms. Eve Cortes is an American Philanthropist, Captivating Speaker and Business-woman born in Isabella Puerto Rico. Ms. Cortes immigrated to the U.S. mainland from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico at the age of 5. Since a very young age her parents instilled within her the importance of faith and doing the right thing. Early in her younger years she had an experience which would change her life forever. Ms. Cortes was subjected to sexual abuse by her brother and shortly after she told her brother she was going to disclose what he had done, he committed suicide at the age of 16, The emotional scars that were imprinted upon Ms. Cortes at a young age left her questioning what and why things had occurred in the way they had. She not only had to deal with the trauma of being sexually abused as a child but also had to grieve the loss of her older brother. The agony of her life experiences with her brother and her very public recantment of her story sent shockwaves throughout the family who had supported her however did not want to make public the ordeal. In 2014 Ms. Cortes after establishing herself as a successful entrepreneur owning and operating several tax offices and serving as a highly successful bilingual business woman she decided to start a foundation dedicated towards bringing awareness to children that were victims of sexual abuse named Crossroad for Angels. Since then Crossroad for Angels has cemented itself as a pillar of hope for the hopeless and a voice for all children and the adult survivors who have deep seated wounds and scars. Ms. Cortes has developed quite a reputation and caring for others is at the core of everything she does. Ms. Cortes lives in South Jersey with her children and is involved in charity work and is currently a Realtor associate as well as Ordained Minister, in her downtime Ms. Cortes enjoys reading, spending time with family and friends and walking on the seashore while looking at picturesque views of the sunset.

Gina M. Peccia, MA, LPC Funny Farm

A Mindful Renewal

A truly remarkable, accomplished, self-determined, and inspirational woman living in Southern New Jersey is Laurie Zaleski. Not only does she have an endless positive energy, when you think about all she has accomplished, and how many animals she’s saved, you can’t help but wonder how does she do it all? Rising out of the ashes of a crumbled family because of an abusive father, with nothing to her name, and losing her mother at such a young age due to cancer, Laurie built one of the largest animal rescues in the Northeast. Tell her she can’t do something and she will prove you wrong every time. She has dedicated her life to helping those who can’t help themselves. She finds homes for those who desperately need them. She feeds animals and provides plenty of love to those who once never knew love. Not only does she have over 600 rescue animals and a team of volunteers, Laurie created Art-Z Graphics, a successful graphic design, photography and multimedia company that contracts with the Federal Government. Laurie proves to women everywhere that the only real limits are those you place on yourself.

As a Certified Mindful Coach, Gina Peccia is practicing her lifelong passion: helping others in their time of need. With over 15 years of experience as a therapist working in the community mental health field, she is a wonderful example of staying true to yourself. However, before realizing where her true passion lied, she worked at a global pharmaceutical company and was an Executive Assistant to the Director of Marketing. She soon realized this was not her calling so she listened to her heart and went back to graduate school to become a therapist. After graduating, she worked in a traumatic brain injury program for adults and their families. She held a myriad of different titles in the field and finally decided to venture out to form her own private practice. Since 2012, she has been practicing independently and working with adolescents and adults suffering from mental health disorders, relationship issues, and stressors interfering with their contentment with life. Most recently, she became trained as a Certified Mindful Coach with a center in California. Learning from a Master Coach was a wonderful experience and she is now able to use what she learned to help others achieve their goals and gain balance in their own lives. She says, “Throughout all my roles, I believe in the value of mindfulness to bring peace and a sense of well-being to our daily lives.” For more information, call 609-204-9940 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Women Of Atlantic County


Denise Raymond, RN

Briana Bee Director, Enlightened Farm, The Hansen Foundation

Director of Nursing at Journey Hospice

Briana is the Director of Enlightened Farm and leads horticulture programs for clients of Enlightened Solutions, a substance use disorder (SUD) treatment center, and residents of Serenity Houses, SUD recovery housing. After receiving her BA in Political Science and Public Health from The Catholic University of America, Briana moved to Washington State and joined a social justice community where she worked with at risk populations to improve health disparities. Briana tragically lost her brother Matthew to addiction in 2017 and shortly thereafter returned home to join The Hansen Foundation. She loves fostering the healing relationship between people and nature. She is Vice President of C.R.O.P.S., a local non-profit working towards a more accessible and equitable food system. She is also team facilitator for the Food Democracy Collaborative (FDC), a think-tank that works with NJ universities and colleges that improve the food system in our state. Briana also leads the Young Adult Initiative for AC Pride, a program and outreach organization for LGBTQ Pride Month.

