Monmouth County Woman - September/October 2021

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Medical Professionals Medical Professionals November Is National Lung Cancer Awareness Month


Prostate Cancer: What every man should know

What You Need To Know

What you should know:

• If you are a heavy smoker, and have been smoking for

Did you know that lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer several years, ask your doctor if you need to do an deaths in both menthe and womenthat in the U.S.? Approximately Among cancers only affect men, the most X-ray or a CT scan. 200,000important new casesone are isdiagnosed each year and than 27 percent prostate cancer. Other skin cancer, • Ask your MD about different methods to help you quit of all cancer deaths are from lung cancer. prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. smoking. • If you are diagnosed with lung cancer, ask about the type of cancer you have, One out of cancer? eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer What causes lung stage and other features such as EGFR mutation. moking. Smoking is the number onehis risk factor for lung cancer. Even though non-smokers sometime during lifetime.

o get lung cancer, the risk is much higher in those who smoke. The more you smoke, the • What is your treatment plan? What is the prostate gland? your risk.Anatomy: The likelihood of getting lung cancer decreases after you quit smoking. Tobacco • What are the side-effects of treatment? Observation (watchful waiting) damages cellsThe in the lungs, causing cells abnormally.organs Regularinexposure prostate gland isthe one of to thegrow reproductive males. Ittois a small• Are walnutthere support services available? Prostate cancer often grows very slowly and some men, especially older men with from someone cigarettes, orthe pipes (calledbladder second-hand smoking) shapedelse’s gland locatedcigars below urinary and in front ofcan theincrease rectum. Seminal Immunotherapy in lung serious health issues,cancer. may never need treatment for early-stage prostate cancer. They on’s risk ofvesicles, lung cancer, even if that they are non-smokers. the glands produce semen, are located just behind the prostate. Urine Over the last few decades, immunotherapy have been in the treatment of xposure tofrom asbestos. Certain jobs such as shipbuilding, asbestos mining, insulation or may be observed with periodicagents monitoring of studied PSA and rectal examination. the urinary bladder and semen from the seminal vesicles enter a hollowmany tube cancers, including lung cancer. Several immunotherapy drugs are now approved for use. # otive brake repair cause exposure to asbestos. Asbestosthe fibers can irritate lungs gland. Surgery called themay urethra. The urethra goes through middle of thethe prostate Our immune system fights cancer cells normally, and thus reduces the chance of use cancer. When combined with smoking, the risk of developing lung cancer is much Removing the prostate and surrounding tissues by surgery is one of the common Enlargement of the prostate can cause a blockage in the passage of urine.transforming Tumors normal cells into cancer cells. But this does not work always, as people with . treatments for prostate cancer is confined to thetherapy prostate. Thisonprocedure is called or cancers originating from prostate canand also giverocks. similar symptoms. normal immune systems also develop cancer. Thethat principle of immune is based adon. Radon is an invisible, odorless gasthe released by soil some Exposure to radical prostatectomy andefficiently can only destroy be done by skilled What you should boosting the immune system soknow: that it can cancer cells. urologic oncologists with are thecancer, symptoms prostate cancer? What Need To Know levels of What radon can cause especiallyof lung cancer.You •expertise. If you are a heavy smoker, and have been smoking for The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors has been a major breakthrough in cancer research. Did you know that lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer Common symptoms are: several years, ask your doctor if you need to do an deaths in both men and women in the U.S.? Approximately at are the types of lung cancer? Radiation These drugs help to take the “brakes” off the immune system, so that they can recognize and kill X-ray or a CT scan. • Difficulty in urination new cases are diagnosed each year and 27 percent • Askeffectively. your MD about different methods to help you quitsimilar results as surgery in early-stage prostate There are two different types of lung cancer: small200,000 cell and non-small cell. This difference is cancer cells more Radiation to the prostate yields of all cancer deaths are from lung cancer. • A weak stream of urine smoking. on the type of cancer cells. Most lung cancers are non-small cell. Among the non-small OPDIVO,•cancer. KEYTRUDA, and TECENTRIQ some ofreason theyouimmune checkpoint inhibitors If surgery for any or if the patient does not want to do If you are diagnosed with cannot lung cancer,be askdone aboutare the type of cancer have, What causes lung cancer? • Waking up many times in the night to urinate stage other features as EGFRthese mutation. ng cancers, there are several subtypes: adenocarcinoma, squamous celloneand largeforcell. thatnon-smokers are used insurgery, lungandcancer. Evensuch though drugs don’t have the typical side effects of Smoking. Smoking is the number risk factor lung cancer. Even though radiation would be an option. • Blood in the urine or semencan also get lung cancer, the risk is much higher in those who smoke. The more you smoke, the • What is your treatment plan? they stillthecan causeofreactions smoking. Tobacco •Hormone therapy What are side-effects treatment? such as inflammatory disorders. at are the symptoms and signs?higher your risk. The likelihood of getting lung cancer decreases after you quitchemotherapy,

Medical Professionals

November Is National Lung Cancer Awareness Month

• Erectile dysfunction

smoke damages cells in the lungs, causing the cells to grow abnormally. Regular exposure to

• Are there support services available? The prostate gland is responsive to the male hormone testosterone. Giving mptoms and signs coughing, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), shortness smokealso from someone else’sin cigarettes, cigarsenlargement or pipes (calledof second-hand can increase Someinclude of these symptoms can be seen benign of thesmoking) prostate Immunotherapy in lung cancer.cancer and the treatment of To learn more about lung a person’s risk of lung cancer, even if they are non-smokers. , chest pain, fatigue and weight loss. medications that decrease testosterone will indecrease Over the last few decades, immunotherapy agents have been studied the treatmentthe of growth of prostate cancer cells. (BPH). It is important to see a doctor ofCertain thesejobssymptoms are asbestos present. Exposureiftoany asbestos. such as shipbuilding, mining, insulation or many cancers, including lung cancer. Several immunotherapy drugs are now for use.therapy (ADT). other cancers, contact Dr. Sarah Easaw atapproved 732-961-0010 or This can be often, the symptoms do not manifest until the cancer advanced. Sometimes lung cancer automotive brakeisrepair may cause exposure to asbestos. Asbestos fibers can irritate the lungs This mode of treatment is called androgen deprivation If not diagnosed and treated early, prostate cancer can spread to other places such Our immune system fights cancer cells normally, and thus reduces the chance of and cause cancer. When combined with smoking, the risk of developing lung cancer is much detected as a shadow in the lung on an X-ray done for other reasons. visit transforming cells into cancergiven cells. Butonce this doesanot work always, with done bynormal an injection month orasatpeople 3-to-4-month intervals. Some patients, higher.

as the bones, urinary bladder, rectum, and lymph nodes. Bone pain, pain during

Radon. Radon is an invisible, odorless gas released by soil and some rocks. Exposure to w is it diagnosed? urination, bleeding from the rectum, back pain areespecially otherlungpossible symptoms in higher levelsand of radon can cause cancer, cancer.

nce your later doctorstages. suspects that you have lungWhat cancer, will beofsent CT scans and in areyou the types lungfor cancer? There are twoaccurately different types of lung cancer: small cell and non-small cell. This difference is cases, a PET scan. A PET scan can detect cancer more than other tests. The Who gets prostate cancer? based on the type of cancer cells. Most lung cancers are non-small cell. Among the non-small osis is confirmed by taking the suspicious lesions on thecancer. X-ray or cellrisk lung cancers, there areseen several subtypes: adenocarcinoma, cell and large Men over 50a biopsy are at aofhigher of getting prostate It CT is squamous very rarely seen The scans also help to see if the cancer has spread to the anysymptoms other organs, asigns? process called What are and men under 40 years of age. Sixty Symptoms percentandofsignsprostate cancer occurs afterup the of 65. include coughing, hemoptysis (coughing blood),age shortness of asis. breath, chest pain, fatigue and weight loss.