Denise has been with Journey Hospice since 2019 and is currently the Director of Nursing. She has over 27 years of experience in healthcare in Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland Counties. Denise began her career with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Stockton State College. Shortly after, she decided to pursue nursing. She’s grown from a Licensed Practical Nurse to a Registered Nurse and is currently in school to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. For most of her career she has worked as a Certified Assisted Living Administrator, in both local and regional positions, and also in admissions and marketing. Denise brings a vast amount of experience as a liaison in mental health, hospice and long term care to Journey. As a Certified Dementia Practitioner with a passion for working with Alzheimer’s patients she believes she has a calling to work in hospice. Her personal experience with her own grandfather on hospice has led her to help patients and their loved ones find peace and comfort as they approach end of life. When not working, Denise enjoys spending time with her husband, their four daughters and their grandson in Cape May County. Contact Denise at or 609-864-5282. Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Shannon Brown

Dr. Mukti Rana CASA of Ocean County

Tallwoods Care Center

Shannon Brown is a realtor at Clayton & Clayton Relators in Bay Head and is happily married to her high school sweetheart, Scott Brown. They have two sons, ages six and two, which is a large part of the reason that Shannon was drawn to CASA. Shannon expressed feeling helpless knowing there were children out there that needed the stability and love that her children were able to receive. Shannon said, “The children CASA advocate for have been through so much in their lives and had a level of inconsistency that no child should. It is truly fulfilling when the child realized they can trust their CASA after seeing them consistently showing up with a smile. I look at it as a privilege to be able to be a part of their lives as well as a huge responsibility to report my findings to the court.” Last year, Shannon had the opportunity to see her CASA child be adopted by a loving family and has already begun advocating for another family. Shannon works tirelessly advocating for her CASA children and is a great role model for other CASA volunteers as well as women in general.

Dr. Mukti Rana is a pediatrician specializing in the treatment and care of patient’s ages newborn to 21. She offers comprehensive school, daycare, & sports physicals as well as management & treatment of acute and chronic medical conditions. She is board-certified with the American Board of Pediatrics as well as Subboard of Pediatric Infectious Disease. Since completing her postdoctoral training in 1997, Dr. Rana has been a fixture in the Pediatric community, she is married to Dr. Satyendra Singh, a board-certified internist who has been practicing for 25 years in Lakewood, NJ & has two beautiful children. Currently working in Jackson at Hackensack Meridian Medical Group-Pediatric Dr. Rana is affiliated with Jersey Shore Medical University Medica Center in Neptune, NJ. Dr. Rana is fluent in English, Hindi, & Gurjarati, please call (732) 363-1424 if you would like to make an appointment for your child or children.

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

September/October 2021

Women’s History

Time Magazine. Retrieved on August 4, 2021


For the Girls – The 2020 Olympics As the summer schedules have come to an end so have the summer Olympics. This year was an incredible jammed pack line up of sporting events that no doubt was completely memorizing. The female athletes in this year’s Olympics ranged in age from 13 to 46. Sky Brown made history as not only the second youngest competing in the Olympic games but as the youngest medalist from Britain who received her place on the podium with a Bronze medal. Then there is the almighty powerful 46 year old Oksana Chusovitina a gymnast who has been competing in the Olympics since 1992 and has 8 Olympic games to add to her curriculum vitae. If that is not enough Oksana is also a single mother. These are just the tip of the iceberg of the high level female athletes who have competed throughout the summer Olympics. There were even female athletes who were pregnant participating in the Olympic games, When you stop and think about it, how amazing will that be when you can tell your child that, yes you competed at the Olympics before birth!!! However, what stood out the most for me was the incredible display of professionalism and compassion that the USA gymnastics team displayed to their friend and fellow teammate. The Olympics for some are a “once in a lifetime” chance to represent not only your country but to be a part of a selection process of what is considered the best of the best in your sport. It is an honor and a privilege to be recognized for the hard work, commitment and sacrifice that is made to be a high level athlete. The mental attitude and preparation is like no other (no I have never been and never will be a high level athlete) but I understand that if your mindset is compromised regardless of your profession, so is your performance.