Having a father or brother with prostate cancer increases a man’s risk of developing

Most often, the symptoms do not manifest until the cancer is advanced. Sometimes lung cancer there different stages? prostate cancer. There are somecaninherited changes willforincrease be detected as genetic a shadow in the lung on an that X-ray done other reasons.the risk

aging is different for smallprostate cell andcancer non-small cellislung cancers.Examples Small cellare lung has or BRCA2 itfamilies. diagnosed? of developing inHow some thecancer BRCA1 Once your doctor suspects that you haveoutside lung cancer,the you lungs). will be sent for CT scans and in wo stages:genes limited stage (confined within the lungs) or extensive (spread (commonly known as thesome breast cancer and Lynch syndrome. cases, a PET scan. Agenes) PET scan can detect cancer more accurately than other tests. The on-small cell lung cancer has four stages: stages I to IV. Stage I is aabiopsy small tumor that is seen on the X-ray or CT is confirmed by taking of the suspicious lesions Early diagnosis can leaddiagnosis to cure scans. The scans alsoLarger help to seetumors if the cancerand has spread other ed to the lung, that has not spread to the lymph glands. thoseto any that areorgans, a process called Diagnosing prostate cancermetastasis. at an early stage is very important in planning the to the lymph glands come under stages II and III. When the cancer has spread to other therefrom different stages? to other organs. A simple blood right treatment and to prevent Are cancer spreading , it is stage IV. Staging is different for small cell and non-small cell lung cancers. Small cell lung cancer has

normal immune systems also develop cancer. The principle of immune therapy is based on boosting the immune system so that it can efficiently destroy cancer cells. The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors has been a major breakthrough in cancer research. These drugs help to take the “brakes” off the immune system, so that they can recognize and kill cancer cells more effectively. OPDIVO, KEYTRUDA, and TECENTRIQ are some of the immune checkpoint inhibitors that are used in lung cancer. Even though these drugs don’t have the typical side effects of chemotherapy, they still can cause reactions such as inflammatory disorders.

depending on the stage of cancer, may need these injections even after surgery or radiation. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is used to treat prostate cancer in the later stages, where it has spread to other organs. learn more abouttreatment lung cancer andsurgery the treatment of To After definitive with or radiation, blood PSA levels are checked other cancers, contact Dr. Sarah Easaw at 732-961-0010 or periodically. If PSA levels increase, more tests should be done to see if cancer has visit relapsed or spread to other organs. By regular physical examinations, annual PSA tests and being watchful of any new urinary symptoms, prostate cancer can be diagnosed and treated early; early-stage cancer is curable in more than 95 percent of patients.

test called PSA (prostate-specific is used as a screening test for prostate cancer. onlyantigen) two stages: limited stage (confined within the lungs) or extensive (spread outside the lungs).

Non-small cell lung cancer has four stages: stages I to IV. Stage I is a small tumor that is at are the options? treatment Prostate-specific antigen is confined a protein made bynotthe cells the prostate gland. A that very to the lung, that has spread to the in lymph glands. Larger tumors and those are