Please allow me to set the stage, the USA Olympic gymnastics team that was comprised of four female athletes with two individuals who are not considered part of the team for overall scoring but travel, compete and represent USA. The team line up initially consisted of 24 year old Simone Biles who is considered to be the greatest gymnast of all time which places her as the most decorated gymnast on the team. Then there is 18 year old Sunisa Lee who is known for her talent and athleticism on the uneven bars as well as her perfect presentation and consistent extraordinary talent across all the gymnastic exercises. Next up is 18 year old Joran Chiles who is known for her “consistency” has proven herself a strong athlete. Rounding out the team, Grace McCallum, at 18 is considered a “hard core” competitor who had broken her hand in January during a competition that required surgery and made a comeback to qualify on the team. She is known for her talent on the balance beam making it look easy as she leaps, backflips and does handstands on a thin beam in which most of us could probably not even stand on. The last two gymnasts remaining slated to compete as individuals in the Olympics were MyKayla Skinner who at the age of 24 initially was unable to qualify for final competition on the vault and Jade Carey, 21 who earned individual medals throughout the competition. There is obviously so much incredible talent navigating not only the pressure to perform to “perfection” but let’s not forget the world is still under the control of Covid-19 and according to new reports Tokyo was considered to be in a state of emergency as reported by Annie Goldsmith writing for Town and County on August 2, 2021. All of these women spend an extraordinary amount of time together. They all have intimate details of one another and share a bond that they can only understand. So when Simone Biles withdrew from the competition citing initially “medical” reasons and then disclosing the need to put her “mental health” first the team had to recalibrate. The USA coaches made a decision to add in Jade Carey who became the anchor for the team in the all around competition and which led the team to

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021


place on the podium. Also, MyKayla Skinner had a chance to redeem herself on the vault winning a silver medal! These women are trained athletes and they knew they had a job to perform and they did their best and they did it together. They picked up their fallen “commrad” and supported her and in the events that eventually led to her return. Simone Biles remained poised and professional as she genuinely appeared happy sitting alongside her teammates during the competition. As the world has seemed to thrive on negative news there was criticism of Simone withdrawing from the competition. However, it was later reported that Simone had received word that a family member (Aunt) had died unexpectedly. For those of you who have not read up on Simone’s bio, she has endured a life filled with traumatic experiences to which she has worked hard to heal. So take a moment and imagine being away from home in another country as a high level competitor in the Olympic games, during a pandemic and receiving news of the loss of a family member. I would think that would be a definite trigger that could compromise one’s mental state. If we have learned anything from Simone it was the incredible bravery she displayed in knowing she was not in the right mindset to complete and needed to step back and take care of herself. Simone was not only thinking of herself but also concerned for her teammates. I am sure this was not an easy decision. Simone Biles displayed incredible strength in her ability to demonstrate self awareness of her mental health needs at a crucial moment in her life, and with the support of her team was able to finish what she started in Tokyo. This feature is Retrieved on August 4, 2021.

Glamor Magazine, Jenny Singer, June 28, 2021. Retrieved on August 4, 2021

Women’s History

dedicated “for all the girls”, never stop chasing your dreams, remember being a part of a team you will never stand alone and never be afraid to know when to put your mental health first! References: Goldsmith, Annie (2021). Town & Country. Meet All the Women on the US Olympic Gymnastics Team. Suni Lee Takes Her Place Along Team USA’s all-time greats with Olympics. Retrieved on August 4, 2021 Tokyo Olympics: US Women’s Gymnastics Team Win Silver After Simone Biles Pulls Out. (Alison Durkee) Retrieved on August 4, 2021. US Women win Olympics gymnastics silver after Biles “medical issue.” Retrieved on August 4, 2021.

Rita King, LCSW is a mental health clinician providing psychotherapy services to adults and children. Rita has worked with individuals with mental illness in the community mental health setting, criminal justice system and private practice setting. Rita is a “De-escalation for Individuals with Special Needs” training facilitator and has trained approximately 1,200 law enforcement professionals to date. Rita is also a CIT trained mental health professional. Rita has a strong passion for women’s history and in her free time she continues to raise awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures and community speaking engagements.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021



Come Visit the Veteran Cafe! Journey Hospice, a proud Level II We Honor Veterans partner, is hosting veteran cafés to provide a place for local veterans to come together to socialize and reminisce about their days of serving our country. Facilitated by a local veteran, there are no prepared agendas or speakers - just conversation, coffee and camaraderie! Two locations Victoria Commons 610 Town Bank Rd., in North Cape May 1st Thursday each month from 10 to 11 am

The Shores 2201 Bay Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 4th Thursday of each month 10 to 11 am

Registration is required for either location. Please call (609) 380-4302 or email Beth Gebhart at

Fabulous Foods

Easy Mini Pumpkin Pies ‘Tis the Season! And it’s pumpkin everything so along with fall, cozy fires and holidays looming, here is a fun pumpkin favorite to make with the kids! YOU WILL NEED: • One large can of pumpkin • One bag of small marshmallows • One small bag of chopped pecans (optional) • 1 teaspoon cinnamon • 1 teaspoon vanilla • Qtr.-cup of brown sugar • 1 pkg. Crescent Rolls

DIRECTIONS: 1. Heat oven to 325 degrees and spray a mini muffin pan with cooking spray (a regular muffin tin is fine also). Line each with crescent roll dough (you may need some flavor to help handle the dough as you form it and line the muffin cups, cutting and shaping as needed). 2. Bake until just golden brown, about 10-12 minutes, remove from oven and sent set to the side to cool. 3. Combine the pumpkin, cinnamon, vanilla, pecans, and brown sugar in a bowl. Spoon on top of the cooked crescent roll pie crusts in your muffin tin and top with marshmallows. 4. Pop back into the oven just until the marshmallows brown and the mixture is heated through, about five minutes or so. 5. Enjoy!

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Theatre & Entertainment


Join Us For Season 39

Midsummer Night’s Dream

Dracula Friday October 29, 2021 8pm

Saturday March 26, 2022

It’s A Shore Holiday



Saturday November 27, 2021

Saturday April 23, 2022



The Nutcracker


Sunday December 19, 2021

Saturday May 21, 2022



Circus Maximus Theater-Caesars Tickets available at • 609-348-7201

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021


Community St. Francis Counseling Service Sexual Abuse & Assault Prevention Program

Are you interested in supporting survivors of sexual violence? Our no cost 40-hour training will certify you to advocate for people who have experienced sexual violence. Once trained, you will be on call to provide crisis intervention, educational information, and resources to survivors. All potential advocates encouraged to apply. Bilingual advocates needed.

Location to be determined. To apply and schedule an interview, please contact Delaney Cronin at or 609-494-1554

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

Family & Headshots Headshots Family Portraits Portraits &

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September/October September/October2021 2018

AMI will offer a FREE SCREENING MAMMOGRAM* during the month of October to women age 40 and older with no insurance and no current or previous breast issues. This program is made possible through the generous support of the AMI Foundation. Convenient evening and weekend appointments are available. Appointments will be scheduled starting October 1, 2020. To schedule an appointment, please call: Atlantic and Cape May Counties - (609) 677-XRAY (9729) Monmouth and Ocean Counties - (732) 223-XRAY (9729) Cumberland County - (856) 794-1700 Visit us online at *A Screening Mammography is a routine mammography for women with no current or past breast issues.




















1119 HIGHWAY 77


The AMI Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to developing opportunities to enhance the quality of life and improve the well-being of community residents through education and programs, as well as through financial support of charitable organizations with compatible missions.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2021

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