eatment issmall basedamount on the stage andisthe type of lung Small cancer iswith mainly spread to thecancer. lymph comecell underlung stages II and III. When the prostate cancer has spread to other of PSA normally found in glands the blood. In patients cancer, it is stage IV. d with chemotherapy. In limited stage smallorgans, cell lung cancer, radiation can be combined this level is elevated. Having a high level will raise suspicion about cancer and will What PSA are the treatment options? hemotherapy. Treatment is based on the stage and the type of lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer is mainly have to be followed up with more diagnostic tests. rly stage non-small cell lung cancer is best treated surgical Inresection. treated withby chemotherapy. limited stage An small experienced cell lung cancer, radiation can be combined levels under 4 normal ng/ml are usually seenthe inlymph benignglands conditions. If the PSA level is with chemotherapy. n removes thePSA tumor, surrounding lung tissue and around it. Early stage non-small cell lung cancer is best treated by surgical resection. An experienced morethe than 10 ng/ml, the chance of having prostate cancer is more than 50 percent. It fter removing tumor, cancer cells can remain and cause recurrent either inthethe surgeon removes the tumor, surroundingcancer, normal lung tissue and lymph glands around it. Evenlevels after removing the tumor,to cancer cells can remainisand cause recurrent cancer, either in the more important to followradiation PSA annually see ifsurgery there anreduce increase compared self or in isother organs. Chemotherapy, or both are used after to lung itself or in other organs. Chemotherapy, radiation or both are used after surgery to reduce to the baseline ance of recurrent cancer. levels. the chance of recurrent cancer. Advanced stage lung cancer is treated with chemotherapy. The types of chemotherapy drugs dvanced stage lung cancer treated can withalso chemotherapy. The types of chemotherapy drugs Some otherisfactors elevate levels, asofbenign used are based PSA on the type of lung such cancer, age the patient, enlargement other medical illnesses,of etc.the There is re based on the type of lunginflammation cancer, age of the other medical illnesses, etc.lung There is ongoing research to improve theprostate, outcome in patients with cancer. prostate (BPH), or patient, infection of the strenuous physical activities What’s new in lung cancer? ng research to cycling, improve the outcome in patients with lung cancer. like some urological procedures, and certain medications. Targeted agents: Medicines that target certain proteins or receptors on the cancer cells

are being developed for the treatment of various cancers. These targeted attack the the prostate through a digital rectal examination is also anagents important at’s new inExamining lung cancer? cancer cells specifically, sparing other cells. Targeted agents cause less severe side effects than

Compassionate Cancer Care, Close to Home Sarah J. Easaw MD, FACP Board Certified Hematology & Oncology specialist Serving Monmouth and Ocean Counties for more than 15 years • Clinical expertise in the treatment of Cancer and Blood Disorders • State-of the-art Cancer Care, in a warm and personalized atmosphere • Easily accessible location, close to GSP • Affiliated with RWJ /Barnabas Health Medical Group, a multispecialty physician network.

measure in diagnosing prostate cancer. is doneon asthe partcancer of ancells annual physical rgeted agents: Medicines that target certainchemotherapy. proteins This or receptors A few different targeted agents are found to be beneficial in lung cancer. Tarceva (erlotinib) ng developed for the treatment various cancers. These targeted agents attack the examination in men of over 50. The size of the prostate gland as well as the shape, and is a drug that works in certain types of lung cancers carrying a mutation in a receptor called EGFR. A newbe drug called crizotinib wasside approved recentlythan for the treatment of lung cancer that cells specifically, cells.or Targeted agents cause less severe effects presencesparing of anyother nodules tumors can assessed through this. carries a gene called ALK fusion oncogene. therapy. Confirming the diagnosis requires Treating Patients and Families with Respect and Care… biopsy of Even theamong prostate gland. This can be done No two tumors are alike! lung cancers, there are different distinguishing features. Your oncologist chooses the type Tarceva of treatment(erlotinib) based on a number of factors, including few different targeted agents are found to be beneficial in lung cancer. by cystoscopy (tube through the urethra) or through the rectum. the cell type, stage, different biological markers on the cancer cells, and your other medical Ocean Hematology & Oncology ug that works in certain types of test lung cancers carrying acancer? mutation in a receptor called problems. When should we for prostate . A new drug called crizotinib was approved recently for the treatment of lung cancer that The County November/December 2018 For those at average risk, screening forWoman prostateMagazine cancer should start at 50. a gene called ALK fusion oncogene. Those who are at increased risk by having a first-degree relative with a diagnosis of o two tumors are alike! Even among lung cancers, there are different distinguishing prostate cancer undergoing at age 45 or even 40 if the risk is es. Your oncologist choosesshould the typestart of treatment basedscreening on a number of factors, including 1255 Route 70, 31S • Lakewood, NJ 08701 higher. l type, stage, different biological markers on the cancer cells, and your other medical Treatment of prostate cancer ms. 732-961-0010

Treatment depends on the stage of cancer, age of the patient, and other medical

County Woman illnesses that mayMagazine affect life expectancy.

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